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01:56, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170-172.

Posted by Big BossFor group 0
Big Boss
GM, 8 posts
I am looking down upon
Sun 6 Mar 2011
at 18:51
  • msg #1

1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

The female demon and the rock man sat across from you in the Golden Goose tavern in the trading town of Soubar, some 250 miles East of Baldur's Gate. Rumor has gone around that the "woman" is only half demon, but with her wingspan of several feet, and her grayish skin, you begin to wonder why the town guard lets her into town. Probably because every child under the age of 10 flocks to her like bees with honey, laughing and having fun the whole time she's around. The large rock man is a complete mystery. He claims he's from the North, in his broken common tongue, and comes from a band of people called Goliaths. Looking at his size, you wouldn't argue with him.

They tell you they need adventurers willing to go into the Forest of Wyrms with them to flush out some enemies. The treasure will be great. You all know the Forest of Wyrms is filled with Green Dragons and seeing two of them just inside the forest is not uncommon. Many of you sitting at this table have seen this while traveling up and down the trade routes. Many of you sitting around this table have had friends and family killed by Green Dragons from this forest.

The pair continue on telling you their "Homebase" is the Wizard tower in the village of Daak, some 45 miles East of Soubar. Several of you have traveled to this village in the past delivering supplies on several occasions. The Giant Black tower is what you all really remember of the place and that people go there to begin their Wizard training...those that were invited anyways. The stories go on about fighting orcs in Lyran's Hold, traveling through magical portals through the forest, fighting undead in the old Dwarven mines... The stories go on and some of you laugh, until a shadow moves from behind the Tiefling and the Goliath. A dark skinned elf comes into the light, smiles for a second and tells you the stories are true.
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:36, Sun 20 Mar 2011.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 15 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 20 Mar 2011
at 06:12
  • msg #2

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Sister Aliana sat at the table, enraptured by the conversation.   The arrival of the dark elf was very surprising, certainly, and her large almond shaped eyes lit up with delight.
This trip sounds fascinating.   What kind of enemies did you have in mind?   And what did they do?

The blonde elf was looking forward to seeing the deep interior of the forbidding forest.  It had been days since her last adventure and last interesting experience, and she was getting bored.
Perhaps some excitement in the Forest of Wyrms would perk things up.
player, 8 posts
Sun 20 Mar 2011
at 06:57
  • msg #3

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Silver pulled up his a chair, and sat down next to the Goliath. Looking at each of the accumulated "adventurers", he spoke. "Orcs. Mostly orcs. And some others... The attacked and sacked Daak. And were responsible for several of our comrades' deaths. They will not be allowed to continue, but due to the loss of manpower, we need you."

Silver sat back to hear what the others had to say.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:20, Sun 20 Mar 2011.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 16 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 20 Mar 2011
at 07:03
  • msg #4

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Sister Aliana perked up and clapped her hands excitedly.
Oooh!   Orcs!   I really enjoy fighting with orcs.   Very entertaining.    I'm at your service.

She gave a little bow.
player, 9 posts
Sun 20 Mar 2011
at 07:24
  • msg #5

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Silver smirks at the elven maid's....enthusiasm. "At our service eh... And what services do you provide, hmm? Who are you?"

She was pretty, that was for sure. And elven. So much better. There were so many humans, and others around Soubar, it was heartening to find another Elf. And one who might be joining them at that. Someone else who understood the elven view on life. Someone else to be a companion, who wouldnt just wither and die in a few decades.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 17 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 20 Mar 2011
at 07:50
  • msg #6

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

The pretty blonde elf blinked in confusion for a second, then her eyes widened in realization.

OH!  I'm so very sorry!  I forgot.     I am Sister Aliana Farwalker, Priestess of Oghma, Father of Knowledge.     I've been studying at the temple at Scornubel for the last 100 years, and I'm ready to explore the world.
I have miracles at my disposal, for healing and for many other things as well, and I'm very skilled with my weapons.

player, 10 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Sun 20 Mar 2011
at 21:30
  • msg #7

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

"Orcs.  And walking dead," Swiftstrider adds. "Those be burned."

Pausing a moment in thought the goliath adds grimly, "Four green dragons.  Three live still.  As do we."
Emerald Kegroll
player, 3 posts
Mon 21 Mar 2011
at 06:31
  • msg #8

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

The diminutive fellow scruffs the ears of his canine pet who lounges beside him, then stretches his neck up to the table looking for anything resembling a pot of ale. Finally, he stands and smiles at the group. "I am Emerald, Emerald Kegroll, and firmly believe that three green dragons is far too many for one forest. I will gladly accompany you to cull several of them," he adds, searching anxiously for some ale to wet his palate.
player, 11 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Mon 21 Mar 2011
at 18:39
  • msg #9

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Swiftstrider's merry laugh booms off the rafters and causes a stray spider to scurry off her web and into the safety of a dark corner.  He holds four fingers up to Myarra as tears of laughter roll down his cheeks and belly laughs continue, drowning out most conversation in the place!

Finally, gasping for breath and wiping his eyes, Swiftstrider grins at Emerald and finally manages to speak, holding the fingers of both hands spread wide, "Ten tens of dragons!  Even more!  Ranger friend not know. Not four only!"

Then the goliath motions to whoever is closest for another round and points to Emerald as well, to include him in, and says, "So we be busy with... cul-ling?"
Emerald Kegroll
player, 4 posts
Mon 21 Mar 2011
at 22:37
  • msg #10

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Emerald smiles at the big fellow's laughter, and scratches his chin thoughtfully. "Hundreds of dragons? I should probably get some more jerky, then. Slaying that many dragons wlil probably take a while," he says matter of factly, then begins counting on his fingers.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 18 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 22 Mar 2011
at 12:51
  • msg #11

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Aliana smiles.
Not to mention that it would make a terrible mess.    And do serious damage to the property values.
player, 13 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 22 Mar 2011
at 18:14
  • msg #12

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

"Forest has big trees," Swiftstrider observes.  "Dragons hurt not."
Tue 22 Mar 2011
at 18:45
  • msg #13

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

A strong looking common man dressed in workers clothes comes in and walks to the table where Myarra, Swiftstrider and Silver are sitting. He waits for a break in the conversation, bows to the three and tells them their wagon has been loaded.

"Your wagon has been loaded with the supplies headed back for Daak, Mistress." the laborer said to Myarra "The horses have been combed down, watered and hitched. They're ready to go any time you wish."
player, 15 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 22 Mar 2011
at 19:04
  • msg #14

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Swiftstrider finishes his ale in one mighty swig.  Then looking at Sister Aliana and Emerald he says, "We leave in one hour. Get gear.  Meet us at wagon. If join us you wish."
player, 12 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 22 Mar 2011
at 19:08
  • msg #15

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Myarra, the "female demon", does her best to temper the gross exaggerations, if not down-right .... fibs, of her goliath companion, but his overblown enthusiasm is rather contagious.  Several times she has a stories to top his right on her lips, but squelches the impulse, but not without severe difficulty.  These new people are going to be putting themselves in danger.  It wouldn't be right not to make it as clear as possible as to what they might be getting into.

"The most dangerous thing we'll be going after is a medusa." she tells the others, adding to the already long list of orcs and ogres and esoteric beasties.  "A nasty monster with snakes for hair that can turn you to stone if you catch her eyes.  We lost our comrade Trizdan and his wolf companion to her.  One second they're fighting an orc horde, the next they're a thousand pebbles on the floor."

She gives Silver a nod and a smile as he joins them.  He'd been a bit distant the last couple of weeks.  But then she hadn't been easy to live with either, so she supposed she didn't have much right to complain.

She then turned to Emerald, a very strange little man, and again, companioned with a dog.  She wondered what was the problem with these people.  "I don't mean to be rude," she began.  "But what is it with the dogs and the wolves?  In my homeland hunting cats were the norm.  Dogs where just for guarding the camp."  And fattening the stewpot, but she left that bit out since people usually took offense to references to cooking their pets.

Unfortunately, that was when the ostler arrived to tell them the horses were ready.

"Thank you, Harold" she replies, handing him a small bag clinking of silver.  "Your help has been very much appreciated."

Turing back to the newcomers she holds her hand out, pointing towards the door.  "So, Medusas, dragons, orcs, ogres, harpers, and ... ah ... those things that dig through stone.  Other than that, it should be pretty safe.  So, who's interested in joining us?"
player, 16 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 22 Mar 2011
at 19:22
  • msg #16

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

"Har-pees," Swiftstider says with a grin.  "Har-pers make music. We fight no music-makers.  Music good and fun!"
This message was last edited by the player at 19:24, Tue 22 Mar 2011.
player, 13 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 22 Mar 2011
at 19:49
  • msg #17

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Myarra frowns.  "I'm sure Nolan said they were harpers.  Big half-bird-half-human; filthy; screech a lot; try to tear you apart.  You know, little Maggie's people."
player, 10 posts
Tue 22 Mar 2011
at 19:58
  • msg #18

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Silver grins to himself for a moment. "Yeah, Myarra, he's right. Harpys. Harpers are different breed alltogether, though not so different in some ways. And the things that dig through stone, that could be any number of creatures. The ones we fought were umber hulks."

Turning to the two people, and more directly looking at Aliana Silver stands from his chair. "If you're going to join us, which I welcome if you do, both of you... You need to know. It's not all the grand adventure the Mountain Man tells. I'm not trying to scare you off, but we lost three companions to death, more to "desertion". Now, I have soemthing to attend before I leave, I hope to see you both at the cart in an hour."

Silver bows to the newbies, and makes for the door.
player, 15 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 22 Mar 2011
at 20:16
  • msg #19

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

"Well проклинать! Myarra curses with a chuckle.  "Now I feel like a right идиот.  And you guys just let me go around spouting nonsense for a month?  Господа.  Real Господа."  So saying, she tips back her mug and polishes off her own drink, while giving a friendly wave to Silver as the elf heads out.  Even those who don't know her can tell her tone is joking, not insulting.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 20 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 22 Mar 2011
at 21:41
  • msg #20

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Sister Aliana smiles delightedly.
I understand the confusion, certainly.    In Common, especially, Harper and Harpy both sound similar, mostly because they both make music.   I love Harpers, though.    Harpies......well,  not so much..
She looks a little chagrined, as she smiles sheepishly, as if not liking something, even murderous monsters, was an embarrassingly bad habit.

I've always wanted an animal companion, like  a bird or something, but I'm MUCH too absent-minded to care for one.   I had a tropical bird as a pet once.  One of those brightly colored ones from across the sea, and I keep forgetting to feed it because I kept getting lost in books.    The headmaster finally took it away from me because he was tired of hearing it complain.

She shook her head at the memory, rolling her eyes at her own mistakes, but still smiling as if amused by herself.
I can understand why many people choose dogs over cats, though.  They're easier to train and care for.   Cats are notoriously independent, and require more effort.    If you want to concentrate more on your hunting or other duties, that's not always a good thing.

Looking at the man who came to see her new friends, she nodded to them after he left.
I'll be ready and meet you there.  I wish I had the money for a "Stone to Flesh" potion, but I guess it can't be helped.   Still, it sounds like a thrilling adventure.   
This message was last edited by the player at 21:13, Wed 23 Mar 2011.
player, 16 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 22 Mar 2011
at 22:55
  • msg #21

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

"Thank you Aliana, I appreciate the attempt." Myarra replies with a smile.  "I'm not really that well traveled.  So the wizard and I managed to duck the green dragon that was chasing us by landing in this strange clearing.  And in the middle of it is an old tower.  The wizard got really excited by it and wanted to check it out.  Unfortunately there was some kind of magical warning thing and this huge multi-headed hydro came after us.  So we flew up onto the tower, which is where the harper ... ies, were nesting, and then they attacked us.  Well with one thing and another, the wizard was pitching one new word after another at me.  I suppose I should be glad I got as close as I did."

She pauses for moment, trying to remember something.  "If you'd like another one of those birds.  And" she pauses and grins a little, "you think you could take proper care of it, one of the portals out of the tower leads to a jungle that has birds like that.  I think Nolan called it Chant.  Or something like that.

But I think we're going to have to agree to disagree on the superiority of dogs over cats.  To me, that's like saying salt is sweet."

player, 18 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Wed 23 Mar 2011
at 04:51
  • msg #22

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

"Little Maggie nice," Swiftstrider says with fondness in his voice.  "Daak has many strange people... Maggie, Ashara, Nolan's iron men, ... us."

He waves to the departing Silver, and nods to their new friends. Then he pauses and nods to himself and pulls a small, polished steel mirror from his pouch and says, "These good for snake-haired woman.  You see her here.  You no turn to stone."

Tucking his mirror back in it's pouch, the goliath heads for the door...
player, 17 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 23 Mar 2011
at 20:03
  • msg #23

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

"Maggie's a sweetheart." Myarra agreed.  "As is Ashara.  Nolan and his iron men ... not so much.  But yes, we're all a bit strange."

"We'll be along in a just a bit." she calls to Swiftstrider as the big man headed out the door.

"Well, I think that's all." she directs to the newcomers.  "Unless you have any more questions about us or what we're facing?  If not, we should get going.  We can still talk on the way.  It's going to a while to get to Daak with all these supplies."

She waits on the newcomers, but if they have nothing else, she's ready to head for the door herself.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 21 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 23 Mar 2011
at 21:19
  • msg #24

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Aliana shrugs, smiling pleasantly.
Dogs vs Cats is a somewhat academic issue, I suppose.    And "superiority" is something that will never get settled, I'm afraid.   Both have their strengths and weaknesses.   I love cats, personally, but I like dogs, too.
I didn't mean to say that you were wrong about cats, m'lady.   Just repeating what I'd learned about some dog owners.

But, I'm ready to go.   I should, perhaps, buy a mirror or two as well, and perhaps something to deal with harpies, like wax earplugs and the like.
But I'm set other than that.

Emerald Kegroll
player, 5 posts
Thu 24 Mar 2011
at 21:31
  • msg #25

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Emerald chuckles at Myarra's observation and pats his companion. "She is much more than a guard dog. She is my friend, and her name is Soxy, or Sox, for short. I am ready to leave as well. I will just go pack up my things and meet you at the wagon," Emerald adds before getting up to go.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 23 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 25 Mar 2011
at 04:29
  • msg #26

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Aliana will go buy a few more supplies, then waits for the others at the rendezvous.
player, 19 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 25 Mar 2011
at 13:21
  • msg #27

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

"I understand that." Myarra replies to Emerald as Aliana takes her leave.  "Sule was my best friend and hunting companion for many years.  And she was the best hunting cat for a hundred leagues."

She too rises and starts around the table.

"Well, I welcome you, and Soxy.  But time runs against us.  So, I'll see the two of you at the wagon within the hour.  I just have a couple small favors I have to take care of, and then I want to check the supplies to make sure all is in order before we go."
player, 22 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 29 Mar 2011
at 18:03
  • msg #28

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Within the hour, as promised, Myarra is back at the wagon, checking the stays and straps used to hold the cargo in place.  All it takes is one unsecured barrel on a high grade to scatter your cargo all over the road, not to mention doing serious damage to anyone riding behind.

Once she's sure everything is in order, she spends the rest of her time up front talking to and stroking the horses.  After dealing with camels for half her life, the more placid horses are a treat, even if they aren't quite as smart, which is a good thing, most of the time.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 24 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 29 Mar 2011
at 23:48
  • msg #29

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Her new purchases in her Haversack, the bouncy elven cleric rode her horse to the meeting place.   She waved enthusiastically to Myarra.
Hi!   I'm ready to go.  Is there anything else we need?

She was feeling giddy with anticipation.
Big Boss
GM, 18 posts
I am looking down upon
Wed 30 Mar 2011
at 00:21
  • msg #30

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

With everything set and ready to go, the group heads out of town and down a trail that leads to the village of Daak. The village is about 45 miles away, which will take you about a day and a half to get there in the wagon full of supplies the village needs. The day is spent getting to know each other...or lying, and the day is peaceful. The weather is nice and you can see for miles in all directions. You all walk for a bit, as well as ride in the wagon, and plan on looking for a place to spend the night when you start to see the first trees off in the distance.

Getting closer, you see a group of village farmers on the trail standing near a tall oak tree, perhaps 30 feet tall (one of many trees you've seen). You can't tell what they're doing, but when they see you off in the distance, they start waving to get your attention. Wondering what was happening, you guys move in closer for a better look. That's when Myarra mentions that she didn't remember the village farmers having horses, let alone 10 of them.

"Is that them, Sergeant?" #10 asked #7

"Yes sir, that's them." #7 said back after looking at the group

Wondering what the hell is going on, the men pull out weapons.

"Kill the she-demon, take the rest alive for interrogation."

Please roll initiatives and state your actions.

Battle Map Created

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This message was last edited by the GM at 00:21, Wed 30 Mar 2011.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 26 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 30 Mar 2011
at 02:01
  • msg #31

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Sister Aliana, riding in the wagon to save her poor fanny from hours on her horse, looked at the "she-demon", smiling.
Friends of yours?  Anything you want to share with the class, ma'am?

She casts a spell.
Lord Oghma, Great Binder, unbind the ties that hold Your servant to the earth, so that she might better help her new friends.

OOC:Flying spell.
player, 11 posts
Wed 30 Mar 2011
at 02:35
  • msg #32

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Not really knowing what was going on, Silver picked up his newest aquisition, the Longbow, and took a quick shot at the closest man. They were obviously out for blood, might as well give it to them.

19 Initiative.
Attacking #9
21 to hit, 7 damage.

player, 24 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 30 Mar 2011
at 03:38
  • msg #33

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

"... and having a pillow that purrs is the best part of falling asleep under the desert stars ..."  Myarra paused in her conversation with her new clerical comrade when a bunch of villagers in the middle distance started acting very strange.

Myarra's first thought was to try to placate the humans.  It might just be a mistake that could be smoothed over.  They'd been on pretty good terms with most of the people they'd run into, after all.

Then Silver took a shot at one of them, a shot that looked at first glance to be a pretty good one.  So much for smoothing things over.  She shook her head at what would probably be a slaughter.  Mystra knew she didn't need more blood on her hands, but at least she wasn't the one starting it.

"Demon?  Why is it always demon?  There's no proof that any of my ancestors were demons.  They could have been devils, or daemons, or deevils for all I know.  But humans always jump to demons.  What's up with that?"

Climbing down from the wagon, she slapped her helm over her head, and pulled her sword, holding it at the ready while she summoned up some of the dark energy that fueled her soul.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:39, Wed 30 Mar 2011.
player, 21 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Wed 30 Mar 2011
at 07:15
  • msg #34

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Swiftstrider roars out an unintelligibly word, readies his axe, moves forward 30 feet!
Emerald Kegroll
player, 6 posts
Wed 30 Mar 2011
at 18:03
  • msg #35

Re: 1372: The Year of Wild Magic: Day 170

Emerald is startled by the apparent order to arrest him, and kill one of his companions. He decides that he could be in great danger, so he gets down off the wagon and jumps up on Sox's back, waiting for the alleged villagers to respond to Silver's arrow.

Move: to K 14 and mount up
Big Boss
GM, 23 posts
I am looking down upon
Fri 1 Apr 2011
at 00:27
  • msg #36

The fight on the trail home....

Round 1 results----------

Wondering what the hell was going on, the party moves into action. Emerald and Sox are over the side of the wagon quicker than a jack rabbit on a date and mounted for possible combat after hearing the threat from #10. Getting a better look at the man, he appears to be some kind of spell user. Silver confirms that there's going to be a fight, when he shot an arrow at human #9. The arrow strikes the man in the shoulder and metal armor can be heard under the peasant clothing. Swiftstrider, already having his weapon out, yells out something in a foreign language and moves in!

Human 10 casts a spell at Swiftstrider, but doesn't seem to affect the Goliath. The rest of the men pull out weapons. Some move in for the attack, and a couple have crossbows already loaded. They fire at the horses. The horses get hit, which they don't like, and one of them stumbles and falls to the ground....asleep. The other one tries to run, but with being hitched up to the wagon and the other horse asleep, the horse isn't going anywhere.

Aliana casts a spell, and is now floating above the wagon, as Myarra hops down to the ground with her sword, mumbling to herself. Human 4 seems pretty strange standing there taking in the whole situation....

Spot Check DC 25

Name          Initiative    Health    Misc.
Emerald           23        45/45
Sox               23        30/30
Silver            19        33/33
Swiftstrider      19        64/64     Bulls Strength
Human 10          17        ??/??
Human 7           16        ??/??
Human 1           16        ??/??     Crossbow
Human 5           15        ??/??     Crossbow
Human 6           15        ??/??
Human 9           14        ??/07
Human 2           11        ??/??     Crossbow
Human 3           11        ??/??
Human 8           09        ??/??
Aliana            08        ??/??     Fly
Myarra            06        65/65     Protection from Good
Human 4          HOLD       ??/??

Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

link to a message in this game
player, 12 posts
Fri 1 Apr 2011
at 00:45
  • msg #37

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver tries to take a quick veiw of the situation, before jumping off the side of the cart, to give himself cover from two of the three crossbowmen. The other was in clear veiw. He nocked another arrow, and let fly.

Spot 14
Move to O-16
29 to hit, 18 confirm. 5 damage + 5 crit damage.

17:40, Today: Silver rolled 29,5 using d20+9,d8+3. Attack and damage #2.
17:42, Today: Silver rolled 18 using 1d20+9. Confirm crit.
17:43, Today: Silver rolled 5 using 2d8. crit damage .
 **Really....freaking really...I get a crit, and roll FIVE damage, for x3. FML


I've been corrected. Critical damage would be 33. Sorry.

This message was last edited by the player at 03:45, Sun 03 Apr 2011.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 27 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 1 Apr 2011
at 12:40
  • msg #38

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana's sensitive ears hear the "clunk" of the fake peasant's armor, and she frowns, pursing her lips.
I usually respect authority figures, but I cannot abide liars.   

She grasps her holy symbol and chants.
Oh Learned One, please sent Your servant assistance, to aid her on her journey.

Appearing out of the air is a Celestial Hippogriff, summoned to aid the pretty blonde elf.  She claps her hands delightedly at its beauty, before sending it to attack the wizard who was targeting Swiftrider.
OOC:I can summon it up to thirty-five feet from me, and its own movement should be sufficient to reach the spellcaster.

07:39, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 12,12,10 using d20+6,d20+6,d20+1 with rolls of 6,6,9. claw, claw, bite, on 10.

Though he probably misses

Emerald Kegroll
player, 7 posts
Sat 2 Apr 2011
at 11:18
  • msg #39

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald hears the unmistakable tink of metal armour as Silver's arrow strikes true and urges Soxy slowly forward. When he reaches Myarra, he casts a spell upon the nearest pair of would-be bandits.

Move: to K18
Standard: Cast Heat Metal on 7 and 9 (will save DC:16)

player, 23 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Mon 4 Apr 2011
at 07:00
  • msg #40

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Upset that the leader gave orders to kill Myarra, Swiftstrider moves forward and swings on one of the men, connecting solidly!
Then he attempts a second attack...
Big Boss
GM, 27 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 5 Apr 2011
at 00:46
  • msg #41

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Round 1.5/2.0 results----------

Emerald and Soxy move up next to Myarra and casts a spell on Humans 7 and 9, hoping to heat up any metal the men are using or wearing, while Silver hops off the wagon and shoots Human 5 square in the heart with a well aimed arrow. The man screams, drops his crossbow, grabs at the arrow sticking out of his chest, and slumps to the ground dead. Swiftstrider runs in and attacks Human 6 with his Great axe. The blow starts at the man's left shoulder and ends somewhere near his groin, blood and guts and screaming the whole time until the man slumps to the ground dead.

Human 10 seemed displeased with himself when his spell didn't work on Swiftstrider, so he cast a different spell on Myarra. 3 quick missiles strike Myarra square in the chest! Human 7 runs in and swings his mace, but strikes the sleeping horse instead. Crossbow 1 and 2 shoot their bolts at Aliana, one striking the crazed horse and the other one striking the wagon seat in front of her. Humans 9, 8 and 3 gang up on Swiftstrider, beating on him with their maces. Human 3 manages a good hit to the Goliath's leg. The last human, who was pretty calm during the fight, just stands in front of the "wizard", arms folded and looking at Myarra and Emerald.

Name          Initiative    Health    Misc.
Aliana            24        ??/??     Fly
Myarra            24        54/65     Protection from Good
Emerald           23        45/45
Sox               23        30/30
Human 4           22        ??/??
Silver            19        33/33
Swiftstrider      19        57/64     Bulls Strength
Human 10          17        ??/??
Human 7           16        ??/??     Heat Metal
Human 1           16        ??/??     Crossbow
Human 9           14        ??/07     Heat Metal
Human 2           11        ??/??     Crossbow
Human 3           11        ??/??
Human 8           09        ??/??
Human 5          DEAD
Human 6          DEAD

Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

link to a message in this game
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 32 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 5 Apr 2011
at 00:48
  • msg #42

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana's action can go now.....

Aliana's sensitive ears hear the "clunk" of the fake peasant's armor, and she frowns, pursing her lips.
I usually respect authority figures, but I cannot abide liars.   

She grasps her holy symbol and chants.
Oh Learned One, please sent Your servant assistance, to aid her on her journey.

Appearing out of the air is a Celestial Hippogriff, summoned to aid the pretty blonde elf.  She claps her hands delightedly at its beauty, before sending it to attack the wizard who was targeting Swiftrider.
OOC:I can summon it up to thirty-five feet from me, and its own movement should be sufficient to reach the spellcaster.

07:39, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 12,12,10 using d20+6,d20+6,d20+1 with rolls of 6,6,9. claw, claw, bite, on 10.

Though he probably misses

player, 24 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 5 Apr 2011
at 01:41
  • msg #43

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Swiftstrider grunts at the attack from behind, but he ignores it and faces the two men in front of him with a feral grin!

He swings on  the man directly in front of him, feeling his axe cleave bone.  Then he attacks the man just to the right...
player, 27 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 5 Apr 2011
at 04:44
  • msg #44

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Myarra takes the hits to her chest with barely a pause in her humming.  Her new armor absorbed most of the energy, but not all of it, at least not from jabs of pain that now accompany each breath.  She'd told Nolan that she really hated those damable magical darts from her earlier experiences, and this refresher course confirmed every bad memory. "Your wizard is about to die." she told the young man that now stood before her.

Her sword is now spinning, clanking against the man's mace as she gets a feel for his abilities.  Unfortunately, his abilities are pretty good.  She's not going to be able to put him down as easily as she would like, and in fact she almost loses her sword as the human manages to get a near hit in on her fingers.

Recovering from what would have been a major embarrasment, Myarra decides to forgo grace and simply overpower her opponent, knocking his weapon aside and slashing across his midsection.

Smiling as she gets back into the rhythm of combat, her humming turns to Cormyrian battle opera, which she belts out at a volume that rivals Swiftstrider's roars.

Three lethal maids of death are we
Sharp as a viper's fang can be
Filled to the brim with ghoulish glee
Three lethal maids of death

Everyone's death is a source of fun
Nobody's safe, but go ahead and run
Life is a joke, for the battle's won
Three lethal maids of death


player, 16 posts
Tue 5 Apr 2011
at 06:17
  • msg #45

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Myarra was right. The Wizard had to go down. He was well outlined against the trees. Silver moved forward a few feet, and took aim again. He knew closing this much with the enemy was risky, and those men engaged with Swiftstrider might come at him, but the Wizard was a major threat. He was behind another man, but maybe he could still hit him.

He nocked his arrow and loosed, all in one breath.

Move to O-19, Silver shoots at #10.
14 to hit, 4 damage. Don't think I hit, but maybe.

This message was last edited by the player at 06:19, Tue 05 Apr 2011.
Emerald Kegroll
player, 9 posts
Wed 6 Apr 2011
at 01:33
  • msg #46

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald takes a moment to wonder why they would be attacked, out of the blue, by a group of very angry, armed men, but brushes off his daydreaming long enough to ride Soxy towards the nearest bandit who, he deems, should be beginning to burn underneath his horrid metal armour. "Get him, girl!" he cries as he commands Soxy to take a bite.

Move: E
Standard: Soxy attack on bandit 7

11:31, Today: Emerald Kegroll rolled 26 using 1d20+16. Soxy's alternative AC -v- first attack.
11:31, Today: Emerald Kegroll rolled 6 using 1d6+4. Damage.
11:30, Today: Emerald Kegroll rolled 12 using 1d20+6. Soxy attack on bandit 7.

Big Boss
GM, 28 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 7 Apr 2011
at 00:28
  • msg #47

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Round 3 results----------

Aliana, still hovering above the wagon, casted a spell and summoned forth a Hippogriff to attack the enemy spell-user. The beast quickly flew in under the tree branches and attacked the wizard. This also sent human 4 into action as well with an attack of opportunity. The Hippogriff's attacks were off slightly as Human 4 jumped up and punched the beast on it's side! Myarra, not liking the wizard that just struck her with Magic Missiles, takes her revenge on the warrior in front of her, while yelling a song about the Maids of Death. Her first attack made her look like a rookie with a blade, but her second one made up for the mistake as she practically cripples the man with one blow to his side. Emerald and Soxy move up to join Myarra in the fight versus Human 7, wondering if his spell is effecting them yet. Judging by the look on his face, the man appears to be in a lot of pain as Soxy tries to bite him, but doesn't get much but hot metal.

Human 4 goes into a flurry of fists and kicks as he attacks the Hippogriff to get it away from the wizard. The Hippogriff takes another blow to it's side. Silver takes advantage of the Hippogriff situation to get a shot at the wizard. Moving up on the side of the crazed horse, the rogue fires an arrow and strikes the wizard in the leg! The wizard yells in surprise and pain! Swiftstrider turns his attention to a warrior in front of him who already looks to be in a lot of pain. Wanting to end his suffering, the Goliath chops down with his axe and destroys the man's head; blood, bone and brains going all over his friend next to him! And, to top it off, the man's clothes smolder as the body slumps to the ground! Swiftstrider paid no attention to that, as he attacked the next man who was in shock of having his friend's brain matter all over his face. One good chop to the chest and the man falls to the ground screaming and quickly dies.

The wizard takes a step back to get away from the Hippogriff and casts another Magic Missile, but this time at the magical beast hovering near him! The Hippogriff screeches in pain! Human 7 was about to attack, but falls to the ground as his clothes begin to smolder. Emerald and Myarra would notice that his mace is red from heating up. Human 1 fires his crossbow at Silver and misses. Human 2 fires his crossbow at Swiftstrider and strikes the Goliath's leg! Human 3 takes advantage of the back attack and strikes Swiftstrider's upper back with his mace!

Swiftstrider: Fortitude Save DC 14 or it's nighty night for you!

Name          Initiative    Health    Misc.
Aliana            24        34/34     Fly
Hippogriff        24        05/25
Myarra            24        48/65     Protection from Good
Emerald           23        45/45
Sox               23        30/30
Human 4           22        ??/??
Silver            19        33/33
Swiftstrider      19        54/64     Bulls Strength
Human 10          17        ??/04
Human 1           16        ??/??     Crossbow
Human 2           11        ??/??     Crossbow
Human 3           11        ??/??
Human 5          DEAD
Human 6          DEAD
Human 9          DEAD
Human 8          DEAD
Human 7           KO

Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

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player, 17 posts
Thu 7 Apr 2011
at 00:59
  • msg #48

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver nodded in satisfaction at his shot. The mage got a tase of pain, that was good. But the Crossbowmen were still a threat. He took aim, and fired again. The Elf was very glad for his new weapon. "Lay down your arms, and we will show mercy! Continue to fight and you will die!"

He didnt think it would actually work, but it was worth a shot. They weren't monsters...

25 to hit, 9 damage on Human #1
player, 29 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 7 Apr 2011
at 01:20
  • msg #49

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Myarra barely glances at the man who slumps at her feet.  He wasn't the one she was after.

Unfortunately, the wizard was still hiding behind his defender, cowering in fear as his men fell one by one.

Stepping away from Emerald and Soxy, she opened her wings and flew across the ground towards the wizard, landing just in front of his bodyguard, prepare to cut the man in two.  Instead, she nearly caught her blade in the hovering hippogriff, and for the second time in the last ten seconds, nearly lost her sword.  This was not looking good as a way of impressing the newcomers.

Still, she wasn't about to let a few mishaps get her down, and kept up with more of her opera.

Three lethal maids who strike and parry
Come to the fight all grim and scary
Freed from society's demand to marry
Three lethal maids of death
Three lethal maids of death

One lethal maid is a samurai
Two lethal maids at her side they fly
Three lethal maids with swords held high
Three lethal maids of death
Three lethal maids of death

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 35 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 7 Apr 2011
at 01:56
  • msg #50

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana watches the battlefield with the smile of a chess players watching a strategy come to fruition.   She has no illusions about her skill, but she's having a lovely time.

Hmmmmm.....the wizard is busy at the moment, though I should engage the man sooner rather than later.     The big gray man is......doing VERY well.   Oghma's Book, he's an impressive warrior!    Everyone seems to be doing well, too, but.....those crossbowmen are seriously becoming a problem.     Ah....I know!    Perhaps a bit more "help". 

Flying forward 60', she holds her sword in one hand as she reaches into her Bag of Tricks, and tosses a fuzzy ball to land between the crossbowmen.
Go play with those nice men, my pretty one!


20:46, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 88 using 1d100. Bag of tricks.
Black Bear.

20:46, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 22 using 1d20+6. throwing fluff
to land between the crossbowmen.

Then her creatures attack.

20:53, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 12,22,10 using d20+6,d20+6,d20+1. claw, claw, bite,  bear vs crossbowman (#1).
20:54, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 7 using 1d4+4. 2nd claw damage.

20:51, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 8,14,13 using d20+4,d20+4,d20+1. claw, claw, bite, hippogriff vs wizard.
 20:51, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 5,4 using d4+4,d8+1.
    (possible damage for 14 and 13 to his for 2nd claw and bite)

This message was last edited by the player at 01:56, Thu 07 Apr 2011.
player, 26 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Thu 7 Apr 2011
at 07:36
  • msg #51

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Giving a small grunt of pain each from the crossbow bolt and the mace, Swiftstrider turns to the mace-wielder behind him, his gore-spattered face leering at the man over a gore-spattered large axe as he says, "Yield, and I spare you. More fun if you do not."
Emerald Kegroll
player, 10 posts
Fri 8 Apr 2011
at 02:03
  • msg #52

Re: The fight on the trail home....

With the closest bandit down for the count, Emerald prods Soxy with his knees to move closer to the horses to see if they are injured.

Move: E SE E SE S
Standard: Inspecting the horses for signs of injury or distress.

Big Boss
GM, 29 posts
I am looking down upon
Sat 9 Apr 2011
at 20:09
  • msg #53

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Round 4 results----------

Using her Fly spell to float above the "battle field" (and above the struggling horse trying to get away from the wagon), Aliana pulls forth a fuzzy ball from a bag and throws it between the 2 crossbow men. The ball lands on the ground and turns into a Black Bear! The 2 crossbow men are completely surprised! The Hippogriff and the Black Bear attack their enemies! The Hippogriff flies in and attacks the wizard, scoring a hit with a claw and the bear goes after Crossbow man 1, also scoring a minor claw wound!

Myarra continues her opera singing as she flies up to Human 4 and plans on chopping the man in half. But, the flap of the Hippogriff wings interferes with her attack and she almost loses her weapon...again. Emerald and Soxy move to the front of the wagon and inspect the horses. The horse on the right is out cold with a bolt to the neck. The other horse is still struggling to get away from the fight, but the dead weight of the other horse, plus the wagon "in park" is keeping the wounded horse in place. It has a couple crossbow bolts in it's side and is very frightened.

Human 4, who appeared annoyed by Myarra's bad singing, takes a stance, claps his hands together, and socks Myarra square in the chest! The wind is knocked out of her, but she recovers quickly to annoy him more with her singing. That hurt! With several obstacles in his way, Silver yells for everyone to surrender and shoots an arrow at Human 1 and manages to hit the man! But, for some strange reason (big Black bear), the man isn't listening! Swiftstrider turns to face the man near him and gives the man a chance to surrender. The Wizard takes a step back from the annoying Hippogriff and casts a Magic Missile on the beast, and it disappears in a puff of smoke! Unconscious Human 7 dies from the metal burning his skin and Crossbow man 1 get mauled by the bear while trying to flee the area. This gives Crossbow man 2 the chance he needed to get away! Seeing his friend running from the fight, Human 3 does the same, running to his horse and trying desperately to avoid the Black Bear!

Name          Initiative    Health    Misc.
Aliana            24        34/34     Fly
Black Bear        24        19/19
Myarra            24        39/65     Protection from Good
Emerald           23        45/45
Sox               23        30/30
Human 4           22        ??/??
Silver            19        33/33
Swiftstrider      19        54/64     Bulls Strength
Human 10          17        ??/09
Human 2           11        ??/??     Crossbow
Human 3           11        ??/??
Human 5          DEAD
Human 6          DEAD
Human 9          DEAD
Human 8          DEAD
Human 7          DEAD
Human 1          DEAD

Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

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player, 30 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sat 9 Apr 2011
at 23:41
  • msg #54

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Even the punch to her chest can't prevent the conclusion of her operatic extravaganza.

From three lethal maids, have one strike true
Two lethal maids still have much to do
All form the world's most lethal crew
Three lethal maids of death
Three lethal maids of death

Myarra finishes, although with a bit of a wheeze toward the end, slashing at the human twice, once on each of the concluding lines.

The human's assault added to the pain from the wizard's filthy magic, making her every move and breath twinge with pain.  Besides, as a warrior, she expected better combat technique.

"Really human? Boob assault? That's your master attack plan? Didn't your mother teach you any manners!

And you wizard!  Where are you going?  You're the reason for all this.  Surrender now and you just might get to keep all your bits attached!"

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 36 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 10 Apr 2011
at 04:39
  • msg #55

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana pouted as her hippogriff vanished from damage.  It always depressed her when her summoned friends were hurt.
She decided that it was time to take a more active role in the attack.
But, it seemed silly not to get her bear friend to help.

Go get the wizard, my Bear-Friend!   I'll help!

She directed her Bear to charge #10 and attack,and it rushes to the wizard and bats at the man's head.

23:34, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 22 using 1d20+6. Mmmmm...bearclaw....
23:34, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 6 using 1d4+4. claw damage.

Aliana joins in, flying halfway to the wizard as she fires her bow.

23:38, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 17 using 1d20+7. bow attack on 10.
23:38, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 6 using 1d8+1. arrow damage.

player, 18 posts
Mon 11 Apr 2011
at 17:41
  • msg #56

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Running? No, they had the chane to surrender. They weren't going to run, and tell whoever sent them where we were, and our strength. Silver hurried a little closer, and fired another shot at one of the fleeing men.

Move to L-23 (or 22, if my moement is wrong)
15 to hit, 9 damage

player, 27 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Mon 11 Apr 2011
at 17:53
  • msg #57

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Swiftstrider rolls his eyes as the man he told to surrender runs for his horse!  Swiiftstrider runs after and catches up, bellowing at the man, "Surrender or die!"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:16, Sun 17 Apr 2011.
Emerald Kegroll
player, 11 posts
Tue 12 Apr 2011
at 00:42
  • msg #58

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"There, there lad, no need to be running off with sticks in your side," Emerald whispers to the animals in a soothing tone. He considers the pair of stricken horses for a moment, then quietly casts a spell over them, hoping to keep them from doing further harm to themselves.

Standard: Calm Animals over the two horses, affecting up to 9HD worth. No save I believe.

10:40, Today: Emerald Kegroll rolled 9 using 2d4+5. Calm Animals over the two horses HD.

Big Boss
GM, 33 posts
I am looking down upon
Wed 13 Apr 2011
at 23:28
  • msg #59

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Round 5 results----------

Aliana sent her pet bear in to attack the wizard as she too moves in and fires off an arrow. The bear manages a claw on the wizard, but Aliana's arrow falls short with the bear being in the way of her shot. Myarra finishes her song and chastises the monk before delivering 2 massive slashes from her Great Sword, which sends the monk screaming to his death, blood splashing everywhere. Emerald casts a spell to calm the scared horse so it wouldn't continue to hurt itself trying to get away. He wasn't sure what the spell would do to the one that was drugged though. Silver moves closer to the fight and takes aim on human 3, who was trying to flee the area. His aim was off a bit, but he manages to strike the man in the side.

Swiftstrider runs to human 3, easily keeping up with the man and yelling at him to surrender. The man seems pretty scared and is trying to run away. The wizard takes a look at the situation as he takes a step back and then he turns invisible when things look pretty grim. Human 2 makes it to his horse and hops on, attempting to flee the area.

Name          Initiative    Health    Misc.
Aliana            24        34/34     Fly
Black Bear        24        19/19
Myarra            24        39/65     Protection from Good
Emerald           23        45/45
Sox               23        30/30
Silver            19        33/33
Human 10(Wizard)  17        ??/15     Invisible
Human 2           11        ??/??     Crossbow
Swiftstrider      11        54/64     Bulls Strength
Human 3           11        ??/09
Human 5          DEAD
Human 6          DEAD
Human 9          DEAD
Human 8          DEAD
Human 7          DEAD
Human 1          DEAD
Human 4(Monk)    DEAD

Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

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Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 37 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 14 Apr 2011
at 00:09
  • msg #60

Re: The fight on the trail home....

The pretty blonde elf yelled for her bear-friend to sniff out the wizard, if he could.
Go get him, boy!!!  I'll be all his wizardly components smell pretty terrible, so you should have no trouble.

Aliana pouted.  She was annoyed that the wizard was fleeing the scene.   Then she remembered that the had one last bit of powerful magic to use.
Not sure which why the wizard had gone, she flew to his position and cast  "Invisibility Purge", which would make a globe 25 feet in all directions, that would make all invisible things visible.

Great Oghma, Celestial Font of Knowledge, please help Your humble servant see that which cannot be seen. 

She would then fly around, trying to find the wizard.
player, 19 posts
Fri 15 Apr 2011
at 04:19
  • msg #61

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver watched as one more of the men started to run away. He moved after him, and took his time to make the shot count. He was getting quite a ways away, but Silver couldn't allow the man to escape. Sighted in on the fleeing man, SIlver loosed his arrow with along with his held breath. "If they don't want to surrender, then don't let them get away!"

I am blessed.

29 to hit Human 2 (That's another crit), 21 confirm. 33 damage.

Emerald Kegroll
player, 12 posts
Fri 15 Apr 2011
at 19:29
  • msg #62

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald lets the bigger folk deal with the fight as he leans over to tend to the injured horse. Having gotten its emotions under control, he now looks to heal it of its wounds.

Standard: Cast Cure Light Wounds on injured horse

05:29, Today: Emerald Kegroll rolled 9 using 1d8+5. CLW. (adjusted for correct modifier)

This message was last edited by the player at 19:30, Fri 15 Apr 2011.
player, 35 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sun 17 Apr 2011
at 04:18
  • msg #63

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Myarra spares only a moment's notice as the human falls before her, knowing that she needs to get at the wizard as quickly as she can.  She's therefore a bit distressed when the man suddenly disappears from sight.  But she has to smile as her new clerical comrade swoops in, her divine powers wiping away the foul stench of wizardry and bringing the man back into focus.

Using her wings to propel herself forward (not really necessary, but she figures anything that might frighten the wizard is a good thing) she swoops over (avoiding any claw attacks by the bear) and brings her sword around smartly, striking the man in the stomach with the flat of the blade, hoping to knock the wind out of him.
player, 30 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Sun 17 Apr 2011
at 16:38
  • msg #64

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Having caught up with the fleeing man, Swiftstrider raises his axe over his head and bellows, "Surrender or die mean surrender or die! Not run like scared goat!  Now..."


Big Boss
GM, 36 posts
I am looking down upon
Sun 17 Apr 2011
at 23:45
  • msg #65

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Round 6 results----------

Aliana casts a spell and the wizard becomes visible, attracting the attention of the bear and Myarra. The bear moves in for the attack, as does Myarra, and with combined attacks, they manage to take the wizard down....alive. Emerald soothes the horse after it has calmed down and casts a healing spell on it after removing the crossbow bolts. The other horse is still asleep on the ground. Silver moves up and takes aim on the fleeing human on the horse. The arrow flies and hits the man in the back of the head. The man falls off the horse and doesn't move as the horse runs away. Human 2 and Swiftstrider continue to run to the horses, but Swiftstrider yells at the man to surrender or die and the man stops in his tracks, drops his weapon and puts his hands in the air, practically crying.

Fight is over.

Name          Initiative    Health    Misc.
Aliana            24        34/34     Fly
Black Bear        24        19/19
Myarra            24        39/65     Protection from Good
Emerald           23        45/45
Sox               23        30/30
Silver            19        33/33
Swiftstrider      11        54/64     Bulls Strength
Human 3          SURRENDERED
Human 5          DEAD
Human 6          DEAD
Human 9          DEAD
Human 8          DEAD
Human 7          DEAD
Human 1          DEAD
Human 4(Monk)    DEAD
Human 10(Wizard)  KO
Human 2          DEAD

Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

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Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 47 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 00:19
  • msg #66

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Clapping with delight, Sister Aliana drifted down to land lightly on the back of her summoned bear, as it stood guard over the unconscious wizard.

Well Done, my furry friend!   
She gives him a big hug around the neck and a kiss on his fuzzy head.
I'm so proud of you.    Now, let's secure our new guest.

The elven cleric, still grinning, looked at Myarra.
And a fine job from you as well, Myarra.   I have some rope, unless you'd like to do the honors?

She lay on her stomach on the back of the bear, her small head and torso resting on her bear-friend's large shaggy head.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:20, Mon 18 Apr 2011.
player, 21 posts
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 01:02
  • msg #67

Re: The fight on the trail home....

SIlver lowers his bow with a shake of his head. He could have just stopped running. At least one of them did. He shoulders the bow, and grabs his pack from the seat before starting towards Myarra, the new girl, and the downed Wizard. "Ah, I have something that may prove helpful ladies. He reaches in the pack and grabs out a lenths of rope. He points at the wizard on the ground. <green>"Tie him up."

The rope instantly snakes out and wraps the man in loops, effectively tying him up. "There ya go. Good job by the way, I'm glad you were able to take him down alive." Silver nods to the girls, and giving the bear a wide berth heads to Swiftstrider and his prisoner. "Good job Swiftstrider. I'm glad at least YOU could get one to surrender." He gives the big man a pat on the back, and then turns to address the crying man. "Common then, man stop with all that. You surrendered, which means you don't die. Disarm yourself fully, if you will and get rid of the armor too. Slowly, if you don't mind."
player, 39 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 04:50
  • msg #68

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Myarra gives the downed wizard a couple of kicks, just to make sure he really is out.  She does manage to resist the urge to spit on him, but it's a close thing.

"Thank you, sister.  And give my thanks to your bear.  I think he and I make a fairly good team." she replies to Aliana, then pauses to strip off her helmet.  She's about to take the cleric up on the offer of rope when Silver comes over and uses some magical cord to do the trick instead.

"I was just going to cut his hands off at the wrists" she tells him. "But I suppose your way works as well.   And, don't let this go to your head, but that last shot of yours was fantastic."

While waiting for Silver and Swiftstrider to take care of the other prisoner, Myarra spends some time searching first the wizard's body, and then that of his bodyguard.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 48 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 05:31
  • msg #69

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Sister Aliana grins at the winged woman.
Thank you, it was fun. 

She giggled at the joke about cutting off the wizard's hands.   It might have been serious, but she decided to think that the woman was kidding.
It seemed for the best.

My bear will only be around for another couple of minutes, but hopefully we'll see him again.

She rides the bear back with the others, wanting to enjoy her furry friend a little longer.
Big Boss
GM, 38 posts
I am looking down upon
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 05:51
  • msg #70

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver and Swiftstrider "help" the sobbing man disarm and "help" him remove his armor. The breast plate has a strange symbol on it:

link to a message in this game

Swiftstrider and Myarra have no clue what it is.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 49 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 06:09
  • msg #71

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana sees the odd tattoo.

Oh wow!   That's a neat tattoo!!!  Let me see!  Let me see!

She squats down and looks at the design, nearly putting her nose to the picture.

Then she sat back on her heels, her large eyes narrowed with concentration.
23:59, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 17 using 1d20+8. Knowledge religion.

Then she sighs.
Nope.   I got nothing.   I KNOW that I've seen  it before, somewhere.  But I can't remember it.
player, 22 posts
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 06:17
  • msg #72

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver frowns at the insignia. It looked rather official. But he had no idea what it was. "Me either. Not a clue. Common man, stop with the blubbering. You're not going to die now, you should be relieved. But listen, while WE won't kill you..."

He turns slightly, and points at Myarra, "She might, and she'd likely eat your liver, and wear your guts for garters. Unless of course, you can fill us in on the reasons you and your group had for attacking us. I'd rather not give you over to her, but You saw what she's capable of, I'd be hard pressed to stop her. So tell us, who are you, and why did you attack us?"

Knowledge Religion rolled an 8.

Bah, and an 8 on Intimidate. Maybe someone else can help me intimidate him lol.

player, 31 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 06:22
  • msg #73

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Swiftstrider squats beside the sobbing man and says, "It be alright. You surrendered.  I no eat you for dinner..."

Th goliath's gore-spattered face breaks into a grin. "...tonight."
player, 23 posts
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 06:34
  • msg #74

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver nods along with Swifty. "Ah, that's right. I had almost forgotton that Goliaths often eat the hearts of their fallen enemies. Of course you aren't fallen... Like he said, you surrendered. But they also have been known to sacrifice prisoners, and eat the still beating hearts in honor of their viscious and brutal Gods. I say man, that sounds horrible doesnt it? You should tell us what we wanna know."
player, 40 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 13:27
  • msg #75

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Myarra sighs as her marginally good nature is maligned.  Even at her worst, eating people's livers was totally out of character.

She walks up to the captive human and slaps him across the face to get his attention.

"For the love of Tymora, man up already.  You fought, you lost.  Get a grip." she tells him harshly.

"I'm not going to eat any part of you.  But if you don't tell us what we need to know, I will ram this sword through your gizzard without even the slightest twinge of remorse. And I make no promises about the goliath; his brutal pagan rites are his own.

Now let's get this straight.  None of you needed to die.  None of this needed to have happened at all.  But your side started it, and we're going to finish it.  Frankly the best thing for us is to dig a big pit and bury all of you in it and leave no trace.  So I'd suggest you start talking and give us a reason to let you go.

Do you have a family?  Wife?  Children?  Mother?  How important are you to them?  If you want to ever see them again or have them even know your fate, then start talking.

I'll start you off.  As I recall, bound and gagged wizard asked dead guy over there if we were the ones.  Dead guy over there said that we were, and then the bound and gagged wizard ordered you all to murder me, which got all your friends killed.

So, who are you?  Who's the wizard?  Why were you looking for us?  And why attack us without even trying to talk first."

player, 32 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 15:31
  • msg #76

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Swiftstrider nods, "Wise thought.  I start digging pit."

The goliath walks over to the wagon and fetches a shovel.  Then speaking to Emerald he quietly says, "My people eat goat, elk, cheese, fruit, and vegetables."

"I dig. You gather horses and maybe tie rag over mouth of wizard.  Then no magic mumbles when we not looking.  You think pit better than graves?"

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 50 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 15:41
  • msg #77

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Sister Aliana sighed mournfully as her summoned bear vanished, then she looked at the goliath and raised her hand.
Oh!  Swiftstrider, I'll help dig if you like.   We'll need lots of graves, after all. 

As she walks to the big man's side, she looks around the group.
Also, is anyone hurt and in need of healing?

She grins at the bound wizard.
Well, except for you, silly.
The elf chuckled a bit.
player, 41 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 15:57
  • msg #78

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Dig the pit off in the trees." Myarra tells Swiftstrider.  "I know the ground is more open here, but the ground will heave here when the bodies start rotting. That just means more extremely disgusting work cleaning up our mess for some honest laborers in a week or so.

She turns to Aliana at the offer of healing. If you don't mind, those cursed magical darts, not to mention that pervert's assaults are making my breathing a bit strained.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 51 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 18 Apr 2011
at 16:04
  • msg #79

Re: The fight on the trail home....

The blonde elf walks up to her winged friend.
It would be my pleasure, my dear.

Holding her holy symbol, the cleric prays to her god.
Oh, Oghma, Knower of All, help Your humble servant heal her Traveling Companion, so that she might do more good works in this world.

OOC:10:01, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 13 using 1d8+5. cure light wounds.
(edited to reflect "max healing house rule", so a CLW could be used rather than a CMW)

This message was last edited by the player at 16:16, Mon 18 Apr 2011.
Emerald Kegroll
player, 13 posts
Wed 20 Apr 2011
at 04:25
  • msg #80

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald breaths a sigh of relief when Aliana offers to dig instead. "I thank you for that, M'lady. I am a bit squeemish when it comes to dead people," he adds with a shiver, before guiding Soxy over to where the now-unarmed man is trying to compose himself. He tugs gently on Silver's sleeeve. "Pardon me, Mister Silver, but I know that tattoo on the breastplate. It's the Cult of the Dragon."
player, 25 posts
Wed 20 Apr 2011
at 04:36
  • msg #81

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver looks at the man tugging on his sleeve. He had almost forgotton about him. "Ah, Silver is fine. Just Silver. What is the Cult of the Dragon?"
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 54 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 20 Apr 2011
at 05:06
  • msg #82

Re: The fight on the trail home....

In reply to Emerald Kegroll (msg #80):

No problem, Emerald.   I hoped dig many graves back at the temple.  Many of our best scholars passed away while I was in residence there.

She blinked as she thought about that.
Of course, I lived there for over a hundred years, so I guess that's not very surprising.

The Cult of the Dragon?  They sound like a fun bunch.

player, 35 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Wed 20 Apr 2011
at 22:46
  • msg #83

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Swiftstrider looks down and notices the crossbow bolt stuck in his calf with surprise!  Apparently the stuff rubbed on it to make him sleep had deadened the pain.  He waves to Sister Aliana and says, "This need your help once out."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 55 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 20 Apr 2011
at 22:51
  • msg #84

Re: The fight on the trail home....

The pretty cleric blinked her large eyes in surprise at the goliath's nonchalance about a wound that seemed to have must missed a major blood supply.
She'd heard about the resiliance of the large race, but it was impressive to see nonetheless.

Carefully, she knelt down, and, if the big man let her, removed the bolt.  After cleaning the wound, she cast a healing spell on it.

16:50, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 22 using 1d20+7. heal to removed crossbow bolt.
Then, CLW for 13 points.

Big Boss
GM, 41 posts
I am looking down upon
Wed 20 Apr 2011
at 23:01
  • msg #85

Re: The fight on the trail home....

The "cultist" is taken out of his armor and listens to the threats. He may have been scared by the Goliath, but he's not saying a word. When Myarra speaks about a hole, he just spits at her. The wizard is still out cold and probably won't wake up for several hours. Aliana tends to the party's wounds, as Emerald tends to the horses.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 56 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 20 Apr 2011
at 23:22
  • msg #86

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Sister Aliana approaches Myarra privately.
As depressing and tedious as I normally find the practice, once I'm able to regain my magical strength on the morrow I'll be able to speak with the dead that we created today.   I'm not sure if they'll be any more helpful, but it's an option. 
Emerald Kegroll
player, 14 posts
Thu 21 Apr 2011
at 00:05
  • msg #87

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald relaxes back into his saddle once he has Silver's attention. "They are a nasty bunch. They kidnap dragons and turn them into undead and dracoliches and all sorts of horrible things. There isn't much point in trying to get anything out of them. They will be far more afraid of their masters than anything we could conjure up. It probably means, though, that they are about again doing their nasty deeds."
player, 43 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 21 Apr 2011
at 00:31
  • msg #88

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Myarra sighs again and wipes away the spittle before nodding understanding to Aliana.  "Well, if your family means nothing to you, and you mean nothing to your family, I suppose I might just as well put you out of our misery.  We'll get the information out of your corpse tomorrow anyway," she tells the cultist.

"But since, between the two of us, I'm apparently the civilized being, would you prefer to have your head removed, or simply be run through the heart?  Your choice, but I'll default to your heart if you won't say one way or the other.  There's less blood spray that way, so less clean up for us.  You have until the count of ten to make a decision or to start cooperating.  One!  Two! ..."

So saying, she draws her sword back and looks the cultist in the eye, giving him the chance to save himself or doom himself ... or for one of her comrades to stop her if that's the kind of people they are.  Some people can't accept the concept of making life easier for everyone, and it's better to find out before it's too late to say "sorry".
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 57 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 21 Apr 2011
at 00:37
  • msg #89

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana is REALLY hoping that Myarra was bluffing.   She sort of meant for her divine miracle to be used on the men who were already dead.

She wouldn't interfere at first, hoping that the man would blurt out something to save his life.
If it looked like he wouldn't, Aliana would, despite her better judgement, say "Wait!!!" to stop her.
player, 36 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Thu 21 Apr 2011
at 07:29
  • msg #90

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Thank you," Swiftstrider tell Sister Aliana.

Then he picks up his shovel and heads for the spot Myarra suggested.  Under the circumstances, a pit seems like the better idea.  Swiftstrider begins to dig, singing one of his people's dirges under his breath without realizing it.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:30, Fri 22 Apr 2011.
Big Boss
GM, 43 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 21 Apr 2011
at 23:33
  • msg #91

Re: The fight on the trail home....

The cultist just closes his eyes and spits on the ground. He has nothing to say to anybody and looks like he's prepared for the worst. Swiftstrider looks at all the bodies on the ground and knows that the hole needs to be big. Based off what Emerald said about The Cult of the Dragon, Myarra was about to kill the man to get rid of the problem and as she prepared for the final stroke, Aliana yelled out "Wait!" to stop her. Myarra backed down and the cultist chuckled.

"And that's why you will lose."
player, 44 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 22 Apr 2011
at 01:11
  • msg #92

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Myarra was completely, totally, and in all other ways, not bluffing.  And she was just about to strike ... and good riddance to bad garbage, when Aliana called on her to stop.  She wasn't terribly surprised at the cleric's lack of true killer instinct.  Her kind tended to the soft-hearted, which could be both endearing, and irritating.  But the elven woman had earned both some measure of respect, and the right to have her requests honored.   The cultist, on the other hand, had earned nothing.  And being so damn smug about it didn't help his case.

Returning her sword to its place on her back, she moved in close, letting her wings spread a few feet to either side (coincidentally blocking Aliana's direct view) and bending so she and the human were face to face, her lips pulled back in a nasty grin so that her fangs showed clearly.  You are a fool to think I'm weak.  She won't always be around to protect you.  And that pit will be more than deep enough, she hissed.  Then she drove her gauntleted fist into the man's stomach as hard as she could.

Turning, she walked by Aliana, her face carefully neutral.  "Thank you and your Lord Oghma for healing my injuries.  Please help keep an eye on these two," she says in a tone that is also neutral. "I'm going to help Swifty dig.  If you have any trouble, just call.  Neither Silver nor I will have any problem dealing with it."

