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09:21, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Posted by StorytellerFor group archive U
GM, 78 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Mon 25 Aug 2014
at 09:14
  • msg #1

A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Werewolf Introduction

Central park in the heart of New York yet the closest to the wilderness you get in a city. Unknown to the humans "Sept of the Green" a Garou Sept of great importance. This is your home. The park lets you feel alive. You and your pack would protect it with your lives.

This is why Mother Larissa (the Sept leader) called you and your pack to meet with her and Spotlight in the ramble in the early hours of night. The Sept leader and Caern wardner have called for your pack personaly. This is a great honor.

You Arrive at the ramble to find an Mother Larissa sitting on her bench half a barrel with a fire burning in it before her keeping her warm. She is a small, skinny bag lady wareing poliester cloths and tacky accessories. A shopping cart filled with nick nacks sits near the bench. To one-side stands Spotlight looking ominous as always. Spotlight is a red talon a killing machine pure and simple. All wolves in the park know he has no remorse what so ever about destroying anyone or anything that gets in his way, what you can rely on is his loalty to the sept and especially Little mother Larrisa. On her other side stands A short lean Asian man with a mustache. He sports a black suit of the Asian fasion. None of you have seen this man in the park before. Mother Larrisa sees your pack and invite you to come sit before her. Spotlight nods at you.

As the last vestiges of the days light disapears like ghosts out of the darknes Niel "Night slaaayerr" and the "night stalkers", a pack of shadowlords come galanting up to the light of the fire. The pack of shadowlords look at Mother Larissa with distain and Spotlight with a grudging respect of one who knows they'll get their ass kicked if they don't. Neil looks at your pack and sneers.

"Look the rejects.."

This gets a chuckle form other members of his pack. There is no time for a retort as Mother Larissa begins to speak.

"Ahh younlings.."

(this hurts Niel and his group though they are little more than cubs themselves.)

"This is "Tree Falls" of the Stargazers from the Fanum Sept in Chicago. Listen to him for he brings grave tidings and a call to aid our brethren."

Nodding his respect to Mother Larissa the Stargazer begins his tale.

"The first blood was drawn 2 weeks ago. In a sucessful attempt to pit the vampires against us, the blood thirsty Black Spiral Dancers attacked a number of cadaver dens. The attack did not go unnoticed. The leader of the Leeches, Prince Lodin, sent his undead out to murder all Garou they could find. Both the Sept of Jupiter and the Sept of the Wind Catchers were forced into hiding. Still they found a number of us and murdered us in the most bizarre ways.

Many Garou fled the city, seeking safety among the Shadow Lords north of Chicago. Some made it; some did not. They were slain, either by the Black Spirals, by the Leeches or by Banes. Word has it that some of the Glass Walkers were slain by Shadow Lords, but that is only a rumor."

(He looks at  Niel and his pack)

"However, the major assault did not occur until 3 days ago. The Black Spirals, along with their Leech allies, stormed the Fanum, releasing the powerful spirit which resided there and routing the Sept of Jupiter.

We believe it was nearly midnight when the ritual was cast by the Black Spiral Dancers. They freed the spirit from the gray walls of the Fanum, but not completely. The ritual which had bound it there still retained some potency. Alas, the Black Spirals had foreseen this and were counting on it. They wanted control of the spirit so they could corrupt it to serve the Wyrm.

The Fanum priests were preparing to close up when a strange man came to the door. He was greeted by one of the Uktena Kinfolk, whom the stranger quickly mind-controlled. The stranger forced the human to assure the Fanum spirit that the stranger and his friends ment no harm. Then the Black Spirals and Sabbat poured into the main lobby. Almost at the exact same instant, they were met by our armed Kinfolk guards and Garou in crinos form. The Fanum made a loud groaning noise and shut the doors, forcing out a few of the slower invaders who had not made it in. I could see the very spirit of the celestine exuding from the walls and floating skyward through the roof.

There was a gunfight and a melee. We believed victory to be inevitable, but unseen to us, an number of Leeches used their vampiric powers to gain control over some of our brothers' and sisters' minds, forcing them to surrender.

A few of us managed to escape with our lives, but nothing else. Most of our Kinfolk were probably put to death after we left. We used a secret escape route which sealed itself shut right after we got out. We have since tried to re-enter the Fanum through that route, but the door is no longer there.

It is known to us that the Black Spiral Dancers are trying to corrupt the psyche of Jupiter, the Fanum spirit, with the Wyrm. If they succeed, who knows what will happen next. Regardless, it will be a terrible blow to Gaia.

Garou form all over the country are meeting at the Sept of the Raccoon north of Chicago. The Caern is called the Ring of the Raccoon. Two days hence, the Garou will make their move on the Leeches of Chicago and the Black Spirals of the Fanum. Be ther if you wish. There is Great glory to be won and much blood to be shed."

With those final words the Stargazer steps back and Mother Larissa speaks again.

"After hearing the dire circumstances that have befallen out brethren. I and Spotlight who would go himself if not for the need to guard our Sept, have decided to send your two packs to aid in the re-taking of the Fanum and fight in the war of Chicago for the honor of the Sept of the Green. Tree Falls has given us maps with directions to the Ring of the Raccoon. Ensure you get there within 2 days, and ware the planes and trains as the Leeches are sure to control the terminals in Chicago and they will be on the lookout for any Garou coming to the city. Good luck younglings bring the Sept honor and glory."

With that she waves her hand dismissing you all. Spotlight hands out some maps to you all before pulling Niel to one side to speak to him privately. Niel glances with vehemence at your pack as spotlight whispers to him before loping off into the night. He and his pack sneer at you as they follow spotlight into the darkness of the park. Mother Larissa walks her trolley away chatting to the star gazer. This leaves your pack to get to Chicago by their own means. What are you going to do?
GM, 79 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Mon 25 Aug 2014
at 10:04
  • msg #2

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

I thought I would get things rolling for any players that want to post IC.
Lock Jaw
player, 37 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Mon 25 Aug 2014
at 12:09
  • msg #3

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

"Grrrrrrrrrrrr.. If it wasn't for that spotlight I would be hunting Niel and his belly crawlers now for such an afront.." Growls L.J.

Lock Jaw's lupine form twitches with barely controlled fury at the slight dealt his pack.
Laughing Fury
player, 5 posts
Anger and laughter
all rolled into one
Fri 29 Aug 2014
at 15:42
  • msg #4

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Laughing Fury had showed up at the meeting spot as called. He sat down on his haunches in lupus form, and waited patiently. He didn't bother to even look at Niel despite the contempt and mocking they tried to do...poorly. A Ragabash would have done much better, of course.

The news, however, brought Laughing Fury's thoughts to a halt. Terrible and tragic news indeed! Blood called for blood. The Black Spiral Dancers needed to be driven back or killed. Who knows, they might even be the ones who had his father's klaive! But even if they weren't, they needed to be taken down.

He looked at his Pack after them meeting. "So. Do we travel in the Umbra? It looks far."
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 14 posts
Silver Fang
Fri 29 Aug 2014
at 18:27
  • msg #5

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ryan ignored the haters...after all, he had a much higher standing in the caern then they did, and well, haters gonna hate. It's not their fault they were inadequate, after all, and a future king like himself must learn to be tolerant of such nuisances. Even a nuisance such as they were still warriors of Gaia, after all.

"Yes. We'll want to get there quickly. While we could take a plane instead, even for me, it takes time to set tickets up and so on. And I know many of you aren't comfortable with Weaver's tools."

Ryan was loaded, financially, and thus Weaver's tools were always available to his particular pack, but they were generally only used as a last resort.
Nancy Pride
player, 9 posts
Sat 30 Aug 2014
at 05:49
  • msg #6

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Nancy was sitting in the back, she still focused her mind to the speaker. It was natural for her to check the truth of his words. The story had some interesting part, especially at the end. Sneaking vampires forcing Garou to surrender when they are defending a Caern?
This was extremely strange. Their rage should defend them from the mind control.
On the other hand it was more possible to change the mind of the survived Garou and prepare one more trap for those who wanted to help.

But it was just her paranoia until she find some proof, so she saved with her mobile the whole story, and upload it into her computer to analyse with some advanced programs as well.
If his mind switched into something implanted memory, maybe his voice or gestures changed in case the manipulator made a mistake.

If there was something she will find it...

[Private to GM: OOC:She has success on truth of Gaia with some 10 she should know how if it was a truth or not.

Analysis: She has -2 from compute appitude and -2 from lightning calculator. I am not sure how bug should be the target number so I rolled against 6.

07:43, Sat 30 Aug 2014: Nancy Pride rolled 3 successes using 8d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed, Specialised system with a target of 6, rerolling 10s ((4,10(+7),2,5,5,1,6,9)).

07:32, Today: Nancy Pride rolled 4 successes using 6d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed, Specialised system with a target of 6, rerolling 10s. Truth of Gaia.
Lock Jaw
player, 41 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Sat 30 Aug 2014
at 09:15
  • msg #7

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Lock Jaws lupine eyes narrow as he looks at the rolled up map in "Ryans" hand..

"What foul monkey scribble did that wyrm whore give you? Grrrrrr...."

He looks to where Spotlight disappeared in to the darkness with Niels pack with vehemence and rage barely checked.
This message was last edited by the player at 09:31, Sat 30 Aug 2014.
Laughing Fury
player, 6 posts
Anger and laughter
all rolled into one
Sat 30 Aug 2014
at 14:44
  • msg #8

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Laughing Fury rounded on Lock Jaw, fur bristling with anger, teeth bared. "What the hell did you just call our Caern Warder??"
Lock Jaw
player, 43 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Sat 30 Aug 2014
at 20:18
  • msg #9

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

In reply to Laughing Fury (msg # 8):

"I call him a WYRM WHORE, because that is what he IS. That cowards taint envelops him like the stench of a shitting place he doesn't deserve the title of "Warder". He would prey on the weak fearful of anything that may bite back, and given the chance he taints the young to be like him and if they don't follow him blindly he kills the pups before their rites of passage saying they are not strong enough to be garou. He does not deserve the title of garou. He is a beast with no honor or compassion. He is a pup slayer..."

L.J. responds, his stance conveying volumes about the loathing he holds for the caern warder whom he obviously holds no respect or like.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 2 posts
Sat 30 Aug 2014
at 22:39
  • msg #10

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Marcus smoothly stepped between his packmates, feeling the hot snarling breath on either side of him as he put himself in the warzone.

"Good luck Night Slayer-Rhya!" Marcus called cheerfully to the Shadowlord Alpha as he departed. Despite how it may sound, the compliment was sincere. An insulting Shadowlord was much perferable to one that smiled, they were the ones who needed watching. He knew Ryan Fox-Rhya could not show weakness, but as the least of his pack, it was easy for Marcus to unbalance their rivals with a sincere compliment.

He did not know the source of Lock Jaw's anger towards Spotlight, though he could feel his packmate's pain well enough. He placed himself between the two Lupus and turned to the gigantic wolf, sunglass covered eyes lowered respectfully.

"Channel your rage against the Wyrm Lockjaw. Surely there will be a Moot when we are victorious. Then all can hear why our Warder may not be fit." Marcus said carefully, though he braced himself in case either of his packmates slaked their anger on him.
Lock Jaw
player, 46 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Sun 31 Aug 2014
at 03:02
  • msg #11

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

In reply to Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter) (msg # 10):

Not one to back down L.j's chest puffs out as he raises himself to his full 6' height in wolf form (A giant of a wolf).... He begins to bare his teeth, facing down Laughing Fury, even as Marcus gets between the 2 of them.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 20 posts
Silver Fang
Sun 31 Aug 2014
at 03:04
  • msg #12

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ryan tells them both to, "Stand down. This isn't a fight worth picking with each other. There is a time and place for calling out someone's job performance, and this isn't it. business. We have somewhere to be, and we won't get there fighting amongst ourselves."

Authority is obvious in his voice...Only his youth, and the fact he's a cliath, reduces the effect a little. Even so, Ryan is a crown prince, of sorts, and shadows of the king he may be someday echo through his voice.
Lock Jaw
player, 47 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Sun 31 Aug 2014
at 03:25
  • msg #13

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

In reply to Ryan Fox (msg # 12):

"Yes Rhya..." Growels L.J. as with an epic force of will he breaks his gaze with Laughing Fury. Sitting him self back down.
GM, 93 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Sun 31 Aug 2014
at 10:01
  • msg #14

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

So how will the pack proceed? in getting from new york to chicargo?
Nancy Pride
player, 10 posts
Sun 31 Aug 2014
at 10:33
  • msg #15

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

OOC: Did she got anything form her analysis?
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 6 posts
Sun 31 Aug 2014
at 13:08
  • msg #16

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Marcus stepped away and put his hands in his pockets, then looked westward into the open night.

"Can we not ask the Gatekeeper to open a Moonbridge to the gathering Sept? If the Moonbridges are closed, I could appease Raccoon to grant us a speedy Airt to his protectorate." Marcus offered.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 22 posts
Silver Fang
Mon 1 Sep 2014
at 14:39
  • msg #17

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ryan nods. "We can do just that."

Without further adieu, Ryan heads to the aforementioned gatekeeper to have the aforementioned Moonbridge opened so he and his pack can be on their way to getting the task at hand done.
Laughing Fury
player, 7 posts
Anger and laughter
all rolled into one
Mon 1 Sep 2014
at 16:32
  • msg #18

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Laughing Fury just shakes his head at Lock Jaw. Too much anger in that one. He hopes it won't get them in trouble. But he backs away and listens to the others talk about their 'travel arrangements', and follows after Ryan to see about a moonbridge.
GM, 98 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Wed 3 Sep 2014
at 01:29
  • msg #19

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

(Assuming the pack follows Ryan their Alpha.)

You all move off to seek out Little Mother(Sept leader and gatekeeper also the only wolf powerful enough in the park to enact the rite)  to ask If she could open a moon bridge to the Raccoon Ring Caern in Chicargo. Your Goroup easily catches up with the little old lady pushing her shopping cart. At your aproch she looks up from her conversation with "Tree Falls the Stargazer". At your aproach the stargaze heads off into the park as if dismissed.

"Young ones? Should you not be preparing for war? Or is there someting else I can hep you with?"
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 23 posts
Silver Fang
Wed 3 Sep 2014
at 01:36
  • msg #20

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ryan nodded. "We have been sent to the Sept of the Green, and so need a Moonbridge. It's unwise for me to simply use my resources to get there the human way, so we'd like to request a Moon Bridge."
GM, 100 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Wed 3 Sep 2014
at 04:59
  • msg #21

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

In reply to Ryan Fox (msg # 20):

"That is fine young ones on the morrow eve meet me at the bathesta fountain and I will open apath to the Raccoon Ring Caern for you untill then i would prepare. Now I feel hungry .. Good night to you children."

With that dismissal Little mother heads off to the Mouldy Grail to get some dinner.

The night is bright with moon light as in 6 days it will be a full moon. Now and then a cloud covers the moon. The sound of cars can be heard in the distance as the city never sleeps. The park seems wyld and safe, it is home, and soon you will be travelling thousand of miles into a den of vipers from the sounds of things. You had best all get prepared.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 9 posts
Wed 3 Sep 2014
at 05:15
  • msg #22

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Marcus smiled and nodded deeply to Mother Larissa, her calm demeanor easing his own tensions into going into battle.

When she was gone, he turned to his pack and gestured with his snow white hand.

"I can spend the night barganing with spirits, so we can take some Talens into battle. I would suggest Gaia's Breath to help heal our wounds and perhaps some weapons against the Leeches. Is that acceptable Ryan Fox-Rhya?" He asked softly.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 25 posts
Silver Fang
Wed 3 Sep 2014
at 05:28
  • msg #23

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ryan nodded. It was sound idea.

"Do so."

Beyond that, they had to prepare for the mission. This might be one of the last times anyone gets to communicate out loud.
Nancy Pride
player, 11 posts
Wed 3 Sep 2014
at 08:50
  • msg #24

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

"I will try to collect whatever information my tribe had about that city, but I am ready anytime, my server will do most part of the job anyway."
She did what he told, and start to collect all the recent and older but important information about the supernaturals of the city and caern.
As there was a glasswalker pack there before, they usually save their data into the tribe servers, with permission she can get part of that data. All information could be helpful in the coming war.

