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04:05, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk.

Posted by DM ShardFor group archive 1
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 103 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:12/12; PP:14
Tue 11 Apr 2017
at 21:20
  • msg #65

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

Arnan felt the fatigue coming on, and knew it for what it was. He judged himself to be reasonably tough, and acclimated to the harsh conditions of the North, but he understood that living in these parts was a constant struggle against nature. These days he won more often than not, but he understood that sometimes nature -- and the North -- would prove to be stronger than he was.

It might have been different if the scout had been able to set his own pace, for he would have known to take short breaks and rest every now and again, so as to regain some of his energy. But Folnor set a grueling pace, and Arnan could not really fault the man, not with some of his people being held by their enemies.

Although he kept his expression neutral, Arnan was glad when Folnor eventually called for a halt. Seemingly Thane had learned how to pace himself during the trek to the Elk Tribe's winter camp, for the man-at-arms had clearly held up better than Arnan himself had.

Arnan did not protest when Thane suggested that he and Kira sleep -- or, at least lie down and rest -- during the halt. He was not concerned about looking weak, for the wise man knew that the North sometimes got the better of even the strongest people .  . . it was a simple fact of life up here. And he was enough of a realist to understand that in order to be at his best when it was time to do battle, he needed to rest.

Turning to Kira, he asked, "Need any help getting settled in?"
player, 74 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 9/9; PP: 16
Tue 11 Apr 2017
at 22:59
  • msg #66

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

Kira had done so well before but the forced march was making her resolve to act the tough girl falter.  Still she set her jaw, gritting her teeth as others encouraged her to keep going.  She could not be seen as weak, especially since she was female.  It was something that had been engrained into her from the time she lost her mother.

She had endured the elements before though it had never been this bad.  Still, she knew hardship and refused to give up … not that she could because she was freeze to death quickly.  One foot after the other she continued until finally Folnor called for a short break, eliciting a groan of gratitude from the petite street urchin.

"I'll gladly take a little cat nap," she said with a nod to Thane and turned to Arnan who likewise wasn't afraid to rest right then.  "Just throw your stuff down and curl up with me for warmth," she said a little wearily, wanting to waste no time.  Indeed once bedding was arranged, she curled up much like a cat and was fast asleep.
DM Shard
GM, 159 posts
Sat 15 Apr 2017
at 04:52
  • msg #67

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

Thane Harkensen:
Sensing that his companions were perhaps a bit muddled of mind, he helped them both arrange a comfy resting spot and used their blankets or spare bedding materials as cover to keep them warm.  Once his friends were settled he walked over to stand near Folnor.

Arnan and Kira elect to take up the offer to sleep. A wise move for both indeed. It's not that Thane is not tired--he is. But the soldier is faring considerably better than his companions and feel no overwhelming desire to sleep just yet.

Once the rest of the group has turned in, Thane approaches Folnor...

"I feel pretty good, good enough to stand watch with you and your man," he offered.  "Do you have a plan for how we're going to attack the party from the Tribe of the Bear?"  This was probably Thane's first opportunity to start learning how these "wild men" went about making war and he was genuinely curious.

Folnor thanks Thane for the assistance and states, "Yes. Something of a plan..."
The Elk tracker then states he hopes to approach Evermelt as quietly as possible. There, he suspects the Bear Tribe is encamped at an ancestral campsite along the northwest shore of a sacred pool atop a glacial moraine. There is adequate cover up the moraine, but they will need to proceed slowly to avoid setting off loose stones and the like. These are likely to trigger any scouts or guards the Bear Tribe has posted in expectation of a counter-strike.

Folnor continues, "Of course we must get there in one piece first. We have been lucky so far to not encounter the Ice Witch...or any of her beasts..."

He then tells Thane about his encounter with the Ice Witch when his hunting party was attacked by a pack of wild beasts. The Elk tracker looks quite fearful as he continues, "I shot the witch straight through her wretched heart. She should have died on the spot..."

After Folnor fought off the beasts he searched the battleground to find the Witch, confident she would be found, slain. Yet there was no trace of her body after the fight, nor any blood when the snow should have been stained crimson from the arrow shot to the heart. "Very unnatural this bond with Auril..." he says in a low tone.