She lowers her voice and adds a few words just for Aliana.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 58 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 22 Apr 2011
at 12:21
  • msg #93

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Being good and merciful was always the better choice, but it was a LOT more effort.   That's why so few people chose to do it.

She nodded to Myarra as the winged woman went to dig the graves.   Then she turned to the cultist.
Sighing like a disappointed schoolmarm, she shook her head.

"Losing"?  Is that what just happened?    I must have learned the wrong definition.      Honestly, I feel sorry for you.    You're a sad, hollow husk of a man, desperate to fill the gaping void that rips at your tattered soul.

You're just a disposable tool to your cult friends, who undoubtedly think less of you than the reading material in a garderobe.   You can pretend to be "part of something greater", but we all know that it's like being "part of" a beautiful garden, just because you're the compost.

player, 37 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Fri 22 Apr 2011
at 20:00
  • msg #94

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Swiftstrider nods as Myarra joins him and continues quietly sing and digging.  The magnitude of what they just did and why they were having to dig had started to settle in on the big guy and put him in a somber mood.

He realized that he had done more killing in the past couple months than the rest of his previous life.  It was one thing to be killing monstrous creatures.  But it was another thing to be killing people.  This needed some deep thought and consideration and mindlessly digging a pit was the perfect background for it...
Emerald Kegroll
player, 15 posts
Mon 25 Apr 2011
at 08:54
  • msg #95

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald listens to the goings on around the prisoner, but when Myarra muscles up to him he decides the hole digging could probably use another pair of hands.

He guides Soxy over to where Swiftstrider is digging and, after pondering thoughtfully for a moment, moves his hands and begins casting a spell. "Best to do this as quickly as we can. Death attracts all sorts of nasties and unnamed beaties," Emerald says quite cheerfully before surveying the results of his spell.

Casting Soften Earth and Stone on the area being excavated to make it easier
Big Boss
GM, 44 posts
I am looking down upon
Mon 25 Apr 2011
at 22:56
  • msg #96

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald helps with the digging by casting a spell to make the ground softer, while Myarra helped Swiftstrider after searching the wizard and the monk for valuables. Silver had his bow shouldered when Aliana tried to get the Cultist to talk by calling him "compost". It didn't work. In response, the unarmed and unarmored cultist, being untied and making sure the brutes of the group were in the hole digging, runs away again towards the horses!

The only one who really has a chance of doing something right now is Aliana, but the cultist will be at the horses before Silver can get his bow out and shoot an arrow at him!
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 59 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 26 Apr 2011
at 05:41
  • msg #97

Re: The fight on the trail home....

OOC:  My aplogies.  I'd assumed that we'd tied up the cultists.   I didn't realize that one of them was unarmed.

Sister Aliana frowned at the escaping cultist.   Rolling her eyes, she chucks another bit of fluff twenty feet towards the man, then casts a spell.

Great Binder, please bind my enemy in place, so he might face his justice.

OOC: Casting Hold Person.   I think I should be able to toss a "bag critter" and also cast a spell before he reaches a horse.

23:37, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 24 using 1d100. critter-rama.
Whoo Hoo!  Wolverine!!!

The bit-o-fluff becomes a Wolverine.   Sister Aliana grins at the adorable killing machine.

If you please, my fuzzy friend, would you mind killing that gentleman if he keeps moving?
player, 26 posts
Tue 26 Apr 2011
at 06:54
  • msg #98

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver wanted to kill the man outright, when he spat in Myarra's face. If she hadn't been stopped, the Elf wouldn't have batted an eye. As it was, he was considering planting one of his dagers between the mans ribs when he made a break for it. The new Cleric was ahead of him in trying to stop the man, but Silver wasn't far behind. He unslung his bow off his shoulder, and had an arrow nocked and ready as quick as he was able. But he didn't loose, right away. He held the man in his sights, and waited to see if Aliana was able to stop him first.

Hold my action, to see the results of Aliana's stuff, before I see if Silver will fire.
player, 45 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 27 Apr 2011
at 20:19
  • msg #99

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Myarra is far too far away to intervene when the cultist makes his break for freedom.  She almost hopes he makes it.  It will increase their reputation amongst the cult if nothing else.  But all she can really do is pause her digging to watch to see how Aliana handles herself.

If the cleric fails to stop him, Myarra's confident that Silver will get a shot off before the man can get out of range; and the punch she'd given to the cultist should help to slow him down a bit as well.  A little lower and he'd be hobbling.  Pity she hadn't thought of that at the time.

"No offense intended, Emerald," she tells the little man on the dog, "But you humans can be such a trial at times."
player, 38 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Thu 28 Apr 2011
at 06:42
  • msg #100

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Swiftstrider chuckles, brought out of his reverie by the escaping cultist.
He pokes Myarra's shoulder and says, "You more human than Emerald.  You half human. Him half-ling. One come to trade moot with lowlanders.  Four winters gone.  Him good cook!"
player, 46 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 28 Apr 2011
at 10:47
  • msg #101

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Ling?  What's a ling?" Myarra asks, perplexed.
Big Boss
GM, 48 posts
I am looking down upon
Fri 29 Apr 2011
at 00:18
  • msg #102

Re: The fight on the trail home....

The cultist doesn't last long. The wolverine that Aliana summoned with her magical bag tears into the man, who was already hurt, and then is frozen by Aliana's spells, which in turn makes the man fall while he was in the middle of striding across to the horses. The wolverine does it's job and finishes the man off, scaring the horses which try to scatter at the site of the beast. Emerald and Sox quickly intercept and calm the animals down before they hurt themselves. Silver has his bow out by then, arrow ready and hoping a cultist will try and flee again. Myarra and Swiftstrider stare in wonder and shake their heads at the stupidity of it all....
Emerald Kegroll
player, 16 posts
Fri 29 Apr 2011
at 04:04
  • msg #103

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Half-ling," Emerald says to Myarra, trying to enunciate it as much as possible. "And, by the by, we are all good cooks," he adds to the big fellow with a smile before turning his attention to calming down the frightened animals.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 63 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 29 Apr 2011
at 11:45
  • msg #104

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana sighs and goes to collect the dead cultist.   Belatedly, she realizes that asking restraint from a wolverine was like keeping a Candlekeep Scholar from being pompous.
She felt chagrined by making such a simple mistake.

The pretty elf maid made a contrite face to the others, then had the wolverine drage the body over by the holes, and had it spend the rest of its time digging.

But first she made sure the wizard was still securely tied.
player, 48 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 29 Apr 2011
at 13:18
  • msg #105

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Good for you," Myarra tells Emerald.  "Of course I noticed that you're a bit on the short side, but men are usually so sensitive about that, so I didn't think mentioning it would be polite.

I'm really glad that you're able to not only accept it, but really make it a part of you.  But I don't think there's anything half about you.  You're a full ling as far as I'm concerned.  You're people should be proud of you."

She sighs as Aliana has the last cultist's body dragged over to join the rest.  The whole bloody mess had been so unnecessary.  Although it had been fun, she thought with a pang of guilt.

"Well, the dirty work is never done, I suppose.  Let's get back to work."

So saying she digs her shovel back into the significantly softer dirt and does her part to excavate the mass grave.

"We need to thoroughly search the bodies and the horses.  Especially the wizard.  They can have all sorts of nasty things secreted on them.  The most innocent looking bit of clothing might be a devastating weapon.  We should strip him naked and pack everything away for Nolan to look at for us when we get to town.  Then tie him up and stick a bag over his head for good measure."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 64 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 29 Apr 2011
at 20:48
  • msg #106

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana nods to the winged woman.
We'll give a thorough search of everyone, then.      Who's Nolan, again?   Did you mention him before and I just forgot?

Having helped with dead bodies back at her temple, Aliana had no problem searching the corpses, or even the live wizard.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:49, Fri 29 Apr 2011.
player, 40 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Fri 29 Apr 2011
at 22:18
  • msg #107

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Nolan is village wizard.  Him run wizard tower.  And make magic stuff.  Him make Myarra magic hat.  It make her look human when she use it," Swiftstrider says.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 65 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 30 Apr 2011
at 12:00
  • msg #108

Re: The fight on the trail home....

The pretty blonde elf smiled at her large friend.
He seems a useful fellow.  I met a number of wizards in my time at the Great Library.  Perhaps we'll have things to talk about.
player, 49 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sun 1 May 2011
at 16:07
  • msg #109

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"And talk and talk and talk and talk." Myarra puts in.  "Getting him to shut up about magic is the trick.

Don't get me wrong, I like the wizard ... about as much as I can like any wizard, perversions of nature that they are."
She pauses to give a shudder.  "But that man has a power fixation that's going to get him in trouble one of these days.

Still, he's loyal and brave, and that means a lot.  He made these gauntlets for me, even knowing how much I want to punch him in the face some days.  That proves some bravery for you.  He stands up for himself in a fight; doesn't beg for protection; willing to get bloody when necessary.

Oh, but you should also know he's got this necklace thing that lets him read your mind.  Just make sure he knows you've got a wolverine on standby and you're not afraid to use it.  It's important to get the boundaries set immediately.  Power mad he is, poor fellow."

Big Boss
GM, 51 posts
I am looking down upon
Sun 1 May 2011
at 19:09
  • msg #110

Re: The fight on the trail home....

The hole is dug and the bodies of the cultists are dumped into it (except for the now naked, bloody, bruised, broken and triple gagged and magically tied wizard). Then the hole is buried. The horses of the cultists are collected; all 10 of them and they seem to be in pretty good condition.

10 Light Horses with regular gear

Myarra, Silver and Swiftstrider wonder who these people are and what they want. Emerald and Aliana wonder who Myarra, Silver and Swiftstrider are and what the Cult of the Dragon wanted. Myarra does have a Green Dragon head as a helmet...
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 70 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 2 May 2011
at 12:17
  • msg #111

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana nods, taking in what Myarra said about the wizard.  She could read minds too, to a limited degree.   She didn't always like what she found, of course.

Then something occured to her.  She whispered to the winged woman.
Myarra, you mentioned back in town that some Green Dragons were causing problems in the woods.   You don't suppose these weird fellows are in league with them, do you?
player, 50 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 2 May 2011
at 19:09
  • msg #112

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Once the burying of the evidence is finished, Myarra helps repack the shovels and the cultist's belongings that they're taking back to the tower.  The wizard she helps dump unceremoniously into a corner and tosses a tarp over him. Maybe somebody will remember to give him water, maybe not.  Frankly, she's washed her hands of the creep.

After everything is cleaned up, she retakes her position in the wagon with Aliana at her side.  "It's called the Forest of Wyrms for a reason," She tells her clerical friend.  "Place is rotten with green dragons, so for a cult that worships them, I suppose this would be the place to go.

We've had a couple of problems with the greens since we arrived.  Mostly we respect them and stay out of their way.  One pushed the issue, so we pushed back."
   She holds out her new helm, formed from the skull of a green dragon.  "Swifty and I took this one down in the dungeon under Lyran's Hold.  Went on and on about how he was going to kill us and eat us.  He's not so vocal anymore.

I don't usually bother with this,"
she adds with a sigh.  "But Nolan made it for me so that I could fit in.  And right now, I'm thinking standing out is going to be an issue."

She closes her eyes and her body and clothes melt and flow into a new form.  When she reopens her eyes, they've gone from dark gray to a light brown.  Now an attractive young woman sits in her place, wings and horns gone, although her armor and weapons remain.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 71 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 2 May 2011
at 21:52
  • msg #113

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana nods thoughtfully.
I suppose it's possible that they were getting revenge for that dragon's death, but.....well, I suspect that there's a deeper game of draughts going on than is evident.

Her face lit up as Myarra changed.   The blonde elf clapped her hands and nearly "squeed" with delight.
OOOOH!  Pretty!   That looks like fun.  Perhaps when we have a private moment, you might let me play with that for a while?
player, 27 posts
Mon 2 May 2011
at 23:20
  • msg #114

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver lowers his bow after the Wolverine tears the man apart. Gruesome, but no less than he deserved. The others had their work, and he had his. Someone had to keep watch, who knew what else was out this day.

When they finished with the pit, he walked over to the wagon where Sister Aliana was. "Ah, Sister, you may want to heal the spell-flinger, at least a little bit so that he doesn't die on the way home. Myarra, I think we ought to wait to try and question him until we get to the Tower, let Nolan help. I bet he might like to have the man's spellbook too. We are going to take all this stuff home right?"

It was strange. The elf didn't even seem to realize he was reffering to the little town with the big tower as home. But if he didnt realize it, it sounded like he meant it.
player, 51 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 3 May 2011
at 00:59
  • msg #115

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Once we get to Daak, I'll let you play with it as much as you'd like." Myarra tells Aliana with a grin.  "It take some practice, but you can make yourself look pretty much like any creature as long as it's roughly the same size.  I don't use it that much.  It was sweet of Nolan to make it for me, but I've been me too long to worry about other people's opinions."

She listens to Silver's observations once he comes up to the wagon.  "Frankly, live or dead, it's all the same to me.  He ordered his men to murder me.  Can't say mercy is top of my list at the moment.  Most of his damage is just bruises, maybe a couple of broken ribs.  I'm pretty sure he'll survive the trip."

She looks over at Aliana.  "Up to you though.  I've no strong objections."

Then back to Silver.  "Nolan can have the spellbook, it only make sense.  It's worthless to any of us.  And we should take anything we can sell or that would help with the defense of the town.  I'd leave the breastplates, though.  Dump them further back in the woods, or better yet, up in a tree.  That symbol on the front is going to drastically cut on the resale price."
player, 28 posts
Tue 3 May 2011
at 01:20
  • msg #116

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver nods along with what Myarra says, letting her finish before he speaks again. "It's not for mercy that I suggest his healing, it's to keep him alive. But if he will survive, then fine. I wasn't certain. Ah, I'd like to keep him alive, I do believe being a Wizard, he'll be more likely to talk to save his skin that some low intellect zealous thug. And about the breastplates...I think they could be altered. We should take them, we have a wagon. They would be useful to the towns people I think. We can rid ourselves of them later if they cant be altered."
player, 52 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 3 May 2011
at 01:49
  • msg #117

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"If you think they can be modified, I'll bow to your expertise.  You're probably right that a good grade of grit and a whole lot of scrubbing might just do the trick.

Why don't you get Swifty to give you a hand loading them up."
She twists around in the seat trying to get a glimpse of the goliath.  "I though he was stringing the horses to the back.  Anyway, then we can get back on the road.  We've already lost a lot of time on this foolish cult."

She leaves the topic of the unconscious wizard to Aliana.  Speak with the living or speak with the dead.  All things considered, dead would probably be easier and more likely to get truth.  But then she's biased in the matter.  If he's too obnoxious, they could always stick him in the beam of light in the secret lab.
player, 29 posts
Tue 3 May 2011
at 02:04
  • msg #118

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver chuckles a bit at Myarra. "Expertise, I'm not so sure about that. But it would seem a waste to just leave them. I agree, we need to get moving soon."

Silver doesn't bother asking Swiftstrider to help him load the gear, he had anough to do at the moment. After he loaded the armor, he went to talk to the Halfling.

"Emerald, is there any chance you're any good at scouting? I'd rather not have something like this happen again. A lone halfling with his dog would scarce be noticed. Myself and Myarra, and the big man are known, aparantly whereas you are not."
player, 42 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 3 May 2011
at 04:33
  • msg #119

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Swiftstrider comes up as Silver is talking to Emerald.

"Once we in forest I take the high road.  Not be noticed," declares the goliath proudly.
player, 30 posts
Tue 3 May 2011
at 04:56
  • msg #120

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver nods with a grin as Swifty shares his plans. "Agreed. No one ever seems to look up do they? Until then though..."

Silver hoped this group had acted alone, but there was likely little chance of that. Hopefully they wouldnt be missed for a while.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 72 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 3 May 2011
at 12:49
  • msg #121

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana smiles at her winged friend, and then goes to examine the wizard, to properly evaluate him for travel.
OOC:if Aliana were to "take 10" with her heal skill, she'd have a 17, which should, in theory, be able to provide enough care to see if he needs healing.   He'll be too easy to be "silenced" by other cultists if he's at death's door, after all.

After dealing with the wizard, Aliana will ready herself for travel, probably hitching her horse to the side of the wagon so she can ride on it with the halfling, to better watch the prisoner.
I'd be interested in looking through the other magical trinkets, if no one else wanted them, as well.    Did we have a way to determine their function?
player, 53 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 3 May 2011
at 14:32
  • msg #122

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Yeah," Myarra replies with a grin.  "Nolan.

I figure we'll wait 'til we get back to the tower and have our wizard tell us what they do.  Then we can figure out who would best make use of them.

How are the horses?  Should we swap them out for a couple of the new ones?  Ours were rather badly abused."

player, 43 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 3 May 2011
at 15:54
  • msg #123

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Swiftstrider's face took  on a somber expression as he said, "They know much about us.  Maybe have spy in Daak."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 73 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 3 May 2011
at 20:32
  • msg #124

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Yeah," Myarra replies with a grin.  "Nolan.

I figure we'll wait 'til we get back to the tower and have our wizard tell us what they do.  Then we can figure out who would best make use of them.

How are the horses?  Should we swap them out for a couple of the new ones?  Ours were rather badly abused."

Aliana nodded to the winged woman.
Anyone riding horses could certainly switch between the old ones and new ones as they ride, that will save them.   I don't want to get rid of my horse.  I've already named him.   

The cleric pouted a little at the thought of parting with "Bookmark", her trusted steed of the last few days.
player, 54 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 3 May 2011
at 21:44
  • msg #125

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Myarra laughs with good humor at Aliana's look of dismay. "I meant the poor horses pulling the wagon.  Being assaulted can't be good for their nerves.  Why don't we give them a rest."
Emerald Kegroll
player, 18 posts
Wed 4 May 2011
at 01:27
  • msg #126

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald scratches his head for a bit at Silver's question, then shrugs his tiny shoulders. "I've never been asked to be a scout before. I mean, I can see a dragon as well as the next fellow, but I'm not sure I'd be able to see one coming from a dozen leagues away. And," he adds a bit sheepishly, "I'm not so keen on walking through a dragon-forest by myself."
player, 45 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Wed 4 May 2011
at 04:08
  • msg #127

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"No high road for me until Daak," Swiftstrider says.  "Forest just beyond Daak.  From here to Daak all meadows and road."
Big Boss
GM, 53 posts
I am looking down upon
Wed 4 May 2011
at 23:11
  • msg #128

Re: The fight on the trail home....

So, the party manages to capture a cultist from the Cult of the Dragon, find a bunch of useful gear and 10 horses. Not bad for only taking minor wounds during the fight. You load up the wagon of the cultists gear, switch out the tired horses for fresh ones, tie the rest to the cart to walk back to Daak and "load" the wizard in the back of the cart for later interrogation and head on down the road. Emerald mentions that it will be getting dark soon, so looking for a place to make camp would be wise...
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 74 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 5 May 2011
at 02:26
  • msg #129

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Sister Aliana sat on the wagon, keeping an eye on the wagon, the prisoner, and her surroundings.  She grinned as she took in the sights.

She kept an eye on the prisoner as she helped with camp, when they set it up.
player, 46 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Thu 5 May 2011
at 07:37
  • msg #130

Re: The fight on the trail home....

After they scout out their campsite, Swiftstrider says, "Me see in dark.  Watch in darkest part of night.  Wake me for my turn.  Me sleep now."  In less than 10 minutes the goliath is sound asleep...
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 75 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 5 May 2011
at 07:45
  • msg #131

Re: The fight on the trail home....

The cleric grins at the sleeping giant, and then looks at everyone else.
I can take first watch.  I'm still very energized and a little giddy from our battle today.   I can watch alone, or  with assistance.  Either is fine.
player, 55 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 5 May 2011
at 18:17
  • msg #132

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"I'll stand guard with you." Myarra offers.  "I can also see in the dark.  Then we'll just need either Silver or Emerald to stand with Swifty.

I figure we should be relatively safe until tomorrow morning.  Back during my raiding days, we'd always make sure our base was a fair distance from our target.  It made tracking us back much harder.  So, if there are any others cultists, then they're probably just starting to wonder what happened to these ten little dragonets.  So whether it's tonight or tomorrow, or if ever, depends on how desperate or insane this dragon cult really is.  Traveling quickly at night is pretty risky for your average human.  And who knows if they can even scrounge up more warriors on short notice."

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 76 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 5 May 2011
at 20:47
  • msg #133

Re: The fight on the trail home....

The blonde elf nodded thoughtfully.
That makes sense.   Unless there were another group waiting very close by, there should be some leeway.   After all, they woldn't have been positive exactly when we'd have shown up on the road for their little ambush. 
player, 56 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 5 May 2011
at 21:39
  • msg #134

Re: The fight on the trail home....

And the wizard wasn't even sure it was us.  He had to ask for confirmation.  So do they have anyone else who knows us?
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 77 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 5 May 2011
at 22:10
  • msg #135

Re: The fight on the trail home....

The cleric nodded, thinking.
True enough.  It's possible that whomever is looking for you specifically and knows you is safely ensconced somewhere.   I'm sorry I don't know more about these people, to better understand their motives in this matter.
player, 57 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 6 May 2011
at 01:47
  • msg #136

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Myarra removes a deceptively delicate-looking circlet from her head and tosses it to Aliana.  "Well, I'll wear this tomorrow so that if they are looking for me, hopefully we'll confuse them.  Of course if they know about me, they probably now about Swifty.  And he's going to be hard to disguise.  And if they do know about us, how do they know?  Swifty may be right, we might have spies in Daac.  It shouldn't be a surprise, the town's a wreck and there are refugees from all over the place, not to mention a bunch of folk from Soubar there to help with the rebuilding.  Picking out a mole isn't going to be easy.

So why don't you try the circle.  Just put it on your head and concentrate on what you want to look like.  As long as it's humanoid and about your size, it should work.  Nolan is a power mad egomaniac, but he does damn good work.  Just don't tell him I said it."

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 78 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 6 May 2011
at 05:27
  • msg #137

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Eyes glittering with child-like wonder, the blonde elf caught the tossed circlet.   She knew that it was magical, and therefore probably very durable, but she couldn't help but handle it as if it were made of glass.
Thank you!   When you want it back, please tell me. 

Grinning like she was about to start squeaking with delight, she turned to the mirror that she'd bought in town.
Concentrating, she was suddenly wearing a delicate looking ballgown, which had been out of fashion for nearly a century.
Her small mouth opened with awe as she passed the mirror around, giggling when it accidentally passed the mirror through the poofy skirt.
Emerald Kegroll
player, 19 posts
Sun 8 May 2011
at 09:15
  • msg #138

Re: The fight on the trail home....

At the first mention of a good sleep Emerald looks around for a lumpless part of the ground upon which to rest his diminutive figure. "Somebody please wake me when it is my turn to stand guard. Good night all," he says a little groggily before falling quickly to sleep.
Big Boss
GM, 56 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 12 May 2011
at 02:01
  • msg #139

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Finding a place to stop several miles up the road, you find a decent camp under another tree similar to the one where the fight took place. But, this one doesn't have a waiting group of cultists wanting to kill you. Guard shifts are set and the wizard captive is secured, but the night is uneventful.

Everyone wakes up in the morning feeling refreshed.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 80 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 12 May 2011
at 02:10
  • msg #140

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Sister Aliana heals people and horses as best she can before going to sleep herself.   She then plays with the magic disguise cirlet throughout most of her "shift" on guard duty.
Anyone passing by would probably think she was either a wizard suffering from a botched polymorph spell, or else doppleganger with hiccups.

Still, she returns the item to the winged woman when she asks for it, having thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

She gathers her things in the morning, ready for more adventure.
player, 58 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 12 May 2011
at 14:58
  • msg #141

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Myarra, when not watching for bad people to sneak up on them, watches Aliana play with the magic circlet.  In a way it reminds her of a friend who receive a crowbar as spoils from a raid.  He'd played with the silly thing for days, trying to find out all the possible uses a simple length of iron could be put to ... which had been quite a few, come to think of it.

But eventually dawn arrived and it was time to set off again.  Retrieving the circlet, she slipped it over her horns and melted back into her mother's form for the remainder of the trip back to Daak.

Breakfasting on a double handful of travel rations, she spent the rest of the time checking the horses and wagon, and making sure the wizard was still properly secured ... tightening each rope (except the magic one) personally to make sure.
player, 47 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Thu 12 May 2011
at 19:55
  • msg #142

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Swiftstrider was alert for his shift, snoring when he wasn't on duty, and ready to go when morning came around.  Making quick work of breaking his fast with some dried apples and cheese, the goliath was ready to complete their journey to Daak...
Emerald Kegroll
player, 20 posts
Mon 16 May 2011
at 03:58
  • msg #143

Re: The fight on the trail home....

When morning breaks Emerald tends to his faithful friend before wandering over to see how the others are doing. "Does anyone still carry an injury from yeterday's incident? If so, I'd be happy to take a look at it," he offers as his mind turns to breakfast.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 81 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 16 May 2011
at 11:56
  • msg #144

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Sister Aliana chuckles ruefully.

For me, only my pride is hurt.   Our brave and skilled warriors did a very admirable job protecting me.   

OOC:  Sister Aliana used most of her remaining magic the day before healing, but there might be some left.
player, 59 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 16 May 2011
at 12:35
  • msg #145

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"I still have a couple of bruises and scratches, but nothing worth wasting your strength on," Myarra tells Emerald.  "I'll be fit as a camel by tomorrow.  But I appreciate the concern."
Big Boss
GM, 58 posts
I am looking down upon
Mon 16 May 2011
at 23:39
  • msg #146

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Some of you pray in the morning while the rest stretch for the day's travel. Emerald and Aliana are informed that the group will arrive in Daak early in the afternoon, the supplies for the town will be unloaded by the villagers, and the prisoner will be taken to Nolan for interrogation. You all travel a bit more alert this time, looking for anyone that might spring an ambush or dressed up like farmers again. But, the trip back to town is peaceful and uneventful.

Village of Daak overhead map has been added.

link to a message in this game

Once in town, Aliana and Emerald would see lots of construction going on...villagers rebuilding old burnt homes; they welcome all of you with happy smiles at seeing all of you with supplies in the wagon. The wagon is parked in front of the black tower.
Emerald Kegroll
player, 21 posts
Mon 16 May 2011
at 23:48
  • msg #147

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald looks around at all the hustle and bustle as he walks through the village and tilts his head slightly. "What burned all of these houses? Was it a dragon, or some more natural cause?"
player, 48 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 17 May 2011
at 07:04
  • msg #148

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Orcs," declares Swiftstrider.

The goliath grins and waves to friends, and scoops up a couple of laughing children, perching one on each shoulder as he bounces around in a large circle before squatting and letting them slide off with hoots and giggles.  It is obvious this is a homecoming and the looming, stony-skinned barbarian is a welcome part of the community.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:11, Tue 17 May 2011.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 82 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 17 May 2011
at 13:03
  • msg #149

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana looks around with wide-eyed wonder.
If there's anything we can do to help, please let us know.
player, 32 posts
Tue 17 May 2011
at 17:26
  • msg #150

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver was glad to be....home. They hadn't been gone that long, but it surprised him how much he mssed being in this place. "I'm sure you could find somerthing to help with, if you really wanted to. But we didn't really bring you back for manual labor Sister. We are going to be tracking the Medusa down, and huntiong orcs, dragons and undead. But if you want to help rebuild homes, and let the aforementioned monsters just roam free to tear it all down again..." Silver had a lopsided grin on his face as he finished talking, showing that he was only kidding.

"I think we should go find Nolan. See what he was up to while we were gone. I wonder if he crafted anything."
player, 60 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 17 May 2011
at 20:54
  • msg #151

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Now that they've reached home, Myarra allows herself to resume her normal form.

"Welcome to Daak.  Population unknown, but getting bigger every day."

She looks around, approving at the amount of work that's been done during their absence.  It looks like they're just in time with the supplies.

"Swifty's right, Emerald" she replies to the halfling.  "By what we've been told, the town was invaded by a med-u-sa and a horde of orcs during a celebration when all the wizards were out of their tower.  Turned them into stone or just cut them down where they stood.  Locked a bunch of folks up in the jail ... the less said about that, the better.  Then they set up camp and did there worst to what was left of the town.  Most of them were based out of Lyran's Hold, which is a fair distance off in the woods, so most of them retreated back there.

We took back the town and cleaned out the Hold, but the snake head and a bunch of her followers escaped into the woods.  We've been helping rebuild while we sought people to help us go after the them.  And now you're here."

She jumps down out of the wagon and ambushes one of the kids trying to ambush the goliath, spinning the child around to hoots of glee.  Like Swiftstrider, Myarra feels more at home here than any where else she's been for a long time.

"Oh I hope so. she tells Silver when he ponders Nolan's crafting habits.  "I just need one more gift from him for my set to be complete.

Anyway, we need to get Nolan and see what he can get out of this piece of trash.  If you prefer, why don't you and Swifty wait out here and keep an eye on our guest while I go get his high wizardness?"
  She knows full well that Silver would rather drive red hot spikes through his eyeballs than go inside the tower.  But there's no point in bring that up.  Besides, she's not that happy with it herself, but a girl's got to do ...

She pauses and turns to Sister Aliana.

"And now we come to the embarrassing part.   This tower is protected by some of the nastiest spells known.  Only someone with arcane or divine blood can enter by themselves.  The rest of us need to be escorted inside ... and around within.  I'll need you to hold my hand as we pass through the barriers.  Otherwise it's like walking into a wall.  Are you willing to assist me?"

She looks over at Emerald. "You're welcome to come along as well, I can at least give you a shor ... quick tour of the place while we look for Nolan."
player, 33 posts
Tue 17 May 2011
at 21:18
  • msg #152

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver looks very much relieved to have Myarra suggest that he stay outside. "Yeah, I think I like that idea just fine. I'll stay out here and watch the Wizard. Go on then, go find Nolan."
player, 49 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Wed 18 May 2011
at 05:17
  • msg #153

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Swiftstider nods his agreement, shooing children away from the wagon.  "We have captive in wagon. Him dangerous.  He bites!" Swiftstrider tells them in his best campfire tale voice.  He forms his hands into a toothy maw in front of his mouth, growling and 'snapping' at the most adventuresome before sending them on their way, a couple with a firm swat to their butts and a stern stare to show he is serious.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 83 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 18 May 2011
at 21:28
  • msg #154

Re: The fight on the trail home....

The pretty blonde elf laughed, a musical sound, as she looked at Silver.
Don't worry, my friend, I wasn't going to forget about the evil that needed to be stopped, in favor of construction work.   There's a nobility in manuel labor that I've always admired, but the orcs and other monsters are a priority.

Looking to Myarra, she nodded.
It would be an honor to join you, m'lady.   I "divine blood" is borrowed from Oghma, so I suppose it doesn't count, eh?
She grinned.

The cleric prepares to join the winged woman.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:55, Thu 19 May 2011.
player, 61 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 19 May 2011
at 14:15
  • msg #155

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Once they get in your blood, you're never free of them, borrowed or not." Myarra says with a pretend shudder.  "Appreciate them from a far, that's my motto.  Respect them, but don't call attention if you can help it.  They'll either set you on fire, or pop you from one place to another and make you go on suicidal quests on behalf of children."

Looking at the entryway into the tower she suddenly flings herself towards it ... only to bounce back as if the air were made of stone.

"It's just wrong, I tell you." she says, rubbing her shoulder.

She holds out her hand for the cleric to take and gestures for Emerald to do likewise if he's so inclined.

"All you have to do is walk in like you own the place." she tells Aliana.  "I'll take you up to Nolan's lab.  That's where he probably is.  We can check the kitchens along the way."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 85 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 20 May 2011
at 01:22
  • msg #156

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana gives a puzzled but amused look at Myarra.
Don't hurt yourself, please.   I'm sure it's not a slight against you, after all.
If you're talking about gods, then I'm sure I want to admire them "from afar".   I love my patron god and all he stands for.    If you're talking about wizards, then I understand perfectly.   A few very annoying and rude ones have been to the Oghman temple over the years.

She joined Myarra as the walked through, looking at everything like a tourist.
player, 62 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 23 May 2011
at 20:43
  • msg #157

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Oh don't worry, it takes more than a bump to hurt me. Myarra replies with a smile.  And it might not have been a slight against her personally, but it was certainly a slight against anyone wizard's didn't see as worthy.  Which, of course, included her.  Moving forward, Myarra leads Aliana through the door of the reception hall and then north along the vertical corridor until it met the horizontal corridor in the center of the tower.

"Let me show you the basics.  Now the tower is a circle, there's this floor here, one above, and one below.  There's also a roof, but Nolan says it would kill anyone that tried to go up there.

This floor's the most important one from my point of view.  We came in through the reception area at the very southern bit and we're now in the very center.  The tower is broken up with central corridors dividing it into four pieces.  Ahead and to the left is the women's quarters.  Ahead and right is the men's section.  Behind and to the right is for guests.  But since we're all guests at the moment, that one isn't as well defined.  Lastly the area to the left is communal.  That's where the dining room and kitchen are.  The women and men's quarters each have a bath which you will not believe.  I'm forgiving wizard-kind a LOT just for having invented them.

But for now, we need to go right from here.  There's a set of stairs that winds along the outside edge of the tower up to the labs.  Nolan is sure to be up there somewhere.  The stairs also lead down into the basement, but I don't want to try dumping too much on you at once.  And besides, I don't understand half of it.  I'll try to get Nolan to explain it."

So saying she leads the way to the staircase and, with Aliana's help, ascends to the lab area, looking in each one for Nolan.

"And just for completeness, there's another tower like this one out in the forest that Nolan and I discovered, plus there's Lyran's Hold.  The one we found is deserted and a bit crumbly, but otherwise intact.  Lyran's Hold is pretty much just the basement, but that's a lot bigger than what we have here.  I'll show you around there later on."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:06, Tue 24 May 2011.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 86 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 24 May 2011
at 13:22
  • msg #158

Re: The fight on the trail home....

The pretty cleric gawks around, grinning like a child at Yule.
This is AMAZING!   And...we're spending the night here too?!?    How marvelous!

She gets a little giddy when Myarra describes the baths.
I can't wait to meet this fellow.
Emerald Kegroll
player, 22 posts
Wed 25 May 2011
at 10:24
  • msg #159

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald's face lights up at his invitation into a place as exciting-sounding as a wizard's tower. Not knowing what to do with Sox, he rides her over to Myarra and grabs her hand, holding onto it tightly.

When she describes the baths, Emerald can hardly contain himself. "I must say I don't think I've ever had a bath before, unless you could call a dip in a stream one. I wonder if there will be one my size, or whether I will have to swim?" he ponders as he accompanies the others inside.
player, 63 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 25 May 2011
at 14:34
  • msg #160

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Myarra grins at Aliana's enthusiasm.  "Yeah, it is pretty amazing, even if I don't approve of a lot of it."  The pressure is already building behind her eyes, giving her a low-level headache.  The tower doesn't like her, and it's not shy about letting her know.  Fortunately, the feeling is mutual, and there's nothing like deep seated spite to get you through a day in a wizard's tower.

"There's plenty of space for you to bunk down here, but I'll be sleeping outside where the air is cleaner.  As to meeting Nolan ... you'll get over it soon enough."

"There's just the two, lad," Myarra then replies to Emerald.  "One in each section.  And they're both so big even I can swim.

They're about 20 feet across and 3 feet deep.  Seats are set all around the edges.  You just need to sit in one of the seats and the water will clean you and your clothes.  Of course, there's not much fun in that.

And you'll love the kitchen as well.  They've got these holes in the wall.  You just ask it for whatever it is you want and it just appears in front of you.

Bunch of decadent power mad perversions, these wizards.  But they've got a snug little place that's not too bad to visit now and again."

Big Boss
GM, 63 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 26 May 2011
at 01:15
  • msg #161

Re: The fight on the trail home....

So, Myarra guides Aliana and Emerald (With Sox) through the ground level of the tower, explaining things as she goes. Nolan isn't anywhere to be found, as with Ashara. Thinking that they might be in the labs above, Myarra guides them there.

Stairs Up/Down is location F-18 on the Daak Tower Level 1 Map (Message 2):

link to a message in this game

Myarra locates the magical barrier about 1/4 the way up the stairs and Aliana tries and succeeds at getting through. Emerald also gets through with Sox and Myarra is helped through. Walking down the hall, Aliana and Emerald can feel the magic in the air and know exactly how Myarra feels with her distaste of magic.

Not choosing any particular door first, Myarra opens the first door to the North that leads to the Alchemy Lab. Peering inside, all sorts of smells fill your nose, most of them smelling bad in nature, just like most of the magical potions out in the world. There are all sorts of equipment spread out through many tables with many different colored liquids in beakers, bowls, vials, jars and other glass containers. Myarra calls out to Nolan to see if he's in the room, but nobody is in there.

Moving to the door to the South and opening that door, Myarra peers inside the library of scrolls. Book shelves are filled with books and scrolls as are the many tables that fill the room. It would take weeks to sort through all this stuff if you weren't familiar with the place. There are comfortable looking reclining chairs spread out throughout the room, also filled with books and scrolls. Myarra calls out to Nolan here as well, but nobody is there.

Walking across the hallway to F-4, Myarra opens the door to the North and calls out for Nolan again...nothing. Inside is hard to describe. It looks like a Gnome's workshop with pieces of various equipment, weapons, armor, clothes and other various pieces of clothing. Some of the stuff is glowing, one piece of armor is floating around and a short sword is on fire. To one that didn't know what was going on, this room would scare you.

The last room to the South is filled with wands, rods and staves. They are hanging from walls, placed on shelves and tables and a couple are floating in mid-air. They come in various shapes and sizes and if you didn't know what you were doing, you could probably get hurt. That's why the magical barricades are in place to protect the unskilled. Nolan, nor Ashara, is in here.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 87 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 26 May 2011
at 03:03
  • msg #162

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Sister Aliana's large eyes got positively huge during the semi-guided tour.  She looked at everything, seeming to hurt her neck at one point as she kept glancing in all directions at once.

In the library, she seemed nearly overcome with joy and passion that most people reserve for their wedding night.
She can barely keep from reaching out to touch the scrolls.

Myarra would have to lead her out of the room, as distracted as she was.

I really want one of these towers.   
She spoke almost reverently.
You don't suppose that this Nolan needs a library assistant, do you?
player, 64 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 26 May 2011
at 03:32
  • msg #163

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Nolan .... doesn't play well with others." Myarra says tentatively, recognizing an unquenchable thirst of knowledge when she sees one.

"I really thought we'd find him here."  She stops and thinks for a moment.  "Oh dear, maybe he's trying to go up.  When I said there was the one level above, I really meant that we'd only explored one level up.  I think Nolan said there were eight total, and that nobody had ever gotten above level five.  He's been a somewhat obsessed about gaining power lately, and I wouldn't put it past him to try and force his way through the barriers above to prove himself.

Well, I wouldn't suggest trying to follow him.  He's always going on about how dangerous it is.  Let's go back down and see if anyone in the dining area knows anything.  If not, at least I can introduce you to some of the locals.  If Rufus is around he at least can take charge of our prisoner.  I'll feel better with more eyes watching him."

Reversing direction, Myarra leads Aliana and Emerald back down the stairs, although not without glancing up the winding staircase that disappears into the upper levels.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 88 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 26 May 2011
at 05:17
  • msg #164

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana looked longingly at the doorways and stairways that they didn't explore, but she followed Myarra.
Yes, I'd feel better with the proper authorities watching the foul human.
Big Boss
GM, 65 posts
I am looking down upon
Sat 28 May 2011
at 00:59
  • msg #165

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald now felt what Silver and Swiftstrider felt while being in the tower. This place is unnatural and totally against nature. He followed the girls down the stairs again while Myarra led you and Aliana into the dining area. Tables and benches line the middle of the room and all sorts of different smells come from the kitchen as villagers take advantage of the magical "oven" in the kitchen. Looking for Rufus, Myarra finds out that Rufus went into the forest several days ago and hasn't come back yet and Nolan and Amara went into the basement several hours ago. Ashara is probably with them.
player, 65 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 31 May 2011
at 18:57
  • msg #166

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Don't worry little sister," says with a gentle laugh at Aliana's longing expressions as they walk past various parts of the tower.  "There will be time enough for you to look to your heart's content."

She's a bit put out when they finally reach the kitchens and find out that Nolan is down in the cellars with that ... that ... Amara ... person.

Leaving word for somebody to tell Nolan about their prisoner, should he arrive back in the kitchen without her, Myarra takes Aliana and Emerald tothe ovens.  "Let me show you how this works, then we'll go root out the wizard and his sl... friend." she tells them, catching herself in mid-slur.  Being a better person is really hard.

"Salted sand lizard, spit cooked, twenty minutes." she tells the magic box and is rewarded with a finely roasted snack.  Picking it up she bites into it, ripping away a chunk of meat with her teeth. Waving the remains with one hand, she gestures for the others to try it.
Emerald Kegroll
player, 23 posts
Tue 31 May 2011
at 20:16
  • msg #167

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald looks quizzically at Myarra and the lizard kebab, then at the hole in the wall. He shrugs and turns to face it, clears his throat and closes his eyes tightly. "Lightly toasted damper, spread with honey and crushed almonds," he says as he opens his eyes.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 89 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 1 Jun 2011
at 13:04
  • msg #168

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana tries the meat.  It's not really her preference, but it's not bad.

She's curious about what work Myarra was going to use to describe Amara.
Slave?.....Slovenly guest?.....Slated student?.....
She was very curious.
player, 66 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 1 Jun 2011
at 15:02
  • msg #169

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Perhaps the sharing of food was some kind of elven tradition, Myarra really couldn't say.  She certainly didn't mind since the magic box apparently could make an unending supply.  Still, she had meant the gesture to imply that Aliana should try the oven, rather than her lizard, but it's all good. And perhaps she might just be able to get some of these so-called civilized folks to enjoy real food for a change ... although if whatever it was that Emerald had ordered was any indication, it was going to be more of the same endless struggle.

"Okay then, let's try the cellars and see what we find.  I should warn you again that Ashara seems to cause some people distress when they first meet her.  She's a really big cat, dark fur, six legs, and a couple of tentacles on her shoulders.  But she's really a sweetie.  No, the one you need to know about is Amara.  I don't want to speak bad about someone just because of their race, but I just have a problem trusting any of the темные эльфы."

Fully prepared to answer any questions they might have, Myarra moves off back towards the stairs.  The sooner they find Nolan, the better.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:44, Wed 01 June 2011.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 90 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 1 Jun 2011
at 23:13
  • msg #170

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana's large eyes light up at the prospect of meeting the strange new creatures.
I love meeting new people!  I.......
She blinked in confusion, looking over at Myarra with a cocked head.
Wait.....what?    A темные эльфы??   Really?

She chewed her lip, not sure if she'd heard the word right.
I've never met one of them before.   What brings her up here?
player, 67 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 3 Jun 2011
at 00:00
  • msg #171

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"You'd have to ask her," Myarra replied.  "But I wouldn't advise it.  Those of us who escaped the Подземья  did so for good reasons.  Most of us don't care to dwell on those memories ... or we're hiding out until we can go back and crush our enemies," she concludes with a shrug.  "Either way, most of us don't like talking about it."

She pauses for a second.  "I'm not the enemy crushing kind, if it makes you feel less concerned."
This message was last edited by the player at 14:18, Fri 03 June 2011.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 91 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 3 Jun 2011
at 12:15
  • msg #172

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Yes, if my enemies will stay away, I'm very "uncrushy" as well.     I'd love to ask her about the Underdark, but....I'll try to be subtle, like you said.
Sister Aliana grinned at her friend.
Big Boss
GM, 66 posts
I am looking down upon
Sat 4 Jun 2011
at 18:00
  • msg #173

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Myarra guides Aliana and Emerald down the stairs to the basement, with Aliana bypassing the magical protection barrier.

Please refer to Basement map Message 2:

link to a message in this game

Once you're down at the bottom,

Area 1 = The room is about 100x100 and along the walls are wooden chairs. There are painted pictures of men and women on the walls throughout the room.

And that's also when a creature materializes about 30 feet away from you. Soxy starts barking at the Displacer Beast.

"A-shar-a miss My-arr-a." the cat-like beast spoke

And then you hear the distinct sounds of the Golems moving from the portal room to the North. (Area 3)
Emerald Kegroll
player, 24 posts
Sun 5 Jun 2011
at 00:45
  • msg #174

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald jumps down off Sox, but holds her very closely to reassure her in the presence of the weird creature. When he hears rumbling he moves closer to their host. "I'm not sure I like this part. Let's go back to the oven," he adds quickly, though with curiosity winning him over he starts to look more closely at the strange talking creature.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 92 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 5 Jun 2011
at 01:37
  • msg #175

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Not me, this place is wonderful!

The blonde elf gazed about like a child in a candy store.   The displacer beast, the first she'd ever seen, was a little jarring, but fascinating nonetheless.
The golems were beautiful.  She really, really wanted one.

Looking around, She studied the pictures.
Who are the people in the portraits?
player, 24 posts
Sun 5 Jun 2011
at 16:07
  • msg #176

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Nolan walked through the portal into his tower and directed the golems to stand guard as he closed the portal door again. He turned to Amara,

We can go back when we're done in the forest locating the medusa, Amara. The rest of the group should be back soon with the new recruits. I'm just hoping they don't run away like the last ones.
player, 14 posts
Sun 5 Jun 2011
at 16:19
  • msg #177

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Following Nolan she then giggled at hearing his last statement.

"If you don't tell them everything up front, they might be willing to stay a bit later.  You know it is so hard to find good adventures these days.
player, 68 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sun 5 Jun 2011
at 17:19
  • msg #178

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Myarra missed Ashara as well," Myarra replied to the displacer beast, giving her a closed-lipped, but still affectionate, smile.

"Oh come on," she adds as an aside to Emerald, trying to keep up with three conversations at once. "She's a cat.  What's the big deal?"

"Bunch of dead wizards, I suppose," she adds off to the other side as an answer to Aliana's question.  "Best kind if you ask me," she finishes in a near-whisper.

She was just about to ask Ashara about Nolan when she hears the wizard's voice, and that of his drow friend.  She almost manages to stifle a groan, even though finding them was the whole purpose of coming down here. The giggling was particularly annoying. It was against the universal order.  Birds don't swim; fish don't fly; and slave trading, back-stabbing, honor-less, drow do not giggle.

"Wizard!" she calls out in the direction of the portal room.  "We have, in fact, already returned.  We have supplies and two people who wish to assist us in removing snake-chick.  Come on in and meet them.  Then we have an enemy wizard tied up outside that needs to be interrogated."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 93 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 5 Jun 2011
at 19:53
  • msg #179

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Sister Aliana grinned at Myarra's joke and went back to looking at the portraits, clearly fascinated.
player, 25 posts
Sun 5 Jun 2011
at 22:04
  • msg #180

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Yea, tell me about it. They know the adventure lies in the forest that has plenty of green dragons. Why prepare for everything and then quit at the last moment? Seems silly to me.

Nolan looked in the direction of where Myarra's voice came from and smiled.

Let's go see who Myarra brought to adventure with us. They're obviously not evil, because they got into the tower.

Walking out of the portal room, Nolan greets the new comers.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 94 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 6 Jun 2011
at 00:44
  • msg #181

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Sister Aliana, as distracted as she was by the pictures on the walls, wasn't able to ignore her sensitive elven ears when Nolan and Amara came in.

She had been warned by Myarra that the woman was a drow, but still it took her aback a moment to see one in the flesh.   She was like something out of a children's story, and on a world with dragons and vampires, that was saying something.

Beneath the dark skin, though, Aliana could see the elven grace and beauty, especially with the petite woman smiling like she was.   The only smiles the cleric had ever seen on drow pictures were cruel, crafty smirks.   It was a radically transforming expression, that seemed to erase nearly any trace of "drowness" that one would have expected.
The blonde cleric had spent most of her life with humans, and had never gotten a chance to form any kind of bond with another female elf, and even her friendship with Silver was tentative and fledgling at best.    So Aliana was torn.

Her education, biased as it probably was, as well as some racial instinct, told her to beware of the dark-skinned elf, but another, lonely part of her was intrigued by having an elven "sister".   And Amara's smile made her much more elf than drow, to her mind.

Walking over to the pair, Aliana smiled broadly.
Greetings, Salutations, and other Assorted Pleasantries, my friends.   I am Sister Aliana Farwalker, and it is an honor to meet both of you.....
Ironically, it was the human who made her pause.   Her large blue eyes blinked in confusion as she gazed at his broad face.

Excuse me, sir, but.....have we met?  You look very, very familiar.
player, 26 posts
Mon 6 Jun 2011
at 02:56
  • msg #182

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Nolan's mind was already on the adventure into the forest and the damage he was going to do to the medusa, once he found her. Normally, he wouldn't have memorized so many destructive spells, but the scaly demon woman had killed many of his friends and deserved his wrath. He was hoping for some big brutes with some magical weapons, but he got a female elf and a halfling with a dog. At least the girl was pretty. Her asking him if she knew him confused Nolan though.

Have we met? I don't think so. I would've remembered a pretty face like yours. Perhaps you saw me in Soubar? I go there from time to time. My name is Nolan.

Even with the confused look on his face, he does offer his hand to Aliana.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 95 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 6 Jun 2011
at 08:43
  • msg #183

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana was still smiling, charmed by the human, but her face still had the look of puzzlement, as if she were wracking her memory.

She giggled a bit at his compliment, blushing slightly.
Why, thank you, sir.   Now, though, I'm sure you're not the person I'm thinking of.   I met him at the Oghman Library in Scornubel.   But you couldn't be him.  That human wizard was.....cranky....and was very discourteous to the staff of scribes trying to help him.  He was even snotty with me, too.
The blonde elf chuckled.
And, now that I think about it, THAT human was at the Temple nearly 80 years ago.   Unless you have a VERY healthy lifestyle, it's not possible that you're him.
player, 27 posts
Mon 6 Jun 2011
at 12:43
  • msg #184

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Nolan's face appeared to be blank when Aliana mentioned the Oghman Library in Scornubel, like he was staring off into space trying to remember something. He'd been in many libraries looking for this and that and he was pretty sure he was rude to at least somebody for being an idiot, but 80 years ago? Not finding anything in his memory, Nolan looked at the elven woman and shook his head, like he thought she was an idiot for even asking.

80 years ago? You've got to be kidding me. Look at me. I'm human. If I was 80 years old, I'd be an old man on his death bed.

Rolling his eyes, Nolan walked past everyone and headed for the stairs.

Let's go see who this wizard prisoner is.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 96 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 6 Jun 2011
at 12:48
  • msg #185

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Sister Aliana shrugged and smiled, not offended in the slightest.
I know, it was an unlikely connection at best.   Though wizards have, according to legend at least, been known to stave off death and such for many years.    It's just that this man looked enough like you to be a twin brother, if memory serves. 

She followed along with the wizard and the others.
My apologies if I offended you, sir.   Oghma teaches that information should always be shared, if possible, so sometimes I "overshare". 
player, 69 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 6 Jun 2011
at 17:15
  • msg #186

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Don't let Nolan get to you, Aliana," Myarra puts in with a snort.  "It's not personal.  He's cranky, discourteous, and snotty to everyone.

Maybe he's forgotten the footlocker upstairs with his face in it.  Or maybe he's forgotten that people sometimes bear a resemblance to their forefathers. Or maybe he's going to get caught in some magical catastrophe and be hurled back across the pages of time so that, in the past, you met his future self.  Once you start messing with the multiverse, all twisted things become possible.

Anyway, to complete the introductions ... you've already met Nolan.  The lady behind him is Amara."
  Directing herself to Amara, since Nolan seems more interested in checking out the prisoner, she finishes.  "Aliana, of Oghma's flock, has already announced herself.  And this is Emerald, of the noble Ling, and his companion Sox.

Since we'll all be working together, let me bring you up-to-date on our trip to Soubar."

She then turns and starts following Nolan to the stairs, describing the fight in the woods and what little they knew about the wizard and the dragon cult.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 97 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 6 Jun 2011
at 22:46
  • msg #187

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana chuckled.
Don't worry.  I try not to take anything personally.   But crankiness certainly makes him a more likely candidate for being the man I met. 

Her pretty face lit up with delight.
OOOOH!   Time travel?   How exciting!

She looked at the wizard with intense eyes.
If you DO go back in time and meet a younger me, could you please tell me not to eat soup in the scroll room?
The blonde elf grinned sheepishly.
I spilled turnip bisque on an old map of Cormyr, and was scrubbing the floors for a month. 

Myarra's description of "the noble Ling" was a bit confusing, but she didn't correct the woman.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:49, Mon 06 June 2011.
player, 15 posts
Tue 7 Jun 2011
at 02:13
  • msg #188

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Amara gave a warming smile to all that she saw even that nasty Myarra.

When Sister Aliana walked up to them and introduced herself Amara extends her forearm to be embraced in the Elven custom.

It is a pleasure to meet you Sister Aliana Farwalker, I am Amara she didn't wish to continue with her last name not sure if Aliana would recognize it.

She allowed Nolan and Aliana speak but she did know something that Aliana didn't, and it could be the same man she met 80 years ago.  Nolan was a strange and peculiar one but he did have some good qualities.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 99 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 7 Jun 2011
at 03:01
  • msg #189

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana grinned at Amara.
It's an honor to meet you, ma'am.   I love your hair.  It's so silky and shiny.
Emerald Kegroll
player, 25 posts
Wed 8 Jun 2011
at 10:19
  • msg #190

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald looks anxiously at Nolan the whole time he is talking, waiting for him to burst into flame, or to turn someone into a frog. He sighs with relief when he turns and moves off, having thankfully not turned his attention to him. When Amara introduces herself to Aliana, he just smiles nervously. Any sort of greeting that might involve touching her would certainly be a strain for him, and he redoubles the scruffing of Sox's ear, more for self-reassurance than as a sign of affection. The one thing he is grateful for is that the talkative cleric of Oghma is large enough to hide behind and he takes full advantage of it as they move off.
Big Boss
GM, 67 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 9 Jun 2011
at 02:08
  • msg #191

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Moving out of the basement and into the main halls of the tower, Nolan leads everyone outside to meet up with Swiftstrider and Silver, who remained by the wagon with their captive. Some of the villagers glace towards the group with smiles on their faces that say "they're happy the group is friendly". A couple of the male villagers give Aliana and Amara appreciative glances.

Emerald and Sox are happy to be outside again, but can see the benefits of the sure does look a lot smaller outside though.

Nolan approaches the wagon with the unconscious captive and recognizes the symbol on the armor that was collected off the dead.

Seeing Nolan smile is definitely a strange sight to see....
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 100 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 9 Jun 2011
at 12:18
  • msg #192

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana follows Nolan and the rest of the group.   She waves back at the young men, assuming that they're glad that she and the rest of the group are here to fight the evil in the woods.
player, 54 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Thu 9 Jun 2011
at 20:57
  • msg #193

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Swiftstrider says to Nolan, "You know them?  They attack us.  Him only one left alive.  We bury others.  We bring horses back.  People here need horses."
player, 29 posts
Thu 9 Jun 2011
at 23:00
  • msg #194

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Oh, yes, I know who they are. They're the Cult of the Dragon. I wouldn't be surprised to find out that their organization is responsible for all our troubles. All of you have done well with capturing this man. When he wakes up, I'll give him a nice, long interrogation. I'm not bringing him into the tower, because I'm pretty sure there's somebody scrying him as we speak and I don't want any enemies knowing what this tower looks like inside. We'll put him in the building where the enemy kept our villager friends. I'm sure our fellow friends would love to keep an eye on him until he wakes.

Nolan waves a couple villagers over to remove the captive wizard from the wagon and gives them specific instructions not to hurt him while they guard him. Looking through the equipment his friends removed from the cultists,

Some of this stuff is magical. I can identify them, if you want.
player, 35 posts
Fri 10 Jun 2011
at 00:56
  • msg #195

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver nods in response to Nolan's offer. "We thought it might be, it'd be great if you could find out what they do." He flicks out a small, wicked looking dagger and starts cleaning his fingernails. "If you want some help with the interrogation, let me know. Him and his freinds did try to kill us unprovoked."
player, 30 posts
Fri 10 Jun 2011
at 01:33
  • msg #196

Re: The fight on the trail home....

I'll make it easy for you, Silver. You don't like the tower. I don't like the Cult of the Dragon. You think the power of the tower is unnatural. The Cult of the Dragon's power is unnatural. They turn dragons into undead dragons called Dracoliches. These abominations are what destroyed Myth Jannath and Myth Drannor. Cultists are to be killed on sight, but I want information first.
player, 16 posts
Fri 10 Jun 2011
at 03:41
  • msg #197

Re: The fight on the trail home....

She finally stepped up closer to have a look at the prisoner.

"I will be joining you in this interrogation.  is all she said and it wasn't a question.  She too had her reasoning for finding out something with the Cult and it is best to do it with the protection of the Tower.
player, 70 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 10 Jun 2011
at 20:01
  • msg #198

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Well, I'll leave the details up to the experts," Myarra tells the three potential interrogators. It's not that she's unfamiliar with getting information out of unwilling sources, but her old methods aren't acceptable in her new Mystra-supported lifestyle.  She suspects ... strongly, that they're the same methods Amara and Silver are contemplating, but it's safer not to inquire.

"Nolan, whenever you get a chance to look at the shinies will be fine.  There's no great rush on that.

I'll go with and see the prisoner made comfortable, just in case he has any fight left in him.  But could you take a closer look at him for a minute with your woo-woo vision?  I know, painfully, that wizards can hide magical what-nots on their bodies that are really hard to find. I'd prefer not to come to check on him later only to find a jail full of dead guards but no wizards.

Amara, maybe you could take a few minutes to tell Aliana and Emerald about the attack on the town.  It will probably make more sense than my rambling and give them a better idea what we're up against."

Talking to a drow as if she were a real person, not a monster from a child's nightmares, was difficult, but for all their sakes, she was going to make it work.
player, 55 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Fri 10 Jun 2011
at 20:23
  • msg #199

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"When you done with important stuff, I hungry," Swiftstrider declares as he imagines a haunch of slow-roasted elk drizzled with blackberry-honey sauce.
Big Boss
GM, 68 posts
I am looking down upon
Sat 11 Jun 2011
at 16:28
  • msg #200

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Nolan looks over the magical items with his ability and puts the items aside as the villagers pull the captive wizard out of the wagon. Nolan looks him over as well and determines that he has nothing magical on him. Nolan even searches the man just to be safe and finds nothing. The villagers take the man into custody and place him in the holding house for interrogation. The guards will inform the party when he wakes up.

You all go into the tower to get something to eat in the dining hall. If Silver wants to stay outside, he's pretty sure somebody will bring him something. The food creator is a fantastic item and you take advantage of it by ordering what you desire to eat, while discussing future plans of adventure....

Treasure list has been updated to show magical items

link to a message in this game
player, 31 posts
Mon 13 Jun 2011
at 23:59
  • msg #201

Re: The fight on the trail home....

