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Posted by DM VisceriFor group 0
DM Visceri
GM, 23 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Mon 26 Mar 2012
at 11:10
  • msg #1


It's another gloomy day in the city of Theranin, a port city on the Bay of Sheawick. The dark sky speaks of the snow that is bound to fall and the bay has already begun its yearly freeze, bringing shipping traffic to a crawl; only a couple more weeks and it will stop completely until it thaws again in the Spring. Gren always dreads this time of the year as work becomes slow, only being able to find a job as a bouncer in The Salty Seawife, a small tavern near the docks frequented by men of the sea, more so now that they have to wait out the ice. During his spare time today, he finds himself wandering through the market district of town near the town square where there seems to be some sort of commotion going on...

Waiting in line to enter the walled port city, Dale finds himself dozing off; it's been a long journey from his midland hometown of Falmerung. One of these times that he decided to inspect the inside of his eyelids, a voice bounces off the inside of his head, "Wake up boy! They aren't going to let you into the city if you look like some good for nothing layabout." Giving a bit of a start, Dale looks around a bit unsettled before he realizes it was his black blade berating him once again, not some random passerby. At least he had refrained from speaking out loud to the blade again, a mistake he frequently found himself making since his acquisition of it. It takes a while before his turn comes to enter the city but as soon as the guards deem him worthy to enter, he finds himself getting bustled along the busy streets towards the town square...

Having snuck into the city after being turned away at the gate with more than one suspicious look, Nori squeezes the water out of his beard, a byproduct from having swum into the dock area, no small feat seeing as the water was close to freezing but the dwarfs constitution was strong and he grew up in far less forgiving places than this. What he needed now was a good, if not quite honestly come by, meal and a way to warm his bones, preferably in liquid form. Following his keen sense of smell, Nori ends up coming around the corner next to a baker's hawking cart. Having not been seen by the proprietor, he pockets a small sweet roll and makes his way away from the cart at a brisk pace heading into a crowd to break line of sight...

It was not often that a monk set off on a journey as young as Taron had; most had at least seen their 40th name day and already had a good deal of worldly knowledge to guide them. Being connected both to his brotherhood and the call of nature though, complements of his father, he had felt inclined to start early. There were plenty of places that he had never heard of, let alone visited and where better to start than the trading city down the coast from his monastery? 'To learn to be steady and stalwart as the mountain,' his fellow monk Cayson had told him, 'one needs to learn patience and tranquility while under the most arduous situations.' Maybe he took it a bit too literal by seeking out trouble to overcome but he was here and he might as well make the most of it. As he wandered the city streets after setting himself up at a local inn, he heard commotion and expectant conversation coming from a crowd that had gathered in front of a large, intricately decorated building...

This is not what my talents should be being used for... Tempus thought as he waited, crouched lazily on the balls of his feet in the entrance of an alley looking out on the town square. Hired as a bodyguard for the days proceedings, he was a bit out of his comfort zone. His specialty was more in the trapping of individuals, not what happened after his enemy was aware of his presence. Regardless, he held his weapon at the ready, making sure he was going to earn that gold reward they promised him for protecting the key speakers today. Suddenly the crowd begins to grow loud and cheers begin to ring out as large oaken double doors open on the top of a balcony overlooking the square...

Vivo had traveled to the northern reaches of the kingdom in search of answers that would lead him to knowledge on the workings of life and death. Where else to look first but an environment that actively seeks to catch its inhabitants unaware and offer death's embrace at the slightest provocation? Pushing his way, a bit aggressively, through the crowd that had assembled, Vivo feels a little conspicuous. Being a half-orc, not everyone saw you in the brightest of lights. You could extend your hand in friendship only to have it cut off by some biased fool. Better to stick to ones self and depend on your own skills than regret your dependence on another. That was if you didn't include his white fox familiar Etulo, currently perched on the wit's shoulders, wrapping himself around his neck to keep away from the trampling feet of the busy city. Halfway across the square though, people began to point and look at four figures coming out of a door up on the balcony of a rich-looking building. Curious, he stops to see what all the hubbub is about...

The voyage north by boat had been a nightmare; storm after storm had plagued their voyage and Erasmus didn't even know if the vision he had from his goddess spoke of this place. No grand city of gold or home of famous rulers, Theranin was just your average city with your average people. All he knew as he walked the streets of this unfamiliar town is that somewhere here in the northlands, the Dawnflower wanted him to be present and ready to do her will to help those poor misguided souls in need of redemption. If he could attain success here, perhaps he could be the one who found a way to help his family out of poverty back in Moil. Suddenly, from a street over, he hears screams of panic and rushes towards them, hand on his weapon, ready to defend the innocent if he must. As he turns the corner, a large dust cloud is just beginning to settle...

As the various visitors to the city stand spread out in the sea of people, intrigued by what could be going on, they see four men, all but one of them showing considerable signs of age step out to the railing of the balcony to address the crowd who have begun to cheer for these figures. From somewhere on the ground in front of the building, you hear a loud voice rise over the crowd, obviously aided by some sort of magical device, "Ladies and gentlemen! I present to you your candidates for election to the city council! Aroth Degrin, Thelry Studart, Vyncent Lacio, and Selmund Wulfa!" At the statement of each of their names, the candidate waves, from left to right. The younger man, no more than 30 is the first to be introduced, the second a balding man of broad shoulders and bushy eyebrows with a stern face, the third a smaller man with long pure white hair tied back in a ponytail with a fatherly look about him, and finally the only elderly man to have any color left in his hair, a black haired man who is hunched over railing a bit but looks quite at peace with the proceedings and seems to get the loudest cheer of all the candidates so far, a fact that does not go unnoticed by the other three who shoot him quick looks while wearing fake smiles.

The man announcing the event continues in an authoritative voice, "As you all well know, the election will be held two weeks hence and the winner will be put on the city council for the next three years so choose well and choose wisely! We will now hear from the candidates their statemen-" the man is cut off by a loud cracking noise as the right side support of the balcony snaps, collapsing part of the deck the candidates are standing on! The first three candidates manage to hold on to the railing to save themselves from the fall but Selmund Wulfa, being older than the rest, fails to cling to the railing and falls three stories to disappear beneath the crowd who begins to surge with panic, screams and cries for help ringing out in the air.

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:27, Mon 26 Mar 2012.
Gren Boarshead
player, 7 posts
Mon 26 Mar 2012
at 17:43
  • msg #2

Re: Theranin

Gren Boarshead hated this time of year.  It wasn't the cold; he grew up in the wilds and was used to that.  The harbor would soon freeze up, his day job would come to an end.  For many moons now, Gren had started feeling trapped.  The coming of the ice meant he would have little to do now but to sit around in the common room of the Salty Seawife tossing out the occasional drunk.  As pleasant as the place was, the thought of spending both day and night there depressed the giant.  That was one reason he was treating himself today.

Gren, the half-ogre, moved through the market snatching up sweet treats and looking for the ingredients for a special evening meal.  He had just purchased a giant handful of strawberries.  They were all bruised, and the old woman had charged him twice as much as usual for half again as many; but these were the last of the season.  He wouldn’t see the sweet red berries again until the frost began to melt.  Before he could move on to his next purchase he found himself standing in a sea of people.  They were all staring up at the balcony of one of the nicer buildings in town.  Trapped again, he thought with a sigh.

Standing two or three feet taller than those around him he at least had a clear view of the announcement of the political gathering.  Too bad he didn’t care.
Gren had nearly died in these streets.  One of the local wizards had hit him with a spell that never missed its target.  He was then dragged out into the streets to die by an invisible servant.  Gren survived, and eventually reported the incident; but nothing came of the matter.  The wizard who should have been shackled in some dank dungeon was never punished.  Whatever political leader was put into power would have to be better than the one that currently existed.  Luckily, Gren had yet to encounter the Wizard and often wondered what he would do should they meet face to face again.  If he were like his brothers, he’d rip the arms off the man and beat him with them.

Lost in his thoughts, Gren absentmindedly popped large strawberries in his mouth.  He hadn’t even paid attention to the names of the politicians as they were introduced.  He didn’t hear the crack of the balcony support.  But suddenly, the crowd surged forward knocking the remaining berries from his cupped hand onto the ground below.  Gren groaned out loud in disgust and was surprised when the rest of the crowd did as well.  At least they were sympathetic for his loss.  As the berries were stomped into the ground by shuffling feet he came to the conclusion that something else was up.  He looked up and saw the situation for what it was.

The old dark-haired man was gone, likely fallen.  Gren didn’t know healing magic.  He was a giant of a man, but couldn’t do much when the balcony was three stories up.  He looked up to the roof tops.  If he could get up there he may be able to lower a rope to help support the balcony.  The bodyguards will likely pull the survivors back in before I ever get up there.  That’s what they are getting paid for anyways, he told himself.  Gren was being bumped and shoved.  It was starting to get annoying.  ”MOVE!” he bellowed.  He moved through the crowd towards the front of the building where the old man would have fallen.  “If you can’t heal the man get out of the way!  I said get back!” he roared, shoving those too slow to get the point.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 3 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Mon 26 Mar 2012
at 17:49
  • msg #3

Re: Theranin

Dale usually travels with a performing group of minstrels or bards, but he got thrown out of his most recent group for starting a bar fight... again.  Maybe he'll have better luck in Theranin.

Dale only half-listens to the proceedings but starts when the balcony explodes and the crowd fully animates.  Dale tucks his arms in, trying to keep from getting one broken as some idiot surges past him.  He pushes in the opposite direction of the crowd, trying to get to the collapsed balcony.  Gods, I hope the old man's still alive and that there's a reward for saving him.  This feels like an assassination, too.  I better not get blown up doing this.

I'm with you on that one, James agrees.

"Okay, out of the way," Dale yells, for all the good it does.  He pushes his way to the far right section of destroyed masonry and looks around.

Dalinar Reynolds rolled 21 using 1d20+2. Perception on masonry.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 15 posts
Mon 26 Mar 2012
at 20:51
  • msg #4

Re: Theranin

Nori slipped into the crowd but it wasnt long before his appearance and smell created a small amount of breathing room all around him. If any attempted to step into his newly acquired personal space, they were met with a glare that instantly caused them to move in the opposite direction. Nori preferred it that way.

The grizzled barbarian was not in the greatest of moods, his wet armor chilled him to the bone even though he refused to show signs of discomfort. He wanted nothing more than a quiet corner to sit by and drink, but the blasted crowds were everywhere and his height made it a problem to see in which direction he was going. Nori felt it best to move towards a wall and wait for his frustration to subside as he was afraid of what he would do if he ran into another dead end. At least here, he could avoid most of the wind and eat the sweet roll he had pocketed.

It wasn't until then that he realized the reason for the crowd, opposite him high above, the politicians were speaking about running a city. The thought made Nori scoff, half those men were no older then he and Nori was still fairly young for dwarven years. He doubted any of those men knew anything about running a proper city.For things of that nature, one had to be at least a century before you could even begin wanting to run something properly.

When the balcony collapsed, instead of a horrified gasp that resembled the rest of the crowd, a harsh cackle erupted from beneath his beard. The pieces of sweet roll and spit clung to his beard. It wasn't that he was laughing at the fallen man, but more so at the shoddy workmanship of the balcony. Had that been dwarf built, it would have supported at least fifty men with no issues.

Ooc: Don't think I get a perception check as I'm not looking for specific faults, just crediting it to poor craftsmenship. Unless there was an obvious cut or things of that nature, he wouldn't have cared.
player, 3 posts
'The Whitehand'
HP 9/9
Tue 27 Mar 2012
at 03:59
  • msg #5

Re: Theranin

Vivo was not the sort to waste an opportunity, and began to push his way through the crowd.  Cities, while crowded with close-minded fools, were terribly exciting.  The witch had never seen a person survive a collapsing building, as those were rare in the more rural places he found himself.  On the other hand, he'd never seen a man killed in a collapse either.
The crowd proved to be an obstacle, and while most gave the half-orc a wide berth under normal circumstances, they were pressing about on all sides at present.  Vivo quickly decided on a new tactic.

"I'm a healer.  Please move, as I said, I'm a healer.  Get out of...  I SAID MOVE!"

Vivo rolled 25 using 1d20+8. Intimidate.
Taron Bein
player, 10 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Tue 27 Mar 2012
at 05:38
  • msg #6

Re: Theranin

  It had been awhile since Taron had been around so many. He wasn't sure if it would be something he'd ever get use to. It amused and intrigued him in a way. He half smiled when a couple young ones came running past him, almost falling over themselves trying to avoid the growing crowd. That crowd seemed to be real interested in what was going on at the balcony of a grand looking building. This was one of those things that could be intriguing, so he heads that way.

  Taron got as close as he could to the building so he could hear the going ons of the peolpe in Theranin. He was standing to the right of the building when the balcony gave way, sending one of the men to the ground. There were a few people in front of him and his view was blocked, not being able to tell if the man was alive, the young Monk moves to help. One thing his father taught him before he left was to  tend small wounds. He'd never be a healer but he may be able to help.

  As he was pushing his way thru the couple rows of people in front of him, he heard a voice behind him claiming to be a healer. Taron turned to get out of the way, he raised his arms out in an attempt to hold the crowd and make room for the healer. The Monk then stepped in line behind the man of obvious orc heritage, he could still possibly be of some help.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 2 posts
Everyone has a price
Money talks
Tue 27 Mar 2012
at 07:59
  • msg #7

Re: Theranin

Tempus cursed under his breath as he instantly sprang into action, leaping from where he stood guard in the alley a stones throw from the balcony. "Curse the worthless Gods and whatever Heavens and Hells they came from!" I suppose that'll cost me a quarter of my guardsman's bounty and I had nothing to do with it! I knew this wasn't my kind of job!

Tempus assumed the man who'd fallen from the balcony had probably met his end. A three story fall would be the death of most and the man was old. But if he had somehow survived the damn crowd was liable to trample him to death and that Tempus couldn't allow while he was on payroll. Close as he was to where the man had fallen Tempus still had to contend with the crowd to get to his side. Not wanting to cause unneeded bloodshed he ignored his sword and drew the bullwhip that was always coiled over his left shoulder and cracked it as loudly into the air in front of him as he could to try to part the throng!
player, 1 post
Tue 27 Mar 2012
at 13:36
  • msg #8

Re: Theranin

Travel by boat didn't sit well with Erasmus, and he found once again in his thoughts the despair of responsibility when the flesh was weak.  Aside from speedy travel, the only favor the voyage did for him was have him already in his warmer robe; the openings of which he clutched closed in this horrible weather.  Coming upon the scene, he observes the settling cloud of dust and races toward it, assuming that this is the cause for alarm.  The cries he heard were the sort that accompanied injury, or promised it.  Even facing such a crowd, Gren's large form was easily picked out, and the wake in the crowd he left behind him was too convenient not to exploit.  Whispering a prayer to Sarenrae for her obvious intercession--for why else would such a huge man be present in such a moment--he moved to follow the half-ogre to the victim Gren had just described.
DM Visceri
GM, 35 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 27 Mar 2012
at 19:33
  • msg #9

Re: Theranin

The crowd in a panic, pushing through to the base of the building proves to be more of a challenge than it seems. With two commands to move, their wits already a bit frayed, groups of people scream at the two monstrous men striding towards them and make haste to get out of their way. Tempus's shouts and bullwhip seem to get drowned out in tall the commotion, not causing the effect he had hoped for. Luckily, he is able to slip through some people and get into the wake of the half-ogre, allowing him to make it forward. Erasmus, Dalinar, and Taron also find this to be a valuable strategy and follow suit.

As Nori stands there in the crowd, trying not to get trampled and maintain his indifference, he looks up to see a giant of a man striding towards him quickly, seemingly unaware of his presence. Diving out of the way at the last second, losing the remainder of his sweet roll to the trampling feet of the panicked crowd, he lets out a growl, regains his feet, and follows the half-ogre to express his... dissatisfaction.

As the various members make it to the scene of the accident, it is a gruesome sight indeed. A handful of unlucky bystanders and the announcer seem to have been trapped under debris from the falling balcony, some of them unmoving, others wailing in obvious pain. The old politician, however, is nowhere to be seen at first glimpse. Up above, the three surviving politicians are scrambling to get to the door to the interior of the building still, climbing up the railing to the safer side of the balcony to the best of heir ability. Other bodyguards besides Tempus come running up to the scene as well as city guards, attempting to move the debris to help those buried underneath. One in particular in a snow white tunic covering his chain mail and a white plumed helmet begins barking orders at the soldiers, giving them different duties to help those involved in the accident.
player, 4 posts
Tue 27 Mar 2012
at 19:44
  • msg #10

Re: Theranin

Pleased with himself at having slipped so cleverly through the crowd, Erasmus yanks on the leather thong affixing his holy symbol, pulling it out of his robe so that it's on display.  His credentials in sight, he slips past the half-orge and approaches the man in the white plumed helmet.  "I am a priest of Sarenrae and a physician." he says, keeping his voice steady.  "Direct me to the injured."
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 7 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Tue 27 Mar 2012
at 20:19
  • msg #11

Re: Theranin

Dale mentally nudges James to look at the severed support beam.  "See, told you assassination," Dale says.

Don't say 'assassination' out loud next to the city guard, James grumbles.

Good call.  Dale flashes one such guard his best I-am-so-not-suspicious smile and helps him lift a crumbled brick off a woman.  He keeps his eyes peeled for the old man.

When the brick doesn't budge, Dale sticks both pinkies in his mouth and whistles at the half-ogre nearby.  "Hey," Dale waves at him, "come give us a hand."

Dalinar Reynolds rolled 5 using 1d20+3. general strength to lift brick.
Gren Boarshead
player, 11 posts
Tue 27 Mar 2012
at 20:44
  • msg #12

Re: Theranin

Gren finally made it to the front, but paused once he got there.  What was he doing?  He took a moment to decipher his own motivations.  It was to make a good impression.  His dock job was nearing its end.  If he could make an impression on the City Watch or with one of the politicians, maybe they would hire him.

Over the muttering and screams of the crowd he thought he heard someone proclaiming to be a healer.  He looked around and saw a large man making his way through the crowd.  He also noticed a few people sneaking around him having followed in the wake he left.  His face twisted into a look of confusion.

As Vivo finally made it through the crowd Gren stepped in front of him.  He placed a giant hand on the man's chest to hold him back.  "Everyone just needs to keep back.  Let the Watch and the Priests do their business.  These bodies won't be looted today," he said making it obvious that he thought the Half-Orc to be little more than a rogue.  Gren had always tried to remind himself to not judge people by their race or appearance.  He was a Half-Ogre and was often on the receiving end of such intollerance.  Unfortunately, Gren grew up in a war-like familial tribe of Ogres; and for as long as he could remember they had been at war with a neighboring tribe of Half-Orcs.  The hatred was bred into him.
DM Visceri
GM, 36 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 27 Mar 2012
at 20:49
  • msg #13

Re: Theranin

Hearing Erasmus declare himself a physician, the guard turns and ushers him to his side, "Well at least we have some luck in this blasted affair. We're setting up an area for the wounded. My guards will bring them to you and you do what you can to ease their suffering. DAVIDOVICH! HELP THAT LANKY KID WITH THAT BLOCK!" he yells out as he leaves Erasmus to await the wounded. A guard perks up at hearing his name called and runs over to assist Dalinar.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 25 posts
Tue 27 Mar 2012
at 21:36
  • msg #14

Re: Theranin

Nori's mood just kept going from bad to worse. He had followed the half ogre till he stopped, his hands balled up into fists. When he drew closer and noticed s half orc was nearby, well that was the last straw. He didn't care if the watch was around or not, nor that the didn't stood easily twice as high as him. With a mighty shove into the back of the ogres buttocks, Nori made his presence known after being ignored so long.

"Oi! Wha's yor problem. Cant ya see where ya goin'?", He was a bit more upset at almost being trampled without being seen than he was about the sweet roll.

OOC: Not gonna do a str test unless you need it gm. The shove was mostly just for show. Although, I was hoping to push him into the half orc.
Gren Boarshead
player, 12 posts
Tue 27 Mar 2012
at 22:22
  • msg #15

Re: Theranin

Gren stumbled a step forward, which of course caused him to push the orc back a little further as well.  What trick is this? he wondered as he tried to figure out how the Half-Orc managed to push him from behind.  He looked behind him as he heard someone bark something out.  It was then he noticed the ugly looking Dwarf.

"Sorry, I don't have eyes in my butt.  Who the dreg are you?"

As if a thought suddenly struck him, he patted his money pouch tethered to the side of his belt.  It was still there.  The rude little runt didn't swipe it.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:45, Tue 27 Mar 2012.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 26 posts
Tue 27 Mar 2012
at 22:43
  • msg #16

Re: Theranin

In reply to Gren Boarshead (msg #15):

 Nori growled a response, he was not sure who or what a dreg was, but he didnt like the sound of it. Still, the ogre did ask who he was and Nori's dwarven pride would not allow him to go further unnoticed, "Da names Nori from me clan Hammerfist, and ya almost ran me ovah when ya was rushin like a mad bull. Nex' time I'll cutcha leg out from unda ya, jus' ta pop ya in da face."
Tempus Edwyn
player, 3 posts
Everyone has a price
Money talks
Tue 27 Mar 2012
at 22:46
  • msg #17

Re: Theranin

Tempus pulled up short when the old man who had fallen from the balcony wasn't laying in a pile of rubble where he should have been. Scurvy Gods are toying with me again, blast their hides! Did the old git just disappear in mid-air? Tempus could see the pile of coins he was to receive in payment for his guard duties dwindling more and more in his mind and as each coin vanished his ire grew. He payed no attention to the three humanoids of varying sizes as he pushed his way between them. He cared not be they dwarf, half-orc, half-ogre, or half-friggin-unicorn! All he cared about was finding the old man and guarding his body if need be to insure he got paid!

Tempus' gaze scanned the ground and the surrounding area for any signs of the old man, preparing to do whatever was necessary to get to him. "I'm sticking to hunting bounty after this job!" Tempus muttered, not caring who heard. "This is no way for a man to earn a meal!"

<Tempus rolled 19 using 1d20+3 ((16)) for STR roll if needed to push thru players>

<Tempus rolled 18 using 1d20+5 ((13)) for perception search for signs of the old man>

Gren Boarshead
player, 13 posts
Tue 27 Mar 2012
at 22:55
  • msg #18

Re: Theranin

Gren bent over a little, "Well ain't you cute?  I can tell that you can't be movin' as fast as most folks with such short and stubby legs; but to b'fair I did yell 'move' and had ya trimmed the hair out of yer ears you could'a had a head start."

Yep, the loss of his strawberries and having to deal with this crowd had put Gren in a foul mood.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 8 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Tue 27 Mar 2012
at 23:12
  • msg #19

Re: Theranin

Dale bristled at being called 'scrawny' but then realized that a half-ogre, half-orc, and a dwarf were arguing only a few yards away.  Given his current company, the description was probably apt.  Pushing James' laughter to the back of his mind, Dale helped Davidovich carry one of the wounded to where they were being gathered.
Gren Boarshead
player, 14 posts
Wed 28 Mar 2012
at 00:24
  • msg #20

Re: Theranin

The Dwarf didn't phase Gren, not with the childhood Gren had.  He did catch a look of the City Watch moving around over Nori's shoulder and had to remind himself why he was still here.  Gren chuckled.  "So how do you want this to go down Nori of Clan Hammerfist?  You want to duke it out in the streets or do you want me to buy you a stout tonight down at the Inn of the Salty Seawife?"
This message was lightly edited by the player at 00:41, Wed 28 Mar 2012.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 28 posts
Wed 28 Mar 2012
at 00:35
  • msg #21

Re: Theranin

Nori was ready to sock the giant half orge with one if his oversized fists, but the mention of ale stopped him dead in his tracks. A quick thought process occured in his head. Fight...flee city watch our end up in ale. Wait...finish here...drink ale....maybe have a chance to punch ogre later with less people around.

"Best be makin it two stouts. One ta drink and one ta wash da taste out me mouth. Horrible what be passin for drink round here."

Ooc: You sir, are a genius.
DM Visceri
GM, 38 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 28 Mar 2012
at 01:29
  • msg #22

Re: Theranin

By now the crowd has mostly dispersed, disappearing into buildings nearby or rushing down streets to get away from any potential lingering danger they might be subject to. The only ones left in the town square are the characters and the city guard at this point. As a group of guardsmen and Tempus lift a particularly heavy beam and to his dismay, find the corpse of Selmund Wulfa crushed underneath. A few of the guardsmen swear and share his feelings about their future employment status and payment. One of them finally has the good sense to call the captain over.

Seeing the corpse of the politicians, a steady stream of obscenities flows forth from the captain's mouth, colorful as a rainbow spawned from hell, "Bloody fuckin hells, what god did I piss off to deserve this... This is gonna catch me hell... ALRIGHT MEN LISTEN UP! YOU LOT, YOU TOO!" he yells motioning to the nearby group, "You are going to find me whoever or whatever is responsible for this and you are going to do it quickly and discreetly! I don't care how you do it or who you have to interrogate to get it done but by the gods it WILL get done! Consider yourselves under my employment and the reward is a damn heavy bag of gold. NOW HOP!"
player, 4 posts
'The Whitehand'
HP 9/9
Wed 28 Mar 2012
at 04:46
  • msg #23

Re: Theranin

Vivo approaches the shouting man, stopping a close but respectable distance away.  "If you think that is the best use of our talents.  Where, then, do we start?  Did you see where the attackers went?  Have you a scrap of cloth for the hounds?  The city is no small place."
Taron Bein
player, 11 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Wed 28 Mar 2012
at 05:02
  • msg #24

Re: Theranin

  Taron looks at the others assembled here and then at the leader of the guards. He tilts his head and looks at the man, sizing him up. Who is he to just assume that his affairs are also Tarons, or any of these mens. Some standing there may know the Captain, but the young Monk has never let eyes on him before, and he doesn't like being 'asked' what to do in so strong a tone. Nope doesn't like it at all.

  Then he remembers the words of his mentor Brother of the Sacred Mountain. "We can not always know what lies in store for us, nor why things are layed in our path. But there are always two choices, the first is easy, walk away and take another path. Or, ye can stay on the one you face and see why it is there."

  That memory of Brother Cayson looking down at him as a lad, has stuck with him many years now. It is most likely the reason he left the Monastery at such an age. So he reckons the path the Captain has offers is one he cannot pass on. Without saying a word he steps forward, standing to the left of the big man of Orc blood, and waits to hear what more the Captain haas to say, if anything.
DM Visceri
GM, 41 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 28 Mar 2012
at 05:06
  • msg #25

Re: Theranin

To Vivo's question the captain of the guards hesitates for a moment, obviously not having thought it completely through, "Well you could...what about the..." Obviously flustered he takes a moment of silence before seeming to come to a conclusion, "Poor ol' Wulfa kept promising to deal with the thieves guild if he was elected to the city council. Maybe you should start there. See if ya can't pound some information out of those damned miscreants. I'd give you an escort to their front door but, frankly, if we knew exactly where it was, we'da knocked down their blasted door and arrested every single one of em years ago. All we know is that it's somewhere under the city, likely the sewers. Gooda place to start as any I suppose. There's an entrance to the sewers down by the docks. Any of the sailors there can point ya to it."
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:07, Wed 28 Mar 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 10 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Wed 28 Mar 2012
at 05:31
  • msg #26

Re: Theranin

Dale hates to be bossed around and almost yells his annoyance back at the guard captain, but stops at the mention of a gold reward.  Now that's something he can work with.  Dale looks around at his new merry band of brigands.  This is going to be interesting.

"Sewers it is, then.  Any particular part of town we should start?"  To himself, he thinks, I hate sewers.

Only because you can't wear leather and silk in them without ruining your wardrobe, James comments.  Dale doesn't deny it.

Speaking to the group around him, Dale says, "Any of you from around here and could lead us to the entrance?"
Tempus Edwyn
player, 4 posts
Everyone has a price
Money talks
Wed 28 Mar 2012
at 10:43
  • msg #27

Re: Theranin

DM Visceri:
".......and the reward is a damn heavy bag of gold. NOW HOP!"

Tempus looked up from where he stood over the dead old man. A Bounty? Did he just offer a bounty? FINALLY! A job I can sink my teeth into! A slow smile spread across Tempus' face. It faltered slightly when the captain of the guard indicated the Thieves Guild may be involved. The guild had connections in every major city and could be a terrible enemy if the captain were wrong. Not that Tempus was adverse to hunting thieves. A bounty was a bounty after all and thieves had a way of earning them. And the fact was, as far as the guild was concerned a thief who got caught wasn't a very good thief anyway. But the captain was implicating the guild itself and that was a different story.

Especially since there were other obvious suspects.

"And what of the man's opponents in this election? They have no motives for wanting him eliminated? Wulfa was the favorite to win the election after all. Or so I'd heard from the other bodyguards hired for this event.

Bah. In any case, I'm not cut out for this bodyguard business and since the hunt is what I do best I'll take you up on your little job here. And I don't mind working with these others if they've a mind to get involved but the bounty better be sufficient for all, Captain. My skills don't come cheaply.

So what say the rest of you? Shall we start at the docks and investigate the other candidates later if need be? Or should we maybe start at the balcony itself? Any of you have any experience at building? Would you know what to look for if the balcony was sabotaged? Could be we would be tramping through the sewers for nothing if this were just an accident and sewers aren't my idea of a fun place to take an afternoon stroll.

You there. Dwarf. Your people are known as architects. Can you be of any use here?"

player, 5 posts
Priest of Sarenrae
Wed 28 Mar 2012
at 15:06
  • msg #28

Re: Theranin

Erasmus deals with any of the injured brought his way, trying to triage them for needs, and arranging for them to be placed in a group so that he could more easily tend to them.  When Selmund Wulfa is unburied, he hurries over to examine the body, saying a small prayer as he goes that the man might not be beyond help just yet.
Gren Boarshead
player, 17 posts
Wed 28 Mar 2012
at 16:15
  • msg #29

Re: Theranin

Gren nodded.  "The ale at the Salty Seawife is real pig swill, I may actually have to buy you three," he offerred the Dwarf.

As Gren listened to the captain of the guard he was about to point out the obvious killer.  The large heavy beam that was once part of the balcony.  Everyone else must have been seeing something he didn't.  Gren headed over to get a closer look at the remains.  "Cigam Tceted," he chanted as he made small circles with his thumb and forefinger and waved them before his face.  If there was lingering magic nearby he would sense it.

"I think I know what entrance he's talking about," he replied to the human with the...was that a magic sword? Interesting.

"I don't suppose the old dead guy has any threatening letters on his person?" he asked the priest who was hovering over his body.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
If you are confused as to what spells I cast just read them backwards.

Nori Hammerfist
player, 30 posts
Wed 28 Mar 2012
at 17:21
  • msg #30

Re: Theranin

In reply to Tempus Edwyn (msg #27):

Nori nodded at Gren's words about buying him three drinks. The thought about ale and sitting in that quiet corner was beginning to sound real good on him. Unfortunately he may have to share his time with the giant half-ogre but at least he'd get to punch him for that small insult form earlier and blame it on the booze. Not like three drinks would be enough to get him dru-

Tempus Edwyn:
You there. Dwarf. Your people are known as architects. Can you be of any use here?"

Being the only dwarf in the area, Nori looked towards the other man, the words of the captain or what was going on were completely ignored. He looked about at the others and took a few seconds to realize what was going on.

"Dwarves be da greatest buildas, no denying dat. Obvious wha happened wit da balcony der. Shoddy human buildin couldnt handle da weight. All dis was jus' bad luck." He spit after the word luck to add to his superstition.

In reality, Nori had not really bother checking anything and didn't really feel like it, he wanted a drink and didnt want to be combing through sewers in search of mere thieves. Human politics did nothing to interest him.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 11 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Wed 28 Mar 2012
at 17:44
  • msg #31

Re: Theranin

"The support beam was severed," Dale points out.  "This was obviously sabatoge.  So how about this: beat up bad guys, get gold, buy beer.  Yes?"
Gren Boarshead
player, 20 posts
Wed 28 Mar 2012
at 19:16
  • msg #32

Re: Theranin

"Sounds good to me, but I work the docks.  The smell on a normal day is bad.  Trudging through the sewers..." He finished with a simple shake of his head.  Gren called over to the watchman named, Davidovich.  "You!" Having gotten his attention he walked over so only he could hear his next question.  "Can you tell me where this old guy lived?"

Gren didn't know if he was smart or not compared to others.  He did know he often thought differently though.  If the balcony collapse wasn't an accident then it was either an assassin or a member of the theives guild.  If it was an assassin, someone with money hired him...most likely one of the other politicians.  Sewer searching wasn't going to do any good in that case.  If the Captain of the Guard was right and it was a theif; well, Gren never knew a theif who would off their prey then not take their stuff.  He had decided.  Rather than trudge through the sewers he was going to watch the Wulfa residence and see if the vultures came.  If he was right the bag of gold would be all his.  If not, well...after his brain had a rest hopefully it would come up with a Plan B.

There go my dinner plans.
DM Visceri
GM, 46 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 28 Mar 2012
at 19:38
  • msg #33

Re: Theranin

All the while the interactions are going on between the captain and the group, Erasmus continues to attend to the injured, stopping bleeding and setting bones where he can. He is assisted by Vivo who also shows a knack for the healing arts. Upon having Wulfa brought to him, Erasmus checks to make sure the old man isn't beyond help yet. Unfortunately, it seems that his soul has already passed into the afterlife. Hearing Tempus's comment about threatening letters on the poltican's person, he respectfully searches the mans pockets but looks up to give the bounty hunter a solemn shake of his head. Placing a sheet over the dead man's head, he returns to those who can still benefit from his healing skills. A soft yellow glow emanates from the cleric as he says a prayer and the light flows into the injured, closing wounds and mending broken bones.

Meanwhile in the discussion with the captain of the guard, the man seems a bit annoyed at Tempus's question about the pay, "Yes, yes all you who lend aid will receive a fair share dammit. And yes, I suppose the other candidates have their own political reason for wanting Wulfa dead but in my experience, matter such as that are usually dealt with in a quiet way, poison or a dagger in the back in some alley, not in a brazen display such as this. But damn if I know, I'm a captain after all, not some grubby old man with a white wig. I'm taking my men to the east part of town. If you find anything or anyone, report to me at the barracks in the Gate District." With that, the captain and his guards begin to walk off except for Davidovich who seems to be looking between his captain and the half-ogre, unsure who would give him the bigger wallop for not listening to first. Seems he takes size over fury though as he points northward, "Mos' o' em' political folk live up near the 'n the Ruvar District. Don' know which house 'e lived 'n though. S'rry mate!" he cries out as he takes off at a jog after his squad.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 33 posts
Wed 28 Mar 2012
at 19:58
  • msg #34

Re: Theranin

Nori groaned as Gren moved aside to ask one of the men a question, "Don tell me yor atchaly gonna get invloved in dis? Dis be human affairs, let dem deal wit it." He moved a few steps over to get closer to Dale and shook his head, "Is not as easy as dat, boy. Da water be freezing and half of ya would be dead if ya fell in. Besides, why risk ya neck for someone ya dont know?"
Tempus Edwyn
player, 5 posts
Everyone has a price
Money talks
Wed 28 Mar 2012
at 23:40
  • msg #35

Re: Theranin

Tempus slowly shook his head, still with the small smile on his lips. "I risk my neck for the gold, Dwarf. Not these people's politics. I could care less for their politics or anyone else's fer that matter. The Captain is paying and that's good enough for me. Even bad ale doesn't come cheaply now does it?"

Tempus moved to look at the pillar the dandy, or so he thought of the well dressed man who had pointed it out, to see that it had indeed been severed. "Beat up bad guys, get gold, buy beer. Brother you just wrote my life story. The name is Tempus Edwyn, by the way." Tempus said nodding to all assembled. "What the Captain said about the other politicians makes some sense. Subterfuge is usually more a politicians style than a public display like this, where-as if the Thieves Guild is involved this sends a clear message not to mess in their business as the dead man seemed intent on doing.

Since the Captain is paying, it only makes sense to check his theory first, as unpleasant as strolling through the sewers may sound. Besides, thieves hate sewers as much as we so I doubt their secret entrance is full of sewage very far in. We should not discount the politicians just yet, just set them back a step in priority. The Captain's theory of them not putting on such a public display discounts the fact that said display gives them the perfect alibi. After-all it would appear they had been in danger as well.

I would hope we investigate this as a group. I should hate to turn this into a competition for the bounty. I don't mind sharing the bounty, but I'll look unkindly on anyone trying to beat me out of it."

The smile never left Tempus' lips, but was there a threat inferred in his final words?
Gren Boarshead
player, 21 posts
Thu 29 Mar 2012
at 00:08
  • msg #36

Re: Theranin

"Oh no, he'll look unkindly upon me.  Priest quick!  Heal my hurt feelings," Gren bellowed with a grin.  "Well now... May those interested meet me at the Salty Seawife in the next hour with your weapons and gear of choice.  As promised I'll show you where a sewer entrance is.  And Nori, may my deal with you be settled.

Gren had yet to make up his mind on how he wished to proceed.  If the Guild was involved, going in alone would likely get him killed.  Let's see who has the guts to show, and what gear they bring.  A quick meet and greet will tell me if they are worth the risk.
Gren Boarshead
player, 23 posts
Thu 29 Mar 2012
at 00:51
  • msg #37

Re: Theranin

Gren thought if he could earn a big enough reward he may be able to get through the winter season without having to work.  Sure he'd keep his job at the Inn, because that was where he laid his head and filled his belly.  He even considered moving away from the city, but for that he would need a small fortune to do so without worry.

He left the group not bothering to wait for replies or arguements.  He was going to get that gold with or without them.  It was time to dust off the backpack and polish his javelins.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 36 posts
Thu 29 Mar 2012
at 02:47
  • msg #38

Re: Theranin

Nori looked at the others for a moment and then moved on to follow Gren, "Oi, slow it down ya hunkering slab of flesh. Dont think for a second I be lettin ya out me sight. This place betta have sumting good ta drink." He continued on behind the half ogre, rambling about ale and other needless things. He didn't even care if the giant man was even listening to him.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 13 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Thu 29 Mar 2012
at 03:12
  • msg #39

Re: Theranin

Dale follows after the dwarf but points at Tempus.  "I like you.  I think we're going to get along great."

At the Salty Seawife, Dale rents a room and uses the time to change before rejoining his new crew.
player, 5 posts
'The Whitehand'
HP 9/9
Thu 29 Mar 2012
at 04:03
  • msg #40

Re: Theranin

The half-orc watches the group in mild amusement, whispering to the fox on his shoulders as he follows the group heading toward the Salty Seawife.  Vivo keeps a sharp eye on Erasmus, interest in the man's profession clear on his face after the human's performance at the collapse.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 9 posts
Everyone has a price
Money talks
Thu 29 Mar 2012
at 05:58
  • msg #41

Re: Theranin

Tempus looked to the two who remained, the cleric and the young man who hadn't spoken a word. What was he? A monk? Wonder if he's taken a vow of silence? That would be refreshing knowing I have to trample through the sewers with a grumbling dwarf,a half-literate ogre, and an orc. Oh well. At least the dandy may be good for some conversation. As long as the fop doesn't start talking about the latest fashions, that is.

"You notice they all declined to introduce themselves?" Tempus mused out loud. "I wonder if they have something to hide. Like maybe a bounty on their heads?" Tempus' smile turned genuine at the thought. He'd have to remind himself to check the posters in the local constables office after this affair was complete.

"Oh well. As I said, the name is Tempus. Do either of you plan on joining them? I only have to collect my bow and pack from where I have them stashed over in the alley there and I can accompany you. An ale or two might make the outlook of tramping through the sewers a bit brighter."
player, 7 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Thu 29 Mar 2012
at 17:40
  • msg #42

Re: Theranin

It was hard not to be disappointed when he couldn't save someone.  None of the half dozen or so others he had managed to help lacked values, but when you set yourself to saving lives, it was the ones that slipped past you that seemed to have the most impact.  The living cared for, Erasmus considered the shrouded old man and silently said a prayer for him.  He didn't know what gods the man had worshiped, but Sarenrae had no real enemies and so he didn't believe that there would be any spiritual retribution for praying over a heathen, but he was pragmatic enough not to risk offending the rich and powerful, for their riches held a capacity to enact great wickedness, and Erasmus had duties.

The others that the guard captain had been speaking to when he said things of earning gold, things that the other were not repeating, interested him.  Gold was a useful tool, having the power to advance one's goals where reason, learning, and prayer could not.  He smiles at the large man's sense of humor, and resolved to meet with them at the appointed time and place.  He took a few steps closer to the orcman and Tempus, trying not to be conscious of the fact he was being stared at.

"I am Erasmus, a wandering priest of Sarenrae." he replies, introducing himself.  "My holy orders require I spend time in the world experiencing creation.  I suppose investigating sewers in the company of potential criminals would be as good a place to start as any, especially if drinking might be involved." he continues with a peaceful smile, trying politely not to notice Vivo's gaze.  "I only just arrived in this town, my things are over there." he points behind him.  "So I need to get a room, I might as well hear what is said while I'm there and then decide if my presence would be beneficial." which he knew it would be.  He heard some of the language Tempus had been using earlier, and those fond of swinging swords about always appreciated the company of men such as himself.   "I'll wait for you to get your things and then you can show me where this Salty Seawife is." he finishes, going to gather his things together once the conversation was over.
DM Visceri
GM, 52 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 30 Mar 2012
at 00:15
  • msg #43

Re: Theranin

Taron nods his head at the idea of heading to the Salty Seawife and as soon as Tempus and Erasmus collect their belongings, they set off in the direction of the tavern.

As the group with Gren makes their way to the Salty Seawife they find a small white washed 2 story building close enough to the water to feel the salty breeze and get a little bit of a whiff of the fish that are being gutted down at the pier. The sign out front depicts a larger woman with crossed arms holding a rolling pin and a large fish. A woman Gren identifies as Mistress Urnda greets you with a warm welcome of a woman familiar with the security that comes with having a half-ogre as a bouncer. After a moment of looking at the stout woman, the realization that she looks eerily similar to the carving on the sign outside sets in.

"Gren dear, welcome back. It's that time of year again, I suppose we'll be seeing a lot mo-" she stops mid sentence as she sees the gaggle of odd looking company he's brought in with him, a half clothed award, a half orc, and a well dressed man who keeps looking at his sword. "Who're your friends dear?" she says in what seems like a motherly voice though her eyes betray suspicion born of keeping watch over a tavern where brawls are about as common as the sun rising. "Would you like me to give you the back room?" She asks innocently. As Mistress Urna talks, Tempus, Erasmus, and Taron walk through the door behind the group.
Gren Boarshead
player, 25 posts
Fri 30 Mar 2012
at 02:25
  • msg #44

Re: Theranin

Gren ducked under the doorway as he entered.  he was forced to walk with a slight hunch to keep from banging his head on the beams and hanging lanterns.  He made his was to the bar, flasing the halfling woman passing out drinks, named Kit Jannis, a polite smile.

"Tiss a little early to be callin' 'em friends.  A business opportunity has presented itself.  I figured it be ok if we gathered here before setting out.  I may not be able to cover my shift tonight, but a few of these fellas may need a room laters."  Mistress Urna was fair so long as she was making money and people behaved themselves.

Gren looked behind him as the Dwarf entered.  "And yeah, the backroom would probably be best."  He was more concerned with the Dwarf's possible behavior than with any one leaking word to the theive's guild.  In fact, the later had yet to even cross his mind.  "I promised ale.  An' let me get two loafs and two hunks of goat cheese?  I may not have much of an appetite later."  He had yet to decide if he was going into the sewers or not.  He fished around inside the pouch tethered to his belt and pulled out two gold coins.

As drinks were poured into worn wooden mugs Gren helped carry them into the back.  Doing so would show the others where he planned to gather and make introductions.  He tore off an end of bread and slathered a thick spread of cheese on it using a wooden spatula.  He stood in the doorway to the backroom to see who else if anyone would show.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:25, Fri 30 Mar 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 16 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 30 Mar 2012
at 04:43
  • msg #45

Re: Theranin

Once Dale gets his room and his things situated, he rejoins Gren and the group in the back room.  He turns down an offer of a drink, choosing to celebrate after the job is done.

"I'm Dale Reynolds, by the way.  Don't know if I mentioned."  Addressing Gren, he says, "You mentioned watching the old man's house.  Probably a good idea.  We aren't all needed to do that, though.  If a few of us watch the house and the rest try to find the Thieves' Guild, we should be covered.  I don't mind taking the sewers."

Yeah, since when? James shoots out.

"No point in letting a lead go to waste, after all."  Or the looter's loot.

There it is.
player, 6 posts
'The Whitehand'
HP 9/9
Fri 30 Mar 2012
at 13:50
  • msg #46

Re: Theranin

Vivo takes a seat and moves Etulo from his shoulders to the floor.  "I'm not going to lie, I never thought I'd rather slog through a human sewer than, well, anything, but I suppose that's a mystery for another day.  Besides, I'd rather not miss out on the fun."  The half-orc pauses for a moment, then continues.  "Ah, my name is Vivo, and my friend is Etulo.  Good to meet you."
Gren Boarshead
player, 27 posts
Fri 30 Mar 2012
at 15:32
  • msg #47

Re: Theranin

Ten mugs of ale sat in the middle of the table along with some bread and cheese.  He wasn't sure who all would be coming, and figured extras wouldn't be a problem between him and the Dwarf.

Who invited the Half-Orc? he wondered.  He couldn't hide his slight look of contempt as Vivo introduced himself.  And what's with the damned fox?  Where are you from anyways?  You don't look like you're from around here."  He doesn't look like member of the Bloodhand tribe either, but still...

"So yeah anyways.  I was thinking about hunting down the old man's house and see if any theives came to pilfer his belongings.  If not, I'm sure I could find a sewer entrance up there if I grew bored enough.  Frankly, I'm not too keen on going into the sewers m'self.  Assuming we were even able to find anything, the tunnels are surely trapped to keep people from poking around."

He emptied one of the mugs in one breath.  He wiped his mouth and beard with the back of one of his sleeves.  "Ah yeah, the name's Gren Boarshead.  Me mum said I have the blood of giants running through my veins, which his where I get m'size and magic."  As he introduced himself he gave the Half-Orc a look to see if the Boarshead name registered with him.  He then looked at all the others.  The mere mention of magic made some people parnoid and fearful.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 38 posts
Fri 30 Mar 2012
at 18:42
  • msg #48

Re: Theranin

Nori had entered behind Gren and did his best to give a smile to the female when they were introduced. He didn't feel very comfortable being called a friend of the ogre, but he wasn't in the mood to explain he was only here to get his fill on drinks. He took a seat to himself and remained silent until the drinks and food were offered. With a greedy swipe, Nori took a loaf of bread for himself and two mugs of ale, Dale had made it pretty clear he wouldn't be drinking any.

He threw back one of the mugs and drank his fill of ale, all the commotion and talk about adventuring made him very thirsty. Gren was right however, the taste was worse than he expected but when it was free, he couldn't complain. With a satisfying belch he set the empty container down and tore off a half of the loaf of bread. He hadn't realized just how hungry he was until he began to eat, his stomach already wishing for the other half.

The others began to speak and introduce themselves so he figured he may as well. With a piece of the uneaten bread in his hand he eyed the others uneasily, "Me name is Nori Hammerfist and travel the land lookin for worthy fights to claim me legend."
Tempus Edwyn
player, 11 posts
Everyone has a price
Money talks
Fri 30 Mar 2012
at 19:53
  • msg #49

Re: Theranin

Tempus sipped from one of the mugs of ale. Eh? I've had worse. He had no interest in the bread, especially after watching the dwarf make a pig of himself. Tempus felt he'd already made introductions enough so he declined to do so again. If they had been to rude earlier to take notice that was their problem. He found it ironic the half-orc was one of the few civil enough to introduce himself properly.

"So you want to watch the old man's house? So be it. I wasn't aware you were a part of the local constabulary but I am new to town. I would think finding his killer would be more important than keeping watch for looters though. But I imagine there may be some small reward for looters as well. A coin here or there is better'n none but I have my sights set on the real purse. The killer or killers aren't likely to show up at the old man's house to kill him again so I guess I'll take the hunt where the Captain suggested. I don't fear traps in the sewers. Traps are my life's work after-all. Not to mention I'm sure there's much more to loot from the denizens of the sewers than there is from those who have sunk so low as to loot from the dead."

Tempus was beginning to wonder if maybe he shouldn't set off alone. There didn't seem to be a lot of experience in tracking men in this group other than himself. The big man at least actually seemed intent on not going after the bounty which was fine with Tempus. Then again, the dwarf at least could come in very handy in the tunnels. He looked to the dwarf and spoke to him in his native tongue.

[Language unknown: "Se rongta ur, Ithughour Entoerdinnottic? Se pe foratevor'somate t ndestinot she il mohi lo statinure witpronti bewa iv ur? Venoerter tictinill ilbe nttipl li allamebut romoutrat? Ha manourrea forineine ughastbut le po Mimeet Acprto werlatill sions oul sa omevthee ourameandast e ekand pl. Ncom ti icrice andch ulrut ha wheichhou."]

OOC: I find it easier to speak other languages in brackets then doing private lines. I hope that's ok.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:23, Sat 31 Mar 2012.
player, 9 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Fri 30 Mar 2012
at 19:57
  • msg #50

Re: Theranin

Erasmus secures lodging for himself, leaning on his status as a holy man if necessary to secure a private room if one is available, so that he can stow away his holy vestments and such things without concern of anyone else taking them by accident.  Unencumbered by his possessions, he makes his way to the back room the Gren had secured.

"Is this where anyone interested in pursuing the matter the guard announced earlier is meeting?" he asks tentatively, sticking his head into the room.  He already knew the answer, but a humble demeanor was an asset when one of his calling dealt with rougher types.  It was best to be what they expected at first.  People were more willing to tolerate eccentricity once you've pulled their head out of their ribcage a few times.  "I thought perhaps it would be safer for everyone involved if a physician attended the expedition." he continues, as he steps into the room, taking a seat toward the center of one side of the table.  It was a trick he learned in seminary, placing himself such that he could catch conversation on either end of the table, and thus have more opportunity to chime in.
Gren Boarshead
player, 28 posts
Fri 30 Mar 2012
at 21:48
  • msg #51

Re: Theranin

Gren flashed Tempus a scowl.  He hated when people spoke in languages he didn't understand.  The man was facing the Dwarf so he guessed it was probably Dwarven.  He's probably planning on scoring that reward all for himself.

"The captain merely suggested we bust a few Guild heads to see if they know anything about the incident, and that the sewers may be a place to look.  I'm hoping to get them to come to me, not the other way around.  I'm curious as to what leads the Captain and his men are following.  He probably has a theif in the hold to question.  A sly toothy grin came to Gren as he remembered an incident when his tribe ambushed some Half-Orcs of the Bloodhand.  They had led the group between two small hills, pretending to be at the disadvantage.  Then other members of the Boarshead Tribe rolled logs covered in flaming pitch down on them.  Yep, Gren preferred to be the ambusher, not the ambushie.

"I think I'll try my method before I try yours human.  All the better to keep drit off of my boots."

Gren reached for another piece of bread and slathered it in more goat cheese.  One thick thumbnail dug anxiously at a small split in the rim of his mug.
This message was lightly edited by the player at 21:48, Fri 30 Mar 2012.
player, 7 posts
'The Whitehand'
HP 9/9
Sat 31 Mar 2012
at 03:54
  • msg #52

Re: Theranin

Vivo shivers at the half-ogre's mention of the name Boarshead.  A dark name from a darker time, he muses.
Where are you from anyways? You don't look like you're from around here."

"I'm not.  I've been around, true, but this is my first time in the city."
Seeing everyone else helping themselves to the ale, the half-orc does likewise.
Taron Bein
player, 12 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Sat 31 Mar 2012
at 11:25
  • msg #53

Re: Theranin

  Taron sits in his chair sipping his ale slowly listening to each person make their introduction and give their two cents on what they believed was the best course of action to earn their reward. He didn't mind waiting for everyone else to be done with their turn as he had always been taught that patience was the virtue at the core of being a monk. Through patience, one can see all possible roads of action and choose the most appropriate without regret.
  Swallowing his drink and clearing his throat, he waits for a moment to chime in, "Hello friends, I am Taron Bein, a monk trained in the ways of the sacred mountain from the Rat'zei monastery to the north. If I may add my take on the situation?" Without really waiting for verbal confirmation, he continues, "Both courses of action have merit and since splitting up can hurt our odds, would it be ill advised to first investigate the house in more of a timely manner then go down to the sewers if there are no leads for us to follow?" It seemed like an idea that everyone could get behind, after all, it took both plans into consideration. Taron hoped he wouldn't be branded indecisive but more of a compromiser.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:26, Sat 31 Mar 2012.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 13 posts
Everyone has a price
Money talks
Sat 31 Mar 2012
at 15:19
  • msg #54

Re: Theranin

Well so much for the vow of silence, Tempus thought to himself when the monk finally spoke up. Poor sucker has probably taken a vow of chastity instead. By all the worthless Gods, I'd rather die. Bah. Tempus your outlook on life has changed to much since.... Tempus forced his mind away from that thought. Thinking of the past could only lead to no good.

Despite the poor quality of the ale Tempus suddenly tilted back his mug and drained it dry. He gave a healthy belch to relieve the gas that quickly built up in his gut from the swill and set the mug back on the table grabbing one of the extras without asking. He moved to a corner and leaned against the wall there. He saw no point in arguing against what he considered a waste of time in going to the old politicians home. If they were afraid of the tunnels under the city and wanted to investigate nice safe houses they'd be better suited searching the houses of the old man's rivals, but Tempus kept that thought to himself. He'd search those homes himself later if the Thieves Guild proved fruitless.

"Just let me know when you've all decided."
Nori Hammerfist
player, 39 posts
Sat 31 Mar 2012
at 17:31
  • msg #55

Re: Theranin

Nori remained silent for a while, the words of Tempus both intrigued and irked him. He always hated seeing another race speak his language so smoothly, especially when it was someone he knew nothing about. The human had a point however, not many would be brave enough to venture into the sewers in search of thieves on their own turf, and the thought about being rewarded for it had not escaped him as well.

Still, something nagged him about the man, perhaps the way he wove his silver tongue wove the words reminded him too much of those shifty elves. He would need to watch that one, closely.

He finished his bread and his emptied the contents of the second mug, it as true when he said he needed to wash the taste of the first cup out of his mouth. With another satisfied belch he eyed the others, "Ogre, yur debt is paid. Thank ye. Tell your mum twas fine ale she offered."

He stood and wiped some of the spittle from his beard with the back of his burly arm and looked at Tempus, "I agree with da monk, the lad speaks wisdom."
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 17 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sat 31 Mar 2012
at 22:42
  • msg #56

Re: Theranin

Once Vivo introduces himself, Dale reaches a hand out to Etulo, seeing if the fox will let him pet it.

We're not getting one! James says.

"I don't see why not," Dale says out loud.  At the looks of his companions, Dale attempts to cover himself.  "I don't see why... we need to wait.  I'm ready to go now." Dale stands and grabs the pack he's taking with him.  "I'm headed to that sewer entrance.  If anyone else wants their share of the gold, I recommend coming with."  Dale turns and heads for the door.

So smooth.
Gren Boarshead
player, 30 posts
Sun 1 Apr 2012
at 01:28
  • msg #57

Re: Theranin

"How about I make this simple.  I'll go check on the old man's residence tonight.  The rest of you trudge through the sewers.  If nothing happens I'll come looking for you.  If you discover anything and have opportune time, we can always meet up here in the morning to share what we've learned."  He slammed his mug down on the table as if calling the meeting to order.  "Do all of you have torches? I have extras if need be."

Gren had purchased food and drink for the group.  Now he was offereing torches.  This seemed to be one generous Half-Orc.
Gren Boarshead
player, 31 posts
Sun 1 Apr 2012
at 17:30
  • msg #58

Re: Theranin

"So let me grab my stuff and I'll show you guys where that entrance is."  Gren left the room for a few minutes and came back in wearing a backpack, 3 javelins made of wood, 3 made of iron, and a wooden club carved with the designs of a boar's head.  The torches he mentioned were likely in the backpack he carried.  "If you're all ready I'll show you where that entrance is."  He flicked a copper piece onto the table for the serving wench that would have to clean up after him.  He then started to head for the door.
Taron Bein
player, 13 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Sun 1 Apr 2012
at 20:28
  • msg #59

Re: Theranin

  Taron finishes his ale and stands up moving towards the door and waits for the Half-ogre to return. " I'll take the sewer route over that of the politicians house. At best only looters are going to show. But I would assume the man's family or servants are already there and any thief worth his weight would be wise to stay away from there." Nodding in the direction of the outspoken tracker. " I agree with Tempus, if there are homes to be checked it should be with the other politicians, seems the one who fell had more support from the crowd. Any of the others could be suspects, and if they hired out the job, the theives guild seems to be a good place to start"
Tempus Edwyn
player, 19 posts
Everyone has a price
Money talks
Sun 1 Apr 2012
at 20:44
  • msg #60

Re: Theranin

Hired out the job? Tempus had been thinking either or when it came to who may have killed the old politician, but the young monk was right. Collusion was a definite possibility. A good politician would certainly be capable of pointing out to the guild the advantages of eliminating his competition. He'd keep that under advisement. Tempus in no way considered himself intelligent enough to be a detective but he was in no way a fool either and detective work was indeed part of his job as a tracker and bounty hunter.

"Your aid in saving us time in finding somebody to point out a good entrance is appreciated big man, even if you have decided not to accompany us. Don't let possible traps discourage you though. I'm pretty good at my job. At least I think I am." Tempus said the last with a smile.

Tempus shouldered his pack and strung his bow over his back. The whip was coiled around his left shoulder as always.

"Shall we be off before that fool dandy gets to far ahead and sets off a trap before I can get to it?"
Nori Hammerfist
player, 49 posts
Sun 1 Apr 2012
at 20:58
  • msg #61

Re: Theranin

Nori moved towards the door as well. Now that he had a few drinks in him, the idea of rampaging against a group of thieves seemed like something fun to do to pass the time. His armor had dried somewhat and the ale did a fine job to keep him warm against the cold.

"Aye, best be off. I wan ta ge back before me thirst returns."
Gren Boarshead
player, 34 posts
Sun 1 Apr 2012
at 21:01
  • msg #62

Re: Theranin

"It'll just be one less trap for the rest of us to worry about," Gren said.  It seemed in his speech that he tried to convince others that he was a tough hard-ass.  His actions, the offers of drink, supplies, and aid, on the other hand suggested the opposite.  Gren Boarshead was a contridiction in many areas.

Gren headed towards the dock, taking long confident strides.  Gren recalls that if you follow the widest street towards the docks that you eventually notice an obivious decline in the grade of the cobblestone path.  In the center of the street just before it branches and levels off there is a large metal grate.  This was likely the entrance that was being discussed.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:02, Sun 01 Apr 2012.
DM Visceri
GM, 61 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sun 1 Apr 2012
at 21:35
  • msg #63

Re: Theranin

While not the exact entrance to the sewers, Gren led the group in the right direction for as you look down through the grate, you can see down a ways where there is a sewage tunnel leading towards the water and back into town. Following the direction of the tunnel, the group comes upon the entrance to the sewers. Before the docks change from stone to wooden planks, there is a short drop off with water down below. About half way down there is a circular entrance where sewage seems to be spilling out into the water. There is a small metal ladder that leads down to the entrance though it is considerably rusted from having been so close to the ocean spray for so long.

A little ways off, dock workers who are currently out of a job relax, standing around in circles with a small fire in their midst laughing at some unheard, likely crude, joke while others lay about in the rigging of some of the ice-locked ships. They seem to notice you but look for no more than a second before they reoccupy themselves with more interesting things.

OOC: Time to make your final decisions where each of you is going.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 50 posts
Sun 1 Apr 2012
at 22:00
  • msg #64

Re: Theranin

Nori glanced down at the sewer entrance with a sneer. This was definitely not something he would enjoy, but he had made up his mind and was not about to back down. Besides, tunnels beneath the ground almost felt like home, except for the fact it reeked of human waste. "Bah, why do blasted thieves always pick da worst places ta hide. Damn rats.."
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 18 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sun 1 Apr 2012
at 22:08
  • msg #65

Re: Theranin

Dale nods in agreement with Nori.  "Yes, casinos and cathouses are much more interesting places to hide.  So..." Dale looks up at Tempus and gives him a hopeful smile, "trapbreakers first?"
This message was last edited by the player at 22:08, Sun 01 Apr 2012.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 20 posts
Everyone has a price
Money talks
Sun 1 Apr 2012
at 22:15
  • msg #66

Re: Theranin

Tempus answers Dale's smile with one of his own.

"What? I think we should talk the ogre into coming and he should go first. If that ladder holds him the rest of us are home free!" Tempus laughs as he swings his legs over the edge onto the ladder.

"Keep that cleric nearby. I doubt his God likes me any more'n the others but you never know."
Nori Hammerfist
player, 54 posts
Sun 1 Apr 2012
at 23:19
  • msg #67

Re: Theranin

As Tempus moved over the edge, Nori stepped up as close as he could, his dwarven feet solid against the ground. He didn't trust the ladder and decided to speak up, "Oi, lad. Mebbee ya wanna put a backup line in case dem steps give way?"
Gren Boarshead
player, 37 posts
Sun 1 Apr 2012
at 23:29
  • msg #68

Re: Theranin

"Aye, the mighty Nori of Clan Hammerfist is afraid of ladders someone hold his hand."  Teasing one another seemed to be a 'thing' now; even though it was likely going to cost him a few more mugs of ale to smooth things over.

Gren considered wandering over and asking the dock workers if they've witness others coming and going through the sewer grate; but then figured not to bother.  Even if they did, they likely wouldn't admit it.  Most folk knew to keep to themselves and stay out of other people business, lest it come back and shiv you in a dark ally when you least expected.

Gren kept looking back the way he came, as the others jockied for position to decend the rusty ladder.  He, apparently, was still wrestling with decisions of his own.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:12, Mon 02 Apr 2012.
player, 8 posts
'The Whitehand'
HP 9/9
Mon 2 Apr 2012
at 00:15
  • msg #69

Re: Theranin

Vivo follows the group to the mouth of the sewer, then approaches the opening behind the dwarf.  Nearly gagging, the witch speaks up.  "I should probably go first.  If the ladder holds me, I think the rest of you will be fine.  You're more than welcome to continue, if you'd rather."
This message was last edited by the player at 01:38, Mon 02 Apr 2012.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 26 posts
Everyone has a price
Money talks
Mon 2 Apr 2012
at 01:25
  • msg #70

Re: Theranin

Tempus climbed back up from where he had thrown his legs over the ladder with a smile on his face.

"By all means, you go first. You want a rope like the dwarf suggests? Wouldn't be a bad idea."

[Language unknown: Ngntus ic wasthoithver utpe korpl ilhina. Yinwilfor petapl ndean icarestic nt ce ch cala. Th moshe lo elmo hoill ck sa has Rehou ck thont thu teasro o.]
player, 12 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Tue 3 Apr 2012
at 12:29
  • msg #71

Re: Theranin

Peering over the edge to were the sewer opens into the ocean below, Erasmus wrinkles his nose.  An entire city's worth of runoff water, washing water, animal droppings, and chamber pot discards found it's way here.  The padded armor he now wore helped keep him a bit warmer than he was before, but he figured he would be paying for laundering services for both his armor and his clothing once this task was complete.

At mention of a thieving guild housing itself within, he briefly considered suggesting a delay in their mission until the next day so that he could request from Sarenrae intersessions more appropriate to the task at hand as the ones she currently granted him were really requested with easing travel in mind.  But then again, she was already willing to change those requests for ones of healing should they be required, and he wasn't certain he was really worthy to channel anything that would be more effective than what his companions could do.  So it was really sufficient that he could keep them capable of doing those things.

Chastened once again by the audacity of his finite awareness's attempts to outshine the plans of her divine Radiance, he moved to the ladder so that he could be on hand for any injuries that might be sustained in it's use, as well as scanned the coast to see if perhaps an alternative method to reach the sewer existed.
DM Visceri
GM, 63 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 3 Apr 2012
at 22:30
  • msg #72

Re: Theranin

Procuring a rope from Gren, a few of the stronger members hold the guide rope as Vivo takes his first steps down the ladder. It seems to be going quite well until his foot comes down on the third rung. As he does so, it gives way slightly and from the wall, those looking over the edge can see a long metal spear emerge from the wall and impale their half-orc companion before shooting back into the wall. Vivo's eyes glaze over as his grip on the ladder and rope loosen and he falls into the icy water below with a splash, as his gear causes him to quickly sink beneath the murky water out of sight. Erasmus is quick to try and save the fellow but it seems in vain. Oddly enough, Etro, the half-orcs fox companion is nowhere to be seen.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:25, Wed 04 Apr 2012.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 60 posts
Wed 4 Apr 2012
at 00:01
  • msg #73

Re: Theranin

Nori watched as the half orc fell into the water. He half expected him to come up after a few seconds but it was not like that. He looked over at the others and made a notion with his eyes to see if anyone was planning to jump in after him. As it was, Nori was not going to do it. He did not owe the magic user anything, nor did he really like the fact he was a half orc.  He looked at Tempus and shrugged, "Suppose ya already found one trap."
Gren Boarshead
player, 42 posts
Wed 4 Apr 2012
at 00:13
  • msg #74

Re: Theranin

Gren rushed over to the edge to also stare down into the water.   Gren cursed.  He turned his head to look at the Dwarf.  "I take back that crack I said about ladders."

The trap confirmed that this was an entrance used by the theives guild.  It also confirmed Gren's suspicion that there would be traps.  Somehow, he just didn't feel like saying "I told you so."  He turned to look back into the smelly foamy water were the Half-Orc disappeared.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 20 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Wed 4 Apr 2012
at 00:25
  • msg #75

Re: Theranin

Dale cringes when the spear hits Vivo.  He curses quietly too.  He'd liked the half-orc.  He'd been saved by a half-orc cleric once.

Can we get going now?

"Have a moment, man!"  Flinching when he realizes he spoke out loud again, he says, "Sorry.  After you?"  This last comment is made towards Tempus.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 29 posts
Everyone has a price
Money talks
Wed 4 Apr 2012
at 01:21
  • msg #76

Re: Theranin

Tempus shook his head softly as he witnessed Vivo's fate. For a very brief moment he entertained the thought of going down after the half-orc, but he quickly discounted it. He had seen the spear pierce the man's heart. Even if he survived the fall the icy waters and pack pulling him down had surely finished the job. Tempus hadn't known Vivo and he was of hated orc blood. Still, he hated seeing anyone come to such an end.

"Let's be getting that rope pulled back up in case anyone inside seen that. We don't want to be giving them extra access to us." Tempus wasn't trying to give orders. He wasn't a leader. He was a woodsman from the forest and a loner for the most part, but he considered himself a practical man and the rope could actually entangle him if he chose to lead the way down the ladder next.

One thing was for sure. They had more than likely found the entrance to the thieves underground network.

After Nori spoke Tempus looked to him. He put the fake smile back on his lips to try to look non-plussed at the half-orcs fate. "Strangely enough, the first trap always seems the easiest to find. Imagine that." Tempus' smile almost became genuine when Gren took back his remark about Nori and the ladder. He may not have had a high opinion of his comrades setting out, but at least they appeared to learn from their mistakes.

When Dale spoke to him Tempus answered with a shrug of his shoulders. "Yeah I should probably go first. I reckon I have the most experience with traps since trapping and bounty hunting are my professions. I doubt they would have bothered with the trap if the entrance has a lookout, but let's give it a minute just in case shall we? Maybe the priest or monk would like to say a quick word for Vivo? And what about you, Big Man? Are you still intent on going back to check the old man's house or might you be joining us now?"
player, 13 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Wed 4 Apr 2012
at 13:30
  • msg #77

Re: Theranin

"I don't have my vestments with me, but I don't think he was of the faithful, so I doubt it will matter to him." Erasmus replies.  Standing up, he says a prayer asking for Sarenrae to save the half-orc that they knew so little about.  Vivo's death bothered the priest, both because it was senseless and unnecessary, but also because the circumstances causing it were questionable.

"I don't understand, the ladder is ostensibly there to give access so that city workers can dredge the sewer as needed.  How do the workers get in there if the thieves guild has trapped it?  Why isn't this a civil matter?" he asks, thinking out load.  "The guild must dredge the sewer themselves." he concludes.  "If there's never a backup, then workers never need to enter." he decides.