He further stresses that the Tribe of the Bear usually haunts the far north, at the shores of the Sea of Moving Ice, so their presence in Evermelt is strange.
Thane Harkensen
player, 66 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:13/13; PP:13
Wed 19 Apr 2017
at 01:37
  • msg #68

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

Thane continued to talk with Folnor.  Throughout the tallking he kept moving in various ways, swaying side to side or shifting his weight between his feet, a practice long-ago learned as a way to ward off the cold.  He knew full well how easy it was to lose body heat, and cold body parts go numb making travel that much harder.  Being tired and travel-worn, he desperately wanted to keep what warmth he still had.

"There seems to be a lot of strangenesses going on up here," he said quietly, rolling his shoulders.  "Do you suppose we'll get answers from the men of the Bear, assuming any live to tell us their tales?" he asked.

After the answer, he turned his attention back to Folnor's battle plan.  Thane was no tactical genius.  One could kindly say that he simply didn't have the mind for it, but his years as a soldier certainly gave him a measure of basic battle knowledge.  A few questions and observations sprang to mind and so he chose to give them voice.

"I understand the need to be quiet.  My two companions ought to be able to do just that.  Me, though," he grunted, a muffled half-laugh issuing forth, "I'm a bit armored up to be stealthy.  But I'll do my best.  Maybe I should stay towards the back and quickly rush forward when the battle is joined?"

He let Folnor chew on that for a moment or two, then pressed on with his other thoughts.  "I didn't look too closely at how your men are kitted out to fight.  Not my concern, really, what gear their totin', but you should know that my companions both favor the bow, to fight from a distance.  Do you have many archers among your warriors?  Or do you prefer to get up close and personal?  That's the kind of fighting I prefer, face to face, with a good man on my right and on my left.  Usually works out better for me and them that way."

Anyone with even minimal military (or militia) experience would recognize the kind of soldier Thane was.  The kind that was willing to take orders but also had enough experience (or rank) to be able to offer up his opinions for consideration.  His tone was relaxed and businesslike, possessing a talk-amongst-equals quality.

He gestured at his relatively new crossbow and gave out a muffled half-laugh again.  "I got that just in case something jumps us while we're traveling.  All this snow makes closing the distance a bit hard, so's I figured a good bolt-flinger would come in handy.  I do prefer my flail and shield, and I'm much the better with them, too," he finished, patting his weapon with soldierly affection.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:52, Wed 19 Apr 2017.
DM Shard
GM, 162 posts
Sat 22 Apr 2017
at 14:23
  • msg #69

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

Thane Harkensen:
"There seems to be a lot of strangenesses going on up here," he said quietly, rolling his shoulders.  "Do you suppose we'll get answers from the men of the Bear, assuming any live to tell us their tales?" he asked.

"If they are defeated in battle, they are duty-bound to speak their hearts. Doing otherwise is a dishonor to their ancestors," Folnor explains. He goes on to say he expects the Bear Tribe to fight hard to prevent a loss and as a result, he expects it to be a hard battle. The Elk and Bear were not exactly on great terms before this outrage.

After the answer, he turned his attention back to Folnor's battle plan.  Thane was no tactical genius.  One could kindly say that he simply didn't have the mind for it, but his years as a soldier certainly gave him a measure of basic battle knowledge.  A few questions and observations sprang to mind and so he chose to give them voice.

"I understand the need to be quiet.  My two companions ought to be able to do just that.  Me, though," he grunted, a muffled half-laugh issuing forth, "I'm a bit armored up to be stealthy.  But I'll do my best.  Maybe I should stay towards the back and quickly rush forward when the battle is joined?"

Folnor says they may get some assistance in the matter from the wind, which blows off the glacier and may mask any noise Thane might make on approach. "But yes, your reasoning seems sound," he says reassuringly.

He let Folnor chew on that for a moment or two, then pressed on with his other thoughts.  "I didn't look too closely at how your men are kitted out to fight.  Not my concern, really, what gear their totin', but you should know that my companions both favor the bow, to fight from a distance.  Do you have many archers among your warriors?  Or do you prefer to get up close and personal?  That's the kind of fighting I prefer, face to face, with a good man on my right and on my left.  Usually works out better for me and them that way."

The Elk warriors are all similarly outfitted; all wear some variation of hide or leather armor and carry both melee and missile weapon. All are proficient in both and the tribesmen seem to make little distinction between the two, using whichever is expedient at the time. Most have spears, axes or swords for primary melee weapons and more than a few have bows while the others rely on javelins for ranged weapons.