While everyone was getting their food from the kitchen, Nolan was talking with the group to get them up to date on things. He also wanted to hear about the fight Myarra was in and how the Cult of the Dragon was involved.

I should have known the cult was involved. That explains all the dragons in the forest. Anyways, Amara and I went to Lyran's Hold to go check out the library, but we never got there. I opened the doors in the room the ogres were using as a toilet and we found death and destruction. Neither of us had any way of detecting for traps, so we decided to come back. One room appeared to be some sort of office with a decapitated body. Been there for a long time. Next room appeared to be another library which was heavily burnt with fireball spells and the last one appears to have been caved in. It might take some time to dig out.

But we can come back to that once we come back from the forest. While I was using the scrying crystal, I noted several locations in the forest that I wish to explore to locate the medusa that attacked this village and killed most of my friends. Hopefully some of these locations can give us some information.

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 102 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 14 Jun 2011
at 00:14
  • msg #202

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Sister Aliana nodded, listening intently.
Indeed.   I have magic spells that can help me look for traps, though removing them is another matter.    Still, I'll help in anyway I can.

She seemed almost mortally offended at a library being treated in such a manner.
Emerald Kegroll
player, 26 posts
Tue 14 Jun 2011
at 02:06
  • msg #203

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald tucks into any number of ordered desires from the food-thing and in the process decides that Nolan doesn't look nearly as scary on a full stomach. After a while he summons up the courage to speak. "Begging your pardon, Mr Nolan, but who is Medusa and how did he kill your friends?
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 103 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 14 Jun 2011
at 03:35
  • msg #204

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana tried a little bit of everything, but listened to Nolan's answers.
player, 32 posts
Tue 14 Jun 2011
at 12:37
  • msg #205

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Nolan looked at the halfling like he had lobsters crawling out of his ears. He was just about to call Emerald an idiot, but saw the halfling's some-what fearful expression on his face.

I'm sure you know what a medusa is, Emerald. You probably just call it something else in your tongue. A medusa is a woman-like monster with snakes for hair and reptile-like skin. If you look directly into her face, her gaze will turn you into stone. The one that killed my friends and a group of villagers came to town posing as stage performers. When their eyes were upon her, I guess she unveiled herself and then called her orcs in. I was in the tower doing something. I don't remember what it was though.
Emerald Kegroll
player, 27 posts
Tue 14 Jun 2011
at 13:26
  • msg #206

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald processes the information while scoffing down another piece of damper, then dusts the flour from his hands. "So we need to kill a snake-lady without looking at her, and some filthy orcs. At least she lives in a forest. I feel a lot better under a tree than in a cave," he adds absently as he looks around for a new morsel.
player, 71 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 14 Jun 2011
at 21:57
  • msg #207

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Myarra misses the first part of the conversation, getting one of the local clerical types to escort her back to the front door with a tray of food and a mug of some proper drinkage for Silver.

But she returns in time to see Nolan giving the young Ling the dirty eyeball routine.  She sighs sadly.  It seems the wizard was never going to learn any kind of humility.  We can't all be genius bookeaters she thinks to herself.  You get one thing wrong and wizards get all scoffy and haughty.

She grabs a tray of food ... mostly meat and another mug of gut-rotting grog and joins the others at the table.

"Yep," she replies.  "That's the plan.  Kill the snake-chick and her orcs; and try not to get turned to rock at the same time.  I'm sure Nolan will have a few fine details to add on the where and when, but that's the gist of it."

She lifts a chunk of meat a few inches from her platter and nods towards Sox.  "Is he allowed extras?  This bit's camel roast with root sauce."
Emerald Kegroll
player, 28 posts
Wed 15 Jun 2011
at 00:02
  • msg #208

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald eyes the meat then smiles and gives Sox a scratch. "Most definitely. She will love it," he adds, highlighting the gender reference.

He then turns his attention back to Nolan as he nibbles on some shortbread. "And all the while on the hunt for Mrs Medusa we have to watch out for a flock of marauding dragons and an army of cultists? Boy, this ought to be an adventure!" he says excitedly.
player, 72 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 15 Jun 2011
at 02:50
  • msg #209

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Now you're getting into the spirit!" Myarra tells Emerald, approvingly.  "I knew you two would have the right mindset for the job."

Putting the chunk of camel in her hand she holds it out for Sox.  "Here you are, girl.  Sorry about that he bit.  Won't happen again."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 104 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 15 Jun 2011
at 03:28
  • msg #210

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana chuckled.
Yes, I'll admit that you folks don't take your adventure in moderation.    I'll look forward to ending those evils.

She tried a few of the new foods, making very expressive noises when she liked or disliked something.
player, 56 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Wed 15 Jun 2011
at 08:02
  • msg #211

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Swiftstrider just tore hungrily into his roast elk haunch with berry sauce and a big mug of buttermilk and let the others do the talking.
player, 34 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2011
at 12:29
  • msg #212

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Yea, you all say that now, but we'll see what happens when there's an adult green dragon chasing us through the forest. Now that the Cult of the Dragon seems to be a problem in the area, things will get worse. I'm pretty sure they know who we all are. But, anyways, there's several sites in the forest that I would like to check out. If the medusa is hiding in one of them, fine. If not, we go to the next one until we find her and dispose of her.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 107 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 20 Jun 2011
at 12:42
  • msg #213

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana nodded to the wizard.
My apologies, lord Mage.   I didn't mean to imply that I thought this would be easy.   I will stand by your side, as with all my new friends, to fight this evil.   I will not falter, though it mean my life.

The giggley elf was very serious, as if she'd taken a vow on the subject.

Then, she picked up a small olive, and tossed it into the air, catching it in her mouth.    Her face brightened instantly.
Wow!  That's amazing!  I never make it on the first try!
player, 73 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 20 Jun 2011
at 20:10
  • msg #214

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Been there, done that." Myarra replied to the mage with a grin, rubbing Sox behind the ears.  "We got a nifty tower in the woods as a reward.  Sure it was mind-numbingly terrifying at the time, what with the dragon and the gigantic multi-headed fire-breathing guardian beastie, but that's life.

And you know what they say about life?  Nobody gets out of it alive.

Yesterday's gone forever and tomorrow will come whether we like it or not."
She waved her mug expansively over the table.  "So there's no point worrying over things that have either passed by, or haven't happened yet.  Especially while we have the likes of Nolan to handle the planning.

So I'm going to finish eating, take a bath, get some rest, pack my things, and then follow you wherever you want to go and kill whatever needs killing."

She frowned down into her mug.  "And find a better class of booze. Only six mugs of this stuff and suddenly I'm all full of the wisdom of the ages and crap."
Emerald Kegroll
player, 29 posts
Tue 21 Jun 2011
at 09:43
  • msg #215

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald grabs a juicy piece of fruit from his side plate and takes a bite out of it, then starts to speak with a mouthful of apple. "Don't you worry, Mister Nolan, I have lots of friends in the forest, things will be all just ticketty boo, you'll see, or my name's not Emerald Kegroll," he says as he scans the table for his next morsel.
player, 57 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Thu 23 Jun 2011
at 02:09
  • msg #216

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Swiftstrider finishes stripping most of the meat from his elk and slowly holds the bone out to Sox.  "Here, girl.  You deserve treat.  Fought brave."
Big Boss
GM, 71 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 23 Jun 2011
at 21:37
  • msg #217

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Nolan goes on to explain that he used the Crystal of Seeing down in the basement to try and find the Medusa. He rambles off various ruins he saw and figures that the ruins to the North of Lyran's Hold should be checked out first, since that's where the Medusa originally fled to when it escaped into the forest.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 109 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 24 Jun 2011
at 02:41
  • msg #218

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana was savoring the salty taste of one meat dish.   She wasn't sure she wanted to know where it had come from.
She smiled at Nolan.
Ruins are a good traditional place to start, and practical, too.
Taking up residence in existing structures is just good sense.  I've got some minor training in outdoor survival and tracking, and such tactics are very common. 

player, 36 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2011
at 00:21
  • msg #219

Re: The fight on the trail home....

You can track, huh? You're becoming more useful by the second. One word of advice, though. If you start seeing stone statues in the middle of the forest, please tell us silently. I don't want another one added to the forest. So, anyways, does everyone want to journey to these ruins? We'll be going through the portal to Lyran's Hold to save us a couple days road travel, then head into the forest to these ruins. Whatever treasure we find as a group, we divide evenly.
player, 38 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2011
at 01:09
  • msg #220

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Ah, Nolan, shouldn't we go talk with the Wizard first? I don't really like having him just hanging around."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 110 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 25 Jun 2011
at 03:42
  • msg #221

Re: The fight on the trail home....

In reply to Nolan (msg #219):

Aliana grinned at Nolan.
Well, despite the fact that I know that I would make a truly darling statue, I'll do my best to postpone it as long as possible.   

She giggled at her joke.
Now, I truly would love to have a statue dedicated to me, but I would prefer one that I can enjoy as well.   And while I'm normally against cutting out any part of a journey, but with lives in the line, I understand that time is of the essence.
Emerald Kegroll
player, 30 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2011
at 11:35
  • msg #222

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"You can count me and Mistress Soxy here in for that Master Nolan. I can't wait to go for a run in a forest again. It's been a while," Emerald adds wistfully as he hoes into another dish.
player, 17 posts
Sat 25 Jun 2011
at 13:44
  • msg #223

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Amara was very quiet during all of this, she was the lucky one that survived the attack of the Medusa and most of her friends were turned to stone.  She would really like to return them back to life if there was a way.

She watched how they ate the food in heaps of plates.  It seemed that they hadn't had a good meal in years by the way they were eating.  She slowly sipped from a goblet filled with Elven wine.

Taking this moment to memorize the names of the folks that she will be traveling with and if possible their mannerism and behaviors.  Being a Drow she was good at such things, so to keep herself safe and the party.
player, 58 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Mon 27 Jun 2011
at 06:53
  • msg #224

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Swiftstrider walks to the kitchen and returns with a bowl of creamy goat cheese smothered in gooseberries and drizzled with honey.  Sitting back down he says, "Can go any time.  All ready."  Then he digs into his bowl of dessert.
player, 78 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 28 Jun 2011
at 15:18
  • msg #225

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Well, Myarra added, interrupting a fascinating discussion she'd been having with Aliana about eternally flying birds of fire, and holes in the ground that oozed liquid fire ... she really had to hand it to scholars, their imaginations knew no bounds.  They put an old story teller like her to shame.  But back to the point at hand ...

"Well," Myarra added.  "I can almost hear Silver talking like he's right beside me, rather than outside, thanking all the gods not to be in this accursed tower.  And he'd be saying that perhaps we should consider interrogating that murderous wizard first, then get ready to head out?"

She excused herself while the other talked, following Swiftstrider's lead in getting dessert.  She returned with a bowl filled with some frozen dark confection, laced with what looked like thin strips of brown bark.  She also bore two spoons, one of which she handed to Aliana, putting the bowl down between them.

"A year or so back, I was in this rich old lady's house one night ... never mind why.  And in turn for having the paralysis removed ... never mind why ... I agreed to do some chores around the place, heavy lifting kind of stuff, in return for food and a roof over my head for a while.  And it turned out she and I got along fairly well once we got each other's measure.  Well, until her children found out I was there.  You know how it is, words were said, tempers flared, demands were made, and I was back to my carefree ways.

But anyway, she had this room in her house with a magical ball of pure cold.  Kept everything in there frozen solid.  And one of the tubs she had stored in there was full of this stuff.  From what she told me, they take cow's milk and churn it until it turns solid, add some sugar and some exotic beans, and it turns into this frosty stuff.  The beans are also roasted, mashed, and mixed with sugar and milk and ... well, I forget the details, but it turns out to be perfection in solid form, which they mix in with the rest.  You can't buy it for less than a bleeding fortune, but I figured since the tower's got a magic kitchen ... it was worth a shot."

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 116 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 28 Jun 2011
at 22:34
  • msg #226

Re: The fight on the trail home....

The pretty cleric listened with rapt attention to the tale of magically aided desserts.    They'd experimented with many kinds of confections at the Scornubel Library in their down time, finding recipies and such.
She'd had frozen and shaved ices of various flavors, all sorts of pies, cakes and puddings, and even a gelatinous concoction invented by the gnomes of Lantan.  It was rumored to be made from rendered horse bones, but when flavored correctly, it was divine.   Not quite solid, but not quite liquid.

This stuff, though, was unlike anything else.
With the spoon still in her mouth, she let out a muffled squeal of pleasure.
MMMMM!!!!   It's so YUMMY!   I've had cold puddings, but nothing like this!    It's like a Iced Sweet Curd.    Delicious!

Impulsively, she gave Myarra a hug of gratitude.
Just amazing, like everything else here.  Thank you, my friend.
player, 37 posts
Wed 29 Jun 2011
at 12:34
  • msg #227

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Nolan looked at everyone in wonderment, like he met them for the first time, while listening to their stories. He thought about digging into Myarra's mind to look for the secret of the old woman, but decided not to. He got up from his seat and walked to the door of the dining hall.

I'm going to see if our guest is awake yet. Have fun with your food experiments. We leave early tomorrow morning for the forest. I'll tell Silver.

Nolan brings a tray of food for Silver to munch on, chuckling to himself to see if he could guess what all the creations were. Half the stuff the group brought out, Nolan wouldn't touch with a ten-foot pole.
player, 79 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 29 Jun 2011
at 21:02
  • msg #228

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Myarra accepted the hug with only one small pang.  The last cleric to hug her had been Kimora, and look how that had turned out.  But that was the past and this Oghmanite was a totally different person.  At least she hadn't shown any signs of brain damage by casting wistful looks at the wizard yet.  "You're very welcome." she replied.  "Although I have to disagree with everything here being wonderful."

She pauses as Nolan gets to his feet and starts leaving the hall.

"Take your time, wizard." Myarra calls to him, waving farewell with her spoon.  "Send if you need us for anything, though I'm sure you won't."  Between Nolan and Silver, and especially if Amara also attends, there's little chance that the rest of them could add much to the interrogation.

"So, " she continues, turning back to Aliana and Emerald.  "While we finish this feast, why don't you guys tell me WHY you wanted to join up with our little band of misfits?

Personally, I was down on my luck, feeling really depressed, not in a good place, as they say, with my position in society, when a goddess ... acting on behalf of a couple of children ... showed me two options for the rest of my life.  The one I was heading towards, which was a life of luxury, and this one, which had constant peril and near certain death.  So, of course, I chose this one.  What about you?"

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 117 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 29 Jun 2011
at 23:49
  • msg #229

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana smiled at Myarra.
The "life of luxury" doesn't sound THAT bad?  What was the catch?
from stories she'd read growing up, the pretty cleric knew about the principle of "TANSTAAFL", or, as the humans sometimes say:
"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch".
Meaning, if one were to speak in more civilized tones, that there was always a price for everything, especially if it seemed too easy.

For me, it wasn't anything so dramatic.   I've lived for the last century in the main Library of Oghma, found as a orphan on the front steps.    I've always wanted to venture out of Scornubal, but never seemed to have the time or ambition.   Or, at least, not at the same time.     
Her smile became a little sad.
But, when the last grandchild of my original human playmates, who were with me as a child, finally died out, I decided it was time, no matter what reservations I had.

I want to see the world after reading about it for so long.   I want to DO something,rather than just recopy stories of other daring deeds. 

She shrugged.
Perhaps that is a selfish reason to want to help, but it's the only one I have at the moment.
player, 18 posts
Thu 30 Jun 2011
at 01:08
  • msg #230

Re: The fight on the trail home....

She followed Nolan and wanted to join in the interrogation of the Cult member. She heard rumors that some of them might be looking for her for her House or other reasons.  She had to know if they knew of her presence in the area, and if so was that information sent to the Underdark.

She kept quiet while following behind him only allowing her mind to wonder what she will need to do.
player, 38 posts
Fri 1 Jul 2011
at 02:01
  • msg #231

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Nolan easily caught the thoughts of Amara as the pair walked outside to find Silver. He sometimes hated his amulet, but he knew it would come in handy with the interrogation of the cult wizard.

Sometimes I hate my amulet, Amara, because your feelings right now are really intense that I didn't need to focus on you. If you want to show your face to this wizard, it could cause a problem if your feelings are true. Are you sure you want to do this?

Once outside the front door to the tower, Nolan locates Silver to give him the platter of food with everyone's contribution.

Good luck with that, my friend. Personally, I wouldn't touch half the stuff on this tray. Let's go see if our guest is awake yet.
player, 59 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Fri 1 Jul 2011
at 17:59
  • msg #232

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Swifstrider waves goodbye to Nolan and Amarra as he savors his berries, honey and soft cheese.  Listening to the complex requirements to create the dessert Myarra and Aliana were sharing boggled the goliath's mind.  He glanced at Emerald and shook his head in bewilderment, raising his bowl as if toasting.  "Simple pleasures best," Swiftstrider says with a smile, "Easy to find.  Trust more." He casually wipes off some honey that had escaped down his chin.
player, 20 posts
Fri 1 Jul 2011
at 18:08
  • msg #233

Re: The fight on the trail home....

She looked at him then at his amulet not liking the fact that he was reading her emotions without asking.

"I am fine, just worry about him.
player, 81 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 7 Jul 2011
at 03:19
  • msg #234

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"The catch?" Myarra responded, after draining her mug and waiting to see if anybody else wanted to share a bit of their lives.  "There's always a price.  And great benefits come with great prices.  And in this case, I wasn't the one paying the price."

"So I'm with Swifty here.  Simple pleasures and good people.  They're much better than luxury.  And I don't see anything selfish about wanting to see the world after spending several lifetimes helping others find knowledge.  Traveling is broadening they say, especially when you have access to this kitchen.  I think I've gained ten pounds since we took up residence."

Rising to her feet, she thumps her mug down solidly on the table.  "Now, I have several days of road dust I need to scrape off.  So I'm heading for the baths.  If you'd like to join me," she adds, looking over at Aliana.  "I'll show you how they work ... and you can help me through the damn barriers.  Then I'm going to take a nap until Nolan gets back to us."

"Emerald, you'll need to get Swifty to show you to the men's area if you're so inclined.  Most of the ladies here have a problem with mixed sex bathing.  The men ... not so much, although they put on a good pretend moral protest.  But it's all in the eyes, you know."

player, 43 posts
Thu 7 Jul 2011
at 06:48
  • msg #235

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver smirks at Nolans lack of culinary adventure. Sure, some of it looked like...well, he wasn't sure but it WAS food. Right? It did come from the kitchen, so it had to be edible. He started picking through the morsles, eating on the way to the "holding cell". "Thanks Nolan. I just wanted to hang outside for a while, befire having to go inside again."

He smiles and nods at Amara as they walk. "Hello sister. Hah. How are you Amara? Maybe you have some tricks to make the Wizard talk eh?"
This message was last edited by the player at 06:49, Thu 07 July 2011.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 119 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 7 Jul 2011
at 08:44
  • msg #236

Re: The fight on the trail home....

In reply to Myarra (msg #234):

Sister Aliana's eyes light up.
Oh!!!  A bath sounds lovely!   Yes, I'll join you.   Bathing in mixed company had never bothered me, though I've rarely done is, since I've been raised with humans all my life.     

She gets up, ready to follow her friend.
player, 21 posts
Thu 7 Jul 2011
at 14:51
  • msg #237

Re: The fight on the trail home....

She smiled to Silver
"Trick oh yes, I have a few of them.  But I don't think Nolan will be pleased to watch.
Emerald Kegroll
player, 31 posts
Thu 7 Jul 2011
at 21:02
  • msg #238

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Male baths. A novel idea indeed! I'm ready for one whenever you are, mister Swifty, if we are getting ready to go out on the road," and Emerald begins to clean up whatever is left on his plate.
player, 60 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Fri 8 Jul 2011
at 02:47
  • msg #239

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Swiftstrider snorts in his bowl of dessert and a couple of berries go flying!  He quickly eats the rest savoring the honey and cheese curds in the bottom.  Then gathers up his bowl and any others lying about and deposits them in the dishes bin of the kitchen.

"Come then, Emerald," Swistrider says, "I show you magic hot springs."  And the goliath leads the way to the baths...
player, 82 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 8 Jul 2011
at 18:38
  • msg #240

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Not all humans are so embarrassed," Myarra remarks.  "Just most of the so called civilized ones.  I think it's living in such large numbers, so close together, that makes them all go a bit soft in the head."

With Aliana's assistance, Myarra leads the way from the kitchens to the baths in the women's section. As soon as they enter, the room lights up as if under a bright afternoon sun, revealing the magical bathing pool.  It's about 20 feet across, and 3 feet deep, with reclining seats spaced around the edges.

"The heat of the pool is controlled by this thing here."  Stepping over to a pedestal near the edge, Myarra fiddles with two control rocks, one red, and one blue. "If you think the water's too hot or too cold, it can be adjusted easily." As soon as she touches the first, the tub begins to fill with water, the level rising quickly, and then stopping on its own before reaching the top.

"Nolan says you can just get in and it will clean your clothes and belongings.  I'm not sure I fully trust it with anything important, and you'd probably want to be really careful with anything paper." she adds, removing the bags containing her belongings from the tie straps on her belt, and gently setting them on the coping beside the water.  Following them down, she strips off and places her chain armor, boots, gauntlets, and various weapons.

"Now, the next unnatural thing here, is that the water cleans everything all by itself. You don't need scrubsand, or drying cloths, or anything.  You get in, and you're clean.  You step out, and you're dry.  It's weird, but you can get used to it."

Stripping off her shirt and breeches, she drops the filthy, bloodstained things into the water, and then gingerly climbs in after them, settling herself into one of the underwater chairs.  Grabbing her clothes, she gives them a couple good swishes in the water and then pitches the now clean items out onto the side.

"If only it could mend the holes as well, it would be perfect." she says with a sigh of pleasure, leaning back and closing her eyes.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 120 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 8 Jul 2011
at 20:38
  • msg #241

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Sister Aliana looked on with wonder at the pool.
How....stupendous!  What a clever fellow it was who made this!

Getting down on her knees, she takes off her gloves and dips a hand into the water, then bringing it out both clean and dry.    She repeats the motion several times, looking at her magiacally dry hand as if it belonged to someone else.
Remarkable......  She whispered.
I wonder if this is what it's like to be a water nymph.....

She did this a dozen more times, before finally realizing that the day was rapidly ending.
Blushing at her silliness, but still grinning, she stripped off her gear, and her clothes, and got gingerly into the water.
She thought about adjusting the temperature, as it was a tad warm, but hesitated, feeling like a bit of a fussbudget, and just settled in.  She dunked her clothes, and marveled at their cleanliness.  She stood up in the water, and sniffed her armpits.   She grinned more widely.
By the Long Road!  I don't think I've ever BEEN this clean!   
She giggled like a schoolgirl.
player, 83 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sat 9 Jul 2011
at 03:54
  • msg #242

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Myarra watches her new friend's antics with a smile.  She's only known the elf for a day, but Aliana seemed to be the kind of person that would grow on you, given any kind of chance.

"As degenerate and perverted as wizardly magic might be, I find that they are occasionally useful, so long as the wizards are willing to take the soulmark on themselves of their own free will."

Holding her nose, she ducks down below the surface, holding her breath as long as she can, letting the magic waters do their work on the rat's nest her hair's become.  When she comes up, finger combing the knots loose, she finds Aliana already relaxing in the water as well.

"I've always believed that cleanliness was important, but you're right, until I discovered this pool, I only thought that I was clean.  I'm going to miss this one little bit of Nolan's insanity when it comes time to move on.  For some reason, this is the only room in the entire tower that doesn't give me a headache.

So, who are you getting along?  Is this new life what you were expecting when you left your library?  Had you been in a fight before this afternoon?  What do you think of our little band of heroes?  Is Amara what you expected a темные эльфы to be?  Have you had the urge to punch Nolan yet?"

She knows she's being a bit nosy, but then the only way to find out about another person is to either ask them questions, or try to beat the crap out of them.  The former seems to be the effective method in this case.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 121 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 9 Jul 2011
at 05:01
  • msg #243

Re: The fight on the trail home....

The perky blonde elf came up from under the water, and sprayed some water from between her teeth, like a cherub statue fountain from a rich human's estate.
She looked at Myarra, giggling wildly.
Wow!!!  Even my mouth is dry!!!   How does it DO that???

She sat down for a soak again, and looked at her winged friend, considering the woman's questions seriously.
Well, I'm not sure if this is what I expected.   I was picturing grand adventures with dramatic battles and grateful local politicians.    So far Real Life has been both less and more exciting.   
Aliana grinned.
But, I'm growing quite fond of all of you.   Oghman clerics tend towards being overly officious and understated.   This eccentric bunch of adventurers is JUST what I was hoping for.   Many of my preconceptions have been challenged, though.   Amara is nothing like any of the dwellers of the Underdark I'd read about.  Nolan is actually pretty bit sweet, though.  I can see that he's a bit tightly-wound, but he's nothing like the man I met years ago at the library.
That man was a total meanie to everyone.  Even I didn't like him.  But Nolan isn't so bad.  It's funny, though, he's a dead ringer for that man I saw 80 years ago.
Do you know if he has a grandfather who might have visited Scornabul back then?

Big Boss
GM, 75 posts
I am looking down upon
Sat 9 Jul 2011
at 17:34
  • msg #244

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Amara, Silver and Nolan walk into the building where the prisoner is kept. The wizard is tied up with ropes and gagged again, but he hasn't been touched like they were ordered to do. The wizard is awake, lying on a bed of straw. One of the guards stands up and informs the three of you that he was about to go out and get you.

You relieve the guards and they exit the building. There's a couple stools for you to sit on if you wish to get comfortable in your interrogation. Even gagged, the wizard looks unimpressed.
player, 39 posts
Mon 11 Jul 2011
at 18:07
  • msg #245

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Amara, Silver, you two ask the questions. Don't touch him. I'll just be sitting here.

Nolan flipped the hood of his cloak over before they entered the building as he knew the wizard was going to lie or say nothing at all, but if he concentrated with his medallion, he'll get the truth eventually. He just didn't want the prisoner to know what he was doing. Taking a seat on one of the stools, Nolan pulled out some parchment with ink and pen and was prepared for the interrogation.
player, 22 posts
Wed 13 Jul 2011
at 20:26
  • msg #246

Re: The fight on the trail home....

She nods to the guards as they leave.

Listening to Nolan as she thought he was going to ask question and she was going to use her powers to detect lies.  But it seemed that it was his plan as well.

Walking over to the prisoner she allowed her innate powers to first detect if he had any good within him then she would move closer to remove the gag from his mouth.

"I am warning you now, do not cast any spells once I remove this gag or I will be forced to rip out your tongue and find another way of communication with you. she gazed down at him with a slight bit of rage within her eyes. "Do I make myself clear? she asked

This first question was more of a test so that Nolan will be able to get time to focus upon the prisoners mind.
Big Boss
GM, 77 posts
I am looking down upon
Sat 16 Jul 2011
at 18:55
  • msg #247

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Amara doesn't detect any "Good" in the man as he tries to spit on her after the gag is removed. His claims of total destruction of this town and making everyone slaves doesn't help, either. Silver stood off to the side, twirling his dagger, while Nolan writes things down on his parchment.
player, 44 posts
Sun 17 Jul 2011
at 02:41
  • msg #248

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver strides over to the man, still holding the wicked looking dagger and twirling it one handed. "See, this is supposed to be the part where we were gonna play good constable, bad constable. But then i realized, none of us are good constables. You tried to kill me and my friends, and well, this woman is a Drow. You can talk, and answer our questions, or you can not talk, and she gets to play with you, and you answer our questions. You really think the scribe can stop us from "touching" you?"

Silver stands there waiting for some kind of response, before continuing.
player, 23 posts
Sun 17 Jul 2011
at 04:25
  • msg #249

Re: The fight on the trail home....

having him try to spit oh her was enough for the reaction she gave.  With out warning her hand was a crossed his face slapping him with such rage that it brought blood to his lip.

"Don't test my patients.  I will send the both out of this room and have my way with you.
as he looked at her he can see that her eyes were giving off a red glow, custom of Drow when they are angered.

"Now answer my question and I will NOT repeat myself ever, male.

It seemed that she still remembered how the female Drow treated the lesser ones.
Big Boss
GM, 78 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 19 Jul 2011
at 01:15
  • msg #250

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Go piss off, you pathetic worm!" the wizard said as he spat at Amara again "I'm not telling you anything!"

It appears that this interrogation might get violent...
player, 24 posts
Tue 19 Jul 2011
at 02:47
  • msg #251

Re: The fight on the trail home....

She looked over to Silver and nodded her head.
player, 45 posts
Tue 19 Jul 2011
at 19:35
  • msg #252

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver nods at the man bound like a dog. "Are you hungry? Thirsty? Want some privacy to relieve yourself? You can have any of it. Just answer a few questions. Did you specifically target Myarra? Or was it all of our group? Did you target us because of what we are doing here, helping this town? Was it because we killed several of the green dragons here in the forest? What is your affiliation, and why did your group attack us? Answer just a few of those questions, and you can have a little bit in return."

Silver held up a hand to Amara, signaling to wait a few more moments before getting up close and personal with the bound wizard.
player, 85 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 20 Jul 2011
at 02:43
  • msg #253

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Pushing down with her fingers against the submerged chair to partially support her weight,  Myarra let her body sink almost entirely beneath the surface, with just her nose and eyes above the water.  She'd never been a strong swimmer, and unlike the rest of her tribe, didn't seem to have any form of natural buoyancy.  Left to itself, her body like to float about a foot down, making the "dead man's float" particularly well named for her.  Only the constant motion of hands and feet had kept her safe, though that was enough given the small size of your average water-hole.  There was a certain absurdity that only after gaining her wings; large, raft-like objects, that she'd been able to relax in the water without the fear of drowning, and then only here in the wizard's bathing tub, although not with anyone else sharing the small space.  So with her fingertips stretched out below, she just let herself steep in the hot water, Aliana's voice muffled softly but still understandable, a lower rumbling sound that seemed to come from all around.

Slowly, she let her legs drop back to the floor, raising her head from the water, and settling back into her chair, dividing her long strands of hair into two thick braids and sighing contentedly.

"Battles we'll have plenty of, although grateful politicians are nothing more than mythical beasts." she replies.

"I absolutely reject any attempt to label Nolan as sweet, but I'll grant that Amara can seem different from what I remember of her people.  That's probably why I'm such an unrepentant bitch to her.  But I just can't shake the feeling ..." she trails off and gives another sigh, but this one has no trace of contentment.

"I really don't know much about Nolan's past.  He claims to have been raised here, but he really doesn't talk that much about it.  And I wasn't joking completely earlier, we did find a locker in an old abandoned tower that had a picture of a man that looked just like him. For all I know he really does jump around from year to year, or maybe he's an elf in disguise, a thousand years old, and has lost his memory. The man is a mystery; a cranky, grumpy pain in the ass, mystery.

By contrast, Amara is either a banished drow trying to fit in, or a slaver bitch in disguise, waiting for some sign to strike.  Either way, she's a lot easier to understand in so many ways."

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 126 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 20 Jul 2011
at 04:37
  • msg #254

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana blinked in surprise at stared in fascination at Myarra's theories about Nolan.
Ooooooooooh.......a shapeshifted immortal wizard who lost his memory.......
She pouted, her lower lip quivering a bit.
Oh my goodness.....that's so sad.....He could have a thousand years of knowledge and information, not to mention a thousand years of loves and friendships....and he might have forgotten it all.

The pretty blonde elf sighed.
I'll have to be extra nice to him.  Perhaps that will let his memory recover.     Amara is another story, though.    I mean, I suppose many would say that it's prudent not to trust her, or to assume she might be lying, but.....well, I don't know.
She shrugged, still occasionally standing up out of the water to look at her perfectly dry arms and bosom.
I say that if humans can be good or evil, there's no real reason that drow can't.    I mean, I've heard that their main cities are steeped in evil and whatnot, but surely that can't affect everyone, right?
player, 41 posts
Wed 20 Jul 2011
at 12:28
  • msg #255

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Nolan wrote down the questions Silver asked, while concentrating with his medallion. Hopefully, he'd be able to get something. Handing the parchment back to Silver to "inspect", Nolan waited for the wizard captive to crack.
player, 87 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 20 Jul 2011
at 15:07
  • msg #256

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Yeah, you do that," Myarra says with an exasperated sigh.  What is it about Nolan that make everyone ... well, mostly women ... bend over backwards to understand him?

She watches the perky cleric bouncing around the tub like a child.  Somehow, even being a century younger than the elf, Myarra feels like she should be telling Aliana to sit down and eat her tubers.  Just watching was making her feel like she desperately needed a nap.  How had she ever gotten to feel so old?

"As to Amara, it's prudent to never trust anyone, ever.  But that makes for a lonely life.  I have heard of non evil individuals, but my history with the темные эльфы colors my opinion more strongly than third hand tales from strangers.  I encountered many of them in my younger years.  And if you'd ever had one check you over before deciding whether or not to buy you, you'd have nightmares about them too.

So, have you known Emerald long?  It feels like we're picking over poor Nolan and Amara.  We should spread out the gossip to be fair."

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 128 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 20 Jul 2011
at 17:56
  • msg #257

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana settled down for a nice soak again, nodding to Myarra.
Yes, we've heard rumors of a couple of drow who were roaming the western part of the continent, either working for the dwarves, or maybe working with the coastal patrol in Waterdeep.   
She grinned.
The stories got a little confused.   Most of the priests and sages at Scornubal assumed it was just fanciful tales, like how the Moonshae Islands were once defended by a giant whale and such.
player, 88 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 21 Jul 2011
at 18:14
  • msg #258

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Sometimes I wonder if we're speaking the same language after all." Myarra replies, with a sad shake of her head.

"Islands?  Those are the bits of rock that stick up in the middle of lakes and rivers, right?  I'm pretty sure I saw one of those when I was in the Dalelands.  But what's a whale?  Another mythological beast like your fire bird that lights up the sky?"
Big Boss
GM, 80 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 21 Jul 2011
at 23:03
  • msg #259

Re: The fight on the trail home....

The wizard just laughs at Silver's questions and spits on the ground again, not even having any clue that the information is being plucked out of his head.

"Go ahead and write that on your parchment, scribe!" the wizard yelled at Nolan

Amara and Silver look to Nolan, who has a small smile upon his lips as he continues his writing. The captive wizard isn't stupid and easily catches on and curses you all.

"I guess we'll see who's will is stronger, eh?"
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 129 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 22 Jul 2011
at 05:00
  • msg #260

Re: The fight on the trail home....

In reply to Myarra (msg #258):

Aliana frowned in confusion at Myarra.
I thought I was speaking in the common tongue of the local humans.   Did I lapse into Elven or Sylvan again?   Sometimes I do that, since I'd studied so many languages.
This one time, during the high holidays at the temple, I once gave an entire "Welcome to the Party" speech to a group of Cormyr dignitaries in Draconic.   They seemed to think I was making a joke at their expense.   I was assigned to privy duty for a week.

The elven cleric nodded apologetically at possibly speaking another language, then smiled.
Yes, a whale is a huge fish, but I'm told it breaths air like we do.  I've been told that some are as large as small ships.
Yes, the ocean is full of wonderous things.

player, 62 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Fri 22 Jul 2011
at 05:22
  • msg #261

Re: The fight on the trail home....

On arriving at the men's bath, Swiftstrider gestures broadly and says to Emerald, "This magic spring. It clean your body and clothes and weapons.  Everything clean and dry when you leave water.  It warm and tingles."  So saying, the goliath enters with all his gear on and settles into the water with a contented sigh.
player, 89 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 22 Jul 2011
at 19:47
  • msg #262

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"No, no." Myarra laughed.  "You're still speaking Common.  It's just that you use the strangest words as if everyone will know what you're talking about ... you're bit like wizards in that respect.

I met this one once.  Shot me with a couple of those wizard dart things.  Then when that didn't stop me ... although between you and me, those things are nasty ... she decided that threatening me with big words might do the trick.  She ... the wizardess ... jumped-up tramp more like ... anyway, threatened me with, and I quote: An arboreal dermatic derived, thermally activated, photonic transmission artifact. Then she grabbed a torch and waved it at me and yelled Back! Back!"
  She shook her head and grinned again.  "We left her tied up naked on the slave rack in front of her father's pyramid.  We knew she'd be found in an hour or so, so she wasn't in any real danger ... mores the pity.  But in exchange for keeping her boots ... scorpions, you understand ... I made her teach me her nonsense phrase."

She pauses long enough to slip back under the water briefly.  The water may dry quickly, but the heat is too nice to pass up.

"Anyway, so you're always going on about islands and whales and volcanoes, and it just gets a bit confusing at times.  You say a whale is a fish that's as big as a ship.  Now I do know about ships. They had one on the river north of Ashabenford.  Must have been 15 feet long.  Absolutely huge it was.  A large as fully loaded caravan wagon.  A fish as big as that would be a sight to see.

But for every word you explain, you toss out another.  So ... what's an ocean?  Just be careful what words you use, or we might be here for the next ten-day."

player, 42 posts
Sat 23 Jul 2011
at 17:49
  • msg #263

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Already getting information from the wizard when he was unsuspecting, Nolan just smiled and stood up when the wizard caught on to his act.

You don't stand a chance, cultist. You might as well give up your secrets now and then flee for Soubar. I know you have a base somewhere and the medusa was there. Why don't you tell me where that is? Silver, Amara? Keep asking him that while pinching and pulling his hair and skin. It's not torture. It's just annoying and distracting.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 130 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 23 Jul 2011
at 18:09
  • msg #264

Re: The fight on the trail home....

In reply to Myarra (msg #262):

Hearing about the encyclopedic rendition about burning sticks, Aliana blinked in stunned incomprehension for a moment, as gears clicked into place.   Then she squealed in laughter, collapsing back into the water, overtaken by giggles.
It took a few moments for her to stop.!!!   I may have to use that one day.   

Still laughing a bit, and wiping a tear from her large, almond-shaped eye, she shook her head in amusement.
I'll admit that my long years in a libarary had filled my head with more useless knowledge and unusuble vocabularly than most people I'm likely to meet.   But I'd certainly never waste my time calling a torch something else if I didn't have to.

The pretty elf maid settled back in the water.
I'm assuming that she was trying to convince you that the "artifact" was something immensely powerful?
It's a cute bluff, I have to admit.
But my 'wordliness' comes from growing up with books instead of friends, I'm afraid.   I mean, I was friendly with the staff and older priests, but they kept me hidden, for my own safety.

You see, I was left on the doorstep by my parents, who left a note saying that they were fleeing from something, and needed me safe.
Well, they never came back for me, so it was presumed that they were killed by whatever they were running from.   So, I was kept hidden for decades, the assumption being that whatever killed them might want me, too.
To this day I have no idea if they were criminals, or royalty....or both, for that matter.

So, I spent most of my time reading.   I have no regrets, though.   Books are fascinating, after all.   And I loved that world as much as I'm loving this one.  And I hope to have my own stories one day.

An 'ocean', for example, is like a lake, but it's IMMENSE.  So huge that many of the rivers on one side of the continent might empty into it.   And so deep that you can't see the bottom, even on the clearest of days. 

Big Boss
GM, 81 posts
I am looking down upon
Sun 24 Jul 2011
at 18:00
  • msg #265

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Go piss off, you pathetic fool. You'll get nothing out of me!" the captive wizard said as he spat on Silver's leg

But, Nolan smiles when he gets visuals of a ruin in the forest...
player, 26 posts
Sun 24 Jul 2011
at 18:05
  • msg #266

Re: The fight on the trail home....

She walked up to the cultist and slapped him pretty hard across the face.

"You are starting to bore me and when I get bored I then like to see blood.  She grabbed a dagger out of her side hip and jammed it right into his inner thigh.

She knew that deep down this wasn't going to kill him and she had spells ready to heal him if needed.  But it would leave a nasty scar which brought a smirk to her face
player, 50 posts
Sun 24 Jul 2011
at 23:57
  • msg #267

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver takes the papers from Nolan and looks them over. Handing them back to him, he looks back at the captive about to continue with the questioning when he was spat upon. Silver sighed, and shook his head. "Now you see that is going to do nothing but aggravate me. The scribe wants to let you leave here alive. I originally somewhat agreed with him, but if I get more aggravated I may reconsider."

Silver started to ask the same questions again, in the same order when Amara broke in. Silver grimaced a bit when she stabbed him, but had to hide a smile. A woman after his own heart. Sort of.

"Well now you've aggravated the Drow. And theres likely nothing I can do anymore. Sorry pal." Silver turned to leave the room, walking somewhat slowly to see if the captive wizard cried out.
Big Boss
GM, 82 posts
I am looking down upon
Mon 25 Jul 2011
at 05:54
  • msg #268

Re: The fight on the trail home....

The wizard did cry out in pain and struggled with his bonds, cursing the whole time, but doesn't say a word that would help you guys.

"Go ahead and stab me again. I'm tougher than you think. When I get out of this place, I'm going to tell everyone that this town is hiding a drow elf!"
player, 43 posts
Tue 26 Jul 2011
at 12:36
  • msg #269

Re: The fight on the trail home....

No, don't stab him. He thinks that if he dies, he won't have to answer questions to give us details.

Nolan looked to the captive wizard again.

She's been living here for quite sometime and you already know that. Do you honestly think the villagers are going to give her up after what you put them through? Why don't I tell them that you're responsible for their friends and family being turned to stone by the medusa and then see if you can run out of town fast enough?
player, 27 posts
Tue 26 Jul 2011
at 19:07
  • msg #270

Re: The fight on the trail home....

She pouts when she is told not to stab him again.  Giving the wizard a nasty glare she then turns from him shaking her head.

"Oh you will get to live I guess for now.
player, 90 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 27 Jul 2011
at 03:22
  • msg #271

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Ah, of course." Myarra says, as if she clearly understood.  She knew what incontinent meant, she and her hunting party having had more than one run in with bad water and food during their various raids.  So continent must mean the reverse, someone with full control over their ... um ... waste products.  But what did that have to do with rivers and enormous lakes.  She decided that it was probably not worth asking more about.  Big lake was good enough for her anyway.

"Yeah, the little tramp thought she could bluff her way out her situation.  Even if she'd made it through the door, Hilfar and Sule were guarding the outside.  Stamping her feet and pouting wouldn't have done her any good there either." She gives a little smile and sighs.  "Those were good times.

So, shall we just proclaim you to be a lost princess?  That's got a nice ring to it.  And Nolan's an ear-bobbed elf with memory issues.  Amara's surely got a tale to tell, whether she will or not.  And Silver, who knows what mysterious past he's hiding?  Swifty and I are probably the most normal folks here.  He was a shepherd from what I can gather.  And I was just one of a couple dozen warriors in a little tribe.  Nothing magical or world bending about us.

Well, I'm glad you got out of the library and are getting to see the world.  It's a wide and thoroughly weird place.  Nothing at all like what I was expecting.  There's plenty of stuff here for a thousand stories."

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 131 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 27 Jul 2011
at 06:03
  • msg #272

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana grinned at her friend.
Oooh...."lost princess"?   I have to admit that I like the sound of that.   It's certainly better than the other two leading theories, which were: "Daughter of Wanted Criminals and/or Traitors", and "Daughter of Two People Who Thought a Child Was Cramping Their Style".

The pretty elf maid shrugged, having had many decades to have gotten over any parental issues.
But, you are certainly correct about the world.  It's MUCH more wonderful and terrifying than any book.   I'm glad I came.
player, 91 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 28 Jul 2011
at 17:49
  • msg #273

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Well, daughter of the leaders of an infamous crime ring isn't a bad second place.  An honest life of crime isn't necessarily that bad a way to get by.  In fact, I'd heartily suggest you try it someday.

My only problem with it is the company you have to keep.  I know you'll laugh, but I have to say that you really can't trust criminals.  I mean, you might think Silver is a bit shifty.  But I know without a doubt that I can turn my back on him without having to worry about him stabbing me in the back for my purse.  I can't say that about other men I've worked with.  And I have the scar to prove it.

I suppose I also have a problem with prison.  That's an experience I heartily suggest you don't try."

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 132 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 28 Jul 2011
at 21:45
  • msg #274

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana smiled.
The only real experience I have with criminals were bandits who tried to rob the Temple Library, so they didn't make a good first impression, certainly.    I have to admit, though, that I have no interest in doing anything to inconvenience honest, hard-working folk.    I think using violence on bad guys is about as "non-law-abiding" as I want to be. 
Big Boss
GM, 84 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 28 Jul 2011
at 23:16
  • msg #275

Re: The fight on the trail home....

So, over the next hour, several of you take baths to get cleaned up, while Nolan melts the captive wizard's brain with his magical medallion. Nolan gets all sorts of useful information out of the wizard's head and knows exactly where the hidden base is located. As to what to actually do with the wizard, you all can think about that later.

When you all get back together, Nolan goes on to explain that there's ruins in the forest about a days journey to the North of Lyran's Hold. It has an extensive underground complex. As usual, Green Dragons might be encountered while wandering through the forest.

Nolan figures that the group would leave tomorrow morning through the portal, that leads to Lyran's Hold, to save on some travel time and then head out into the forest. Cultists might be encountered again, so if more wizards are encountered, try and take them alive.
player, 93 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 29 Jul 2011
at 00:16
  • msg #276

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"This pool will take the dirt off you in no time," Myarra replied, sensing a bit of disappointment from her new friend.  "Just like it never existed.  But the stain of one's misdeeds can never be removed, and I don't think they should.  My father use to say that all the experiences you gain from all your choices in life make up what you are going to be.  Even the bad choices.  Maybe even especially the bad choices.

In hindsight, my bandit days were definitely one of my worst choices.  But it was my choice, and I think it would be even more dishonest to pretend it didn't happen.  I really thought it was the only way to live.  Raiding was what I was really good at; what made my tribe proud of me.  My tribe raided the other tribes, who in turn raided right back.  There was some fighting involved, but killing was rare, almost always accidental.  The tribes just weren't that big to be able to afford to lose people like that.

When I got over the mountains, I tried to live the same way, although it was a lot harder, being alone.  After I got caught in my very first ten-day, I spent a month in a Daleland's prison, and another month rebuilding a stone bridge.  It was uncomfortable (and again, I would heartily suggest you skip the experience), but I think it was a fair punishment.  My first rule is: never complain about paying the price for your misdeeds.  My second rule is ... or was: never take more than you need, and never take it from someone that needs it too.  I too, have a problem inconveniencing honest, hard working folk.  The extremely rich ... them I had less sympathy for.  I know it's only justifying what I did, but it seemed to make sense at the time.  Anyway, I spent a couple years trying to survive off my skills, sometimes the bandit, sometimes fighting against the bandits.  Sometimes I was successful, sometimes I was a guest of the state, as they call it.

I ended up joining a bandit group.  I thought it would make things easier ... and I missed being with other people.  But my comrades didn't have my principles, meager though I'm sure you think them to be.  So I tried to leave and ended up with a Narfellan dagger in my left kidney.

Anyway, that's what led me to my bad place, which in turn led me to Lady Mystra who, I think you'll be please to hear, also frowns on my former lifestyle.  She gave me this new path.  I'm going to be just as dedicated to this one as I was to the last.  And I think it's going to work out better.

But really, I am what I am today because I did, in fact, make some especially bad choices."

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 133 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 29 Jul 2011
at 12:41
  • msg #277

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana's eyes were wide as she listened with rapt attention to Myarra's story.'ve had such an exciting life.    I think the only "choice" I've made was to leave the Library.    I'm glad you've given up your bandit ways.    Perhaps together we can make a new life protecting people.
player, 45 posts
Sat 30 Jul 2011
at 17:52
  • msg #278

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Nolan gagged the captive wizard again and knew that justice must be done as he, Silver and Amara left the jail shack. He told one of the guards to assemble the townsfolk, that he needed to talk to them about the prisoner, while he went back into the tower to talk with the rest of his friends.

Silver, I know you don't like this tower, but you might want to be part of this conversation. Amara? You coming?

Once everyone was gathered in the dining hall, Nolan explained tomorrow's plans.

We're going through the portal in this tower to Lyran's Hold. We get out of there and go through the forest about a day. We'll find some ruins where Cultists are hiding out. That is our destination. I've never been in there before, but from what I stole from the wizard's thoughts, the complex below is extensive. He also knew the Medusa was there, but moved on. I'm gathering the townsfolk outside to tell them who the wizard is, then I'm setting the captive free. I think they need some justice of their own.
player, 94 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 1 Aug 2011
at 19:05
  • msg #279

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"I don't think you give yourself enough credit." Myarra replied.

"You chose to leave the library.  You chose to come to Soubar.  You chose to join a ... let's face it ... really weird group of people.  Did you stop to think that maybe we picked people up, killed them on the way back to Daak, took all their belongings, then went back to Soubar with a sad tale of how they met their fate against the evils of the forest?  Fortunately we're not that kind, though the forest certainly is dangerous enough.

But that was another choice you made, and it could just as easily have been a bad one.  That's what make life interesting."

She'd been thinking of getting out and going to take a nap.  Now it seemed like too much effort.  If she closed her eyes, she'd probably fall asleep right here.  Damn Nolan to the nine layers for being right again! she thought to herself with a smile.

She started telling Aliana of the fight over Grapthar's Hammer Oasis, on a day so hot that both sides called a break at high sun for a co-tribal swim, snack, and snooze, before picking up the battle again in the late afternoon.  She had just started the good, and fairly racy, part about the co-tribal feast and party in the evening when a messenger arrive to summon them back to the dining hall.

Sighing, she hauled herself out, feeling like she'd gained a hundred pounds in the process ... and dressing added fifty more, and made her way back to listen to what the interrogators had to say.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 134 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 1 Aug 2011
at 19:59
  • msg #280

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana blinked in confusion at Myarra's tale of them robbing and killing innocent travelers in the forest.   She was pretty sure that something else had happened, but the relaxing bath made it hard to think.  And Aliana certainly had trouble with details and such.
The friendly winged woman might be being metaphorical or something, and might be trying to make a point, perhaps about all things being relative.
For all her book smarts, Aliana was a bit of a literal thinker, and
For now, though, she'd just keep assuming that they were attacked and had killed their assailants, until she saw empirical evidence to the contrary.

Myarra's story about the "heated battle" was very interesting, though, and she was riveted to her every word.   The pretty cleric had always loved stories.

She was readying a story of her own when the messenger arrived.   Somewhat reluctantly, she got out of the bathing pool.   Giggling a bit, she still spent some time patting her magically dry body, looking for all the world like she was feeling herself up.
This is just...amazing.   I hope we can stay here a bit longer.   This was fun. 

Dressng quickly, she joined her new friend as they headed out.
player, 28 posts
Tue 9 Aug 2011
at 01:16
  • msg #281

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Nodding her head as to following Nolan to the others.  Once there she sat and listened to what he was able to get out of the mind of the cultist but she didn't like the fact that he was willing to hand him over to the people.  They would surely kill him without thought and it is not the right thing to do.

"Are you sure you want his death upon your consciences Nolan.  The people will not hesitate to kill him once they know he was part of the attack upon their families.
player, 98 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 10 Aug 2011
at 18:56
  • msg #282

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Myarra was a bit surprised to hear Amara speak up like she did.  Furthermore, she had to admit that the drow had a very good point.

"I'm not as worried about the wizard, or my own conscience." she adds to the conversation.  "People should be allowed to pay for their mistakes, provided they're willing to admit to them.  But the cultist isn't guilty of making a mistake.  He has no intention of ever changing his ways, and he's an active threat to the community.  As my old owner liked to say, I think he just plain needs killing; before he takes more innocents with him.

Personally, I have no problem just killing him out of hand.  My soul's dark enough, one more won't make a difference one way or the other.  But I agree that we should be concerned about the villagers.  It's one thing to kill defending your home.  It's quite another to kill for revenge, especially as part of ugly mob.  Do we really want his death to be on their consciences?

Why don't we let them decide his fate, and I'll chop off his head.  They'll get justice without having to become killers.

Then we can get going and take care of the rest of his friends in the woods."

player, 63 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Thu 11 Aug 2011
at 04:28
  • msg #283

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Swiftstrider leads Emerald back out to the common room after a long, relaxing bath.  Finding Nolan and the others their, he listens to what is being said.  Then the goliath responds, "Not question of right or wrong.  It is question of justice."
player, 47 posts
Sat 13 Aug 2011
at 00:47
  • msg #284

Re: The fight on the trail home....

I don't have any problems with it at all, Amara. You were there. You witnessed first hand what happened here. This village was almost exterminated. I think the villagers need some justice and this is their chance. I plan on ridding this world of the cult of the dragon, one member at a time. It's Mystra's will. If you don't want to see it, stay here in the tower. This, in my opinion, will bring the villager's spirits up and they'll finally get a piece of mind. After that, we'll prepare for our trip tomorrow. I'm going outside now. Anybody who wants to follow, follow.

Nolan gets up from his seat and goes outside to let the villagers pass judgement on the cult wizard.
player, 54 posts
Sat 13 Aug 2011
at 00:54
  • msg #285

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver had followed into the tower, with only a little hesitation this time. He seemed to be getting used to it, but it was somehow. If he got seperated from someone, there was a good chance he could get stuck somewhere inside and not be able to get out.

Silver stayed silent throught the conversation about letting the townsfolk dispense justice. If it was up to him he'd have killed the wizard when they were done interrogating him. But it wasn't, so he just tagged along behind Nolan.
Emerald Kegroll
player, 33 posts
Sat 13 Aug 2011
at 12:59
  • msg #286

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald stares at Nolan as he explains he is about to execute the prisoner. When he is finished, Emerald sighs painfully. "I did not join up to murder people. If you take that man outside and kill him in front of the villagers, I will leave and go home. I am not a murderer. I didn't know you were those kinds of people."
player, 48 posts
Sat 13 Aug 2011
at 17:48
  • msg #287

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Nolan stops, turns around, and looks at Emerald with a look of confusion on his face that says 100% condescending.

I know you may be short on stature, but are you short on brains? I never said I was going out there to murder anybody. I just told all of you that I'm going to inform the village who the wizard is and let them decide his fate. If they want him dead because of his crimes, then they will also decide how it's going to be done.

Nolan turns back around again and walks away.

It gives me a migraine headache thinking down to everyone's level.
player, 29 posts
Sun 14 Aug 2011
at 15:54
  • msg #288

Re: The fight on the trail home....

she coughed loud enough for Nolan to hear, when she heard his last comment.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 138 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 14 Aug 2011
at 16:40
  • msg #289

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana blinked in surprise at the wizard's comment

Are you SURE you weren't in Scornubal 80 years ago?   The wizard back then used to say the exact same thing.

Perplexed, the blonde elf maid cocked her head to look at Nolan, as if he were a particularly fascinating puzzle.
player, 99 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sun 14 Aug 2011
at 20:35
  • msg #290

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Despite the fact that Nolan is as personable as a basilisk's ass, and suffers from a ego the size of the Shadow Sea," Myarra puts in, shaking her head at her favorite wizard, "That doesn't mean he's wrong.

Emerald, I want you to remember the second sentence you heard out of that cultist's mouth.  Kill the she-demon, take the rest.  You had no problem being involved while we fought off, and in fact killed, a band of murderous cultists, lead by the very same wizard, who also helped nearly wipe out the village you're currently standing in, happily killing multiple dozens of innocent people.

Do you think he can be fixed?  Why not go and ask him if he's willing to recant his evil ways, turn his back on a cult of dragon worshippers, and rejoin society as a productive member?  Just remember to bring a cloth to wipe his spittle off your face, because that's the answer you'll get from him.

Or I suppose the villagers could keep him locked up for the rest of his life, paying room and board for the man who murdered their kith and kin.  That is until someone makes a mistake and he uses his magic to murder his way to freedom.

I'm truly interested to hear what you think is a valid alternative to turning that bastard over to the village for judgement.  Tell me, if not them, than who has a better right to decide his fate?

Emerald Kegroll
player, 34 posts
Sun 14 Aug 2011
at 21:01
  • msg #291

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Emerald stands up and looks around. "If you take a prisoner, you have a responsibility. Mr Nolan is no better than the fellow he is going to hand over to get cut into bits by the villagers. It's not right! And I won't be a part of it," he adds before leaving the room.
player, 64 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Mon 15 Aug 2011
at 07:45
  • msg #292

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Swiftstrider hears Emerald's words, but they do not make sense in the goliath's brain.  Maybe, if Emerald had helped burn the dead and rebuild the village as Nolan, Myarra, Silver and Swiftstrider had, he would understand the villager's need for justice.  Maybe the small one just needs some fresh air and time to think.  Swiftstrider watches him go, puzzled.  Then follows his new friend at a discrete distance, allowing him his space, but keeping a watchful eye on Emerald should trouble occur.

Swiftstrider is surprised when the small ranger whistles for Soxy and rides his steed into the forest.  That must be where he goes to think.  So Swiftstrider rejoins the others figuring Emerald will return after he has thought things through.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:12, Tue 16 Aug 2011.
player, 101 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 16 Aug 2011
at 19:22
  • msg #293

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Myarra opens her mouth to call after the halfling.  Surely this is only a matter of misunderstanding.  But the anger radiating off the little man is so obvious that she remains silent until he's gone. No words are going to change his mind now.

"What in the nine hells was that about?" she finally asks the silence.  "Does anybody understand him?  Are Nolan and I totally off the wall here?"

Rising to her feet, she starts off after Nolan and Swiftstrider, only to pause at the door.  Through gritted teeth she growls, "Aliana, would you please let me out of this тысяча раз проклятый, боль в с красивыми округлыми формами зад tower?
player, 49 posts
Tue 16 Aug 2011
at 22:26
  • msg #294

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Nolan shook his head when he saw Emerald walk out of the tower with his belongings. The halfling had no idea what he was talking about and it was better that he leave before something serious happened while the group was in combat with the cult.

I probably saved that little man's life.

While Nolan and Silver were passing up the gathered townsfolk in the village square, Nolan turned to Silver,

Why does that elf girl keep asking me if I've been to Scornubel? Have you been slipping her that recipe for the Strongbow Ale?
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 140 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 16 Aug 2011
at 22:29
  • msg #295

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Aliana was assuming that the wizard wouldn't be simply murdered by some lynch mob, and that the villagers would be civilized about him, even if the man was judged to deserve death.
Still, she was troubled by the scene, and kept her silence simply because the wizard hadn't really done anything that bad to her.

Well, she mused, he DID try to kill her and her friends, but they were able to kill the others, so she considered the matter closed.
player, 65 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 16 Aug 2011
at 23:47
  • msg #296

Re: The fight on the trail home....

"Emerald go into forest with Soxy," Swiftstrider says on his return.  "Him go to thinking spot, maybe so."
player, 57 posts
Wed 17 Aug 2011
at 00:06
  • msg #297

Re: The fight on the trail home....