"Tempus, you should tie the rope around you this time, rather than just holding onto it.  If I had been able to reach Vivo quickly I could have saved him."  He was definitely going into the sewer now, the ruthless men dwelling within needed to be confronted.  How many children--he wondered--had decided to see what was inside the sewers out of curiosity, or on a dare, only to fall prey to this trap so carelessly placed out in the open.  How many children were missing, swept out to sea, never to come home because they were murdered by the thieves guild?  The trap confirmed their presence, if not of the thieves guild, of another group of ruthless men who needed to be brought to justice.  "I'll follow after you once you determine the path is safe." he continues.
Taron Bein
player, 21 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Wed 4 Apr 2012
at 19:44
  • msg #78

Re: Theranin

  Looking over the sewer's edge, the Monk tilts his head when the Half-Orc unleashed a trap the looked like it was the last thing he would ever do. He like the others did not know the poor soul. He acted with indifference to the incident and stepped back from the edge.

  He felt it was possible they were being watched, and standing by the entrance may not be the smartest thing. He looks around the area, in the shadows and building tops. A quick glance as well at the dockworkers to see if they are still there or even if they were paying attention to the make shift mercenary group. It was possible they were guards of the Guild.

  He see's nothing that looks out of the way but one can never be to careful. He turns and looks at the Priest and self proclaimed Bounty Hunter. Taron waits till  Erasmus is done with his words and then adds his own. "Seems my words would be in vain to our departed comrade. I'm a monk not a priest and although I hope he went in peace, and without pain, my spirituality follows a different path than that of Erasmus."

15:37, Today: Taron Bein rolled 7 using 1d20+6. Perception check of the area.
Gren Boarshead
player, 46 posts
Wed 4 Apr 2012
at 22:01
  • msg #79

Re: Theranin

He answered Tempus's question with a silent shrug.

Gren moved to the other side of Nori, to stand on the edge of the drop off just above the grate leading into the sewers.  "Dnah Egam," he enchants softly, as he opens his hand wide before him.  He makes movements with his hand as if trying to telekinetically open the grate from a distance.

Use Mage Hand to try and open grate entrance.
DM Visceri
GM, 67 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 4 Apr 2012
at 23:45
  • msg #80

Re: Theranin

Taron looks around, taking in the dockworkers reaction to the unfortunate accident with Vivo but they all seem to be either oblivious to the incident or purposefully feigning ignorance. As far as he can determine, there are no guild scouts lurking nearby but then, that's their specialty so it's hard to say.

As Taron looks around, Gren makes himself busy with the grate they passed earlier; an act that seems to bear fruit as the magical hand lifts the grate off of its resting place and slides it open enough for someone to drop down through. There doesn't seem to be any traps triggered when the grate is moved either. The fall down seems to be about eight feet and doesn't sport a ladder this time around. With clever use of the rope and grate, it should be fairly easy to shimmy down the shaft into the tunnel.
Gren Boarshead
player, 47 posts
Thu 5 Apr 2012
at 00:42
  • msg #81

Re: Theranin

Gren didn't know any of these fellows well enough to trust in their ability to disable the ladder trap.  He was also growing impatient.  So he decided to forge his own path.

Gren didn't feel the need to bother with a rope.  He was much taller than the others and so he simply lowered himself down as best he could then dropped the extra foot or so into the sewer.  He drew a javelin and waited for his eyes to adjust.  Much like the Dwarf, he had no issue seeing in the dark.  Until his eyes adjusted he listened for possible danger.

He trusted the others to follow shortly behind.

Perception roll = 0
This message was last edited by the player at 00:45, Thu 05 Apr 2012.
DM Visceri
GM, 68 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 5 Apr 2012
at 00:47
  • msg #82

Re: Theranin

Luckily, the sky outside showed no hint of sun or else it would have taken longer for Grens eyes to adjust to the dim light that shines through the grate opening and a few smaller holes down the tunnel's length. From what he can see, he's landed on one side of the tunnel that has a sort of walkway. There seems to be one of them on the other side as well with the stream of human waste and refuse water rushing down the center. The pathway is no more than 4 feet wide and the tunnel itself is tall enough to allow Gren to barely stand upright. Up above, he hears the talk of the others noticing his handywork and disappearance and moving over to the hole to check if some ill fate has befallen the half-ogre as well.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 61 posts
Thu 5 Apr 2012
at 00:56
  • msg #83

Re: Theranin

Nori leaned over the edge and called out to Gren, once more someone grew impatient and went in before the trap finder. He figured half ogres weren't much smarter than half orcs, "Oi! Ya ded? Ya here me giant?"

He looked over at the others and shrugged, "If 'e is, least we got sumting big to land on."
Gren Boarshead
player, 48 posts
Thu 5 Apr 2012
at 01:05
  • msg #84

Re: Theranin

"I know you have short legs so you can't run fast, but you should be able to fall just as fast as everybody else," grunted Gren, trying to keep his voice down.  The ogres Gren grew up with did things alot more different than humans did, for better or worse.  "I hope the orc's death didn't scare the lot of you off. How 'bout you get down here already."
Tempus Edwyn
player, 30 posts
Everyone has a price
Money talks
Thu 5 Apr 2012
at 01:12
  • msg #85

Re: Theranin

Tempus seemed to be shaking his head a lot with this crowd as he was doing it again. That damn half-ogre sure as hell doesn't act smart enough to be a spellcaster! Those bastards must grow fast, 'cause he sure as hell isn't smart enough to have lived long enough to grow that big naturally.

"Well, just in case he did survive I suppose we should hurry on down there to help keep him that way. First he isn't smart enough to make up his mind what he wants to do, then he gets all contrary and does the opposite 'a what he said. Then he isn't even smart enough to check out dark holes before he drops into them. You better go in next dwarf so the big lummox has somebody smart to look after him."

Tempus was still shaking his head slowly as he moved over to help the dwarf or whoever went down next if need be.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 62 posts
Thu 5 Apr 2012
at 01:24
  • msg #86

Re: Theranin

Nori nodded, as long as he didnt go poking his nose into too many places, the chances of him popping a trap were minimal. Besides, tunnels and darkness were nothing new to him.

"A'right lads, hold da rope good now."

With one arm over the other, Nori lowered himself till he could see where Gren was before dropping down next to him. Instinctively he pulled the hammer from his back while his eyes adjusted as well. The two handed weapon would probably be too large to swing, but he could still cause some hurting by jabbing the large stone head into someone's ribs.
DM Visceri
GM, 70 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 5 Apr 2012
at 02:07
  • msg #87

Re: Theranin

Between a combination of the rope held by those left above and Gren being below, ready to break the fall of those coming down, the rest of the group up top make it down into the sewers. As you look to the west, you can see daylight from the exit hole and to the east, it seems to trail off into darkness. The first thing you notice before the light situation though is the smell. To say that the smell of the sewer is rancid would be a gross understatement. If just a few short moments, a clump of trash, a dead rat, and something that you hesitate to even put a name to floats by on its way to the ocean. The only smell you can hear though is the sound of rushing water and the occasional far off splash.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 21 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Thu 5 Apr 2012
at 17:47
  • msg #88

Re: Theranin

Dale looks around at the filth and puts a sleeve over his mouth.  "Eg."

Don't forget, this way your idea.

Yes, thank you for that.  Out loud, he says, "The ocean's not far, so they're probably not that way.  We should head further under the city."

Into the scary, scary blackness?

"Yes, into the scary, scary blackness.  Minus the blackness."  Dale draws his sword and casts light on the shoulder of his armor.
player, 14 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Thu 5 Apr 2012
at 18:09
  • msg #89

Re: Theranin

Erasmus covers his mouth with his sleeve, wishing he was wearing his traveling robes once again so that he could tuck his nose inside and avoid most of the stench hands-free.  Looking about, he tries to judge who will be leading the way and approaches that person.  "Sarenrae's light shine upon you." he says to that person with a smile, and touches some necklace or item in their hand, causing the soft glow of a torch to emanate from it.  Pleased with having brought her radiance into this dark place, he moves to the center of the party and prepares to follow.

Cast light.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:10, Thu 05 Apr 2012.
Gren Boarshead
player, 51 posts
Thu 5 Apr 2012
at 18:20
  • msg #90

Re: Theranin

Gren flashed Dale a look.  He thought the man talked strangely, often seeming to reply to random thoughts. Humans... he thought with a shrug.  He then winced as both Dale and the priest summoned magical light.  He threw up a hand defensively and grunted with displeasure.

With a wave of his arm he invited everyone else to take the lead.  He would remain about 15ft behind the others to take advantage of his darkvision while covering the party's rear.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 64 posts
Fri 6 Apr 2012
at 00:05
  • msg #91

Re: Theranin

Nori was bothered by the smell but only to a degree. He actually thought he's gotten a stronger smell from himself when he traveled the wood for a while. He brought a burly forearm up to his mashed up nose and did his best to cover the stench. He stood with his back to the others, the light causing him problems with his darkvision.

He glanced over at Tempus and nodded ahead, "Go lad. If trouble comes a'brewin, get behind meh.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 31 posts
Fri 6 Apr 2012
at 09:49
  • msg #92

Re: Theranin

"Gah! By all the Worthless Gods! I've been in Orc dens that smell better'n this!"

Tempus took out a kerchief and wrapped it around his lower face. Dressed in black leathers as he was, with his face masked he looked every bit the highwayman. The smell was not blocked, but it was blunted a bit. Tempus pulled a torch that he planned to light when the cleric stepped forward and cast a spell upon it. Well. That will work I suppose. I guess I'll get to use this particular torch again. Drawing his sword and holding it ready he prepared to move deeper into the tunnel, eyes darting around the tunnel in search of possible traps.

"Well Lads, looks like the fun's about to begin"
DM Visceri
GM, 72 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 6 Apr 2012
at 11:14
  • msg #93

Re: Theranin

The group ventures forwards for a few minutes to find that the light is quite effective in illuminating their path as well as scaring off rats and roaches. What it isn't good at doing, however, is keeping any sentient denizens unaware of their presence. Every 50 feet or so, there is a small 3 foot by 3 foot pipe leading off in either direction, some with refuse and water flowing out of them, some not.

As the group passes by one particular one, they hear a noise echoing off the stone pipes. It seems to be a high pitch voice with some excitement in its voice, [Language unknown: "Ense! Ha! Wisell! La tr taver elthel thuartich ecnost wead latfo! Be tic thutheast ncwaee! Sswh any out wa!"] After the voice dissipates, you can hear the shuffling of multiple feet and the scraping of metal on stone a ways off but no light presents itself. A few moments later, a handful of small mottled brownish green creatures jump out of a few of the nearest pipes; four in front of the party, and six behind.

They have sharp, malicious looking eyes and are quite jumpy though they seem to know how to wield the collection of short swords and daggers they wield at the party. One points at Dalinar, the best dressed in the group and all the creatures let out a yipping cheer as they begin to move in.


(Map coming when I'm not dead tired and half asleep)
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:19, Fri 06 Apr 2012.
player, 16 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Fri 6 Apr 2012
at 13:04
  • msg #94

Re: Theranin

"Parlay!" [Language unknown: "Ithviring!"] [Language unknown: "Thncat!"] Erasmus cries out, in every language that he knows.  He hoped to avoid bloodshed in this filthy place, and perhaps if the creatures were smart enough to use tools..."Perhaps we can persuade them to take us where we want to go!" he says, white-knuckling his quarterstaff.

Initiative: 3

08:53, Today: Erasmus rolled 3 using 1d20-2.    <--This was an initiative roll, wasn't properly labeled.  Would be happy to reroll it if necessary. ;-)

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 22 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 6 Apr 2012
at 13:38
  • msg #95

Re: Theranin

Finally!  We've been in this city for almost half a day and there is just now something to fight? James complains.  Let's go.

"Absolutely," Dale replies.  To Eramus, he says, "Don't think they're listening, mate."  Not that I'm complaining.

Initiative rolled 14 using 1d20+2. Dale activates an arcane point as a swift action to increase attack bonus for 1 min.  He won't move, but if a goblin comes near, he will attack 16 using 1d20+6. Damage rolled 5 using 1d8+3.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:11, Fri 06 Apr 2012.
Gren Boarshead
player, 52 posts
Fri 6 Apr 2012
at 14:05
  • msg #96

Re: Theranin

Gren cocked back the arm he was holding the javelin in.  He pointed it menacingly at one of the creatures that popped up behind the group.  "Any of you know what these things are trying to say? he asked.  He held out his free hand palm towards the creatures in the universal gesture of "Halt.  Stay where you are or I'll pierce your guts with this pointy thing."

"Speak Common, you ugly little runts!" he bellows intimidatingly.  Gren slowly starts backing up towards the rest of the group.  He was ready to impale any of these things if they made any hostile moves or even so much as stepped towards him.

Initiative = 18; Move - back towards group; Hold Action until any of the above criteria are met.  If forced to attack, throws javelin (using 1 use of mighty throw):  Attack roll = 14, Damage = 11.  If not forced to attack, he casts Shield on himself.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 65 posts
Fri 6 Apr 2012
at 14:17
  • msg #97

Re: Theranin

09:10, Today: Nori Hammerfist rolled 4 using 1d20+2. initiative .

Nori growled low in his throat at the enemy that came before them. His people had fought the filthy little creatures for generations beneath the ground and like the orc, there was definitely no such thing as parley.

He held himself in check however, the rest of the group did not seem greatly eager to attack the little filth. He held his hammer tightly, wishing nothing more than to smash one of the little bugs into the pungent water and have it wash away, maybe eaten by the fish and rats.

Any form of aggression or attack by either side and Nori would be lunging himself forward, warcry yelling and hammer smashing.

OOC: Rolled horrible initiative or I would have lunged already. Tempus, feel free to get behind me or stay up front.

18:27, Today: DM Visceri, on behalf of Nori Hammerfist, rolled 9,13 using 1d20+4,2d6+3. hit, dmg.

This message was last edited by the GM at 01:27, Sat 07 Apr 2012.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 32 posts
Fri 6 Apr 2012
at 19:48
  • msg #98

Re: Theranin

Maybe today, Marrisa!

Tempus smiled beneath his make-shift mask and lept toward the nearest creature thrusting his sword before him. He had heard Nori's offer of protection but Tempus had no desire to be shielded. What his actual desire was he wasn't certain, other than that if it was his time he would take as many of whatever he was fighting with him as he could. And who knew. Maybe make some money if he survived.

15:31, Today: Tempus Edwyn rolled 10 using 1d8+3. damage.
15:31, Today: Tempus Edwyn rolled 10 using 1d20+4. attack long sword.
15:27, Today: Tempus Edwyn rolled 15 using 1d20+7. Initiative.

LOL. Great attack roll.

Taron Bein
player, 24 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Fri 6 Apr 2012
at 22:07
  • msg #99

Re: Theranin

  Taron had taken a place near the rear of the line. His limited ability to attack at a distance made him more of a target than an asset at the front-line. If he'd only listened to his master and taken the offered crossbow he would possibly be of more use up ther, but he was stubborn and left the Monastery with only the items he had when his father left him there. At least in the back of the line the over grown Gren would make a useful shield. Seems now it was a good choice with a half dozen of noisy little creatures coming at the rear guard.

  The young monk lowers his arm from his face were he was using it to mask the smell of the current situation. Leading with his left leg forward he spread the stance of his legs a couple feet apart and slightly crouched, his left arm stretched out palm forward and his right hand clenched and held at the waist. Hewaits for the creatures to make there move, then he lashes out.

17:57, Today: Taron Bein rolled 18 using 1d20+3. Initiative.
18:03, Today: Taron Bein rolled 5,3,4,8 using d20+2,d20+2,d6+3,d6+3. Att Flurry, unarmed strike, Dam, Dam.
18:58, Today: DM Visceri, on behalf of Taron Bein, rolled 1 using 1d6. Fumble Roll.

OOC: Really, that's how this attack is gonna go, looks like my ass is gettin wet.

This message was last edited by the GM at 01:58, Sat 07 Apr 2012.
DM Visceri
GM, 77 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sat 7 Apr 2012
at 02:38
  • msg #100

Re: Theranin

Gren holds his javelin out in front of him in a threatening manner and speaks to the party quickly, "Any of you know what these things are trying to say?" as he holds out his hand in attempt to warn the goblins off. The tense standoff continues for a few seconds before the goblins continue their advance, their intentions plain on their evil little faces; slit their throats and take their valuables. "Parlay!" [Language unknown: "Cononewit!"] [Language unknown: "Iscape!"] Erasmus cries out, hoping to avoid a confrontation but it seems they either can't understand him or aren't listening as the first two in the back approach the party. "Don't think they're listening, mate." Dale says over his shoulder to the cleric. At their first step, Gren chucks a javelin at the little creature but his speed seems to outmatch the predictable trajectory of the half-ogres throw, which clangs on the stone and lands a little bit away on the walkway which causes the goblins in back take a moment to look at what made the noise. "Speak Common, you ugly little runts!" he bellows intimidatingly.

As the goblin that dodged Gren's javelin approaches Taron, the monk lets off a duo of unarmed strikes though, being used to hitting unmoving target dummies and instructors that focus more on precision and power than combat, they are off target as the goblin dodges them both though it seems his own dodging has caused his slash with the short sword to miss as well.

As more of the goblins move in, one passes too close to Taron on his way to Dale without giving him enough attention as Taron is able to strike out and deliver a powerful punch to the goblin's ribs and send it splashing into the sewage who's current quickly carries the thing screaming and gurgling away towards the icy ocean. Seeing his companion succumb to the sewer, the look in Dale's eyes, and the way he holds his blade ready, the goblin behind him doesn't make the same mistake though and takes the opening in Taron's defenses to open up a gash on the monk's upper arm! (4 dmg)

On the other side of the skirmish, the goblins move forward as well but a little more cautiously with the confident looking bounty hunter and the eager dwarf staring them down like they were a prime cut of steak. One decides to try his luck though and charges the bounty hunter with a high pitched cry and is able to open a wound between his chain shirt and his pants. Though the sword scrapes off bone painfully, causing the bounty hunter to miss his swing at the now grinning creature, the actual damage is little. (3 dmg)

The brave goblin's success causes the doubt to flood out of the remaining goblins as they dash into the fray themselves giving Tempus another chance to do harm to one of the green menaces, this time succeeding catching the creature under the chin, opening it's jugular and causing it to fall forward limply into the dwarf's hammer blow which sends it flying clear across the wash between the walkways and slams into the opposite wall with a loud crack and a thud. The remaining goblins skid to a halt and find themselves remembering why they hesitated in the first place.

Before: Gren , Taron
After: Tempus , Dale , Nori , Erasmus

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:45, Sat 07 Apr 2012.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 35 posts
Sat 7 Apr 2012
at 03:56
  • msg #101

Re: Theranin

Tempus grunts at the pain in his hip but presses on with the attack, driving straight toward the creature directly in front of him. The creatures were small targets and fast, and as Tempus had experienced they weren't unskilled in arms, but the Ranger seemed unconcerned with death as he struck again.

"Don't let any escape!"

22:48, Today: Tempus Edwyn rolled 5 using 1d8+3. damage.
22:47, Today: Tempus Edwyn rolled 24 using 1d20+4. attack long sword. (Ha! A 20!)
16:26, Today: DM Visceri, on behalf of Tempus Edwyn, rolled 23,11 using 1d20+4,1d8+3. Crit Confirm, Dmg.

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:27, Sun 08 Apr 2012.
Taron Bein
player, 25 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Sat 7 Apr 2012
at 04:13
  • msg #102

Re: Theranin

  Turning to face the creature who now has Tarons blood on his sword, the pain on his face was obvious.
  He quickly throw's out a ridge hand and follows it with a snap kick, meaning to flatten the bastards nose.

00:07, Today: Taron Bein rolled 20 using 1d20+3. Initiative. 00:07, Today: Taron Bein rolled 9,9,7,5 using d20+2,d20+2,d6+3,d6+3. Att Flurry, unarmed strike, Dam, Dam.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 23 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sat 7 Apr 2012
at 06:13
  • msg #103

Re: Theranin

Dale steps up to the goblin nearest him and swings his sword at it.

James is already getting tetchy.  Tiny little buggers are a pain to hit!

Dalinar Reynolds rolled 9 attack using 1d20+6. Dalinar Reynolds rolled 8 damage using 1d8+3.
Gren Boarshead
player, 53 posts
Sat 7 Apr 2012
at 16:38
  • msg #104

Re: Theranin

Gren sneared.  He had just the spell to hit such quick little critters.  "Ekirts Eurt," he enchanted.  Visible to only Gren, three red glowing triangles appeared in his palm; the three triangles touched points to form what looked like a single three-petaled flower.  The same magical triangles appeared on one of the little golblin folk.  They around moved the goblins body as if waiting for Gren to decide on the exact spot he wanted to hit.  Gren stepped to the side to get a clear shot.

Cast True Strike.  Gren moves to K7.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 20:13, Sat 07 Apr 2012.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 67 posts
Sat 7 Apr 2012
at 17:43
  • msg #105

Re: Theranin

After smashing the one charging goblin, Nori felt good to smash the little bugger. With a controlled fury he stepped forward into the range of the next creature, once more his hammer was aimed at the monster before him. As the weapon flew towards teh goblin, a war cry erupted from beneath his beard. He was on the brink of losing control.

5 foot step to I9.

12:39, Today: Nori Hammerfist rolled 9 using 2d6+3. dmg .
12:38, Today: Nori Hammerfist rolled 17 using 1d20+4. attack goblin I-10.

player, 18 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Sun 8 Apr 2012
at 22:50
  • msg #106

Re: Theranin

"If you will not parlay then flee from a servant of Sarenrae!" Erasmus bellows from behind Tempus and Nori.  He brandishes his holy symbol and stands tall, waving his arms and his staff in a manner he expects primitive shaman employ, hoping to cow a number of the creatures.

Using Intimidate to demoralize one of the goblins Tempus & Nori are fighting.  If 14 beats the DC then the goblin is Shaken for 1 round (+1 for every 5 points I beat the DC) and thus takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

18:44, Today: Erasmus rolled 14 using 1d20+6. Intimidate: Demoralize (DC:10+HD+Wismod).

DM Visceri
GM, 85 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sun 8 Apr 2012
at 23:45
  • msg #107

Re: Theranin

Taron strikes out at the goblin who dealt him the blow but the little creature again is able to avoid the limbs flying at him. An attempt by the goblin to score a second hit though is thwarted as Taron brings his foot down from his kick and knocks the creature's arm away. Meanwhile, behind Taron, Gren makes some complex motions with his hands and speaks the activation words to his spell, "Ekirts Eurt." To everyone else it seems that nothing has happened though Gren has a knowing look on his face as he readies another javelin.

Behind the party, the group of goblins that had stopped to investigate Gren's previously thrown javelin turn back to the party and with shrill noises that could pass for laughter, the frontmost goblin picks up the javelin. It's quite heavy for the little creature and he almost stumbles and falls as he tries to lift it over his head but he's able to regain his balance and throw it back into the fray. Despite the seemingly futile effort on the goblins part, the javelins aim is true and embeds itself in Gren's shoulder! (8 dmg) The other two of the group rush forward behind their friends, eager to get into the fighting themselves.

The newly started fight between Dale and his goblin companion is off to an inconclusive start as both step in to attack each other with sword in hand. Both slashes meet each other, giving off a quick glimpse of sparks from the crude iron of the goblin's weapon. There is no contest in strength between the two, however, and Dale easily pushes the blade back but misses his opportunity to find mark on his opponent.

"If you will not parlay then flee from a servant of Sarenrae!" Erasmus bellows from behind Tempus and Nori.  He brandishes his holy symbol and stands tall, waving his arms and his staff in a manner he expects primitive shaman employ, hoping to cow a number of the creatures. If he can play upon lesser beings superstition of magic, perhaps he can sway the skirmish more-so in their favor. This seems to work on the goblin opposite Nori in conjunction with the dwarf's presence as the goblin looks back and forth between the two and begins to visibly tremble.

As Nori, now fuming with anger, steps forward to attack the little goblin in front of him, it tries to take its dagger and with its last shred of courage, embed it in the barbarian's stomach. The attempt is met with an evil glare as the dwarf kicks the goblin's arm, sending its weapon into the drink and follows up with a brutal overhand hammer blow and a bellowing war cry, crushing the goblin underneath who had just enough time to raise his hands over his head in defense and loosen his bowels in fear.

Tempus is met with a similar situation as the short sword wielding goblin in front of him attempts to go for the ranger's neck, not a small feet when you're only half the size of your opponent. Unluckily for the goblin, Tempus's sword stroke take off not only the creatures weapon hand, but also his head. "Don't let any escape!" he yells to the party as the body of his foe hits the ground and rolls against the wall of the sewer where it comes to rest.

Before: Gren, Taron
After: Tempus, Dale, Nori, Erasmus

Dale: full hp
Erasmus: full hp
Gren: -8 hp
Nori: full hp
Taron: -4 hp
Tempus: -3 hp

This message was lightly edited by the GM at 23:45, Sun 08 Apr 2012.
Gren Boarshead
player, 54 posts
Mon 9 Apr 2012
at 00:05
  • msg #108

Re: Theranin

Gren bellows in pain, his left arm all but useless now.  The javelin he was hit with went in deep seperating the ball and shoulder joint.  Gren bared his teeth.  As warm blood poured from the wound and soaked into his shirt he concentrated on the goblin that threw the javelin.  The glowing triangles that only he could see, jumped from the original goblin he was targeting to this one. The three triangles connected to form the three petal target right over the goblin's heart.

Gren fought through the pain and desire to faint to see that his spell didn't go to waste.  The triangles on his palm traveled up his arm to the javelin, and formed a thin beam of light that only he could see.  The light connected the tip of his javelin to the goblin's chest.  He hurled the javelin with his remaining strength, then slumped against the sewer wall.  His face went white and he fought to remain standing.  As if by instinct he drew his club, but didn't look like he was going to have the energy to use it.

Attack = 27, Damage = 12.  Current HP = 1
This message was last edited by the player at 00:07, Mon 09 Apr 2012.
Taron Bein
player, 28 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Mon 9 Apr 2012
at 01:16
  • msg #109

Re: Theranin

  With the pain in his arm getting worse, and the outcome of the fight not going as he had hoped, Taron is beginning to think his mentor  Cayson was right. Perhaps he wasn't ready to search for his destiny so young.

  He quickly shook those thoughts from his mind. If Cayson had taught him anyhting it was to keep his head clear and free of distraction. He was ablr to deflect the attack of the goblin and followed up with two quick jabs to the creature.

20:12, Today: Taron Bein rolled 8,12,5,9 using d20+3,d20+3,d6+3,d6+3. Att Flurry, unarmed strike, Dam, Dam
Tempus Edwyn
player, 38 posts
Mon 9 Apr 2012
at 02:05
  • msg #110

Re: Theranin

"Help the others" Tempus called as he pressed on the attack toward the last creature before him. His blade seemed to have a thirst for the throats of the creatures as he had now struck down two in such a fashion. "Maybe not today, Marrisa." he muttered as he lept over the one he had just dispatched and swung at the last. My blade doesn't seem to think it's my time.

OOC: Just in case Tempus gets a chance to swing after moving-
Tempus Edwyn rolled 11 using 1d20+4. attack long sword.
Tempus Edwyn rolled 5 using 1d8+3. damage.

Nori Hammerfist
player, 70 posts
Mon 9 Apr 2012
at 02:14
  • msg #111

Re: Theranin

Nori nodded at Tempus' words, the warrior proved himself to be handy with the sword and showed great composure even though they were ambushed by the small creatures. He turned and hurried the other way, unfortunately the passage was too thin for him to reach the other enemies. Still, he bellowed ahead at the creatures on the other side of the group, "Come an get meh ya sniv'ling lil snots!"

He glanced a moment at the giant leaning against the wall and nudged his side with one of his elbows, "Oi, still wit us giant?"

Moving to I-7. Behind Dale
21:24, Today: Nori Hammerfist rolled 16 using 1d20+4. Intimidate.

This message was last edited by the player at 02:25, Mon 09 Apr 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 24 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Mon 9 Apr 2012
at 03:27
  • msg #112

Re: Theranin

Annoying that the obnoxious little goblin could block him, Dale swings wildly, finally getting past its crude sword.

As if that thing could stop me! James groused.

"The goblin?" 

The sword!

20:19, Today: Dalinar Reynolds rolled 23 using 1d20+6. attack on I5.
20:19, Today: Dalinar Reynolds rolled 6 using 1d8+3. damage on I5.

player, 21 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Mon 9 Apr 2012
at 12:58
  • msg #113

Re: Theranin

Hearing Gren cry out, Erasmus spins around, grabbing onto the goblin's javelin with one hand and pressing the palm of his hand onto the wound with another.  Murmuring low, he beseeches his goddess to cleans and close the wound, guiding the javelin out of his shoulder as the injury responds to the guidance of her radiance.

Standard: Spontaneous Casting Bless Water to cast Cure Light Wounds on Gren for 8 hp.
Move: n/a

08:50, Today: Erasmus rolled 8 using 1d8+1. Cure Light Wounds -> Gren.

DM Visceri
GM, 94 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Mon 9 Apr 2012
at 21:51
  • msg #114

Re: Theranin

Javelin sticking out of his left shoulder, Gren grits his teeth and holds his footing. With a grunt and his last remaining strength, he hurls the javelin at the cocky little goblin, showing him how a javelin is properly thrown as is goes cleanly through the creature's chest and lands behind it with a clank as metal hits stone once again. His goal accomplished, Gren falls against the wall, the loss of blood turning him a sickly pale color. This gains the attention of Erasmus, however, who spins around and lays hands on the half-ogre's wound and the javelin and mutters a quick prayer to Sarenrae. As he pulls the javelin out slowly, which is extremely painful for Gren, the wounds begin to close behind it until the javelin is out and the wound looks like it never existed in the first place save for the rip in the sorcerer's clothing. (+8 hp)

Taron once again engages his opponent with a duo of quick jabs and once again it evades him and once again, the monk's quick movements allow him to dodge the strike from the sword. To an outsider, it would almost look like an odd dance the way they keep lunging out and jumping away form each other.

As Dale pushes back the goblin's sword, he continues his strike downwards, cutting deeply into the goblin's left shoulder, resulting in a spray of blackish green blood but the creature does not go down, instead, a dangerous although a bit glazed look comes into its eyes as it fall forward attempting to skewer him on his blade. The loss of blood and his likely wavering consciousness get the best of him though as the slick floor underneath gets the best of him and he slips. With a quick push from Dale, another goblin meets his untimely end to the rushing sewer.

"Help the others," Tempus calls as he moves forward to engage the only goblin left before the group. He says something quietly under his breath that the other party members fail to hear but jumps enthusiastically over the fallen goblin as he makes his way to the next one. Striking out with his sword, Tempus attempts to end his last foe quickly though the goblin has other plans. The small creature ducks under the strike and raises his sword into Tempus's, leaving his torso wide open. Blinding pain erupts behind Tempus's eyes as six inches of steel are embedded in his gut! (4 dmg)

Nodding at Tempus's words, Nori sets off to the other half of the fight hoping to get himself another kill. The wall of fighters formed by Dale and Taron is too close together for him to squeeze through though without putting his skin at risk, "Come an get meh ya sniv'ling lil snots!" the barbarian bellows with a toothy grin speaking of the things he wants to do to them plain on his face causing the remaining goblins to look at each other nervously and take a half step back. He glanced a moment at the giant leaning against the wall and nudged his side with one of his elbows, "Oi, still wit us giant?"

Before: Gren, Taron
After: Tempus, Dale, Nori, Erasmus

Dale: full hp
Erasmus: full hp
Gren: full hp
Nori: full hp
Taron: -4 hp
Tempus: -7 hp

This message was last edited by the GM at 05:43, Tue 10 Apr 2012.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 44 posts
Mon 9 Apr 2012
at 22:22
  • msg #115

Re: Theranin

~Well maybe I've finally gotten it done, Marrisa.~ Tempus thought to himself. ~It seems my blade isn't as thirsty for goblin blood as I'd thought. Well I'm taking the bastard with me! Three is a good reckoning I'll wager.~

Despite the fire in his guts and the weakening of his arms Tempus pressed forward with his attack, reversing the direction of the blow the goblin had ducked under and slashing back with his blade, intent on taking the goblin with him if he were to die. Trying to flee or to avoid death never crossed his mind.

Tempus Edwyn rolled 16 using 1d20+4. attack long sword.
Tempus Edwyn rolled 10 using 1d8+3. damage.
I figured I may as well roll even though he'll probably kill me before I get to strike. LOL

Taron Bein
player, 31 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Tue 10 Apr 2012
at 01:34
  • msg #116

Re: Theranin

 Taron was sure the gobnlin was full of luck this day, and a bit crafty. He was without a doubt faster than Taron thought a mindless creature would be. But then how much did he know about beings outside the Rat'zei Monastery.

 The monk did have moves of his own. With the exception of the creatures first attack, he'd been able to keep away from the little beasts blade.Taking a deep breath he leads with a knee trying to knock the teeth from the goblins gums, following with a heel kick.

21:23, Today: Taron Bein rolled 16,8,4,6 using d20+3,d20+3,d6+3,d6+3. Att Flurry, unarmed strike, Dam, Dam.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 27 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Tue 10 Apr 2012
at 03:58
  • msg #117

Re: Theranin

Dale, move!  Crazy dwarf wants through.

Dale takes a step forward to let Nori come up behind him and slashes at the goblin.

20:57, Today: Dalinar Reynolds rolled 11 using 1d20+6. attack on I4. FAIL
20:57, Today: Dalinar Reynolds rolled 10 using 1d8+3. damage on I4.

Nori Hammerfist
player, 72 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2012
at 04:24
  • msg #118

Re: Theranin

Nori nearly jumped forward into the goblins dagger as soon as Dale made room for him to attack. Instead he kept his calm barely in check and moved forward swinging his heavy hammer at the little beast. Already he was looking ahead ready to smash everything in his path.

"Ha! Now yer in for it ya misr'ble lot!"

Nori was on the brink of releasing his rage on the last of the goblins.

Take 5 ft step forward behind Dale.

23:20, Today: Nori Hammerfist rolled 8 using 2d6+3. Dmg .
23:20, Today: Nori Hammerfist rolled 12 using 1d20+4. ATK Goblin J-5.

Gren Boarshead
player, 58 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2012
at 05:30
  • msg #119

Re: Theranin

"Thank you priest," Gren said as he regained his composure.  The healing touch had restored him to good as new.  Still, the pain was fresh in his mind and his shirt was sticky and wet with blood.  "Aye, Nori, I'm fine.  Why do you ask?" he asked sarcastically.  "Needing me to hold them still for ya so you can hit'em?"

Gren looked back and forth and saw an opportunity to aid Tempus.  He moved so as to allow those companions closest to him to manuver.  He then turned his attention to the goblin Tempus faced.  Gren knew of a spell that was quick and easy to get off, "Ezad!"

Move to I9, Cast Daze on J12 goblin, Will DC13 to negate
player, 24 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Tue 10 Apr 2012
at 21:11
  • msg #120

Re: Theranin

Seeing the way ahead of him was crowded, Erasmus turned his attention to the lone man behind him.  He wasn't much of a warrior, but he knew enough to at least be annoying.  Hopping over the corpse of one of the goblins, he started jabbing at the little creature with his quarterstaff, trying to get it in the way of the creature's weapon to hinder it's swings.

Move: Go to I11
Standard: Aid Another to give Tempus a +2 to AC

17:09, Today: Erasmus rolled 17 using 1d20-2. Aid Another; Tempus; AC.

DM Visceri
GM, 102 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 10 Apr 2012
at 23:16
  • msg #121

Re: Theranin

Letting himself concentrate and breathing out slowly, Taron retaliates with a quick knee to the goblin's face and much to the little creature's surprise, it connects with the side of its head as it tries to dodge and fails. With an audible cracking sound, its eyes roll back into its head and it falls back just as Nori's hammer nearly takes Taron's leg off at the knee as the dwarf lunges with his hammer past Dale who had moved forward enough to let the little man through. "Ha! Now yer in for it ya misr'ble lot!" he yells, obviously unaware of how close he came to maiming his companion. Getting all but pushed forward by the dwarf, Dale attempts an awkward swing with his black-bladed sword which ends up meeting the goblin's blade but neither find their mark as they stumble around on the wet stone. This seems to be fortuitous though as his stumbling takes him out of the way of the remaining goblin's slash to his mid section, a strike that would have surely opened his gut.

"Thank you priest," Gren said as he regained his composure.  The wound in his shoulder was healed but the blood still remained fresh and sticky on his clothes, a reminder of his close call.  "Aye, Nori, I'm fine.  Why do you ask?" he asked sarcastically.  "Needing me to hold them still for ya so you can hit'em?" An obvious jab after seeing him and his spectacular miss just moments earlier.

Still attempting to recover from the sword which was just being yanked from his stomach with another roar of pain accompanying it, the goblin arcs his arm back ready to skewer the ranger's heart with his next strike. With a look of a man on death's door, a look of determination comes over Tempus as he begins to bring his blade back down to take his foe with him. Gren and Erasmus happen to look over at this exact moment and both jump into action, Erasmus rushing over with his quarterstaff swinging wildly and Gren quickly casting a spell and sent it flying at the goblin about to off the man. "Ezad!" the giant bellowed with authority. Just as the goblin went to finish the job, it seems as if he had just gotten clubbed over the head and dropped his guard giving Tempus the change he needed to cleave the thing from shoulder to hip.

The remaining two goblins look at each other and both seem to have a look of worry on their face as one looks over his shoulder to the pipe that they came through.

Before: Gren, Taron
After: Tempus, Dale, Nori, Erasmus

Dale: full hp
Erasmus: full hp
Gren: full hp
Nori: full hp
Taron: -4 hp
Tempus: -7 hp

Tempus Edwyn
player, 50 posts
Tue 10 Apr 2012
at 23:24
  • msg #122

Re: Theranin

As the last goblin before him falls Tempus drops to his knees clutching his gut, oblivious to the two remaining goblins and his own entreaty not to let any escape. His head bowed, Tempus weakly mutters "Thanks." He had no idea if the others heard him for his mind was elsewhere. Else-when actually. Six months previous. ~Not yet, Marrisa. Not yet.~
Gren Boarshead
player, 59 posts
Thu 12 Apr 2012
at 02:03
  • msg #123

Re: Theranin

Gren quickly turned to face the other direction.  He points a finger at one of the goblins (J4)"Ezad!" he called out once more hoping to daze the dangerous mottled-skin marauder.

Cast Daze again.  Will DC13
Taron Bein
player, 32 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Thu 12 Apr 2012
at 02:41
  • msg #124

Re: Theranin

  After feeling the goblins cartilage and bone crush under his knee, Taron's confidence steps up a notch. But it was short lived, he stepped to the next annoying critter and threw a front snap kick, followed by a roundhouse. Noting but air.

22:38, Today: Taron Bein rolled 5,8,8,7 using d20+3,d20+3,d6+3,d6+3. Att Flurry, unarmed strike, Dam, Dam.

OOC: I am so sick of this f'n dice roller

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 29 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Thu 12 Apr 2012
at 02:49
  • msg #125

Re: Theranin

Dale's eyes lit up when his sword made contact, but was frustrated once again to note that it didn't get through the little bugger's armor.

Murder the thing already!

You're not helping!

19:46, Today: Dalinar Reynolds rolled 8 using 1d8+3. damage on I4.
19:46, Today: Dalinar Reynolds rolled 14 using 1d20+6. attack on I4.
player, 26 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Thu 12 Apr 2012
at 13:14
  • msg #126

Re: Theranin

The situation on one side resolved, Erasmus turns to see the rest of the party is still having trouble on their side.   His shaman routene seemed to have an effect on the ones Tempus had slain, so he continues the effort at those remaining.  "Flee the servants of Sarenrae, creatures of darkness!  Her light cleanses those it shines upon!" he calls out in the charasmatic voice of a street preacher who's drawn a crowd as he waves his staff in what he supposes look like mystical motions.

Move: Move to I8
Standard: Demoralize one of the remaining goblins with 23.

09:10, Today: Erasmus rolled 23 using 1d20+6. Intimidate: Demoralize (DC:10+HD+Wismod).

Nori Hammerfist
player, 73 posts
Thu 12 Apr 2012
at 16:34
  • msg #127

Re: Theranin

Nori once more stays behind Dale, the whole time yelling that he cant get to the little creatures. Half tempted to jump into the mucky water he begins to curse up a storm of random dwarven curse words. He wondered if Dale would mind taking a swim.

11:29, Today: Nori Hammerfist rolled 6 using 1d20+4. Intimidate. FAIL
Stay behind Dale

DM Visceri
GM, 111 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 12 Apr 2012
at 21:50
  • msg #128

Re: Theranin

Successful with his first attempt to daze a target and in doing so, saving Tempus's life, Gren repeats his spell, aiming at the goblin in front of Taron. The spell goes off but it seems to not effect the creature as it easily ducks under Taron's blows. With the two final goblins already unsure of themselves with the near frothing dwarf almost able to get at them and most of their companions dead or dying, the man shouting of holy magical wrath seems to be the straw that broke the camels back. The two throw their weapons at Dale and Taron as a distraction and flee at top speed for the sanctuary of their pipe. The two make it in with astounding speed and disappear like rats in a...well, sewer.

Final Recap
Dale: full hp
Erasmus: full hp
Gren: full hp
Nori: full hp
Taron: -4 hp
Tempus: -7 hp

Gren Boarshead
player, 62 posts
Fri 13 Apr 2012
at 00:42
  • msg #129

Re: Theranin

"There go any hopes on sneaking up on anybody," Gren grunts.  "One has to wonder if the theives guild bribes those creatures to stick around and make a ruckus for that very reason."

Gren passes by the pipe work and looks in to see if the goblin's escaped or if he could still pick one off with a well placed spear.
If not...
With the critter's escape, Gren shrugs and retrieves his thrown javelins.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 31 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 13 Apr 2012
at 16:53
  • msg #130

Re: Theranin

Ignoring James' full-blown rant about going after them, Dale asks Gren, "Are goblins bright enough to take bribes?"

-And lastly, why didn't you just shoot them with the shooty magic?!

Oh gods, Dale thinks, if James is making up words again then he's really annoyed.  "Magic's hard.  I want to save my strength for the men that are actually as tall as me."
DM Visceri
GM, 112 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 13 Apr 2012
at 17:26
  • msg #131

Re: Theranin

As Gren goes to look into the pipe to see if he can nab another goblin before they get away, he can hear the scraping of stone on stone and the sudden sound of rushing water. Jerking his head back from the opening just in time, a torrent of filthy water that smells far worse than anything so far jets out of the pipe into the sewer and begins to lessen its pressure slowly until it is just a small stream flowing down the wall, over the walkway, and down to join the current.
Gren Boarshead
player, 63 posts
Sat 14 Apr 2012
at 05:06
  • msg #132

Re: Theranin

"Graah!  I almost got a mouth full of butt water.  If I see those things again they're dead." he grumbles.  He tethers his club back to this belt and keep one of the recovered javelin's in hand.  "Best bind wounds now, before we move on.  I imagine only more dangers lurk ahead."
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 32 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sat 14 Apr 2012
at 16:09
  • msg #133

Re: Theranin

Dale bends over and gags at the smell.

Oh, even I smelled that.

"Let's... let's get out of here, yeah?" Dale walks in the direction they were originally headed in hopes of putting distance between himself and... that.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 53 posts
Sat 14 Apr 2012
at 18:37
  • msg #134

Re: Theranin

Tempus shifted from where he was on his knees and placed his back against the sewer wall, sitting with his legs straight out. His left foot found the magically lit torch he had dropped when he clutched his stomach and kicked it in Dale's general direction.

"Help yourself. I'm just gonna sit here and bleed for a bit. I'm not going to be much good to you all now. But do me a favor and go through these fellas pockets. I'd like to make something off this little venture if I can't go on for the bounty."
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 33 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sat 14 Apr 2012
at 19:48
  • msg #135

Re: Theranin

Dale looks at Tempus, then at Eramus, then back at Tempus.  "And people call me a drama queen."

I think they mean something a bit different with you.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 75 posts
Sat 14 Apr 2012
at 19:49
  • msg #136

Re: Theranin

Nori was close to giving chase when the goblins ran but knew better as this den of thieves was full of traps. Instead he just yelled and grumbled at the fleeing little creatures, "Serves ya right ya filt'y buggers."

He kept his weapon out as he looked over the rest of the group to see how they were doing. Tempus of course being the worst one off. He looked at Erasmus or Gren, "Cantya do someting for em?" The human had fought well and Nori hated to see a warrior go down to goblins. The fact that he was their primary trap finder didn't escape him either.
Gren Boarshead
player, 65 posts
Sat 14 Apr 2012
at 19:53
  • msg #137

Re: Theranin

"The healing arts are unknown to me.  Erasmus there as quite the blessed touch however.  That I can attest to first hand.  He absent-mindedly rubs the shoulder that was injured, then healed.  The blood drenched shirt causes him to scowl once more.
player, 27 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Sun 15 Apr 2012
at 00:16
  • msg #138

Re: Theranin

Erasmus considered Tempus's injuries and contemplates the miracles he had prayed for this morning.  They were all the sort to ease travel and better perform his duties, but such miracles--the pure energy behind them--could always be channeled to restore the body to it's proper form, to a degree.  He considers this and decides that the promise Sarenrae had made to show him others of the faith could be put off for now.  Anyone going without guidance wouldn't suffer for being deprived of his wisdom for another day.  So he approached Tempus and prayed over him, stopping the bleeding, though the flesh didn't completely seal.

"Tempus's life isn't in danger, but his injuries are still severe." Erasmus announces to no one in particular.  "I agree, you should stick to the rear and guard against any ambushes, but otherwise stay out of the fighting if it can be helped."   He turns back to the rest of the ground.  "If we're lucky, the few that ran off will work for us, letting the others of their kind to stay away from us for now on."

Cast Cure Light Wounds on Tempus, healing 2 HP.
DM Visceri
GM, 115 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sun 15 Apr 2012
at 01:35
  • msg #139

Re: Theranin

While Erasmus's healing only helps to staunch the bleeding, it does give Tempus a burst of strength and helps to dull the pain considerably. While the priest tends to him, the rest of the group has started to deal with the bodies of the slain goblins, checking for any valuables as per Tempus's suggestion. Not much of value is found but after everything useful is piled up it seems that they have 4 sets of small leather armor, 2 daggers, 6 short swords, and a few pouches with the contents amounting to 32 silver pieces and 14 coper pieces.
Taron Bein
player, 39 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Sun 15 Apr 2012
at 19:06
  • msg #140

Re: Theranin

  Now that the fight was over Taron has a chance to think about how bad he did. Doesn't do a lot for his ego. Anyone looking at him would be able to tell he was angry at himself. He tries to shake the feeling away but it don't seem to want to leave.

  For now he stays quiet while the others get tended to and rummage through the goblins for whatever they got. He isn't really interested, figuring the creatures didn't have much anyhow. Instead the Monk takes some time to tend to his own injured arm. He rips a pocket out of the inside of his jacket, wets it with water from his 'skin and cleans the wound. He then cuts a couple feet of twine from out of his belt pouch and ties the cloth to around the wound. Hopefully he can at least stop the bleeding.

  Once done he joins the group and looks at Erasmus and the injured bounty hunter. "Well Holy-man, in case you didn't notice, the rear of our little group was not so safe a place. Better he stay in the middle with you and keep you safe. If we don't do any better that we just did, you and your Goddess are gonna be real busy with us." Taron grins turns toward the others waiting to see who's gonna take point now.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 55 posts
Sun 15 Apr 2012
at 21:50
  • msg #141

Re: Theranin

Tempus climbed tenderly to his feet, retrieving the torch that Dale had declined to pick up in the process. He wavered slightly at first but became more steady by sheer force of will. The clerics entreaties to his god seemed to have done some good but not much. Tempus wasn't surprised. He knew what blessings the god had bestowed had simply been a favor to the holy man himself. The gods had abandoned Tempus long ago. They had not only abandoned him, they had seemed to cast their disfavor upon him. ~Well curse their worthless hides all the more for it. I am a man and can stand and fall on my own! But Marrisa...damn you all to the eternal hells...Marrisa deserved better!~

"I'll maintain the lead." Tempus said through teeth clinched in anger, though he supposed it sounded as if he spoke through pain. "My blade hasn't slaked it's thirst yet and it appears to be more eager for the fight then some others. If he will, the dwarf can walk along-side me. The path is wide enough and two sets of eyes on the watch are better than one.

I wish that sword the Dandy keeps talking to actually spoke. I'd keep tossing the bastard ahead of us and have it give warning if there were anything to fear. Then at least it would be of use. I suppose we'll just have to rely on it for what little it seems to add to a fight."

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 34 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sun 15 Apr 2012
at 23:03
  • msg #142

Re: Theranin

Dale has James resting on one shoulder when he replies, "Eh, can't talk to him unless I'm touching him anyway.  If he's not being too ornery, he'll look around corners sometimes."

Wait for it...

"Hey, did you just call me Dandy?!"

Knew we'd get there.
player, 29 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Mon 16 Apr 2012
at 18:37
  • msg #143

Re: Theranin

"You misunderstand." Erasmus declares, responding to Taron.  "Tempus's injuries in no way hinder him in any of his efforts.  His martial training saw to that.  He's every bit as capable of killing a goblin as he was before we entered these sewers.  But there is no part of the body one can sustain an injury while paying no cost.  Should he turn another lucky blow by one of the creatures to a 'non-essential' part of his body, it could pierce an organ." he elaborates.  "As the creatures weren't standing directly next to me, I was in fact able to keep my wits enough to count the things.  There were far more of them behind us than in front.  They had intended to force us deeper into their lair, perhaps hoping to split us up, or at least pick us off, but they were slaughtered instead.  If these creatures are as base as I believe them to be, then they will next try to force us out, and thus the show of force will come from in front of us.  They'll leave us an avenue to run away, hoping that we'll do just that.  So it would be safer if he were in the back, both to protect him as well as to protect us if I'm wrong."

He stands there, thinking for a few more moments, and shrugs. "...I could be wrong...
Gren Boarshead
player, 66 posts
Mon 16 Apr 2012
at 19:13
  • msg #144

Re: Theranin

"Bah, you think too much priest.  If the man says he has an eye for traps, let'm lead.  Nori, will be right up there with'm should more goblin's ambush us. I'll stay in back like before.  Your gods were kind to me.  Other than bein' a bit sticky I feel fine."  Gren figured if they encounterd an assassin, he'd likely try to sneak up from behind.  Gren's darksight would hopefully allow him to see him coming.  Just in case, he carried his club in his left hand and a javelin in the right.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:14, Mon 16 Apr 2012.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 76 posts
Tue 17 Apr 2012
at 07:16
  • msg #145

Re: Theranin

Nori nodded and agreed with Tempus' suggestion to stay in front with him. He moved up making sure to stay alert for any form of ambush or goblin attack. He was still angry he couldn't reach the last ones that ran away and hoped he would see them again. He was ready to move whenever the group was.
DM Visceri
GM, 118 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 17 Apr 2012
at 07:41
  • msg #146

Re: Theranin

With Tempus's injury healed well enough for the man to walk normally with little to no pain, the group continues into the sewer further. As expected, the further they proceeded, the worse the smell got. Only a few minutes after they fought the goblins, they find themselves at a "T" junction in the pipes. The side they are currently on leads south along the outside edge of the pipe. The putrid sewer water rushes down from both pipes and collides at the intersection before swirling off to head down the pipe they came from. At this point, the only light available in the magically lit torch they had as the grates to the city seem to have stopped this far in. That or they are currently under a building where the streets would be inaccessible.
player, 30 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Wed 18 Apr 2012
at 12:34
  • msg #147

Re: Theranin

"Shall we proceed? I see no reason not to continue on the path we've taken so far, unless someone things crossing the stream here would be a good idea..." Erasmus says, growing a little impatient at the fact that they've stopped moving in this foul smelling place.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 57 posts
Wed 18 Apr 2012
at 14:05
  • msg #148

Re: Theranin

"I for one am not crossing over. I don't want that crap on my boots. Smell would probably never come out. As far as I'm concerned we're committed to this way.

Without another word Tempus pushes on in the southerly direction scanning the tunnel before him for traps and side pipes that more goblins or worse could spring from.

Tempus Edwyn rolled 21 using 1d20+6. perception.
DM Visceri
GM, 119 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 18 Apr 2012
at 19:44
  • msg #149

Re: Theranin

The group continues on, turning the corner and finds the path once again heads east but Tempus notices something protruding from the water and stops the group momentarily. The tunnel seems to continue on for quite a ways from here though there seems to be a light source up ahead, either from a street grate, or otherwise about 60 feet away.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 58 posts
Wed 18 Apr 2012
at 22:01
  • msg #150

Re: Theranin

Tempus quickly held up his hand to stop the little troop from proceeding. He could see a light ahead so he quickly held his hand over his own magically lit torch. He couldn't block the light but he could shutter it somewhat from anyone ahead who could possibly see it. He looked to the dwarf at his side and those behind him and nodded his head for them to come closer as he crouched down, holding the light before him to illuminate what appeared to be the remains of a hand sticking out of the rancid water. More importantly, he ran the light along a fine tripwire crossing the path that was keeping the hand from flowing away with the current.

"Well I'd say we chose the right way." Tempus said quietly. "I've never known people to lay traps in unused passages. Kinda unnecessary. The hand stuck on it obviously came from upstream which means there could be more traps ahead as well. Should I disarm this or do you think you all can step over it without possibly bringing the tunnel down on our heads?" Tempus said the last with a smile but he wasn't entirely joking.

While he waited for the others to let him know what they wanted him to do Tempus began to inspect the water and tunnel path on the other side of the tripwire. It wasn't unknown for a tripwire to be an actual diversion for the unsuspecting to step over, stepping on and setting off the real trap. Plus he just might be able to detect what the tripwire might actually have been set to set off.

Tempus Edwyn rolled 11 using 1d20+6. perception.
DM Visceri
GM, 120 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 18 Apr 2012
at 22:10
  • msg #151

Re: Theranin

Gren Boarshead
player, 67 posts
Thu 19 Apr 2012
at 00:31
  • msg #152

Re: Theranin

Gren waited for Taron to make sure the trap wasn't just a distraction from a secondary trap.  "Are you sure it is a trap and not a fishing line?" he asked wondering what other creatures were lurking down here besides goblins and assassins.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 35 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Thu 19 Apr 2012
at 01:01
  • msg #153

Re: Theranin

If Tempus says it's alright, Dale will step over the line.  He stays near Tempus in case they get attacked again.  Keeping his voice low, he says, "You know, the Guild may not even hide down here but are instead protecting access to a building above.  We should keep an eye out for any trapdoors, too."
Tempus Edwyn
player, 59 posts
Thu 19 Apr 2012
at 01:37
  • msg #154

Re: Theranin

Tempus looked at Gren with a look that just said "shut up". "Fishing? Really? You eat fish that came out of shit lake where you're from do you? Remind me to pick you some mint weed next time I'm out in the woods. You're breath has got to be an issue. Stay in back of the line, ok?"

Tempus turned his attention to Dale and the others.

"The tripwire leads into the wall there. You see that seam in the stone of the tunnel running up to the ceiling? One of you fellas with better nightvision then me wanna take a look at it and tell me what you see? The light up ahead could indeed come from a room above as Dale suggests and the trap would indicate something or someone of value there. I'd like to get there alive first though and not shake hands with the fellow who left his behind."
Taron Bein
player, 41 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Thu 19 Apr 2012
at 02:31
  • msg #155

Re: Theranin

 Followin near the rear of the pack, Taron takes halt with the others when the Ranger asks. Getting close so to hear what's going on, he constantly keeps looking to the rear. Any trap in front could lead to something slipping in from behind.

 Tarons inexperience in the world is bothering him. He has no idea in the way people go to extremes to hide and protect themselves. He would never have thought the way Dale and Tempus evaluated the trip wire. He figures he better get his skills together and start paying more attention to the others. He has a lot to learn, he should be use to that thought, Cayson told him that often.

 " I for one don't think getting there alive is solid advice, let's go with that idea. "
Nori Hammerfist
player, 78 posts
Fri 20 Apr 2012
at 06:45
  • msg #156

Re: Theranin

Nori looked in the direction Tempus suggested and studied the tripwire, "If ya can disable tha thing, do it. Might b'easy ta step ovah it now, but if we gonna be rushin back through 'ere, might set it off if we fo'get." With traps there was a lot of "what ifs" involved and there was no point in second guessing everything. "Yo're da trap expert. Go wit yo're gut and decide quick. We can't stay still too long."

Tempus needed someone with darkvision to look, so Nori did. Although he was a bit reluctant to do so, half expecting a spike or something horrible smashing into his face.

01:46, Today: Nori Hammerfist rolled 13 using 1d20+6. perception (darkvision).
This message was last edited by the player at 06:46, Fri 20 Apr 2012.
DM Visceri
GM, 122 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 20 Apr 2012
at 07:24
  • msg #157

Re: Theranin

Gren Boarshead
player, 70 posts
Fri 20 Apr 2012
at 17:58
  • msg #158

Re: Theranin

Gren resisted tossing Tempus into the muck, and retreated to the back of the line for now.  Nori had a set of eyes that pierced the darkness just as well as Gren's.  I'm all for a little verbal beratting now and then, but another crack like that and I'm going to pick him up by the ankles and give him a few kicks to the head, thought Gren.  Afterall, a Half-Ogre was still half ogre.
player, 32 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Fri 20 Apr 2012
at 18:28
  • msg #159

Re: Theranin

Feeling useless at the moment, Erasmus edges his way to the back of the party.  He knew little of sewers, fishing, traps, and the sort of people or things that used any of those things underground.  So instead he kept an eye open for any strange sounds coming up from behind them.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 79 posts
Sat 21 Apr 2012
at 01:14
  • msg #160

Re: Theranin

Nori scoffed at what he saw and grinned ruefully towards Tempus, "Man, an der piss poor attempts at stonework. Yer lucky I'm 'ere." He stepped away from the tripwire to allow Tempus to work with space."Der be nother wall on deh other side of dis one. Decide whatcha gonna do wit dat tripwire so we can look for da proppa switch for da entrance."

He explained the best he could about the wall on the other side of this one and how the trip wire was more than likely a trap to deter anyone who got to close to search for the switch of the secret entrance.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 39 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sat 21 Apr 2012
at 01:46
  • msg #161

Re: Theranin

"I love secret entrances!" Dale exclaims.  "I'm helping."  Once Tempus clears away the tripwire, Dale squats down carefully to see if the trigger is along the floor of the sewer.

Perception: nat 1... sad...
Tempus Edwyn
player, 62 posts
Sat 21 Apr 2012
at 01:47
  • msg #162

Re: Theranin

"Well then, that decides that." Tempus said, immediately turning to the task of disarming the trap.

Tempus Edwyn rolled 21 using 1d20+8. Disable Device.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:47, Sat 21 Apr 2012.
Taron Bein
player, 44 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Sat 21 Apr 2012
at 02:39
  • msg #163

Re: Theranin

  Taron decided that he was out of his league when it came to this trap stuff. He decided caution was the better part of valor. Nori's comment of a fake wall hiding another was about all he needed to hear. "Looks like I'll be leaving ya's to what you do. I'm no help here." Taron grinned at the guys up front and followed Gren and the Holy Man called Eramus to the back of the line.
DM Visceri
GM, 128 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sat 21 Apr 2012
at 03:50
  • msg #164

Re: Theranin

Tempus leans down and carefully keeps the pressure on the right side while he ties it off and disarms the trap. He still is unable to figure out what the intended effect of the trap is when he looks up and sees a gab in the ceiling that houses a spiked ball on a set of rapes, set to swing down and maim anyone unlucky enough to be in its trajectory.

As the group passes the trap, Nori finds one stone of the wall they are facing to have a stone that looks loose and, upon messing with it for a moment, it slides in a bit and the wall they had inspected slides, a bit noisily, to one side, revealing a dark room inside. Those with dark vision can see that there are multiple sonces on the walls where torches could be placed though none are there now. Also, there is a small passage to the south that looks like it runs parallel with the tunnel they just came up. As the door moves however, the light farther down the hallway goes out.

This message was last edited by the GM at 07:44, Sat 21 Apr 2012.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 66 posts
Sun 22 Apr 2012
at 19:18
  • msg #165

Re: Theranin

Not having dark vision and not wanting to blindly stumble into anything, as soon as Tempus sees the light down the tunnel go out he tosses the magically lit torch he carries into the new opening to light it up, and to hide it's illumination from whatever dowsed the light farther down. There was nowhere to hide in the tunnel itself so it was either move ahead or stand and fight from his perspective.

"I think companies coming. Form a skirmish line here or move on?"

While he waits for an answer Tempus moves to the wall by the new opening to place it at his back, carefully stepping back over the tripwire. If push comes to shove and the opening presents itself, Tempus intends to set off the trap on whoever or whatever may approach them...
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 41 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sun 22 Apr 2012
at 19:56
  • msg #166

Re: Theranin

"We'll give it a few minutes, but I don't want to end up in some out-of-sight stalemate.  We knew we'd end up in a fight."

I thought you were supposed to find out if they tried to kill the old guy?

"And then question the survivors."
Gren Boarshead
player, 73 posts
Sun 22 Apr 2012
at 20:08
  • msg #167

Re: Theranin

"There is no telling what lies beyond the wall.  I would rather not have enemies both in front of and behind," said Gren, as if pointing out what should have been obvious.  He shuffled some weapons about in his hands and looked off down the darkened tunnel to see if anyone was actually coming their way.
Taron Bein
player, 47 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Mon 23 Apr 2012
at 04:15
  • msg #168

Re: Theranin

  Not having the gift of night sight like the Gren or Noli, the mere human monk moves to the wall that was and the illumination of the tossed torch. Also putting the rock to his back. If they were gonna wait he was at least going to be able to see. Facing the room he watches the passage, leaving the sewer to those better suited for the dark.
player, 35 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Mon 23 Apr 2012
at 12:26
  • msg #169

Re: Theranin

"Might have been another door closing when this one opened." Erasmus whispers, though he grips his quarterstaff a bit more tightly.  Not knowing much of how these underground organizations worked, Erasmus found himself growing somewhat paranoid and began looking around in earnest.  He supposed the light winking out when the door opened might be some sort of distraction, to allow others to creep up behind them.  Even though such coordination was unlikely with any but the most practiced individuals, he couldn't help be direct his attention to their surroundings to listen for such a ruse.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 80 posts
Tue 24 Apr 2012
at 05:38
  • msg #170

Re: Theranin

Nori gripped his hammer tightly and kept his eyes trained at the direction the lights went out when they entered. He squatted lower than usual, prepared to dash forward or jump back if needed. Normally he would have rushed forward and attacked no matter how many enemies were before him, however this time he was dealing with cunning thieves who had traps laying all over the place.

Nori shuffled to the front of the line as Tempus directed and whispered without looking away, "We can't stay 'ere an wait for em. Dis be der lair and dey can be callin for 'elp the more we wait. I say we charge a'ead." It was likely going to hurt but the more time they spent waiting the more chances the thieves could prepare worse things for the group.
DM Visceri
GM, 135 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 24 Apr 2012
at 06:03
  • msg #171

Re: Theranin

As the group quickly and quietly, or so they think, discuss their course of action, they can hear two sets of footsteps quickly fading down the tunnel in the opposite direction as they get quieter and quieter until the sound of water overshadows them. The thrown torch illuminates the room and part of the small passageway leaden east. Also inside the room, against the opposite side of the wall of their tunnel, is a small rack of weapons, sized similarly to the ones that the goblins were using in their fight earlier. In fact, now that the door has been open for a few extra moments, their smell seems to begin to ooze out of the room as well.
Gren Boarshead
player, 74 posts
Tue 24 Apr 2012
at 16:26
  • msg #172

Re: Theranin

"Sounds like they are on to us," Gren whispers tot he others.  Which meant the theives were going to be even harder to find now, or that they'll be back with reinforcements.  Gren strides over to the weapon rack.  "I'm starting to believe more and more that the goblins and the theives are indeed working together.  Shall we keep these here," he says motioning to the rack of weapons. "Or shall I toss them into the sewage?"
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 43 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Tue 24 Apr 2012
at 20:38
  • msg #173

Re: Theranin

"I vote sewage, then let's get a move on.  They've got a head-start on us now."  Dale switches his sword to his left hand and draws his crossbow with his right.  This way, he can fire the crossbow, drop it, and use the sword and his magic as quickly as possible.  Then, careful to avoid the tripwire, Dale sets off down the tunnel.
player, 38 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Tue 24 Apr 2012
at 20:45
  • msg #174

Re: Theranin

"Toss them in." Erasmus agrees, somewhat distractedly as he continues looking out for things lurking in the dark.  "Let's move into the room, shall we?  I don't like being so close to the sewage."
Gren Boarshead
player, 75 posts
Wed 25 Apr 2012
at 06:02
  • msg #175

Re: Theranin

Gren did a quick casting to make sure none of the weapons on the rack radiated magic.  He gathered as many mundane ones as he could carry and stepped out into the tunnel.  He dumped them into the sewer water with a splash.  When he turned around it seemed as if each of the party members had a different idea of where they should go.  Some stepped into the room, and others further down the tunnel.  Gren stood there a bit perplexed.
Taron Bein
player, 50 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Wed 25 Apr 2012
at 06:09
  • msg #176

Re: Theranin

  Taron doesn't remember his mother. And his father, although a great provider, was never around. He was raised by the Monks of the Rat'zei monastery. And he didn't figure they raised a fool. "Gentlemen, it seems to me we've been had. The tunnel or the sewer matter's not now. Our presense is known. My bet is right now we can pass as busy bodies who were just curious and headed into the sewers out of pure curiosity. And we head out now and out of realization we made an oops. Or you can follow Dale down that tunnel, possibly continue down the sewer. Two choices to make. Choose well. Taron looks at Gren first and then at the rest of the group. " Whatever your choice I bid you well, I choose to return top side. Seems looking at the surviving memebrs of the election, might find more information than to continue on in a den of theives and gobllins, full of trtaps that know were coming."
Tempus Edwyn
player, 69 posts
Wed 25 Apr 2012
at 07:20
  • msg #177

Re: Theranin

Tempus slowly shook his head. Again. Unless Dale's sword could see in the dark as well as talk, what the hell was he doing heading down the tunnel without the dwarf or ogre leading? At least they could see in the dark. And the priest wanted to move into a room obviously often frequented by goblins, with another tunnel accessing it where they could spring from any second, because he was leery of sewage? What the hell did he think they were going to find in a sewer? Meatloaf?

Tempus' estimation of the ogre's intellect went up considerably. Well not really. He was just beginning to think that much less of the others. At least the dwarf had placed himself in a position of defense as he himself had. Maybe the monk was right. Discretion was the better part of something or some such horseshit some old proverb or something said, right? Isn't that what monks did instead of chasing women? Study proverbs? That had to count for something, right?

Not that Tempus intended to follow the monk. He'd thrown his torch into the room to make sure nothing lurked out of his sight, and he wasn't going anywhere blind.

"Ya won't get ten feet in the dark if we get attacked, Taron. Best to stay with the group and the dwarf and ogre for now. They can see. We can run screaming like frightened wenches soon enough. I do a pretty good falsetto myself and would be happy to join you. That should be a last resort for now though. 'Less the dwarf or ogre want to join us? I bet the ogre can really scream like a bitch with lungs that size."

OK, so humor was inappropriate, but Tempus wasn't known for tact and so far the ogre and dwarf had been good sports about his jests.
Gren Boarshead
player, 76 posts
Wed 25 Apr 2012
at 15:52
  • msg #178

Re: Theranin

Gren dumps the weapons into the water, careful to make sure he didn't lose any of his own.  As he walked back towards the opening of the recently revealed room, he reaches out with a giant hand to grab Tempus by the collar.  He attempted to lift him up and pin him to the wall.  "While I'm all for friendly jesting, there are some lines you don't cross when talking to or about a half-ogre.  Mocking my courage is one of those lines."  The glare he gave the human, told him he had just about had enough.

Initiative = 12, Grapple CMB = 19
This message was last edited by the player at 16:38, Wed 25 Apr 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 44 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Wed 25 Apr 2012
at 16:09
  • msg #179

Re: Theranin

Dale doesn't get far into the tunnel before more squabbling breaks out.  "Ladies, that's enough," he yells at them.  "Comin' or goin', they know we're here.  Leave the fighting to the goblins and thieves, yah?"

