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07:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

IC: Gathering of the 'Hold' (6)

Posted by CaladinFor group 0
GM, 777 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 25 Jun 2014
at 22:00
  • msg #1

IC: Gathering of the 'Hold' (6)

Ashara Kolwyn spend the following day about the castle, she is quite board without her Jadis and Gabriel is just not as much fun. That evening a scout arrives with word to Lord Perros - The party is returning with news and they are expected by next day. The lord doesn't discuss the particulars with anyone. And so the day pass and the next day comes, close to mid-day the party is seen coming over the horizon.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 17:25, Mon 18 Aug 2014.
GM, 778 posts
"Live Free Die Well"
Wed 25 Jun 2014
at 22:11
  • msg #2

Re: Gathering of the 'Hold'

Ser Enesto Riquez is in the courtyard practicing with some of the other men as Lord Perros comes from the inner walls, "Ser Enesto are scouts and men return greet your bother in arms and once they are ready I wish yours and all of their council..... in the great hall all with title station will attend." His instructs sound like the days of war when he called every to chambers. The thought has brought the hair on the back for your neck to raise.

The lord does not wait for his sons or any to enter nor to greet them, he leaves to prepare himself.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 113 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Wed 25 Jun 2014
at 22:52
  • msg #3

Re: Gathering of the 'Hold'

Ser Hassan had brought his horse to a canter as they crossed the castle into the courtyard Hassan had a young man riding with him on his horse. Dismounting as he pulled his horse over toward the stable, he reached up and grabbed the boy under his arms and lifted him down gently onto the ground. "There you go boy," he said to him as he tied off his horse and ordered one of the houses squires to remove the horses barding and to have it oiled and taken care of.

Walking uptoward his brother Godfrey the two began to speak, "Brother, I need you to return to Raven's Roost, and make the necessary preparations we spoke of. In my Absence you will be in charge. Leave as soon as you can, I will send a message as soon as possible." Placing various weapons away, Hassan grabbed his boar spear and began making sure the knights were stabling their horses, and ensuring they were still ready.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:53, Wed 25 June 2014.
Gabriel Laurent
Kolwyn, 27 posts
The Raindrop Knight
Ashara's Bodyguard
Thu 26 Jun 2014
at 00:16
  • msg #4

Re: Gathering of the 'Hold'

It was true, Gabriel lacked much of the joviality and playfulness of other companions. Conversation with him was one-sided, giving one the impression that they were shouting into the wind or speaking to a statue. He seemed the sort of man to remain silent, unless he had something of import to say: saving every word as if it were a precious treasure. So much so that the occasional comment from him earned real surprise from those around him. People took notice, if only for the curiosity of it.

So it was that Gabriel remained quietly at Ashara's side, or not far from it, as Lord Perros' assembly began to gather. Along the wall, standing stoically with one hand rested with warm familiarity on his blade's sheath - his steel-girded fingers wrapped about its width. He left Ashara's side only when asked, or when propriety demanded it. Hanging there wherever she went, a mysterious and vigilant shade following in her footsteps.

When the gathering in the Great Hall was called for Gabriel was unsure whether or not he ought attend. So the warrior took his cue from Ashara: remaining with her, attending only if she did.
Ser Ernesto Riquez
Kolwyn, 8 posts
The Lightning Giant
Sworn Sword to Kolwyn
Thu 26 Jun 2014
at 00:20
  • msg #5

Re: Gathering of the 'Hold'

Ser Ernesto said nothing to his lord as the order was given. He simply looked over and gave a quick nod before barging into a recruit and knocking him over. "Next time there will be no play fight. Be prepared for anything" he said to the young soldier, before taking his leave.

Watching the party return he followed slowly on foot to the stables. he was in no rush as he knew it would take some time for the warriors to get cleaned up. as the men dismounted their horses. Ser Ernesto made his pressance known "So it is good to see you have bloodied your spears on the Bandits, our lord seeks council as soon as you can muster the strength, accompany me to see him". He boasts, obviosly to him they were unsucsessful in clearing out some simple bandits.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 159 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Thu 26 Jun 2014
at 12:50
  • msg #6

Re: Gathering of the 'Hold'

Ashara has been eagerly awaiting the return of her sister and uncle. She'd been chattering to Gabriel (despite his rare responses) as she attended to her needlework when she catches sight of the Ser Hassan's party approaching the castle from the window. She lets out an excited cry and hurries to the great hall to greet them when they come in, forgetting her work in her excitement.
Gabriel Laurent
Kolwyn, 29 posts
The Raindrop Knight
Ashara's Bodyguard
Fri 27 Jun 2014
at 02:38
  • msg #7

Re: Gathering of the 'Hold'

Ashara's keeper paused to pick up her needlework and place it carefully on the table, out of the way but safe from being accidentally ruined by the household's many servants. His gauntleted-hands carried it with a careful gentleness one would not expect of a man shod in steel. As he placed the hoop and cloth down he glanced out the window himself, briefly watching Ser Hassan approach through the slit of his helm.

