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Homebrew - Conquest Game.

Posted by ArkrimFor group 0
GM, 116 posts
Tue 8 Apr 2014
at 12:50
  • msg #1

Homebrew - Conquest Game

So, a lot of people like conquest games and I was conceiving my own a while back. I was going to make a game for it but I had trouble finding the time to work on the system enough to perfect/finish it. Below is what I've come up with so far and I was wondering if people would help me figure out some "holes" in the game or some additions that might make it more fun and intriguing without making it too much more complex or unbalanced.

I'm also at a loss as to what events and abilities I should make and I'm looking for suggestions.

In a typical game a group of players gather round a table and take turns going through a cycle. Games can be competitive or cooperative. Players will be given the option of playing in a competitive game (players vs. players) or cooperative game (players vs. GM). Cooperative games function the same way normal ones do except that players cannot attack each other and the GM provides NPCs for the players to compete against.

Starting the Game: Setup
    Every player begins with 1 territory (called the homeland) and 1 legion (called the overlord). Only one territory is ever labeled "homeland" and only one legion is ever labeled "overlord". Homelands and overlords have abilities that other territories and legions don't (see details). Each player starts with 3 points to add to their overlord's stats and 3 points to add to their homeland's stats. All these stats start at 1 before these points are added. The maximum a stat can be is equal to 2 + double the lowest stat.

    Once stats are assigned (should take no more than 2 minutes), each player rolls 2d6 with the highest roll going first and everyone going clockwise from the first person.

    In addition, homelands and overlords begin with a temporary +6 bonus to all defensive rolls for the first round. This drops to +3 on the second round and vanishes upon round 3.

Phase 1: Upkeep
  • 1. Gain 1 point per territory you possess to put into your legions (you start with only 1 legion). No one legion can have more points than double your weakest legion. Thus, the cost to make a new legion is equal to the same number of points currently in your weakest legion. You cannot possess more than 1 legion per territory and 3 legions per overlord. If you do, you must discard legions upon the start of your next upkeep until you don't exceed this cap any more.
  • 2. Draw a card. The event on the card happens.
  • 3. Draw a card. You keep it in your hand as an ability card.
  • 4. Charity: If you have more than 6 cards in your hand, you must discard the excess into the charity pile. The player(s) with the fewest territories and/or fewest legions can choose to pick a card of their choice from the pile instead of drawing cards from the normal deck. They can do this for either their event or ability, but not both. A player with fewest legions but most territories or vice versa does not get to do this.

Phase 2: Campaign
  • 1. Choose what you want to do with each of your legions. Protect a territory? Conquer another territory? Trade with another player? Etc. You can play up to 6 cards, since that's how many you have in your hand at a time.

    Remember to list what each of your legions are doing and what you're doing with your territory abilities (if any).

    Arcana: This can be used to buff territories or legions as well as debuff enemies that attack. Just like an Overlord can grant their bonuses to their legion, Arcana can grant bonuses to other legions in anything.

    Economics: This can be used to acquire income. Have your legion make an economics roll. For every dice that results in a 4 or higher, you gain +1 more point next upkeep. Alternatively, you can attack a territory or legion and if for every "point" you would've dropped them had this been a Military fight you cause them to lose that many points from their next upkeep.

    Military: This can be used to attack or defend against enemies. Roll against their Military might. If you win against a territory, you can claim it for your own.

    Politics: Just as Military can destroy legions and conquer territories, Politics can destroy territories and conquer legions. A legion "attacked" by politics does not actually lose points but they effectively do for the purposes of the assault. If they are reduced to a total number of points below the attacking legion's Politics bonus, they are "conquered" and the attacker gains that legion as a prize. Conversely, attacking a territory with Politics roll and succeeding destroys it.

    Subterfuge: This can be used to acquire information or give false information. Roll against another legion or territory. If you succeed, that legion or territory either cannot act or use abilities until the end of that player's next turn. Alternatively, you can target a legion or territory and allow them to act twice if you succeed on a number of rolls of 4 or higher equal to the bonus they have to the second action you desire them to take. Subterfuge cards often allow you to look at other player's hands or disable them from using certain types of abilities.

