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Roleplaying Thread.

Posted by KittenFor group 0
Adam Carlyle
Player, 382 posts
O4 - Captain
Solid Slug
Tue 7 Jul 2015
at 03:52
  • msg #107

Re: Roleplaying Thread

He didn't like retreating from the city but they held them off for as long as they could and inflicted some serious damage incapacitating vehicles to slow assaults and forcing mech assets to come up.  That allowed the Omni units to flee with more of their gear and save more people so it was alright by him.  He had found himself a quiet place to wait till directions came from either the Freelancers or their Omni patrons.  The real surprise came when a man he knew from a place and time far from the present walked up to him.

"Carlyle-San you did not believe that you could avoid your duties by coming out to the far reaches of the Periphery did you?  Your particular talents are in great demand and you still have not finished your...penance." As he arched his eyebrow Adam noticed that he was not alone and six others were leaning against an old Kurita model urban pacification truck.  How they had arrived without him noticing or hearing them was disturbing.  Either they were really good or he was far too distracted.

Adam bowed his head for a moment before shaking it his brow scrunched slightly, "No Maruyama-San I am not avoiding my...penance.  I was permitted to return here which makes me wonder exactly why you are here?  You're a long, long way from home and so is that absolutely ancient looking UPT"  His eyes narrowing as he could pick out that the other men were clearly well trained and likely by Maruyama.  That would mean that the beat up APC was likely top of the line inside and it also likely hid the nature of their gear.

With a casual glance back at the men he made a small smile knowing that Adam had understood at least a little, "We are here to observe and aid you so that when your permission is ended you will be sure to return home and continue your beneficial works.  My fellow brothers are skilled in the ways that you are familiar with and will work along side your...excursion here on Eden."

Adam closed his eyes for a moment knowing that he wouldn't be able to refuse the offer and honestly at this point in time he could use all the help that he could get.  He knew the Maruyama was former Special Forces, maybe even DEST, he never had talked about his past but then again many in his position never did.  They could be quite a boon in the engagements against the Taurian's forces...especially if he wasn't alone on planet.

"Then I clearly am honored to have you fight alongside the meager unit that I've been entrusted with." he finally responded to the quiet ultimatum that he had been given.

Maruyama bowed his head before adding, "You will also turn over your Hatchetman to Sakurai-San who accompanied us here to 'join' the Freelancers."  He held up a hand to forestall any complaint from Adam that he knew would be coming, "The Oyakata deemed that to survive would need one of Komiyaba's original designs.  Sakurai-San piloted the venerable machine here and you will take control of what he has brought.  Accept your place in things just as I have in being sent here."

Adam cursed silently in his head the day that he had let that ferret get into a position that found the manufacturing crack that caused his ammo to go in the Urbanmech.  With pursed lips he replied, "And where do I find Sakurai-San to get this over with..."
This message was last edited by the player at 16:05, Tue 07 July 2015.
Akarian Euclid
player, 879 posts
O3 - 1st Lt
Fri 17 Jul 2015
at 16:27
  • msg #108

Re: Roleplaying Thread

As the remaining freelancers gathered inside what remained one of the few safe places on Eden for the moment, Akarian looked over the damage to Phoenix frowning. The aging mongoose had been in his family’s unit for nearly three centuries. The advanced equipment, armor and internals being ravaged by war and time, replacements gone with the departing of the star league and the chaos that followed. Most would have thought it to be one of the more modern variants, but in truth it had simply survived with careful care and had passed down the family line.

It had been an honor to be able to restore endo internals once more to the ancient heirloom, but now the entire arm had been destroyed.  The omni technicians were of course more than capable of rebuilding the arm, but to do so, would mean using custom parts and Phoenix would once again drift further from being itself.