He sets down his crossbow long enough to pick up a couple of stones and cast light on them.  He pockets one and tosses the other toward Taron.  "Now no one's stopping you if you want to leave."
Tempus Edwyn
player, 75 posts
Wed 25 Apr 2012
at 19:51
  • msg #180

Re: Theranin

Tempus Edwyn had once been a peaceful man, but he had always been a man of action. Those days had passed with his Marrisa. Now he was a creature of instinct and anger and hatred for the gods and a world that would have allowed her to die the way she had. He had lived since her death hunting the dregs of society or anything else that may prove good enough to end his misery, but he'd failed to find it yet. What he had found though was a relentless drive to lash out at the smallest of provocations. The ogre, had he had half a brain would have realized that after witnessing Tempus' relentless pursuit of the goblins earlier.

After the initial surprise Tempus reacted just as he always did when attacked. He attacked back. With the same lethal intent he always craved from his opponents. It didn't even take thought to raise his sword and try to thrust it through the ogre's gut. It was an ingrained action by this time, and he was an ogre, half or not!

Tempus Edwyn rolled 18 using 1d20+7. Initiative.
Tempus Edwyn rolled 14 using 1d20+4. attack long sword.
Tempus Edwyn rolled 6 using 1d8+4. damage.

DM Visceri
GM, 146 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 25 Apr 2012
at 20:02
  • msg #181

Re: Theranin

For the second time in only a short period, Gren feels cold steel slide into his body, this time from a supposed ally. The pain is sharp and anguishing but, for the moment, Gren still has hold of the sell-sword though yet another section of his clothing begins to stain with blood.
player, 41 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Wed 25 Apr 2012
at 20:08
  • msg #182

Re: Theranin

Erasmus turns at the scuffle, when he doesn't see any enemies he lights up his staff to get a better look at what's going on.  "Someone break them up!" he calls out.  He was inclined to interpose himself, but he didn't believe he would do more than get in the way of someone more capable of stopping them.

Initiative: 6
Standard: Cast Light on his staff
Move: Move over to where they're fighting.

16:05, Today: Erasmus rolled 6 using 1d20-2. initiative.

This message was last edited by the player at 20:08, Wed 25 Apr 2012.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 81 posts
Wed 25 Apr 2012
at 20:12
  • msg #183

Re: Theranin

Nori looked over his shoulder and growled at the squabbling party members,"Put im down, giant. Not da place to 'old a grudge match. Once we get to da top, feel free to pound each oth..." He couldn't even finish his sentence before Tempus ran his sword through Gren's stomach.

He jumped between the two and tried to use his powerful arms to pry the two apart, he only hoped the giant didn't rip the man's throat out.

"Bah! You simple minded fools! Kill each other here and the lil green skins will feast on your corpses."

16:04, Today: Nori Hammerfist rolled 3 using 1d20+2. initiative.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:04, Wed 25 Apr 2012.
Gren Boarshead
player, 82 posts
Wed 25 Apr 2012
at 20:22
  • msg #184

Re: Theranin

Gren's look of anger turned to a look of confusion as he felt the pain in his stomach and the flow of his blood once more soaking into his shirt.  "Why?" he asked, pained and perplexed.  He readjusted his weight to pin Tempus to the wall with his shoulder.  He hands then reached out to grab Tempus's hands to keep from being stabbed again.  Gren bellowed, "This human has gone mad!  He attempts to kill me.  I will not release him until he is bound!  Nori my rope!"  The dwarf obviously didn't understand what was going on.  Tempus was not of the character they thought him to be.  Goblins were not the only enemies in these sewers.

Since Tempus made no move to escape or gain control of the grapple I assume Gren is still in charge?  Gren pins Tempus.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 85 posts
Wed 25 Apr 2012
at 22:38
  • msg #185

Re: Theranin

Nori jumps on the pinned human along with the half-ogre and wrestles the weapon free from his hand. He didn't wish to take sides in this but he also didn't want to see anyone dead from a small altercation such as this.

When he felt he had a good grip on Tempus and the blade was far from his reach, Nori attempted to nudge Gren away, "Let 'im go, Gren. 'ave the priest tend to da wound 'fore ya bleed all over us." If Gren did as he said and moved away, Nori would then address Tempus, if not, he would stay silent until Gren moved.

17:10, Today: Secret Roll: Nori Hammerfist rolled 9,24 using d20+4,d20+4. grapple; disarm.

GM gave the ok for the auto success as Tempus is immobilized. Wasted a good crit on the disarm.

Sorry about the secret roll, wasn't exactly sure what I was doing so I needed GM approval first.

This message was last edited by the player at 22:39, Wed 25 Apr 2012.
Gren Boarshead
player, 86 posts
Thu 26 Apr 2012
at 00:06
  • msg #186

Re: Theranin

"Are you kidding?" he asked the dwarf, with a look of shock on his face.  "This man just tried to kill me.  He is either mad or he is working with the very theives we seek.  If someone just stabbed you in the gut would you just let him go?  He's lucky his head is still firmly attached to his shoulders.  If not dead, I'll at least see him turned over to the city watch.  I surely can't trust to have him at my side down here in these conditions."
Nori Hammerfist
player, 86 posts
Thu 26 Apr 2012
at 00:28
  • msg #187

Re: Theranin

Nori did not wish to argue with the giant, they did not have time for this, "Ya put yor 'and on da man first. Ee reacted as anyone would wen someone twice 'is size picked im up. 'ard to tell wen someone wants to just scare ya or crush your windpipe wen ee dont know ya."

Perhaps if they were old friends or at least had adventured before, things would not have gotten out of hand so quick. They were all strangers to one another and Tempus took any sign of aggression as a danger to his life. Not so far fetched when someone as huge as Gren came at you.

"Ya can turn 'im in wen we get up top, or kill im. Just not move away!"
This message was last edited by the player at 00:29, Thu 26 Apr 2012.
DM Visceri
GM, 155 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 26 Apr 2012
at 20:58
  • msg #188

Re: Theranin

OOC: Current situations and placements as they stand:

Gren: Pinning Tempus to the Sewer Wall
Tempus: Sword in Gren's gut and still in his hand
Nori: Attempting to break the two up but not able to join grapple first round
Erasmus: Casing light and shouting for someone to stop the two
Dale: Holding position in the tunnel, watching for ambush
Taron: Currently a spectator waiting to act

(Tempus is up against the wall. That row is normally unavailable to stand on. The tripwire is to their right and the torch with light cast on it is in the smaller room.)


Tempus: 18
Gren: 12
Erasmus: 6
Dale: 6
Taron: 6
Nori: 3

This message was last edited by the GM at 09:30, Fri 27 Apr 2012.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 86 posts
Fri 27 Apr 2012
at 10:38
  • msg #189

Re: Theranin

NOTE: Taron's initiative will in no way affect this. Should his initiative end up higher than mine and he choose his character joins the crowd and tries to grapple Tempus, only one roll to break the grapple condition is needed in any case, despite how many people have achieved a grapple. So if he whines like a little bitch that I rolled his initiative, ignore him. LOL. Actually, if I ever fall behind a bit I'm sure he will roll for me also. One of the advantages/disadvantages of having family in a game.  :)

Tempus Edwyn had once been a peaceful man. Now he only remembered that when the memories of his wife came to the fore. Since her loss he had been nothing but an angry aggressive son-of-a-bitch!  Tempus would fight at the drop of a hat. He would fight as dirty and as low as the situation dictated. The good man who had witnessed his wife's murder had long since ceased to exist. Instinct was the deciding factor for this man now. When he was attacked he attacked back. Harder.

Tempus had no desire to live without his Marrisa, but he had a survival instinct that refused to be denied. When he was attacked by the ogre he reacted without thought. It was who he was. When he found himself pinned to the wall surrender never crossed his mind. Only escape came to mind. The primal need for freedom. There was no way to bring his sword back into play the way Tempus was held or Gren would have felt his steel again. Mercy had been a foreign concept to Tempus since Marrisa's violent, ugly death. But while there was breath in him Tempus would fight!

"Get off me you big ugly bastard, or I'll take your head from your shoulders!" Tempus growled as he tried to break free from the half-ogre's grip. He had heard the dwarf's rebuking of the ogre for laying his hands on him, but his temper was now fully in control. Rationality was close to being an impossible condition to obtain. "And any other bastard that thinks to lay their hands on me can expect to have their skull lying next to the shit sandwich eating bastards head in the sewage as well"

Accidently made it a secret roll, but GM can confirm this...
Tempus Edwyn rolled 19 using 1d20+4. (escapegrapple).

Gren Boarshead
player, 90 posts
Fri 27 Apr 2012
at 14:42
  • msg #190

Re: Theranin

Gren really had no other choice than to climb off the man.  If the other's weren't willing to help tie up the raging Tempus then it was only a matter of time before Gren's limbs grew weak from blood loss and Tempus escaped his grasp.  Gren retreated back behind the priest.  His right hand fumbled to get to the club tied at his hip.  His left was pressed firmly against his gut in an attempt to staunch the wound.

There was dishonor here, and a definate lack of glory.  All Gren could think about was that there would now be two humans who nearly killed him walking around town as free men.  Gren had come to the city thinking life would be easier and more survivable than out in the wilderness.  The city was proving that theory wrong.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 48 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 27 Apr 2012
at 16:09
  • msg #191

Re: Theranin

When the in-fighting started, Dale just thought they were going to shout and maybe shove each other a bit, and it would be over.  Once Tempus pulls a weapon, though, Dale drops his crossbow and bolts towards him.  Dale really, really didn't want to get in the middle of this sort of brawl, but he also didn't want to go through the sewers alone.

Luckily, Gren appears to be backing off a bit.  Dale tries to get Tempus to let go of his sword and let Nori pull a bleeding Gren out of the way.

Move action to M15.  15 CMB check to disarm Tempus.  Provokes AO.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:46, Fri 27 Apr 2012.
player, 45 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Fri 27 Apr 2012
at 18:14
  • msg #192

Re: Theranin

Erasmus makes sure to place himself between Gren and Tempus, he figured now that the half-ogre had unhanded him the man wouldn't pursue the matter further, but then again he didn't expect Tempus would just outright stab a companion like that.  He reminded himself that he didn't see the whole thing go down, but the whole situation was a stark reminder to him that these men were strangers, not well known friends, and he was still prone to misjudging them.  Turning to Gren, he sighed when he saw the wound and channeled the last miracle Sarenrae had promised him--the ability understand all who spoke to him--into healing energy.  Who his Goddess favored was clear, as once again the divine light flowed freely through him and closed all of the mage's wounds.

Standard: Cast Cure Light Wounds on Gren for 9 hp.
Move: Move to ensure he is between Gren and Tempus.

14:10, Today: Erasmus rolled 9 using 1d8+1. Cure Light Wounds -> Gren.

Tempus Edwyn
player, 91 posts
Fri 27 Apr 2012
at 21:58
  • msg #193

Re: Theranin

As Tempus twisted free and Gren backed off Tempus started to relax a little. Tempus had no idea what the ogre had expected putting his hands on him that way, but Tempus wouldn't abide aggression toward himself by anyone. Normally Tempus would have pressed the issue, but down here in the sewers Gren was supposed to be an ally. Attacking him as he did he obviously wasn't an ally to be trusted but as the old saying went, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" so Tempus was prepared to let it ago unless the ogre wanted to pursue it. Now or later. Just then however Dale moved in in an attempt to disarm Tempus. ~Have they all lost their damn minds? Do they have death wishes?~

Swinging with his offhand(left), Tempus attempted to backhand Dale away from him. "Blood is gonna ruin your fancy clothes, damn it! BACK OFF!"

Tempus Edwyn rolled 15 using 1d20+4. AoO backhand.
Taron Bein
player, 60 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Mon 30 Apr 2012
at 05:02
  • msg #194

Re: Theranin

  Watchin the spectacle between his two new 'comrades Taron shows total indifference, He continues into the room and picks up the magical lite torch. He knows he should follow his instinct and head out of the sewer but first his curiosity was getting him.

  He reaches the opening at the other side if the room and slowly looks around the corner. The others can play with each other if they wish. But he had no plans of getting hit from behind again.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 91 posts
Tue 1 May 2012
at 23:32
  • msg #195

Re: Theranin

Nori was about to jump in between Tempus and Gren but saw that the two seperated before things escalated. Luckily the healer had been quick to patch Gren up again, but Nori was not happy that the fools were wasting his spells because they couldn't get along.

He spoke low and gruffly towards the two, "Quit it ya idjuts! Kill each otha wen yur above ground, not 'ere." He saw enough of the group trying to break up the pair and decided to move forward with Taron, there were still enemies about and they knew full well that they were there.

He whispered in the monk's direction, "I dont like dis. We been found out and dees fools are killin each otha. We can call dis off and try anotha lead?"
DM Visceri
GM, 170 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 1 May 2012
at 23:40
  • msg #196

Re: Theranin

The entire scenario only took a handful of seconds to conspire but in the blink of an eye, the party seemed divided with eyes being cast at both Gren and Taron alike. With there being an ominous silence between the group as the various members stare each other down, you suddenly can hear a loud scraping of stone coming from down the tunnel where whoever was there had run off to. Likewise, you hear noises coming from down the tunnel of the small room the group opened up.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 52 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Wed 2 May 2012
at 00:22
  • msg #197

Re: Theranin

"Looks like the choice is out of our hands now." Dale quickly retrieves his crossbow, readying it to fire at whoever pops out first.  With Nori and Taron covering the inside of the room, Dale moves to the corner of the tunnel.

Dale moves to K15.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 99 posts
Wed 2 May 2012
at 18:59
  • msg #198

Re: Theranin

Back against the wall, one hand rubbing his chest and rearranging his clothes from where Gran had grabbed him the other still firmly grasping his sword, Tempus keeps his eyes on the half-ogre should he try anything else, "I don't take kindly to being threatened. That goes for any of you. Lay your hands on me without intention of helping me and your fates will be the same. I've had too many brushes with false friends to put up with that horse shit." With that, Tempus sheathes his sword angrily and stands, arms crossed in front of the group.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 92 posts
Wed 2 May 2012
at 19:25
  • msg #199

Re: Theranin

Nori half responded to the angry member of the group as other noises had most of his attention, "Aye aye, sounds good. We can kiss an make up later, for now les try to get outa 'ere alive."

He readied his weapon, this time he would be sure to stay at the front lines of this fight.

OOC:Gonna move to the are closest to the room without actually stepping into the room. No point in giving anything with range a free shot.
Gren Boarshead
player, 96 posts
Wed 2 May 2012
at 22:18
  • msg #200

Re: Theranin

Gren stepped into the room and started trying to figure out if it was possible to shut the door once more.  He wished he had an iron spike to jam it shut, but he didn't.  He could drag the weapons rack over, pour lamp oil over it, and set it ablaze.  That would at least buy time so they weren't attacked on two different fronts at once.

Gren paid no further attention to Tempus.  He was careful in his manuverings, however, to keep Tempus from ever being behind him.  A sword to the back was even harder to react to.  "Pick where you wish to be quickly.  Battle in the sewers or battle in the room.  I prefer not to flanked."
Taron Bein
player, 62 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Thu 3 May 2012
at 02:01
  • msg #201

Re: Theranin

Still standing in the room, as Gren comes in and starts looking for ways to close or block the door, Taron takes a look around the room to see if there is a switch on this side that would allow them to close the door, "Might be in our best interests to isolate ourselves for a moment. If we can find a way to close and open this door, perhaps we can get the element of surprise on anyone who tries to pursue us?"

19:02, Today: Taron Bein rolled 7 using 1d20+6. Perception.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:02, Thu 03 May 2012.
player, 50 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Thu 3 May 2012
at 17:12
  • msg #202

Re: Theranin

"I'd wager the scraping sound was another door.  We should go that way I think." Erasmus says, speaking quietly.  He wasn't happy about what had just happened, and it's lack of resolution didn't bode well for the future.  But circumstance conspired against them, so he would just have to watch his back around Tempus.
DM Visceri
GM, 177 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 4 May 2012
at 04:30
  • msg #203

Re: Theranin

As the group discusses their plan of action or defense, the choice is taken from them as the grinding sound of stone is accompanied by another, more ominous sound; a soft sound that is hard to make out or distinguish though it begins to grow in volume and those that are still in the tunnel can see the water level rising alarmingly quick as the grinding suddenly stops and the other sound becomes more distinct; the sound of rushing water. A lot of it.
Gren Boarshead
player, 100 posts
Fri 4 May 2012
at 15:06
  • msg #204

Re: Theranin

Still looking for a way to shut the door, Gren called out to Taron.  "Taron what is down there?" he asked in reference to the tunnel in the back of the room.  If it were a dead end, then shutting themselves in the room may not be the best choice.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 54 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 4 May 2012
at 16:19
  • msg #205

Re: Theranin

"That's a bad sound," Dale says and bolts for the back room.  "Get in, close the door.  Get in, close the door!"  Even though others are already doing so, Dale looks around for whatever mechanism closes the stupid door that will save him from the stupid sewer.

Perception: 7.  These rolls are not helping me.
Taron Bein
player, 63 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Sat 5 May 2012
at 09:27
  • msg #206

Re: Theranin

Taron busies himself with helping Dale search for a way to close the door, his movements a little bit frantic though definitely aimed towards a goal.

02:27, Today: Taron Bein rolled 15 using 1d20+5. Perception to aid Dale.
+2 to Dale's check.

Tempus Edwyn
player, 100 posts
Sat 5 May 2012
at 09:30
  • msg #207

Re: Theranin

Tempus grudgingly joins the rest of the party members that have entered the room and goes to look down the tunnel, "Whatever you're going to do, I suggest you do it fast. We may have a problem here in short order." His words are marked by the glow of light down at the end of the tunnel where it turns a corner.
DM Visceri
GM, 181 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sat 5 May 2012
at 09:32
  • msg #208

Re: Theranin

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 55 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sat 5 May 2012
at 18:36
  • msg #209

Re: Theranin

"Rock foot pedal," Dale yells and points to the base of the door where it meets the wall.  What eloquence he has tends to disappear in times of stress.  "Is everyone in?"  He checks briefly and steps as hard as he can on the pedal.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 102 posts
Sat 5 May 2012
at 18:40
  • msg #210

Re: Theranin

Nori was close to the entrance when all hell broke loose. Not really wishing to take a bath in the disgusting water, he made sure he was in the room as Dale called out.

He did not enjoy being trapped in a room but at this point there was not really a choice in the matter.
Gren Boarshead
player, 101 posts
Sun 6 May 2012
at 05:18
  • msg #211

Re: Theranin

Dale seemed to have spotted the trigger to shut the door.  Gren didn't wait to see if it worked or not.  There was only one direction to go now.  He headed towards the exit at the back of the room, club in hand.
player, 53 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Mon 7 May 2012
at 14:03
  • msg #212

Re: Theranin

Erasmus shuffles in, both pleased to no longer have to watch their backs, but also concerned by the cutting off of their escape.  He briefly wondered if anyone would be curious about the increased flow of water and sewage leaving the pipe they entered, but if people weren't even aware of the goblins or the spear trap, there would be no chance that would pay much mind to water pouring out of a pipe that's out of all their line of sight.

Once inside the chamber, he re-casts his light enchantment, illuminating his staff.  He was no longer content to allow others to carry Sarenrae's light.
DM Visceri
GM, 184 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 8 May 2012
at 07:48
  • msg #213

Re: Theranin

As Dale pushes down on the rock pedal, the door begins to slowly grind closed much in the same fashion as it opened not but minutes before. The door gets about halfway closed before the source of the ever growing rushing noise presents itself to those with dark vision and lowlight vision...and it is not a pleasant sight. No more than 60 feet away is a wall of sewage water the reaches up the ceiling rushing quickly in the group's current direction. It seems that the goblins and Thieves Guild employ the same tactics though you would guess the Thieves Guild's version kills more intruders. The water gets closer and the door continues to close and it becomes a race to which will happen first. Luckily for the group inside, but unluckily for Tempus, the door shuts just as the wall of water hits, sending a spurt of filthy water right into the ranger's face before it is cut off by the door's closing.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 56 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Tue 8 May 2012
at 18:22
  • msg #214

Re: Theranin

Dale cringes when we realizes that Tempus didn't make it and mutters a quiet "sorry" to himself and whatever gods are listening.  He can hear the mass of water pounding on the other side of the door.  While it seems unlikely that the thieves would build a door that couldn't withstand their own trap, Dale decides that he would rather not stick around.  He looks behind him and sees Gren headed down the tunnel on the other side of the room.  He checks that his crossbow is still in one hand and his sword in the other and quickly follows.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 101 posts
Tue 8 May 2012
at 21:38
  • msg #215

Re: Theranin

Tempus takes one hand and slowly wipes the file from his face. Looking to Dale, he shakes his head and quietly walks to the back of the cave where the tunnel is, "Guess this is our only way out now. That or wait till the water outside subsides, if it does." Taking a moment to get his bearings, he looks back up to the group with a sigh, "If I'm not mistaken, this tunnel leads back the way we came. At least until it curves off. Then it's anyone's guess. Shall we get underway?"
Taron Bein
player, 64 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Wed 9 May 2012
at 19:14
  • msg #216

Re: Theranin

Taron nods to Tempus, "I'll be right behind you."  His voice confidence was clearly waning as he had barely managed to take down one Goblin while the others had fared much better in that last fight.  I'm in way over my head here.  Maybe Brother Cayson was right.. I'm not ready for this yet.  Goblins, flooding, infighting.  Who knows which one of us will be the next to die?  He stepped back from the tunnel to let the others go first, always on the alert for any of those grinding sounds that belie a secret passage opening or closing like the one they'd just come through.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 109 posts
Thu 10 May 2012
at 00:16
  • msg #217

Re: Theranin

With Taron and Tempus at the front, Nori was torn as to where to go. He obviously wished to be near the head of the line in case another fight began, but after being ambushed like the last time, bringing up the rear of the line would keep the casters safe as well. He brought his hammer to his chest and looked over at the others, "Aye will stay at da back. Dale, you in front of me and we can keep da healer and da giant in the middle. We should move."
Gren Boarshead
player, 103 posts
Thu 10 May 2012
at 02:34
  • msg #218

Re: Theranin

Gren simply nodded.  So long as Tempus wasn't at his back he was fine with the marching order.  Still, he watched the ranger closely.  Tempus may be more reluctant to point out a trap should he spot one.  Gren continued to wonder if perhaps Tempus was in league with the thieves.
DM Visceri
GM, 185 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 10 May 2012
at 02:57
  • msg #219

Re: Theranin

As the group lines back up as the enter the tunnel, the noise of the sewage flowing from the other side of the wall begins to fade. Up until the curve, the tunnel is about fifty feet and at the 'go-ahead' from Tempus on the note of traps, they turn the corner to find themselves in a room with a ladder leading up through a tube, likely to a cellar or drainage ditch in the city above. The room is only about twenty feet by twenty feet with another similar tunnel leading West once again.

The oddity is that two others, seemingly oblivious to their presence, are already inside, looking around as if somewhat lost. One of them wears little more than a simple traveling outfit though looks to share his heritage with that of the recently deceased Vivo and the other a human in a gleaming set of chain mail with a small steel shield and a scimitar at his hip. The both seem to be looking down the other tunnel and the armored figure stoops down a little at the entrance and sticks his torch in a little to get a better view.

This message was last edited by the GM at 05:11, Thu 10 May 2012.
Taron Bein
player, 65 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Thu 10 May 2012
at 03:46
  • msg #220

Re: Theranin

Taron nudges carefully at Tempus' shoulder to get his attention before leaning in and whispering quietly, "We may outnumber these fellows but let us avoid fighting whenever possible.  The way things have been going I don't think violence will serve us well until we know a bit more about the situation."  He was reluctant to get that little jab in about not resorting to violence considering that Tempus' temper was quite likely running hot after that little altercation, but still, he was eager to see the light of day again and avoiding any more actual fights seemed to be the key to that.  It's not cowardice, it's prudence... he told himself, though that didn't necessarily make it true.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:10, Thu 10 May 2012.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 102 posts
Thu 10 May 2012
at 10:00
  • msg #221

Re: Theranin

Quietly drawing his longsword, Tempus enters the room with his back to the wall and lets the next two members of the party exit before calling out cautiously to the duo, "Who the hell are you two? You don't look like thieves guild members to me nor do you look like goblins and those are the only two things I've seen in this shit hole so far." His longsword not pointed outstretched but more aimed at the ground in front of him, ready for danger, Tempus tries to present a nonthreatening pose while still warning that he's ready for any sort of trickery the two have up their sleeves.
player, 5 posts
Half-Orc Monk
Follower of Abadar
Thu 10 May 2012
at 20:43
  • msg #222

Re: Theranin

Jarroz doesn't quite fit the bill for a typical half-orc. The only traits that betray his heritage are his unusual height, Jarroz stands about six foot three inches off the ground, and his unusually sharp teeth. Onlookers often mistake him for human however due to his fair skin and appearance. His rich blonde hair is often left to the whims of the gods, though he keeps his facial hair neatly. He wears loose fitting green robes that have faded from exposure and time.

Jarroz walks with the confidence of a man who believes that he can achieve any end which he sets out to meet. Tattooed on the back of his neck and down his back is the symbol of his clan, The Order of the Sun and Moon. A large and flowing portrait of a pure white dragon swallowing the tail of a golden dragon and vice versa in the symbol of infinity. Though it is often hidden from plain sight, the symbol is renowned for its connection to some of the greatest and most skilled bounty hunters in the land.

Jarroz stood slowly at the sound of Tempus' blade being drawn. "We have visitors. ", he said under his breath to Wilem, tapping him gently on the shoulder as he turned to face the man. "I might ask you the same question. Though I think that we won't have long to wait, situations such as these often have a way of sorting themselves out rather quickly. ", he replied to Tempus' question.

Placing a hand out to show that he wasn't going to try anything funny he grabbed a scroll from the sash at his belt and unfurled it, "Be you Dalinar, Nori, Erasmus, Tempus, or Taron? ". Jarroz spoke quickly but clearly as he read off the names on his scroll.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:48, Thu 10 May 2012.
Gren Boarshead
player, 104 posts
Thu 10 May 2012
at 21:58
  • msg #223

Re: Theranin

"And Gren Boarshead," Gren said as he stepped into the light.  Gren recognized the voice and the face, but could quite remember the name of the half-orc.  Gren stepped forward and offerred his hand.
player, 6 posts
Human Male
Paladin of Sarenrae
Thu 10 May 2012
at 22:07
  • msg #224

Re: Theranin

Wilem turned a Jarroz's words. Though he was surprised, he didn't let it show. This task had just become a whole lot easier.

"Well met, Gren." He said politely, holding his torch aloft so all could see clearly. His impressive height helped in times like this. But not usually when exploring sewer tunnels. "I'm Wilem. This is Jarroz. We were sent to ensure the job had been completed. Have you been successful?" His tone was pleasant, but there was a tension veiled in his voice. Something had him on edge.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 110 posts
Thu 10 May 2012
at 22:18
  • msg #225

Re: Theranin

Nori snorted at the comment, he wasn't about to move forward yet as he wasn't positive if these were friends or foes. He kept watch over his shoulder, making sure none of the two new adventurers' "friends" came up behind them. He began to wonder if he made a huge mistake joining this group, half-orcs and half-orges seemed to be abundant in this city.

"We ain't dead if ya wanna call dat successful, but dats 'bout good as it gets." Then he remembered the casualty, "Well..not fir all of us."
player, 6 posts
Half-Orc Monk
Follower of Abadar
Thu 10 May 2012
at 23:49
  • msg #226

Re: Theranin

Jarroz greeted Gren with an enthusiastic handshake before bringing him closer and patting him on the back. "How are you! It feels like it's been ages since I've seen you. And now we meet once more, I hope none of those orcs are bothering you again, though I don't picture their like hanging out in the sewers much. But never mind that, how are you? ", Jarroz said heartily.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 57 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 11 May 2012
at 00:22
  • msg #227

Re: Theranin

"Dale, not Dalinar, please," Dales says vaguely as he waves roughly in Wilem's direction.  He's clearly a little thrown by the friendliness Gren is showing to the... really tall guy.

Paladin, James says in Dale's head.


Where'd they come from?

"Right.  Did you guys just come from up there?"  Dale points up the ladder.  "If so, then it looks like we have just the one direction to go."
Gren Boarshead
player, 105 posts
Fri 11 May 2012
at 02:19
  • msg #228

Re: Theranin

Jarroz greeted Gren with an enthusiastic handshake before bringing him closer and patting him on the back. "How are you! It feels like it's been ages since I've seen you. And now we meet once more, I hope none of those orcs are bothering you again, though I don't picture their like hanging out in the sewers much. But never mind that, how are you? ", Jarroz said heartily.

Gren grasped Jarroz's forearm in greeting.  Gren's usual distrust of half-orcs seemed almost non-existant in regards to this one.  "I've really stepped in drit this time.  The sewers are crawling with goblins, theives, and all sorts of nasty traps," he replies.  He then leaned in closer so only Jarroz could hear what he said next. 

"And who is this?  Do you vouch for him?" Gren asked, taking a step back and giving Wilem a once over.
Taron Bein
player, 66 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Fri 11 May 2012
at 04:17
  • msg #229

Re: Theranin

Taron steps forward as well, but not so far as Gren and Dale, staying roughly halfway between those two and Tempus and Nori behind him.  He nods respectfully to the newcomers, "Taron Bein of the Sacred Mountain.  Glad to see some friendly faces down here.  Our mission has been going.. well.. less than spectacular."  He stepped off to one side, placing his back to a wall to be as unobtrusive as possible, not to mention watching out for any sudden hostilities.
player, 7 posts
Half-Orc Monk
Follower of Abadar
Fri 11 May 2012
at 04:42
  • msg #230

Re: Theranin

The look on Jarroz' face was one of confusion as he stepped back and it returned to normal with a nod at gren, "I do vouch for him. From what I have seen Wilem is an exemplar of honor and the good deity Sarenrae. "

He gestures towards Dale with his hand. "Forgive me Dale, i'll try to remember it like that. ", he said calmly before glancing around at the rest of the group, "I believe that Dale is right. There is nothing of importance from the way we came and we were just about to head down that direction in any case. "
Tempus Edwyn
player, 103 posts
Fri 11 May 2012
at 07:24
  • msg #231

Re: Theranin

Tempus doesn't sheathe he sword but lowers it to a nonthreatening position. Never know if the goblins would be around and he would need it after all. "The name's Tempus Edwyn and I figure the more the merrier, might as well continue along our path. Shall we?"
player, 55 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Fri 11 May 2012
at 11:46
  • msg #232

Re: Theranin

Erasmus relaxed once he saw the armored man was wearing Sarenrae's symbol openly.  The possibility that this was a ruse by some disguised members of the thieves guild dropped dramatically once Gren recognized Jarroz, and the half-orc had vouched for the man.  Still, in this setting one couldn't be too careful.  So he steps forward to introduce himself to Wilhelm.  "I am Erasmus, I serve her radiance.  You are also among the faithful?" he asks rhetorically, by way of introduction.  "I noticed the symbol you wear.  Are you among the laity or a member of an order?" he asks, throwing in a few shibboleths to see if the man responds appropriately.
player, 7 posts
Human Male
Paladin of Sarenrae
Fri 11 May 2012
at 15:28
  • msg #233

Re: Theranin

"Yes brother. Her radiance guides my steps." He replied to the priest. "I was called to service, but not to priesthood. My skills mark me to serve in the Militant Orders."

As the group determined to press on, Wilem drew his sword with a steely rasp. "The Guild like to riddle their streets with traps and pitfalls." The paladin said, speaking from a place of apparent experience. "Those of you with a sharp eye would do well to keep a lookout."
Nori Hammerfist
player, 111 posts
Fri 11 May 2012
at 18:49
  • msg #234

Re: Theranin

Nori was getting impatient, they were taking too long exchanging pleasantries, "Oi, we gotta move. Tempus as lead, asn't led us wrong yet wit da traps." He looked at the two newcomers and nodded his greeting. One seemed to know his way with a sword while the other was a monk like Taron, good to have in close combat.

He took a look over his shoulder once more before taking a step forward, "Monk stick wit monk near da front. Wilem, could use yur blade up front or you can stick wit Erasmus and stay in da middle. Ya can provide support ta front or back where needed."
Tempus Edwyn
player, 104 posts
Fri 11 May 2012
at 19:12
  • msg #235

Re: Theranin

Taking the lead but still keeping to the outside of the room as he circles the new comers, "I'm with the dwarf, let's get this job over with. The smell is starting to seep into my clothing I think..." He moves into the tunnel with our without the rest.
Gren Boarshead
player, 106 posts
Fri 11 May 2012
at 19:18
  • msg #236

Re: Theranin

Gren nodded.  He didn't even want to be in the sewers in the first place.  With more melee fighters in the group, he once again switched to a javelin.  "Let us find this assassin."
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 58 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 11 May 2012
at 22:12
  • msg #237

Re: Theranin

Having snapped out of his daze, Dale smiles politely at Wilem and takes his place next to Taron behind Tempus and Jarroz.  Likely that the sharp-eyed... orc?... would see any traps before Dale himself would.  He also feels better with the large sorcerer and solid dwarf behind him.
DM Visceri
GM, 188 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sat 12 May 2012
at 00:24
  • msg #238

Re: Theranin

The group being a bit large now, keeping quiet seemed more of a joke than anything. As they tramp, hunched over, down the tunnel, a light appears around another corner. Tempus checks for traps but finds none. It seems the trpamaking is more of a Thieves Guild thing than goblin thing. As they make it to the entrance of the room, jaws drop at the sight of the hoard of things scattered about the large room. There are some items that could be considered valuable to the right buyer but most of it just seems to be shiny scraps of metal, large amounts of what looks like hand-made trinkets, a few open chests, and small piles of coins scattered about.

The main thing in the room though at the far end is a large chair, almost a throne. which looks to be made entirely of granite with gold filigree worked throughout it's backing. It's a little too worn to tell what the filigree is supposed to be depicting...That and there's a very irate looking goblin seated on it.

This goblin is different from the others that the group faced earlier though. This one has greyish-black skin and red eyes and doesn't burst into a rage or panic as he group enters; merely watches them make their way into the room while tapping his short fingers on one armrest with his other propping his head up which sports a look of annoyance more than anything. He's outfitted in a black set of studded armor though no weapons are visible on his person.

Actions? Also, perception checks please. (Also, roll initiative in you next post so if fighting breaks out, we won't have to go through the whole annoyance of getting it then.)

This message was last edited by the GM at 04:28, Sat 12 May 2012.
Taron Bein
player, 67 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Sat 12 May 2012
at 04:06
  • msg #239

Re: Theranin

Taron steps to the front like a good little melee fighter.  Seeing as how the bethroned Goblin is aware of them he doesn't bother with tiptoeing about.  He refrains from speaking, not trusting himself to sound particularly confident at the moment, but he runs through a few of the quicker mental exercises he learned back at the monastery in preparation for a battle.

21:06, Today: Taron Bein rolled 23 using 1d20+3. Initiative.
05:13, Today: Taron Bein rolled 25 using 1d20+6. Perception.
(OOC: Wish I could have saved that 20 and 19 for my first attack roll but oh well!)
This message was last edited by the player at 12:13, Sat 12 May 2012.
Gren Boarshead
player, 107 posts
Sat 12 May 2012
at 15:56
  • msg #240

Re: Theranin

Gren cocked a brow.  The goblin looked different than the others.  He didn't have any weapons.  He was alone.  And Gren's group seemed to be blocking the only entrance into the room.  His eyes told him there was no threat, so why was his gut screaming ambush?  "You goblin.  Speak common?" he asked as he jabbed a finger in the goblin's direction.  "Cagim Esnes," Gren then cast to see if there were any enchantments laying about the room.  Gren slowly moved a little further into the room.

09:43, Today: Gren Boarshead rolled 20 using 1d20+2. initiative.
14:15, Today: DM Visceri, on behalf of Gren Boarshead, rolled 4 using 1d20-1. Perception.
Cast Sense Magic.  Move to K7.

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:15, Sun 13 May 2012.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 112 posts
Sat 12 May 2012
at 17:43
  • msg #241

Re: Theranin

Nori took a step into the room and was about to rush forward to smash the little goblin king. However, since the little monster didn't rush forward himself or scream for others to arrive, Nori was a bit weary of running forward. Goblins were tricky fellows and he wasn't about to put it past them to have the entire room be one large booby trap.

When Gren began trying to speak to the little one, Nori was dumbfounded that the giant even tried.

12:38, Today: Nori Hammerfist rolled 14 using 1d20+6. perception.
12:38, Today: Nori Hammerfist rolled 14 using 1d20+2. initiative.

Moved up to K2

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 59 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sat 12 May 2012
at 19:26
  • msg #242

Re: Theranin

Awkw-ard, Dale thinks to himself.  He tries to wave at the goblin in the throne, but just ends up shaking his crossbow at it.  He quickly pulls his crossbow down.  He moves a bit to the side and scans the wall closest to him for another entrance.

Dale moves to L6.  14 Perception on wall M.  8 Initiative.
DM Tribal
editor, 4 posts
Sat 12 May 2012
at 21:05
  • msg #243

Re: Theranin

The goblin remains seated on his throne, though the drum of his nails on the once polished hardwood of the armrest conveys his irritation. He sits up a bit, puffing out his chest before wiping what appears to be running snot from the corner of his bulbous nose. [Language unknown: "Evpa...Pr Whieenent, sievit!"] The thing thinks for a moment, then speaks again, [Language unknown: "Hetand? Oneainwil tese usit-etic ssio'icofac he usine ieanfi sheioulat whnot, caei."] The thing scoffs at Gren and then narrows its eyes. [Language unknown: "Ing plwe ek ofai ers ho ivetinund to. Iouad p eautinted te fo amewhilat. Evela k itat erewitman ec liil ardstahasanywhi? Wheiouiou ni etaros T lar at esadof moeiha int mo ololet. Rutat mi ritaulck rutundlin wh si, Nc aiac of asers er ofwios o ted sareil os n pacamo noeelo el ce erietr dayardtiotic."]
Gren Boarshead
player, 108 posts
Sat 12 May 2012
at 21:33
  • msg #244

Re: Theranin

"Bagh! Does anyone know what this snot-nosed twerp is saying?" grunted Gren.  He continued to look around.  If there was magic he would sense it eventually.  If there were any traps, he hoped Tempus would stumble into them.
player, 8 posts
Human Male
Paladin of Sarenrae
Sat 12 May 2012
at 22:13
  • msg #245

Re: Theranin

Wilem didn't reply to his compatriots, but he leveled his steel gaze at the enthroned goblin. [Language unknown: "INTCK blelatout? U an pro lita tic sapa He in himo, ckof illstaect anyro uretiosan unnce ioen itroec erniil."] He said, menace in his tone. [Language unknown: "O fi eenessati ar butbutwhe etnend. Li ughul p iome k hace-patr."] Wilem's tone seemed to mollify a little. But a thread of his threatening tone still lingered. [Language unknown: "Haan hiomad u ort er rea. Arhou ss, on nd et onethiany ng but llwhar out Atstee. Iess antprelat ain n an u pofor roineeit..."]

Wilem made a show of swinging his sword at that last part. It was an odd sensation to be able to speak freely in a language not his own.

14:18, Today: DM Visceri, on behalf of Wilem, rolled 15 using 1d20+3. Inititative.
14:19, Today: DM Visceri, on behalf of Wilem, rolled 12 using 1d20. Perception.

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:20, Sun 13 May 2012.
Tempus Edwyn
player, 105 posts
Sat 12 May 2012
at 23:05
  • msg #246

Re: Theranin

Tempus keeps quiet as he doesn't know the language but can see that the newcomer seems to be able to communicate well enough. Instead he spends his time searching for traps and whatnot to make sure that if worse does come to worse, there won't be any surprises.

16:05, Today: Tempus Edwyn rolled 6 using 1d20+5. Perception. ( XD )
16:05, Today: Tempus Edwyn rolled 23 using 1d20+7. Inititative.

player, 8 posts
Half-Orc Monk
Follower of Abadar
Sun 13 May 2012
at 12:03
  • msg #247

Re: Theranin

Jarroz stands somewhat idle towards the front of the group. His normal go-get-em attitude pushed him towards the front of the pack with Wilem and now he had nothing to do but prepare for the worst. He took a few steps out from the group and began to look back and forth around the room looking for signs of something amiss.

Jarroz moves one square to the right and looks around the room

04:59, Today: Jarroz rolled 15 using 1d20+7. Jarroz, perception.
04:49, Today: Jarroz rolled 9 using 1d20+4. Jarroz, initiative.

DM Visceri
GM, 193 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sun 13 May 2012
at 21:42
  • msg #248

Re: Theranin

Perception Check PMs. If you didn't get one, you didn't see anything.
Taron Bein
player, 68 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Sun 13 May 2012
at 21:48
  • msg #249

Re: Theranin

Turning his head slowly to the side he speaks slowly and quietly to the rest of the group behind him while simultaneously keeping his eye on as much of the room as he can, "There are goblins hiding all around the room waiting to attack.  Sir Wilem, if you can convince them we're just here for the Thieves' Guild it may save us a whole world of trouble."  He takes a deep breath, slowly in, slowly out, once again running through the mental preparations he learned in his training back at the monastery.
player, 9 posts
Human Male
Paladin of Sarenrae
Sun 13 May 2012
at 22:12
  • msg #250

Re: Theranin

Wilem nodded at his new companion. "I'll do what I can. I'm not much for sweet-talking, but I'll try."

Turning back to the goblin, he smiled, taking a stance of nonaggression. [Language unknown: "P str of ietefi nourfo. En Letr nderedtho li llseas ounch be ndeionson prassa p. Ta altic ckbut trndcane, heur houainare tifi tero all Esweei pl eratravor u evec shetedhou. Mi llter onssetive om icalil, lin mo ngio AD ame ofmeca erand ss toeian. N onusck et lirihe ith lieiil ationeion."] The group ca hear that Wilem's voice starts out pleasant and diplomatic, but quickly devolves into a rather threatening tone.

OOC: 08:05, Today: Wilem rolled 11 using 1d20+7. Diplomacy.
08:08, Today: Wilem rolled 26 using 1d20+8. Intimidate.

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 60 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Mon 14 May 2012
at 02:18
  • msg #251

Re: Theranin

I vote you shoot them first, James says.

I'm not disagreeing, but I'd rather find the Thieves Guild than force a confrontation here.  Still, they're just goblins.  I won't feel too bad.  Dale readies his weapon and tries to identify the location of a goblin near him.

19:17, Today: Dalinar Reynolds rolled 10 using 1d20+2. Perception.
Gren Boarshead
player, 109 posts
Mon 14 May 2012
at 02:40
  • msg #252

Re: Theranin

Gren didn't know Wilem, and he didn't know what was being said.  Given the experiences so far with the group, he figured diplomacy wasn't likely to work.  Gren wove designs in the air with his fingers as he chanted, "Dleihs."  The defensive spell he just cast would help protect him from his enemies, and friends alike.

Cast shield
DM Tribal
editor, 8 posts
Mon 14 May 2012
at 13:02
  • msg #253

Re: Theranin

The goblin perks up when Wilem speaks the first time, obviously taking a keen interest in whatever the man had said. [Language unknown: "Tont ous tedna nieeli dayoutare...t vorsanillone somnottic as ce icavirleshas prund ivast no,"] the thing taps a clawed finger on its chin. It seems lost in thought until Gren begins to cast a spell and it suddenly turns its beady red eyes on the large man. [Language unknown: "El u o ardvirast? Ithvenugh etpe n taplnd on i Mataou. A ulat usfi olte seekce hountithe wine ul mi rotote di oueise!"]. The gobin squeals in anger and points a finger at gren "No magicks, hairy man!!"

The goblin stands up on his throne and more movement canbe detected around the room, but his 'children' do not come out from hiding yet. The 'Goblin King' looks agitated and ready to take matters into his own hands, but then Wilem speaks again. The goblin pats the air down with his hands in a motion to calm his children, [Language unknown: "Taolsi latdinenc rat ng! E ulwhi micon ofth atli n itof thuyinrea oun re hoto loekhi mema ere whewhiardticers..."] Its words trail off in a hiss. [Language unknown: "Sang dertracon nd whckmo pore pre tapoun! El io men eteere K memant whnot diure ekur resev. Derur daytinlin witeraintwil hi. E ngme esst is ai whmeho din, fi ing pa t the. Ic besi'ompl ngtha M sane eesa acrese ica meons pe wh ilosnc ushapoll int oveithund misi poill avethilinhisall ich fonce tr."]
This message was last edited by a game editor at 15:11, Mon 14 May 2012.
player, 56 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Mon 14 May 2012
at 19:34
  • msg #254

Re: Theranin

Erasmus--quite pleased to be surrounded by the extra allies in this sort of situation--finds his faith in Sarenrae affirmed once again.  Doubly so when the holy warrior begins speaking in the creature's tongue.  He makes a mental note to ask the man what his holy orders are, that would bring him to speak such a language.  Having little else to contribute to the situation, he elects to help by remaining silent.
player, 10 posts
Human Male
Paladin of Sarenrae
Mon 14 May 2012
at 23:23
  • msg #255

Re: Theranin

Wilem nodded at the goblin. [Language unknown: "M here ver, oneatiome inedineau."]

"Don't attack!" He said in plain common. "We'll let us by unmolested since we're helping him indirectly."

Wilem sheathed his weapon, his other hand still holding the torch. "Put up your weapons. We can leave uncontested, but we can't afford to have this go sour."

[Language unknown: "Ck paect earonedereve t aiunio. Les reahatome whekorour na somis herna. Ousce atbe mito heeshi ne ofwe fi niad ul? Hi himaet se pa nowitr ma k ent ol esac ad u esetic e ardnotnde our prut Thadnc ad derlatoulvor."]
Nori Hammerfist
player, 113 posts
Mon 14 May 2012
at 23:38
  • msg #256

Re: Theranin

Nori was a bit happy that someone could communicate with the little creature, he himself had no idea what it was saying. He was fine with Wilem handling the situation and only eyed the room with a suspicious glance.

When Wilem asked they holster their weapons, Nori was not happy with that command whatsoever, "Not going to 'appen boy, dis weapon will be livin my 'and wen I'm good an dead. You can take my word though, I won't strike unless attacked."
Gren Boarshead
player, 110 posts
Mon 14 May 2012
at 23:41
  • msg #257

Re: Theranin

Though Gren didn't like the idea he sheathed his javelin.  There were plenty of other things in the room to toss if need be.  He gave the goblin a nasty look before scratching his own balls and crossing his arms in front of his chest.  "See I knew he spoke common," he grunted.  "So do they know where the theives guild is?  Or at least where some of their traps are located?" he asked Wilem.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 61 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Tue 15 May 2012
at 00:18
  • msg #258

Re: Theranin

Dale really didn't like the idea - and James even less so - but he hooked his crossbow onto his belt and sheathed his sword.  If a fight was going to break out, and it looked like they might be able to avoid that if Nori would cooperate, Dale would still be able to cast at the little buggers.
DM Tribal
editor, 10 posts
Tue 15 May 2012
at 02:35
  • msg #259

Re: Theranin

[Language unknown: "Ic has u latwhiame aveis ar netrhi o meench avediness, any n Liplutla und tra wil. Wa, Il reday wein rilo an hoek ieusan manterble, som tapo ec ruthoutha ousnotleshas, nocom ame ossi iou con al eau we host ar k cetainst m soname'manred a ard westle."] The goblin eyes Nori, the corners of his mouth curling into a snarl. [Language unknown: "I k naer ha as ousastcon her. Ie ticio ch itca lesstiare witevekor nd ovent ssei pl lefo. U ureoerlar a tra n rutfo usomme."] The thing motions at a shelf that has been nailed, glued, and otherwise haphazardly attached to the wall where small swatches of hair are scattered about.
Taron Bein
player, 69 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Tue 15 May 2012
at 04:25
  • msg #260

Re: Theranin

Listening to the exchange in that guttural language he assumes is Goblin he slowly turns his head to scan the room and find the closest of the little buggers, still planning for a possible attack and quite happy that he needn't rely on weapons in the event that the Goblins renege on their agreement to let the group go.  We have an out! his inner monologue veritably screams We cannot afford to mess this up!
DM Tribal
editor, 12 posts
Thu 17 May 2012
at 15:25
  • msg #261

Re: Theranin

In reply to Taron Bein (msg #260):

Seeing the dwarf was not fully understanding the situation at hand the thing puts its hand out. "Give me a hunk of your beard, dwarf. Otherwise i'm not sharen' any info or my tunnels."
This message was lightly edited by a game editor at 16:44, Thu 17 May 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 62 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Thu 17 May 2012
at 18:34
  • msg #262

Re: Theranin

Dale snorts in an attempt to hide his laughter and ducks his head down in an attempt to not be too rude.  Even James his laughing in the back of Dale's mind.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 116 posts
Thu 17 May 2012
at 18:54
  • msg #263

Re: Theranin

Nori's knuckles turned white against his warhammer as the goblin finally spoke in a language he could understand. The creature asked the impossible of him and quite frankly had insulted the pride of any dwarf with his demand. The vein against his forehead became more visible as the skin on his face changed to a darker hue of red. The others could see that Nori was moment's away from charging head on into the goblin king.

"Enough o dis! I'm gonna smash yer 'ead against dat throne!", he bellowed at the goblin before charging ahead with a war cry.

OOC: So I was thinking of letting the others go first to try and stop him but I figured that wasn't going to happen. I'll roll and post my initiative in a moment. Also, just to be clear, Nori is gonna use a free action to rage.

edit: Never mind, forgot we already rolled it.

This message was last edited by the player at 18:56, Thu 17 May 2012.
Gren Boarshead
player, 112 posts
Thu 17 May 2012
at 22:20
  • msg #264

Re: Theranin

Gren sneared.  The goblin just made a mistake.  Even though Gren had just met the dwarf, he quickly learned about the dwarf's short temper.  The goblin was asking for a fight and now he was going to get one.  Gren wasn't going to hold the dwarf back.  Instead, he waited...

Hold action until the other goblins leap out of hiding.  Maybe the others are willing and able to stop Nori, but Gren won't.
Shield spell still on, AC16

This message was last edited by the player at 22:21, Thu 17 May 2012.
Taron Bein
player, 71 posts
Monk Of The
Sacred Mountain
Fri 18 May 2012
at 04:12
  • msg #265

Re: Theranin

Outwardly Taron reacts quickly, the years of training behind him turning it into an act of instinct rather than a tactical move, "Nori, STOP!"  Inwardly Taron is inches from a full-on panic and his mind is repeating one very un-zenlike word over and over.  He knows his chances of holding Nori back are slim, but if some of the others jump in and help they might still be able to survive this...

Initiative: 23
Current/Max HP: 6/10
Current AC: 16
 - Touch: 16
 - Flat-Footed: 12

Target: Nori at coordinate L-2 (or wherever he ends up as he charges)
Rolls: 21:04, Today: Taron Bein rolled 15 using 1d20+3. Drag (Combat Mnvr) vs. Nori.

Buffs: None
Debuffs: None

 - Full-Round: xx
 - Standard: Drag
 - Move: Intercepting Nori if necessary
 - Free: xx

(OOC:  See entry for Drag Combat Maneuver here:
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 64 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 18 May 2012
at 16:48
  • msg #266

Re: Theranin

"Nonono, don't start."  Dale hears and sees Taron attempt to stop Nori and decides to help him.  He didn't want to stay in the sewers looking around blindly when where were locals willing to help.

Dale moves around to Nori and tries to pin one of his arms.

Nice friends you found, Dale, James says dryly.  I can't believe you're the sensible one here.

Rolled 17 to assist.  Taron gets a +2 on his next CMB to grapple Nori.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:19, Fri 18 May 2012.
DM Tribal
editor, 15 posts
Fri 18 May 2012
at 17:13
  • msg #267

Re: Theranin

With the commotion erupting the goblin jumps up on his feet (now standing on the seat of his throne) and puts his hands up patting at the air frantically as if he is trying to calm the furious dwarf.
player, 58 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Fri 18 May 2012
at 18:53
  • msg #268

Re: Theranin

Erasmus pales at this turn of events, moving swiftly to put as many bodies between himself and the goblins.  He was certainly glad for their larger numbers at this point.

Initiative: 14
Move: Withdraw to back of party.

14:51, Today: Erasmus rolled 14 using 1d20-2. init.

player, 11 posts
Half-Orc Monk
Follower of Abadar
Wed 23 May 2012
at 01:48
  • msg #269

Re: Theranin

Jarroz readies himself against the coming storm, it looked as if the others were struggling against each other and in the face of danger Jarroz knew that it would be to no avail. He turned his head to tell the others, "We shouldn't be fighting against ourselves, lest the goblins already have the upper hand. " he spurts quickly to the others.

Full Round Action: Total Defense

DM Visceri
GM, 207 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 23 May 2012
at 08:26
  • msg #270

Re: Theranin

23 Taron
23 Tempus
21 Goblin Leader
20 Gren
15 Wilem
15 Goblins
14 Erasmus
14 Nori
  9 Jarroz
  8 Dale

OOC: So we're starting with Nori's place in the initiative and going from there assuming that the these situation allows people to react AS he is moving, not after. Hoping to get through this fast and not deal too much of the PvP aspects here.

As Nori furiously charges the goblin leader, Taron and Dale jump forward to attempt to stop the dwarf from ruining the delicate diplomatic situation they found themselves in. "Nori STOP!" Taron yells as he springs into action and grabs the dwarf around the chest, almost getting swung around and off the ground before Dale can rush in and help him. "Nonono, don't start," Dale warns Nori as he attempts to calm him down. Erasmus in the mean time had to jump out of the way to avoid getting caught in-between a dwarf and a hard place so to speak while the rest of the party takes a defensive stance, readying themselves if the goblins would take this as a signal to attack.

All around the room, goblins make themselves visible, weapons in hand, ready to defend their leader though all of them switch views between Nori and the leader, unsure if they should attack or not. Perhaps too interested in the idea of having the sewers to himself or intimidated by Wilem's words, the leader puts his hands down as the dwarf is subdued and looks angrily at the group, "All I ask for is some hair and the savage goes wild! Fine we'll take you to the Guild, just don't kill any more of us!" He seems worried though attempting to put on a brave face even while caving to the groups terms. He looks to the left side of the room, [Language unknown: "Unaswiut, her nce asour niio'cais ma ine Icdiar...Est OS se."]

At the goblin's words, one of the hidden goblins bounds out into sight and stands in front of the party eyeing them suspiciously. He wears a black headband that looks like it's been torn off of some dark colored curtains and hastily tied into the ragtag piece of head ware. He also has a few clinging bracelets and a necklace that looks like a falcon overlying his leather armor which is old, cracked, and obviously too big for him. A shortsword in his hands, not threateningly, but still definitely wary he nods to Wilem and points back down the tunnel they came through. The goblin leader speaks up, "Ah I must warn you, Zar'tevs doesn't speak but he listens well enough. He'll lead you there but don't expect much else from him, he's not too overly fond of other races." At this, the little goblin sticks his rough grey tongue out at the group.

This message was last edited by the GM at 08:27, Wed 23 May 2012.
player, 13 posts
Human Male
Paladin of Sarenrae
Wed 23 May 2012
at 23:53
  • msg #271

Re: Theranin

"Everybody just be calm!" The paladin said raising his hands in a placating fashion as the Dwarf loses it.

"We thank you for the guide, and as promised, we'll leave you unmolested. Zar'tevs knows the right way, yes?" He asked, keeping his tone even.

Wilem kept his blade sheathed, and leveled a cold gaze at the angry dwarf. "Don't lose sight of our task, master Dwarf. I'll not let you make a liar out of me."
DM Visceri
GM, 208 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 25 May 2012
at 11:29
  • msg #272

Re: Theranin

The goblin leader looks to Wilem, "Yes, yes, now go, before I change my mind." His attitude seems to be a combination of annoyance and fear at the power of the party before him as he looks around the room, trying to decide whether his subjects could even hope to win against them and finding an answer he doesn't much like.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 65 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 25 May 2012
at 14:46
  • msg #273

Re: Theranin

"OK?" Dale asks Nori.  If Nori doesn't try to massacre everyone, Dale backs off and edges over near the paladin.  He looks over to the goblin king and says, "Thanks for the help.  Hopefully the sewers will be all yours by the end of the night." 

And they can keep them.  Although...  Dale eyes some of the treasure scattered around the room.  I may have to come back later.  Maybe it's not so bad here after all.
player, 60 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Fri 25 May 2012
at 15:26
  • msg #274

Re: Theranin

Uncertain if dwarves succumb to social pressure, Erasmus positions himself behind Wilem to lend his support to the man's words.  They sooner they were out of here, the better.
Gren Boarshead
player, 113 posts
Fri 25 May 2012
at 23:46
  • msg #275

Re: Theranin

Gren stood by the doorway until all his companions safetly left the room.  He didn't want the goblins stabbing anyone in the back.  He then backed out himself.  "Well it seems we made our point earlier.  So anyone want to explain where we are headed?  I don't speak goblie tongue."
player, 12 posts
Half-Orc Monk
Follower of Abadar
Sat 26 May 2012
at 01:30
  • msg #276

Re: Theranin

Something was off. Perhaps the thought was purely racist but he didn't trust the goblin's motives enough to completely let go of his guard. He eyed Nori warily as he constantly looked around the room, the tension was so tight that one false breath might set the room into a swirling melee. He followed the goblin cautiously.
DM Visceri
GM, 210 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sun 27 May 2012
at 10:41
  • msg #277

Re: Theranin

Zar'tevs wiggles his way through the legs on the party to come out on the other side by the tunnel and doesn't hesitate to begin his job as guide. As the group follows the goblin, the pass through the tunnel back into the room where they met up with Wilem and Jarroz. The goblin pauses for a moment as he scans the blank wall and seemingly finding what he's looking for, walks up to the wall and presses two stones into the wall which causes part of the wall to slide open revealing yet another tunnel, large enough for Gren to walk upright in with a few inches to spare this time around. As Zar'tevs turns to beckon the party down the tunnel, everyone begins to move forward with the exception of Taron and Tempus. The two hesitate and eye the ladder leading to somewhere on the surface longingly.

"I think this is where I will be parting my way with everyone. I get the distinct feeling I am not really welcome here and after all, someone needs to give the captain of the guard an update to the current plans and that those two," Tempus nods towards Jarroz and Wilem, "found our group successfully." Taron clears his throat, "I think I'll accompany him. Make sure he does as he says. I don't think I'm cut out for this sort of work. I think I'll be heading back to my monastery as soon as our message is delivered." The two look around at the group awkwardly before they give nods to the remaining members and set off up the ladder, moving aside the grate to reveal what looks like a basement of some sort, disappearing moments later and replacing the grate behind them.

As the group stares up after the two, a low rumbling "Hmmm" comes from behind them down the tunnel they came from. Upon turning to inspect the noise, they see a rather fearsome looking gargoyle perched on the exit of the tunnel which is slightly raised from the ground looking up with an inquisitive look on its face, one hand scratching the side of its rocky head, the other hanging limply between it's crouched legs. It has large bat-like wings stretching out above its shoulders though one of them seems to be badly damaged by what looks like some sort of corrosive material that has eaten away at the rock used to sculpt the creature. Its surface is likewise damaged, covered in pockmarks, gouges, and scratches that speak of the age of the creature. Its ears, pointier by far than those of any Elf, stick out to the sides while two curling horns arch up, back, and slightly downward again. But by far the most intriguing aspect is the glowing red eyes which looks down to meet some of the party members'.

OOC: And Strange finally joins the game!
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:41, Sun 27 May 2012.
player, 4 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Sun 27 May 2012
at 11:06
  • msg #278

Re: Theranin

Those glowing red eyes oddly manage to convey a sense of curiosity rather than the malevolence you might expect from such a creature, and they blink inquisitively a few times as they scan the group, "Hmm.. How now?  Finally free of that wretched room after twenty-seven long years.  I was precariously close to running out of stones to name.  Hmm..."  That low, slow voice evoked the sound of two slabs of granite grinding together with an underlying hint of shifting gravel.  He seemed to speak slowly, as if picking his words carefully, and some of his wording was old fashioned.

(OOC: If it helps, imagine him talking like Treebeard: )
Gren Boarshead
player, 114 posts
Sun 27 May 2012
at 15:47
  • msg #279

Re: Theranin

"Good riddance," muttered Gren as Tempus and the monk left.

Hearing a sound behind the group Gren drew a javelin and pointed it at the creature, ”What in the void is that?”  It looked like an ugly statue come to life.  It took Gren a minute to realize the creature had spoken, and Common no less.  ”What kind of demon are you?” he asked the thing without any regard to diplomacy or proper etiquette.  Was this some sort of summoned monster?

Gren’s head whipped around real quick to make sure the goblin didn’t use this distraction as a chance to disappear.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 66 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sun 27 May 2012
at 16:34
  • msg #280

Re: Theranin

At the sight of the stone monster, something ripples in Dale's chest, a feeling he recognizes as the kind of excitement that's going to make him do something suicidally stupid.  He gets a similar feeling from James.  "That," Dale says as he picks his way closer, "is so cool."  If he manages to get close enough, he sticks his hand out to Strange.  "I'm Dale.  And you... are one of the strangest things I have ever seen."

I'm not sure if gargoyles would fall under Kn (arcana) or Kn (dungeoneering), but Dale has the same modifier for both.  Sadly, he failed anyway.  Kn: 6 + 7 = 13.
player, 5 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Sun 27 May 2012
at 20:29
  • msg #281

Re: Theranin

At Gren and Dale's statements that ugly, marred stone face cocks to the side slightly, "Hmm.. The Architect did not inform me what sort of demon I was meant to portray.  I am much the same as all of my quarry-brothers, this much I do know.. hmm.."  He examines his own left hand idly noting that, at some point, his thumb had come off without him noticing,  "Although now there appear to be some minor differences.. yes..."  He nods slightly, as if this were of no great concern to him.  After all, of what concern is normal wear and tear to a piece of statuary?  After a few moments of pondering his lost digit he looks towards Dale, "Not Strangest, but Strange.. yes, hmm.. that is what they call me, good sirs.  Hmm... and what might they call you?"
This message was last edited by the player at 00:12, Mon 28 May 2012.
player, 13 posts
Half-Orc Monk
Follower of Abadar
Sun 27 May 2012
at 21:41
  • msg #282

Re: Theranin

Jarroz nodded back to Tempus and watched the two leave through the ladder. If Gren was happy to see them go then Jarroz was sure that it was a good thing. When Jarroz was finished the goblin had already started to move on. He didn't exactly know what to make of this place as of yet but it had only been a short while and the group seemed to be making progress. Jarroz watched, as he often did, the others enter the hallway and immediately stop. Letting out a sigh he poked his head out from behind the large half-ogre to get a better look.

Jarroz' eyes widened a bit as he beheld the demonic carving that had begun to talk and his jaw slacked slightly when Dale approached the creature of his own volition. 'No wonder they sent me, this place is mad'

Dale. NO!, he shouted just trying to get the words out before he moved any closer, "We don't know what it even is much less what it wants. Excercise caution. Jarroz' voice had a sense of urgency to it. The half-orc quickly ducked underneath Gren's large torso and skirted the outside of the group until he was in the front. He pointed at the stonework monster. "Well Strange. I am Jarroz, of the clan of the sun and moon. We ... ", he said with a gesture to his comrades, "seek passage through these halls. What are your intentions?
player, 6 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Tue 29 May 2012
at 13:26
  • msg #283

Re: Theranin

As Jarroz suddenly cries out and moves closer Strange's eyes fix upon him and follow his maneuvering through the group, "Hmm.. Well then, seeing as how I haven't any other more pressing engagements to attend I suppose.. hmm.. here one thick stone brow raises slightly and his hands swing upward, palms up, his shoulders rising slowly and then falling again a few moments later, a rather slow and deliberate shrug, "I seek passage through these halls, much the same as you.  Would you allow me to follow along and see what other goals we have in common?"
player, 61 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Tue 29 May 2012
at 14:59
  • msg #284

Re: Theranin

Erasmus finds himself re-evaluating his assessment of the goblins as they follow their guide.  The kind of stonework mechanics they've been using was impressive, hidden doors that slide, the ability to flood the city's sewer system, etc.  It was a technical sophistication above what he expected from his own people, which was very unnerving.

Tempus and Taron's departure were unexpected, but not unwelcome--at least as far as Tempus was converned.  The warrior had intentionally injured one of their number, not the sort of rough housing that knuck-draggers were wont to do, but he stabbed Gren, aiming for vital organs.  So while his leaving the group would mean one less sword on their side, it would also mean one less threat to watch out for.  Taron...well he didn't want anyone with them who would cower in the face of adversity.  That was almost as dangerous he supposed.  In all, he considered his mood lifted by the event.

When the party stumbled upon Strange, Erasmus was nearly floored.  "Sarenrae be praised!" he gasps.  "First she replaces that contempatble man with a holy warrior from her ranks..." he begins, referring to Wilem's arrive and Tempus's departure "and then we come upon one of her Temple Guardians..."  He steps forward to interpose himself between Gren and Strange--it wouldn't do for the half-ogre to get himself injured again.

"From what temple are you?" he asks Strange, confused.  Half-turning to the party by way of explanation, he elaborates "When I served as an acolyte at Our Lady of the Healing Flame, there were several guardians such as this to watch over the temple by night.  They were created for a darker times, and said to be alive.  We used to stare at them while eating lunch, hoping to catch one moving.  Several times I was certain I saw this happen but the movements were only slight, so I often wondered if it was just my eyes playing tricks on me, and if they were nothing more than mere statues."
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 68 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Tue 29 May 2012
at 20:57
  • msg #285

Re: Theranin

"I'm fine with it," Dale says to Strange.  "But we better hurry.  Our guide isn't the most patient of people."  Dale starts running in place.  "I recommend a brisk pace, good for the blood."

If he has blood, James says dryly.
Gren Boarshead
player, 116 posts
Tue 29 May 2012
at 22:44
  • msg #286

Re: Theranin

Gren sighed, shook his head, and lowered his weapon.  The others didn't seem to think the stone creature was a threat, so....

"To bring you up to speed...There are theives and assassins hiding out down here.  They killed a man running for office and the citywatch will pay us to find answers.  For the moment we have an uneasy truth with the goblin folk down here.  They'll lead us to the theives if we agree not to kill any more of them.  At least I think that's the deal.  I couldn't really understand all the gobbly gobbly gibberish.  Keep your eyes open for traps.  Oh...and one more thing.  If any one of you stab me again, I'm going to lose it and go on a murder spree."

He turned to fall in behind the goblin.  "Alright, let's go runt."
player, 7 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Wed 30 May 2012
at 05:17
  • msg #287

Re: Theranin

"Oh, traps is it?"  Taking a cue from Gren and Dale he insinuates himself among the group, "Hmm.. I have a particular interest in that area, myself.  Why, in my time I've disarmed many a different trap.  Hmm.. yes.. spring-loaded scythes, pitfalls, rope-mazes.  Traps fit for a king, yes indeed."  It was not clear how much of this was true, but if there was one thing Gargoyles were known for besides their violence it was their braggadocio.  As Strange finds himself next to Erasmus he turns his head to address the Priest of Sarenrae, "You say you spent time at Our Lady of the Healing Flame?  Hmm.. I have been there, I think.  My kin who roost there are rather.. hmm.. fanatical.  Even worse, they had already claimed all the good pedestals.  One cannot strike a good pose without a proper pedestal.  Yes.. hmm.. I could not bear to spend more than a few years roosting among them."  To others it might seem odd the way he spoke of spending many years in one place, in one position, but such was the way of life for one such as himself.
player, 14 posts
Half-Orc Monk
Follower of Abadar
Thu 31 May 2012
at 08:06
  • msg #288

Re: Theranin

Still a bit flabbergasted by the recent turn of events Jarroz shook his head and fell back in line behind Gren. "Amiable goblins, talking statues, what'll be next? You know I wouldn't be surprised if these assassins were actually under the employ of those who hired us. Seems about as likely as everything else that's happened today., he says as he slaps his hand to his head.
DM Visceri
GM, 215 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 31 May 2012
at 09:09
  • msg #289

Re: Theranin

While the whole party has been keeping eyes on Strange and the departure of two of their rank, the goblin guide made off down the tunnel and has now returned back, noticing that there was nobody following. He doesn't speak to get your attention, rather drags his sharp pointed nails across the stone wall of the tunnel which elicits a loud squealing screaming noise that is quite grating on the ears. He crosses his arms as he gets his attention and points down the tunnel and walks off, obviously annoyed at having to come back to get his charges.