He gestured at his relatively new crossbow and gave out a muffled half-laugh again.  "I got that just in case something jumps us while we're traveling.  All this snow makes closing the distance a bit hard, so's I figured a good bolt-flinger would come in handy.  I do prefer my flail and shield, and I'm much the better with them, too," he finished, patting his weapon with soldierly affection.

Flnor examines the crossbow with a certain degree os admiration and smiles. "It looks to be a well-made weapon and will serve you well should it need to be fired. But hopefully you will be able to show your prowess up close and personal, should it come to that."

As for himself, Folnor says he prefers to use the spear as a weapon due to its simplicity and versatility: can be used for both melee and ranged attacks, one or two handed, with or without a spear, easy to craft and maintain, etc.

"But all weapons are created equal in the hands of the skilled," he offers in reflection.
DM Shard
GM, 163 posts
Fri 28 Apr 2017
at 05:43
  • msg #70

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk


After a few hours, Filnor asks Arnan to help wake their sleeping companions. It was far too short to be considered proper sleep, but a few hours of rest is enough to shake the tiredness off and the group is ready to set out again in short order.

It is now a few hours before dawn and Filnor keeps a steady and demanding pace, climbing higher up toward the glacial rift which gives this region its name. Howling winds blow past the adventurers as they climb the moraine, ever closer to camground known as Evermelt. Here, the Elk Tracker expects the Tribe of the Bear to be found and none too willing to ransom prisoners. The Elk Warriors are all mentally prepared for what will surely be a hard-fought battle. Arnan, Kira and Thane should be prepared too, both Hengar and Filnor comment, because one battle is enjoined it is likely their Bear enemies will draw no distinction between Elk and Outsiders.

Still, Hengar cautions the adventurers that is unlikely the Bear Tribe will fight to the death. There are rules to battle and there is no dishonor to the taking of slaves in lieu of eliminating one's foes. The Bear Tribe are still Reghedsman after all.

OOC: We fly out to South Carolina on Saturday. The next week or so is likely to be a little hectic and I probably won't have much time to post. We arrive on Sunday, sign our house lease on Monday, pick up keys Tuesday, pick up our car on Wednesday and are likely having household goods delivered on Thursday or Friday. And then the unpacking begins...

At any rate, we are getting ready to enter a pretty big battle scene and I need to hold off on starting the battle until my house situation is settled, etc. I think everything should be mostly settled by 8 May, but we'll see. I am hopeful at least.

At any rate, thanks for the continued patience :)

This message was last edited by the GM at 05:15, Wed 28 June 2017.
DM Shard
GM, 169 posts
Tue 9 May 2017
at 07:59
  • msg #71

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

Filnor leads the large group through the stillness of early dawn, climbing higher up the loose stones of the glacial moraine. The moraine consists of a wide valley between two sheets of ice rising to either side. It is a steady climb made more challenging by the unsure footing of ascending on a bed of differently sized stones.

Up ahead, about a half mile distant, Filnor stops to point an area of steam rising near the top of the glacial moraine. This, he claims comes from the sacred pool, a hot spring at the base of Evermelt. There is an encampment along the sacred pools northern banks, and this is where he expects the Bear Tribe to have taken their prisoners.

"From here on out, we must move forward quietly, for they are sure to have scouts along the way..."

There are larger boulders here or there within the moraine, so it is possible to sneak up the ascent without being seen. The larger issue is dislodging stones as one climbs up the uneven bed.

OOC: Everyone please make a Stealth check (DC 15)
player, 77 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 9/9; PP: 16
Tue 9 May 2017
at 13:11
  • msg #72

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

Having taken full advantage of the nap, Kira found her limbs to not be sluggish and working quite well as she quietly moved along with the group.

08:09, Today: Kira rolled 25 using 1d20+5.  Stealth.
Thane Harkensen
player, 68 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:13/13; PP:13
Wed 10 May 2017
at 02:30
  • msg #73

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

"Your men are well equipped," Thane noted in response to Folnor.  It seemed to him that the men of the Elk fought like skirmishers.  He doubted they would do anything like form orderly ranks and attack like his company had done back in Luskan.  An opportunity to learn - that seemed plain enough.