Lost in the thoughts above, they slammed to an abrupt stop, as a cute cadet appeared and addressed him. “Commander Akarian? We’ve received a letter, and a delivery for you thats been moved into section-d.” Akarian looked at the cadet, smiled and took the letter which was still wax sealed. “Thank you for letting me know, sorry for the troubles, I’ll make sure to take care of whatever it is, right away.” Seemingly satisfied at that, the cadet rushed away, no doubt busy with other preparations.

Looking over the letter, he of course recognized the wax seal of a mongoose and a cobra wrapped around each other, both ready to strike. It had been his families seal forever, and instantly meant it was from the one person still left alive in his old life before joining the freelancers. Sebastian Black. Breaking the wax seal and letting the letter unfold, Akarian read over it.

Sir Euclid, it is with pleasure I write to inform you that at long last, the matter of your father’s titles and estate has been settled. As such your royal heritage has officially been recognized by right of birth and blood, your father’s title and remaining estate has passed on to you. In anticipation of your need for it, given the reports being broadcast about your current planetary situation I’ve had Zeus dispatched to you for use. You’re faithful servant and friend Sebastian Black.

Zeus, how long had it been? Growing up, he had spent years in both Zeus and Phoenix, though with the death of his father, and the succession of estate in dispute, he had barely been able to leave with Phoenix. Only that had been permitted, as it hadn’t seen actual field service in decades, and there was no denying its ownership, given the history of the mech. Still this was fantastic news, and also solved his problem of what to do about Phoenix. He would pilot Zeus, and send Phoenix back to his home, where it could be restored with care and what original spare parts still remained in the facility there.
Regina Arlington
Player, 737 posts
R0 - Mechwarrior
Callsign - 'Siren'
Mon 11 Jan 2016
at 02:53
  • msg #109

Re: Roleplaying Thread

The fighting was over, and the Raiders had for the most part been handed their collective arse.

It was fortunate for them, that it wasnt a real raid, or they would have been grounded into the dust by Regina and her thrown together survivors from the Freelancers.

"That went rather well!", she comments energetically.

"Siren to Freelancers.  Get your rides home for repairs and check in.

 No rest for the wary.  Debriefing in Hanger Three.
", Regina gave a way to the Warrior crew who had helped put down the raiders they were fighting.  They were useful, she was going to have to see about getting them to come along.

It was a quick jog from Hanger two, where the mechs were parked for repairs to Hanger Three.  She was the first one to the loading bay, which doubled for a briefing room.

"Oh am i first?", she hated when that happened.
Jarold Harven
player, 190 posts
Callsign: "Bedlam"
Wasp WSP-1W
Mon 11 Jan 2016
at 03:18
  • msg #110

Re: Roleplaying Thread

Jarold was still pumped from the fight, and replaying some of the better moments in his head. He jogged into the hangar on Regina's heels. "Looks like," he said cheerily, "unless you want to step back out into the hall. Then I can get here first for you."
Mikael Blomquist
player, 509 posts
Call sign: Viking
Mon 11 Jan 2016
at 03:35
  • msg #111

Re: Roleplaying Thread

 He was a bit ashamed of somehow nearly always being in the far side of the battle and arriving a touch to late to really mix it up, still his ride was undamaged so he did not have to pay to repair the mech.

 He touched his com-link, "Roger that, heading for the hanger."

 Touching the throttle he moved alongside his wingman and the set the homing tag and accelerated towards their ride home.
Mortimer Grissom
player, 189 posts
Mon 11 Jan 2016
at 04:27
  • msg #112

Re: Roleplaying Thread

Mortimer glanced at his tablet as he surveyed the damage to his mighty Enforcer. The Irin Curtain had held. The armor would be easy enough to replace. He was happy that he had punished the heavier mechs in the engagement and taken a beating in return. Mort nodded in satisfied silence before moving towards the briefing room that had been indicated. As he approached, he saw he was not the first. He greeted the others so far present and spoke, his thick Slavic accent forcing him to go slowly. "I do not think ve vill have too much time in this outfit. It seem our services are in great demand, does it not?"
Sean Reynolds
player, 829 posts
R2 - Sergeant
Callsign: Firefly
Mon 11 Jan 2016
at 04:45
  • msg #113