OOC: Rolled computer use, she has -2 tn due to the computer aptitude
10:46, Wed 03 Sept 2014: Nancy Pride rolled 5 successes using 8d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed system with a target of 6 ((5,9,8,3,10,5,6,7)).

Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 12 posts
Wed 3 Sep 2014
at 15:26
  • msg #25

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Marcus would spend the rest of the night working fervently. He shouldered his backpack, then pulled out a small cheap hand mirror. Focusing on it, Marcus let himself fall apart, becoming both more and less as slipped past the Weaver's Gauntlet and into the Umbra. When he was there, he released the breath he no longer needed and took in the sights around him. An oasis, that's what this place was, a drop of calm in an ocean of pain and fear. It was his home, and now he would have to leave it, possibly forever. Still he couldn't dwell on that now. This was what it meant to be Garou, to fight and redeem, even at the cost of his own life and that of his pack.

Now that he was across, he headed to the edge of the Bawn for a good place to work. He settled near the spirit of one of the big trees, laying down his backpack down at the base of the tree. Marcus gave a deep shrug and relaxed into his Breed form. The great white Crinos form rose up to his full height with a deep stretch, glad to be unrestrained by that Homid skin. The dark sunglasses melded into his face, becoming circular ring tattoos around his eyes. Feeling a bit more relaxed, he pawed through his bag and got out a few items to assist his working. There was a collection of carved stones with Gaian Glyphs etched in them, a bottle of pure cleansed water, a sharp knife, a cheap recorder and a few other odds and ends.

He took the glyph stones maked 'Unicorn', 'Healing', 'Bounty', 'Boar', and 'Pegasus' then found a patch of nice flat ground. He took the Pegasus stone, kissed it, then set it at his own feet.  The Boar stone he held in his clawed hand, thanking the Totem, then placed it with Pegasus. He then placed the other three stones in rough triangle in front of him. He stood at the Pegasus and Boar stones, then focused on the other three. He took a slow breath, then widened his stance and sung out in Garou.

“O great and wise Unicorn! Here this plea! Again, my brothers and sisters face great war. We have a chance to redeem and restore, to heal the damage that has been done against our brothers. Please great Unicorn, send this humble servant of Gaia one of your brood! Let us bring your grace and gentle truth to those who need it. Please, I beseech you!”

OOC: Aiming to summon a Jaggling of Healing, perferably from Unicorn's Brood. Spending an hour on preparation and Summoning. Spending a Willpower.

4 Successes, as I forgot to change the Diff to 4 in the dice roller.

10:25, Today: Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter) rolled 2 successes using 6d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 6 with rolls of 4,10,8,3,3,3. Rituals Roll Spending Willpower.

Laughing Fury
player, 8 posts
Anger and laughter
all rolled into one
Wed 3 Sep 2014
at 17:26
  • msg #26

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Laughing Fury let out a loud sigh. Hurry up for war! Then wait, wait, wait. The impatient lupus made a few unhappy impatient noises. He went and stood next to Nancy first and watched her work but got bored. He nudged her with his nose before turning away. Then he stood near Marcus to watch him work. His body language clearly showed that he was impatient to get going and bored, but trying to hold it in check and watch over his packmates while they worked.
Shai Amari
player, 2 posts
Wed 3 Sep 2014
at 18:24
  • msg #27

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Shai let her pack make plans and promises without adding to the conversation.  As soon as everyone began to drift apart to make various preparations, she found a quiet place to work.  A bundle of sticks and a small pile of stones slowly turned into a quiver of arrows under her silent ministrations.

Although she kept a tighter rein on her expression and body language, it wasn't hard to figure out that she was every bit as impatient as Laughing Fury to be on the hunt.
Lock Jaw
player, 49 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Thu 4 Sep 2014
at 05:07
  • msg #28

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Still filled with rage at the insults dealt his pack. Lock jaw runs and runs dodging between trees and running into a few of them as he isn't the most dexterous of wolves. He just runs untill he is tired at which point he finds a place to hide and sleep. Ensuring he is well restted for the journey tomorrow night. Over time his anger ebbs like the tide though he runs for 4 hours without tirring before he feels calm.
GM, 103 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Thu 4 Sep 2014
at 11:10
  • msg #29

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Time passes the night ends and the following day arrives the shops open for business atr 8:30am and this makes you relise that in 12 hours you will be in Chicago. Anything any of you want to do during daylight hours?
Nancy Pride
player, 12 posts
Thu 4 Sep 2014
at 16:59
  • msg #30

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

After the sleepless night Nancy walked directly to the alpha with a serious face.
Her head was hurt a bit, not because of the hacking, but because of what she found.
"You should read this, most of it is confidential..., and far from clear..., but it is from a trusted source."
She give him her notebook, where three file was opened.

--File 1--

Overhead Luna's dimmed light falters
Her gaze reflected in blood
Times of sorrow are upon us
The red swan falls from the sky
It dies
In the belly of the Wyrm
It transmogrifies
In decay it is reborn
Our daughters and sons
In the hands of Darkness
Wicked creatures most foul run free
Our horsemen of Apocalypse, they come
We shall meet them
Under the blood red glow
Death reigns supreme
Gaia pity us.

The date is June 12, 1925 .
Last night I was visited by Unicorn, spirit of my tribe. She brought me a vision most terrible, but one I must not forget . She gave me a glimpse of the
future . Now it is my duty to spread word, hoping the steps may
be taken to prevent my nightmare from coming true .
I first remember this : I could not breathe . No-I could draw
heavy, watery gasps. Only this was not water, but a salty,
coppery thickness I knew well from my hunts . I screamed, but
no voice emerged in the dead silence ; only an air bubble floated
out of my mouth. I refused to die . Treading the viscous weight,
I forced myself to the surface . Bloody, blood all around me, I
treaded until my muscles screamed and I could hold myself up
no longer. Then I saw her. Powerful Unicorn, sister spirit . The
blood reached her knees . She galloped to me and bowed her
head. I grabbed her horn, and she lifted me upon her back.
Without a word we were off through the pool of blood. As
we went, the stars turned red and a swan perched upon my
shoulder . Wyrmlings raced at us from all directions . Unicorn
fought them valiantly and soon a multitude of Ahrouns,
Uktena by the look of them, joined the battle . The Wyrmlings
soon scattered and the Uktena ran after them. Unicorn took me
onward into the darkness.
The blood on my fur had clotted and cracked away . I turned,
noticing that the swan had left us and the sky no longer blazed
crimson. We traveled endlessly ; I lost track of time .
Soon, beyond the horizon, I again spotted the red glow . It
appeared as a sunrise before us . I could even feel the heat. But
I learned it was not the red glow above which warmed my flesh .
Before me a city, a city built upon this lake of blood, was afire .
Unicorn did not hesitate . She leaped into the flames and strode
the city streets . Around us, dancing scarlet demons ate buildings
and tortured humans. The heat should have peeled my
flesh, but Unicorn's protections were strong .
The swan returned once more, landing on Unicorn's head .
Slowly we walked the streets . Before us vampires gnawed out
each other's hearts and bashed in each other's brains . As I
looked closer, we came upon a second group of vampires
battling one another. Then my vision cleared and I saw the
vampires were not vampires at all, but my Garou mothers and
fathers . I screamed at them to stop their madness, but they
could not hear me. Unicorn took no action but traveled onward
at steadily increasing speed .
A shape appeared in the distance and soon a white wolf ran
beside us, trudging neck-deep through the blood lake . I called
to him but he did not answer ; instead, he looked away in shame .
As he turned away, I caught a glimpse of his soul . He was of
the Damned, no longer one of us . As I again looked ahead, the
swan flew away . Unicorn traveled swiftly and I lost sight of the
Abomination behind us .
I heard the wails before I saw the tormented ones . Out of the
darkness, the red glow emerged again and we soon came upon
them. Hundreds of bodies, a twisted, moaning wall of flesh,
stabbed and bit one another . Half were Garou, while the others
were undead . I turned away, but Unicorn spoke to me . "This is
the most important part," she said, "for it has not yet happened .
Look closely and learn ."
Unicorn sallied forth with unearthly speed . With head tilted,
she charged the wall, ripping apart those in her path . Cries and
howls fell like cannon shots . Unicorn stopped on the other side
of the wall . Before us stood the city, much bigger than before ;
it had been rebuilt from glass and steel, made stronger and
colder . Unicorn walked before my home, the Fanum . Then we
traveled the street beside the temple and came upon a sight
most foul : Black Spiral Dancers gathered into a circle and
speaking the gibberish of the Wyrm . Behind them stood
vampires dressed in red .
Storm clouds formed above and rain began to fall . Luna
shone her sanguine beams upon us . I thought that Unicorn
trembled, but this could not have been so . We moved on
through the streets .
A swan flew down at us from the clouds . Unicorn would not
let it land on her back . She shook and writhed to prevent it . I
shrugged it off with my hands . This swan was unnatural ; its
body was mutated and disfigured .
The storm worsened . Lightning struck all around us . Banes
crept from the shadows and crawled about, unconcerned with
us . Some took flight and joined the storm -what a battle must
have raged in the heavens above!
We came upon many Garou and vampires fighting one
another. I thought I saw the white furred vampire-Garou .
When I turned to get a closer look, it was gone .
The storm continued to worsen. Thunder drowned out the
sound of the pouring rain . Still Unicorn continued . Soon we
came upon a clearing in a park and she stopped .
"These things I have shown you not out of anger, but out of
love," she said . "Remember well the horrors of this dream and
speak of this future to your people . As the future flows from the
past, the river of time may yet be changed . " She turned and
looked to the sky . The swan was flying down from the clouds
above. Unicorn told me to dismount and I obeyed . The swan above
grew larger as it approached us ; it slowly transformed into a
dragon . The dragon swept down before us and Unicorn charged .
The two forces locked in combat . Behind me I heard growls .
I turned and saw many vampires . On their knees they bathed
and drank from the lake of blood .
Legends of the Garou
I awoke and it was morning .
Heed the words of this future, my children, for it may be
your own .
May Gaia protect you and keep you safe from harm .

Before the coming of the Europeans, the land where Chicago
stands today was home to great numbers of Wyrmlings .
This changed when a large number of Uktena arrived in the
area . The Uktena had recently lost a major battle with a Wyrm
creature as they marched on their trek southward ; they were not
ready to go to war again . After calling on the Limes and praying
to Gaia for days, the Uktena Theurges received a vision
depicting a solution to their predicament . The Uktena realized
that part of the area was an Anchorhead to the Deep Umbra .
The Wyrmlings did not know this ; it was only revealed through
Uktena magic .
The Uktena Theurges used the Anchorhead to summon a
number of strange spirits- The Uktena used the spirits to attack
the Wyrm creatures by surprise, slaying all who did not quickly
flee into the earth. The cries in the night were deafening and the
creeks and streams blackened with the blood of the Wyrmlings .
The Wyrm creatures vowed revenge for the theft of their
lands, but feared to act, for they were now weak and injured .
The Uktena gained control of the local human population and
for years peace reigned in the land . The remaining Wyrm
creatures were eventually driven under the earth ; the Wyrmholes
were sealed shut and placed under guard by spirits . The tribe
hunted and ruled the land, raising its cubs free from danger .
When the Europeans reached the area they brought with
them death, not only for the local humans, but for the Garou as
well . The settlers also (albeit unknowingly) brought the taint of
the Wyrm with them : strange diseases which brought down
even the toughest Garou, and insidious Banes which crept
silently into the Garou's camps .
Besides the European humans, the European Garou also
presented a grave threat, especially the Get of Fenris, Shadow
Lords and Black Spiral Dancers . To keep their lands, the
Uktena were forced to contend with a number of new tribes .
However, the European Garou were small in number and the
Uktena had allies among the native people . For the most part,
the Uktena were victorious in their fight against the newcomers.
It was under General "Mad" Anthony Wayne that the
Indians were defeated at the Battle of Fallen Timbers, in 1795,
and the Europeans settled the area. Fort Dearborn was established
in the territory to protect the settlers .

--File 2--

Menele's braves managed to rescue his body and the Uktena
did everything in their power to save him. They succeeded and
Menele's minions were forever in their debt.
But the Europeans kept coming. They were far too numerous
and they had advantages that the Native Americans did not.
The use of firearms, disease, professional armies and good
supply lines soon overwhelmed the natives . By 1833, the
United States decided to establish a city along the Des Plaines
River, near the shores of Lake Michigan . This city was
Chicago. The Cadavers soon filled the city and took control of all the
human institutions. The European Garou invaded the region . Menele had no
reason to deploy his pawns against this threat, even though he
had sworn to aid the Uktena. He realized using his influence for
such a cause would expose him to assault by Helena . This was
too dangerous, since he ..... The European
Garou pushed into the region, and the outnumbered Uktena
could do little to stop them . The tribe lost most of its human
allies, as the Native Americans were pushed from their territory.

--File 3--

From 1872 until 1923, peace reigned among the Garou . The
Fianna established the Wind Catcher Sept in 1888 . Because of
pressure from the other tribes and the need for unity in the face
of the growing vampire population, it eventually opened its
membership to others . The Fanum, however, remained strictly
in the paws of the Uktena, Stargazers and Children of Gaia; all
other tribes were excluded .
In 1923, a mining operation uncovered the catacombs of the
Wyrm creatures, just north of present-day Chicago . The creatures
invaded the city, requiring all the Garou of Chicago to
unite in defeating them . The Fanum could no longer be used to
summon spirits, as there was a danger of releasing Jupiter once
again . The Garou diligently battled the Wyrmlings and eventually
pushed them back into the earth . However, this brought
the attention of Black Spiral Dancers .

In 1949, a strange individual named Jonathan Peabody
presented himself to the Garou of the Fanum, claiming to be an
ancient Egyptian architect . Peabody was a mummy, and soon
proved his immortality and great supernatural potency to the
Garou. He built a great temple near the Fanum . He named this
temple the Orthodox Temple of Akhenaton, and offered the
Garou any assistance he could provide as long as they watched
over the temple for him while he was dead .
Lock Jaw
player, 50 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Sat 6 Sep 2014
at 03:45
  • msg #31

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Waking from his restful sleep Lock Jaw . Once he finds heruses the "Brain 'o phone" to contact Nancy.

"Sister, could you get me food from the moldy grail? Each time I go there in the day I cause a problems. Humans have an issue with big wolves for some reason... As yet I have been unable to figure out why.."
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 13 posts
Sat 6 Sep 2014
at 03:50
  • msg #32

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Unless something rouses him early, Marcus will rejoin the pack well after Noon, perhaps while they shared lunch. He moved a little sluggishly, and his voice was rough from the long night of incantation and song.

"Good morn- well, afternoon I guess." He chuckled slightly, then found a place to sit with everyone. "One of the Caern Spirit's brood came to me last night. She offered her blessings and helped me create some Gaia's Breath acorns. I never talked to a water elemental before." A small smile spread across his face.
GM, 104 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Sat 6 Sep 2014
at 04:39
  • msg #33

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

In reply to Lock Jaw (msg # 31):

LockJaw, You whine out loud as a wolf, scaring a away a pigeon that was in the bushes near by.

OOC: I thought that Brainaphone is in Itallics?
Nancy Pride
player, 13 posts
Sat 6 Sep 2014
at 07:26
  • msg #34

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

"Hello Marcus welcome back. I think we will need you to read some things soon as well. But first, anyone else is hungry? I guess we should eat before go out" She trusted the instinct of her wolf brother, indeed they should eat now, maybe they won't be able to do that for a while.
She put the list togather and ordered and paid the food in advance with her credit card.

++Bro, your food will be there in 30 minu.. I mean it will be there soon.++

It was a good opportunity as well to turn away her focus from the dark thoughts. Eating was always fun.
The alpha will decide what to do. Being a beta was cool sometime.
Lock Jaw
player, 51 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Mon 8 Sep 2014
at 10:16
  • msg #35

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

At the mention of food he is there. He runs accross the park keeping to the bushes and undergrowth. If any of the two legs see him they see little more then a flash of grey fur disapearing into the undergrowth. He soo reaches the pack.

"Food did someone say food?"

