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22:11, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC: Table Talk 1.

Posted by DM PawnFor group archive 0
DM Pawn
GM, 12 posts
Sun 11 Sep 2016
at 07:02
  • msg #1

OOC: Table Talk

Hello everyone and welcome to Realms of High Adventure!

First off, introductions are in order. My name is Shane and I will be your DM for this game. I have been playing one version or another of D&D on-and-off since 1984 when I was first introduced to D&D during the summer vacation between 6th and 7th grade. I have played many different RPGs over the years, but always come back to D&D type games as fantasy captures my imagination more than any other genre. I am knowledgeable about and enjoy all editions of D&D, but tend to prefer less rules crunchy flavors of the game.

That is part of the reason I wanted to run a Basic D&D game, which I have never done in PbP. Well, that and the fact this was the first RPG I owned (not the first I played though...that honor goes to 1st edition) and it holds a special place in my heart, even though I barely played it. Everyone wanted to play Advanced Dungeons and Dragons back then.

I am 44 years old, married and have two kids (ages 9 and 8). I am coming up on 20 years in the United States Air Force and currently stationed in Hawaii. Aside from RPGs, I enjoy playing guitar and ukulele, riding bicycles, camping, body boarding, hiking and reading children's literature. Yes. Children's literature!

Ay any rate, just wanted to take the opportunity to get to know each of you while we set up characters and get ready to launch this game.


This message was last edited by the GM at 08:06, Sun 11 Sept 2016.
Magic User, 1 post
Human Magic-User
HP 4/4; AC 09
Sun 11 Sep 2016
at 11:15
  • msg #2

OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 1):

Well met, adventurers, Game Master!  I'm playing Aldara, your adventuring party's Magic-User.

I got into RPGs when I was, ohh, eleven?  My sister, a friend of mine, and I embarked on an ill-fated adventure with the Dungeons & Dragons Third Edition beginner's set, and hoo boy did our lives change!  Of course, as we got older, Real Life began to happen, and after a while I turned to play-by-post games.  The first one I got into was a Labyrinth Lord game that taught me to love playing Clerics, and after that I began to take a liking to the less-crunchy stuff, like our GM mentioned.

I'm from the Midwest, but grew up in Florida, and now live in another state.  I've got more Florida in me than any other state, though, and whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, well, that depends on how many Florida Man and Florida Woman stories you've read!  Right now, I'm twenty-seven years old, and currently a second-shift janitor.  When I'm not throwing funny-looking dice and pretending to be something fantastic, I'm "writing!", playing Hearthstone, or doing readings for people.  I collect clocks with Audrey Hepburn on them, love the Highlander franchise, and also like Scooby-Doo.  The only other thing I have to say for myself, is that I always have some decaffeinated coffee in my apartment, and love cats and appreciate spiders.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:16, Sun 11 Sept 2016.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 1 post
Sun 11 Sep 2016
at 16:01
  • msg #3

OOC: Table Talk

Been playing about as long as Shane and started with the red basic book and actually still have the dice (now heavily worn) that came with the boxed set.  Played a number of different games and genres throughout the years including Classic Traveller and Lords of Creation.

I enjoy games that are more than just hack and slash that allow characters to go off the rails to do what they think is right rather than what they're "supposed" to be doing.  I also prefer to avoid the metagaming and keep the game in character.

Currently living in Central New York but I've lived as far west as Fort Huachuca Arizona with some time working on a dude ranch in the Grand Tetons of Wyoming and a real life job in Boulder, Colorado.

I've been looking for a game where 1st level characters are realistically "1st level" and not really all that heroic, yet.
DM Pawn
GM, 13 posts
Sun 11 Sep 2016
at 17:34
  • msg #4

OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Aldara (msg # 2):

Florida Man and Florida Woman are no joke! They get into the craziest chicanery and skullduggery.

Second shift, that's usually ~3pm to 11pm, right? We call them swing shifts in the Air Force (AF). I tried my best to avoid that shift and usually volunteered to work mid shifts (11pm to 7am) to get off of swings. I worked about 5 years straight of mids in my early AF years just to avoid the dreaded swings.

Wow! Clocks with Audrey Hepburn?! I did not even know such a thing existed (Google just revealed how in-the-dark I am about such things...)

At any rate, welcome to the game!
DM Pawn
GM, 14 posts
Sun 11 Sep 2016
at 17:44
  • msg #5

OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Eoni Daflin (msg # 3):

The dice I had from that Mentzer Basic set turned up missing over the years, but I remember them well. The powder blue soft plastic d20 got so worn out and rounded it would roll and roll and roll and roll...right off the table nearly every time. :)

This game will be a little more structured than an open sandbox, mainly because the structured short adventure format works a little better than the latter. In my face to face games I generally let the players decide what we will be doing on any given night, but need a little more structure in PbP. I am a flexible DM though and roll with whatever the players want to do. There is no "right" way to approach the challenges (roleplay, puzzle, combat, problem solving, etc.) I throw at you, so I think (hope) you will enjoy this adventure.  Admittedly, this game will start out as a bit of a "railroad" to get straight to the fun.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 2 posts
Sun 11 Sep 2016
at 19:40
  • msg #6

OOC: Table Talk

Is there a local language that all of us should have or will it be just Common?

And just to make clear for those of us having more recently used other systems, 0 hit points or less is time to make a new character?
Fighter, 1 post
Sun 11 Sep 2016
at 19:55
  • msg #7

OOC: Table Talk

 Hail and well met.
 My name is Bernie, I live in south western Ohio, and have been a gamer longer then I care to remember.

 Back in 1977, yes, there where Dinosaurs roaming around my neigh hood, I had a friend tell me about a new game, Dungeons and Dragons. I thought it was the most stupid thing I had ever heard of. I wanted to play Avalon Hill’s Gettysburg or some such. He convinced me to try it, kicking and screaming. But once I played, I was hooked, and here we are today, a middle aged man that likes to pretend he is other people likes to kills things and take their stuff. In the real world, that would get you locked up. Ha..HA

 On a personal note, I am proud to announce I have a granddaughter, a four month old cutie I am a proud grandpa.   Hold crap! I am a grandpa… Gets depressed, and asks for his prune juice and rocker.

 P.S. I think I am funny, but my wife will tell you, I am the only one that does. :)
DM Pawn
GM, 15 posts
Sun 11 Sep 2016
at 20:47
  • msg #8

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
Is there a local language that all of us should have or will it be just Common?

And just to make clear for those of us having more recently used other systems, 0 hit points or less is time to make a new character?

Common will suffice. There is probably a more formal name for it, but such things are only discussed by serious linguistics sages. :)

Yes. 0 hit points = dead :(

I am ambivalent on the "hard-coreness" of this particular rule. We can play it by the book or use another option, e.g.,

The common unconscious at 0, bleed out 1 per round, dead at -10.

Variant of the above where as soon as a character reaches 0 or less hit points, they make Death saving throws each round. Accumulating 3 fails = permanent death. Accumulating 3 successes = stablized but unconscious

Up for discussion either way.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:54, Sun 11 Sept 2016.
DM Pawn
GM, 16 posts
Sun 11 Sep 2016
at 20:50
  • msg #9

OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Marklin (msg # 7):

Welcome Bernie. My wife is originally from Dayton, OH, which I think qualifies as southwestern Ohio.

I played quite a bit of AH's Panzerblitz and Panzer Leader when I was younger. I really enjoyed both of those games.

Congrats on your granddaughter by the way and welcome to the game.

Thief, 1 post
Sun 11 Sep 2016
at 22:27
  • msg #10

OOC: Table Talk

Hello everyone.

I started playing 1st edition in the early '80s; by the time Unearthed Arcana came out we had "graduated" to other games, including the original version of Runequest and Rolemaster, although we continued playing AD&D as well (sans UA, the existence of which we denied).

I was "out of gaming" for a long time after college, but started on RPoL when my youngest son graduated from high school.  This has forced me to dabble in 2d Edition, just to expand my opportunities.  I haven't gotten much further (although I have played other games here and there).

I never did much with Basic; we proceeded straight to 1st edition, so I will (as I have already) spend much time looking around for a rule for something, only to discover that there is no such rule in Basic.  I beg for everyone's indulgence whilst I work such silliness out of my system. :)

I live in Kansas City, and I have the kind of job/life where I often have more time to post during work hours than I do on weekends.
DM Pawn
GM, 17 posts
Sun 11 Sep 2016
at 23:07
  • msg #11

OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Sarah (msg # 10):

Hello Sarah. Good to be playing with you again!

My friends and I graduated to Rolemaster in 1988 and that was pretty much the end of AD&D for us. The critical hit/fumble charts and the mechanical complexity of the game appealed to our sense of wanting the game to be "realistic". Loved that game.

Looking back on it though, there is no way I would play that game again!


Speaking of posting times, it would be helpful for me to know when you guys will typically find free time to post. I am on Hawaii time (GMT -10) and can generally only post Monday-Friday in the evenings (cannot post at work), which is going to be super late for most of our U.S. based players. Weekends are a little bit more open for me, depending on what I have going on with the family.

I usually figure out the player's posting rhythm after a couple of weeks and can gauge when everyone has had an opportunity to post, but figured I would ask up front.


Fighter, 2 posts
Mon 12 Sep 2016
at 00:09
  • msg #12

OOC: Table Talk

 I am EST, I can post daily most times, perhaps more then once depending on events of the day.

Question: when do you see the game starting?
DM Pawn
GM, 18 posts
Mon 12 Sep 2016
at 00:24
  • msg #13

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I am EST, I can post daily most times, perhaps more then once depending on events of the day.

Question: when do you see the game starting?

~ September 14th (will likely be the 15th for most of you, due to my timezone being much later than everyone else and my usual posting times). This is assuming everyone has their character sheets squared away, etc.
Fighter, 3 posts
Mon 12 Sep 2016
at 00:42
  • msg #14

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Herr GM, are we using the basic or advanced  Labyrinth Lord rules?
DM Pawn
GM, 19 posts
Mon 12 Sep 2016
at 00:44
  • msg #15

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Herr GM, are we using the basic or advanced  Labyrinth Lord rules?

Basic. You may use either Basic Labyrinth Lord, Moldvay Basic or Mentzer Basic, whatever you have access to.
Fighter, 4 posts
Mon 12 Sep 2016
at 00:47
  • msg #16

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Thank you.... Can Marklin have a pet Dragon? ;)
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 3 posts
Mon 12 Sep 2016
at 01:53
  • msg #17

Re: OOC: Table Talk

That's a good question about the dragon.  When I used to play way back when, we subdued dragons and had "A-Team" like scenarios where we had time to prep a village for defense before being attacked.  And of course all of our traps worked as designed.

I'm EST and can post daily in the morning evening, and sometimes in the afternoon.
Yhus the Musing
Cleric, 1 post
Mon 12 Sep 2016
at 01:56
  • msg #18

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Greetings, all.

Born and raised in Arizona, I live and work not far from Ft. Huachuca, Tombstone, and the Mexican border, and must confess that though I have traveled often on the west coast I have yet to go east of El Paso! Ohio? There be dragons! ;-)

I started gaming in the early 1980’s as a player with the Mentzer edition, and like Shane, I moved to AD&D in rather short order.

Recently I ran a game of Basic D&D using the Moldvay edition (the original dice are candy-red, soft, and very edge-worn) and was reminded: a) of what an excellent job T.M. did distilling the scattered brilliance of OD&D into something actually game-able; and b) of the beautiful conciseness of the Basic ruleset.

More recent still I have been playing Mouse Guard [2E] which is a simplification of the Burning Wheel game engine. It’s been a struggle to wrap this grognard’s mind around such a different gaming paradigm, but definitely worth the effort. It’s not a replacement for the old school games, just scratches a similar itch.

I am mostly GMT -7 — As non-Navajo Arizona does not recognize daylight savings, my effective timezone swings between Mountain Standard in the winter and Pacific Daylight in the summer.

I cannot post at work, but try to post something well-considered daily (including weekends), usually in the very early morning, or late evening/night.

For what it’s worth I think character death at 0 HP is very much in keeping with the clarity, simplicity, and deadliness of old school D&D. Our DM’s house rule of max hit points at 1st level is ample concession to modernity in my humble opinion.

I look forward to gaming with all of you.

— Alec

P.S. Congrats on the birth of your granddaughter, Bernie, and do not lament the passing years. There was a time no doubt when simply living to see one’s grandchildren would have been a remarkable feat in itself. May you live to see many more!
DM Pawn
GM, 20 posts
Mon 12 Sep 2016
at 02:31
  • msg #19

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Yhus the Musing (msg # 18):

Welcome to the game Alec!

I love the desert southwest. We spent 3 1/2 years living in southern New Mexico (Alamogordo) and I really enjoyed my time there. My wife missed the green but we could always drive 30 minutes and be in the high alpine forest, which were lush, green and cool.

I think the powder blue dice I remember were from the Expert set now that you mention the red dice.

I've always wanted to check out Mouse Guard as I enjoyed the Redwall book by Brian Jacques. I do play Mice and Mystics (dungeon crawler board game) with my wife and kids though, so that kind of scratches my little mousies itch.

Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 4 posts
Mon 12 Sep 2016
at 02:32
  • msg #20

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I think my character is all set to start.  Let me know if you see anything odd.
DM Pawn
GM, 21 posts
Mon 12 Sep 2016
at 04:15
  • msg #21

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Eoni Daflin (msg # 20):

Character looks good to me.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 1 post
Mon 12 Sep 2016
at 05:44
  • msg #22

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Whoa - I better get with the program. I just logged in and found I already have some serious catching up to do!!!

I will be playing Valthur, the short stubborn one.

Just got back in town. Excited to play. Will get character details filled in tomorrow.
DM Pawn
GM, 22 posts
Mon 12 Sep 2016
at 07:53
  • msg #23

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Valthur Ironhelm (msg # 22):

No. You're fine. Nothing has happened in the game yet. We're still setting up characters and getting to know one another.

Game won't start for a couple of days yet, so there is still plenty of time to get your character squared away, etc.

I am also very conscious of the "New Game" effect, whereby posting is fast and furious at the outset until it settles into a more predictable groove. I do my best to ensure it doesn't move along too quickly at the outset, because this can be difficult to keep up with.
Magic User, 2 posts
Human Magic-User
HP 4/4; AC 09
Mon 12 Sep 2016
at 09:21
  • msg #24

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Pacific Standard Time, here.  Most likely to post between around 00:50 and 05:30, with Saturdays, Sundays, and most holidays being "hot" times.  Sooner or later, I'll get hours that don't require me to live like a vampire.

Wunnerful meeting you all!

EDIT: Also, on the topic of player character deaths...

Variant of the above where as soon as a character reaches 0 or less hit points, they make Death saving throws each round. Accumulating 3 fails = permanent death. Accumulating 3 successes = stablized but unconscious

Up for discussion either way.

I like either, but here's a possible variant for the softer rule.
-You could make the "dead" number equal to the die you roll for your class.  -6 for Clerics and Elves, -8 for Dwarves and Fighters, -4 for Halflings and Magic-Users and Thieves.  I guess you could pad or trim the number by the Constitution bonus or penalty?  So a Fighter with a Constitution of 17 would be dead at -10, while one with a Constitution of 11 would be dead at -8.
This message was last edited by the player at 10:42, Mon 12 Sept 2016.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 5 posts
Mon 12 Sep 2016
at 12:15
  • msg #25

Re: OOC: Table Talk

It would be nice to have an unconscious and dying window to add urgency to a fallen comrade's plight.

-10 seems a bit much as it exceeds the character's original hit points so Aldara's resolution or the 3 Death saves sound good.

We would also need to house rule on how another character can stop the bleeding.  An action to stop the bleeding and another round to secure a bandage?  If they don't have a bandage then they just have to maintain pressure until someone arrives with a bandage.  And, of course, magical healing automatically stops bleeding.

Also, if there are no objections, I'd like to claim Rose for Eoni's speech.
Thief, 2 posts
Mon 12 Sep 2016
at 13:00
  • msg #26

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Anything that increases the chances of me and my d4 hp surviving is good with me. :)

But if it's not to be, then that's good to.  My character is well-suited for hiding in the back anyhow.

And if we're claiming speech colors, I would like to put in a bid for blue
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 2 posts
Tue 13 Sep 2016
at 04:51
  • msg #27

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Hello, everyone, from St. Paul, Minnesota (GMT -6). I work day shift, so will most likely be posting evenings (19:00 to midnight CDT).

Like many of you, I got my start in D&D in the early 1980s, then got away from it at college and have recently returned thanks to PbP. How delightful to find that the world is still filled with nerds people similar to myself who still love to play!

