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23:37, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

M4 - C3 {Control}

Posted by KittenFor group 0
Pax Tarkin
player, 242 posts
R3 Traxx G3/P4/M1 +2 Init
Mongoose "Road Runner"
Fri 22 Nov 2013
at 17:21
  • msg #7

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

In the tubes ready to launch Pax reviews the mission.  All of Road Runner's operation light were green.  He was as ready as he can be.

It was not part of his life plan but it looks like he was destined to be a leader.  Oh how his father would think it a big joke that he was only leading a lance.  Well these were his people and he didn't want to see any of them harmed even though this was now his business.  Accepting money to harm and be harmed.

Shaking himself out of retrospective thoughts he brought to bear the mission at hand.

Lance Com
"Listen up people.  You know the targets, you know the plan.  We drop, hammer what we need to, and get out of town.  Quickly.

Any questions?

Given me a Go when ready.

Traxx go!"

Regina Arlington
player, 102 posts
R0 - Mechwarrior
Callsign - 'Reggie'
Fri 22 Nov 2013
at 17:45
  • msg #8

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

Regina stirs from her nap with a sleepy yawn.

"Is it already time to drop ?
 I was having such a nice dream.
", she comments sleepily.

"Its the same plan we always have isnt it?
 Blow up the bad guys?
", Regina stretches languidly in the confines of her cockpit.

"The Blakes Angelic Servant of Technology And the Religiously Devout...", Regina paused to take a breath after reciting her selected callsign for the mission, "Give you her blessing.  Let the mayhem commence."

With a lazy flick of her wrist Regina lets her fingers brush against the button that indicated she was ready to drop.  Really there was nothing to do till you hit atmosphere and the ablative cocoon burnt off from re-entry.
Pax Tarkin
player, 244 posts
R3 Traxx G3/P4/M1 +2 Init
Mongoose "Road Runner"
Fri 22 Nov 2013
at 17:49
  • msg #9

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

Rolling his eyes surpressing an audible sigh, "Reg, was that a GO."
Regina Arlington
player, 103 posts
R0 - Mechwarrior
Callsign - 'Reggie'
Fri 22 Nov 2013
at 18:01
  • msg #10

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

"Was what a go?
 I dont think i have to go.  Thank you.
", Reggie comments uncertain on the topic of discussion.

After a moment she really wishes that Pax hadn't mentioned 'going'.  Regina wiggles her hips a little to settle in uncomfortably and makes an effort not to think about the last time she went to the rest room or how much she drank since then.
David Crain
player, 186 posts
R0 - Private
Callsign: Avenger
Fri 22 Nov 2013
at 21:38
  • msg #11

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

Avenger fires up his Jenner and looks at the updated status reflecting his new weaponry, satisfied that they and everything else were at nominal settings, Avenger toggled his comm, "Avenger is go!"
David Crain
player, 188 posts
R0 - Private
Callsign: Avenger
Fri 22 Nov 2013
at 21:43
  • msg #12

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

14:43, Today: David Crain rolled 5 using 2d6 with rolls of 1,4. Landing check, TN 3+ (I believe).

OOC: will make further rolls once I verify all is well.

Kitten Note:
Pick your landing hex, THEN roll dice.

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:46, Fri 22 Nov 2013.
editor, 107 posts
Sat 23 Nov 2013
at 00:27
  • msg #13

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

"Incoming 'Mechs, Recon lance Typ, alert HQ, call for Reinforcements, they're going for the Tower!"

The lieutenant looked up at his commander and gulped visibly.
"Roger that sir"

Then the commander spoke openly to all channels.
"Mech lance dropping within restricted Airspace, Identify yourselves"
David Crain
player, 189 posts
R0 - Private
Callsign: Avenger
Sat 23 Nov 2013
at 00:29
  • msg #14

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

In reply to David Crain (msg # 12):

Technically I did, two minutes before I made the post that was edited.  I just didn't copy it over here.
David Crain
player, 190 posts
R0 - Private
Callsign: Avenger
Sat 23 Nov 2013
at 00:31
  • msg #15

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

17:31, Today: David Crain rolled 7 using 2d6 with rolls of 2,5. Piloting roll to land on my feet, TN 5+.
Regina Arlington
player, 105 posts
R0 - Mechwarrior
Callsign - 'Reggie'
Sat 23 Nov 2013
at 03:49
  • msg #16

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

It was a long way down to ground side but the clouds were so pretty that Regina just felt like singing.  Over the comm line Regina could be heard singing something that sounded vaguely juvenile as she passed time pleasantly on the drop.