Silver just shook his head, and spoke in quiet tones to the Wizard. "No way. That stuff isn't for lightweights. You ARE a Wizard, maybe, somehow it's possible something happened and you're actually a grumpy silver dragon in disguise? Haha, I don't know. Being an Elf, and being cooped up with books for so long, maybe she's a bit addled. Not common in our race, but it happens. Not that I would suggest that to her of course." Silver shrugged.

"Take it as a quirk of a cute elven lass. Maybe she fancies you, like Amara." SIlver grinned as they walked on.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 142 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 17 Aug 2011
at 00:14
  • msg #298

Re: The fight on the trail home....

In reply to Myarra (msg #293):

Aliana grinned at her winged friend, then smiled at the others.
I'm going to have Myarra give me a tour of the town, I think.   You folks call us when you need us, 'kay?

She gave them a wave and took the woman's arm like they were sisters, and went to leave the tower.

The pretty blonde elf sees Silver and Nolan talking confidentially, but assumes it's about business stuff.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:15, Wed 17 Aug 2011.
Big Boss
GM, 89 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 18 Aug 2011
at 22:42
  • msg #299

Day 172

The crowd of people are gathered around the prison building where the Cult Wizard is located. Just like Nolan promised, he leaves the decision to the villagers and after about an hour of debate, the villagers want the man to be put to death by stoning, then his body burnt to ash, so he can't be raised from the dead or turned into undead. Women with small children go into their homes while the rest drag the resisting wizard to the front of the tower where the rock pile is located that was being used to build a wall. Just in case some of you forgot, several of the pieces look like human body parts and those are thrown at the wizard until the man is killed. His body is then placed onto a pile of wood that smells heavily of oil and then it's lit.

The fire is kept up well into the evening to make sure the body becomes ash.

If you wanted to watch the body roast, the villagers are somewhat happy that they got some justice as they pass around wine bottles to celebrate. If you didn't want to watch, you go back into the tower to prepare for the journey into the forest the next morning. You all eventually go to sleep and wake up the next morning well rested. Those of you who prepare spells, do so by prayer or by memorization, then you gather your gear and meet up in the dining hall for breakfast before you leave. As usual, Nolan is already there, waiting to leave.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:43, Thu 18 Aug 2011.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 143 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 18 Aug 2011
at 22:50
  • msg #300

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana forces herself to stay and watch the crude but effective form of frontier justice.    She's not sure she approves, but can think of nothing better to suggest.   Still, she was partly responsible for bringing the wizard here, so his death is her responsibility as well.
Leaving when he's being killed seemed disrespectful to herself and the wizard.

Then, she goes to rest and pray, being surprising relaxed in the decadent tower.

In the morning, she's ready to go.
player, 68 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Fri 19 Aug 2011
at 06:59
  • msg #301

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider's gear was cleaned in last night's bath. He stayed for the stoning and kept watch during the burning.  Then he sharpened edges that needed sharpening, oiled gear that needed oiling, and to the magic kitchen and requested appropriate trail rations for a month.  After his gear was packed and ready to go, the goliath slept.

Next morning, while others prayed and studied, Swiftstrider found a quiet to sit and meditate.  He thanked the Goddess of Magic for the new life she had given him and for his new tribe, unusual as it was and for her help along the way. Then he felt drawn to pray to the one the Dwarves call Lord and ask for a keen eye and a sure arm in battle and that his armor and weapons be blessed to do what they were made to do.  Then, after glancing around to make sure no one was eavesdropping, the goliath quietly asked to be blessed with a beard, that he might properly braid it before battle as the Dwarves do.

After breakfast, Swiftstrider was ready and eager to head into the forest.  "In forest trees giant.  Me miss them," he says.
player, 52 posts
Fri 19 Aug 2011
at 12:33
  • msg #302

Re: Day 172

Nolan barely slept at all, but it didn't show on his face. He was already packed and breakfast was already ate. Once everyone was in the dining hall, he told them of his semi-adventure into the keep when Amara tagged along.

Amara and I went into the keep when you guys were in town recruiting. We went to the circular room the ogres were using as a toilet and opened the doors. Most of them looked dangerous and we didn't know if there were any traps, so we decided to wait for you Silver, to check them out before we killed ourselves. So, we can check them out while we're there, if everyone wants to?
player, 102 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 19 Aug 2011
at 14:20
  • msg #303

Re: Day 172

Myarra gave Aliana a short tour of the town, which didn't take long given the condition of the town, before the two circled back to hear the end of the villager's deliberations.  The decision was not surprising in the least, though it gave her no pleasure.  It had to be done for the good of all, but that still didn't make it Good.  Sometimes, when there were no good options, you simply had to choose the one that was the least bad.

Having had a direct hand in bringing the wizard here, she stayed for the stoning, whispering an ancient prayer for the speedy delivery of the wizard's soul to whatever fate awaited him in the afterlife.  She also stayed for the burning of the body, standing silent sentinel by Swiftstrider until everyone began to drift way as darkness began to fall.

Not troubled by darkness, and not interested in returning to the tower for the evening, Myarra retrieved her travel gear and, spreading her wings, flew up on to the top of one of the still damaged buildings to spread her bedroll under the stars.

Waking shortly after the sun brushed the horizon, she returned to the tower to play with Maggie for a while, then joined the others in the dining room for breakfast and (thinking that Swiftstrider had a great idea) some travel rations for the trip.

"I've got no problem making a slight detour on the way, especially if you think we might find something useful," she replied to Nolan's query.  "But I'm leaving the door knobs to someone more experienced in magical trap removal, if it's all the same."
player, 69 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Mon 22 Aug 2011
at 05:05
  • msg #304

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider shrugged, "Then we go to forest?"
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 144 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 22 Aug 2011
at 12:28
  • msg #305

Re: Day 172

Aliana was delighted by the town, one of the few she'd seen in her limited travels.

Getting back to the others, she nodded to Nolan.
I have little experience in traps, per se, but I have clerical magic that might dispel them, or at least protect me or others from their effects.    My divine miracles are at your disposal, sir.

She smiled helpfully.
player, 54 posts
Tue 23 Aug 2011
at 00:23
  • msg #306

Re: Day 172

Nolan stared at Aliana for a second to see if she was flirting with him, before getting his mind out of the ditch. He did look at Amara and wondered what Aliana would look like in her clothes.

OK, looks like everyone is here. Let's go to the basement and through the portal.

While everyone is getting past the magical barricades, Nolan explains some details to Aliana about the portals and the ruins on the otherside.

Back in the days of Myth Jannath, this tower was linked to two other towers in the area through magical portals. Most people don't know that the ruins of Lyran's Hold used to be a powerful tower like this one, but fell when the area was attacked and destroyed, along with the powerful Myth Drannor. The Dragons took over and the area became known as the Forest of Wyrms. The other tower is located somewhere in the forest, but I don't know where from here. Anyways, we're going to the basement to go through the portal there to Lyran's Hold. We'll travel through those ruins to get outside and then travel north into the forest to our main destination. We'll save at least two days travel if we had to go by horse.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 146 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 23 Aug 2011
at 12:15
  • msg #307

Re: Day 172

Aliana's almond-shaped eyes widened with wonder as she listened with rapt attention to Nolan's narrative.
That's amazing....I've read about the Forest of Wyrms, of course, but not much else of what you've said is common knowledge, as you mentioned.    I'm looking forward to learning more.     

She smiled brightly.
We get to go through a magic portal?  Neat!   I've always wanted to. 
The pretty blonde elf seemed a bit giddy at the prospect.
Let me know what you need, then, sir.   I have magic for trying to find traps, and dispelling magic.   As well as some other tricks.
player, 104 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 23 Aug 2011
at 15:09
  • msg #308

Re: Day 172

Myarra sighed slightly and rolled her eyes. Nolan attracted young things like an outrider-less caravan attracted raiders.  And like a Zhent armored caravan, left those same overly-hopeful raiders bleeding in the sands.  Hopefully Aliana wouldn't get too damaged in the process.

"Magic portals? Bah! she scoffed as she accompanied the others down into the basement of the tower.  "They're just doors.  And a lot more convenient than what passes for normal doors in here."

"The important thing to remember is to take a deep breath before we go through the barrier at the bottom of the stairs once we're over in the Hold.  We killed a dragon and a dragon's weight of orcs and ogres over there just a week ago.  No amount of clean up, assuming any has even been attempted, is going to remove that smell.  It's not going to be pleasant for you.  The middens will be even worse."

"Oh, and if you hear strange voices whispering in your ear; supposedly that's also considered normal."

player, 63 posts
Tue 23 Aug 2011
at 20:26
  • msg #309

Re: Day 172

Silver spent the whole night out and about in the town, watching the fire burn out. He didnt need a lot of sleep, and he didn't exactly want to be in the tower all night. So it came time to go, he was up and ready. He nodded an affirmative to Nolan when asked about the locks, least he could do was try.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 148 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 23 Aug 2011
at 20:27
  • msg #310

Re: Day 172

Aliana actually seemed excited by the prospect of what she was to see and smell, as if it were the epitome of a grand adventure.
Thank you, Myarra, I'll do that.
Big Boss
GM, 93 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 23 Aug 2011
at 20:54
  • msg #311

Re: Day 172

Actually, it's been a tad over a month since the Green Dragon fight in the basement, but who's counting when we're all having fun? With your gear packed and ready to go, you all head into the Daak tower basement and go through the portal that transports you to the basement in Lyran's Hold. If you've never been through a portal before, it feels like you're falling and then you're on the otherside. Aliana does fall down, since she wasn't used to the trip, but quickly gets to her feet.

Please refer to the Lyran's Hold basement picture Message 3:

link to a message in this game

Once everyone get's their bearings straight and can see in the gloomy light, the smell does invade your senses, but not all that much. The portal on the otherside of the room is still the way you all left it and when you reach the stairs that go up, all the bodies are gone. Nolan did mention that he and Amara came here just yesterday and all the bodies are gone. Walking up the stairs and finally into the room where the major battle took place (SE on the map with doors to the N, W and S), the Golems are still standing guard to the North like Nolan ordered them to do.

OOC: Please review notes I edited in the map area of this basement to reflect what Nolan and Amara uncovered during their trip down here.

The room to the South, Nolan and Amara searched through piles of junk and found a key and to the West, the room is empty, but there's blood all over the place, along with bits of broken weaponry. When you move to the North where the Golems are standing, you would notice that several of the statues have been destroyed and bodies of zombies litter the floor. Nothing got by the Golems...
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 151 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 23 Aug 2011
at 22:20
  • msg #312

Re: Day 172

Aliana bounded up to her feet, blushing and smiling sheepishly.
Um....nothing to see here.   Move along, everyone.

Looking around, she wrinkled her nose at the smell.  It wasn't as bad as she'd feared, but still reminded her of the time the corner of the library containing Sembian business lessons had become home to a family of voles.

She looked around, her large eyes widening further with wonder and fascination.  Her earlier embarrassment forgotten as she inspected her new environment.
player, 56 posts
Wed 24 Aug 2011
at 20:50
  • msg #313

Re: Day 172

And that's why I left the golems there. Nothing is getting by them, except for me and whoever I let through. It's just too bad that some of these people in statue form were destroyed. Hopefully, it was just orcs that were crushed.

Nolan turned to Aliana and explained about the statues in the room.

This place was the medusa's complex, until we chased her off. But, unfortunately, she already had dozens of victims turned to stone with her powers. These are the poor souls. I was hoping to turn them back someday when I had the power, but I'm afraid the statues will be broken by the time that happens. Unless, you guys want to take the time to place them in the bloody room for safe keeping? It'll take a couple hours, but it should save them from getting broken.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 153 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 24 Aug 2011
at 21:10
  • msg #314

Re: Day 172

The blonde elf looked a but daunted by the task, but nodded.
I can take some time to help them.   I'm not as strong as some people here, but I'm used to moving things from being back at the libarary.

It would be a good thing to do for them, after all.

player, 64 posts
Thu 25 Aug 2011
at 02:50
  • msg #315

Re: Day 172

Silvers nods at Nolan's suggestion. "If we can move them, lets. I know it might be a while before we're able to return them to normal, but unless they are broken, they'll keep forever won't they? So yes, let's take some time to move them."
player, 106 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 25 Aug 2011
at 03:05
  • msg #316

Re: Day 172

Myarra is also in agreement.  In fact she wonders why it hasn't already been done.  If in the last month all the dead bodies had been removed, why weren't the statues?  But since it hasn't been done, there's not much point in making a big deal over it now.

"I agree.  It won't take that much time, really.  Let's make sure these people are safe before we move on."
player, 70 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Thu 25 Aug 2011
at 22:32
  • msg #317

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider nods agreement and carefully picks up a statue and starts to carry it to the bloody room...
Big Boss
GM, 96 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 25 Aug 2011
at 23:52
  • msg #318

Re: Day 172

With the group helping out each other moving the stoned statues of the doomed, it takes about 2 hours to get them into the bloody room that was used by the orcs as a battle arena. As long as nobody defeats both Golems and comes in here to break these statues on purpose, they should be safe from harm. Even though some of the statues are orcs, none of you have decided yet as to whether or not you'll push them over. That will come another day.

Please refer to message #3: Lyran's Hold basement

link to a message in this game

There isn't anything you can do for the broken statues, as the Golems crushed them crushing the zombies that were wandering around. An arm here, a leg there. Nothing you can do but say a silent prayer for them.

To the East is the stairway going down with the magical barricade, to the North is the long hallway with the magical shocking doors that Myarra hates and to the West is the circular oratory room the Ogres were using as a toilet. Nolan and Amara told the rest of you they explored this area and left because of possible traps.

Choose your path.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 155 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 26 Aug 2011
at 00:01
  • msg #319

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana looked at her friends, wiping her brow.
So, my friends?  Where to now?   Shall we explore the Ogre room before venturing outside?
player, 72 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Mon 29 Aug 2011
at 01:08
  • msg #320

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider shrugged and said, "No matter to me.  Sooner done, sooner in forest."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 158 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 29 Aug 2011
at 12:44
  • msg #321

Re: Day 172

Aliana shrugged and looked at everyone.
Shall we go west to look at this trapped room that you spoke of, my friends?
player, 109 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 29 Aug 2011
at 14:57
  • msg #322

Re: Day 172

"That's why we're here." Myarra agrees, moving towards the western door, behind which is the ogre lair (and ultimately latrine).  That one, at least, isn't trapped.
Big Boss
GM, 100 posts
I am looking down upon
Wed 31 Aug 2011
at 22:56
  • msg #323

Re: Day 172

Everyone cautiously moves through the flea ridden room just before the circular oratory room the ogres were using as a toilet. Where are those ogre bodies? The fleas are long gone, but the area still stinks of filth and the circular room is no different. When you arrive, the only change is that the 3 doors are now open. From the doorway, you can't tell what's inside any of them, so the party will have to decide which one they will explore first.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 159 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 1 Sep 2011
at 00:39
  • msg #324

Re: Day 172

I can look into the first door.  Or use my magic on it first?

She smiled.
player, 57 posts
Thu 1 Sep 2011
at 23:28
  • msg #325

Re: Day 172

I didn't detect anything magical on the doorways, so I'm thinking that if traps are present, they're mechanical, so don't waste your spells. We'll have Silver search the area. That's his expertise.

Nolan walks over to the northern part of the room and looks in the doorway with the decapitated body with the head on the ground.

Silver, why don't you start here?
player, 68 posts
Fri 2 Sep 2011
at 04:03
  • msg #326

Re: Day 172

Silver nodded in acceptance of Nolan's request. "Seems as good as any to start. And if it's non magical, thats even better. Let's see here..." Silver starts to examine the doorway, checking to see what might have caused the head to leave the body of the corpse laying on the floor.

24 Spot, 26 search, and 20 to Disarm anything I find. Hopefully I dont die. :P
This message was last edited by the player at 04:03, Fri 02 Sept 2011.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 160 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 2 Sep 2011
at 04:06
  • msg #327

Re: Day 172

Though tempted to cast protections on herself, Aliana saved her magic, getting ready to rush to heal Silver.
Big Boss
GM, 101 posts
I am looking down upon
Fri 2 Sep 2011
at 18:56
  • msg #328

Re: Day 172

Silver searches the doorway, the floor and ceiling, but comes up with nothing. He carefully examines the body at the table, now long since turned to skeletal remains, but figures that the decapitated body was killed by a weapon, not a trap. The room appeared to have been searched through long ago, as a thick layer of dust covers everything. If anything is searched, it will take awhile for the dust to settle if anybody disturbed much in the room. The room appears to be an office of somekind, with book shelves lining the walls.
player, 30 posts
Sun 4 Sep 2011
at 14:32
  • msg #329

Re: Day 172

After waiting for Silver to do his search she wanted to do one of her own.  She was Drow and she knew if she was to walk past any stonework doorways she might be able to detect them just as if it was a hidden doorway.

She slowly moves around the room allowing her senses to focus on the walls and the bookshelves.

10:32, Today: Amara rolled 16 using 1d20+6. Search.

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 161 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 5 Sep 2011
at 06:32
  • msg #330

Re: Day 172

Squeee!!!!!   Books!!

Though she kept an eye open for secret doors and whatnot, the blonde cleric was drawn to the book shelf like a moth to a flame.   It was the subject of much amusement back at the Library that while many clerical initiates, after a year or so in the venerable stacks, would rather pull their eyes out with a spoon rather than even look at another book, Aliana, who'd been in the Library for over a hundred years, stiil treated every book she saw like it was the first she had ever read.

Eagerly, the elf maid went to examine the tomes.
player, 110 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 5 Sep 2011
at 13:36
  • msg #331

Re: Day 172

Myarra leans against the outside wall while Silver does his thing.  There's not much she can really do at the moment.  She's oh so very average at finding secret things, and she couldn't remove a trap if she found one ... except in the in the most painful of ways.  But when Aliana goes all gooey-eyed over the possibility of reading a book ... and isn't that just indicative of some form of mental illness? ... she follows the cleric into the room to serve as bodyguard in case all is not well.   The others she's not so concerned about.  They've been beaten enough by life to know how dangerous the unknown can be.
player, 69 posts
Mon 5 Sep 2011
at 18:41
  • msg #332

Re: Day 172

Silver nodded to himself, before everyine went into the room. "I think I did a god job of looking, and I didnt find anything. Go ahead and check it out if you want. it should be safe." Silver gingerly follws them into the room, to look through the shelves himself, for anything of possible use.

30 Search
Big Boss
GM, 102 posts
I am looking down upon
Mon 5 Sep 2011
at 21:12
  • msg #333

Re: Day 172

Nolan, Swiftstrider and Myarra stay out of the room, while the rest of you search the room. Old books line the walls and several have been knocked on the floor. From the dust level in this room, nothing has been disturbed in a long, long time. Just from looking at the room and the way it was set up, it was something important. The room was pressure sealed with some good locks on the inside. It took magic just to get the door open. The body of the person sitting at the table must have been a man, because the skeleton appears to be a larger frame than that of a woman. The body was searched, you think, as some personal bits of junk are on the floor. But, that could have happened with time, you don't know.

Aliana checks out some of the books and they appear to be accounting books. Other books on other matters might be found, but just counting the books on the floor and on the shelves, Aliana counts at least 100. It will take hours to investigate.

Amara slowly walked around the room, looking at the walls and the shelves, hoping to find some flaw in the stonework that would determine if there was a secret door present. Unfortunately, Silver was a tad luckier than her and finds a secret compartment on the North wall behind some of the books Aliana pulled out to look at. It hasn't been opened in a long, long time....
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 162 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 5 Sep 2011
at 21:27
  • msg #334

Re: Day 172

Aliana will take some of the more interesting books, putting them in her Haversack,for later perusal.
player, 70 posts
Mon 5 Sep 2011
at 22:12
  • msg #335

Re: Day 172

Silver grins with his find. "Hey, I found something. There's a compartment here. Let me see..."

Silver carefully moves the books aside, and goes about trying to get the compartment open, and checking for any dangers.

13 Search to find traps, 30 to disable device, 31 to Open Lock

Ah I hope theres no trap lol.

player, 73 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 6 Sep 2011
at 01:14
  • msg #336

Re: Day 172

Being illiterate, Swiftstrider has trouble getting excited about book. But he knows they are important to his civilized friends.  So he stands guard outside while they search things out.

He looks over at Myarra and shrugs, "Drawings good.  Maps good.  Words just be ants on page."
player, 111 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 6 Sep 2011
at 02:35
  • msg #337

Re: Day 172

Myarra stays where she is, not wanting to get anywhere near the secret compartment Silver found.  While they usually have good things inside them, they also frequently have a tendency to do bad things to people who aren't supposed to be opening them.  She'd just as soon not get in the way of that if it's going to happen.

She smiles back at Swiftstrider's comment.  "En alle woorden leer je voelt me als kiezels in de mond. To each their own, I suppose."
Big Boss
GM, 103 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 6 Sep 2011
at 04:07
  • msg #338

Re: Day 172

Unless you knew where it was, or you're pretty good at looking for hidden doors and compartments, nobody was supposed to find this cache. Silver removes some books and Aliana and Amara carefully stack them to minimalize the dust level in the room....which is building. The rogue carefully looks for traps, but doesn't find anything. The compartment door is a false piece of wall that is lifted, then pulled out. Silver, by chance, spotted the scrapings from the "door" being lifted by the previous owners. He carefully removes the door and spots what was once an acid trap...long ago deteriorated. If the trap was active, it could have exploded into his face. The compartment is perhaps 1' x 1'

Without reaching inside, Silver can spot coins and gems and the remnants of the bags they used to be in....rotted away from time, or melted from the acid trap; nobody knows. Even Aliana stops looking at books for a second, wondering what's inside.....
player, 71 posts
Tue 6 Sep 2011
at 04:15
  • msg #339

Re: Day 172

Silver, still somewhat wary, grins at the stash he'd found. "Coins and gems in here. I don't know what else, we'll see. Let me grab this stuff out, Aliana I'm going to hand this stuff to you."

Silver reached in, and started to grab the loot out, carefully and still wary of something happening. He handed the gems, and gold and whatever else was in the cache to the Cleric.

Spot 14. Lol.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:15, Tue 06 Sept 2011.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 163 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 6 Sep 2011
at 12:29
  • msg #340

Re: Day 172

Aliana pauses in "rescuing" books and maps to look at what Silver found.
player, 31 posts
Tue 6 Sep 2011
at 21:08
  • msg #341

Re: Day 172

She was a bit surprised that Nolan didn't want to come in the room to look over any of the books.  But as she gathered them, she would glance at the covers to see if she was able to get any titles.
player, 74 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Wed 7 Sep 2011
at 23:46
  • msg #342

Re: Day 172

"Pebbles of Wisdom," the goliath says with a grin.
player, 112 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 8 Sep 2011
at 13:55
  • msg #343

Re: Day 172

Myarra grins back at Swiftstrider while waiting for the party's eggheads to figure out what's going on.  The treasure looks nice and simple, but she knows that the books are going to be more difficult to figure out.  Still, she's got time, and nobody's trying to kill her at the moment.
player, 58 posts
Fri 9 Sep 2011
at 23:23
  • msg #344

Re: Day 172

Nolan wanted to go inside, but he felt it was a bit cramped in there with Amara, Aliana and Silver searching and stirring up the dust. He didn't see anything magical in there, so the coins and gems didn't really interest him. But, if any of those books mentioned anything about the treasury and where it was located, that would peak his interest.

Find the most current ledger of the tower's treasury. Hopefully, it will point to where it might be located. Something is telling me that it's down the stairs I can't get to.
Big Boss
GM, 106 posts
I am looking down upon
Sun 11 Sep 2011
at 17:02
  • msg #345

Re: Day 172

Expecting something to jump at him any moment now, Silver carefully takes the contents of the secret compartment out one by one and hands them to Aliana, who sticks them into a sack given to her. Amara looks at some of the titles of the books, and even though some of them are faded, she makes out a few titles. Not names, but numbers: 698, 699, 700 etc... The most current seems to be "712".
Various coins and mixed gems are pulled out of the compartment, but Silver was interested in the rod made of adamantite laying on the side of the compartment in it's crumbling box. It's about 1/4" round and about 1 foot long.
player, 72 posts
Mon 12 Sep 2011
at 20:21
  • msg #346

Re: Day 172

Silver squinted at the rod, before picking it up to show Nolan. "I found something you might want to take a look at." He takes the rod over to the Wizard, to have him take a look at what was discovored.
player, 113 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 13 Sep 2011
at 02:53
  • msg #347

Re: Day 172

The smart guys still haven't finished sorting through the stash, so Myarra continues to stay where she is, keeping an eye on things, but not interfering.
player, 33 posts
Tue 13 Sep 2011
at 03:01
  • msg #348

Re: Day 172

Her head turned to Silver when he said he found something, it was odd that he continued to go to Nolan when there was others here that could easily do the job as well.

But she then stood up and walked over to where Silver and Nolan was and listen to what Nolan had to say about the rod.
player, 59 posts
Tue 13 Sep 2011
at 12:39
  • msg #349

Re: Day 172

You don't recognize this, Silver? It looks exactly like the one I have. It's used to open the big doors with the gears and to get the treasure vault doors open. That tells me the vault is still here. It's either down the stairs in the other room where the statues used to be, behind the fire wall or the water wall. Either way, we need to go. Collect the treasures, keep the most recent ledger and let's get out of here.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 166 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 13 Sep 2011
at 13:11
  • msg #350

Re: Day 172

Aliana would try to gather up what she could, following Nolan's instructions as best she could.
Big Boss
GM, 108 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 15 Sep 2011
at 22:59
  • msg #351

Re: Day 172

Nothing else is found in the "office" room, nor the burnt out room to the West. Everyone takes a look at the South room that's caved in, but decide to come back to this another time. You all leave back to the statue room and open the doors to the North. The hallway appears just like it did the last time you all were here. The 4 doors that Myarra doesn't like are still there and remain closed.

Adamantite Rod added to treasure found thread.
player, 60 posts
Fri 16 Sep 2011
at 22:39
  • msg #352

Re: Day 172

Nolan chuckled to himself when he saw the doors that Myarra got shocked on. He wanted to open them to see what was inside, but getting out of this place and into the forest was his main concern at the moment. When they walked by the doors, Nolan turned to Myarra with a smile on his face.

Do you want to demonstrate your door opening abilities for everyone?
player, 75 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Sat 17 Sep 2011
at 21:55
  • msg #353

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider frowns as Nolan makes light of Myarra's past pain.  He may not understand a lot of what happens amongst "civilized" people, but the goliath understands mocking when he hears it.  He is not aware of the low, grating sound, like rock rubbing together, barely audible in the back of his throat.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 167 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 18 Sep 2011
at 04:37
  • msg #354

Re: Day 172

The elven cleric smiled at Myarra, looking forward to seeing her in action.
player, 73 posts
Sun 18 Sep 2011
at 04:42
  • msg #355

Re: Day 172

Silver slowed at the mention of Myarra's door opening skills. He knew her door opening skills. It must have hurt. "Do you want me to take a crack at it Nolan, or should we just get on the move?"
player, 61 posts
Sun 18 Sep 2011
at 06:37
  • msg #356

Re: Day 172

Nolan liked picking on Myarra. Both of them have been through hell and back these past months and this was his only comeback with her for all the times Myarra called him "wizard", instead of his name. It's pretty uncommon to see Nolan smile, as he makes sure he's well away from her reaching distance.

No, we'll skip them for now. They have to be temporarily dispelled before your skills would come into play. Each of these has a nasty lightning trap on them that Myarra found out by mistake. I just wanted to see if she wanted to smoke again as she picked herself off the floor.
Big Boss
GM, 110 posts
I am looking down upon
Sun 18 Sep 2011
at 18:11
  • msg #357

Re: Day 172

We could watch you get up off of the floor...
player, 114 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 19 Sep 2011
at 03:53
  • msg #358

Re: Day 172

Myarra smiled broadly back at Nolan, uncharacteristically letting all her fangs clearly show.  "Go ahead and laugh, wizard." she replied.

There were times when she wanted to put Nolan through a wall for his attitude, but she supposed she'd given him a reason or two since they'd met.  The proper time for retaliation would come sooner or later.  It always did.  Then he'd have to get back at her again, and her to him, etc. etc. Their ... well, friendship for lack of a better word ... was a strange one.

"If I want to smoke, I'll just set myself on fire again.  But, if you're quite done picking on the poor dumb barbarian girl, maybe you could lead the way out of here."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 168 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 19 Sep 2011
at 04:55
  • msg #359

Re: Day 172

Aliana looked between Nolan and Myarra, not understanding whatever was passing between them.  She wasn't sure she should ask, though.

Um...well, let's go then.   Which way is the best, then?
Big Boss
GM, 111 posts
I am looking down upon
Mon 19 Sep 2011
at 12:29
  • msg #360

Re: Day 172

Back the way you came....
player, 115 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 19 Sep 2011
at 12:38
  • msg #361

Re: Day 172

"And that, Myarra mutters to Aliana, "is the whispering voice I told you about.  Just try to ignore it, if you can."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 169 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 19 Sep 2011
at 13:23
  • msg #362

Re: Day 172

Aliana blinked, then giggled.
Oh!  Is THAT what that was?  I thought someone was playing a joke. 
player, 62 posts
Mon 19 Sep 2011
at 23:52
  • msg #363

Re: Day 172

This place is haunted. Not so long ago, a lich held up in these ruins until a party of adventurers came and killed the thing. Rumor has it that if you stay here long enough, you become twisted and evil like Lyran. So, let's get out of here. Remember, all the bodies are gone. I wouldn't doubt that zombies are wandering around, so keep your guard up.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 170 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 20 Sep 2011
at 00:45
  • msg #364

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana nodded, keeping her holy symbol handy to ward off undead.
Big Boss
GM, 112 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 20 Sep 2011
at 22:25
  • msg #365

Re: Day 172

Ignoring the 4 trapped doors, the party moves North until it comes to the "T" intersection. To the North is the Wall of Water and to the East is the Wall of Fire. It takes all of you (except Aliana) a few seconds to notice that something is missing. The orc bodies on the ground are gone....
player, 76 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Wed 21 Sep 2011
at 22:45
  • msg #366

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider pauses, scratching his head and states the obvious in a bewildered voice., "Dead orcs gone..."
player, 74 posts
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 01:06
  • msg #367

Re: Day 172

"Oh this is good. How do we get through, and when do we get swarmed?"

Silver drew his weapons, just in case it was sooner rather than later.
player, 116 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 02:17
  • msg #368

Re: Day 172

"I know the woo woo stuff is all very interesting, but I think we should just head out of here like we planned."

Myarra waves her hand towards the west and the stairs leading up.
player, 63 posts
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 12:27
  • msg #369

Re: Day 172

Nobody is getting swarmed. I'd like to see them try. Anyways, the bodies are gone, yes, but let's not worry about that. The wall of fire and water remains a mystery to all of us. If we look to the west, you'll see a door to the south and north. The door to the south leads to a room with a bunch of foot impressions on the floor and magical mouths on the walls. I'm not quite sure what they're for, because I never studied it. The room to the north has a pink crystal in it.

Aliana, do not touch the crystal when you are alone. It drains the life from you, but you can find what you're looking for. Came in handy for locating the medusa. I remember being pulled off smoking from this one. Not fun.

Up the stairs is a long hallway that leads to the library. One section is to the south and a protected section leads to the north. Continuing to the west leads to the upper ground floor which will lead us outside. Let's move out.

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 171 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 22 Sep 2011
at 12:35
  • msg #370

Re: Day 172

Aliana's large  eyes widened with girlish glee at the mention of a library, but she nodded at Nolan's advice, and followed the others out.
player, 77 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 27 Sep 2011
at 23:49
  • msg #371

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider nods, murmers, "Goli lenamaka nae," and heads the way Nolan indicates.
player, 117 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 28 Sep 2011
at 00:53
  • msg #372

Re: Day 172

Myarra gives Nolan a nod, "After all, wasting the morning just makes the sands hotter", she tells him, and adds "Kuli gumatha goli kanakath" to Swiftstrider as she falls in beside the goliath.
Big Boss
GM, 114 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 6 Oct 2011
at 01:05
  • msg #373

Re: Day 172

You all travel West up the long hallway until you come into the middle where it splits off to the North and South. Aliana can get through the barricade to the South, but the North one blocks her. That would make Nolan smile. With promises to return to explore the unknown, you all head up to the ground floor. Myarra is happy that there's no magical barricades here.

It feels creepy that the ground floor is the exact same floor plan as the tower you just left. It's dirty here and cold. You all can see your breath and the fog up and down the hallways. Some of you swear that there were shapes in the fog, but when you look again, they're gone. The mysterious voice is currently silent. Keeping an eye out for anything, you travel down the main hallways to the front door and make it outside. You all remember hearing that there was a fight in front of these ruins about a month ago and many orcs and humans were killed, but there's no bodies....

Please refer to message 1 to see your location on the world map: Lyran's Hold

link to a message in this game

Nolan mentioned that the ruins he wants to search for are North of Lyran's Hold. It's currently early morning (7:30am ish)
player, 118 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 6 Oct 2011
at 02:34
  • msg #374

Re: Day 172

Myarra stretches, expanding her muscles now that she's free of the cramped confines of Nolan's blasted towers.   While it hadn't been physically close indoors, the constant pressure on her mind always made her feel like she was being slowly crushed.  And now that pressure was gone again.

"We'll it's another beautiful day in the Forest of Wyrms," she says, more cheerfully than you'd think anyone had the right to be under the circumstances.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 173 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 6 Oct 2011
at 02:53
  • msg #375

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana was also glad to be out of the tower, a strange thing for someone more used to libraries than forests.  The place had

Still she was ready to continue.
player, 64 posts
Sat 8 Oct 2011
at 17:44
  • msg #376

Re: Day 172

OK, according to my calculations, we travel North for half the day and we'll encounter the ruins. Well, they're not ruins anymore. Orcs have been fortifying the building from the dragons, so we'll see what it looks like when we get there. Swiftstrider. You run fast. Why don't you scout ahead and be sneaky?
player, 35 posts
Sun 9 Oct 2011
at 03:43
  • msg #377

Re: Day 172

She knew that if he was to travel ahead it would be best to be able to keep an watchful eye upon him if possible, and luckily she did.  Nodding her head to the small flying bird around her head, she looked at Swiftstrider for a moment.

"Can you keep a watchful eye out on him as he scouts ahead.  It will keep us alert if anything happens to him, but you must keep yourself save as well.  Fly within the trees to keep hidden my sweet dear friend.

Having her familiar fly ahead with Swiftrider.
player, 78 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Sun 9 Oct 2011
at 04:21
  • msg #378

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider, glad to be in the forest again, climbs the nearest redwood with the agility of a mountain goat hopping up a rocky cliff face.  Once he reaches the middle branches, Swiftstrider takes the 'high road' as he calls it and begins running down branches and leaping from trees to tree, making better time than if he moved on the ground.  So doing, he keeps a screen of branches between himself and the ground as he moves Northward looking for a large clearing that should surround the tower ruins...
player, 119 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sun 9 Oct 2011
at 05:15
  • msg #379

Re: Day 172

Myarra appreciates the view as Swiftstrider shimmies up the tree and vanishes from sight.  Besides, it's good to see the guy get to enjoy himself every now and again, doing something that he excels at.  She knows how difficult it can be to be separated from your people and stranded in such a strange and alien world ... where everyone that looks at you instantly categorizes you as "not us".  It's strange that she's so much closer to human-norm then the Goliath, and yet he's the happier of the two of them.

She gives a little sigh and says, to no one in particular.  "Well, if anyone tries to get the drop on us, they're going to be in for one heck of a surprise."

She pats at her various bags and pouches, verifying for the hundredth time that she really has got everything she'd planned to bring, before she heads off with the others, northward towards the point where Swiftstrider and Amara's familiar had disappeared.

"So, little sister," she says, walking beside Aliana, "Did you here about the airship, Tunnel 17, that visited Tilverton last year?  Crewed by sixteen dwarves out of a place they called Earthheart.  Carried over ten tons of cargo, and flew faster than a man can run, without ever getting tired.  Truly a wonder of Faerun.  I'm going to get myself one someday and take to the skies permanently."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 174 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 9 Oct 2011
at 12:20
  • msg #380

Re: Day 172

Aliana looked in awe as Swiftstrider began his dance through the trees.   She almost didn't hear Myarra's comment, but soon was listening, wide-eyed.
There was a traveler who mentioned "flying dwarves", but I wasn't sure what to make of it.     I think it would be a glorious way to travel, at least for a little while.   I wouldn't want to do it permanently, though.  There's too much to see and do on the land.     I'd hate to only see trees from above, for example.
Big Boss
GM, 116 posts
I am looking down upon
Mon 10 Oct 2011
at 20:14
  • msg #381

Re: Day 172

Looking around at your surroundings, you can see what's left of these ruins. If it's anything like the tower in the Village of Daak, it's missing everything above the ground level. Weeds are overgrown all over and dried blood is all over the ground. Many fights have taken place here and these ruins have exchanged hands dozens of times since Lyran the Lich was killed many years ago. In it's prime, this tower would've looked just as nice as the one in Daak.

Swiftstrider takes the lead into the forest, obviously overjoyed to be outside again. Climbing the trees is like 2nd nature for him as he scouts ahead, along with Amara's pet familiar. The traveling through the forest is not tough at all. It's actually a pleasant hike. It would be much more pleasant if it weren't the most dangerous forest on the Sword Coast. The roaring sounds of Dragons can be heard off in the distance, which brings back bad memories to some of you.

Keeping a watchful eye of your surroundings, you travel North to the coordinates that Nolan thinks might be the Medusa's base. A couple hours in, Swiftstrider signals the group to stop....
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 175 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 10 Oct 2011
at 21:32
  • msg #382

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana stopped obediantly, trusting Stiftstrider to know what he was about.

She prepared to cast her spells and use other weapons at her disposal, if need be.
player, 79 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 11 Oct 2011
at 01:11
  • msg #383

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider chirps to catch the attention of Amara's bird.  If it lands near him he points out the group of peopled huddled together near the base of the neighboring tree.  Then he whispers, "Amara..."

The fact that the people have a greyish cast to them and haven't moved since he spotted them, leads the goliath to suspect they are further victims of the Medusa's magic.  If Amara's bird doesn't follow Swiftstrider's promptings, he quietly back tracks a couple of trees, climbs down and tells the group about what he's spotted.
player, 36 posts
Tue 11 Oct 2011
at 01:18
  • msg #384

Re: Day 172

The black hummingbird flies around Swiftstrider's head then dart back to where the group was last seen.

Once back at the party it flaps it wings near her ear for a few moments.

"I have been informed that there is a group of people huddling near a tree that Swiftstrider is in, but they have a greyish color and haven't moved for a while.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:22, Tue 11 Oct 2011.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 176 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 11 Oct 2011
at 01:58
  • msg #385

Re: Day 172

Aliana winced.
Oh dear!   So that vile creature could be around, then?   We should prepare.

She got ready to move out.
player, 37 posts
Tue 11 Oct 2011
at 02:16
  • msg #386

Re: Day 172

Looking at Aliana
"That could be possible, or they could of been there for awhile. We need to investigate more once we are closer.  Surely one of the trackers might determine if any tracks were near and the timeline.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 177 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 11 Oct 2011
at 02:24
  • msg #387

Re: Day 172

The blonde elf nodded eagerly.
Oh!  I can do that!  I can track for you all.
She smiled broadly.
player, 65 posts
Tue 11 Oct 2011
at 17:29
  • msg #388

Re: Day 172

Nolan was surprised that Aliana said she could track, so he watched her do her work. Hopefully, she just wasn't saying that to impress people.

Well, if it starts to smell bad around here, you'll know she's around. She smells like dirty reptiles and orc. I'm figuring these people are stone statues. Let's go take a look and move on. That last dragon roar was too close, in my opinion.
player, 120 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 11 Oct 2011
at 19:04
  • msg #389

Re: Day 172

"Lead on," Myarra tells Aliana with smile.  "So, can all elves track, or just the librarians?  I wouldn't think the skills necessary for tracking down mis-shelved books would really apply out here.  Or is it the skills necessary to track down people who are hesitant to give them back?  I can see that being a usable talent."

Trizdan use to be able to track movement through the trees, but although Silver certainly had the knack of finding things, he'd never shown much in the way of wilderness lore.

Following along with the others, she removes her sword from its restraints, wipes it clean with an oily cloth from one of her pouches, and then balances it casually over her shoulder.  It's all done very nonchalantly, but anyone watching her eyes would see a heightened alertness.  If they're finding statues, they're probably getting close and she wants to be ready.

And Nolan's right about the dragon.  While they'd managed to kill the one in the tower, they've seen others she's very reluctant to have to go toe-to-toe with.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 178 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 11 Oct 2011
at 23:49
  • msg #390

Re: Day 172

The elven cleric grinned happily.
Oh, I learned many years ago.  I've always been interested in exploring.  I'd love to see the rest of Faerun some day.   And I wanted to be able to get by in the woods without getting lost or having to depend on others.     I learned from some local hunters, in return for teaching them to read and write elvish.

She took a deep breath and started loosening up, looking like an eager child getting ready to climb into their tree fort.
Big Boss
GM, 117 posts
I am looking down upon
Wed 12 Oct 2011
at 04:37
  • msg #391

Re: Day 172

Aliana warms up by doing some exercises, since Rangers squat down to look at tracks and other things on the ground while doing their job. You all move closer to where Swiftstrider saw the unmoving people in the group, while looking around for any threats. You see the grey people a couple minutes later and they appear to be unmoving, just like Amara's humming bird informed. Everyone's suspicions come true when a few forest birds land on some of the "people" and they still don't move. It appears that the Medusa has been around this area. You're still about 30 feet from the statues when the birds are scared off by the loud roar of a dragon. That was definitely very close...perhaps 100 yards. You also heard a couple branches breaking.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 179 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 12 Oct 2011
at 05:15
  • msg #392

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana is torn, figuratively speaking.  She really wants to see a real dragon, but fears if she does, she'll be torn, literally speaking.

She looked at the others.
Perhaps a hiding place is in order?

She looked around for a good place to hide.
player, 80 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Wed 12 Oct 2011
at 21:33
  • msg #393

Re: Day 172

When he hears the dragon's roar sounding closer than he liked, he quickly secured one end of a rope to a hefty branch and let the rest fall to the ground next to the tree.  Swiftstrider makes a low growling sounding to draw attention and shook the rope vigorously to attract attention to it.
Big Boss
GM, 118 posts
I am looking down upon
Sat 15 Oct 2011
at 00:23
  • msg #394

Re: Day 172

Everyone quickly moved to where Swiftstrider was dangling the rope from the tree. Before you could decide who was going to climb up first, a human comes out of the brush from the East....from where you heard the Dragon roar and a second later, a Green Dragon suddenly appears out of the branches and lands on the poor stoned people you were going to investigate.

The human is breathing heavily and obviously trying to get away from the Dragon before he is eaten. The Green Dragon is bigger than the one you fought in Lyran's Hold, but definitely smaller than the one Swiftstrider, Trizdan and Silver damaged with their swinging, spiked log trap over a month ago.

Please roll initiatives and state your actions.
player, 2 posts
Sat 15 Oct 2011
at 05:49
  • msg #395

Re: Day 172

Knowing the senses of the dragon hot on his tail there was little chance hiding behind a tree was going to do much.  So, he kept up his pace hoping it would either lose interest or get a wicked splinter on one of the trees it was crashing into.  Either way, he wasn't prepared to see others, made of stone or in the flesh, when he hit the clearing.  Adjusting his path to run towards the others, he hoped they would help so he didn't have to use them as the distraction he needed.  It had been so long since he'd seen another group...
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 181 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 15 Oct 2011
at 12:42
  • msg #396

Re: Day 172

The first thing Aliana tried to go was get some help from her Bag of Tricks.   Taking some fluff, she tossed it near the dragon, where it became a black bear.

07:39, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 98 using 1d100. bag of tricks.
07:39, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 12 using 1d20+3. initiative.

player, 122 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sun 16 Oct 2011
at 04:07
  • msg #397

Re: Day 172

Myarra took one look at the human, then dismissed him as "not important to the situation at hand".  He was clearly exhausted and running for his life ... not trying to lead the dragon to them.

The dragon, on the other hand, was far more interesting.  It was bigger than the one she'd killed before, but that didn't mean it wouldn't die as well.  Especially since Swifty wasn't exhausted, and Nolan was available with this woo-woo stuff.

Still, the last one had made her hurt for a considerable time after, so some caution was recommended.  Turing to her side to present less of a target, she readied her blade, waiting for the right second to attack.  It would have been better to climb the tree and hide, but it seems too late for that to work now.
player, 67 posts
Sun 16 Oct 2011
at 17:01
  • msg #398

Re: Day 172

Nolan thought it was strange that this person was running from the same direction him and his group were aiming for. Green Dragons were common in the Forest of Wyrms, but if this person saw something interesting, it could be valuable to the group, so Nolan decided that it would be in the party's best interest to save his sorry butt.

Nolan moves to J-9 and pulls out a scroll
player, 38 posts
Mon 17 Oct 2011
at 14:27
  • msg #399

Re: Day 172

She was trying to hide a bit behind a tree then seeing a man run out of the bushes caught her attention and was then preparing for an attack, but that all changed when she witnessed a Green Dragon following after the man.

She was pointing her finger at the creature and waiting for the party to react. If they charged she would cast Magic Missile at the Dragon.

10:24, Today Roll: Amara rolled 25 Initiative.
player, 77 posts
Mon 17 Oct 2011
at 18:13
  • msg #400

Re: Day 172

Silver was a little taken aback by the rather sudden appearance of the dragon. And it showed in his reaction time. He unslung his bow, and popped off a shot.

Initiative 8, Attack 14, Damage 6
Big Boss
GM, 121 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 18 Oct 2011
at 01:04
  • msg #401

Re: Day 172

Round 1 results----------

The Dragon roar scared Amara as she hid next to the tree, watching what everyone else was going to do, as Swiftstrider disappeared into the branches of the tree 20 feet above the ground  Myarra's sword glowed at the presence of a Dragon and she charged right in as the Fleeing man ran by her! Amara, waiting to see what everyone was going to do, realized they were going to fight the dragon, so she casted a Magic Missile at the big reptile!

Nolan stepped up to the tree for cover and dug through his pack and pulled out a scroll, as Sister Aliana summoned a Black Bear with her magical bag. She tossed the ball of puff and the Bear rose and charged the Dragon. The Dragon didn't expect anyone to be waiting for him while he was chasing his prey, let alone get attacked by magic!

"Give up now puny human!" the Green Dragon called out to the fleeing human as it charged into the Black Bear with a vicious Bull....err Dragon Rush! "Oooo! Lookie here! One runs away and two run in! That's a good trade!"

The Black bear tumbles back about 5 feet after the vicious hit, shakes it's head, and is ready to continue as Silver fires off an arrow, but it just bounces off the Dragon's hard scales....

Name        Initiative       Health      Misc.
Swiftstrider   20            64/64
Myarra         18            65/65
Fleeing man    18            47/47
Amara          17            25/25
Nolan          15            59/59
Aliana         12            34/34
Black Bear     11            ??/11
Green Dragon   10            ??/10
Silver         08            33/33

Battle Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

link to a message in this game
player, 78 posts
Tue 18 Oct 2011
at 07:23
  • msg #403

Re: Day 172

Silver wasnt a heavy hitter. He couldn't take a hit like Myarra, or Swifty. He was all about finesse, and prescision. He knew it, they knew it, and it was what this battle required of him. He took off for the cover of one of the trees closer to the dragon, where he could ready himself for a more decisive strike than the shot he had just popped off.

Double move to L-21
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 184 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 18 Oct 2011
at 12:32
  • msg #404

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana casts a spell of flight.
Great Oghma, let Your humble servant leave the grip of the earthly road, to travel where she needs to help her friends.

Meanwhile her black bear is having trouble.
07:28, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 21 using 1d20+1. bite.

07:28, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 17 using 1d20+1. possible crit?.
07:29, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 5 using 1d6+2. possible bite damage before crit.
07:28, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 7 using 1d20+6. claw 2.
07:28, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 13 using 1d20+6. claw 1.

player, 5 posts
Tue 18 Oct 2011
at 13:11
  • msg #405

Re: Day 172

Thelonious adjusted his path as he realized that the others were engaging with the dragon.  This had quickly turned from sour to sweet.  He arched his path south and headed for a tree putting the bear between himself and the beast.

Move to L21, use the tree as full cover, and hold my action.  If I'm not attacked I'll continue my move to H33.
player, 40 posts
Tue 18 Oct 2011
at 13:42
  • msg #406

Re: Day 172

She was pleased to see that her Magic Missiles were able to effect the creature. It only showed that it wasn't an old one that gained resistance to magic.

From her safe distance and behind the tree, she invokes another spell of Magic Missile to blast the beast.


She speaking in her Drow language

09:41, Today: Amara rolled 9 using 3d4+3. magic missiles.
player, 69 posts
Wed 19 Oct 2011
at 12:26
  • msg #407

Re: Day 172

Taking a step away from the tree to get a good look at the dragon, Nolan read a spell off of his scroll and pointed at the dragon with a smile on his lips.
player, 83 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Wed 19 Oct 2011
at 19:54
  • msg #408

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider quietly moves through the trees to get near above the dragon as he is able...
Big Boss
GM, 122 posts
I am looking down upon
Wed 19 Oct 2011
at 23:52
  • msg #409

Re: Day 172

Round 2 results----------

Myarra is surprised that she actually made it to strike the Dragon as her sword hit home, the blade slicing Dragon scales like butter. The Green Dragon roars in pain! The Fleeing Man changes course upon seeing the party and disappears into the brush around the K-18 area and is gone.  Amara casts another Magic Missile at the Dragon to add to the damage already done, leaving three more impacts on the Dragon's scales. Nolan casts a spell from his scroll and aims for the Dragon's chest as a Lightning Bolt shoots from his finger tips. Unfortunately, the Dragon saw it coming and manages to avoid most of the damage.

Aliana casts a spell and is now in flight, as her summoned Black Bear steps in and attacks the Dragon. Two claws just scratch dragon scales, but the Dragon never expected that bite that came from nowhere! The Dragon, taking quite a beating, jumps and takes to the air, well out of reach of everyone on the ground!

"I don't know who you are, or where you got that sword, but it'll be a great addition to my hoard." the Dragon said to Myarra "As for your helmet, you'll pay dearly for your mistake."

Silver runs into the brush and hides behind the big tree for cover, which is a pretty good idea....

Dragon is 20 feet up.

Name        Initiative       Health      Misc.
Swiftstrider   20            64/64
Myarra         18            65/65
Fleeing man    18            47/47
Amara          17            25/25
Nolan          15            59/59
Aliana         12            34/34       Flying
Black Bear     11            ??/11
Green Dragon   10            ??/63
Silver         08            33/33

Battle Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

link to a message in this game
player, 41 posts
Thu 20 Oct 2011
at 00:12
  • msg #410

Re: Day 172

A wicked grin crossed her face as she watched the Dragon take flight.

"Oh you silly beast, you are not going to get away from me that easy.  You just keep going after that sword on Myarra she said as three more silver missiles flew from her finger and blasted into the Dragon's scales.

20:09, Today: Amara rolled 11 using 3d4+3. Magic missile.
Causing 11 more points of damage to the creature.

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 185 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 20 Oct 2011
at 00:43
  • msg #411

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana was about to soar into the air, but realized that being the only other person in the air with the beast wasn't a good tactical position.
So she called upon Oghma to help them in their struggle.

Holy Binder, please send a helper for Your humble servant.
OOC: Casts Monster Summoning II, summoning a Celestial Eagle near the monster.
player, 6 posts
Thu 20 Oct 2011
at 03:23
  • msg #412

Re: Day 172

Thelonius readied himself.  Eventually they would ground the beast once again and then he would strike from it's flank.  It was only a matter of time...
player, 125 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 20 Oct 2011
at 04:02
  • msg #413

Re: Day 172

"The only place this sword is going is your gizzard, you pathetic inflated sand lizard!" Myarra taunts back, letting her wings snap out, springing into the air, and heading at the beast's flank so as to avoid getting their wings entangled and where there was plenty of meat for her sword to slash at.

"And you can't run away that easily, you pathetic coward!  I'm going to send you to meet your little brother, then I'm going to trade up in stylish headgear ... if you don't like it, bite me!"

She swung as she went by, slicing into the meat and muscle of the dragon's hindquarters.

"You can just call me Myarra, ASS-assin of dragons!   Why don't you tell us where your hoard is, there might be enough trinkets in it to buy back your miserable life ... but I doubt it."

She laughed to show she had no fear of the beast, but while she wasn't sure where Swiftstider was at the moment, she sure hoped he'd show up soon.
player, 70 posts
Thu 20 Oct 2011
at 23:29
  • msg #414

Re: Day 172

Nolan frowned when he saw that his spell wasn't that powerful. He scolded himself not to use the cheap ink as he casted another Lightning bolt at the Green Dragon. He doubted that the dragon knew Myarra could fly and figured the reptile should fall soon.
player, 84 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Fri 21 Oct 2011
at 01:35
  • msg #415

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider leaps from the branches slightly above the dragon landing between the beasts shoulders just behind the base of it's neck.  Sliding his feet down either side of the beast's neck, the goliath locks his legs around the beast's neck, firmly seating himself at the base of the dragons neck.  Each of his hands wields a huge dagger!

Swiftstrider lets out a bellowing laugh and calls, "Ho, steed!  New master ready to ride!"
player, 79 posts
Fri 21 Oct 2011
at 18:32
  • msg #416

Re: Day 172

Silver stood waiting for the right oppurtunity to strike, but instead stands in awe of Swifty. The man was insane.

<orange>Holding action to move initiative.<orange>
Big Boss
GM, 123 posts
I am looking down upon
Fri 21 Oct 2011
at 23:44
  • msg #417

Re: Day 172

Round 3 results----------

Out of nowhere, Swiftstrider lands on the Dragon, sending it down about 10 feet from total surprise and weight from a Goliath, clings on to it's neck while holding some daggers, as Myarra hacks away with her great sword, slicing off green scales and making the dragon roar with pain and rage. Nobody knew where the fleeing man went, so you all assume he kept running away!  Amara is enjoying herself with a bit of target practice, shooting the dragon again with another Magic Missile spell.

Nolan casts another spell from his scroll and shoots another Lightning Bolt at the dragon, shocking it and Swiftstrider! Aliana casts a spell and summons a large eagle to help in the fight, while staying in the back to keep out of danger. Her summoned bear can't do anything from the ground, while the fight was in the air, even though he tried to reach with it's paws. The Dragon was surprised to get beaten on by a flying woman with a sword that hurt it badly, multiple spells from wizards hiding in the brush and then another annoying one dropping from the branches to grab on it's neck. It didn't feel well at all, so the Green Dragon decided to flee! Silver watches in awe as the Dragon flies by with Swiftstrider clinging on!

Dragon is 10 feet up. Swiftstrider needs a Ride check DC 15 to stay on the dragon.

Name        Initiative       Health      Misc.
Swiftstrider   20            52/64
Myarra         18            65/65
Fleeing man    18            47/47
Amara          17            25/25
Nolan          15            59/59
Aliana         12            34/34       Flying
Celestial Eagle11            ??/??
Black Bear     11            ??/11
Green Dragon   10            ??/101      Withdraw
Silver         08            33/33

Battle Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

link to a message in this game
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:47, Fri 21 Oct 2011.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 186 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 22 Oct 2011
at 02:27
  • msg #418

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana flew after the dragon.   It wasn't something she normally wouldn't even consider a good idea.
But she didn't want to abandon Swiftstrider.   She had her bow out, but held her shot, so she wouldn't hit the goliath.
The giant eagle flew after the dragon as well.
OOC:The Eagle has a move of 80', so it might be able to catch up.
Aliana will also do a full move after the dragon.

player, 7 posts
Sat 22 Oct 2011
at 02:56
  • msg #419

Re: Day 172

player, 42 posts
Sat 22 Oct 2011
at 02:59
  • msg #420

Re: Day 172

The Dragon was still within range of her spells and she let out another Magic Missile at it.

Fearnus she said again as three more silver missiles streak at the Dragon and smashing into it.

22:58, Today: Amara rolled 12 using 3d4+3. Magic missile.
player, 126 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sat 22 Oct 2011
at 03:18
  • msg #421

Re: Day 172

Myarra tears after the dragon as fast as she can fly.  She knows she's no match for it in open air, but she hopes that with all the trees around, the dragon will be slowed somewhat.

Attack is out of the question now, but between Swiftstrider's daggers, Nolan's and Amara's spells, and Aliana's beasts, the dragon isn't safe just yet, and that's going to put Swiftstrider in spot of difficulty.
player, 85 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Sat 22 Oct 2011
at 05:25
  • msg #422

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider digs in his heels as he feels the dragon drop.  He leans in on the dragon's neck and begins stabbing with his daggers as he hollers, "Woooooo!  Smooth ride!"
This message was last edited by the player at 05:25, Sat 22 Oct 2011.
player, 80 posts
Sun 23 Oct 2011
at 12:37
  • msg #423

Re: Day 172

As the Dragon flees, Silver tries to follow it from the ground. Hopefully he could keep up with it, and everyone else.
player, 71 posts
Sun 23 Oct 2011
at 18:03
  • msg #424

Re: Day 172

Nolan didn't even see Swiftstrider until after the Lightning bolt struck the dragon and decided that magic missiles would have to do to bring the dragon down, after he saw it fleeing from the area with Swiftstrider still holding on.

Those goliaths are crazy. That's probably why I like Swiftstrider so much.

Nolan chuckled to himself and casts a magic missile on the dragon before it got away.
Big Boss
GM, 124 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 25 Oct 2011
at 00:30
  • msg #425

Re: Day 172

Round 4 results----------

Swiftstrider manages to stay on the dragon as it took off past the party, clenching his powerful legs around the dragon's neck. He stabbed with both daggers and one managed to penetrate the thick scale hide! Myarra, shocked and awed by the speed of such a large beast, runs after it, just in case Swiftstrider fell off, while dodging the swinging tail of the beast. Amara casts another Magic Missile and strikes the Dragon in the side! The dragon falters in flight after Amara's spell as Nolan casts a Magic Missile of his own, not wanting to hurt Swiftstrider with a Lightning Bolt again. The Green Dragon couldn't take the hit and crashes into one of the big redwood trees as Swiftstrider jumps off to save his life, dropping his daggers and grabbing a nearby tree branch to swing himself off and onto the ground. The impact of the dragon hitting the tree produces several cracking noises...some from tree branches and possibly some bones, but the tree remains intact as the Dragon crashes to the ground in a heap. Everyone moves towards the crash site....

Battle is over.

Name        Initiative       Health      Misc.
Swiftstrider   20            52/64
Myarra         18            65/65
Fleeing man    18            47/47
Amara          17            25/25
Nolan          15            59/59
Aliana         12            34/34       Flying
Celestial Eagle11            ??/??
Black Bear     11            ??/11
Silver         08            33/33
Green Dragon   DEAD

Battle Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

link to a message in this game
player, 87 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 25 Oct 2011
at 02:30
  • msg #426

Re: Day 172

"Poor dead steed," Swiftstrider says, patting the dragon.  Then he immediately begins searching for his daggers.
player, 43 posts
Tue 25 Oct 2011
at 02:38
  • msg #427

Re: Day 172

Moving up to the dead beast she was glad to see it dead.  By her next reaction was a shocker.  She took out a dagger and cut out an eye from the dead beast then placed it into a vial for later use, then she got another vial and made sure to get some of the fresh blood coming out of it wounds.

