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Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant.

Posted by DM PawnFor group 0
DM Pawn
GM, 292 posts
Mon 6 Feb 2017
at 04:56
  • msg #15

Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

Having completed their solemn duty to deliver news of Yhus' fate to his family, the party departs from the tannery hovels to find accommodations at the Tawny Hide. The inn is of meager quality and heavily run down, but the arrangements prove satisfactory enough for all involved. The patrons are a healthy mix of locals and passers-through, the latter consisting largely of trappers and furriers who have brought hides and pelts to be sold in the dusty village's central market. Conversation throughout the inn invariably revolves around the tanneries and related industries, though the parry does overhear one particularly interesting tale while taking their evening meal in the crowded dining hall.

The Beast of Barren Hill, a local storyteller of excellent quality calls it. Apparently a ferocious beast prowls the nearby Nimon Hills, wantonly preying on local cattle and sheep that graze the surrounding countryside.

"Hunters too have perished!" a drunk cuts in.

The storyteller continues, "tales of the Beast of Barren Hill have spread far and wide, as you may well know," he relates to an enthralled crowd.

"Stories of its attacks on men, women and children can be heard around firesides for miles around. Villagers rush in from their tasks at night and armed guards watch over livestock."

"The Beast shows no fear of fire or blade and has an uncanny ability to avoid traps to boot!"

"Many have tried to track down and slay the beast, yet none have been successful..."

"Large as a man..."

another cuts in.

"Covered in black fur, blacker than pitch!" the storyteller continues despite the interruption. "And the teeth and claws!"

"Larger than a man's sword, each" he whispers for emphasis.

The storyteller continues his tale and says it is not uncommon to find remnants of the Beast's latest prey in the hills outside of town, but never is there enough pieces to identify the bodies.

Another villager picks up and says a local curse is to be blames, claiming goblins used to inhabit the caves beneath Barren Hill and ust have awakened something terrible. Whatever the case, there are no traces of the goblins either. Perhaps the Beast ate them too, he says.

Continuing, the storyteller says tracking the Beast is near impossible because it inexplicably leaves no tracks after its attacks. But no matter, everyone in Terrelton knows where the Barrenl Hill caves are, so it's not like one couldn't find it if they were seekinbg certain death.

"A handsome reward to the hunter who is mighty enough to fell the Beast of Barren Hill," the drunk says. Apparently a cattle baron has offered a 300 gp bounty to any who slay the beast.

As it turns out, Barren Hill lies near the Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant. So apparently, Ologeon's mission carries other complications, none of which were known when the party set out from Drellin's Ferry.
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:57, Mon 06 Feb 2017.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 187 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 10/10
Mon 6 Feb 2017
at 13:52
  • msg #16

Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

"That sounds like something to avoid," Eoni responded quietly to the others upon hearing the tale.  "Hopefully it hunts by night and we won't see any sign of it."

They'd paid dearly for the last 300 gold that they'd earned and didn't need to lose anyone else.  If all went well, they'd be returned from the Savant by dark the next day and on to Drellin's Ferry after that.
Thief, 157 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Mon 6 Feb 2017
at 14:01
  • msg #17

Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

Sarah sits transfixed as the tales are told, and her eyes grow wider with each embellishment of the Beast's prowess and exploits.
Fighter, 243 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Mon 6 Feb 2017
at 17:47
  • msg #18

Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

 While the locals bedazzled some of the group, with tales of monsters and so forth, Marklin busied himself by sampling the Inn's ale. He needed many samples of the local brew, in order to make an informed decision, as to its worthiness.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:49, Mon 06 Feb 2017.
Magic User, 144 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Tue 7 Feb 2017
at 21:44
  • msg #19

Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

Having read her fair share of fiendish folios and monstrous manuals during her studies, Aldara attempts to place what these scared people might be talking that she knows what to be wary of.

Attempting to identify this creature based on its dwelling, description...
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 187 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Wed 8 Feb 2017
at 04:25
  • msg #20

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

Eoni Daflin:
"That sounds like something to avoid," Eoni responded quietly to the others upon hearing the tale.  "Hopefully it hunts by night and we won't see any sign of it."

"If it tries to hunt us," Valthur boasts, his confidence aided by a pint or two of the local ale. "then it may well become acquainted with my new battle axe. We'll see how bold it is then."

Although smiling widely as he clanks his empty mug on the table, like Eoni he recalls the price paid for their last reward and hopes for no similar payments this time.
Charlotte Wyndrey
Cleric, 8 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 6/6
Mon 13 Feb 2017
at 01:14
  • msg #21

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

Eoni Daflin:
"That sounds like something to avoid," Eoni responded quietly to the others upon hearing the tale.  "Hopefully it hunts by night and we won't see any sign of it."