"The... feet of the locust go ... zoom zoom zoom ... zoom zoom zoom...
 The... feet of the locust go ... zoom zoom zoom... all day long.

The... legs of the locust go ... run run run... run run run...
 The... legs of the locust go ... run run run... all day long.

The... guns of the locust go ... bang bang bang... bang bang bang...
 The... guns of the locust go ... bang bang bang... all day long.

While the singing might have seemed nonsensical to most, every time Regina said run run run, bang bang bang or zoom zoom zomm she did a little burst on the jump pack, letting it rest between.  The timing of the singing kept the burst of thrust going in perfect time for a perfect drop that had Regina nearly perfectly on starting.  Landing just a little harder one leg than the other.

22:40, Today: Regina Arlington rolled 9 using 2d6 with rolls of 6,3. Aim for 1113N - Scatter check tn 4+. (1 Hex Scatter)

22:40, Today: Regina Arlington rolled 12 using 2d6 with rolls of 6,6. Landing check tn 5+. (Standing) (1 point of damage to a leg)

12:47, Today: Regina Arlington rolled 9 using 2d6 with rolls of 6,3. Initiative tn 5+. (Pass)

This message was last edited by the player at 17:48, Sat 23 Nov 2013.
Pax Tarkin
player, 250 posts
R3 Traxx G3/P4/M1 +2 Init
Mongoose "Road Runner"
Sat 23 Nov 2013
at 22:32
  • msg #17

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

FOR Olaf

GO yelled Olaf and ejected from the ship.

His jump jets aiding his decent for a fairly smooth landing.

Target hex 1708 SW
PSR 6-2jump jets = TN 4
14:23, Today: Pax Tarkin rolled 9 using 2d6 with rolls of 4,5. Scatter PSR for hex 1708 SW  TN4. -5 to scatter
14:24, Today: Pax Tarkin rolled 8 using 2d6 with rolls of 5,3. Olaf landing TN5. PASS

14:25, Today: Pax Tarkin rolled 7 using 2d6 with rolls of 1,6. Olaf Init P6.
Fairly sure he passed
Pax Tarkin
player, 251 posts
R3 Traxx G3/P4/M1 +2 Init
Mongoose "Road Runner"
Sat 23 Nov 2013
at 22:44
  • msg #18

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

With his team ejecting from the ship Pax shakes his head.  "Lancers GO." and he too ejects from the ship last.

His landing was rougher than the last time he dropped from a ship he hoped his performance on the ground was different and he did well.  Grimacing he glances at the damage done to the leg of his mech and hopes it doesn't cost him Road Runner.

1707 SW target hex
14:36, Today: Pax Tarkin rolled 6 using 2d6 with rolls of 5,1. Target Hex 1707 SW PSR 4.
Scatter 4

14:38, Today: Pax Tarkin rolled 5 using 2d6 with rolls of 2,3. Stick landing  TN4.

14:39, Today: Pax Tarkin rolled 9 using 2d6 with rolls of 3,6. Init Raw 2.
David Crain
player, 193 posts
R0 - Private
Callsign: Avenger
Sat 23 Nov 2013
at 23:19
  • msg #19

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

16:18, Today: David Crain rolled 5 using 2d6 with rolls of 2,3. Init round 1, TN 5+ I believe.
editor, 111 posts
Sat 23 Nov 2013
at 23:46
  • msg #20

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

Turn 0, deployment map:

David Scatters off the north edge of the map, may reenter along this edge.

The Armored missile carriers all surged southwards, closing in on Regina's, slightly isolated position, Weapons ready and tracking the light 'mech.
"Present your credentials, andd state your business.
Fail to comply, and we will turn you into a crater!

turn 1:
AMC1: Cruise FW2, LT1, FW3.
      Def: +2

AMC2: Flank FW 7, Lt 2.
      Def: +3

AMC3: Flank FW 2, RT 1, FW 5, RT 1
      Def: +3

AMC4: Cruise LT 1, FW 5
      Def +2

turn 1 map:
Move, fire and initiative for Rd 2 please.