"Now that is what you call a good treasure. she smiled then her eyes widen "Speaking of treasure I wonder where did this one keep its horde.  Something worth looking into, right? she knew deep down that this creature would have some nice magical items in its horde if they were able to locate it.
player, 8 posts
Tue 25 Oct 2011
at 03:47
  • msg #428

Re: Day 172

Thelonius made his way of the brush in the direct path of where the beast crashed but quite a distance off from it.  "Sorry to bring that one onto you lot like that, not that I'm sorry it was you all since you seemed to put it down quite readily.  I just mean, bad timing and all."  He moved casually over to where the group was gathered.  It had been a long time since he had seen others and he was sure not a few moments ago that the dragon would do him in for sure.  This was shaping up to be a good day after all.

"My name is Thelonious, and I sure hope that you'll be interested in helping me.  I got separated from my group.  We found an old ruin and were attacked by orcs and an ogre.  My companions were captured and I was able to escape.  That's when this thing caught my scent and decided to give chase."  He spat on the dead creature for good measure.  "If you are willing, I can show you the way to the ruins."  One might think it impossible to find your way back to a place you were fleeing from but it seemed this young man was able to pull such a feat off.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 187 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 25 Oct 2011
at 03:58
  • msg #429

Re: Day 172

The pretty elven cleric called her animal friends to her, giving them a big hug for a job well done.
Then she flew over to the monk, smiling.
I'll be happy to help you.  No one should be prisoners of such creatures.   First though, I want to check out the dead dragon.
She let out a "squee" of delight, and flew back to the dragon, and began examining the corpse, like a child seeing her first magic show.
player, 127 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 25 Oct 2011
at 04:20
  • msg #430

Re: Day 172

Myarra takes one pass to make sure Swiftstrider is okay ... the fact that he clambers down out of the tree almost as fast as falling seems to indicate that he is.  Then she lands by the fallen dragon and the others of the group.

"Unfortunately, I'm not sure we'll be able to find it's lair," she responds to Amara.  "The one in Lyran's hold didn't seem to have one.  But wouldn't be be glorious if we could?  I bet it's got some nice bits and pieces."

She knows the wizards (and apparently clerics) will be busy with the body for a while, so she stands guard for them, keeping ears and eyes open, in case anything else cares to approach.
player, 72 posts
Tue 25 Oct 2011
at 23:09
  • msg #431

Re: Day 172

Well met, Thelonious. My name is Nolan and I'll let my companions introduce themselves, if they wish it. We too are looking for ruins in the forest, so let us sit and rest a bit so we can ascertain whether or not we're speaking of the same ruins. Do not fear the winged woman or the Drow female. They no longer associate themselves with their normally evil kind. They're actually quite nice, if you don't do anything stupid.
player, 88 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Wed 26 Oct 2011
at 19:36
  • msg #432

Re: Day 172

Retrieving his daggers and wiping them off, the goliath returns them to their boot sheaths and rejoins the group.  Nodding down at Thelonious, big smile beaming on his face, he thumps his chest and declares, "Swiftstrider Dragonrider!"
player, 81 posts
Wed 26 Oct 2011
at 19:46
  • msg #433

Re: Day 172

Silver materializes out of the trees, shouldering his bow. He grins at the big man in response. "Dragonrider indeed. I have never seen such a feat. You are something for the legends, Swiftstrider."

Silver looks around, at the group having gathered up. He eyes the new guy, and nods. "Whereas I can't be very happy that you led that dragon right at us, though not on purpose I'm sure... I can be happy that no one was very injured, and that there is another person out here. One who may be traveling with us eh? My name is Silver."
player, 128 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 27 Oct 2011
at 03:25
  • msg #434

Re: Day 172

"Now why would the nice young man fear me?" Myarra replies to Nolan's statement, smiling sweetly at the stranger.  "And if we want to talk about evil, I don't think humans have much of ... what is it called? ... oh yes, a moral high ground."

She shrugs one shoulder to get her wing to fully fold back behind her and then swings her massive sword over the same shoulder to secure it in its sheathe which runs along her spine.

"So, The Loneliest, that's a sad sounding name," she says to the newcomer.  "Perhaps someday you'll tell us how you came by it.  I'm Myarra.  I was named after a beetle in the underdark that feeds off of Zurkhwood.  It's like surface girls named Ivy or Rose," she pauses for a second before continuing with a slight frown.  "although, I guess they're named by people that actually like them.

Anyway, you mentioned ruins.  Where are they?  Are they far?  You said orcs and ogres.  Anything else?  We've heard tales of a powerful witch.  Glad we could help you with the dragon.  Kind of nuisance around here aren't they?  Have you seen any others?  There's one called Fog, or Drizzle, or something like that.  Swifty Dragoncrasher would love to get his hands on that one, I'm sure.

Who are your friends ... the ones that got captured.  Why are you here in the first place?  Looking for treasure? Fame?  Seven League Boots?"

She keeps up the patter for nearly two minutes straight, bombarding the young man with a variety of topics and imagery, hoping that it will knock something loose for Nolan to pick up with that foul abomination of a medallion.
player, 9 posts
Thu 27 Oct 2011
at 04:36
  • msg #435

Re: Day 172

Thelonious offered a hand in kindness to the large man, "Nice to meet you all."  Then when he was bombarded with questions he looked inquisitively at Myarra and responded, "Do you personally alter all of your gear to accommodate your wings or do you have to pay extra for that service?"  He looked in awe at her as if she was the first being of her type he'd ever seen.
player, 73 posts
Tue 1 Nov 2011
at 18:34
  • msg #436

Re: Day 172

She has to pay extra for that service.

Nolan didn't pick up anything on the newcomer, so he walked over to the dragon to see what was left of the beast. Parts were already missing, but it didn't matter. He had a lab with more than he could ever use.
player, 129 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 1 Nov 2011
at 20:25
  • msg #437

Re: Day 172

"Handicraft isn't my specialty, T.L." she replied with a large smile.  I'm more into taking things apart.  So for something as important as armor, I let the professionals handle it.

So, where ARE you from, and what ARE you doing in these parts?"
she asked again, hoping maybe to get an answer this time.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 189 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 1 Nov 2011
at 23:29
  • msg #438

Re: Day 172

Working to take samples of scale and horn, Aliana is totally engrossed by the task.
She called out to her friends, though not too loudly.
They DO have ears!!  They're just really small!

She laughed giddily and returned to her task of examining the body, writing down measurments and dimensions.
player, 89 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Thu 3 Nov 2011
at 03:11
  • msg #439

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider shakes Thelonious' hand, the human's hand vanishing in the goliath's firm, but not painful grip, a beaming grin on his face.  Then nodding to the dead dragon he says, "Maybe tame next one to ride."
player, 12 posts
Thu 3 Nov 2011
at 04:17
  • msg #440

Re: Day 172

Thelonious looked at Myarra, "I'm not from around here.  I actually hail from a small village but I agreed to join with the adventurers when my family allowed them to stay in our stables.  The journey was long and when we finally found the ruins they were looking for we were attacked.  The surprise was swift and not what we were prepared for at all.  Their mage, a Diviner, said that we might encounter kobolds working for the dragons but the brute strength of the Orc's charge with the Ogre to back them up was too much for our small band."  He thought back and shivered before continuing, "They had explained that the ruins were important to restoring their cleric's faith, which I found quite noble for adventurers.  However, I have no idea now just who is still alive and who was killed by them."  He looked to those pillaging the dragon for useful parts then and wondered silently what the motivations were for this group.  He had some ideas but thought it best to keep it to himself.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 191 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 4 Nov 2011
at 16:06
  • msg #441

Re: Day 172

The pretty elven cleric walked over enthusiastically to the new person.

Hello there!  I'm Sister Aliana Farwalker, priestess of Oghma.   It's an honor to meet you, sir, even under these conditions.   I'm sorry to hear about your former traveling companions.   If there's anything we can do for them, we'll do our best.

Though clearly exciting and a little giddy to be out here and with a bag of dragon bits (the non-yucky parts), the blonde woman's tone was respectful of the monk's grief.
player, 131 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 4 Nov 2011
at 17:14
  • msg #442

Re: Day 172

Myarra nods at the new guy.  "We're working for a small local town that was overrun by orcs.  We've liberated the town, but we're tracking the orcs back to their fortress in the woods.  I can't be sure if the ruins we're heading towards are the same as yours, but if they are, we'll do everything we can to save any of your friends that have survived."

She glances over again at the dragon despoilers.

"Or we will as soon as the book readers have stuffed their brains with new facts ... and their pouches with dragon-bits."

Other than talk with Theloniious, Myarra has nothing to do until the group is ready to move out again.
player, 75 posts
Sat 5 Nov 2011
at 17:53
  • msg #443

Re: Day 172

Nolan turned around to look at Thelonious. He didn't look like a Cult wizard or even a member for that matter. But, Nolan did see orcs and ogres in the crystal. The ruins could be the same, but there were so many in the forest, it was hard to say. Nolan did notice the look of concern on the man's face and decided to calm the man down a bit.

I can feel that you have some concerns, Thelonious. A Dark elf woman, another elf that looks like a Drow, a woman who has demon features, and a being that looks like he's made of rock. I know this may sound hard to believe, but they mean you no harm. There is a place in the forest called the Fountain of Life. When the village of Daak was under siege by orcs led by a medusa, a little girl threw a coin into the fountain and made a wish. She asked Mystra for heroes to help her village and the wish was granted. Mystra sent her our band of misfits. Some of the heroes died in the struggle and we have picked up new recruits along the way, but the mission is the same. Protect Daak. Our current mission is to find the medusa who evaded our capture. I used magic to try and find her and that place may be the same as the one your adventuring party was taken to. You can join us in our quest, if you wish. If not, the way out of the forest is south, if that's where you want to go.
player, 13 posts
Sat 5 Nov 2011
at 19:44
  • msg #444

Re: Day 172

Thelonious bowed deeply, "I thank you for your honesty and for offering me a way out of this forest of dragons.  But, I can not leave the others behind without knowing what became of them.  I know they would do the same for me.  So, I will gladly lead you back to the ruins and perhaps our paths will find convergence there..."  This was a good thing, they seemed quite capable and willing to take on the challenge.  He would lead them as safely as possible and perhaps give those orcs something to regret when they finally met once more.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 193 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 6 Nov 2011
at 07:12
  • msg #445

Re: Day 172

The "a dark elf, and a woman who looks like a drow" comment confused Aliana.   She wasn't sure what Nolan was talking about, but decided that it was a "wizard thing" and far above her.

Well, we can help you if you like.   Can you lead us back to your people?
player, 90 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Mon 7 Nov 2011
at 01:37
  • msg #446

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider proudly thumps his chest and declares with a beaming grin, "Me one who looks like rock!"
player, 14 posts
Mon 7 Nov 2011
at 01:49
  • msg #447

Re: Day 172

"Well, I'm not a skilled tracker.  However, I do believe I could retrace my path for the most part.  It shouldn't be too far from where we are now."  The monk looked back the way he came.  In truth, the dragon's path was much easier to follow than his own.  Yet, since the beast followed him much of the way that trail would put them only a few hundred yards from the ruins by his recollection.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 195 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 7 Nov 2011
at 02:52
  • msg #448

Re: Day 172

The blonde elf grinned happily.
Oh!  We can track for you!  We have a couple of people, including me, who can do that.   You were running so fast, I'm thinking you'll be easy to backtrack, at least for a while.
player, 132 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 7 Nov 2011
at 03:08
  • msg #449

Re: Day 172

"Yes, yes.  You're the big rock guy." Myarra agrees with Swiftstrider.  "Which I guess makes me the one demon features.  Which is so demeaning.  I mean, why not daemon features, or draconic features, or something with a bit of style?"  It's painfully obvious that she has no problem with her looks, or what anyone else might think about them.

"Lead on T.L.  Let's go rescue your friends."
Big Boss
GM, 132 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 8 Nov 2011
at 13:26
  • msg #450

Re: Day 172

So, over the next hour, you rest while some people play with dragon parts and talk to the new man in the group. You discuss how evil the Medusa was and how you guys were going to administer justice, while Thelonious told you about his adventuring party. To the rest of the group, this adventuring into the forest for fame and fortune is quite common and when you walk past steaming piles of dragon poop, you wonder who the dragon ate.

When everyone is convinced that their paths are momentarily intertwined, you all decide to travel together to find the ruins that hold either the medusa or Thelonious' adventuring group. Sister Aliana takes the lead and tracks through the forest. She looks for tell-tale signs of the dragon's passing, along with Thelonious', but doesn't find anything.....

Tracking rolls please
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 196 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 8 Nov 2011
at 13:38
  • msg #451

Re: Day 172

OOC:07:37, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 9 using 1d20+7. tracking.

So excited she was to track down "bad guys", that the blonde cleric had trouble finding the track.

OOC:  If needed, I can "take 10" as well.
Big Boss
GM, 133 posts
I am looking down upon
Fri 11 Nov 2011
at 01:18
  • msg #452

Re: Day 172

Aliana thought she was following the tracks without any problems, until they just disappeared. She couldn't understand it. Scratching her head and turning to the group, you can tell that something was wrong. No big deal. Let her gather her surroundings again and she'll find the trail. So, you rest for about 10 minutes as Aliana tries to pick up the trail again with Thelonious' help. Both of them are stumped. There are no broken branches or foot impressions on the ground. The area looks like it hasn't been traveled through in quite some time. Thelonious knows they were traveling in the right direction, and Nolan confirms it. Just from memory, both of them would say that you're maybe 300 yards from the ruins, but you see nor hear anything that would make you believe that. Wondering what the next step would be, you all make plans as Myarra puts her Greatsword away.

Spot checks.
player, 15 posts
Fri 11 Nov 2011
at 03:10
  • msg #453

Re: Day 172

spot: 25
player, 45 posts
Fri 11 Nov 2011
at 03:55
  • msg #454

Re: Day 172

22:55, Today: Amara rolled 14 using 1d20+2. Spot check.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 197 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 11 Nov 2011
at 13:09
  • msg #455

Re: Day 172

Perhaps if we did a sort of spiralling search pattern, we'd find the trail again?

Aliana was a bit obsessed with the tracks, to the exclusion of everything else.
07:08, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 10 using 1d20+4. spot.

player, 76 posts
Fri 11 Nov 2011
at 13:40
  • msg #456

Re: Day 172

Nolan was annoyed that the group stopped to look for tracks when the ruins were to the North. Go North!

Hurry up, or else we'll be sleeping out here tonight.

Spot check: 8
player, 91 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Fri 11 Nov 2011
at 23:38
  • msg #457

Re: Day 172

Spot check: 18
player, 133 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sat 12 Nov 2011
at 13:25
  • msg #458

Re: Day 172

Myarra doesn't really need the rest, but it's always good to take a few minutes whenever it's safe to do so.  There's no point in exhausting oneself needlessly.  So she puts away her sword and leans against a tree, fishing out some travel rations while she waits for the others to finish doing whatever it is they're doing.

OOC: 08:19, Today: Myarra rolled 3 using 1d20+1. Spot Check.
player, 83 posts
Sat 12 Nov 2011
at 18:12
  • msg #459

Re: Day 172

Spot Check: 17
Big Boss
GM, 134 posts
I am looking down upon
Sat 12 Nov 2011
at 18:22
  • msg #460

Re: Day 172

Thelonious was the first person to notice, but he wasn't sure if the glowing on Myarra's sword meant anything, since he's only known the group for a couple hours, but when he started to point to Myarra, Swiftstider noticed the glowing and knew exactly what that meant and pulled out his axe. Everyone else followed suit and was looking around. Except for Myarra.
player, 134 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sat 12 Nov 2011
at 18:27
  • msg #461

Re: Day 172

"Everyone relax." Myarra tells the group with a smile, still lounging casually against the tree.  "She's here to help us.  We're in no danger."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 198 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 12 Nov 2011
at 19:31
  • msg #462

Re: Day 172

Looking up from the forest floor, Aliana cocked her head quizzically.
Who's here?  Who's going to help? 

She also had no idea what the sword meant, but took her clue from her winged friend.
player, 46 posts
Sat 12 Nov 2011
at 21:13
  • msg #463

Re: Day 172

There was something amiss and she didn't quite know what it was.  Allowing herself to keep on guard as her eyes scans the area for any signs of magical auras.

OOC: Using her innate ability to Detect Magic.
player, 77 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2011
at 13:18
  • msg #464

Re: Day 172

After Swiftstrider pointed to Myarra and pulled out his axe, Nolan noticed that Myarra's sword handle was glowing, which meant that a dragon was in the area. He looked around, but didn't see anything, and wondered if it was a green dragon or not. The greens were notorious for attacking without any reason.

Spread out, so the dragon's breath weapon won't get us all.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 199 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 14 Nov 2011
at 21:52
  • msg #465

Re: Day 172

Completely confused by the mixed messages, Aliana took both Myarra's and Nolan's advice, and moved apart from the others to hide partially behind a tree, but didn't do anything overtly hostile for now.
She was waiting to see what was going on.
Big Boss
GM, 135 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 15 Nov 2011
at 00:23
  • msg #466

Re: Day 172

Amara detects magic all over the place when she uses her abilities, but the strongest comes from a nearby tree about 25 feet away to the East. The party spreads out like Nolan suggested, expecting a nasty breath weapon, but the party only hears a sexy female giggle instead towards the tree that Amara detects the most magic from.

I'm not here to hurt you." the female voice said from the tree "If I wanted this little adventuring party dead, I would have done it when little Amanda made the wish at the wishing well."

With that said, a female steps forth from the back of the tree. Dressed in dark leathers, the female looks like a human and quite attractive. Not as attractive as Amara, but her sultry look with her green eyes definitely gets the attention of Silver and Nolan.

"You can be yourself now, Myarra, if you play nicely." the female said to Myarra, before addressing the group again "Like I told Myarra. I'm here to help you, if you help me, of course."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 200 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 15 Nov 2011
at 01:08
  • msg #467

Re: Day 172

The elven cleric stepped out and waved to the new person.   Not being killed by dragon breath had made the encounter much more fun.
Um...hello, there.   I'm Sister Aliana Farwalker!
It's a pleasure to sort of meet you.

player, 135 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 15 Nov 2011
at 03:03
  • msg #468

Re: Day 172

Myarra grimaces and shakes her head as if to clear it.  She re-draws her sword and steps away from the tree ... but makes no immediate hostile moves.

"I'll thank you to stay out of my head." she tells the newcomer with a touch of a growl.  "If the wizard isn't allowed ... and he's not ... then you aren't either."

"Now, just what is it that we're supposed to help you with.  And just how are you going to help us?

According to the dwarves, when the sword glows, there's a dragon nearby.  Are you hiding us from it?  Or it from us?  Or both?"

Big Boss
GM, 136 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 15 Nov 2011
at 04:06
  • msg #469

Re: Day 172

"Oh dear. No wonder Nolan likes you. You're strong of arm, but weak of mind." the female said to Myarra after acknowledging Aliana "Thelonious, would you care to explain to Myarra, please?"

The female sniffs the air and looks around at each party member, but her interest is definitely with Silver, as he gets a small smile from her lips. She gave Nolan a look that said "I've seen you before", a confused looked when she saw Swiftstrider and she ignored Amara altogether.

"I have information you need about the Orcish fort to the North that you all seek." the female said to the party "I will share my information with you, once you have completed a small task for me."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 201 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 15 Nov 2011
at 04:09
  • msg #470

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana frowned.  The new woman seemed really mean, but there was obviously some history between the group from before she'd joined.  She considered them all friends, so she'd follow thier lead.
player, 47 posts
Tue 15 Nov 2011
at 04:10
  • msg #471

Re: Day 172

Seeing that she was being ignored by the female "Nolan, let us continue onward as we all planned and let this rolling her eyes at the female "deal with her own problem and not send us on some wild goose chase for her own good.

She knew now the female would acknowledge her presence.
player, 16 posts
Tue 15 Nov 2011
at 13:47
  • msg #472

Re: Day 172

The monk eyed the woman who was causing the group so much angst. The he spoke up, "So, are you a silver or gold?  I don't recall any of the chromatics with the ability to take on humanoid form."  It was clear the monk believed her to be the dragon causing the sword's magic to flare to life.
player, 136 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 15 Nov 2011
at 15:33
  • msg #473

Re: Day 172

Myarra looks back and forth between the rather rude newcomer and Thelonious, clearly not understanding what's happening.  "Silver or gold what?  What has money got to do with this?"  Her experience with dragons is, after all, minimal at best.

And the woman now has three strikes against her.  She'd invaded Myarra's mind and twisted her thoughts.  She'd said that Myarra was weak of mind, which was completely untrue.  And Nolan most certainly did NOT like her, that was preposterous.  Frankly, Myarra was done dealing with her.

"I'm with Amara, let's ditch this Девушка с родителями которые не были женаты wizard and just head north.  Nothing she could tell us is worth having to put up with her."
This message was last edited by the player at 19:40, Tue 15 Nov 2011.
player, 17 posts
Tue 15 Nov 2011
at 23:03
  • msg #474

Re: Day 172

The monk shook his head, "This is a dragon standing before you in an alternative form." He looked at the new woman and smiled. "Please forgive my bluntness. But I would love to hear what you are willing to offer," now it was up to the others. He hoped they weren't going to attack.
player, 78 posts
Wed 16 Nov 2011
at 01:21
  • msg #475

Re: Day 172

Nolan detected magic all over the place and when the female came out, Nolan was shocked into silence. He knew who this was. The tower wizards told students to watch out for deals made by the dragons in the forest. They always came with strings attached. Also, never, never, ever fall in love with any of them that turn into human form, no matter what. Amara's voice broke Nolan's silence,

She's a Green Dragon and her human name is Satin. She had had a secret affair with Corvus a couple hundred years ago, give or take a decade. Corvus was an instructor at the tower who fell in love with her. The details to his death are open to opinion, but he's why the future students were instructed not to have affairs with dragons in the forest. She may be blunt and straightforward, but I believe her intentions are true. She does want to help us, but it's definitely to her advantage. I don't want to be friends with her, but I don't want her as an enemy, either, so I think it would be polite to listen to what she has to say, as Thelonious just said.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 202 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 16 Nov 2011
at 02:59
  • msg #476

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana gave a little gasp of surprise.
Wait...You're a dragon?!?   Cool!!

Then she looked guiltily at her friends.
Um.....unless it's not.   I

She was obviously torn.  This was the first dragon she'd ever talked to, and only the second she'd ever seen in person.
Well, sort of seen, since the woman wasn't very 'dragonish' at the moment.

The blonde cleric realized how utterly moronic she probably sounded, and cleared her throat to try to sound more intelligent.
Um...that is....Yes, well, I see.
So, anyway, what was on your'am?

player, 84 posts
Wed 16 Nov 2011
at 22:04
  • msg #477

Re: Day 172

Silver had stayed silent most of the day, and when the woman appeared, that didnt much change. He was on guard, and edge, but despite her words to begin with, what harm could this gem do?

When she looked at him, and smiled, Silver had no control. He blushed slightly, and couldnt maintain eye contact. She was... entrancing. Then Nolan said she was a green dragon, and he was more intrigued. A green dragon, in a different form, and not attacking? Worth a listen, at least.

"I think *ahem* we should hear what She has to say as well. It can't hurt, just to listen to her offer, right? She's talking to us, and not attacking us, so she has to be at least a little bit reasonable right?" Silver colored a bit, when his voice cracked, but went on like nothing had happened. He wasnt used to being flustered like this, even when talking to Amara.
player, 137 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 17 Nov 2011
at 01:28
  • msg #478

Re: Day 172

"Oh, by Garagos' hairy back mole" Myarra groans, lowering the end of her sword to her boot and leaning her arms on the cross-guards.  Use the brain above your belt she thinks, but wisely doesn't say aloud, although something of the thought most likely shows on her face.

"It's a lizard wizard, Silver.  Of course it can hurt, probably agonizingly so.  But, since Amara and I are clearly out-voted, let's hear what she wants."
player, 92 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Thu 17 Nov 2011
at 02:13
  • msg #479

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider was thoroughly confused now. He looked at the woman named Satin, then to Myarra's sword (which was glowing), then back to Satin again. He didn't see anybody with an upraised weapon, so he decided that he'd better put his down and stay silent. He knew it would be in his best interest just to listen and learn.
Big Boss
GM, 137 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 17 Nov 2011
at 02:35
  • msg #480

Re: Day 172

Satin smiled as the party "agreed" to listen to her request, even though there were some minor protests by some of the party members. She never even acknowledged that Amara said anything as she enjoyed watching Silver squirm with embarrassment.

"You're wise to listen to what I have to say." Satin said to the group "Nolan is partially correct with his story, but I don't have the time to correct him. Whether you want to trust me or not, that's up to you. But, you won't get into that orc fortress without my help. You see, there is another dragon inside that fortress, a mate to the one you just killed. She has a couple hatch-lings and would probably be quite upset when she smelled her mate on all of you."

"So, here is my proposal. There is a tribe of humanoid lizardmen to the East living in a section of land that I want back in my possession. I don't care how you get them to leave. Kill them, bribe them, chase them off, that's up to you. Do this and I will help you get inside that fortress, so you can rescue your friends."

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 203 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 17 Nov 2011
at 06:57
  • msg #481

Re: Day 172

Aliana put her hand up, as if she were a child in school.  Her expression was slightly puzzled.
Um... Miss Satin, ma'am?   This is probably a very silly question, but, well, why do you need our help to get this land from the lizard people?  I mean, it's not like you don't know how to sneak up on people?

The pretty cleric frowned, clearly troubled.  Lizard people were generally condidered evil, but less, so than green dragons, so stealing there land, seemed  wrong.
Big Boss
GM, 138 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 17 Nov 2011
at 13:29
  • msg #482

Re: Day 172

"Yes, I could sneak in like you suggested, but the lizardmen's numbers are great and walking away unscathed would be unlikely, which would attract attention to myself. That is how I lost that part of the forest in the first place and I want it back."
Big Boss
GM, 139 posts
I am looking down upon
Sun 20 Nov 2011
at 20:15
  • msg #483

Re: Day 172

".....Or should I deal with my own problem, instead of sending you on a wild goose chase for my own good?" Satin asked when nobody said anything "I've seen you fight. I've seen you set up traps in the forest. You could probably succeed at your mission without my help. But. I know you will have casualties. You'll be running through the forest like Thelonious, but I doubt they'll be anybody around to help you."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 204 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 20 Nov 2011
at 22:23
  • msg #484

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana was still torn.  She had found herself doing things with this group that she'd never expected, and was getting a cold splash of water as she was learning of the real world.

The Elf was leaning towards not helping, since the lizardmen hadn't done anything to hurt civilized folks.  Still, she wanted to see what the rest of the group had to say.  It would be good to have a dragon on their side, if that were possible.
player, 18 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2011
at 04:51
  • msg #485

Re: Day 172

Thelonious looked to the others, "If anyone else has a better idea I'm up for it."  He nodded to the dragon in female form out of respect, "Please forgive me but I've not known any chromatics to be pleasant to work with."  In truth, much of his teachings only spoke of the creatures as wholly evil.  Perhaps there was something his instructors left out.  "But either way, you seem to have personal motives in this and thus I suspect you will keep to your end of the bargain."  He looked at the stone man and the woman with the wicked blade and thought that if she didn't keep her end there was a good chance they would handle her.
player, 79 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2011
at 13:38
  • msg #486

Re: Day 172

I don't mean to sound rude, but how can we know you'll keep to your end of the bargain? Seems to me that we'd be taking all the chances, while you reap the rewards.
player, 85 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2011
at 19:54
  • msg #487

Re: Day 172

Silver nodded along with Nolan. He kept his eyes mostly on the ground, but was very fidgety. "I'd have to agree with Nolan. What makes you stand by what you say? Again, not to be overly stereotypical, but Green's aren't exactly known for keeping to bargains..."

Silver looked up when he spoke, but then quickly looked back to the ground.

"This is not to say that we wont help you, but you have to see where we're coming from here."
Big Boss
GM, 140 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 22 Nov 2011
at 13:23
  • msg #488

Re: Day 172

"Fine. I will go first. I will help you get inside and you will try to rescue your friends." Satin said with some annoyance to her voice "But, if your mission fails and you have to flee, you have to hold up your end of the bargain. In my opinion, you should just get rid of everything in there...."
player, 93 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 22 Nov 2011
at 21:48
  • msg #489

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider's head was dizzy with all of the options being thrown around...

What was really stuck in his head was that the person in front of them was a dragon!  He had considered dragons to be beasts up to this point, even though the last two had spoken. There were camp fire tales of intelligent beasts among his tribe.

Swiftstrider had had visions of taming a dragon as a steed.  But now that he was the could turn into people, it seemed too much like the slavery the giants dragged his people into.

With all of this swirling around in his head, the goliath just stood there with a somewhat dazed expression on his face...
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 205 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 22 Nov 2011
at 23:38
  • msg #490

Re: Day 172

Aliana looked to the others for their opinions.   Doing a dragon's bidding didn't sound good to her, but she'd take her lead from the others.
player, 86 posts
Wed 23 Nov 2011
at 00:05
  • msg #491

Re: Day 172

Silver looked at Nolan, trying to read his face. What was he thinking. He shifted to look at Myarra, and grimaced. She didnt look too thrilled. "I think we should take the help, and give ours in return. Since she says she'll help us first..."
player, 80 posts
Wed 23 Nov 2011
at 13:37
  • msg #492

Re: Day 172

Well, it sounds like a good idea to me, but I'll let you all vote on it. Yes means you accept Satin's proposal. No means you decline Satin's proposal.

Nolan could tell without using his amulet that Amara was disturbed by all this, so he stood next to her to make her feel that she wasn't alone.
player, 138 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 24 Nov 2011
at 04:32
  • msg #493

Re: Day 172

Myarra wasn't happy about having anything to do with Satin.  It may look human, but she knew that it was monster, none-the-less.  And it used arcane magic ... which just doubled her distrust of it.  Still, it was a dragon, and according to Nolan, a powerful one.  Hitting it with metal stick probably wouldn't be as effective as she'd like.  But at least she has some wisdom she could add.

"My people had some contact with dragons.  And they have this advice: Never make a deal with a dragon if you can possibly avoid it.  But if you do, do EXACTLY what you promised, not one whit more or less.  And if you ever think you've gotten the better end of the deal, recount your limbs."  Of course, they were talking about the bronze ones, so I'm not sure how much transfers."

She looks over at Nolan.

"I'll bow to your guidance on this one, wiz... Nolan.  If you think we should do it, then I'll vote Yes.  But I still don't like it."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 206 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 24 Nov 2011
at 13:19
  • msg #494

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana shrugged helplessly.
I'm not sure either, and will trust the rest of you.

It occured to the elf that a vote for "no" might be really bad, since the scorned dragon might not only not help them, but might work to hinder them.
player, 48 posts
Fri 25 Nov 2011
at 14:55
  • msg #495

Re: Day 172

Leave the thing to deal with her own issues, we are here to do ours. Now let us be on our way before it get too late and some of your friends she looks to Thelonious don't survive the wraith of those there for your escape. it was obvious that Amara didn't like the Green Dragon.
player, 19 posts
Sat 26 Nov 2011
at 07:27
  • msg #496

Re: Day 172

Thelonious shrugs and looks to the others, it was clear some cared deeply that they not take the deal while others seemed ambivalent.  One thing was crystal clear...he wasn't making the call for those he just met.
player, 94 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Sun 27 Nov 2011
at 22:35
  • msg #497

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider glanced at both arms and legs, then said, "Yes.  She get us in inside saftly.  She need us to help after.  No tricks now."
This message was last edited by the player at 22:38, Sun 27 Nov 2011.
player, 81 posts
Mon 28 Nov 2011
at 20:25
  • msg #498

Re: Day 172

OK, the majority of the group votes to let you help us first, Satin, so that's what we'll do when we agree to the type of help you'll be providing. So, tossing us over the fortified walls will not be an option for you.
Big Boss
GM, 141 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 29 Nov 2011
at 19:54
  • msg #499

Re: Day 172

Satin just shakes her head in wonderment, eyes rolling. "It's a miracle that the human race has lived for so long." Satin said as she started walking to the North-West "If you think I'm just going to toss you into danger, how would that help me with my problem? Follow me, please."

Those of you who agreed to help, move to follow first, followed by the ones that said no. Satin walks with a cat-like grace through the forest, looking over her shoulder to make sure the party was still following.

"A long time ago, this forest used to belong to the elves, humans and dwarves. It was really a magnificent sight to see. All that remains now is a bunch of ruins. The orcs are using a set of ruins that water elves used to live in. The water was brought underground through a series of tunnels built by the dwarves."

Satin eventually stops at a large evergreen tree. Perhaps 60 feet tall. She points to the East and off in the distance (150 yards) you all can see the fortified outpost of the orcs. The walls are built with wood and stand at least 15 feet tall. The outpost is quite large. It could hold perhaps 100 orcs, if they were organized.

"The orcs don't like the daylight. You have about 3 hours until dusk and then the forest around here will be filled with them." Satin said "I will knock this tree over, which will reveal the water tunnel that leads to their base. You will slide down into the water and move to the outpost while I attract Mother dragon away from her hatch-lings. The rest is up to you. That is my plan."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 207 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 30 Nov 2011
at 11:18
  • msg #500

Re: Day 172

Aliana shrugged.  It wasn't a bad plan.  The "enter from below" strategy was a staple in seige warfare, especially when the number of defenders were so small.
I don't have a better plan, I'll admit.
player, 139 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 30 Nov 2011
at 12:05
  • msg #501

Re: Day 172

"Just a couple of quick questions," Myarra says, eying the tree and the length of ground between it and the fort.

"How much water is in the tunnels?  I don't swim very well, and I'd hate to drown being all heroic and crap.  Will Swiftstrider fit? Is there anything else living in them that we should know about?  Is the other end open, or do we need to do something special in order to get back out?"

She still doesn't like this plan at all, and wants to get as much information out of Satin as she can.
Big Boss
GM, 142 posts
I am looking down upon
Wed 30 Nov 2011
at 13:27
  • msg #502

Re: Day 172

"I honestly don't know how much water is down there. If you're a bad swimmer, this could prove difficult for you if the tunnels are full. Swiftstrider will be able to fit without any problems. I'd say the tunnels are at least 15 feet in diameter." Satin said as she answered Myarra's questions "As for anything living down there, or any special way to get in, I don't know. It's possible. Getting out will be your problem, but since a couple of you can levitate and fly out of the hole I'll be making, it shouldn't be a problem for you. I'll have problems of my own avoiding the Mother dragon."
player, 140 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 30 Nov 2011
at 17:52
  • msg #503

Re: Day 172

"My thanks," Myarra replies.  She doesn't like Satin, and she most definitely doesn't trust her, but that doesn't excuse bad manners ... especially to dragons.  Death by pride is just plain stupid.

"I didn't expect you would have all the answers, but it's better to ask than not."
player, 87 posts
Wed 30 Nov 2011
at 18:55
  • msg #504

Re: Day 172

Silver checks over his gear again, cinching straps on his armor, and making sure everything was there. "Well, time is wasting. Let's get in there, I don't want to be around when the whole camp wakes up."
player, 96 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Thu 1 Dec 2011
at 05:18
  • msg #505

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider nods and says, "Good plan.  It will work."
Big Boss
GM, 143 posts
I am looking down upon
Fri 2 Dec 2011
at 04:30
  • msg #506

Re: Day 172

"I take it that my plan is satisfactory?" Satin asked "Because, once this starts, it can't be stopped."
player, 82 posts
Fri 2 Dec 2011
at 13:35
  • msg #507

Re: Day 172

Yes, your plan is satisfactory. Let us begin while we still have light left. Good luck to you, Satin.

Better to be kind to a dragon, than be rood. She might know things in the forest that have been kept a secret for a long time. Being rood to her will never get her to reveal such things.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 208 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 2 Dec 2011
at 14:23
  • msg #508

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana nodded, and prepared to join the others as well.
player, 142 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sat 3 Dec 2011
at 15:06
  • msg #509

Re: Day 172

"Okay," Myarra says, making sure her sword is firmly secured. "Nothing gets done by waiting.  I'm ready.

Nolan, Swifty, and I can all see in the dark.  So Aliana, Silver, and T.L. should all make sure to keep near one of us and hold on when necessary."

player, 97 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Sun 4 Dec 2011
at 02:57
  • msg #510

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider takes his place near the tree. "Let us do this!"
player, 20 posts
Sun 4 Dec 2011
at 22:44
  • msg #511

Re: Day 172

Thelonious shrugged and moved over with the others.  He really hoped he wouldn't have to hold his breath long.  He had been running quite hard after all.
Big Boss
GM, 148 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 6 Dec 2011
at 04:09
  • msg #512

Re: Day 172

"OK then. It has begun. No backing out now." Satin said to the group "Please stand aside. I have to change into my normal form to open the passage way."

Everyone backs away from Satin as she stands near the tree and closes her eyes. Then she starts to change. Her features turn reptilian and instantly she starts to grow. Within seconds, she's bigger than the dragon you just killed several hours ago and she's still growing. This makes you all take a few more steps back as the frightful presence of Satin intimidates even Swiftstrider. By the time the transformation is done, Satin is Gargantuan, standing at least 30 feet tall, maybe more, as she seems to be crouching to get a hold of the tree in a big bear hug. The end of her tail is at least 60 feet away. Her head is huge and her teeth are at least a foot long...from where you're standing. The reek of chlorine makes you plug your nose.

Satin is perhaps the largest Dragon you have ever seen of any color. She looks like she could pick up a ship out of the water and fly away with it as she grabs the large tree in a bear hug and rips the whole thing out of the ground! The noise is deafening and the ground shakes as a big hole appears where the tree was pulled out. Satin motions for you to jump into the hole. Just because you're all afraid of her, you comply. Grabbing roots to guide your way down, you jump perhaps 10 feet down into waist deep water. Then you have to avoid the roots of the tree from above as Satin puts the tree back! Looks like this won't be your exit.

After the "dust" settles and the noise goes silent, those that can see in the dark can see a large cavern-like room (60x60?) with 2 exits. One to the North-West and one to the North-East. The rest of the area looks like it caved in long ago. The Orc Complex is to the North-East.

Area Map has been added to Battle Map

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player, 143 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 6 Dec 2011
at 04:20
  • msg #513

Re: Day 172

Myarra scans the room quickly to make sure there's nothing of immediate danger ... like an orish war party. When it looks okay, she slowly moves so that she's more or less in the center of the others, trying not to slosh to much in the process.

"Those of you who can't see in the dark, just stand still for a minute." she tells the others in a low voice.  "And no light just yet.  Let's make sure we're really alone.   Nolan, Swifty, do either of you see anything?"
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 213 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 6 Dec 2011
at 11:42
  • msg #514

Re: Day 172

Aliana, still shaking a little from the dragonfear of Satin's massive draconic form, stood in the water, trying to clear her head and think about what magics to bring to bear to help them, once Myarra gave the all clear signal.

She couldn't help but think, though, that if a dragon as overwhelmingly terrifying as Satin couldn't handle the lizardmen, what chance did they have?
player, 99 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Wed 7 Dec 2011
at 05:35
  • msg #515

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider carefully surveys their surroundings, looking for signs of other creatures in the area and listening carefully...
player, 83 posts
Wed 7 Dec 2011
at 13:13
  • msg #516

Re: Day 172

Nolan was actually relieved that Satin put the tree back, even though it trapped everyone down here in the dark. She mentioned that the orcs come out at night and the last thing Nolan wanted them to find was the hole and come in to explore while his group was trying to find their way around. He saw Amara off to the side and walked to her. She wasn't speaking all that much this past hour, so Nolan assumed she was upset about something. Probably Satin.

No, I don't see anything except these tree roots and some water ways leading out of here. It also smells moldy, but that's what you get with rotted vegetation.
Big Boss
GM, 150 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 8 Dec 2011
at 01:20
  • msg #517

Re: Day 172

Those of you who can see in the dark, don't see anything dangerous in your area or up the 2 passages. You all go quiet for a couple minutes to listen for any noises, but you only hear various drips of water coming from random areas where you're located. You try and listen for orcs or maybe a roar of a dragon, but the ground is too think for you to hear anything up on the surface. For now, it appears safe.
player, 100 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Thu 8 Dec 2011
at 21:25
  • msg #518

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider readies his axe and heads up the North-East passage in the direction of their enemy, keeping a sharp eye out as he proceeds.
player, 144 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 9 Dec 2011
at 19:46
  • msg #519

Re: Day 172

"Okay, I guess we're moving out." Myarra comments as Swiftstrider moves away.  She pulls her sword free, knowing the the blade will warn them of dragons.  It's just a pity it doesn't work on orcs as well.

"Swifty's taking the lead.  And Nolan and Amara need their hands free to use their magic.  So it looks like I'm going to be the baby sitter for right now.  I'm going to put us in a line, Silver first, then T.L., then Aliana.  Then I'm going to lead you all forward slowly until we get some place where you can see.  From what the dragon said, it shouldn't be long."

She wades around the room, capturing each person in turn and drawing them all together, trying to slosh as little as she can.  Then she takes her little train of surface dwellers and slowly guides them after Swiftstrider.
player, 88 posts
Fri 9 Dec 2011
at 20:00
  • msg #520

Re: Day 172

Silver nodded, and then in the darkness felt silly for doing so. If there was any light at all he'd be able to see, but in the blackness, his lowlight vision was useless. So he followed along, his weapons drawn, ready to get this thing done.
player, 49 posts
Sat 10 Dec 2011
at 00:57
  • msg #521

Re: Day 172

She wondered how was they really going to handle a Orc war party if there was one there waiting.

She has been quiet all this time, for she alone didn't wish to help the green dragon and wanted to move on with their own mission.
Big Boss
GM, 151 posts
I am looking down upon
Sun 11 Dec 2011
at 06:18
  • msg #522

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider takes the lead and heads to the North-East. But, unfortunately, he doesn't get very far into the corridor when he encounters roots from another tree blocking his path. He could squeeze through or chop the roots with his axe, but that will take some time for either job.

Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

link to a message in this game
player, 21 posts
Sun 11 Dec 2011
at 07:39
  • msg #523

Re: Day 172

The monk Thelonious takes a moment to look around in the cavern ... there had to be a way through down here.  As he gets into areas of shadow his hands begin to glow with a 5' light radius.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 216 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 11 Dec 2011
at 13:14
  • msg #524

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana, nervous but determined, would proceed as well.  She had an Everburning Torch out, if anyone wanted light (and could shield it if it were too much).

Would everyone like some waterbreathing spells, or should I save my power for now?
player, 145 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sun 11 Dec 2011
at 19:30
  • msg #525

Re: Day 172

Myarra is checking out the clog of roots Swiftstrider had run into when light suddenly blazes up from two of her charges.

"You two do know that you could be letting every orc within these tunnels know we're here ... right?

I suppose it's unfair to expect you to remain sightless, I wouldn't want to have to wander around here blind either, but try to keep it to a minimum.  The light from a single candle travels around corners and announces your presence for hundreds of feet.

Against guards with darkvision, it's like banging on a drum and yelling at the top of your lungs, Victims Here!"

Surface-dwellers can be such a pain at times like these, but she supposes they didn't have much experience with truly efficient predators like the drow or duergar.  Orcs, in comparison, were talentless buffoons.  She glances over at Amara and a chill runs up her spine.  She didn't think she'd ever be able to look at any drow, no matter how personally innocent, without some of the old fear coming back to her.

"We should try the other tunnel first." she tells Swiftstrider.  "It will probably be faster to go around then to try to chop through all of this.

And I'd suggest holding off on using your magic"
she tells Aliana.  "I think we'll have more need of it later.  The water doesn't appear to be that much of a problem for now."
player, 101 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Mon 12 Dec 2011
at 03:41
  • msg #526

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider shrugs.  Myarra has had more underground experience than he, but his gut tells him he was going the right way.  Swiftstrider moves back to their starting position and heads up the other tunnel, fully expecting more tree roots.  They are in a forest, after all.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 217 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 12 Dec 2011
at 12:53
  • msg #527

Re: Day 172

Aliana shrugged, uncertain about what to do.
I can extinguish my light if people want.   My eyes can see better than a humans, so Thelonius' s glow will serve me well for now.   

She didn't want to mess things up for her new friends, but she wanted to be useful, too.
player, 50 posts
Mon 12 Dec 2011
at 15:55
  • msg #528

Re: Day 172

She smiled for no one asked her "I can see the furthest in such darkness. A gift of my people.
player, 146 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 12 Dec 2011
at 17:21
  • msg #529

Re: Day 172

"Then you should be up front," Myarra replies to Amara.  "If you don't mind, that is.  Perhaps you could scout ahead a few dozen paces and let us know if we need to douse the light.  And take Nolan or Swifty as a second pair of eyes."

And a second mouth.  In her humble opinion, it was a lot tougher to quickly silence two scouts than just one.  Having a second target next to her to absorb arrows and sound an alarm had saved her more than once.

"If we run into more roots, we can always come back and hack our way through these ones."
player, 86 posts
Tue 13 Dec 2011
at 00:19
  • msg #530

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider, why don't you escort Amara? You can swing that axe alot quicker than I can cast spells, so you can protect her if anything happens.

Nolan then sloshed over to Aliana and Thelonious and whispered to them,

Don't get upset or ashamed if you thought you did something wrong. You didn't know. The light was a good idea, but you guys don't know what we've been through. We've been though alot of underground ruins and the lights were a dead give-away that we were outsiders. When the area is clear, we can light the whole place up, if you want. But, until then, we have to be stealthy.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 218 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 13 Dec 2011
at 13:44
  • msg #531

Re: Day 172

Aliana nodded to the wizard.  Her light was an object, not a spell, so "extinguishing it" meant merely putting it away, with not cost to her.  She did so, waiting for her eyes to adjust a bit, if they did, and was ready to reintroduce the light again.
player, 102 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Wed 14 Dec 2011
at 05:01
  • msg #532

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider nodded and waited until Amara joined him to continue on his way, axe still at the ready.
Big Boss
GM, 152 posts
I am looking down upon
Sat 17 Dec 2011
at 00:29
  • msg #533

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider and Amara move up the North-West passage. There's roots here as well, but not as bad as the other passage. Swiftstrider chops a couple of them to get them out of his way. The passage appears to go beyond Amara's vision, or perhaps roots are affecting her vision? Either way, this passage seems to be safe. It smells like rotting vegetation, but safe.

Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh)

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player, 89 posts
Sat 17 Dec 2011
at 17:30
  • msg #534

Re: Day 172

Silver sloshes along with the group, anxious to get out of these tunnels. If they were attacked in here, they would be in some serious trouble all packed in like barnacles.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 221 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 18 Dec 2011
at 06:19
  • msg #535

Re: Day 172

The pretty blonde cleric moved in the back of the party, trying her best to keep up.   A couple of spells could have helped immensely, but she wanted to save her magic for battle.    She was nervous about what the future held, but determined to do her best.
player, 22 posts
Mon 19 Dec 2011
at 04:13
  • msg #536

Re: Day 172

Thelonious moves with the others being mindful of the dangers which could lurk underground.  Not that he would see them coming without his light, but better safe than sorry.
player, 148 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 20 Dec 2011
at 15:36
  • msg #537

Re: Day 172

Myarra moves along with the others, keeping the majority back a ways behind the two scouts, but always within view.  Until they found something to report, there was little they could do but slosh along.
player, 104 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Mon 26 Dec 2011
at 21:31
  • msg #538

Re: Day 172

As quietly as possible, SwiftStrider keeps forging ahead, removing roots as needed and keeping a lookout, although he is willing to rely on Amara's keener dark vision...
Big Boss
GM, 155 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 27 Dec 2011
at 02:17
  • msg #539

Re: Day 172

Chopping at the roots as quietly as possible, Swiftstrider makes a path through the tunnels for the group to travel. Nobody has any clue if anything is down here, but the Orcs built their "fortress" here for some reason. There is one advantage in this whole mess. If they do hear you, they'll have to trudge through the water too, which will tell you they're coming. Coming to a corner, Swiftstrider and Amara see nothing but more tunnel and more roots to chop.

Water Tunnel Map Updated

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Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 224 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 27 Dec 2011
at 04:29
  • msg #540

Re: Day 172

Trudging through the water, Aliana was starting to regret not using magic to produce water walking spells.   She still had it ready, just in case, but it probably was a waste of power if they didn't need it.  Still, it was tempting.  Walking through the root choked passage was tedious and tiring, not to mention both icky and gross.

Still, she kept her sword handy, to help when she was needed.
player, 51 posts
Thu 29 Dec 2011
at 02:13
  • msg #541

Re: Day 172

"There is only more tunnels and more roots ahead, the question I have is are we going in the right direction.  If this was more of an Underground passage I might be able to determine more but seeing that we are cutting through tree roots, Im at a loss.

She also took the time to make sure that the party wasn't making a lot of noise.  If so, she had a remedy for that.
player, 149 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 29 Dec 2011
at 20:37
  • msg #542

Re: Day 172

"I agree, we need to make sure we're heading towards the east. I can't be sure, but doesn't that look like an open area up ahead?"
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 225 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 29 Dec 2011
at 21:34
  • msg #543

Re: Day 172

Keeping quiet as well, but keeping a Silence spell handy, Aliana nodded.
All can we can do is keep going, I think.   If there's anything I can do, let me know.
player, 106 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Fri 30 Dec 2011
at 00:18
  • msg #544

Re: Day 172

There wasn't much for Swiftstrider to do except chop at the roots and watch out for trouble. He didn't swing his axe like a wild man; he swung at roots that would easily chop to make a trail through the maze. His sight didn't show him much. Just a bunch of water filled tunnels.
player, 90 posts
Sat 31 Dec 2011
at 16:39
  • msg #545

Re: Day 172

Nolan could tell that Amara didn't want to be down here, so he promised himself that he would take her to the library after this adventure was over. She had endured so much with being a captive to those orcs and now the group has her wandering around in muddy water with those nice clothes she had on. No wonder she seemed upset. When Swiftstrider was chopping at the roots, Nolan whispered to Myarra,

Amara's not to happy that we're helping Satin, let alone being down in this muddy hell hole. Any ideas that could bring her spirits up?
Big Boss
GM, 156 posts
I am looking down upon
Mon 2 Jan 2012
at 17:54
  • msg #546

Re: Day 172

Continuing on your way, Swiftstrider takes the lead once more as you travel up the water tunnel. It starts to get smaller down this portion of the tunnel as you can see parts of it have collapsed over the years. Coming to a "T" intersection, You look South and see more tunnel and you look North and Swiftstrider and Amara's vision eyes a possible larger space. They also see 8 pairs of eyes just above the water's surface looking back at them.....

Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

link to a message in this game
player, 107 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 3 Jan 2012
at 00:23
  • msg #547

Re: Day 172

"Company. Eight water critters. Just eyes above water," Swiftstrider grunts over his shoulder as he readies his axe and advances to where he has room to fight!
This message was last edited by the player at 00:31, Tue 03 Jan 2012.
player, 150 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 4 Jan 2012
at 16:00
  • msg #548

Re: Day 172

Myarra was frankly stunned that Nolan would even ask her opinion concerning Amara. Why would he think she'd have any understanding of someone so entirely different from herself.  They were nothing alike other than being female and coming from the underdark.  Drow vs Tiefling; wizard vs warrior; drop-dead gorgeous vs bat-winged freak.

"Um" is the only thing that came to mind at first, other than playing on typical drow stereotypes, which would be uncharitable. "I'm not really sure.  I'll try to think of something." she finally tells him.

Frankly, she's a bit relieved when Swiftstrider reports trouble. That she knows how to deal with.  She sloshes forward quickly, taking up position next to the goliath, sword held at the ready, leaving the others to take a stand, or take cover, each to their own initiative.

"Ma võtan vasakule, te võtate õige. Kui üks me kubemetükk, kui palju me lõhe," she tells him, doing her best with what he's taught her of his people's tongue.
player, 23 posts
Thu 5 Jan 2012
at 08:41
  • msg #549

Re: Day 172

The mostly silent monk points to the direction away from the eyes and shrugs as if to say how about we go that way...
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 227 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 5 Jan 2012
at 13:52
  • msg #550

Re: Day 172

Far back in the ranks of the people, in water that was deep and somewhat inhibiting, Aliana cast a spell, summoning a sparking, ghostly longsword, a spiritual weapon, which she summoned over the creatures, and attacked one.

07:50, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 19 using 1d20+7. possible crit.
07:49, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 26 using 1d20+7. spiritual weapon.
07:51, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 9 using 1d8+1. damage.
(not doubled for critical)

player, 90 posts
Thu 5 Jan 2012
at 23:20
  • msg #551

Re: Day 172

Silver sloshed along, waiting to see what was going to happen. "Should we move in, or what? What is it?"

The Aliana cast a spell, disrupting the current standoff.
player, 92 posts
Thu 5 Jan 2012
at 23:25
  • msg #552

Re: Day 172

Nolan was staring off into the darkness and wasn't paying attention to what Swiftstrider said. He was looking at Amara and how fine she looked. He was still a bit upset that she didn't want anything to do with him. When Swiftstrider announced that there was company, he sloshed on over to get a look to see what the group encountered.
Big Boss
GM, 158 posts
I am looking down upon
Sat 7 Jan 2012
at 00:32
  • msg #553

Re: Day 172

Surprise Round----------

Swiftstrider and the unhappy Amara saw the eyes just above the water, but Swiftstrider moved in, just in case there was a fight. Everyone else moved in to see what was happening and Aliana casted a spell, which summoned a Spiritual Weapon, which she used to attack the closest pair of eyes (#7). Her blow struck true and that's when you all see what you're fighting: Crocodiles. This is probably the first time Myarra and Swiftstrider have seen such creatures, but they do look like baby green dragons....sort of.

Please roll Initiatives and state your actions!

Name         Initiative    Health     Misc.
Aliana           ??        34/34
Amara            ??        25/25
Myarra           ??        65/65
Nolan            ??        59/59
Silver           ??        36/36
Swiftstrider     ??        64/64
Thelonious       ??        47/47
Croc 1           ??        ??/??
Croc 2           ??        ??/??
Croc 3           ??        ??/??
Croc 4           ??        ??/??
Croc 5           ??        ??/??
Croc 6           ??        ??/??
Croc 7           ??        ??/??
Croc 8           ??        ??/??

Battle Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

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Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 230 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 7 Jan 2012
at 01:32
  • msg #554

Re: Day 172

Keeping her Spiritual weapon going, Aliana also took out her bow to fire at the watery monsters.

OOC:19:19, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 20 using 1d20+3. initiative.

19:23, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 12 using 1d20+7. spiritual weapon.
19:25, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 3 using 1d8+1. possible (but not probable) damage.

19:28, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 12 using 1d20+7. longbow on croc.
19:29, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 5 using 1d8+1. another possible, but unlikely, damage.

player, 24 posts
Sat 7 Jan 2012
at 02:13
  • msg #555

Re: Day 172

Thelonious shook his head and readied himself for a counter attack ... there was no way he was rushing headlong into the croc den.

OOC: Hold Action...
player, 109 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Sat 7 Jan 2012
at 05:39
  • msg #556

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider notes that he and Myarra pretty much can keep these baby dragons from reaching anyone else where they stand.  So he stands his ground with his axe at the ready!
player, 94 posts
Sun 8 Jan 2012
at 17:42
  • msg #557

Re: Day 172

We could have avoided these things. Crocodiles are annoying sometimes, but they tend to stay near their nests. I say we leave them alone and look for another way around. If they follow, then we deal with them.
player, 151 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 9 Jan 2012
at 03:16
  • msg #558

Re: Day 172

"I agree.  Behind us is the way we want to go." Myarra points out. "Back up that way and, with any luck, we can avoid unpleasantness and noise.  It would be a shame for us to get hurt for no good reason by some lizards before we get to the orcs.  Aliana's ghost sword should keep them occupied and confused while we make ourselves scarce.  I love taking down an enemy as much as anyone, but there's no honor or glory in fighting animals."
player, 110 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 10 Jan 2012
at 01:56
  • msg #559

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider listens to what everyone else has to say.  Then he shrugs and slowly backs away keeping his axe ready.  Once safely away from the not-dragons, the goliath heads up the other branch of the corridor Myarra indicated.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 231 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 10 Jan 2012
at 04:06
  • msg #560

Re: Day 172

Since her spell had a long range, Aliana kept her attacks going while they retreated.
player, 91 posts
Tue 10 Jan 2012
at 09:45
  • msg #561

Re: Day 172

Silver shrugs and heads back the other way with the group. He wasn't too broken up about not fighting. He still couldnt see...
player, 52 posts
Sat 14 Jan 2012
at 17:06
  • msg #562

Re: Day 172

Amara remained reserved as the group retreated, but remained near the lead where her darkvision would be of greater use. She agreed that there was little point in fighting the creatures - and worse it might give up their element of surprise.
player, 96 posts
Thu 19 Jan 2012
at 23:36
  • msg #563

Re: Day 172

Aliana, leave them alone. They're good guards.

Nolan shook his head and rolled his eyes as he followed the group down the southern passage.
Big Boss
GM, 167 posts
I am looking down upon
Fri 20 Jan 2012
at 00:50
  • msg #564

Re: Day 172

So, instead of messing with the now upset crocodiles, the party moves to the south. The crocs don't think. Swiftstrider chops through more roots, which stand no chance against his axe, and then the party encounters a fork in the road. Amara's vision in the P-13 passage looks like it curves, while the straight passage of R-13 extends beyond her sight. The only thing you hear is the water thrashing behind you where the crocs are located.

Campaign Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

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player, 54 posts
Fri 20 Jan 2012
at 01:03
  • msg #565

Re: Day 172

"A curved path to the left, a straight path as far as I can see to the right," Amara says quietly. But she offers no advice, only the observation.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 236 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 20 Jan 2012
at 03:53
  • msg #566

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana will follow the others, trying to hold off the reptiles as long as possible, perhaps attacking from the other side of the crocodiles to draw them away.
player, 98 posts
Fri 20 Jan 2012
at 22:51
  • msg #567

Re: Day 172

Who wants to go where? I say we try the south passage. That way, we can see if something follows us.
player, 153 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 20 Jan 2012
at 23:56
  • msg #568

Re: Day 172

"I agree.  The south route looks like it takes us back towards where we got blocked by the roots.  Maybe this way takes us to the to the other side of them"
player, 113 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Mon 23 Jan 2012
at 03:56
  • msg #569

Re: Day 172

Nodding agreement, Swiftstrider heads South with a determined expression on his face.
player, 25 posts
Tue 24 Jan 2012
at 05:49
  • msg #570

Re: Day 172

The musical monk readied himself to head south with the others.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 239 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 24 Jan 2012
at 17:01
  • msg #571

Re: Day 172

I'm game.   If it's more difficult than this one, we can always go back.  It's not like crocodiles will sound the alarm or anything. 