At his side, the warrior's hand flexed with eager impatience before coming again to stillness.

... Then Gabriel followed after Ashara, several steps behind her. The 'clacking' of leather on stone announcing every one of his footsteps, accompanied by the soft rustling of brigandine beneath his brown woolen cloak. Its length trailed behind him, worn hem scarcely a few inches from the ground... one side pulled over his shoulder and left arm, the other behind his arm to bare his hand and steel.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:52, Fri 27 June 2014.
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 114 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Sat 28 Jun 2014
at 02:05
  • msg #8

Re: Gathering of the 'Hold'

Ser Hassan walked over toward his neice and offered her a hug with his free hand. The young child Gerrin was sticking to his side like glue. "Ashara, where is your Father I need to speak with him immediately, it is of the utmost importance." Ser Hassan appeared to be looking for something, and was ignoring Ernesto. "Damn it to the seven hells," it was rare for any one to hear Ser Hassan curse. But it appeared he was in rare form today.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 161 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Sat 28 Jun 2014
at 02:34
  • msg #9

Re: Gathering of the 'Hold'

Ashara eagerly hugs Ser Hassan. "Welcome back, uncle!" She nodded quickly "My lord father should be here soon."
She gasps, not so much shocked by the language as by who said it. "Uncle, what's wrong?"
Ser Ernesto Riquez
Kolwyn, 10 posts
The Lightning Giant
Sworn Sword to Kolwyn
Sat 28 Jun 2014
at 03:12
  • msg #10

Re: Gathering of the 'Hold'

Not saying anything Enesto followed Ser Hassan as he went to greet Ashara. He noted the slight on him but chose not to make something of it just yet. He simply waited impatiently as the greetings happened. Their lord had summoned them they should answer the call. As Ser Hassan spoke about seeing him he said to the space in front of him "He has all ready summoned us. He has called for his council like i just said" as he waited in the courtyhard for these pleasentires to finish.

The cursing didn't shock Ernesto as it probbably should have for he was used to far worse. "M'Lady, Perhaps the problem would be best discussed in front of our Lord. Othersise the old man here might forget the problem before it can be adressed" Old man was a strange choice of words given there was perhaps only a year between their ages. And the years had not been kind to Ernesto in anycase. "Either way it is likley best we attend to him now, or keep him waiting, your choice" He said as he started to walk off to the council chamber leaving the others behind.
Gabriel Laurent
Kolwyn, 31 posts
The Raindrop Knight
Ashara's Bodyguard
Sat 28 Jun 2014
at 03:28
  • msg #11

Re: Gathering of the 'Hold'

Gabriel watched the exchange between knights mutely, his featureless great helm slowly swiveling between the pair as they alternately ignored and insulted each other. The warrior said nothing of the apparent bad blood between the two knights, instead remaining vigilantly and silently out of the way but within reach of Ashara.
Ashara Kolwyn
Kolwyn, 163 posts
Highborn Lady
1st Daughter of Kolwyn
Sat 28 Jun 2014
at 06:32
  • msg #12

Re: Gathering of the 'Hold'

"Of course, Ser Ernesto. I wouldn't keep my father waiting" Ashara replies politely. Once she finishes hugging Ser Hassan she curtsies to Gerrin. "Hello, child, I'm lady Ashara Kolwyn. What's your name?" she says gently.
Archibald Sand
Kolwyn, 69 posts
Sat 28 Jun 2014
at 08:58
  • msg #13

Re: Gathering of the 'Hold'

When the wagon finally brings up the rear of the column and parks in it's usual place near the stables Maester Archibald helps the stretcher bearers move the much recovered, but still mute, man onto the stretcher and sends the off in the direction of the infirmary with strict instructions to not leave the man alone.

Only then does he join the group exchanging greetings in the courtyard to address Ashara.  ”We should indeed speak to your Lord Father soon, there is much to discuss, do you know if our advance message was received in time?”
Ser Hassan Ravenhowe
Ravenhowe, 115 posts
Knight of Raven's Roost
Sword of House Kolwyn
Mon 30 Jun 2014
at 02:26
  • msg #14

Re: Gathering of the 'Hold'

Hassan released himself from his Nieces embrace, and brought the young Gerrin into the keep. "Are you hungry lad?" he asked as he looked down at the child. "We'll make sure to get you a hot meal after we're don here. Maybe some chicken." The older knight headed toward his lord, and prepared for the meeting.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:27, Mon 30 June 2014.
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