This message was last edited by a game editor at 23:48, Sat 23 Nov 2013.
Regina Arlington
player, 107 posts
R0 - Mechwarrior
Callsign - 'Reggie'
Sun 24 Nov 2013
at 00:16
  • msg #21

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

"Oh wow.

 Look at all this attention for me.

 They're making it so easy for me to shoot them up.

 This is so nice of them i almost feel bad.
", with that Regina was off and moving to inflict some damage on the Op force.  By no stretch of the imagination could a person really consider Regina right in the head, though one had to admit, she had an uncanny sense for finding the 'blind spots' on the battlefield and making the most of them.  Regina nimbly moves off to avoid the AMC's gunsights.

Moving forward a a little to gain speed she cuts to the left till she's off the bulls eye like an elusive ghost among the tanks.  Once safely out of the AMC's gun sights she turns hard to the left and does what Regina does best.  Blow stuff up.

Run - F3 L1 F3 L1 - +2 Def Mod - 0809sw

(3) Streak 2s at AMC 1
Base roll 4 + 2 Run - 2 Missile Spec + 2 Def mod = tn 6+ 2 range = tn 8+

(2) Medium Laser at Refuel Station 0709
Base roll 4 + 2 Run + 1 secondary target - 4 Immobile target = tn 3+

Kick Refuel Station 0709
Base roll 3 + 1 Skill modifier - 4 Immobile target = tn 3+

19:21, Today: Regina Arlington rolled 9,5,2,9,7,4 using 2d6,2d6,2d6,2d6,2d6,2d6 with rolls of 3,6,4,1,1,1,4,5,5,2,2,2. (3) Streak/2 ML/1 Kick 6+6+6+, 3+3+ 3+

Streak Hit AMC 1
19:25, Today: Regina Arlington rolled 6,11 using 2d6,2d6 with rolls of 1,5,6,5. Damage location (LS chart). (AMC 1 ~ LS 4 damage)

(2) ML ~ (10 damage to 0709)
Kick ~ (6 damage to 0709)

"I declare that you are all war criminals, and i am here to collect reparations for the blood that has been spilt if not by your hands, then by your overmasters.  Withdraw or you will force my hand to spill your blood.", she comments deadpan serious over the Valkryie's speakers.

Regina was trying to do alot and managed to do a reasonable job of accomplishing most of what she wanted to do.  A couple of missile raked the side of the AMC to rattle the crews confidence.

As a show of force she fired a her lasers into the refueling station damaging it's structure severely.  When it refused to come down, Regina lashed out with a kick that took out the corner support bringing the building down and silencing the weapon fire that was being made by the defensive units inside.

"Refuel station 0709 taken out.", Regina comments to Pax.

(There was a pause)

"Oh wait, i wasnt suppose to do that was i.

 Sorry, you can blow up some of the tanks if you think i was out of line.
", Regina comments sounding apologetic and contrite.

19:02, Today: Regina Arlington rolled 3 using 2d6 with rolls of 1,2. Initiative tn 4+.(Fail)
This message was last edited by the player at 13:44, Mon 25 Nov 2013.
Pax Tarkin
player, 258 posts
R3 Traxx G3/P4/M1 +2 Init
Mongoose "Road Runner"
Sun 24 Nov 2013
at 22:22
  • msg #22

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

FOR Olaf

Remembering his long range goal of removing the Northern Refueling station he backs up to bring his target in sight and opens Fire.

Move: Back  LT1 S, b3   End Hex (crap I can't read them numbers on this map LOL)
Looked on the original map I think its 1805 S  +1 Def Mod

Twist right.
Target Primary Refueling 0805 LRMs Range 10, Secondary 1006 Control Tower 1ML Range 8
Primary: G4 +1walk +2Med -4immob = TN3

14:03, Today: Big Jake rolled 10,9 using 2d6,2d6 with rolls of 6,4,4,5. Olaf LRM#1 @ Refuel TN3, # miss hit.
HIT 8 damage
14:02, Today: Big Jake rolled 8,4 using 2d6,2d6 with rolls of 4,4,3,1. Olaf LRM#2 @ Refueling  TN3, # miss hitting.
HIT 4 damage

Secondary:  G5 +1walk +4long -4immob +1secondary target = TN7
14:06, Today: Big Jake rolled 3 using 2d6 with rolls of 1,2. Olaf Sec Target Control Tower TN7.