Re: Roleplaying Thread

Sean cursed at the loss of his arm but continued fighting to the bitter end.  After the pirates are destroyed he heads back to base with the rest for repairs and debriefing.  Leaving his smoking mech in the bay he heads to the conference room to find that he is one of the last ones there, as he expected with the slower mech.
Lucius McMurphy
Player, 1904 posts
NCO1 - Corporal
Callsign - 'Burner'
Mon 11 Jan 2016
at 16:28
  • msg #114

Re: Roleplaying Thread

Luc walked his new ride back to the hangar with a bit of befuddlement in his mind.  She was a sweet ride...smooth, easy to control and the perks in the cockpit were to die for.  But damn if he didn't miss even the tiny ass Wasp that he piloted for a short time for the Eden girls.  It had a better damage output than this thing despite this one having far greater range and an equal maneuverability.  What it really had though was a shell of armour so thick that he came back without anything internal damaged after taking the firepower of a Warhammer at close range...that alone spoke volumes.  Climbing down from the Hawk was different too as she was far larger a mech than he had driven in a long, long time.

He walked over to where Regina was and gave her one of his lopsided grins before prepping a cigar and popping it into his mouth.  Flicking open the lighter he lit it up and commented, "So how did the other guys do?"
Teri Knight
player, 478 posts
Jenner, P5, G4
Callsign: Kate
Tue 12 Jan 2016
at 00:49
  • msg #115

Re: Roleplaying Thread

   Teri slowly walked her Jenner to the designated location, following her team mates.  It was a difficult battle for both her machine and her body.  She powered down her ride carefully, dealing with the dual problems of being unfamiliar with the Jenner's controls and her own injuries.

   Knight exited her mech.  The adrenaline rush which had been keeping her functional drained away in the safety of the repair bay.  She leaned heavily against her Jenner as she called out to a passing tech, "Could you send a medic over?  It's been a long day..."
Regina Arlington
Player, 738 posts
R0 - Mechwarrior
Callsign - 'Siren'
Tue 12 Jan 2016
at 01:45
  • msg #116

Re: Roleplaying Thread

"We got them pirates pretty good.

 The good news is that it was mostly a test, to see how you would have performed under combat conditions.  The better news is that it looked like we did pretty good on both operations.

Regina brightens and becomes more animated as more Freelancers file in.  Around now a Comstar acolyte arrives to have a few words with Regina, her lips purse and her brows knit slightly.

"Well... that's no good."

As the Acolyte moves on Regina addresses you again, "I just got bad news and worst news.  The bad news is that while we were on exercise with the Raiders, it must have been leaked to the local crime syndicate.  While we were all busy they snuck in and raided the warehouse.  They made off with some 'stuff' before security chased them off.  The worse news is that Akarian seems to have caught some shrapnel.  A fluke, but it cut him just wrong, as he was leaving his mech a dud round exploded near him.  They're not sure how long he's going to be out."

Regina was pretty upset.  When it was a tough fight, and your time was up, you expected it.  This was a mock up test, and they had passed it soundly, where was the sense in this?

"I think that's going to be it for tonight guys.  I'm going to go check in to see how Akarian is doing.  Dismissed, go do what you need to do, i know it's a crap way to end a good mission but tomorrow will be a new day.", Regina puts up a brave smile, but really guile and deceit were never her strong suit, and you can tell she's not happy at all.
Regina Arlington
Player, 739 posts
R0 - Mechwarrior
Callsign - 'Siren'
Fri 15 Jan 2016
at 01:57
  • msg #117

Re: Roleplaying Thread

Casualty reports came in and were higher than anticipated.  Damien and Joaquin had come across those raiders that had been hitting the warehouse and gotten themselves shot.  It was a stupid way to go, surviving a skirmish with multi tonned machines of death and getting shot with a primitive slugthrower.