When talk turned to how the men of the Bear would behave in battle, Thane drew some comfort in the fact that they would not fight to the death.  "It's good that our foe will see if the tides of battle turn against them, and surrender before being slaughtered.  What about us?  Should the worst happen, and the Bear gains the advantage, what should we do?  Honestly, I am not used to fighting a foe that is willing to surrender.  Undead and Drow don't do things like that."  He considered the point for a moment.  "Drunken sailors and back-alley thugs do, however.  Well, they try to run when things don't go their way," he added, chuckling through a frozen-faced smirk.

Then it was time to move, and Thane donned his pack, strapped in his shield, and made sure his flail was ready.  His crossbow was lashed to the side of his pack.  He doubted he would need it, unless things really didn't go according to plan.  He found the ascent up the scree, dodging from behind one boulder to another and then another was a bit of invigorating fun.

22:19, Today: Thane Harkensen rolled 17 using 1d20.  Stealth. Success vs DC15

Arnan Aldwynne
player, 106 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:12/12; PP:14
Fri 12 May 2017
at 00:11
  • msg #74

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

used to solitary hunting and trapping forays, Arnan had trained himself to sleep whenever the opportunity presented itself, even if it was in fits and starts. So the chance to sleep the whole night through whilst others stood watch was a real luxury to the archer.

He was sound asleep when Filnor nudged him awake and asked him to help awaken their sleeping companions, but he came awake quickly and felt quite refreshed after a full night's slumber.

He nodded as Filnor explained that the Bear Tribe warriors would not likely fight to the death if the tides of battle turned against them. Although he had not spent long periods of time amongst the barbarians, he had heard a bit here and there from other outdoorsmen, and was not surprised by what Filnor told them.

Arnan again nodded silently when the time came to climb over the scree and loose debris, and Filnor cautioned everyone to move quietly. The scout took extra time, placing each foot carefully. The winds would help cover the sound of any unusual noise, he well knew, but the sound of a snapped branch might well alert the sentries that the Bear Tribe would certainly have placed outside their main camp.

He was a little surprised that Kira seemed as light-footed as he was, and even Thane, whom Arnan took to be a bit heavy-footed, did quite well in his stealthy approach.

OOC: 19:56, Today: Arnan Aldwynne rolled 24 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 19. Stealth Check (DC 15). Success.
DM Shard
GM, 171 posts
Sat 13 May 2017
at 12:57
  • msg #75

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

The Elk tribesmen and adventurers move up the scree without dislogding much, if any, loose stones. Even Thane, in heavy armor, acquits himself well, much to the admiration of the tribesmen he travels alongside.

After some time, Filnor motions to the group to halt. Up ahead, atop the summit near what certainly must be the hot springs, the party sees the glow of campfires. Filnor passes silently through the line, eventually drawing near the adventurers and Hengar.

"We are close now," he says. "Three sentries up ahead..." He then points to a location off to the side of the scree trail, about 60 feet distant.

Turning their attention to this point, the party sees that the trail continues north toward the campsite, now about 100 feet distant. A sharp low cliff rises from the west side of the trail and the trail drops away to a scree field to the east. Atop the cliff, rising about 20 feet above the trail, three Bear tribesmen huddle behind a stone cairn, their backs presently turned to the adventurers. Not very good sentries really, but there nonetheless.

Passing beneath the sentries without being heard might prove difficult, but not totally out of the question. Of course there could be other options as well...
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:57, Sat 13 May 2017.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 108 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:12/12; PP:14
Sun 14 May 2017
at 02:59
  • msg #76

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

In reply to DM Shard (msg # 75):

So far, so good, Arnan thought to himself as the group climbed towards the Bear Tribe's camp.

He halted and pursed his lips thoughtfully when he saw the three sentries that Filnor had mentioned, all standing atop a low cliff that rose alongside the trail. They didn't look to be overly alert at the moment, but Arnan knew that could change in a hurry if they detected movement or suspicious noises below them.

Lowering his voice, he asked the tribal leader, "Could be a little tricky. How do you want to handle this?"
DM Shard
GM, 172 posts
Sun 14 May 2017
at 12:52
  • msg #77

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

Arnan Aldwynne:
In reply to DM Shard (msg # 75):

So far, so good, Arnan thought to himself as the group climbed towards the Bear Tribe's camp.