As the group falls in behind their guide, they notice that the tunnel they are traveling in makes a wide arc down the same direction that the water had come rushing down from in the sewer itself. The tunnel walls here are in no way man made, rather seeming to be carved out the stone itself with sharp objects, possibly a hasty construction of the goblins or the Thieves Guild themselves. After about five minutes, you reach a dead end in the tunnel with four levers places on the walls, two on each side. In fact, if you had noticed when you entered the tunnel, there were four similar looking levers in similar positions. The goblin lifts the upper right one and pushes down the upper left one and the wall slides open much the same way as the two doors the group has already seen, putting themselves on the southern wall of a new room.

Inside the new room, there is a large steel door with no openings or keyholes, not even a handle exiting west while on the easternmost wall of the room, there is a ladder leading up to a steel trapdoor. Other than those two distinctions, all there is in the room is a very out of place wooden desk with a single quill resting in an ink vial and two rolls of parchment sitting on the table, one rolled up to the side, the other laying spread out with small rocks serving as paperweights.

Waling into the room, the goblin makes a b-line for the desk, stepping up behind it and upon jumping onto the chair, reaches out and twists lower left corner's paperweight which produces an audible click over by the ladder. His job seemingly complete, their guide walks over to the front of the desk, rests against it, and motions to the ladder with an open hand.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 118 posts
Fri 1 Jun 2012
at 02:39
  • msg #290

Re: Theranin

Nori had remained silent the entire time after dealing with the goblin king. He was half tempted to depart when the other two men had left but instead he remained, his dwarven stubbornness to see the job done kept him around. He was irked and in a foul temper that a goblin would demand a piece of his beloved beard as payment and the others actually contemplated doing it! It did not go unnoticed that the only one that practically backed him up was the giant and not the humans.

The young races just didn't have it in them to value anything nor fight for it. Perhaps it was just a bit of hair but the fact that it was treasured by Nori made it that much more important.

When the newcomer had joined them, the strange..Strange, Nori said nothing nor acknowledged the creature. They had met giants and orcs and goblins and yet only a few of the smaller beasts had fallen to his hammer. He was slipping and needed to kill something soon. If another creature attempted to call itself his companion, he would strike it dead.

The small goblin had motioned for them to rise up the ladder and Nori moved ahead towards it, if he stayed down any longer he was afraid he would crush the little monster with one swing.

"Aye'll go on ahead. Can't be fearin traps forever." He wanted to be in the front in case a fight broke out. Even though he said that, he was still cautious with each rung he rose.
Gren Boarshead
player, 117 posts
Fri 1 Jun 2012
at 02:59
  • msg #291

Re: Theranin

The room was a strange set up.  Gren slowly moved behind the dest to get a closer look at the parchments.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 69 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 1 Jun 2012
at 04:17
  • msg #292

Re: Theranin

Goblins are much more clever than I gave them credit for, Dale thinks to James as he looks around the room with all its secret triggers.  "Best not to touch too much, I think."

Then Nori says something about not fearing traps, and Dale agrees completely.  He quickly follows the dwarf to the ladder and waves at Strange to follow.  "Fun things this way, I hope."

Don't fangirl, Dale.
player, 8 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Fri 1 Jun 2012
at 05:00
  • msg #293

Re: Theranin

Strange meanders along amongst the group, not seeming at all hesitant or wary, apparently quite comfortable with his new comrades.  He works his way up near the front of the group where he can keep one glowy red eye out for possible traps, and, as Nori begins his ascent ahead of the group he speaks out, [Language unknown: "We ti n eareauive, elnoat Eveihass.  Pa.. Be tiremi lar ecnc ut matha evis u moprmo."]  The capital letter was almost plainly audible in that statement, and he scans the ladder shaft for possible traps, ready to warn Nori at a moment's notice if he is about to set one off.

21:59, Today: Secret Roll: Strange rolled 11 using 1d20+6. Perception check for traps.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 119 posts
Fri 1 Jun 2012
at 20:58
  • msg #294

Re: Theranin

Nori only glanced over his shoulder at Strange and nodded, it felt odd to him to see the creature use his native tongue so well. [Language unknown: "But lesallnce kor tr il hoularshe pawaei m maica nting venpe ioons isou ichtedfor k heratewhi venic nito omngha pe il lesece."] He moved to climb up and was ready to jump at a moments notice of danger. Before that however, he looked back to see who was following and who was staying in the room.

He noticed only Dale was following and Gren was looking over something at the desk, "Oi, Giant. Der sumting aye should know 'bout fore 'eading to da top?"
Gren Boarshead
player, 118 posts
Fri 1 Jun 2012
at 22:07
  • msg #295

Re: Theranin

"According to this parchment it was trapped with a spear like the one that took out the half-orc.  When the goblin turned the paper weight it supposedly disarmed it."

Gren looked the map over trying to figure out if it displayed what was on the other side of the metal trap door, as well as the metal door without a knob.
DM Visceri
GM, 216 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sat 2 Jun 2012
at 05:51
  • msg #296

Re: Theranin

And indeed as Nori continues to climb the ladder, the next rung he grabs ahold of shifts slightly with a barely audible click...but nothing happens. Being so well versed in stone, Nori spots a small hole in the wall which is currently covered by a circular stone plug, likely the source of the spear when the trap is triggered.
player, 9 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Sat 2 Jun 2012
at 06:32
  • msg #297

Re: Theranin

Strange would wait until there was room on the ladder and then climb up as quickly as was prudent so as not to be in the way of anyone else.  Reaching the surface he stands off to one side unobtrusively, looking nervously around, fidgeting, and somehow managing to convey worry with the expression on his craggy face.
Gren Boarshead
player, 120 posts
Sun 3 Jun 2012
at 20:17
  • msg #298

Re: Theranin

Gren folded up the paper and tucked it into his belt.  It showed the location of a few traps, which could come in handy.  He then followed the others up the ladder.
DM Visceri
GM, 219 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Mon 4 Jun 2012
at 06:40
  • msg #299

Re: Theranin

As the group makes their way up the ladder, the first thing that is clear is that this is no longer the sewer. The powerful aroma and stone walls have been replaced with wooden floors, paneled walls, and a homey cellar smell that speaks of wine. Where rats and refuse were the group's only company in the sewers, items covered in white sheets and kegs stacked three high against one wall replace them as well as a staircase at the opposite end of the room. The room itself is quite large though rather small in its width about 150 feet long but only 40 feet wide; a cellar, albeit a rather fancy one, if there ever was one. Every 30 feet there is a wide support pillar in the middle of the room, more often than not a gathering place for covered items and stacked furniture.

The ceiling is decently high, at least a foot of room between Gren's head and the floor of the story above and periodically you can hear footsteps which set off a creak and a small cloud of dust off of the ceiling, tracking their movement vaguely. There is very sparse lighting down here, the only real source being the light that comes through small seams in-between the ceiling above, casting eerie shadows around the room and limiting perfect visibility to 50 feet. Anything after that gets obscured but not entirely hidden.

OOC: Give me a stealth check for everyone for the general amount of noise you make while you are down here and give me your course of action as a group.
player, 10 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Mon 4 Jun 2012
at 08:04
  • msg #300

Re: Theranin

After a few moments of worry he seemed rather relieved that they had not emerged out in the open.  When the last of the group has ascended the ladder he lets out a gravelly, "Shhh... and looks around the room to check for traps as well as for any stairs up out of this cellar.  As soon as he finds a way out he'll begin heading in that direction, somehow managing perfect silence.  (OOC - Holy balls, nat 20 :P)

00:59, Today: Strange rolled 29 using 1d20+9. Stealth check.
01:01, Today: Strange rolled 18 using 1d20+5. Perception check for traps.

Gren Boarshead
player, 121 posts
Mon 4 Jun 2012
at 12:14
  • msg #301

Re: Theranin

Gren was in the wrong profession.  Being a theif was obviously more profitable.  Or perhaps, could this be the home of one of the other poloticians?  He simply shook his head and shrugged as he poked about, lifting sheets to see what was under them.

Stealth 10
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 71 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Mon 4 Jun 2012
at 14:59
  • msg #302

Re: Theranin

Dale looks around for the exit and anyway to look upstairs without being seen but waits for Strange's all-clear to move.  All this sneaking around isn't really his style, and he worries that he'll give them away too early.  On the other hand, that would at least answer the Is this the bandit base? question.

Perception: 9
Stealth: 16

player, 16 posts
Half-Orc Monk
Follower of Abadar
Mon 4 Jun 2012
at 22:19
  • msg #303

Re: Theranin

Jarroz was rather amazed. The others worked so well together, it reminded him of the days with his brothers at the monastery. He let out a sigh as he looked around the room, rummaging through whatever he could find. He would be damned if he was useless or if he brought the rest of the group down.


15:13, Today: Jarroz rolled 19 using 1d20+7. Perception.
15:13, Today: Jarroz rolled 7 using 1d20+4. Stealth.

Gren Boarshead
player, 122 posts
Mon 4 Jun 2012
at 22:40
  • msg #304

Re: Theranin

"There is no way the person who lives here has a theif's entrance into the sewers and doesn't know it," he says softly, but perhaps not softly enough.  "Let's say we go get some answers before they have a chance to call out for aid."
This message was last edited by the player at 21:53, Tue 05 June 2012.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 120 posts
Tue 5 Jun 2012
at 02:48
  • msg #305

Re: Theranin

Nori moved as silently as he could when he arrived upstairs. He stayed out in front of the rest but only slightly, he was still within earshot of Strange calling out for traps.  He held his weapon tightly in hand and tried to remain off to a side of the center attempting to keep in line with the pillars that went across the room.

He was crouched low, every now and then looking up to see if he could make out any words or particular movements from those above them.

21:45, Today: Nori Hammerfist rolled 18,14 using 1d20+6,1d20+2. Perception, Stealth.

player, 62 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Tue 5 Jun 2012
at 19:54
  • msg #306

Re: Theranin

Erasmus comes up the ladder next, obliviously banging into things as he steps aside  to make room for Wilem to ascend.

15:52, Today: Erasmus rolled 8 using 1d20-2. stealth.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:42, Wed 06 June 2012.
DM Visceri
GM, 225 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 6 Jun 2012
at 06:48
  • msg #307

Re: Theranin

As a whole, the group does fairly well at keeping quiet on entering the basement though a couple of people do bumble around in the darkness for a moment or two before they are able to get their eyes adjusted to the light level before the torch comes up the ladder. As some of the group start peaking under the tarps, they find everything from old carved furniture to paintings to sculptures; quite the rich taste indeed. There are a couple of bound chests that catch the eye but they seem to be only for holding old moth-eaten clothes and books.

Luckily, after a minute or two of this, it seems that nobody heard the group enter and upon looking back to the trapdoor, you see that it's back into place and the goblin did not follow you up. At the stairs at the other end of the room, there is a heavy wooden door at the top of the flight and upon trying the door handle quietly, you find that it is locked from the other side though, oddly enough, there is a keyhole on this side of the door as well.
player, 11 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Wed 6 Jun 2012
at 06:59
  • msg #308

Re: Theranin

He beckons to the group, stone-clawed hands waving silently through the air as he attempts to draw their attention.  He stands at the bottom of the stairs and whispers in a gravelly tone as the others approach, "No traps.  Locked door.. hmm.. no tools with which to open it," accompanying his statement with a sage nod, as if was the greatest wisdom in the world.
player, 64 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Wed 6 Jun 2012
at 19:44
  • msg #309

Re: Theranin

Unless someone else moves forward to handle the door, Erasmus tries peering through the keyhole, relaying to the others whatever he sees.
Gren Boarshead
player, 123 posts
Thu 7 Jun 2012
at 22:32
  • msg #310

Re: Theranin

"Does anyone know how to pick locks?  Should we just bash it open?" Gren asked looking around to the others.  "Maybe we could lure whoever is up there with trickery.  Can any of you mimic the sound of a crying baby or something like that?"  He really didn't know what the skills of the others were.
Nori Hammerfist
player, 123 posts
Fri 8 Jun 2012
at 03:50
  • msg #311

Re: Theranin

Nori shook his head at the giant and gave him the motion to stay quiet. He was still not sure if the people above them were waiting in ambush or if they were oblivious to the group below. He wanted to wait a few more moments before coming to a decision as to what to do next.

If nothing changed, Nori would look to the rest of the group and attempt to mouth orders without actually speaking a sound. He knew the darkness would make it difficult so he kept his instructions simple.

He pointed to strange and himself and made an hand gesture signalling that they would burst through the door first.

He mouthed the words, Follow. Stay close. Hit fast

Nori was getting tired of rummaging in the shadows and was thirsting for a proper fight. Unless someone voiced some sort of opposition to his plan, he would go along with it when everyone nodded an agreement.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 73 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 8 Jun 2012
at 04:30
  • msg #312

Re: Theranin

Dale wasn't quite able to figure out what Nori was mouthing but didn't have trouble guessing the gist of it.  So he just smiles, gestures towards the door, bows slightly, and whispers.  "After you."
player, 12 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Fri 8 Jun 2012
at 05:53
  • msg #313

Re: Theranin

Holding up one long, clawed finger Strange whispers in that gravelly rumble, "Pardon, master Architect, hmm.. I may yet have a solution."  Stepping forward he lowers his hand towards the lock, slipping his sharp claw into the opening and twitching it about momentarily, alternately nodding slightly in anticipation one moment and shaking his head in consternation the next.

22:53, Today: Strange rolled 21 using 1d20+7. Disable Device to open lock.
DM Visceri
GM, 227 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 8 Jun 2012
at 06:08
  • msg #314

Re: Theranin

As Strange moves his pointed claw up and down, side to side, in the lock, a faint 'click' is heard as the tumblers fall into place and the door unlocks. Apparently triggering the handle as well, the door opens slightly, pouring light into the room as the door opens inward. Whoever walked by moments ago is gone now, having turned the corner down the way a bit. The hallway that opens up to the group now isn't very long and looks like something of an entryway to a home. To the left is the front door and to the right, a hallway with decorative paintings, vases on small side tables, and indigenous flora. There is even a small bust of some unknown man with an interestingly cut beard. The hallway continues on for a couple dozen feet before it opens into a 'T' junction. Looking at the back of the door that faces the hallway, the group finds that it is decorated to look like part of the wall, the same paneling, wallpaper, and even a painting hanging on it. The keyhole is barely visible and cleverly hidden in the painting itself.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:21, Fri 08 June 2012.
Gren Boarshead
player, 124 posts
Sun 10 Jun 2012
at 15:31
  • msg #315

Re: Theranin

Gren flashed the gargoyle an impressed look as he passed him by.  He gently pressed the door open and stood in the hall looking back and forth.  He headed to the right to stand in the "T-junction," once again looking for signs of anybody.
player, 13 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Sun 10 Jun 2012
at 19:38
  • msg #316

Re: Theranin

Strange wanders down the hall, still managing to remain quite silent.  He stops in front of the bust and bows low before it before continuing up to the intersection.  He leans over and peers around the corner in both directions, looking for any sort of indication about where they are in the general scheme of the building - not that he has had much experience with the interiors of buildings...
Gren Boarshead
player, 126 posts
Sun 10 Jun 2012
at 20:03
  • msg #317

Re: Theranin

With a curling of his fingers he motions the others to follow him as he starts moving down the northern hall.  He draws his club, wishing he had something more akin to a blackjack.  Nearing the doorway he tries to peek in without being seen himself.

14:03, Today: Gren Boarshead rolled 14 using 1d20+2. stealth.

(GM Note: This action will take place after others have had a chance to express their actions.)

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:40, Sun 10 June 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 74 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Mon 11 Jun 2012
at 15:52
  • msg #318

Re: Theranin

Dale wasn't quite sure what the point of sneaking was.  With this many of them, it's not like they could blend in.  He looks down at his shoes.  Ruined.  Thank gods they weren't his nice ones.  He follows Gren and looks around for a kitchen.
DM Visceri
GM, 232 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 13 Jun 2012
at 09:53
  • msg #319

Re: Theranin

Nori looks to the group as they are about to move forward and whispers, "I have a bad feeling bout somethin...Me gut says t' guard the entrance back t' the sewers. Plus if fightin breaks out, those two guards out the front door are gonna need some company t' play with." With that, Nori pushes back to the rear of the party and disappears into the doorway leading to the basement of the house. (OOC: Give a goodbye wave to the resident dwarf, RL has claimed another!)

As the group, currently headed by Gren, moves up to the ajar door, the conversation inside stops abruptly, likely due to the sound some of the more heavily armored among you are making. It seems that whoever is inside has noticed your presence. A few tense moments go by before you hear a voice call out, "Well are you going to come in or just stand out there in the hallway all day?" The voice sounds vaguely familiar and as the door opens, you can see a sight that some of you had suspicions about in the first place. There, at a table covered in maps, open books, and a few full pouches of what you can only assume are coins, are all three of the other politicians from the gathering earlier in the day. Accompanying them are four men dressed in tight black leather outfits that cover every inch of their bodies including their faces. They are on the outskirts of the room, some pacing, some with hands on the hilts of swords or daggers.

The room itself is fairly average in size though with all of the things packed into it and the giant chair in the middle, it makes the room feel much smaller. The crystal chandelier hanging above the table certainly doesn't help with that problem. As the uneasy standoff between the two groups continues, you hear a door close near the back of the room where you see another on door that leads into another hallway. A few moments later, the captain of the guard walks into the room, "I took care of the--" he stops midway through wiping fresh blood off of his blade as he spies the group and his brow furrows slightly but he continues what he was doing anyways as he walks over to the table and calmly takes a seat. "Well this is a surprise. I have to admit I didn't expect to see you again."

The politician that you remember being named Vyncent Lacio cuts him off, "That will be enough Mathias." Folding his hands on the table, he takes a moment to size up the members of the group who file into the room. "So no doubt you came here through means other than the conventional or else you would not be here. I would have had my guards at the front and back gates turn anyone away." Aroth Degrin and Thelry Studart, the other two politicians, look around nervously at the proceedings and at the inherent meaning of Vyncent's statement. "So I feel I must ask this; what are you doing here, and what is it that you hope to accomplish?"

Man on the left is Aroth Degryn
Man on the right is Thelry Studart
Man in the middle is Vyncent Lacio
Man that looks like the Captain of the Guard is, you guessed it, the Captain of the Guard


This message was last edited by the GM at 09:55, Wed 13 June 2012.
player, 14 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Wed 13 Jun 2012
at 10:46
  • msg #320

Re: Theranin

The weight of the situation was not lost on Strange, however he had no investment in either side of this potential conflict and so he was content to stay quiet for the time being.  Since he likely won't be taking part in any talks he takes the time to study the room for anything that might be taken advantage of should a fight break out.  Of particular interest to him were the chandelier and it's manner of suspension from the ceiling as well as any possible windows that might let in light (though he was not sure if it was daytime or nighttime, something one loses track of when spending decades underground.)

03:31, Today: Strange rolled 21 using 1d20+3. Initiative.
03:27, Today: Strange rolled 16 using 1d20+5. Perception.
OOC: Rolled Init early in the event of a fight.

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 76 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Wed 13 Jun 2012
at 16:51
  • msg #321

Re: Theranin

"Gods, we're not getting paid, are we?  I knew that thing about some Thieves' Guild trying to kill a politician was crap."

No you didn't.

"Shut up.  Look," Dale points at the guard captain with his sword in his left hand (crossbow still in his right), "I'll make this easy.  I don't take it personally that you tried to kill anyone asking questions, but you either pay me what you said or this is going to get messy."

Initiative: 14.
Captain of the Guard
NPC, 1 post
Wed 13 Jun 2012
at 17:13
  • msg #322

Re: Theranin

The Captain works on cleaning out the dirt beneath his fingernails and when Dale speaks he rolls his eyes up so that he is peering out from beneath his brow. "You actually though I was gonna pay your sorry asses?" The captain looks at his political friends and begins to laugh. "Tell me, do you believe everybody's word or were you just a sucker for my charm?"
player, 66 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Wed 13 Jun 2012
at 17:46
  • msg #323

Re: Theranin

Erasmus's eyes squint as he takes the situation in.  He hadn't expected to find themselves in a place like this, nor in the present company.  It was rather off-putting.  That the politicians didn't immediately play innocent threw him off as well, there was certainly ample evidence for plausible deny-ability.  But when the captain of the guard immediately revealed his duplicitous nature, all question about the circumstances fled from his mind.  They had been set up to provide a false investigation for an assassination.  The fact that they were now standing here meant that they were a loose end.

All off these thoughts passed through his mind in what seemed like a few seconds.  But all that came out of his mouth was the monosyllabic blurting of: "Why?"
DM Visceri
GM, 233 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 13 Jun 2012
at 21:27
  • msg #324

Re: Theranin

Vyncent scoffs at Erasmus's question, "Well I couldn't exactly just have the assassination go unresponded to could I? We needed someone to go on the wild goose chase for us to make it look like we were trying to find the culprits. Going into the sewers should have spelled death for the lot of you, I'll have to...have a word with the goblins for their continued failure. It was foolish assuming they could handle a job like this." He still makes no move to brandish any sort of weapon and still remains seated at the table. The other two politicians remain completely quiet with the uncomfortable looks on their face beginning to turn a little panicky. It's hard to see if those two have weapons as both of their hands are on their laps, blocked by the high sides of their chairs.
Gren Boarshead
player, 127 posts
Wed 13 Jun 2012
at 21:38
  • msg #325

Re: Theranin

While Gren wasn't surprised that a politician was behind everything.  He was surprised to find that EVERYBODY seemed to be in on it.  He was going to tell the captain of the guard that 'the job was done, the assissins were found, now if you'd pays us we'd go,' but he just admitted that they would not be seeing any gold.  This whole damn town needs to be razed to the ground, he thought to himself.

The half-ogre sorcerer didn't wait for explinations.  He didn't wait for the evil gang to finish their monologs.  Gren cast a spell in preperation for the worse.  A glowing magic circle flashed before him then vanished.

Cast Shield
15:44, Today: Gren Boarshead rolled 12 using 1d20+2. initiative.

This message was last edited by the player at 21:45, Wed 13 June 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 77 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Wed 13 Jun 2012
at 22:04
  • msg #326

Re: Theranin

Seeing Gren ready for action makes Dale smile.  To the captain, he says, "That was an opening to bribe us, you obnoxious little twit."

Dale fires his crossbow at the captain and immediately switches James to his right hand, ready to be charged by the creepy guys in black.

Attack: 21 (nat 20, 19 to confirm)
Damage: 4
Crit: 6

DM Visceri
GM, 235 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 13 Jun 2012
at 22:15
  • msg #327

Re: Theranin

Vyncent flinches at the quarrel that flies past him into the Captain's shoulder and all four of the thieves guild members draw weapons and look to Vyncent for orders. "HOLD YOU DIMWITS!" Vyncent shouts to Dale, the guild members, and the Captain who has pushed himself to his feet and drawn his sword, bloodlust in the eyes he has locked on Dale. Letting out a tense breath, Vyncent stands and grasps the edge of the table with both hands, "It is fully within my budget to offer you compensation for your troubles. Something that will help ALL of us avoid any unnecessary violence. That is, of course, assuming you aren't intent on peppering people full of holes!"

As this all goes down, you can see that the other two politicians are wide-eyed in fear and look to be rocking back and forth in their chairs though something is off about their movements. When one jerks back, the other is yanked forward and vice versa. As Aroth pulls back one time, his hands break over the side of his chair to reveal that his hands are bound in manacles.
player, 67 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Fri 15 Jun 2012
at 18:38
  • msg #328

Re: Theranin

The goblins were working for Vyncent, this explained their existence beneath the city going unopposed.  With Dale having threatened violence, Vyncent seemed interested in talking.  The priest had no intention to cooperate with such a man, but there were still things he didn't know, so he decided it was best to try to keep the man talking and see what hubris would force him to reveal.

"That's not what I meant." he starts, retrieving the conversational thread that followed his initial question.  "The reasoning behind your coverup is obvious now that it's been exposed to the light.  I meant, why kill Selmund Wulfa?" he asks, deciding to play ignorant to the captivity of Aroth and Thelry for the time being.

09:55, Today: Erasmus rolled 11 using 1d20-2. initiative.
14:32, Today: Erasmus rolled 12 using 1d20+10. Diplomacy - Keep him talking. 

DM Visceri
GM, 246 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 15 Jun 2012
at 21:15
  • msg #330

Re: Theranin

Vyncent looks Erasmus in the eye suspiciously but ends up shrugging, "I see no harm in telling you. After all, either you'll take the money for you silence or my friends here will administer silence unto you. I couldn't have Wulfa win, you see, because it would be bad for business. His main selling point was the dissolution of the Thieves Guild and he was far favored to be the winning candidate and I have no doubt that he would have fought for his claim tooth and nail. He wouldn't be bought or cowed into silence," he shoots a quick glance to the two other politicians, "so we had no choice but to kill him, you see. How else would be continue being the dominant ruling force of this city?" A malicious grin appears on his face at the implied information. "But I think we've talked enough. Your friends obviously have no intention of taking a bribe and you're obviously just trying to keep me talking to give them time." With that he motions with one hand and the thieves move in as well as the "captain of the guard."


22 Captain of the Guard
21 Strange
20 Wilem
17 Vyncent
15 Thieves Guild Members

14 Dale
12 Gren
  8 Jarroz
  2 Studart and Degrin

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:17, Fri 15 June 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 82 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 15 Jun 2012
at 21:15
  • msg #331

Re: Theranin

By some miracle, Eramus kept the guards from attacking Dale straight off after he fired.  Dale briefly considers just taking the finally-offered bribe, but when he sees the other two men tied to the chairs, Dale's least favorite part of his psyche decides to start paying attention.

He's going to have to play the hero.  The very violent hero.

"Sorry, gonna have to go with the peppering option."

Dale activates some of his inner magic to enhance James and rushes past his dropped crossbow, charging the nearest guard in black.

Activates arcane point and moves to front right guard.
Charge attack: 23
Damage: 12
AC: 14

Gren Boarshead
player, 132 posts
Fri 15 Jun 2012
at 22:09
  • msg #332

Re: Theranin

"I would have taken that bribe; after killing the captain of your guard of course..." Gren said as he drew a javelin and threw it at the captain.  "I simply can't stand being lied to and then led into the sewers to die.  Of course I can't let you live now that you've sicked your animals on me.  Pray they are skilled enough to stop me Vyncent."

AC:16, HP9/9
16:03, Today: Gren Boarshead rolled 14 using 1d8+8. damage.
16:03, Today: Gren Boarshead rolled 14 using 1d20+2. ranged attack.

player, 15 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Sat 16 Jun 2012
at 04:19
  • msg #333

Re: Theranin

Having noticed the manacles upon Aroth's wrists he springs into action.  The sides were matched number for number but there was no telling how well trained the captain or the thieves were, not to mention what sort of physical pursuits this Vyncent fellow might have undertaken.  It occurred to him that releasing the hostages and providing them with weapons would go a long way toward evening the odds.  He springs forward suddenly, moving faster than the others might thought him capable due to his slow method of speaking.  He dashes forward first, vaulting up onto the table then veering to the left, scooping up the keys at the corner of the table (E-4) and hopping down on the other side of the hostage on that side (whichever is at F-3).  As he lands he crouches down, looking under the table for any possible traps attached to the manacles.

Initiative: 21

Current/Max HP: 18/18
Current AC: 14
 - Touch: 14
 - Flat-Footed: 11
CMD: 15

Target: None
21:16, Today: Strange rolled 16 using 1d20+5. Perception check for traps.
21:13, Today: Strange rolled 16 using 1d20+7. Acrobatics.

Buffs: (Bonuses from spells, abilities, etc.)
Debuffs: (Ailments from spells, abilities, etc.)

 - Full-Round: Double-move (L-7 to E-3) plus pick up keys.
 - Standard:
 - Move:
 - Free:

Captain of the Guard
NPC, 2 posts
Sat 16 Jun 2012
at 15:36
  • msg #334

Re: Theranin

The Captain grips his sword tightly and swings it around loosening his wrist. "Been a while since I had a good fight, let's see what you poor saps can do." He motions for his men to move up along with him. He sizes up Wilem before taking the offensive.

11:34, Today: Captain of the Guard rolled 9 using 1d20+4. vs Wilem.
Move to K-9 & Attack Wilem.

This message was last edited by the player at 15:37, Sat 16 June 2012.
player, 17 posts
Half-Orc Monk
Follower of Abadar
Sat 16 Jun 2012
at 15:45
  • msg #335

Re: Theranin

Jarroz grins, seeming eager to jump into the fight. He lets the burning cigarette hang from the corner of his mouth, careful to not let it drop or go out. He charges at one of the black clothed thieves, pulling up short and then delivering a solid kick to the man's rib cage.

Attack thief at J-2. Charged to J-3.

11:43, Today: Jarroz rolled 5 using 1d6+1. dmg.
11:42, Today: Jarroz rolled 19 using 1d20+5. vs thief.

player, 14 posts
Human Male
Paladin of Sarenrae
Sat 16 Jun 2012
at 15:50
  • msg #336

Re: Theranin

Seeing Dale pull his own weapon, Wilem does like wise. He would have liked to take things in a more peaceful direction, but sometimes a fight was necessary. This seemed like one of those moments. He wanted to make his way over to the two other politicians, but seeing Strange had that under control, and the pressing need to deal with the Captain who had taken a keen interest in him, he had more pressing matters to deal with.

Wilem lifted his shield, trying to bat away the Captain's sword while delivering his own attack. Either his aim was horrible or the Captain was to quick, because Wilem's curved blade cut nothing but wind.

11:49, Today: Wilem rolled 7 using 1d20+5. vs Captain.
player, 69 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Mon 18 Jun 2012
at 19:20
  • msg #337

Re: Theranin

Moving out of the way of the fighting, Erasmus begins to warn the captain of the sort of afterlife he can expect.  "Know you the tartarurian depths?  For that is where the souls of betrayers and false leaders are destined!"

Move: Left 2 squares
Standard: Intimidate Captain to Demoralize with a roll of 10.

15:17, Today: Erasmus rolled 10 using 1d20+6. Intimidate: Demoralize (DC:10+HD+Wismod).

A shaken character takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks. Shaken is a less severe state of fear than frightened or panicked.

DM Visceri
GM, 254 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 19 Jun 2012
at 09:59
  • msg #338

Re: Theranin

The captain of the guard walks past the two thieves and rolls his sword in an arc before him while looking Wilem up and down, "Been a while since I had a good fight, let's see what you poor saps can do." Sword coming to rest in his palm, he rushes in with a blow from above that Wilem blocks with his shield though his own attack in retaliation is deflected by the captain's metal bracer.

As the captain and Wilem start their duel, Strange springs forward, showing how deceptively fast the stone gargoyle can move and with a fluid motion, vaults onto the table which groans in protest under his weight but holds for now. Grabbing the keys from the end of the table, he hops off and looks at the underside of the table and sees that the only thing keeping the two men in place is a thick rope between the two politicians which is tied to both sets of manacles and run through a metal loop under the center of the table. Seeing Strange and his intent, Vyncent draws the sword from his hip with one hand and drops a dagger out from under his sleeve with another that he immediately throws at the gargoyle with deadly accuracy. The blade embeds itself in one of the rough parts of his damaged wing and sticks. Strange feels the impact of the blade but also something more as he feels his joints begin to stiffen a bit.

Seeing the captain jump into combat, the rogues of the Thieves Guild aren't far behind, wielding a mixture of longswords and daggers and moving with a fluid-like grace and exceptional speed with their strikes. Jarroz dodges a blow aimed at him and retaliated with a kick to the man's sternum, staggering the thief momentarily before he rights himself and comes back to base with the monk. Dale also dodges a thrust from a dagger but the second blow is unavoidable as the longsword tears a deep gash in his side, doing more damage than it seemed like it should have. Erasmus is equally unlucky as the rogue's dagger finds purchase across his chest, ripping his robe and giving him a shallow cut.

The blood loos starting to play hell with his vision, Dale activates some of his inner magic and releases it into James and brings the sword to bear against the smug rogue who looks as if he thinks he has the kill already in hand. "Sorry, gonna have to go with the peppering option," he says through gritted teeth as he runs the thief through the heart causing the mans eyes to go wide with shock and start glazing over as he falls to his back and begins coughing up blood, still alive but only just.

Watching the others engage in combat, Gren has the last word to get in as he takes a javelin from his back "I would have taken that bribe; after killing the captain of your guard of course..." he said to Vyncent as he hurls the weapon at the captain who knocks it out of the air with his sword and sends it clattering across the floor to land behind him.  "I simply can't stand being lied to and then led into the sewers to die.  Of course I can't let you live now that you've sicked your animals on me.  Pray they are skilled enough to stop me Vyncent." Vyncent sneers at the half-ogre, "You challenge the master of the Thieves Guild, his chief lieutenant, and four of his acolytes on his own turf and expect to come out alive? You're of a fool than I thought!"

Erasmus, clutching the minor chest wound, staggers backwards a few steps and sees the captain and Wilem in their struggle against each other. "Know you the tartarurian depths?  For that is where the souls of betrayers and false leaders are destined!" he calls out in a commanding voice. Nobody seems to care about where their souls are headed though as to be one of the Thieves Guild is to voluntarily invite darkness and subterfuge as a way of life. Two that are inadvertently effected though are the two politicians. Studart and Degren begin rocking back and forth, struggling against their bonds in panic, fearing for their own lives without even realizing that Strange is actively trying to help them, making the gargoyle's job all the harder.

Party Status
Strange: -4 HP / -1 Dex (Include a Fort Save next turn)
Dale: -9 HP
Erasmus: -3 HP
Everyone Else: Full HP

22 Captain of the Guard
21 Strange
20 Wilem
17 Vyncent
15 Thieves Guild Members

14 Dale
12 Gren
11 Erasmus
  8 Jarroz
  2 Studart and Degrin

OOC: I know some of you have already done it but could the rest of you post your current HP and AC somewhere in your post for me during combat posts? Thanks!

player, 16 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Tue 19 Jun 2012
at 21:08
  • msg #339

Re: Theranin

Feeling the thud of the dagger into his already-ruined wing Strange looks dourly over his shoulder at Vyncent for a moment before turning back to his task, shrugging off the stiffness easily.  As he tugged at the manacles of the younger of the two hostages he spoke low so he could only be heard by the man seated just in front of him, "Hmm.. As soon as you are free you will go under the table, yes, and free the man at the other end of this rope."  If he manages to get the manacles unlocked quickly enough he will shove the keyring at the politician and move toward the guards in the southwestern end of the room, otherwise he will keep working at it until the fellow is freed.

Initiative: 21

Current/Max HP: 14/18
Current AC: 14
 - Touch: 14
 - Flat-Footed: 11
CMD: 15

Target: Politician @ F-3
Rolls: 13:52, Today: Strange rolled 21 using 1d20+2. Fortitude save.
13:59, Today: Strange rolled 26 using 1d20+9. Stealth roll to move silently.
14:06, Today: Strange rolled 9 using 1d20+7. Disable Device to open manacles.
(Not sure if the disable device roll is necessary since I have the keys, but maybe there's a bunch of keys and I don't find the correct one right away. :P)

Buffs: (Bonuses from spells, abilities, etc.)
Debuffs: (Ailments from spells, abilities, etc.)

 - Full-Round: Unlock the manacles.  (Assuming a full-round action if there are multiple keys.  If it's unlocked quickly enough I'll assume a standard action and take a move action as well.  See below.)
 - Standard:
 - Move: Move to J-3 (See stealth roll for silent movement)
 - Free:

Gren Boarshead
player, 133 posts
Tue 19 Jun 2012
at 21:11
  • msg #340

Re: Theranin

Gren frowned having missed his target.  It was far easier to hit things out in the open before they have time to close within melee range.  The sewers and now this room were a curse for the oversized half-ogre.

Gren drew his club.  Besides the head being carved into the shape of a boar's head, it was nothing special.  It wasn't carved from some ancient and rare tree.  It wasn't blessed by either gods or men.  It was a big heavy stick; and Gren was going to show these murderers what a half-ogre with a big stick could do.

"Ekirts Eurt," he chanted.  Three glowing triangles, that only he could see, made thier way from his palm to the head of the club.

AC16, HP9/9
Move action:  Draw weapon
Standard action:  cast True Strike

This message was last edited by the player at 21:37, Tue 19 June 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 86 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Tue 19 Jun 2012
at 21:28
  • msg #341

Re: Theranin

"Erasmus, Wilem, some healing, please."  Dale is bleeding rather heavily, and he's already woosey from the bloodloss.  He can feel James' anger and gets the impression that the sword is trying to goad him into hitting harder without actually using words.

If he survives the second attack from the thieves, Dale briefly engages the one still standing, but favors blocking over attacking.  Then he takes a step back and casts shield on himself.

Fight defensively: 8 attack on L10
Five foot step to M8
AC 16 at beginning of turn, 22 at end
HP 1/10 (unless someone heals him... please)

Captain of the Guard
NPC, 3 posts
Thu 21 Jun 2012
at 12:25
  • msg #342

Re: Theranin

Stepping into his counter swing, the Captain's foot slides on Dale's blood, spreading his legs wide and cause his aim to go wide. He braces himself with his hand and regains his balance just in time to deflect Wilem's return attack.

08:19, Today: Captain of the Guard rolled 6 using 1d20+4. vs Wilem.
NPC, 15 posts
Human Male
Paladin of Sarenrae
Thu 21 Jun 2012
at 12:26
  • msg #343

Re: Theranin

The paladin hears Dales call for help and takes a step towards him. He can't offer much with the Captain breathing down his back though. And as a new recruit to the order he had yet to learn the intricacies of the healing and divine arts. But he could at least try to help the man from getting surround by the dangerous thieves. "Erasmus, this man needs the touch of one blessed, such as yourself, my skills are not yet strong enough to offer a healing hand."

08:20, Today: Wilem rolled 14 using 1d20+5. vs Captain.
Wilem is taking a 5' step towards Dale.

NPC, 18 posts
Half-Orc Monk
Follower of Abadar
Thu 21 Jun 2012
at 12:30
  • msg #344

Re: Theranin

Jarroz grins and waves his hands with a 'come hither' motion. "Your gonna have to do better than that if you want to take me down." The monk tests his foe, trying to get a better feel for the agile man draped in dark clothing and armor. He takes up a boxing stance, throwing a jab at the man's jaw.

08:28, Today: Jarroz rolled 8 using 1d20+5. vs thief. (Should have been +4, but missed regardless).

player, 70 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Thu 21 Jun 2012
at 16:51
  • msg #345

Re: Theranin

Erasmus hears Dale and Wilem's plea despite his pain, so quickly shuffles over to the two of them.  Reaching out, he lays hands on Dale while murmuring a prayer to his goddess.

HP: 4/7
AC: 9

Move: Move left 2 squares to M8
Standard: Spontaneously cast Cure Light Wounds with Endure Elements for 4 hp

12:48, Today: Erasmus rolled 4 using 1d8+1. Cure Light Wounds -> Dale.

DM Visceri
GM, 257 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 21 Jun 2012
at 22:11
  • msg #346

Re: Theranin

Stepping into his counter swing, the Captain's foot slides on Dale's blood, spreading his legs wide and cause his aim to go wide. He braces himself with his hand and regains his balance just in time to deflect Wilem's return attack. Wilem who tries to get closer to Dale to keep him covered finds his movement hard with the captain focused on him as well as the attention he begins to garner from the other rogue that he moves towards though at a feral growl from the captain, the rogue backs off and refocuses his attention on Dale. "Erasmus, this man needs the touch of one blessed, such as yourself, my skills are not yet strong enough to offer a healing hand," the paladin calls out at the same time that Dale makes his own plea. "Erasmus, Wilem, some healing, please." he says a bit weakly as he brings James up to meet the thief's blade before staggering a step back and channeling his magus energy to give him a shimmering protective sphere that surrounds his body just about the time Erasmus makes it to the magus's side, meeting him halfway. Laying hands on Dale's shoulders, almost propping him up at this point, Erasmus lets off a prayer to Sarenrae as his hands glow white and Dale's wound begins to visibly knit itself together with a sensation that feels like numb tightening.

"Ekirts Eurt," a rumbling voice sounds from the center of the group as Gren pulls out his club, more of a log really, and sets his sights on punishment for those that were unlucky enough to draw his ire. Meanwhile, Jarroz seems to be thoroughly enjoying his fight with his opponent, easily ducking under a slash. "Your gonna have to do better than that if you want to take me down," he taunts, throwing a jab at the man's chin though the rogue bends backwards a bit, letting the fist fly over his head. "You're not the only martially trained one here fool," the thief spits back at him in a mid-ranged but ragged voice. As if to punctuate his point, the other thief who had injured Erasmus moves forward and in a display of acrobatic excellence, twists himself in midair, lending force to the already powerful blow of the longsword that bites into the monk's shoulder.

Meanwhile, Strange, mostly ignoring Vyncent and his thrown poison dagger other than a dour look in the man's direction, continues to try and free Studart, "Hmm.. As soon as you are free you will go under the table, yes, and free the man at the other end of this rope." Luckily, there are only three keys on the ring and he gets the right one on his second try, freeing Studart from his imprisonment but on handing the politician the keys, he simply sits there looking at Strange with fear in his eyes for a moment before he drops to the floor beginning to feebly crawl across to the other side. Strange, seeing the man taking the proper action moves silently down the room, positioning himself behind one of the thieves who seems too preoccupied with Jarroz to notice him. Watching this happen, Vyncent growls a few curses before moving behind Degrin, "I will not be made a fool of and i will NOT loose my political prisoners! If I can't have them, neither can you!" as his blade rams through the older man's chest, spurting blood onto the table and causing the man's eyes to glaze over as his breath becomes shallow and blood begins to drip from his mouth before he goes limp in his chair.

Party Status
Strange: -4 HP / -1 Dex
Dale: -5 HP
Erasmus: -3 HP
Jarroz: -6
Wilem: Full HP

NPC Statuses
Thieves Dead: 1
Degrin mortally wounded / possibly dead

22 Captain of the Guard
21 Strange
20 Wilem
17 Vyncent
15 Thieves Guild Members

14 Dale
12 Gren
11 Erasmus
  8 Jarroz
  2 Studart and Degrin

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:50, Mon 25 June 2012.
Gren Boarshead
player, 136 posts
Thu 21 Jun 2012
at 22:54
  • msg #347

Re: Theranin

Gren growled and moved towards the Captain, also known as the leader of the Theive's Guild.  "I'm tired of being made a fool of,"  he said as he raised his club.  The magic behind his strike directed the club as if by an unseen hand.

Attack = 25 (true strike, arcane strike, bloodline arcana), Damage = 14
Move to J8
Will go after the captain even if he moves.  Does his best to avoid AoO's though.
AC 16, HP 9/9

This message was last edited by the player at 11:34, Fri 22 June 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 90 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Thu 21 Jun 2012
at 23:10
  • msg #348

Re: Theranin

"Thank you," Dale says to Erasmus.  Then he hears Vyncent shout and looks around Wilem to see Vyncent stab Degrin.  Right, that little power-monger is going to die.

Dale concentrates and pours magic into his palm, then fires it at Vyncent.  The missile dodges around Wilem and the guard captain to hit Vyncent in the chest.  Darnit, Dale was hoping for the face.

Then Dale steps up to the thief that had injured him so badly and decides to get rid of him.  Unfortunately, Dale is still a bit dizzy, and he misses his target.

Casts magic missile at Vyncent for 5 damage
5' step to M9
Attack 6 on L10
AC 20, HP 5/10

This message was last edited by the player at 02:24, Sun 24 June 2012.
player, 18 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Fri 22 Jun 2012
at 04:35
  • msg #349

Re: Theranin

Satisfied that the fellow is no longer chained up and more or less safe under the table Strange focuses on his first victim - err, target.  Having successfully sneaked up on one of the fellows in dark clothing he lashes out with his claws then attempts to latch his jaws brutally around the poor fellow's neck.  It has been a while since he last found himself engaged in combat, however, and only his claw finds its target.

Initiative: 21

Current/Max HP: 16/18
Current AC: 14
 - Touch: 14
 - Flat-Footed: 11
CMD: 15

Target: Thief at K-4
Rolls: 21:09, Today: Strange rolled 1 using 1d6. Sneak Attack.
21:09, Today: Strange rolled 3 using 1d6+2. Damage.
21:09, Today: Strange rolled 19 using 1d20+4. Claw Attack (+2 for flank).
21:29, Today: Strange rolled 6 using 1d20-4. Secondary attack (bite).

Buffs: -1 Dex ?/? Rounds left
Debuffs: (Ailments from spells, abilities, etc.)

 - Full-Round:
 - Standard: Claw and bite attacks on Thief at K-4
 - Move:
 - Free:

(OOC Note: Fixed HP since I have DR 2/magic, freeze.)

player, 71 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Sun 24 Jun 2012
at 21:35
  • msg #350

Re: Theranin

Having expended his allowance for miracles, Erasmus gritted his teeth and moved up to support his companions, swinging his staff wildly at their foes.

HP: 4/7
AC: 9

Move: Move to L8
Standard: Attack (and miss) K9

17:34, Today: Erasmus rolled -1,-1 using d20-2,d6-2. quarterstaff attack vs K9.

DM Visceri
GM, 259 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Mon 25 Jun 2012
at 04:39
  • msg #351

Re: Theranin

Wilem gives the captain a downward slash but the Captain's block almost throws the blade out of the paladin's hands as they come to yet another standstill. Growing frustrated himself, the captain looks to the rogue he use scorned no more than a few seconds ago and nods his head at Wilem. The rogue snarls a bit but turns his attention to the paladin, coming up with his longsword and finding purchase between the cracks of his armor before the paladin bats the weapon away with his free hand with a stifled cry of pain.

"I'm tired of being made a fool of," Gren growls, his spell complete as he strides purposefully behind the captain, swinging his club in a clothesline fashion, hitting the man in the chest with audible cracks as ribs give way under the force of the blow and the captain coughs up a bit of blood as he staggers back a step, clutching his chest with his free arm. Erasmus had been in the process of moving forward to hit the captain with his staff but as he moved away, the only thing the staff hit was the wooden floor of the room. "Son of a bi-" he oath is interrupted by another coughing fit which produces more blood but a dangerous fire lights in the man's eyes as the fit ends and he looks up at the half-ogre.

On the other side of the room, Jarroz staggers a bit as the thief draws his longsword from this shoulder, the deep gash pouring blood onto his clothing in a line down his torso. Not giving up though, he lashes out in anger at the man who cut him but to no avail. Seeing the monk flounder only encourages the rogue's taunting flourishes as he weaves his blade around in circles before throwing a jab in his direction, but luck is with the monk as it goes past his head a little too close for comfort. Strange, using his position to his advantage to try and get a hand up on the rogue, strikes with his jagged maw but misses but is still able to latch onto the man's side with his sharp claws, ripping armor and flesh alike. The man who had been chuckling softly at Jarroz's misfortune spins around with his dagger, embedding it halfway to the hilt in the stonework of the gargoyle's upper arm, causing cracks to stem from the spot.

Dale, healed up now, turns to Erasmus, "Thank you," he says with pain still in his voice. Hearing Vyncent yell and stab Degrin, Dale concentrates for a moment, magic beginning to emanate from James, moving through his arms, over his shoulders, and down through his other hand into his palm where it discharges all in the blink of an eye, sending a missile of force weaving in-between ally and foe alike to pick up speed and ram into Vyncent's chest just as he turns back to the group, sword dripping fresh blood. The force of the spell taking him back a step, he looks into the group and, picking a target at random to relieve his ire against, throws another dagger into the fray, hitting Erasmus in the shoulder. A warm feeling floods into his system though it seems that his body is able to fight off the poison that had been on the blade for the time being. Not quite done with his assault, Dale moves forward and slices at the rogue who had turned his attention to Wilem but the loos of blood still was taking its toll, causing his swing to miss.

Unnoticed by most, Studart continues crawling towards Degren under the table, unaware of what befell his his political companion who is currently gurgling blood from his mouth, head on the table. (OOC: DC 12 Perception to notice)

Party Status
Strange: -7 HP / -1 Dex
Dale: -5 HP
Erasmus: -7 HP
Jarroz: -6 HP
Wilem: -3 HP

NPC Statuses
Captain of the Guard: -19
Thieves Dead: 1
Degrin mortally wounded / possibly dead

22 Captain of the Guard
21 Strange
20 Wilem
17 Vyncent
15 Thieves Guild Members

14 Dale
12 Gren
11 Erasmus
  8 Jarroz
  2 Studart and Degrin

player, 19 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Mon 25 Jun 2012
at 05:05
  • msg #352

Re: Theranin

Unmindful of the dagger sticking into his upper-arm he attempts to both claw and bite at his attacker again.  It was beginning to dawn on him just how out of practice he was.  His rook-brothers would be laughing at him if they saw him now, and that was something he just could not stand for.  His pride was on the line, here!

Initiative: 21

Current/Max HP: 16/18
Current AC: 14 (temp. 13)
 - Touch: 14 (temp. 13)
 - Flat-Footed: 11 (temp. 10)
CMD: 15 (temp. 14)

Target: Thief at K-4
Rolls: 21:57, Today: Strange rolled 13 using 1d20+5. Perception.
22:00, Today: Strange rolled 5 using 1d20-4. Secondary attack (bite).
22:00, Today: Strange rolled 13 using 1d20+4. Primary attack (claw).

Buffs: DR 2/magic, freeze
Debuffs: -1 Dex ?/? Rounds left

 - Full-Round:
 - Standard: Claw and bite attacks on Thief at K-4
 - Move:
 - Free:

This message was last edited by the player at 05:05, Mon 25 June 2012.
player, 72 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Mon 25 Jun 2012
at 12:58
  • msg #353

Re: Theranin

The force of the blow from the dagger knocks Erasmus down, whereupon he finds himself too weak to retake his feet.  Looking around, he drags himself back to the door they used to enter the room.

HP: 0/7
AC: 9

Move: Move to M7
Standard: n/a - Disabled

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 91 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Mon 25 Jun 2012
at 15:35
  • msg #354

Re: Theranin

Dale suddenly finds Erasmus crawling behind him.  Well, that can't be good.  Time to get this over with.  Dale slashes again at the thief next to him, missing him again.

Attack 11 on L10
Damage (yeah right) 7
AC 16, HP 5/10

This message was last edited by the player at 00:10, Tue 26 June 2012.
Gren Boarshead
player, 137 posts
Mon 25 Jun 2012
at 23:02
  • msg #355

Re: Theranin

Seeing the Captain reel with pain thanks to his last blow, Gren presses the attack.  He steps closer with a mighty backhand swing aiming for the bridge of the Captain's nose.  "Cheat and threaten a member of the Boarshead Clan?  The orc barbarians of the plains can attest that that is a foolish thing to do!"

This was one sorcerer you did not want to trade blows with.

AC 16, HP 9/9
Move to J9
Attack the Captain = 20, Damage = 11

This message was last edited by the player at 23:02, Mon 25 June 2012.
Captain of the Guard
NPC, 4 posts
Tue 26 Jun 2012
at 15:10
  • msg #356

Re: Theranin

The Captain growls and lunges towards the large mountain of a man. He is clearly in pain as he stumbles and coughs, his aim clearly impaired. "Damned half-breed! I knew I should have had somebody take care of you before. Nothing like a nosy ogre to mess things up."

Captain takes a 5' step to Gren. Dice roller really hates the captain!
11:00, Today: Captain of the Guard rolled 7,10 using 1d20+4,1d8+2. atk Gren / dmg.

NPC, 16 posts
Human Male
Paladin of Sarenrae
Tue 26 Jun 2012
at 15:16
  • msg #357

Re: Theranin

Wilem sees his fellow comrade and brother priest in dire need of help. Standing tall he creates a wall of Paladin-goodness between the thief and Erasmus. His knuckles turn white as he grips the hilt of his curved blade tight and swings it towards the rogue's neck.

Hoping to offer Erasmus a bit of cover with his body.
11:02, Today: Wilem rolled 16,7 using 1d20+5,1d6+3. vs thief.

NPC, 19 posts
Half-Orc Monk
Follower of Abadar
Tue 26 Jun 2012
at 15:21
  • msg #358

Re: Theranin

Though he has a nasty wound, Jarroz seems to be enjoying the fight more than any sane person would. He grins and steps up close to the thief. He pushes the man's sword out to the side, defending himself against it as best as possible while bringing his knee up into the man's groin.

11:02, Today: Jarroz rolled 21,3 using 1d20+5,1d6+1. vs Thief.
DM Visceri
GM, 260 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 27 Jun 2012
at 00:55
  • msg #359

Re: Theranin

The Captain growls and lunges towards the large mountain of a man. He is clearly in pain as he stumbles and coughs, his aim clearly impaired. "Damned half-breed! I knew I should have had somebody take care of you before. Nothing like a nosy ogre to mess things up." Gren answers with his own cry as he takes a step and swings his club, "Cheat and threaten a member of the Boarshead Clan?  The orc barbarians of the plains can attest that that is a foolish thing to do!" The captain's swing, already off course, comes into contact with the club, swinging the arm away and continues on into the captain's opposite arm as he spins around, producing yet another sickening crack. The captain lets out an agonizing cry of pain as he realizes his left arm is broken.

Seeing that Gren had the captain's attention and Erasmus was in need of protection, he interposes himself between the downed cleric and the thief. Fist white knuckled, he swings his sword in anger at the rogue's neck who attempts to dodge under the blow but isn't quite fast enough, the blade catching him in the top of the head, partially scalping the now screaming rogue. Lashing out wildly with his dagger, he manages to nick Wilem but it barely draws blood, let alone doing any real harm. Dale tries to add to the man's misery but hits only air as the thief squirms out of the way unintentionally, unaware of the magus's presence, let alone his attack. Using the fighters distraction, Erasmus crawls feebly towards the door, away from the fighting in order to recover without further injury.

Strange and his dagger wielding opponent trade stone for steel, neither gaining ground while Jarroz battles nearby. He does, however see Studart continue to crawl under the table slowly towards Degrin and Vyncent, still unaware. Reaching in past the man's longsword, Jarroz pushes the thief's arm out and brings his knee up into the groin of the man who promptly looses his grip on his sword as it clatters to the ground beside him. The man gasps for breath, his eyes wide and unblinking.

As Studart reaches Degrin's feet, he reaches up and begins trying to fit the key into the other politician's manacles, creating a jangling sound as the chain connecting the two cuffs begins to rattle. Vyncent, taking notice of this, looks down under the table and a cruel smile creeps across his face, "Why thank you for coming to me rather than making me do the work," he coos mockingly as he slides his already bloodied sword into Studart's shoulder and down into his chest, killing the man instantly as he drops to the ground, keys still in hand, creating yet another pool of blood around him. Laughing out loud, Vyncent straightens himself and looks at the fighting still going on, "Some group of saviors and heroes you are!" he taunts in a victorious voice, wiping his sword of blood on the Degrin's shirt and taking a step towards the door, turning his back to the fighting.

Party Status
Strange: -7 HP / -1 Dex
Dale: -5 HP
Erasmus: -7 HP
Jarroz: -6 HP
Wilem: -4 HP
Gren: Full HP

NPC Statuses
Captain of the Guard: -30
Thieves Dead: 1
Degrin mortally wounded / possibly dead
Studard Dead

22 Captain of the Guard
21 Strange
20 Wilem
17 Vyncent
15 Thieves Guild Members

14 Dale
12 Gren
11 Erasmus
  8 Jarroz
  2 Studart and Degrin

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 93 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Wed 27 Jun 2012
at 02:03
  • msg #360

Re: Theranin

Dale, annoyed at his continual missing, swings again at the nearest rogue, but has the same level of luck as he's been having.  That is, none.  If this keeps up, I'm just going to leave him to the paladin and go kill that captain.  That captain needs to die.

Attack 10 at L10
AC 20, HP 5/10
player, 20 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Wed 27 Jun 2012
at 02:15
  • msg #361

Re: Theranin

Strange curses the politician's outright stupidity for exposing himself like that.  He had meant to warn the fellow about the potential danger but, through no fault of his own, he was distracted by combat.  What a waste... The glowing red sparks of his eyes flit upward momentarily, the equivalent of someone rolling their eyes, before he attacks the thief in front of him yet again.

Initiative: 21

Current/Max HP: 16/18
Current AC: 14 (temp. 13)
 - Touch: 14 (temp. 13)
 - Flat-Footed: 11 (temp. 10)
CMD: 15 (temp. 14)

Target: Thief at K-4
Rolls: 19:10, Today: Strange rolled 18 using 1d20+4. Primary attack (claw).
19:12, Today: Strange rolled 13 using 1d20-4. (OOC: secondary attack, forgot to note it in dice roller)
19:13, Today: Strange rolled 7 using 1d6+2. Primary attack damage.
19:14, Today: Strange rolled 1 using 1d6. Sneak Attack damage.

Buffs: DR 2/magic, freeze
Debuffs: -1 Dex ?/? Rounds left

 - Full-Round: Claw and bite attacks on Thief at K-4
 - Standard:
 - Move:
 - Free:

Gren Boarshead
player, 142 posts
Wed 27 Jun 2012
at 11:33
  • msg #362

Re: Theranin

Gren had a vengeful grin on his face the more he damaged the captain.  He swung yet again, perhaps a bit too eagerly.  He then took a few steps backwards knowing injured men on the brink of death often made irrational descisions.  The Captain may do somethign unexpected.  Of course, Gren might be able to use that to his advantage.  He hoped to draw the captain closer to his companions so they could sneak in a hit.  "And what exactly are you going to do about it now you puny little human?  Maybe I'll go hunt down your family next and introduce a few half-breeds into your family tree," he said hoping to bait the man.

Move to K7, hoping to draw him to K8 for an AoO.  If he doesn't fall for it at least he'll be between me and the dagger weilding politician.
05:26, Today: Gren Boarshead rolled 8 using 1d6+6. damage.
05:25, Today: Gren Boarshead rolled 12 using 1d20+5. attack.

player, 73 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Wed 27 Jun 2012
at 13:30
  • msg #363

Re: Theranin

"Are you mad?  You would strike down a holy man?  Do you know how the Gods treat those who harm their servants?" Erasmus cries out at the captain, incredulity in his voice.

HP: 0/7
AC: 9

Move: n/a - Disabled
Standard: Demoralize the Captain with a roll of <b>13<b/>

08:54, Today: Erasmus rolled 13 using 1d20+6. Intimidate: Demoralize (DC:10+HD+Wismod).

Captain of the Guard
NPC, 5 posts
Wed 27 Jun 2012
at 14:13
  • msg #364

Re: Theranin

Beaten, bloodied, and broken, the Captain had essentially backed himself into the corner. He was far to wounded to hold his own against the half-ogre at this point and had little choice but to defend himself against the sledge hammer blows of the giant man's club. He pokes his sword out, trying to get Gren to back up a bit as he in turn takes a step back. He didn't expect to score a hit--and didn't--but simply wanted to buy a bit of time while his eyes search for an out.

I seriously hope this die roller has it in for the Captain and not me, cause I have not yet rolled higher than a 5 on any of his attacks!! The only good attack was NPC'd by the DM.

10:03, Today: Captain of the Guard rolled 6,5 using 1d20+4,1d8+2. vs Gren.

NPC, 17 posts
Human Male
Paladin of Sarenrae
Wed 27 Jun 2012
at 14:19
  • msg #365

Re: Theranin

Wilem frowns as Dale misses the squirming rogue. The man was proving difficult to hit with a solid blow, and if Wilem was correct, that is all it would take to drop the evil-doer so he could focus on more important aspects, like protecting the innocent and wiping the cursed blood of the Captain of his blade. He watches Gren and the Captain from the corner of his eye, yes, that evil man had no place on this world and needed to be dispatched as quickly as possible. His blade swings in a clumsy arc around the thief as he fantasizes about the great deeds he was planning to accomplish.

10:14, Today: Wilem rolled 13,9 using 1d20+5,1d6+3. vs Thief.
NPC, 20 posts
Half-Orc Monk
Follower of Abadar
Wed 27 Jun 2012
at 14:25
  • msg #366

Re: Theranin

Jarroz can't help but laugh at the funny face of the man, but wastes to time in smashing the palm of his hand into the man's nose.

10:23, Today: Jarroz rolled 20,4,5,6 using 1d20+3,1d6+1,1d20+3,1d6+1. vs thief / flurry .
DM Visceri
GM, 265 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 28 Jun 2012
at 22:02
  • msg #367

Re: Theranin

The captain, beaten and bloodied by Gren raises his sword defensively only half putting into the feeble swing he makes at the half-ogre which doesn't even close the gap between them let along hit the sorcerer. Gren's swing caused the captain to recoil his weapon arm back but didn't do any damage. Attempting to bait the captain closer to reinforcements, Gren moves back wads, taunting the captain, "And what exactly are you going to do about it now you puny little human?  Maybe I'll go hunt down your family next and introduce a few half-breeds into your family tree." He seemed to misunderstand the extent of the man's injuries though because instead of moving towards him in anger, he begins to back away in fear. This in part is due to Erasmus's chiding of the man in his incredulous voice, "Are you mad?  You would strike down a holy man?  Do you know how the Gods treat those who harm their servants?"

Both Dale and Wilem take swings at the half-scalped rogue but somehow he manages his continued evasion maneuvers and even manages to open another cut on Wilem in the process. These thieves were either the best trained or the luckiest bastards in the world today. Jarroz seems to have waded through the rest of his opponent's luck though as he jams his palm upwards into the thief's nose, obviously breaking it not sending he bone into the man's brain like the strike was intended to do causing the man to grasp his nose instead of fall over twitching. Strange has a bit more luck though as his next swipe of his stone claw tears mercilessly through the leather, flesh, and muscle of the man's neck, spurting blood onto the gargoyle before the man falls dead before him. Perhaps now his rook mates wouldn't scoff at his efforts.

Back in front of Dale, the dying thief finally gives a death rattle and ceases his movement, racking up another kill for the group, leaving two injured but able thieves, the heavily damaged captain, and Vyncent still in the fight. Or else it would except that continuing on his path, Vyncent strides through the back door confidently and shuts it behind him, the metallic thud of a bar being slid into place to lock the door behind him.

Party Status
Strange: -7 HP / -1 Dex
Dale: -5 HP
Erasmus: -7 HP
Jarroz: -6 HP
Wilem: -6 HP
Gren: Full HP

NPC Statuses
Captain of the Guard: -30
Thieves Dead: 2
Degrin mortally wounded / possibly dead
Studard Dead

22 Captain of the Guard
21 Strange
20 Wilem
17 Vyncent
15 Thieves Guild Members

14 Dale
12 Gren
11 Erasmus
  8 Jarroz
  2 Studart and Degrin

player, 21 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Fri 29 Jun 2012
at 00:45
  • msg #368

Re: Theranin

Strange, seeming completely (and perhaps disturbingly) unfazed at being sprayed by his foe's blood shuffles nonchalantly up behind the other nearby thief and makes a brutal bite for the man's neck followed by raking claw to his back.  One kill was good, yes, but two was better...

Initiative: 21

Current/Max HP: 11/18
Current AC: 14 (temp. 13)
 - Touch: 14 (temp. 13)
 - Flat-Footed: 11 (temp. 10)
CMD: 15 (temp. 14)

Target: Thief at K-4
17:43, Today: Strange rolled 12 using 1d20+4. Primary attack (bite).
17:44, Today: Strange rolled 7 using 1d20-4. Secondary attack (claw).

Buffs: DR 2/magic, freeze
Debuffs: -1 Dex ?/? Rounds left

 - Full-Round: Bite and claw attacks on Thief at L-4
 - Standard:
 - Move:
 - Free: 5 ft. step from J-3 to K-3.

Gren Boarshead
player, 145 posts
Fri 29 Jun 2012
at 01:53
  • msg #369

Re: Theranin

Gren was eager to see the Captain dead at his feet.  Too eager perhaps, as his swing was wild and mad as he stepped up to close the distance.

AC:16 HP:9
19:50, Today: Gren Boarshead rolled 10 using 1d6+6. damage.
19:50, Today: Gren Boarshead rolled 12 using 1d20+5. attack. Damn it!

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 94 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 29 Jun 2012
at 04:07
  • msg #370

Re: Theranin

Dale quickly steps around the dead thief to get to the other's back, flanking with Wilem.  He slashes at the annoyingly alive thief again.

Move to L11, provoking AO
Attack 21 on L10
Damage 4 (min..suck)
AC 20, HP 5/10

This message was last edited by the player at 04:08, Fri 29 June 2012.
Captain of the Guard
NPC, 6 posts
Fri 29 Jun 2012
at 12:58
  • msg #371

Re: Theranin

The Captain lets out a string of curses and profanities as he hears the bar drop on the other side of the door. With the large half-ogre still coming at him and not letting up, he has no choice but to do what he can to fight back and hope an opportunity presents itself. As the man's club swings by he opens himself up for an attack, and the Captain takes it, sliding his blade into the thigh of Gren.

08:54, Today: Captain of the Guard rolled 18,4 using 1d20+4,1d8+2.
NPC, 18 posts
Human Male
Paladin of Sarenrae
Fri 29 Jun 2012
at 13:01
  • msg #372

Re: Theranin

Wilem had the thief in his sights, he was ready to strike, ready to take down the evil man and send him to the Nine Hells, ready to end this fight for a victory of good, but then the sneaky little bastard dodged and wiggled out of the way of Wilem's blade. The look of frustration is more than clear on the paladin's face as he hopes Dale can take the evil man out of the fight.

08:58, Today: Wilem rolled 12,6 using 1d20+7,1d6+3. vs thief (flanked).
This message was last edited by the player at 15:41, Fri 29 June 2012.
NPC, 21 posts
Half-Orc Monk
Follower of Abadar
Fri 29 Jun 2012
at 13:04
  • msg #373

Re: Theranin

Jarroz wasted no time in landing another blow to the back of the thief's skull. He prepares to smash his knee into the man as well but pulls up short, seeming satisfied with the first hit.

09:01, Today: Jarroz rolled 21,4,7,2 using 1d20+3,1d6+1,1d20+3,1d6+1. vs thief / flurry.
player, 74 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Fri 29 Jun 2012
at 13:24
  • msg #374

Re: Theranin

Sighing in pain, Erasmus sees that others will need him soon in spite of his situation.  So he begins crawling toward one of the downed thieves.

HP: 0/7
AC: 9

Move: Crawl to N9
Standard: n/a - Disabled

GM's Edit: N,9 is a wall space so I moved you to M,9 instead since there's no longer anything there threatening you. Just assume that you have your back to the wall though and are safe as is.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:20, Fri 29 June 2012.
DM Visceri
GM, 266 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 29 Jun 2012
at 23:23
  • msg #375

Re: Theranin

The Captain lets out a string of curses and profanities as he hears the bar drop on the other side of the door. Gren presses his attack, even with the captain obviously waiting for the half-ogre to strike, and swings a little too enthusiastically and the captain exploits the opening in Gren's defense as he drives his blade into Gren's thigh. The captain's demeanor brightens as he finally gets a hit on the target and now that he knows his only escape is through the door the group came from, a new determination comes over the man.

Strange's battle continues on to his next prey, his teeth and claw meeting the sword blade and hilt of the rogue, fending him off despite a few scratches to his sword as the gargoyle gripped it tight before being pushed off. Jarroz took the opportunity of the man facing Strange to deliver a a bear claw to the base of the man's neck eliciting a decisive crunch as the man's neck breaks and he too falls to the ground, panic in his eyes as they glaze over.

Erasmus crawls along the wall, sensing his allies will be in need of his help soon enough. He reaches the first thief to be downed who's blood has already begun to seep into the flooring, staining the wood permanently.

Wilem and Dale continue to try and outmaneuver the thief, Dale strafing around to his backside, ducking under a slash from the rogue and bringing his own blade up into the thief's chest cavity through his back, forcing him to withdraw James quickly as the man goes limp and falls to the ground. Wilem shoots him an approving look and turns to face the captain, "It is your turn to face the wrath of the light captain."

Party Status
Strange: 11/18 hp  |  -1 Dex
Dale: 5/10 hp
Erasmus: 0/7 hp
Jarroz: 4/10 hp
Wilem: 6/12 hp
Gren: 5/9 hp

NPC Statuses
Captain of the Guard: -30
Thieves Dead: All 4
Degrin mortally wounded / possibly dead
Studard Dead

22 Captain of the Guard
21 Strange
20 Wilem
17 Vyncent
15 Thieves Guild Members

14 Dale
12 Gren
11 Erasmus
  8 Jarroz
  2 Studart and Degrin

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:27, Fri 29 June 2012.
player, 22 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Fri 29 Jun 2012
at 23:58
  • msg #376

Re: Theranin

It slowly dawns on Strange that there is no more prey to be had save for the Captain who already appears on to be in quite a bad way.  The fellow they call Vyncent seems to have run off, and Strange makes an attempt to follow him, vaulting the table once more, spreading his wings in a maneuver that was mostly for show as he came down in a roll and ended up skidding into the door.  He first makes an attempt to see just how the door is locked and then, if no other options are available he will attempt to bust the door down.