Regarding death, I'm up for whatever. I agree with the "compromise" ideas. I think a few points into the negative sounds fair... 10 maybe too much. It's always a big risk at first level, especially for the thieves and MU's of the party, where one lucky poke from an enemy dagger can do you in. But I will happily defer to what the majority thinks. If I meet my demise early in the game, I will consider it an opportunity to end with a lengthy, melodramatic final post!
DM Pawn
GM, 24 posts
Tue 13 Sep 2016
at 05:02
  • msg #28

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Okay, let's put the death issue up for a vote. In the event of a tie, I will provide the tie breaking vote.

Option 1 is the classic -10 = death, roll to stabilize each round rule. This is a pretty standard house rule.

Option 2 is the Three Strikes and Your out option (discussed above), cribbed from 4th edition D&D.

Option 3 is the Death Save rule from Rules Cyclopedia, which hasn't been discussed yet. In this version, when a character is reduced to 0 hit points or below in combat (or from death spells), he or she is not yet dead. He's unconscious and mortally wounded; if left untended, he will die. The character makes a death ray saving throw every the first round he/she drops to 0 or below, additional death ray saves if he/she incurs addition damage while mortally wounded, and another death ray saving throw every 10 minutes. If the character ever fails any of these rolls, they are dead. Mortally injured characters can be stabilized with a successful WIS check (-5 penalty) or administering a healing potion/spell (no check required).

Option 4 is Dead at 0. No saves. Nothing. Brutal. Merciless. Harsh. Keep those 6-siders at the ready! :)
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:04, Tue 13 Sept 2016.
Magic User, 3 posts
Human Magic-User
HP 4/4; AC 09
Tue 13 Sep 2016
at 05:22
  • msg #29

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 28):

Rules Cyclopedia and I get along really well.  Friendly Mage is up for 3!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 3 posts
Tue 13 Sep 2016
at 05:27
  • msg #30

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I vote for option 2.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 6 posts
Tue 13 Sep 2016
at 10:57
  • msg #31

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I'll vote option 2.
Fighter, 5 posts
Tue 13 Sep 2016
at 11:01
  • msg #32

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I cast my vote for living forever. But if that is not possible, then option 2
Thief, 3 posts
Tue 13 Sep 2016
at 13:16
  • msg #33

Re: OOC: Table Talk

OF those, I endorse option 2.
DM Pawn
GM, 25 posts
Wed 14 Sep 2016
at 04:07
  • msg #34

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Looks like Aldara, Eoni, Sarah and Valthur have completed character sheets. Yhus is pretty close to being complete, just needs to purchase equipment. Marklin's sheet is blank.

Let me know if either of you need help getting your character squared away.


Yhus the Musing
Cleric, 2 posts
Wed 14 Sep 2016
at 05:01
  • msg #35

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 34):

Shane, my character sheet is now complete and ready for vetting...

As for the question of death threshold, Option 4 is the truest of spirit (page B6) and is my preference as stated, but failing that, Option 3 has my vote as officially sanctioned (RC), and the second tensest mechanic. (The uncertainty of both options gives a great feeling of risk to every encounter.)
Magic User, 4 posts
Human Magic-User
HP 4/4; AC 09
Wed 14 Sep 2016
at 08:35
  • msg #36

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I cast my vote for living forever. But if that is not possible, then option 2

Alright, I'll keep you in mind while I research lichdom.  Once I'm all settled in, I'll go make friends with a vampire - one of the cool ones, like Varney - and we can go from there!

Nothing to see, here.
DM Pawn
GM, 26 posts
Wed 14 Sep 2016
at 10:26
  • msg #37

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Four of you like option 2 (Three Strikes method), one likes option 3 (Rules Cyclopedia) method and one likes option 4 (0=dead).

Group consensus has option 2 coming out on top, but was just thinking this doesn't necessarily have to be an all-or-nothing situation. What I mean by this, is I am fine with each player choosing their own death rule. This is relatively easy to keep track of and gives each of you some agency as far as how fragile your character might be with regards to death.

One thing I should note is I am the kind of DM who rolls everything in the open and does not fudge dice rolls. In face-to-face games I don't use a DM screen. The players see every dice roll I make. For this game, you will be able to see all my rolls in the dice log, none of which will be fudged (which is actually an option). I truly let the dice fall where they may.

At any rate, I am fine going with stated player preferences with regards to how we resolve death for their character. Everybody gets what they want for their character. Some characters are just a little bit more resilient than others.

DM Pawn
GM, 27 posts
Wed 14 Sep 2016
at 10:50
  • msg #38

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Yhus the Musing:
In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 34):

Shane, my character sheet is now complete and ready for vetting...

As for the question of death threshold, Option 4 is the truest of spirit (page B6) and is my preference as stated, but failing that, Option 3 has my vote as officially sanctioned (RC), and the second tensest mechanic. (The uncertainty of both options gives a great feeling of risk to every encounter.)

Character sheet looks good. Thanks!


Waiting on Marklin to complete his character sheet and we will begin shortly thereafter. I posted a Chapter 1 placeholder thread and will finish up the intro text and hopefully we will be underway soon!

Good luck all!

This message was last edited by the GM at 10:57, Wed 14 Sept 2016.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 7 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 6/6
Wed 14 Sep 2016
at 11:51
  • msg #39

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I'm fine with folks staging their own death scenes.
Fighter, 6 posts
Wed 14 Sep 2016
at 11:59
  • msg #40

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 I am still here and will have my character sheet done ASAP TODAY! sorry for the delay.
Yhus the Musing
Cleric, 3 posts
Cleric of Pelor
AC: 6 | HP: 7/7
Wed 14 Sep 2016
at 12:14
  • msg #41

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 37):

Thanks for the option of having it my own way, Shane, but we went into it as a vote with majority rule so I'm fine falling in line with Option 2.
DM Pawn
GM, 29 posts
Wed 14 Sep 2016
at 12:21
  • msg #42

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Yhus the Musing:
In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 37):

Thanks for the option of having it my own way, Shane, but we went into it as a vote with majority rule so I'm fine falling in line with Option 2.

What's wrong McFly? Chicken?  :)

Sorry. Been watching Back to the Future a lot lately. It's a comfort movie for me. :)
DM Pawn
GM, 30 posts
Wed 14 Sep 2016
at 12:42
  • msg #43

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I updated the House Rules thread with the proposed Death rule for this game.

Similar to other death mechanics out there, character death should be relatively rare unless it is a TPK situation or another character cannot get to the mortally wounded character in time. In my experience, this rarely happens because the party mobilizes to make sure they take care of whomever goes down.

Using these types of rules makes it so character deaths typically occur due to save or die situations (which are common in earlier editions of D&D) or a party wipe.
Magic User, 5 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Wed 14 Sep 2016
at 12:50
  • msg #44

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Like our Pelorite friend, I'm going with Option II as well.  And for the record, I am chicken.  And self-interested, catty, vindictive, and sort of annoying.  Good thing this is a roleplaying game, though, where you get to act like an entirely different person!
DM Pawn
GM, 31 posts
Thu 15 Sep 2016
at 05:43
  • msg #45

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Yhus: Please select a character portrait when you get a chance :)
DM Pawn
GM, 32 posts
Thu 15 Sep 2016
at 08:36
  • msg #46

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Hope you guys don't mind me dropping you on the doorstep of adventure. I don't particularly care for long, drawn-out getting to know you tavern scenes in PbP to start off games. That's a good recipe to put a game to a quick end with a cast of six players.

Don't worry though, this adventure does feature roleplay opportunities :)
Thief, 5 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Thu 15 Sep 2016
at 11:30
  • msg #47

Re: OOC: Table Talk

It was unique and I liked it.  I don't miss the standard tavern scene one bit.
Fighter, 7 posts
Hit Points:8
Thu 15 Sep 2016
at 11:39
  • msg #48

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Tavern scenes are over done,overused,and otherwise best avoided. Now a starting scene in a Brothel, well, Marklin is all for that. :P
Magic User, 7 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Thu 15 Sep 2016
at 12:33
  • msg #49

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I hear ya.  Armed and dangerous adults, sharing drinks and getting ready to bound into dangerous situations without even knowing each other?  Pah!
Fighter, 9 posts
Hit Points:8
Thu 15 Sep 2016
at 13:39
  • msg #50

Re: OOC: Table Talk

  Sorry about the long winded post. But it seemed appropriate.
DM Pawn
GM, 33 posts
Thu 15 Sep 2016
at 16:23
  • msg #51

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Your characters know each other, but the awkward getting to know you scene was handled off-camera. Besides, the best way to judge a man or woman's character is by observing their actions as opposed to their words. No better test of character to thrust them directly into a situation where they are forced to act.

Fighter, 10 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Thu 15 Sep 2016
at 20:15
  • msg #52

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Are we having fun yet? :)
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 6 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 9/9
Fri 16 Sep 2016
at 02:54
  • msg #53

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I am, except it's too hot in the forest. I think we should move underground.

And yes, kudos to skipping the introductions at the tavern. Sure, it gives us all a chance to post a few colorful posts, and no doubt one and all would've been enamored with Valthur's irresistible wit, but why not just save that material for the adventure itself?

P.S. "irresistible wit" was sarcasm. Valthur in reality is about as witty as he is good looking, which he isn't.
DM Pawn
GM, 34 posts
Fri 16 Sep 2016
at 03:06
  • msg #54

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Sarah: Go ahead and roll your own Hear Noise check (d6).

For this game you will roll all your own checks. We're all mature adults here and can separate player knowledge from character knowledge :)

Besides, rolling your own dice is fun. Even virtual dice.
DM Pawn
GM, 35 posts
Fri 16 Sep 2016
at 03:10
  • msg #55

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
And yes, kudos to skipping the introductions at the tavern. Sure, it gives us all a chance to post a few colorful posts, and no doubt one and all would've been enamored with Valthur's irresistible wit, but why not just save that material for the adventure itself?

Thanks, and I agree. I would rather see character personality and relationships develop through action rather than spend several weeks with back and forth small talk while tossing back virtual mugs of ale.

Thief, 7 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Fri 16 Sep 2016
at 03:11
  • msg #56

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
Besides, rolling your own dice is fun. Even virtual dice.

I disagree.  There is something about the tactile sensation of the dice in your hand.  Plus, the RPoL dice roller hates me. :)
DM Pawn
GM, 36 posts
Fri 16 Sep 2016
at 03:18
  • msg #57

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
Besides, rolling your own dice is fun. Even virtual dice.

I disagree.  There is something about the tactile sensation of the dice in your hand.  Plus, the RPoL dice roller hates me. :)

Use one hand to hold the corresponding die and the other to click the "Roll the Dice" button.

You can even roll both at the same time and see which does better.

Fighter, 13 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Fri 16 Sep 2016
at 15:44
  • msg #58

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 I know,I know, I can get a bit windy in my posts at times.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 13 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 6/6
Sat 17 Sep 2016
at 22:11
  • msg #59

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Perhaps a "Spoiler" text section could be used when not everyone is aware of something.

Folks can still read and enjoy it but it would remind everyone when only someone with dwarven sight can see something.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 9 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 9/9
Sat 17 Sep 2016
at 22:43
  • msg #60

Re: OOC: Table Talk

1. If there is a way to do it, I'd support it... or I'm fine by playing by the honor system too, where characters play based on what they know IC even if their player knows something more OC.

2. "ancient sarcophagi"? Eoni, that's literary gold there! The best I could come up with was "rotten tree trunk"!

3. Do you think we should light a torch?
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 15 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 6/6
Sat 17 Sep 2016
at 22:51
  • msg #61

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Someone could suggest a torch in character but I don't think the dwarf would even think of it.  He can see just fine.

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Stupid humans...

Fighter, 17 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Sat 17 Sep 2016
at 23:28
  • msg #62

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 My mistake, I thought we could see in the interior. I misunderstood. :/
Magic User, 10 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Sun 18 Sep 2016
at 01:07
  • msg #63

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
Perhaps a "Spoiler" text section could be used when not everyone is aware of something.

Folks can still read and enjoy it but it would remind everyone when only someone with dwarven sight can see something.

I wanna say to use the Private/Secret tags.
Say Eoni is aware of something that pertains to the Avandrite faith, that somebody's slipped into a sentence.  Click the menu, then "Private To... Eoni Daflin", and call it a day!  Like, "Hey, this person made a reference to something that a Matriarch of Avandra said two undred years ago, that you read about.  This could be relevant to your quest!".
OR, say everybody is aware of something (probably some poor people thing), and Aldara isn't - "Secret To... Aldara".

This is especially useful when handling other languages.  I think you can make a language group tag, too, if I'm not mistaken.  So people that speak, say, Neutral, can all be grouped together.  And, in Aldara's case, people that speak Halfling.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:09, Sun 18 Sept 2016.
DM Pawn
GM, 43 posts
Sun 18 Sep 2016
at 05:04
  • msg #64

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I'll probably end up using the Private function for these sorts of situations. I normally don't like using it and prefer to keep everything out in the open with the assumption players will only act on information their character is privvy to, but I am open to using this feature if it makes it easier for you and enhances your playing experience.

I haven't set up language groups yet, but will do so shortly.
Magic User, 11 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Sun 18 Sep 2016
at 06:06
  • msg #65

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 64):

I hear ya, language groups are your call, I just saw another GM do it, and thought "Hmm, this one might like it!".  For my part, and so it's out in the open, Aldara speaks Common, Halfling, and Neutral.
As for why somebody who's seen better days speaks Halfling and not, something higher-and-mightier like, say, Elven?  Your guesses are as good as mine!
DM Pawn
GM, 44 posts
Sun 18 Sep 2016
at 06:09
  • msg #66

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Aldara (msg # 65):

I've used language groups in other games, I just forgot to set them up for this one. I normally have a process to set up games, and this is one of the items I accomplish, but failed to do so this time.

I blame it on throwing the game together on a whim and in a relatively short period of time.

Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 11 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 9/9
Sun 18 Sep 2016
at 06:43
  • msg #67

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Kudos to you for "throwing the game together" so quickly so we can already be playing!!!

Now that we're being attacked, I'm much more interested in my movement rate:
Going straight by the Labyrinth Lord rules, it looks to me that I have a combat rate of 40' (no penalty for being a dwarf in the basic rules?) per round. Is that correct?

If we are using the optional encumbrance rules (page 44 of Labyrinth Lord), then my rate is significantly lower (because I'm carrying 83lbs of stuff). Also, I thought there was a rule for being able to carry more based on strength, but I couldn't find it. Perhaps that was in something other than the basic rules.

So long story short, my combat movement is somewhere between 40' and 10'. If it really is 10' and I survive this first encounter, you can bet I'm emptying the backpack to make myself a little speedier!
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 17 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 6/6
Sun 18 Sep 2016
at 15:17
  • msg #68

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Since we're in combat and the players are up, we're looking for each player to state their actions.

Do we have a cut off for response time?  24 hours?

Sometimes folks get sidetracked in real life and I'd hate to hold up the game if someone won't be able to post for a week.
DM Pawn
GM, 45 posts
Sun 18 Sep 2016
at 22:45
  • msg #69

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
Kudos to you for "throwing the game together" so quickly so we can already be playing!!!

Now that we're being attacked, I'm much more interested in my movement rate:
Going straight by the Labyrinth Lord rules, it looks to me that I have a combat rate of 40' (no penalty for being a dwarf in the basic rules?) per round. Is that correct?

If we are using the optional encumbrance rules (page 44 of Labyrinth Lord), then my rate is significantly lower (because I'm carrying 83lbs of stuff). Also, I thought there was a rule for being able to carry more based on strength, but I couldn't find it. Perhaps that was in something other than the basic rules.

So long story short, my combat movement is somewhere between 40' and 10'. If it really is 10' and I survive this first encounter, you can bet I'm emptying the backpack to make myself a little speedier!

The rule for being able to carry extra weight due to high Strength is from AD&D. This rule does not exist in Basic D&D.

We'll be using the optional rule as found in Labyrinth Lord p. 44, Moldvay p. B20 or Mentzer p.30. They are basically the same.
DM Pawn
GM, 46 posts
Sun 18 Sep 2016
at 22:55
  • msg #70

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
Since we're in combat and the players are up, we're looking for each player to state their actions.

Do we have a cut off for response time?  24 hours?

Sometimes folks get sidetracked in real life and I'd hate to hold up the game if someone won't be able to post for a week.