There were also the not so small complication of stolen materials to deal with.

None of it could be helped.

The Freelancers would have no time to lick their wounds, they were shipping off and headed rim ward to follow Kerensky's Pathfinders.
Regina Arlington
Player, 740 posts
R0 - Mechwarrior
Callsign - 'Siren'
Thu 4 Feb 2016
at 19:46
  • msg #118

Re: Roleplaying Thread

It took a few more days for the Freelancers to lick their wounds.

Casualties were an unfortunate event and the theft of parts she had worked hard to track down was an irritation to Regina, still, nothing happened without a reason, and in Blake we trust was a mantra that had gotten Regina through more than one trying period in her life.

It was a few days later when the Comstar Exploration Corps, along with the mercenary Freelancers boosted off to meet the Jumpship, Guiding Light.  Initial excitement quickly evaporated, as they settle into the routine of long term space travel.  Several Jumps were made, each one take the Guiding Light further and further away.  First through the outer rim of the Inner Sphere, then through the Periphery, and finally into deep space.

Every nook and cranny of the Jumpship and Dropship was known to everyone.  Space was cramp, and everyone was practically living on top of each other.

A spheroid Danais class dropship carried the bulk of the cargo, and supplies for the expedition, not the least of which was the Battlemechs that the Freelancers used.

A Vulture class dropship carried much of the personnel and conventional support for the expedition.

It was weeks later, before anything of note happened.  The Guiding Light had just finished another one of those gut wrenching jumps taking them into a new Binary star system.  It was here that the expedition became active and activity began.  It was the location of the first entry from the Pathfinders that hinted at the possibility of a habitable planet.

As soon as the jump was completed the guiding light had begun the task of deploying the solar sails to recharge the jump engines.

The Vulture Class Jumpship, Blake's Wisdom, was an ancient Dropship no longer in popular use, replaced by the Fury and Seeker dropships.  It's most notable saving grace, was that it was a spheroid, and as such needed no long landing strip to deploy.  Most of the Comstar Exploration Corp was located on this ship, along with a dozen assorted light conventional units, and supplies for the expeditions use..

The Danais dropship, Blake's Light, was a common civilian Cargo Dropship, unarmed and considered harmless, it was a design that that was allowed production in the Periphery by the powers of Inner Sphere, making it a very common design.  It also was a Spheroid allowing it a minimal of fuss to deploy.  The drop ship's cargo was the Freelancer's mechs, the dropship also allowed for ten 'passengers' which filled out the Freelancer's needs nicely.

Within a hour of the Jumpship deploying sails, Blake's Light and Wisdom were released and burning to make planetfall with the fourth planet in the system, which according to the Pathfinder's records were capable of sustaining human life.

(More to come, feel free to comment regarding your characters activity during this time period so that i know to actually include you in follow up post)
Lucius McMurphy
Player, 1906 posts
NCO1 - Corporal
Callsign - 'Burner'
Fri 5 Feb 2016
at 02:54
  • msg #119

Re: Roleplaying Thread

Luc knew that injury and death were part of being a mech jock since he first got into his old family Fire Javelin all those years ago but the loss of people he'd fought beside for so long was still a bearer of morose times.  Akarian was a good commander and both Damien and Joaquin had been good soldiers.  Even worse was the time on board the dropship and jumpship...