He sits on his haunches tounge lolling out the side of his mouth.

"So when we go to this Chicago?"
GM, 105 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Mon 8 Sep 2014
at 10:38
  • msg #36

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

The day passes slowly due to the anticipation felt by the whole pack. But finally the time comes to meet Little mother at the fountain. The mood could only be electrafying as finally you all either take your first steps on the road to death or to the stuff ledgens are made of. Heading to the Fountain you see little mother swirling the waters before her she looks up and smiles her teeth yellow with age but still in good condition.

"Ahh youngens the way is clear for you step into the waters, The children of the shadowlord have already left the wonderous Mera just waits for you."
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 27 posts
Silver Fang
Mon 8 Sep 2014
at 14:43
  • msg #37

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Mr. Fox nodded.

"Thank you."

Once his pack was gathered and the bridge was opened, he wasted no time entering that he might get where he was going.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 14 posts
Mon 8 Sep 2014
at 15:05
  • msg #38

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Marcus fell in line with his pack, barely restraining the nervous energy in his muscles. They were going to a new Caern, traveling on Luna's holy roads to destiny. He had never gone so far home before and the excitement was overwhelming. Marcus was still anxious about going to war, but he couldn't deny his curiosity about seeing this new Sept.

"Thank you Mother, and you great Mera!" Marcus called, then tried to steel his gut for the journey.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 15 posts
Mon 8 Sep 2014
at 15:06
  • [deleted]
  • msg #39

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

This message was deleted by the player at 15:06, Mon 08 Sept 2014.
Lock Jaw
player, 52 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Mon 8 Sep 2014
at 23:36
  • msg #40

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Jumping into the fountain with the exsuberance of a cub Lock Jaw follows his pack.

"Oh happy days! We go to WAR! brothers and Sisters! May the long sleep soon come to our enemies!" Says Lockjaw to his pack.

The Ahrouns battle spirit flares with passion, excitement and joy. He is a Get of Fenris through and through.
GM, 106 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Tue 9 Sep 2014
at 01:26
  • msg #41

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

When you each submerge your heads beneath the water the Luminesent glow of the moon gides your path. You seem to swim for no more than 10 meters before your heads once again break the surface and you find yourselves in a wier on what could be farm land. You hear the bleeting of sheep in the night and the hooting of an owl in the distance. More stars dot the sky. You are definatly no longer in central park.

You climb the muddy banks leaving the water and cresting the bund that surounds the wier you have just exited you see that you are in farm land. The area around you is lit up by the silvery light of the moon. You see lights in the windows of the farm houses to the north and east. Between you and the farm houses are fields of sheep. To the north, east and south are muddy fields recently plowed. Two recently used dirt roads pass on the west and south sides of the wier comming together to form a single rooad heading south to a gate in a 15 foot high chainlink fence, they are muddy and the air is fresh like it has rained recently. To the west and south west is a wild untamed forest of birch pine and oak trees, bordered by the 15 foot high chain link fence. The sounds of the night and the wild assail you. To the south east past the gate in the chainlink fence you can see fires burning through the trees and the sound of singing wafts on the wind from that direction.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:33, Tue 09 Sept 2014.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 29 posts
Silver Fang
Tue 9 Sep 2014
at 01:53
  • msg #42

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Without further adieu, Ryan said, "That way."

And he headed with the rest of his pack towards their destination.

When it was time for protocol for approaching a Caern to be followed, he'd approach it with all due respect.
Shai Amari
player, 3 posts
Tue 9 Sep 2014
at 01:59
  • msg #43

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Shai followed her packmates silently, her bow and a quiver of arrows slung over one shoulder.  She smiled slightly at Lock Jaw's excitement as she ducked under the water.  She was glad to be off, not because she shared the Get's enthusiasm for war, but because she hated inaction.

Having grown up stuck halfway between, Shai had never really gotten a good grasp on appropriate behaviors for one form or another; when she clambered onto the shore, she shook herself much as she would have in lupus form, flinging drops of water.  After checking her weapons, she nodded and followed Ryan's lead.
GM, 109 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Tue 9 Sep 2014
at 04:04
  • msg #44

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

(*Assuming that "that way" means to the gate in the chainlink fence*)

A number of cars can be seen parked along the road leading up to the gate under and around trees. As you aproach within 100 yards of the gate a human steps from befind a tree she carries an M16 assult rifle and a granade launcher.She waits, ready for action as you approach. When you are in speaking range but not attack range, she says;

"Hold!"Names? Pack? Sept?"

This woman is beautiful standing at 5'9" she definately has some amerind blood running through he veins. She speaks with confidence.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 30 posts
Silver Fang
Tue 9 Sep 2014
at 04:43
  • msg #45

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ryan makes all appropriate introductions and follows all appropriate protocols. Which is only to be expected from a Fang, who's had all of that sort of thing drilled into him from his first Change.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 16 posts
Tue 9 Sep 2014
at 08:35
  • msg #46

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Marcus had drawn in a breath, more then ready to do a Howl of Introduction, but blew it out as their Alpha handled it. That nervous energy filled him again as he looked every which way and around. A new Caern! New Garou coming together for this holy was glorious just to have come this far.

He reigned in his curiosity about it all to focus inward on the spiritual links that bound them together.

"Does anyone know any of the Garou here? Perhaps they have chosen a Wyrmfoe for the assault. Is that who we are reporting to?" He asked everyone.
Lock Jaw
player, 53 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Tue 9 Sep 2014
at 10:17
  • msg #47

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Spitting upon the ground;

"We know Niel, but I would as soon as rip that slugs head off..."
GM, 113 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Tue 9 Sep 2014
at 10:52
  • msg #48

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

The lady raises an eyebrow at Lock Jaws action, then shaking her head slightly introduces her self.

"I am Terry. Welcome to the Raccoon ring. Wait here and I will fetch the elders."

She turns and heads off to the camp fires. Soon she returns with a very countrified old man dressed in stained overalls and a young fellow with long blond hair and the garb of a motorcycle gang member.the respectivly introduce themselves;

"I is Floyd "Hlemlock" Moore a shadow lord old one of the raccoon ring" The elder drawls in a thick country accent.

"And I am Lamar "Needles" Graham, a bone gnawer philodox from chicago. Welcom to the war. We'll introduce you to the others that have arrived so far. You have already met Terry, Floyds grand daughter. Come meet the others." Says the young charismatic biker, as he leads your pack toward the burning fires. Leaving Terry to continue guarding the gate.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:06, Tue 09 Sept 2014.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 33 posts
Silver Fang
Tue 9 Sep 2014
at 23:32
  • msg #49

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ryan Fox went through the introductions, introducing himself, Ryan Fox, as Alpha of this pack, the Silver Tusk as the Pack, and the sept they're from, with all due pomp and circumstance.

(OOC:Vague? Sure, but that's because I want to sound more impressive then I can probably type.)
GM, 117 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Wed 10 Sep 2014
at 12:01
  • msg #50

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Taking you past  the tree line theat hides the Raccoon ring from view, you all get your first glimse of the Caern. The Ring of the Raccoon is a large grassy circle approximately 70 yards in diameter. It is surounded by large oak trees. At the center of the clearing is a 10 foot high stone statue of a raccoon. The Raccoon is the septs totem spirit. Currently a large number of tents, and more Garou than any of you have see before fill the clearing. This must be a big deal to have so many garou in the one place. At rough count there are over 50 garou. They sit around 7 camp fires.

Your guides first take you all to the largest of the fires around this fire sit only the shadowlords, niel and his pack are among them. As you aproach Niel speaks to one of the elder garou siting by the fire. The elders eyes weigh up your pack as you aproach.  "Hemlock" introduces you to a muscula brlack haired man with greying hair at his temples, his eyes beget a deep cunning intelegence, on his left hand his pinky finger sits at an odd angle.

"Broken claw-rhya and my fosteren "Dark striders", I present the Silver Tusks from the sept of the green in new york."

Broken Klaw nods but doesn't speak. Insead the elder that Niel spoke to decides to comment.

"Broken claw-rhya, these children are here but to get a little experiance from their elders they are not the true war party from the sept of the green that honor goes to Niel and the Night crawlers presented to you earlia this eve. Though I am sure that the silver tusks will provide excelent support. To one of the minor missions."

Again Broken Klaw plays his cards close to his chest simply nodding. Hemlock-Rhya hurries you onward before the friction and slight given by the elder shadow lord can escalate.

He moves you to another fire where he introduces you to the Eagle claws, and Snaping turtles two packs primarly made up of wendigo and Uktena Garou. The next fire has theurges debating the spiritual nature of the world. While 3 Gilliards play instraments and practice singing ledgends of old for the comming moot.

From fire to fire you are taken. Introduced to Bone gnawers, children of gia, stargazers, Ahrouns, Lupuses and homids. You meet fifty garou over the next half an hour. They come from all walks of life tribes and places. Once the introductions are done Lamar shows you to an area you can set up your camp and rest your heads safely for who would be crazy enough to attack so many garou.

This evening gives you all a chance to meet others of your kind. You find out a great moot will be held tomorrow night probably the largest for more than 200 years. Elders will recount the greatest of ledgends and great ballards will be sung. Over the next 3 hours 29 more garou arrive.

Laughing fury spends much time talking to a group of Fiana that are camped by another fire. in an hour she returns to your camp and moves directly up to Ryan.

"Ryan-rhya, I am sorry but I must leave my pack. I have spoken to those of my tribe that are here. The elders here have said I must run with my tribe, it is my duty. They would ensure that I would be poorly viewed and lose much honor if I didn't sing and fight with them. It is for this reason that for the duration of this war I must recsind my position in the pack. I am sorry."

Laughing fury bows her head in sorrow infront of her pack mates. But not giving Ryan a chance to say no she turns and slinks away to join her tribe at their fire. You all see Niel standing just inside the firelight of the Fianna fire, where Laughing fury has slunk. He is off to one side under a tree talking with one of the Fianna elders. He is smiling maniacly in your direction, taking great joy in seeing the silver tusks lose a valuable member. Once Laughing Fury has left your pack, Niel nods to the Fiana elder as though some pact has been completed. He gives her something wrapped in skins, tied with silver laced twine. With a final grinning glare, full of malice for your pack, niel returns to the Shadowlord fire.

By this time it is late and your pack less one turns in for the night.

As you all sleep, all of you dream a similar dream. Though the back-ground differs all of you see dark eyes approach from the distance as. They close on you, and you can identify a set of huge ivory tusks of a grand silver backed Dire boar of old. It is highly aggitated flicking it's head from side to side. With a snort it turns and runs from you.

Intofocus comes a large red building with big double doors that stand slightly ajar within is only darkness and the dire boar runs straight for that blacknes. The boar disapears through the giant double doors of the blood red building. As you stare at the darkness within the ajar doors you feel watched by a mind freezing insanity and depravity. It is this insane gaze that causes you all to wake from your dream in a cold sweat.

[Secret to Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter): Marcus the "Dire Boar" speaks and you can understand your totems speach. My pigletts it hurts me that one of you has strayed, we must harden ourselves to that loss for the enemy watches. They are counting your numbers as if you were chickens in a coup. But you are not chickens waiting for the slaughter follow me and we will show these foxes they stalk wolves. They hide in the red building over yonder from whence the sun rises. Come follow me to battle and let us show them their folly, and bring glory to the Silver tusks. With a snort the Dire boar runs off toward the red building in the east with the double doors. ]
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:22, Wed 10 Sept 2014.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 19 posts
Wed 10 Sep 2014
at 23:42
  • msg #51

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

After all the introductions had completed and things began to wind down, Marcus joyfully sought out any of his Sisters and wished them each victory and honor in the upcoming conflict. When given the chance, he spoke highly of his Pack and of the goings on at the Sept of the Green. He also made a point to introduce himself to eldest Theurge at the Raccoon Ring, and see if there were any protocols or preparations he could help with before the Moot Rite was enacted.

Laughing-Fury's sudden departure stung him in a way he hadn't felt before, the blow only deepened when he could feel Boar's disappointment in his soul. Marcus felt a little lost, that she would leave them on the eve of their greatest mission. Perhaps it was best, maybe it was good for her to be with her Tribe now. Whatever role the Shadowlords seemed to play in her leaving left a very sour taste in his mouth though.

After the fever dream broke, Marcus shot awake in his Breed form, claws sprouting as he readied to lash out at invisible attackers. The Fox rose up in him as he looked all around, making sure that the others hadn't left, that his pack was still there with him. Only when he saw everyone else there did he start to calm. Marcus licked his dry lips and sat down on his haunches, breathing deeply to calm his racing heart.

"Boar speaks to me. He is...angry about Laughing Fury, but still wishes to warn us. Warn us that...something is hunting our brothers and sisters. Cowardly creatures strike from the shadows, from the blood house in my dreams. He wants us to go...right now, to stop them!" He quickly informed everyone.

Marcus then concentrated on the jumbled painful image, trying to learn exactly what Boar was trying to tell them.

OOC: Intelligence + Enigmas to decipher the vision and learn more information?

18:41, Wed 10 Sept 2014: Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter) rolled 2 successes using 4d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed system with a target of 6 ((4,3,10,6)).

Lock Jaw
player, 54 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Thu 11 Sep 2014
at 09:15
  • msg #52

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Half waking from his dream of the great boar. Feeling the darknesses from the red building, Lock Jaw does the only thing he knows, he fights back! Becomming a huge crinos beast, one of the bigest any of you would have seen he roars his fury before he even realises it was a dream. The defening sound would wake others that may have been sleaping and it is only by luck that he gathers his wits before hurting someone.

Lock Jaw
player, 55 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Thu 11 Sep 2014
at 10:53
  • msg #53

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Still in Crinos form and ignoring those he has woken, and taking in what marcus says. Lockjaw looks to Ryan, the alpha of the pack for leadership.

"Ryan-rhya. Boar calls us to deffend our brothers and sisters. Lets us rend the enemy with our claws destroying them!"
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 34 posts
Silver Fang
Thu 11 Sep 2014
at 15:02
  • msg #54

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ryan had a lot to deal with. First, the Totem was calling them to war...but even so, the Shadow Lords were...being Shadow Lords, and sabotaging his pack. It wasn't enough for them to focus on older packs, oh no, they had to hit the Cliath packs while they could. And insult them while they were at it. He could see the Fianna elders taking a bribe, apparently, from the Shadow Lords. Their dishonorable behavior wouldn't fly...but he'd have to call them out later, once he'd spoken to the elder philodoxes around here. He was sure some rules got violated, he wasn't sure which. Niel's behavior wouldn't go unnoticed...and if the Fianna elder got shamed in the process, well, such was the result of taking bribes.


"We're going to do exactly that. Now get out of the war form, the enemy isn't near enough to need it yet. I have seen some political maneuvering, and some people are going to be very sorry they dealt in bribery. But that'll have to wait for the Moot." was time to go hunting down the elder philodoxes. If one of the arden or elder philodoxed is another Fang, so much the better.
Nancy Pride
player, 16 posts
Thu 11 Sep 2014
at 16:00
  • msg #55

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Nancy was happy to woke up, she always hated to sleep, as she would be able to use this time much more efficient, but what she hated the most to have a nightmare.
She was happy to her the explanations of her pack mates as she was almost sure she ate something bad the day before..

"Marcus, do you think what we saw had other meanings, like the gates and the place?
If that door was real then maybe it will not be hard to find it.

Alpha, I suggest to not do anything this time, you should consider the rank of the elders, you have no right to challenge them. Proving anything will be very hard without a hard proof, speaking dishonorable about them will gave them one more ace to push us deeper.
I suggest to fight with them in other time, when we know what is their motivation. Until we should collect information and be very careful to not show them any weakness."

In the mean time she did not wasted her time and started to run a search based on what she saw in the dream. She did not cared of the colors, more the shapes, markings and the possible size. Colors of red could have different meaning.
She was of course was interested what the others could tell me about this dream.

OOC: Nancy has Eidetic Memory, she try to search on the databases.
-2 TN due to computer appitude.

17:50, Today: Nancy Pride rolled 3 successes using 8d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed system with a target of 6. search for the door and the building computer.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 20 posts
Thu 11 Sep 2014
at 16:20
  • msg #56

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

The voices of his pack started to clear his head, from Ryan's protectiveness to Nancy's cool deductions, and Lockjaw's great inspiring fury. He forced himself to shift down into his Lupus form, shaking out his bleached white fur, then looked to everyone.