The expected posting rate is 1 post every 1 to 2 days, with the realization real life sometimes gets in the way. Communication is key here. If you know you're going to be out-of-pocket, please let me know so we can ensure the game continues without wondering what's going on.

In combat situations I will generally give a player about 24-36 hours before I post on that character's behalf to keep the game moving. If this becomes a trend (i.e., having to post on non-communicative player's behalf), I start looking at whether this game is a good fit for a player's posting availability and act accordingly.

I usually have a pretty good sense of when it's time to NPC someone's character, but try to give player's the benefit of the doubt they will log in and post.

I do start to get a little bit miffed though when I see players logging in several times without posting, either OOC or IC, and this can accelerate a possible decision for looking to phase out a particular character.
Thief, 14 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Mon 19 Sep 2016
at 01:41
  • msg #71

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Marklin saw the candle holder was not moving with one of the other woman.He reversed direction and headed over to Sarah. He  leaned the spear against his shield and actually took the candle out of her hand. " You two woman get your arses out of her into the light of day. Now move!"

I believed myself to be at the entrance and not in, because I never entered or went past the entrance.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:42, Mon 19 Sept 2016.
Fighter, 22 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Mon 19 Sep 2016
at 01:43
  • msg #72

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Sigh, disregard. My mistake
Thief, 15 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Mon 19 Sep 2016
at 01:50
  • msg #73

Re: OOC: Table Talk

No biggie.  There's always a 50/50 chance I'm wrong.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 19 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 6/6
Mon 19 Sep 2016
at 01:55
  • msg #74

Re: OOC: Table Talk

It's a common problem of figuring out where everyone is.  The diagram does show her inside the trunk and I don't remember seeing any posts saying where else Sarah wanted to be.

Is Sarah where she wants to be based on the diagram?
Thief, 16 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Mon 19 Sep 2016
at 02:02
  • msg #75

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
Is Sarah where she wants to be based on the diagram?

Close enough.
DM Pawn
GM, 50 posts
Mon 19 Sep 2016
at 03:43
  • msg #76

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I tried to place your characters where I thought they would be based on your stated actions. Sara, Yhus and Aldara never posted any actions indicating they went inside the tree, so I put them at the entrance and called it good.

The map is not absolute. It's main purpose is not to determine exact location. It's there to provide relative location and to give players an idea what the area looks like.
Thief, 17 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Mon 19 Sep 2016
at 03:47
  • msg #77

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I'm good with where you put me.  I mostly feared Marklin (and perhaps others) thought I was wandering around somewhere in there. :)
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 12 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 9/9
Tue 20 Sep 2016
at 02:05
  • msg #78

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I was hoping you had already sneakily stolen a bag of mushrooms and were back in the doorway :)
Fighter, 23 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Tue 20 Sep 2016
at 02:06
  • msg #79

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 We just have to light a couple torches, so we can see where the beggars are.
Magic User, 13 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Tue 20 Sep 2016
at 04:59
  • msg #80

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I've got six to spare.  When I get home, I'll belt out a post that might have an idea... Posting from my phone right now.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 23 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 5/6
Wed 21 Sep 2016
at 23:16
  • msg #81

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Technically, Yhus is already musing beside the entrance with a lit torch.
Fighter, 29 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Wed 21 Sep 2016
at 23:21
  • msg #82

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Then we shall have three. :)
Fighter, 30 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Wed 21 Sep 2016
at 23:30
  • msg #83

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 I missed his post of having lite a torch,in all honesty. But better to have more then one in case someone drops one, etc.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 25 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 5/6
Thu 22 Sep 2016
at 02:14
  • msg #84

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Looks like we're ready now.  Lay on Macdwarf.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 18 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 9/9
Fri 23 Sep 2016
at 05:18
  • msg #85

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Waaaaaaah. I am going to be out of town until Sunday. Just when things are getting interesting! There is a slight chance I will have access, but feel free to NPC me as needed.

If it helps, Valthur is lawful (if these are actually talking mushrooms, he probably wouldn't just take a bunch of them unless they were aggressive to him), greedy (he would still be tempted... after all, 250gp is some serious coinage), and impatient.

Hopefully I can log in from the road. If not, will catch up on Sunday!!!
DM Pawn
GM, 58 posts
Fri 23 Sep 2016
at 05:25
  • msg #86

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
Waaaaaaah. I am going to be out of town until Sunday. Just when things are getting interesting! There is a slight chance I will have access, but feel free to NPC me as needed.

If it helps, Valthur is lawful (if these are actually talking mushrooms, he probably wouldn't just take a bunch of them unless they were aggressive to him), greedy (he would still be tempted... after all, 250gp is some serious coinage), and impatient.

Hopefully I can log in from the road. If not, will catch up on Sunday!!!

Thanks for the heads up! Travel safe!
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 30 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 5/6
Sun 25 Sep 2016
at 01:47
  • msg #87

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Yhus, it doesn't seem like anyone else is stumbling over themselves to be the party mouthpiece so go ahead.  If anyone wants to speak with you about it, they can do it in character.  I think everyone else is the quiet type or a little too rough around the edges for making nice nice.  Aldara might be your only competition.
Thief, 24 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Sun 25 Sep 2016
at 02:08
  • msg #88

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
Yhus, it doesn't seem like anyone else is stumbling over themselves to be the party mouthpiece so go ahead.  If anyone wants to speak with you about it, they can do it in character.  I think everyone else is the quiet type or a little too rough around the edges for making nice nice.  Aldara might be your only competition.

I second this.  I, for one, am too meek and mild for the role.

Or, more precisely, Sarah is too meek and mild. :)
Magic User, 20 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Sun 25 Sep 2016
at 03:07
  • msg #89

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Sarah (msg # 88):

I can if you guys absolutely, positively want, but I'm sort of roleplaying Aldara's tragicomic Wisdom score of 5.  More than happy to charm person as needed, party face or no, though!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 19 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 9/9
Mon 26 Sep 2016
at 03:03
  • msg #90

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur is too rough around the edges, so I say anybody but me!
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 32 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 5/6
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 02:08
  • msg #91

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Waiting on someone to lead the way.
Thief, 26 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 02:44
  • msg #92

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Uhm, unless I misunderstand, there is no "down" from the ladder.

DM Pawn:
The rope ladder is as previously described, a crude construction consisting of hemp rope and wood slats. The ladder goes up about 30 feet to a ledge that runs along the north through west side of the tree, perhaps 10 to 20 feet wide. What might be up there, Sarah is unable to determine from the bottom of the ladder.

DM Pawn
GM, 65 posts
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 02:45
  • msg #93

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Uhm, unless I misunderstand, there is no "down" from the ladder.

DM Pawn:
The rope ladder is as previously described, a crude construction consisting of hemp rope and wood slats. The ladder goes up about 30 feet to a ledge that runs along the north through west side of the tree, perhaps 10 to 20 feet wide. What might be up there, Sarah is unable to determine from the bottom of the ladder.

That's correct. The rope ladder leads up to a ledge 30 feet above the ground.
Fighter, 36 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 02:45
  • msg #94

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 I have bad eyes, sue me.
Thief, 27 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 02:46
  • msg #95

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I have bad eyes, sue me.

Fighter, 37 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 02:47
  • msg #96

Re: OOC: Table Talk

So lets climb the stupid thing then
DM Pawn
GM, 66 posts
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 03:04
  • msg #97

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Just to make sure everyone is clear on the physical description, because there seems to be some misunderstanding...

The rope ladder, in the northeast section of the tree's interior, leads up to a ledge some 30 feet above.

The fungal shelf, located in the southwest section of the tree's interior, is also on the ground level of the tree. Not atop the ledge, which nobody can what might be up there anyway. At least not until someone climbs the ladder.

PLease refer to the map in the Adventure Maps thread for additional clarification, if necessary. I think the map is pretty self-explanatory, but let me know if anything is unclear.
Thief, 29 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 03:07
  • msg #98

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I have bad eyes, sue me.

Apparently I do too. :)

I thought that the fungal shelf is on the ledge because it is behind the line marking the ledge.
Fighter, 39 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 03:08
  • msg #99

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Well, we are going to find out whats,what up Marklin is acting as the G. pig.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 21 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 9/9
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 03:13
  • msg #100

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Hah! I beat you to it with an in game post.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 22 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 9/9
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 03:16
  • msg #101

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Wait... I guess I didn't. Oh well, I thought I posted but I must not have. How cowardly of me. Well get out of my way - I'm going up the ladder now.
DM Pawn
GM, 67 posts
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 03:17
  • msg #102

Re: OOC: Table Talk

The dashed line indicates an upper level. The bottom of the ledge is visible, but not whatever might be on the other side.
Fighter, 40 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 03:17
  • msg #103

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Beat ya to it, Dwarf. Eat Marklin dust.
Thief, 30 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 03:18
  • msg #104

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
The dashed line indicates an upper level. The bottom of the ledge is visible, but not whatever might be on the other side.

Now I'm re-confused . . . the fungal shelf is on the other side of the dotted line, suggesting the fungal shelf is on the ledge.
Fighter, 41 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 03:20
  • msg #105

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn
GM, 68 posts
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 03:22
  • msg #106

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Sarah (msg # 104):

The fungal shelf is located on the ground floor. Just ignore the dotted line. I guess I need to either do a better job at describing details and/or drawing maps because obviously the map was not as clear as I had thought/hoped.
Thief, 31 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 03:24
  • msg #107

Re: OOC: Table Talk

The fault could lie with your audience.  I actually liked the map . . . right up to the point where I misinterpreted it. :)
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 24 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 9/9
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 03:28
  • msg #108

Re: OOC: Table Talk

And it does a good job of illustrating the hugeness of this rotten tree trunk...

As for the fungus, now that I'm half way up the ladder I wonder if we shouldn't have checked that out first.

Well, one thing at a time. Right now the most important thing is for Valthur to prove he is every bit as brave as Marklin by climbing up to the shelf immediately after him.
Fighter, 43 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 03:56
  • msg #109

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 I wish everyone a good night
Thief, 34 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 21:18
  • msg #110

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Aldara grimaces at the sight of the beetles.  At a loss, but wanting to help the injured warrior - and not be eaten - she grabs a dagger and hurls it at the nearest living one.

13:52, Today: Aldara rolled 16,0 using 1d20+1,1d6-2 ((15,2)).

oh sweetie

I don't know if this helps, and at the risk of meddling (for which I apologize in advance should this be deemed to be meddling). . .

I'm not sure what the -2 on damage is for.  If it's a strength modifier,

1.  Does that apply to thrown weapons?

2.  Even if it does, the strength table assures us that "All hits will do a minimum of 1 hit point of damage."

Also, I thought daggers did 1d4.
Magic User, 22 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Tue 27 Sep 2016
at 21:23
  • msg #111

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Sarah (msg # 110):

Bah, yer not meddling, you're...well, something synonymous with "helpful"ing.
Wasn't sure if we were using variable damage.  GM?
DM Pawn
GM, 72 posts
Wed 28 Sep 2016
at 03:58
  • msg #112

Re: OOC: Table Talk

No strength modifiers on thrown weapon damage. I believe this may be an AD&D rule, but it does not apply to Basic D&D.

STR modifiers apply to bonus to hit and damage on melee attacks.
DEX modifiers apply to bonus to hit on missile attacks (to include thrown weapons).

All weapon hits will do a minimum of one hp of damage.

Yes. We are using variable damage by weapon type rules.
Magic User, 23 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Wed 28 Sep 2016
at 04:54
  • msg #113

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 112):

Alright, thanks for the clarification!
DM Pawn
GM, 74 posts
Wed 28 Sep 2016
at 06:39
  • msg #114

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Just a reminder, a natural 20 on an attack roll deals maximum damage. I know most players roll attacks and damage at the same time, but just keep this in mind when you are describing your actions. I will usually catch this and adjust the combat tracker accordingly, but I have been known to sometimes miss things.

Thief, 35 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Wed 28 Sep 2016
at 13:10
  • msg #115

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
Yes. We are using variable damage by weapon type rules.

This sounds different than the "normal" damage range assigned to the weapon, so I will display my ignorance and ask: What is this?
Fighter, 45 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Wed 28 Sep 2016
at 13:33
  • msg #116

Re: OOC: Table Talk

variable damage by weapon type rules???
DM Pawn
GM, 75 posts
Wed 28 Sep 2016
at 15:28
  • msg #117

Re: OOC: Table Talk

The Moldvay version of Basic D&D assumes all weapons deal 1d6 damage asa default; however there are "optional" rules in the book that break out the familiar variable weapon damage (aka normal weapon damage) rule. In other words, daggers deal d4, short sword d6, long sword d8, etc.

Apparently in Original D&D (little brown box) and Holmes Basic D&D, all weapons dealt d6 damage. Moldvay brought this forward but provided DMs the optional variable damage rule in the same book.
Thief, 37 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Wed 28 Sep 2016
at 15:37
  • msg #118

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I didn't know about the "all weapons do same damage" origins.  Interesting.

(Variable is an improvement in my opinion.)
DM Pawn
GM, 76 posts
Wed 28 Sep 2016
at 15:42
  • msg #119

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I didn't know about the "all weapons do same damage" origins.  Interesting.

(Variable is an improvement in my opinion.)

Yeah. It's a much better option.

I have heard many of dagger armed fighters in the early days of the game, because it was a huge advantage to use short small weapons in melee due to weapon speed issues. Basically the dagger armed fighter would strike before somebody with the iconic long sword, etc. Since all weapons used d6 damage, there was no advantage to using a sword...except the fact it is more mathematically possible to find a magic sword than it is a dagger. But until that happens, might as well be a knife fighter.

This was before my time though, but old grizzled gamers can be a fount of knowledge about the early iterations of the game.
Thief, 38 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Wed 28 Sep 2016
at 15:49
  • msg #120

Re: OOC: Table Talk

A friend of mine gave me a book called "Of Dice and Men."  It is a very interesting book that discusses the origins/history of RPGs generally and D&D specifically.  Interspersed are discussions of his own gaming experiences.

It doesn't get into the wonky rules; it's more about the evolution of the games.  I enjoyed it.
DM Pawn
GM, 77 posts
Wed 28 Sep 2016
at 15:53
  • msg #121

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Sarah (msg # 120):

Yeah. I picked that up from my local library about a year ago and also enjoyed it. It was a fun, breezy read that did a good job of talking about the game's history.
Magic User, 24 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Wed 28 Sep 2016
at 20:18
  • msg #122

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
Apparently in Original D&D (little brown box) and Holmes Basic D&D, all weapons dealt d6 damage. Moldvay brought this forward but provided DMs the optional variable damage rule in the same book.

Yep, there was a Holmes game I was in recently, annnd that's where the confusion came from!
I'll have to find that book, though, Of Dice and Men.
Fighter, 47 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Wed 28 Sep 2016
at 20:25
  • msg #123

Re: OOC: Table Talk

  Now I understand about the weapon damage matter. Gods, you are taking me back to like..1977, when I first played D&D. We all wore Plate mail, Walked long distances in Plate Mail, Slept in Plate mail.. etc. And everything from a rock to a catapult stone did a six sider in damage. Ahh, the days of yore.
Magic User, 26 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Wed 28 Sep 2016
at 21:36
  • msg #124

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Marklin (msg # 123):

You'd think they would have added a die and a plus or two to the big stones being flung at people!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 27 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 9/9
Thu 29 Sep 2016
at 03:34
  • msg #125

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I think those stones were kind of soft on the inside, so they only did D6.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 28 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 9/9
Thu 29 Sep 2016
at 03:36
  • msg #126

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
Just a reminder, a natural 20 on an attack roll deals maximum damage. I know most players roll attacks and damage at the same time, but just keep this in mind when you are describing your actions. I will usually catch this and adjust the combat tracker accordingly, but I have been known to sometimes miss things.


Good to know (hah - as if I'll ever roll a 20 again).
DM Pawn
GM, 78 posts
Thu 29 Sep 2016
at 03:54
  • msg #127

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Marklin (msg # 123):

You'd think they would have added a die and a plus or two to the big stones being flung at people!

There were a lot of curious design choices about early editions of D&D, but they weren't operating from the standpoint of 40+ years of RPG design history.

But yeah, I would say a catapulted boulder should probably do a bit more damage than a knife-wielding fighting man in plate mail armor.

Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 37 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 5/6
Fri 30 Sep 2016
at 11:10
  • msg #128

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni is concentrating on Sarah so waiting to post her action until Yhus gasps or someone shouts that Yhus needs help.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 38 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 5/6
Fri 30 Sep 2016
at 15:55
  • msg #129

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Just to clarify as there has been some confusion of our surroundings before.