Aliana grinned, getting into the spirit of the great adventure.
player, 55 posts
Tue 24 Jan 2012
at 17:09
  • msg #572

Re: Day 172

"Unless they are trained watch animals and have a way of sounding the alarm, you mean," Amara replied rather harshly. Then she added,"Tell me, why again did you all agree to go on what is probably a suicide mission for that dragon? If she's willing to help us here but not there, what chance do we have, except to become fodder for her amusement?"
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 240 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 24 Jan 2012
at 17:18
  • msg #573

Re: Day 172

Aliana frowned, a bit confused.
With respect, ma'am, if you think it's a suicide mission, why are you here?   I mean no offence, but the time to object to coming is a bit past.     Me, personally, I saw it as the way to get our goals accomplished, while perhaps learning about another powerful being in the woods. 
player, 154 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 24 Jan 2012
at 17:33
  • msg #574

Re: Day 172

"Because it's possible suicide that comes later, rather than almost certain suicide immediately." Myarra replies to Amara's completely sensible question.  "I didn't believe for a second that she 'meant us no harm.'  But since there was no way for us to kill her, this way gets us closer to our goal now.  After that, if we're still alive, since there's no guarantee we're going to succeed, we'll just have to deal with what comes next."
player, 93 posts
Tue 24 Jan 2012
at 22:46
  • msg #575

Re: Day 172

"Come on, Amara. It's dangerous. This whole thing is dangerous. We can't always take the safe route. We're more than capable of this. Why couldn't we be capable later, too? If it make you feel any better, I've got your back." Silver winks at the dark elf, and moves to stand a bit behind her in the lineup.
player, 56 posts
Tue 24 Jan 2012
at 22:55
  • msg #576

Re: Day 172

"I'm not worried about this mission. Fighting off the lizardmen from the dragon's territory is what I'm concerned about." Amara replied. "And I did protest." She bit back any further words. "Come on. Now's not the place to discuss this." With that she started down the indicated hall.
Big Boss
GM, 169 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 24 Jan 2012
at 23:58
  • msg #577

Re: Day 172

Taking the Southern route, Amara lets the party know that she still doesn't trust Satin and that being down here is a mistake. The conversation is civil as you come upon another fork in the road. U-15 path look to end at nothing, the T-16 path leads to deeper water. You can tell as the ceiling slants down a bit. The U-16 passage definitely leads to more roots. With some time and grunting, Swiftstrider could chop the roots down with his axe, if he wanted to.

Map Updated

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player, 99 posts
Fri 27 Jan 2012
at 00:07
  • msg #578

Re: Day 172

I know you don't like being down here Amara, but I promise to take you to the library in Lyran's Hold when we get the chance. Now that I can bypass the northern barrier, we might find stuff that hasn't seen the light of day in decades.

Looking East and South, Nolan doesn't like either one. Chopping the roots would be easy, but they're to the South and he needs to go East. The East passage looks like deeper water and deeper water always holds a creature that can fit in it.

Chop the roots or swim?
player, 57 posts
Fri 27 Jan 2012
at 00:43
  • msg #579

Re: Day 172

"Small consolation if we're dead," Amara replied moodily, again not offering a suggestion on a route.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 241 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 27 Jan 2012
at 13:11
  • msg #580

Re: Day 172

Aliana seemed at a loss, and shrugged.
The deeper water makes more sense, but it might have something nasty in it as well, if the shallow water has crocodiles.   Chopping roots is fine with me, though something about that route feels like we're wasting our time.
player, 26 posts
Fri 27 Jan 2012
at 15:22
  • msg #581

Re: Day 172

"The dragon did say our path heads down. However I do not breathe under water so unless someone has a remedy I too prefer the rooted path." Thelonius was not a coward but he had no interest in throwing his life away. That was not the way of his order.
player, 155 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 27 Jan 2012
at 17:30
  • msg #582

Re: Day 172

"Assuming the dragon is keeping its word, which I admit is a big if, than it will be making a diversion pretty soon.  So we don't have a lot of time to waste.  I say let Swifty and I check out the deep water.  We'll tell you if it's safe and we'll move on from there.  As long as we have air above the surface, breathing water should not be necessary.  At worst we have to backtrack to here and take care of the roots.  In that case, the dragon's diversion will have been wasted anyway."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 242 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 27 Jan 2012
at 20:39
  • msg #583

Re: Day 172

It's one of my more powerful bits of magic, but I can cast a spell of water breathing on everyone if need be. 

Aliana was trying to conserve her magic, but wasn't afraid to use it in their plan.
player, 114 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Fri 27 Jan 2012
at 22:21
  • msg #584

Re: Day 172

Pointing to Myarra Swiftstrider says, "We check first. Save magic." When she joins him, he heads for the deeper water.
player, 100 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2012
at 19:10
  • msg #585

Re: Day 172

That sounds like a plan to me. If they get attacked, it'll be easier for them to defend themselves, than one of us spell casters. I've always had problems casting spells under water.
player, 58 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2012
at 22:06
  • msg #586

Re: Day 172

Amara reached into the fold of clothing where her tiny familiar preferred to live. Gently cupping the black hummingbird, she pulled her out. She whispered to it, "Do you think you can fly through these roots and see what is on the other side?"
player, 156 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 31 Jan 2012
at 18:00
  • msg #587

Re: Day 172

Myarra joins Swiftstrider, moving into the deeper water, but taking care to watch where she's going, and whatever else might be there as well. Once the water gets deep enough, she stows her greatsword and pulls a dagger instead.  Like Nolan's magic, trying to swing six feet of steel through water is an exercise in futility.
player, 115 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 31 Jan 2012
at 22:13
  • msg #588

Re: Day 172

Seeing the wisdom of Myarra's move, Swiftstrider stows his large great axe and draws one of his daggers as they continue to advance...
Big Boss
GM, 171 posts
I am looking down upon
Wed 1 Feb 2012
at 00:01
  • msg #589

Re: Day 172

Myarra and Swiftstrider move through the water to look for a safe passage. They eventually have to put the big weapons away when the water gets too deep and by the time they reach R-18, the water is over their heads. They look around and see that the passage to the North-West connects up with the pasage they passed before, there is a passage to the South, but they can't see much of it because of the angle. To the east, their vision spots what might be a large statue. Since this place was supposed to belong to some water elves, Myarra and Swiftstrider would guess the statue might be elvish. Treading water in heavy armor gets tiring pretty quickly, so Myarra and the Goliath grab hold of the wall for support.

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player, 59 posts
Wed 1 Feb 2012
at 00:17
  • msg #590

Re: Day 172

Amara reached into her pack and withdrew a vial. Carefully unscrewing the cap, she offered it to her hummingbird familiar when it flew around her. The hummingbird drank deeply of the honey within while the drow informed the others, "There is another room beyond the vines."
player, 101 posts
Wed 1 Feb 2012
at 13:10
  • msg #591

Re: Day 172

Let's wait for Myarra and Swiftstrider to return to hear what they found. They have the sharp weapons to cut through the roots.
player, 116 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Thu 2 Feb 2012
at 03:48
  • msg #592

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider says to Myarra, "Statue room has more North.  North way to go.  Let us look for way there.  If way, then report back."
player, 157 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 3 Feb 2012
at 23:43
  • msg #593

Re: Day 172

"Okay, but let's keep towards the edges of the room."

Letting go of the wall, Myarra strikes out through the deeper water, staying near the wall, but heading north.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 243 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 4 Feb 2012
at 00:31
  • msg #594

Re: Day 172

Aliana followed along, keeping ready to help her friends.
player, 60 posts
Sat 4 Feb 2012
at 03:06
  • msg #595

Re: Day 172

Amara didn't like waiting, and whispered to her black hummingbird again.
Big Boss
GM, 173 posts
I am looking down upon
Sat 4 Feb 2012
at 04:44
  • msg #596

Re: Day 172

The Hummingbird flies off to the South again....
player, 103 posts
Sun 5 Feb 2012
at 02:51
  • msg #597

Re: Day 172

I never knew you had a familiar. When did you pick up that hummingbird? I was thinking of asking Ashara if she wanted to be my familiar, but I think that's out of my power for now.
player, 61 posts
Sun 5 Feb 2012
at 02:57
  • msg #598

Re: Day 172

Amara raised an eyebrow at Nolan, "Do you not remember me sending her after Swiftstrider in the forest to keep watch? I have had her for years." She smoothed down part of her outfit, although down here such was hopeless. "I have never known you to have a familiar. Why would you want one now?"
Big Boss
GM, 174 posts
I am looking down upon
Sun 5 Feb 2012
at 04:15
  • msg #599

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider and Myarra continue to swim along the edges of the room to see if they could find a way through the deep water. The water is still fairly dirty, but it appears to be about 15 feet deep. The pair come upon an old stone alter, weathered from water and age (Area 11 on map) It's hasn't been used in years and neither of you have any clue who it might belong to, so you move foward and stop (at 9 on the map) when you hear a large splashing sound. It sounded like something big was dropped into the water, but it's well beyond your vision.

Map Updated (Hummingbird's findings also added to map)

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player, 62 posts
Sun 5 Feb 2012
at 04:20
  • msg #600

Re: Day 172

Amara holds out her hand as her hummingbird returns. The bird lands and chirps a few moments, then Amara looks at Nolan. "This path connects the same way as the others have gone. So it seems we will be getting still wetter."
player, 104 posts
Sun 5 Feb 2012
at 07:06
  • msg #601

Re: Day 172

You've had a familiar for years? That's strange. I've never noticed until now. Perhaps seeing you with one sparked my interest?

Looking down the southern path and hearing that it leads to the eastern path, Nolan got a disgusted look to his face, as if this whole thing was a bit annoying.

I hate walking around in wet clothes.
player, 63 posts
Sun 5 Feb 2012
at 07:41
  • msg #602

Re: Day 172

Amara shrugged. "So? Use a prestidigitation to dry yourself and your clothes off on the other side. And mine as well, for giving you the idea," she suggested.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 245 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 5 Feb 2012
at 12:56
  • msg #603

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana remained ready to join her friends when they were done scouting.   This was terribly exciting after all, and even having damp and squishy clothes was worth it.
player, 158 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sun 5 Feb 2012
at 17:27
  • msg #604

Re: Day 172

Myarra treads water next to Swiftstrider, straining her eyes to see further north to where the splashing sound came from while she pondered the alter and the elven statue.  She'd done a fair amount of research on religion during her wandering period when she'd been trying to find a deity that might accept her.  But then, these were ancient ruins under an ancient forest that had swallowed an ancient elven civilization.

"We should head back." She tells Swiftstrider.  "It looks like this is the only way through, so we should go get the others.  I guess everyone will be swimming after all.

Unless you'd prefer to stay here and keep watch while I fetch them?"

player, 94 posts
Sun 5 Feb 2012
at 17:33
  • msg #605

Re: Day 172

Silver just shakes his head at the almost childish flirtation going on between Amara and the Wizard. To find the time, in such a place, was impressive, to say the least. He waited along with the others, for Myarra and Swiftstrider to get back.
player, 105 posts
Tue 7 Feb 2012
at 20:30
  • msg #606

Re: Day 172

You don't understand, Amara. I'm walking around right now in wet clothes. I think when I get back to the tower, I'm going to make all my stuff magically waterproof, so I won't have to use prestidigitation.
player, 117 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 7 Feb 2012
at 22:36
  • msg #607

Re: Day 172

"Me wait.  You fetch," agrees Swiftstrider, listening for further sounds of movement in water.
player, 159 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 7 Feb 2012
at 22:52
  • msg #608

Re: Day 172

"Goli lenamaka nae" Myarra replies, then turns and kicks off back the way they came.  The sooner she gets back to the group, the better for everyone.
player, 119 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 7 Feb 2012
at 23:32
  • msg #609

Re: Day 172

The goliath smiles and waves waves Myarra on.
Big Boss
GM, 175 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 7 Feb 2012
at 23:47
  • msg #610

Re: Day 172

Myarra swims back and informs the group that the only way through is through deeper water, so everyone's getting wet. Either that, or go back and face the Crocodiles. Swiftstrider stays behind to see if he could hear another splash or anything that would indicate what's off in the darkness, but only hears the disturbed water hitting the sides of the wall.....

Swim checks (DC 10 plus armor and weight) to those that swim to Swiftstrider, or Take 10 to hold onto the walls and travel around the room to him.
player, 64 posts
Wed 8 Feb 2012
at 00:53
  • msg #611

Re: Day 172

Despite knowing the requirement already, Amara can't help but sigh. She uses the walls to help her navigate the passage while her hummingbird flies off ahead, just as uninterested in getting wet, but more capable of doing something to avoid it.
player, 160 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 8 Feb 2012
at 01:14
  • msg #612

Re: Day 172

The others don't seem terribly interested in getting wet, but really, they're in an ancient water system.  It should have been obvious that water was going to be involved.

Leading the way, Myarra heads back to Swiftstrider, helping those without the ability to see in the dark find their way.  "Thelonious, would you mind conjuring up that light again?" she whispers to the monk.  "It's one thing to expect you all to walk around in the dark; swimming in the dark would be totally foolish."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 246 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 8 Feb 2012
at 09:29
  • msg #613

Re: Day 172

It's okay, my friends, I have something. 
Aliana took out her Everburning Torch (one of them, anyway) and used it to light the way.
player, 121 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Thu 9 Feb 2012
at 20:23
  • msg #614

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider keeps watch to the North while everyone arrives.
player, 96 posts
Thu 9 Feb 2012
at 21:36
  • msg #615

Re: Day 172

Silver gets ready to swim out to Swifty, when everyone goes. He didnt want to get wet either, buuuut he already was.

14 Swim check, I dont hink I have any penalties.
player, 106 posts
Thu 9 Feb 2012
at 23:30
  • msg #616

Re: Day 172

Anyone who has a spell book, give them to me. I'm going to use my boots to stay out of the deep water and grab the walls until we meet up with Swiftstrider.

Whoever gives him their books, they are tucked into his backpack as he levitates above the water's surface and uses the wall to move himself forward. He couldn't wait to see Amara, Aliana and even Myarra come out of the water. That would put a smile even on Swiftstrider's face.
Big Boss
GM, 176 posts
I am looking down upon
Fri 10 Feb 2012
at 23:57
  • msg #617

Re: Day 172

Whether or not you gave your spellbooks to Nolan for safe keeping, you all manage to make it to where Swiftstrider is waiting. The water looks to get deeper from here as Amara spots something fall from the ceiling (50 feet up from the water level) and then everyone hears the splash afterward. Waiting and watching, those with the vision can see some Crocodiles swimming to the area where the object dropped into the water.

Area Map Updated

link to a message in this game
player, 65 posts
Sat 11 Feb 2012
at 08:33
  • msg #618

Re: Day 172

This only makes Amara want to get out of the water all the more. Unfortunately, it appears that the water only gets deeper from here. She looks up toward the ceiling where she saw something drop, trying to determine where exactly it had come from, her longer range darkvision potentially useful in this situation.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 248 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 11 Feb 2012
at 08:43
  • msg #619

Re: Day 172

Um...guys?  What's happening?   What do we do now?

Sister Aliana was feeling a little useless, and was tempted to start throwing spells around.
player, 66 posts
Sat 11 Feb 2012
at 09:09
  • msg #620

Re: Day 172

"Something fell, and crocs are swarming. We continue," the drow answered simply.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 249 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 11 Feb 2012
at 09:17
  • msg #621

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana scrunched her face up, obviously confused and wondering what was going on.  Then her pretty elven face when slack with shock and disgust.
Oh, Sweet Merciful don't think that was the privy of this place, do you?
player, 161 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sat 11 Feb 2012
at 21:25
  • msg #622

Re: Day 172

In answer to Aliana's question, Myarra offers, "There's an alter right behind us and a statue to an elven god, so I'm thinking it's not likely. Besides, it's been a really long time.

Although, come to think of it, the crocs are certainly using it as one.  It's one of the reasons why I can't understand why you people like to live right along rivers with all those disgusting, filthy fish.

And there's no telling if the orcs are using it as one.

Anyway, I'm with Amara, let's push on.  I think we should keep to the left wall and try not to attract attention."

player, 107 posts
Sun 12 Feb 2012
at 18:16
  • msg #623

Re: Day 172

I thought we were heading east?
Big Boss
GM, 177 posts
I am looking down upon
Fri 17 Feb 2012
at 00:53
  • msg #624

Re: Day 172

With Nolan not receiving an answer, the group moves/swims West, holding onto the wall for support. The crocodiles have what appears to be a body and are fighting over it as it's being torn apart. Amara can count at least 4 crocs with more coming from the West.

Map Updated

link to a message in this game
player, 67 posts
Fri 17 Feb 2012
at 01:00
  • msg #625

Re: Day 172

"Four more," Amara informed the party quietly. She wasn't going to hold back information and possibly get people killed, even if she was sulking. "From the way we're going."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 250 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 17 Feb 2012
at 02:49
  • msg #626

Re: Day 172

So what's the plan?
Aliana asked eagerly, wanting to help.
player, 108 posts
Sun 19 Feb 2012
at 17:52
  • msg #627

Re: Day 172

I can levitate myself up to the hole in the ceiling to see where it goes. If the coast is clear, I can lower a rope for anyone else who can't make it up here. Or, we can explore more. Or, the little hummingbird can go fly around and tell Amara what it sees. Plenty of choices, but fighting the crocodiles isn't one of them. That will generate too much noise.
player, 68 posts
Sun 19 Feb 2012
at 20:03
  • msg #628

Re: Day 172

"Then go," Amara said. "I will send her with you in case you find only trouble."
Big Boss
GM, 178 posts
I am looking down upon
Wed 22 Feb 2012
at 00:32
  • msg #629

Re: Day 172

So, Nolan levitates to the ceiling to see if he could find a way into the entrance that Amara saw, while the rest of the group waits over to the side while watching the Crocodiles eat whatever was thrown down. Thelonious hopes it wasn't one of his friends. Coming near the area up near the ceiling, Nolan finds a 10x10 hole leading straight up about 25 feet....
player, 69 posts
Wed 22 Feb 2012
at 01:02
  • msg #630

Re: Day 172

Amara sent her hummingbird with Nolan with instructions to return either if he found himself in trouble or if he instructed her to return.

From below she watched appreciatively as he rose in the air. Sure, guys might be the ones known for looking up women's skirts, but there was no reason a lady couldn't look up a levitating man's robes.
player, 27 posts
Wed 22 Feb 2012
at 06:59
  • msg #631

Re: Day 172

"What are our options if we must use that as the entry point?"  He knew he had no way to fly and free climbing that was not going to be in the cards for the young monk.  Hopefully the others had some way of taking them up there or securing ropes to make the climb more manageable.
player, 70 posts
Wed 22 Feb 2012
at 08:42
  • msg #632

Re: Day 172

"Well, levitation of flight for those who can, I should say. And for those who can't, ropes with grappling hooks, I should imagine." the drow replied with a shrug.
player, 162 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 22 Feb 2012
at 20:44
  • msg #633

Re: Day 172

"A rope will work for me.  We'll have to see what Nolan discovers." Myarra added.  "Wings are great, but they don't work that well in such a narrow space ... unless you're as small as one of those ... hummingbirds?" she ends her statement in a question to Amara, making sure she'd heard what the mage's familiar was called correctly.
player, 71 posts
Wed 22 Feb 2012
at 22:32
  • msg #634

Re: Day 172

Amara nodded to Myarra, confirming, "Yes, hummingbirds." Then she turned back to Thelonious, "Maybe you should tell us about your companions, so we'll recognize them. What are their names? Do you have code words to tell them things are safe that we should know about? What else should we know about you?"
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 251 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 23 Feb 2012
at 01:21
  • msg #635

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana shrugged.
I'm afraid I used up my flying spell fighting the other dragon.   But I have other magics.  I've been holding off my powerful miracles, but I could use them now, perhaps using Stone Shape to make a ladder, or something?
Big Boss
GM, 179 posts
I am looking down upon
Fri 24 Feb 2012
at 21:37
  • msg #636

Re: Day 172

Nolan levitates up to the ceiling and moves over to the hole. The 10x10 hole in the ceiling goes up about 25 feet into a room and Nolan can see some light up there...torch light. Flicka the Hummingbird flies up to take a look around and finds a large circular room with one door. There is a human here sitting against the wall doing something the Hummingbird doesn't understand. In front of this human are many objects. Flicka easily flies around and down the stairway and back to Amara in less than 15 seconds...

Picture added (Not to scale)

link to a message in this game
player, 72 posts
Sat 25 Feb 2012
at 03:44
  • msg #637

Re: Day 172

Amara whispers to the hummingbird, who chirrups back to her, for a few moments. "Good news. You need only climb to the ceiling and a little past. From there there are stairs. Though be quiet. There's at least one human nearby." She reaches into her haversack, pulling out first a grappling hook and then a line of silk rope, which she ties to it, but waits for Nolan to return with any further reports. Or, at least, until she gets bored of waiting.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 252 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 25 Feb 2012
at 04:03
  • msg #638

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana nodded, wishing she had more flying magic.
I'm ready to climb when everyone else is.  When should I go?

She'll gladly go first, but will respect party order.
player, 163 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sat 25 Feb 2012
at 05:56
  • msg #639

Re: Day 172

"If Nolan's floating spell can lift me too, then I can easily pull everyone else up to the stairs.  That would help keep the noise down."
player, 28 posts
Sat 25 Feb 2012
at 06:32
  • msg #640

Re: Day 172

The monk nodded vigorously to Myarra's suggestion.  "I have to say I like that idea."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 253 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 25 Feb 2012
at 08:58
  • msg #641

Re: Day 172

Aliana smiled.
Lead on, my friend.   I'm ready when you are.
player, 98 posts
Sat 25 Feb 2012
at 17:36
  • msg #642

Re: Day 172

Silver chuckles when Myarra offeres to pull everyone up. "How will I ever live this down? Heh. You think you can pull Swifty up too?"
player, 110 posts
Sat 25 Feb 2012
at 18:08
  • msg #643

Re: Day 172

Nolan makes it back down to the group after a couple of minutes to tell them of the news he'd gathered. From the planning that they're talking about, it looks like Amara's hummingbird already gave everyone the news.

I can take all of you up there, but only one at a time. That's the limitations of my boots. As for the guard playing cards, we could probably ambush him with pure numbers and throw him down the hole.
player, 73 posts
Sat 25 Feb 2012
at 18:34
  • msg #644

Re: Day 172

Amara stuffed her rope and grappling hook in her bag again. "I'll go immediately after you with the first. I can get up on my own, but am not strong enough to bring anyone else with me. But then there will be at least two of us up there instead of one alone."
player, 164 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sat 25 Feb 2012
at 18:44
  • msg #645

Re: Day 172

"Yes, I can." Myarra replies back to Silver in an off-hand tone.  "I could lift him and you at the same time if it came to it, although I'm more worried about the rope being able to handle it.  I just need to get up there myself, first.

If Nolan takes me up first, he can then take Amara and Aliana up while I pull Thelonious and Silver up on a rope.  Then if he can handle Swifty, fine.  If not, I'll take him."

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 255 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 25 Feb 2012
at 21:32
  • msg #646

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana looked at her friends, confused.
I want to apologize, my friends, but I must have forgotten something.  I thought this was an orc fortress.  Why is there a human here?
player, 165 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sat 25 Feb 2012
at 23:25
  • msg #647

Re: Day 172

"Well, if it's not totally out of line, perhaps we can ask him that before we throw him down the hole." Myarra says, with just a bit of a smirk.  She's not typically the diplomatic type.
Big Boss
GM, 180 posts
I am looking down upon
Sun 26 Feb 2012
at 01:52
  • msg #648

Re: Day 172

Using the thrashing Crocodiles as a diversion, you all manage to make it up onto the stairway eventually. You all wondered if the human was going to look down the hole and catch you guys, but he never did. Silver sneaks up to the top of the stairs and sees the man playing cards and talking to himself about how bad his luck has turned as of late.

Maps Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh)

link to a message in this game
player, 74 posts
Sun 26 Feb 2012
at 02:50
  • msg #649

Re: Day 172

"Let me handle this," the drow said to the others. She then gestured, drawing magic together, before revealing herself to the human. "I know what you mean. It's been such a bad day that now I'm lost."
player, 166 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sun 26 Feb 2012
at 03:02
  • msg #650

Re: Day 172

Myarra nods her agreement to the drow woman and holds her position, water from the tunnels still running down her clothes and pooling all over the stairs.  Amara was striking enough to cause pretty much any man to gape for a few seconds.  And if Amara's ploy didn't work as she expected, well then Myarra could close the gap and do a bit of striking of her own.
Big Boss
GM, 181 posts
I am looking down upon
Sun 26 Feb 2012
at 03:55
  • msg #651

Re: Day 172

The man is quick on his feet with his sabre out when he heard Amara's voice. He stands about 6 foot and is fairly slender. His clothing is definitely not of the common stock and looks to be tailor-made and clean. He looks to be in his late 20's, early 30's with brown hair, shoulder length. For a human, he's pretty good looking. His sabre glows a light blue as he points the tip at Amara.

"Well now. That spell cast at me wasn't very nice."

The man's footsteps are definitely planned out as Amara spots a drawn pattern on the ground out of the dirt.

"I've met some drow elves before, but they certainly didn't look like you." the human said with a smile, obviously liking what he saw "And I never expected anybody to be coming from down there."

Then Myarra comes from the stairs.

"Good lord! There's more of you? You ladies are going to get me fired."

Battle Map Updated

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player, 75 posts
Sun 26 Feb 2012
at 12:40
  • msg #652

Re: Day 172

"Oh, nonsense," Amara said, striking as alluring a pose as she knew how, not really wishing to come closer to the drawn saber. And she knew how to allure men. "That spell was just to make sure you were friendly, so perhaps we could spend some time together. I'm all wet and cold and lost." She ran her hands down her outfit, accentuating her endowments. She glanced back when she heard about the others, "Oh, and this is my traveling companion. Don't worry - there's only the two of us," she spoke loud enough for the others to hear, and hopefully stay back. "And neither of us have not had the companionship of a man for a very long time." She took a step closer, turning her back to him. "Surely we can find something else to do than fight, something more mutually enjoyable, don't you think, handsome? Would you mind helping me untie this dress? I should love to get out of it to let it dry."
Big Boss
GM, 182 posts
I am looking down upon
Sun 26 Feb 2012
at 16:48
  • msg #653

Re: Day 172

The stranger moves to location Q-28 after Amara starts using her "charms", which he falls for "Hook, line and sinker". But, when he notices something strange on Myarra's back, he stops.

"I know I shouldn't be doing this, but those cult guys never come down here, so they'll never know." the stranger smiled as he slowly walked to Amara "Yes, I must say that you're quite stunning and your friend is very muscular. Does she have wings?"

Map Updated

link to a message in this game
player, 77 posts
Sun 26 Feb 2012
at 16:58
  • msg #654

Re: Day 172

"She does," Amara replies to the man. "My name's Amara. What's yours? Or should I just call you handsome?"
player, 167 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sun 26 Feb 2012
at 17:00
  • msg #655

Re: Day 172

Myarra stays where she is, staring mostly downward at a point in front of her feet, only occasionally glancing up to see what the man is doing.  She keeps her arms at her sides, her shoulders drooped, trying to look as nonthreatening as she can (hopefully being totally wet and bedraggled would help), and letting Amara keep the man's eyes on herself.  She listens carefully to the drow, ready to follow her lead.
Big Boss
GM, 183 posts
I am looking down upon
Sun 26 Feb 2012
at 17:18
  • msg #656

Re: Day 172

"Oh, please excuse my manners. My name is Francis. From Baldur's Gate." Francis smiled with a bow of a swordman "And I thank you for your complement. You're perhaps the nicest drow female I have ever encountered in my long years of adventuring."
player, 78 posts
Sun 26 Feb 2012
at 17:24
  • msg #657

Re: Day 172

"Thank you. Now, Francis, tell me, how did an adventurer from Baldur's Gate end up guarding... what is it you're guarding exactly? Here, for a cult?"
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 259 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 26 Feb 2012
at 23:04
  • msg #658

Re: Day 172

Aliana, out of sight but within hearing range for her sensitive ears, shook her head with awe at Amara's performance.  She didn't think that she herself would be capable of such seductive guile.  Her few attempts back at the Oghman Library were usually met with gentle laughter and a pat on the head for a "nice try".

There was lots she could learn from the drow woman, it seemed.
Big Boss
GM, 185 posts
I am looking down upon
Mon 27 Feb 2012
at 07:35
  • msg #659

Re: Day 172

"I was just hired as a regular mercenary, honey." Francis said proudly to Amara "I honestly think they didn't think I was going to survive and now they don't know what to do with me. They obviously liked my performance, but put me down here when I told them I wouldn't deal with Orcs. And now, as I look at you, but mainly at your friend there, I seem to remember some of the cultists talking about an adventuring group from that little village with the black tower in it. They described a winged woman like your friend, plus a couple more that might be snooping around in the forest."
player, 80 posts
Mon 27 Feb 2012
at 07:41
  • msg #660

Re: Day 172

"Oh really?" Amara replied, looking over her shoulder at the man. "I hope you're being paid well. It doesn't sound like they're very good employers, giving you a choice of working with orcs or keeping you down here like a prisoner yourself. Especially if you don't even get to enjoy yourself once in a while," she gave him a slightly pouting look that men seem to find attractive.
player, 168 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 27 Feb 2012
at 14:28
  • msg #661

Re: Day 172

Myarra held herself still, wondering just why this guy kept harping on her while Amara was right there in front of him, sopping wet.  Most guys wouldn't have been able to form complete sentences, never mind recall odd facts people had told him.
player, 81 posts
Tue 28 Feb 2012
at 02:45
  • msg #662

Re: Day 172

Perhaps to encourage the man, Amara set her haversack on the ground and unbuckled her cloak, lying it like a rug on the ground in front of them.
Big Boss
GM, 186 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 28 Feb 2012
at 20:43
  • msg #663

Re: Day 172

"Nooo waaay." Francis said as he backed up "This is definitely a trap of somekind. No way in hell a pretty drow female likes me, while the other stands off to the side waiting to break me in half. I may have been born yesterday, but it wasn't last night."
player, 169 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 28 Feb 2012
at 21:04
  • msg #664

Re: Day 172

"Amara?" Myarra finally says, knowing this is starting to go pear-shaped.  She puts a bit of whine into her voice for good measure.  "Would you please tell him we're not going to hurt him?  You told me when we fled down the hole in the tree roots to get away from that dragon that we'd safe, but it's just been water and monsters ever since and I'm tired. And I'm cold, and you promised me a fire, and I want to get out of these wet things before I catch my death."

Reaching carefully around behind her with one hand, she pulls on the restraining cords that hold her armor in place, letting the edges slip free.  She then pulls the edge up over her head and drops the chainmail onto the floor.

Losing her armor is serious, but then she has a drow wizard standing right there, and four more back-ups hiding just out of sight.  Whatever this man is, he's not going to be able to do enough damage before they put him out.  And if they can just get him to put the sword away, no violence may be necessary.  Well, maybe just a little bit.
player, 82 posts
Wed 29 Feb 2012
at 02:56
  • msg #665

Re: Day 172

"As she said, we're not going to hurt you. But I am growing rather unhappy with you pointing that sword at us still. There's other things I think would be better to point at us," Amara said, trying to decide if this was salvageable or not. She really didn't think so at this point. She made a few gestures as she shook her long hair.
player, 170 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 29 Feb 2012
at 03:18
  • msg #666

Re: Day 172

Without seeming to pay more attention to the man, Myarra unties her sack of belongings from her belt and let's that drop gently to the ground on top of her armor.  Her bow and quiver of arrows follow since it's too close quarters to engage in archery anyway.  But let the man think what he will.

Bending over, she pulls off each boot, letting what seems to be about a gallon of water pour out of each one.  This part she doesn't mind at all, squelching around in wet boots is nasty business and tends to cause blisters.  If she's going to fight this person, she'd actually prefer to do it barefoot at this point.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 260 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 29 Feb 2012
at 03:24
  • msg #667

Re: Day 172

Aliana stayed as still and quiet as possible.   Though she was arguably the least scary of the three of them, she knew that making an appearance would only upset an already delicate balance.   Though she was curious about whether or not she could be so seductive.
player, 103 posts
Wed 29 Feb 2012
at 03:38
  • msg #668

Re: Day 172

This was turning from the worst day ever, to almost the best. Two women almost undressing a scant few feet from him. Silver was all grins. If only he could see... But he knew better than to try and peek up there, and give them away. If they could get this man to give up, or subdue him with little to no violence it lessens the chances of anyone getting hurt. But oh he could imagine.
Big Boss
GM, 187 posts
I am looking down upon
Wed 29 Feb 2012
at 19:37
  • msg #669

Re: Day 172

With Myarra "undressing" and Amara moving around like a sex goddess, Francis never knew what hit him whem Amara cast that spell on him. He smiled and put his sword away....
player, 83 posts
Wed 29 Feb 2012
at 21:27
  • msg #670

Re: Day 172

Amara smiled at Francis, moving up to him. It certainly didn't hurt the enchantment to carry it on. She embraced him, kissing him on the lips. "There. I knew you'd realize we didn't wish you any harm. Now, Francis, why don't we sit down and chat a bit," She waved off Myarra, trying to communicate silently that she didn't need to go any further. "I'd like to learn all about you. Starting with how you came to be working here." She sat down on her cape, leaving the part open that if he was to sit looking at her, he would be looking away from the stairs.
Francis Orville
NPC, 1 post
Wed 29 Feb 2012
at 21:58
  • msg #671

Re: Day 172

"Oh, that's easy Amara. I was hired in Soubar by some clerics to escort them to some old ruins up the road two days travel." Francis said as he sat down next to Amara "I couldn't pass up 500 gold pieces, you know what I mean? I didn't care where they got the money. But, when we got to the ruins, I didn't like the undead that was all over the place. It made my clothes smell bad. The clerics liked my performace during the dispatching, so they hired me again to go into the forest as a guard. I accepted and arrived here. The orcs came a few days later and I was upset. I don't like orcs and refused to work with them, so I was put down here to guard this hole."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 261 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 29 Feb 2012
at 22:12
  • msg #672

Re: Day 172

Over around the corner, Aliana was able to take a peek at the man, now that he was looking away.  Even with his back turned, she recogized him instantly.   It was all she could do not to gasp.

Turning to Silver, Nolan, Swiftstrider, and Thelonius, she whispered softly but urgently.
player, 171 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 29 Feb 2012
at 22:18
  • msg #673

Re: Day 172

Myarra rolled her eyes and waved back at Amara once Francis' back was turned to her.  Men! being the silent message.  Myarra wasn't ashamed of her body, although she'd found that most "civilized" folks were, which was one of many strangeness-es she'd discovered after crossing the mountains.  But there was something slightly slimy and distasteful about using herself like that when she wasn't really interested in the target.  It was far more honest to just run them through.  But they needed the information, and they needed Francis not to call for help.  And making herself not appear the type to "snap a man in half" had been equally necessary.  Fortunately all she had had to do was distract the man from the perceived threat while Amara did the more cultured part.

Of course, it hadn't all been for show either.  She really did hate being wet, and she really did wish they could get a fire going soon so she could get properly dry.  Moving as softly as she could, she edged back over to the stairs until she could see the others below.  Putting one finger to her lips to make sure they stayed quiet, she mimed that Amara was going to need just a couple more minutes.

Then she stood quietly again, not wanting to distract Amara now that she had Francis right where she wanted him.
player, 84 posts
Fri 2 Mar 2012
at 02:17
  • msg #674

Re: Day 172

"Just guarding this hole? How boring! And they didn't even give you a companion to play cards with! These clerics do not sound like very enjoyable people to work with.
But then, sometimes, money is money.
How many orcs are here, and how many clerics? And how often do they check in with you? I would hate to be interrupted."

Francis Orville
NPC, 2 posts
Fri 2 Mar 2012
at 13:25
  • msg #675

Re: Day 172

"Oh, I can leave when I want to. They don't expect anything to be coming OUT of the hole, but isn't it funny that you did?" Francis asked "I couldn't give an exact count of the orcs, but I'd say over 50. As for the priests, I came here with 5 and they met up with other humans. I honestly think they belong to some cult worshipping dragons or something, because 2 big ones live above with their hatchlings. I overheard one of the priests mentioning an orb or something in the forest and they were using this place as a base of operations until they found some ruins, or something like that."
player, 85 posts
Fri 2 Mar 2012
at 21:21
  • msg #676

Re: Day 172

"Two dragons with their hatchlings? That is surprising! Have you met them? What are they like? I always thought it would be neat to meet a dragon..."
player, 111 posts
Fri 2 Mar 2012
at 23:50
  • msg #677

Re: Day 172

Nolan wanted to look too as he saw Silver with the disappointed look to his face, but then Aliana mentioned Francis Orville. He also knew the Orville family as he whispered back to Aliana

I know the Orville family. His father Dennis was a student wizard at the tower some time ago.
player, 122 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Sun 4 Mar 2012
at 03:50
  • msg #678

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider didn't like the waiting and didn't understand seduction. To him, it was easier to knock this man out and throw him down the hole. When hearing that the human fought four others and won without a scratch, Swiftstrider didn't believe it and figured Aliana was telling stories.
Francis Orville
NPC, 3 posts
Sun 4 Mar 2012
at 03:55
  • msg #679

Re: Day 172

"Yes, I met them. They were very unpleasant." Francis said "And they smelled bad. It made my nose burn. When the orcs came, I didn't know what smelled worse. You know what? I'm happy that we're friends. If or when you ladies leave here, I'd like to give these cultists my formal resignation and accompany you out of here."
player, 86 posts
Sun 4 Mar 2012
at 07:17
  • msg #680

Re: Day 172

Amara smiled at Francis, "I think that's a wonderful idea, Francis.

So what makes you refuse to work with orcs?"

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 262 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 4 Mar 2012
at 08:42
  • msg #681

Re: Day 172

In reply to Nolan (msg #677):

Aliana nodded at Nolan's story, wondering if the son had inherited any magic skills as well.    She waited to see what would happen next.
Francis Orville
NPC, 4 posts
Sun 4 Mar 2012
at 17:15
  • msg #682

Re: Day 172

"Orcs are filth and slime and should be removed from society." Francis stated "If I knew that these cultists were dealing with Orcs, I would have rejected their offer. I've never seen these Dragon Cult members before, so I thought they were harmless. I was wrong. They pay well, but their morals I'd have to question."
player, 87 posts
Sun 4 Mar 2012
at 17:43
  • msg #683

Re: Day 172

"Agreed," Amara replied. "Francis, I have to admit, I've gotten quite lost wandering around in here. Would you happen to have a map I may look at? Or perhaps could you draw one?"
player, 172 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 5 Mar 2012
at 02:02
  • msg #684

Re: Day 172

Myarra shakes her head, trying to wait patiently as Amara slowly (too slowly in her not very patient way) extracts information from the man.  There's not much she can do to help, so she uses the time to try and wring whatever water she can out of her clothes.  She looks down at her shirt in some disgust.  It was once good solid Cormyran cotton, now it wasn't much better than the rags used to wipe down the camels.  She'd have to see about picking up a couple of new sets of clothes in Soubar the next time they got to visit.  Maybe even invest in something like a silk blend.  It looked pretty good on Amara, although she probably would want something a little less sheer and form hugging than what the drow could pull off.
Francis Orville
NPC, 5 posts
Thu 8 Mar 2012
at 02:25
  • msg #685

Re: Day 172

"No, I don't have a map, sorry. But, there's not much to this place. I can draw something in the dirt, if you wish?" Francis asked "I overheard one of the priests mentioning they're only here for the water for the orcs. They plan on looking for some treasure in some ruins somewhere in the forest."
player, 89 posts
Thu 8 Mar 2012
at 04:07
  • msg #686

Re: Day 172

Amara looked up at Myarra, "Do you have a quill and parchment?"
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 264 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 8 Mar 2012
at 10:01
  • msg #687

Re: Day 172

In an effort to be helpful, Sister Aliana reached into her magic haversack to draw out a quill and parchment.   Just as her hand entered the bag, though, she realized that this action, if performed, might actually be less helpful than she intended.   She froze again, wincing, mentally chiding herself for her enthusiasm.
player, 174 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 9 Mar 2012
at 04:24
  • msg #688

Re: Day 172

Making sure she stays behind Francis' back, Myarra moves closer to the stairs.

"I'm pretty sure I do, Amara.  Let me look in my bag."

Feeling confident that one of the studious types must have something useful, she takes a step down and then leans in with an open hand, hoping someone will hand her something.
player, 113 posts
Sat 10 Mar 2012
at 21:17
  • msg #689

Re: Day 172

Nolan waved to Aliana to give Myarra what she wanted. If this Francis drew them a map, then defeating these orcs and rescuing the prisoners will be much easier. The group could actually come up with a plan.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 265 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 10 Mar 2012
at 23:02
  • msg #690

Re: Day 172

Aliana saw the hand, and scrambled to put some paper and writing implements in it.
player, 175 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 12 Mar 2012
at 15:30
  • msg #691

Re: Day 172

Myarra felt the paper, quill, and ink bottle pressed into her hand.  She smiled to herself as she cross the floor to where Amara and Francis were sitting.  It has almost been like magic.

Making sure to come around widely and slowly so as not to get too close to, or to startle, the enchanted man, she she knelt down just a bit behind and next to Amara and presented the writing materials to the drow.
player, 90 posts
Mon 12 Mar 2012
at 22:03
  • msg #692

Re: Day 172

"Thank you," Amara said to Myarra, taking the supplies, then presenting them herself to Francis.
Francis Orville
NPC, 6 posts
Thu 15 Mar 2012
at 04:09
  • msg #693

Re: Day 172

With some scribbles here and some lines there, Francis draws up a map of the complex:

link to a message in this game

"I know they store prisoners in the room just outside this door, but other than that, I don't know what's in the other doors. Up the stairs are some cultist guards and out the door is the fortress." Francis explained "Dragons are to the South, Orcs all over the place and the command building. Never been in there. Towers hold orcs, who keep an eye on the area at night. Pretty simple set up, if you ask me."
player, 91 posts
Thu 15 Mar 2012
at 10:29
  • msg #694

Re: Day 172

"And yet it looks effective. Or do you see weaknesses that you would fix?" Amara replied.
Francis Orville
NPC, 7 posts
Thu 15 Mar 2012
at 12:19
  • msg #695

Re: Day 172

"The only weakness is the material of the walls, but the cultists were smart about that, because wood is plentiful here in the forests." Francis explained "The walls are about 15 feet tall and if a dragon breaks something, the orcs get more wood and patch up the hole."
player, 92 posts
Thu 15 Mar 2012
at 21:48
  • msg #696

Re: Day 172

"Ah, I'm glad they don't force you to do such grunt labor," Amara said to Francis, but her eyes wandered to Myarra, eyebrows raising questioningly.
player, 176 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 16 Mar 2012
at 16:27
  • msg #697

Re: Day 172

Myarra looks the map over and suppresses a sigh.  It is a pretty good setup.  Their best option is to burn it down.  But that would risk the forest, and she's sure the nature folks would probably object.  Still, only fifty orcs.  If they could get Francis to help, and it sounded like he was willing, that would be less than ten orcs each.

"Amara, could you remove my disguise spell?  I know you said looking like the winged freak from that town would make me more scary, but I really think I look ugly like this." She looks over at Francis when she says the last part.  "And I'd like our friend to think better of me, especially if we're going to be working closely together."

She wonders if the ruins in the forest was the tower they'd come out of, or if it was some other ruins.  The medusa had been to the tower ... which did have an orb ... and she'd had plenty of orcs with her.
player, 93 posts
Fri 16 Mar 2012
at 23:59
  • msg #698

Re: Day 172

Amara looked up at Myarra. She caught on easily enough, but wondered how much spellcraft Myarra had. The problem with disguising spells was that all the lower level ones worked only on oneself. And the problem with other illusions was that they required concentration until higher level. Well, that was a discussion for another day. "No, I think it can still be useful to frighten people, and if I remove it, I can't re-cast it today. Wait a while longer." She considered, "I think perhaps we should get out of here first before any other activities" she smiled seductively at the man, trying to lead his mind to what those activities might be. "Based on what you say, Francis. And we certainly can't go back the way we came in. Are you ready to leave your employers here? And perhaps kill a few orcs if it came down to it?" A simple charm spell, after all, would only work so far.
player, 177 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sat 17 Mar 2012
at 01:07
  • msg #699

Re: Day 172

"Oh, all right." Myarra replies, her disappointment partially real.  She'd hoped Amara would just wiggle her fingers or whatever, then she'd be able to use the circlet to change her form to something that Francis wouldn't find quite so intimidating.

"Sorry Francis, you'll have to wait to see how pretty I really am.  But the wait will be worth it, I promise."

She then subside into silence so that Amara could keep working up the charm spell she'd cast.  If she remembered Hansdrok, the old shaman, correctly, it was easy to control someone as long as you only asked them to do things they wanted to do anyway.  That's why, when she'd been charmed by that sorcerer during the three dunes raid, she'd been able to break free of it.  She wondered if his fingers had healed yet, or if he'd learned to cast using his toes?
Francis Orville
NPC, 8 posts
Sat 17 Mar 2012
at 19:36
  • msg #700

Re: Day 172

Francis looked at Myarra, not believing that she was under a spell before turning back to Amara, "You're a good spell caster, I can see,  but do you have enough power to take on this complex? 50 orcs is no joke and if it were just the 3 of us...I don't know about that. The guards above the stairs maybe..."
player, 114 posts
Sat 17 Mar 2012
at 23:20
  • msg #701

Re: Day 172

Nolan was tired of waiting. Satin already informed the group that the orc fort was highly defensible. There was already one dragon dead and the other one might be off chasing Satin while she was in her true form. So, that left some hatchlings, some orcs and some cult priests. In his opinion, Nolan knew he could take this place out and hopefully the medusa with it.
player, 94 posts
Sat 17 Mar 2012
at 23:47
  • msg #702

Re: Day 172

"Just the three of us? No. But, I have five magic items," she said, reaching into her pack and extracting five normal pitons. "Once a day each of these will animate into what look like real people, but are actually just constructs under my control, and will last for a couple hours. So if you're willing and ready," she started picking up her things, "I'll activate these and then we can go as a larger group to attack."

9:46, Today: Amara rolled 23 using 1d20+15. bluff!!!!
player, 178 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sat 17 Mar 2012
at 23:56
  • msg #703

Re: Day 172

"Right now, Amara?  While we're still wet?  Well, poo!"  Myarra's not sure the Francis is going to fall for the five magic items ploy, so she hurries back to the other side of the room, redons her armor, and picks up the rest of her belongings.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 266 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 18 Mar 2012
at 12:13
  • msg #704

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana blinked in surprise from her hiding place.
Amara has five magic items that can become people?  I wonder where she got.........oh......
Then the math finally worked out in her head and tumblers fell into place.

Hmmm...I've never been a golem before.   Should be fun.
She smirked, shaking her head at the drow's inventiveness.   She wondered how the others would like being "under the control" of the drow.
player, 115 posts
Sun 18 Mar 2012
at 18:57
  • msg #705

Re: Day 172

Well, when Aliana looks at Nolan, she could tell that he didn't like the idea at all. He just rolled his eyes and shook his head.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 267 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 18 Mar 2012
at 23:27
  • msg #706

Re: Day 172

Aliana grinned playfully at Nolan, who reacted much like she assumed he would.  The others might not be so different.  She didn't care as much, as long as the job got done, but it was obvious that the drow was being more "playful" as well, making this into as much a prank on them (and Nolan, specifically) as a tactic to keep the trust of Francis.
Still, hopefully it would work.
Francis Orville
NPC, 9 posts
Tue 20 Mar 2012
at 22:58
  • msg #707

Re: Day 172

"I know that you're my friend, so you don't have to lie about magical pitons that turn into people." Francis smiled as he got up and looked down the hole "If you have more friends waiting to come up, bring them up. The more we have, the better chance we have of leaving here. But, I heard an orc mention that the command building has quite a bit of coin..."

Battle Map Updated
link to a message in this game
player, 95 posts
Tue 20 Mar 2012
at 23:08
  • msg #708

Re: Day 172

Amara was surprised at Francis's reaction, but tucked her pitons away. "I didn't want to concern you," she said to Francis. Then she called toward the others, "Alright, come on, everyone. It's time to fight some orcs!"
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 269 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 20 Mar 2012
at 23:42
  • msg #709

Re: Day 172

Unsure how a "elf golem" was supposed to act, Sister Aliana walked out at Amara's invitation with a bland expression on her face.    She walked up to stand by her and Myarra and nodded to them.
May we kill orcs now, please, ma'am?
Big Boss
GM, 189 posts
I am looking down upon
Fri 23 Mar 2012
at 00:18
  • msg #710

Re: Day 172

So, after Francis guesses that Amara's piton's aren't magic people, Amara calls the rest of the group up so they could discuss plans on what they should do. Francis is a bit surprised at the number of members there are already waiting, but the Charm spell of Amara's makes him friendly unless one of you does something to break the magic.

OOC: If you've been reading the posts and looed at the map, that's what the part sees.
Francis Orville
NPC, 10 posts
Fri 23 Mar 2012
at 00:23
  • msg #711

Re: Day 172

Francis smiles when the rest of the group comes up from the stairs below. His smile gets even bigger when he sees the size of Swiftstrider, even though he has no clue what Swiftstrider even is. But, when he looks to Aliana, his head tilts to one side, as if she seemed familiar to him...

"Have I seen you somewhere before? You look familiar to me." Francis said to Aliana
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 270 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 23 Mar 2012
at 13:03
  • msg #712

Re: Day 172

Aliana blushed as she realized her "disguise" was as unnecessary as it probably was bungled.   Smiling sheepishly, she joined the others as herself.   Orville's question caught her off guard, and she blushed again, surprised that this famous (and very handsome) man had noticed her (unless, of course, one elf looked like any other to him).

She smiled, hoping for the former.
I was a librarian in The Great Library of Scornubel, also known as the Temple of Oghma.    I ran many errands in town, and saw you there before.

You fought a duel were amazing. 

The pretty blonde elf winced, realized that she might have gone a bit far with that last one.   It was true, but she hoped she hadn't embarrassed him.
player, 116 posts
Sat 24 Mar 2012
at 17:15
  • msg #713

Re: Day 172

All Nolan remembered what that Francis' father was an idiot, and so far Francis was following the same path. He may be an excellent duelist, but there's always someone better.

OK, We know the set up of the complex. What are everyone's ideas? I think we should free the prisoners first and take control of this building and see how many dragons are still in the complex.
player, 123 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Sat 24 Mar 2012
at 19:56
  • msg #714

Re: Day 172

"Yes, prisoners need to be let out." Swiftstrider said in broken common "Then we get guards up stairs."

Swiftstrider had his axe out now and it was clear that he wanted to use it. The more he heard about these Dragon cultists, the more he didn't like them.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 271 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 24 Mar 2012
at 22:26
  • msg #715

Re: Day 172

Aliana nodded to the men.
That works for me.   Freeing the prisoners would be best for them.  We might even get some help.
player, 96 posts
Sat 24 Mar 2012
at 23:22
  • msg #716

Re: Day 172

Amara withheld a sigh. Nolan was not going to make it easy for this ruse to continue. "Then let's be off! Prisoners to free and orcs to slay!" But she made sure to keep her voice down despite letting excitement enter it.
player, 179 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sat 24 Mar 2012
at 23:36
  • msg #717

Re: Day 172

"All right, then." Myarra says, pulling the stays of her armor tight across her back.  With their little two-woman ruse exposed, and Francis still on their side, the time to play miss-ish was over.  "Then it's time to release some prisoners, kill some orcs, and save the day.  Then we can celebrate properly.  And a little extra cash won't hurt either; Mama's dirigible isn't going to buy itself."

She picks up her sword and other belongings and belts them into place.  She's as ready to go as she can be, but she still defers to Amara so as not to cause any stress on the magic keeping Francis friendly.
player, 104 posts
Thu 29 Mar 2012
at 01:52
  • msg #718

Re: Day 172

Silver headed up behind the rest, giving the man an appraising look. He looked like a fighter. Or at least capable. He was still ready to go. Hopefully he could do some of the work he was good at, once they got topside.
Big Boss
GM, 191 posts
I am looking down upon
Sat 31 Mar 2012
at 02:11
  • msg #719

Re: Day 172

Sneaking out into the hall, the party will determine that the hall is about 10 feet wide and about 60 feet long. Based off the map that Francis drew, there are prisoners in the room to the north. The door appears to be made quite cheaply, with wood from the forest. The locking mechanism is also cheap, but when you spy through the cracks in the wooden doors, you can see orcs and humans shackled to the wall. The shackles are not cheap.

Open Lock DC 10 to open door.

Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

link to a message in this game
player, 105 posts
Sat 31 Mar 2012
at 08:32
  • msg #720

Re: Day 172

Silver shakes his hea din amazement. Why were there orcs shackeld up too? He turns to Myarra and mimes picking the lock, with a questioning shrug.

If she indicates go ahead, he'll open the door. 24 Search, to fid trap, 28, to open lock. I'll wait to roll on trap if there is one.
player, 117 posts
Sun 1 Apr 2012
at 16:36
  • msg #721

Re: Day 172

Nolan didn't think it was a good idea to open the prisoner's cell. What were they going to do with them once they were freed? They could yell for the guards or something. Nolan wispered,

Leave them in there for now. They might yell for the guards or get in our way when we fight everyone above. We don't know who they are. They're safe in there. Thelonious, do you recognize any of them as your friends?
player, 98 posts
Sun 1 Apr 2012
at 17:00
  • msg #722

Re: Day 172

Amara raised an eyebrow at Nolan. What was he, crazy?

"How do you think they would hurt us? We might not have a chance to come back this way."
player, 181 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sun 1 Apr 2012
at 17:32
  • msg #723

Re: Day 172

"There are orcs locked up there as well." Myarra replies, also in a whisper.  "They may be in there for some minor punishment, but still be loyal to the cult.  Someone might be in there as a spy in case the other prisoners talk.  Sometimes it's easier to pretend to be a friendly ear than to beat information out of someone."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 274 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 1 Apr 2012
at 21:30
  • msg #724

Re: Day 172

Aliana stayed silent, seeing both sides of the argument.   Having a bunch of prisoners who might turn on them seemed a risk, but she couldn't just leave them there either.
player, 106 posts
Mon 2 Apr 2012
at 08:36
  • msg #725

Re: Day 172

Silver nods silently, and forgoes the lockpicking attempt, for now. They were right. But wrong too. But more heads decided against, so he let it be. He could always come back and free them later.
player, 182 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 2 Apr 2012
at 20:48
  • msg #726

Re: Day 172

"Unless Thelonious actually knows someone in there, I think it would be best to wait and release them afterward.  If he does, then we could release that one person and have him wait down here.  Once he hears fighting upstairs, he could release the rest.  At that point, a spy wouldn't make any difference since they'd already know we're here.

I don't like leaving them chained up, but right now it's over 5 to 1 odds against us.  Can we take the chance of losing surprise?"

It's up to the newcomer now to give them some guidance.
player, 99 posts
Thu 5 Apr 2012
at 00:50
  • msg #727

Re: Day 172

"Francis? What do you think? Are any of them loyal to the cult that you know of?"
Francis Orville
NPC, 11 posts
Thu 5 Apr 2012
at 22:27
  • msg #728

Re: Day 172

"Prisoners get thrown in there and the pit everyday." Francis said as he shrugged his shoulders "I have no clue who's loyal and who's not."
player, 183 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 6 Apr 2012
at 00:53
  • msg #729

Re: Day 172

"What about you, Thelonious?  Are any of these people friends of yours?"
player, 100 posts
Sat 7 Apr 2012
at 00:41
  • msg #730

Re: Day 172

"Thank you," Amara said, though she was actually disappointed that Francis wasn't better help in this regard. Still, they knew far more than they would without him. "Yes or no, decide quick. We need to keep moving."
player, 31 posts
Sat 7 Apr 2012
at 01:54
  • msg #731

Re: Day 172

Thelonious spies through the cracks in the cheap door to see if he could recognize any of his friends. He saw mostly orcs and other humans he didn't know.

"From what I see, I don't recognize anyone. But, it's hard to tell from just looking through cracks in the door."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 275 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 7 Apr 2012
at 04:31
  • msg #732

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana didn't like the idea of leaving prisoners, but she was no tactician and didn't feel qualified to argue.
We should get going.  The faster we defeat these monsters, the faster we can return to help these people.
player, 184 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sun 8 Apr 2012
at 04:21
  • msg #733

Re: Day 172

"I agree,  if neither Thelonious nor Francis can vouch for anybody in there, it's best we leave them for now and come back after.

We should check the other doors, but we'll need to be quiet."

player, 118 posts
Sun 8 Apr 2012
at 16:51
  • msg #734

Re: Day 172

Exactly. Chained up prisoners can't hurt you and once we sort out this mess, we can come back and determine who the prisoners are. Orcs will be killed, of course. I would have given them a chance, but they work for the cult.
player, 101 posts
Sun 8 Apr 2012
at 19:49
  • msg #735

Re: Day 172

Amara wasn't very happy about that decision, but decided it wasn't worth arguing at the moment. "More slaying, less freeing it is, then. Let's continue," She stepped away, knowing the others knew she was not a front-line fighter and that one or the other of those who were would quickly take the lead place.
player, 185 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 9 Apr 2012
at 17:02
  • msg #736

Re: Day 172

Myarra nods at the drow and turns to Silver.  "Well, master door opener, will you do the honors?"
Big Boss
GM, 192 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 10 Apr 2012
at 03:52
  • msg #737

Re: Day 172

It's unknown to the group what's in the next doors, except for the last one at the end of the hall. That leads upstairs to the guards Orville was talking about. Deciding to leave the prisoners where they are, the group goes to the next set of closest doors, to try and determine what they might hold. The doors are the same as the prisoner

OOC: Any rolls the party wishes to do about the doors should be made now.
player, 107 posts
Fri 13 Apr 2012
at 09:08
  • msg #738

Re: Day 172

Silver nods and takes up his tools, to attempt to open the next door instead. First he just tries the door, to see if it opens. If its locked, he tries to pick the lock.