HEAT: Prev 0 +1walk +8LRM10x2 +3ML  -10  = 2

14:08, Today: Big Jake rolled 4 using 2d6 with rolls of 2,2. Olaf Init .
Pax Tarkin
player, 260 posts
R3 Traxx G3/P4/M1 +2 Init
Mongoose "Road Runner"
Sun 24 Nov 2013
at 23:45
  • msg #23

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

Pax could see Reg keeping the vehicles busy so it gave the other units time to remove some of the objectives.  Olaf was to hammer the Northern Refueling station and with David's landing too far North Pax went to dealt some damage to the Control Tower.

"Looking good lancer, keep it up!,  David form up and see if you can help destroy that Tower.  Targeting Control Tower then swinging South to help Reg."

Running up to the building he unloaded his weapons into it before adding a kick for good measure.  The building was tough but he had weakened it.

Move: Run 12 mp   Rt1 NW, f6, lt1 SW,f4  END 1107 SW  Def Mod +4

Target Control Tower -4 immob range 1
G5 +2run -4Immob = TN3
15:36, Today: Pax Tarkin rolled 6,7,7 using 2d6,2d6,2d6 with rolls of 3,3,1,6,5,2. Pax 3xMLs @Con Tower to hit ML 1,2,3 TN3.
HIT, HIT, HIT   15 damage to Control Tower

P4 -2kick +2run -4immob = TN0
15:38, Today: Pax Tarkin rolled 4 using 2d6 with rolls of 2,2. Pax Kick Control Tower  TN0  to hit.
HIT 5 dam to Control Tower

HEAT: prev0 +2run +9ML -10HS = 1

15:41, Today: Pax Tarkin rolled 9 using 2d6 with rolls of 4,5. INIT P4 -2mod = TN2.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:33, Mon 25 Nov 2013.
David Crain
player, 197 posts
R0 - Private
Callsign: Avenger
Mon 25 Nov 2013
at 00:13
  • msg #24

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

17:13, Today: David Crain rolled 8 using 2d6 with rolls of 5,3. Init turn 2, TN 5+.
Regina Arlington
player, 114 posts
R0 - Mechwarrior
Callsign - 'Reggie'
Mon 25 Nov 2013
at 13:49
  • msg #25

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

It seemed to Regina that the Op Force were not going to take her threats seriously, and while she knew the Light of Blake was with her, she also knew that he favored the those who knew when to stay and when to go.

"Should i stay or should i go now...
 If i stay there will be trouble...
 If i go it will double...
", she half commented half sang to herself, as she triggers jump jets to breeze over the ruins of Refuel Station 0709 and put herself in position for the next refuel station to take out.

Jump - J5 - +3 Def Mod - 0307se

[I lost initiative, so i plotted a move, this is on the presumption that Regina is standing and capable of triggering her jump jets at the start of the next turn, which seems likely.]

Current Heat 0 / Ammo used 1
(From last turn / Movement 2 + 6 lasers + 2 Streak = 10 heat generated and dispersed  by 11 heat sinks)

This message was last edited by the player at 13:58, Mon 25 Nov 2013.
editor, 121 posts
Mon 25 Nov 2013
at 16:12
  • msg #26

Re: Traxxian Light Lancers (Mercenary Unit)

As the 'Mech warriors closed in on the base, the base responded by opening fire on the warriors, first the north eastern infantry position, the control tower and the northern refueling station opened fire on pax, in a barrage of missiles and Machinegun fire, leaving him more blinded, than actully harmed.

Then the southern infantry positions, and both southern refueling stations alsso opened fire, they however targeted the much slower moving Regina

However, then one of the Refueling stations goes out in a Fiery inferno, as regina's Lazers ignite one of the fuel tanks, sending thunder echoing off of the mountain to the east.