Marklin is going to go through, destructively, the original mound of mushrooms where the creatures they just made a deal with live and aggressively defend with ranged weapons?

Edit: Aaand, too late.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:00, Fri 30 Sept 2016.
Fighter, 52 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Fri 30 Sep 2016
at 19:08
  • msg #130

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Sorry guys, but the combination of Marklin hearing and seeing one of ours was in trouble, made him want to get there ASAP. that combined with a 8 wisdom..well.....
This message was last edited by the player at 19:11, Fri 30 Sept 2016.
Thief, 43 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Sat 1 Oct 2016
at 02:53
  • msg #131

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I am looking for something that describes the range(s) for missile weapons and have been unsuccessful.  Can anyone help?
DM Pawn
GM, 85 posts
Sat 1 Oct 2016
at 03:03
  • msg #132

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I am looking for something that describes the range(s) for missile weapons and have been unsuccessful.  Can anyone help?

Missile Weapon Ranges
Short Range (+1)/Medium Range (0)/Long Range (-1)
Axe (thrown) Up to 10ft ⁄to 20ft ⁄to 30ft
Bow, long Up to 70ft ⁄to 140ft ⁄to 210ft
Bow, short Up to 50ft ⁄to 100ft ⁄to 150ft
Crossbow* Up to 80ft ⁄to 160ft ⁄to 240ft
Dagger(thrown) Up to 10ft ⁄to 20ft ⁄to 30ft
Dart Up to 15ft ⁄to 30ft ⁄to 45ft
Holy water Up to 10ft ⁄to 30ft ⁄to 50ft
Javelin Up to 20ft ⁄to 40ft ⁄to 60ft
Oil Up to 10ft ⁄to 30ft ⁄to 50ft
Sling Up to 40ft ⁄to 80ft ⁄to 160ft
Spear Up to 20ft ⁄to 40ft ⁄to 60ft

Labyrinth Lord, p. 54
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:03, Sat 01 Oct 2016.
Thief, 44 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Sat 1 Oct 2016
at 03:04
  • msg #133

Re: OOC: Table Talk

thank ou.  stupid me didn't turn the (virtual) page.
DM Pawn
GM, 86 posts
Sat 1 Oct 2016
at 03:12
  • msg #134

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Sarah (msg # 133):

You're welcome. On the plus side, Basic D&D is a game you very rarely need to consult rule books for, so at least we have that going for us!

Magic User, 28 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Sat 1 Oct 2016
at 09:44
  • msg #135

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Ye gods, I'm sorry, Sarah!  I was going to get a post out to try and help you break the fall, but left for work early.

In other news, I'm going to be starting another custodial job in a couple of weeks!  It'll be more or less the same schedule, but I just thought I'd let my dungeon crawling pals know, just in case.
Thief, 46 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Sat 1 Oct 2016
at 13:52
  • msg #136

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Thanks Aldara.  Just as well; it might have ended up hurting both of us. :)
Yhus the Musing
Cleric, 19 posts
Cleric of Pelor
AC: 6 | HP: 7/7
Sun 2 Oct 2016
at 14:23
  • msg #137

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Greetings all. At a Con with my son. Will post actions when I get back to my computer this evening (GMT -7)...
DM Pawn
GM, 88 posts
Sun 2 Oct 2016
at 16:53
  • msg #138

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Yhus the Musing (msg # 137):

Okay. Thanks for the heads up.

Have a great time!
Fighter, 55 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Sun 2 Oct 2016
at 22:35
  • msg #139

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Hey GM, what can Marklin do right now?
DM Pawn
GM, 89 posts
Sun 2 Oct 2016
at 23:31
  • msg #140

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Hey GM, what can Marklin do right now?

Marklin became drowsy when he ploughed through the Moonsong mound and has arrived into the melee feeling quite tired. See the notes section of the combat tracker for specific effects.

Marklin may take actions during the PCs next round.

All PCs except Yhus have already resolved their actions for the current round.
Yhus the Musing
Cleric, 21 posts
Cleric of Pelor
AC: 6 | HP: 7/7
Mon 3 Oct 2016
at 01:15
  • msg #141

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Done. :-)
DM Pawn
GM, 91 posts
Mon 3 Oct 2016
at 02:02
  • msg #142

Re: OOC: Table Talk

BTW, what convention did you go to this weekend?
Thief, 47 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Mon 3 Oct 2016
at 02:07
  • msg #143

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Can any violet (violent?) fungi fronds be targeted without risk to friends?
DM Pawn
GM, 92 posts
Mon 3 Oct 2016
at 02:11
  • msg #144

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Can any violet (violent?) fungi fronds be targeted without risk to friends?

Yhus the Musing
Cleric, 22 posts
Cleric of Pelor
AC: 6 | HP: 7/7
Mon 3 Oct 2016
at 03:51
  • msg #145

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 142):

It was RinCon in Tucson.

Despite the folks from Ft. Huachuca in Sierra Vista, and Davis Monthan AFB in Tucson to bolster our numbers, we were still under 500 people -- a very manageable size.

It was a really great time overall, but not as much Old School gaming as I would have liked. ;-)
DM Pawn
GM, 93 posts
Mon 3 Oct 2016
at 03:55
  • msg #146

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Yhus the Musing (msg # 145):

One of these days I will make it to a gaming convention, as I have never been to one. Maybe use it as a chance to play some games, since I very rarely get to play. Most of my gaming time is usually spent as DM/GM.

Did you get a chance to play anything, if so what? Did you make any cool purchases?

BTW...what does the term Old School gaming mean to you guys? Is it merely playing old games, or can you play new/in-print games and still be "Old School"?
Magic User, 31 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Mon 3 Oct 2016
at 04:19
  • msg #147

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 146):

To me, it means appreciating the older systems.
It used to mean "oh, look, one of the kids I went to school with went rummaging through storage and found their old Nintendo Entertainment System and it still worked", buuut yeah.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 42 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 5/6
Mon 3 Oct 2016
at 12:23
  • msg #148

Re: OOC: Table Talk

It looks as though the DM is subtracting damage from the previous round recap as he sees it appear in posts.  Folks don't have to look at the other posts and keep track of the round damage themselves.  However, if someone logs in before the DM subtracts new damage, it could be confusing.

Perhaps add the character name for the last damage tabulated?

HP: Dead (Marklin), 6/10 (Aldara)

So I think there's still a fungus upright after Aldara's dagger damage.
Yhus the Musing
Cleric, 23 posts
Cleric of Pelor
AC: 6 | HP: 7/7
Mon 3 Oct 2016
at 13:51
  • msg #149

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
In reply to Yhus the Musing (msg # 145):

Did you get a chance to play anything, if so what? Did you make any cool purchases?

I split my time between boardgames, minis, and RPG’s, though I am more into latter than the former two. My son really likes the minis…

The con-theme was steampunk so I took the opportunity to play several manifestations of the 80’s steampunk property Space 1889 including Temple of the Beastmen, once as a boardgames, and then again as an RPG using the Savage Worlds engine and not the original GDW mechanics.

I rounded off the Space 1889 with Sky Galleons of Mars, which is a tactical ironsides naval combat games in the sky's over the red planet, replete with broadsides, boarding, and fiery crashes!

Sadly I didn’t buy anything.
Fighter, 57 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Mon 3 Oct 2016
at 13:59
  • msg #150

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 I have always admired the Space 1889, but have never played it. Perhaps someday.
Yhus the Musing
Cleric, 24 posts
Cleric of Pelor
AC: 6 | HP: 7/7
Mon 3 Oct 2016
at 14:04
  • msg #151

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
In reply to Yhus the Musing (msg # 145):

BTW...what does the term Old School gaming mean to you guys? Is it merely playing old games, or can you play new/in-print games and still be "Old School"?

Lots of ways to come at it, and as Aldara points out (msg # 147), it can mean different things in different contexts…

At it’s most fundamental I would say that "old school" game design is about character improvement with a high degree of randomness in the resolution of actions taken.

"New school" design is more about character development, and places highest priority on advancing the narrative in the resolution of actions taken.

In an old school game like D&D Yhus can quite fairly die on a single bad role whereas in the new school games I have played he would be highly unlikely to do so unless it were agreed upon by the participants to advance the story being told.

Both styles can be tactical, but old school games are definitely closer to the wargame mindset from which RPG’s sprang with their emphasis on precisely tracking many statistics.

Just my one thoughts...

(Edited for grammar.)
This message was last edited by the player at 14:06, Mon 03 Oct 2016.
DM Pawn
GM, 95 posts
Mon 3 Oct 2016
at 17:10
  • msg #152

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Eoni Daflin (msg # 148):

Yes. I will generally update the tracker as I log in to check on the game. I can usually tell whose online by looking at the last logged in time in the cast details and have a pretty good feel for who may be composing posts. I will try to keep things clear for you guys.

I try to keep combat moving at a good clip because otherwise the game bogs down and have found this method of combat resolution works pretty well for keeping it lively and giving players everything they need to resolve their turns.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 33 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 9/9
Tue 4 Oct 2016
at 01:10
  • msg #153

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
Perhaps add the character name for the last damage tabulated?

HP: Dead (Marklin), 6/10 (Aldara)

Hah - I read this post without looking at the first line and came to the conclusion that Marklin had somehow died!

...really need to start reading these things from beginning to end instead of just starting with the bright colors.
Fighter, 60 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Tue 4 Oct 2016
at 23:49
  • msg #154

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Marklin points his legs and arms staight up and said. " I am a dying Cockroach."
Fighter, 61 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Wed 5 Oct 2016
at 02:43
  • msg #155

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Hold up a sign... Help!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 37 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/9
Wed 5 Oct 2016
at 06:16
  • msg #156

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Does rendering aid (binding wounds) to dying folks help with death saving throws? Regardless, I suppose it's a good idea to render aid, even if it's just for looks.
DM Pawn
GM, 98 posts
Wed 5 Oct 2016
at 07:43
  • msg #157

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
Does rendering aid (binding wounds) to dying folks help with death saving throws? Regardless, I suppose it's a good idea to render aid, even if it's just for looks.

Yes. Administering first aid (Wis check) is a wise choice.

DM Pawn
GM, 99 posts
Wed 5 Oct 2016
at 08:01
  • msg #158

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Aldara. Roll a d20 for ability checks please.
Magic User, 35 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Wed 5 Oct 2016
at 12:39
  • msg #159

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 158):

Alright.  I thought we were using 3d6, for some reason.

In any case, d20s seem a little more agreeable, anyways.  Pity our mage's got the Wisdom of a doorframe, I was one off from being able to help you, Yhus!
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 45 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 5/6
Wed 5 Oct 2016
at 12:48
  • msg #160

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Not sure how many rounds will pass before Yhus can collect himself, get back inside, and heal Marklin.

They should probably continue with the bandage fumbling until he arrives.
Yhus the Musing
Cleric, 27 posts
Cleric of Pelor
AC: 6 | HP: 7/7
Thu 6 Oct 2016
at 05:08
  • msg #161

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Thanks all for coming so swiftly and vigorously to the aid of Yhus despite his bad fortune and seeming poor judgment.

@DM: D&D b/x doesn't allow clerical spells at first level (thought strangely AD&D 1E did) so I hadn't chosen a spell for Yhus. As they seem to have been (thankfully) house-ruled in, I would also take Cure Light Wounds and return the favor to Marklin if such back action has your blessing.
DM Pawn
GM, 101 posts
Thu 6 Oct 2016
at 05:18
  • msg #162

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Yhus the Musing (msg # 161):

Some of the Basic rulesets do allow 1st level clerics to cast spells. I think Labyrinth Lord does for example. I believe Mentzer or Moldvay does not. I can't remember the specifics right now.

But by all means, if you wish to be the 1st level spell casting variety of cleric, go for it.

Fighter, 62 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Thu 6 Oct 2016
at 13:44
  • msg #163

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 In the best tradition of the Warner Brothers cartons, Holds up sign. "Thank you...but still  ouch."
Fighter, 63 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Thu 6 Oct 2016
at 20:14
  • msg #164

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Take Marklin over to the "hole" and toss his unconscious body on the soft spot. It Marklin goes bye bye, yup, it's a hole.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:14, Thu 06 Oct 2016.
Fighter, 64 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Sat 8 Oct 2016
at 15:50
  • msg #165

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Tough audience
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 40 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/9
Sat 8 Oct 2016
at 17:24
  • msg #166

Re: OOC: Table Talk

The Thursday night crowd is always a tough one.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 50 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 5/6
Sat 8 Oct 2016
at 21:43
  • msg #167

Re: OOC: Table Talk

As a note to my fascination with light sources, Yhus' torch is probably lying on the ground with his club next to the red fungus.

Liamm has the other light source outside.
Fighter, 66 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Sat 8 Oct 2016
at 22:44
  • msg #168

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 GM.more please. :)
Fighter, 67 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Sat 8 Oct 2016
at 22:44
  • msg #169

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 GM.more please. :)
DM Pawn
GM, 106 posts
Sun 9 Oct 2016
at 00:33
  • msg #170

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Eoni Daflin (msg # 167):

Wait...who all had torches?

Liamm, Yhus and who else?

Presumably, if Yhus was carrying a torch when he went down somebody picked it up at some point, rather than let the flame rest on the ground for too long. The good news is the mulchy ground is very moist and does not catch flame easily, although some areas of the tree might.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:34, Sun 09 Oct 2016.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 51 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 5/6
Sun 9 Oct 2016
at 02:16
  • msg #171

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Strictly speaking, Yhus lit a torch and kept it himself.  Marklin lit two torches and Liamm was holding both of them at the time.  So I suppose Liam is still holding two torches.
Fighter, 69 posts
Hit Points:8|2
Sun 9 Oct 2016
at 14:23
  • msg #172

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Gooood Morning! This  is fast becoming my favorite game on here,for the few I participate in. I really like the game world she is using.
DM Pawn
GM, 108 posts
Sun 9 Oct 2016
at 18:16
  • msg #173

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Fey are incredibly fickle and difficult to least the way I use them they are!

My kids hate/love anytime fey show up in an adventure. They have no fear of running into dragons, but throw a group of fun-loving pixes at them and they start to get nervous.



Program note:

Just a quick heads up, I will be flying over to Kauai on Tuesday and be visiting the island with my family through this coming Sunday (October 16th). I will have internet access throughout but my posting availability will be limited. Lots of stuff to see and do in six days!
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:26, Sun 09 Oct 2016.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 54 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 5/6
Sun 9 Oct 2016
at 19:54
  • msg #174

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Equipment note:

Yhus' club and torch lie on the ground near the red fungus in the now off limits tree trunk.
Fighter, 71 posts
Hit Points:8|2
Sun 9 Oct 2016
at 19:55
  • msg #175

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 We can get them latter. Marklin feels he spent the night ina  cement mixer,currently.
Magic User, 39 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Sun 9 Oct 2016
at 20:25
  • msg #176

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Heya, sorry I was late to post!  I'm at GeekGirlCon with my sister and brother-in-law right now.

Buncha con-goers, us.
DM Pawn
GM, 109 posts
Sun 9 Oct 2016
at 20:29
  • msg #177

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Heya, sorry I was late to post!  I'm at GeekGirlCon with my sister and brother-in-law right now.

Buncha con-goers, us.

No worries. Have a great time!
Magic User, 41 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Mon 10 Oct 2016
at 21:12
  • msg #178

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 177):

Oh, we did.  The panels were all great, and really informative.  It was a very welcoming space, compared to some of the gatherings I'd been to in the past, and some swordsmiths selling things there had a very interesting story to tell!

There was somebody brandishing one of their products around, right?  Well, he decided he'd throw it in the air, and caught the weapon by the blade.  It landed in the ground, and he said, "oh, it only cut me a little bit!"; opened up his hand, and it turns out the sword cut him down to the bone.  I immediately thought of the Cautionary Tales of Swords web series.

I also managed to pick up a copy of Slugfest Games' The Red Dragon Inn.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:13, Mon 10 Oct 2016.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 57 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 6/6
Mon 10 Oct 2016
at 23:33
  • msg #179

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Could we get an updated hit point count after everyone's d3 of sleep?

Yhus and Eoni can pray for healing if anyone is still quite low.  We just need to know who that is.
Magic User, 42 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Tue 11 Oct 2016
at 00:30
  • msg #180

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Eoni Daflin (msg # 179):

I'm still at 4/4.
Fighter, 74 posts
Hit Points:8|2
Tue 11 Oct 2016
at 01:08
  • msg #181

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Aldara (msg # 178):

Catching a sword by the blade? That was not done with wisdom.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 60 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 6/6
Tue 11 Oct 2016
at 02:02
  • msg #182

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I think Yhus might be the only low hit point target now.