Open Lock 24
player, 124 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Fri 13 Apr 2012
at 20:10
  • msg #739

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider keeps an anxious eye looking around for guards who might show up at any moment and interrupt them. He keeps his weapon ready for action!
player, 120 posts
Sat 14 Apr 2012
at 17:02
  • msg #740

Re: Day 172

Nolan followed along, his eyes watching that last door that heads up the stairs. If something attacked them down here, the group would be trapped, unless they jumped down the hole. He didn't want that.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 277 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 14 Apr 2012
at 22:37
  • msg #741

Re: Day 172

The blonde elf followed her friends, ready to defend them with her magic, should they need her.
Big Boss
GM, 194 posts
I am looking down upon
Wed 18 Apr 2012
at 02:43
  • msg #742

Re: Day 172

It doesn't take much for Silver to remove the lock from the cheap door. The door is opened to reveal a room with extra wood supplies. Mostly piles of wood that have been cut to made crude 2x4's. The lock is picked on the southern door as well without much of a problem to Silver. The door is opened to reveal a room filled with bits of discarded wood. There is a pile of 4 shackles lying on the ground to the side of the door, as if this room could become another prison cell in the future. From the doors, nothing much of interest to the party.

Listen checks.

Map Updated

link to a message in this game
player, 102 posts
Wed 18 Apr 2012
at 09:46
  • msg #743

Re: Day 172

5:45, Today: Amara rolled 16 using 1d20+7. listen.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 278 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 18 Apr 2012
at 12:26
  • msg #744

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana frowned at the beginnings of another cell.   There was enough of that nonsense already, in her mind.  She kept her ears open, though, for more information.
OOC:07:25, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 13 using 1d20+5. listen.

Francis Orville
NPC, 12 posts
Wed 18 Apr 2012
at 12:41
  • msg #745

Re: Day 172

"Another cell. Looks like they're expecting to stay here awhile?" Francis asked

05:40, Today: Francis Orville rolled 17 using 1d20+7. Listen check .
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 279 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 18 Apr 2012
at 12:45
  • msg #746

Re: Day 172

The pretty blonde elf smiled at him, blushing a little as she spoke to the man.
We'll have to see what we can do about that.

Francis was very handsome, and much more suave and charming than she remembered from her brief encounter with him years before.
player, 121 posts
Fri 20 Apr 2012
at 01:08
  • msg #747

Re: Day 172

OK, nothing in these rooms, unless anybody wants to search them? OK, on to the next doors.

It was quite obvious that Nolan could care less about this place and wanted to get to the surface where the action would be. He hoped the medusa was up there and asked Francis about her.

Hey Francis. Do you remember seeing a medusa in camp? Or perhaps a cloaked woman who never showed her face?
player, 109 posts
Fri 20 Apr 2012
at 18:02
  • msg #748

Re: Day 172

Silver padded along behind the group, ever alert, waiting for the agreement to move outside.

11:01, Today: Silver rolled 18 using 1d20+11. Listen.
player, 186 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 20 Apr 2012
at 18:10
  • msg #749

Re: Day 172

Myarra moves along with the others.  She knows it's important to check these other doors so that they don't get enemies on multiple sides.  But at the same time, she's itching to get up the stairs and see what's awaiting them.  And before the dragon gets back ... assuming Satin had actually managed to draw it away.
player, 104 posts
Sat 5 May 2012
at 00:03
  • msg #750

Re: Day 172

"It's alright, Francis. You can answer. They're friends." Amara said.
player, 129 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Thu 10 May 2012
at 00:29
  • msg #751

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider seems surprising at ease underground for a nomadic herdsman of the Alpine meadows.  He remains alert and ready for trouble while others check the various doors and rooms.
Francis Orville
NPC, 13 posts
Thu 10 May 2012
at 03:30
  • msg #752

Re: Day 172

Francis looked at Nolan, listening to his questions and replied after he thought on the subject,

"I don't remember a Medusa, but I do remember a hooded woman. She had some authority around here until she and some Orcs went into the forest. I know not why."
player, 105 posts
Sun 13 May 2012
at 15:02
  • msg #753

Re: Day 172

"Then let's continue. If we find her, we do. And if not, we still have plenty to handle."
Big Boss
GM, 197 posts
I am looking down upon
Wed 16 May 2012
at 00:39
  • msg #754

Re: Day 172

So, as the party decides to walk down the hallway to the last 3 doors, the door in the middle opens with a human calling out Francis' name as if he was needed. The man is dressed in platemail armor and carrying a mace and is totally surprised, as well as the rest of you, at seeing you and yells,

player, 189 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 16 May 2012
at 01:56
  • msg #755

Re: Day 172

The jig being up, Myarra doesn't hesitate.  Pushing forward, she brings her sword in to play, chopping at the man in front of her, and hoping to split him in half while he's surprised to see them.
player, 106 posts
Wed 16 May 2012
at 02:48
  • msg #756

Re: Day 172

Amara frowned, but was confident that the others could handle this guard. It was when the others came that would be the problem... "Francis, help my friends. I will release the prisoners." Amara said, then she cast a spell, becoming invisible. "And if you find the key, let me know."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 284 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 16 May 2012
at 08:26
  • msg #757

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana hung back, prepared to help as needed.  She'd help the others with the guard if they needed her, but would help Amara if they didn't.
player, 130 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Thu 17 May 2012
at 03:41
  • msg #758

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider moves forward to stand ready by to fight by Myarra!
Big Boss
GM, 199 posts
I am looking down upon
Fri 18 May 2012
at 03:59
  • msg #759

Re: Day 172

Surprise Round?

You and the enemy are just as shocked to see each other meeting in the hallway like this. It's quite obvious they never, ever, expected to see anyone down here except for Francis and some half dead prisoners. Myarra slashed down the plated man who yelled intruders as Swiftstrider stepped up to ptotect the hallway while Amara turned Invisible to set the prisoners free. There's still 3 plated men past the doorway that you see after Myarra took down the informer, with one of them walking in, thinking that the prisoners were freed by Francis. He knows walking into the hallway was a mistake now....

Everyone please roll initiatives and state your actions!

Battle Map Updated

link to a message in this game
player, 107 posts
Fri 18 May 2012
at 09:52
  • msg #760

Re: Day 172

Amara was invisible...
Francis Orville
NPC, 14 posts
Fri 18 May 2012
at 12:36
  • msg #761

Re: Day 172

"You cultist chumps leave a foul taste in the air." Francis said as he pointed his sword at the armored man "I'm going to slice you up, so I can feed your body to the wild animal of this forest."

Francis moves up and attacks.
player, 123 posts
Sun 20 May 2012
at 16:02
  • msg #762

Re: Day 172

Nolan was slow to react, because he didn't know if letting out the prisoners was a good idea or not. He didn't know if the prisoners would try and redeem themselves by fighting the party. He did end up casting a spell at any of the standing enemies.

Magic Missile damage: 11
NPC, 33 posts
Sun 20 May 2012
at 18:21
  • msg #763

Re: Day 172

To make sure the armored men didn't run away to tell the other of their kind the group was here, Thelonious ran after the armored man on the stairs before he could run away. He knew he might take a hit in the process, but if it would save the group some heart-ache, then it would be worth the effort.

11:21, Today: Thelonious rolled 10 using 1d20+3. Initiative.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 285 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 20 May 2012
at 21:00
  • msg #764

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana will pray for assistance from her god.
Great Traveler, bring help for this worthy battle.

OOC: Cast Summon Monster I, to begin a Celestial Badger behind the last man, to keep him from running away to get more help.
player, 191 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 22 May 2012
at 02:26
  • msg #765

Re: Day 172

Myarra handles the situation in the normal Myarra way.  Moving over the dead body at her feet she approaches the next living enemy in line and attempts to cut him down in his tracks.  There's no singing in this battle.  This isn't a joyful event.  This is just knife-work to get to the real enemies.
player, 131 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 22 May 2012
at 03:53
  • msg #766

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider moves past Myarra to the furthest fighter facing them.  He swings his large great axe with both hands to bring swift silence to the alarm.
player, 111 posts
Tue 22 May 2012
at 08:27
  • msg #767

Re: Day 172

It was tight quarters. Bit too tight for a bow, so, second best thing. Silver drew out a dagger while moving forward and flung it at the closest enemy.

Move to uhhh.... whatever square is behind and to the right of Myarra by one. Attack 20, 5 damage.
Big Boss
GM, 201 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 22 May 2012
at 23:18
  • msg #768

Re: Day 172

Round 1 results----------

Swiftstrider is quick on his feet and charges right up the stairs and past one of the enemy, taking a mace hit to his leg as he ran by. But, Swiftstrider's charge attack with his axe goes through the human 3's armor and chops him to the ground dead. Silver moves behind Myarra, throwing his dagger at Human 1 in the process, sticking him solidly. Francis steps up and slashes human 1 with his sabre and scores a solid slash through chinks in the man's armor.

Human 1 seems upset and afraid that Francis turned against him and his comrades, swing his mace on the duelist, only to have it easily deflected by Francis.

"You traitor! I knew we should have killed you long ago!"

Human 2 turns tail and runs back up the stairs yelling for help!, while Thelonious moves forward to find a way though the melee in the cramped hallway. Myarra is slow to react, but chops down the complaining cultist with a swipe of her sword. Nolan steps up so he could see up the stairs and casts a Magic Missile at the fleeing cultist. Amara didn't have any problems picking the cheap lock to the wood cell door where the prisoners were kept, while Aliana stepped up to summon a friend to her aid.

Name        Initiative   Health  Misc.
Swiftstrider   23        58/64
Silver         20        36/36
Francis        15        ??/??
Human 2        11        ??/11
Thelonious     10        47/47
Myarra         08        65/65
Nolan          06        59/59
Amara          04        30/30   Invisible
Aliana         03        34/34
Badger         03        ??/??   Summoned Creature
Human 4        DEAD
Human 3        DEAD
Human 1        DEAD

Battle Map Updated

link to a message in this game
player, 192 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 23 May 2012
at 01:05
  • msg #769

Re: Day 172

"Swifty, back up the fuzzball, would you please," Myarra asks her Goliath friend with what seems casual indifference, even as she moves up the stairs herself.  The human should be dead a couple times over by the time she gets there, but there's no point in being sloppy.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 288 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 23 May 2012
at 06:46
  • msg #770

Re: Day 172

The badger was probably not up to the task of stopping the man as he raced by, but, being a badger, it didn't give a crap.
01:44, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 1 using 1d2-1.  Claw damage

01:43, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 5,22,3 using d20+4,d20+4,d20-1. badger claw, claw, bite combo.

player, 111 posts
Thu 24 May 2012
at 10:04
  • msg #771

Re: Day 172

Amara was invisible...
player, 112 posts
Fri 25 May 2012
at 15:02
  • msg #772

Re: Day 172

Plenty of people left to stop the last one, Silver went to work checking the bodies. He knew it was going to have to be quick, he didnt know how fast it would take for orcs to hear the commotion. Hopefully one of them had keys on them.

33 Search check to search the cultist bodies.
player, 132 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Sat 26 May 2012
at 01:15
  • msg #773

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider lives up to his name and closes the gap between himself and the guard paused by the badger. When his first swing of his axe bites deep, the goliath swings a second time to insure silence.
player, 125 posts
Wed 30 May 2012
at 12:36
  • msg #774

Re: Day 172

Nolan decided to save his spells, since it looked like this fight was already over.

Looks like the fight has begun. Let's get up these stairs and take care of anymore guards before they call reinforcements.
Big Boss
GM, 206 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 31 May 2012
at 19:51
  • msg #775

Re: Day 172

Round 2 results----------

Swiftstrider quickly moves up and chops the last man down, his screams of agony echoing down the hall. The last you heard, Amara was going to free the prisoners, but you don't see her down there. Getting ready to move out and up the stairs, you hear Amara tell you guys that she's searching for a key to unlock the shackles as the door at the top of the stairs opens,

"What the hell is going on down there? I said get Francis, not kill the prisoners!" the armored man said before noticing you guys "What the hell? Guards! Get over here!"

3 Orcs armed with Great Axes appear in the doorway....

Name        Initiative   Health  Misc.
Swiftstrider   23        58/64
Silver         20        36/36
Francis        15        ??/??
Orc 6          15        ??/??
Orc 7          13        ??/??
Orc 5          13        ??/??
Human          12        ??/??
Thelonious     10        47/47
Myarra         08        65/65
Nolan          06        59/59
Amara          04        30/30   Invisible
Aliana         03        34/34
Badger         03        ??/??   Summoned Creature
Human 4        DEAD
Human 3        DEAD
Human 1        DEAD
Human 2        DEAD

Battle Map Updated

link to a message in this game
player, 112 posts
Thu 31 May 2012
at 23:55
  • msg #776

Re: Day 172

Francis Orville
NPC, 15 posts
Fri 1 Jun 2012
at 03:38
  • msg #777

Re: Day 172

Francis walked up the stairs to assist Swiftstrider, just in case he needed it. The orcs weren't going to be a problem, as Francis thought their fighting style too crude to give full effort on his part. The armored human wasn't one of the commanders, so he wasn't too worried about him either. He just wanted to get out of the building before the enemy burnt the place down.

"You Orcs don't stand a chance." Francis said as he swished his sabre in the air "I think you should run while you can."
NPC, 34 posts
Fri 1 Jun 2012
at 03:43
  • msg #778

Re: Day 172

Thelonious looked at the stairway and noted who was already there, then he looked to Myarra and that large sword of hers,

"Why don't you go ahead of me, that way you won't have to worry about hitting any of us with that sword of yours?" Thelonious asked Myarra "If we get hit by it from behind, that's our own fault."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 290 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 1 Jun 2012
at 04:27
  • msg #779

Re: Day 172

Aliana would move up to follow the rest of the guys as they confronted the guards.   She'll reach into her Bag of Tricks to pull out something to throw, but will wait until she's closer.

OOC:I assume that I'm not close enough yet.
player, 127 posts
Mon 4 Jun 2012
at 02:44
  • msg #780

Re: Day 172

Nolan was getting annoyed with all of this and wanted to get out of this cellar, so he casted a magic missile at orc 7.

If we don't hurry and get out of this cellar, those baby dragons won't be babies anymore!

Magic Missile damage: 17
player, 193 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 4 Jun 2012
at 17:01
  • msg #781

Re: Day 172

"Theo, if I hit your behind, it won't be by accident." she tells the newcomer with a laugh.

She's pretty sure that there's no way to reach the orcs quickly enough to overwhelm them before they can react, so instead she figures on reaching them menacingly.

"Do any of you have any oil?  If so, follow behind me and pour it on my wings."

Letting her wings spread out a bit, both to make more of the leather available, and also to help conceal anyone walking directly behind her, she moves forward at a normal walking pace, as if the enemy at the top of the stairs is of no importance to her.

"Swifty, dear.  Leave a couple of them for me.  I'm getting hungry."
player, 133 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 5 Jun 2012
at 02:14
  • msg #782

Re: Day 172

With a fierce roar, Swiftstrider charges up the stairs and swings at the center orc!
player, 113 posts
Wed 6 Jun 2012
at 02:33
  • msg #783

Re: Day 172

Silver waits to see what Myarra does, and when she spreads her wings and tells someone to pour oil on them, he had an idea what she was going to do. "Got your back, Demon." He quickly reached into his pack and pulls out a flask of oil and begins to pour it on her outstretched wings. This was going to be interestng.
Big Boss
GM, 210 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 7 Jun 2012
at 00:56
  • msg #784

Re: Day 172

Round 3 results----------

Running and yelling up the stairs, Swiftstrider charges at the middle Orc and splits the brute right in half with a fierce chop from HIS great axe, orcish blood spraying all over the place! Silver dumps a flask of oil on Myarra, remembering an old scare tactic that Myarra performed before, while Francis jogged up the stairs threatening the orcs at the top....but they don't hear him above Swiftstrider's yelling. Orc 7 and Orc 5 swing their axes on Swiftstrider, with Orc 5 scoring a chop to the Goliath's leg. The armored human, seeing that he and his orcs were outnumbered, runs outside to call for reinforcements!

Thelonious had never seen the burning wings scare tactic the group performed before, so he has a confused look on his face when he watched Silver dump oil all over Myarra's wings. He follows along when she goes up the stairs. Myarra unfolded her wings and quickly moved up the stairs and even with Swiftstrider's yelling, she notices that the Orcs don't like the sight of her, or their boss running out the door! Nolan, who always seemed to be annoyed at something, casts a Magic Missile spell that sends Orc 7 to the ground dead!

Amara smiles when her pathway opens up with the 2 dead orcs and moves in as silently as a cat.  Aliana and her summoned friend stay in the back with the rest of the party and enjoy the cover Myarra is providing with her wings

Name        Initiative   Health  Misc.
Swiftstrider   23        50/64
Silver         20        36/36
Francis        15        ??/??
Orc 5          13        ??/??
Human          12        ??/??   Fleeing!
Myarra         08        65/65
Thelonious     07        47/47
Nolan          06        59/59
Amara          04        30/30   Invisible
Aliana         03        34/34
Badger         03        ??/??   Summoned Creature
Human 4        DEAD
Human 3        DEAD
Human 1        DEAD
Human 2        DEAD
Orc 6          DEAD
Orc 7          DEAD

Battle Map Updated

link to a message in this game
player, 113 posts
Thu 7 Jun 2012
at 02:07
  • msg #785

Re: Day 172

Colorful lights flared up, surrounding and engulfing the fleeing human in their swirling brightness.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:12, Thu 07 June 2012.
player, 195 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 7 Jun 2012
at 14:46
  • msg #786

Re: Day 172

"Thanks Silver.  We need to hold off on the grand finale, so we can get the best effect.  Come on everyone, let's get to the courtyard and see what's going on."

She's confident that Swiftstrider is going to take care of the last of the orcs, so she breaks into a run and rushes forward as fast as she can, trying to reach the door the human is about to open.  She doubts she can get there before he gets it open, but hopefully she can get there before he can do much more.  And with any luck, maybe Nolan will turn him into a red spotted frilled lizard.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 295 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 7 Jun 2012
at 21:35
  • msg #787

Re: Day 172

Sister came after the group, ready to attack when the oppertunity happened.
player, 114 posts
Sun 10 Jun 2012
at 15:34
  • msg #788

Re: Day 172

Silver nod's to Myarra, and then chuckles to himself, cause she couldn't see it. "Don't often get thanked for covering a woman in flamable oil."

He followed the spread-winged Demon up the stairs, and out, trying to stay hidden behind her, to spring out when opportunity prestents.

Dunno how possible it is, but Hide 25, to hide behind Myarra.
player, 128 posts
Sun 10 Jun 2012
at 17:25
  • msg #789

Re: Day 172

There wasn't much Nolan could do at the moment, so he waited until the path was cleared so he could get outside to do some damage there.
Francis Orville
NPC, 16 posts
Mon 11 Jun 2012
at 20:20
  • msg #790

Re: Day 172

Francis ducked underneath Myarra's wings as he jogged up the stairs to assist Swiftstrider, but he figured the fight wasn't going to last long...
NPC, 35 posts
Mon 11 Jun 2012
at 20:23
  • msg #791

Re: Day 172

Thelonious also moved up the stairs behind the wall of Myarra's bat-like wings. He didn't know what to think of them as he started to think about the party that was gathered here. Right now, they were helping him, so he decided to just go along with it and hoped that he would find some of his friends and return home.
player, 134 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Mon 11 Jun 2012
at 20:31
  • msg #792

Re: Day 172


Now that he had plenty of room to swing his axe, Swiftstrider looked at the puny Orc in front of him and decided to see who would last the longest. Swiftstrider, who was competitive in nature, betted on himself as he chopped away with his axe.

13:30, Today: Big Boss, on behalf of Swiftstrider, rolled 23,21 using 3d6+9,3d6+9. Damage.
13:29, Today: Big Boss, on behalf of Swiftstrider, rolled 24,22 using 1d20+13,1d20+8. attack Orc 5.

Big Boss
GM, 213 posts
I am looking down upon
Mon 11 Jun 2012
at 21:13
  • msg #793

Re: Day 172

Round 4 results----------

Swiftstrider attacks the last standing orc with his axe, the first blow scoring a nasty chest hit which sends the brute screaming to the ground choking in it's own blood and a head shot which explodes the Orcs brains all over the floor for good measure. Silver stays behind Myarra to possibly hide after dumping the oil all over her, as Francis jogs up the stairs to aid Swiftstrider, as if the Goliath needed it against Orcs. The armored Human reaches the door and opens it as he looks at the carnage all over the floor and yells for reinforcements!

Myarra jogs up the stairs to get to the door, but she's a tad too late as the human just yelled. Thelonious moved up the stairs with Nolan and Aliana and her summoned friend as colorful lights flared up, surrounding and engulfing the fleeing human in their swirling brightness. The human looked at the swirling colors floating in the air and seems to be facinated by them as he tries to grab at them. Amara's invisibility is now dispelled.

Name        Initiative   Health  Misc.
Swiftstrider   23        50/64
Francis        15        ??/??
Human          12        ??/??   Facinated
Myarra         08        65/65
Silver         08        36/36
Thelonious     07        47/47
Nolan          06        59/59
Amara          04        30/30
Aliana         03        34/34
Badger         03        ??/??   Summoned Creature
Human 4        DEAD
Human 3        DEAD
Human 1        DEAD
Human 2        DEAD
Orc 6          DEAD
Orc 7          DEAD
Orc 5          DEAD

Battle Map Updated

link to a message in this game

The 2 doors to the sides are open and empty, as the guards already came down the stairs and were killed. The armored human at the door is facinated by Amara's spell, but the damage has been done. You can hear all sorts of commotion going on outside, but you can't tell if you're the center of attention or if it was something that Satin did....
player, 114 posts
Mon 11 Jun 2012
at 22:53
  • msg #794

Re: Day 172

"Careful, friends. It may fascinate you if you enter," Amara said to the others.
player, 115 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2012
at 01:58
  • msg #795

Re: Day 172

"But this gives everyone the opportunity to move where they want to be," she said, peering at the man as she began moving forward. "If you must go through, close your eyes."
Big Boss
GM, 214 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 12 Jun 2012
at 03:27
  • msg #796

Re: Day 172

Moving up to the main room, you all prepare for what might come in. Amara is still looking for the key to the shackles to the prisoners as you all take in your new surroundings.

Anyone who wants to search for said key, go ahead and roll a search check.

Looking out the door, there is all sorts of activity happening, so you would all guess that Satin did something to raise the alarm in the complex. You can't tell if Orcs are coming to you, or going some place else to do their job. Either way, you're going to have a fight on your hands soon.
player, 196 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 12 Jun 2012
at 03:32
  • msg #797

Re: Day 172

Myarra laughs with good humor.  "Silver, you really have no idea what I find interesting, or fun.  There was this time in the Sultan's harem when we were ... well, maybe I should tell you that one later." Myarra tells the man hiding strategically placed behind her.

"Right, let's hold a second." she adds, coming to a stop since the man she was after had already opened the door and yelled a warning.

"Let's not go out there all strung out in a line and get picked off one by one.  Let's gather up and move out in force.  We'll hit them with my shock and awe routine, which should buy us a few seconds of confusion, and then we'll take them apart."

She also didn't want to go rushing towards the man Amara had apparently charmed with her magic.  He looked rather harmless at the moment, and it wouldn't do to shock him back to his senses before they were ready.  Her own comrades where all over the place.  Better to wait until they'd regrouped or some definite enemy presented itself.
player, 116 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2012
at 10:02
  • msg #798

Re: Day 172

"Or wait for them to come in here and ambush them as they come from the door," Amara agreed with Myarra.
Francis Orville
NPC, 17 posts
Tue 12 Jun 2012
at 12:36
  • msg #799

Re: Day 172

"I have mixed feelings about that." Francis replied "They might burn the building down if they know the place is taken out. I say we run straight to the Commander's building and take them out before they find out what's happening. No leaders, no army."
player, 197 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 12 Jun 2012
at 12:40
  • msg #800

Re: Day 172

"Not bad." Myarra agrees.  "But we still have to wait until everyone is up the stairs and ready to go."  She glances back in that direction to see what the hold up is.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 296 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 12 Jun 2012
at 12:41
  • msg #801

Re: Day 172

Aliana will follow along, trying to help with the search, though she's too distracted to be successful.
player, 135 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Sat 16 Jun 2012
at 03:48
  • msg #802

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider feels the rage, triggered by his injury, beginning to bubble up inside of him. Trying his best to squelch it before it erupts, he groans to Myarra, "Rage... taking over..."
player, 130 posts
Sun 17 Jun 2012
at 05:42
  • msg #803

Re: Day 172

Well, if you feel you can't hold it, Swiftstrider, run to the command building like Francis said. Take out the leaders and the army will fall. Sounds good to me.

Nolan didn't have any interest in letting the prisoners free. He didn't know if any of them were still loyal to the cult and didn't want to take any chances of them backstabbing the group in an important fight.

I'll be right behind you.
player, 115 posts
Sun 17 Jun 2012
at 07:16
  • msg #804

Re: Day 172

Silver was still standing behind Myarra, but now that there was no one to hide from he stopped trying. "Let's go soon, we're losing our advantage."

He thought for a moment, about what they should do. Whatever it was, they were going to be outside, so he unshouldered his crossbow, and loaded a bolt.
player, 199 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sun 17 Jun 2012
at 14:33
  • msg #805

Re: Day 172

Myarra keeps a watch on the one remaining enemy, while still glancing around the room until the rest of the party makes it to the top of the stairs.

"Then let it out, my friend.  Start with the one in the doorway, and then, as Nolan said, we'll head to the command building."

She then turns to Silver, handing him a tindertwig she'd removed from her belt pouch.  "In case I get busy and can't do it myself." she tells him.  "If you think the opportune moment has arrived."

She then waits until Swiftstrider starts to move, then joins him at his side to coordinate an attack on the human.
player, 116 posts
Sun 17 Jun 2012
at 18:21
  • msg #806

Re: Day 172

Silver grins braodly as Myarra hands him the firestarter. "First I get to cover you in oil, and now you tell me to light you on fire. HAH! This is turning out to be an interesting day."
player, 136 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Sat 23 Jun 2012
at 05:16
  • msg #807

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider, ducking his head to avoid looking at the lights, runs for the door where the fascinated man stands.  Shoving the man aside, the goliath bursts through the door into the courtyard, axe at the ready!
Big Boss
GM, 217 posts
I am looking down upon
Mon 25 Jun 2012
at 03:49
  • msg #808

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider chops down the facinated human with one blow as he moves out of the building to head on over to the Command Building. Everyone follows. Outside is chaos. There are Orcs running all over the place trying to get into position at the compound walls. It appears that Satin started something. Orcs look at the group, but don't give a second thought about you, but one armored human (#3) gives a shout and several Orcs pay attention.

Please roll Initiatives and state your actions

Name        Initiative   Health  Misc.
Human 3        17        ??/??
Orc 6          16        ??/??
Orc 7          15        ??/??
Orc 1          15        ??/??
Orc 2          13        ??/??
Orc 4          11        ??/??
Orc 5          05        ??/??
Orc 8          04        ??/??
Swiftstrider   ??        50/64
Francis        ??        ??/??
Myarra         ??        65/65
Silver         ??        36/36
Thelonious     ??        47/47
Nolan          ??        59/59
Amara          ??        30/30
Aliana         ??        34/34

Battle Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

link to a message in this game
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 303 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 25 Jun 2012
at 04:46
  • msg #809

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana calls upon her god to help them in this battle.
"Wise Oghma, Please allow Your humble servant to use Your power to smite my enemies."
OOC: Cast Spiritual Weapon
A Celestial Longsword appears, streaking towards the nearest orc (#2).
23:43, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 12 using 1d20+5. spiritual weapon.
23:40, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 23 using 1d20+3. initiative.

This message was last edited by the player at 04:51, Mon 25 June 2012.
player, 118 posts
Mon 25 Jun 2012
at 23:19
  • msg #810

Re: Day 172

Amara did not want to party to be overwhelmed, so decided to add some more confusion to the battle. She moved closer to the battlefield, but kept her side to the wall to have cover, approaching, but not turning the corner at the same time as she chanted.

A thick, harmless, but hopefully confusing mist sprung up, engulfing orcs 5, 6, 7, and 8.
NPC, 36 posts
Wed 27 Jun 2012
at 12:37
  • msg #811

Re: Day 172

Thelonious stayed in the back with Nolan, to protect the wizard from arrows. If any came their way, he could bat them aside until the group reached proper cover or the enemies retreated or were killed. Thelonious just hoped they wouldn't get surrounded and overwhelmed.
player, 202 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 27 Jun 2012
at 17:53
  • msg #812

Re: Day 172

It might have been better to ignore these orcs and just head for the command center. If they fought them now, they might just end up bringing more orcs off the walls.  But with Amara and Aliana already casting spells at them, it looked like killing them all quickly was going to be the order of the day.  Still there was no point in running in the opposite direction of where they wanted to go.  Not unless she had to.  Perhaps the orcs would all come to them.  Resting her sword on her boot, she waited patiently to see what the orcs had in mind.
Francis Orville
NPC, 18 posts
Sat 30 Jun 2012
at 21:55
  • msg #813

Re: Day 172

Francis moved with the group, as he wasn't concerned about the Orcs. Dragons, on the other hand, were trouble. So walking with the group, he would protect them while they traveled to the Commander's building. The rear of the party was currently his protecting ground, so he stayed there to protect Amara, Aliana and Nolan, the party's spell-users. He liked Aliana, as he got a better look at her....
player, 133 posts
Sun 1 Jul 2012
at 19:41
  • msg #814

Re: Day 172

Nolan moved with the rest of the group to get closer to the fight. He could hit some of the orcs with some of his spells, but he'd prefer to get them bunched up to max out the effects.
player, 121 posts
Mon 2 Jul 2012
at 09:03
  • msg #815

Re: Day 172

Since Silver was now attempting to hold his crossbow and a tindertwig, he wisely decided to shoulder his weapon for the moment. He hung back with the Oil Covered Maiden, and waited for her to give the word to light it up.

Initiative 18. Silver puts his crossbow away, and stands ready to ignite the Flames of Retribution!
player, 137 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Mon 2 Jul 2012
at 22:15
  • msg #816

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider led the way, his anger boiling almost to Rage as he moved towards the command building Francis pointed out on the map. He wasn't afraid of Orcs, so he yelled at them to scare them off. If they decided to charge, Swiftstrider would just chop them down.

OOC: Full move to command building
Big Boss
GM, 225 posts
I am looking down upon
Sat 7 Jul 2012
at 23:54
  • msg #817

Re: Day 172

Round 1 results----------

Aliana casts a spell and a floating Longsword appears and streaks for the closest Orc. It swings away, but the orc moves out of the way. Silver puts his crossbow away, and stands ready to ignite the Flames of Retribution!, while the Human barks orders for the orcs to follow! Francis pulled out his sabre and stood near Amara until she moved. Orcs 6,7 and 1 listened to their boss and put their swords away and pulled out crossbows and moved to block their boss! Swiftstrider continued to move towards the command building and notices more orcs nearby who notice him as well, while Nolan stayed in the back of the group and waitied for the rest to move forward. Orc 2 went on the defensive when the floating sword attacked him and tried to break the sword with his own, but not having much success.

Thelonious stayed in the back with Nolan to protect the wizard from stray arrows, as Amara moved up and casts a spell. A bank of fog appears and conceals a couple orcs. Orc 4 obeys his boss' command and moves towards him, but Orc 5 is confused with the fog. Myarra also stayed with the group as she placed her great sword on her boot-toe, waiting to see what's going to happen. Orc 8 is confused with the fog too...

Name        Initiative   Health  Misc.
Aliana         23        34/34
Silver         18        36/36
Human 3        17        ??/??
Francis        16        ??/??
Orc 6          16        ??/??
Orc 7          15        ??/??
Orc 1          15        ??/??
Swiftstrider   14        50/64
Nolan          14        59/59
Orc 2          13        ??/??
Thelonious     12        47/47
Amara          10        30/30
Orc 4          11        ??/??
Orc 5          05        ??/??
Myarra         04        65/65
Orc 8          04        ??/??
Orc A          ??        ??/??
Orc B          ??        ??/??
Orc C          ??        ??/??
Orc D          ??        ??/??

Battle Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

link to a message in this game
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 309 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 8 Jul 2012
at 12:22
  • msg #818

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana fired her bow at the orc who was already fending off her mystical longsword.   She pouted in annoyance at her limited success, though.

07:21, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 7 using 1d8+1. possible damage.
07:21, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 14 using 1d20+7. longbow.
07:20, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 11 using 1d20+5. spiritual weapon.

Francis Orville
NPC, 19 posts
Sun 8 Jul 2012
at 17:20
  • msg #819

Re: Day 172

"Lady Amara, we need to move before we're surrounded." Francis said to Amara "We need to catch up to your big friend before we lose him."
player, 138 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Sun 8 Jul 2012
at 19:33
  • msg #820

Re: Day 172

Roaring out a fearsome goliath war cry, Swiftstrider continues straight to the command building slashing at any creature in his path.  On reaching his destination,  the goliath releases what meagre control he still has on his rage.  "...rage taking over..." he murmers under his breath.
player, 120 posts
Mon 9 Jul 2012
at 21:18
  • msg #821

Re: Day 172

"Go on, I'll be right behind you," Amara said, casting a spell with a gesture and a few words, turning invisible.
player, 209 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 9 Jul 2012
at 23:50
  • msg #822

Re: Day 172

"Okay, let's move out then.  Silver, if you don't mind, stick with me until the orcs get closer.  Intimidation works best up close and personal."

Lifting her sword, she hurries after Swiftstrider as fast as she can.
player, 135 posts
Tue 10 Jul 2012
at 00:01
  • msg #823

Re: Day 172

Nolan moved with the group also. He was saving his spells for more than just single orcs. He thought Swiftstrider was a bit reckless, but what do you expect from barbarians?
player, 122 posts
Tue 10 Jul 2012
at 07:01
  • msg #824

Re: Day 172

"You got it. I'll light your fire ANY day. HAH! Please don't hit me."

Silver follows behind Myarra, ready to light her up when the word is given. Maybe staying close to her, he also wouldn't get shot.

Following Myarra
NPC, 37 posts
Fri 20 Jul 2012
at 19:15
  • msg #825

Re: Day 172

Thelonious kept up with the group. There wasn't much he could do until the orcs got into melee with him, or they started shooting arrows.
Big Boss
GM, 229 posts
I am looking down upon
Fri 20 Jul 2012
at 20:27
  • msg #826

Re: Day 172

Round 2 results----------

Aliana took aim with her bow at the orc her Spiritual Weapon was fighting, but the arrow bounced off armor. Her spell was also blocked by the orc's own weapon. The armored human began chanting a spell on himself and the Orcs around him. Aliana recognises it as a Bless spell. Silver waits for Myarra to move to set her ablaze when she wanted it, as Francis moves with the group, hoping to catch up with Swiftstrider. Orcs 6 and 7 protect their boss, while Orc 1 continues to move to his boss as Swiftstrider continues hurrying over to the command building. Nolan too moves with the group, not wanting to get surrounded as Orc 2 still plays around with Aliana's Spiritual Weapon.

Thelonious keeps up with Nolan, wanting to protect the wizard from being shot down as Amara goes invisible once again  Orc 4 continues to move to protect his boss as Orc 5 gets out of the fog. Silver and Myarra hurry to catch up to Swiftstrider (By jogging) and Myarra would notice that Francis plans on taking the 4 orcs to the West as the swordsman eggs them on. Orc 8 gets out of the confusing fog, but realises he's to the north of his group. Orcs A,B,C,D take the bait and move towards Francis to chop the silly human down, since they know they can't keep up with Swiftstrider at this point.

Name        Initiative   Health  Misc.
Aliana         23        34/34
Human 3        17        ??/??   Blessed
Francis        16        ??/??
Orc 6          16        ??/??   Blessed
Orc 7          15        ??/??   Blessed
Orc 1          15        ??/??
Swiftstrider   14        50/64
Nolan          14        59/59
Orc 2          13        ??/??
Thelonious     12        47/47
Amara          10        30/30   Invisible
Orc 4          11        ??/??
Orc 5          05        ??/??
Silver         04        36/36
Myarra         04        65/65
Orc 8          04        ??/??
Orc A          ??        ??/??
Orc B          ??        ??/??
Orc C          ??        ??/??
Orc D          ??        ??/??

Battle Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

link to a message in this game
Francis Orville
NPC, 20 posts
Fri 20 Jul 2012
at 20:33
  • msg #827

Re: Day 172

Francis doesn't look intimidating at all in his leathers and sabre versus the orcs in their chain armor and wicked looking weapons, but eggs them on to get them to him. He knew Orcs weren't all that smart, and so far they were proving their heritage.

"Squeal, squeal!" Francis teased
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 317 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 20 Jul 2012
at 21:08
  • msg #828

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana kept up her assault, but was having a very bad day.

16:07, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 10 using 1d20+7. longbow.
16:07, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 12 using 1d20+5. spiritual weapon.

player, 121 posts
Fri 20 Jul 2012
at 23:45
  • msg #829

Re: Day 172

Seeing the orcs move toward Francis, she speaks to him quietly, a whisper to the air, "Stay here."
player, 211 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 27 Jul 2012
at 16:27
  • msg #830

Re: Day 172

Myarra continues to move towards Swiftstrider, although she knows there's no way she can keep up with him, never mind catch him before he gets to the command building.  But if she can get orc's attention on her and break their concentration, that the others will make short work of them.

Once she's where she wants to be, she turns, keeping Silver behind her, spreads her wings, lifts her sword and shouts at the orcs: "I am Ashriel of the Bottomless Pits!  Bow before me or I'll eat your souls!"

She then whispers to Silver: "Five ... Four ... Three ... Two ... One ... Light me and get back!"
player, 141 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Sun 12 Aug 2012
at 22:08
  • msg #831

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider continues his run toward the command center and the chanting human, ready to cleave anything that impedes his progress!
player, 127 posts
Fri 24 Aug 2012
at 22:30
  • msg #832

Re: Day 172

As her count hits "Light" Silver lights up the tindertwig and touches her off. He jumps backwards away from the flare up, and unshoulders his weapon, looking for a target.
Big Boss
GM, 235 posts
I am looking down upon
Sat 22 Dec 2012
at 23:17
  • msg #833

Re: Day 172

Round 3 results----------

Aliana missed with her bow and her spell didn't penetrate the Orc's armor as the human priest cast a spell. Myarra couldn't move for a second, but shook off the spell's effects.  Francis just smiles as he waits for the Orcs to move in closer, while Orcs 6,7 and 1 surround the priest to protect him. Swiftstrider continues running to the door to the Commander's building, rage building up in his body that wants to be released. Nolan, with a look of annoyance on his face, pulls out a scroll from the sleeve of his robe and reads it. A small bead rushes to the priest and then the area explodes into a roaring Fireball. Orc 2, not understanding why the floating weapon won't die and the size of the Demon-woman in front of him, decides that fleeing is the better option.

Thelonious continues to protect the group's spell casters, just in case some stray arrows decide to fly in, while Orc 4 decides that fleeing is a better option as well and follows Orc 2. Orcs A,B,C and D get caught up in a trip wire rope that was connected to the building. They don't fall to the ground, but they seem to be confused for a second as the rope is being held up by an invisible force.  Silver lights up Myarra with a tinder twig and jumps back as Myarra now looks like a fire demon woman. She continues her run to catch up with Swiftstrider as Orc 8 runs away.

Name        Initiative   Health  Misc.
Aliana         23        34/34
Human 3        17        ??/20   Blessed
Francis        16        ??/??
Swiftstrider   14        50/64
Nolan          14        59/59
Thelonious     12        47/47
Orc 4          11        ??/??
Orc A          11        ??/??
Orc B          11        ??/??
Orc C          11        ??/??
Orc D          11        ??/??
Amara          10        30/30   Invisible
Silver         04        36/36
Myarra         04        65/65
Orc 6          Dead
Orc 7          Dead
Orc 1          Dead
Orc 5          Dead
Orc 2          13        Fleeing
Orc 8          04        Fleeing

Battle Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

link to a message in this game
player, 220 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sun 23 Dec 2012
at 05:04
  • msg #834

Re: Day 172

Myarra hurries as fast as she can to support Swiftstrider.  The oil will burn for less than a minute, so it's important to get as much use out of it as possible.  Spreading her wings she lifts off just a few inches, skimming the ground and pointing her sword forward like an avenging ... well, demon.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 334 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 23 Dec 2012
at 13:55
  • msg #835

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana was having a grand time, shooting at orcs and using her spiritual longsword.   Then she saw the human cleric casting a spell at Myarra, and took action, swinging her weaponry at the man.


 07:52, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 18 using 1d20+7. longbow.
07:53, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 4 using 1d8+2. longbow damage.

07:51, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 23 using 1d20+5. spiritual weapon.
07:53, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 4 using 1d8+3. spiritual weapon damage.

player, 132 posts
Sun 23 Dec 2012
at 21:01
  • msg #836

Re: Day 172

Silver pretty much knew Myarra and Swifty could handle themselves. And he wasn't about to leave the casters under the protection of this new guy. So he took aim with his crossbow, and let fly at one of the orcs closing with Francis.

13:00, Today: Silver rolled 4 using 1d8. Damage.
13:00, Today: Silver rolled 12 using 1d20+5. Attack.

Orc B, not that I think it matters much. HAH even the break couldnt fix my bad rolls.

player, 127 posts
Sun 23 Dec 2012
at 23:49
  • msg #837

Re: Day 172

"Nolan, they're grouped - you're turn..." The invisible drow says from somewhere nearby as she drops the rope she had been hoping to trip them with, but hadn't had enough strength to hold it with that many hitting it at once. "Safe to move," she added, for the others. Her quick assessment of four grouped orcs on the five of them, with Nolan in the back where he could easily cast something on the whole of them, made her believe there was no point in her helping them. Not to mention that she was running low on invisibility spells, and if she attacked here, this one would pop away. So instead she raced invisibly after Swiftstrider and Myarra.
Francis Orville
NPC, 21 posts
Mon 24 Dec 2012
at 01:02
  • msg #838

Re: Day 172

Francis stepped forward with his sabre and slashed at Orc C. His first hit practically took the leg off of the brute and it didn't even have time to scream before the sabre was plunged into it's heart. It fell to the ground dead.
NPC, 38 posts
Mon 24 Dec 2012
at 01:15
  • msg #839

Re: Day 172

Thelonious kept his guard up and looked for anyone else that was around. The group needed to get out of here in a hurry, not stay in one place. The fiery explosion that took out the orcs near the priest surprised the monk, as he noted that Nolan was an experienced Wizard. The priest looked hurt, so Thelonious charged after him, hoping to take him out.

17:14, Today: Thelonious rolled 13 using 1d10+5. Damage to priest.
17:13, Today: Thelonious rolled 23 using 1d20+10. Charge attack priest.

This message was last edited by the player at 01:19, Mon 24 Dec 2012.
Big Boss
GM, 239 posts
I am looking down upon
Mon 7 Jan 2013
at 00:28
  • msg #840

Re: Day 172

Round 4 results----------

Now the the Orcs in front of her are fleeing, Sister Aliana focuses on the human priest. She directs her Spiritual Weapon towards him, while firing an arrow from her bow. Both connect, but the priest is still hanging on. The priest, seeing that everyone was fleeing to the South, follows his Orc guards as Francis steps in and easily dispatches the orc in front of him. Swiftstrider arrives at the Commander's building, to find it empty, but can hear a loud commotion coming from the South-West around the building. Nolan cast a Magic Missile spell and took out Orcs D and A, while Thelonious took off after the priest. The cult priest never saw the blow coming as he took a swift kick to his back.

Orc B is either really brave, or really stupid. He comes in swinging his battle axe, only to have it swept aside by Francis' cutlass and then is cut down himself by a nasty slash across the chest by a wicked counter attack by Francis.  Silver took aim at one of the orcs lying on the ground, but they all appear to be dead, so he looks at Orcs 4 and 2, but they're too far away. Myarra caught up with Swiftstrider, noting the building looked empty, but also heard the commotion off to the South-West...

Name        Initiative   Health  Misc.
Aliana         23        34/34
Francis        16        ??/??
Swiftstrider   14        50/64
Nolan          14        59/59
Thelonious     12        47/47
Amara          10        30/30   Invisible
Silver         04        36/36
Myarra         04        65/65
Orc 6          Dead
Orc 7          Dead
Orc 1          Dead
Orc 5          Dead
Orc 2          13        Fleeing
Orc 8          04        Fleeing
Orc 4          11        Fleeing
Orc A          Dead
Orc C          Dead
Orc D          Dead
Human 3        Dead
Orc B          Dead

Battle Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

link to a message in this game
player, 128 posts
Mon 7 Jan 2013
at 03:01
  • msg #841

Re: Day 172

"I see nothing inside," Amara said. Seeing two of the orcs flee, and wanting this to be as clean as possible, she called out, "Somnus!" The spell would affect Orcs 2 & 4 - if they failed their saves. And doing so, she popped back to visibility, standing beside the window. "I've got your back," she said to Myarra and Swiftstrider, ready to follow them around to the southwest.
player, 221 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Mon 7 Jan 2013
at 03:11
  • msg #842

Re: Day 172

"Good to know." Myarra replied ... truthfully, and somewhat surprisingly.  Amara wasn't anywhere near the pain in the butt Nolan was.  Perhaps some wizards ... well, better to dwell on philosophy later.

"Let's go see what's making the ruckus while these flames last.  Pity to let them go to waste.  C'mon Swifty, let's go kill something evil and make the day worthwhile."

She then hurried away around the corner of the building to see what's to the southwest.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 335 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 7 Jan 2013
at 13:02
  • msg #843

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana was having a ball, smiling as she attacked the priest.   She was disappointed when he was felled by the monk, but shrugged and looked for new foes.  Seeing two orcs fleeing, she aimed both her spiritual weapon (the longsword) and her arrow, at the furthest one (Orc #2).   The monster was almost out of range for her spell, but well within her bow's power.


06:59, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 3 using 1d8+2. longbow.
06:59, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 7 using 1d8+3. spiritual weapon damage.
 06:59, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 24 using 1d20+7. longbow.
06:58, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 15 using 1d20+5. spiritual weapon

NPC, 39 posts
Wed 9 Jan 2013
at 02:48
  • msg #844

Re: Day 172

Thelonious went after the two fleeing Orcs next. His speed could easily bring himself to their backs in moments, so he could send them a quick flurry of justice!
Francis Orville
NPC, 22 posts
Wed 9 Jan 2013
at 02:52
  • msg #845

Re: Day 172

Francis looked at the dead orcs on the ground and spat on them, before running to catch up with Swiftstrider and Myarra.

"Let's go, Aliana. You don't want to miss out on fighting some baby Green Dragons, do you?"
player, 138 posts
Wed 9 Jan 2013
at 02:55
  • msg #846

Re: Day 172


Seeing the rest of the group run off to the South, Nolan cast a spell and suddenly he was invisible....
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 336 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 9 Jan 2013
at 03:26
  • msg #847

Re: Day 172

In reply to Francis Orville (msg # 845):

Aliana looked at the handsome fighter, grinning at him.
"Yes sir!!!  I'm on my way!"
player, 133 posts
Thu 10 Jan 2013
at 04:16
  • msg #848

Re: Day 172

Silver shrugs, and runs off to follow the group, and catch up with the Swift Strider, and the Demoness, reloading as he goes. He might get there a little behind, but backup is alway good, whether late or not.
Big Boss
GM, 240 posts
I am looking down upon
Sun 20 Jan 2013
at 05:41
  • msg #849

Re: Day 172

Round 5 results----------

Aliana fires off an arrow while concentrating on her magical weapon and attacks the fleeing Orcs to the South. She chooses one to pick on and the Spiritual Longsword slashes Orc 2 from behind, then the Orc takes an arrow. It goes down squealing like a pig. Her spell then expires. Francis moved to catch up with the Goliath, while calling out to Aliana, while Swiftstrider moves around the building to find a group of Cultists and their pet Dragons! Nolan cast a spell and went invisible, while Thelonious ran after the fleeing Orcs to the South. Amara cast a Sleep spell, which brought her out of her invisibility, then Thelonious caught up to the Orcs and kicked Orc 4 square in the back, breaking the Orc's spine. Silver moves in to catch up, while Myarra moves to catch up with Swiftstrider. She's surprised at what she saw....

A group of cultists are gathered here, with a group of Orcs and 2 small Green Dragons about the size of ponies. One strong looking Orc has Dragon 1 on a chain leash and a fighter type cultist dressed in Chainmail has Dragon 2 on a chain leash.

"What the hell is going on?" Cultist D asked Cultist C "Where did those two Dragons fly off two?"

"I have no clue, Sir. They must have chased after those adventurers or something."

"I'm telling you that the Harper's are on to us. We need to..." Cultist A was about to say until the Orcs sounded the alarm when Swiftstrider and Myarra rounded the corner "What the hell is that?"

"Attack!!" Cultist D ordered as he blew a horn

Name        Initiative   Health  Misc.
Aliana         23        34/34
Orc 6          19        ??/??
Orc 8          18        ??/??
Cultist B      17        ??/??
Francis        16        ??/??
Orc 1          15        ??/??
Dragon 1       15        ??/??
Orc 3          14        ??/??
Cultist A      14        ??/??
Swiftstrider   14        50/64
Nolan          14        59/59   Invisible
Cultist C      13        ??/??
Dragon 2       13        ??/??
Orc 7          13        ??/??
Orc 2          13        ??/??
Orc 4          13        ??/??
Cultist D      12        ??/??
Thelonious     10        47/47
Amara          10        30/30
Orc 5          10        ??/??
Silver         04        36/36
Myarra         04        65/65

Cultist A = Wizard type
Cultist B = Cleric type
Cultist C = Warrior type
Cultist D = Warrior type and leader
Orcs      = Warrior types

Killed in Action:
11 Orcs
1 Human Cult Priest

Battle Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

link to a message in this game
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 337 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 20 Jan 2013
at 06:00
  • msg #850

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana rushed after the others, to get closer to the action.
Francis Orville
NPC, 23 posts
Sun 20 Jan 2013
at 06:12
  • msg #851

Re: Day 172

Francis ran beside Aliana, for it was obvious that he liked the Elven girl. He was still on his toes looking for enemies to fight, but he had to say something to her...

"I remember you from town now. You're from that Oghma temple, right?" Francis smiled "I know this may be the wrong time to ask, but if we make it out of here, can I buy you a drink once we reach town?"
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 338 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 20 Jan 2013
at 06:29
  • msg #852

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana blinked in surprise at the man's odd timing, and was tempted to be a little exasperated.  But she was overwhelmed with the silliness of the request during a pitched battle, and charmed by the man's chutzpah.   She grinned and blushed shyly.

"Certainly, m'lord.  It would be my pleasure."
player, 129 posts
Sun 20 Jan 2013
at 13:23
  • msg #853

Re: Day 172

Amara rolled her eyes. It seemed that ever time she tried to do something today, someone else did something that would basically negate her action. She felt she could have taken the two fleeing orcs down, giving time for the others to focus on whatever was around the corner, instead...

But now was not the time to be angry about such things. She began running. Although she didn't know exactly what was on the other side, they all had a pretty good idea - dragons and cultists.

Not wanting to get caught in a group spell or fire's breath with the others, and wanting to see exactly what it was they faced, she ran to the corner of the building and peeked around.
player, 140 posts
Sun 20 Jan 2013
at 13:55
  • msg #854

Re: Day 172

Nolan moved with the group as well, until he heard the horn blow. While invisible, he stopped and looked around to see who was responding to the blown horn.
player, 147 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 22 Jan 2013
at 05:38
  • msg #855

Re: Day 172

Roaring with barbaric laughter Swiftstrider runs toward his new adversaries!
player, 222 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 22 Jan 2013
at 12:26
  • msg #856

Re: Day 172

Myarra's right behind her goliath friend, waving her sword, flapping her flaming wings, and heading straight for the closest dragon.
player, 134 posts
Tue 22 Jan 2013
at 19:19
  • msg #857

Re: Day 172

Silver sprints towards his friends, not wanting to leave them to face the hordes alone.
Big Boss
GM, 243 posts
I am looking down upon
Sat 26 Jan 2013
at 01:35
  • msg #858

Re: Day 172

Round 6 results----------

Sister Aliana jogs to keep up with Francis as she heard the horn blow. That's not good. She looks around for Nolan and he's nowhere to be found...he did go invisible, so he could be anywhere by now. Orc 6 and 8 move in with their Great Axes ready to chop down the enemy, while the Cult Priest Blesses his comrades with a Bless Spell. Francis continues to jog to catch up to Myarra and Swiftstrider, as Orc 1 leads the baby Green Dragon in closer, so it could do more damage. Orc 3 moves in with his Great Axe, as the Cult Wizard casts a spell on himself.

Swiftstrider goes absolutely ballistic, going into a Rage that made him even larger than he was before. His armor is now glowing a shiny silver as he ran in on Dragon 1 for a charge attack! He solidly connects with the Dragon's body and the reptile roars with pain and rage!

17:00, Today: Big Boss, on behalf of Swiftstrider, rolled 29 using 3d6+19. Damage to Dragon 1.
16:59, Today: Big Boss, on behalf of Swiftstrider, rolled 27 using 1d20+19. Charge attack on Dragon 1.

Nolan is invisible and nobody but him knows what he's up to, as the cultist leading the other Dragon moves through the crowd of people (who were completely dumbfounded by Swiftstrider) to get at the Goliath. Orc 7 moves in with his Great Axe on Swiftstrider and chops the Goliath's side. The Cult Leader continues to blow the signal horn as he pulls out a Longsword, as Thelonious and Amara move in to catch up with the rest of the party. Orc 5 moved in to possibly flank Swiftstrider, but Myarra charged at him to prevent that! The Orc couldn't take a hit that started at its shoulder and came out around the pelvic region...

17:23, Today: Big Boss, on behalf of Myarra, rolled 17 using 2d6+10. Damage to Orc 5.
17:22, Today: Big Boss, on behalf of Myarra, rolled 31 using 1d20+16. Charge attack on Orc 5.

And last, but not least, Silver jogs to keep up with the group, who are wondering what the hell is happening now....

Name        Initiative   Health  Misc.
Aliana         23        34/34
Orc 6          19        ??/??   Blessed
Orc 8          18        ??/??   Blessed
Cultist B      17        ??/??   Blessed
Francis        16        ??/??
Orc 1          15        ??/??   Blessed
Dragon 1       15        ??/29   Blessed
Orc 3          14        ??/??   Blessed
Cultist A      14        ??/??   Blessed, Mage Armor
Swiftstrider   14        60/82   Reckless Rage*
Nolan          14        59/59   Invisible
Cultist C      13        ??/??   Blessed
Dragon 2       13        ??/??   Blessed
Orc 7          13        ??/??   Blessed
Orc 2          13        ??/??   Blessed
Orc 4          13        ??/??   Blessed
Cultist D      12        ??/??   Blessed
Thelonious     10        47/47
Amara          10        30/30
Myarra         04        65/65
Silver         04        36/36
Orc 5          Dead

* Reckless Rage Round 1 of 10

Cultist A = Wizard type
Cultist B = Cleric type
Cultist C = Warrior type
Cultist D = Warrior type and leader
Orcs      = Warrior types

Killed in Action:
11 Orcs
1 Human Cult Priest

Battle Map Updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh the map)

link to a message in this game
player, 138 posts
Sat 26 Jan 2013
at 01:44
  • msg #859

Re: Day 172

It was just taking too long. With horn blaring, and sounds of fighitng around the corner, Silver knew it was time to kick it into high gear. He took off running, swinging wide of the rest of the group, and the corner of the building, keeping about 30 feet between him and them. Hopefully he could get an idea of what was going on, before he got face to face with any orcs.
player, 130 posts
Sat 26 Jan 2013
at 01:50
  • msg #860

Re: Day 172

Amara sees a group of opponents and smiles slightly. Groups are great for spellcasters... She throws a spell at the largest group of them, which with it's 10 foot radius should catch B, C, D, 2, 4,and Dragon2. A cloud of sparkling golden particles springs up, covering everyone in its radius.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:53, Sat 26 Jan 2013.
NPC, 40 posts
Sat 26 Jan 2013
at 02:57
  • msg #861

Re: Day 172

Thelonious kept up his jogging in a straight line, hopefully to catch any possible missile fire that he could deflect out of the way.

Move to O-13
Francis Orville
NPC, 24 posts
Sat 26 Jan 2013
at 03:00
  • msg #862

Re: Day 172

Francis smiled when Aliana accepted his offer for a drink. Now that he thought about it, it was kind of silly to ask when he did, but then it did catch her off guard and he got an honest answer in return. After hearing the roar of a dragon being hurt, Francis picked up his pace and started running....
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 342 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 26 Jan 2013
at 03:43
  • msg #863

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana kept rushing forward, pulling out a bit of fluff from her bag of tricks and tossing it out.
OOC:21:40, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 59 using 1d100. bag of rust.  Summoned wolf.

Did a full move and drew from Bag of Tricks, however far that is.

player, 226 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sun 27 Jan 2013
at 14:06
  • msg #864

Re: Day 172

Myarra launches into a full throated rendition of one of Bantenor's pieces from the Chessentan war-opera Uroilus and Dressida as she moves down along the edge of the battle and around Swiftstrider's side to where she too can attack the dragon.  She'd briefly considered going for the other dragon, but two injured dragons are just as deadly as two healthy dragons.  A dead dragon, on the other hand, is no problem at all.  Plus, this keeps a number of orcs between them their enemy's heavy hitters.  Hopefully the cultists aren't desperate enough to have their pet dragons/wizards/clerics kill their own troops just yet.

Timing her footsteps to the beat of the music in her head, she whirls her sword around during a minor crescendo and brings it down in a savage stroke on the reptile's back.
player, 141 posts
Sun 27 Jan 2013
at 17:13
  • msg #865

Re: Day 172

Staying invisible and moving along with the group, Nolan watches the other buildings and the sky for enemies. The horn was going to attract anything and everything to the blower and Nolan wanted to be ready. He saw groups of cultists moving all over, but it was just a matter of time before they came this way.
player, 149 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Thu 31 Jan 2013
at 00:45
  • msg #866

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider continued his reckless rage, swinging at the pony sized Green Dragon in front of him until it was dead, or he was...

16:44, Today: Big Boss, on behalf of Swiftstrider, rolled 28,28 using 3d6+19,3d6+19. Damage to dragon.
16:44, Today: Big Boss, on behalf of Swiftstrider, rolled 22,20 using 1d20+19,1d20+12. Attack dragon.

Big Boss
GM, 247 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 31 Jan 2013
at 05:07
  • msg #867

Re: Day 172

Round 7 results----------

Aliana did her best to keep up as she pulled a summoned creature from her magical bag. A glowing wolf is summoned and obeys her commands. Orc 6 charges in with his axe, intent on chopping Myarra in half, but is caught off guard when she takes the blow and is still standing! Orc 8 also charges in and tags her in the back with his axe. The Cult Cleric casts a spell on Swiftstrider, but the Enraged Goliath resisted it's paralytic effects. Francis ran into the melee to see the orcs attack Myarra, as the Dragon on Swiftstrider breathed Chlorine fumes all over the Goliath.

