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09:30, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

The War Begins.

Posted by StorytellerFor group archive U
Leaf Storm
player, 83 posts
Lupus Ahroun
Warrior of Uktena
Tue 20 Oct 2015
at 23:30
  • msg #183

Re: The War Begins

Leaf Storm laughed at Lockjaw's response.

"I figured you had always been that big. Born that way. Bred that way."

When the waitress comes over, he allows everyone to order first before nodding to Sean and saying, "I will take what he is having. Please and thank you."

Inwardly though, the Storm was itching for a fight. The battle with the testicled-phallic minion of the Wyrm had not been a worthy foe. He wanted someone deserving of his razor sharp claws and teeth. He wanted the wyrm itself and his honor was begging for nothing less.

For now, he would enjoy his steak and eggs and mentally prepare for the coming storm.
Lock Jaw
player, 127 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Wed 21 Oct 2015
at 01:04
  • msg #184

Re: The War Begins

"Da and me stay that way, tavarish. You need to eat more or you waste away like little Shadowclaw here."

Says LJ to Leafstorm as we wait for our order. When his meal comes he will dump one of the steaks on Shadowclaw's plate with a nod and a brotherly smile saying;

"Eat up little one, grow big and strong like me and Leafstorm."
GM, 463 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Wed 21 Oct 2015
at 02:23
  • msg #185

Re: The War Begins

The paper work takes another 10 minutes and along with the $2000 Gangsters insurance a total of $3k gets debited for a weeks rental(He gives you a discount). Nancy does her thing and your tracks are covered as best you can at this time. Eveyone then converges upon the cafe for a hearty breakfast before heading to the Upshaw residence.
Nancy Pride
player, 77 posts
Wed 21 Oct 2015
at 03:24
  • msg #186

Re: The War Begins

Nancy ordered a steak omelet with a double side of bacon and then got to work erasing everything regarding the transaction that had just taken place on the rental firm's server.  She even linked the initial charge account to another customer's account so no bean counter would wonder about the unaccounted for funds.

After breakfast she spent the car ride looking up information about their destination.  Checking out a satellite view and seeing what was in the neighborhood around it.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 226 posts
Silver Fang
Wed 21 Oct 2015
at 03:43
  • msg #187

Re: The War Begins

Ryan eyewidens when he sees the bacon.

Nancy Pride
player, 79 posts
Wed 21 Oct 2015
at 03:51
  • msg #188

Re: The War Begins

Nancy looked at Ryan, then at her plate, then connecting the dots, sheepishly pushed the meat away realizing its provenance could not be proven.

She opted for a few pieces of toast instead.
Sean Selmetzi
player, 154 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Wed 21 Oct 2015
at 04:00
  • msg #189

Re: The War Begins

Sean had been eating his stake by cutting into it and eating it small bites at a time.

He looked to Nancy

"You can finish this off if you are still hungry, I filled up mostly on the fruits."

He was speaking of his stake that he had.
Leaf Storm
player, 89 posts
Lupus Ahroun
Warrior of Uktena
Wed 21 Oct 2015
at 06:39
  • msg #190

Re: The War Begins

Leaf storm had a spoonful of eggs and steak ready to be consumed when he saw Nancy's plate laid out in front of her.

He just sat there, mouth agape and food on his fork, staring at Nancy like she just cursed his mother in the most profane way possible and he was too shocked to give a retort.
GM, 470 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Wed 21 Oct 2015
at 11:20
  • msg #191

Re: The War Begins

Once the "bacon" incident is over and the meal is paid for you and your pack pay then pile into the Range-rover and with Nancy navigating with maps on her phone you navigate your way to the Upshaw residence.

The safe house is an old brick two story home with a white trim. It has a small pond around the back. and is located off Higgins Road near O'hare Airport. the area the house is located is to the west of Chicago considered to be the "out-lands" around the city.

Susans car is parked in the open carport when you arrive leaving you to park on the street. As you exit your vehicle Susan comes out to meet you. She says to follow her and she will introduce you to her family. Susan leads you all inside through the carport to the right of he little carport is a larger garage with a straight up mom soccer van and a dads work sedan.

[Private to Ryan Fox: As with in the car-park she is short with her words and too the point you get the distinct feeling she would prefer you were not there..]

The carport leads to an  alcove off which is the laundry, and a short set of stairs leading into the house. you pass a toilet and enter a nook(a small room that leads onto the back deck) which has glass doors overlooking the garden and has been converted into a sleeping area for someone. a joining the nook is the family room and the open plan kitchen. you can see linen piled neatly upon one of the coffee tables ready for the Upshaws guests.  Sitting in the lounge room waiting expectantly are the Upshaws. Susan moves around the room introducing each in turn.

"I am susan Upshaw" She says to the rest of your pack Ryan. Susan would be in her early thirties and is attractive (see earlia pic).