Infantry positions vs Pax: 1005, 1007, 0805
TN's:  8+, 8+, 10+
Rolls: 6, 9, 9: 1 HIT
Location: 5, RL 4 Damage

MG vs Pax All missed

Infantry vs Regina: 1009(Left flank), 0709, 0510, 0309
TN's: 6+, 6+, 8+, 10+
Rolls: 6, 4, 11, 10: 3 hits
Locations: 7, 5, 8 4 damage Left torso, 4 damage RL, 4 damage Left Torso

MG Vs Regina: 0709, 1009(left flank), 0510
TN's: 6+, 8+, 10+
Rolls: 8, 4, 11: 2 hits
Locations: 8, 7 2 damage left torso, 2 damage C. Torso

16:57, Today: Delta rolled 8,7 using 2d6,2d6 with rolls of 4,4,1,6. Locations vs Reggie 2x 2D.
16:56, Today: Delta rolled 8,4,11 using 2d6,2d6,2d6 with rolls of 5,3,1,3,5,6. Turret vs Reggie 6+, 8+, 10+.

16:56, Today: Delta rolled 7,5,8 using 2d6,2d6,2d6 with rolls of 3,4,4,1,3,5. Locations vs Reggie 3 x 4D.
16:56, Today: Delta rolled 6,4,11,10 using 2d6,2d6,2d6,2d6 with rolls of 4,2,3,1,6,5,4,6. Garrison vs Reggie, 6+, 6+, 8+, 10+.

16:54, Today: Delta rolled 5,7 using 2d6,2d6 with rolls of 3,2,2,5. Turret vs PAX tn: 8+, 10+.

16:53, Today: Delta rolled 5 using 2d6 with rolls of 4,1. Garrison vs pax: location 4D.
16:53, Today: Delta rolled 6,9,9 using 2d6,2d6,2d6 with rolls of 3,3,3,6,5,4. Garrison vs Pax: TN 8+, 8+, 10+.
This message was last edited by a game editor at 16:16, Mon 25 Nov 2013.
editor, 122 posts
Mon 25 Nov 2013
at 16:17
  • msg #27

Turn 2, Lancers status

Traxxian Light Lancers
PilotStatsArmor (internals)Criticals

Pax Tarkin
Gunnery 5
Pilot   4 (2 w/Initiative)
Scout   8
Leader  3
Edge    1

8/12/0 Movement
10 Heat Sinks


Repair Modifier x1.25
H    9a    (3i)
CT  12a(3) (8i)

RT  10a(2) (6i)
LT  10a(2) (6i)

RA   8a    (4i)
LA   8a    (4i)

RL   8a    (6i)
LL  12a    (6i)




David Crain
Gunnery 5 (4 w/Energy)
Pilot   5
Scout   7
Leader  2
Edge    1

7/11/5 Movement
10 Heat Sinks

RA Medium Laser
RA Medium Laser
LA Medium Laser
LA Medium Laser

Repair modifier x1.35
H    7a    (3i)
CT  15a(6)(11i)

RT  11a(5) (8i)
LT  11a(5) (8i)

RA  11a    (6i)
LA  11a    (6i)

RL  15a    (8i)
LL  15a    (8i)




Olaf Oleeson
Gunnery 5 (4 w/Missiles)
Pilot   6
Scout   7
Leader  4
Edge    1

4/6/4 Movement
10 Heat Sinks

RT LRM (12) Ammo
RT LRM (12) Ammo

Repair modifier x1.40
H    9a    (3i)
CT  16a(7)(12i)

RT  12a(6)(10i)
LT  12a(6)(10i)

RA  12a    (6i)
LA  12a    (6i)

RL  18a   (10i)
LL  18a   (10i)

RT HS HS {LRM10} {LRM 10} {Ammo}
LT HS HS {LRM10} {LRM 10} {Ammo}



Regina Arlington
Gunnery 4 (2 w/Missiles)
Pilot   6 (5 w/Initiative)
Scout   8
Leader  2
Edge    1

5/8/5 Movement
11 Heat Sinks

RA Streak SRM 2
LT Streak SRM 2
LT Streak SRM 2
RT SS2 (50) Ammo

Repair modifier x1.30
H    8a    (3i)
CT  14a(4)(10i)

RT  14a(2)( 7i)
LT   6a(2)( 7i)

RA  10a    (5i)
LA  10a    (5i)

RL  10a   ( 7i)
LL  14a   ( 7i)