He halted and pursed his lips thoughtfully when he saw the three sentries that Filnor had mentioned, all standing atop a low cliff that rose alongside the trail. They didn't look to be overly alert at the moment, but Arnan knew that could change in a hurry if they detected movement or suspicious noises below them.

Lowering his voice, he asked the tribal leader, "Could be a little tricky. How do you want to handle this?"

Filnor alternates his gaze between the lookout point and his companions before finally settling on the latter. "I take it you and Kira have some skill climbing. Could you silently climb to the ledge? You too, Thane, if you think you can manage."

Hengar agrees to climb with Arnan and Kira if Thane does not think he is able. The goal will be to reach the ledge, quickly take out the sentries, while the rest of the Elk tribesmen advance silently to the encampment further up the trail. The three climbers should be able to follow a parallel trail to the encampment, meeting up with the others if all goes well.
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 110 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:12/12; PP:14
Sun 14 May 2017
at 19:05
  • msg #78

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

"Speaking for myself," Arnan replied, "I can make the climb."

"Whether I can do so quietly enough so as to avoid notice,"
he added, "I cannot say."

"Also, taking out three sentries without any of them being able to raise a cry . . .  it can be done, but the odds would have obviously been much better if we had only one to deal with. Two arrows and a crossbow bolt or javelin hitting a single man will almost surely cut him down, but spread over three targets . . . I think it not unlikely that someone will live long enough to raise the alarm."

"We shall certainly do our best, but you and your people should be ready to charge in quickly if these watchers cannot be eliminated quietly. We will follow as soon as those standing watch have been dealt with."


Shane, what sort of distance are we looking at if the attackers simply stay in the shadows on the ground and wait to see if the advancing Elk tribesmen are noticed, then try to take out the sentries with ranged attacks before they raise the alarm if they appear to have noticed something suspicious?

Thanks! :)

This message was last edited by the player at 19:36, Sun 14 May 2017.
Thane Harkensen
player, 69 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:13/13; PP:13
Mon 15 May 2017
at 20:45
  • msg #79

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

"That'a a good idea," Thane chimed in.  "Trying to sneak past 'em would only let them have at our backs when the fighting breaks out."

He thought for a moment, and considered the course of climbing up and assaulting the sentries as quietly as possible.  "Reckon I can make that climb.  Wouldn't be the first time I had to do somethin' like it.  But perhaps I should go last, as I don't want to make noise and alert the sentries right away," he suggested.

Since the situation seemed to be decided upon, Thane took a moment to attach his shield to his backpack and then made sure his throwing axes were available but secure.
DM Shard
GM, 176 posts
Fri 19 May 2017
at 20:07
  • msg #80

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

Arnan Aldwynne:

Shane, what sort of distance are we looking at if the attackers simply stay in the shadows on the ground and wait to see if the advancing Elk tribesmen are noticed, then try to take out the sentries with ranged attacks before they raise the alarm if they appear to have noticed something suspicious?

Thanks! :)

OOC: if I understand your question correctly, the range would be about 100 feet to attack the Bear tribe sentries at range. They also have cover up there as well, so ranged attacks would be at disadvantage.
player, 79 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 9/9; PP: 16
Sat 20 May 2017
at 15:48
  • msg #81

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

Kira was quiet while the others discussed things, her eyes taking in the three huddled men and the surroundings.  Her nose twitched and she chewed at her bottom lip as she considered things, then tipped her head to the side.  "I've done stuff like this before but it was in the city and not snow up to my arse.  There's too much distance for my smaller bow plus there's enough stuff even sneaking up behind that'll complicate trying to shoot them so I'd say go in close with blades.  I figure even sneaking from big rock to big rock at least one of them's gonna cry out an alert before we can take them down but it's still worth a shot," she said with a lopsided grin, definitely game to give it a try.
Hengar Aensvaard
NPC, 19 posts
Tribe of the Elk
Sun 21 May 2017
at 13:26
  • msg #82

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

Hengar nods in agreement and adds, "I will join you while the rest move quietly further up the trail."

Their discussion of options complete, the party agrees to have Arnan, Kira, Thane and Hengar climb up to take out the Bear Tribe sentries. Filnor will lead the rest of the Bear Tribe warriors into the encampment.