"And this is my father Zachary." She indicates a grey haired man sitting in a well worn lazyboy. He nod his head at you saying;

"Welcome to my home. I would get up but did ma hip in an accident at the steel works. getting up and down the stairs is about all I can manage these days. But enough of that it is good to have you youngsters here. welcome."

Susan moves over to the kitchen and continues;

"This is my mother Ada."

Ada is a full blown Native american she glances up at you all but says nothing, preferring to continue her duties in silence. Susan moves across to a man standing with his arm around a cherokee woman who holds a squirming child no more than three in her arms.

 "This is my brother Michael and his wife jessie, and this little rascle is Robbie."

She ruffles robbies hair when she introduces him. Michael steps forward and offers his hand saying;

"Good to meet you if you need anything from the local council we will try to help as best we can."

"The two hiding under the table there are Tammy and Mary my nieces. There parents were lost to us in the incident at the Fanum."

Two young native american girls not more than 10 and 14 are huddled under the table staring wide eyed at the pack.

"Lastly this is my other brother Jimmy."

"So whats it like? are you realy able to just cha.."

"Enough Jimmy let our guests setle in first. Your room is through there in the den, thats where you can put your stuff we will also make up the couches for you. the rest of us will sleep upstairs so we are out of your way. Have you eaten? Do you want breakfast?"

Susan indicates a door off the foyer just past the stairs.

House Layout

Back Yard and Pond

This message was last edited by the GM at 11:23, Wed 21 Oct 2015.
Marcus (Gaia's Fire Fighter)
player, 118 posts
Black Fury Theurge
Wed 21 Oct 2015
at 12:29
  • msg #192

Re: The War Begins

"i am humbled by your offer but will decline, i have eaten not long ago."

marcus bowed his head slightly as he spoke and his voice was respectful and almost submissive.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 230 posts
Silver Fang
Wed 21 Oct 2015
at 13:40
  • msg #193

Re: The War Begins

Ryan immediately sets about putting the family at ease. He's really quite good at that kind of thing.

He shakes hands, interacts with kids, draws the shyer people out of their shells, and otherwise does his best to put everyone at ease. All in all, he does his best to be a welcome and charming houseguest.

"Yes, we just ate on the way in, but thank you for the offer. However...I should probably mention this...please don't give us any bacon or pork. We...aren't supposed to eat that."

This family wasn't living under the sort of ban he and his were living under, so he should probably warn them about that in advance.
Nancy Pride
player, 82 posts
Wed 21 Oct 2015
at 20:42
  • msg #194

Re: The War Begins

Nancy offered a smile to their hosts but otherwise let Ryan do the majority of the talking.
Sean Selmetzi
player, 156 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Wed 21 Oct 2015
at 21:03
  • msg #195

Re: The War Begins

Sean gave a nod to each family member as they were introduced. Afterward he let Ryan talk as he gazed out the window toward the pond area.
Lock Jaw
player, 132 posts
I will crush you
*Flex and Kiss bicep's*
Wed 21 Oct 2015
at 22:33
  • msg #196

Re: The War Begins

Looking at each kinfolk in turn LJ says nothing knowing his size is probably imposing enough.

Ryan can I get comfortable now.. being ape real itchy.

*LJ scratches himself. *
Sean Selmetzi
player, 162 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Wed 21 Oct 2015
at 23:35
  • msg #197

Re: The War Begins

After Ryan puts the inhabitants at ease Sean asks

"When will we be visiting the sept to get our instructions for being here? Also is the spirit realm peaceful here at your home?"
player, 89 posts
Ragabash Shadow Lord Wolf
Here to make people laugh
Wed 21 Oct 2015
at 23:45
  • msg #198

Re: The War Begins

Shadowclaw paid the bill from the dinner and he didn't even grumble about being the only one who bothered to bring any money out of those waiting in the diner or complain that Lockjaw ate for three people. He actually spoke only a few words at most, which was unusual for him to say the least. Normally the Ragabash always had something to say. He responded to Lockjaw's offer of food with simple Thanks and accepted it. He ate it a lot faster then normally, hoping that food will help him think about something else then his recent Wyrm Frenzy. Sean's offer seemed useful. Perhaps he could make him something to help with that? He will keep it in mind.

Then they finally rode in style to their temporary new home. A sad Lovely place. was all the reaction he had to their surroundings. Normally he would be way more talkative, but his recent experience left him pretty drained mentally, emotionally and physically. And he finally wanted to let this burden off his chest, preferably once the pack finally has a moment to themselves.
GM, 479 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Thu 22 Oct 2015
at 00:20
  • msg #199

Re: The War Begins

The family seems to be greatly calmed. The younger of the two girls even asks ryan,

"When are mommy and daddy coming back." Her voice is full of innocence loss pain and sorrow.

At this Ada comes across gathering up the two children she shakes her head at Ryan indicating that their parents will never come back, and says;

"Come girls lets go upstairs and read some stories."

Ada ushes the two girls upstairs. The rest of the family gives your pak some space accept Jimmy who starts pestering you ryan about being garou.