"It is the barn...East of where we arrived I think. Boar's fury obscured the image, but I think we need to move quickly. I think he means there are spies hidden in there right now!"
He urged with a quick chuff.
Nancy Pride
player, 17 posts
Thu 11 Sep 2014
at 16:34
  • msg #57

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

"If there is an enemy we have to stay to protect the Moot.
Not to mentioned we are bounded to participate in it. This is our duty.

I will check that bar..."

OOC: She focused her search on that bar.
How far it is? Is it possible to go there and be back before the Moot?

This message was last edited by the player at 16:35, Thu 11 Sept 2014.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 36 posts
Silver Fang
Thu 11 Sep 2014
at 17:54
  • msg #58

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ryan's position in the Garou Nation as a whole was...inconvenient. That didn't mean there weren't older Silver Fangs he could go to for help, however...

(OOC:Who's the oldest Silver Fang around? Preferably Philodox, if there's multiple options)
Shai Amari
player, 6 posts
Thu 11 Sep 2014
at 18:52
  • msg #59

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Lock Jaw's howl snapped Shai from her slumber.  She grabbed her bow and quiver and jumped up, looking around for immediate danger.  Seeing none in particular, she relaxed and went to her alpha's side.  "With your permission, I can go check the barn," she offered.  "The run might do Lock Jaw good, if he wishes to come too?"
GM, 120 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Thu 11 Sep 2014
at 22:08
  • msg #60

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Lock Jaws below of rage along with the commotion in your camp has atracted the attention of others. You see Lamar (the Bone Gnawer Pilodox you met earlia) making his way accross the camp toward you. He speaks quiet words to others as he passes, those you have disturbed. Alleviating their conserns, and irritation at your packs strange actions. He heads toward you with a scowel on his face irritated at the disturbence and with the intention of getting to the bottom of what is causing all this ruccus.

OOC: As we are just starting out I will give some hints, like "this one". this is to keep things moving or to help the story line. As the game progresses and we get used to each others playing styles, the hints will be removed. For now as a pack (or Ryan), you better descide the packs actions fast. There is the oppotunity for some quick renoun but the wrong choices will see it going to others, probably niel and his night stalkers... Also this is a war it would not be wise to go running into a full on skermish with out ensuring backup is following close behind.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:08, Thu 11 Sept 2014.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 37 posts
Silver Fang
Fri 12 Sep 2014
at 01:10
  • msg #61

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ryan hears the call to war.

"We better move. We've only got so long to get to the battle before other packs get there."

Without further adieu, Ryan leads his pack to the site of battle.

He can get help from his elders in the morning.
Lock Jaw
player, 56 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Fri 12 Sep 2014
at 02:27
  • msg #62

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Changing to hispo Lock Jaw looks left and right still looking for something to smash.  "Little sister makeum  good sense.  We go smash rend kill, and you come when done wit tha monkey babble.  Marcus you come too you know where lair is. How that sound to you Ryan-rhya?"
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 21 posts
Fri 12 Sep 2014
at 03:45
  • msg #63

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Marcus fell in line with whatever formation the pack chose, giving his muscles a quick stretch before loping along side them. His pink near colorless eyes scanned every which way, hoping to sense some invisible threat. (Using Sense Wyrm as they run.)

"Ryan-Rhya. This Sept has the largest number of garou in recent years. I am sure the elders and the Sept Guardians will be able to protect the Raccoon Ring. One of us could howl Boar's warning, in case this is a diversion from the real threat. " Marcus offered quickly as they ran.

OOC: 22:44, Thu 11 Sept 2014: Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter) rolled 3 successes using 5d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed system with a target of 6 ((5,5,6,10,10))
GM, 121 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Fri 12 Sep 2014
at 10:22
  • msg #64

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

At the command of your alpha the pack moves out only to be intercepted by Lamar before you have gotten 50 feet he speaks to Ryabn your alpha.

"Ryan what's going on your pack has woken half the sept. And now you and yours are running off howling ito the night like you are wyrm possessed. Might I remind you this isn't your sept and we don't need some youngsters tearing up the place eating the local livestock.  Explain yourself youngster? What is going on?"

The comand in his voice stops the pack in its tracks.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 38 posts
Silver Fang
Fri 12 Sep 2014
at 14:51
  • msg #65

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ryan speaks quite clearly...a youngling he may be, but he has a talent for speaking nonetheless.

"We had a dream...Boar told us it was time to act. Though the back-ground we saw dark eyes approach from the distance as. They close on you, and you can identify a set of huge ivory tusks of a grand silver backed Dire boar of old. It is highly aggitated flicking it's head from side to side. With a snort it tured and runs from us.

Into focus came a large red building with big double doors that stand slightly ajar within is only darkness and the dire boar ran straight for that blackness. The boar disappeared through the giant double doors of the blood red building. As you stare at the darkness within the ajar doors you feel watched by a mind freezing insanity and depravity. It is this insane gaze that caused us to wake.

My interpretation is that there's nearby BSDs...and we were planning on looking into it.

BSDs? That would be a 'youngster's term for Black Spiral Dancers.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:52, Fri 12 Sept 2014.
GM, 124 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Sat 13 Sep 2014
at 00:19
  • msg #66

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

"Well investigate, and i will get hemlock the warder and follow incase there is some truth to your dream. "

Lamar heads at a quick jog back to the elders fire. Your pack runs past the trees to the fence line on the eastern side of the Sept.  Once at the 15 foot high chain link fence you look through it and on the far side of the plowed fields you see a farm house with large barn next to it. The barn could be red and the doors deffinatly look like the ones from your dream.  Above the big double doors is an  open loading door. In the moonlight the barn is a dark brown but by the light of day the color could very well be red. The shape does match what you saw in your dream. Only the fence blocks your way.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:08, Sat 13 Sept 2014.
Lock Jaw
player, 57 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Sat 13 Sep 2014
at 01:33
  • msg #67

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

11:31, Today: Lock Jaw rolled 11 successes using 12d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed system with a target of 4. strength+athletics.

11:11, Today: Lock Jaw rolled 2 successes using 6d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed system with a target of 6. gnosis to activate leap of the hare.

A chainlink fence is no barrier to lock jaw he jumps it in a single bound.

Ooc: not sure in this dice roller.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:39, Sat 13 Sept 2014.
GM, 125 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Sat 13 Sep 2014
at 02:22
  • msg #68

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

ooc: O.K. Lock jaw you got your rolls worng but the dice roller works I can see your rolls. I have re-rolled for you using the correct die:

12:16, Today: Storyteller, on behalf of Lock Jaw, rolled 1 success using 11d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed system with a target of 7. Strength + Athletics diff 7 to activate Leap of the Hare.

12:18, Today: Storyteller, on behalf of Lock Jaw, rolled 5 successes using 7d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed system with a target of 3. Sthrength roll standing jump over the fence.

And this means that you did a standing jump of 50 feet to clear the fence in a single bound.


Lock Jaw
player, 59 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Sat 13 Sep 2014
at 07:01
  • msg #69

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Exhilerated by the fantastical leap over the fence Lock Jaw launches himself across the plowed field in great bounding leaps covering 104 feet (34 meters) at a time.

16:54, Today: Lock Jaw rolled 9 successes using 11d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed system with a target of 3. Leaping (strengt + athletics)  accross the felds using leap of the hare.
GM, 127 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Sat 13 Sep 2014
at 09:59
  • msg #70

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Lock Jaw easily clears the fence bounding his way ahead of the pack across the fields.

(OOC: and the rest of you?)
Nancy Pride
player, 19 posts
Sat 13 Sep 2014
at 11:16
  • msg #71

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Nancy waved towards Lock jaw, and looked around to find the door.
It was dangerous to separate the pack, at least she learned this in the MMORPG games.
She grabbed her gun as well to give at least ranged support to the Ahrun if he was ambushed.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 24 posts
Sat 13 Sep 2014
at 16:23
  • msg #72

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Marcus had hesitated, curious if the farm and barn belonged to any of the local Garou or Kinfolk here. As Lockjaw made his amazing leap though, it urged him into motion. The little white wolf backed up a few feet, coiled his muscles, then charged forward and tried to leap...and crashed head first into the links!

11:22, Today: Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter) failed (no successes) using 4d10 with the World of Darkness .2nd ed system with a target of 3. Leaping over fence
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 41 posts
Silver Fang
Sat 13 Sep 2014
at 18:15
  • msg #73

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ryan was no athlete, and he knew trying to leap over a fence wouldn't get him any renown for wisdom. So he, too, looked for the door or the gate.

There was wisdom in knowing what you could do, and what you can't do.
Shai Amari
player, 7 posts
Sat 13 Sep 2014
at 18:31
  • msg #74

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Shai scrambled over the fence, trying to keep an eye on Lock Jaw as he bounded ahead.  As soon as she was over, she looked for some sort of cover from which she could provide ranged support if need be.

13:28, Sat 13 Sept 2014: Shai Amari rolled (2 successes) using 6d10 ((9,5,7,4,5,4))
GM, 129 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Sat 13 Sep 2014
at 23:12
  • msg #75

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

To the north is the original gate you entered though that is a few hundred yards away. Shai you scamble like a monkey over the fence (with 6 successes) droppiing to the ground on the otherside drawing yopur bow ready for ambushes.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:13, Sat 13 Sept 2014.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 26 posts
Sun 14 Sep 2014
at 00:12
  • msg #76

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Marcus pawed at his nose with a whine, though he felt more embarassed then in pain at the clumsy jump. He then followed Shai's example and vaulted over the fence with more success. He cleared the troublesome fence then fell in line behind Lockjaw, ready for future instructions on how they would proceed.

19:10, Sat 13 Sept 2014: Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter) rolled 3 successes using 6d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed system with a target of 4 ((5,1,2,4,7,6))

GM, 132 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Sun 14 Sep 2014
at 03:19
  • msg #77

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

The distance from the fence to the barn is almost a mile away at a fast run it will take a few minutes to get there.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 43 posts
Silver Fang
Sun 14 Sep 2014
at 03:24
  • msg #78

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

20:23, Today: Ryan Fox rolled 2 successes using 4d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed, Specialised system with a target of 4, rerolling 10s. Over the fence?

Ryan sighed...the rest of the pack was just going straight over. Even if it wasn't his field of expertise, he'd have to go over too. And so he climbed up...fairly well, really, even if it wasn't the most graceful climb ever.
GM, 136 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Sun 14 Sep 2014
at 06:07
  • msg #79

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

As a pack you move across the field, Lock Jaw out in front criss crossing the path of the pack as you move quickly accross the plowed field. After a few minutes you find yourselves beside a large tree within a hundred yards of the barn. As with your dream the doors are slightly ajar, the drakness within is no less ominous. The Barn is a large structure with the huge double doors ajar at the front and the loading window stands open on the second floor though you cannot see within.
Shai Amari
player, 8 posts
Sun 14 Sep 2014
at 07:08
  • msg #80

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Shai stopped under the tree, staying in the shadows it provided.  Without taking her eyes off the barn, she unslung her bow from her shoulder and shrugged the quiver of homemade arrows into a comfortable position.  Someone should circle the building.  If there's a door or a big window in back, we can bottleneck them easily she suggested over the pack's mind link.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:08, Sun 14 Sept 2014.
Lock Jaw
player, 60 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Sun 14 Sep 2014
at 11:00
  • msg #81

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

"Comrads we go in.. kill everything. Grrrrrrrrrrr!!" says Lock Jaw as he becomes a war machine standing 10feet tall and weighing in at 1000lbs in his full crinos form. He is almost ready to jump the gun and attack without consent of his alpha. To hell if there are inocents in the barn or not so deep has the Boars vision effected him. Normally he would protect innocents at all costs.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:15, Sun 14 Sept 2014.
Nancy Pride
player, 22 posts
Sun 14 Sep 2014
at 20:14
  • msg #82

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

"Wait let me check if there is anything what can record us, we do not want to break the rules isn't it?"

She concentrated and try to connect whatever security system was inside, maybe capture the camera feeds if there was any.

OOC: 1WP spent, plug and play a gift activated.
She will try to locate and connect her computer into the system if there is any, and hack it.
Goal is to gain information and mask the presence of the party.

22:13, Sun 14 Sept 2014: Nancy Pride rolled 5 successes using 8d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed system with a target of 6 ((8,6,8,5,8,2,5,9)).

GM, 138 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Sun 14 Sep 2014
at 23:43
  • msg #83

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Off to the right of the barn a further 100 yards away down a dirt track stands the homestead the lights are on down stairs but there is no activity inside that you can see from where you are. It is 2 a.m.

[Private to Nancy Pride: There are no security systems to hack only a t.v. is on in the homestead. ]
Nancy Pride
player, 23 posts
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 11:41
  • msg #84

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

"Ok seems we are fine, this old building does not have weaver security, breaking the litany is not likely, even in crinos. Only. TV is on, so there must be someone inside."
This message was last edited by the player at 11:42, Mon 15 Sept 2014.
Shai Amari
player, 9 posts
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 19:37
  • msg #85

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Shai nodded, the gesture almost pointless in the darkness.  Ryan-rhya, would you like someone to check the back of the building before we go in?  I don't want to be caught in a trap, or leave our prey an escape route.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 44 posts
Silver Fang
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 19:42
  • msg #86

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ryan nodded.

"Make it so"

He happened to watch a Star Trek episode once and never forgot it.

"First, we need to see who's inside. It's probably just a security guard...and if it it's just a human, knocking him out will suffice."
Shai Amari
player, 10 posts
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 19:55
  • msg #87

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

As soon as Ryan agreed, Shai slipped away from the group.  She moved slowly but steadily, keeping her bow ready to fire as she went.

14:53, Mon 15 Sept 2014: Shai Amari rolled 3 successes using 7d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 6 ((10,9,7,8,2,2,1)).

Planning to make a fairly wide circle of the building, get the lay of the land, then move in closer once I know how many doors and windows there are.

Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 27 posts
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 20:04
  • msg #88

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Marcus sat in wait, casting out his mystical senses for traces of the Wyrm, while keeping his physical ones alert for anything out of place.

"A security guard? We are on a farm. We would more worry about a dog standing watch then a human." Marcus added.

OOC: Continuing to use Sense Wyrm.
GM, 141 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Mon 15 Sep 2014
at 23:59
  • msg #89

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

In the moonlight crickets chirp and the night is still. Shai slinks off into the dark, the pack soon loosing sight of her behind the barn. As you wait word fform her all is quiet.  No dogs bark in the night,  everything is still as if waiting with a tepid anticipation.

[Private to Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter): You open your senses to the taint seeking out corruption near by. A feeling of depravity and torment emanate from both the buildings, but the strong stench of a wyrm corrupted servant isn't there. it is like you have journeyed to the lair of the beast to find no-one home.]

[Private to Shai Amari: Around the back of the barn is a normal size door that opens outwards. The door would usually be closed and locked by placing the large metal bar through the metal locking plates and padlocking it inplace.  The metal bar lies discarded to one side and a broken padlock can be seen glinting in the moonlight at the foot of the door. The door currently is closed.  a path leads from the barn to the homestead. you see no signs of activity from either the homestead or the barn. ]
Lock Jaw
player, 61 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Tue 16 Sep 2014
at 00:38
  • msg #90

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

"Ryan-rhya, I know I could jump too the high hole into the den." Lockjaw points to the loading dock up above the barn doors.

(Ooc: how high is it? )
GM, 142 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Tue 16 Sep 2014
at 01:42
  • msg #91

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

The barn reaches a height of 45 feet at the pinical. The doors are 20feet tall and the loading door sits 25feet up and is 12feet tall. The barn doors are ajar and the loading door stands open.
Shai Amari
player, 11 posts
Tue 16 Sep 2014
at 01:58
  • msg #92

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Over the pack link, Shai sent an image of a door in the back of the barn, with a path leading from the door down toward a house.  If Marcus comes back here, we can push them through the barn, away from the house, right into Lock Jaw and Ryan.  She wasn't entirely sure where the alpha would want to be during the assault, but she did him the courtesy of placing him in the most glorious spot in her suggestion.  Nancy can pick off any that get past you two, and I can do the same if any get past Marcus back here.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 28 posts
Tue 16 Sep 2014
at 02:02
  • msg #93

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Marcus moved to where Shai indicated, but as he moved he sniffed the ground and all around in the air, trying to match a physical scent the putrid stank of corruption his soul detected.