Marklin, what is your total after rolling your d3 for the overnight rest?

I haven't seen any d3 rolls in the dice roller for Marklin or Yhus.

Valthur, Sarah, and Eoni only needed 1 each so they're topped off.
Fighter, 76 posts
Hit Points:8|2
Tue 11 Oct 2016
at 02:15
  • msg #183

Re: OOC: Table Talk

2 points for the first heal, 3 points for nights rest, and 2 points for  the second heal. He is up to 7 now
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 61 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 6/6
Tue 11 Oct 2016
at 02:31
  • msg #184

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Actually, both of the heals were for 3 points each.

Please note that I think the GM didn't mean that we all got 3HP back for the overnight rest.  I think he meant that we all get to roll a d3 to see how many (1,2, or 3) HP we recovered.

18:41, Today: Eoni Daflin rolled 3 using 1d6+1.  Cure light wounds, Marklin AM.

10:31, Sat 08 Oct: Yhus the Musing rolled 3 using 1d6+1 with rolls of 2.  Spell -- Cure Light Wounds on Marklin.
Yhus the Musing
Cleric, 30 posts
Cleric of Pelor
AC: 6 | HP: 7/7
Tue 11 Oct 2016
at 03:23
  • msg #185

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Eoni Daflin (msg # 179):

I'm at 5/7, and have prayed for Cure Light Wounds but think I should keep it in reserve against any misfortune the day may bring us...
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 44 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 9/9
Tue 11 Oct 2016
at 03:25
  • msg #186

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Agreed. Nice to have a CLW in our back pocket for what's to come.
Fighter, 80 posts
Hit Points:8|2
Tue 11 Oct 2016
at 14:18
  • msg #187

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Then Marklin is up to 6/8
Fighter, 81 posts
Hit Points:8|2
Tue 11 Oct 2016
at 14:20
  • msg #188

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 I blew out my ankle yesterday,and here I sit, ankle swollen with most of the colors of the rainbow. I might be off work the rest of the week.  Cue the self pity... Whaaaaaaaaaa!! :**(
Thief, 58 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Tue 11 Oct 2016
at 14:29
  • msg #189

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I blew out my ankle yesterday,and here I sit, ankle swollen with most of the colors of the rainbow. I might be off work the rest of the week.  Cue the self pity... Whaaaaaaaaaa!! :**(

Sorry . . . frustrating as all get out, I bet.

Ice, ice, baby.
Fighter, 84 posts
Hit Points:8|2
Wed 12 Oct 2016
at 01:59
  • msg #190

Re: OOC: Table Talk

slow day
Fighter, 85 posts
Hit Points:8|2
Fri 14 Oct 2016
at 17:32
  • msg #191

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Here GM, here GM. If you make a post, you will feel much better. :)
DM Pawn
GM, 112 posts
Sat 15 Oct 2016
at 00:34
  • msg #192

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Sporadic wifi at the beach cottage. Kauai problems ;)
Thief, 62 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Sat 15 Oct 2016
at 01:41
  • msg #193

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I think I could learn to live with sporadic WiFi if I were there.

At least, I'd like the chance to find out. :)
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 48 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 9/9
Sat 15 Oct 2016
at 03:29
  • msg #194

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Yes, I hope you'll forgive me if I don't feel too sorry for you.
DM Pawn
GM, 113 posts
Sat 15 Oct 2016
at 05:50
  • msg #195

Re: OOC: Table Talk

It's pretty nice here. Kauai is, I think, the image most people have of what "Hawaii" will be like before they come to visit the islands. I have now been to Oahu, Big Island, Maui, Molokai and Kauai...and I *think* Kauai is my favorite.

There's a nice chill vibe here and while all the islands are very scenic, Kauai is really nice because it doesn't seem to be overrun with tourists. Granted, we are here during the off-seasons (by choice), but the locals we have talked to have pretty much all said it never gets crazy the way Oahu does.

At any rate, the sun has now drifted off to the west, the stars are twinkling in the sky with the low hum of surf crashing into the sandy shore just 100 feet distant. And oh yeah, our wifi connection seems to working again, so I will go try to get a post in.

Thanks for your patience and understanding these past few days :)
Magic User, 44 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Sat 15 Oct 2016
at 13:33
  • msg #196

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Speaking of coastal regions...I might be getting battered by that storm pestering the Pacific Northwest.  No power outages where I live, yet, but.  Well, but.
Posting schedule's going to be different for the next couple of weeks, too, since I'll be going to work at 06:30 and getting off at 15:00.
DM Pawn
GM, 115 posts
Sat 15 Oct 2016
at 17:18
  • msg #197

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Speaking of coastal regions...I might be getting battered by that storm pestering the Pacific Northwest.  No power outages where I live, yet, but.  Well, but.
Posting schedule's going to be different for the next couple of weeks, too, since I'll be going to work at 06:30 and getting off at 15:00.

Batten down the hatches! Hope everything turns out okay for you and you emerge unscathed from the remnants of Super Typhoon Songda.

And thanks for the heads up on your schedule change/posting times. This is helpful information for me to know to give everyone an opportunity to post before pushing the game forward. Due to my posting availability not being until everyone else is either thinking about sleep or already sleeping, it's not really an issue. But still helpful :)


On a completely unrelated note, last night I watched an interesting documentary on the guy who builds all those Dwarven Forge dungeon tiles, Stefan Pokorny, "Dwarvenaut". It was a well done documentary on a neat aspect of the tabletop RPG hobby. It's available on Netflix for those interested and I thought it was a pretty neat look at the artist's life and work.

For those of you who still play tabletop RPGs, do you use miniatures and terrain? Theater of the mind? Something in between?

When I run tabletop RPGs I do whatever the players want. If they want to use miniatures, I have a decent collection of metal (painted and unpainted) figures, plastic pre-painted, and homemade cardboard counters to round out the stuff I don't have. I use vinyl battlemaps, as I am too cheap/frugal to buy the really nice Dwarven Forge stuff.

I am perfectly fine playing D&D without miniatures, but I know many players like the tactile nature of them so I keep them at the ready.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 49 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 9/9
Sat 15 Oct 2016
at 18:26
  • msg #198

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I've always been interested in trying miniatures, but never had. The DM in our current game doesn't like them because he contends the game bogs down too much with analysis when miniatures are used.
Fighter, 86 posts
Hit Points:8|2
Sat 15 Oct 2016
at 18:36
  • msg #199

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 When I used to GM a game, I used miniatures off and on. But most times,if I needed to display a tactical situation in a game, I used difference dice for the characters and Monsters/Bad guys,
DM Pawn
GM, 116 posts
Sat 15 Oct 2016
at 18:46
  • msg #200

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
I've always been interested in trying miniatures, but never had. The DM in our current game doesn't like them because he contends the game bogs down too much with analysis when miniatures are used.

The DM who ran the very first D&D game I played, circa 1984, used miniatures and little square wooden blocks to represent the dungeon tiles. After that first game we bought a few miniatures here or there to use during our early years, but all the people I played with were like 12-14 years old at the time and we barely had money to buy books and dice, so miniatures were low on the priority list.

As a case in point, shortly after that first game, one of my friends heard that the actual books could be found at a train modeling store about 3 miles from our apartment complex. The lot of us scrounged together loose change and whatever money we had and rode the city bus to the store. I lugged this big sack of pennies, with very few nickles dimes and quarters all the way there. I ended up using nearly all my change buying the 1st edition Players Handbook...and then not having enough money for bus fare. So I walked home, victorious, book in hand.

As a result, we never used miniatures in those early days. Fast forward to 2000, when 3rd edition came out, and the game pretty much assumed everyone would be using miniatures. I had plenty of disposable income, so I bought a lot of the little toys I had always wanted as a kid, but couldn't afford.

Your friend is mostly correct though. The use of miniatures can be a crutch during play, but they are very helpful for complex battles. As an example, the last tabletop session I ran featured an assault on a small castle, involving 5 players and well over 50 NPCs. It would have been very challenging to run without using tokens, etc. We were able to get through the entire siege in one 5-hour session. It would have definitely taken longer without the use of miniatures.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:47, Sat 15 Oct 2016.
Fighter, 87 posts
Hit Points:8|2
Sat 15 Oct 2016
at 19:27
  • msg #201

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Here is a funny story from days of yore. Back in a 78, in my first AD&D game, we had to storm a tower, and we were like second level. The bad guys had a catapult, so my Fighter had the "honor" of being hit with a catapult stone. There were no rules for such things back then, so the DM rolled two 20's and a 19 to see if the stone actually hit the Fighter. After that, he gave me two chances to roll my Dex to dodge the thing. I blew both rolls, so I asked the GM if I needed to roll up a new character. He looked at me oddly, and rolled the damage, and with great fanfare, announced the damage to be five points...I Was like. Five points? FIVE? There I was, convinced that my character was a smashed jello, and he tells me five points. But we must remember, ALL damage was a six sider.. GOD! I LOVE first edition!!!!
DM Pawn
GM, 117 posts
Sat 15 Oct 2016
at 19:47
  • msg #202

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Here is a funny story from days of yore. Back in a 78, in my first AD&D game, we had to storm a tower, and we were like second level. The bad guys had a catapult, so my Fighter had the "honor" of being hit with a catapult stone. There were no rules for such things back then, so the DM rolled two 20's and a 19 to see if the stone actually hit the Fighter. After that, he gave me two chances to roll my Dex to dodge the thing. I blew both rolls, so I asked the GM if I needed to roll up a new character. He looked at me oddly, and rolled the damage, and with great fanfare, announced the damage to be five points...I Was like. Five points? FIVE? There I was, convinced that my character was a smashed jello, and he tells me five points. But we must remember, ALL damage was a six sider.. GOD! I LOVE first edition!!!!

A glancing blow!

Yeah, in original D&D (white and wood-grained boxed sets) and the Holmes version of Basic Dungeons and Dragons, all damage was handled via d6. 1st edition Advanced Dungeons and Dragons introduced variable weapon damage as a core rule.

I never played Original D&D. That edition was a few years before my time. I didn't even know about those versions of the game until about 10 years ago.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 66 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 6/6
Sun 16 Oct 2016
at 14:21
  • msg #203

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Thinking to wait until Marklin's vignette is finished.

The People will grant your request
But honor must be put to rest
Select a digit
Perhaps something rigid
And we will slice off your ...

Fighter, 90 posts
Hit Points:8|7
Sun 16 Oct 2016
at 15:00
  • msg #204

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Thy jest falls flat, M'lady.
Thief, 63 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Sun 16 Oct 2016
at 16:32
  • msg #205

Re: OOC: Table Talk

When I started playing in the early '80s, several of my friends enjoyed painting miniatures as a hobby.  So, of course, we had to use them.

We had a chalkboard, and frequently the DM would just draw the room, obstacles, etc.  One in our group also took an old pingpong table and stenciled hexes on it, so we could use it for larger-scale activities.
Magic User, 46 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Sun 16 Oct 2016
at 19:28
  • msg #206

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
Speaking of coastal regions...I might be getting battered by that storm pestering the Pacific Northwest.  No power outages where I live, yet, but.  Well, but.
Posting schedule's going to be different for the next couple of weeks, too, since I'll be going to work at 06:30 and getting off at 15:00.

Batten down the hatches! Hope everything turns out okay for you and you emerge unscathed from the remnants of Super Typhoon Songda.

And thanks for the heads up on your schedule change/posting times. This is helpful information for me to know to give everyone an opportunity to post before pushing the game forward. Due to my posting availability not being until everyone else is either thinking about sleep or already sleeping, it's not really an issue. But still helpful :)

HAH!  Everybody hyped this up to be the biggest thing since sliced bread, but it's nothing.  I lived in Florida for Hurricanes Gabriel, that one after Gabriel, Charlie, and Katrina; this thing is Gabriel's polite younger cousin, and I think it saw enough posts about it that it decided to bring chips, dip, and some extra pop with it!  Slept through Charlie like there was a white noise generator parked right next to my head!
But yeah, after about three weeks I should be back to living like a vampire janitor.

As far as miniatures... I remember using pills I'd coated in nail polish, little pieces of cardboard, et cetera...never had the actual things.
DM Pawn
GM, 121 posts
Mon 17 Oct 2016
at 00:35
  • msg #207

Re: OOC: Table Talk

When I started playing in the early '80s, several of my friends enjoyed painting miniatures as a hobby.  So, of course, we had to use them.

We had a chalkboard, and frequently the DM would just draw the room, obstacles, etc.  One in our group also took an old pingpong table and stenciled hexes on it, so we could use it for larger-scale activities.

I enjoy painting miniatures as well and am actually quite good at it. The problem is I get bored with it quite easily, because it can be a major time sink. Of the metal figures I own, I would say 60% of them are unpainted and likely will never be painted...unless one of my kids takes an interest in it. Then they can do it. I probably have close to 200 metal miniatures.

I bought a large amount of the pre-painted plastic miniatures Wizards of the Coast produced several years ago, most of which were on the order of 25 cents to $1 each. $1 was my breaking pointing for what I was willing to pay for a miniature. I bought about 100 miniatures this way.

I also have a large collection of homemade cardboard counters. These are my favorite because they are easy to store and I can find the exact image I want and make my own figure on demand.
DM Pawn
GM, 122 posts
Mon 17 Oct 2016
at 00:37
  • msg #208

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Aldara (msg # 206):

Glad to hear you emerged unscathed! :)

Re: using anything at hand to represent figures, this approach works too. Basically anything to show spatial position gets the job done.
Fighter, 92 posts
Hit Points:8|7
Mon 17 Oct 2016
at 00:42
  • msg #209

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 I have about three hundred lead figures,that I bought decades ago. Some are still in their boxes. Has anyone ever heard of a company called Ral Partha? When I was a teen, they used to hold gaming on Friday nights,in thier factory. They would sell as many as you could buy. I am of course from Cincinnati.
Thief, 66 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Mon 17 Oct 2016
at 00:46
  • msg #210

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I do remember Ral Partha.

I used to make plastic models as a kid, and got my fill painting things in that hobby.  So, while my friends had a lot of miniatures (including some made by Ral Partha), I kept my money for important things.

Like video games.
DM Pawn
GM, 123 posts
Mon 17 Oct 2016
at 00:52
  • msg #211

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Yeah. Ral Partha are/were legendary in the fantasy miniatures world. Some of my early miniatures were from that company. I might still have a few of those floating around in a box somewhere. Most of the metal figures I purchased were other companies though.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 52 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 9/9
Mon 17 Oct 2016
at 00:53
  • msg #212

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I remember Ral Partha, too, but never bought much because I figured I'd need about 300 figures to get the collection up to what I wanted!!!

Not so PM to Sarah - don't forget to check out that Halfling skeleton's pouch in the game. I think you're the only one who saw it otherwise Valthur would be all over it... maybe some goodies for us in there!!!
Thief, 67 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Mon 17 Oct 2016
at 00:56
  • msg #213

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
Not so PM to Sarah - don't forget to check out that Halfling skeleton's pouch in the game. I think you're the only one who saw it otherwise Valthur would be all over it... maybe some goodies for us in there!!!


[Private to DM Pawn: Sarah will inspect the pouch when she thinks she can do so without being seen, because she believes she got it without anyone seeing her and she is a thief.  If that means she has to delay her gratification, so be it.]
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 55 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 9/9
Thu 20 Oct 2016
at 03:07
  • msg #214

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Quickly closing in on 500 posts for this game - good job, us!!!
Fighter, 95 posts
Hit Points:8|7
Fri 21 Oct 2016
at 03:22
  • msg #215

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn
GM, 127 posts
Fri 21 Oct 2016
at 04:24
  • msg #216

Re: OOC: Table Talk

278 in-character posts since this game began, 36 days ago. That's ~39 posts per person, so good job everyone on posting within the recommended posting frequence, i.e., 1 post every 1 to 2 days.

Games are more interesting when everyone contributes regularly, so thanks for that!
Fighter, 98 posts
Hit Points:8|7
Fri 21 Oct 2016
at 04:24
  • msg #217

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Did I ever mention the fact that I HATE the dice roller on here?
DM Pawn
GM, 128 posts
Fri 21 Oct 2016
at 04:26
  • msg #218

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Did I ever mention the fact that I HATE the dice roller on here?