16:53, Today: Strange rolled 24 using 1d20+7. Acrobatics.
16:58, Today: Strange rolled 10 using 1d20+5. Perception.
16:57, Today: Strange rolled 17 using 1d20+2. Strength check to bust down door.

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 97 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sat 30 Jun 2012
at 00:53
  • msg #377

Re: Theranin

Dale grins when the thief finally goes down, and he sees that only the captain is left.  Oh, he's been wanting this since he shot him.

Get'im get'im get'im!

Dale charges the captain.

attack: nat 20! (26 to confirm)
damage: 8 (+10 crit)
HP 5/10
AC (this round): 20
AC (next round): 18

Captain of the Guard
NPC, 7 posts
Sun 1 Jul 2012
at 23:38
  • msg #378

Re: Theranin

The Captain watches as the last of his men fall. With no choice on the matter he looks for a way to escape and save his own life. He had a feeling that any chance of calling for mercy was out the door at this point, the Half ogre seemed to have it in for him. He moves towards the door, keeping his defenses up the best he can as he passes by the ogre and runs towards escape.

Double move towards the open door. Gren will get an AoO.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 10:17, Mon 02 July 2012.
Gren Boarshead
player, 148 posts
Mon 2 Jul 2012
at 01:01
  • msg #379

Re: Theranin

Gren's eyes narrowed as the man broke into a run straight at him.  He thought it was some trick, a feint perhaps.  He brought up his club to hit the man, but the captian deftly dodged under it.  In a clumsy attempt to bring his weapon back around, the club hit his own leg, not enough to do damage, but enough to twist it from his grasp and send it clattering to the floor.  "Baagh! STOP HIM!" he bellowed, as he turned to chase.  The pain in his leg caused him to grimace, but he didn't let it slow him down.

Why was it that every single person who attempted to murder him gets away or manages to escape vengence by his hands?  Gork Orksplitter of the Bloodhand tribe, who was eventually taken down by Jarroz; Odan Vezzri, the human wizard, who shot him with a magic missile and left him to die in the streets, who still lived free in a mansion probably close to this one; Tempus, who stabbed him in the gut for the simplest of slights, who was killed at the hands of the Captain of the Guard and leader of the Thieve's Guild; Vyncent who orchestrated all this disception, who escaped moments agao; and now the Captain, who managed to bolt through a room of enemies and was now, at this moment, escaping his grasp.

AoO = 6 (rolled a nat 1)
This message was last edited by the player at 01:39, Mon 02 July 2012.
player, 76 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Mon 2 Jul 2012
at 13:01
  • msg #380

Re: Theranin

Erasmus begins looking over the downed thieves, trying to perform triage in spite of his situation in hopes that he might be able to prevent this unnecessary bloodshed from collapsing into the unnecessary loss of life.

HP: 0/7
AC: 9

Move: n/a - Disabled
Standard: Use Rebuke Death for 3hp on whichever thief at L10 or M10 is mostly (but not completely) dead.

08:59, Today: Erasmus rolled 3 using 1d4. rebuke death.

DM Visceri
GM, 271 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 3 Jul 2012
at 09:05
  • msg #381

Re: Theranin

As the last two of his cronies fall to the ground in their death throes, the captain seems to realize how hopelessly outnumbers and wounded he is. Eyes darting around the room for means of his salvation, he sees a possible route towards the door and he takes it, pushing past Gren to his left, jumping between the half-ogre and the vacant chair. Gren attempts to hit him on his way past but the captain moves with the will of a man determined to survive and the attack becomes a detriment to its owner instead, the heavy club coming back to hit him in the leg. "Baagh! STOP HIM!" Gren roared as he turned, the look in his eyes saying he would follow the captain to the depths of hell for his revenge.

Wilem and Jarroz, both wounded and previously attentive to their own battles with the thieves were caught unaware of the captain's bout for freedom and can only turn and watch the man run for it. As the captain fumbles with the door that had closed partially at the entrance to the corridor beyond, Dale springs into action, his thoughts being on taking revenge on the captain throughout the entirety of the encounter with the damned men. Jumping clear over Erasmus who had just begun trying to bring the thief back from beyond the veil of death with no success, Dale closes the distance between him and the captain in the blink of an eye, bringing James back for a two-handed thrust. The captain turns his head over his shoulder, terror on his face as his eyes meet those of the magus and the blade pierces his chest, perfectly aimed to skewer the man's heart. The captain convulses momentarily and a soft breath escapes his mouth in an unintelligible whisper as, he too, succumbs to the cold embrace of death.

Strange, meanwhile, finished with his bloodletting and seeing that the captain has finally been death with, looks to where Vyncent had disappeared not too long ago and decided that his next mission would be to get to the man before he got to anyone else. He bolts at the table, front claws gripping the edge of the table as his back legs shoot under and land him at the other end of the table entirely. Wings unfurling, he pushes himself off without slowing and skids to a stop in front of the door, cutting long gouges into the wooden floor with his clawed feet. He inspects the door quickly, trying to open it to no avail and easily determining that there was a bar blocking it from opening. Taking a step back, Strange throws all of his weight, and being made of stone it is pretty considerable, and rams the door. As his shoulder makes contact, the door buckles in on itself in the middle, the sound of a wooden bar clattering to the floor in the next room, as it opens slightly.

Immediate Actions?

Party Status
Strange: 11/18 hp  |  -1 Dex
Dale: 5/10 hp
Erasmus: 0/7 hp
Jarroz: 4/10 hp
Wilem: 6/12 hp
Gren: 5/9 hp

NPC Statuses
Captain of the Guard: Dead
Thieves Dead: All 4
Degrin mortally wounded / possibly dead
Studard Dead

This message was last edited by the GM at 09:09, Tue 03 July 2012.
Gren Boarshead
player, 153 posts
Tue 3 Jul 2012
at 12:29
  • msg #382

Re: Theranin

Gren turned to Strange.  "Baagh, let 'em go fer now.  His face is well known in this town, we'll be able to track 'em down later.  Besides we are hardly in the condition to continue," Gren says looking around the room.

He goes over and helps lift Erasmus to his feet.  Gren helped the man to move towards the table.  He pulls out a chair and sets the cleric down in it.  "Do any of you know the healing arts?  We'll need to know if that one is dead," he said pointing to Degrin.

"The rest of ya may want to finish searching the place.  Make sure we're alone.  An if'n see anything of value take it.  I'm getting paid one way or another."
This message was last edited by the player at 17:07, Wed 04 July 2012.
player, 23 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Tue 3 Jul 2012
at 14:53
  • msg #383

Re: Theranin

Nudging open the door he stands there, silent and still for a few moments, looking through and weighing his options.  He then turns back towards Gren, seeming almost disappointed as he replies, "As you wish.. hmm.. It is your fight, after all."

He wanders about the room, taking his time and searching for any items of interest, especially rings - he has a fondness for those and it has been so long since he has accumulated anything close to a decent collection.  As he searches he seems completely unmindful of the blood slowly drying on his claws and mouth.
DM Visceri
GM, 273 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 4 Jul 2012
at 00:03
  • msg #384

Re: Theranin

Those that aren't involved with checking on Degrin or making sure that all the thieves are actually dead have a few moments to search the room and a few things stand out immediately. Strange, having vaulted over them twice moves to the three coin purses on the table to find them stuffed with a mixture of gold and gems, the total value hard to count but substantial nonetheless. Also in one corner of the room sits an old weathered chest with a sturdy lock on it.

The thieves themselves don't have much of interest on them besides their gear, their weapons, and a few coins of their own although a small vial of what could only be poison is found in one of their pockets. The captain himself has a few trinkets that catch the eye though namely his breastplate, his well-made longsword, his small steel shield that is still strapped onto his arm, and a large gold purse under his armor. He also has a rather gaudy signet ring that catches Strange's eye.

Other than that, unless anyone seems interested in some rather shabby tapestries, books on various subjects, or a map of the city, the rest of the room seems to be empty of valuable treasures.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 101 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Wed 4 Jul 2012
at 01:03
  • msg #385

Re: Theranin

Dale helps Erasmus over walk over to Degrin to check on him.  Dale doesn't have any experience with healing, but he does what Erasmus tells him to check for life in the politician.

Dale agrees with Gren, saying, "He's probably got too much of a head-start on us anyway.  But we should vacate quickly.  If any of the captain's men show up, this is going to be hard for us to explain."
Gren Boarshead
player, 154 posts
Wed 4 Jul 2012
at 01:26
  • msg #386

Re: Theranin

Gren nods.  The only ones that could help explain were laying either dead or possibly dead at the table.  Gren walks over and lifts the chest getting ready to carry it out.  He then looked at Erasmus and the bodies of the politicians.  He seemed momentarily confused as to what he should carry; but he didn't set the chest down.  He also walked over and tucked one of the bags of coins under his arm.
player, 24 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Wed 4 Jul 2012
at 04:15
  • msg #387

Re: Theranin

Strange peers intently at the ring on the now-deceased captain's finger.  The gold, armor, and weapons he can do without but this.. this was something he had to have.  He slips the ornate piece from the man's finger and holds it up, peering through the loop of the band as he turns toward the rest of the group, "I shall forsake all claim to any other treasures.. hmm.. But only so long as I have first pick of any rings we find.  Yes?"  That last word sounded less like a question and more like a demand.  Somehow a twinkle of desire was visible in those glowing red eyes.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 102 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Wed 4 Jul 2012
at 16:44
  • msg #388

Re: Theranin

Dale raises an eyebrow at the look in Strange's eye.  Creepy statue thing.

Oh please, James says, you were drooling over him a half hour ago.

"I've heard it both ways," Dale says, once again forgetting to respond to his sword in his head, not out loud.  To Strange, he says, "Fine, but would you grab the cash for the rest of us?  Wilem, why don't you carry Degrin.  He needs to get to a healer, one that can stand on his own."  Dale helps Erasmus get up to walk.  "Let's get out of here."

Unless someone objects, Dale heads for the exit they came in through.
Gren Boarshead
player, 156 posts
Wed 4 Jul 2012
at 17:20
  • msg #389

Re: Theranin

"Deal," Gren said to Strange in regards to treasure and rings.  He didn't understand Dale's "both ways" comment; so thought he would make his own business dealings clear.  As if having one last thought Gren also grabbed and tucked the map to the city under his arm as well.

Eventually, the group was going to have to explain to someone that Vyncent and the captain were the villains here.  Perhaps when the hunt for Vyncent resumes, they will have the opportunity to come back and loot the rest of the house.

Gren will leave with the others and suggest heading to the Salty Seawife.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:25, Wed 04 July 2012.
player, 25 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Wed 4 Jul 2012
at 18:55
  • msg #390

Re: Theranin

With an oddly satisfied sigh Strange slips the captain's signet ring onto his own finger.  It wasn't as if the fellow needed it anymore anyways...  He scoops up the rest of the gold so it can be counted out to the others later, then finally turns his attention to that chest that Gren was carrying, "Hmm.. I can liberate the contents of that chest for you should you decide carrying it is too much effort.  For now.. hmm.. I agree that we should perhaps be on our way."

As they head for the door, Strange's confidence seems to diminish somewhat.  He glances at the others in the group nervously for a few moments, "I must confess.. hmm.. that I do not feel.. comfortable in walking amongst the crowds.  Many of your kind suffer a lack of.. hmm.. understanding of the nature of Gargoyles."  By the words 'your kind' it was clear he was not speaking of any one particular race but rather any and all people of a flesh-and-blood nature, "In my past experiences I have found a convenient.. hmm.. solution to this problem.  I can pose as a construct bound to any of you who are adept at magic.  In public I will.. hmm.. obey your commands, within reason of course.  I find that the vast majority of people tend to overlook such things when explained away with.. hmm.. magic.  Yes."
player, 77 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Thu 5 Jul 2012
at 15:36
  • msg #391

Re: Theranin

With Gren and Dale's assistance, Erasmus directs them to assist him to a location central to all of the fallen and injured.  There he rests back down on the ground, and quietly prays to his Goddess to shine her light on all in the room.  The prayer invokes a healing aura that stops bleeding and closes shallow wounds, and advances the healing of more serious injuries, quickly reducing their severity and scabbing them over.  Feeling better, he takes to his feet and looks to see if any of their enemies were not too far gone to benefit from his Goddesses touch, drawing the attention of the others to them if this is the case so they can be restrained.

When it comes time for talk of treasure, he remains silent, preferring to see how his allies will choose to value his contributions.

Channel Energy to heal 3 hp for everyone within 30'

11:31, Today: Erasmus rolled 3 using 1d6. Channel Energy.

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 105 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Thu 5 Jul 2012
at 16:59
  • msg #392

Re: Theranin

"Thanks again," Dale says to Erasmus.  To Strange, he says, "I wouldn't mind the company.  Or mind looking more powerful than I actually am."

I mind!

"He won't actually be my construct, James.  You have no competition."

James continues grumbling in the back of Dale's mind but doesn't voice anything further, so Dale follows Gren to the Salty Seawife.
DM Visceri
GM, 278 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 5 Jul 2012
at 22:06
  • msg #393

Re: Theranin

Erasmus's spell fills the room with a soft light and while each of the slain thieves, the captain, and Studart let out a soft sigh, they remain motionless on the ground. Degrin however seems to gain a little bit of color in his cheeks and his eyes seems less far away. The bleeding slows and the wound seems to knit together slightly. The politician is alive though still very near death.

Helping those who need assistance and carrying those who need more than others as well as grabbing the riches that they had been denied for their faithful service, the group makes their way quickly out the door they entered from. Coming around the corner where they left Nori, the hallway looks like a raging barbarian came through with a mind bent on destruction and that's likely the cause as the dwarf is now nowhere to be seen. There are, however, two fresh bodies of the guards that were stationed outside the entrance to the house, axe bites clear and present on both bodies. Many of the tapestries and pieces of art that lined the hallways are strewn about the floor, broken beyond recognition. The front doors are likewise broken open, Nori's likely exit path.

As the group comes through the front doors onto the courtyard of the manor, something becomes quickly obvious. With Nori already having caused devastation on his way out and into the street, a large crowd of onlookers had already gathered and on the emergence of the bloodied rag-tag group of heroes comprising of a half-orgre, a half-orc, and a gargoyle carrying plunder and what looked like a dead politician, they do what any sensical crowd of villagers would do; they panic and flee. Screams rise out from women and shouts for the town guard go up almost unanimously from every man present as the crowd scatters every which way down main thoroughfares and alleys alike.

Wilem and Jarroz share a look between them and look to the group, "Perhaps if some reputable sources of information stayed behind we could help control the flow of misinformation that is likely to ensue from this fiasco. I am a paladin of Sarenrae and Jarroz is a stoic," he says the word almost like a command, "monk and a respectable fellow. We'll try to catch up with you at The Salty Seawife. The inn is familiar to me. Now go before the guard arrives!"
Gren Boarshead
player, 158 posts
Thu 5 Jul 2012
at 23:32
  • msg #394

Re: Theranin

Gren nearly jumped out of skin when the crowd screamed and ran off.  He looked behind him as if expecting some dragon.  Then he realized the issue.  He sighed and looked back towards the house.  He briefly considere going back down in to the sewers.  Luckily, Wilem offerred to smooth things over.  The half-orge shrugged and walked down the paved street towards the inn.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:47, Fri 06 July 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 107 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 6 Jul 2012
at 17:09
  • msg #395

Re: Theranin

"Wha-oh," Dale says as he spots the crowd.  Once Wilem makes his suggestion, Dale quickly agrees.  "Yeah, Salty Seawife.  Nowish is good."
player, 26 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Fri 6 Jul 2012
at 21:14
  • msg #396

Re: Theranin

As the crowd rushes off Strange considers it no great surprise.  A battle-weary group accompanied by a bloodstained statue was not something you saw every day.  He liked to think his own appearance contributed no small amount to the terror of the people, but then again this was precisely what he was worried about.  Yes, it would be for the best if he stayed near to Dennis.. David.. what was his name again?  Something that started with a D, that was for sure.

As the man in question spoke Strange could only assume that the Salty Seawife was the name of a place.  He didn't know much about the anatomy of fleshy beings but he was fairly sure they didn't suffer from the same problems as Gargoyles who spend too much time atop the battlements of seaside fortresses only to accumulate a crusty coat of salt from the ocean spray.  No, he was fairly certain the term 'salty' had an altogether different meaning in this particular case.

"Hmm.. lead on, friends."
DM Visceri
GM, 279 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 6 Jul 2012
at 23:52
  • msg #397

Re: Theranin

It's a bit difficult for the group to get their bearings, having just emerged from the sewers into a home somewhere in the city they had never been. However, Gren's foresight in nicking the city map from the table comes in handy here as he quickly pulls it out and finds their location and the general location of where the Salty Seawife should be. Rolling up the map again and tucking it away, he starts off down the street in the lead, the rest of the group following close behind...

It had been a painful couple of weeks for Sirenity. With the sinking of her hard-earned ship in the harbor due to a fire breaking out, it's mast still sticking above the water taunting her, and rejection after rejection while looking for work, she was beginning to feel like the gods had begun to take pleasure in her misfortune which is why her present company excited her a bit. The young woman who had given her name to be Lorelei seemed like an independent young woman in her own right, something Sirenity could relate to.

The two had met a few hours beforehand while Sirenity was beginning to raise her voice at the owner of a local tea shop that had declined her a job, something that had become somewhat of a routine. Lorelei had been passing by the tea shop at the time, looking a little lost but she had offered words of wisdom, well advanced of her age and the two had struck up a mutual interest in each other. They had spend the better part of the afternoon visiting stalls together while Sirenity helped the girl find her way through Theranin and Lorelei had given her tips on making her seem more employable.

The two had enjoyed a few laughs and a good meal and were walking through the Canopy District, also referred to as the Market District, when the next thing they knew, both had been knocked to the ground as well as the people who had, seemingly, accidentally run into them...

The guards had been closing in on them for the better part of ten minute now, their shouts to halt still rang around the corner of the last street they had turned, now at a run. They had been able to make it a few blocks before the guards spotted them and gave pursuit but up to now, they had been able to stay one step ahead of them by taking shortcuts and weaving between streets, the only sign of their passage the parting of the civilians who continually jumped to the side of the streets out of their way. Unfortunately, the group as a whole seemed to be more focused on what was behind them than what was in front and found themselves thrown to the ground as well as the two younger women they had inadvertently run down.

"I said halt, dammit!" the lead guard yelled as he rounded the corner and found his quarry just getting off the ground from their spill. Lowering their pole arms, "You six, by order of his Eminence Stephen Navarne and his honor Vyncent Lacio, are hereby under arrest for the murder of his honor Thelry Studard, as well as-" the guard catches sight of Degrin who had fallen to the ground limply with the rest of the plunder from the manor, "the kidnap, and what looks like another murder, of his honor Aroth Degrin. Hells, you're probably the ones who are responsible for Sigmund Wulfa's assassination!" Reaching for a whistle draped around his neck, he blows it, sending a shrill note into the air which is answered by multiple, shorter bursts farther off. "Give yourselves up nice and easy now, no need to die here today." It seems that the guards are making no distinction between who was actually there and who was not. They were told to bring back the six who had murdered the politicians and there are six 'culprits' in front of them.

Actions? (The grey tokens are random civilian spectators. Whites are the guards and Degrin. Hopefully you know who the green ones are by now =P)

Party Status
Strange: 14/18 hp  |  -1 Dex
Dale: 8/10 hp
Erasmus: 3/7 hp
Jarroz: 7/10 hp
Wilem: 9/12 hp
Gren: 8/9 hp

Sirenity: Full hp
Lorelei: Full hp
Degren: Stabilized though in serious condition and unconscious

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:49, Sat 07 July 2012.
player, 27 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Sat 7 Jul 2012
at 00:23
  • msg #398

Re: Theranin

Half-turning to address the group he whispers in that gravelly voice of his, "Hmm... If any of you can wake up this Degrin fellow to speak on our behalf now would be a good time for it.. yes."  With that he turns back to the guards and simply does as ordered.  He halts in a way that only a statue can, becoming perfectly still with nary a twitch nor a twitter.
Gren Boarshead
player, 160 posts
Sat 7 Jul 2012
at 00:39
  • msg #399

Re: Theranin

Gren froze.  All of them were injured to some extent.  Erasmus could barely stand.  Degrin, the one man who might be able to settle things, was still unconscious.  The attractive red-haired woman from the dock and another girl seem to have just been mistaken as companions by three guards taking their orders from a politician who is actually the leader of the Theive's Guild.  Gren's mouth dropped open as if to speak, but nothing came out.

When the gargoyle spoke up, Gren looked at him then to Degrin.  He simply nodded as if in agreement.

Initiative 4
Will cast Daze (Will save DC13) on one of the guards if they move in to attack or capture.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:46, Sat 07 July 2012.
Sirenity 'Siren' DuVazz
player, 6 posts
Sat 7 Jul 2012
at 01:46
  • msg #400

Re: Theranin

"Oof!" Sirenity falls back on her backside and looks up at the Half-Ogre that had nearly overrun her. "Gah! Gren ya damned saltlicker, ya nearly messed ma hair!" The young woman rustles her fingers through her fiery red locks and puts a stray strand behind her ear. She looks about to say something regarding the 'dead' guy they are carrying around but catches sight of Strange. She furrows her brows and lifts a hand to point but is interrupted by the guards calling a halt. She turns at the guards and huffs, shaking her head. She lifts herself back up off the ground, careful to make sure that the three guards get a good view of her backside as she bends and picks up a couple of coins that fell from her pocket. She then turns and looks at the guards and their lowered sticks.

"Seriously?? I get half trampled, ma hair gets a'kinked and ya come boundin' down here with yer...things all a pointing at me?," she motions and the men's polarms. "An ya go saying I be guilty o'murder. Seriously?" She pushes through the others to the front of the group and puts her hands on her hips. "Isn't it clear that these men and their pet rock are trying to get that fella there to some safety? They were even saying, as they were comin around tha' corner down there that that guy, him there in the robes," she flicks her head towards Erasmus, "He said he needed some feathers and newts eye so he could be makin' a poultry or something to apply with a bandage. Now why would he be trying to heal a man, with a makeshift bird, who's dead already. Eh? Come now, speak up. Clearly these are not men who are convicts, but men who are saviors. I mean, be lookin' at em'!" She turns and looks at the blood stained Strange, the battered Erasmus, and the 'dead' guy and frowns. "Ya'all aren't making' ma story easy ere'," she whispers.

21:32, Today: Sirenity 'Siren' DuVazz rolled 15 using 1d20+8. bluff.
player, 11 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Sat 7 Jul 2012
at 04:06
  • msg #401

Re: Theranin

Lorelei flushed, mostly at having been taken completely unaware as she hit the ground with an oof. Unlike Sirenity though her standing was a lot more graceful, as she had fallen into a back roll and hopped up onto her feet and brushed the dirt off her light pants while taking in the odd group. She was confused, and a fair bit on guard from the guards words though she was willing to take Siren's statement at face value.

Quickly looking the ragtag group over she gave a little shrug and folded her arms glancing at Siren. The stage whisper made her wonder just what was going on, this city was so fast paced and she had a feeling they were less heroes and more just friends. None the less with a put upon sigh she had the feeling this was going to get ugly, but she would try anyway.

"First, I'm not too keen on being run over. Knock it off." She said absently to the nearest person, the half-Ogre Gren before turning to the guards while motioning to Sirenity "And secondly, you heard the lass. Y'Blind?". Her voice despite being soft, was rough and scratchier then one would expect. Gruff or frayed was a good way to put it.

21:06, Today: Lorelei rolled 15 using 1d20. Bluff, Aid Another: Siren.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 109 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sat 7 Jul 2012
at 05:16
  • msg #402

Re: Theranin

He hadn't been in the city more than an hour before he got dragged through the sewers - You volunteered. - betrayed - Should have seen that coming. - stabbed - Dodge! - and now accused of murder.  ...OK, that one's legitimately annoying.  He was really beginning to hate this city.

Thanks for your input, James.

Then a gorgeous woman pushes past him and starts sticking up for the group, another right with her.  Maybe this place wasn't so bad.

"It's true," Dale says.  "This is Degrin, and he's hurt pretty bad.  But our healer, a cleric of Sarenrae, is too spent to use magic, so we needed to find somewhere else to heal up.  Once Degrin's conscious, he'll be able to explain that we weren't the ones that hurt him."

Dale does his best to slide past the healing ingredients bit.  He knows he can't lie worth crap.

Don't know if I need a Diplomacy check if I role-play through it, but here it is.  (Gods help him.)  Diplomacy 4 (untrained).
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 05:21, Sat 07 July 2012.
DM Visceri
GM, 283 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sat 7 Jul 2012
at 06:46
  • msg #403

Re: Theranin

The guards look back and forth between the women, the rag-tag group, and Degrin, confusion and indecision plain on their faces. Their pole arms lower slightly though they show no sign of dropping their defenses entirely. One of the other guards chimes in with a rather thick sounding voice, "They dun seem t' bad t' me Reg. Perhaps they tellin the truth?" Hearing his other guard mate chime in, the third man has something to contribute as well, "But Reg, we can't just let them go, the higher-ups would throw us in prison for treason!" This serves only to confound the guard called Reg even more who, at this point, is scratching his head with one hand , the tip of his pole arm almost touching the stone of the street.

"I-um-we-that is..." Reg stumbles over his words looking for the right ones. Taking a deep breath, he seems to compose himself slightly, drawing himself up and repositioning his pole arm, "If you are telling the truth, then come with us and prove your innocence and get help for the injured lord. We can bring you before lord Lacio and you can explain the misunderstanding. He is a pretty gracious man after all. But if you flee, we will be forced to pursue." Reg looks to each of his fellow guards and nods reassurance, confident that he made the good and right decision.

Party Status
Strange: 14/18 hp  |  -1 Dex
Dale: 8/10 hp
Erasmus: 3/7 hp
Jarroz: 7/10 hp
Wilem: 9/12 hp
Gren: 8/9 hp

Sirenity: Full hp
Lorelei: Full hp
Degren: Stabilized though in serious condition and unconscious

Gren Boarshead
player, 161 posts
Sat 7 Jul 2012
at 13:57
  • msg #404

Re: Theranin

Gren wasn't the smartest of men, but he knew Vyncent Lacio would have them all assassinated at the first opportunity.  He also doubted that these three goons called guards wouldn't believe the truth from anyones mouth besides Degrin's.  "I know you're jus' doin' yer jobs; and we'll be more than happy to...conclude our business with Vyncent Lacio..." he said with a predatory smile towards the rest of the group.  "...But Degrin is on the verge of death.  Would you be so kind as to escourt us to the nearest cleric for one of their blessed miracles first?  After all you wouldn't want to be accused of failing to save Degrin's life would you?"

Gren wasn't a smooth-talker or a trickster; he was a survivor.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:48, Sat 07 July 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 110 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sat 7 Jul 2012
at 19:06
  • msg #405

Re: Theranin

"Yes, clerics first, then Degrin can explain.  Not around Lacio."  He lowers his voice for that last bit, wanting their female saviors to hear, but not the guards.
player, 13 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Sat 7 Jul 2012
at 23:47
  • msg #406

Re: Theranin

"That sounds smart, no point bringing em in if the guy dies because you don't feel like making a pit stop"

Lorelei heard that last part and wondered about the problems with this Lacio fellow, as she absently rubbed her throat. She didn't talk too much because it hurt her throat but she had gotten used to the minor twinges over time, one had to talk for the most part now and then. Especially when a life was on the line, whether he was to her a stranger or not.
player, 80 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Mon 9 Jul 2012
at 12:30
  • msg #407

Re: Theranin

Erasmus withdraws the symbol of Sarenrae from his robes and bares it so that both the guards and the crowd behind them can see the symbol of his station.  "Ser, I am a priest of her radiance, and a physician.  My companions are trying to escort Aroth Degrin to the local sanctuary for the sake of his life." he begins in a loud voice, more for the benefit of the crowd than the guards, as this was just restating what his companions had already said.  Satisfied that the guards now knew they would be slaughtering a priest in public if this took a turn for the violent, he lowered his voice to a conversational level and made an impassioned plea.  "Argue this point no more and escort us there, the man is old and I cannot be held responsible for his condition if you are going to prevent us from delivering him to his salvation.  We may not make it in time if we have to fight the crowds ourselves."

08:16, Today: Erasmus rolled 26 using 1d20+10. Diplomacy.
Sirenity 'Siren' DuVazz
player, 8 posts
Mon 9 Jul 2012
at 13:34
  • msg #408

Re: Theranin

Sirenity watched these new found people in wonder. She really didn't have much of an interest in what was going on per se, but it did give her an opportunity...

"Say, I been lookin' fer some work today. I gotta eat ya know. An after arguing with the shoe feller, and the bread guy, and the melon guy, he didn't sell melons, just kept lookin at mine if'n ya know what I am sayin, I about had it with it all. But ma friend here helped calm me down a bit," she juts her thumb over her shoulder at Lorelei, "so how about I take'em over to the sanctuary. I'll tell the holy fella that you," she smiles sweetly at the one they called Reg, and who she assumes is in charge here. "I'll tell him it was yer idea that we take this old guy to the church to get fixed up. You know them old people gossip like seagulls. Hell, ya give it a day and you would be the most popular guard in the city who saved the life of that guy! Just imagine all the pretty ladies that would fancy that! A right true hero if'n I ever say so."

Not really sure if this would be a bluff check as she is telling some truth, and she might even say he sent us over, but prolly not. So I put a diplomacy and a basic Charisma check in just in case for you.

09:31, Today: Sirenity 'Siren' DuVazz rolled 23 using 1d20+8. bluff.
09:31, Today: Sirenity 'Siren' DuVazz rolled 13 using 1d20+4. Cha.
09:32, Today: Sirenity 'Siren' DuVazz rolled 13 using 1d20+4. Dip.

This message was last edited by the player at 13:35, Mon 09 July 2012.
DM Visceri
GM, 285 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Mon 9 Jul 2012
at 21:21
  • msg #409

Re: Theranin

Reg stands there looking torn while his two cohorts stand there looking for queues from him which neither are getting. Finally after what seems like an hour of silence between them all, Reg shakes his head, "Fine. Gilford, escort them to the Iomedaeic Temple in the Snow District. They'll know what to do with him and we can trust them to pass fair judgement on you lot. I already called the rest of the guards and they'll be here soon so I'll stay here with Pinchott to keep them busy for a few minutes. After that, you're on your own so don't get caught...and I don't want to hear a word of it got to anyone, ya hear? Gilford, bring them to me outside the harbor master's office when you get Degrin awake and talking. I want to hear firsthand about this alleged rescue. Come on Pinchott." Reg says a little annoyed but largely downcast at having to deal with the rest of the guards as Gilford walks over the the party, pole arm now in it's resting position sticking into the air.

Either there are a few screws loose in Gilford's head or he really has the personality of a dog; as soon as his master reassures him, he's all smiles and tail wagging. "My name's Gilford, 'ello. If'n you'll follow me I'll take ya to the temple. Oh 'n I can carry Lord Degrin if'n ya want, no trouble fer me." Not really waiting for a reply, he walks over to the politician and hefts him up onto his shoulder with little difficulty. Apparently what the guard lacks in brains, he makes up for in muscle seeing as Degrin easily weighs close to 180 pounds and Gilford lifted him up with one arm.

As Gilford leads the party north through the Canopy District on their way to the temple, one would think Gilford's jaw would unhinge from his face with how much he talked. Enough to the point that some of the party begins to envy the unconscious Degrin. "So what're yer names? I'm Gilford, wait I said that already. Any of ya live here? The city be a nice place to enjoy the snow durin the cold months. Well I guess durin the other months as well, it always be pretty cold up here seein as snow falls year round 'n all. Ooo yer made of stone are ya? I quite like stones meself. Used to throw em across the harbor 'n try to skip em with me mates-er no offense."

This goes on the entire way to the Iomedaeic Temple. As the group enters the Snow District, they can see that many of the houses start appearing farther apart and all the vendors that were located in the Canopy District start to disappear. The Snow District seems to be home to large sections of open ground and trees. It could be considered a park if there weren't homes scattered about the area every few hundred feet or so. The dominant feature of the district though is a large spire-topped building against the back wall of the city with the symbol of Iomedae elegantly set into the front of the tower in hues of gold, orange, and red. Compared to the spire, the rest of the building was rather plain. A set of double doors which are closed tight against the chill lead into the main room of the building which is adorned with small stained glass windows set into the stone walls on either side. There are two smaller building-rooms to either side of the main structure though still attached.

"Aight here we be," Gilford preens. "I'll be right outside keepin watch as it were. There only be the one way out of the temple though so don't try 'n give me the slip," he says with a smile that makes it hard to tell if he is actually serious or not. This is rectified a moment later as the rubs the back of his head, an innocent but worried look on the guard's face. "Reg would have me head if I let you lot wander off on me. Still need Lord Degrin to vouch for ya after all." The guard opens the door for the group and hands off Degrin to Gren as they pass into the temple common.

Inside, the scenery is much the same as outside, stone walls, little decoration other than the altar and display of lit candles that adorned the head of the temple. There were stone pews on each side of the room from the altar all the way back to the door, about a fifth of them filled with praying patrons who don't look up from their devotions as the group enters, assuming it to be just another of the faithful come to pray. Both of the sides of the room have wooden doors that lead into the other buildings and there is a staircase to the right of the altar that leads downstairs. Standing at the altar though is a woman robed in white garments, a red and gold sash around her neck and her hair cut short, barely reaching the nape of her neck. He back is turned and her hands are outstretched over the altar, a soft glow coming from both.
player, 29 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Mon 9 Jul 2012
at 22:58
  • msg #410

Re: Theranin

At the back of the group, sticking relatively close to Derek... or David... ah yes, Dale, that was it, Strange wanders idly into the temple interior.  He had much more experience with the outside of such buildings than the interior and within a few minutes he found himself wondering about the ledges and abutments that made up the exterior decor.  It is here that he finally becomes aware of the strange looks he is getting and, after a quick inspection, realizes that the blood on his hands and front are probably not helping matters.  Creatures of flesh could be so picky about their internals...

To the shock and dismay of several of the onlookers Strange washes the blood away using the holy water of an out-of-the-way basin of holy water.  Once he is more or less clean again he finds his way to Dale and nudges him gently to get his attention before leaning and speaking softly, "I shall play the part of.. hmm.. watchman for a time in case our dear Vincent makes a move against us here.  Should you.. hmm.. need me simply step outside and whistle.. yes, hmm.. thrice should be sufficient, and I shall return to you shortly."

Shuffling away towards the entrance where Gilford has stationed himself he approaches the oafish fellow, "I say, Gilford, do you need some assistance watching the door?  Hmm.. it seems to me that you could see a much greater distance if you were higher up.  Shall I show you?"
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 111 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Mon 9 Jul 2012
at 23:17
  • msg #411

Re: Theranin

"Right, yes, keep guard outside," Dale says so that others can hear, remembering that he's supposed to give Strange orders.

Heh, strange orders.

That is a completely unoriginal pun.  You should be ashamed.

Dale doesn't particularly want to interrupt the priestess at the altar, but he doesn't see anyone else that looks especially... cleric-ish.  It doesn't help that he's never cared for churches of Iomedae.  He steps up a bit behind her and carefully clears his throat.
Sirenity 'Siren' DuVazz
player, 9 posts
Tue 10 Jul 2012
at 19:14
  • msg #412

Re: Theranin

Sirenity stands off to the side. Having little knowledge of religion outside of her own personal beliefs, she had little to no experience with this church. She waits patiently, and for once quiet, as she looks around and tries not to disturb anybody. She watches Strange leave and looks like she is going to say something to Dale, but he heads off to talk to the lady on the podium so she stops and waits instead.
player, 81 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Tue 10 Jul 2012
at 19:46
  • msg #413

Re: Theranin

It was with some relief for Erasmus that they would be taken to a temple of the sword maiden.  He didn't know a great deal about her faith, in truth, but he knew that their orders were known to work together.  Their more martial order going out to take the fight to the evil, and his to see to the injured that would result from such engagements.  He expected fair treatment at this temple.  Once there though, he had little working knowledge of their rituals.  Looking around he ushers the party to the side where the parishioners wouldn't be disturbed by their presence and looked over the old man to ensure he could indeed wait for the ritual to end before being seen.  As he was loath to interrupt the services unless it was necessary.
Gren Boarshead
player, 162 posts
Tue 10 Jul 2012
at 21:26
  • msg #414

Re: Theranin

Gren didn't care for temples.  Gods were petty bickering creatures with the power to smite you on a whim.  And with so many how is a person suppose to choose just one to follow?  No, Gren kept his head way below the clouds and put faith only in himself.  He stood there looking at Erasmus; his glare silently saying, "Well do your thing."  Gren's arms were thick and strong, but they were quickly growing wary.  He had a heavy bag of coins, a map, a chest, and now a nearly dead man dangling from his arms.  He didn't know how much longer he could hold them all.  He could already feel the chest slipping from his grasp one inch at a time.  When it dropped it would likely draw attention to him; and he was far from being presentable.  He smelled of his recent journey through the sewers; his shirt was red with blood, mostly his own; and his hair and beard were were slick with sweat.

His only desire was to get to the Salty Seawife.  Break open the chest and count the money in the bag.  He wanted a bath, food, and a nap.  Only then would he turn his attention to killing or capturing that rat-bastard Vyncent.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:31, Tue 10 July 2012.
player, 14 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Wed 11 Jul 2012
at 04:18
  • msg #415

Re: Theranin

As Lorelei waited, mostly out of politeness, she bounced on the balls of her feet to provide a little exercise for her legs as she waited. The temple didn't appeal to her, as she had never been overly religious, but she could appreciate the route this had taken. Honestly she wasn't sure she wanted to tangle with guards over a new friend, it didn't seem very nice afterall.

None the less here she was with a very..... off group of characters, though none seemed outright bad. She was now curious and wanted to see things through, mainly for curiosities sake.
DM Visceri
GM, 287 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 12 Jul 2012
at 07:17
  • msg #416

Re: Theranin

As Dale approached the priestess and cleared his throat, you could visibly see her straighten. A moment later, the light faded from her hands and the altar and she slowly turned to face the magus, her face preceding her body and the look on her face was a mix of contempt and curiosity if such a thing was possible without turning someone's face into a horrible grimace.  The look only seems to intensify as she spies the group huddled in the back of the temple, bloodies, ragged, dirty, smelly, and carrying what looked like plunder as well as Degrin.

In a very cold and calculating voice, the woman spoke slowly, looking down from her platform to Dale with icy dark brown eyes seemingly seeing into his soul, "This better be good, boy. What have you interrupted me for?" She spoke quietly but loud enough that those in the back could hear, causing almost all of the patrons to look up simultaneously to see what had disturbed their priestess so.

Outside, Gilford looks at strange as if the wheels in his head are slowly overheating and melting away, "Uhhh...I s'pose? Ya seem like a trustworthy...statue." His brain seemingly pumping him full of positivity begins to nod and smiles, "Ya! An extra set ov eyes be mighty helpful, thanks!" This man certainly didn't make it into the Theranin Guards though an IQ test, that much is perfectly clear.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 112 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Thu 12 Jul 2012
at 17:59
  • msg #417

Re: Theranin

Dale cringes a little at being snapped at.  He immediately decides that this priestess is not his favorite among the womenfolk.  "We're here from the city guard, and we have someone that needs healing pretty urgently.  Do you have a healer around?"
player, 30 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Fri 13 Jul 2012
at 00:36
  • msg #418

Re: Theranin

Considering the man's words he nods slowly, his head canted slightly to the right, "Quite true, friend.. hmm.. I have never known a statue to lie..." mentally he finished that sentence, Gargoyles, on the other hand...  He steps nonchalantly past Gilford, moving a few paces beyond the door and turns to the side.  He trots awkwardly for a few paces before unfurling his wings and leaping as high as he can before majestically... crashing into a bush at one side of the temple yard.

He stands up, brushing away leaves and branches as he looks around to see if anybody besides Gilford witnessed his failed attempt at flight.  As he ambles back over to the guard he takes note of the front of the temple, looking for convenient handholds on the facade of the building, "I should be ever so grateful.. hmm.. if you could find me the address of a reliable.. hmm.. mason or sculptor, yes."  He bows quite regally and begins the long climb up the front of the building, not used to this sort of activity but trusting in his superior balance to aid him this arduous task.

Taking 10 for the climb.
17:35, Today: Strange rolled 9 using 1d20+7. Acrobatics for the climb.

DM Visceri
GM, 288 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 13 Jul 2012
at 04:56
  • msg #419

Re: Theranin

The priestess's gaze moves from Dale's face to the group in the back of the room, eyeing the man over Gren's shoulder. Her eyes, previously squinted in suspicion and annoyance now go wide as she pushes past Dale unceremoniously and walks to the door on the right, opening it and looking at the party whom is standing there watching her back in turn. "Well are you going to just stand here or do want to save the man? Come now and do it quickly." Her voice is commanding and absolutely no nonsense. It is hard to imagine someone devoid of a sense of humor but she seems to be a person who would be just that.

The room the party is led into is rather small and is dominated by a large stone table which she directs you to place Degrin on. She quickly rips open the politician's vest and shirt, getting at his chest underneath and examining the wound and the man's vitals. Turning on the group with the speed and ferocity of a viper, she speaks in an low but acidic tone while stalking towards them angrily, "Do you know who this is?!" she hisses. "You are lucky you got him here when you did, if you would have been even a minute slower, I might not have been able to do anything for him." Turning quickly back to Degrin, she rolls up her billowing sleeves and places them one on top of another above the wound and both her hands and Degrin's chest begin to glow similarly to how the altar had. Without looking to her, she makes another demand, "Explain yourselves and how this man came to bear this wound."

Outside, after Strange's failure at the flight he had been used to the last time he was active centuries before, his climb up the front of the temple proved equally challenging for his rusty limbs. Gilford watched on in silent amazement after making a few jokes at the gargoyle's expense after the fall into the bushes. Strange was able to struggle up to the bottom of the spire before he found himself unable to pass further. Perching himself on the edge of the roof on a cornice, he was able to see quite far off into the distance. He could see the entirety of the Snow District excluding what the houses and plant life blocked from his view and could see down parts of the first streets of the Canopy District...
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:04, Fri 13 July 2012.
player, 31 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Fri 13 Jul 2012
at 05:09
  • msg #420

Re: Theranin

Strange ignores the comments of the mental inferior as he climbs.  Reaching the base of the uppermost spire he is rather grateful to have found such a prime spot.  He settles into a familiar old crouching pose, as of coiled menace, and watches the streets.  He trusts his innate ability to remain perfectly still as well as the stonework of the building to keep him hidden from any prying eyes until it is necessary to descend once again.  While he was up here he certainly had much to think about given just the last few hours of his life.  It seemed he didn't have much time what with those guards in the streets.  They didn't seem to be headed for the temple, but he'd keep an eye on them regardless.


22:02, Today: Strange rolled 19 using 1d20+5. Perception.
22:09, Today: Strange rolled 25 using 1d20+13. Stealth check.

This message was last edited by the player at 05:09, Fri 13 July 2012.
player, 82 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Fri 13 Jul 2012
at 18:32
  • msg #421

Re: Theranin

Erasmus stifles the desire to correct the priestess, as he was quite certain he had the man stabilized, and even if he were wrong about that, he had the means to keep the man from death's embrace for more than enough time as was necessary.  But being right was not as important as seeing that he was treated, as there was still a great deal going on at the moment that required discretion if they were going to get out of this situation okay.  Seeing that Gren had something to say, the priest remains silent and looks over the results of his contemporary's faith healing.  If her efforts were insufficient as well, he had to be prepared to rebuke death once more.
Gren Boarshead
player, 164 posts
Fri 13 Jul 2012
at 21:48
  • msg #422

Re: Theranin

Gren headed for the room as soon as the invitation was given.  With a grunt he let the chest slip from his arm, to clatter to the ground.  It left behind an impression of the lock on his inner arm.  Gren then laid Degren on the table using the bag of coins as a pillow.  "Are you daft woman?  Of course we know who this is.  This is the one man that can clear our names.  He was stabbed by that rat bastard Vyncent Lacio. He also killed that other fellow...whozzit?  Steward?  Vyncent and the Captain of the Guard are both aligned with the Theive's Guild.  They were behind that assassination...whennit? Yesturday?"

"They sent us into the sewers on a wild goose chase hoping we would die.  When we didn't they took matters into their own hands.  A fight broke out in Vyncent's home where he had Degrin and the other chained.  While we fought off his goons Vyncent hoped to elliminate his competitors.  Now, having escaped he hopes to frame us."

The others may have been shocked by Gren's blunt honesty, but they eventually had to trust someone.  Sirenity and Lorelei had been sucked into this mess and would likely want an explination of what was going on as well.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:34, Fri 13 July 2012.
DM Visceri
GM, 290 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sat 14 Jul 2012
at 00:46
  • msg #423

Re: Theranin

" a very serious accusation," the priestess says quietly, the first time her voice has any semblance of civility to it. "Had the temple not been imbued with the ideals of justice and truth, I would scarcely believe them myself." It's then that Degrin moans softly in his sleep. The man's complexion seemed to be less pale and the wound on his chest had closed slightly and you could see muscle knitting itself back together at an expedited pace. Turning to the group again, the priestess looks at them all differently now, the hostility gone and worry on her face. "The thieves guild has been a blight on this city for as long as I can remember but this is the first time they've stopped this low to get what they wanted. If Vyncent Lacio is who you say he is, I worry for the city. Unfortunately..." she looks to the ground with a sigh before continuing, "as a stipulation of being allowed to have our temple within the city walls, we are restricted from interfering with political maneuverings and nice Vyncent, whatever else he is, is still a running politician, the best I can do for you is to finish healing Lord Degrin and offer you this advice; do not underestimate him or the sway he holds over others. It might be best to trust only yourselves for the time being."

Gilford looks up to strange cupping a hand over his eyes to block out the glare from the sun bouncing off the cloud cover rolling over the sky. "Impressive!" he calls up, "Bet ya can see the whole ov the town from that high up eh? See anythin interestin?"
player, 32 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Sat 14 Jul 2012
at 01:04
  • msg #424

Re: Theranin

He lets out a long, slow sigh as he sees the guards working their way from house-to-house.  There could only be one thing they were looking for.  Things always seemed to move so fast after remaining in one spot for years on end.  These fleshy beings didn't last all that long, they couldn't appreciate a good decade-long rest like a Gargoyle could.

He begins his climb back down just as Gilford calls up to him, using a few tricks to descend quickly and safely.  Upon reaching the bottom he turns to the dull-faced guard, "Not the whole city.. hmm.. just the important parts.  Your peers will be joining us soon, hmm.. yes."  He pats Gilford on the shoulder in a friendly manner as he steps past the man and back into the temple.  He looks first to where the group was when he left.  Not seeing them there he considers asking Gilford where they went, but decides against it as the man seemed more preoccupied with watching his climb than actually guarding anything.  He lets out another sigh and sets off in search of the group, reasoning that they can't have gone too far and thus limiting his search to just the rooms off of this main hall area.

17:58, Today: Strange rolled 14 using 1d20+7. Acrobatics.
18:03, Today: Strange rolled 14 using 1d20+5. (Perception) Search for group.

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 113 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sat 14 Jul 2012
at 02:28
  • msg #425

Re: Theranin

"Hence the need for Degrin.  Our word's not worth anything without him.  And now two others have been dragged into this.  It needs to be done with." Or we need to get out of here.

That might be the easier option at this point. 

"Gren's right, though.  Vyncent can't just be left to his own devices.  We need to take care of this ourselves."
player, 16 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Sat 14 Jul 2012
at 14:36
  • msg #426

Re: Theranin

Lorelei squinted slightly as she took in the details of just what was going on, she had definitely fallen in the thick of things here hadn't she? But it was likely too late to get out now, plus she wasn't much of a friend to thieves. It seemed fate, or poor luck, had thrown her lot in with this group. Might as well make the most of it and help, she decided. She had nothing better to do and perhaps she could help this city be a better place. Or at least less controlled by thieves, from the sounds of it.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:11, Sat 14 July 2012.
Gren Boarshead
player, 165 posts
Sat 14 Jul 2012
at 16:09
  • msg #427

Re: Theranin

"Can we trust you to care for Degrin and make sure his stays safe and hidden long enough for thim to regain his strength?" Gren asked the priestess.  He didn't even consider her rufusing such a request a possibility.

"Stress to him how important it is for him to clear our names.  If he can pull as many strings as Vyncent can then perhaps it'll give us an even playing field.  We must also find a safe place to hold up for the night, to gather our own strength and to formulate a plan.  Is there a safe way to sneak out of here?  I trust if we stay too long we'll bring troops banging at your doors."

Gren then turned towards Sirenity and Lorelei, "It may not be too late for you to get out of his.  You may have to spend a night or two behind bars but Vyncent himself will know you are not part of this.  He'd have no reason to keep you locked up."

"Wilem, fetch Strange.  We're going to need to get out of here without that guard noticing.  Besides, he claimed to be able to open that thing..." he said pointing to the chest on the floor.  "I don't want to drag it all over town if there is nothing of importance inside."
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 114 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Mon 16 Jul 2012
at 03:18
  • msg #428

Re: Theranin

"I'll get Strange," Dale offers, remembering that Wilem and Jarroz went to try and talk with the city guard.  He briefly wonders if they're having his kind of luck tonight.

Dale steps back out into the main chapel and looks towards the entrance.  Strange is already back inside and looking around, assumably for them.  Darnit, if he is back inside, he probably isn't bringing good news with him.  "Strange!  See something out there?"
player, 33 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Mon 16 Jul 2012
at 03:48
  • msg #429

Re: Theranin

He turns at the sound of Dale's voice, doing his best to conceal his annoyance at having had to go looking for them.  He would have to learn to forgive them, they were only flesh and blood and they did not contain the wisdom of the earth like he and his kind.

"A multitude of soldiers are going door to door, hmm... They are getting quite near, indeed.  Shall we hide or.. hmm.. has Degrin been revived enough to vouch for our merry little band?"
player, 84 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Mon 16 Jul 2012
at 13:50
  • msg #430

Re: Theranin

Erasmus remains quiet while the others discuss what to do next, not that he lacked an opinion, just that his concern was more toward Degrin's condition.  He was also disappointed in the timidity of the Iomedaeic faith, but reasoned that this was more likely due to an overestimation of their zealotry for justice on his part than any real fault in the priestess.  After all, she had just channeled a miracle.  Keeping Degrin with them was important, the circumstances that put his life in peril had not changed, and he would be in just as much danger if they left him now as he was before.  So he focused on the old man's condition, trying to determine how soon they would be able to move him.

09:50, Today: Erasmus rolled 13 using 1d20+8. Heal: Assess Degrin's condition.

Sirenity 'Siren' DuVazz
player, 12 posts
Mon 16 Jul 2012
at 14:50
  • msg #431

Re: Theranin

Serenity follows the others into the room as the priestess works on the old man. She really was not sure where she stood on the whole scenario, and while she did not want to get involved in such political matters (that was for conniving old men and vindictive women, not 'normal' folk) she could not help but stare are the bag of gold and chest full of potential wealth. If these people had access to gold like that, then maybe she could find work with them after all. She stops her daydreaming and listens to Gren. The purses her lips in thought and when Dale leaves to go find the stone statue beast she follows him out. Upon hearing strange mention the oncoming guards she speaks up.

"Either our friend Reg has not reported back yet, or he lied for us about where we are, otherwise they would be here for now. If they are going house to house, then we should have a bit of time yet. How long do you think we have, Strange?"
player, 18 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Tue 17 Jul 2012
at 06:02
  • msg #432

Re: Theranin

Lorelei calmly pondered Gren's offer of getting out before she glanced at Siren. Honestly her friend was a bit too head strong or so Lorelei assumed to Flee, and the idea struck her as cowardly anyway. She might as well stick around and help out for a bit after all. She gave a firm shrug to Gren with an impish smile.

"I think we're sticking around for a bit, Sorry big guy"
DM Visceri
GM, 294 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 19 Jul 2012
at 06:16
  • msg #433

Re: Theranin

"Yes I can make sure he is able to awaken enough to clear your names, perhaps even before the guards arrive at the temple's doorsteps. Luckily, the restriction of meddling of affairs of church and state goes both ways. The guards are forbidden to step foot into the temple unless in commoner's garb and present to offer supplication to Iomedae. There are no...pleasant ways out of the temple but the front entrance. There is however an entrance into the city's sewer system though I personally wouldn't advise it under normal circumstances. In your situation though, I assume it would beat attempting to make a run for it out the front door..." she turns back to Degrin momentarily and takes a small vial from her robes in which a few bright green leaves are stored and, unstoppering it, removes a leaf and places it in the center of Degrin's wound as she once again channels energy into him. "Return to me, if you can, tomorrow morning and Degrin should have regained his strength and be able to clear your names. He is an old man and though Iomedae's magic is potent, his life-force is weak on a good day. You will find the sewer entrance down the stairs behind the altar through a metal drainage gate. Stay safe until you return; I will deal with the city guard." Almost as an afterthought, she adds in an awkward introduction, "Oh, my name's Ikani Locurto. Should you find any Iomedaeic priestess in the city, tell her you have my blessing and she will help you as best as she can. Now go quickly."
Sirenity 'Siren' DuVazz
player, 13 posts
Fri 20 Jul 2012
at 15:03
  • msg #434

Re: Theranin

Siren stops and listens to the woman speak. She cringes at the thought of going into the sewers. She did not have an issue with a little mud; she rolled around with her fair share of men in the dirt (fighting that is...) but the sewers? No...that did not sit well with her or her stomach. "I...uhh...really? The sewer? Ya can't ba serious? I think I might just take my chances out the front door...Isn't there...umm...people stuff down there? What if it gets in ma hair?" She runs her pale slender fingers through her fiery locks and picks a leaf out that she had not noticed before.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 115 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 20 Jul 2012
at 16:57
  • msg #435

Re: Theranin

"Yay, sewers again."  To Siren, Dale says, "And we just came from there too, hence our general grossness."  As he moves towards the exit, Dale introduces himself.  "I'm Dale, by the way, and I'm sorry about this mess you're in.  This is Strange and Erasmus, and you apparently already know Gren.  Now, who's for getting not-arrested?"
Gren Boarshead
player, 167 posts
Sat 21 Jul 2012
at 19:43
  • msg #436

Re: Theranin

"I'd rather see the sewers before the inside of a prison cell at the mercy of that damned Vyncent. I say we let the priestess do her thing here and we get out of here." Gren felt bad for dragging Siren and her friend into this mess, although accidentally. This wasn't fair to either of them. "Listen ladies, you're welcome to stay here and try to wiggle your way out of the guard's notice but we would be happy to bring you with us. Believe me, none of us want to be in the sewers and longer than we can help it and we'll be getting out of them just as soon as we can manage it. So what will it be? The sewers or the guards?" Part of him hoped that they would accompany them on their mission to bring down Vyncent if only because they needed all the help they could get. Of course he didn't want to see them wrongly accused and since at least a handful of guards had already seen them together as well as the patrons of the temple, odds were the guards would arrest them and take them to Vyncent despite any claims of innocence on their part.
This message was last updated by the GM at 19:43, Sat 21 July 2012.
player, 34 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Sun 22 Jul 2012
at 19:51
  • msg #437

Re: Theranin

Having remained fairly quiet at the edge of the group Strange speaks up rather solemnly, "Hmm.. We may egress through the sewers, but to where do we intend to go from there?  How will we know when it is.. hmm.. safe to return?  How can we even be assured that Mr. Degrin will remain safe here while we are away?  We know that.. hmm.. Vyncent is a tricky one.  I shall stay behind.. hmm, yes.. I have had quite enough of sewers for one decade.  When Degrin is revived and has provided our alibi I shall come find you.. hmm, yes."
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 117 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sun 22 Jul 2012
at 23:13
  • msg #438

Re: Theranin

To Strange, Dale says, "Sounds like a plan.  Short of us getting murdered or arrested, we'll be at the Salty Seawife.  We'll come get you in the morning if you haven't come for us before then."
DM Visceri
GM, 299 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Mon 23 Jul 2012
at 06:18
  • msg #439

Re: Theranin

So just like that the main group leaves Strange behind to watch over Degrin and the temple while the rest watching him go out of sight as they descend the stairs into the basement of the temple of Iomedae. Once down into the basement, it didn't take much time for the crew to pry open the grate and descend into the sewers. Just like their previous romp in the underbelly of the city, it reeked of filth, was populated by an endless horde of rats, and had it's share of twists and turns. After what seemed like an eternity walking through the foul walkways, the group finally makes it to the exit where the group had first made their way down, no goblins to be seen anywhere. Gren warns the new members among them the beware the third run of the ladder that triggers the javelin trap and the group quickly makes their way up and to the entrance of the Salty Seawife just as the sun begins to set where a disapproving Mistress Urna looks on with a hand over new nose at how they are stinking up her establishment.

"Good gods Gren! Take yourselves up to the spare rooms and take get those filthy rags off of you so I can wash them before they put me out of business! I'll have a meal ready for you lot when you're done scrubbing the stink off of ya." As she notices that some of the previous group members are missing but are replaced by a few more savory looking women that don't look like they belong in a bar brawl, she smiles though keeps her distance, "Nice to meet you dears, I'm Mistress Urna. If you need anything just let me know. The woman's bath is upstairs at the end of the hall to your left." Looking to the group of men a scowl crosses her face. "You lot are across the hall from the stairs. Try not to ruin the tub will ya?"

It takes the group the better part of two hours to finish cleaning up to Mistress Urna's standards before she'll let them back int othe common room but eventually with clean clothes and clean skin free of the stench of the sewers, the group finds themselves at a table in the common room near the window and the framed shark that Urna claimed she had caught and killed herself though the small woman hardly looked the type to fit the role of fisherman...of course they did call it the Salty Seawife for a reason and anyone to be hit over the head with a dowel from the innkeeper would attest to her strength.

OOC: I need to know in your posts what you guys plant to do for the night sleeping arrangement wise and if there are any precautions you wish to take.
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:25, Mon 23 July 2012.
Sirenity 'Siren' DuVazz
player, 15 posts
Mon 23 Jul 2012
at 13:54
  • msg #440

Re: Theranin

Siren mumbles, groans, whines, and otherwise lets out a constant string of curses and profanity as she makes her way through the sewers. It is more than obvious that she is despising the entire process. Once they climb out of the sewer she makes a beeline towards the inn. She barely listens to Mistress Urna before taking the stairs two at a time and heading towards the bath. Without a second though she strips out of her clothes and tosses them into a pile in the corner. It is only then that she realizes she does not have an extra set of clothing with her. She stops mid scrub and thinks, and then smiles and continues on. By the time Lorelei gets to the room Siren is already up to her chin in bubbles. She smiles and starts talking the woman's ears off, barely giving her a moment to speak herself.

Finally content that she is as clean as possible, she stands up and dries herself off and then wraps the towel about herself. She hurries across the hall, leaving a trail of dainty wet footsteps and then knocks on the door for where the 'boys' are. She waits patiently for somebody to open the door and then smile. "I got's a problem that I need a bit a help with. Ya see, I left ma clothes at home, so I don't have anything to get changed into. Any of you think you could be a dear and run down to the tailor shop across the street and get me something?" She brushes a fiery red strand of hair out of her face and smiles.
player, 85 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Mon 23 Jul 2012
at 18:52
  • msg #441

Re: Theranin

Clean, refreshed, and in the privacy of his room, Erasmus contemplates the events of the day and grows progressively disturbed.  Corruption at the core of the town's administration would be difficult to unroot.  Having allies among the Iomedaeics was refreshing, but of limited practical value if they were determined to respect their agreement not to interfere with affairs of the state--how they found themselves in such an absurd arrangement being beyond him.  Uncertain of how to proceed, he pulls out his copy of The Birth of Light and Truth and reads, meditating on the words until exhaustion overcomes him.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 118 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Mon 23 Jul 2012
at 20:39
  • msg #442

Re: Theranin

Dale finally gets back to his room and dresses in his much more normal polished black leather.  That shows off his pierced navel.  That's important, you know, the piercing.  Very important.

He hears a knock at his door and grins when he finds a not-really-dressed Siren there.  At her request for clothes, Dale says, "Now why would I do that when having you dripping wet in my doorway is so much more entertaining?  Of course, it would be even more fun if you took, oh say, three steps forward and closed the door behind you."

Assuming this doesn't get him slapped, Dale will go get Siren a change of clothes.

That night, Dale does something he hates doing.  He sleeps with James' scabbard strap wrapped around his wrist so that Dale can still hear him.  James doesn't sleep, so he makes for an excellent watch dog.

I am not a watch dog!  I am a sword!  I might just let the stupid assassins kill you!  Or I might just murder you in your sleep myself.  I'm a sword, so I can do that, you know.


player, 21 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Mon 23 Jul 2012
at 21:03
  • msg #443

Re: Theranin

Lorelei trudged through the sewers quietly, not very happy about it but knowing it had to be done. She kept her bag, a small backpack, high upon her shoulders though to make sure none of the sewage contaminated her supplies. It took far, far too long in her opinion to navigate the sewers especially since she had no idea where they were going until someone announced they were 'there' and she was quick to get out into the inn.

"A pleasure" she murmured quietly to Mistress Urna, but was quick to follow instructions to the bathing chamber. While Siren was quick to jump in the tub, Lorelei took her time scrubbing the grime off her body and clothes. Her bare flesh was a crisscross of small scars and nicks from years of training unlike Sirens smoother flesh, and the small scar across her throat stood out more proudly as well from the scrubbing. Finally after a good twenty minutes she too joined Siren in the water and though not as vocal, happily participated in the conversation until they dressed and headed downstairs.

Quirking a brow at Sirens dilemma she offered the girl a spare set of her clothes, though simple and a bit poorly fitting for Sirens frame they would get her to the clothing store. Though to be fair, they where a bit tight in the chest and hips, as Lorelei was a bit small and lean, without much of the curves a woman like Siren had.
Gren Boarshead
player, 168 posts
Tue 24 Jul 2012
at 18:11
  • msg #444

Re: Theranin

Gren had waited in his room while Erasmus and Dale cleaned themselves up before taking his turn last so that he was able to meditate on the day and how it had quickly spiraled out of his control. In a way, it was exciting though. Political intrigue, adventure, risk and reward. That aside, he would be happy to see Vyncent hung from the city walls as a traitor and thief and be free to choose when and why he adventured for himself in the future. Of course that would mean surviving until he could bring the man to justice.

After he finished washing himself to the extent that Mistress Urna wouldn't chew him out for, he began to descend the stairs in a fresh pair of clothes, a perk of living in the inn, but seeing that none of the others had made their way downstairs yet, quickly changed directions and entered his room instead where the chest was hiding in a safe spot under his bed. "Shame we left the gargoyle at the temple. He seemed good with locks," he mused to himself while fiddling with the chest's padlock. Gren was a good man in his own eyes but had fallen on hard times as of late with little pay and less opportunities. If the chest was indeed full of gold, it would be tempting to keep it for himself but his conscious would get the best of him. Best to assemble the group before opening it to reduce the temptation.

Hearing Siren and Dale talking in the hallway, Gren slides the chest back under the bed and replaces the floorboard that served as a fake back wall and made his way to the the other two. "So what's the pl-" Gren stops short at the sight of Siren in not much more than what the gods had graced her with upon her birth. He was half human after all. "Plan?" he adds in weakly, trying his best to play it off as if coughing fit had overtaken him for a moment.
Sirenity 'Siren' DuVazz
player, 16 posts
Thu 26 Jul 2012
at 14:55
  • msg #445

Re: Theranin

Siren thanks Lorelei, but after a quick look she shakes her head, knowing the clothes won't fit. No...might as well send one of the men out after all...

Hearing Gren she turns and smiles. "Dale here was just headed out ta buy me some new clothes. What a gentleman he is eh?" She smirks at the man's comment but shakes her head. "I lefta trails of wet footsteps on the floor already, I don't dare be making more on yours. I will wait in ma room." She turns and heads back to her own quarters, turning to smile as she closes the door behind her.

Once Dale returns with some clothes she hurries to get dressed and heads downstairs. She was starving and wanted to fill her tummy with something warm and yummy. She taps her fingers on the table, occasionally mumbling to herself in deep thought.
DM Visceri
GM, 302 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 27 Jul 2012
at 01:52
  • msg #446

Re: Theranin

The group's rough day has made most of them tired and in the case of Lorelei and Siren, seeking the comfort of sleep after wading through the sewers to help put the day behind them both. Many of them employ tactics to wake them should Vyncent and his men find them during the night and attempt to silence them but they seem to have evaded his notice for now, much to everyone's surprise as they wake the next morning to find everyone alive and present excluding Strange who, of course, stayed back at the temple. The sun was just beginning to crest the sky as people begin awaking and start moving down to the common room for breakfast.

OOC: Need some sort of plan for the day. It was mentioned you were going to pick up Strange but that's all I have at the moment.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 122 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 27 Jul 2012
at 18:32
  • msg #447

Re: Theranin

Dale yawns on his way downstairs, but his brain is already in adventure mode.  Once he sees everyone downstairs, he says, "Oh good, no one got murdered or arrested.  That's more than I was expecting."  He finds Gren with his city map and looks it over.  "OK, so first we have to go get Strange.  I favor doing so above ground.  One, because it'll give us a chance to see if there are hostiles about and two, because I really don't want to go back into those sewers.  Then we've got to escort Degrin to... well, I don't know.  City guard HQ?  I'm new to town; where's the center of arresting power?"

To Gren, Dale says, "Did you ever get that chest open?  Any super secret destroy-the-politician gadgets in there?"
Sirenity 'Siren' DuVazz
player, 17 posts
Fri 27 Jul 2012
at 18:47
  • msg #448

Re: Theranin

Sirenity opens her eyes to the glare of the sun in her face. "Damned Eastern set windows." she mumbles as she rolls over and pulls the blankets over her head. With a heavy sigh she throws the blankets on the floor and rolls of the bed, stretching her arms high and bending the kinks out of her back. She fumbles through the chest at the base of her bed and finds the clothes the Dale brought back to her and looks them over. "Not the best taste in fashion, but it will do I guess." She climbs into the tanned leather pants and slips the silky, loose fitting blouse over her head. Already annoyed at the puffy shoulder and arm...things...she rips them off and tosses them in her bag for some later use, perhaps a fancy bandage or something. She then pulls out her sea worn leather vest and slips it on. Her knee high black boots follow and she finishes the look by strapping on a loose belt that accentuates her hips before attaching her rapier. A single dagger is placed in each boot for later use as well. "I think I might have to buy a hat today..." she says to herself as she looks in the mirror. Seeming content with that, she takes a small piece of green tanned leather from her pack and ties her red hair up in a ponytail that dangles down around her shoulders. She shoves the rest of her stuff in her pack and flings it over her shoulder as she heads downstairs.

Seeing the others already there she blushes and hurries over, slipping into a seat between Gren and Dale. She smiles softly at them then takes a bit of bread from the plate on the table. "So, uhhh, what's the plan fellas?"
Gren Boarshead
player, 169 posts
Fri 27 Jul 2012
at 20:18
  • msg #449

Re: Theranin

Gren is groggily picking at the food in front of him as he tries to wake up. The previous night wasn't necessarily fun for him. Every little noise sent him rigid, reaching for his club at the base of the bed only to find it was the creaking of the old waterlogged boards of the inn. He had gotten some measure of sleep though and that was a relief but the day ahead of him was likely to be long and strenuous so he was anxious to see how long he would last before sleep overtook him again.

Having idly been listening to Dale as he looked over his shoulder at the map Gren had been studying through his eyelids, he hears him mention taking Degrin to the city guard. "Really Dale? After our experiences with the guard, you want to trust them with this matter? For all we know, Vyncent owns all of the higher ups in the entire force and would kill us all off before we could blink."

In response to how question about the chest, Gren sighs and reaches into this coat pocket and retrieves a large stack of bound papers. "Well it wasn't money, that's for sure. Just a load of letters, contracts, and political mumbo jumbo. There were a few vials and a set of silver daggers as well but I left those upstairs with the rest of my things. Probably the bastard's prized set or something. Serves him right to lose out on something he treasures. At least we still got the bags of gold. Not quite as much as we had been promised but it's a start. Perhaps when we finally depose the bastard, we'll get a reward for saving the city?"
player, 87 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Fri 27 Jul 2012
at 20:30
  • msg #450

Re: Theranin

Having first completed his morning prayers before returning to the common room, Erasmus rejoins the party feeling better than he did before going to sleep.  "I think at some point we should review what we know." he says, grabbing some bread and fruit with which to break his fast.  "We might learn something from the retelling that we hadn't realized before."