Phase 3: Resolution
  • 1. You have each of your legions roll the prospective difficulties to see the successes or failures of your campaigns.
    How Rolling Works: Roll 2d6 and add your stat bonus. Compare to the opposing roll or difficulty. If you exceed it, you win. If you match it, you stalemate. If your result is below it you lose. Losing costs you. Winning gains you a territory. Stalemate does nothing but waste your time.
  • 2. A failure causes the failing legion to lose 1 point in all their stats per failure. If a stat is 0, they lose 2 points in every other stat. If two stats are 0 they lose 3 points in every other stat and so on and so forth. A stat cannot be reduced below 0. A legion that has had all its stats reduced to 0 is wiped out and destroyed.

End of Cycle (repeat process)

You can use an ability card at any time during the phases, even on another player's turn. However, if you play a card that doesn't have the INSTANT descriptor outside your turn, the costs double. Effects of ability cards begin immediately and end at the beginning of the next cycle unless noted otherwise. If someone plays a card in response to your card, their effects supersedes your own if possible. For example, if player 1 attacked player 2 and player 2 used the counterattack card to make a preemptive strike on player 1 and player 2 also used the counter attack, then player 1 would make a counterattack 1st and then player 2 could make a counterattack and then player 1 would make their regular attack.

Players can save up ability cards but cannot hold more than 6 cards. You can sacrifice an ability card for +1 stat point to any legion you want, but only on your turn and you cannot sacrifice cards this way while you have more than 6 cards in your hand.

The overlord's stat points not only allow them to function as a legion themselves, but they can alternatively make the "lead" campaign and grant their bonuses to other legions like a pool. Unlike other campaigns, using a Overlord's point pool can be done at any time just like playing cards.

Example: During the Campaign Phase, Player 1 sends a legion to attack a new territory. His legion fails to conquer it so he expends 3 points of his Overlord's Military stat points to add a bonus to the legion's assault, making their roll a success rather than a failure and lowering the Overlord's Military stat by 3. The Overlord's Military stats will return back to their normal amount upon the first step of the next upkeep. You cannot lower a Overlord's stat below 0.

Your Overlord can only be affected by cards which exclusively target overlords. However, if they are overwhelmed and destroyed you must wait 3 cycles in order to appoint one of your existing legions as the new Overlord (this includes the cycle upon which they are destroyed). In this time your Homeland territory can be attacked. If your homeland territory if overrun, you must wait 3 cycles in order to appoint one of your existing territories as the new Homeland.

Your homeland cannot be targeted by any cards or legions while your overlord is in play.

LOSING: Technically, the only way to completely "lose" is to have all your territories conquered by others AND all your legions destroyed. So long as you possess at least 1 legion or territory, you can continue playing although to avoid long draw-out games most competitive matches rule the conquering of your homeland is the end of the game. Sudden death matches rule that the death of your overlord is the end of the game.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:19, Sun 13 Apr 2014.
GM, 117 posts
Tue 8 Apr 2014
at 12:50
  • msg #2

Re: Homebrew - Conquest Game

Every card has an event and an ability listed on it. The first card you draw during phase 1 is an event that happens to you which you must place face up. The second card you draw is an ability that you can use which you put directly into your hand. If the event is too catastrophic, you may switch your event and ability cards but doing so reveals to everyone what card you have drawn.


All attacking legions fight at half strength.
Event: All your legions and any legions attacking them are affected.
Ability: Choose one other player. All their legions and any legions attacking them are affected.

Target loses 1 rank in Arcana. Targets with Arcana as the highest stat are immune.
Event: One random legion or territory is affected.
Ability: Choose one legion or territory to be affected.


One of your legions secedes becoming an NPC mercenary legion (determine which with a random die roll or coin flip, you cannot lose your last remaining overlord, though they may lose their legion).
Event: All your legions and any legions attacking them are affected.
Ability: Choose one other player. All their legions and any legions attacking them are affected.

All political attacks are at half strength. If the action would have captured a territory or legion, the aggressor can change it to a Military action instead.
Event: All your legions and any legions attacking them are affected.
Ability: Choose one other player. All their legions and any legions attacking them are affected.

Target loses 1 rank in Economics. Targets with Economics as the highest stat are immune.
Event: One random legion or territory is affected.
Ability: Choose one other legion or territory to be affected.