Hard to say. I am accustomed to hearing players complain about the dice roller. It all bleeds together for me. For my own part, I have never noticed it to be an issue. It seems to roll random numbers pretty well.
Fighter, 99 posts
Hit Points:8|7
Fri 21 Oct 2016
at 04:27
  • msg #219

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Yeah, random numbers, I want high numbers. I say it's unfair to players. :P
Fighter, 100 posts
Hit Points:8|7
Fri 21 Oct 2016
at 04:34
  • msg #220

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Enjoying the game, greatly. Rabid Ferrets?? LOL
DM Pawn
GM, 129 posts
Fri 21 Oct 2016
at 04:41
  • msg #221

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Yeah. Giant Ferrets of the rabid variety. This adventure features several non-standard low-level monsters and challenges. It's not just another kobold and goblin smashing crawl in an abandoned mine, etc.

Magic User, 48 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Fri 21 Oct 2016
at 07:17
  • msg #222

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
Quickly closing in on 500 posts for this game - good job, us!!!

Ahh, so you're a believer in the "500 Posts and the game's golden" theory, too!

Yes, this is a very fun group.  Makes posting easier!
DM Pawn
GM, 130 posts
Fri 21 Oct 2016
at 07:50
  • msg #223

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Aldara (msg # 222):

Glad you are having fun in this game. This is a good group of players. Player selection is never easy because I don't operate on a first-come, first-served basis. I screen players pretty heavily to try to fill the cast with players and characters I think will make a good fit for the game.

Re: 500 posts = golden theory...As I mentioned in the original ad for this game, I have never not completed a game and I don't intend on breaking that streak with this one. So stick around and you too will get to say you've actually seen 1st characters level up and completed an actual adventure in PbP.

Hopefully you've been able to accomplish this already, but unfortunately many of the games out there go belly up shortly after launch. This game WILL run to adventure completion. This I promise :)
Magic User, 50 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Fri 21 Oct 2016
at 08:14
  • msg #224

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 223):

I've seen characters get quite a few levels in PbP, it just takes time.  There are house rules that can speed things up, but since I like to use systems like Warrior, Rogue, & Mage for my own games, I don't need those house rules!

And yes, first-come, first-served seldom works out, in my experience... It's tricky, maintaining interest until you've collected enough applications.  Sort of like wrangling cats.
Fighter, 101 posts
Hit Points:8|7
Fri 21 Oct 2016
at 11:18
  • msg #225

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 What I never got on here, was when the GM stops posting for days,then weeks, etc. But they still sign on from time to time. When I,as a player see this, I hope the game game might continue.  It would be nice if they would just admit the game is over,so the players can move on.
Thief, 70 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Fri 21 Oct 2016
at 13:12
  • msg #226

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Re: the dice roller.  I have felt that it sometimes goes on streaks, despite the logical part of my brain knowing that it's all an illusion.  Yet, the logic sometimes falls prey to that feeling.

I've had DM's offer to "flip" the range; for instance, say that rolling low is good instead of rolling high.  I have always voted against such tactics, believing it si folly to "chase" the die roller's whims.
DM Pawn
GM, 132 posts
Sat 22 Oct 2016
at 08:05
  • msg #227

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Marklin (msg # 225):

That's a peeve of mine on either side of the virtual table. To me it is just a matter of simple courtesy. If you have time to log in, you have time to let people know what's going on. A simple: "sorry guys, life has me up against the ropes right now..." type message goes a long way toward showing basic consideration for other players.

From the DM side of the equation, I think a lot pf people start games not realizing that it will take actual work...or they overextend themselves with too many games, etc. Same is probably true on the players side.
DM Pawn
GM, 133 posts
Sun 23 Oct 2016
at 03:09
  • msg #228

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Heads up that my internet connection has been super sucky the past few days. Its been going on for about a month, but now its reaaly bad. Hopefully swapping out mod4em tomorrow will help.
Fighter, 103 posts
Sun 23 Oct 2016
at 18:03
  • [deleted]
  • msg #229

Re: OOC: Table Talk

This message was deleted by the player at 19:31, Sun 23 Oct 2016.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 59 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 7/9
Sun 23 Oct 2016
at 21:00
  • msg #230

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Uh oh - do I get to make death saving throws against rabies or should I start working on my melodramatic final post???

If the latter, which do you like better:

1. Lying there in a cold sweat, the proud dwarf mutters his final words, "tell my father I died bravely, fighting the good fight."

2. The darkness begins to encroach on the fallen dwarf, but he sees the light from the great dwarven halls of the afterlife. He stirs one final time in the material plane while he considers his future. "Do they drink ale there? I hope so. Yes, they're dwarves. They must still drink ale, right?"

3. With his final breath, the dwarf raises a clenched fist in the air and cries, "You gotta' tell them, soylant green is people!!!"
Thief, 72 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Sun 23 Oct 2016
at 21:26
  • msg #231

Re: OOC: Table Talk

There is just something . . . wrong, about a dwarf failing vs. poison.

But if this be your fate, I vote for #2.
Fighter, 104 posts
Hit Points:8|7
Sun 23 Oct 2016
at 21:38
  • msg #232

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 I loved 3,but vote for 2.
DM Pawn
GM, 136 posts
Sun 23 Oct 2016
at 23:01
  • msg #233

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Valthur Ironhelm (msg # 230):

Valthur is in no danger of dying due to rabies, yet. :)

The effects of rabies are not instantaneous. You have plenty of time to work up a death post, should it come to that!

Death by very unheroic.

This message was last edited by the GM at 23:02, Sun 23 Oct 2016.
DM Pawn
GM, 137 posts
Mon 24 Oct 2016
at 02:50
  • msg #234

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni: please make a first aid check (Wis). Thanks!
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 72 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 6/6
Mon 24 Oct 2016
at 11:24
  • msg #235

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin rolled 2 using 1d20.  First Aid Check.

Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 62 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 7/9
Tue 25 Oct 2016
at 00:10
  • msg #236

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Wait, I have a few more possibilities:

4. The world starts to spin around Valthur. He stumbles, then falls to the ground. The poison's  victory over him is now nearly complete. The venom of the rabid ferret only moments from ending his life. He looks to the sky and utters his final words, "Et tu, rabies."

5. Lying on his back with eyes closed, Valthur removes his helmet and places it on his chest. His cloudy eyes open for a final view of the world around him. In his final breath, he mutters a single word: "Rosebuuud."

6. Valthur drops his sword. The clatter draws the attention of the others, but the dwarf does not apologize for his sudden loss of grip. The reason he doesn't apologize is that he has just died, and as a dead dwarf, no longer has the ability to speak. He also no longer has the ability to stand, so he collapses on the ground next to the sword he dropped only moments ago. Were he alive, he'd have been quite embarrassed about all the dropping and collapsing, but since he was already dead, it didn't bother Valthur all that much.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 74 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 6/6
Tue 25 Oct 2016
at 02:28
  • msg #237

Re: OOC: Table Talk

"Et tu, ferêt?"
DM Pawn
GM, 140 posts
Tue 25 Oct 2016
at 14:24
  • msg #238

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I now pronounce you Valthur the Fatalistic!

Fighter, 109 posts
Hit Points:8|7
Tue 25 Oct 2016
at 15:31
  • msg #239

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Do I need to make a roll  for attempting to clear the barrier?
DM Pawn
GM, 141 posts
Tue 25 Oct 2016
at 17:32
  • msg #240

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Do I need to make a roll  for attempting to clear the barrier?

No. Given enough time, anyone could clear the barrier.
Fighter, 110 posts
Hit Points:8|7
Tue 25 Oct 2016
at 17:43
  • msg #241

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 That being the case, dig.dig,dig. pry,pry pry.
Fighter, 111 posts
Hit Points:8|7
Tue 25 Oct 2016
at 19:37
  • msg #242

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 It is a +5 Crowbar of intrusive entrance.
Fighter, 112 posts
Hit Points:8|7
Wed 26 Oct 2016
at 00:17
  • msg #243

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Waiting on the Dwarf,I see.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 65 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 7/9
Wed 26 Oct 2016
at 01:19
  • msg #244

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
I now pronounce you Valthur the Fatalistic!


YES! A title - the recognition I so richly deserve!!
Fighter, 114 posts
Hit Points:8|6
Wed 26 Oct 2016
at 13:46
  • msg #245

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 It's nice to have friends. Marklin falls over,and everyone bolts. A true band of others. ;)
Thief, 76 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Wed 26 Oct 2016
at 14:10
  • msg #246

Re: OOC: Table Talk

/begin lame rationalization

If we die, we can't help you.

/end lame rationalization
This message was last edited by the player at 14:10, Wed 26 Oct 2016.
Fighter, 115 posts
Hit Points:8|6
Wed 26 Oct 2016
at 20:20
  • msg #247

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Marklin seems to be the goat for gas in our esteemed GM's game.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 67 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 7/9
Wed 26 Oct 2016
at 20:28
  • msg #248

Re: OOC: Table Talk

If any of us survive, maybe we can buy you a respirator back in town.
Fighter, 116 posts
Hit Points:8|6
Wed 26 Oct 2016
at 20:37
  • msg #249

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 I'm beginning to feel like daffy duck in this game. "Shoot me, shoot me,I like it, I love the smell of cordite and burnt feathers in the morning.!"
DM Pawn
GM, 144 posts
Thu 27 Oct 2016
at 04:14
  • msg #250

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Marklin's definitely taken the brunt of damage in this game's short span, but that is kind of to be expected when you play a fighter. That's what they do. It's in the job description.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 77 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 6/6
Thu 27 Oct 2016
at 14:01
  • msg #251

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Super roll on your Turning, Yhus.  Just what we needed.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 79 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 6/6
Thu 27 Oct 2016
at 14:30
  • msg #252

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Should I edit my post as it looks like the staff blow didn't take down her kobold after all?
DM Pawn
GM, 147 posts
Thu 27 Oct 2016
at 14:42
  • msg #253

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
Should I edit my post as it looks like the staff blow didn't take down her kobold after all?

Sorry. I saw a 1 when it was actually a 4 for damage. You crushed that kobold zombie.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 69 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 4/9
Thu 27 Oct 2016
at 23:54
  • msg #254

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Agreed with Eoni. Well turned, Yhus!!!

Aldara, as brave as ever, hangs in the back of the group.  Then, Valthur begins to pick at stuff and mention the possibility of financial gain.  Drawing a dagger, she begins to aid the Dwarf in his noble work.

I just re-read this post and chuckled... noble work indeed!!!
Fighter, 118 posts
Hit Points:8|6
Fri 28 Oct 2016
at 15:09
  • msg #255

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Fighter, 120 posts
Hit Points:8|6
Fri 28 Oct 2016
at 17:39
  • msg #256

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Hey GM, does Eloni get XP for beating Marklin with her stick? ;)
This message was last edited by the player at 17:41, Fri 28 Oct 2016.
Fighter, 123 posts
Hit Points:8|6
Sat 29 Oct 2016
at 03:04
  • msg #257

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Good ta see ya  Yhus. :) Just curious, why did you take a club for your character? I had Marklin take weapons not usually used by Warriors. Spear, Javelin and a mace.
Yhus the Musing
Cleric, 39 posts
Cleric of Pelor
AC: 6 | HP: 7/7
Sat 29 Oct 2016
at 14:40
  • msg #258

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Marklin (msg # 257):

Because the club could seem makeshift and so better fitting with my image of Yhus as a farm boy and hedge-cleric rather than a trained and well-equipped crusader-priest.

At its best it can be as formidable as a hickory baseball bat, but the Moldvay rules have it inflicting the same damage as a torch. :-( At least I don't have to feel bad about dropping it and keeping the other... :-)
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 72 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 4/9
Sun 30 Oct 2016
at 07:01
  • msg #259

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I chose a sword for Valthur instead of a battle axe because in the basic rules (at least in Labyrinth Lord), the axe must be used with two hands, making a shield impossible.

In retrospect, I kind of wish I went with the axe. Seems much more dwarven to me. So I say kudos to you guys for picking a weapon based on character instead of based on what works the best.

On the flip side, I spent gold and 5 lbs of encumbrance on a helmet that is strictly for the sake of character, so it isn't like I'm totally metagaming...right?

Maybe if Valthur doesn't die of rabies, I'll trade in his longsword and shield for a battleaxe.

...that reminds me, I need to continue working on my final melodramatic post!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 73 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 4/9
Sun 30 Oct 2016
at 07:05
  • msg #260

Re: OOC: Table Talk

On an unrelated topic, how do we figure out what the red liquid is (found by Valthur and Aldara)? Can we take a sip and see what it is or do we have to have it identified by a local expert back in town.

I'm personally hoping it's a healing potion, because I'm down to 4 hp. I presume our clerics have both used up their healing powers for the day, right?
DM Pawn
GM, 151 posts
Sun 30 Oct 2016
at 07:15
  • msg #261

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
On an unrelated topic, how do we figure out what the red liquid is (found by Valthur and Aldara)? Can we take a sip and see what it is or do we have to have it identified by a local expert back in town.

Yhus the Musing
Cleric, 40 posts
Cleric of Pelor
AC: 6 | HP: 7/7
Sun 30 Oct 2016
at 13:56
  • msg #262

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Valthur Ironhelm (msg # 260):

No, Yhus still has a Cure Light Wounds in reserve.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 83 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 6/6
Sun 30 Oct 2016
at 14:40
  • msg #263

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Speaking of pretty things.  Did Aldara want to "keep track of" the ring by wearing it?
Thief, 78 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Sun 30 Oct 2016
at 14:59
  • msg #264

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
Valthur Ironhelm:
On an unrelated topic, how do we figure out what the red liquid is (found by Valthur and Aldara)? Can we take a sip and see what it is or do we have to have it identified by a local expert back in town.


Uhm. . . . does correct mean his first suggestion, his second, or both?
Magic User, 60 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Sun 30 Oct 2016
at 17:08
  • msg #265

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I was thinking sniff it, and see if somebody could recall something... Maybe have Liamm give it a whiff, what with his boss being an alchemist!
DM Pawn
GM, 152 posts
Sun 30 Oct 2016
at 17:42
  • msg #266

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Sarah (msg # 264):

Correct on both accounts. The only way to identify magic items in Basic is to try them out or find a magic user capable of identifying it...for a price.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 84 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 6/6
Sun 30 Oct 2016
at 18:45
  • msg #267

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Liamm is not the guinea pig.  Give some to Marklin.

Did anyone want to wear the pretty ring that Valthur and Aldara found in the ferret den?

Or has someone already surreptitiously slipped precious on?
Fighter, 126 posts
Hit Points:8|6
Sun 30 Oct 2016
at 19:16
  • msg #268

Re: OOC: Table Talk

  There is only one attack for a missile weapon per round, in this system. Yes?
Thief, 79 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Sun 30 Oct 2016
at 19:27
  • msg #269

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
Liamm is not the guinea pig.  Give some to Marklin.

Did anyone want to wear the pretty ring that Valthur and Aldara found in the ferret den?

Or has someone already surreptitiously slipped precious on?

I am not opposed to a system whereby we figure out the "owner" or "possessor" of magical items when we are at rest.  In other words, the finder is the custodian on behalf of the group until it is convenient for us to discuss its fate.
DM Pawn
GM, 154 posts
Sun 30 Oct 2016
at 19:49
  • msg #270

Re: OOC: Table Talk

  There is only one attack for a missile weapon per round, in this system. Yes?

Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 87 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 6/6
Mon 31 Oct 2016
at 01:41
  • msg #271

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I think we hit on an 11 for their AC 8.

I also assume that Aldara moved up to take Eoni's place behind Valthur and Marklin in order to get her throw off.

Eoni retreated with Liamm.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 75 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 4/9
Mon 31 Oct 2016
at 06:55
  • msg #272

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Get your healing whatevers ready! I've got a bad feeling about this.

I was tempted to throw a hand axe from range, but I figured Valthur wouldn't be smart enough to sit back and fight from range, so what the heck?

Remember to bury him with his helmet... it's a family heirloom.
DM Pawn
GM, 158 posts
Mon 31 Oct 2016
at 15:13
  • msg #273

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
I think we hit on an 11 for their AC 8.

I also assume that Aldara moved up to take Eoni's place behind Valthur and Marklin in order to get her throw off.

Eoni retreated with Liamm.

Yeah. The To-Hit chart and monster AC is listed in the combat tracker to enable players to resolve their own attacks. 11's do hit AC 8. Good eye!

I sometimes miss stuff like that so it's nice having a second pair of eyes.
DM Pawn
GM, 159 posts
Mon 31 Oct 2016
at 15:14
  • msg #274

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
Get your healing whatevers ready! I've got a bad feeling about this.

I was tempted to throw a hand axe from range, but I figured Valthur wouldn't be smart enough to sit back and fight from range, so what the heck?

