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(hidden) Faces in the Shadows - Request to Join.

Posted by NirvanaFor group archive Z
GM, 2 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 15:40
  • msg #1

(hidden) Faces in the Shadows - Request to Join

I'm going to keep this thread relatively short and simple. Over my time on rpol, I've generally favored more elaborate application processes, but I'm going to be trimming it down for this one to avoid burning people out before the game starts and to keep with the fact that we're playing a game that everyone is unfamiliar with. That said, I'm still asking for a few different things.

1) A Character - This doesn't need to be the character you're completely married to. I expect people to change or refine their idea as we start pulling things together. Also, I don't want a novel on you character. Pitch them to me like you were pitching a character for a series. Use a tight paragraph to tell me what makes them interesting, and why I'd want to watch a show featuring them as a protagonist.

2) A Rumor - This is going to be a game about investigating strange supernatural mysteries and then violently killing/exorcising the evil spirits behind them. Give me a cool idea for a strange thing that the kids at school are whispering about. It could sound like an urban legend, or be a recent, mysterious death or other incident. Make me want to see the episode about it.

3) An Anime - This game is going to be deeply rooted in the genre conventions of anime. Give me the name of a series you'd like to draw inspiration from and an idea of the things about it that you like.

* * * *

Following this post, there's going to be some information on the "Race" (exactly what it sounds like) and "Style" (fighting style/supernatural power sets) that are available for characters. I'll give a brief rundown afterwards of the pre-made characters (including the above information) to give an idea of what people could borrow, use wholesale, or be inspired by. Given enough time, I might also write up a few notable canon characters from other franchises to give examples of how to build different sorts of things. I might need some inspiration on what sort of characters to do this for.
This message was last updated by the GM at 03:18, Tue 28 May.
GM, 4 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 12:10
  • msg #2

Faces in the Shadows - Request to Join


Godhunters are a strange and varied lot. While mononoke arise when any plant, animal, or natural phenomena takes a fragment of divinity into its soul, godhunters are born only from mankind . . . mostly. Despite what most people might believe, not everyone in this world is entirely "human," and godhunters are no exception. Defined by their lineage and the way their magical aptitudes manifest, Godhunters may take many forms.


Scion - Descended from a great hero or demigod of yore, "Scions" are inheritors capable of tremendous feats of human potential, whether it be superhuman strength or world-shaking genius. Examples: Greek Heroes, Ichigo Kurosaki, and many more

Darkstalker - As any Godhunter knows, there are creatures that go bump in the night, but humanity has a long and muddled history, and at times, these dark shadows have known humanity as . . . more than enemies. Bearing the taint of these blasphemous unions, darkstalkers have unnerving and otherworldly powers at their beck and call. Examples: The series "Darkstalkers," particularly the characters Felicia and Morrigan, are excellent examples of this. Blood/Blood+ and any other series that boasts vampires, partial or otherwise, are good fodder, too. Yusuke Urameshi of YuYu Hakusho would also qualify, though that's a bit of a spoiler

Hanyou - If the Darkstalkers are descended from the dark spirits that dwell in our world, the Hanyou are descended from its, if not benevolent, more "natural" spirit denizens. Whether they draw their ancestry from kitsune, nekomata, the mysterious tengu, or other spirits besides, these men and women have something fae and mysterious about them, as well as a natural luck, charisma, and facility with the magic of the natural world. Examples: Kurama from YuYu Hakusho

Magus - Since the first spark of light, there have been those humans who have delved into the deeper mysteries. Weaving the first sacraments together, today, they go by many names: miko, priest, monk, onmyoudou, magician, and many more besides. Though physically they are very little different than the average human, the magic in their blood and the knowledge to work the craft shapes them into capable people. Examples: Rin Tohsaka (and, indeed, all of the the mages of the Fate series) are good examples of this. Sailor Mars would be a good magical girl example

Human - Not all who awaken to the power of a Godhunter were born mighty. Sometimes, greatness is born in a simple vessel. Still, the strength of the human spirit and their resolve to fight makes these people anything but ordinary, and they tap that same well of potential to do amazing things. Examples: Kuwabara of YuYu Hakusho, and Ichigo during the first arc of Bleach are good examples of this, though most shonen protagonists and many magical girls could qualify.


Arc Slayer - Weapon masters without peer, Arc Slayers wield the secret killing styles of the ancients. Whether they wield sword, spear, axe, mace, or the most forbidden martial art, their abilities make them superhumanly deadly.

Dragon Carrier - With the power of the regalia of the old gods, Dragon Carriers transform to do battle. Whether they don a flowing robe of silk spun from moonlight or armored leather and a hercules beetle helmet, Dragon Carriers' true powers rest in their hero forms. Examples: Guyver, Kamen Rider, Blassreiter, any Senshi or magical girl series.

Dark Hunter - Wielding the forces of darkness themselves, Dark Hunters are shadowed assassins and midnight warriors unafraid to use the powers of the enemy against them. Whether they're a ninja warrior, inheritor of a dark legacy, or dangerous heretic, Dark Hunters make the night something to truly be feared.

Elemental Adept - Wind, Fire, Earth, Water. What enemy can stand against the forces of nature? Examples: Too many to count, but the sailor senshi are definitely strong candidates.

Elder Mage - The power of true sorcery is a heady thing. Delving past petty mortal magics to conjure true, miraculous power, an Elder Mage is capable to grand spells beyond their mortal kin.

Digital Sorcerer - Fusing arcane secrets and modern miracles, Digital Sorcerers blur the line between science and magic. Distilling their spells down into programs they can store in cell phones, laptops, and other accessories, Digital Sorcerers excel at efficiency and speed.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:58, Sun 22 Jan 2017.
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