He couldn't smoke to relax because the air scrubbers needed every iota of their power to make sure they could actually breathe proper air rather than get caught in a slow downward spiral of hypoxia.  That left Luc a bit grumpy and on edge from a number of minor things that really couldn't be helped.  Rather than being cooped up in his berth and slowly going mad he tried to exercise his Zero-G skills as much as possible in the off case that they were caught with their pants down and they had to do any combat in impossible seeming as it might be.
Teri Knight
player, 481 posts
Jenner, P5, G4
Callsign: Kate
Fri 5 Feb 2016
at 14:29
  • msg #120

Re: Roleplaying Thread

   Knight had spent time on crowded ships before, but she couldn't recall a trip as jumbled this trip was turning out to be.  She spent as much time as she could working on her mech.  It was that or just stare at all of the other people just staring the walls.
Mikael Blomquist
player, 512 posts
Call sign: Viking
Fri 5 Feb 2016
at 15:33
  • msg #121

Re: Roleplaying Thread

 The swift rush to push off the planet reminded him of the age old axiomatic saying in the military of hurry up and wait , so now that the pressure was off of staying alive and keeping his mates alive, he began to put all the efforts and combats to his computer, writing of the units encounter with the old and big grasshopper mech and his surprise to see such a machine still running.

 Aboard the drop ship he at first got caught up on his sleep and getting  Squared Away once again and looking like a military jock once more. Other then that he caught up on the latest trids and cleaned up his mech and vowed to replace his old cooling vest at the first opportunity they had.

 It was nice to tour the big ass drop ship, at least as far as he could be allowed to see and wondered what the inside of the Jump ship looked like.

 Still he was out of books and sending messages to those he knew back at the core worlds and was bored, so that even landing on a distant world was looking good to break the boredom.
GM, 7130 posts
Fri 5 Feb 2016
at 19:51
  • msg #122

Re: Roleplaying Thread

The Expedition's Dropships found the fourth planet in question and took the time to settle into orbit around the planet.  Fuel was definitely going to be an issue, the number of times they would be able to make planet fall and still have fuel to boost off was going to be a problem if they weren't careful.

As luck would have it, using the reference directions left behind by the Pathfinders, the Expedition is able to local the location where they made planet fall. A homing beacon and the remains of artificial structures are detected from space and with the clock ticking on consumption of consumables like food... water... air... and fuel, the call is made to zone in on the beacon for planet fall.

There is only one landing pad, which is used by the heavier Vulture dropship makes use of.  The Lighter of the two dropships, grounds on the other side of the compound in easy view of each other.  While not a landing pad, the flat paved surface was better than the dirt surface and much better than trying to land in the wooded area around the compound.

In the hours that follow, the expedition starts to roll out the equipment from the dropship and scout out the Pathfinder's compound.  The Star league's engineering corps did good work.  That so much of it survived the centuries of time is a testament to the good work they did.  The landing pad was reinforced and made to handle a dropship many times the size of the Vulture currently parked on it.  The compound was paved with cleared and paved with a hardened material that might have supported a mech, but not a dropship.  Where Blake's Light had landed, the landing gear had cracked and sunken through the light material mooring the dropship down on the surface.  Some work would have to be done to clear the material away from the landing gear to ensure a safe and smoothe take off.

In the hours that follow, the comstar expedition teams quickly survey the compound and declare it fit for use.  Conventional units are rolled out and soon prepared to be used for operations.  Battlemechs are carefully worked out of their cargo cradles and prepared for use.  Those with hand actuators are given a priority since, they have practical uses for assisting with setting up the expedition.

it quickly becomes apparent that they planet has a moderate climate and plenty of fresh air.  The binary suns provide plenty of light for the local vegetation to grow to gigantic proportions.  The trees around the compound dwarf even the mass of the dropships you burned in on.  (think yellowstone giant tree size or larger)

This was good news since it hinted at great stores of water, which would provide the ground work for easy terra forming.  It's noted in the Pathfinder logs that it wasnt always this friendly, but the seed of terra forming were started long ago, and over the centuries have obviously worked out well.

After checking out their mech, the freelancers are pressed into service to help unload equipment off Blake's Wisdom.  Those without hand actuators are put on patrol to keep watch on the perimeter of the Pathfinder's base camp.  After so many years of quiet, it was unlikely to be disturbed.  The only signs of recent activity was the local vegetation taking root here and there in the cracks of the paved surface or around the compound where dirt still lingered.  In these areas, the 'grass' grew high enough to provide cover for a standing trooper.