"Ready when you are," Hengar says while loosening his fur cloak to give him more maneuverability.

OOC: Please make an Athletics or Stealth check (DC 15).
Arnan Aldwynne
player, 111 posts
Human Scout/Archer
AC:14/16; HP:12/12; PP:14
Sun 21 May 2017
at 16:25
  • msg #83

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

Arnan nodded silently in response to the Elk Tribesman, thinking that the less said (out loud) in this situation, the better.

He took a moment to decide upon what seemed to be a good route up the cliff, one that was more shadowed than some of the other, more exposed paths.

The scout proceeded carefully, taking particular care not to dislodge any loose stones during his ascent.


12:16, Today: Arnan Aldwynne rolled 17 using 1d20+5 with rolls of 12. Stealth Check (DC 15). Success!

Thane Harkensen
player, 72 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:13/13; PP:13
Mon 22 May 2017
at 00:43
  • msg #84

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

"Okay, the four of us then?  Sounds good," Thane observed with a nod of his head.  He waited for someone else to go first, in this case Arnan, and then attempted the climb after him.

It seemed easy at first, but then his right foot slipped and he had to scramble to keep from sliding downwards!  He went still as quickly as he could, but he feared the damage had been done...
14:38, Today: Thane Harkensen rolled 14 using 1d20+5.  Athletics Check DC15. FAIL

player, 80 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 9/9; PP: 16
Mon 22 May 2017
at 01:19
  • msg #85

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

Like Arnan, Kira eyed the area a bit before beginning her treak.  It might not have been as smooth as she would have liked but she felt she was making a decent enough show for the bigger boys.

09:01, Today: Kira rolled 17 using 1d20+5.  Stealth.
DM Shard
GM, 179 posts
Mon 22 May 2017
at 22:54
  • msg #86

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

Arnan, Hengar and Kira silently navigate their way up the scrabbly hill with ease, expertly selecting just the right footing with each step. Thane is having a much more difficult go and is much less sure of his footing. He accidentally dislodges a rather large stone and it begins to tumble down the hillside, directly toward Kira!

If allowed to continue downward, the stone will likely make quite a ruckus as it dislodges others along the way...

OOC: Kira may either attempt a DC 15 Athletics check to attempt to stop the large rock from rolling down the hill or let it continue to fall.

The party has made it about halfway up the slope toward the lookouts.

player, 83 posts
Human Rogue
AC:14; HP: 9/9; PP: 16
Sun 28 May 2017
at 18:51
  • msg #87

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

Sometimes being small and female made Kira do stupid things ... like trying to stop a big rock headed straight for her.  Still she had hoped there would be some divine intervention and they wouldn't alert the trio that death was trying to sneak up on them.  Maybe that intervention would at least allow her to survive her folly.

13:47, Today: Kira rolled 4 using 1d20.  Athletics.
DM Shard
GM, 181 posts
Mon 29 May 2017
at 12:40
  • msg #88

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

Kira reaches out to attempt to stop a rather large rock from continuing its downward trajectory down the scree-strewn slope but is unable to react quickly enough. The large rock gathers momentum and crashes down the hill, dislodging other stones along the way.

The resultant noise causes the Bear tribe sentries atop their lookout to take note.

"What's that?" Arnan and Kira hear one of the Bear tribesman harsh-whisper.

There is little time to react before sentinels are looking over the edge. The adventurers are about 25 feet distant from the lookout. The only cover is various sized rocks and a few dead, scrabby grasses poking up from the snow-covered rocks.
Thane Harkensen
player, 75 posts
Human Fighter/Soldier
AC:18; HP:13/13; PP:13
Tue 30 May 2017
at 01:59
  • msg #89

Re: Chapter 2: The Tribe of the Elk

"Damned cracky ice!" Thane cursed under his breath, irritated at the twist of fate that aroused the attentions of the Bear clan sentries.  Clearly there was only scant cover available, and Thane wasn't one for sneaking around.  There was really only one thing to do.


Thane willed his tired legs into swift action, driving one after another downwards like Gnomish steam pistons to make the remaining ascent as quickly as possible....
OOC: 21:50, Today: Thane Harkensen rolled 15 using 1d20+5.  Athletics Check (DC15) to rush the guards. Success!

If allowed, Thane will draw his flail as part of his movement.

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