They'd paid dearly for the last 300 gold that they'd earned and didn't need to lose anyone else.  If all went well, they'd be returned from the Savant by dark the next day and on to Drellin's Ferry after that.

"Well, that depends"  Charlotte chimes in.  "Money is always useful, and removing angry and ravenous creatures is usually a decent thing to do.  On the other hand, it's also not exactly the task at hand, and rumors are rarely worth taking exceptional risks or time out of your schedule to follow up."

Logically laying out the pros and cons of these kinds of things was always useful.

"Beyond that though, something that's clever enough to avoid traps is usually intelligent, and approaching an intelligent and powerful creature is an excellent way to have a bad time.  Especially if it's not actively causing any trouble and is more a local hazard.  I mean, certainly, if that changes, then it becomes important to bring it to heel, but I certainly couldn't advocate taking such a risk for something that's largely only snipping off cattle and other livestock.  Not without a very good grasp of what it is and the appropriate equipment to overcome it."
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 189 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Tue 14 Feb 2017
at 00:45
  • msg #22

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

With the help of several drinks, Valthur's courage, along with his anxiousness to do something more than talk and plan, is even higher than usual. "Then tomorrow let's head off to this Sanctum of the Insensational Savant, or whatever he's called. We've got the papers. Let's see if he knows what they say. Maybe we'll run into this beast on the way and can take care of that matter while we're at it."
DM Pawn
GM, 294 posts
Tue 14 Feb 2017
at 06:43
  • msg #23

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

The locals' accounts of the Beast's description yield no clues to Aldara about what it could possibly. The sky's the limit really: anything from a panther to a manticore really. Big, dark shaggy furred creature with claws and teeth.

The party spends the rest of the evening at the Tawny Hide, eventually retiring to their rooms for an early start in the morning.

OOC: I take the plan is to head out in the morning in the direction of the Savant's Sanctum, using the directions Ologeon provided?

Did any of you wish to accomplish anything else before departing Terrelton?

Magic User, 147 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Tue 14 Feb 2017
at 15:44
  • msg #24

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

Making sure that no one but her companions are able to hear her, lest the frightened villagers be filled with hope, Aldara says, "Well, if it encounters us, it'll probably scarper off.  It seems intelligent, if not cowardly, preferring lambs and loners, and not actual challenges." Despite having no idea what this dreadful creature is, the mage nonetheless seems fairly confident in that "I have no idea what I'm talking about way" that gets adventuring types of all walks killed, maimed, captured, arrested, or reprimanded by elderly Halflings.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 188 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 10/10
Tue 14 Feb 2017
at 18:26
  • msg #25

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

"I've had my fill of stories for the night," Eoni stated as she stood.  "We'll meet at early morn and set off in the direction we've been given.

"Sleep well."

Thief, 159 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Tue 14 Feb 2017
at 18:48
  • msg #26

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

Sarah curls up under her blanket and tries to go to sleep.
Magic User, 148 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Tue 14 Feb 2017
at 19:46
  • msg #27

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

With nothing better to do, no mages to pester for their knowledge, or even games of chance to play - Aldara did like hearing of how Marklin and Valthur fared the other times! - Aldara retires to her room, dreaming not of the things mages usually do, but of Worgs (as were illustrated in the books from which she learned about them) and livestock.  A confident adventurer, indeed.

Provided there are no interruptions, she will early, feeling much like one does after a frightening dream.

Spells memorised are remaining the same.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:46, Tue 14 Feb 2017.
Fighter, 245 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Wed 15 Feb 2017
at 01:32
  • msg #28

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

 Marklin came to the room he shared with the Dwarf, around midnight. Before that, the rest of group had drifted off to their rooms, as Marklin remained behind trying to make time with  the bar maid. The Warrior had a frown, as he made ready for his bed. Just before Marklin blew out the candle, the light revealed the distinct outline of a hand print on the side of his face. He looked at Dwarf.. “Don’t ask.” Then blew it out, and rolled over in his bed.
DM Pawn
GM, 295 posts
Wed 15 Feb 2017
at 04:08
  • msg #29

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

The party is up early the next morning, eager to depart toward Nimon Hills to seek out the Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant. It is warm and hazy as the party begins their walk eastward along the Dawn Way.