"Alpha, I do not think there is anyone in the barn right now. Great Boar is a spirit, perhaps the spies are in the Umbra? Either that, or they have fled us!"

Nancy Pride
player, 25 posts
Wed 17 Sep 2014
at 16:11
  • msg #94

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

"The TV was on, be careful"
Nancy shifted to wolf to sharpen her senses, and smell around.

OOC: I guess detection rolls will be done by the GM.
GM, 146 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Wed 17 Sep 2014
at 17:19
  • msg #95

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Marcus moves around the barn to the side with the normal door. Your pack now surounds the barn, Shai and Marcus on one side and Ryan, LockJaw, and Nancy on the other. About 100yds away sits the homestead (closer to Shai and Marcus but the distance is arbitary}.

[Secret to Nancy Pride: You can smell the odure of death wafting from the barn.]
[Secret to Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter): You can smell the odure of death wafting from the barn as you move to join Shai.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:21, Wed 17 Sept 2014.
Lock Jaw
player, 62 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Wed 17 Sep 2014
at 23:26
  • msg #96

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Feeling there alpha has frozen at the start of their first battle in what looks to be a glorious war Lock Jaw tries to prompt him into action.
"ALPHA! Our comrades stand ready to rain down destruction on the wyrm?"
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 45 posts
Silver Fang
Thu 18 Sep 2014
at 01:27
  • msg #97

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

(OOC:Not posting doesn't mean I'm frozen or staring off into space. It means I haven't posted yet. Be very clear about that...)

"Move in. Avoid killing humans if at all possible."

Humans weren't what they were here for, after all.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 29 posts
Thu 18 Sep 2014
at 05:45
  • msg #98

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Marcus's body flattened to the ground, ears and tail tucked down flat. He moved forward, defaulting to his Ragabash sister's lead. His senses told him the barn was empty, but that did not mean it was without danger. His eyes and nose worked furiously, trying to sense any traps or other hazards. He moved into the barn, holding his breath, desperate not to foul things up any more after crashing into that fence.

OOC: Continuing to scan with Sense Wyrm and Lupus senses.
Lock Jaw
player, 64 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Fri 19 Sep 2014
at 07:05
  • msg #99

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Un-sure of the plan Alpha wants followed  or even if there is one. Lock Jaw follows Ryans istructions  and moves forward quickly heading for the  barn with  a driving purpose. Like a tsunami he will not be stopped. Given a target the wolf of war has been released.

(OOC: If my Leap of the hair is still active I would like to jump into the loading bay door.)'
Shai Amari
player, 13 posts
Sun 21 Sep 2014
at 00:20
  • msg #100

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Keeping back a little. I cover marcus with the Bow untill he makes the door. Then follow him continuing to give him cover with my bow and scanning for any ambushes...
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 47 posts
Silver Fang
Sun 21 Sep 2014
at 04:17
  • msg #101

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ryan headed for the front door of the area. Barging in the front door? Yes, but his strength was as a diplomat. If talking needed to be done, that was his strong suit, and he meant to put it to use.
Nancy Pride
player, 27 posts
Tue 23 Sep 2014
at 19:40
  • msg #102

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

After she was sure she was not able to smell anything Nancy shifted back to homid.
She followed the others and try to givem them cover if needed.
Maybe the place was empty, and they should focus more to the other side than this one.
But first the order of the alpha was clear, move inside.
GM, 153 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Fri 26 Sep 2014
at 21:18
  • msg #103

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Flattened to the ground, ears and tail tucked down flat Marcus moved across the 100 feet to the door in the barn . The door is closed but unlocked, carefully opening it you are assailed by the stench of death. Within the barn the sense of the wyrm is much stronger, but you can see no servants of the corrupted beast. Through the gloom you get your first look at what is in the barn. Four horse carcasses litter the floor in different stages of decomposition bones chewed, and guts feasted upon as though they server as food for feral wolves. The farm equipment is untouched hanging upon the walls. At the far end of the barn past the 10 stalls (5 on each side) you can see the main doors of the barn standing ajar letting the moonlight in. The barn is silent.

Shai follows Marcus up to the door and steps into the doorway after he enters the barn bow at the ready to give him cover should she need to protect her brother.

Lock Jaw running toward the double doors takes a mighty leap for the loading bay door.
[Private to Lock Jaw: Please roll your jump diff 3]

As the pack converges on the barn Ryan heads to the homestead the back screen door is closed but the inner wooden door stands open so you are able to see through into the kitchen. [Secret to Ryan Fox: You can see the small TV on the kitchen counter on and blaring an infomercial on the nutribullet. A man and a child sit at the kitchen table their postures seem wrong, broken you might say. The kitchen is stained brown across the cupboards, walls, floor and table. Death is in the air and the insistent drone of the TV just doesn't end.]

Nancy follows Lock jaw gun at the ready, Prepared for what might appear from the barn.
Lock Jaw
player, 65 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Fri 26 Sep 2014
at 21:29
  • msg #104

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

And he makes His jump...

Lock Jaw rolled 6 successes using 12d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed system with a target of 3 ((7,5,6,2,4,1,4,4,1,2,4,5)).

Jumping up to 48 feet up he easily makes it into the loading dock door.
GM, 154 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Fri 26 Sep 2014
at 23:01
  • msg #105

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

[Private to Lock Jaw: You leap through the loading dock door landing in hay the smell of feral wolves. Upon the floor sits wrappers a few cigarett buts and a set of binoculars not that you know what they are. Toward the other end of the barn the floor ends leaving a large opens space to the lower level.]

Marcus and Shai: Listening you hear movement above. Looking up you see that there is an open space right up to the roof and half way down the barn the second story begins with the hayloft. From the Hayloft you hear movement and a hulking Lurking shadow can be seen.

Nancy following Lockjaw you see him leap into loading dock door on the second story of the barn.
Lock Jaw
player, 66 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Sat 27 Sep 2014
at 06:25
  • msg #106

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

I pick up the the monkey glasses off the floor and check around if there is nothing to slay here I will jump from the hayloft down to the floor of the barn.
Lock Jaw
player, 67 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Sat 27 Sep 2014
at 06:40
  • msg #107

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

When he lands below he checks to see that there are no enemies below then says to the others via the brain-a-fone.

"I found these above and it smells like a another packs den in here Grrrr.."

L.J. Holds up the set of monkey goggles (binoculars) to show the others of his pack.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 06:41, Sat 27 Sept 2014.
GM, 155 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Sun 28 Sep 2014
at 02:53
  • msg #108

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Marcus and Shai: The hulking Shadow leaps down from the hay loft and just before you tare the creature to shreds Marcus or fill it full of arrows Shai, you see it is Lock Jaw holding a set of binoculars. Nancy you look through the main barn doors to see the rest of the pack gathered inside with no sign of the enemy. Horse carcasses litter the floor and you even notice a gnawed human arm.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 48 posts
Silver Fang
Sun 28 Sep 2014
at 18:25
  • msg #109

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ryan examines the bodies to try to determine the cause of death. Garou didn't USUALLY kill humans, unless it was absolutely necessary, but it's possible something else did.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 30 posts
Mon 29 Sep 2014
at 06:15
  • msg #110

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Marcus wrinkles his muzzle at the rotted wasted meat. Creeping dread began to fill his mind as he considered the scene before him. Pushing his ill thoughts away for the moment, he refocused his senses and tried to locate a trail of some kind. If great Boar was right, then his enemies were not far away.

OOC: Trying to see if there is any fresh scents, besides that of the pack.

"Brothers and sisters...this worries me. How could spies have been here so long and the Guardians of Raccoon not have detected them? Are we betrayed?"
This message was last edited by the player at 06:21, Mon 29 Sept 2014.
Nancy Pride
player, 29 posts
Tue 30 Sep 2014
at 20:07
  • msg #111

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Nancy was sure there was someone around. She send her thoughts trough the totem.
++I think we have two things what we should check:
The other side to see if there is any spirit around.
Or just try to find the one knows how to hide.++

Shai Amari
NPC, 14 posts
Fri 3 Oct 2014
at 19:17
  • msg #112

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Nodding to Nancy Shai takes a compact out of her pocket and staring into the little mirror makes the transition into the umbra.

05:16, Sat 04 Oct 2014: Shai Amari rolled 2 successes using 3d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 6 ((7,10,4)).
GM, 156 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Fri 3 Oct 2014
at 20:14
  • msg #113

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

[Secret to Ryan Fox: Ryan the dead Humans in the house have been savaged by giant claws not much else other than a Garou could have inflicted these wounds. The interesting part is that they have been killed then set in morbidly realistic poses in the kitchen, anyone glancing through a window may have thought they were still alive.]

[Secret to Shai Amari: You step through in to the umbra to be confronted with a a small 3 wolf Blackspial dancer reconasence team. One has giantears like a bat dark brown fur and is in hispo form, The next is in human form, she wares high heels, black stockings with a pale complection and a smart business dress on she has a tight thin smile he sandy hair is tied in a tight bun. The last is a scared hairless metis standing in crinos he hols a grand Klaive of silver and smiles maniacly saying "Ahh breakfast has arrived and what a pretty little thing". Here in the umbra the barn doesnt exist behind the Black spiral dancers you see a square black pit that would be in the center of the floor in the barn in the physical realm. That is all the time you have to take in as they are upon you like cats on a lone mouse. (ooc: Can I please get your initiative, roll one die and then add
it to your character’s initiative rating (Dexterity + Wits).

Marcus and rest in the barn: The meat has begun to rot due more to the warm days around this time of year and that it has been sitting out. You would judge it to be 3 days old maybe.. The smell of the wyrm tainted (your sense wyrm tingling) pack lingers. So fresh are the scents they must have been here very recently. Following the scent you find the trail ends at the centre of the barn. walking on the strewn straw where the scent ends you hear the creak of wood beneath your feet. scratching away the straw you find a large 8ft x 8ft trapdoor in the floor.
Shai Amari
NPC, 15 posts
Fri 3 Oct 2014
at 23:14
  • msg #114

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

06:19, Sat 04 Oct 2014: Shai Amari rolled 15 using 1d10+7 ((8)).

Acting quickly to defend her self Shai calls for help as she dodges the coming onslaught.

"SHIT SPIRALS!! The Boar is right.. They are still here!"
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 31 posts
Sat 4 Oct 2014
at 00:37
  • msg #115

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

The cries of his packmate galvanized Marcus into movement. Instantly, his form burst outward into his warform, rage filling his muscles. His weapon and backpack emerged from Dedication and from the latter he drew out his hand mirror. He gazed into his own reflection, and through his own soul began to form a pathway for his pack.

OOC: Opening the way to the Umbra for the pack. 2 Successes.

Marcus has an Initiative of 8

08:46, Sun 05 Oct 2014: Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter) rolled 8 using 1d10+7 ((1)).
19:35, Today: Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter) rolled 2 successes using 6d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 6. Umbral shift for pack. .

This message was last edited by the player at 13:47, Sun 05 Oct 2014.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 49 posts
Silver Fang
Sat 4 Oct 2014
at 05:30
  • msg #116

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

"Spirals alright. The humans here have been killed, and set up in macabre poses to make it look to casual view like they might still be alive. Only Spirals are sick enough to pull that sort of stunt. Shai, have you spotted the enemy? Where are you? We don't want them pulling divide and conquer on us."

The pack needs to converge...Spirals could easily pull a trick like that if they were caught separated.
Nancy Pride
player, 30 posts
Sat 4 Oct 2014
at 06:22
  • msg #117

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

OOC: Ok so the smell is from the other side or still in the normal world? I am not sure where we are now. But we should keep the pack together :)
GM, 157 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Sun 5 Oct 2014
at 11:27
  • msg #118

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

OOC: Alright here is the situation Shai has stepped into the umbra from inside the barn where she has met some spirals. Nancy, Lock Jaw and Marcus are all in the barn. Ryan is in the homestead roughly 100 yds from the barn. I will need initiative rolls from every one initiative is 1d10 + your dex + wits. Nancy I refer to smelling them in the description imagine you know someone with a distinctive smell or perfume they ware. If they leave a room as you enter their smell can linger for a time. It is much like that.
Lock Jaw
player, 68 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Wed 8 Oct 2014
at 06:18
  • msg #119

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

16:15, Wed 08 Oct 2014: Lock Jaw rolled 9 using 1d10+2 ((7)).

Slow to act due to his bulk L.J. follows Marcus through the viel. Ready for action, he is prepared to rip out some BSD throats.
GM, 158 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Wed 8 Oct 2014
at 08:45
  • msg #120

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

As the Veil parts and your pack gets to see what is beyond your hearts plummet like a lead weight with what you behold. Within the near umbra the farm is stark and desolate. In the distance toward the cearn it lights up with the multitude of spirits that live near the cearn. Two packs of seven run through the umbra but they are too far to stop the horror unfolding before you. Three black spiral dancers stand around an open pit, which would be where the trapdoor in the barn lies. One has giant ears like a bat, dark brown fur, and is in hispo form. The next is in human form, she wares high heels, black stockings with a pale complexion and a smart business dress on. She has a tight thin smile and is leering at the third black spiral dancer, her sandy hair is tied in a tight bun. The last is a scared hairless metis standing in crinos. He holds a grand Klaive of silver and smiles maniacally as he grips Shai with one claw by the top of her head. Still passing the gauntlet you are just in time to witness the wicked gleam of his silver blade severing Shai's head from her shoulders. Blood splatters across your face Marcus, as you move all too slowly through the gauntlet. With a howl of twisted joy the Black spiral dancers jump down the black pit, as enraged you all struggle to break free of the gauntlet into the umbra. As the last tendrils release their hold upon you  a howl from the approaching packs calls to you it is Hemlock;

"Stay where yer be young-uns. Don't be fool an follow them, it could just be a trap to draw more to their doom!"

A pack of Shadowlord Elder lopes toward you, followed closely by elders from 7 other tribes (including a Silver Fang).
This message was last edited by the GM at 09:31, Wed 08 Oct 2014.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 50 posts
Silver Fang
Wed 8 Oct 2014
at 15:34
  • msg #121

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ryan nodded. If a full on ELDER said he was out of his weight class, he probably was. Shadow Lords were tricky, but one of his kin was also there, and this was clearly a serious enough threat to draw even those tribes that didn't care for one another together.

"Very well, I'll leave it to you. What would you have us do?"

"Fall back. The Elders are here. 8 of them, no less. They've told us to withdraw. Regroup at the homestead.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 33 posts
Wed 8 Oct 2014
at 18:26
  • msg #122

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

As the blood hits Marcus, something inside him snaps. Unmitigated horror and shock push him forward, catching Shai's body as it fell. Automatically, he was reaching inside his packback for one of the Gaia's Breath talens. Through stunted, shaking motion he puts the Talen to her lifeless body, trying the fix the broken bloody doll cradled in his arms.

All the glory, the adventure, the expectation of something wonderful died he felt the last amounts of warmth leave Shai's body. He thought they were here to make a difference, to find their place in the Silver Record.

Pure burning Rage welled up in him as he heard Ryan's words. In disbelief, he looked to where the Alpha's umbral reflection should be.

"Fall back? You want...want to just leave her?" He echoed quietly, then turned the black hole where the assassins escaped to. Marcus then rose, grabbing Shai's bow and coming to approach the Elder Black Fury or Silent Strider, now even more covered in Shai's blood. "I can help. I am coming." He stated flatly.
GM, 160 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Fri 10 Oct 2014
at 11:15
  • msg #123

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

The elder silent strider you approached looks at you Marcus with mornful eyes.

"I feel your pain young one. I assure you our sister will be avenged, but for now Hemlock is right. This is a war and there will be casualties, when the time comes we will come to you for help."

She says as she steps forward carefully taking Shai's bow from you. Hemlock squats next to the hole looking into the depths of the dark pit. He rubs his jaw with a grizzled hand. He looks up at the other elders and says.