Immediately destroy a legion or territory. This cannot target a homeland or overlord unless all other legions and territories are gone. Targets with military as the highest stat can roll military against your overlord to resist, otherwise the destruction is automatic.
Event: Roll random die to determine which legion or territory is affected. If the target has military as the highest rank, reduce its military rank to 0 instead of destroying it.
Ability: Choose one target legion or territory to be affected.

One legion which has just won a military action is reduced to half its remaining strength in all attributes. (Round down, can reduce an attribute to 0.
Event: Roll random die to determine which of your legions is affected. If you have won no military actions last round or this round, then the affected legions drops only one of its attributes by half (chosen by you).
Ability: Choose one other player and roll a die to randomly determine which of their legions is affected.

Target loses 1 rank in Military. Targets with Military as the highest stat are immune.
Event: One random legion or territory is affected.
Ability: Choose one other legion or territory to be affected.


One legion may take no action other than defend itself until this players next turn.
Event: Roll random die to determine which of your legions is affected.
Ability: Choose one other player and roll a die to randomly determine which of their legions is affected.

Target loses 1 rank in Politics. Targets with Politics as the highest stat are immune.
Event: One random legion or territory is affected.
Ability: Choose one other legion or territory to be affected.

Coming soon....

Great beast

Arcane academy: Add to one territory. Legions occupying or adjacent to territory gain +50% arcana (minimum +1).

Military barracks: Add to one territory. Legions occupying or adjacent to territory gain +50% military (minimum +1).

Capitol: Add to one territory. Legions occupying or adjacent to territory gain +50% politics (minimum +1).

Legendary weapon: Add to one legion. Legion can trade arcana and military points at any time, but only once per round.

Slaves: Military victory results in extra gains.

Ability: Let no one say we did not fight unto the last!
One legion which has just been destroyed reforms in the nearest territory not occupied by another legion with half its previous attributes. (Round up.)

Event: Volunteer Regiments
Create one new legion on any territory you control that does not contain one. This legion is identical to another legion of your choice.

Ability: Draft
Create one new legion on any territory you control that does not contain one. This legion is equal to half the strength of your most powerful one.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:06, Fri 25 Apr 2014.
shady joker
player, 4 posts
Wed 9 Apr 2014
at 12:04
  • msg #3

Re: Homebrew - Conquest Game

Reign has company rules and Exalted has dramatic tasks that handles similar things like this. That said I really like your idea a because it uses cards instead of dice and is less 'clunky' then the others. It could be not just a stand alone game but also an add on game to a traditional campaign to reflect how the world changes. Maybe party involvement can give a player an extra draw or something?
GM, 143 posts
Fri 11 Apr 2014
at 19:11
  • msg #4

Re: Homebrew - Conquest Game

In reply to shady joker (msg # 3):

Yeah, those are some good ideas. Id need to flesh out the game before i synthesize it with another. Also it probably needs a lot of testing.
shady joker
player, 10 posts
Sun 13 Apr 2014
at 17:22
  • msg #5

Re: Homebrew - Conquest Game

I like how an Overlord can not completely minmax and have everything in say military or Arcana and ignore the rest. Though the play a card anytime ability might be a tricky bit of business and needs to be play tested. I look forward to seeing future developments.
GM, 144 posts
Sun 13 Apr 2014
at 21:12
  • msg #6

Re: Homebrew - Conquest Game

In reply to shady joker (msg # 5):

I intend to make some instant and others not.

I simply haven't come up with how to do that yet.
shady joker
player, 12 posts
Sun 13 Apr 2014
at 21:17
  • msg #7

Re: Homebrew - Conquest Game

Well are you using a standard 52 (54 with jokers) deck of cards or custom cards like Magic the gathering? With a standard deck It be a real hassle to make some instant and others not. You have to rule all Deuce cards are instant or all of diamonds are instant or some such. Deciding whether each individual card is instant or not will be too much of a hassle and make people consult the rules mid game.
GM, 149 posts
Mon 14 Apr 2014
at 19:41
  • msg #8

Re: Homebrew - Conquest Game

In reply to shady joker (msg # 7):

Originally 52 but changing to custom.

Any ideas for new cards are welcome.
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