Remember to bury him with his helmet... it's a family heirloom.

Just bound and determined to get that death scene, aren't we?

Magic User, 63 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Mon 31 Oct 2016
at 18:23
  • msg #275

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
I think we hit on an 11 for their AC 8.

I also assume that Aldara moved up to take Eoni's place behind Valthur and Marklin in order to get her throw off.

Eoni retreated with Liamm.

Yep.  Just sorta "moved within range", I did.

And thank both yer gods, priests, we've only got two more zombies and then the kobold to deal with!  I am so glad zombies don't resist blunt and piercing damage like in 3rd Edition!
Fighter, 129 posts
Hit Points:8|6
Tue 1 Nov 2016
at 00:57
  • msg #276

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 77 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 0/9
Tue 1 Nov 2016
at 03:37
  • msg #277

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
Valthur Ironhelm:
Get your healing whatevers ready! I've got a bad feeling about this.

I was tempted to throw a hand axe from range, but I figured Valthur wouldn't be smart enough to sit back and fight from range, so what the heck?

Remember to bury him with his helmet... it's a family heirloom.

Just bound and determined to get that death scene, aren't we?


It'll be dramatic. Not a dry eye in the game will there be!!! I'm just trying to figure out how to work in his pet dog that he rescued as a young dwarf that later saved his life from a pack of wild goblins...
Fighter, 130 posts
Hit Points:8|6
Tue 1 Nov 2016
at 03:45
  • msg #278

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Nice one,V
Fighter, 131 posts
Hit Points:8|6
Tue 1 Nov 2016
at 21:24
  • msg #279

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 We are locked in battle, get your posts of whacking in. :)
Thief, 80 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Wed 2 Nov 2016
at 00:19
  • msg #280

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I've not disappeared; I have communicated with our friendly neighborhood DM.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 89 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 6/6
Wed 2 Nov 2016
at 02:52
  • msg #281

Re: OOC: Table Talk

It looks like we're just waiting on Yhus, then.  He hasn't posted since the round update and it seems Sarah has taken care of her action.
DM Pawn
GM, 160 posts
Wed 2 Nov 2016
at 03:01
  • msg #282

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I will give Yhus a couple more hours to post. If he hasn't posted before I turn in for the night, I will post on his behalf so we can keep the game moving.


Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 78 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 0/9
Wed 2 Nov 2016
at 03:22
  • msg #283

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Sounds good!

Now if you'll all excuse me, I have to get back to dying.
Yhus the Musing
Cleric, 42 posts
Cleric of Pelor
AC: 6 | HP: 7/7
Wed 2 Nov 2016
at 03:45
  • msg #284

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 282):

Working up a post now...
DM Pawn
GM, 161 posts
Wed 2 Nov 2016
at 03:54
  • msg #285

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Yhus the Musing:
In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 282):

Working up a post now...

*cue up Bill and Ted sound byte*

Magic User, 65 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Wed 2 Nov 2016
at 13:04
  • msg #286

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Suddenly, he has less urge to destroy her. How could he?

He could remember mean things she said in high school and go from there.   :(
DM Pawn
GM, 164 posts
Wed 2 Nov 2016
at 15:29
  • msg #287

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Suddenly, he has less urge to destroy her. How could he?

He could remember mean things she said in high school and go from there.   :(

Yeah, but he will misremember or misinterpret any of those mean things she said in high school as being a sign she really does like him! Otherwise, why would she even notice him?

High School Drama...the RPG
Fighter, 133 posts
Hit Points:8|6
Wed 2 Nov 2016
at 20:40
  • msg #288

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 I can't wait until the next round,so Marklin can get his third strike. By the way, where is the dugout down  here? ;0)
Fighter, 134 posts
Hit Points:8|6
Thu 3 Nov 2016
at 04:13
  • msg #289

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Batter up!
DM Pawn
GM, 166 posts
Thu 3 Nov 2016
at 08:35
  • msg #290

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Speaking of dug-outs and strikes, excellent World Series this year! Not much of a baseball fan, but definitely glad I tuned in to watch this best of seven series. A modern sporting classic that will go down as the one of the greatest championship series in history. Lots of drama throughout!
Magic User, 67 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Thu 3 Nov 2016
at 09:10
  • msg #291

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
Speaking of dug-outs and strikes, excellent World Series this year! Not much of a baseball fan, but definitely glad I tuned in to watch this best of seven series. A modern sporting classic that will go down as the one of the greatest championship series in history. Lots of drama throughout!

I'm from around Chicago, so all of my sports-minded family is thrilled beyond being thrilled about that.
DM Pawn
GM, 167 posts
Thu 3 Nov 2016
at 09:16
  • msg #292

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
Speaking of dug-outs and strikes, excellent World Series this year! Not much of a baseball fan, but definitely glad I tuned in to watch this best of seven series. A modern sporting classic that will go down as the one of the greatest championship series in history. Lots of drama throughout!

I'm from around Chicago, so all of my sports-minded family is thrilled beyond being thrilled about that.

Yeah. I bet. I did not have much emotional investment in this game. I was happy to see the Cubs win, but was really more into the contest between the two teams.

But yes, a great victory for long-suffering Cubs fans.
Fighter, 137 posts
Hit Points:8|6
Thu 3 Nov 2016
at 18:57
  • msg #293

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Four misses in a row! That's it!! Throws away his useless mace, and to hell with spears and javelins. Pulls out his power saw and goes all Texas chainsaw massacre on em.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:11, Thu 03 Nov 2016.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 80 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 0/9
Fri 4 Nov 2016
at 01:33
  • msg #294

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
DM Pawn:
Speaking of dug-outs and strikes, excellent World Series this year! Not much of a baseball fan, but definitely glad I tuned in to watch this best of seven series. A modern sporting classic that will go down as the one of the greatest championship series in history. Lots of drama throughout!

I'm from around Chicago, so all of my sports-minded family is thrilled beyond being thrilled about that.

Yeah. I bet. I did not have much emotional investment in this game. I was happy to see the Cubs win, but was really more into the contest between the two teams.

But yes, a great victory for long-suffering Cubs fans.

Great series and even greater game 7! I'm from Minnesota, so everyone here is comparing it to game 7 of the '91 World Series. And while that will always be the greatest one in our provincial hearts up here, the '16 version had a little bit of everything: lead off home run, grizzly catcher homers in his last at bat of career, starter in relief, three run rally in the 8th, wild pitch that scores a guy from 2nd base, a rain delay, extra innings...

My stomach was in a knot and I didn't even care who won - can't imagine what it would've been like for fans of one team or the other!
Fighter, 138 posts
Hit Points:8|6
Sat 5 Nov 2016
at 00:22
  • msg #295

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Hey GM, I am ready to miss again. :)
DM Pawn
GM, 170 posts
Sat 5 Nov 2016
at 04:14
  • msg #296

Re: OOC: Table Talk

It looks like Valthur has more time to work on his final death post. The Great Dwarven Halls of the Valorous and Remembered will have to wait for another day.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 83 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 0/9
Sat 5 Nov 2016
at 04:20
  • msg #297

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valorous and Remembered. I'm going to have to remember that for my next death post!

I've got a good feeling about this round. I think Aldara will convince Scrunge to call off his badger and Marklin and Eoni will polish off the other two zombies.
Fighter, 140 posts
Hit Points:8|6
Sat 5 Nov 2016
at 04:23
  • msg #298

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 I think Kord heard his prayer.  :)
Magic User, 69 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Sat 5 Nov 2016
at 07:18
  • msg #299

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
My stomach was in a knot and I didn't even care who won - can't imagine what it would've been like for fans of one team or the other!

I hear ya, loud and clear!  My uncle LOVEs the Packers, as do most people where I'm from, and I live in if those two teams go against one another, there's bloodshed on my Facebook home page.  I don't really like sports.  Dunno if professional wrestling's a sport, but it's physical, and it's something I like watching, so...

Valthur Ironhelm:
Valthur Ironhelm
I've got a good feeling about this round. I think Aldara will convince Scrunge to call off his badger and Marklin and Eoni will polish off the other two zombies.

I think Kord heard his prayer.  :)

Kord and Moradin and Ioun, working together!
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 93 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 6/6
Sat 5 Nov 2016
at 11:45
  • msg #300

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Aldara, there is one left for your dagger attack.
Thief, 84 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Sat 5 Nov 2016
at 12:53
  • msg #301

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I'm holding my post, to see if the last one on Eoni is dispatched by someone else.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 84 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 0/9
Sat 5 Nov 2016
at 13:33
  • msg #302

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
The kobold stands with his arms held across his chest, defiant.

Moments later, the dire badger slowly vanishes, just as it is about to rake its claws into the meaty part of Sarah's leg. How's that for timing?

Aldara to the rescue!!! Well done.

Let's finish off the last zombie and continue with our interview of Skrunge... of course by let's, I'm referring to someone besides Valthur, since he's been unconscious for almost this entire melee.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:48, Sat 05 Nov 2016.
Magic User, 71 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Sat 5 Nov 2016
at 16:39
  • msg #303

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
Aldara, there is one left for your dagger attack.

Ooh, thank you!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 86 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 0/9
Tue 8 Nov 2016
at 04:49
  • msg #304

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Oooh, I like a bit of mystery in these adventures. Skunge is proving a good source of information!!! Is it legal to ask questions in the OOC thread while your in-character character is unconscious?

If so, who are the Scalebrothers? Are they some higher threat that we have to deal with?:
DM Pawn:
Toward the back of the cave, standing atop his litter, Skunge watches through the melee, his eyes locked on Aldara.

"How deceived? Skunge not have captors! Skunge free to do works. Never go back with Scalebrothers! Never!"

Yhus the Musing
Cleric, 47 posts
Cleric of Pelor
AC: 6 | HP: 7/7
Tue 8 Nov 2016
at 04:52
  • msg #305

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Checking in...

Waiting for Yhus to regain consciousness, and grateful for your ministrations, Eoni.
DM Pawn
GM, 174 posts
Tue 8 Nov 2016
at 05:43
  • msg #306

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
Oooh, I like a bit of mystery in these adventures. Skunge is proving a good source of information!!! Is it legal to ask questions in the OOC thread while your in-character character is unconscious?

If so, who are the Scalebrothers? Are they some higher threat that we have to deal with?:
DM Pawn:
Toward the back of the cave, standing atop his litter, Skunge watches through the melee, his eyes locked on Aldara.

"How deceived? Skunge not have captors! Skunge free to do works. Never go back with Scalebrothers! Never!"

Yes. You may ask questions.

Since Valthur speaks kobold (sadly, I think the only party member who does...) he would know Scalebrothers are how kobolds refer to one another. Unfortunately, he is unconscious and can;t relay this information.

As far as higher threat...well, that part you'll just have to figure out through play. But there does appear to be something else going on. I wonder what it is?
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:20, Tue 08 Nov 2016.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 87 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 0/9
Wed 9 Nov 2016
at 01:42
  • msg #307

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
"How deceived? Skunge not have captors! Skunge free to do works. Never go back with Scalebrothers! Never!"

Is it possible that Skunge, thanks to his "works", has alienated himself from his fellow Kobold brothers (Scalebrothers)? Maybe by making zombies he creeped out the rest of the kobolds and they gave him the boot.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 97 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 3/6
Wed 9 Nov 2016
at 03:03
  • msg #308

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Aldara, don't be shy about taking the lead in this interview with your new friend.

I don't think Valthur or Yhus are waking up without some kind of magical healing and Eoni is out for the day.
Magic User, 73 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Wed 9 Nov 2016
at 11:40
  • msg #309

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I'm just trying to work him down, he's got...he's got interview jitters, it looks like.  He came unprepared, his résumé jammed in the printer, and he expected to interview with just one person and now he's got to talk to seven people, except for the ones his friends knocked out.  Poor Skunge!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 88 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 0/9
Thu 10 Nov 2016
at 03:07
  • msg #310

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I'm just trying to work him down, he's got...he's got interview jitters, it looks like.  He came unprepared, his résumé jammed in the printer, and he expected to interview with just one person and now he's got to talk to seven people, except for the ones his friends knocked out.  Poor Skunge!

I love the analogy, but now I feel kind of sorry for poor Skunge!

...I guess it'll be good experience for him in the long run.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 98 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 3/6
Thu 10 Nov 2016
at 22:37
  • msg #311

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Waiting on Aldara to continue her interview.
Fighter, 143 posts
Hit Points:8|6
Thu 10 Nov 2016
at 22:41
  • msg #312

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 In stand by mode.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 89 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 0/9
Fri 11 Nov 2016
at 04:02
  • msg #313

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In unconscious mode...

...but happy that others are attending to me!!!

P.S. I'll be out of town this weekend. Hopefully will be able to connect, but not sure.

NPC me as needed, but be sure to start with a "Moradin's beard! what happened?!?!?!" if/when I regain consciousness.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:04, Fri 11 Nov 2016.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 90 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 0/9
Sat 12 Nov 2016
at 03:16
  • msg #314

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
Pausing for any possible answer that might be offered, he further adds, "Tree spirit is dying. Kill her if you will. Please. Leave. Work to do."

Is Skunge trying to tell us something? Why is tree spirit dying? Does his "work to do" have something to do with creating zombies out of bodies?

Good thing Valthur is unconscious or all these questions would give him a headache!
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 99 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 3/6
Sun 13 Nov 2016
at 00:05
  • msg #315

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Waiting for Skunge to reply to Marklin before Eoni follows up on any chance to save the tree.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 91 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 0/9
Mon 14 Nov 2016
at 03:57
  • msg #316

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
The kobold scurries over to the slain kobold zombies and regards each with a mixture of sorrow and disdain. Skunge then drags each toward one of the earthen walls, lining them up for some unknown purpose. Interestingly, he pays little heed to the assembled adventures, but upon reaching Valthur and Yhus, he asks Aldara: "If not need. Skunge keep. Yes?"

Hopefully it won't come to this, but if I have to be revived by the Kobold necromancer in order to survive and stay in the game, I'll do it. Sure, I'll probably walk with a shuffle and moan a lot and say things like "braaaiiiins..." in a slow stupid voice, but sometimes a guy has to make sacrifices!
Yhus the Musing
Cleric, 48 posts
Cleric of Pelor
AC: 6 | HP: 7/7
Tue 15 Nov 2016
at 04:21
  • msg #317

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Still here... :-)
DM Pawn
GM, 180 posts
Tue 15 Nov 2016
at 12:45
  • msg #318

Re: OOC: Table Talk

For game purposes and to bring all players back into the mix, I will throw you a bone and let you know the rose-colored potion you had previously found is a potion of healing. It could be used in two does to bring your unconscious members back into the fold.

The "potion" Skunge just handed to Aldara remains a mystery however.

Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 101 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 3/6
Wed 16 Nov 2016
at 03:23
  • msg #319

Re: OOC: Table Talk

As a note, Aldara is the only one aware of the potion.  At least the only one conscious.

The potion made it's appearance in Chapter 1: Into the Witchwood - The Adventure Begins msg #309.

It seems as though Valthur proposed telling the others of what they'd found but never got around to actually doing it.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 92 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 0/9
Wed 16 Nov 2016
at 07:15
  • msg #320

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Aldara knows about the rose-colored potion, too, so at least SOMEBODY who's conscious could bring it up.

Keep probing this Skunge character for answers. Just because I'm not posting doesn't mean I'm not watching intently. I love a whodunit, so let's keep trying to find out.
Fighter, 148 posts
Hit Points:8|5
Wed 16 Nov 2016
at 15:33
  • msg #321

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Let's just kill the Gnome,sack everything we can, then set fire the tree. That should about cover things. :)
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 93 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 0/9
Thu 17 Nov 2016
at 01:43
  • msg #322

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Why do I think that would somehow backfire?
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 104 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 3/6
Thu 17 Nov 2016
at 12:45
  • msg #323

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I don't think there's any reason why Aldara can't retrieve her daggers from the bodies now.

Skunge just lined them up against the wall.  They're still accessible.
Magic User, 76 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Fri 18 Nov 2016
at 12:35
  • msg #324

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
Why do I think that would somehow backfire?

Because you're a Dwarf, and Dwarves know Kobolds.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 95 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 0/9
Sat 19 Nov 2016
at 04:54
  • msg #325

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Because you're a Dwarf, and Dwarves know Kobolds.

That we do. Know 'em all too well. I could tell you a story or two about those nasty little buggars... if I was conscious.

For now, you'll have to settle for some occasional mumbling from me and maybe an twitch every once in a while.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 107 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 3/6
Sat 19 Nov 2016
at 22:07
  • msg #326

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Did Sarah just find the Crone's Ear Morel?

