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04:13, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by donsrFor group 0
player, 427 posts
Son of the Hunter
Shining Light
Fri 13 Jun 2014
at 00:48
  • msg #438


Well, maybe we'll pick up a pair of bullettes soon so we Paladins can have our class feature in a meaningful way. Probably be s mated pair, I think. (Fortunately for the world, the Bullettes become Lawful Good when they bond with us, and gain +2 intelligence besides, Otherwise, Bullettes would be a public menace) :)
Crucian Serpenthelm
player, 39 posts
Fri 13 Jun 2014
at 07:31
  • msg #439


Crucian walked along, the pup moving along at a steady pace flanking Cru's own path.
Rolf Liefsen
player, 235 posts
Human Ranger
Fri 13 Jun 2014
at 13:09
  • msg #440


Rolf makes short work of the hot breakfast.  In his efforts to catch up, he'd had many days of cold trail rations.  But he was ready for the days march, if they did not reach the city by nightfall, it would not be because Rolf couldn't keep pace.

Pulling together his geal, Rolf falls into his assigned position in the rear of the march.
moving up the trail
Tue 17 Jun 2014
at 03:09
  • msg #441


  The  Group  was  moving fast..or at least as  Fast as  Kree  Could urge them On. Every now and again, he would return and express the need for them to  keep moving.

   A few  times , the  main group could see  Bodies  in various states of decay, that were staked to Trees  with Runes  carved in their  Foreheads...or skull..depending on how long they had been there...some of the Bodies  were Missing Limbs and such, from scavengers  that prowl the  lands.

 Lucy  found  another  Goblin, about  half a day from their starting point, its throat ripped out, it looked  well empty of  blood.

  Ivy's  Whistle, a note to  tell the  Group someone was coming down the road...

 Three  Men,  dressed in Leathers, two had  Long bows one , a heavy crossbow. they each had  a melee weapon, and their  right shoulder held the Patch of  Boll's  Militia. The Nodded as they  walked past the Group,..Fare You well, in your travels, Arrows....beware...a  tribe of Goblins  are running amok..We have been Hunting them the past week or so...
Lar Kistras
player, 103 posts
Wed 18 Jun 2014
at 05:19
  • msg #442


Lar finishes his meal as well and heads down the trail with the others.
player, 835 posts
Wed 18 Jun 2014
at 05:24
  • msg #443


In reply to moving up the trail (msg # 441):

Justin kept apace as the group pushed along the trail albeit at times it was difficult to match Kree's blistering advance As the Militiamen passed he exchanged greetings with the patrol, thanking them for the caution and bidding their efforts be blessed by Eta's grace.
player, 93 posts
Wed 18 Jun 2014
at 14:38
  • msg #444


In reply to moving up the trail (msg # 441):

Lucy came across the bloodless body and made a face to herself.  She remembered the vampire and spending the night in the ruins with that thing.  For a split second she felt sorry for the goblin.  The poor thing probably not only never knew what hit it, but never had a chance.
heading to Boll
Sat 21 Jun 2014
at 19:19
  • msg #445


 the  Sun was on its way down, close to 1:00 or so...The  Party traveled up the  rugged Mountain 'road'.   A Wagom rubbled down the Path An Older  Human drove the wagon. A Dwarf had  a loaded  Crossbow on his lap..two Humans  walked  along One had  a Huge Pike axe.  the other had  a Longbow.

 The wagon stopped as the group came Closer, the Dwarf  stood  and hand his crossbow On Lucy when he saw the 'catfolk'.

 the  Human with the Pike axe moved to the front. The  Human with the Bow , nocked  an arrow and Looked behind their wagon
player, 836 posts
Sat 21 Jun 2014
at 22:53
  • msg #446


In reply to heading to Boll (msg # 445):

With the Kree and Ivy on the flanks and Catgirl on point Justin saw the wagon approaching but wasn't in a position to assess the situation or if need quickly intervene.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:15, Sat 21 June 2014.
Rolf Liefsen
player, 236 posts
Human Ranger
Mon 23 Jun 2014
at 13:08
  • msg #447


Seeing the approaching wagon, Rolf quickly pulls up his bow stave and in a well practiced motion, strings in in next to no time.  He notches an arrow, but holds the bow down, the string unbent.  The human with the longbow would likely be his target, unless things change and one thing about fighting, things had a way of changing.
player, 428 posts
Son of the Hunter
Shining Light
Mon 23 Jun 2014
at 13:10
  • msg #448


Luthien was a little disturbed about traveling with a vampire, but he was somewhat assuaged knowing she would become mortal again if given the chance. There's not really anything else he could ask for from her.

...It seemed not everyone had great compassion for halfbreeds, as they were instantly suspicious of Lucy.
player, 94 posts
Mon 23 Jun 2014
at 23:22
  • msg #449


Lucy, for her part, showed no signs of drawing a weapon, even leaving her hands at her side.
Although, as they got closer, her elven features became more aparent.  She hoped that might go in her favor.

She did let out a whistle alerting the rest of the group as the wagon approached.
Although she kept her hands at her sides, her sword and bow were hand, and withing very easy reach, should the need arise.
Tue 24 Jun 2014
at 00:41
  • msg #450


  The  Dwarf   Points at  Lucy,..You there!...what are You about!...I warn y you now, if you are brigands?, You pay  a heavy price if you try to take my goods!