"First, we have an election.  Vyncent Lacio arranges for Selmund Wulfa to be assassinated, later claiming that allowing Wulfa to win would be bad for his business interests, owing to the fact that he's in bed with the Thieves Guild.  We're sent off as a show to find Wulfa's killers to placate the crowd, and are supposed to die at the hands of the goblins, presumably working with the thieves."

"Later, we find Thelry Studart and Aroth Degrin trapped by Vincent, who appears to have the guard under his thumb as well as the thieves.  First of all, why bother with the other two?  If Wulfa was the favorite to win, then why publicly assassinate just him and not the other two as well if he couldn't beat them either?  If he could beat them, why bother capturing them?  The very act of capturing them reveals his position to them, so he must have had something planned for them as well."

"As things stand, we're being framed for Thelry's death, since everyone aside from us to witness his murder is under Vincent's control.  But we have Aroth alive, so we can contest that, and accuse Vincent."  Running his hand through his hair, he sighs.  "So, what am I missing here?"
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 123 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 27 Jul 2012
at 20:36
  • msg #451

Re: Theranin

"Maybe Degrin and Thelry found Vyncent, out and none of this was planned.  He's probably getting pretty worried himself, so we have that working for us.  Hopefully, he doesn't have the whole city guard in his pocket but just the captain we killed yesterday.  Otherwise, it's going to be better for us to just skip town altogether."

Why isn't that option on the table already? James asks.  Dale just kind of nods to himself in acknowledgement of the soundness of that idea.
DM Visceri
GM, 305 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 27 Jul 2012
at 23:01
  • msg #452

Re: Theranin

As the group gathers and begins to talk strategy and intelligence, a woman in a yellow and gold chain shirt approaches them from a table off in a corner near the window of the inn. She is lithe but well built and carries a longsword on her hip and a steel kite shield on her back. There are slight bags under her eyes as if she has not slept yet. Looking over them, she looks at the faces of each of the men, skipping Siren and of course Lorelei who had yet to make it downstairs. "I overheard the name Dale being spoken of. One of your wouldn't be him, would you?"
player, 22 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Sat 28 Jul 2012
at 20:15
  • msg #453

Re: Theranin

Lorelei had been quiet this morning, perhaps because for now as she got used to the other members she would let them take the lead, or perhaps because she had never been keen on talking. It could also have been the large plate of food she was happily plowing through, one would never know. None the less she remained quiet as she listened and took in the fact, the details of what had gone on and what they might do. She idly did wonder why they hadn't just fled town, being a bit impressed they had obvious spines.

Said internal debate though was interrupted by a young woman in a chain shirt, who managed to capture Lorelei's attention as she waited to hear what her business with Dale was.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 125 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sat 28 Jul 2012
at 21:15
  • msg #454

Re: Theranin

Say no! James says.

Don't be obnoxious.  It's probably just a message from Strange.  Dale smiles at the woman and gives a little wave.  "That's me."
DM Visceri
GM, 307 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sun 29 Jul 2012
at 06:03
  • msg #455

Re: Theranin

Focusing her attention soley on Dale now that he has identified himself, all signs of weariness erased from her face, she reaches for her sword and slides the first few inches out of the scabbard. Before any miscommunication can occur though, you see the flat of the blade is engraved with the Iomedaeic sigil. "My name is Delana, a priestess of Iomedae and I was sent by Ikuri on behalf of our mutual stony friend. He says he awaits your return before the Holy Day of Inheritance four days hence. Any time you between now and there you should return is fine by him." She pauses and lets the message sink in for a moment. "I am leaving for the temple as soon as I finish my tea if you would like an escort providing you had plans on collecting your friend from our rafters today." He tone seems to be all business. It seems the whole lot has the combined personality of a blunt axe head.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 128 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Mon 30 Jul 2012
at 04:44
  • msg #456

Re: Theranin

When the woman reaches for her sword, Dale grabs his mug of hot coffee but just stops short of throwing it at her when she starts talking.  "Oh, an escort.  Yeah, I think we'll be ready to go soonish.  Yes?"  This last bit Dale directs to the table.
player, 88 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Mon 30 Jul 2012
at 13:28
  • msg #457

Re: Theranin

Erasmus nods his assent to Dale, pleased he had misjudged the Iomedaeic order.  They were unwilling to help openly, but didn't seem to shy away from acting discretely.  Her offer of escort was a relief, but also an embarrassment, as he felt bad for the potential that their situation could be putting this woman--and her order--into some kind of trouble, and potentially upset the political balance they sought to maintain.  Still, their enemy here was pervasive in his influence, and absent a means to break that influence, they would need to take advantage of whatever influence of their own they could obtain.

These thoughts came slowly though, as Delana was rather distracting.  There was something about a well built woman he found enticing, and her presence had him wondering if Iomedae was one of those deities who's holy orders unfortunately included chastity.  He shakes his head before realizing he does so, as he also comes to the realization that he has been staring. "Would you join us?" he blurts out.  "Your tea, I mean." he continues, thinking quickly.  "Most of us are new to the area, and we have some questions."

OOC: Erasmus intends to ask about things such as what she knows about Vyncent and the other candidates, hoping to figure out more of the "how" and "why" of these political machinations.  I don't want to hold the game up conducting this conversation if DM would rather move things on, so a summary of the conversation would be acceptable.

If she proves to be a poor resource on this topic, Erasmus would attempt to continue the conversation to try to learn more about her, primarily to gauge his chances, but also to extend the time it takes for her to finish her tea and buy the rest of the party time to get the fuck out of bed.

Take 10 on Diplomacy for Gather Info check of 20. :-)

Gren Boarshead
player, 170 posts
Thu 2 Aug 2012
at 15:31
  • msg #458

Re: Theranin

"Well we simply can't walk through the streets," said Gren with a mouthfull of food.  "The city watch is likely still looking for us.  It is a only a matter of time before they track us down here as well.  We need a place to hide long enough to figure out how to bring justice to Vyncent.  In Gren's mind "justice" was mounting Vyncent's head on the wall, then letting Degrin clear their name's after the gruesome deed was done.

"We need to talk to Degrin.  He may have more information.  Besides, maybe he can make sense of these..." he said as he pounded a thick finger on the stack of papers that came from Vyncent's chest.  "They don't make sense to me, but perhaps there is proof in here of Vyncent's corruption."
DM Visceri
GM, 310 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 2 Aug 2012
at 18:43
  • msg #459

Re: Theranin

"Of course," Delana responds at the offer to join them at their table. She quickly walks back to her tea to retrieve it before joining them, taking a seat between Erasmus and Lorelei across from Dale, Siren, and Gren. Over the next few minutes while the group eats their breakfasts and makes ready for the day, Delana informs you that, first and foremost, your 'friend in high places' is doing well and is awake. Also that Strange has had some time to talk to him as well as Ikuri, the priestess they had met on their first visit. As for the politicians themselves, she proves to be a decent fount of knowledge, informing you of each man's general attitude towards taking a seat on the council, what they stood for, and the small amount of dirt widely known for each man.

"Wulfa is-was a man of high morals, a frequent to the church, and an overall fatherly man. He decided to run for the position at the behest of others, not of his own volition, and was seen as the voice of the people in that respect. As you likely know, he was of the mind to rat out the thieves guild in Theranin and to ease restrictions on day-to-day life for the common man and woman. Even if there was something dirty about his past, I would hesitate to bring it up out of respect for the man.

"Studart, though a little bit cowardly, was a decent enough man. The youngest of the four and nephew to Degrin, he was born into the upper class and decided he wanted a job that wouldn't require him to put his neck on the line. It didn't do him much good in the end but had it, he spoke of more luxuries for the rich and noble classes of Theranin which gained him no small support from the populace of the Sapphire District. It had been said he was an adulterer and that his wife had no knowledge of it.

"Degrin is a complicated man. Part of the generation following Wulfa's that saw time in the Ironblood Crusade, he was a very strict man and quite the strategist. He believed in more of a militaristic approach to how to run the city but not in a tyrannical way. He looked for the structure and stability that regimenting offered but promised not to increase the town guard at the exchange of better training for protection. He was supremely popular within the town guard and his war-experienced generation.  He was accused with genocide during the Crusade but during that time, there was said to be no combatant who couldn't be tried with the same crime. It's just a matter of him trying to come to political power.

"And of course Vyncent. Not much is known of where he came from prior to his ascent to nobility several years ago. He claimed that he was a vessel of the people as was Wulfa but, for many of us, something never sat right with him. However, the masses loved him with his charisma and his promises of wealth, power, and expansion for all those who would support him in his campaign. It seemed almost like a bribe for power to those of us that didn't subscribe to his banter. I don't think there's much negative information I can shed on him that you all don't already know firsthand; association with the thieves guild, murder, racketeering, bribery, extortion. He's as straight as a broken arrow."

In the time she took explaining everything, her tea had gone cold as she looked down to take another sip. She didn't seem to mind though and looked to the party now that her tea had been 'finished.' "How do you wish to proceed? I understand your hesitance to walk in broad daylight. As you know, there is the sewer entrance or we could disguise you and bring you to sanctuary in the temple." Looking to Gren and his immense size, concentration and thought is plain on her face, "You might be harder to disguise though great man."
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:48, Thu 02 Aug 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 129 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 3 Aug 2012
at 03:26
  • msg #460

Re: Theranin

"As much as I hate to say it, we should probably take the sewers this last time." He seems to be trying to convince himself of that last bit.  "Let's leave in, say, an hour?  Will everyone be ready to go by then?"
player, 24 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Sun 5 Aug 2012
at 00:21
  • msg #461

Re: Theranin

Lorelei listened intently as Delana talked in detail about each of the politicians that she did not know much about, but with the current trend needed to learn. Vyncent definitely sounded like someone whom needed to be removed from power, and it was obvious why he was after the group in general if they had discovered a bit of his negative attributes. The other three seemed nice enough, especially Wulfa. She closed her eyes softly as she sipped her tea, listening carefully to the others. Then came the oh so wonderful discussion of sewers. That had her speaking.

"Perhaps we should split up. Some of us can go overground, others in the sewers. Either way they are looking for a group of a specific size, and least likely of all for Siren and I"

Left unsaid but obvious was an express desire not to be traversing in the sewers if she could help it. She may not be a girly girl, as Siren appeared to be, but her sense of smell was still upset with her from the last time.
player, 89 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Sun 5 Aug 2012
at 01:08
  • msg #462

Re: Theranin

Pleased, Erasmus does lots of the smiling and making of eye contact and such that one does when pursuing a woman, perhaps venturing an innocent touch on the arm so as to maintain plausible deniability whilst also opening the door for an escalation in these matters.

"Traveling through the sewers is problematic in itself, as any who do so will be more conspicuous than they were before once they get out, as we've already learned." he adds to the group's discussion.  "I'd suggest we travel separately, so as not to attract notice.  But friend Gren here isn't going to be able to blend in as well as the rest of us could with a cowl."  He doesn't contribute anything like a solution to this dilemma, satisfied for the time being that he has illustrated the problem.
Gren Boarshead
player, 171 posts
Sun 5 Aug 2012
at 15:13
  • msg #463

Re: Theranin

"Yeah, I'm done with the sewers for now," he grunted.  "I'm only now able to smell things other than the city's offal.  Go.  Go without me.  I'll stay here.  I'll look over the map and some of this paper work.  Maybe Urna can help me figure out a safer place to stay, and maybe even where this Vyncent fellow is most likely holding up.  Many people pass through here, I'm sure she hears a lot."

"Degrin is a prominent political figure.  Chances are he has his own people out there looking for him.  They may be able to help us; but of course we'll need to find out from Degrin himself who we can trust.  Degrin is the most important tool we have, even more so that the gargoyle."

Gren tears free a large chunk of bread and heaps a large portion of freshly churned butter ontop of it before shoving the whole piece in his mouth.  He waves the group away with his free hand.  He then looks towards the stack of papers and scowls.  He wasn't looking forward to rummaging through documents that would likely make little sense to him.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:14, Sun 05 Aug 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 130 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sun 5 Aug 2012
at 16:13
  • msg #464

Re: Theranin

"OK, looks like we're going to risk the streets."  Secretly, he's just glad he gets to wear his nice boots and not his muck-trekking boots.

Dale doesn't care for the description of who is supposed to be their savior.  If Degrin is such a strategist, it's a wonder how he didn't see Vyncent coming.  If it weren't for the fact that Dale saw Degrin almost die, he'd suspect him of assassinating Wulfa too.  Oh well.

After breakfast, Dale goes back upstairs to gather all his stuff.  This time, he's not going to risk having to leave his gear behind in case he has to suddenly leave the city.  Once done, he goes back downstairs to Delana to await the others so they can get a move-on.
Sirenity 'Siren' DuVazz
player, 19 posts
Tue 7 Aug 2012
at 13:15
  • msg #465

Re: Theranin

Siren was a bit overwhelmed, and it was apparent on her face. She had little faith in politics and normally dealt with it as little as possible. That is why she liked the sea. Sure there was your fair share of pirates and navy police, but in reality they hardly ever bothered a simple fishing boat or small sailing boat. They always stopped the big trade ships. No, on the sea she was free to do as she wished. The same could mostly be said about the Dock District as well. She never had an ounce of interest in voting for the politicians, listening to their lies, or traversing around from one speech to another. Hell, before today the only person she knew of was Wulfa, due to his popularity. The others she may have heard in passing but she would never have recognized them if she passed them on the street. And now here she was in the center of a political conspiracy of assassinations, thieves guilds, and relying on the power of the church to get her to safety. With a frown she looks down at her eggs and smushes them around on her plate. Well, she thought, guess this is more interesting that a job at the bakers or the tailor.

When Lorelei speaks up she takes notice. The woman did not speak very often, so she always made a not to listen when she did. "I can give you a hand in helping to disguise our group. If we have a bit of time I can run across the street and pick up some makeup. I could use a complexion touch-up anyway, and I must admit, I want to see Dale in lipstick." She smiles and offers the 'dandy' a wink. "The town will be sure to be stopping people in pulled up cowels and cloaks. A friend of mine always used to say that that was too cliche of a form of disguise, and I agree. If we don't want to be bothered, we need to change our appearance. It will take a little bit longer, but would be worth the hassle, plus Dale is expecting an hour anyway." What does he need an hour for? He takes longer than me to get ready! "The way I see it, is all of these guards that are looking for us have not yet seen us, except for Reg and his buddies, and of course Vyncent. I doubt that coward will be out searching for us. Gren would be hard to disguise, they will be looking for a giant man first and foremost, and we have no way to hide that. But the rest of us can easily do with some minor cosmetic changes. If we are stopped, I think I may be able to talk us out of it, or cause enough of a distraction to buy us time. If the rest of you pitch in, we can get things done quickly."

I am thinking we can use the disguise check to alter minor changes. Not sure if any of you have a better bonus, but mine will be +5. If you all pitch in with aid another and succeed (with 10 or higher), that will add a bonus. And we can focus on minor changes which would grant us another +5 bonus. The guards looking for us are obviously not friends, and most of the guards would only have a description of us, and not recognize us on site (I assume). So with a standard skill check (which takes 1d3x10 minutes) we should have a better disguise than a cloak and pulled up cowel.
Gren Boarshead
player, 174 posts
Thu 9 Aug 2012
at 01:14
  • msg #466

Re: Theranin

Gren frown once more as he looked at the stack of papers.  Suddenly, he figured out something else to do that would delay the dread of boring paper pushing for a little while longer.  He grabbed the papers and headed back up to his room.  There he opened up the chest and set everyting out on the bed.  He also emptied all the sacks of coins to start seperating them into equal shares.  He then began counting the wealth.  He had a pile for himself, Dale, Erasmus, Strange, and an extra pile that could be considered a group fund for things such as healing, bribe money, and basic gear costs.  This extra pile he would give to either Sirenity or Lorelei to use to purchase disguises.

Once he finished the mundane seperation, he cast a simple spell that would allow him to detect magic.  He suspected the vials were some sort of alchemist solutions.
Gren Boarshead
player, 176 posts
Thu 9 Aug 2012
at 21:42
  • msg #467

Re: Theranin

Gren arranged the items in neat little piles atop his bed.  There were five piles of coins each totalling 750gp each.  Not as much as promised, but more than enough to make sure he could make it through the winter.  He then seperated out the ten pieces of paper that seemed to depict magical lines across their surfaces.  With a grunt he sat down on the ground and laid out two rows of five.  "Hmm," he grunted.  His finger hovered milimeters above the magical ink as he traced out the lines, trying to figure out how best to connect this puzzle.  Was this another map of sorts?

"And I thought I was going to get stuck with the boring job," he said with a grin.  Looking over the pages he tried to find two that had a lines where both edges did not run off the edge of the page.  If it was a map this would indicate a start and a stop.  He smiled at his own cunning.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:47, Thu 09 Aug 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 132 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Thu 9 Aug 2012
at 22:15
  • msg #468

Re: Theranin

"Why does everyone always want to dress me in drag?!"

I can't imagine.

"You shut up!"  Realizing he shouted at his sword out loud again, Dale smiles awkwardly at Siren and the others.  "Not... not you."

After that, Dale submits to being disguised, so long as they get to leave soon.  He's getting antsy.
player, 25 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Fri 10 Aug 2012
at 04:45
  • msg #469

Re: Theranin

Lorelei calmly tilted her head as she took Dalinar in out of the corner of her eye. She actually agreed with Siren, the pretty boy could likely get away with a dress and she nodded firmly to Siren. It was definitely a good idea to keep the group looking as different as possible, as she flashed a smile at Siren.

"A yellow dress, I think would be best" She murmured, just loudn enough for Dalinar to hear. It would likely work best with his hair and eyes.
DM Visceri
GM, 317 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Mon 13 Aug 2012
at 07:34
  • msg #470

Re: Theranin

It takes a little over an hour for the disguises to be acquired, put together, and distributed to the respective people for who they were intended. The only non disguised member now was Gren. Seeing the group assembled, Mistress Urna gives a small chuckle into her shoulder after looking towards Dale but Delana nods in approval. "This will work well for you. If there are no other preparations to be made, shall we depart?"
Gren Boarshead
player, 177 posts
Mon 13 Aug 2012
at 11:55
  • msg #471

Re: Theranin

Gren came down just in time to see the others off and to hand them their gold.  For a moment he stands in front of Dale and grins.  "You sure got a perty mouth," cracked the big hairy oafish half-ogre.

He then turns towards the rest of the group.  "I think I may have discovered something in the paperwork, though I'm still trying to figure out what exactly.  Hopefully, by the time you get back with Strange I'll have it figured out."
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 133 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Tue 14 Aug 2012
at 23:06
  • msg #472

Re: Theranin

"I have a new theory - every girl in this city hates me."  Still, glad to be going, Dale nods to Gren and exits the Salty Seawife.  On their way to the temple, he keeps a lookout for any guards or possibly any other members of the theives' guild.

Perception 10.  Not a great lookout.
player, 26 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Wed 15 Aug 2012
at 05:37
  • msg #473

Re: Theranin

Lorelei looked herself over, only lightly made up at the least in comparison to Dalina. She wasn't one for wearing a Dress though, let alone a simplistic peasents dress. She tugged at the base of the dress that reached her knee's, as it had been years since she wore anything but pants. Thankfully she had acquired some slim breeches as undergarments that did not dip below the dress, but she looked absolutely uncomfortable. Glancing at Siren she let out a put upon sigh.

"Dresses, why did i Agree to a dress.... My legs feel far too bare"

22:30, Today: Lorelei rolled 19 using 1d20+6. Perception Check, Sneaky Girl.

DM Visceri
GM, 320 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 16 Aug 2012
at 23:53
  • msg #474

Re: Theranin

Delana walks to the front door before addressing those that are accompanying her, "I must mention, if anyone or all of us are discovered, you must not return to the temple. The only thing protecting your alibi is that its location is a secret. If you bring Vyncent's lackies to the doorste, it will only be a mater of time before something unfavorable occurs. Alright, let us leave." Pulling her cloak around her, partly to protect from the cold of the new day where snow has begun to fall heavily, partly to obscure her armor that proclaims her as a member of the Iomedaeic faith, she walks out the door, the group in tow.

As they group leaves the alto Seawife, Lorelei and Dale scout out their surroundings and out of the corner of her eye, Lorelei sees three men on top of an adjacent building looking down at the inn though their attention does not seem to be on the group who just left. The good news was that their disguises seemed to be working well. The downside was that Gren was still inside by himself. The scouts, and they appear to be just that, don't looked armed though and they are wholly scrawny young men so Gren's safety shouldn't be something to worry about. The half-ogre had shown what happened when full-fledged thieves guild members and the captain of the guard had stood up to him; a few street urchins wouldn't pose a threat. As the group moved on towards the temple, they passed another inn and once again Lorelei found that there was a group of scouts staking out the building. It seemed Vyncent didn't know where they were yet but had his spies looking in on every inn in town trying to find them. The disguises were well worth it indeed.

Finally arriving at the temple unmolested, Delana leads then down the stairs at the back of the altar, the temple being empty of patrons though by chic or happenstance was hard to tell. The storage room was familiar to them as it had the entrance into the sewers in it but that was not the only familiar thing in it. Standing motionless against the wall was a familiar gargoyle, perched in front of the sewer grate. "Wake up Strange, I have brought your friends to you."
player, 35 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Fri 17 Aug 2012
at 00:18
  • msg #475

Re: Theranin

His eyes slowly begin to glow once more, fading from gray slate to the familiar red that indicates he is, for lack of a better word, active.  He moves stiffly at first then more smoothly after just a moment, it is not as if he has been here all that long.

"Hmm.. yes.. You have my utmost gratitude, Delana."  He peers at the group, quickly noting the absence of Gren and Dale as well as the addition of another woman to the party.  Those glowing red eyes narrow to slits as he looks over this newcomer, "I take it this is someone we can trust?"  He did not think to question how masculine this supposed woman was, after all one creature of flesh looked quite like another in the grand scheme of things.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:07, Fri 17 Aug 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 135 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 17 Aug 2012
at 03:13
  • msg #476

Re: Theranin

"Oh, shut up," Dale growls at Strange.  James has just been blatantly laughing in Dale's mind for the past half hour, and the constant noise has grated on Dale's normally easy-going nerves.  "Let's just talk to Degrin, OK?"  He stalks toward the room where the party left Degrin the day before.
player, 27 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Fri 17 Aug 2012
at 07:09
  • msg #477

Re: Theranin

Lorelei watched the scouts carefully as they left from underneath her bangs, making it hard to discern her gaze from such a distance. She would remember those faces as best she could and perhaps due to it she had been more then a bit paranoid, eyes scanning the rooftops and alleyways carefully until finally they arrived at the temple safely. As for talking to Degrin, her only response was to take a step back out of Dalinar's way. She hoped the boy-turned-girl telling no one to shut up had a good idea.
Sirenity 'Siren' DuVazz
player, 20 posts
Fri 17 Aug 2012
at 15:50
  • msg #478

Re: Theranin

Sirenity stiffles a laugh at Strange's comment and Dale's rebuff. "It was quite easy to turn our friend here into a girl, he has the frame for it." She pokes Dale in tha butt with a stick she picked up and giggles. "I saw more than a few men staring at your behind, Miss, had we more time I would have happily introduced you." She smiles and winks before following the others into the temple. She was still clearly uncomfortable in the building but did her best to hide it. She stayed back, next to Lorelei, and let the others lead the way. She still was not exactly sure what all conspired up to this point but it was clear there was a lot of shady happenings going on.
player, 36 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Sat 18 Aug 2012
at 01:16
  • msg #479

Re: Theranin

Not showing any apparent care for Dale's strange manner of dress or the comments the others are directing at the poor fellow Strange shrugs slightly.  Just as Dale starts to head towards the back room he calls out, "Won't find our friend back there.. hmm.. I have moved him.  Before we go to him I would like to.. hmm.. share the plan we have concieved.  In three days' time there will be.. hmm.. a festival held with this temple as the focus.  A significant number of people will be here and our good Mistress.. hmm.. Ikani will be able to place our friend in front of them so that they may hear our side of the story.  If Vyncent has not.. hmm.. discovered where we are before that time then he should be relatively safe for at least a short period of time after he is revealed to exonerate us and denounce Lacio.. hmm.. yes.  What do you think?"
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 137 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Mon 20 Aug 2012
at 16:26
  • msg #480

Re: Theranin

"Can we hold out here for three days?  We had some people watching the Salty Seawife, but I think we lost them coming here."  He pointedly does not credit that to Siren.  "Still, they may think to look in churches, nosiness agreement or not."  Of course, Dale doesn't really have a better plan, either.  "Then again, telling our story to as many people at once as possible is probably a good idea.  Let's talk to Degrin."
DM Visceri
GM, 322 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 21 Aug 2012
at 06:37
  • msg #481

Re: Theranin

Strange nods and much to the dismay of the females of the group and even Dale and Erasmus for that matter, the gargoyle reaches down and pries open the grate to the sewers as the familiar aroma wafts forward with the disturbance of air. Leading the reluctant group down the ladder and into the sewer itself was frustrating for those who had wished to avoid traveling in the underbelly but luckily, the gargoyle quickly made a turn into a room that did not seem to be part of the tunnels itself, similar instead to the goblin's lair they had visited the day before.

The smell was much less pervasive in here and could almost be considered cozy, outfitted with a small cot, a table, two wooden chairs, an armchair, a washbowl and mirror, and a small trunk for personal belongings. Seated in the armchair with his reading glasses on and a book labeled 'A Brief Study of Parliamentary Systems,' a book that was no less than several hundred pages long and likely full of droll commentary suited for the old or extremely bored. Upon the group entering his humble abode, Degrin jumps slightly, nerves seemingly still frayed from the day before before he sets his book down and turns to fully look at the people in front of him.

"Good morning Strange. I see you were able to reunite with your companions though I admit, I only recognize a couple of them. I would think that I would have remembered the two fine young ladies if I had made their fleeting acquaintance before. Ehem, so how much have you told them so far? I am loathe to repeat information unnecessarily." His tone is a bit dry and tired with a hint of dark amusement at his location and situation in general.
player, 37 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Tue 21 Aug 2012
at 06:58
  • msg #482

Re: Theranin

Strange bows to Degrin after escorting the others into the side chamber.  In his short time with the man he had come to recognize that the fellow was set at ease by these small acts of deference and hence became more pliable and open to suggestion.  He certainly hoped the others took note, "Hmm.. essentially everything.  We are going to keep you safe down here.. hmm.. for now.  When the time of the festival comes we will be there to keep you safe until such time as Lacio is.. hmm.. no longer a danger."  He nods in Dale's direction, "You have met Dale already.  It seems he has.. hmm.. picked up some unusual habits in the last day or so."  Nodding towards Lorelei and Siren he says, "I have not yet been truly introduced to these two yet.. hmm.. however I do believe they are to be considered friends for the time being."  With that he steps back out of the way, turning to see if Delana had followed them down.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 138 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Tue 21 Aug 2012
at 16:24
  • msg #483

Re: Theranin

Mister, Sir, Lord... whatever.  "Degrin, you would probably know better than anyone.  Once we publicly expose Vyncent, do you think the Guard will simply arrest him?  At that point, it will just be your word against his."
player, 30 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Tue 21 Aug 2012
at 19:22
  • msg #484

Re: Theranin

To say Lorelei was pleased about returning to the sewers would have been an outright Falsehood. She had been so happy to not return to this place, but of course life is never as easy as one would hope. With a light and oh so careful step she followed the group to a small side room, a neat little hidey hole to be sure. Lorelei quirked a brow at the paranoid, and from what she heard rightly so, man. While Lorelei didn't mind a compliment or two, she had to admit the man had balls to throw them freely in of all places a Sewer. "Names Lorelei, a pleasure"
DM Visceri
GM, 323 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 22 Aug 2012
at 22:31
  • msg #485

Re: Theranin

Degrin takes a moment before responding, placing his book on the table and shifting his weight a bit uncomfortably. "The optimist in me wants to think that they will and that he will have a fair trial but the more I think about it, the more I wonder exactly how much of the city is on his payroll and how far the influence of the thieves guild reaches. If it is as I fear, perhaps a more direct approach would be needed to deal with him." He looks a bit uncomfortable at what he is suggesting but continues nevertheless, value of his own life taking precedence over a miscreant like Vyncent's. "As Strange has told me, he overheard one of the guards mention that he is currently holed up in Lord Arudal's mansion outside the city. Since it is away from the city guard, perhaps you would be able to sneak in and deal with him and get out before the guard can be mustered. I reckon you would be dealing with members of the thieves guild and some of Arudal's personal bodyguards but that would be it. I also admit that I am confused as to Arudal's participation in this as well. He may be an unknowing accomplice but I wouldn't assume that is the case. So it seems our options are thus; wait three days until the festival and hope the guard arrests the traitorous cur, or eliminate the middleman and deal with him now."

The look on Delana's face at Degrin's suggestion is worried but resigned. She has remained in the back of the group but listens carefully and seems to grudgingly agree with the solutions.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 139 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Thu 23 Aug 2012
at 16:52
  • msg #486

Re: Theranin

Dale had been removing some of the more annoying clothing while Degrin was speaking but stops when he mentions sneaking in to kill Vyncent.  "Whoa whoa whoa.  I'm all for taking care of my own problems myself, but I'm am not an assassin.  I'll look out for you for three days, but if that doesn't work, I'm skipping town.  The political part of this issue is your issue, not mine."

James, who has been uncharacteristically quiet for most of this, finally says, Not to mention that it would suddenly leave Degrin unchallenged in this election.

The thought crossed my mind, yeah.  For a man that just got kidnapped, almost killed, and is currently living in a sewer, this may turn out quite well for him.
DM Visceri
GM, 324 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 23 Aug 2012
at 17:24
  • msg #487

Re: Theranin

"So be it but I hold you to my protection when I come out to clear your names. You saved me and I owe you for that which is why I agreed to do this in the first place but I'm not quite keen on dying for it. Even if you don't try to take Vyncent out it might still behoove us to know what is going on over there. We have three days, I'm sure one of the less inconspicuous among you, hired hand, or a member of the clergy here could find the time to look in on Arudal's manner and see if they can't give us some information on what they are planning. But if not, I suppose it's not a paramount issue compared to the festival." To those that look, it seems that while slightly disappointed at Dale's reaction, part of him seems relieved. The old politician may not have been the straightest arrow in the quiver but it's easy to tell that his experience with the darker side of politics is little to none.

"If I may interrupt, if you are to wait until the festival, will you be staying back at the inn? Lacio had his men casing each one we passed and it would likely only be a matter of time before they are able to determine which one you are staying at. They may even already have. There are two more rooms similar to this one that we could accommodate you in or you may be able to sleep in the basement of the church, with Ikani's blessing of course." Delana seems a little more upbeat looking now that the idea of assassination seems to be off of the table.
player, 38 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Fri 24 Aug 2012
at 00:28
  • msg #488

Re: Theranin

"Given three days I may be able to.. hmm.. drop in on this Arudal fellow's residence and find out if there is anything important going on.  I shall need to move only at night to avoid being spotted - I am surely.. hmm.. the most noticeable of the group, but in darkness I am.. hmm.. very easily missed."  He shrugs noncommittally, "The more we know of our situation the better off we shall be."
player, 31 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Sat 25 Aug 2012
at 07:16
  • msg #489

Re: Theranin

Lorelei squinted slightly, as the idea of an assassination was brought up. She wasn't a thief, but she did understand why it would be helpful for the group. Sadly she wasn't going to jump out and agree to the idea. She preferred Dalinar's emphasis on letting the politicians sort it out properly. She gave the boy dressed girl a firm nod, Assassination could be left as a last resort.

"I'm not good at Information gathering myself... but it sounds better then murder" She mumbled offhand at the second set of suggestions. Getting a noose for him to hang himself, effectively, wouldn't be so bad.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 140 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sat 25 Aug 2012
at 17:47
  • msg #490

Re: Theranin

"OK, I don't mind checking around... but not dressed as a girl.  In the interim, I'll stay here.  The Salty Seawife's already being watched, so I don't even know if Gren will be able to join us."
DM Visceri
GM, 329 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Mon 27 Aug 2012
at 20:07
  • msg #491

Re: Theranin

The rest of the daytime hours at the temple were spent in small discussions here and there about the approach they group would take in scouting out Arudal's estate and other issues regarding the festival three days hence. Back at the Salty Seawife, Gren was doing similar preparations albeit alone and unaware of the rest of his groups' intentions. It came to be that at dusk, everyone set out from their respective locations attempting to keep attention off of themselves though at least Dale had discarded his disguise hours beforehand after scrubbing the makeup off for what seemed like forever and Gren hadn't donned a disguise other than to keep his hood up and slouch slightly.

As a bell tower in the city chimed the hour to be nine o' clock, everyone makes it out of one of the city gates and is already well on their way to Arudal's estate. No more than 45 minutes later and in a small wooded area, heavily laden with snow that had fallen the day before and long into the night, the temple group found refuge and a decent scouting point of the estate while still being able to remain hidden. Little did they know but Gren had spotted them from a ways off and had been able to make his way to their encampment and meet up with the rest of the party.

From their vantage point, the group spies a 10 foot stone wall surrounding the perimeter of the estate with an eastern and northern gate and a handful of guards on patrol. Sticking up above the wall is a large thee-story building with many decorations and a few balconies with windows that the group can see luxurious accommodations within. There also seems to be a stable, some sort of smaller building that is likely servant's quarters by the plain style of the building, and a guard house which is connected the the eastern gate.

(OOC: If you want to roll perception checks for more information, this would be the time to do it. Also if you plan on getting a better look at the property other than what it looks like and possibly eavesdropping or sneaking in, this is a good time to make plans. If you decide to sneak inside the perimeter, I'll give you a map.)
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 143 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Tue 28 Aug 2012
at 17:52
  • msg #492

Re: Theranin

Dale looks around as Gren rejoins them.  "Glad to see you're back.  Find anything interesting in all that paperwork?"  To the rest of the group, he says, "I'm not exactly the quietest of folk, so it might be best if I stay out here to keep watch.  But one of those balconies might be a good way in."

Perception 10 on manor.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:42, Tue 28 Aug 2012.
player, 33 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Tue 28 Aug 2012
at 23:03
  • msg #493

Re: Theranin

Lorelei calmly and quietly glanced about the Manor as they rejoined the others. Of all the group she kind of liked Dalinar much better in a dress and thought it a shame he had gone back to his normal attire. while Dalinar stopped to chatter with Gren she was carefully studying the wall with a steady gaze.

15:57, Today: Lorelei rolled 20 using 1d20+6. Perception. Manor.
player, 41 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Wed 29 Aug 2012
at 04:24
  • msg #494

Re: Theranin

"I would like to find.. hmm.. a window that opens upon this Arudal fellow's quarters or office.  In this weather he will undoubtedly keep his home shut tight - you fleshy creatures are always so.. hmm.. sensitive.. - but I may still be able to hear something useful, and the guards are not likely to notice one more.. hmm.. decoration among the eaves.  Once night falls I will make my way in."  He stands unobtrusively off to one side, waiting to hear what the others plan to do.
Gren Boarshead
player, 180 posts
Wed 29 Aug 2012
at 17:48
  • msg #495

Re: Theranin

Gren was confused and curious as to what the others were doing here.  Had Degrin known that Arudal was possibly involved as well?  Just how much had he learned when he was chained up to Vyncent's table?

He finally answered Dale, "The paperwork was plain and boring enough.  Except for the magically enscribed depiction of a forked runic symbol.  At the point of each prong was the name of one of the killed or nearly killed politicians.  A the base or handle of the fork, were the names Vyncent and Arudal.  I took this to mean that Vyncent and Arudal would be the benifactors of this nefarious plot.  So I thought I'd come spy on this supposed Lord of Agriculture."  For the moment Gren felt quite smart.  He had gleamed the meaning of some of the larger words from the politician's papers, even though they were in a totally different context when initially read.  He smiled a big toothy grin.  "So why are you guys here?" he failed to puzzle out.  Weren't they supposed to be protecting Degrin?  It had yet to dawn on Gren that Vyncent may very well be hiding out here at this very estate.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 144 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 31 Aug 2012
at 16:46
  • msg #496

Re: Theranin

"Degrin said that Vyncent might be hiding out here.  We're just checking up on him, see if he has any idea where we are.  We really just need to stay alive until the festival in a few days...  Which would probably go better if I didn't explain our plans in the middle of enemy territory.  So... Gren, how about you give Strange a boost up to one of those balconies?"
DM Visceri
GM, 330 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 31 Aug 2012
at 18:31
  • msg #497

Re: Theranin

PMs (If you made a perception check and did not receive one, you failed the check)
Gren Boarshead
player, 181 posts
Sat 1 Sep 2012
at 15:29
  • msg #498

Re: Theranin

"Vyncent's in there?" he asked surprised.  He bared his teeth and looked as if he were about to growl as well, but didn't.  He shook his head in reply to Dale.  "How about we just hang back and watch the place for a little while.  Time is on our side not theirs.  They probably have more than just farmers milling about the place."  He looked around as if to spy a better hiding place for them all.

I was under the assumption we approached with stealth and are hiding in some bush, ditch, or something.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:54, Sat 01 Sept 2012.
player, 34 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Sat 1 Sep 2012
at 20:05
  • msg #499

Re: Theranin

Lorelei calmly pointed not at the mansion itself, but at a specific window on the top floor with one hand as she shaded her eyes with the other and a wane smile. "Is Myncent small and wiry, or a big kind of guy? Cause there is one of each up their chatting and pacing up a storm"

Idly, she wondered offhand which if either was the target the group was after and hoped her observation had indeed proven useful. Either way it would likely be a bit of a pain to get up there.
Gren Boarshead
player, 182 posts
Mon 3 Sep 2012
at 20:05
  • msg #500

Re: Theranin

Gren looked in the direction Lorelie pointed.  Gren wouldn't describe Vyncent as 'big', but then he rarely describe any human as big.  Gren himself, even though only a half-blood, was still as large as a fool-blooded ogre.  This was in thanks to the eldritch giant blood of his ancestors running through his veins.  "We must be careful.  There are likely gaurds and thieving assassins alike patrolling this place."  As he spoke all he could imagine was throwing a javelin up through the window and through Vincent's chest.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 145 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Mon 3 Sep 2012
at 20:31
  • msg #501

Re: Theranin

Dale would rather just sneak up and find out what Vyncent is plotting, but Gren's right.  "Fine.  Let's get an idea of any outer guards and then sneak in, 'kay?"

I could kill them for you.  I'm good at that.

Eh, maybe later.

Dale offers to go east with Lorelei to check out any entrances and get an idea of patrolling patterns in that direction.
player, 35 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Mon 3 Sep 2012
at 22:14
  • msg #502

Re: Theranin

Lorelei nodded to Dalinar's offer, as the idea of getting a better idea about the routes of the guards was a logical one. She wasn't sure how well she would do at stealth, but then if someone like Gren was coming she doubted she would be the worst they had to offer.

"Alright, let's be off then. I'd prefer not to idle here all day if we have things to do."
player, 42 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Tue 4 Sep 2012
at 06:20
  • msg #503

Re: Theranin

Strange follows along, doing his best to move silently and keep a wary eye out for any nearby sentries.  Since nobody had responded to him he figured his plan would work well enough.  If the others failed at infiltration perhaps he could spend several days on the rooftops without attracting any unwanted attention.

23:20, Today: Strange rolled 8 using 1d20+5. Perception.
23:20, Today: Strange rolled 17 using 1d20+9. Stealth.

DM Visceri
GM, 333 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 5 Sep 2012
at 07:21
  • msg #504

Re: Theranin

Quickly and quietly, the group crosses the gap from the forest to the wall of the estate, timing their approach with the rotation of the guards. Using a small grouping of trees as temporary cover, the group is able to keep themselves fairly hidden though the next patrol to come around would likely spot them hiding out. There seems to be commotion coming from inside the walls despite the late hour. Perhaps it's the inhabitants settling down with their evening chores but there also seems to be the sound of steel on steel and bows twanging. There's no sounds of strife though and in fact, the sound of two women chatting loudly can be heard as well. The mansion itself looms over the group and the window the two men were spied in is roughly 30 feet above.

OOC: The building layout is known to you but the other things as well as any potential people in the courtyard are hidden until you attempt to look out for them, line of sight being the key factor here. You've been watching two groups of three guards patrolling the grounds counterclockwise. The mansion itself sits on a bit of a hill making it the high point of the estate. Give me some actions with rolls where applicable.

player, 43 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Wed 5 Sep 2012
at 07:49
  • msg #505

Re: Theranin

His wings twitching irritably, Strange begins to climb.  As he climbs he will look for any perches or hiding spots on or around the rooftop that offer good concealment as well as the ability to listen to what's going on inside the courtyard or in the building.

00:48, Today: Strange rolled 21 using 1d20+2. Climbing.
00:49, Today: Strange rolled 16 using 1d20+5. Perception.

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 146 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Wed 5 Sep 2012
at 20:04
  • msg #506

Re: Theranin

Dale watches Strange just dig his claws in and head on up.  Yeah, that's not happening.  "I'll... watch you're back." Dale knows that he'll just give everyone away if he tries to sneak in, so he stays put and keeps an eye out for guards that are actually doing their jobs.

13:03, Today: Dalinar Reynolds rolled 16 using 1d20. Stealth (if needed).
13:02, Today: Dalinar Reynolds rolled 11 using 1d20+2. Perception.

Gren Boarshead
player, 183 posts
Wed 5 Sep 2012
at 21:40
  • msg #507

Re: Theranin

"Sneaking in seems too risky to me.  If even one of us is spotted then the alarm will be raised.  Let us retreat back to the woods and let Strange do the spying.  We can wait till the middle of the night and come back.  The only people likely to be awake then will be some guards.  Remember time is on our side not theirs." whispers the half-ogre.  He looks back to the forest ready to make a run for it.
NPC, 92 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Fri 7 Sep 2012
at 01:02
  • msg #508

Re: Theranin

"Believe me, I am all for getting back to the safety and cover of the forest, I for one feel entirely too exposed out in the open like this," Erasmus says while looking over his shoulder at the end of the wall, looking for the life of him like he expects the calvary to come charging around it any second and kill them all on the spot, "but shouldn't we leave someone a little more trained in keeping themselves hidden with Strange so that when he comes back over the wall, he doesn't land on a guard? Also, that way the lookout might be able to get word to the rest of us should something go awry or if he should require our aid."
Gren Boarshead
player, 184 posts
Fri 7 Sep 2012
at 01:27
  • msg #509

Re: Theranin

"Don't care," said Gren rather gruffly.  He turned and ran back towards the forest before the second set of gaurds came around.  Vyncent already tried to kill him twice.  First by having his man send them into the sewers, then again in side the politician's home.  Gren would be damned if he was going to get caught so easily now.  If the opportunity came, Gren would take advantage of it.  If not, then he'd see what happens in three days time.
player, 36 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Fri 7 Sep 2012
at 07:16
  • msg #510

Re: Theranin

Lorelei glanced back at Gren and Erasmus discussing people splitting up and frowned. She didn't know Strange that well per say but she never really liked abandoning others, she knew that pleasure all too well. Without a word she tossed her bag to Dalinar and began to ascend the wall to help keep an eye on Strange with a gentle smile.

"Watch my bag"
She whispered and with the barest of whispers of her clothes she was up the wall after the Gargoyle.

00:16, Today: Lorelei rolled 21 using 1d20+6. Perception Check.
00:15, Today: Lorelei rolled 21 using 1d20+7. Stealth Check if Needed.
00:15, Today: Lorelei rolled 21 using 1d20+6. Climb Check.

Sirenity 'Siren' DuVazz
player, 23 posts
Sun 9 Sep 2012
at 18:50
  • msg #511

Re: Theranin

"Might as well make it teams of two then. I'll stay here with Dale and keep watch for the sneakier among us." Siren eyes Dale with a grin and takes to the trees to find a better hiding spot away from prying eyes.
DM Visceri
GM, 336 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sun 9 Sep 2012
at 19:07
  • msg #512

Re: Theranin

As Gren takes off back towards the forest with nary a word more to the group, Erasmus stutter steps and decides to run after the giant of a man after all, preferring the safety of the trees. Dale and Siren move deeper into the trees and watch the patrol move out of their sight around the wall. Strange and Lorelei scale the wall with relative ease, the old stonework offering plenty of handholds. As they make it to the top of the wall, they quickly jump to the low end of the roof and scramble quietly between the chimney and the peak of the roof before moving to the top to get a better look.

It seems that while the hour is getting later, there are still a good amount of people finishing up duties. Men finish grooming and stabling the horses while women go about collecting laundry and collecting children and taking them back to the servant's quarters. The sound of steel seems to be coming from a handful of guards inside the walls that are sparring with a practice dummy as well as a couple that are shooting arrows into wooden targets near their barracks. Oddly though, there are no signs of thieves. As the two move back down, Strange grabs on to the side of the roof and swings his head down to get a view quick view of the inside of the mansion.

The two men are still inside and in addition to them, there are two black-clad figures flanking the only door to the room; thieves. The revelation is confirmed as the round man begins speaking loudly, "Damnit Vyncent! I don't want to hear your bloody excuses and backwards jargon! You let witnesses escape into the city and you can't even find one of them?! You assured me that the thieves guild would be able to handle this whole situation. It's why I gave you backing for the election and not some other nobody pawn. If you foul this up any more, they won't be happy and we'll all burn for it." There is a lingering silence for a few moments before he speaks curtly once again. "Get out," to which Vyncent bows slightly and turns to leave, his thieves following him out the door. The look on his face had been one of anger but of one being subdued.

player, 44 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Sun 9 Sep 2012
at 19:23
  • msg #513

Re: Theranin

Though he is glad to have found the spot he was looking for he is also rather suspicious at how convenient it is.  He holds up a hand and beckons for Lorelei to follow him a short distance away from the window, confident that he doesn't need to remind her to keep as quiet as possible.   He whisper into her ear so that he can't be heard through the window, "I will stay up here.. hmm.. as long as necessary.  If you plan on leaving the rooftop let me know and we shall.. hmm.. go together.  We may want to.. hmm.. have a word with this Arudal fellow."  He had already stated his plan to the others below, and climbing up and down just to relay every bit of information would only lead to detection.  He and Lorelei were going to have to come up with something on the fly.

"This man does not.. hmm.. know either of us.  I doubt if Vyncent mentioned being attacked by a statue - it is not a common thing - and he likely doesn't even.. hmm.. know that you exist.  If we can turn him against Vyncent.. hmm.. our problems will likely be at an end.  I daresay he won't take us hostage or.. hmm.. attack us knowing that our friends can cause him a great amount of trouble.  Alternatively we can wait until he has left his study and then.. hmm.. slip inside to see what we can find.  What do you think?"  He certainly wasn't an assassin, and with a mansion full of guards at his back this Arudal fellow might prove a challenge.  It certainly seemed to Strange that subterfuge would be the best move here.
player, 38 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Sun 9 Sep 2012
at 22:27
  • msg #514

Re: Theranin

Lorelei listened carefully at Stranges plan, and while she had to admit the benefit of confronting him... That could go bad. Fast. Especially with Gods know how many guards and rogues on the property. She idly scratched the back of her scalp as she thought it over before leaning in close to her companion whispering, her voice seeming a lot more suited to whispers then regular talking. For once her voice wasn't scratchy or hesitant as it normally was.

"I suggest we wait and then go through his things. We already stated we don't want to be assassins. If we confront him, and he calls his guards, we either walk away with nothing or as assassins. This way we can find what we want and hopefully no ones the wiser."
player, 45 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Mon 10 Sep 2012
at 01:28
  • msg #515

Re: Theranin

Strange nods his assent to the plan, moving back towards the window and keeping as out of sight as possible while striking a fearsome pose, such as an sculptor might choose, so that if any guards should spot him they would write him off as a mere part of the scenery.

18:28, Today: Strange rolled 19 using 1d20+9. Stealth check to hide in plain sight :P.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:29, Mon 10 Sept 2012.
DM Visceri
GM, 339 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 13 Sep 2012
at 22:50
  • msg #516

Re: Theranin

While Lorelei and Strange settle in for the wait, Siren and Dale hear the second patrol coming around the corner of the wall and hunker down, trying to keep out of sight when a familiar face comes into sight. "I swear Reg, you muck up like that again and they're liable to throw you, hells not just you but all of us, in the brig for treason! I'm not about to hang for anyone, let alone some random deviants who ran off to gods know where after you helped them."

"Wasn't very kind ov em..." Gilford mumbles. "Got right yelled at fer lettin them sneak away from me when they done found out. Told em I wasn't lyin about how t' time space eternity at the end ov every palace," he scratched his head in confusion with his sword hand, accidentally hitting himself with the pommel but seeming unfazed by it, "Still don't know what that means."

"Your complaints are duly noted Pinchott. Believe me, I plan on living a long and boring life free of the hangman's noose as well. At least they let us off with a verbal beating and a month of night shifts. Better than plenty of the alternatives I'd say. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to shut off my brain while we walk mindlessly around one of the least relevant lord's property and pray to Iomedae that the sun will come up soon."

Just getting back to the tree line as the trio of guards come around the corner, Gren and Erasmus find themselves relatively hidden once again and are only able to see their companions because they know where to look, both groups being relatively well hidden in their respective hiding places. Settling in for however long they are to be there, Erasmus takes a seat among some bushes with his back to a tree and fingers his holy symbol for a few minutes before breaking the silence, "So you mentioned some sort of magical symbols on the papers that you procured from Vyncent's chest is what led you to come here to spy on Arudal. Was there anything else worth mentioning that you found or was that all there was? Was there any significance to the symbol itself or are you under the impression that it was simply the names that were the intended message?"
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 149 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 14 Sep 2012
at 19:36
  • msg #517

Re: Theranin

Dale doesn't know what a time space eternity is, but he feels a bit bad for Gilford.  He did help them, and it's not like it's his fault he's a simpleton.  Maybe once they deal with Vyncent, they can find him a job where he's less likely to be executed for being an idiot.

Oh, don't do that attempt at a conscience thing again.  It's very tiring.

Don't worry, we'll probably still end up beating up the other two at some point.

Well, alright then.

And at least Siren's here.  It's less boring that way.

She is quite pretty.

You don't even know what that means.  You're just repeating things I've said before about other girls.

No, I can tell when someone's pretty.  I've decided that I can.

Dale gives up arguing with his sword and just goes back to guard duty.
Gren Boarshead
player, 185 posts
Fri 14 Sep 2012
at 22:48
  • msg #518

Re: Theranin

Gren also leans back against a tree.  He finds a small twig and starts drawing the symbol he saw in Vyncent's paperwork on the ground.  "The symbol was of no rune that I'm aware of.  It is maybe an iconic mark used by the theive's guild?  I don't know."  Gren points to each of the points and informs Erasmus what names were where.
DM Visceri
GM, 341 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 19 Sep 2012
at 03:44
  • msg #519

Re: Theranin

The three guards continue their rounds undisturbed by the party members hidden in the nearby brush, a trend that continues on for the next hour and a half before the light in the room below Strange and Lorelei finally goes out and the faint sound of a door shutting can be heard. Upon quiet inspection, they find that Arudal has indeed left the study and nobody else seems to be present in the room. It's at this moment that the most untimely of events occurs. Below, Reg, Pinchott, and Gilford stop their rounds at what seems to be about midnight and sit themselves with their backs against the wall no more than fifteen feet from where Dale and Siren are currently crouched in the bushes, their legs getting tired from staying in one place for so long. The three are in silence but stretch and begin to get out a midnight meal for themselves.

OOC: Stealth and Acrobatic rolls if you're going into the window + Stealth rolls for Dale and Siren.

"Hmmm it's nothing I've ever seen before. Though I do admit, it looks somewhat similar to some hieroglyphics that I have seen at some of Pelor's temples on some of the much older manuscripts though it is by no means an exact match. For example, where this rune has three arms, the other has but two and the base is an inverted triangle, not a singular line. Well perhaps we can ask the Iomedaeic priestesses or some of Pelor's clergy should we come across any in this city." After his inspection, Erasmus settles in for the long haul and remains deep in thought though open to conversation or questions should Gren voice any interest.

player, 48 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Wed 19 Sep 2012
at 04:04
  • msg #520

Re: Theranin

Once the room has been empty for a while Strange moves slowly up to the edge of the roof.  He turns around and nods briefly to Lorelei before lowering himself over the edge, thinking to himself just how much simpler this task would be if his left wing wasn't so badly damaged.  With a minimum of fuss he picks out a carpeted area and, with barely the sound of his claws scraping the roof tiles, he swings in and lands smoothly.  He turns back to the window, staying to one side so he can assist Lorelei in following him.

20:59, Today: Strange rolled 21 using 1d20+7. Acrobatics
20:59, Today: Strange rolled 27 using 1d20+9. Stealth.

player, 43 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Wed 19 Sep 2012
at 05:05
  • msg #521

Re: Theranin

Lorelei walked to the edge and calmly stepped off turning as she went, her hand calmly out to gently grasp the left as she followed through into the open window lightly landing on her feet. While not quite as stealthy as Strange it was obvious she was in no danger of falling, and the only noises she made was the light scuff on the edge of the roof and the gentle noise of her landing. She nodded calmly to Strange with a smile.

22:03, Today: Lorelei rolled 18 using 1d20+7. Stealth.
22:03, Today: Lorelei rolled 24 using 1d20+7. Acrobatics.

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 151 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Wed 19 Sep 2012
at 15:48
  • msg #522

Re: Theranin

Ah, crap.  Why do they have to take a break right here?

Dale hunkers down as carefully as possible, which, given his stellar ability to be quiet, is probably a sure-fire way of getting them all killed.

Stealth 12
DM Visceri
GM, 345 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 20 Sep 2012
at 19:23
  • msg #523

Re: Theranin

Both Stranfe and Lorelei swing into the window silently that was carelessly left unlocked though whether out of forgetfulness or a false sense of security was unknown. The two take some time to survey their surroundings and find the room, a study as it were, not as lavishly decorated as Vyncent's mansion, but by no means a commoner's home. A few tapestries adorn the walls and a large portrait of an equally largest hangs over the mahogany desk and cushioned chair in the back of the room. There are a few other seats on the other side of the room as well as a small table with a few bottles of dark liquid with crystal glasses set near them. Quietly attempting to try the handle to the rest of the house results in finding that the door seems to be locked from the outside to keep others from getting in.

Below, a rustling in the treeline and a stifled sneeze send all three guard's heads shooting in the direction of Dale and Siren's hiding place. "W-who goes there?" Reg calls out, a bit startled that there was someone hidden so close to th that had gone previously undetected. "Come out palms to Pelor!" he commands, a little more confident once he and the others have gotten to their feet and retrieved their weapons and aimed them in the direction of the trees.
player, 50 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Thu 20 Sep 2012
at 19:44
  • msg #524

Re: Theranin

After trying the doors and taking a quick survey of the room Strange turns to Lorelei, still speaking quietly in case anyone hears them through the window or the other side of the door, "In truth I am not.. hmm.. sure what we are looking for.  Evidence that incriminates Vyncent, I would imagine.  I know very little about the.. hmm.. politics of your kind," to him, of course, everyone who was not made of stone was of a kind, "I shall have to have you confirm anything I find which might be useful to us."

He turns back to the room, searching the room for both hidden and non-hidden compartments that might hold sensitive information.  Given that the room is locked up for the night he takes his time searching, poking around for hidden buttons or switches and picking any locks he might come across (aside from those on the door, of course.)

OOC - Taking 20 on Perception and Disable Device checks.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:20, Fri 21 Sept 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 153 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Thu 20 Sep 2012
at 19:51
  • msg #525

Re: Theranin

Dale looks to Siren.  Somehow, he doesn't think even she would be able to lie their way out of this, especially since one of the guards knows their faces.  "Yeah, yeah, OK."  As quietly and quickly as possible, he casts shield on himself and then steps out of the trees with his hands up.  "I don't suppose 'I was using the bathroom' will work?"  Hopefully, they won't notice Siren also hidden there.

You are so screwed.

Cast shield and move to W21.
Stealth 4 to cast... stealthily.  Badly.

DM Visceri
GM, 346 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 21 Sep 2012
at 09:09
  • msg #526

Re: Theranin

With free reign over the room, it doesn't take Strange long to dig up some potentially interesting artifacts from among the clutter of documents, decorations, and furniture. The desk has two locked drawers which are opened easily enough with a flick of the gargoyle's claws and open their contents to him. The first contains a few scrolls and a map in an orange and red protective casing and the second holds a small stack of papers bound together with a string and a wax seal with the impression of the house of Arudal. In addition, while inspecting the decanter of brandy on its table, the light from outside reflectes on the crystal, illuminating a small corner of what looks fabric behind the back of the table. Pulling it out slightly, there is an orange corner to some garment sticking out from the wall, in a spot that seems to have a hidden compartment. Simply pushing on it releases the mechanism and opens the door and he finds a strange robe of red, orange, and gold as well as matching hat, tall and ceremonial inside; nothing else.

"Ehem, hello there...again," Siren coos innocently as she follows Dale out of their hiding place, much to the exasperation of the three guards. Well to be more specific, Reginald and Pinchott. By the look on Gilford's face, he has yet to realize that Dale and Siren were a part of the group he had just been griping about not an hour before. The silence is broken by Pinchott who's look of amazement turns to one of ire, "Permission to run them through Reg. Dear gods I want to so badly." Reg holds out a hand, "Denied, I want to hear what in the hells they could be doing here this time. If nothing else it ought to be entertaining on the way to the hangman's noose." The sarcasm dripping from his words, they now turn to barely controlled anger, "Did I not show you and your friends mercy and trust yesterday? And you repay it with deceit and trickery. Give me one reason I shouldn't march you straight to prison and to the noose in the morning."

Back in the trees, Erasmus perks up as he sees Dale and Siren exit their hiding place and see the three guards, indistinguishable form their scouting position, lower their weapons at them. "Oh, well that looks like trouble...What do we do?" The priest of Pelor gets to his feet, beginning to pace in a rather antsy manner, obviously troubled but unsure of what to do to mitigate the situation at the wall.
player, 51 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Fri 21 Sep 2012
at 10:30
  • msg #527

Re: Theranin

Strange had certainly heard of studies before - he had come to think of them as a place where one could go to pursue their inner gargoyle, as it were, and spend some quiet time alone thinking things over.  It was a poor substitute for a proper perch and a fearsome pose but these fleshy beings were much more susceptible to the elements so, he supposed, it would have to do.  As he searched he was become more and more disappointed, his wings twitching irritably, because he could not find the signet ring used to seal the string-bound papers to add to his currently meager collection.  Nevertheless he believes he may have found some interesting items and he shares them with Lorelei, "What do you make of these," he says as he holds the scrolls and papers up to the moonlight to more easily read them, "And this.. hmm.. robe.  I wonder, is this Arudal person a religious fellow?  I do not recall hearing such.. hmm.. information before.  Perhaps we should pack up what we have found so far and seek egress."
player, 45 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Fri 21 Sep 2012
at 16:57
  • msg #528

Re: Theranin

"I'm not one for stealing... but given the circumstances... Let's grab it all and go. I'm doubting the robes are benign lest they wouldn't be hidden outside of a Wardrobe, I'd say we should check with the temple to see if they have any meaning. And the scrolls... Tsk, we can't study them all night."

Again it seemed her voice was ideal to whispering over talking, as her voice didn't break or crack at the low pitch like it normally did. She had skimmed the scrolls though it was hard in the moonlight to be sure. She agreed with Strange's assessment though that the items very well might be of use, so she took out her backpack and held it open for her companion to fill so they could be off.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 154 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 21 Sep 2012
at 17:23
  • msg #529

Re: Theranin

"Yes, and we really appreciate the help earlier.  I imagine that is a fact that will go over very well for you once we, you know, deal with all this.  Preferably without getting hung."


"Hanged.  Now, really?"  The last sentence is obviously not directed at the guards but at the sword that thought this to be an appropriate time to correct his grammar.

If this breaks into combat (as I imagine it will), I can control Siren, if you like.

player, 52 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Fri 21 Sep 2012
at 20:09
  • msg #530

Re: Theranin

Not having any bags of his own in which to carry their findings Strange shoves all he can haphazardly into the offered backpack.  With their 'mission' completed he moves over to the window and climbs back out onto the roof, ready for a quick retreat from the premises if necessary.

13:08, Today: Strange rolled 12 using 1d20+7. Acrobatics.
13:08, Today: Strange rolled 24 using 1d20+9. Stealth check.

player, 49 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Sat 22 Sep 2012
at 01:25
  • msg #531

Re: Theranin

It seems perhaps Strange's poor luck was now rubbing off on Lorelei, or perhaps all the good luck had run out. After she secured her backpack she noticed Strange wasn't doing so well and rushed to the window and try and catch the large Stone rogue.

18:24, Today: Lorelei rolled 6 using 1d20+4. Crap, don't fall! Str Check .
18:23, Today: Lorelei rolled 12 using 1d20+7. Stealth Check.
18:23, Today: Lorelei rolled 16 using 1d20+7. Acrobatics, let's not suck.

Gren Boarshead
player, 186 posts
Sat 22 Sep 2012
at 19:04
  • msg #532

Re: Theranin

Gren grunted as he noticed in the distance the guards talking to the rest of his group.  "I told them.  It was only a matter of time before they were caught, but no one listens to the big dumb half-ogre." he says shaking his head.  "They have the numbers and likely horses as well.  Running away likely won't end well.  NOT running certainly WILL end badly."

Gren looked around and found a natural path between two large trees.  He then pulled out a rope and tied it to one tree about the same height as himself.  Then he let the rest of the slack lay loose on the ground and he hid it by kicking leaves over it.  If he could get his companions to run this way he may be able to take out a few following riders by pulling the rope taunt.  If they were lucky, not all the guards would be ordered to chase.

"It's a shame.  Most of those guards probably don't have a clue they are working for the bad guys.  Poor saps of the Thieve's Guild.  Why is it the innocent always die and the corrupt provail?"
DM Visceri
GM, 352 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sun 23 Sep 2012
at 08:51
  • msg #533

Re: Theranin

As the three guards begin to move forward towards the duo with Gren and Erasmus looking on from their hiding places, trap at the ready, the most curious of noises sounds up above those at the base of the wall. The three look up just in time to see a large hunk of stone and a small girl come tumbling out of the upper story window. Before they can let out a cry or shield themselves, the two crash into them, their fall somewhat broken by the cushy landing though both still suffer sore rears that will likely result in large bruises later. All three of the guards seem to be, if not unconcious, incapacitated to the point that they don't seem as much as a threat as they did moments before.

Unfortunately, the noise of the crash stirs others who heard the commotion and you can hear calls to action from the other side of the wall as well as towards the guards stationed at the nearest gate. Standing there dumbstruck, hearing the voices snaps Siren out of her fixation, "I think that would be our cue to get the hells out of here. C'mon, up ya go!" she says hurriedly as she hoists Lorelei to her feet and off of Strange.

1:46, Sat 23 Sept: Secret Roll: DM Visceri rolled 20 using 1d20. Sheer Dumb Luck.
OOC: Strange and Lorelei take 6 fall damage (nonlethal).

Quickly let me know if you intend to hide, stand and fight, run away, or option X.

player, 52 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Sun 23 Sep 2012
at 10:14
  • msg #534

Re: Theranin

Lorelei let back a curse as she went flying haphazardly from the window only to land on Strange. She was trained to catch herself and land. But y'know what really screws that up? Not letting go of the statue slash Rogue.

She stood up with a wince as she rubbed her side raising a brow at noticing she was standing ON three guards. Huh. She noticed next Dalinar and Siren looking confused and like they had been caught red handed. She had a feeling with Sirens statement, which she had no reason to doubt, it was time to go.

Lorelei grabbed Strange by the hand and started moving towards the others in the woods, using her strength to pull him up from the guard-pile.

"C'mon, Time to go."
player, 54 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Sun 23 Sep 2012
at 14:17
  • msg #535

Re: Theranin

"Oof!  Hmm..  Time to leave, I think," says Strange as he clambers to his feet, noticing as he does so that poor Gilford makes up at least 33% of his cushion.  As he rushes past Dale and Siren he calls back towards the guards, "The answer is 'e' by the way!"
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 156 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sun 23 Sep 2012
at 15:14
  • msg #536

Re: Theranin

"These are my favorite guards ever.  Of all time." Dale quickly chases after Strange, Lorelei, and Siren.  Once they near Gren and Erasmus, he says, "I hope you guys saw that, because I don't think that'll ever happen again."
DM Visceri
GM, 354 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sun 23 Sep 2012
at 18:49
  • msg #537

Re: Theranin

The group makes it to about fifty feet from the tree line where Gren and Erasmus are hiding before  they begin to hear shouting for assistance and medics as the first responders to the commotion find the guard trio just starting to push themselves up off of the ground. While none of the first responders seem to be on horseback, there do seem to be a few fellows that are not garbed in guard attire. They aren't dressed exactly like the thieves encountered inside Vyncent's mansion but the way they carry themselves and the black leather chest piece each wears marks them out as thieves guild members. By this time, everyone has made it into the safety of the trees and the guards seem to be helping the three towards the guard station inside the walls while the rest begin to spread out, searching the surrounding area for whoever knocked them unconscious. The first place they check is the tree cluster where Dale and Siren had been hiding previously and then they fan out, some heading towards their current hiding place as well.
player, 55 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Mon 24 Sep 2012
at 00:43
  • msg #538

Re: Theranin

Slowing only slightly to check upon the pursuit Strange mutters under his breath something in a guttural, rumbling language that is most definitely not common-tongue.  To make sure everyone is aware of his intent he calls out, not quite yelling but just loud enough that the others should be able to hear him without drawing the attention of the guards, "Back to the temple and to safety, I should think!  If the guards chance to spot us split up and try to lose them but do not lead them there!"
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 157 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Mon 24 Sep 2012
at 22:24
  • msg #539

Re: Theranin

"Good in theory, but I don't know how we're going to sneak away from this."  He catches sight of the guards headed their way.  "I'm all for trying, though."

Dale ducks down further into the trees and heads away from the manor.

15:22, Today: Dalinar Reynolds rolled 16 using 1d20. stealth.  Plus any favorable conditions, like LLV or concealment.
player, 53 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Mon 24 Sep 2012
at 23:07
  • msg #540

Re: Theranin

"It might be best to knock out the edge of the perimeter and flee through that gap they won't expect. But we'd have to do it hard, fast, and quietly."

Lorelei murmured quietly as she moved through the brush. It seemed she wasn't quite as quiet as she was in the woods as she was when scaling buildings. Figures.

16:06, Today: Lorelei rolled 13 using 1d20+7. Stealth.
DM Visceri
GM, 355 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 25 Sep 2012
at 08:20
  • msg #541

Re: Theranin

As the group moves further into the trees, they can hear the guards coming closer to the forest's edge though there are no shouts of discovery or signs that they have been detected as of yet. One thing is for sure though, at this point, stopping their progress forward would be ill advised.

OOC: Just a quick update for those that made Stealth checks. Let me know if you want to try Lorelei's plan or just make a mad dash for the temple either in OOC or IC.
Gren Boarshead
player, 188 posts
Tue 25 Sep 2012
at 14:07
  • msg #542

Re: Theranin

Gren was desperate to learn if Strange and Lorelei found or heard anything of import that would help condem Vyncent and clear their names, but for the sake of not being discovered he didn't risk even a whisper.  He simply nodded to Lorelei's suggested plan.  Gren was, at most times, big and clumsy, but he had grown up in the wilderness.  He crouched and moved between the trees, careful of where he put his oversized feet.  His ragged clothes helped blend in with most of the shrubbery.  He would do his best to sneak away, even moving off a little distance from the rest of the group.  Should anyone catch the attention of a guards he hoped not to be caught with the rest.  In the middle of the night he had an advantage.  He could see in the dark!

07:59, Today: Gren Boarshead rolled 22 using 1d20+2. (nat 20) stealth.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 159 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Thu 27 Sep 2012
at 02:42
  • msg #543

Re: Theranin

Dale sticks with Lorelei, but he thinks that Strange might be right about one thing - it is going to be awful hard for all of them to sneak around together.  He keeps an eye out, ready to bolt if they get spotted.
player, 58 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Thu 27 Sep 2012
at 04:54
  • msg #544

Re: Theranin

Barely even bothering with stealth at this point Strange attempts to move to the front of the group where he can at least attempt to influence the direction that they are travelling.  Though he does not attempt to hide himself he does try to be careful of any dry leaves or small branches that would make excess noise if stepped upon, trusting to his innate agility to help him clear obstacles smoothly.  At this point he heads directly towards town, hoping that the others will follow suit quickly and quietly.