Having made good time in getting here you have a day to prepare as your Glasswalker contact isn't due to meet with you until tomorrow morning. Nancy funds a place you can buy truffles locally on the internet within drivable distance.  With couple of you fetching those the others prepare the garden for contacting your totem. Jimmy is fasinated and happy to help. By 1pm every thing is ready and you summon the great boar..
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 243 posts
Silver Fang
Thu 22 Oct 2015
at 00:24
  • msg #200

Re: The War Begins

Ryan graciously answers the questions as they come up, answering anything that's not Litany breaking to tell him. He does keep the rules in mind when answering, though. And since some of his pack wanted to go Lupus. To the little girl who asks him when mommy and daddy are coming back, he says, "Close your eyes, and imagine their faces. When you think about them hard enough, you'll feel their love all around you." And that would have to do.

Take Lupus form outside, if you're going to. Remember, near human society, people are going to mistake Lupus for somebody's pet.

(OOC:I don't recall if it's legal to let Kinfolk see us shift, but if it is, I'll let Mr. Curious watch those shifting to Lupus do so)
This message was last edited by the player at 00:26, Thu 22 Oct 2015.
Leaf Storm
player, 91 posts
Lupus Ahroun
Warrior of Uktena
Thu 22 Oct 2015
at 02:46
  • msg #201

Re: The War Begins

Leafstorm entered the residence as respectfully as he could, accepting hands and offering his to others. He pays the most respects to the patriarch and matriarch of the family, feeling a closeness to Ada.

"I am thankful to you all for allowing us into your home."

To Ada, he says in Utkenna, "Thank you, grandmother." The kindship was obvious and it did not need to be spoken. In his heart he knew these were good people - kin - aiding in the fight against the Great Enemy.

He smiles at the children, sadness clouding his eyes for a second as they asked about their parents who would never return. Ryan's response was admirable and Leafstorm felt some respect grow for the silver fang.

I would very much like to change back to the form Gaia expects of me... even if that means being mistaken for the neighborhood mongrel, he adds the last part with a bit of a smile and makes his way to the pond out back.
GM, 480 posts
Harbinger of Doom
Keeper of the Prophacy
Thu 22 Oct 2015
at 02:47
  • msg #202

Re: The War Begins

With Marcus leading the ritual your boar totem soon manifests it's self. It hasn't grown much since it first came to you at the moot but as you offer up your gifts and strength you see it's tusks grow visibly longer and it's size neigh on doubles. It is pleased with your offering and now speaks to you all.

"My young ones I thank you for this homage it is good. Together we will strike a deep blow to the blight that corrupts this city and know I will be with you."

The boar goes especially to shadowclaw who is battling with the humiliation of his rage internally.

"Little one take solis that your pack was there and guide that rage from that humiliation into this war for then the silver tusks will be triumphant."

Goring the air and snorting loudly the now huge boar Shouts

"SilverTusks! SilverTusks!"

Before running into the bushes vanishing. And for the first time that day Jimmy is speachless...
Leaf Storm
player, 93 posts
Lupus Ahroun
Warrior of Uktena
Thu 22 Oct 2015
at 02:54
  • msg #203

Re: The War Begins

Leaf Storm's ears perk up as the Boar materializes and manifests the gifts bestowed upon it by the team. His heart fills with joy and purpose as it reminds them of their journey and the battles to be fought.

Truly the day is good, brothers and sister. Victory and honor.

As the Boar disappears, he is filled with a renewed purpose and vigor.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:56, Thu 22 Oct 2015.
Sean Selmetzi
player, 168 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Thu 22 Oct 2015
at 02:55
  • msg #204

Re: The War Begins

While Boar is there Sean offers up a point of his gnosis to him in thanks for his words. This is a personal thing and he doesn't feel the need to let the others know of it.
Ryan Fox
Ryan Fox, 246 posts
Silver Fang
Thu 22 Oct 2015
at 04:34
  • msg #205

Re: The War Begins

Ryan could see how big the Totem's grown. They've put a lot of effort into him, and his size and power reflects that.

"You honor us always with your presence."
Nancy Pride
player, 90 posts
Thu 22 Oct 2015
at 06:06
  • msg #206

Re: The War Begins

Nancy witnessed the rite with muted rapt attention.  She smiled happily as their gifts were received, watching the change take place.

Caught in the stirring words and rising mood she couldn't help but pump one small fist in time as her voice joined the great Boar's.  "SilverTusks! SilverTusks!"
Sean Selmetzi
player, 171 posts
homid, philodox stargazer
Thu 22 Oct 2015
at 06:07
  • msg #207

Re: The War Begins

As the daylight begins to end and dusk comes Sean goes out to the backyard to the high point of the rocks at the ponds edge. In the light of the fading sunset he exercises practices, always practicing his kalindo. Once the sun has set and it is dark outside he feels safe enough from the threat of unwanted onlookers to practice his shape changing forms of kalindo.

After about an hour and a half of practice he heads back to the house to shower, eat dinner, and just spend time with his pack and the family that welcomed him in their home.
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