{more to come, please continue to describe activity, in particular your mechwarrior, and their mech to remind me what mechs you piloted.  Please be aware, they are no longer 'stock' but they arent what you designed out either, they're likely somewhere in between}
Lucius McMurphy
Player, 1907 posts
NCO1 - Corporal
Callsign - 'Burner'
Fri 5 Feb 2016
at 20:28
  • msg #123

Re: Roleplaying Thread

Luc relished the moment that he made it out into the 'fresh' air...along with the moment he was able to 'pollute' it with his cigar of choice.  He watched carefully as the techs moved his machine out of the dropship and commented, "Hey watch where you are driving that thing.  My Shadow Hawk is the biggest thing around that still works with hands to move this crap.  That salvaged Grasshopper might be able to pick up more but ever since Jarold cut through the rear of the thing it's like he severed a spine and it's been all quirky since and we may never get the repair parts to make it work again!"

He looked over to Mikael and Teri, "How did your rides fare?  I'm guessing they are going to put you on hauling duty like me Mikael and you'll go out on recon Teri since your bug has no arms to speak of."  He chuckled a bit, "Feels weird not being in total command of the Ironswords anymore even if most of my life I never was.  These last contracts have been a doozy..."
Regina Arlington
Player, 741 posts
R0 - Mechwarrior
Callsign - 'Siren'
Sat 6 Feb 2016
at 12:55
  • msg #124

Re: Roleplaying Thread

The Comstar expedition force, quickly finds to their surprise that while much equipment was missing a few solar chargers were still present, explaining the continued activity of the homing beacon.  Activity quickly settles down to a routine as the expedition falls into a routine.

The conventional units pulled for service.  The small ultra light construction utility mechs were put to service quickly to support the freelancers activity, the VTOLs were unloaded and soon flying forays into the giant wooded area around the base, the tracked ground units rolled out to patrol deeper into the woods and conduct experiments for the scientist in the expedition, the wheeled units were unloaded but served mostly for transportation for the lazy around the base, with the thick terrain about, the hovers are never unloaded.

Freelancers help to walk patrol on the base, but serve mostly to monitor the coming and goings of the conventional units leaving for exploration of the base.  The most exciting it gets for them, is when they accompany the small tracked units into the woods to provide security as they gather soil and vegetation to test.

There are small animals and birds, but no apparent predators on these small trips.

After a couple of weeks of this the Guiding Light reports that they have recharged enough to make a new jump.  A quick discussion follows, and a decision is made to have the jumpship go back, while the expedition lingers on the planet.  It would make the trip back, to report their progress and the founding of a new planet to inhabit.  Returning with new dropships to refuel the expeditions dropships was the plan.  It meant spending months on the planet, but really there was nothing dangerous to be concerned with, aside from Freelancers getting bored.

In the days that follow, much of the Pathfinder's compound is cleaned up and bought to active standards.  Scouting forays track deeper into the woods, while the compounds mainframe is found, charged, and bought back to life after minor repairs.

Freelancers with mechs that are hand actuator challenged are given a turn at the small ultra light constuction mechs to help do work around the compound.  All is quiet, at least for the moment.
Mortimer Grissom
player, 193 posts
Sat 6 Feb 2016
at 16:36
  • msg #125

Re: Roleplaying Thread

Mort did one last careful inspection of his ride before taking his turn in the ultra lights. The Iron Curtain was a beautiful sight. The big Enforcer stood tall and proud. He had been able to do a couple mods to her while in transit to the planet. Now Mort would be even more deadly out in the field. His comm device rang and he cursed as he was forced to tear away from his beloved mech to perform manual labor with something that was barely considered a battle mech. The idea offended him. Anything under 35 tons was a sin against the idea of going to battle well prepared. Everyone knew, bigger was better.
Regina Arlington
Player, 742 posts
R0 - Mechwarrior
Callsign - 'Siren'
Sun 7 Feb 2016
at 14:57
  • msg #126

Re: Roleplaying Thread

29 Days since making planet fall, almost two weeks since the Guiding Light jumped out of the system, the expedition runs into it's First Snag.