From Terrelton, the party walks for about three hours before reaching a dirt track which veers off the Dawn Way, heading southward through the Nimon Hills. Here the party heads south, a roll of brown hills stretching away to either side. Sometime toward mid to later afternoon the party spies a desolate hill in the distance. To the east of the dirt track, about a mile distant, a hill rises from the surrounding countryside like a proud nail. A small marble structure sits atop the hill, a mausoleum. This is the sanctum Sertieren told the party about back in Drellin's Ferry.

The party is presently about a mile away from the mausoleum and still in the dirt track which continues southward across Elsir Vale, eventually meeting the Wyvernwatch Mountains. The Nimon Hills stretch away to the west and east. The Beast of Barren Hill is rumored to range somewhere west of the party's current location. Sunset will occur in about 4 hours.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:26, Fri 17 Feb 2017.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 190 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 10/10
Wed 15 Feb 2017
at 18:54
  • msg #30

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

"We better hurry if we hope to get back to Terrelton before sunset," Eoni said, stepping off the dirt track to head for the distant structure.

"I just hope the rest of what Ologeon has told us is as accurate as his directions."

Eoni really didn't want to be among the hills where the beast roamed after dark.  Marklin and Valthur might have felt invincible but she'd seen them bleed and knew they could die as any other.

As Yhus had.
Fighter, 246 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Wed 15 Feb 2017
at 20:58
  • msg #31

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

 Marklin looked around for any signs of a potential threat. " Aye, let us make for that bloody

mausoleum.and see what is what."

Thief, 160 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Thu 16 Feb 2017
at 01:57
  • msg #32

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

Sarah keeps within a step of someone (anyone) in the party as she occasionally shoots nervous glances to the west.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:44, Thu 16 Feb 2017.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 191 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Thu 16 Feb 2017
at 02:28
  • msg #33

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

Valthur sizes up the mausoleum in the distance, managing to keep his nerves at least somewhat in check. "Well," he finally concludes, wiping the sweat from his brow. "at least it's not a rotting tree. Let's have a closer look."
Magic User, 149 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Thu 16 Feb 2017
at 16:52
  • msg #34

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

"Cheeful..." Aldara murmurs, looking at the mausoleum.  She steps closer to the warriors, like any smart mage would do!
DM Pawn
GM, 296 posts
Fri 17 Feb 2017
at 15:49
  • msg #35

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

The party veers off the worn path and follows a trace of a footpath leading toward the mausoleum at the top of the hill. It does not appear very much, if any, foot traffic has passed this way, suggesting the Savant doesn't receive many visitors.

It does not take long for the group to cover the short distance to the hill as there are little obstacles along the way. Climbing up a sketchy trail toward the mausoleum, the party soon crests over a rise and gets a better view of the mausoleum ahead.

The mausoleum is a weathered marble structure supported by four grand columns, two on either side of a yawning threshold. It appears a heavy door used to seal the mausoleum, though all that remains of it now are a few broken slabs of marble scattered on the ground.

No light emanates from within the darkened mausoleum, though at distance the party sees what looks like movement inside the structure. Additionally, the group also detects what sounds like a tapping sound, wood on stone, coming from somwhere within the mausoleum.

OOC: The group is about 100 feet distant from the mausoleum

Fighter, 247 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Fri 17 Feb 2017
at 20:39
  • msg #36

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

 Marklin made ready for the group to penetrate the odd structure. He slid his shield onto his arm, and hafted the spear in the other hand. “ Well Valthur, here we go again.” Said with a grin.

 "Who wants to carry a torch?"
This message was last edited by the player at 20:44, Fri 17 Feb 2017.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 191 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 10/10
Fri 17 Feb 2017
at 22:09
  • msg #37

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

"I can carry it," Eoni replied to Marklin's offer of a torch.  "Remember, we're here to talk, not fight.

"So try to look peaceful."
  She pointedly looked at the shield strapped to his arm.

"And less ready for a fight.  Ologeon... wait, I'm getting them confused.  Sertieren said that the Savant doesn't see many people.  We need to make sure he knows we're here to trade for information.

"Aldara, do you have the Rhestilor tome ready?"

Fighter, 248 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sat 18 Feb 2017
at 02:07
  • msg #38

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

" I'll be as peaceable as he is." Said Marklin to Eoni.
Magic User, 150 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sat 18 Feb 2017
at 15:20
  • msg #39

Re: Chapter 2: The Sanctum of the Insatiable Savant

"Yes." Taking the priestess' advice not to agitate this person, Aldara fishes the tome out of her bag.  Two sacks - one of which looks an awful lot like the one that once carried dead ferrets - are removed from both sides of the book lengthwise, followed by a large one.  The sacks are put back into her bag, and the tome is held as if ready to be presented.
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