21:53, Today: Strange rolled 14 using 1d20+7. Acrobatics.
21:53, Today: Strange rolled 21 using 1d20+9. Stealth check.

player, 56 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Thu 27 Sep 2012
at 23:06
  • msg #545

Re: Theranin

As strange took the lead and the others seemed to move out, while they had the lead for now, Lorelei motioned the others ahead. She had a feeling the others weren't quite as adept as staying unseen and so she would take up the Rear of the group. Hoping to notice any trackers or pursuers before they noticed her.

16:05, Today: Lorelei rolled 11 using 1d20+6. Perception.
16:04, Today: Lorelei rolled 23 using 1d20+7. Stealth.
16:04, Today: Lorelei rolled 18 using 1d20+7. Acrobatics.

DM Visceri
GM, 360 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sat 29 Sep 2012
at 20:54
  • msg #546

Re: Theranin

As the group continues running through the forest, intent on losing the guards searching the perimeter, they come close to the other side of the trees onto the road. Before they make it that far though, they can hear voices from out beyond the trees. "He went this way didn't he? Hard to miss a giant like that. Leaves behind tracks like a crater for sure!" A sigh, "Yes, yes, now can we just hurry up and find this bloke? It's cold, I'm tired from crouching on that rooftop all day, and I want to get paid." Getting close enough to see through the trees, Lorelei recognizes tow of the men near the back of the group to be the shady fellows that had been casing the Salty Seawife earlier on in the day. Two others are obviously thieves guild members, and a third, who walks up and smacks the closest complainer upside the head turns towards the forest and speaks in a confident, no-nonsense tone, "Quiet, both of you. I think he just made our job easier. Seems he and the rest of his friends have come to us." The cruel smile in the man's voice in unmistakable as you hear the unsheathing of a sword.

Initiative and actions ladies n' gents!

player, 61 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Sat 29 Sep 2012
at 21:33
  • msg #547

Re: Theranin

Turning silently back to Lorelei he leans in and whispers, "Spook the horses before those men.. hmm.. get off the cart and it may take them longer to join the fight.  I'm going to.. hmm.. circle around behind them."  With that he stalks off through the bushes, silent as a big, gray, stone ghost.

Full Move south to P15 then west across the road, should make it to P8 at 60 ft.
15:10, Today: Strange rolled 9 using 1d20+3. Initiative.
14:31, Today: Strange rolled 26 using 1d20+9. Stealth.

This message was last edited by the player at 22:11, Sat 29 Sept 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 160 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sat 29 Sep 2012
at 21:48
  • msg #548

Re: Theranin

Dale shifts James to his left hand and draws his crossbow.  Spooking the horses seems like a sound plan, especially since he's kind of a crap shot.  He waits for Strange to get closer to his desired position, then fires at the nearest horse's flank.

Initiative 9
Crossbow shot 11, damage 5
AC 16, HP 10/10

player, 95 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Mon 1 Oct 2012
at 17:00
  • msg #549

Re: Theranin

The walk had given Erasmus time to consider what has been going on.  So much of the last day and even for much of today had been non-stop.  He had made time for prayers in the morning, but even when trying to sleep the night before, he had been too exhausted to really think about what had happened.  He had almost died, and while he had been in danger before, almost dying was a new experience to him, and an unsettling one.  He still had much to consider, but it turned out that despite his deep trust in his Goddess, and certainty of joining her in the afterlife, he still very much clung to his mortality.  The thoughts were unsettling, as he had always thought of himself as devout, but this new line of reasoning running through his head had begun to make him question everything.  These issues unresolved, he unobservantly stepped into this encounter along with his companions, and took the time to glance up in confusion as everyone stopped, trying to take in what was happening.

12:55, Today: Erasmus rolled 1 using 1d20-2. initiative.
Gren Boarshead
player, 191 posts
Mon 1 Oct 2012
at 18:45
  • msg #550

Re: Theranin

Gren grunted with disappointment.  He was hoping to avoid a confrontation.  Unless one of the others, like Erasmus for example, was better at words than he was he doubted they would be able to convince the guards that they were fighting for the wrong side.  Gren muttered a few arcane words and gestured with his palms out in front of him.  He could feel the magic forming an invisible shield.  He then drew a javelin.

12:44, Today: Gren Boarshead rolled 12 using 1d20+2. initiative.
Cast Shield
Draw Weapon

player, 58 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Mon 1 Oct 2012
at 23:59
  • msg #551

Re: Theranin

Lorelei sighed as she dug out a Vial of Oil and moved closer, twirling the glass cylinder in her hand. She wasn't the best but at this kind of tactic, much preferring a hands on approach. But if Strange requested she get the horses spooked, only one thing came to mind. And hopefully it wouldn't draw too much attention. If so... oh well!

16:56, Today: Lorelei rolled 18 using 1d20+3. Initiative.
Standard: Draw a Vial of Oil from her Backpack.
Move: Move to E13 while Staying Hidden
16:58, Today: Lorelei rolled 15 using 1d20+7. Stealth Check.

DM Visceri
GM, 363 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 2 Oct 2012
at 23:10
  • msg #552

Re: Theranin

The two scouts from earlier in the day dive for their crossbows and pepper off a couple of rounds into the trees, the first missing but the second embedding itself in Erasmus's arm! The two thieves move forward, likewise unsheathing their weapons, two longswords, and start spreading out as if to corral the group while the leader holds his ground, "Make sure to keep one of them alive! You can kill the rest, but Vyncent wants someone to answer for trashing the guildhall!"

Removing her scimitar from its sheath on her back, Siren looks to her companions, "Well, looks like they ended up following Gren. It would be rude not to introduce ourselves." Without a second glance, the woman dashes out from the trees towards the closest thief and brings her sword down but the thief raises his blade to meet it and looks her in the eyes, "Looks like we got a feisty one. You know I like the ones with spunk," he taunts with a hint of cruelty in his voice before pushing the Siren backwards.

"Spook the horses before those men.. hmm.. get off the cart and it may take them longer to join the fight.  I'm going to.. hmm.. circle around behind them." Strange said quietly to the others before the gargoyle disappeared into the trees to the south, making his way out of the range of the torchlight and around the side of the wagon. Lorelei kept her back to the trees as she moved closer to the horses, hoping to keep herself hidden though Siren's escapade didn't do much to help their keeping hidden. Figuring she'd go along with Strange's plan anyway, she digs in her bag and comes out with a vial of oil and looks around the tree waiting for her opportunity. Likely not thrilled at the idea of a confrontation, Gren grumbled something under his breath as he invoked a magical shield around her person and drew a javelin while searching for a target.

Dale gives Strange a few moments extra to get into his position before he switches James to his offhand and draws his loaded crossbow, firing a bolt at the horses flank to try and startle them and although his aim is decent, the only response the horses elicit is a small whiney of nervousness and a quick shifting of feet. While all of this was occurring, Erasmus had been deep in thought about the day's activities and they all seemed to be catching up to him at once, making concentrating on the situation at hand difficult to say the least; the new addition of a crossbow bolt in his arm didn't help one bit. For the moment being, the cleric of Sarenrae was content to keep himself hidden and try avoid any more quarrels aimed his way.

As if on queue, another couple of twangs ring out as more bolts streak into the forest in the group's general direction though both strike trees close to the edge of the forest, missing the group entirely. The thief and Siren continue their sword fight with the thief brushing aside the woman's scimitar effortlessly and embedding a solid six inches of steel into her gut! The other thief continues to move towards the forest, keeping his eyes peeled for sign of movement, missing Strange's movement completely, the gargoyle blending in with the snow-covered ground effortlessly. The leader looks on with a frown on his face and reaches behind his back and unsheathes a second sword claning them together and goading the group on, "What? Nobody else? I find it hard to believe that a half-mongrel would stay in hiding while he sends a woman out to do his work for him! Ha!"

Initiative Order
22 Thieves
21 Siren
18 Lorelei
12 Gren
  9 Strange
  9 Dale
  1 Erasmus

22 Thieves (Having them go again so you can react rather than predict.)

Cumulative Party Status
Dale: full hp
Erasmus: -4 hp
Gren: full hp
Lorelei: full hp
Siren: -8 hp
Strange: full hp

Gren Boarshead
player, 193 posts
Tue 2 Oct 2012
at 23:31
  • msg #553

Re: Theranin

"Drit," Gren curses in the Giant's tongue.  Despite moving quietly his size and weight betrayed him.  The man wielding two swords was trying to taunt him.  Unfortunately for the man it was working, but Gren was was keeping calm enough to cast one more spell.  He just hoped he was hidden well enough to risk the delay in attacking.  "Ekirts eurt," he mutterred as softly as he could.  He used his free hand to trace a line of power from his right shoulder to his right wrist.  As he finished the spell he could see a pencil-thin beam of light leaving the end of the javelin and hitting the man directly in the chest.  His aim would now be magically enhanced.

Casts True Strike
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:01, Wed 03 Oct 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 162 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Wed 3 Oct 2012
at 01:25
  • msg #554

Re: Theranin

"Pft.  Stupid horses with actual training."  Dale drops his crossbow (likely for the last time), swaps his sword to his right hand, and chases after Siren.  "Get back in the trees!"  He swings at the nearest thief, pushing magic into his attack.

Move action: Moves to F10.
Swift action: activate arcane point.
Standard action: attack 8 on E10.  Wow.  Rolled a 2.
HP 10/10, AC 16

player, 60 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Wed 3 Oct 2012
at 01:41
  • msg #555

Re: Theranin

Lorelei moved closer to C11 as she carefully tossed the vial at the cart, aiming to let the oil splash and the flame spread. She hoped that at least would cause the horses to panic, as Strange had suggested of her. She flashed a dark grin at the rogue besides Siren.

18:39, Today: Lorelei rolled 14 using 1d20+3. Thrown Vial vs Torch.
player, 64 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Wed 3 Oct 2012
at 02:58
  • msg #556

Re: Theranin

Strange ignores the man closest to him.  His eyes are on the leader, and as soon as that cart is dealt with he aims to give the haughty fellow a few new holes through which to breathe.  He slows to a stop directly south of the leader, waiting.. watching..

5 ft. step to P7, otherwise delay this round.
player, 97 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Thu 4 Oct 2012
at 14:20
  • msg #557

Re: Theranin

Erasmus stares in shock as the bolt sprouts from his arm.  Seeing Siren in trouble, he moves forward without thinking too much and prays for her injuries to close.

Move: Go to F12
Standard: Cast Cure Light Wounds on Siren for 3 HP.
10:19, Today: Erasmus rolled 3 using 1d8+1. CLW Siren.

DM Visceri
GM, 366 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 5 Oct 2012
at 10:42
  • msg #558

Re: Theranin

"Pft.  Stupid horses with actual training," Dale mutters as the horses seem to settle down again after his failed attempt to spook them with his crossbow bolt. Looking into the field, he sees Siren take her grievous blow and takes action. Reaching down with one hand to the new hole in her stomach, Siren's takes a wobbly step backwards as Dale rushes past her. "Get back in the trees!" he yells as he takes a running swing at Siren's would-be murderer but James is turned away with a flick of the thief's wrist and a quick attack aimed right back at him but Dale lucks out and it catches a fold in his clothing and bounces off him without more than a soon-to-be bruise. Meanwhile, Siren continues to lose blood at an alarming rate and just as she drops backwards, eyes slightly rolling up into her head, Erasmus rushes forward and is there to catch her before she hits the ground, holy light already on his hands ready to staunch the wound.

Still looking for an opening to chuck her vial of oil, Lorelei finds one as the majority of their opponents attentions switch to Dale and Erasmus bursting forth from the trees and winds back to throw the vial. It soars past the last few trees and arcs in the air, the leader of the thieves following the trajectory with his eyes but catching sight of it too late, and bursts on the side of the cart, immediately catching fire from contact with both of the torches and sets the entire thing on fire. The horses scream in protest and terror, one bucking and loosing itself from it's harness slightly and the other wasting no time and attempting to take off, causing the cart to take a curved path away from the fighting along with the one thief that had been sitting in the driver's seat who currently is trying his hardest not to catch fire. As soon as the oil had caught, the leader had dived out of the way to avoid being caught in the flames and gets to his feet after patting out a small fire that had started on his shoulder, his face now resembling a thunderhead ready to rain lightning and fury down on everything in sight. "To hell with orders! Kill every last one of them!"

"Drit," Gren cursed, seeing that the leader seemed to not be in as pleasant of a mood, Gren decided it was worth the time to make sure his attack did not miss. "Ekirts eurt," he intoned softly, hoping his position was still safely hidden to the enemies in the field. Quickly, the familiar beam of light connecting javelin to target formed and gave him a pretty idea of how to throw the projectile.

Meanwhile, Strange keeps his movements to a minimum to make sure he doesn't arouse attention and keeps his eyes locked on the lead thief, waiting to pounce on any weakness, opening, or mistake he can exploit with his sharp, rocky claws. The thief closest to him still oblivious to his presence moves towards the fallen Siren, seemingly intent on finishing her off now that she's down and possibly the now identified healer while he's at it. An easy target, he slides his longsword into her shoulder, only missing her heart due to some quick thinking by Erasmus, pulling her out of the way of the fatal strike. The remaining crossbowman reloads and fires, still a little surprised at the events with the cart and the fire but manages to score a hit, whizzing past Dale and drawing blood from his right side as the bolt grazed him.

(OOC: First of all, awesome posts this round! Second, my picture uploader is being a pain in the ass tonight. I will try to get the new battlemap to you tomorrow as soon as I wake up. Figured I'd get the meat and potatoes to you so you could get some ideas on what your next actions will be.)
Initiative Order
21 Siren
18 Lorelei
12 Gren
  9 Strange
  9 Dale
  1 Erasmus

22 Thieves

Cumulative Party Status
Dale: -3 hp
Erasmus: -4 hp
Gren: full hp
Lorelei: full hp
Siren: -8 hp
Strange: full hp

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:22, Fri 05 Oct 2012.
player, 65 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Fri 5 Oct 2012
at 21:11
  • msg #559

Re: Theranin

Dramatics, it could be said, are the forte of any and all gargoyles.  They are used to evincing horror and disgust in those who look at them.  And here Strange had the perfect opportunity to do just that.  He waited at the edge of darkness and as soon as the cart was on it's merry, fiery way he charged, quite literally like a demon out of the night, letting loose a roar fit to send shivers up the most hardened criminal's spine.

Using full round action to make a charge attack on leader at H9.  Would it be considered a surprise attack and catch him flat-footed?
14:07, Today: Strange rolled 22 using 1d20+3. Intimidate. (Because I can, bwahaha!)
14:10, Today: Strange rolled 19 using 1d20+4. Claw Attack after Charge.
14:10, Today: Strange rolled 4 using 1d6+2. Damage (claw).
13:44, Today: Strange rolled 1 using 1d6. Sneak Attack damage.
-2 to AC until start of next turn.

This message was last edited by the player at 20:44, Mon 08 Oct 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 163 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 5 Oct 2012
at 21:33
  • msg #560

Re: Theranin

Dale startles a bit when the cart goes up in flames and then more than a bit when he gets shot.  He takes greater issue with being shot, though.  At least Erasmus has gotten to Siren, so Dale can focus on this impossible-to-stab bad guy.

Attack E10: 14
Damage: 11
AC 16, HP 7/10

Gren Boarshead
player, 194 posts
Fri 5 Oct 2012
at 21:56
  • msg #561

Re: Theranin

With first blood having been drawn by the enemy all hope of diplomacy faded; not that diplomacy was a Half-ogre's strong suit.  With the smell of iron, blood, and smoke on the wind Gren let loose his javelin with a grunt.  The sharpened shaft of wood was guided by magic, charged with arcane energy, and thrown by a man with the temporary strength of a giant.  He hoped the man he was going to spear was deserving of the pain he was about to get and not some helpless sap, but that was an issue for the gods to sort out.  Expecting the man to go down, Gren already started looking for another target as he drew another javelin.

True Strike - 22 to hit.  Damage = 12 (Arcane Strike, Bloodline Power, and Bloodline Arcana used)
AC: 16
HP: 9/9

player, 62 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Fri 5 Oct 2012
at 22:28
  • msg #562

Re: Theranin

Lorelei noticed both Dalinar and Siren being focused on, but more importantly that Siren already had several people there to protect her while Dalinar seemed without backup. She slipped forward into a run as she launched herself at Dalinar's opponent, sliding in behind the thief and lifting her body up from the hip. Balancing on one Leg Lorelei threw her weight behind a high round-house strike, hoping to take the thief in the side of his head with her foot.

Move: To D10
Standard: Unarmed Attack vs E10, Hits AC 14 for 10 Damage with Flanking. (AC 12 Without)

Comment: Since Lorelei goes before Dalinar Initiative wise, That should give Dalinars attack flanking as well.

15:25, Today: Lorelei rolled 10 using 1d6+4. Attack Damage if hit.
15:25, Today: Lorelei rolled 14 using 1d20+7. Unarmed Strike v E10, Flanking.

This message was last edited by the player at 22:29, Fri 05 Oct 2012.
DM Visceri
GM, 375 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 08:56
  • msg #563

Re: Theranin

In a matter of seconds, the tide of battle changed dramatically. As Siren lays there with yet another sword sticking out of her with Erasmus trying his best to keep the girl from meeting her deity too soon, there is suddenly a loud whooshing sound as a large javelin comes shooting out from the trees and heads directly towards the lead thief! The man raises both of his arms in front of him, the projectile coming at him too fast to have time to dodge but the action proves worthless as the spearhead pierces through both of his arms and continues into his chest, toppling him onto his back, looking like he had been placed into position to be put into a coffin. He gurgles for a moment before he succumbs to the wound. The thief with the blade in Siren's shoulder jerks his hear around towards his leader and begins to take a startled step backwards when all of a sudden he catches sight of a shadow hurtling towards his general direction. The shadow veers off from its original course and heads directly towards the thief, letting out a horrifying roar that sounds like a mixture of a rock slide accompanied by a piercing screech as Strange bursts from the shadows and pounces at the man, wings outstretched and slashes at the mans chest with his dagger-sharp talons, cutting bloody gashes in the man's chest, causing him to stumble backwards...right over Siren's outstretched leg. Waving his arms wildly, the thief falls backwards onto the scimitar the red-haired woman had propped up with her one hand and impales himself much in the fashion of his recently-deceased leader.

Dale fights on with his opponent nearby, coming in for a thrust at the fellow's neck but looking as if he was going to miss it. At that moment, Lorelei comes running in, sliding in behind the thief and lifting her body up from the hip. Balancing on one Leg she throws her weight behind a high round-house strike, missing her target, but causing him to take his eyes off Dale; a deadly mistake. His head still turned towards the monk, his eyes look back to the magus just in time to see James enter his throat, spurting blood down the thief's front, though miraculously missing Dale due to pure luck. Grasping feebly at his neck momentarily, the thief drops to his knees, wavers for a moment, and then falls face-down onto the ground.

Seeing his remaining three companions dead within a matter of seconds and his only remaining ally opening a sizable distance between them, his clothes beginning to burn as the scout jumps from the wagon just to have the misfortune to have the horses veer at that very moment, catching him under the wheels, the man drops his crossbow and raises his hands to the sky. "P-P-Please d-don't kill m-me!" His legs now shaking violently, a wet stain begins to form on the front of his trousers as tears begin to seep from the corners of his eyes. The man, boy really, was likely no older than seventeen and seemed to have not learned how to surrender gracefully yet. In the distance, the group begins to hear the cry go out that there is a fire in the field to the west. It goes without saying that they are referring to the chariot of fire Lorelei sent running off moments ago. The voices sound to be a few hundred yards off still, possibly offering time enough to still make an escape.

(OOC: What? What's that? Story points for everyone for an awesome two rounds of combat in a row? I think so!)
Initiative Order
21 Siren
18 Lorelei
12 Gren
  9 Strange
  9 Dale
  1 Erasmus

22 Thieves

Cumulative Party Status
Dale: -3 hp
Erasmus: -4 hp
Gren: full hp
Lorelei: full hp
Siren: -8 hp
Strange: full hp

player, 68 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 09:20
  • msg #564

Re: Theranin

Thoroughly impressed with his ability to improvise under stress Strange turns to the lonely, frightened thief.  Though a member of the party was injured he was in no way equipped to help her.  The lone thief, however, is a much simpler case.  He stalks towards the man, torn between the desire to kill him and thought that he might prove useful in some way.  At the same time he is all too aware that they likely have precious little time to get moving...

"Down on the ground.. hmm.." he growls at the man, "Unless you are in a hurry to end up like your friends."  He stops mid-stride and looks back towards the group, "Some rope, please, if you would.. hmm.. be so kind."

If the hostage complies and Strange is able to get his hands on some rope then he will bind the man's arms up tight, as well as tie his feet loosely together so he is unable to run.
player, 100 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 12:09
  • msg #565

Re: Theranin

The situation firmly in his companions favor, Erasmus quickly begins assessing the fallen men; seeking out the worst off among them and praying over each one in turn.  He wasn't too concerned with what the others were discussing or doing, as his religious calling came first, though in the back of his mind he was aware that he might be missing something important.

Using Rebuke Death on the bad guys if any of them can be saved.  Just let me know how many uses I expend.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 169 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 13:23
  • msg #566

Re: Theranin

Dale smiles at Lorelei.  "Thanks.  James says we should work together more often."

Dale tosses a line of rope to Strange.  "Quickly, there'll be more here soon."  He looks at the burning cart that's getting further away from them.  "Well, there." Pity.  He'd wanted the horses.

"Gren, can you grab my crossbow?!"  He'd left it in the forest when he went after the thief.  Dale steps over to Erasmus and Siren to be healed.  Luckily, no one else looks injured.
Gren Boarshead
player, 198 posts
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 14:05
  • msg #567

Re: Theranin

Gren retrieves Dale's crossbow and brings it over.  "Will she be able to move or do I need to carry her?" he askes with a look of concern for Siren.

"The flaming cart will prove a worth while distraction, but we need to move.  Now."
Sirenity 'Siren' DuVazz
NPC, 24 posts
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 18:23
  • msg #568

Re: Theranin

Using her scimitar as a crutch in one hand and Erasmus's help, Siren pushes herself a little bit shakily to her feet. "I'll be fine big guy, you just worry about the kid and what we're gonna do with him. Believe it or not, I've had to run away with worse!" She flashes a devious smile in the direction of the half-ogre along with a wink and begins to stretch a little bit and slowly pace around to get the blood flowing under the watchful eye of Erasmus.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:23, Tue 09 Oct 2012.
player, 101 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 18:35
  • msg #569

Re: Theranin

Erasmus hisses in frustration when he finds the leader is without a pulse.  Quickly, he moves to each of the other men his party had fallen, speaking the prayers that value life, and ensuring that theirs will continue, before moving back to the leader and giving him his last rites.

"You'll want to bind these others as well, guardian." the priest says, directing his comments to Strange as he indicates the two men who's lives he had just saved.  "What I intend to ask of our Goddess would make it prudent."

Once the men are bound, Erasmus will gather Dale and Siren near the two thieves and say another prayer to Sarenrae, channeling her power and healing everyone in range of the ritual for 3 hp.

14:34, Today: Erasmus rolled 3 using 1d6. Channel Energy.

Gren Boarshead
player, 199 posts
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 20:13
  • msg #570

Re: Theranin

Gren walked over to the young man that soiled himself.  "Wrong profession boy!  When you align yourself with a coniving and evil man like Vyncent you are bound to end up like that..." he says pointing to the dead body of his leader.  "When next I see you, you best be doing something more charitable.  Now you best close your eyes and bury your face in the dirt, because if I so much as see you move before we are out of sight...  He draws a another javelin and makes a mock poke at the boy.

14:07, Today: Gren Boarshead rolled 11 using 1d20+5. intimidate.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:13, Tue 09 Oct 2012.
player, 66 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Tue 9 Oct 2012
at 23:32
  • msg #571

Re: Theranin

Lorelei nodded politely to Dale as she walked over to check on Siren, glancing at Gren pocking and prodding at the bound man. Sparing a glance to her friend, she shot him a foul glare from behind Gren before she stopped beside Siren. Nodding once more as she considered the words, she flashed a wane smile to Erasmus.

"You're good. But we should be leaving soon"

16:31, Today: Lorelei rolled 17 using 1d20. Intimidate. Why not?
DM Visceri
GM, 377 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 10 Oct 2012
at 03:42
  • msg #572

Re: Theranin

Jumping at any little movement towards him, the man squeezes his eyes shut and let's out a barely intelligible, "Y-Y-Y-Y-Yes s-s-s-s-sir!" to Gren before Lorelei moves forward and shot him an evil glare that had to be the breaking point for the young man because it was then that it seemed his wits failed him completely and he fainted on the spot, collapsing into the fetal position into the snow.

Meanwhile as Erasmus channels his healing energies as everyone gathers around, the two thieves that he had managed to save from death's doorstep let out low moans of pain and half-consciousness but find themselves currently being tied up and unable to resist, even if they had the willpower to do so.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:43, Wed 10 Oct 2012.
player, 69 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Wed 10 Oct 2012
at 03:51
  • msg #573

Re: Theranin

As he finishes the task of tying up the hostages Strange turns to address the group, "Back to town, then, and quickly I should think.. hmm.. I can carry one man, but how we'll get them into the city is.. hmm.. anyone's guess.  I have no qualms about using the sewers - it is better than these fellows deserve."  With that he hoists one of the bound thieves over his shoulder, making ready to leave whenever the others are.
player, 103 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Wed 10 Oct 2012
at 11:40
  • msg #574

Re: Theranin

Erasmus stands up and steps to the side of the part, impassive.  He duty to the dying finished, he was no longer particularly concerned with the fate of the men he had just saved, even though he knew he ought to be.  He regarded his robe where it was now torn from the crossbow bolt and briefly regretted his oversight in neglecting to ask his Goddess for the power to mend and clean such tears.  After the previous day's ordeals he had considered such a miracle unsuited to their future pursuits, but here was a clear example demonstrating that this was not the case.  Though the people in this town didn't seem to care much for religious deference and perhaps wouldn't even notice, an injured holy man still had the potential to attract attention.

Such was life, with nothing to be done about it now, he turned instead to inner contemplation as he struggled to understand his newfound ambivalence toward the captured thieves.
Gren Boarshead
player, 200 posts
Wed 10 Oct 2012
at 15:02
  • msg #575

Re: Theranin

Gren didn't bother picking up anyone.  He didn't see the point in bringing any of the theives with them.  Maybe the gargoyle was going to eat him later.  Gren shrugged.  "Let us go then."  He started moving back to town avoiding the direction of the voices and the flaming cart as best he could.
DM Visceri
GM, 378 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 12 Oct 2012
at 04:21
  • msg #576

Re: Theranin

With one thief groaning and squirming feebly on the ground and the other boy unconscious and likewise bound, the group takes off with their captive back towards the town under the cover of darkness. It seems that the flaming cart ended up being a boon to the group as the guards come running out of the trees and all seem to make a beeline for it. As soon as all the guards seem to have their sights fixed on something other than their position, the group takes off, successfully evading their pursuers. About twenty minutes later, they come within eyesight of the southern gate to the city and can make out two guards in front of the closed gate as well as another pair on the ramparts above them with bows strapped to their backs. About a mile to their west is the harbor and another mile and a half to their east is the curve in the wall leading to the eastern gate.

From experience, the group knows there is a sewer entrance back at the docks and if you'd like to make a Knowledge Local check, you can see if you know any other entrances outside the city. Lemme know what the group plan is. Feel free to metagame a bit in OOC if necessary. You're about a mile off from the gate.
player, 70 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Fri 12 Oct 2012
at 14:26
  • msg #577

Re: Theranin

"I shall take our.. hmm.. guest through the sewers.  We shall need to find a place to keep him and decide just.. hmm.. what it is we intend to ask him about.  I will meet you in the place where our friend is being kept.. hmm.. safe."  He eyes the rest of the group, wondering if perhaps their wounds might call undue attention if they walk through town.  He lets that thought go figuring that if they are questioned they can truthfully claim their destination is a house of healing.  Before getting too deep into conversation about he unceremoniously drops his hostage to the ground and, with a swift but accurate blow to the back of the head, knocks the man out so he doesn't hear anything he shouldn't.

Essentially performing a non-lethal coup-de-grace to ensure the thief stays unconscious for at least a couple of hours.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 172 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sun 14 Oct 2012
at 05:42
  • msg #578

Re: Theranin

"I think the sewers are our best bet, too.  We'll take a different entrance, though.  My guess is that there are some other entrances closer to the coast."  Unless any others know of specific entrances, Dale will head west.
player, 68 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Sun 14 Oct 2012
at 06:26
  • msg #579

Re: Theranin

Lorelei gave a light shrug to the others at the suggestions. As far as she knew she could just walk in through the gate, travelers in the evening were not unheard of. And honestly she wasn't too keen on going through the sewers again. But if the captives woke up and fought... honestly she wasn't so sure about the groups efficiency quite yet.

"To the sewers then..."
Gren Boarshead
player, 201 posts
Sun 14 Oct 2012
at 17:40
  • msg #580

Re: Theranin

"I am a bit too...obvious.  If there guard's were told to look for a Half-orge well..." he shrugged.  "I know the habor fairly well anyways.  I'll make my way towards the sewers, then towards the church.  I hate hiding like a rat, but until the unveiling ceremony we must stay safe."
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:45, Sun 14 Oct 2012.
DM Visceri
GM, 382 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Mon 15 Oct 2012
at 20:48
  • msg #581

Re: Theranin

After Strange applies a heavy-handed dose of incentive to stay asleep to the thief, the shoulders the man again and the group follows Gren to the harbor entrance to the sewers, avoiding the gates into the city altogether. As the party skirts the wall, they find a grating just before the waterline and decide to enter through there rather than risk trying to get around the wall to the docks or risk swimming through the freezing water. Almost an hour later and many dead-ends, turn-arounds, and long stretches of sewer later, they find themselves in a familiar, a little better lighted and tended to, stretch of sewer that they recognize as the area that Degrin is being housed in. As they walk further down the tunnel towards the politician's room, beginning to relax now that they are at a place of relative safety, the hushed voices of Ikani and Delana reach their ears. "And what exactly do you propose we do with her Mother? It's not like we can just keep her locked up down here on the assumption of what she was doing. There is the chance that she speaks the truth and just happened across us. Her appearance certainly gives her standpoint some credibility..." There is a few seconds of deliberative silence before the head priestess retorts, "And if she's lying? If we were to let her go, she could bring the entire thing down on our heads. We promised to help them and for good reasons too. At the very least, we should speak to them about the issue."

Apparently the priestesses hear the group's footsteps, for there is a break in the conversation and hurried footsteps approaching.  As the two approach, looks of consternation are on both their faces, making them look quite similar to each other, calling into question whether the term 'Mother' is just an honorary after all. "We have a problem," Ikani states as she looks over the group. Noticing the thief slung over Strange's shoulder, her lips purse in disapproval but she says nothing on the matter. "While you were gone, we apprehended an...interesting looking female who was wandering around our end of the sewer system. We found her listening at the door to Degrin's chambers as we exited. I, at least, believe her to be a spy for Vyncent though Delana seems to think otherwise. She's currently in the room across from Degrin's and we have her weapons and equipment in our possession. What would you like us to do with her?"
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 173 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Tue 16 Oct 2012
at 01:02
  • msg #582

Re: Theranin

Dale finally perks up at 'interesting-looking female'.  He says, "I'll go talk to her!" entirely too loudly and bolts for the other door.

Uh... please take the priest with you.  As a chaperon if nothing else.

player, 72 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Tue 16 Oct 2012
at 03:43
  • msg #583

Re: Theranin

One craggy brow arches in Dale's direction as he watches the man go to deal with the intruder.  With a brief shrug he approaches Ikani, "We have taken a captive and need a place to.. hmm.. confine him until he awakens so that we might question him.  Any information we can.. hmm.. gather that will help us bring down Vyncent will be a welcome addition to what we already have."

Once the thief is properly locked away Strange will spend the next few days alternately questioning him and going through the things that he and Lorelei seized from Arudal's office.  If there are any objects or information he isn't sure about he will bring it to the attention of Ikani or the rest of the group.

(OOC - I'm fine with moving ahead to the celebration once everyone else has done what they need to do.)
player, 10 posts
Melee Fighter
Tue 16 Oct 2012
at 07:52
  • msg #584

Re: Theranin

Kass is sitting in a chair, facing away from the door, with her arms and legs bound together behind her so she can barely move. Her hairless tail is swishing back and forth irritably, glad to not be crushed against the back of the chair, but clearly frustrated at her bonds. Her blue-haired head is hanging forward slightly, hands clutching together, pulling at her restraints, though she stops the instant that she hears the door open.

There's a piece of cloth hanging around her neck indicating that she was blindfolded or gagged, but managed to pull it away, and as Dale steps in her head turns to try to look at him. "Listen, I'm sorry for eavesdropping, but I won't tell anyone what I heard if you let me go. I was just looking for a place to sleep." She clearly assumes him to be another priest, or one of their cronies anyway. "I owe nothing to this 'Vyncent' guy, I don't even know who he is!"
This message was last edited by the player at 07:53, Tue 16 Oct 2012.
player, 69 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Tue 16 Oct 2012
at 17:10
  • msg #585

Re: Theranin

Lorelei raised a brow as Dalinar chased off after the stranger entering the sewers, and went to follow him before realizing that everything they had gathered had been placed in her bag. After a moment though she realized a good part of her objected to leaving dalinar alone in the room with an unknown tied up girl. He was way too eager to be sure. So just a few moments after Dalinar slipped into the room Lorelei followed him, but pressed her back to the wall and left him to his investigation. Politely nodding to the Kassadra and flashing her a light smile, she wasn't going to lead any form of interrogation, but she was going to make sure it didn't get out of hand.
Gren Boarshead
player, 203 posts
Tue 16 Oct 2012
at 18:16
  • msg #586

Re: Theranin

Gren rested, his back against a cool stone wall.  He was eager to learn what Lorelei and Strange learned back at Arudal's estate.  Unfortunately, he would have to wait just a little longer.  Strange seemed intent on questioning the captured theif and Lorelei joined Dale in questioning the stranger woman.

For now Gren turned to the clerics.  "Besides the woman has there been any other trouble?  Is Degrin still safe?  Are the plans for the day of the ceremony still in place?"  Even if Degrin's word and the collected evidence they have so far wasn't enough to have Vincent and Arudal thrown in cells, it should raise enough suspicion and doubt that Gren and the others wouldn't immediately be thrown to the wolves.  If he could move around town and the surrounding areas more freely then he was certain he could find enough evidence to clear their names.  Then again, if the chance came for Gren to pierce Vyncent's heart with a javelin he may just have to take it.
DM Visceri
GM, 383 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 16 Oct 2012
at 18:20
  • msg #587

Re: Theranin

This time it is Delana that steps forward to answer Gren's question. "Degrin is still locked away safely. Not happy about it, but safe. As for the ceremony, it doesn't seem that our plans are compromised as of yet. We apprehended the woman not long after you left and there's been no sign of trouble since then. As long as we figure out who the woman is and what her aims are and find a good padlock for the fellow you all brought back with you, we should be fine to wait it out until the day of the ceremony."
player, 106 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Tue 16 Oct 2012
at 18:35
  • msg #588

Re: Theranin

Erasmus follows after Dale, perhaps initially for the same reasons.  Though upon seeing the nature of what it was that made her interesting he was momentarily held in place.  "Maintain your distance!" he cautions Dale, once he finds his voice.  "She is a fiend of some sort, though I know not what.  But it is known that demons can eat your soul...." he continues, giving the shape of his initial concern.  Stepping back a few paces, he calls over to the others "Strange, you should be here."   He wasn't certain that he could manage whatever spiritual threats this thing posed, but he was more certain that the guardian would be their best hope of managing any physical threats it brought to bear.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 174 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Tue 16 Oct 2012
at 18:42
  • msg #589

Re: Theranin

Ah, not quite what I was expecting.

You could do worse.  Sorry, have done worse.

"Thank you for that," Dale says, apparently to himself.  "Hi, I'm Dale, and I am very happy to hear you don't have anything to do with Vyncent.  Sadly, we can't take you at your word.  Well, I totally would, but," Lorelei walks in and Dale gestures toward her, "she'd rather just kill you."

Dale digs around through his back but apparently doesn't find what he's looking for.  "Look, I'd rather not get anyone else involved, spy or not, but the fact is that we can't just let you go.  You're going to have to stick with us for a couple days.  If anyone has a set of handcuffs, you can stay chained to one of us until we're done with what we need done.  Or you can stay in here."

Sense Motive 8 on Kass to believe her.
Dale is a terrible liar.  Don't roll a nat 1 Sense Motive, and you'll realize that Dale's just trying to fluster Lorelei with the "kill you" comment.

player, 70 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Tue 16 Oct 2012
at 19:28
  • msg #590

Re: Theranin

Lorelei raised a brow as she settled against the wall at Dalinar's oh so obvious attempt at using her as intimidation. Though he couldn't see her, being behind and over his shoulder... Kassadria could see her trying to scowl and resisting the urge to laugh before she finally just covered her mouth as if preparing to cough... a Secret between the two girls she couldn't keep the grin off her face. Rather just kill you indeed.

12:26, Today: Lorelei rolled 10 using 1d20. Intimidate. Scary as a Kitten.

player, 12 posts
Melee Fighter
Tue 16 Oct 2012
at 19:45
  • msg #591

Re: Theranin

Kassadria looked between the one talking to himself and the woman that came in as the former made a threat about the latter being violent. She didn't look particularly violent, especially with the smile and nod she offered. If it had been supposed to be a threat, it wasn't very convincing, and the poorly hidden amusement on Lorelei's face only further confirmed the truth.

Then the one in the cloak entered. She rolled her eyes as he accused her of being some form of infernal being and made the claim she had heard all too often. Yes, she had scales for skin with that slightly pink hue that made people think of the stereotypical red of demons, and yes she had a tail, horns and clawed feet, but people judged so quickly. Why did no one try to get to know her before they branded her as something to be feared? Bet he's a sun-cultist.

"Alright, first things first. I'm not actually a 'fiend', I'm a Tiefling. I only look like a soul-devouring monstrosity,"
she directed that towards Erasmus, then turned to Dale, "Second, by the sound of things, the last thing you need is another person being dragged along with you, slowing one of you down."

"I know I'm not in the best position to bargain, but I really think it's in your best interests to let me go,"
she eyed them, noticed the blood and dirt that stained some of their clothes. "If you free me, I'll help you - and I can fight. Pretty well, in my opinion. Consider it a debt to be paid. If you don't... well, then I won't owe you anything. You have nothing to lose."

20:45, Today: Kassadria rolled 23 using 1d20+4. diplomacy.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:46, Tue 16 Oct 2012.
player, 73 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Tue 16 Oct 2012
at 21:12
  • msg #592

Re: Theranin

Strange had located some rope and was in the process of hog-tying the thief when Erasmus called out for him.  He leaned out of the alcove he had found to do his work, an annoyed look on his face, "Rather busy.. hmm.. I'm sure you can handle a lone woman yourself," he calls out in response before returning to the task of making sure there is no way this man will be able to break the bonds or escape.  Once he is satisfied with the terrible tangle of knots he loops the end of the rope through a metal eyelet conveniently set in the ceiling and ties it off there.  No sense in letting the poor fellow roll into the sewer waters while unconscious after all...
player, 107 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Wed 17 Oct 2012
at 16:25
  • msg #593

Re: Theranin

Strange's lack of concern put Erasmus into a momentary loss.  It hadn't occurred to him to consider just why a temple guardian would be away from the temple up to this point.  The creature was obviously capable of doing it's job physically, but it seemed to him that there was something clearly wrong with it's judgment, it was the only thing he could think of that would--to some degree--account for both it's presence and it's lack of proper reaction.  He put these thoughts aside though, determining that he needed to keep his wits about him.

This...abomination, however, made it's first mistake.  Erasmus had heard something of the infernal forces dividing themselves into devils and demons and such over some sort of hellish conflict, the woman-thing clearly took umbrage at being labeled among the wrong faction.  He wasn't sure where Tiefling fit into the picture, but in his mind it was a distinction without a difference.  None-the-less, when he had a chance to research the matter this bit of knowledge would help illuminate whatever weaknesses it possessed.

He waited to see how Dale would react to the creature's proposal, watching for signs of the treachery that would most certainly present themselves so long as he payed attention.

DC to shift Erasmus from Unfriendly to Indifferent was 24
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 175 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Wed 17 Oct 2012
at 23:59
  • msg #594

Re: Theranin

Dale can't help but chuckle a bit, both at Erasmus' and Strange's comments.  But once Kass sticks up for herself again, he steps between the cleric and tiefling, still smiling.  "OK, how about she just sticks with me?  I think everyone she can't eat my soul.  Any semblance of a soul I ever had was eaten by James a long time ago."

It was fluffy and tasted of strawberries... Which was weird.

player, 110 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Fri 19 Oct 2012
at 12:06
  • msg #595

Re: Theranin

"I don't like this, it seems dangerous." Erasmus begins by way of protest. He was concerned that perhaps Dale had fallen sway to the creature's words, but after quietly chanting a small prayer of assurance he decides to relent the point.  "But perhaps you're right, we ought not just allow her to roam about unsupervised.  No telling what would happen."
DM Visceri
GM, 388 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Mon 22 Oct 2012
at 23:30
  • msg #596

Re: Theranin

Ikani looks in from the other room and frowns at decision to untie the tiefling though says nothing of it as Dale does so. It isn't until Kassadria has thoroughly massaged her wrists and ankles and stretched a little that she turns to those outside the room, making sure to speak loud enough for all present to hear. "Well first thing's first, the priestesses have prepared rooms for you all here if you don't mind living in the same conditions of Degrin for a couple of days. They are the rooms just down the...hall," she hesitates, not knowing what exactly to call the length of sewer that would make it sound less repugnant,"help yourselves to as many, or little," she says eying Siren who she caught staring into the room at Dale's rear as he was untying the tiefling, "as you need. Secondly, what would you like to do with your new captive? Obviously there's a free chair and rope up for grabs now if you desire."
player, 18 posts
Melee Fighter
Tue 23 Oct 2012
at 02:29
  • msg #597

Re: Theranin

Deciding not to inquire just yet who 'James' was (how many soul-hungry companions did this guy have? Including her, it would be at least two, now...) and sighing relief as the first man decided to take responsibility for her and free her, Kassadria relaxed a little, looking forward to the relief of being able to move freely again. "Thank you," Kass smiled to Dale as he undid her bonds, somehow managing to look at least passably nice, despite the scaly skin and the horns. When she could finally stand, she flashed a dark-eyed glare at Erasmus, "Some people don't seem to appreciate the 'demi' in 'demi-fiend'."

She bowed politely then to Dale, who was to be her watcher, of sorts, it seemed. Or perhaps, her guardian. "Kassadria," she introduced herself. "So, what exactly is it that you're doing? Other than hiding important people in the sewers?"
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 177 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Tue 23 Oct 2012
at 03:23
  • msg #598

Re: Theranin

Dale catches Siren checking him out and waves at her through the doorway.

"-other than hiding important people in the sewers?"

"What?  Oh, um, camping out for a bit, trying to topple a corrupt politician.  The usual.  We'll be out of here in a few days, one way or another.  I have a recommendation, though: don't piss off goblin kings.  Little buggers outnumber us."

Dale spends the remaining days training with James, keeping an eye on Kass, and going over security with Gren and Erasmus.  Apparently there are secret religious robes going on.  He doesn't know much about religion, but he's willing to toss ideas around anyway.  He leaves the prisoner to Strange.

And Siren's probably involved in the interim.
player, 111 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Tue 23 Oct 2012
at 16:49
  • msg #599

Re: Theranin

Erasmus lets Kassadria's remark pass, unwilling to indulge it with banter lest it be the sort of fiend that masques probing as dialogue.  He accepts the accommodation gracefully, having spent enough time in ascetic living quarters back in his acolyte days to find them somewhat of a comfort, in spite of their lack of comfort.

When not in prayer or obsessively checking for signs of Kassadria's treachery via magic detection, he will be seeking out Delana to discuss theology, such as the Iomedaeic view of chastity, among other things.
Gren Boarshead
player, 204 posts
Tue 23 Oct 2012
at 17:42
  • msg #600

Re: Theranin

While some attended the captured, Gren looked to the others.  "So I guess we should discuss how the big reveal is going to go down.  I suppose Strange could take to the roof tops and keep an eye out for possible archers.  I too can help pick off ranged attackers if need be.  We'll need a few people sticking close to him, in case more assassins try to sneak up to him.  We already know they like to use poisons, so we need to keep Degrin from food and drink not prepared by us.  Getting from one place to the other could prove the most dangerous.  Perhaps if some hooded monks robes are in order?"  He scratches his head trying to think of anything else.  He wasn't the most tactically-minded, but he thought he at least covered the basics.  "I still have some political papers back at the inn that display magic runes hinting at a conspiracy.  Still, they almost went up in flames last time I conjured them into view.  We'll probably only be able to reveal them once more before they are gone for good."
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 178 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Tue 23 Oct 2012
at 20:16
  • msg #601

Re: Theranin

"I can help look over the runes.  During the 'big reveal', I'll stick near Degrin.  I think Lorelei and Kass, if she comes with us, should stay nearby too.  Siren is probably better hiding in the crowd."

For looking over the runes, Kn (arcana) 24 and Spellcraft 13.

player, 19 posts
Melee Fighter
Tue 23 Oct 2012
at 21:58
  • msg #602

Re: Theranin

Kassadria spent the next couple of days doing her best to get on most people's good side, but managing to display an almost complete lack of tact, especially in her comments regarding 'blasted sun-bashers' and other 'holy' folk. She found it difficult to talk to Strange, though, partly because he seemed to have little interest in her (which was unusual), and partly because it was the first time she'd met anyone who would draw as much attention as she did in public.

Dale was easy to get along with, and they helped each other brush up on their swordplay. She rarely had much to say unless she was ranting about 'some priest', usually referring to Erasmus declaring that she'd cursed some random object and trying his utmost to prove it, to no avail. When the subject of the 'big reveal' came up, she remained quiet. It wasn't really her place, she thought, to be making suggestions... plus, she didn't really know what was going on, so she would just go with the flow for now.
player, 73 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Wed 24 Oct 2012
at 05:30
  • msg #603

Re: Theranin

"We need to study these items and papers we pulled out of the keep.. I think some might be... Arcane"

Lorelei mumbled, holding up her bag absently before glancing about for a table to examine the items upon. She would head into the next room absently with a table she could lay the papers, clothes and misc stuff upon. Afterwards Lorelei went to fetch Gren and Dalinar specifically, poking them and motioning rather then talking as she revealed the items she and Strange had... conveniently found, unattended and unclaimed in the mans study.
Gren Boarshead
player, 205 posts
Wed 24 Oct 2012
at 17:05
  • msg #604

Re: Theranin

"Bah!  So you did get stuff from the estate.  I wish you had mentioned that earlier," Gren grumbled.  Once again he utterred a spell that would allow him to see magic, for an instant his eyes seemed to glow blue.  He ran a hand over the papers, sifting through them; spreading them out so as to see if any of them contained magical writing like the others had.
DM Visceri
GM, 392 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sat 27 Oct 2012
at 08:33
  • msg #605

Re: Theranin


The next couple of days were busy, yet slow, for the sewer-ridden group. Each member had their task or tasks and set about them with gusto and determination, trying to get their share of the work done before The Holy Day of the Inheritor arrived and their work with Degrin would come to a head. During the next two days, both Ikani and Delana appear intermittently between services and to deliver meals but otherwise keep out of the way unless asked for the occasional hand in dealing with their prisoner, finding supplies, or questions about the ceremony arise.

Dale and his new charge Kassadria spend the time getting to know each other a little better, sparring in a recently-found empty room of the sewers as often as their bodies would allow them, often reappearing with bruises and gashes aplenty, smiles on one face and a disappointed face on the other often the indicator on who had been the session's victor. When he wasn't sparring with Kass, Dale was honing his skill with James alone or talking with Gren and Erasmus about their spoils from the infiltration of Arudal's mansion, the latter interjecting distrustful, if not downright dirty, looks in Kassadria's direction between each line. When the two were off sparring though, the cleric of Sarenrae was content to spend his day in prayer or discussing theology with Delana though his subject matter sometimes earned him a raised eyebrow and soft chuckles.

Strange, meanwhile, devotes most of his attention to the periodic interrogation of their captured thieves guild prisoner. In the intervening time, he is able to pry a few things from the mind of the thief though he finds that the man has been well trained in anti-interrogation and reveals little of Vyncent, Arudal, or either of their plans. What he is able to discern is that the man's name is Cassius Erleu and that they had been tracking Gren since he left The Salty Seawife and that other teams had been dispatched to track and capture them as well to the other inns in town. The only reason he was able to glean this information is because Strange was able to goad him into a prideful boast that the thief immediately realized was a slip and had stopped talking for hours after.

Leaving him tied up after that incident, Strange convened with Erasmus, Gren, Dale, and Lorelei with Kass hanging around in the background within view of Dale to go over their spoils. After the rest of the group had gotten settled and drifted off to sleep the first night, Siren had met with Ikani and Delana and left them with a note explaining that she didn't wish to endanger her family who still lived in the city and went to protect them should anyone make the connection between her and them. There had been no correspondance from her since.

Upon performing magical and mundane inspections on the map, documents, and clothing, there are a few things gleamed. First, all three seemed to be related to each other in that they all bore the same sigil that Gren had uncovered in Vyncent's chest earlier the day before though these did not require the same means of activation to appear as the former had. Instead, they seemed to be plainly scribed at the top of each document, emblazoned on the headdress in gold and orange embroidery as well as a pin on the vestments, and upon opening the map and finding it to be a rather vague map of the realm, the sigil glowed a soft orange to the southeast of Theranin on top of a sketch of a mountain labeled Azul Irkul. (OOC: Knowledge: Geography will help gather more information though it requires it to actually be trained. If nobody has it, you may be able to seek out someone who does.)

The documents themselves seem to be encrypted, the combination of words currently doing nothing but confusing the reader and, if it were to be taken literally, asking them to 'make sure they joke with the brown daffodil from the second verse.' Clearly unhelpful. The robe and headdress, despite their gaudy appearance and obvious ritualistic significance emanate no magic, nor do the other two items for that matter, but they do raise some particularly pointed questions about where they came across them from a uncomfortable Ikani. Upon interrogation however, she claims ignorance and retreats to her study above in the cathedral.

And so the days continue on until...


The day of the ceremony starts much like the two before; preparations, strategical planning, and the now expected visit from Ikani and Delana who today are accompanied by three other priestesses of Iomedae carrying trays heaping with omelets, smoked ham, diced potatoes, and a basket of apples; the last a rarity in these colder months. "Eat up. You all have a long day ahead of you and if you are to be prepared for what it holds, you must keep up your strength as well as keep your minds sharp." The three priestesses begin to pass out the food while Delana grabs two servings, bringing one to Erasmus, seating herself next to him with a warm smile.

"Listen closely because I have but time to go over this once; the activities of the day will begin soon. In half an hour's time, there will be a mass service held as we usually hold though we expect more than tripple the parishioners to attend. In respect to the Inheritor, we will not have Lord Degrin make his announcement during the ceremony. After the fact, however, the congregation makes a short pilgrimage to Hartstower Square where I will perform the blessing of the city. It is then that I wish to have Degrin make his revelation. By then, you will need to be in place and ready to protect him. There will be ten priestesses concealed in traveling robes throughout the masses in case Vyncent and his ilk show their faces but they will lack identifying markings and I personally will have to claim ignorance and cannot take part in the fighting unless specifically targeted as I mentioned before."

(OOC: Ok so as quick as possible, I need you guys to flesh out your plan of defense for Degrin. Gren already posted a quick idea which I'll include below for quick access.

Gren Boarshed:
"So I guess we should discuss how the big reveal is going to go down.  I suppose Strange could take to the roof tops and keep an eye out for possible archers.  I too can help pick off ranged attackers if need be.  We'll need a few people sticking close to him, in case more assassins try to sneak up to him.  We already know they like to use poisons, so we need to keep Degrin from food and drink not prepared by us.  Getting from one place to the other could prove the most dangerous.  Perhaps if some hooded monks robes are in order?"

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 180 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sun 28 Oct 2012
at 23:33
  • msg #606

Re: Theranin

Dale pushes the sewer grating up slightly so that only his eyes appear above ground.  Like a ninja turtle.  He waits for the alley to be unobserved, then pushes his way up.  He lets Strange up next so that the gargoyle can find a perch to watch them from.  Then Dale, Kass, Lorelei, and Degrin file out of the alley and into the crowd, all dressed in robes or hats to keep their faces covered.  Luckily, it's still winter and, you know, cold, so that's probably not too odd.

James is strapped to Dale's hip instead of his back, where the distinguishing sword will be less conspicuous.  His crossbow is strapped to the other.  He tries to push his way through the throng without pissing anyone off or losing Degrin.
player, 77 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Mon 29 Oct 2012
at 01:55
  • msg #607

Re: Theranin

Strange will attempt to find some method of climbing up to the rooftops, ideally a ladder or stairs so he doesn't have to rely on his abysmal climbing skills.  Once he's up top he will find an appropriate perch so that he is less visible from below but can still see the staging area where Degrin will speak while still having a decent view over the rooftops in case of any altitudinous threats.  Once so perched he will become still as a statue until such time as he might be required to move again.
player, 20 posts
Melee Fighter
Mon 29 Oct 2012
at 02:51
  • msg #608

Re: Theranin

Unlike the others, Kass was so far unknown to Vyncent's cronies, and thus had the advantage of anonymity. However, unfortunately, she would still have to hide herself, owing to her somewhat unusual appearance. In preparation for the day, she tucked her tail into her belt, wrapped around her body almost twice, and donned the cloak that had kept her nature hidden on the road many a time before. Her rapier is attached to her belt, hanging vertically by her left leg, and her longbow worn on her with the wooden part at her back, the string keeping it diagonally on her, and she's only carrying five arrows. She'd look like just another adventurer, passing through town. She doubted she would be noticed, given that the authorities were actively looking for others. She hoped to take advantage of this fact, and so planned to keep a little bit of distance between herself, Degrin and the others, perhaps enabling her to catch an enemy or two off-guard.

Once Degrin steps up to speak, she'll equip her bow, and if she remains unnoticed, knock an arrow in preparation for the first attacker making their move. Though she preferred to face her enemies in single combat, it seemed unlikely that she would be able to indulge such a luxury against opponents like the ones Dale had described to her. They seemed unlikely to fight fair, and probably had superior numbers as well.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:53, Mon 29 Oct 2012.
player, 113 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Tue 30 Oct 2012
at 12:16
  • msg #609

Re: Theranin

Erasmus and Delana find that they have much to discuss out of the sight of others, much to Ikani's displeasure.  His opportunities for private...discussion...with the priestess are few and far between, though, as he keeps a watchful eye on Kassadria.  That the rest of his companions could be so careless was a testament to the fiend's skill with subterfuge, and the increasing need for his vigilance.

In regards to the Azul Irkul, Erasmus will ask Delana if there are any local monastic orders where perhaps someone could be inquired with about the topic, and goes to visit them and make the appropriate inquiries if such devout exist.

On the holy day, after enjoying his meal with Delana, Erasmus will take to issuing extensive instruction to those companions that will be donning robes and sticking with their charge--Degrin included--on how to properly walk and act as holy men respectfully attending a religious ceremony of another faith that has secular significance.  That way in which one carries themselves so-as to demonstrate their humility whilst also being conspicuous enough so that all who care can tell that you are observing, but not actually participating in the ritual.

Take 20 on disguise check for everyone, total score of 24.
player, 74 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Tue 30 Oct 2012
at 22:04
  • msg #610

Re: Theranin

Lorelei thought the plan seemed reasonable enough, and donned a hooded cloak as she planned to bodyguard Degrin. Her skills where in hand to hand, and didn't excel at ranged. As far as the group went she was likely, in her opinion, one of the better defenders they had for an in close assassination attempt.

For now she would leave her backpack in the sewers to keep her body light and easy to move, nodding to the others with a smile.

"Guess for today, I'm a bodyguard. I doubt they know my face well either..."
Gren Boarshead
player, 207 posts
Wed 31 Oct 2012
at 17:37
  • msg #611

Re: Theranin

There was no way Gren was going to just stand there and wait in the sewers all day.   Covering his features as best he could with a hooded cloak he took to the square.  He found a food vendor nearby trying to sell some sort of grilled meat on a stick.  Gren sat upon the chilly ground next to him and place an empty wooden bowl, which he had kept from breakfast in front of him.  Squatting he hoped not to appear quite as large.  When Degrin gave his speach this is where the crowd would gather.
Gren flashed the vendor an intimidating glare to keep him from complaining about his presence.
DM Visceri
GM, 397 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 1 Nov 2012
at 11:14
  • msg #612

Re: Theranin

As the day progresses, the time comes where the group is finally able to postion themselves around the square as the Iomedaeic patrons finish their service and begin to make their way to Hartstower Square. The square itself plays host to a large ornamental building, one of the oldest structures any of the members have seen in the city, it's stone exterior chipped and weather worn and some of its decorations missing from years of war or exposure. Lucky for Strange, the corners of the building play host to stone gargoyles such as himself and after some tricky maneuvering and stealthy tricks, he is able to get himself up onto the roof and take the place of one of the statues that has crumbled away or been removed since its construction.

In the Square itself, a slightly raised platform decorated the middle of the gathering area with a five sided pool of crystal-clear blue water at its center, itself a meeting point for various groups of people. Erasmus and Delana are positioned at the tip of the pool below the ornate building where she has indicated the speech will take place. Dale and Kass are mixed in with the crowd nearby on the platform as well, hoods drawn and eyes scanning for threats, occasionally meeting each others gaze through the growing throng to make sure the other hadn't spotted anything yet. To the south were a handful of vendors outside a building easily identifiable as the inn 'Walking the Whiskey' which portrayed a pot-bellied man attempting to run with a keg of what is presumably whiskey under one arm. There is a vendor selling fruits, one selling meat products, which Gren had placed himself in front of, a well endowed kabob in one hand, one selling flowers, and the final selling trinkets of a questionable value.

It seemed that the crowd had fully gathered by the time that the old oak doors opened on the balcony of the ornate building, letting Ikani and Lorelei as well as a duo of the town's guard out onto the wooden platform. Lorelei looked around anxiously, acting as a body guard for Ikani though really her duty was to Degrin who was just inside the doors, out of sight and waiting for his cue to speak. As Ikani moved to the railing, some of the nearer group members who had been with the group since the captain of the guard issued them their charge in the first place, checked the supports for sabotage. Finding none, they settle in to lo Ikani's speech.

"Welcome to those who are just joining the celebration of The Holy Day of the Inheritor now and it pleases me to see those of you who have made the trek from the temple grounds once again." Taking a moment to let the cheering and clapping die down from the crowd, she continues on, a little more temperance in her voice at the prospect of what is soon to come, "Iomedae has long been known as the shining beacon of virtue, honor, and above all, justice. I admit that I come before you today with a burdened heart that longs for the cleansing that only justice can bring. I would like nothing more than to recite the annual Blessing of the Hearth but I cannot in good conscious issue a blessing based in Iomedae's values when there exists a problem so important to our fair city!" At this, there are a lot of uneasy murmurings and worried glances between the townsfolk and even some of the guards who are providing security for the event. "Fear not though faithful servants! There is one that would speak out against such injustice and right the wrongs that have been done us!"

Ikani turns with an outstretched hand towards Degrin's position just inside the door. Acting on his cue, the politician steps up to the railing to a series of surprised gasps and a hum of whispering that those in the crowd can summarize as surprise that the man is still alive after his disappearance some days earlier during the confusion of the assassination of Wulfa. Raising his hands for quiet, and receiving it in turn, Degrin turns on his charisma as a politician and begins. "Friends and countrymen, I do indeed bring sad tidings to you today. But as the honorable Mother says, worry not for there is something you can do about it! That we all can do about it! You may have been told that a band of assassins was responsible for the late Lord Wulfa's untimely death. This is a bold-faced lie crafted by those who would see you and I made the fool in order to seize the city by it's neck and choke the life out of it for their own profit! I speak of none other than the Thieves Guild and their master Vyncent Lacio!"

Utterly shocked gasps rip through the crowd from almost every throat...almost. Those in the crowd can see a handful of commoners who don't react in the slightest to the news. They simply watch the politician intensely, drawn to every word he says
as if the next would yet issue some other ultimate secret. Speaking over the now lively crowd who are unable to be tamed at this point, Degrin attempts to get in his proof before they tune him out completely, "I was held prisoner after the assassination along with my nephew Lord Studard and I was made to watch as that despicable man ended his life. It was only thanks to the so-called band of assassins that were charged with the misdeeds of the day that I escaped with my life. But he is not alone in his plotting to take the city from us! No! We uncovered that Lacio, for he is no lord in my eyes, is in allegian-"

"ENOUGH!" comes the roar of anger from near the back of the crowd as one of the men in attendance rips back his hood from his head to reveal none other than the man himself standing before the pool of water in all his infamous glory. "What is this distasteful political ploy you attempt to poison the minds of our fair citizens with? I have nothing but the utmost respect for the city and her people and find your accusations lack tangible proof other than your own say-so and, I would go so far as to say, show a lack of moral fiber on your part! A band of assassins the heroes? Myself, a prominent politician, leader of the Thieves Guild? Hogwash!" At his reveal, the citizens were ready to pounce him and drag him to a public hanging but now it seems that none are as eager as the words ring with a certain undeniable logic. Instead, many stand around looking between the two men, unsure of what they should think.

A knowing grin dawns on Degrin's somewhat pale face at the challenge for proof, "If it is proof you desire, then ladies and gentlemen, besides eyewitness accounts of the incident I have described, may I present you with documents recovered from his own mansion storeroom ordering the sabotage of the speaking platform Lord Wulfa was killed by falling off of, addressed to the Thieves Guild as the headmaster! His seal adorns the page!" From his robes, he produces a folded piece of thick yellow paper which unfurls in his hand, a red wax impression of a seal in the bottom corner of the document. One of the guards moves close to examine the document before announcing, "It be true! His sign does indeed show!" and as he does, the crowd seems to be back in the mindset of desiring to lynch the man on the spot as the beginning of mob mentality begins to surface as insults and threats are thrown at Vyncent who's face drains of all color.

The guards in the crowd all turn to face the rogue politician and lower their spears in his direction. One rather brawny civilian takes it into his own hands to try and end his existence and snatches the nearest guard's spear and in the same motion, hurls it at Vyncent's back. Just before it hits, the townsperson standing next to Vyncent, one of those who had not reacted to the news of the man's betrayal, brandishes a longsword and deflects the weapon out of the air, his hood falling down to reveal the black mask of the Thieves Guild. Hearing the clang of the weapons, Vyncent jerks around and sneers at the situation, knowing his deception is no longer maintainable. "FINE! You wish to cross the Thieves Guild and test our true might?! So be it! If I am to go down, I will bring you with me to hell!" Throwing off his cloak, Vyncent appears with a silver rapier in one hand and a jagged dagger in the other as the cloak flutters to the ground. Likewise, those in the crowd of a similar description to the man who deflected the spear discard their disguises and brandish their weapons, squaring off with the nearest guard. In addition, the rooftops suddenly come alive with activity as archers leap from their hiding places and nock arrows in their bows. "KILL THEM ALL!"

(OOC: Yippee Kay Yay! Initiative and actions everyone! Shit's about to go down!)

1 = Degrin
2 = Ikani
3 = Delana
4 = Priestess of Iomedae

5 = Town Guard
6 = Townsperson

7 = Thieves Guild Rogue
8 = Thieves Guild Archer
9 = Vyncent Lacio

(To make the Town Guard a little easier to pick out, they are double placed resulting in the square mark in the top right corner)
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:01, Sun 04 Nov 2012.
player, 23 posts
Melee Fighter
Thu 1 Nov 2012
at 12:18
  • msg #613

Re: Theranin

Initiative: 25. Will any of us get a surprise round or anything like this, since so far we don't appear to have been spotted?

Kassadria, like most others, was watching Vyncent, but as the thieves started to emerge all around them in the crowd, she glanced over at the stage where Degrin stood. Above and behind them, two thieves had emerged from hiding places on the roof. Without hesitation, she readied her bow and knocked an arrow, as Vyncent ordered them to attack.

Unaware or uncaring about whether or not she was seen, now, she knew that those archers had an extremely advantageous position and had to be dealt with. Kass pulled back her drawstring horizontally, lifting the bow up to an almost perfectly vertical position and with the tell-tale 'twang' of the bow-string returning, let fly an arrow towards the nearest of the two on that roof.

Position: M16
Move action: Draw bow
Standard action: Ranged attack
Target: Thief Archer at E8 (because he is elevated, I'm assuming that there are no issues of line-of-sight. If there are, I'll target the archer at T9 instead.)
Attack: 17
Damage: 3

Gren Boarshead
player, 208 posts
Thu 1 Nov 2012
at 19:36
  • msg #614

Re: Theranin

As soon as Gren heard Vyncent's voice he sneared.  He struggled to draw a javelin underneith the large hooded cloak, letting out a few whispered curses in the tongue of the giants.  He then withdrew one of the vials that they retrieved from Vyncent's own chest.  "Gonna give 'em a taste of his own medicine," he mutterred as he poured the dark,thick, viscous, fluid over the end of an iron javelin.

As Vyncent's minnions began to reveal themselves, Gren's attention was drawn to the roof tops.  He knew it would be wisest to take out the archers first, but his hatred from Vyncent drew too much of his ire.  "Ekirts eurt," he enchanted.  Familiar lines of ley line power, visible only to those that could perceive magic, ran from the tip of the javelin to Vyncent's back.  Gren seemed to hesitate as if he were doubting his choice of target.

Cast True Strike on poisoned javelin.
Initiative 4

player, 75 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Thu 1 Nov 2012
at 19:57
  • msg #615

Re: Theranin

Lorelei frowned watching the back and forth between Vyncent and Degrin after the initial murmurings. She was glad he hadn't been caught before this, but had a feeling shit was going to hit the fan... and.. yup, there it went. It was obvious by the guards crying of the documents truth that a battle was imminent. As thieves began to brandish weapons, Lorelei fingered one of the daggers on her belt. Her job was body guard today and while she could fight best in melee combat, she didn't think leaving Degrin to be murdered would go over well with the others.

As the 'brawl' engaged she calmly stepped forward from behind him, to beside him. Motioning back inside towards the building she flashed him a light smile as she almost absently threw her Dagger. A backwards flick of her hand as she launched it in a whistling arc at the nearest rogue, turning eyes firmly to Degrin.

"I suggest you get out of archer view..." She murmured softly before flicking her view back and across the plaza to the two archers obviously standing upon the building with perfect view of Degrin.

Move: 5ft Step from F5 to G4
Standard: Throw Dagger (Hits AC 19 for 6 Damage)

12:53, Today: Lorelei rolled 6 using 1d4+4. Dagger's sting.
12:52, Today: Lorelei rolled 19 using 1d20+3. Ranged Attack at Thief (J2).
12:52, Today: Lorelei rolled 5 using 1d20+3. Initiative.

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 181 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Thu 1 Nov 2012
at 22:16
  • msg #616

Re: Theranin

Well, it's about time, James comments dryly.  For once, Dale agrees.

Dale casts shield on himself and draws the sword at his hip.  He'd rather go after Vyncent, but his job is to protect Degrin.  So thief rogue it is.

Initiative: 11
Move action: draw sword
Standard action: cast shield
AC 20, HP 10/10

This message was last edited by the player at 22:17, Thu 01 Nov 2012.
player, 79 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Fri 2 Nov 2012
at 04:06
  • msg #617

Re: Theranin

Having watched and listened carefully during the gathering of the crowd Strange knew that there was somebody nearby.  The only people who had any business on these rooftops were the bad guys, unless the city watch had the foresight to post archers, and they had no reason to do that.  He mentally cursed himself for not thinking of that beforehand - certainly guards on the rooftops would make things much easier for him now.  He takes a deep breath as he begins to move again, taking it slow at first as he turns toward the ledge just next to him and grabs it with his hand, beginning to shimmy along as quietly as possible until he is just below where the thief is.  With a sudden turn of speed he hoists himself up into view, grabs for the man's shirt in an attempt to pull him over the parapet and drop him to the ground below.