One buildings used to store supplies is broken into.  There's a huge gapping hole large enough to drive a jeep through in the side of the building.  It looks like it was melted away by acid.  The building is pillaged, and all food was silently pillaged in the middle of the night.

Patrols were light, a two jeeps were parked on opposite sides of the compound with two guards in each jeep.  They swear up and down that there was no sign of the activity and are clueless how this happened.

This incident is taken seriously and the night patrols are doubled.

All four of the land rovers are put on the detail, two of them have big searchlights mounted in place of weapons to allow them to scan for activity more easily, the other two mount machine guns for anti personnel activity.  At least one of the Freelancers are put on night detail, to provide heavy support, and watch for trouble on their mechs sensors.  The hole is patched, and an armed squad is left to guard the bulding and a small stash of supplies.

Day patrols are also doubled, and forays into the surrounding area are made with an eye towards what is responsible for the missing supplies.
GM, 7131 posts
Sun 7 Feb 2016
at 15:13
  • msg #127

Re: Roleplaying Thread

Current rolecall of active players...

Valkyrie       ~ Regina
(Current Modificiation  LRM 10 ~> SRM 4 (x2), CASE and 0.5t Armor)

Shadow Hawk-2H ~ Lucius  4/6 Ballistics
(Current Modification ~ AC 5 replaced with (2) AC 6, CASE installed RT and LT)

Jenner-F       ~ Teri
(Current Modification ~ (2) Heat sinks replaced with IS DS/HS ~ RT and LT)

Blackjack      ~
(Current Modification ~ (2) Heat sinks replaced with IS DS/HS ~ RT and LT)

Enforcer       ~ Mortimer
(Current Modification Small Laser removed for CASE)

Javelin-10F    ~ Mikael
(Current Modification ~ (2) Heat sinks replaced with IS DS/HS ~ RT and LT)

Mechs on Standby
Power Loader X-3   ~ (Status - Cargo)
Power Loader X-3EW ~ (Status - Cargo)
Stinger-3A ~ (Status - Cargo)
Lucius McMurphy
Player, 1908 posts
NCO1 - Corporal
Callsign - 'Burner'
Mon 15 Feb 2016
at 02:00
  • msg #128

Re: Roleplaying Thread


Nothing good could come from anything that used acid to that quantity to open up ahole in the food stuffs storage and pilfer it quietly enough to not draw the attenion of the guards at hand.  ComStar might be well known and they had some interestingly skilled individuals but when it came to logistic protection they seemed to be dreadfully piss-poor at it.  First leaking the location to pirates as a 'test' that also caused them to loose all the expensive alterations that would have made the unit more capable and then now on a supposedly uninhabited planet to loose a large quantity of their food.  He had grumbled about it to Regina but she waved it off as the Will of Blake which only left him smiling as she walked away...admiring her curves in her tight uniform despite her being like a sister to him and how she blindly could follow a virtual religion.

So many contradictions.

Still at least his Hawk was pleasant to pilot in at night due to its comfort and decent sensor suite...though it wasn't the first time that he wished he could have swapped out the more or less useless LRM for a Guardian ECM and Beagle Probe to handle more sensitive duties while keeping him informed and capable.
Regina Arlington
Player, 743 posts
R0 - Mechwarrior
Callsign - 'Siren'
Mon 15 Feb 2016
at 08:55
  • msg #129

Re: Roleplaying Thread

The next few days had passed quietly.

Security was bumped up, and less was taken for granted.

