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07:51, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC: Preparing for Peace (4)

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
GM, 351 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 14 May 2014
at 00:16
  • msg #1

IC: Preparing for Peace (4)

It is the forth year of summer and it's the time for the first harvest the poppy. The small folk of House Ashfield and surrounding lands have begun preparing the fields.

The rumors are now fact as news has arrives by the raven peace is at hand.
This message was last updated by the GM at 16:38, Tue 01 July 2014.
GM, 352 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 14 May 2014
at 00:25
  • msg #2

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

News has arrived by courier, diplomats of the capital come to distribute invitations, and discuss important matters at hand. The weddings are expected to a grand celebration.

King Baelor the Blessed, the Septon King has come to an agreement with Dorne. A Dornish wedding will be had, this will be a glorious event that will be spoken about for ages to come.

Letter of Invitation

It is with great pleasure that the House Targaryen announces the joining of Prince Daeron of House Targaryen, the Second of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm & Princess Myriah Martell of Dorne of the House of Martell.

There will be festivities beginning 7 days prior to the wedding and services for this union will be held at The Great Sept of Baelor at Kings Landing.

The Great House request that House Ashfield and representatives of their respected houses & Banner men attend this monumental event.
GM, 353 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 14 May 2014
at 00:33
  • msg #3

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

After recent of the invitation, the house of Ashfield has been extremely busy and the rumors are just getting out of control.

Lord Ascar Ashfield has requested the his trusted advisors and councilmen to meet ....
Dyllan Redbrush
Ashfield, 9 posts
Thu 15 May 2014
at 04:20
  • msg #4

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

Dyllan walks into the council room, in harness but unarmed.

"M'lord. You've news from the king?"

He's a tall man, broad in mail that stretches over strong shoulders. Though his arms are as powerful as ever, his gut hangs a bit over his trousers and presses into the rings. His eyes flash green between bushy white eyebrows and trimmed whiskers. His hair is short and matted from a recently doffed arming cap.

"What chances for honorable advancement does he offer now? We've been too long at play with these tourneys, it makes us all soft."

The sellsword seems to still be bitter over the loss at the last tourney he participated in. A much younger man unhorsed him - despite his skill with the lance - and took his best mount and suit of plate.
Pella Ashfield
Ashfield, 22 posts
Healer of Poppy Hall
Second Daughter
Thu 15 May 2014
at 12:51
  • msg #5

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

Already seated at the foot of the council room's long oak table, Pella had been quietly reading a slim volume titled The Many Uses of Pennyroyal by Maester Orillonc, with apparent interest. During the heat of the day, Pella often used the cool council chamber as a reading room due to its relative lack of use - an outdoorsy man, Lord Ascar was more inclined to discuss house affairs over a meal or in the open air.

As was usually the case, Pella was overdressed for a day in which she appeared to be doing nothing but reading, clothed in a flowing silk gown of red and green, her long hair neatly braided.

Pella acknowledged Dyllan's his arrival only with a brief flinch of distraction from her reading.

With a mischievous smile, Pella couldn't help but retort to the sworn sword's comment before her father could respond. "I'd wager that pies, ale and comfortable beds are more cause for any softness in this hold, Redbrush.".
This message was last edited by the player at 12:52, Thu 15 May 2014.
GM, 366 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 15 May 2014
at 13:27
  • msg #6

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

In reply to Dyllan Redbrush (msg # 4):

"Well Dyllan it seems that our King will be married, and our fight with Dorne on the battle field is over." As he tosses the letter over to him on the table. "We have been asked to go to Kings Landing for the celebration of the union of Prince Daeron & Princess Myriah."

Lord Ascar is content with the war ending and maybe some peace to rebuild what was lost is a good thing, but his concerns for the political effect out weigh the battle field. He always prefers the field then the court as there are less places to hide.

"How many lives lost to just join them with us by marriage. There will be many lords in the Reach that will not stand for on this."

"I have heard from our diplomats south of kings Landing that The Reach and Dorne have had the greatest amount of houses that are to attend. This is so that the families may reconcile, ... AS if it will be that easily." 
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:29, Thu 15 May 2014.
Wallace Justman
Ashfield, 20 posts
straight as an arrow
crazy like a fox
Thu 15 May 2014
at 16:52
  • msg #7

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

Wallace quietly enters the room, his soft footfalls making little noise. He wears breeches, a white blouse with ruffles, and a plain but well made coat in the house's colors. His gray streaked wavy hair frames his face, although it continues to retreat from his forehead. He is carrying a large tray with two bottles of wine, goblets, and plates of cured meats, a selection of cheeses, and a small selection of fresh fruit.

"Lord Ashfield" he says, bowing deeply. He turns formally to Pella, and bows again, "M'Lady". He then turns to Dyllan Redbrush, and gives him a much shallower bow, "Ser Redrush, I am certain you will acquit yourself admirably in the tournament."

He then unobtrusively sets out small plates, and pours wine, first for his Lord, and then for Pella, and finally for Redbrush.

He bends down and says quietly to Pella as he pours her wine, "That is a lovely frock, M'Lady. You always look just so."

When finished, he stands to the left of his Lord, two paces back. It has always been his habit to serve the Lord's council chamber himself, rather than leaving it to the staff.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:07, Thu 15 May 2014.
GM, 370 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Thu 15 May 2014
at 19:55
  • msg #8

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

In reply to Wallace Justman (msg # 7):

"Wallace, I sure by now the staff have told you, .... What is your option on the matter?"

He walks over to were Pella is sitting and places his hand on her shoulder "you will enjoy the Landing daughter there is much to do and much to see." "I know of a place were the bread is from grains shipped over from Essos the finest in Kings Landing."
Wallace Justman
Ashfield, 21 posts
straight as an arrow
crazy like a fox
Thu 15 May 2014
at 20:33
  • msg #9

Re: IC: Preparing for Peace

Wallace stands still for a moment, furrowing his brow. Then responds, "The War, most recently, to conquer Dorne, has always bit deeply into the flesh of the Reach, M'Lord. Not having to worry about funerary rites for any more sons is surely a blessing of the Mother and the Crone."

He pauses to take a breath, "And, though it be a bold statement, Lord Ashfield, I also believe marriage between the houses of Flowers and Sand would cement the peace as sure as anything. There are many ways for influence and peace to grow."
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