"This isn't good, a blackspiral wyrm hole entrance this close to the cearn. We will seal this up, post guards, and discus plans on how to address this at the moot tomorrow. You will get your chance to help soon enough Young-un there will be enough vengeance for all soon enough. Take Shai's body back to camp, you have done well to find this threat. We will morn her loss."

He nods to one of others and they call upon the element spirits and seal the cave with solid rock. the elders then usher you all back to camp.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 35 posts
Fri 10 Oct 2014
at 19:17
  • msg #124

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Rage kept a white knuckled grip on the bow, but he finally forced himself to unclench his claw and let the Elder take it from him. He stood there, watching them work to seal the hole and only barely heard the words being spoken.

"Discuss? What...what is there to discuss?" He snarled through clenched fangs. He wanted to lash out at them, at anyone, show them how stupid they were being. He stood there, defiant for a long moment, violence in his eyes. Before he did something completely foolish though, he just turned and stormed off, loping on all fours.
Lock Jaw
player, 69 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Sat 11 Oct 2014
at 01:05
  • msg #125

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Roaring his frustrations L.J. Follows Marcus becoming the near wolf hispo form and turning his back on the elders that so callously dismiss the life of one of his pack.
GM, 161 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Sat 11 Oct 2014
at 04:19
  • msg #126

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Shaking his head at the insolence of the youngsters Hemlock turns to Ryan

"Get your pack under control I am sure the striders will want to hold a passing ceremony tomorrow and will want you to attend."

Then leaving 2 experienced Garou to guard the wyrm pit access he leads the rest of you back to the cearn.

The silent strider elder whom you find out is named "Runs with Ra" gathers some other striders and together they take the headless body of Shai to be prepared for a proper passing ceremony. This leaves the pack in a somber mood with further losses reducing your strength. On the morrow over 100 garou are camped at the cearn.

At different times elders of your tribes summon each of you to tribal meetings.

Where for you Lock Jaw this involves much is wrestling and drinking.

Marcus the women gather and complain about the men and how they disadvantage female garou who are just as good if not better than their male counterparts much of it is directed at you as being one of the few male metis's of the tribe their anger is often directed to you.

Nancy the glass-walkers have a big LAN session in a large tent they have set up, where hacks are shown off, and new viruses, or mechanical inventions are shown. Financial deals are made etc.

Ryan you are called into one of the grandest tents in the where you meet "Kulos" (your third cousin) a lupus gillard silverfang and herald of Lord Gartrin highest noble on the east coast of america. (though her rank is higher her pedigree is nothing compared to yours) You are a bit of a celebrity amongst the silverfang.

[Private to Sean Selmetzi: Sean You have come here with no pack following the stars one of your elders in cearn read the stars and sent you pack-less to fight in the war saying that in a battle of sticks you will find your pack they fight with the anger and tenacity of the wild boar with your help they will win, without it they will lose. So you are now in the camp with the others of the stargazer tribe sharing philosophy and reading the signs. After you finish any expected rituals etc you notice a game of Garou Sticks underway It is like tribal groups battling such is the furiousity of the game. You have just watched the end of a fierce match, when the Alpha of the current champion shadowlord team starts to goad another pack of somber sorrowful, disheartened looking garou.]

At midday the striders ask the pack to attend a special ceremony for Shai that refers to her taking the long journey as we all must take and ends in a long mournful howl.

Through out the day a number of games of Garou Stick are played.

(This is similar to Lacrosse but a bit more violent you play the game in glabro or Crinos. The rules are simple, there are 2 small nets at each end of a small field and you are to get a small leather bound ball in to them first team to do so wins. There are no claws or biting allowed, though punches and kicks are fine. You can't touch the ball accept with your stick which has a club at one end for hitting the ball or other players, and a net at the other for picking the ball up and trowing or catching it. Gifts are allowed on they grounds they cause only lethal or stunning damage.)

Niel and his shadowlord pack are playing and being shadowlords on there home turf are reining champions (though there has been contention about interference by some of the shadowlords watching from the sidelines).

It is after the ceremony when Niel, having just defeated yet another pack made up of wendigo and uktena, spots you Ryan returning to your camp, with the rest of your pack. He shouts at you;

"Hey Ryaaann! I hear that your pack is dropping like flies, it must be that you smell like pig, I don't know if your dinner or a garou sometimes. You and your pack should run back to little mother with your tail between your legs before you get all your rejects killed. Laughing Fury was the only smart one and she knew to get out as soon as she could. Probably din't like smelling like a pig or eating shit like one. What difference could you make now anyway, all you have left is a computer nerd, a freak inbreed, and a dumb giant. Your pack isn't even big enough for a game of sticks, you and yours are just a waste of space here. Go home rejects."

This brings a laugh from the rest of Niels pack a few even taking up the chant "Go Home Rejects!"
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:28, Sat 11 Oct 2014.
Sean Selmetzi
player, 6 posts
Sat 11 Oct 2014
at 06:09
  • msg #127

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Sean nodding his head with each count, counts how many players are on the field then counts how many people the teasing Shadowlord just counted out in the pack they were teasing and compares the difference in the numbers.
Lock Jaw
player, 70 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Sat 11 Oct 2014
at 07:15
  • msg #128

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

"Hey numb skull.. your pack.. err.. puny too! We crushum you!! even with.. err.. one.. three... pack. Yeah pack!" Says Lock Jaw in his russian accent.
GM, 162 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Sat 11 Oct 2014
at 08:44
  • msg #129

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

"So the lug head can communicate vocally.. So Ryaann you going to let an imbecile speak for you? We would be happy to play you pack on pack though it hardly seems fair, but dumb dumb thinks you can win, and thats the most thinking he has ever done or is likely to ever do. I wouldn't want to let the only firing of the poor retards 2 brain cells he may have in his life go to waste."

Says Niel continuing to taunt your pack.

[Secret to Sean Selmetzi: ooc: The pack on the field is made up of 7 garou including the speaker and the pack off the field has 4 garou as far as you can tell.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 06:20, Fri 17 Oct 2014.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 36 posts
Sat 11 Oct 2014
at 09:03
  • msg #130

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Marcus was completely withdrawn at the tribal meeting. He only attended because he knew they would drag him by force if he didn't. He sat there, at the edge of their circle, listlessly listening to their chatter. His normally snow white face was now pink and blotchy from a night of crying. His dark mirrored shades kept his eyes hidden, helped him shield away the pain and overwhelming frustration at the horrible day.

He couldn't help but overhear Neil's pathetic taunts. It was a low blow, but he he wouldn't let them hurt him. Pegasus gave him strength and pride, that much kept him from charging over and ripping the miserable curr's throat out.

Instead, Marcus found a quiet spot and directed his still fresh pain and drive inward, and tried to focus on his ancestors. He tried to picture the Grand Bane Klaive that took Shai's head. Such a blade would have a history, a name, a list of atrocities. He wanted to know it, and perhaps one of his ancestors had encountered it before.

OOC: 1 Success to identify the Grand Klaive, and nice botch on the Ancestors roll, of course.

04:01, Today: Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter) rolled 1 success using 4d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 6. Occult Roll to Identify.
04:00, Today: Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter) botched using 3d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 8. Ancestors.

GM, 163 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Sat 11 Oct 2014
at 11:52
  • msg #131

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

The Grand Klaive meant nothing to you marcus other than it has slain you pack mate and you would be able to recognise it again for this reason in a heart beat. Niel continues to try and goad your pack into a game of Garou stick.

"You leaving your pack mates again inbreed.. Just like you probably did when that spiral killed the girl, you weren't there to save her. Hell you didn't even try to avenge your own packmate. Thats why you would never beat us. Unlike you, we (he indicates his pack) act as a unit, a team not that any of you would know what that is. This is why you all should leave this war and run home to mommy like the children you are. One war pack representing the green sept is enough. We don't need you dis-honoring the cearn."

More Garou have started to take note of the ruckus coming from the stick field. Gathering on the sidelines to see what is going on. To be leaving this challenge unanswered could result in a loss of respect in the eyes of the other garou.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:06, Sat 11 Oct 2014.
Sean Selmetzi
player, 7 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Spirit Heritage 5
Sat 11 Oct 2014
at 15:01
  • msg #132

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Sean contemplates for a moment at the profecy  to to him before he left then thought to himself sometimes the answers are literal in meaning.

Sean attempts to identify which of the pack members are Ryan that the other pack is teasing so he can approach him.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:13, Sat 11 Oct 2014.
GM, 166 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Sat 11 Oct 2014
at 22:09
  • msg #133

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

"I knew you wouldn't be up to the challenge Ryaaann!" Taunts Niel the shadowlord.

[Secret to Sean Selmetzi: From what you have seen so far you could rightly assume the following.
Is the dumb Giant.
His albino apearance gives his inbread heritage away.
Seems to be the quiet alpha, that the alpha shadowlord is addressing.
By process of elimination this would be the nerd.
Sean Selmetzi
player, 10 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Spirit Heritage 5
Sat 11 Oct 2014
at 22:14
  • msg #134

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Sean approaches Ryan and says,

"you are the alpha of the pack correct"

Then waits patiently for Ryan to answer.
Lock Jaw
player, 71 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Sun 12 Oct 2014
at 03:19
  • msg #135

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Not waiting a response from his alpha, L.J. loses his shiznit. Seeing red he begins to move toward Niel becoming a combat hulk.

13:21, Sun 12 Oct 2014: Lock Jaw rolled 7 successes using 9d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 6 ((9,4,8,7,10,8,8,6,4)).

(changing to crinos instantly)


He says in his heavily broken russian accent.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:22, Sun 12 Oct 2014.
Sean Selmetzi
player, 12 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Sun 12 Oct 2014
at 04:46
  • msg #136

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Sean rushes lock jaw shifting to lupus instantly and attempts to use unbalance to knock him off his feet before he reaches the shadowloard

Spend 1 willpower for 1 automatic success
23:51, Sat 11 Oct 2014: Sean Selmetzi rolled 10 successes using 10d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed, Specialised system with a target of 6, rerolling 10s ((2,9,6,7,6,6,10(+7),8,10(+5),9)).

Then says
"Calm your rage before you cause dishonor to yourself and your pack or cause an even worse fate"
This message was last edited by the player at 04:55, Sun 12 Oct 2014.
GM, 168 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Sun 12 Oct 2014
at 07:33
  • msg #137

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

There is a streak of fur, as a wolf dashes out, from the sidelines. Getting under Lock Jaw's feet and sending him tumbling to the ground before he is more than a few paces onto the field. This brings laughter from not only Niels pack, but some of the crowed as well.

"HAHAAHAHAHAAAHAHAHHAAAAHAHAHAAAA! Common Ryan, hows about that game of sticks or do you need your clumsy oaf to try to fight for you. He can't even get onto the field without falling!" Says Niel holding his belly laughing at Lock Jaw.
This message was last edited by the GM at 09:27, Sun 12 Oct 2014.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 55 posts
Silver Fang
Sun 12 Oct 2014
at 22:50
  • msg #138

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ryan at first attempted to circle above it, exercising the wisdom of the ancient kings, flying above it as an eagle would above lowly crows. But then he crossed a line and brought his pack into it. Yes, he didn't try to avenge his pack sister...because Elders directly ordered him not to do so just yet. His tribe was rather big on those who give orders first learning to take them from appropriate sources.

"Is this this the best you can do? Using the tragedy of the loss of one of Gaia's children to further your own small ends? Very well! If a challenge is what you desire, you shall have it. Not for my own sake, for that matter, but the sake of the sister whose memory you toy with. Let us see if you can back up such words!"

Ryan advanced on Neil...with all the grace and bearing of an angered king. Oh, sure, he was only a prince just now, but in his desire to teach this fool a lesson, his regal bearing is even more notable then usual.
Sean Selmetzi
player, 13 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Sun 12 Oct 2014
at 23:20
  • msg #139

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

"I will join you that you may have enough to play the game"
Sean says to ryan as he offers a hand to help lock jaw up.
Then says looking at Neil.
"And to teach this one humility so he will know not to prey on the emotions of the loss of a fellow wolf to the wyrm"
This message was last edited by the player at 23:57, Sun 12 Oct 2014.
Lock Jaw
player, 72 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Wed 15 Oct 2014
at 09:06
  • msg #140

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

19:02, Wed 15 Oct 2014: Lock Jaw failed (1 failure) using 5d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 6 ((2,3,1,1,9)).

Leaping clumsily to his feet LJ tries to grab this newcomer without thinking (not that he thinks much anyway) but fails to grab the quick intruder, growling his frustration as people laugh he prepares to decimate this foolish garou that would interfere with him destroying Niel.
Sean Selmetzi
player, 15 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Wed 15 Oct 2014
at 13:54
  • msg #141

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Sean retains his calm demeanor and says "COME angry one I play the game of sticks with your pack and together we will beat this one on the field in the proper challenge presented. Do not let his taunting so quickly send you into a blind rage for then you loose focus of yourself and your surroundings and to do that in a battle aginst the wyrm could mean disaster."
Sean Selmetzi
player, 18 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Wed 15 Oct 2014
at 20:07
  • msg #142

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

TO STORYTELLER: from my observation does their seem to be a beta

OOC: Marcus from reading am I correct to assume you are the beta although I don't know any of the stuff that was in the past in character
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 39 posts
Wed 15 Oct 2014
at 21:01
  • msg #143

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Marcus arose from his meditations, rising up into his pure white breed form as he did. He stalked over to the game field, irritation and frustration stunting his movements heavily. Neil's cruel words had cut into him, his grief still fresh, but he didn't want to give the miserable worm the satisfaction.

His eyes locked on Sean and narrowed behind his eyes, then went on to survey the rest of the game field.

"He stole a packmate from us, and now you want to play his game Ryan? He is baiting us. Is this what it takes for you to care at all about us?" He spat over their mental link.

Marcus went to Lockjaw's side, growling heavily at Sean as he stood protectively over his packmate.

OOC: Nope. Marcus is the Omega.
Sean Selmetzi
player, 19 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Wed 15 Oct 2014
at 21:28
  • msg #144

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

"I do not mean any disrespect i to know the sting of loss i was sent here pack-less guided by the stars to fight aginst the wyrm i was given a profecy by my elders that said i would find my pack that goes as such " you will find a pack that will compete in a game of stick ball and will fight with the ferocity of a boar without you they will lose with you they will be assured a win" now i must ask does your pack follow the totem of the boar"
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 56 posts
Silver Fang
Wed 15 Oct 2014
at 22:45
  • msg #145

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ryan was getting himself and his team organized. It wasn't until the other Garou took an interest in the challenge that Ryan answered it. Ryan was willing to contemplate his grief silently till then. But since Neil's making an issue of it, he has to answer the challenge now. The ways of respect demand it.

First, over the link...

"My grief is exactly why I ignored him as long as I could. The only reason we backed off the BSDs is because Elders directly ordered us to. We, as Cliaths, simply aren't high enough up in the hierarchy to ignore direct orders from the top like that. Even if what they ordered us to do hurts...even if it goes against our nature...we must still follow those orders. At least till we get high enough up to disagree with an elder. But we aren't there yet. However, the rest of the Sept is watching now, and I can no longer let the game and the challenge go unanswered. Too many others are watching. Glory and Honor both are important, if ever we wish to gainsay those who ordered us away from revenge. Always consider the long may be years before we can question the elders, but we will someday have that right...and then we may exercise it. In the meantime, fall in! We've got a game to win...and remember what I said about honor and glory. To reach the true goal, we must complete these lesser ones. Even when they seem like nonsense, or are perpetrated by one who clearly has never felt a wound. But he will someday...and he will not be laughing then."

Having relayed all that in the space of thoughts, he, physically at least, takes up the place of challenge, and prepares to beat some sense into the fool who knows no respect.

To the new guy offering to help...

"Yes, I'd appreciate your assistance. I'm glad you too have decided that disrespecting the dead deserves severe consequences."

Severe consequences is more directed at Neil.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 40 posts
Thu 16 Oct 2014
at 00:02
  • msg #146

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Despite his feelings, Marcus gave Sean one more hard look before walking over to grab some game equipment.