The Freelancers were assigned a hour a day to practice their pilot skills to help keep the edge on their skills.  They find the tangled forest a pain in the arse to move about it.  If they kept to walking that was fine, but running about could be dangerous as the thick foilage was never known to have something large enough to literally trip up a mech that was in too much of a hurry to notice.  The trees were also tall enough that jumping over the great trees was not going to happen.

It was three nights later, that a firefight occurs in the compound.  Lucius is on the duty, and gets his Hawk out to the building, but it's over before he gets there.  The Comstar security details were on the ball and had dealt with what ever had occured.  The gunfire was noisy enough to wake nearly the whole camp though.

What was found was enough reason for concern or excitement, depending on who you were.

The xeno biologist seemed excited... well enough.  Anyone else with a sense of self preservation was concerned.

Half a dozen bugs or so... rough ant like, and two meters long were shot up in and about the storage building.  The patched up whole was eaten through and torn off with ease.  The detail inside was almost taken unaware, but caught on something was amiss when the smell of the acid eating through the wall was noticed.

People are told to get back to bed, and that the issue was resolved for now.  Their would be a debriefing in the morning when they hopefully would know more.

The next day, not much more is known, aside from the fact that a bunch of giant bugs have taken a liking to Com Star's stores of food.
Regina Arlington
Player, 744 posts
R0 - Mechwarrior
Callsign - 'Siren'
Thu 18 Feb 2016
at 02:01
  • msg #130

Re: Roleplaying Thread

Food was becoming an issue, you were already running low from so much time in space, that you really needed to find something local to forage off of.  With the theft of supplies, they were getting downright critical.

Air mobile assets were being switched over to find sources of food now.  Success seemed in hand a few days later, when berries the size of watermelons are found, and grapes the size of a medicine ball are found.  All that was needed was testing, to be certain that they were edible, and much of the concerns for drinks and edibles might be solved.  While they might not solve all the nutritional needs, it would go a long way to solving the crisis.

The tracked APCs are about the only thing that will get out there by ground.  The foilage is too tangled for the VTOLs to land, and Battlemechs are really made for cargo or scientific expeditions.  Regina pairs up with a freelancer to lead out a foray into the area where they were found.  She leaves Luc in charge while she's out.

Around mid-day there seems to be some sort of problem.  It becomes obvious that there seems to be some sort of crisis, and Regina gives the order for the APCs to scatter, while the battlemechs slow down pursuit.

"Burner... you have company coming your way.  Lots of company.  We're trying to lead them off and away north, but there are plenty of stragglers headed your way.  Pack up the non coms, and as much stuff as you can onto the Dropships.  So's they dont swarm the dropships, rip open a few supplies stores to decoy them to the busted up storage shack.  Deploy a Platoon to support the freelancers, you're going to need it.  Have everyone the rest of the PBIs secure the dropship.  Get everything that can move and shoot ready.  Will be back to the Pathfinder base... mmmm... eventually, trying to lead as many of these things away as possible, wont do to lead them home.  Gotta go, Blake be with you."

After the flurried message, there was only dead air.

If all goes as planned, new mission should be up in a day or three, if you want to be part of it, i want some sort of response so i know youre paying attention otherwise, at best, you'll be a late addition.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:01, Thu 18 Feb 2016.
Sean Reynolds
player, 831 posts
R2 - Sergeant
Callsign: Firefly
Fri 19 Feb 2016
at 01:36
  • msg #131

Re: Roleplaying Thread

Sean was glad for the diversion of planetfall after literally weeks of being 'trapped' inside his assigned dropship.  The open sky and earth beneath his feet proved to be a miracle cure for the almost clausterphobic conditions he and everyone else had endured, to say nothing of a chance to get back inside and pilot his Blackjack.

The first bit of time was almost idyllic but it was certainly too good to last.  Sure enough, things started going wrong, and going wrong fast.  First the missing food and now Siren's news of... whatever was coming their way.  Hopping inside his Blackjack, he prepared himself to repel intruders.
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