Orc 3 charged at Francis with his Great Axe, but Francis easily parried the blow with his magical Sabre. The Cult Wizard, seeing that the dragons are in danger from the raging monster fighting them, casts a Magic Missile on Swiftstrider! Swiftstrider, totally enraged beyond reason, chops at the Dragon in front of him with his magical Great-Axe and with two nasty chops, drops the pony sized dragon dead to the ground, the last blow chopping the head off with green blood splashing all over the place.

Then something strange happens. Out from nowhere, a moving blob of water suddenly appears in between the cultists and attacks! The cultists have no clue what the hell is going on and are caught unawares! The cultist controlling the other dragon moves back until he got orders from the commander based off what he just saw Swiftstrider do. Orc 7 attacks Swiftstrider again, but doesn't penetrate armor. Orcs 2 and 4 saw what Swiftstrider just did and think fighting a water monster is easier. They're wrong. The cult leader stops blowing the horn and swings his Longsword on the Water creature, since there's no way he could move out of the way without getting hit. The sword slashes the watery side, but doesn't do much damage.

Thelonious moves in hoping to draw any possible arrow fire to him so he could deflect them, but so far, it looks like one giant melee at the moment. Amara peeks around the building and spotting a nice group of bunched up enemies, casts a spell that coats them in gold-looking dust! Cries of alarm are heard from the group over their condition. Myarra, wanting to get the Dragons out of commission, jogs to go around Swiftstrider, takes a hit in the process, and scores a nasty slash to Dragon 2. Silver ran alongside Thelonious to see if anything was coming near them, but the fight seems to be focused around Swiftstrider and Myarra.

Name        Initiative   Health  Misc.
Aliana         23        34/34
Wolf           23        ??/??
Orc 6          19        ??/??   Blessed
Orc 8          18        ??/??   Blessed
Cultist B      17        ??/??   Blessed, Blinded!
Francis        16        ??/??
Orc 1          15        ??/??   Blessed
Orc 3          14        ??/??   Blessed
Cultist A      14        ??/??   Blessed, Mage Armor
Swiftstrider   14        41/82   Reckless Rage*
Nolan          14        59/59   Invisible
Water monster  14        ??/09
Cultist C      13        ??/??   Blessed
Dragon 2       13        ??/27   Blessed
Orc 7          13        ??/??   Blessed
Orc 2          13        ??/??   Blessed, Blinded!
Orc 4          13        ??/??   Blessed, Blinded!
Cultist D      12        ??/??   Blessed, Blinded!
Thelonious     10        47/47
Amara          10        30/30
Myarra         04        28/65
Silver         04        36/36
Orc 5          Dead
Dragon 1       Dead

* Reckless Rage Round 2 of 10
! Blinded Round 1 of 5

Cultist A = Wizard type
Cultist B = Cleric type
Cultist C = Warrior type
Cultist D = Warrior type and leader
Orcs      = Warrior types

Killed in Action:
11 Orcs
1 Human Cult Priest

Battle Map updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh)

link to a message in this game
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:33, Thu 31 Jan 2013.
player, 132 posts
Fri 1 Feb 2013
at 00:17
  • msg #868

Re: Day 172

Amara smiled when she saw the first of the dragons fall so quickly. Yes, Swiftstrider and Myarra were bleeding, but she considered the bigger threat the possibility of the adult dragon returning. With a simple word she activated her ability to Levitate, floating up into the sky above the corner of the building. There she looked around to see what other enemies the horn might have attracted, hoping it wasn't the adult dragon.
Francis Orville
NPC, 25 posts
Fri 1 Feb 2013
at 23:12
  • msg #869

Re: Day 172

One quick slash from Francis' Cutlass cut Orc 3's chest open and the second one took it's head off...
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 345 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sat 2 Feb 2013
at 10:15
  • msg #870

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana smiled down at the cute wolf she'd summoned.
"Go help Francis, boy!  Go bite some orcs!"
She motioned the wolf to rush to attack Orc #8 as the pretty blonde elf chanted to Oghma.
04:09, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 3 using 1d6+1. wolfie go chomp.
04:09, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 18 using 1d20+3. wolfie.
It should be able to reach #8 with a full run, but if he has to wait, i'm okay with that.

Aliana casts Spiritual weapon, sending a ghostly longsword at #8 as well, which probably misses.
04:10, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 9 using 1d20+5. spiritual weapon.

player, 142 posts
Sun 3 Feb 2013
at 02:40
  • msg #871

Re: Day 172

player, 227 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 5 Feb 2013
at 02:39
  • msg #872

Re: Day 172

Myarra keeps up her singing and slashing, but she's secretly getting just the littlest bit worried.  The orcs had been much more lucky then she would have thought they deserved, and her blood was oozing out from multiple injuries.  If the others didn't get there soon, and take some of the heat off of her and Swiftstrider, things might not be as much fun as she'd hoped.

But for now there was a dragon in front of her, and it had to go away.  Taking a fresh firm grip on her sword, she slashed away, letting the dwarven magics carve through the reptile's thick hide, cleanly severing its head from its body.  With the sword still in rotation, she then stepped forward, eyes gleaming and brought the back-swing sweeping across the cultist holding the dead lizard's leash.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:26, Thu 07 Feb 2013.
NPC, 41 posts
Thu 7 Feb 2013
at 00:03
  • msg #873

Re: Day 172

Noting that the Orcs and Cultists were in melee, Thelonious decided to go into melee himself before his new friends got hurt or killed. The cult wizard looked pretty deadly and decided to go after him before he cast any spells on the party. Charging in, focusing on the wizard, Thelonious delivered a fast, high jumping kick...

16:02, Today: Thelonious rolled 16 using 1d20+9. Charge attack Cult Wizard.
16:03, Today: Thelonious rolled 8 using 1d10+4. Possible damage.

player, 141 posts
Thu 7 Feb 2013
at 02:01
  • msg #874

Re: Day 172

Silver was close enough, and he though with a few shots, he could help more than jumping into melee. He swings out even more wide, and takes aim at one of the cultists and fires.

Move to N-9, and fire at Cultist A, I think. 25 to hit, 8 damage. Wasnt entirely sure if its out of range, so if it is, it'll be 24 to hit I think?
Big Boss
GM, 249 posts
I am looking down upon
Fri 8 Feb 2013
at 01:48
  • msg #875

Re: Day 172

Round 8 results----------

Aliana sends her wolfie to attack Orc 8 and casts another spell. Another Spiritual Weapon is summoned, also near Orc 8. The wolf bit the orc on the leg, but the Longsword didn't penetrate armor. Orc 6 moved in and attacked Swiftstrider with no luck, Orc 8 attacked the wolf, in retaliation for biting his leg, and scored a minor hit. The Cult Cleric cast a spell on himself and it's obvious to Amara that he's not blind anymore. Francis makes quick work of the Orc in front of him, lopping its head off and making a big mess. Orc 1 moves in to attack Swiftstrider and slashes the goliath across the leg.

"Francis! You traitor! Die!" the cult wizard said as he cast a Fireball on Francis

Swiftstrider didn't even feel the pain from the blow that the orc just dealt. He just roared in anger and chopped the orc down with one blow. Then he chopped down Orc 7 with one blow as well....blood and guts all over the place. Nolan becomes visible as a Lightning Bolt strikes Cultist D, Orc 2 and 4 and the Cult Priest! The 2 orcs fall dead in a smoking heap as the group catches a whiff of ozone in the air. The Water Elemental attacks the cult leader with 2 massive slams that rocks the man. Cultist C directs the Dragon to attack Myarra, but with the powers of protection from her sword, Myarra deflects them. The Cult Leader, wounded and blind, backs up to blow the signal horn again and is killed by the Water Elemental.

Thelonious runs in with a jumping kick and misses the Cult Wizard! Amara levitates 20 feet into the air to get a look around the complex. She sees a group of Orcs approaching quickly from the South-East  Myarra blocked the Dragon's assault of claws and bites and does a roundhouse blow with her Greatsword that takes the dragon's head clean off! Before the head even hit the ground, she stepped up and slashed the Cultist still holding the leash! Silver moves to get a better vantage point on the Cult Wizard and fires an arrow. Thelonious sidestepped the projectile as it struck the wizard in the leg...

Name        Initiative   Health  Misc.
Aliana         23        34/34
Wolf           23        ??/06
Spirit Weapon  23        --/--   Duration 1 of 5
Orc 6          19        ??/??   Blessed
Orc 8          18        ??/03   Blessed
Cultist B      17        ??/19   Blessed
Francis        16        ??/14
Cultist A      14        ??/08   Blessed, Mage Armor
Swiftstrider   14        33/82   Reckless Rage*
Nolan          14        59/59
Water monster  14        ??/09
Cultist C      13        ??/21   Blessed
Thelonious     10        47/47
Amara          10        30/30   Levitated 20 feet up
Myarra         04        28/65
Silver         04        36/36
Orc 5          Dead
Dragon 1       Dead
Orc 3          Dead
Orc 1          Dead
Orc 7          Dead
Orc 2          Dead
Orc 4          Dead
Cultist D      Dead
Dragon 2       Dead

* Reckless Rage Round 3 of 10
! Blinded Round 2 of 5
Count down: 1 of 4

Cultist A = Wizard type
Cultist B = Cleric type
Cultist C = Warrior type
Cultist D = Warrior type and leader
Orcs      = Warrior types

Killed in Action:
11 Orcs
1 Human Cult Priest

Battle Map updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh)

link to a message in this game
player, 143 posts
Fri 8 Feb 2013
at 02:03
  • msg #876

Re: Day 172

The battle was progressing immensly fast. And well. Every time Silver tries to aim his crossbow after reloading, an or, or a cultist, or a dragon, dies. Finally he was able to pick a target, and loosed the bolt.

I don't know what's going to be up, so Silver will be shooting at whatever target is most available. 12 to hit, 4 damage. Barely avoided a crit miss there, heh.
player, 133 posts
Fri 8 Feb 2013
at 02:12
  • msg #877

Re: Day 172

Seeing that no one was immediately upon them, Amara turned her attention back to the massive melee in front of her. She drew a wand and aimed it, calling softly, "Fearnus!"

But nothing happened.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 346 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 8 Feb 2013
at 13:06
  • msg #878

Re: Day 172

Wolfie was distracted by his wounds and nearly stumbled.  Aliana managed to hit, but did minimal damage, also due to seeing the wolf hit.  She also took out her bow, ready to attack as well.

07:03, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 4 using 1d8+3. weapon damage.
07:03, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 23 using 1d20+5. spiritual weapon.
07:02, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 4 using 1d20+3. wolfie.

player, 144 posts
Sat 9 Feb 2013
at 17:54
  • msg #879

Re: Day 172

Nolan loved the smell of ozone in the air. To him, it smelled like victory. He thought he was going to have problems with the cult leader, but Nolan just chuckled when the elemental took him out.

He should have had a shield.

Looking around to see what might respond to the horn blowing, Nolan cast a Magic Missile spell on the cult priest.

Magic Missile damage: 11
Francis Orville
NPC, 26 posts
Sat 9 Feb 2013
at 20:28
  • msg #880

Re: Day 172

Francis moved and slashed at Orc 8 as he went after the cult priest, "You guys pay well, but Amara is my friend. I can't let you or your cultists hurt her or her friends. Sorry. I quit."
NPC, 42 posts
Sat 9 Feb 2013
at 20:33
  • msg #881

Re: Day 172

Thelonious had the cult wizard in front of him. Good luck trying to cast spells. A flurry of kicks and blows struck the spell-user, but unfortunately the Wizard's defenses were tough to get through.

12:32, Today: Thelonious rolled 12,13 using 1d20+7,1d20+7. Flurry of blows on Cult Wizard.
player, 150 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Sat 9 Feb 2013
at 20:39
  • msg #882

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider went after his next victim, which was Orc 6.

12:37, Today: Big Boss, on behalf of Swiftstrider, rolled 19,30 using 1d20+17,1d20+12. Attack Orc 6.
12:38, Today: Big Boss, on behalf of Swiftstrider, rolled 29,28 using 3d6+19,3d6+19. Damage to orc 6.

player, 229 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sun 10 Feb 2013
at 05:57
  • msg #883

Re: Day 172

Myarra continues to pound on the warrior that tried to sic a dragon on her.
Big Boss
GM, 251 posts
I am looking down upon
Mon 11 Feb 2013
at 03:41
  • msg #884

Re: Day 172

Round 9 results----------

Sister Aliana pulled out her bow after she saw her summoned wolf almost stumble to the ground. The wolf bit at air and the Spiritual Weapon did minimal damage. Orc 6 swung on Swiftstrider, but missed. Orc 8 swung on the wolf and connected a critical hit that kills it. The Cult Priest, seeing that most of his allies are dead, runs away to the South East! Francis springs into action and slashes Orc 8 and kills it.

The cult wizard moves back to cast a spell, taking a clawed punch to the chest for his troubles, casts a spell, and then is invisible. Swiftstrider swings on Orc 6 and makes a nasty bloody mess of the orc, to the point that you can't tell it's an orc anymore. Nolan casts a Magic Missile spell on the fleeing Cult Priest as he directs his summoned Water Elemental to move in the area where the Cult Wizard turned Invisible. Cultist C attacks Myarra, but it seems he's terrified of her and almost drops his weapon! Thelonious moves in and swings at open air, hoping to hit the invisible wizard, but only connects with open air....

Amara, still levitated in the air, pulls out a Wand and tries to use it, but she must have done something wrong, because nothing happened. Myarra swings back on the cultist with a wicked slash to the chest, but the cultist is still alive....barely. Silver looks for an enemy to shoot with his Crossbow, but the only one left is too far away to be effective and he didn't want to take a chance at hitting Myarra...that would be bad.

Name        Initiative   Health  Misc.
Aliana         23        34/34
Spirit Weapon  23        --/--   Duration 2 of 5
Cultist B      17        ??/30   Blessed
Francis        16        ??/14
Cultist A      14        ??/18   Blessed, Mage Armor, Invisible
Swiftstrider   14        33/82   Reckless Rage*
Nolan          14        59/59
Water monster  14        ??/09
Cultist C      13        ??/35   Blessed
Thelonious     10        47/47
Amara          10        30/30   Levitated 20 feet up
Myarra         04        28/65
Silver         04        36/36
Orc 5          Dead
Dragon 1       Dead
Orc 3          Dead
Orc 1          Dead
Orc 7          Dead
Orc 2          Dead
Orc 4          Dead
Cultist D      Dead
Dragon 2       Dead
Orc 8          Dead
Orc 6          Dead

* Reckless Rage Round 4 of 10
! Blinded Round 3 of 5
Count down: 2 of 4

Cultist A = Wizard type
Cultist B = Cleric type
Cultist C = Warrior type
Cultist D = Warrior type and leader
Orcs      = Warrior types

Killed in Action:
11 Orcs
1 Human Cult Priest

Battle Map updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh)

link to a message in this game
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 347 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Mon 11 Feb 2013
at 06:30
  • msg #885

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana cried out in anguish.
"Wolfie!!  No!!!"
She got out her bow as she saw the orc kill Wolfie.  Then the handsome Francis cut the orc down, and she smiled at him, feeling very grateful for helping avenge her furry friend.

She looked around, and sent the spiritual sword, as well as an arrow, at Cultist B.
00:28, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 6 using 1d8+3. spirit damage.
00:27, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 7 using 1d8+1. bow damage.
00:27, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 20 using 1d20+5. spiritual weapon.
00:27, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 21 using 1d20+7. bow.

player, 134 posts
Mon 11 Feb 2013
at 08:40
  • msg #886

Re: Day 172

Amara frowned. She didn't like the enemy going invisible. That made life difficult - for everyone.

She motioned and chanted for a moment, though there was no obvious effect, and lowered herself to the ground while looking around. Speaking quietly to Sister Aliana, who was right beside her on the ground, she said, "I'm going after the invisible one. There's a group of 13 orcs who will be here in about 18 seconds. Get the others healed for that and be ready." She pointed to the other side of the building to give the sister a direction.
player, 145 posts
Thu 14 Feb 2013
at 23:47
  • msg #887

Re: Day 172

Nolan saw the group of Orcs coming and figured that Myarra needed to be free from the Cultist she was fighting, so Nolan cast a magic missile on the cultist from behind.

Magic missile cultist C: 12
player, 230 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sun 17 Feb 2013
at 13:42
  • msg #888

Re: Day 172

Myarra presses her advantage as the cultist becomes more and more injured, her sword slashing through his weakened defenses.  "Sorry about this," she tells him. "I'm sure you're all convinced of how the lizards are gods and all that, but did you notice how they die just like everything else?  In fact, cheer up!  You'll be joining them in a second.  That should be a good thing, right? I'd feel awful if you died unhappy and miserable.
player, 144 posts
Sun 17 Feb 2013
at 16:32
  • msg #889

Re: Day 172

SIlver didnt bother taking aim at anything, instead he moved up closer to the group, and stood ready. Waiting for the next "wave" of enemies.

"Move to G-18, no attack.
Francis Orville
NPC, 27 posts
Tue 19 Feb 2013
at 23:23
  • msg #890

Re: Day 172

To Francis, this fight was over, until he heard that more Orcs were coming and he saw the Cult Priest run away. He also noticed that the big man was out of his mind with Rage and decided to follow him before he got himself killed...
player, 151 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Tue 19 Feb 2013
at 23:26
  • msg #891

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider turned around and saw a Cultist trying to run away and charged after him with his axe, yelling the whole time!

15:25, Today: Big Boss, on behalf of Swiftstrider, rolled 29 using 1d20+17. Charge attack Cult Priest.
15:25, Today: Big Boss, on behalf of Swiftstrider, rolled 29 using 3d6+19. Damage.

NPC, 43 posts
Tue 19 Feb 2013
at 23:27
  • msg #892

Re: Day 172

Thelonious swung at the air, hoping to hit the Cult Wizard before he cast more spells on the party.
Big Boss
GM, 252 posts
I am looking down upon
Wed 20 Feb 2013
at 00:03
  • msg #893

Re: Day 172

Round 10 results----------

Aliana gets her revenge for her poor wolf by going after the Cult Priest. Her Spirit Longsword floated in and slashed across the priest's chest and then he took an arrow to the leg. The Cult Priest continues to run, but he's badly wounded, but sees his orc allies off in the distance. Francis delays his action, to move with Swiftstrider, as Amara keeps an eye on the Invisible Cult Wizard. Swiftstrider moves to attack the Cult priest and Francis follows. The Cult Priest takes a chop to his back and is dead before he even hit the ground. Nolan cast a Magic Missile on the Cultist that Myarra was fighting. The Cultist took the damage, but looks like he's going to fall over. The Elemental stays near Nolan, who's controlling it. The warrior Cultist doesn't like his chances facing a Demon woman from the front and a Wizard from behind, so he Withdraws from combat to try and join the Orcs off in the distance. Thelonious swung at the air, hoping to hit the Invisible wizard, but hit nothing. Amara lowered herself to the ground and spoke to Aliana, before going after the Cult Wizard. . Myarra, not wanting the Cultist to get away, talks to the man before charging in for the kill. The slash from her Greatsword sends the man down to the ground dead in a blood mess. Silver moves in slowly, looking for a clean place to walk though. There is blood, guts and body parts all over the place.

Another group of Orcs (11) can now be seen coming from the South-West. They will be at DD-1 in 3 rounds.

Name        Initiative   Health  Misc.
Aliana         23        34/34
Spirit Weapon  23        --/--   Duration 3 of 5
Francis        14        ??/14
Cultist A      14        ??/18   Blessed, Mage Armor, Invisible
Swiftstrider   14        33/82   Reckless Rage*
Nolan          14        59/59
Elemental      14        ??/09
Thelonious     10        47/47
Amara          10        30/30   See Invisible
Myarra         04        28/65
Silver         04        36/36

* Reckless Rage Round 5 of 10
Count down: 3 of 4
Count down 2: 1 of 3
Cultist A = Wizard type
Cultist B = Cleric type
Cultist C = Warrior type
Cultist D = Warrior type and leader
Orcs      = Warrior types

Killed in Action:
19 Orcs
1 Human Cult Priest
2 pony sized Green Dragons
Cultist Leader
Cult Priest
Cult Warrior Lt.

Battle Map updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh)

link to a message in this game
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:05, Wed 20 Feb 2013.
player, 135 posts
Wed 20 Feb 2013
at 01:06
  • msg #894

Re: Day 172

Quarterstaff in hand, Amara runs near to Thelonious, but past him.  While she generally does not prefer to enter melee combat, against another wizard, and one who is invisible and difficult for absolutely everyone else to deal with, she hopes to do something - at least at the moment, she can threaten his spellcasting and swipe at him if he tried to cast anything, even though she didn't have time to hit him yet.
player, 145 posts
Wed 20 Feb 2013
at 01:25
  • msg #895

Re: Day 172

Silver holds his ground, and shouts to the "leader" of his group. His battle leader anyways. "Myarra! Are we standing our ground or retreating? We need to decide fast."

Silver held his crossbow tightly. He hadn't REALLY been in the combat yet, and he wasn't afraid to join in, but who knew how many orcs there were. So far it seemed like a slaughter. But they could easily be overwhelmed.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 348 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 20 Feb 2013
at 02:30
  • msg #896

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana, bow in hand, ran towards the others, to stand by them (probably ending up near Silver with a full move).
NPC, 44 posts
Wed 20 Feb 2013
at 13:25
  • msg #897

Re: Day 172

Thelonious swings at the air, but that's all he's hitting....
Francis Orville
NPC, 28 posts
Fri 22 Feb 2013
at 02:33
  • msg #898

Re: Day 172

Francis decided to stay with Swiftstrider, because in his current condition it didn't look like the big man would be rational at all and would probably get killed without protection....
player, 146 posts
Fri 22 Feb 2013
at 13:32
  • msg #899

Re: Day 172

Noting that the cult wizard went invisible, Nolan cast a spell of his own in front of the elemental, for he knew any sane person would stay away from such a creature and the look from Amara told Nolan the area where the wizard could be.

OOC: Cast Dispel Magic N-10 area.
player, 231 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 28 Feb 2013
at 01:24
  • msg #900

Re: Day 172

Myarra's tired and feeling pretty crappy with the number of wounds she's taken.  But there are a dozen orcs approaching, and an invisible wizard lurking nearby.  Now is no time to let down her guard.

Listening carefully, hoping to hear the cult abomination if he comes anywhere near her, she keeps her eyes on the approaching orcs.  If he were to show is ugly face, she's perfectly happy to introduce him to her sword.

On a chance, she asks the others, "Anybody have a healing potion I could borrow.  I'm not happy with so much of my blood being on the outside."
player, 147 posts
Thu 28 Feb 2013
at 03:33
  • msg #901

Re: Day 172

If the Dispel magic spell works, Nolan wouldn't know, because the elemental is probably blocking his view, but he calls out to Myarra.

Yes, I have potions. Why do you think I spend so much time in my lab? Get over here before you pass out!
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 350 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 28 Feb 2013
at 05:39
  • msg #902

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana headed over towards Myarra.
"Um....Hello??  Cleric right here, honey?  Let me know what you need."

Sister Aliana would zap Myarra with her Wand of Cure Light Wounds.
OOC:23:38, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 12 using 2d8+2. cure light wounds.
player, 232 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sun 3 Mar 2013
at 05:20
  • msg #903

Re: Day 172

"Can't move right now." Myarra tells Nolan.  "Trying not to get ambushed by one of your abominations of the natural order.  But I do appreciate the offer."

Still watching all around her, she is, however, quite happy that Sister Aliana was close by with the wand.

"Does anyone happen to know the orcish for Come here and die by my sword, you pathetic heaps of lizard crap?  I'd like to send a message once those guys get a bit closer."
Big Boss
GM, 254 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 7 Mar 2013
at 23:14
  • msg #904

Re: Day 172

Round 11 results----------

After hearing Myarra ask for healing assistance, Sister Aliana waves to Myarra and moves in with a wand. Francis stays with Swiftstrider as the Goliath goes after the new group of Orcs that have just arrived to the S-E. Nolan casts a Dispel Magic and the Wizard becomes visible and loses his magical aid as well. The Cult Wizard runs to get the Orcs coming from the S-W, hoping protection in numbers will help, as Thelonious runs after him to prevent that. Amara runs in to go after the Cultist, but she has some running to do if she wants to catch up. Myarra runs up to get the healing from Aliana as Silver moves next to them wondering if they were going to fight or retreat. There's going to be alot of Orcs around here very quickly and it doesn't appear that Swiftstrider has retreat in his vocabulary....

Name        Initiative   Health  Misc.
Aliana         23        34/34
Spirit Weapon  23        --/--   Duration 4 of 5
Orc 13         20        ??/??
Orc 9          20        ??/??
Orc 4          17        ??/??
Orc 8          16        ??/??
Orc 1          16        ??/??
Orc 3          15        ??/??
Orc 10         15        ??/??
Francis        14        ??/14
Cultist A      14        ??/18
Swiftstrider   14        33/82   Reckless Rage*
Nolan          14        59/59
Elemental      14        ??/09
Orc 2          14        ??/??
Orc 12         14        ??/??
Orc 7          14        ??/??
Orc 5          13        ??/??
Orc 11         13        ??/??
Orc 6          12        ??/??
Thelonious     10        47/47
Amara          10        30/30   See Invisible
Myarra         04        35/65
Silver         04        36/36

* Reckless Rage Round 6 of 10
Count down 2: 2 of 3
Cultist A = Wizard type
Cultist B = Cleric type
Cultist C = Warrior type
Cultist D = Warrior type and leader
Orcs      = Warrior types

Killed in Action:
19 Orcs
1 Human Cult Priest
2 pony sized Green Dragons
Cultist Leader
Cult Priest
Cult Warrior Lt.

Battle Map updated (Be sure to press the F5 key to refresh)

link to a message in this game
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:16, Thu 07 Mar 2013.
player, 138 posts
Fri 8 Mar 2013
at 03:58
  • msg #905

Re: Day 172

Amara decided that Thelonious, who was much closer and now could see the enemy, was going to be much better at taking the wizard out, so she stopped chasing him. With a motion, however, she did outline him in Faerie Fire so that even if he turned invisible again, he wouldn't gain concealment. She held her quarterstaff ready as she considered the approaching horde.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 354 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 8 Mar 2013
at 04:42
  • msg #906

Re: Day 172

Watching the approaching horde, Aliana quickly shot her bow at what looked to be one of the priests.

OOC:22:38, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 5 using 1d8+1. damage.
22:38, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 24 using 1d20+5. bow.  (actually 22 with range modifiers)
I'm not positive of the range, but I think it's over 150 feet, so too far for my Spiritual weapon.

player, 233 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Fri 8 Mar 2013
at 19:23
  • msg #907

Re: Day 172

Since the wizard is now visible, and some distance away, Myarra feels she can let her guard down ... just a tiny fraction of inch.  Having had some of her wound healed is also a benefit, but there are still to many holes in both her and her clothing to be comfortable with.

"Thank you, Sister." she says, after waiting for Aliana to make her bow shot at the distant orcs.  "I appreciate the healing, but I'm going to go leech off of Nolan.  He can make his potions in a lazy evening, but I'm sure those wands take a lot more effort."

She pauses to finger one of the larger gaps in the side of her shirt.  "Yet another set of clothes I'm going to have to burn," she says with a sigh, as she turns away and hurries off towards Nolan.  The orcs are fair ways away, but there's no point in just letting them get any closer.

"I'll take a couple of those potions, if you're willing to part with them," she tells the wizard.  "Then we can take the afternoon off to slaughter more orcs.  Lots of fun to be had by all."
player, 152 posts
Respect the width,
but don't fear the height
Sun 10 Mar 2013
at 19:02
  • msg #908

Re: Day 172

Swiftstrider saw the group of Orcs and with re-filled anger, ran into the group of them swinging his axe the whole time!
Francis Orville
NPC, 29 posts
Sun 10 Mar 2013
at 19:05
  • msg #909

Re: Day 172

Francis was hard-pressed trying to keep up with the Goliath, but did his best to protect the big man before he was killed by that large group of Orcs...
player, 148 posts
Mon 11 Mar 2013
at 12:16
  • msg #910

Re: Day 172

Nolan pulls out a potion for Myarra, while watching where everyone was and what enemies were coming to them.
NPC, 45 posts
Sat 16 Mar 2013
at 04:45
  • msg #911

Re: Day 172

Thelonious knew that running away by himself would spell disaster, so he stayed with the group. Fighting with numbers was definitely better that fighting alone.
player, 148 posts
Sat 16 Mar 2013
at 05:50
  • msg #912

Re: Day 172

Silver moves up to the corner of the building, taking up a covered position to launch bolts at the Orcs. He waits until the orcs are well within range, before opening fire. He still wanted to see where everyone else was going to head.

Move to J-25, Hold action.
Big Boss
GM, 259 posts
I am looking down upon
Fri 31 May 2013
at 02:15
  • msg #913

Re: Day 172

Round 12 results----------

For what seems like months passing by, Aliana shot an arrow at any of the Orcs that might look like a priest. She connects with an arrow, but the orcs keeps moving...until it and the rest of its group sees a massive shadow fly overhead. They know it's not a Dragon that they know, so they turn around and high-tail it the other way! Even Francis stops and decides that going after the Orcs might not be the wisest thing to do. The Cult wizard keeps running away towards the group of Orcs to the South-West, who in turn run away from the Green Dragon they see in the sky. Swiftstrider continues to run after the Orcs. Nolan looked around to see where the enemy was going and noted the Gargantuan Green Dragon in the sky. Giving the potion to Myarra when she showed up, Nolan waited to see what was going to happen. Thelonious decided that running after the enemy alone might not be a good thing to do, so he stayed with the group. Amara held her spell that she was going to cast, since it appeared that everyone was running away (she was thinking of doing it as well after seeing the Green Dragon in the sky). Myarra went to Nolan, who gave her a healing potion, and Silver stayed put...just because it seemed the safest thing to do at the moment, especially with the Green Dragon in the sky. The Green Dragon doesn't harm the party, but goes after the fleeing Orcs to the S-E and ruins the side of the fortress wall...

Name        Initiative   Health  Misc.
Aliana         23        34/34
Spirit Weapon  23        --/--   Duration 4 of 5
Francis        14        ??/14
Swiftstrider   14        33/82   Reckless Rage*
Nolan          14        59/59
Elemental      14        ??/09
Thelonious     10        47/47
Amara          10        30/30   See Invisible
Myarra         04        35/65
Silver         04        36/36

* Reckless Rage Round 7 of 10

Cultist A = Wizard type
Cultist B = Cleric type
Cultist C = Warrior type
Cultist D = Warrior type and leader
Orcs      = Warrior types

Killed in Action:
19 Orcs
1 Human Cult Priest
2 pony sized Green Dragons
Cultist Leader
Cult Priest
Cult Warrior Lt.

Battle Map updated (Photobucket changed things, so click on this link, then the link at the top)

link to a message in this game
player, 140 posts
Sun 2 Jun 2013
at 21:34
  • msg #914

Re: Day 172

Amara had no interest in being poisoned by a dragon, and ran toward the command building, as had been the original plan. They needed to take out the leadership to bring down this group permanently, and that is where they should be found. Not to mention, where the best loot probably was...
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 357 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 2 Jun 2013
at 23:53
  • msg #915

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana, bow still in hand, moved to follow the others towards the main building.
player, 236 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 5 Jun 2013
at 00:11
  • msg #916

Re: Day 172

"We need to keep with Swifty." Myarra tells the others, beginning to run in that direction.  "We don't want him to get overwhelmed by himself."  Still, she keeps glancing upwards at the dragon, not sure which one it might be and not wanting to get caught unawares.  Her skill and magic sword might perform well against youngsters, but she didn't much like her chances of going toe to toe with one that large.

It would be better to continue to the headquarters building and see what was inside, but she couldn't abandon her friend to his combat madness without at least one ally at his back.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 358 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 5 Jun 2013
at 05:11
  • msg #917

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana nodded to her darkly pretty friend, and headed after Swiftrunner.
player, 152 posts
Sat 8 Jun 2013
at 23:09
  • msg #918

Re: Day 172

That crazy Goliath is going to be the death of us. Or some of us. Dammit. Silver kept his thoughts mostly to himself, but did curse aloud, as the dragon showed up, and Swiftstrider ran after more orcs. Maybe this was the dragon that had helped them get into the camp? He couldn't really tell them apart very well. All he could do was hope it wouldn't turn on the party once it was done with the orcs. Baby dragons are one thing... Silver took off after Myarra, holding his loaded crossbow in position to snap a shot off if he needed to.
player, 152 posts
Tue 25 Jun 2013
at 23:15
  • msg #919

Re: Day 172

"Wait, stop!" Nolan told the group "You guys go check out the Command building and I'll go get Swiftstrider. I'll pass for a Cultist from a distance, while the rest of you stick out like sore thumbs."
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 359 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 25 Jun 2013
at 23:45
  • msg #920

Re: Day 172

Somewhat unsure of herself, the cleric turned to follow Nolan's advice.  He was a very wise wizard, after all.

She headed for the command center.
player, 237 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 27 Jun 2013
at 13:24
  • msg #921

Re: Day 172

Myarra hesitates, slowing her pace, reluctant to abandon her friend.  But Nolan is right that he fits in much better than she can.  So reluctantly, she changes direction and sprints towards the command center instead, still keeping an eye on the dragon above.  That last thing she wants is to be swept up as a later morning meal-on-the-wing.
player, 153 posts
Sun 14 Jul 2013
at 07:40
  • msg #922

Re: Day 172

Silver veered off to follow the Winged Demoness, almost laughing out loud that she so willingly followed the Wizards battle orders.
Big Boss
GM, 262 posts
I am looking down upon
Wed 25 Sep 2013
at 04:40
  • msg #923

Re: Day 172

So, Nolan chases after the Raging Swiftstrider to the South-East while the rest of the crew goes into the Commander's Headquarters to dispatch any cultists that might be around. The VERY large Green Dragon does not harm the group at all as it flies around scaring Orcs in the complex. The group sneaks to the front door that they previously passed by during the fight to the West. Silver, being the sneaky one of the group, stealthily looks into the room and sees a large table with chairs all around and a bunch of paper-work and maps on the walls. Also, there are banners hanging from the wall of the same symbol of the humans who attacked you outside of Daak this past week: The Cult of the Dragon. There is a statue in the South-East corner of the building with various articles of clothing hanging from it. No other doors or entrances to cellars can be seen.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 364 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Wed 25 Sep 2013
at 09:22
  • msg #924

Re: Day 172

In reply to Big Boss (msg # 923):
When they were all allowed into the room, the cleric stared with wide eyed wonder.
Never having ever seen an "evil lair" before, Sister Aliana was positively enchanted.
Looking at everything with the keen eye for detail that had served her so well in her previous job as a librarian, she glanced at Silver.

"Should I pack up all these maps and papers, or would you prefer I leave them be for now?"
Francis Orville
NPC, 30 posts
Wed 25 Sep 2013
at 15:41
  • msg #925

Re: Day 172

"Remember, we're still on alert here and there's an invisible Mage running around telling everyone about us." Francis whispered as he stood near Amara
player, 241 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 25 Sep 2013
at 18:39
  • msg #926

Re: Day 172

"And yet this information is as fresh as it gets.  The authorities in Soubar, or Scornubel, if necessary, would find this invaluable for fighting against this cult, Myarra replies, already starting to stack the papers into a more convenient pile.  "Plus, we might be able to scrounge up a nice finder's fee.

Ladies, let's grab what we can, but don't waste time.  Two minutes at most.  Then we need to get moving again.  Thelonious, could you keep an eye on the door?  Francis, would you mind grabbing the maps off the wall?  Aliana, now's the time to snatch and grab.  We'll look it all over later.  See, I told you a little thievery could be fun.

Silver, dear, would you take a look at that statue?  But be careful, it's mostly likely not safe."

player, 155 posts
Wed 25 Sep 2013
at 22:06
  • msg #927

Re: Day 172

Silver arches an eyebrow at being called "dear". He smirks, and quickly goes to check out the statue.

Silver's a little rusty. 18 Search on the statue.
player, 147 posts
Thu 26 Sep 2013
at 00:14
  • msg #928

Re: Day 172

"He is Faerie Fired," Amara replied to Francis. "He would also have had to have dispelled that before he would be truly invisible again."

She swung her backpack off, setting it on a chair and opening it, "It's a Handy Haversack," she noted. <darkblue>"It should hold most, if not all, of the papers, so just slide them in here."

But she stepped back from the table. A command center without anything else? She doubted it. "Otkriti tajna vrata" she chanted briefly, clearly a spell, then began looking around carefully.
player, 242 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Sun 29 Sep 2013
at 20:34
  • msg #929

Re: Day 172

Leaving Amara to do the <shudder> wizardry thing, Myarra took her up on her offer and started stuffing every piece of paper she could find into backpack.
Big Boss
GM, 264 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 1 Oct 2013
at 23:09
  • msg #930

Re: Day 172

Stuffing papers into packs and sacks, the group quickly loots the room. Silver searches the statue and quickly realizes that it was a Dragon Cultist that was turned to stone by the Medusa. Hanging off the statue/clothes rack is a robe and two cloaks, all three of them with the symbol of The Cult of the Dragon on the backs. Amara casts a spell
player, 148 posts
Tue 1 Oct 2013
at 23:47
  • msg #931

Re: Day 172

"Here," Amara points out a secret compartment below the statue, outlining it. It's conveniently placed below and between the statue's legs. "I'll see if there are any more while you check it." She continued around the room to make sure that was the only secret compartment.
player, 243 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 2 Oct 2013
at 13:39
  • msg #932

Re: Day 172

"Ah, yes.  The medusa is still around." Myarra says to the room in general.  "I'd almost let myself forget about her."

Otherwise she waits to see what Silver is going to find in the secret compartment; and what else Amara might discover with her ... um ... gifts.
Big Boss
GM, 265 posts
I am looking down upon
Wed 9 Oct 2013
at 12:22
  • msg #933

Re: Day 172

Silver checks for traps and finds a small needle trap, which he disarms. While playing around with the trap, Amara uses her spell to look around for more secret compartments or rooms, but doesn't find anything. Getting a good look of the room, it looks like everything here is just temporary. Watching out the door of the Command center, Orcs are running all over the place, but fortunately for you guys, seem to ignore the building you're in.....for now. Silver disarms the trap and unlocks the secret compartment hatch and opens the small 2x2 door. Inside are bags with the Cult of the Dragon symbol on them. It appears that the group has found the troops payroll coin.
player, 244 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 9 Oct 2013
at 15:19
  • msg #934

Re: Day 172

"That goes in Amara's backpack as well." She looks around the room once more, but doesn't see anything worth wasting more time with.

"Let's see," she says, ticking points off her fingers.  "We've surprised them where they thought they were safe.  We've killed their dragons.  We've slaughtered almost all their leaders.  And we've stolen the payroll.  I think we've done about as much damage as we can.  Shall we go?  We need to pick up Nolan and Swiftstrider and ... I'd say we head out the front gate and make ourselves scarce.

Unless anyone can guess where the medusa might be?  I rather figured she'd be here.  I can't see her bunking with the orcs or standing guard."

She looks around to see what the others think.
Francis Orville
NPC, 31 posts
Wed 9 Oct 2013
at 22:13
  • msg #935

Re: Day 172

"This is not the only complex these Cultists have. I've heard them talking about other places where they're digging up stuff in ruins." Frances said to the group "I honestly believe I wasn't supposed to hear that and was put in the basement to guard a hole, when in reality I was probably going to be dumped in there. But, back to the subject. I have seen this hooded woman before. It was maybe 3 days ago. She left into the forest."
NPC, 46 posts
Wed 9 Oct 2013
at 22:16
  • msg #936

Re: Day 172

"I would like to search this place for my friends. Hopefully, they're still alive." Thelonious said after Francis finished
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 365 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 10 Oct 2013
at 00:14
  • msg #937

Re: Day 172

Sister Aliana also offered her magic Haversack for more storage space.

"I'm in favor of continuing the search for other prisoners, unless you all think it's too dangerous."
player, 149 posts
Sat 12 Oct 2013
at 03:43
  • msg #938

Re: Day 172

"Nothing else here," Amara announced, having thoroughly looked for other compartments. "And here, let me judge - I don't want to ruin my magical bag by having it overloaded - it can carry a lot, but not necessarily everything. It might be best to put the more bulky in there." She said, moving over to hand weigh things to make sure the haversack isn't overloaded. When as full as she is confident it can handle, she closes it and swings it, lightly, upon her back. If there's anything else left, they'll have to carry it.

"I can throw three darknesses yet, if we want distractions, but that isn't as useful with orcs as it would be with most humanoids.

And are we certain all of their dragons are dead? If we are, then I'm good with searching for prisoners - but I can tell you, I don't have much left to fight something like a dragon."

Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 366 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Sun 13 Oct 2013
at 02:04
  • msg #939

Re: Day 172

"I have a Haversack as well.  I can load some things up, too."
Francis Orville
NPC, 32 posts
Wed 16 Oct 2013
at 03:57
  • msg #940

Re: Day 172

"I've been here for a couple weeks and the only dragons I saw INSIDE the complex were the two baby dragons we defeated, plus momma and papa." Francis said to the group "I don't see momma and papa around, so I suggest we hurry and get out of here before they show up. This big one flying over head is way too big to be any of them, and personally it makes me very uncomfortable just being around it."
player, 245 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 16 Oct 2013
at 13:29
  • msg #941

Re: Day 172

"We killed one of the parents out in the forest.  That just leaves one, and without Swifty by my side, I don't want to face a pissed off parent. The big green up there is helping out for the moment for reasons of her own.  And no, I don't trust her either.

Fill up Aliana's sack and then we can go let the prisoners out, and kill any orcs that get in the way.  Then I say we make ourselves scarce."

This message was last edited by the player at 23:17, Wed 16 Oct 2013.
player, 150 posts
Wed 16 Oct 2013
at 22:31
  • msg #942

Re: Day 172

"Lead on," the drow suggested, as she glanced once more around the room to be certain that they had gotten everything that seemed useful.
Big Boss
GM, 267 posts
I am looking down upon
Wed 23 Oct 2013
at 12:22
  • msg #943

Re: Day 172

The Commander's headquarters is ransacked for anything of value, be it coin or information, and stuffed into magical haversacks for future use. Giving the place another once over and finding nothing, everyone exits and goes outside. The fortress is in complete chaos as the group watches Orcs running around gathering stuff. Some are firing arrows at the Dragon in the sky and some are hopping the walls and fleeing into the forest.

Quickly moving to the building where you originally emerged from, you encounter no resistance as you quickly move down the stairs to open the prison cell room...
player, 246 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 24 Oct 2013
at 18:10
  • msg #944

Re: Day 172

Normally Myarra would leave locked doors up to the roguish Silver, but as this door was so cheaply made she decided to just open it herself with a good hard kick.   She keeps her sword balanced beside and behind her in her left hand, just in case there's something in the room that might require it to be handy.
player, 151 posts
Fri 25 Oct 2013
at 02:06
  • msg #945

Re: Day 172

Amara followed Myarra, glancing around to make sure she was fully apprised of the situation.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 367 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Fri 25 Oct 2013
at 03:29
  • msg #946

Re: Day 172

Aliana followed the group, ready to defend her friends.
player, 48 posts
Thu 31 Oct 2013
at 11:17
  • [deleted]
  • msg #947

Re: Day 172

This message was deleted by the player at 01:31, Tue 05 Nov 2013.
Big Boss
GM, 269 posts
I am looking down upon
Thu 31 Oct 2013
at 12:41
  • msg #948

Re: Day 172

With one good kick, Myarra breaks the door down, while Silver just sighs and puts his tools back in his pocket. The room is 10x10 with a crowd of prisoners chained to the walls. Most of them have been "Interrogated". The place smells horrible as the prisoners had to do the "calls to nature" where they stood or what clothes they were still wearing.
player, 250 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 31 Oct 2013
at 13:35
  • msg #949

Re: Day 172

Myarra stares at the scene in apparent shock.  It's not that she's a stranger to cruelty, but this seems to strike a nerve.

"Get them loose.  We're taking them all with us," is all she says, apparently to everyone and no-one.  Then, without waiting, she moves to the closest prisoner and swings her sword at the chains where they attach to the wall (and furthest from their hands).

OOC: Just how many are there?
player, 159 posts
Thu 31 Oct 2013
at 17:19
  • msg #950

Re: Day 172

Silver takes in the scene, and quickly gets to work, grinning as he gets to pull out his tools again. "Heya folk, we're here to get you all out. Everyone is getting free here, so just stay calm, be patient, and we'll get everyone loose. Don't mind the sword swinging Demon, she's tightly under control, and she's here to free you."

The grinning half elf threw a grin towards Myarra before going to the other side of the room and starting on the manacles.

I'm not sure if you're gonna actually need Open Lock rolls from me BB. If you do, I'll make em.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 368 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Thu 31 Oct 2013
at 22:40
  • msg #951

Re: Day 172

The elf maiden was appalled to see the horrible conditions, and was ready to heal anyone wounded too badly to travel.

OOC:17:39, Today: Sister Aliana Farwalker rolled 17 using 1d20+7. healing.
player, 155 posts
Fri 1 Nov 2013
at 00:42
  • msg #952

Re: Day 172

Amara didn't seem too phased by the poor conditions. As a drow, she had seen far, far worse. She reached down into her boot, withdrawing a set of lock picks herself. Although she rarely used them, she seemed proficient enough with them as she wordlessly went to work, levitating if she needed to in order to reach the easiest working height.
Big Boss
GM, 275 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 5 Nov 2013
at 00:04
  • msg #953

Re: Day 172

Francis points out to the group which ones are the cultists and which ones were captured and finding no keys to the manacles holding the prisoners, Myarra starts cutting the chains with her Greatsword, scaring most of the prisoners chained to the walls. Silver and Amara use their skills to get the manacles off the wrists and ankles of the freed prisoners. There are 11 prisoners total, one of them being an Orc. Several of them have been beaten pretty badly and require healing, which Aliana helps out with.
Francis Orville
NPC, 33 posts
Tue 5 Nov 2013
at 00:15
  • msg #954

Re: Day 172

"Those four are prisoners caught in the forest." Francis said to Myarra "The rest are cultists being punished for various acts of trouble including desertion. I've heard many interrogation sessions while I sat in the other room playing cards. I'm sure I was on their list too when they found out that I wasn't into their religion. But, I know the boss was really interested in that guy..." Francis points to Samuel, one of the prisoners Francis indicated that was OK to free.
Oren Blathe
player, 17 posts
Cleric of Eldath
Tue 5 Nov 2013
at 00:18
  • msg #955

Re: Day 172

Looking fairly roughed up, Oren looks up with a smile upon his face. "Hello, brothers and sisters. Are you here to rescue us? If so, please care for these others first, I can wait." Oren does not look too terribly alarmed as the greatsword is pulled.
Big Boss
GM, 277 posts
I am looking down upon
Tue 5 Nov 2013
at 00:34
  • msg #956

Re: Day 172

"Don't listen to him!" said a prisoner that Francis indicated was a cultist "He's the worst of the lot! I'm a simple caravan guard who was ambushed for the supplies on the wagon!"

Other prisoners that Francis indicated were cultists claim they too were captured in the forest and want to be set free. Only the Orc remains silent as he stares at Amara with fear and hate on his face.
player, 156 posts
Tue 5 Nov 2013
at 02:09
  • msg #957

Re: Day 172

Amara helps free those Francis says are safe to free, then looks at the others. With a gesture and a word, her eyes glow even more red than normal.
Oren Blathe
player, 18 posts
Cleric of Eldath
Tue 5 Nov 2013
at 02:33
  • msg #958

Re: Day 172

"Hello, I am Oren Blathe. I am a cleric of Eldath... I see that you hold some anger for some of the prisoner's here, may I suggest mercy?" Oren places his hand on Amara's shoulder.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:16, Tue 05 Nov 2013.
player, 261 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 5 Nov 2013
at 04:35
  • msg #959

Re: Day 172

Myarra pauses from releasing the so called "safe" prisoners and glances at the man who calls himself Oren.  She'd warn him that touching a drow or wizard (and in this case, both) uninvited was to invite disaster, but she figured it was something that he probably needed to learn on his own.  And maybe Amara would be feeling generous today.  Stranger things had happened.

"We need to get moving as soon as we can." she tells the prisoners.  "If you can walk, help those who can't."

Then moving over to Aliana, she spoke to the cleric in a hushed tone.  "What do you think?  Should we release the others?  Can we trust Francis?  My own feelings are a bit too colored for me to trust."
Kevnan Drover
player, 3 posts
Tue 5 Nov 2013
at 12:02
  • msg #960

Re: Day 172

One of the prisoners Francis pointed out, but still hangs on the wall, moans: ...ouf... What happening?... who are you?.
He looks severely beaten, but the frame of the body is healthy and fit.

He lifts an brusted eyebrow for a shot second as he spot the fiend and the black skin elf but then studies the rest of the visitors with more interest.
 ...and welcome to our humble home. He smiles with a swollen jaw.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 375 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 5 Nov 2013
at 13:08
  • msg #961

Re: Day 172

In reply to Myarra (msg # 959):

Aliana nodded to her winged friend, speaking softly.
"Yes, I think we can.   He truly seems to be a mercenary in over his head, and looking for a life line."
player, 262 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Tue 5 Nov 2013
at 14:35
  • msg #962

Re: Day 172

Myarra listens to her friend and sighs.  She doesn't like trusting strangers ... that hasn't always turned out for the best.  But Aliana's instincts were good, and she'd be a fool to ignore her.

She looks over as one of the prisoners speaks up.  One handed, she swings her great sword at the chains holding him to the wall and splits them like butter, letting the man collapse under his own weight.

"Thank you for inviting us." she replies with a smirk.  "We were rushed and didn't get to pick up a host gift.  Will freedom be acceptable?"  Any man that can take a beating and still crack jokes was okay by her.  But introductions were going to have to wait.

She then turns back to Aliana.  "So, if we just release the four that Francis says are innocent, what do we do with the rest.  Can't just kill'em in their chains, but we can't let them be released by the cult either.  We've killed most of their leadership, they'll be needing whatever foot soldiers they have left.  I'm sure whatever little acts of disobedience will be overlooked now."
Samuel Eriosi
player, 13 posts
Tue 5 Nov 2013
at 18:06
  • msg #963

Re: Day 172

What demon, you mean the tiefling? the blonde man in blue robes with a symbol of Lathander on them said with a puzzled expression. He looked quite healthy, with a few bruises and scratches. It seemed like his captors were afraid to hurt him too much.
He seems unphased by Myarra swinging her greatsword near him and cutting through his manacles. Well, thank you for freeing us, who knows how we would end up if you didn't come. I'm Dawnbringer Samuel Eriosi, servant of Lathander. I was ambushed as I was searching for ruins in the forest. The cultists took much interest in them and correctly assumed that I know much about the area. So far, they only have my notes as wasn't exactly... cooperative.
Sister Aliana Farwalker
player, 376 posts
Cleric of Oghma.
Wants to learn everything
Tue 5 Nov 2013
at 22:25
  • msg #964

Re: Day 172

The elven priestess did a respectful curtsy to her fellow cleric.
"Greetings, Dawnbringer Samuel.   I'm Sister Aliana Farwalker, follower of Oghma.  I'm glad we found you.
I'd love to hear, sometime, about what you learned."

Oren Blathe
player, 19 posts
Cleric of Eldath
Wed 6 Nov 2013
at 02:51
  • msg #965

Re: Day 172

Oren goes to the barrel on the wall and gets a cup full of water, dirty though it may be, and walks to the nearest chained prisoner. "Surely you are thirsty, please, drink."  He repeats the process until all those still chained have had their fill. "I am certain that if you give your Oath that you will not seek to harm anyone again, that you can be set free to go forth from this place and seek Peace."

( 07:37, Today: Oren Blathe rolled 25 using 1d20+20. diplomacy check)
This message was last edited by the player at 15:38, Wed 06 Nov 2013.
player, 162 posts
Wed 6 Nov 2013
at 08:29
  • msg #966

Re: Day 172

Silver just shakes his head at the amazingly chatty prisoners. And grimaces at the orc. "Myarra, the greenskin is eyeballing you. You absolutely sure we shouldn't kill them? Oh maybe just, cut their hand off? I'd really hate to have one of these guys try and stick a knife in my back in a week, because I didn't kill them today. They'd kill us all in a heartbeat. And Greenie over there would probably EAT your heart. Heh."

Silver sat back against the wall, twirling a dagger, waiting for the final word from the demon.

Edit. Apparantly, I keep getting Silver mixed up with someone named Sam.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:31, Wed 06 Nov 2013.
Kevnan Drover
player, 4 posts
Wed 6 Nov 2013
at 11:58
  • msg #967

Re: Day 172

Kevnan dumped to the ground. He rubbed his wrists where the chains had been fixed. Why would you kill the desertes of the enemy? They have already riped away their colours so they are not the enemy anymore.

He then raised his body to his full hight, towering over the the most gritty presumed cultists. And Im pretty sure they would be so greatfull that you let them loose, that they will not bother you again in this forest. Right? There was lighting in his eyes.

As he turned to the more macabre liberators, he said: You wouldn't  cut off the hand of a gambling man, just because he Might cheat you?
Samuel Eriosi
player, 14 posts
Wed 6 Nov 2013
at 13:56
  • msg #968

Re: Day 172

Greeting, sister Aliana. Samuel bows courteously to the elven maiden, then turns his attention to the other prisoners.
It doesn't matter if you are a cultist or really a caravan guard who got ambushed in the forest. For now, working together is the only chance anyone has of getting out of here alive. The cult left you here to die, for whatever reason, whether it was desertion, being at the wrong place at the wrong time or just spilling hot tea at the cult leader and burning his breakfast. Staying here or trying to betray us would only result in your death. So lets work together, the Morninglord will guide us.

02:31, Today: Samuel Eriosi rolled 26 using 1d20+9. Diplomacy
player, 263 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Wed 6 Nov 2013
at 16:18
  • msg #969

Re: Day 172

"We're rapidly running out of time." Myarra adds to the greetings and well wishing.

"Our ally promised us a very limited distraction, and there are still a lot of orcs out there if they manage to get re-organized."

She turns to the Kevnan (although he's yet to tell anyone his name), even as Oren and Samuel argue for releasing all the cultists.  The fourth, an elven woman, has yet to speak at all.

"I think we should release the deserters.  Anyone fed up enough, or scared enough to run away, isn't likely to be a problem.  The rest, however, could still be loyal, and therefore a real threat.

But I don't kill or maim people chained to a wall.  So I'm willing to give them a chance, and kill them if they fail to live up to it.  It's probably a mistake, but right now doing anything or nothing could be."
  She shrugs, causing her wings to rustle as they settle back down.

"Now, we need to move.  And if you're going to be any good to us, we need to get you some gear.  Francis, would they store people's stuff in one of the rooms on this floor?"
player, 157 posts
Thu 7 Nov 2013
at 04:38
  • msg #970

Re: Day 172

Amara swatted away Oren's hands when he reached out to take her shoulder. She narrowed her blood-red eyes at him, staring for a long moment. "Touch me again uninvited and I promise you, you will wish that you did not." She continued to stare at him, but her next words though, were for Myarra, "Francis is correct; only these four are good. We risk more than we gain if we let the others free. Mercy and stupidity are sometimes a fine line away. A shout could bring the cultists upon us, even if they took no action against us themselves. I suggest we leave them here and go without them. Whether the cultists are or are not merciful to them is their problem." She continued to watch Oren as he brought water to those still chained. "Do you know where your equipment is?" she asked the group at large.
Oren Blathe
player, 20 posts
Cleric of Eldath
Thu 7 Nov 2013
at 05:05
  • msg #971

Re: Day 172

Oren raises his right hand, palm out. "This is all I need" showing the holy symbol of Eldath tattooed upon his palm. "I am sorry, I wish I knew where our captors kept their stolen goods. Likely, the best gear has been taken to be used by the mosy greedy among them."

Continuing his task. "Perhaps you are correct, one of their fellows will eventually come for them. I will take your threat as a polite request, sister, and of course refrain from touching you again without your express consent"
player, 264 posts
Who are we when the only
one watching is ourself?
Thu 7 Nov 2013
at 14:31
  • msg #972

Re: Day 172

Myarra nods to Amara's magical assessment of the remaining prisoners.  "If they're evil, then I'm done with them.  This is one of those grey areas that gives me a headache.  I'll leave it up to people that have a stronger opinions and moral compasses.  I'm going to check out the other rooms.  Anyone that wishes to come with me is welcome.

But don't take too long.  Again, we really really need to be getting out of here before Satin gets bored and lets Mamma green come back.  Because, I really don't want to be facing down a really pissed off dragon."

Whether the remaining prisoners are released or not, she'll leave to the newcomers.  Amara and Silver are clearly not interested in letting them go.  Aliana will probably want to be merciful, but it's an endless moral/ethical debate she really doesn't want to be involved with.

Hefting her sword over her shoulder, she turns and leaves the room.
Kevnan Drover
player, 5 posts
Thu 7 Nov 2013
at 16:35
  • msg #973

Re: Day 172

Im can not be the judge, as I have no evidence of any deeds. The decition is up to you, Liberators. But I urge you not to maim, kill or in other ways worsen their condition. Kevnan then redraws humble away from the prisoners.

I pledge my abilities at your service for now. I had equipment before I came here, where it is now? I have no idea, but any armor and weapon would be a start and greatly help the effectiveness.
The man has by some way cast away the the image of a broken prisoner and is now looking like a proud warrior. Half naked and beaten, but non the less.

This skin isnt exactly arrowproof. he says with a strict face. The joke is just below the surface.
player, 5 posts
Thu 7 Nov 2013
at 17:47
  • msg #974

Re: Day 172

Seemingly dazed and slightly disoriented, the female elf follows mutely as her fellow prisoners pick themselves up.

The surreality of the situation hadn't hit her yet; she felt as if she were observing the scene from a third person perspective. One moment, she had been captured and taken prisoner with a group of unfamiliar people, and the next she had been seemingly rescued by an ecletic mix of adventures of all race and sort.
player, 158 posts
Fri 8 Nov 2013
at 02:31
  • msg #975

Re: Day 172

Amara continued to stare at Oren as if he was slightly crazy for a long moment, then, when Myarra spoke, turned away. "I will go with you," Amara said to Myarra, leaving those who were likely to be less 'scary' to the former prisoners with them. Besides, if there were more prisoners she would be able to tell if they were good, and therefore in her mind safe to free, or not.
Francis Orville
NPC, 34 posts
Sat 9 Nov 2013
at 00:02
  • msg #976

Re: Day 172

"Francis, would they store people's stuff in one of the rooms on this floor?"

"Well, while I was playing cards near the croc pit, I saw some cultists throw a bunch of gear in the room next door. Maybe everyone's stuff is in there?"

Big Boss
GM, 278 posts
I am looking down upon
Sat 9 Nov 2013
at 00:11
  • msg #977

Re: Day 172

In reply to Oren Blathe (msg # 965):

The prisoners promise not to harm anyone. They just want to be freed, so they can leave. A couple of them say they have families in town and want to return to them. The Orc still says nothing as he continues to stare at Amara until she leaves the room.
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