"Dress it up however you want. You wanted to run to the Elders when Boar called us to battle instead of listening to your Totem. And you didn't listen to me when we came to the barn. Some things matter more then Rank or Renown Ryan. Maybe next time you will do what is right rather then do what you are told. "

He tested one of the game sticks, then looked over each of Neil's pack, taking stock of each one. He didn't care about this game, but hurting someone sounded just perfect though.
Sean Selmetzi
player, 21 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Thu 16 Oct 2014
at 00:14
  • msg #147

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Sean goes and rummages through the equipment. He thinks about his days of training with his kalindo master with the stick and uses that along with his keen intellect to pick the best equipment available in the pile. He then steps out into the field and prepares for the match.
Sean Selmetzi
player, 22 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Thu 16 Oct 2014
at 00:22
  • msg #148

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Sean steps out onto the field and as soon as all are on the field before the game gets underway

Sean performs STORM DANCE

Sean rolls manipulation + kalindo
19:27, Wed 15 Oct 2014: Sean Selmetzi rolled 2 successes using 6d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 7 ((8,5,2,4,10,6)).
This message was last edited by the player at 00:28, Thu 16 Oct 2014.
Sean Selmetzi
player, 24 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Thu 16 Oct 2014
at 04:25
  • msg #149

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Directed Storm Dance toward a packmate of Neil's then looks at Neil and says.

"I have only recently arrived here and already kept this wolf"

I point at lock jaw.

" from uncontrollably releasing his beast on you which is what you are trying to in site is to have the litany broken and still you cannot shut your son of a whore mouth, you have cause great shame to yourself, your pack, and the sept by acting in the manner in which you have acted at the loss of a fellow Garou"

" I put this to the ritemaster if you loose at stick ball you should recieve the satire rite or the rite of ostrizime which ever the sept leader and ritemaster agree on for your transgressions"
This message was last edited by the player at 05:31, Thu 16 Oct 2014.
GM, 173 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Thu 16 Oct 2014
at 05:57
  • msg #150

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

14:16, Today: Storyteller, for the NPC Niel and Pack, rolled 4 successes using 5d10 with the World of Darkness 3rd ed system with a target of 7. Resisting Storm-Dance.

Seeing the "impressive" dance.. Niels whole pack bursts out laughing again..

"What are you trying to do Boogie us to death?"
Says the member whom the dance was directed at.
Lock Jaw
player, 73 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Thu 16 Oct 2014
at 09:03
  • msg #151

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

The madness barely controlled, his eyes blood shot and the anger still seething through him. LJ gets control of himself using his immense will. Then storms over to the equipment, rifling through it tossing away stick after stick. He finally stands tall, having chosen none of the "puny" sticks. He scans the area for an appropriate stick to use.

OOC: Is there a stick that would suit LJ's awesome size and strength somewhere near by the ones in the pile are all too small?

GM, 177 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Thu 16 Oct 2014
at 09:27
  • msg #152

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

OOC: Um.. Ok.. Some spectators are sitting on an 9 foot log that is 24" in diameter. Will that do?
Lock Jaw
player, 74 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Thu 16 Oct 2014
at 12:42
  • msg #153

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ignoring who ever may be sitting on the log LJ Strides with purpose to the log and tests it's weight swinging it like a baseball bat if he can.

OOC: I can pickup and use up too 1200lb without a roll. Can I use the log as my stick?
GM, 178 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Thu 16 Oct 2014
at 20:25
  • msg #154

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Yeah why not the end with the roots is 24" the other end is 12" (an uprooted birch tree from the previous summer so not green wood) and it weighs 700lb so yes you can use it as your stick.

Leaf Storm: You are on the sidelines having traveled here from Arazona, currently you are part of no pack and are looking to find a group that you would fit into.

Shadowclaw: You are also on the sidelines from the racoon ring you had high hope for this war.. When Niels pack arrived you thought at last a pack worthy of your skills but Niel spurned you casting you away like a useless cur, you are also with out a pack for the coming war.

Both of you are sitting on a log watching Niel goad a visiting pack into a game. When a giant of a garou filled with anger, comes over and just takes your log from under you both.
Sean Selmetzi
player, 29 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Thu 16 Oct 2014
at 20:35
  • msg #155

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

"so shall we begin this game of cat and mouse"
player, 6 posts
Ragabash Shadow Lord Wolf
Here to make people laugh
Thu 16 Oct 2014
at 22:27
  • msg #156

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Shadowclaw watched the ensuing confrontation with a mix of amusement and keen interest. It was certainly fascinating to see all the emotions run wild and trying to guess their reactions before they happened.

Niel refused to accept him into their pack when he asked. His loss, as Shadowclaw told him nonchalantly himself, when that fool started his poor attempt at mockery. And he certainly showed himself quite foolish. While the litany would have been broken if that monstrous hulk attack him, Niel would now be in tiny little pieces if that other werewolf didn't stop him. He really needed some tutoring in proper insults, this was just silly. Then again, not many non-Ragabash Garou were particularly good at that delicate art anymore, as Niel himself demonstrated.

It was for the better that he didn't join Niel's pack, because if this is how he really was then he won't live much longer. Especially in a tribe such as Shadow Lords were, which tended to be more... subtle in it's dealings. Niel just seemed determined to make himself as much enemies as possible, for no real reason.

Then again, that other pack didn't seem that much better. A dumb muscle monster that seemed to have a great difficulty controlling his temper wasn't the only thing amiss, as they seemed quite divided among themselves, if those emotions and anger directed at their alpha and that stranger who offered to join them in their game.
Thinking about it, they seemed to need someone like him. Yes, that could work. Maybe this could be a great opportunity?

Perfect pack they weren't, but he had no illusions of finding one, much less one which would accept a Cliath. He had to start somewhere, as all did. Besides, he shouldn't be too picky right now. There were many opportunities to gain in a war and having  pack was crucial for that.

Seeing that muscle man head over to him, Shadowclaw was kinda confused what he did to deserve his attention and instead of waiting he decided to greet him in advance to get this over with. Standing up from the log he made a few steps forward, ready to start "making friends".

Hey there. he smiled at the massive werewolf, only to find that his object of interest wasn't him, but the very log he and one other Garou were sitting on, as he now took it instead of those "normal sized sticks". Not really fit to hit the ball with, but more then enough to hit Niel with.

Yeah, that should be about the right size to stick inside Niel's ass. Though I am afraid that space is already more then occupied. Shadowclaw commented, before turning to that lordly looking man who was obviously their alpha.

Anyway, you are still missing a few players to make this even. And even though Niel is just trying to stage a show to feed his fragile little ego, let's try to make this a serious game, shall we? I'll join you.

I case they won't mind, Shadowclaw takes a normal sized stick and turns into his Crinos form, going to the field.
Leaf Storm
player, 5 posts
Lupus Ahroun
Warrior of Uktena
Thu 16 Oct 2014
at 23:00
  • msg #157

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

That honorless bag of shit dares to talk in this way about a fellow Garou who sacrificed herself in a fight against the Wyrm and insults her packmates minutes after she was laid to rest? What did this world come to? Such disrespect must be punished.
While he didn't know this Niel or his pack from before, the way he presented himself here spoke volumes. No honor in that one, he would spit upon the memory of a heroic death just to accomplish his goals. This definitely wasn't something he expected to find here when the elders of Uktena sent him here from Arizona to make a name for himself in this war. Blood of the greatest Uktena heroes coursed through his veins and now it was time for him to prove he was worthy of such a legacy. And putting idiots like this in their place certainly seemed worthy to him. The big one took the log he was sitting on from right under him, but that was of no consequence, since he was already standing up anyway. Ignoring the brute with his oversized stick, the muscular cherokee man made his way to alpha of the pack. Obviously his bloodline was as impressive as the Silver Fang alpha, as could be clearly seen, when compared side by side. I'll play with you. Let's put this scum to his place and show others what happens to scum that taints the name of those who fell in battle. It was obvious that he wouldn't accept (or expect) any protests, if there were any and already made his way to the field, stick in hand. Changing to crinos form enroute, his fur coloring looked just like that of the red wolves, as was common among Uktena purebreeds.
GM, 181 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Fri 17 Oct 2014
at 06:30
  • msg #158

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Seeing all these other garou walking onto the field, bringing what Niel thinks is his assured victory into question. Niel starts to act more shadowlord like..

"Hey.. Hey..Hey.. Wait a minute.. Ryan this is my pack against your pack. You can't just have anyone play, that just wouldn't be fair." Says Niel.

Knowing full well that this will leave your side short three players, and the advantage once again be in his court you might say.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:31, Fri 17 Oct 2014.
Sean Selmetzi
player, 30 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Fri 17 Oct 2014
at 14:21
  • msg #159

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

To Neil
 "Oh but how highly you were boasting of yourself when you knew the odds were stacked against them Neil. Whats the matter do you lack true courage in the face of a real challenge."

TO STORYTELLER: using taunt as I say what I said."
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 58 posts
Silver Fang
Fri 17 Oct 2014
at 14:55
  • msg #160

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Mr. Fox simply grins.

"Surely you are aware the game calls for an even number of players on both sides? You might notice there's quite a few spectators around, many of them elders, if you need to review the rules of your own challenge."

Implying the fool didn't quite know what he got himself into to.
player, 9 posts
Ragabash Shadow Lord Wolf
Here to make people laugh
Fri 17 Oct 2014
at 16:35
  • msg #161

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

After seeing that his pack was now numerically matched, Niel turned tail and tried to weasel his way out of the situation. Shadowclaw couldn't help himself, but feel a bit of approval at Niels change of approach. Maybe he wasn't as hopeless as he seemed before. But now, he needed to prevent him from weaseling his way from the trap he got himself into.Both his ego and the support of the spectators could be used for that.

What's the matter, Neil? I thought your pack was supposed to be the hot shit around here. But as soon as you don't have the numerical advantage you whine because it's suddenly not fair? Besides, you didn't object when he joined in. Shadowclaw pointed at Sean. Did he not count or something? Or are you just afraid of me and Chief here? Don't worry, I won't bite you. Don't know about him though. Shadowclaw couldn't resist giving that pure bred Uktena a nickname. In case it didn't fit he could always change it.

Besides, it will be a much more interesting game for everyone here if teams are matched and there are more players. Much more exciting that way. Don't you agree? Shadowclaw turned to the crowd of spectators, trying to rile them up and turn them to his side.
So, what say you, should we three leave their pack to play in four, so that poor little Neil here doesn't piss himself with fear at being outmatched, or do we ignore his whining and play like this as it should be?

I guess this would be Manipulation+Subterfuge? Or Charisma+Expression? Not sure about the difficulty though.
Leaf Storm
player, 7 posts
Lupus Ahroun
Warrior of Uktena
Fri 17 Oct 2014
at 16:52
  • msg #162

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Typical. The coward tries to back out as son as it doesn't bode well for him. Leaf Storm sneered at Niel, ignoring the nickname that other shadowlord called him. This time. It's up to them to decide if we can play with their pack to reinforce their numbers to make the teams even or no, you don't have any say in this. If a honorable challenge like this isn't for you, then you can always crawl back to whatever hole were spawned in. Refusing to play just because the numbers are now even where they were not before only marks you as a coward.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:53, Fri 17 Oct 2014.
GM, 183 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Fri 17 Oct 2014
at 22:14
  • msg #163

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

More of the Garou has gathered at the field to witness the game and it is from this crowd that a elder with an eye-patch steps forward. He is dressed in nice slacks held up by bracers the sleeves of his white business shirt are rolled up, and his once shiny business shoes are muddy(think the Lincon Lawyer with an eye-patch). You all have been introduced to him. Asher Bekintall is the law keeper of the raccoon-ring sept a lawyer in the nearby city of Racine, and a Philodox. the crowd quietens to hear the elder speak. Turning to your pack he looks at you sadly, and gesturing toward Niel he says:

"The young one is right he has challenged you pack on pack. To bring others that are not of your pack into the challenge, fair or not, I will not allow. Only your pack members will play."

Niel obviously still has allies or some favors amongst the elders, His pure breed would afford him much, but you figure there must be something more for him to be getting this kind of support for what seems to be such a petty squabble.

[Private to Leaf Storm; Lock Jaw; Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter); Shadowclaw: You notice a shimmering of to the south end of the field as though it is a very hot day and you are looking off into the distance seeing waves of heat ripple off the ground, but today is mild and this wouldn't be more than 30 yards. Others in the crowd also see this.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:19, Fri 17 Oct 2014.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 62 posts
Silver Fang
Fri 17 Oct 2014
at 22:25
  • msg #164

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

"To bring those not of my pack in isn't fair, right? May I have a proper moment, Elder?"

And he turns to the other 3.

"Would the 3 of you like to officially join my pack?"
Sean Selmetzi
player, 34 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Fri 17 Oct 2014
at 22:49
  • msg #165

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Sean seems to go off into a trance like state for a moment as if pondering the question to some higher being then slowly his attention fades back to Ryan.

"Again in this I must first ask does your pack follow the totem of the boar"
Leaf Storm
player, 8 posts
Lupus Ahroun
Warrior of Uktena
Fri 17 Oct 2014
at 22:58
  • msg #166

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

I would be honored to join your pack. It seems fate brought us togethr and I would be a fool not to recognize that. My name is Leaf Storm. As he accepted the invitation to join the pack, he noticed the odd shimmering to the south. Focusing his attention there, he used his Uktena heritage to detect, if the phenomena was somehow magical in nature, hopefully also to learn what type of magic it was.

00:54, Sat 18 Oct 2014: Leaf Storm rolled 1 success using 5d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed system with a target of 6 ((4,7,3,5,3)). Sense Magic.
player, 12 posts
Ragabash Shadow Lord Wolf
Here to make people laugh
Fri 17 Oct 2014
at 23:07
  • msg #167

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

It seemed Niel really was smarter then he looked. Having an Elder or few in his pocket was certainly no small feat, even if he appeared to use it on such petty matters as this. Was it really that worth it to him? Perhaps there was more to this.

Shadowclaw knew the invitation to the pack was coming, as he did hope it would come to that. Made things a lot more easier. Though content with the turn of events, he still pretended to think about the offer carefully, as if he had other options to choose from. Know what? Why not. I'm Shadowclaw. He finally answered. You do seem to miss someone like me and what am I if not generous and helpful whenever I can. he said with a slight bit of sarcasm. As for if they follow the totem of boar, judging by Niels classy pig insults I'd say yes, but that might just be me. he comments upon Sean's question.

Noticing the shimmering place at one end of the field he takes an interest in it and tries to remember if he ever saw or heard about something simmilar.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:12, Fri 17 Oct 2014.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 43 posts
Fri 17 Oct 2014
at 23:38
  • msg #168

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Marcus was very surprised to hear that Ryan would offer his blood and protection to a Shadowlord none of them knew, but then again, it was no small feat that a proud Fang allowed not one but two Metis into his pack as well. It was war time, now would be a good as time as ever to test their battle prowess. Still, with the casual betrayal of Fury and the memory of Shai's blood his face so fresh, Marcus worried about being replaced so readily.

His thoughts of violence and misery were briefly distracted by the strange blur he perceived just to the South.

"Brothers and Sister, I believe there is someone attempting a Gift on the field. Blur of the Milky Eye if I guess right. I think Neil might be trying to cheat us through additional hidden members." Marcus said over the link. He tried not to look at the blur, to avoid tipping off the hidden creature.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 63 posts
Silver Fang
Fri 17 Oct 2014
at 23:55
  • msg #169

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Ryan nods.

"We do follow Boar. He is a nobler totem then some give him credit for. And a far, far stronger fighter then some give him credit for."
GM, 185 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Sat 18 Oct 2014
at 00:28
  • msg #170

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

The shimmering soon becomes noticeable by everyone. A Spirit soon materializes. Striding across the field toward your pack comes a giant dire boar with 3' long silver tusks. The boar stands 18' at the shoulders and is 30' long. The arrival of such a majestic beast sends a murmur through the crowd and draws all of the garou to the field. The dire boar goes first to Ryan, then to each of the other pack members, touching each with it's mighty tusks leaving a permanent tatoo on each one of a boars head with silver tusks over the heart. Speaking through Marcus the spirit says:

To Ryan: "Be strong and lead your pack well, do not be so hasty to ignore thei<Royalred><i>r advice."