Move Action: Half-speed stealth move to H-18
Standard Action: Combat Maneuver - Reposition on thief at G-18
21:05, Today: Strange rolled 17 using 1d20+9. Stealth.
21:02, Today: Strange rolled 16 using 1d20+2. Combat Maneuver - Reposition.

player, 115 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Fri 2 Nov 2012
at 12:07
  • msg #618

Re: Theranin

A cold part of Erasmus' mind was impressed, that Vyncent had such sway over a band of robbers that he could turn them to wanton slaughter, it was a feat of personality that even Erasmus himself doubted he could replicate, were his moral compass to permit such a pursuit.  He continued to stare about what was going on, silently cursing himself for not having thoguh to position the party members such that they could take Vyncent hostage and thus turn back his forces.  Why did he not think that the vile man would be expecting something like this, and be so well prepared to fight back?

Turning to Delana he says something along the lines of "If we subdue Vyncent, perhaps his men will falter.", indicating that the two of them ought to move to rush the thieves guild leader.

07:57, Today: Erasmus rolled 1 using 1d20-2. Initiative.

First actions will be to keep pace with Delana, and cast Cause Fear on the first thieves guild member that looks to try to stop us.

DM Visceri
GM, 403 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sat 3 Nov 2012
at 06:40
  • msg #619

Re: Theranin

The crowd scatters. Men, women, and children flee in every direction, suddenly the focus of a handful of murderous individuals in the crowd. A few go down with gashes but the town guard reacts quickly and begins to match them man for man, allowing the citizens to escape down the street or into the back allies. Hits are scored on both sides and the battle is joined. Hoods collectively up, the entire group seems to be mistaken for simply more commoners and is pain no more attention than any other fleeing plebeian with the exception of Lorelei who is targeted solely for being too close to Degrin. The two archers above take aim at those on the balcony and fire, an arrow embedding itself in the deck next to one guard who was quick on his feet and another gashing the other guard's arm before veering off.

Moving to the railing and flicking a dagger at a nearby thief on the ground, sticking him in the left shoulder, Lorelei looks to Degrin's safety with the archers beginning to nock their bows again. "I suggest you get out of archer view..." she says ushering him inside as the archers across the square take aim. "Keep them out of the building, I'll guard him for now," Ikani says as she unsheathes her scimitar and dashes inside, shutting the doors behind her just as two arrows embed themselves in the wood.

On the other side of the rooftop, an archer moves into position and fires a shot into the crowd with a chuckle as his arrow finds a mark. His chuckle suddenly stops though as the statue in front of him suddenly turns around and grabs him by the collar. Eyes wide with fear and frozen in place in disbelief, the archer is helpless as Strange yanks the man over the side, screaming the whole way down where he lands with a sickening thud. The two citizens who the thief landed between both let out screams and jump back from the dead body.

Down on ground level, Kass whips back her cloak, bow already in hand, and quickly nocks and fires off an arrow towards the roof-bound archer. The arrow nicks his side, resulting in a bloody gash in his clothing but he stands strong on his position. Nearby, her sparring partner unsheathes James and casts a spell that creates an arcane shield around himself as he looks towards the nearest thief. Keeping with the spell caster theme, Gren tests the heft of his poison-coated spear in his hands that he had prepared during the politicians' back-and-forth. "Gonna give 'em a taste of his own medicine," he mutters as he casts a familiar spell on himself, "Ekirts eurt," connecting him and Vyncent with the magical guidelines that would connect spear to villain; a villain who was on the move.

Taking the dagger from his offhand, Vyncent flips it in his hand to hold the blade, draws it over his shoulder, and throws it head over haft directly into a nearby town guard's chest, killing him instantly, his heart pierced by the blade. Seeing this from across the pool, Erasmus turns to Delana, "If we subdue Vyncent, perhaps his men will falter." The priestess nods, "Indeed. Follow close."The two begin to run around the pool and as they come upon a thief and a guard fighting, Delana makes to assist him until Erasmus hold his arm in front of her to stop her. Quickly chanting a few words, the thief's pupils dilate and he is suddenly struck with terror as he stares down the cleric. Dropping his weapon, he turns on his heel and flees at full speed down the road until he rounds the corner out of sight.

The rest of the thieves continue their attacks, dealing a couple of fatal wounds to the less combat experienced guards while sustaining a fatality of their own as one of the hidden priestesses takes the opportunity presented by Lorelei's dagger to skewer the man through the heart. The archers above the balcony fire at Lorelei but the monk dodges out of the way of the bolts; a feat considering how close they are to her. The archers across the way though take aim and both deal fatal blows to the guards accompanying the monk, leaving her alone on the balcony now. So far, the battle seems to be going slightly in the Thieves Guild's favor and Vyncent seems to know it.

Initiative Order
26 Thieves
25 Kass
19 Strange
18 Vyncent
11 Dale
  9 Town Guard
  6 Ikani
  5 Lorelei
  4 Gren
  3 Degrin
  2 Delana
  1 Erasmus

Cumulative Statuses
Dale: Full HP
Erasmus: Full HP
Gren: Full HP
Kass: Full HP
Lorelei: Full HP
Strange: Full HP

Degrin: Full HP
Delana: Full HP
Ikani: Full HP

Vyncent: Full HP

This message was last edited by the GM at 05:01, Sun 04 Nov 2012.
player, 26 posts
Melee Fighter
Sun 4 Nov 2012
at 01:11
  • msg #620

Re: Theranin

A quick glance around confirms that the element of surprise seemed to have worked in the Thieves' Guild's favour, but that somehow, despite attacking one of the thieves, Kass had managed to avoid attracting any unwanted attention. Fine by her...

She took aim and fired another arrow at the same archer, the one she had only wounded, and seeing the trouble that the guardsmen appeared to be in, rather than continuing to pick off the archers on the rooftops, elected to join in the melee. She dropped her bow and drew her rapier as she moved to the nearest thief, who was currently fighting off two guards, having already defeated one.

Standard action: Attack Archer at E8
01:03, Today: Kassadria rolled 7 using 1d8. damage.
01:03, Today: Kassadria rolled 18 using 1d20+5. attack thief archer.
Free action: Drop longbow at M16
Move action: Draw rapier and move to M18 (to provide flanking for the guardsmen)

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 183 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sun 4 Nov 2012
at 03:06
  • msg #621

Re: Theranin

Dale spots the nearest thief in combat with one of the city guards and decides to lend a hand.  Thank Shelyn, too.  All this hiding and sneaking around as not been good for his blood pressure.  Today's a day of carnage.

Dale feels James grin in agreement, and together they slaughter their target.

Swift action: activate arcane point for 1 minute
Charge H9: 25 attack, 11 damage
AC 18, HP 10/10

player, 80 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Sun 4 Nov 2012
at 03:27
  • msg #622

Re: Theranin

Oddly surprised at the ease with which he dispatched the hapless thief Strange takes a moment to peer down at the fellow's body, a rather twisted grin on his gruesome visage.  As he looks around he notices two more thieves atop a different part of the roof and begins to make his way stealthily towards them, hoping that he can arrange yet another deadly meeting between a thief and some cobblestones.

20:26, Today: Strange rolled 13 using 1d20+9. Stealth - 1st round.
20:26, Today: Strange rolled 29 using 1d20+9. Stealth - 2nd round.

player, 77 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Sun 4 Nov 2012
at 03:53
  • msg #623

Re: Theranin

Lorelei quirked a brow and gave a cheerful nod seeing the priestess finish off the Thief before it began raining arrows upon her. A light sidestep this way, a sashay that, and a scowl was all the hint she had even been fired at. But now the archers on the rooftops above her had very firmly garnered her attention. Quickly she considered and dismissed climbing the walls to go after them much as She had seen strange do from the corner of her eye. Well, she wasn't a rogue per say but the girl did carry a few daggers. Just in case of course, a girl could never be too careful could she? Absently she slipped a dagger from her belt and seemed to judge the Angle for a second before.... Ah, the sweet spot. She launched her dagger straight at one of the Archers faces, peering over the edge down at her.

"Jerk" She absently mumbled.

Move: Draw Dagger
Standard: Dagger vs E3 Archer (Critical Hit? for 16 Damage, If non-critical its 8)

20:46, Today: Lorelei rolled 8 using 1d4+4. Dagger (Critical x2).
20:45, Today: Lorelei rolled 18 using 1d20+3. Dagger vs Archer, Critical Confirm.
20:45, Today: Lorelei rolled 23 using 1d20+3. Dagger vs Archer at E3.

Gren Boarshead
player, 211 posts
Sun 4 Nov 2012
at 14:47
  • msg #624

Re: Theranin

It seemed Gren had yet to be noticed; just another begger in the crowd.  That was until he stood his full height and tossed one corner of his cloak over his shoulder.  His cold iron javelin coated in Vyncent's own poison was revealed.  Gren gave a wicked grin and hurled the weapon with the strength of a giant.  "Let's see how you like being stabbed in the back you cur!" he called out knowing his aim, which was magically enhanced, would be true.  Gren loved the irony.  ~Poisoned by his own poison,~ he thought.

Still aware of the danger from above, he quickly drew another javelin.  This time a lighter wooden one.

True Strike, 22 to hit.
07:42, Today: Gren Boarshead rolled 14 using 1d8+8. damage.

player, 116 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Mon 5 Nov 2012
at 18:43
  • msg #625

Re: Theranin

Erasmus points ahead of the three of them--himself, the guard, and Delana--to R9, saying to the guard "The priestess!" and giving no further explanation, hoping the meaning was self evident.  Then, quickly, to Delana he utters another prayer on her without explanation, expecting that she would know what it is, what it meant, and what to do with it, before moving to keep pace with the guard, hoping that the two of them and the priestess could fell the thief before them in time to assist Delana with Vyncent

Standard Action: Cast Sanctuary on Delana so that she can get directly to Vyncent without provoking attacks of opportunity or counter attacks.
Move Action: Keep pace with the guard, to a flanking position for either the guard or the priestess if possible.

DM Visceri
GM, 408 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 6 Nov 2012
at 00:56
  • msg #626

Re: Theranin

By now, all the citizens that had been present for the festival have scattered; some fleeing down side streets, others into the nearby buildings, and it looks that a few even fled to the sewer entrance that the group had emerged from as a last-ditch effort to hide themselves from harm. Her line of sight now clearer than ever, Kass enjoys the anonymity the crowd had afforded her with her last shot and takes another one at the archer perched above Lorelei, embedding an arrow in his chest, causing him to fall from the high rooftop to his demise. Pleased with her shot, she drops the bow and unsheathes her rapier to provide support for the nearby guardsmen. With one of the topside archers dispatched, Lorelei frowns as she removes another dagger from her belt and flicks it deftly and with deadly accuracy right into the bowman's left eye, killing him instantly. "Jerk," she mutters as she turns her attention to the rest of the fighting.

Strange, who had been trying to stealthily make his way behind the two archers, seeing them dead, abandons his creeping in favor of an all out effort to move above the balcony to make sure there are no additional reinforcements nearby. 

A cruel smile on his face at the misfortune of the guard at the other end of his dagger, Vyncent looks around the area for a new target. It is then that he finally sees the hulking mass of anger that is currently aiming a dripping green javelin at him and the smile vanishes off his face faster than water off a hot stove. Turning to looks for a flight path, he realizes that his mobility options are limited by his cronies on either side. "Let's see how you like being stabbed in the back you cur!" Gren roars as he hurls the javelin unerringly at the master thief. Striking him in the lower back, the man howls out in pain and both of his attendants turn from their fights for a moment before the priestesses force their attention back on them. "You…You'll pay for that you inbred cur!" Rolling up one sleeve violently, ripping the expensive fabric in the process, a glowing orange rune reveals itself to be burned into Vyncent's forearm. Gren immediately recognizes it as the rune from the papers he found in the politician's office as well as the documents, maps, and regalia recovered from Arudal's mansion. "VYNCENT, DON'T YOU DARE!" calls out a voice who's owner tickles the back of your minds without really identifying him. The voice seems to be coming from somewhere inside the building where Degrin is currently hiding. Vyncent turns in that direction momentarily and sneers, instead pulling a vial from his coat and downing the contents hurriedly with one hand while pulling the javelin out of his back with the other as the wound begins to close.

The archer on the roof nearby, calls out to his ally and points towards Gren. The second man comes vaulting over the top of the roof and both nock arrows, sending them flying in the half-ogre's direction. The first arrow hits Gren in the arm before he gets the chance to duck but once he does so, the second embeds itself in a flank of ham sitting on the table behind him. That one would have hurt, he decides, seeing it made its way almost down to the plumage into the pork.

Dale, glad to be done with the subterfuge enacted in the last few days, bolts toward a thief who seems to be just about to finish off a guard and, catching the man in his final stroke that would finish off the guard, decapitates him, leaving the man's arms outstretched as his body falls to the ground in a heap. The guard, wounded but alive, nods his head in thanks, a bit shocked at the scene. The rest of the guards and the priestesses make headway in the fight against the Thieves Guild, downing a few more of their ranks with minimal injuries on their side. One of the thieves does note Kass's movement and delivers a bloody slice across the tiefling's knees with a backhanded slash.

Erasmus sees the path they must take to accomplish the goals and, encompassing the nearby guard in his plan, calls out a one word command, "The priestess!" Training taking over, the guard nods and follows Erasmus to assist the priestess who had just taken a rather hefty wound to her sword arm. The guard scores a minor hit, a scratch really, on the thief who turns his attention to the man instead of the wounded priestess. "Take that cretin!" he calls out triumphantly as he prepares to attack again. Having cast a blessing on Delana, her eyes narrow at the implication but she nods and takes off in a dead run past the guard, past the thief, and taking a running jump off of the pool's edge, launches herself in the air with a battle cry, catching Vyncent in the side and wrestling him to the ground where a scuffle to see who could pin who down ensues.

Initiative Order
25 Kass
19 Strange
18 Vyncent
11 Dale
  9 Town Guard
  8 Priestesses of Iomedae
  6 Ikani
  5 Lorelei
  4 Gren
  3 Degrin
  2 Delana
  1 Erasmus
26 Thieves

Cumulative Statuses
Dale: Full HP
Erasmus: Full HP
Gren: -2 HP
Kass: -5 HP
Lorelei: Full HP
Strange: Full HP

Degrin: Full HP
Delana: Full HP
Ikani: Full HP

Vyncent: -5 HP + Poisoned

This message was last edited by the GM at 02:42, Tue 06 Nov 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 185 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Tue 6 Nov 2012
at 01:31
  • msg #627

Re: Theranin

That's a lot of bad guys down in one go.  Dale spins around to see who's left.  He hears Vyncent shouting, then someone shouting at Vyncent, but misses the part where the villain's healing himself.  Still, "don't you dare" is usually bad.  Dale should probably head in that direction.  But first, shoot the bad guy.

Dale fires magic missile at Vyncent and then runs towards the cluster of enemies.

Standard action: cast magic missile for 2 damage (lame)
Move action: move to N7
AC 20, HP 10/10

player, 28 posts
Melee Fighter
Tue 6 Nov 2012
at 01:38
  • msg #628

Re: Theranin

OOC: Melee combatants suck until we get our second attack. :( One bad roll and my turn is thrown away!

With her target now surrounded and in melee, Kassadria stabs at the man with her rapier. Although she missed, she certainly would have created an opportunity for the guardsmen to land a blow or two, hopefully sealing the criminal's fate.

You rolled 9 using 1d20+7 ((2)). <- That includes flanking bonus. Unless the thief has paper armour and negative Dex, I missed.

This message was last edited by the player at 01:39, Tue 06 Nov 2012.
player, 81 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Tue 6 Nov 2012
at 04:59
  • msg #629

Re: Theranin

Staring down at the battlefield from above Strange is both intrigued and disturbed by the strange voice coming from the building below him, "Unaccountable voices.. hmm.. rarely a good thing."  He takes a daring leap from the rooftop down to the raised platform where Lorelei guards the door, flaring his wings and attempting to roll as he lands in order to avoid taking damage.  He turns to his rapier-wielding ally, "Accompany me inside - something is amiss," he says abruptly before yanking the door open and hurrying in.

Move Action: Leap from rooftop using wings and acrobatics skill to avoid/minimize damage.  (Roll: 20:58, Today: Strange rolled 12 using 1d20+7. Acrobatics.)
Standard Action: Using as extra move action, opening door and entering.
Free: Speaking.

Gren Boarshead
player, 212 posts
Tue 6 Nov 2012
at 15:08
  • msg #630

Re: Theranin

With the notice of two archers upon him now, Gren's first reaction was to cast a shielding spell on himself to protect him from harm.  But he didn't.  The Half-ogre was obviously not used to being a sorcerer yet.  He was still too inexperienced and his brutal warrior-life life among the tribes showed as he popped up from concealment just long enough to launch his javelin at one of the archers.  He then quickly ducked back down.  One good hit from an arrow and he was good as dead.  At least Eramus was nearby.

He winced a little as it seemed the javelin was going to rebound off the edge of the roof.  Still, there was a chance that it could strike an archer in the inner leg if reflected right.

08:01, Today: Gren Boarshead rolled 7 using 1d8+5. damage.
08:00, Today: Gren Boarshead rolled 16 using 1d20+2. attack.

player, 81 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Tue 6 Nov 2012
at 16:58
  • msg #631

Re: Theranin

Even as Strange yanked the doors open, A small brunette blur slipped in through them. Like her Roguish companion those noises had after a moment set off a warning sign. Outside of defeating Vyncent after all, she had chosen a guarding position and thieves had a way of getting into places they really should not be in. Her eyes flashed about as she took in the room before her.
DM Visceri
GM, 413 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Thu 8 Nov 2012
at 08:51
  • msg #632

Re: Theranin

Seeing the ruckus between a good deal of the party and Vyncent at the other end of the square, Dale feels inclined to join in the fray. Jogging into range, he fires off an arcane missile at Vyncent with Delana currently tacking him to the ground, it only connects with a small part of his shoulder, not even eliciting a response from the man. Delana, on the other hand, gets an earful, "Get off me whore of Iomedae!" It turns out to be the wrong thing to say though as not only Delana, but the two nearby priestesses as well, yell out in anger and redouble their efforts; each of the priestesses putting their respective thieves hard on the defensive. Delana, now on top of Vyncent and pinning one of his arms to the ground, brings back a gauntleted hand and punches him square in the face, breaking his nose, resulting in a stream of blood. Kicking out at Delana, Vyncent attempts to escape the priestess's grasp, a fact that does not go unnoticed to Erasmus who fills his voice with divine authority, "Submit!" he calls out as the master thief goes limp though his eyes widen in surprise at his own body's actions. The town guard seems to have the advantage now as well as they down yet another thief and injure another two further.

Still taking cover behind the flower stand, Gren grabs another of his javelins and makes a hasty throw up towards the roof before returning to cover. The look on his face bespoke disappointment in the power and aim of his throw but as the cry of one of the archers rang out, he looked up surprised to see his javelin sticking out of the man's gut as he fell off the roof. Perhaps he misjudged his own strength?

The remaining thieves fight back against the defenders, their numbers may have begun to wane but with the amount of injuries they throw out, it is obvious that they are intent on doing as much damage as they can while they still can. The one fighting with Kass turns and, seeing the desperation of his situation, charges her and brings his blade into her stomach up to the hilt! Kass's eyes dim slightly upon the attack and she stumbles backwards a step and drops to the ground.

Meanwhile up on the building, "Unaccountable voices.. hmm.. rarely a good thing," Strange mumbles as he takes a flying leap akin to a giant predatory bird as he unfurls his wings to slow his descent. The landing is a bit hard, splintering a couple of the boards that make up the balcony but he lands otherwise unharmed. "Accompany me inside - something is amiss," Grasping the handles and yanking the door open, Lorelei wastes no time and dives forward into the room to find Degrin sprawled out on his rear in the back of the room, shaken but unharmed with Ikani in front of him. Between the two and Strange and Lorelei though are yet another handful of thieves and the man that only they would recognize as Arudal himself. At the intrusion, Arudal spins around. A wave of his hand and two of the thieves break off to attack.

Lorelei responds with a quick snap kick towards the first thief in range though he dodges fairly easy and retorts with a slash that she almost completely dodges save for a small scratch across her cheek. The second rogue moves in to attack but the monk easily ducks under the wild swing. "They're trying to silence Degrin! Don't give them the chance!" she calls out seeing Lorelei and Strange enter all the while stuck on the defensive against the pair of thieves. "Give him to us quietly and we will keep him alive away from the public eye. Resist, and I will have no choice but to have to kill you all. The choice is yours." Arudal speaks slowly and nonchalantly, as if there wasn't a battle raging outside or a holdout in the room with him. The only sign of discomfort, if it could be called that, was his continual rubbing of the inside of his right forearm.

Initiative Order
25 Kass
19 Strange
18 Vyncent
11 Dale
  9 Town Guard
  8 Priestesses of Iomedae
  6 Ikani
  5 Lorelei
  4 Gren + Arudal
  3 Degrin
  2 Delana
  1 Erasmus
26 Thieves

Cumulative Statuses
Dale: Full HP
Erasmus: Full HP
Gren: -2 HP
Kass: -13 HP + Dying
Lorelei: -1 HP
Strange: Full HP

Degrin: Full HP
Delana: Full HP
Ikani: Full HP

Vyncent: -9 HP + Poisoned
Arudal: Full HP

This message was last edited by the GM at 08:53, Thu 08 Nov 2012.
player, 82 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Thu 8 Nov 2012
at 09:29
  • msg #633

Re: Theranin

The glowing red orbs of his eyes narrow to slits as he spots Arudal.  He knows that he should warn the others outside but an idea enters his head and stops him from calling out the door - besides, they will note the absence of he and Lorelei soon enough...

He steps forward into the room, slowly circling to the left as he speaks, adopting a similar tone of nonchalance as he speaks, oddly lacking the characteristic pauses of his normal conversational tones, "Ah, Arudal, we had been wondering when you would slither out of the woodwork.  We know what you have gotten yourself involved in.  Vyncent and his men are even now dying in the square.  It will only be mere moments before the guards and our companions arrive.  Do you think you can kill us by then?  Consider your position carefully now.  We have your documents linking you to Vyncent.  Even if you kill Degrin here you heard his speech in the square - you are ruined and your plan is finished.  It does not have to be this way.  Help us kill these men," he gestures towards the nearest thief, "and perhaps I can convince Degrin here to keep your secret and let you live your days out comfortably in that lovely manor of yours rather than in a pitch black cell.  Think.. and think carefully.."

Move Action: M-8 to H-5
Standard Action: Total Defense (+4 to AC)
Free: Speak + Intimidation attempt. (Roll: 01:27, Today: Strange rolled 23 using 1d20+3. intimidate. AWWW YEEAAAAH NAT 20)

This message was last edited by the player at 09:30, Thu 08 Nov 2012.
player, 118 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Thu 8 Nov 2012
at 12:45
  • msg #634

Re: Theranin

If they were going to get the guild to stop, capturing Vyncent was their best bet. So, feeling the thief before him was handled, Erasmus moves to assist the priestess with the thief standing his ground by Vyncent, lashing out somewhat ineffectually in an attempt to make things more difficult for the man.

Move: Withdraw to S12
Standard: Aid another to reduce R13 AC

07:43, Today: Erasmus rolled 9 using 1d20-2. Aid Another: Reduce R13 AC.

player, 32 posts
Melee Fighter
Thu 8 Nov 2012
at 23:22
  • msg #635

Re: Theranin

Despite being stabbed unconscious a moment before, apparently Kass had been healed by the nearby priestess and the nasty bugger that tried to gut the poor Tiefling had received his just desserts at the hands of the guardsmen. About time. She stood up in time to relish the last gurgles of life from the sneaky bastard.

Since she was still wounded, and very much not in the mood for charging back into the melee, having been pretty effectively cut up by a surprisingly well trained thief, she walked back over to her bow, replaced her rapier at her hip and looked for another target as she reached down to pick up her safer, ranged weapon.

Move action: Stand up from prone.
Standard action: Move back to M16 and pick up her bow on the ground there.

player, 83 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Fri 9 Nov 2012
at 01:27
  • msg #636

Re: Theranin

Lorelei absently brushed fingers across her cheek noting the blood as her eyes narrow sharply. It seems she didn't appreciate being hurt as she clenched her hand up tightly, staring down the two rogues with a dark look. Her fist rocked out suddenly, no warning or coiling of her body as she backhanded him sharply across the cheek. The whistling impact as well as the sudden impact erupting in pure fire seemed to show just how little she liked it, rocking the Rogue's head sharply to the side.

Standard: Basic Attack w/ Elemental Fist vs F7, Hits for 8+5
Move/Free: Intimidate Aid for Strange, Fails

18:24, Today: Lorelei rolled 9 using 1d20+5. Critical Confirm.
18:23, Today: Lorelei rolled 7 using 1d20. Intimidate Attempt, Aid Another.
18:22, Today: Lorelei rolled 8 using 1d6+4. Unarmed Damage x2.
18:22, Today: Lorelei rolled 5 using 1d6. Elemental Fist Damage, Fire.
18:22, Today: Lorelei rolled 25 using 1d20+5. Flaming Attack vs F7.

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 186 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 9 Nov 2012
at 16:25
  • msg #637

Re: Theranin

Completely oblivious to the scariness going on inside or Kass' impending death, Dale continues onto the nearest thief and helps to finish him off.

Dale moves to Q8
Attack 22 on R9, 8 damage
AC 20, HP 10/10

Gren Boarshead
player, 215 posts
Sat 10 Nov 2012
at 00:19
  • msg #638

Re: Theranin

Gren felt pinned.  He didn't want to chance another foray from behind the vendor stand with the archer waiting above.  When he spotted Kassandria readying her bow and looking for a target he made up his mind.  Rather than ready another javelin, his fingers danced in the air in front of him weaving mana together to form a protective shield.

If she killed the archer, he would go after Vyncent.  If not, then he would try for the roof top assassin next.

Casts Shield
DM Visceri
GM, 415 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sat 10 Nov 2012
at 05:30
  • msg #639

Re: Theranin

As Kass's vision begins to blur and he mind begins to slip away, suddenly a fiery warmth fills her chest and a hand presses itself against her back. snapping to from the brink of death, she turns to find one of the priestesses, hand glowing golden, standing over her, administering aid. Nearby, the town guard members that accompanied her surround the thief and the four of them bring him down with a barrage of sword thrusts. "Can you stand?" the priestess asks, offering her free hand to her. Taking it, Kass stands and nods in appreciation before moving past the woman to retrieve her bow and get back in the action. Apparently there were some yet who were willing to look past her demonic appearance to the soul within.

Vyncent, however, was not one of those people though currently, there was little he could do to show it. At Erasmus's command, the man had stopped struggling though it was plain on his face that he his mind still emphatically fought against it. Delana takes the opportunity to remove the manacles from her belt and claps them on Vyncent's wrists. "Thanks for being such a dear. I think you're going to enjoy jail. Dark and cold like you." Erasmus moves over to the two and helps Delana jerk the man up off the ground and move him back towards on of the priestesses who just finishes off her thief adversary. The remaining two priestesses miss their attacks and the rest of the guards seem to have equal difficulty finishing off their opponents.

Dale, seeing his intended target go down, alters course towards the nearest thief and makes short work of him much to the surprise of the guards and priestess who had been having problems ending him. For him to just walk up and kill the man so easily, they must have been doing something wrong.

Still feeling pinned down by the archer, Gren casts a spell on himself, creating a translucent shield around his body in hoped of warding off any unwanted attacks from the thief above. Looking back and forth between the archer and Vyncent, the half-ogre debates what his priorities should be. Seemingly the spell was just in time as an arrow that was aimed for his head bounces off the bubble of force and lands nearby, snapped in half.

Seeing his attack fail, Vyncent captured, and only a couple of his comrades left, the archer ups and runs across the rooftop, vaulting over the peak of the roof and out of sight. The final two thieves don't miss the man's retreat or their leader's capture either. Bloodied and knowing they're surrounded, both men drop their swords, one after another, and raise their hands in surrender. The priestess and the guards waste no time in knocking them both to the ground and binding their hands behind their back. One of the guards let's out a victory cry that is quickly taken up by the remaining guards.

Meanwhile inside the building, things are hardly settled. Lorelei fingers the cut on her cheek and without warning, snaps. Backhanding the thief that cut her with such violent force, the thief's neck audibly snaps as the impact point flares up with fire. The other thief in base to base takes a shocked step back as his ally falls to the ground, dead in one punch. Looking back to Arudal for approval, Strange reads the moment well and tries to reason with Arudal.

"Ah, Arudal, we had been wondering when you would slither out of the woodwork.  We know what you have gotten yourself involved in.  Vyncent and his men are even now dying in the square.  It will only be mere moments before the guards and our companions arrive.  Do you think you can kill us by then?  Consider your position carefully now.  We have your documents linking you to Vyncent.  Even if you kill Degrin here you heard his speech in the square - you are ruined and your plan is finished.  It does not have to be this way.  Help us kill these men," gesturing to the nearest thief, he gestures towards the nearest thief, "and perhaps I can convince Degrin here to keep your secret and let you live your days out comfortably in that lovely manor of yours rather than in a pitch black cell.  Think.. and think carefully.."

The threat and the creature it comes from on top of the efficiency in which Lorelei ended the thief seem to have the intended effect on Arudal. He takes a nervous step back against the railing to the stairs and slightly raises a hand in front of him as if trying to create a barrier between them. "You don't understand. If it were up to me, I wouldn't care what happened to him and would gladly spare his life in exchange for my own. But as it stands, I fear those who want him dead far more than a child and a living statue." Addressing his men he nods, "Proceed."

The unsure thief swallows hard and attempts to end the fight before Lorelei can do him any damage. His desperate attack works, cutting a deep gash in her shoulder. The two facing Ikani have a much harder time as both attacks are turned away and the head priestess has no such problems, embedding her scimitar into the calf of one of her aggressors. "If you want him dead, you'll have to go through me!" Degrin simply continues to cower in the corner, intent on merging with the wall and fading from sight.

Initiative Order
25 Kass
19 Strange
18 Vyncent
11 Dale
  9 Town Guard
  8 Priestesses of Iomedae
  6 Ikani
  5 Lorelei
  4 Gren + Arudal
  3 Degrin
  2 Delana
  1 Erasmus
26 Thieves

Cumulative Statuses
Dale: Full HP
Erasmus: Full HP
Gren: -2 HP
Kass: -6 HP
Lorelei: -7 HP
Strange: Full HP

Degrin: Full HP
Delana: Full HP
Ikani: Full HP

Vyncent: -9 HP + Poisoned
Arudal: Full HP

This message was last edited by the GM at 10:07, Sat 10 Nov 2012.
player, 85 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Sat 10 Nov 2012
at 05:53
  • msg #640

Re: Theranin

Lorelei winces as her right hand loses a bit of its strength and seems to go a bit lax, as she rolls her eyes. What should have made her much less dangerous seems to have barely given her pause as her left hand suddenly launches out. Her foot stomps down on the ground as she braces herself and slams her palm into the Thieves solar plexus with a spine-shivering 'Crunching' sounds, as she spits to the side in Irritation.

"That was a poor choice."

Her eyes are now firmly locked on Arudal gazing at him darkly as she almost casually removes her hand from the Thieves gut. It seems she took personal offense to his order to, y'know, kill her.

Standard: Stunning Fist vs Thief (Hits AC 20 for 9 Damage, Save DC 12 or Stunned for 1 Round)

22:47, Today: Lorelei rolled 9 using 1d6+4. Unarmed Damage.
22:47, Today: Lorelei rolled 20 using 1d20+5. Stunning Fist vs Thief.

player, 84 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Sat 10 Nov 2012
at 07:24
  • msg #641

Re: Theranin

Strange was momentarily perplexed.  He had never known anyone so arrogant and who could so blatantly defy their own instincts of self-preservation.  To be fair, however, most people he knew were gargoyles, so there's that...

Though he would like to take a running charge at the bastard one of the thieves is in the way, getting soundly thrashed by Lorelei, he swings around to the back of the poor fellow to help her finish him off (+2 flank for her to-hit roll), attempting to clamp his sharp stone jaws around the hapless fellow's neck.

Move Action: H-5 to E-6
Standard Action: Attack thief at F-7

23:23, Today: Strange rolled 21 using 1d20+4. Bite attack - flanking.
23:23, Today: Strange rolled 4 using 1d4+2. Bite attack damage.
23:24, Today: Strange rolled 6 using 1d6. Sneak Attack damage.

Dalinar Reynolds
player, 187 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Sat 10 Nov 2012
at 17:26
  • msg #642

Re: Theranin

Dale looks around.  All the bad guys are either dead, dying, in chains, or running away.  This makes him a bit sad.  He's sure Gren would have liked to kill Vyncent rather than just have the man arrested.

Then Dale finally notices something.  "Where are Degrin, Lorelei, and Strange?"

Double move to G4.

player, 35 posts
Melee Fighter
Tue 13 Nov 2012
at 12:49
  • msg #643

Re: Theranin

Kass looked around and saw that pretty much all the thieves were already subdued or had the odds so stacked against them to be considered as good as dead. Even Vyncent, it appeared, had been detained. She took the momentary respite to thank the priestess who had healed her properly, with a bow and and grateful smile. As she did so, she noticed some of the others making their way to the building behind the platform where Degrin had spoken. Since there was nothing left to do out here, she supposed she may as well join them, and made her way across the square towards the building.

She didn't speak to Dale; now that she was closer it was easy to hear the commotion inside. She needed to get in there sooner rather than later.

Double Move: M16 to G7 (or thereabouts)

This message was last edited by the player at 15:41, Tue 13 Nov 2012.
Gren Boarshead
player, 216 posts
Tue 13 Nov 2012
at 15:27
  • msg #644

Re: Theranin

Gren finally stepped out into the open and closed in on Vyncent.  He threw a scowling glance at the man, then pointed a finger at him accussingly.  "The city would be just in hanging or quartering this man!"  He then spat in his general direction.  "In fact, to do any less would be unjust."

Dale's comment didn't worry Gren.  They were probably safe inside.  Gren was content to remain outside in case any more archers showed or in case another Theives Guild member tried to free Vyncent.
player, 123 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Tue 13 Nov 2012
at 19:50
  • msg #645

Re: Theranin

Erasmus's face flushed with self satisfaction as his gambit payed off.  They had captured Vyncent and the rest of his cronies lost their will to fight.  It was his quick thinking and Delana's able hands that put this to a stop, and he basked in the glow of his triumph for those moments it was available.

Spotting Dale race into the building cut his self-congradulation short though, as it placed him in a dilemma.  He was torn by the sight of all the wounded lying about, but the fact that this whole thing might not be over yet pulled just as hard.  So many priestesses being in the area gave him the justification he needed to move on, knowing that they would seen be seeing to the task of tending the wounded.  Erasmus gains Delana's attention just long enough to advise her, "It looks like there is more afoot.", indicating the building Dale ran into, then he moves to follow himself while the priestess secures their prisoner.
DM Visceri
GM, 422 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Wed 14 Nov 2012
at 08:51
  • msg #646

Re: Theranin

Seeing Strange's eyes go from intense, to momentarily perplexed, to determined all in a flash of an eye, Lorelei turns to the thief who looked to be ready to continue following Arudal's orders . As he takes another step forward, she shakes her head, "That was a poor choice," she says coldly as she strikes out with an open palm, catching the thief in the solar-plexus, causing the man to double over forward just in time for Strange to appear seemingly out of nowhere, grab the thief's neck between his powerful stone jaws, and rip backward, snapping the man's neck and sending him tumbling back the opposite way, his head barely still attached.

Ikani takes a page out of the duo's book as well and in a display that flaunts why she is appointed as the head priestess of a semi-militaristic religious establishment, cuts one thief shoulder to hip and spins quickly around and ebeds her blade in the second man's gut. This seems to have the intended effect on Arudal. If he had been having doubts before, this put the nail in the coffin, a coffin he now seemed to be determined not to make his own. "Mercy! Mercy!" Searching for the closest escape route, he looks briefly over the railing of the stairwell before heaving himself unceremoniously over the side onto the stairs a dozen feet below. After rolling to a stop a few stairs down, the man scrambles to his feet, reasonably unharmed, and jolts down the stairs at a dead run, taking them two at a time.

Unfortunately, it seems that luck is not on his side today as the first thing he sees upon entering the main room of the building is a group of still battle-ready opponents including Dale, Kass, Erasmus, and two of the guards that had been guarding the entrance up until now. The group had left the tending of the wounded, dying, and captive to Delana and the priestesses, the remaining guards, and Gren who seemed to refuse to let Vyncent out of his sight. Realizing that he has no hope at this point, the man looks around frantically and, spying a nearby window partially left open, stumbles over himself on his way to it. Yelling at the top of his lungs so that the man could hear it, though unnecessary due to the close proximity, he calls out to his coconspirator, "VYNCENT! DO IT! DO IT NOW!"

His head rolling to the side laxly at the loss of blood from his broken nose and the concussion he likely now had from his bout with Delana and his fall to the cobblestone, it takes him, as well as the others outside, a moment to comprehend what is being said and by who. However, it is Vyncent that catches on to the meaning of the words first and quickly bends his arms in their shackles to bring his hand to the still-glowing rune on his forearm. As he does so, the platform the pool of water rests on begins to glow red around the carvings, lifting off the ground and beginning to swirl slightly, issuing a warm wind as it does so. Gren quickly connects the feeling the aura gives off to that of the documents that began to singe when left together in their secret formation too long. Luckily, he is not the only one. In a blink of an eye and a snap-judgement, Delana reacts. Unsheathing her sword, she swings upward between Vyncents bound arms and severs the rune-imbued arm at the elbow in one smooth motion. Immediately, the aura begins to slow its rotation and start fading from view. "There will be no more tricks from you, master thief." Turning away from the now-screaming man to the building Arudal now stares out of, face pale and eyes hollow, she calls out to the others, "Erasmus! Does Arudal look like he's not going to try and prompt Vyncent to do anything else stupid or shall I cut off the other arm just to be safe?"

(OOC: Congratulations! You have successfully deposed the bastard Vyncent Lacio and made sure he's earned his just deserts! Story Points all around! Xp soon to come!)

Cumulative Statuses
Dale: Full HP
Erasmus: Full HP
Gren: -2 HP
Kass: -6 HP
Lorelei: -7 HP
Strange: Full HP

Degrin: Full HP
Delana: Full HP
Ikani: Full HP

Vyncent: -16 HP + Poisoned + Disarmed ;)
Arudal: -3 HP

This message was last edited by the GM at 08:51, Wed 14 Nov 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 189 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Wed 14 Nov 2012
at 20:10
  • msg #647

Re: Theranin

Dale is rather startled when Arudal simply falls right in front of him.  "That's new."  Then he shouts and some creepy red thing happens, so he bashes the man over the head with James' hilt.  "I think that's enough of that."

Arudal immediately crumbles to the ground, bleeding heavily, so Dale leaves him to the guards.  Instead, he glances up the stairs for Strange and Lorelei.  "You guys OK?  Degrin dead?"

Nat 20 for a non-lethal attack on Arudal.  Really?
16 total damage.  I may have just killed him.  With a non-lethal attack.

player, 86 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Wed 14 Nov 2012
at 20:21
  • msg #648

Re: Theranin

Strange moves towards the stairwell but stops just before going down.  He turns to Lorelei and then to Ikani, giving each a brief but respectful bow, "Well fought.. hmm.. both of you."  With that he wanders unconcernedly down the stairs to find Dale and the others, "Degrin is, in fact, quite unscathed I believe.. hmm.. I shall stay near to you for a while so that my.. hmm.. existence is more easily explained.  I trust you remember our agreement about any.. hmm.. rings we might find."
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 190 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Wed 14 Nov 2012
at 20:26
  • msg #649

Re: Theranin

"Oh yeah."  Dale loots Arudal for rings and pretty stuff before guards remove him.
player, 125 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Wed 14 Nov 2012
at 21:59
  • msg #650

Re: Theranin

"I think it's okay! Erasmus replies to Delana.  Quickly ascertaining that the situation inside has been resolved, Erasmus falls into checking for anyone who might be saved.

Starting with those inside, then moving back outside as necessary, apply Rebuke Death to stop people from dying, can do so up to 6 times.  Will bind the arms of any hostiles before doing this to them, though.  Once out of Rebuke Death, use standard Heal checks with a score of 18 (taking 10.)

player, 90 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Wed 14 Nov 2012
at 22:01
  • msg #651

Re: Theranin

Lorelei flashed Strange a wane smile before walking over to the Door frame and collapsing partially against it and glancing outside, She was obviously not in good shape with blood trailing down her arm and leg but overall she was happy they had won without any deaths on their side. She sat then with a grunt of annoyance in pain, absently glancing about for something that would allow her to get the bleeding to stop.
Gren Boarshead
player, 218 posts
Fri 16 Nov 2012
at 03:11
  • msg #652

Re: Theranin

"I say take the other one off, we'll be half way through the quartering and I can finally go home," Gren said with a sly grin as he grinned at Vyncent's severed arm.  "Looks like he was conjoling with demons.  That has to be enough to get him strung up, right?"

"I need a meat pie," he said with a groan.  He turned to start making his way to the Salty Seawife.
player, 39 posts
Melee Fighter
Sat 17 Nov 2012
at 02:15
  • msg #653

Re: Theranin

Kassadria was quite convinced that (luckily) no one had seen how poorly she performed in that fight, and equally convinced that Erasmus had put some sort of curse on her that made her incapable of fighting competently, though she wouldn't give him the pleasure of responding to that accusation.

She almost scoffed as she watched him walk around the square, reviving friend and foe alike. She rolled her eyes, It's all an act, she mentally grumbled to herself, and followed suit with Dale, moving to the thieves' corpses one by one, checking them for any valuables, or even just plain coin. A girl's gotta eat, you know.

Once she came around to the side of the fountain where Vyncent and his severed arm were, and caught wind of the word 'demon' being thrown around, her eyes narrowed. So used to being called it, she almost assumed that she was the target of the accusations, though the guards and priestesses had all clearly seen which side she was on.

Alas, the mentions of demons was in reference to whatever spell Vyncent had been attempting to cast, using the runes on his arm. Once she came to that realisation she moved to examine the severed limb. "Well, if it was demons, I should be able to read at least some of this. Although, I doubt, after today's display, you'll need much to convict the man. Not that he hasn't already paid in flesh..."
This message was last edited by the player at 04:32, Sun 18 Nov 2012.
DM Visceri
GM, 434 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Sat 17 Nov 2012
at 11:03
  • msg #654

Re: Theranin

Erasmus joins the priestesses outside in attempting to save the injured guards and rebuke death from the thieves in order to have them stand trial. While not all of his efforts are successful, is he successfully able to save the four guards at ground level as well as a pair of the thieves who sit bound and disoriented under the watch of the guards. With everyone busy and the populace of the city still hesitant to make their way into the square, Gren finds a relatively warm meat pie at the same vendor he got his last meal at and takes the position that it's something he's owed for saving their city from Vyncent.

Inside the mansion, Dale and Strange pick over Arudal's unconscious person, the man bleeding from the head where Dale struck him but still breathing, and while the only ring they find is a silver band carve with the same rune as they have been seeing a lot as of late, they do find the man's coin purse as well as take the liberty of removing his weapon, a gilded rapier, from his person.

Kassadria takes a page out of the duo's book and begins searching the other thieve's persons, living or dead, for coin, which she finds plenty of, no surprise, as well as a nice collection of longswords, a small collection of potions totaling six in all, two scrolls, and a rather nice set of leather gloves that catch her eye. As Lorelei, Strange, Ikani, and Degrin, the latter seemingly unharmed come down from the top floor of the building, Kass moves to Vyncent and seeing as the man is delirious and passing in and out of consciousness from blood loss, the priestesses monitoring him closely, she has no problem examining the severed limb which is hanging almost comically from the manacle. It seems that the run that is scarred into his arm is beginning to fade the longer the limb is separated from the body. As for the script of it though, Kass can't say she recognizes it as any form of demonic language she's ever seen before.

As the group begins to gather once again as the proceedings move on, Ikani and Degrin as well as the priestesses, Delana taking her place near Erasmus, looking him over for injuries like he was the one who tackled Vyncent, approach. "I-I can't say how appreciative I am to have had your help in all of this. Granted today's attempt on my life may not have happened if I weren't to have tried to say something but it would have only been a matter of time before they found me. You have my gratitude and if there's something that I am personally able to do for you, I will arrange it. At this very moment though, I need to meet with his Eminence Stephen Navarne to discuss the political ramifications of these last few days. If you stay in town, you were at the Salty Seawife I believe, I will have a messenger for you there that will be able to reach me." Ending his thank you a bit awkwardly, he simply nods his heads in thanks, a smile gracing his face for the first time since you met the man as he walks away towards the castle.

"It goes without saying that the same goes for the followers of Iomedae in Theranin. I, however, feel we have much to discuss with our newly disarmed friend here. If you don't mind, I feel that I know just the person to pry the information we seek out of him. Give it a couple of days and we should have him singing like a rooster at sunup. As for Arudal, leaving him in prison for the time being ought to soften his demeanor and make him more maleable. He is but a lord of agriculture after all, not the headmaster of the thieves guild." Ikani seems both pleased and annoyed, probably at the fact that their Holy Day of the Inheritor was interrupted in such a violent way. As if she had been projecting the thought into everyone's mind, she brings it up herself, "As for today's ceremonies, perhaps we shall reconvene at sunset to bless the city. It will give the guard time to remove the dead and the prisoners and clean up the streets to assure the citizens that it is safe once again. I would hope that all of you could join me so we may honor you properly?"
player, 87 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Sun 18 Nov 2012
at 04:26
  • msg #655

Re: Theranin

The gargoyle holds the silvery runed ring that he claimed from Arudal's finger after the battle.  He cannot help but admire the glimmer and shine, turning it this way and that before his eyes as he follows woodenly after Dale, wherever the man goes.  He even passes up a chance to ask Degrin if he knows any good stonemasons, so engrossed is he in his treasure.
Gren Boarshead
player, 219 posts
Sun 18 Nov 2012
at 14:32
  • msg #656

Re: Theranin

As Gren headed back to the inn, he couldn't help but glare down every alley and scan the rooftops.  He kept expecting guardsmen or assassins to jump out at any moment.  Of course, this didn't slow or hasten his pace either.  As far as he was concerned the whole mess was over.  Still, there was a nagging thought in his brain.  What was that tattoo spell that was about to go off?  What danger would that have brought on?  Just how corrupt was this town's council?  Was it time to move on and find another place to live?  Was that sage in the meat pie?
player, 94 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Sun 18 Nov 2012
at 23:21
  • msg #657

Re: Theranin

Lorelei finally stood and headed down to join the others once her bleeding stopped. She figured the priests outside could help with the wounds, or a few days rest. Either or, she had come out of this fight much better then others had. She absently scratched the back of her head with her unwounded arm as she caught the tail end of the conversations as she stepped up to Ikari with a wry smile and a nod.

"Sure, I should be able to attend. Nothing else to do tonight"
player, 129 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Mon 19 Nov 2012
at 13:47
  • msg #658

Re: Theranin

Erasmus puffs up a bit at Delana's attentions, still high off their victory even after the grueling work of attending to the injured is over.  Not much of a mind for politics or such, he instead suggests to the priestess that they retire to the Salty Seawife to clean up and celebrate, trusting Dale or one of the others to alert them if they're needed.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 193 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Tue 20 Nov 2012
at 02:10
  • msg #659

Re: Theranin

Dale happily accepts Ikani's invite to join her for the evening ceremony.  He likes being honored.

Then he noticed how Delana is hanging off of Erasmus.  (He's a little slow on the uptake sometimes.)  How does the uptight priest have better game than I do?

I could make a list.  Would you like it alphabetically or chronologically?

Dale decides he needs new friend-swords.  Those are pretty easily come by, right?

Until evening, Dale does indeed decide to study the runes and Vyncent's tattoo against some of his older spellbooks.

Spellcraft 22 and Kn (arcana) 14 if needed.

DM Visceri
GM, 442 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 20 Nov 2012
at 09:40
  • msg #660

Re: Theranin

It seemed that their work in Hartstower Square was done for the time being so each person set about their own business, now free to roam the city where they would please though the general consensus was that they would meet up at the ceremony later that night. Gren might not have received the memo had Delana, Erasmus being dragged along to the inn, not mentioned it in passing as they overtook the half-ogre. Seeing the two head into the Salty Seawife, Gren pauses in the street, debating whether or not he wanted to deal with what was likely going to be happening in the room adjacent to his. Deciding against the probable "distraction," he decides to make his way back to Dale where the two do some research with the severed arm while the rune still exists as it seems to be fading quickly. After it vanishes a couple hours later and a dozen comparisons, translations, and references to various spellbooks, dialects, and meat pie recipes later, as well as reexamining the ceremonial robes and map they retrieved from Arudal, their combined intellect is able to divine three things; the rune itself is not a summoning glyph unto itself, there is a rune in the Dwarven language that resembles it who's meaning translates roughly to "deep earth," and as far as they, and Kassadria as well for that matter, were able to find, the rune does not seem to be demonic in origin. In addition, while studying the map, thanks to the curiosity of a Dwarf who had been the one to mention the resemblance of the rune to the Dwarven language, they were able to learn that the rune on the map marked Azul Irkul is a Dwarven city that had once been a volcano long ago before it went dormant. Now it was a thriving center for craftsmanship, mining operations, and weapon training.

As the rest of the day wore on, Lorelei helped tend to the wounded with the priestesses and Ikani, the latter complaining that Delana was missing and her tone suggesting she knew exactly where she was about now, Strange found his perch on the building once again and spent what the gargoyle saw as an acceptable amount of time examining every inch of his new trophy in every angle of the sunlight as the day passed, and Kassadria wandered from place to place, helping Dale and Gren, offering to move the wounded to which the priestesses offered her uneasy smiles and assured her that they could handle it with Lorelei, and even joining Strange on the rooftop though he largely ignored her over his ring. It seemed the brief camaraderie shown to the tiefling during combat wasn't something she should be getting used to as of yet. It's not like it should bother her though; she had been treated like this her entire life, why should this time be any different, right?

As the sun begins to enter the final minutes of its cycle, streetlights are illuminated automatically by the magic that sustains them and a crowd begins to gather, understandably a little hesitantly at first but as more and more enter the square, misgivings seem to fade enough for people to open up and begin talking with their neighbors. The entire group save Erasmus and Delana present, Ikani takes to the balcony, with the group waiting in the wings, and begins her blessing of the city. The ceremony is filled with flowery but passionate and strong language and you can almost feel the words setting a protective film over the city as they are spoken. During the blessing, Erasmus and Delana, hand-in-hand, arrive panting and only slightly disheveled from their run over from The Salty Seawife and during their apology to the others, the blessing finishes and Ikani calls for the "heroes responsible for the freedom of the people" to come forward and receive thanks. Introducing each as they come out, every member, even the somewhat putout Kassadria is greeted with roaring applause, cheers, and whistles for their deeds. As the last of them come to stand at the balcony, Ikani quickly goes through the trials and tribulations the group went through in order to serve Theranin and her people to much more applause and voiced astonishment.

At the end of the honoring, Degrin comes forward from the back room and says a few words of his own, the mantle of office conspicuously draped around his shoulders. It seems His Eminence deigned to grant him the seat on the council for his "service" and it seems that nobody in the crowd is displeased with the appointment. "Friends! Without you I am sure I would not be here today," he begins, echoing his words from earlier in the day, mostly for pomp and circumstance no doubt, "It is my great pleasure to award you with commendation for your valiant acts and initiative to prove yourselves to the city!" Motioning to the back room, six guardsmen, three of them rather familiar to the group, walk out onto the balcony, shock plain on their faces, each carrying a thin wooden case with a glass top. Inside, resting on top of a plush pillow, is a folded cloak, blue like the colors of the city with two gray stripes down the middle and the gold embroidered raven-in-flight, the symbol of the city, set in the middle. "These are tokens so that all who meet you will know that you have done a great service for Theranin and her people and that all who meet you will know that men and women of moral fiber stand in front of them!" The crowd erupts into cheering and a chant of 'Heroes of the Bay' goes up to their honor.

From there, the ceremony ends and the celebrating begins. It isn't until the sun is high in the sky the next day that any member of the group finds their eyes cracking open as if they had slept as long as one of Strange's rook-mates. The next few days see vistors and well-wishers aplenty seeing themselves to The Salty Seawife, buying the heroes drinks, meals, and begging to hear the story of their exploits just once more. By the end of the week, the hype seems to have settled down and though the stream of visitors had stopped, there was still no end to the people in the streets tipping their hats in passing or saluting any time one of them passed by.

It was a Sunday morning when Degrin's messenger finally brought news to them of Vyncent and Arudal's ultimate fate; both were to be hung by the neck until dead on the following day. Unfortunately, it seemed whatever method Vyncent had used to begin his summoning in the fight the week before was still lost to him as the man refused to break, even under the most ruthless tactics. Arudal, however, was a different matter. While he still hung stringently to his story about fearing his masters more than whatever the city could do to him, they were able to gleam that it was, in fact, himself who had been the mastermind behind the events of the previous week, and was him installing Vyncent as a politician to further his and his master's own ends though any leads to who his master could be were met with silence and an impenetrable defense. The messenger also brought news of the dismantling of the thieves guild and the cleansing of the sewers of the goblin tribe and the traps laid there within.

It was Toilday morning, the day after Vyncent and Arudal's hangings, that the group now found themselves waking to the first light of the sun. Each makes their own way down to the common room of The Salty Seawife, with the exception of Erasmus and Delana who had taken to sharing a room, as had seemingly become their morning tradition since The Holy Day of the Inheritor. Mistress Urna brings out breakfast to the group and after the meal of pork sausages, oatmeal and honey, fresh eggs, and freshly squeezed orange juice, everyone seems ready for something to happen, they're just not sure what...
This message was last edited by the GM at 09:55, Tue 20 Nov 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 194 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Fri 23 Nov 2012
at 16:40
  • msg #661

Re: Theranin

Dale has taken to wearing his fancy new cloak even though it rather clashes with his standard outfit of polished leather.  No one can figure out why he seems to like it so much.

Darnit, Dale!  Take the cloak off!  I can't see a thing!

Oh.  That's probably why.

It's at breakfast of this new day, that Dale makes a bit of an announcement.  "I gotta say that tracking down this mysterious master sounds like the most interesting course of action, but... James and I have to go.  Or, rather, James has to go, and he doesn't have legs.  I'll be leaving Theranin later this morning."
Gren Boarshead
player, 220 posts
Fri 23 Nov 2012
at 21:16
  • msg #662

Re: Theranin

"And to where is it you head, Sword-talker?" Gren asked between bites of sausage.  He looked the same as always.  His clothes were still worn but no longer stank of the sewers.  His bushy hair and beard were still quite disheveled.

"I've been considering traveling to this Azul Irkul place myself.  I grow more and more tired of this city by the day.  The hero's feasts and drinks are coming less and less now, thus I'm having fewer reasons to stay.  I can't imagine what the Dwarves would have to do with Arudal's and Vyncent's attempted coup, and frankly I don't much care; still a new city could prove fruitful especially during the winter months.

Gren gulped down a large mug of mead, a portion of it dripping down his beard and forming a small puddle on the table in front of him.  He was actually sorry to hear about the Goblins in the sewers below.  He had sensed magical goods in that lair of their's.  He was guessing the guards would have confiscated anything of value. ~Too Bad.~
player, 89 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Fri 23 Nov 2012
at 23:53
  • msg #663

Re: Theranin

Strange had settled near the table in a quiet spot where he can sit comfortably, becoming still in manner which only statues know how to accomplish.  He does not have much to add to the discussion, but when Gren mentions the name Azul Irkul his eyes glow with recognition, "I should welcome a chance to.. hmm.. visit the city of the Architects.  Many of my.. hmm.. brethren are created there, though I was not so.. hmm.. lucky.  It would be a good place to find.. hmm.. someone to repair me." he twitches his ruined left wing and flexes his left hand where the smallest finger is missing, leaving a flat stump.  Despite Strange's fixation on that silver ring he obtained from Arudal the shiny trinket is nowhere to be seen.  Neither, for that matter, is the guard captain ring...
player, 97 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Mon 26 Nov 2012
at 05:42
  • msg #664

Re: Theranin

Lorelei had blushed but been polite, saying a soft thank you as she was declared and taken the slightly gaudy cloak back to her room along with the others of their impromptu group. Unlike some of them though her cloak was carefully folded... and left in her bag. She wasn't keen on drawing attention where she went. With all of them effectively trapped in the inn during the next week she spent a little time rearranging her room, effectively piling everything up against one wall so she had as much space as possible.

Though she came down twice a day for an hour or two at a time, most of the day and evening the gentle thumps of bare feet stomping on the ground came from her room as she spun and practiced. Kicks, Spins, strike. Basic body training as well as more advanced maneuvers she had not yet grasped.

On the day of the hanging it seems she refused to leave her room even to eat, perhaps fasting or training. She spent the day even more active then normal. A flurry of activities that resulted in her collapsed and asleep long before her normal hour. Now on toil day, freshly bathed and ravenous she had descended the stairs to eat. Nodding at the others as they talked about leaving the city... She seemed to ponder the idea. She wasn't sure if she would be allowed to join them, their 'link' Siren gone but she did feel she had proven herself useful.

"I'll go.... if you want....." Lorelei seemed to want to say more as she took a slow drink of her juice to ease her throats protests. "I have nowhere to be.... and am not keen to stay in a city where I stand out...."
player, 131 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Mon 26 Nov 2012
at 13:37
  • msg #665

Re: Theranin

"I'll be following Dalinar, or perhaps it is James?" Erasmus says quietly, softly squeezing Delana's hand as she sits next to him.  He assumed the priestess was tied to her church through her holy orders, much as his were to travel and spread Sarenrae's light; so he realized that this declaration would also be publicly announcing at least a temporary end to their consociation.  The thought occurred to him to suggest she accompany them, but to voice that desire would be both selfish and cruel, so he stilled his tongue on the matter and instead sought to justify their parting.

"We dispelled shadows here." he explains, speaking mostly to Delana.  "Deadly shadows, but those cast by a large object that is a greater threat.  Whoever set this in motion must be leveled, lest they continue to threaten other places, or reassert themselves here."  He averts his eyes, looking instead at his meal.  "I must go wherever darkness lies, and bring the light to cleans it."
This message was last edited by the player at 13:41, Mon 26 Nov 2012.
Dalinar Reynolds
player, 195 posts
Dale, please.
Human Magus
Mon 26 Nov 2012
at 22:44
  • msg #666

Re: Theranin

James laughs lightly in the back of Dale's mind.  "Well, I'd love to have you along, Erasmus, but I travel faster alone.  And gods know Gren'll need you watching his back."
Gren Boarshead
player, 221 posts
Tue 27 Nov 2012
at 01:47
  • msg #667

Re: Theranin

"I'm not looking to accomplish some great quest or to be a hero.  Although, it does seem to have certain perks on occasion.  I also wasn't looking to being the leader of some pilgrimage.  Still, there is safety in numbers and I'll glady travel with those going my way.  None of you have attempted to kill me lately, so that's a plus."
player, 46 posts
Melee Fighter
Tue 27 Nov 2012
at 04:23
  • msg #668

Re: Theranin

Kassadria tried not to draw too much attention to herself in the ceremony and celebrations surrounding it, as she felt she didn't much deserve the title bestowed unto her. Indeed, the woman who introduced her seemed to be struggling to resist spitting after saying her name. She could hardly blame her... holy folk always had trouble accepting her kind, even after they'd fought and bled for the holy cause, proven themselves true.

In the days following the celebration, Kass spent much time sitting with the others, mostly silent, though polite and responsive whenever conversation was struck up with her. She engaged in another duel or two with Dale - privately, of course, and on occasion watched Lorelei train, if she would let her (though she'd fully understand if that was too weird).

When the fateful Toilday came when the subject of 'moving on' came up, she was actually rather happy. As people started to forget her role in the events of the previous week, she felt less and less welcome. Her refusal to wear the cloak given to her perhaps contributed to the townsfolk's short memories, and accelerated the rate at which 'Hey, it's that Tiefling who helped save our town' turned into 'What is that demon bitch still doing here?'.

She didn't feel particularly attached to the mission regarding Arudal and Vyncent and whoever it was that lived with the Dwarves, and Dale had been kind to her... Strange had hardly spoken to her, Gren the same, Lorelei had been nice enough but made little effort to make her feel welcome and Erasmus... well, let's just say they preferred to keep their distance from one another. So, when Dale seemed to suggest that he'd be parting from the group, she was inclined to insist that she'd join him. After all, technically she was still their prisoner, since they hadn't officially released her, and Dale was supposed to be the one keeping an eye on her.

However, when he refused Erasmus' assistance, she decided not to ask him if he'd allow her to tag along now, to save embarrassment if he intended to accept her offer. She would ask him later, when she could catch him out of earshot from the others.
player, 132 posts
Human Male
Priest of Sarenrae
Tue 27 Nov 2012
at 12:44
  • msg #669

Re: Theranin

Erasmus nods his head at Dale's refusal.  He still felt he should go with the man, but knew enough that he wouldn't be able to keep up if the warrior was determined to make time.  Though the warrior had placed him in the slightly embarrassing position of having to again justify his moving on.  "Then perhaps I am not leaving just yet.  Though I still cannot stay in any one place for too long without just cause.  There is much of the world I've left to seek out."  He turns to Gren before continuing "I don't know how long our paths continue merged, but you are right.  Travel is safer in numbers.  So I will accompany you when you are ready to go." he finishes, before turning an apologetic look to the woman at his side.
player, 90 posts
"That's strange..."
Gargoyle Rogue
Tue 27 Nov 2012
at 13:02
  • msg #670

Re: Theranin

"I shall be sad to see you go.. hmm.. Dale."  He extends a gritty right hand in a gesture he has seen dozens of times but never had occasion to use himself... until now.  After a brief shake of the hand he looks towards the others, his wings ruffling slightly as if he is itching to go, "As for the rest of us.. hmm.. it sounds like we shall remain companions for a while longer."  He peers intently for a moment at Kassadria who has been oddly silent the last few days, "You might consider.. hmm.. joining us.  I think this town holds very little for you."  Strange had heard the talk - usually from a perch overhead, true, but he heard it nonetheless.  It was easy for him to assume that some of the rumors about a demon were aimed at him.  Gargoyles were naturally inclined toward narcissism and Strange was only marginally less so.  Nonetheless he easily connected the dots.  Besides, he had already lost some of his standing with Erasmus, he might as well make it up somewhere else, right?  Speaking of Erasmus...

"I will keep an eye on her.. hmm.. it is the least I can do as a temple guardian without a temple."  He was using Erasmus' own description of him here.  He was about as holy as a stick and never did like his more zealous brethren who tended to congregate upon the eaves of religious institutions.
player, 47 posts
Melee Fighter
Tue 27 Nov 2012
at 19:41
  • msg #671

Re: Theranin

Kassadria seems unsure of how to respond to the offer to stay with the group. She hadn't expected it to come from Strange, if anyone at all. Though perhaps, she could feel a certain kinship with the gargoyle - both were unable to 'fit in', neither would ever feel 'at home' among normal-kind. Either way, she'd expected them to just move on and tell her to walk in the opposite direction or something. Either way, the offer made her smile, just a little.

"I don't currently have anywhere better to go, so... alright,"
was her deceptively (and purposefully) un-excited answer. She didn't want to seem too keen to tag along, or Erasmus might think she was planning to possess them all or something.
Gren Boarshead
player, 222 posts
Thu 29 Nov 2012
at 23:40
  • msg #672

Re: Theranin

"Well, the free drinks have stopped coming and I don't have much in the way of possessions.  I will be leaving about mid-day on the morrow.  I will welcome company...until I don't," he said with a big toothy grin.  Gren had always travelled alone and was not sure how quickly these few would get on his nerves.  However, they had been through so much in just the last week, he was sure all would be fine.

How many days travel is it to the dwarven town anyways?

DM Edit: 3 days of light travel along establish routes. 4 1/2 if you go cross country.

This message was last edited by the GM at 04:43, Fri 30 Nov 2012.
DM Visceri
GM, 448 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Fri 30 Nov 2012
at 22:00
  • msg #673

Re: Theranin

Keeping with the image of the strong and independent woman and priestess that she is, Delana takes the news of Erasmus's departure with a straight face and although her grip on his hand tightens momentarily, she doesn't look at him as he makes his intentions clear. Instead, after the conversations has gone around a bit and begun to stall out, she stands and buckles her sword onto her hip. "Well if it is your intentions to leave, I will make sure that you are properly supplied before you set out. I have never been to this Dwarven city of which you speak, nor do I believe now is my time to do so, though I am familiar with the route you must take to reach it. While not necessarily a physically demanding voyage in itself, the path takes you through some of the most barren lands in the region as well as through the Whitecap Pass, neither known as good places to forage or hunt for food. You will need what we can supply you. As for you master Reynolds, you are welcome to the same provisions wherever your path takes you. I will go make them ready." With that she makes to leave, her hand lingering for a moment on the priest's shoulder before gently falling off as she moves away.

(OOC: Wrap up your final business / conversations in Theranin. If there are no responses to Delana or to the situation, I will open up the new thread tonight or tomorrow morning. Some of you will be receiving IC PMs before then as well.)
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:01, Fri 30 Nov 2012.
Gren Boarshead
player, 223 posts
Fri 30 Nov 2012
at 23:01
  • msg #674

Re: Theranin

Later that night when most of the drunks had finally stumbled out into the cold of night, Gren approached Mistress Urna and gave her a hug.  "I wish to thank you.  You've given me coin, shelter, food, and more importantly friendship.  You've seen through my bear-like appearance to the man within and treated me with respect.  You will be missed.  Should you ever need my assistance you need only get word to me."

"Oh, and find a better brewer.  The ale you serve is really aweful stuff," he grinned and headed upstairs to finish packing his meager belongings.  While the Salty Sea Wife would be missed, the rest of the town would not be.  There had been too many attempts on his life in this town.  Peace would not be found here, but so was the life of a Half-ogre.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:16, Mon 03 Dec 2012.
player, 100 posts
Exploring the world
one step at a time.
Mon 3 Dec 2012
at 05:08
  • msg #675

Re: Theranin

Lorelei stayed quiet but overall she didn't seem to mind the decision of the group. She seemed in fact a little bit excited as she pushes her plate away, almost buzzing compared to the past weeks exhaustion. Perhaps she was finally rested, or perhaps the city was stifling her more then the others had realized.
DM Visceri
GM, 453 posts
the Heavyhanded
the Bringer of Loot
Tue 4 Dec 2012
at 08:12
  • msg #676

Re: Theranin

The morning of their departure, the group gathers up what possessions they have from their time in the city, Gren having more than most having lived in Theranin for a while now, and meet up at the southern gate. Seeing them off on their journey is Degrin, Mistress Urna, Ikani, and Delana, the latter having arrived separately from Erasmus for the first time since the Holy Day of the Inheritor. Having already been outfitted the day before with rations of bread, salted pork, various fruit, and a dozen waterskins, the seeing off is purely out of camaraderie.

"Have to say I'm sad to see you all go. You've been a fine inspiration to this city and its people. If you ever find the time, you're always welcome to return and visit." For a politician, Degrin seems rather easy to read today and seems to mean his words.

"He's right! There'll be rooms for you at the Seawife whenever you need them, if I have to kick the sailors out of them myself to accomodate ya," Mistress Urna chimes in, placing a hand on Gren's arm. "Take care of yourself."

"Iomedae bless your journey and may justice follow you wherever your hearth be set." Ikana blesses the group with a rare smile on her face.

Delana remains quiet for a long while, looking rather downtrodden and less resolute in her conviction than she was the day before. Finally, moving to Erasmus's side, she looks him in the eye before leaning over and kissing him on the cheek softly and whispering something unheard by the others into his ear before moving back and nodding goodbye to the rest of the group.

Sighing and brandishing James in the morning sunlight, Dale claps Kassadria on the shoulder with his free hand, "Well lads and lasses, that seems to be my cue as well. I wish you the best of luck and-"

"And without someone to watch our backs, you're liable to get us both killed. Plus, everyone knows your luck is shite."

Stumbling mid sentence at the insult, he chuckles nevertheless, "James says goodbye too."


Addressing Kass specifically, he gives her a warm smile and a cheerful tone, "Don't let old sourpuss over there get you down, you're a right good part of the group now and he knows it. Ain't that right Rassy?" he teases, using a nickname for the cleric that sends Delana's hand to her sword like a flash of lightning, her face turning red as the cloaks they were gifted. "Yeah, that's definitely my cue!" he laughs as he sprints a few dozen feet from the group before turning around and waving as he heads west.

"We're doomed."

"Quiet James."

Likewise, the group says their final goodbyes to those gathered and begins the journey south that will lead them to Azul Irkul and beyond.
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