This message was last edited by a game editor at 03:01, Tue 26 Nov 2013.
editor, 123 posts
Mon 25 Nov 2013
at 16:25
  • msg #28

Re: Turn 2, Opforce status


Tower: 70/90
Refuel station 0805: 3/15
Refuel station 0709: DED
Refuel station 0309: 15/15

Hard points:
0606: 15/15
0510: 15/15
1005: 15/15
1009: 15/15

Burton Station Op Force

Heavy Wheeled AMC 1
Move 6/9

Front 20 (1i)
Right 16 (1i)
Left  12 (1i)
Back  12 (1i)

(6) SRM2 Front
(50)Ammo Body

Heavy Wheeled AMC 2
Move 6/9

Front 20 (1i)
Right 16 (1i)
Left  16 (1i)
Back  12 (1i)

(6) SRM2 Front
(50)Ammo Body

Heavy Wheeled AMC 3
Move 6/9

Front 20 (1i)
Right 16 (1i)
Left  16 (1i)
Back  12 (1i)

(6) SRM2 Front
(50)Ammo Body

Heavy Wheeled AMC 4
Move 6/9

Front 20 (1i)
Right 16 (1i)
Left  16 (1i)
Back  12 (1i)

(6) SRM2 Front
(50)Ammo Body

This message was last edited by a game editor at 16:30, Mon 25 Nov 2013.
editor, 128 posts
Mon 25 Nov 2013
at 17:55
  • msg #29

Re: Turn 2, Opforce status

The garrison moves to threaten Olaf, and Traxx, giving up on Regina for the time being.

AMC1: LT 1, FW 7
      Defmod: +3

AMC2: LT 1, FW 7
      Defmod: +3

AMC3: RT 2, FW 7
      Defmod: +3

AMC4: LT 2, FW 7
      Defmod: +3
Regina Arlington
player, 118 posts
R0 - Mechwarrior
Callsign - 'Reggie'
Mon 25 Nov 2013
at 18:07
  • msg #30

Re: Turn 2, Opforce status

"Waste not.
 Want not.

Regina sticks the barrel of her Medium lasers into the side of the building and triggers the weapons into foundation of the building to super heat the supports into slag making the structure unstable and ready to come down.

There's an audible creak, and the wisest of the infantry flee the structure just as Regina's Valkyrie swings around to take out a huge chunk of the sagging frame causing the building the come down makinga spectacular mess.

(2) Medium Laser
Base 4 + 3 Jump - 4 Immobile = tn 3+

(1) Kick
Base 3 + 3 Jump - 4 Immobile = tn 3+

13:07, Today: Regina Arlington rolled 7,5,7 using 2d6,2d6,2d6 with rolls of 6,1,3,2,6,1. (2) ML and Kick, tn 3+. (all hit, refuel station 0309 takes 16 damage)

13:13, Today: Regina Arlington rolled 8 using 2d6 with rolls of 6,2. Initiative tn 4+. (Pass)

"That's two down.  Reporting light damage.", Regina reports as Infantry launched SRMs and MG rattle off in the background.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:14, Mon 25 Nov 2013.
David Crain
player, 199 posts
R0 - Private
Callsign: Avenger
Mon 25 Nov 2013
at 19:26
  • msg #31

Re: Turn 2, Opforce status

In a burst of speed, the Avenger enters the map and weaves between the buildings to end his movement, muttering to himself about the delay caused by the drifting in his drop.  He is quite determined to make up for lost time.

edit: new move if Delta allows it (no firing will change, just how I get to my final hex)
First hex entered is 0901.  Move 5S

First hex entered will be 0601.
Move: 2S, L1, 1SE, R1, 1S, L1, 2SE, R1, 1S.
  End in 0906S.

He sets his sights on the immobile building and opens fire on the control tower:
4 (Base) + 1 (Walk) + 0 (Range) -4 (Immobile) -2 (Pulse) = TN 1+ (TN -1+ for pulse)
Auto-hit with TN1+ or better, not bothering with die roller.
Kick to follow if I remain standing.

Total damage to Control Tower: 16
Heat = 1 (Walk) +4 (Pulse) + 6 (2x med) - 10 (HS) = 1 Net

This message was last edited by the player at 02:27, Tue 26 Nov 2013.
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