To Marcus: "Don't be so quick to wallow in your losses my child, and you have a voice let it be heard."</i></Royalred>

To Nancy: "Be strong my little one it is you who will guard my children from the weavers devices as you are not afraid to use those devices no the weaver."

To LockJaw: "You are strong but you need to be less quick to anger. Become quicker of mind and body and protect your brothers and sisters."

To Sean: "Welcome. The balance you bring is needed."

To Shadowclaw: "Welcome. Your wit will open the eyes of the others with a better clarity than most logic."

To Leaf Storm: "Wecome. You and your people are mighty my child your brothers and sisters will need thatmight to survive this war."

With those words of encouragement the great boar returns to the spirit world. All that Asher can do now is shrug and say:

"Well they are pack.. Game on I guess"

Even an elder would not argue with such a majestic display of the forming of a pack. With the decision being made final Niel has no-where to go but forward with the game. He turns in a huff calling his pack mates into their positions ready to play as another elder prepares to throw the ball into play.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:31, Sat 18 Oct 2014.
Sean Selmetzi
player, 35 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Sat 18 Oct 2014
at 00:29
  • msg #171

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

"then I will accept your offer to join you for I believe the proficy fortold to me reguards this pack indeed"
GM, 188 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Sat 18 Oct 2014
at 02:39
  • msg #172

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

If looks could kill there would have been a massacre, so venomous is the look that Niel gives Ryan and his pack. He shouts to his pack mates ordering them like serfs.

"Bone breaker, Decklan on psycho there." He points to Lock Jaw.

"Jama decimate that little one then take the chief." He points at Nancy.

"Runs head down, make sure our "brother" is covered." he says referring to Shadowclaw.

"Bites Banes, We'll run a hugger maneuver on the freak. but watch out for that little guy." He nods at Sean.

"Gonzalis where running the hugger, you know what to do make sure your in position and open when the time comes."  He says this to a wiry looking member of his pack.

His pack spreads as he has directed across the field.

"And I'll deal with Ryan.. Just me and you now Ryan, you'll see how much of a reject you and yours are." He says as he mans up against you Ryan.
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:54, Sat 18 Oct 2014.
Sean Selmetzi
player, 37 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Sat 18 Oct 2014
at 03:27
  • msg #173

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Mentally to ryan sean says "where do you want me I think in this game I would best serve as either stopping the person with the ball or defending our goal"

"or rather i should say bringing the person to the ground that has the ball recovering the ball is a different story entirely"
This message was last edited by the player at 03:30, Sat 18 Oct 2014.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 64 posts
Silver Fang
Sat 18 Oct 2014
at 05:06
  • msg #174

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

21:59, Today: Ryan Fox rolled 7 successes using 10d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed, Specialised system with a target of 3, rerolling 10s. Persuasion activate!

22:34, Today: Ryan Fox rolled 10 successes using 13d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed, Specialised system with a target of 6, rerolling 10s. EVERYONE cheers for me and mine! (Note, rolled against diff 6...even with all my make EVEN THE SHADOW LORDS turn from Neil and his.)

Meanwhile, the crowd was more or less eating out of Ryan's paw. He was such a likeable, charismatic garou to begin with, and his gifts only made him more so. The crowds were almost universally cheering his pack on.

"Marcus, go ahead and be goalie. I could use your level head keeping track of the field. We're gonna put these guys down with extreme prejudice."

"Reject? Who cheers for you and yours, Neil? Come on then...and meet the fate of all those who know not respect for their fellows."

He beckons Neil, with a 'bring it' grin on his face.

And then, to the pack...many of them new members, he gives his speech. Out loud on purpose...he wants the crowd to hear this too! It'll pump 'em up, he's sure.

"Whether or not you win this thing, you've gotta decide how you're gonna walk out of here when it's all said and done. Because the game is going to go on. And there's only one rule you're going to need to know about. There are no second chances. There is only this moment, and the next moment. Every one of those moments is a test that you get to take one time, and only one time. So if you see an opening, tear into it. If you get a shot at victory make damn sure you take it. Seize that moment. That moment is a crossroads where everything you want will collide with everything standing in your way. You've got momentum at your back, fear and doubt are thundering like a freight train straight at you. And all you got, the only difference between making history and being history, the only thing, the ONLY thing you can count on at any given moment is you! It's you vs. them! You vs. no! You vs. can't! You vs. next game! last game! statistics! excuses! It's you vs. history! You vs. the odds! You vs. 2nd place! The clock's ticking. Let's see what you got!"

[Private to GM: For the record, the difficulty of my social rolls is now at -4...difficulty 6 becomes 2...and even difficulty 10 rolls become 6. I can literally do the impossible with a reasonable chance of success at the moment.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:10, Sat 18 Oct 2014.
GM, 196 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Sat 18 Oct 2014
at 07:08
  • msg #175

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

OOC: Music for that beautiful little speech

The whole crowed including the shadowlords that supported Niel, erupts with cheers for the Silver Tusks. You all run to your positions with your hearts buoyed and the crowed all on your side.
This message was last edited by the GM at 07:14, Sat 18 Oct 2014.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 45 posts
Sat 18 Oct 2014
at 08:41
  • msg #176

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Marcus moved to where he was bid. As much poison was still in his heart, both Boar's and Ryan's words had galvanized him. This was a chance for him to channel his pain, to feel whole again. Damned would he be if he stood in the way for something great to happen today, especially with great Boar watching.

The lean snow white Crinos bent his knees, claws gripping the heavy wooden stick tight so much the wood started to groan, muscles bunching in anticipation. Ryan put him in the best place, for he was already contemplating a few tricks to give their side an edge if need be. His people created the Olympics to bring peace and honor the gods. He would show Neil and his ilk the full measure of that noble ancestry.

OOC: You said Gifts were allowed. How will that translate with the set rolls you are giving us? There is all kinds of tricks with Create Element I could do. Burn Gnosis for bonus dice on my rolls perhaps?

player, 15 posts
Ragabash Shadow Lord Wolf
Here to make people laugh
Sat 18 Oct 2014
at 12:56
  • msg #177

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Shadowclaw grinned as he saw Niel ordering his pack around like a bunch of servants. He thought that maybe he should thank Niel later for refusing to accept him to his pack as he evidently dodged a bullet there. When Niel mentioned him in his plans, he couldn't resist, but to say: Thanks Niel, I appreciate you looking after me. Better send two of your pet doggies to guard me though, I have a tendency to get lost easily. That event where Boar himself showed up to admit them to the new pack was pretty nice. Maybe Shadowclaw started thinking that maybe he found a better pack then he anticipated at first.
I will be sure to be as witty as possible at all times then. he responded to Boar with a smile on his face.

Ryan, alpha of his new pack (or Lord, as seemed to befit him) was much more successful in riling the crowd up and getting it to cheer for them then Shadowclaw himself was and it was great having his own tribe on his side too instead of Niels. Him being in Ryans pack certainly made it easier, as they could cheer for them without feeling they are betraying their own tribe. And again, his own attempt was sabotaged by the Elder who simply had to follow the rules to the letter.

Knowing his strengths, Shadowclaw knew his role would probably be to mislead and spread chaos among Niels pack. Calling upon the gifts he was given by the spirits, he seemed to be slightly blurry and hard to see and the shadows around seemed to be transforming.

14:31, Today: Shadowclaw rolled 1 success using 7d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed, Specialised system with a target of 8, rerolling 10s with rolls of 7,7,8,6,9,5,1. Blur of the milky eye.

+1 to difficulty of Niels pack to notice me.

Spend one Gnosis for Shadow Weaving.

14:36, Today: Shadowclaw rolled 3 successes using 7d10 with the World of Darkness 2nd ed, Specialised system with a target of 7, rerolling 10s with rolls of 6,10(+2),4,7,4,4,8. Shadow Weaving.

I can now manipulate shadows to give us an advantage and also all stealth and intimidation difficulties are lowered by 1.

Leaf Storm
player, 11 posts
Lupus Ahroun
Warrior of Uktena
Sat 18 Oct 2014
at 14:41
  • msg #178

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Leaf Storm sensed spirit magic emanating from the field, but he was still astonished when Boar spirit himself showed up to welcome them to the pack. He nodded his head in acknowledgement of the great Boar Totems words and headed off onto the field with his resolve and morale greatly fortified, as the crowd cheered for them and them only after their alpha's heartfelt speech. At this moment, he was certain he made the right choice when he joined this pack and their victory was within their grasp, if they all work as one to grab it from that cowards hands.
Sean Selmetzi
player, 43 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Sat 18 Oct 2014
at 17:56
  • msg #179

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

Sean thanked the great spirit for his presence and knew that the profecy fortold to him must come to pass this day for all the stars were in alignment for it to be so.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:23, Sun 19 Oct 2014.
GM, 209 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 00:20
  • msg #180

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

After the rousing speech given by Ryan the crowed is going berserk when the game begins. All the Garou are watching by this time, elders included. The ball is thrown into the air and, *smash* Niel catches Ryan with a sneaky elbow to the jaw and catches the ball. He hurls it off as quickly as possible, mere moments before Ryan responds in kind. That is the beginning of the dirtiest most violent garou stick game every played.

The shadowlords pull every dirty trick in the book, this is matched by Lock jaws furiosity clubbing one of the shadowlords almost to death before he is tackled by others of Niels pack. Leaf storms speed and skills surprise everyone, until he is tripped up by a "spectating" Shadowlord as he makes a dash along the sidelines. If not Macus calling forth the elements and setting fire to the "Spectator" causing him to drop his knife. Giving Leaf storm a chance to get back into the game. Things may have turned out much worse.

Seans acrobatic talents, combined with the  ever changing field caused by Marcus brings many a cheer from the crowd. All the while Ryan directs play like Napolian calling maneuvers and plays to you all via the mental link. To all others he looks like a regal price striding silently across the field his pack working with perfect synchronicity, as an elite royal unit should.

In the end it is little Nancy the smallest of your pack that wins the day. Floored early on in the match, Niels pack disregards her as being written off for the game. Showing a grit rarely seen in one so young and small she crawled, scraped and maneuvered her way to the opponents goal. When the moment came she was there. The weakest in strength but fleet of foot, Nancy caught the ball hurled by Leaf storm, to be tackled right through the goal net by the shadowlord goalie. Thus winning the game.

This sends all the spectators wild with cheers and excitement. Rushing the field to congratulate your pack. The crowed hoists you above their heads cheering your victory! The match is on the lips of many a garou as the sun makes it's way across the sky. The silver tusks are invited to may fires to share food, and stories. The game has made you all instant celebrities.

The moot begins at night, less than an hour after sunset. All the tents and supplies have been packed up. No more homid luxuries for the weak. Tonight, all are Garou and all are strong. Seven fires blaze and the Garou form a circle, sitting at the edge
of the clearing with their backs to the trees . At the center of the clearing, elders and representatives of each tribe sit together on the ground.

Over 150 Garou are present at the moot, counting the Old Ones. Each tribe is honored with an opportunity for the highest-ranking tribal elder to tell a story, or to make mention of specific grievances or great deeds. This part of the moot lasts for several hours. It is followed with a retelling of the events leading up to the war.

"The first blood was drawn three weeks ago. In an attempt
to pit the vampires against us, the bloodthirsty Black Spiral
Dancers attacked a number of Cadaver dens . The attack did
not go unnoticed. The leader of the Leeches, Prince Lodin, sent
his undead out to murder all Garou they could find . Both the
Sept of Jupiter and the Sept of the Wind Catchers were forced
into hiding . Still, they found a number of us and murdered us
in the most bizarre ways."

"Many Garou fled the city, seeking safety among the
Shadow Lords north of Chicago. Some made it ; some did not.
They were slain, either by the Black Spirals, by the Leeches or
by Banes."

"However, the major assault did not occur until three days
ago. The Fanum priests were preparing to close up when a
strange man came to the door . He was greeted by one ofthe
Uktena Kinfolk, whom the stranger quickly mind-controlled.
The stranger forced the human to assure the Fanum spirit that
the stranger and his friends meant no harm. Then the Black
Spirals and Leeches poured into the main lobby. Almost at the
exact same instant, then were met by our armed Kinfolk guards
and Garou in Crinos form. The Fanum made a loud groaning
noise and shut the doors, forcing out a few of the slower
invaders who had not vet made it in.

We believe it was nearly midnight when the ritual was cast
by the Black Spiral Dancers. They freed the spirit from the gray
walls of the Fanum, but not completely . The ritual which had
bound it there still retained some potency. Alas, the Black
Spirals had foreseen this and were counting on it- They wanted
control of 'the spirit so they could corrupt it to serve the Wyrm.
One could see the very spirit of the Celestine exuding from the
walls and floating skyward through the roof.

There was a gunfight and a melee. We believed victory to
be inevitable, but unseen to us, a number of Leeches used their
vampiric mind controling powers to gain control over some of our brother
and sisters' minds, forcing them to surrender."

"A few of 'us managed to escape with our lives, but nothing
else . Most of our Kinfolk were probably put to death after we
left. We used a secret escape route which sealed itself shut right
after we got out. We have since tried to re-enter the Fanum
through that route, but the door is no longer there".

"The Black Spirals, along with their Leech allies, have
successfully stormed the Fanum, released the powerful spirit which
resided there and routing the Sept of Jupiter. It is known to us
that the Black Spiral Dancers are trying to corrupt the psyche of
Jupiter, the Fanum spirit, with the Wyrm. If they succeed, who knows
what will happen next? Regardless, it will be a terrible blow to Gaia."

The elders sitting in the inner circle turn to discussing battle plans. From what you hear the garou will be divided into 2 battle groups team Alpha and team Silver, leadership of the groups is a high point of contention with the elders spending much time arguing on this topic. Finally an agreement is struck, that each pack taking part in the war is to select a leader to represent them. They in turn will receive their instructions from the circle of elders who will remain at the sept (This is done to prevent the Shadowlords or Get of Fenris from taking over the whole show).

It is decided that team Alpha (Comprised of a majority of local and visiting shadowlords, including Niel and his pack, totaling 78 Garou) will go the following night to clear the wyrm pit. That your pack discovered, where Shai lost her life.

You and your pack are part of team Silver (Made up of the other visitors, but a majority of Bone Gnawers from Chicargo, and survivors of the original attack on the Fanon. Totaling 68 Garou.) who will go into the city and hunt down the leeches and kill them in their havens while they sleep. When they're at their weakest.

Then with the reinforcements of the wyrm pit and the leeches cut off. The 2 teams will join for an attack on the Fanon to reclaim it. Together you will drive out the Black Spiral dances and once again bind the celestine to the building.

After all this is done, there is a glorious war dance as the Garou ready themselves for battle . Then the howling starts . No-one knows exactly when it ends, but when it does, the Revel begins. The countryside is pastureland - pastureland full of sheep. Sheep for the wolves .
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:21, Wed 22 Oct 2014.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 55 posts
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 06:22
  • msg #181

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

After the game is over, Marcus would approach Niel's pack, compacting himself into Homid form as he does so. He was tired, his body was still healing from the fierce game, but something inside him had been sated from the experience. Ignoring whatever insults they might fling at him as he approached, he took off his backpack and withdrew one of the gourds from inside. It was a Gaia's Breath Talen, one he had personally fashioned with the help of the Caern spirit that guarded the place they both called home. He held out the precious healing Talen to Neil, a small smile on his face.

"You have great passion Neil. Your Elders favor you, I can see that. No doubt you will find a great place in your tribe. Believe me, I know what it is like to feel the pressures of your tribe. To my people, I am both a literal interpretation of their pain and someone to be pitied as I cannot embrace the truest wonders that Pegasus has shared with my sisters. Believe that I understand, and without any malice or mockery, I wish that you and your Pack success and glory. Here...hopefully this might spare you from having to know the agony of losing a packmate. Use it well."

If no one took the Talen from his hand, he would leave it near them, then nod and turn to walk back to his own pack.
GM, 216 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Wed 22 Oct 2014
at 09:42
  • msg #182

Re: A call to War, Travel to Chicago.

knowing that to not accept such a gracious gesture would be an embarrassment to him and his pack, Niel nods taking the gift before leading his pack to their camp to lick their wounds.
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