 The Man with the Bow  said,..There is One  in the trees  On My side....

 Kree  came out with a smile, his Bow aimed  at the  Dwarf,..Took you long  enough to  hear me  Lad. I made enough  Noise for an Elven BAbe to hear me...

 From the otherside, Ivy stepped Out, His Bow trained on the Human Archer,...I...however...did not....

 the  men looked  uneasy Now...they could  see   something  coming up the Path, and they were  flanked By a pair  of elven Archers...

  The Dwarf Looked at Lucy,..what is it that ya want!
player, 95 posts
Tue 24 Jun 2014
at 17:33
  • msg #451


"Talk to him." She said indicating Kree.  "He's the boss.  I'm just a scout." She said, with a feline grin.
If it made them uneasy, that was her intent.

Slowly, however, she began to lower her hands, towards her sheathed blade.  Just in case.
Diana Hunt
player, 144 posts
Tue 24 Jun 2014
at 17:34
  • msg #452


In reply to path (msg # 450):

Bringing up the rear, Diana notched her bow, aiming it at the human archer as well.

She waited in silence, as events unwound.
Riku Key
player, 307 posts
Tue 24 Jun 2014
at 23:33
  • msg #453


Seeing the threat, Riku moves quickly and hovers above the Dwarf.  Nor I.
Crucian Serpenthelm
player, 40 posts
Tue 24 Jun 2014
at 23:34
  • msg #454


Cru snapped his fingers and walked between the positions that Ivy and Kree were holding.  His companion letting out a low growl at the dwarf.

It seems that there's quite a bit of miscommunication, he said patting the top of his companion's head.
the road
Wed 25 Jun 2014
at 00:32
  • msg #455


  Kree, does not  let his bow waver  as he says,...You travel the  FurMan's chain...what have you seen , that might  be....out of  place?

 The Dwarf Looks  Back   , but  still has  his  crossbow Up...ain't seen Much of Nothin'...we  are making  our  way down to Olant to sell me Goods...and  then Go BAck to Boll..hopefully, with out none  of us dyin'

..Pray?  Good  Dwarf?..what Goods   do you carry?

 The dwarf's eyes  flicker to Ivy, then Looks  back at Kree,..I am a Smith...I had  an Order for  50 lengths of  good Dwarven Chains....

 Kree's face  turned  hard,...Slaver Chains?

 ...Look, Elf..i don't ask no one what they do with my Goods...I sell swords to  folks, I sell Maces...and I sell chains...what they use them for, don't matter Much to me....

 Ivy shook his head slowly..I do not  care much for the Answer, Cousin...but he does  speak the truth...we cannot Kill him, just because he might  be selling chains to Slavers.....

 The Pike  MAn Moved closer to the  wagon as Ivy said this..the  Bowman looked around, trying to figure who he should  try and shoot first, if things  went sideways.

 Kree Looks   at his people and asked,...well, My friends?....I know what i would do, if i were here by myself?.....What do you think we should do?  Chains going to Olant, is a grand  chance ,t hey will be used   on slaves.....there is a cahnce they might be used on ships, wagons, or  even for pets...
Rolf Liefsen
player, 237 posts
Human Ranger
Wed 25 Jun 2014
at 01:20
  • msg #456


Rolf decides to weigh in.  <blu>"If we don't know that they're slavers, I say we leave 'em be."</blue>
Riku Key
player, 308 posts
Wed 25 Jun 2014
at 01:27
  • msg #457


Riku flutters down.  Aye, I can travel with the dwarf and be safely unspotted, she added.  When I find out to the "who" it goes, I can fly back to you from a safe distance and relay  my information.
Crucian Serpenthelm
player, 41 posts
Wed 25 Jun 2014
at 01:28
  • msg #458


Cru patted the companions head.  He can go as well and be an additional set of eyes, he said putting his two cents in.
The Road
Wed 25 Jun 2014
at 04:15
  • msg #459


  The Dwarf is Looking around  after Kree and Ivy Speak, then a few others...who are you! Judge Me Life..and My right to continue it...

 Kree's  voice  is  clam...and cold,Silence, Dwarf...for the words you are hearing..may be the votes that tip the scales of your Life...

  his eyes look to the rest of the Arrows, to see what the others  say.

 Ivy adds, Softly, without the  smile he normally shows, know us see signs of out passing staked to trees, around the lands...
Lar Kistras
player, 104 posts
Wed 25 Jun 2014
at 04:41
  • msg #460


Lar spoke up. "If we fear the chains will be used on slaves let us buy them ourselves.  No one will need to die and we will keep them from being used for evil."
Ivyain Nightblade
player, 72 posts
Death in the dark
Wed 25 Jun 2014
at 04:53
  • msg #461


  ..and the Dwarf  still makes coin, on the chains he forged  to be used against  the helpless?
player, 429 posts
Son of the Hunter
Shining Light
Wed 25 Jun 2014
at 05:28
  • msg #462


Luthien didn't respond...yet...

Instead, he extended his senses over the dwarf. He'd learn for himself just what the goddess thought of his soul, and whether to speak for him or against him.
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