I didn't see it in any of the posts.
Thief, 91 posts
Sat 19 Nov 2016
at 22:42
  • [deleted]
  • msg #327

Re: OOC: Table Talk

This message was deleted by the player at 02:45, Sun 20 Nov 2016.
DM Pawn
GM, 185 posts
Sun 20 Nov 2016
at 02:21
  • msg #328

Re: OOC: Table Talk

The crone's ear morel was in the laboratory.
Magic User, 79 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Sun 20 Nov 2016
at 04:27
  • msg #329

Re: OOC: Table Talk

GM!  For parts where we split the party, would you prefer everything be public, or under Private text, like Language groups.  In this case, it'd be between you and I.  But in the future if we were to split up Scooby-style, it'd be, say, Sarah-Valthur-GM, Aldara-Marklin-GM, Yhus-Eoni-GM, et cetera.
DM Pawn
GM, 186 posts
Sun 20 Nov 2016
at 05:21
  • msg #330

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Aldara (msg # 329):

I prefer to not split the party :)

But it doesn't matter to me either way. Whatever works for you.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 109 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 3/6
Sun 20 Nov 2016
at 13:05
  • msg #331

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Just to clarify, I don't think Aldara is actually going more than a few dozen feet away if they've brought the bodies to the Moonsong portion of the tree where they live.
Fighter, 154 posts
Hit Points:8|5
Tue 22 Nov 2016
at 17:41
  • msg #332

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Pre holiday slow down? :)
DM Pawn
GM, 187 posts
Tue 22 Nov 2016
at 21:11
  • msg #333

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Pre holiday slow down? :)

Could very well be. Common occurence around the holidays. Not sure what everyone's posting availability will be through the holidays, but I will mostly be for 3-4 days around New Year's, as we will be staying at a beach cottage to ring in the new year.
Thief, 92 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Tue 22 Nov 2016
at 21:15
  • msg #334

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I'm nursing a sore arm . . . I/C that is

[Private to DM Pawn: . . . and amazed that nobody is asking me any questions about what happened to me.]
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 110 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 3/6
Tue 22 Nov 2016
at 22:12
  • msg #335

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I expect Aldara to take the last two steps to reach the mushroom patch and try to open a conversation with the Moonsong Peoples.

I also figure that the rest of the group, except for Marklin, is 20 feet away where they put the unconscious folk down.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 97 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 0/9
Thu 24 Nov 2016
at 04:17
  • msg #336

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I'm still unconscious, but will be available during the holidays to update everyone on Valthur's journey through the hazy fog of near-consciousness.

P.S. I'm not complaining about being unconscious, by the way. Just explaining why I may not post quite as frequently as usual. For the record, I am still as excited as ever about the adventure, about learning what the heck Skunge is talking about, and hopefully learning what we need to do to save this dying tree.
DM Pawn
GM, 188 posts
Thu 24 Nov 2016
at 04:24
  • msg #337

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I'm hopeful somebody will use the healing potion to get Valthur and Yhus back into the game, but you can only lead a pack of horses to water...not make them drink ;)
Fighter, 155 posts
Hit Points:8|5
Thu 24 Nov 2016
at 05:05
  • msg #338

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Happy Turkey day to all
DM Pawn
GM, 189 posts
Thu 24 Nov 2016
at 08:14
  • msg #339

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Going to give Aldara an opportunity to respond (if she wants to) to Marklin, otherwise she can simply post her action.

[Private to Sarah: . . and amazed that nobody is asking me any questions about what happened to me.

Yeah...Good o feel loved and appreciated, right?
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:15, Thu 24 Nov 2016.
DM Pawn
GM, 190 posts
Thu 24 Nov 2016
at 08:20
  • msg #340

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In other news...Congratulations are in order...

Congrats to Sarah. She has now earned enough XP for 2nd level. Go ahead and level up your character and make necessary adjustments on your character sheet.


Magic User, 82 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Thu 24 Nov 2016
at 10:23
  • msg #341

screwing the pooch, that is

I'm gonna give Marklin a chance to get a word in, before I continue.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 98 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 0/9
Thu 24 Nov 2016
at 16:09
  • msg #342

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Happy Thanksgiving, one and all.
DM Pawn:
I'm hopeful somebody will use the healing potion to get Valthur and Yhus back into the game, but you can only lead a pack of horses to water...not make them drink ;)

I don't remember if Yhus has his used up his cure light wounds spell already, but either way, I propose we give him the healing potion and then he can CLW Valthur (either immediately or tomorrow). Aldara has made it public knowledge that Valthur has the potion in his backpack (in msg 434), so I don't think we're bending any rules here.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 111 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 3/6
Fri 25 Nov 2016
at 19:48
  • msg #343

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Technically, we don't have any potions that have been identified in character.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 99 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 0/9
Sat 26 Nov 2016
at 04:33
  • msg #344

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Good point. In that case, I guess we'll have to wait.

According to Labyrinth Lord Damage and Healing section: "All beings recover hit points through rest. For each full day of complete rest, a character or monster will recover 1d3 hp."

Does that mean Yhus and I can regain consciousness and 1d3 HPs without the help of a spell if we wait for a full day? Ha ha - it seems like we've been waiting that long already, but in game time, it's probably only been a few minutes.
DM Pawn
GM, 192 posts
Sat 26 Nov 2016
at 04:46
  • msg #345

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
Good point. In that case, I guess we'll have to wait.

According to Labyrinth Lord Damage and Healing section: "All beings recover hit points through rest. For each full day of complete rest, a character or monster will recover 1d3 hp."

Does that mean Yhus and I can regain consciousness and 1d3 HPs without the help of a spell if we wait for a full day? Ha ha - it seems like we've been waiting that long already, but in game time, it's probably only been a few minutes.

Yes. PCs will recover d3 hit points per day through normal rest.

Both characters have only been out of commission for about 20 minutes or so of game time.
Magic User, 83 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Sat 26 Nov 2016
at 07:46
  • msg #346

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Heads up!  Post where Aldara mentions the potion has been edited to reflect that she really does not necessarily know the qualities of the potion.  Between that and the one Skunge gave us...well, what would you trust?

To answer one of the Fey's questions out of character, if you guys can come up with a good reason to kill Skunge, go right ahead.  In Aldara's case, she just thought it'd be sort of tacky to pump the little guy for information after breaking his toys, and then go "Well, you aren't useful any longer.  Time to die!".  That, and there are two priests of benign deities in the party.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 112 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 3/6
Sat 26 Nov 2016
at 13:08
  • msg #347

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Since they're not letting us stay and the group probably isn't going back down without Valthur and Yhus upright, we'll need to leave and make camp.

Unless Aldara has more questions for the Grig, she and Marklin should return the dozen paces to the group and report their findings and then perhaps we'll depart to make camp.

There we could test some potions to see how they behave.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 100 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 0/9
Sat 26 Nov 2016
at 19:27
  • msg #348

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Sounds like a good plan to me!

Let's rest, then get back to Skunge before he revives all his zombie brothers.

...and before my rabies kicks in!
DM Pawn
GM, 193 posts
Mon 28 Nov 2016
at 01:40
  • msg #349

Re: OOC: Table Talk

You don't really have to kill Skunge. You already grabbed some Moonsong mushrooms from the Grigs before you ticked them off. You found Crone's morel in Skunge's laboratory. The Bloodmoss is the only outstanding item you need to find to complete your mission.

Of course if you want to kill Skunge you certainly can, and the Grigs won't object. They don't care for the kobold and would happily see him evicted. It's up to you what you want to do about the seemingly drug-adled crazed kobold.

If the plan is to retreat outside and rest somewhere nearby, somebody please post so in-character. Thanks :)
Thief, 93 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Mon 28 Nov 2016
at 02:52
  • msg #350

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I think that should be our plan.
Magic User, 84 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Mon 28 Nov 2016
at 08:03
  • msg #351

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I'll get some answers to our Grigfriends out, then.  Wanted to see if Marklin had anything to say to 'em.  Two mouths being better than one, that sort of thing.  On a side note, man we screwed the pooch, agitating those guys.  According to a 2nd Edition book, they're usually pretty fun to be around.   :(  Ah, well, you can't have an adventure without annoying some potential allies...
Fighter, 157 posts
Hit Points:8|5
Mon 28 Nov 2016
at 14:20
  • msg #352

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Sorry about that. My character in the other D&D game,I am in, would have tried diplomacy to mend fences with the Grig. Buuut, Marklin is about as diplomatic as an Ogre with a tooth ache.

 Marklin attempted to pay wereguld in gold,and what the Grig just said,was the equivalent of spitting in his face. Such his his way of looking at it,anyway.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:47, Mon 28 Nov 2016.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 115 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 5/6
Wed 30 Nov 2016
at 13:33
  • msg #353

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I think we've lost Yhus.

If this is the case, it would be an opportune time for him to head back to town.  His near death experience has made him want to see his family.
DM Pawn
GM, 195 posts
Wed 30 Nov 2016
at 15:05
  • msg #354

Re: OOC: Table Talk

It's been about a week since he logged in and two weeks since he posted. Granted much of that time was spent with his character unconscious, so can't really hold that against the player. That, coupled with the holidays, doesn't have me too concerned yet.

us: if you're still with us, please chime in. Your character is finally conscious again!
Fighter, 159 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Wed 30 Nov 2016
at 15:51
  • msg #355

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 So, does Marklin find any game?
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 116 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 5/6
Thu 1 Dec 2016
at 03:10
  • msg #356

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Perhaps if Yhus doesn't respond by tomorrow, we could assume he uses a heal on Valthur so we can push onward?
DM Pawn
GM, 196 posts
Thu 1 Dec 2016
at 03:36
  • msg #357

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Eoni Daflin (msg # 356):

I'll post for behalf tonight.

Is this what everyone else currently has?

Aldara   8    4/4  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20
Eoni     8    5/6  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20
Marklin  6    5/8  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20
Sarah    6    4/5  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20
Valthur  4    6/9  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20
Yhus     6    7/7  10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 20 20

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:40, Thu 01 Dec 2016.
Fighter, 160 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Thu 1 Dec 2016
at 03:39
  • msg #358

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Thief, 96 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Thu 1 Dec 2016
at 03:40
  • msg #359

Re: OOC: Table Talk

No . . . I believe I'm 6/6 on hp.

Started with four, injured for 3 brought me to 1/4.  Gained two for leveling, so 3/6.  Then healed 3 in the night, so 6/6.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 118 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 5/6
Thu 1 Dec 2016
at 03:46
  • msg #360

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Did Marklin roll for the overnight rest healing d3?

Otherwise it looks good for Eoni and Yhus.
DM Pawn
GM, 199 posts
Thu 1 Dec 2016
at 04:51
  • msg #361

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Just a quick heads-up that I will be traveling to Guam for a business trip 2-9 December. I should have internet access throughout, but my posting schedule will likely be different due to the time change.


Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 121 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 5/6
Sat 3 Dec 2016
at 13:02
  • msg #362

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni and Valthur vote to go back in.

Marklin votes to hang out in the forest all day.

Any other preferences?

How much food does everyone else have left after our first two days?
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 105 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 6/9
Sat 3 Dec 2016
at 21:24
  • msg #363

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I started with 10 days of rations, so I'm still at 8. Can loan to someone else if they're short on food.
Fighter, 163 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Sun 4 Dec 2016
at 02:49
  • msg #364

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Marklin has three left.
Thief, 99 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Sun 4 Dec 2016
at 03:58
  • msg #365

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Sarah has two days left.
Magic User, 87 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Sun 4 Dec 2016
at 20:28
  • msg #366

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I'm down to nothin'.
DM Pawn
GM, 200 posts
Tue 6 Dec 2016
at 20:09
  • msg #367

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Long days and very unreliable internet hotel wifi. Not sure I will have much time to post until after after I get home this weekend. Thanks for the patience.
Magic User, 89 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Tue 6 Dec 2016
at 21:35
  • msg #368

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Yer good on my end!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 107 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 6/9
Wed 7 Dec 2016
at 04:00
  • msg #369

Re: OOC: Table Talk


...okay, deep breath.

Sorry about that outburst.
Magic User, 90 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Thu 8 Dec 2016
at 21:55
  • msg #370

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Valthur Ironhelm (msg # 369):

While you were out, you also got tapped on the head.  I'm reminding you that you owe me about three gold and fifty copper.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 108 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 6/9
Fri 9 Dec 2016
at 02:58
  • msg #371

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Aldara (msg # 370):

My check's in the mail!
DM Pawn
GM, 201 posts
Sat 10 Dec 2016
at 09:12
  • msg #372

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Okay. Back home again and slowly recuperating from the travel. What is the plan now?

Head back down to deal with Skunge? Head up the ladder to the ledge above? Something else altogether?
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 122 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 5/6
Sat 10 Dec 2016
at 13:08
  • msg #373

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I think the plan was to deal with Skunge next.
Fighter, 165 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Sat 10 Dec 2016
at 13:40
  • msg #374

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Yep, Skunge is next on the menu.
Thief, 100 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Sat 10 Dec 2016
at 14:46
  • msg #375

Re: OOC: Table Talk

That was my sense as well.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 109 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 6/9
Sun 11 Dec 2016
at 05:32
  • msg #376

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I'm in for that!
Magic User, 91 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Sun 11 Dec 2016
at 09:55
  • msg #377

Re: OOC: Table Talk

86 Skunge!
Fighter, 167 posts
Mon 12 Dec 2016
at 04:18
  • [deleted]
  • msg #378

Re: OOC: Table Talk

This message was deleted by the player at 21:50, Mon 12 Dec 2016.
Fighter, 168 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Wed 14 Dec 2016
at 01:14
  • msg #379

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 It's time toooooo.....RUMBLE!!!!! (echoes)
DM Pawn
GM, 205 posts
Wed 14 Dec 2016
at 05:10
  • msg #380

Re: OOC: Table Talk

It's now been over three weeks since Yhus logged in and more than that since he last posted. Not looking too good for him to remain in the game. :\
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 111 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 4/9
Wed 14 Dec 2016
at 07:19
  • msg #381

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Bummer. I have a feeling we're going to need some healing real soon!

Along those lines, I may have missed something (being healed when I wasn't looking), but I think Valthur is down to 4 HP. According to my notes, he entered this fray at only 6/9, not the full 9/9. Hopefully I missed something, but that's what I remember.

So how do we defeat a swarm of beetles? Is it even possible to hit it with a sword? Fire may be a better bet.
DM Pawn
GM, 206 posts
Wed 14 Dec 2016
at 07:40
  • msg #382

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I think I just returned everyone to full hp after the last rest.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 125 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 5/6
Wed 14 Dec 2016
at 15:14
  • msg #383

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Remember that you can attack and move if anyone wants to try and get out of range of the beetles after attacking.

Yhus?  Is that a red shirt you put on this morning?
Magic User, 94 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Wed 14 Dec 2016
at 19:47
  • msg #384

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Man, and here I wanted Skunge to be this party's answer to Scrappy-Doo.  Well, here's hoping Valthur was able to wipe the floor with him!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 114 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 7/9
Thu 15 Dec 2016
at 05:12
  • msg #385

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Oh - That would've been great fun. Both from a "every once in a while he might come in handy" point of view as well as a (most of the time) "watch your backs" point of view.

But the beetles were really driving Valthur nuts. You've got to clue me in on your plans next time!
DM Pawn
GM, 209 posts
Thu 15 Dec 2016
at 06:35
  • msg #386

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Congratulations to Eoni, who has now earned enough XP for 2nd level!

You may level up your character and adjust your character sheet accordingly.
Magic User, 95 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Thu 15 Dec 2016
at 11:25
  • msg #387

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Congratulations, Eoni!

Valthur Ironhelm:
Oh - That would've been great fun. Both from a "every once in a while he might come in handy" point of view as well as a (most of the time) "watch your backs" point of view.

But the beetles were really driving Valthur nuts. You've got to clue me in on your plans next time!

Oh, that's alright.  I was only kidding anyways.  I never liked him anyways.  My real plan was to manipulate Skunge into sharing his magical knowledge with me (and get him to talk about his antics, but communication barriers saw to that.  I promise, next time I cast charm person it'll be on something that speaks more than broken Common...ugh!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 115 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 7/9
Fri 16 Dec 2016
at 00:20
  • msg #388

Re: OOC: Table Talk

But just think of the possibilities a kobold would bring to the story: a Gollum-like is he with us or is he against us NPC. You have to admit, as annoying as it would have been, it would've added an entirely new dimension to the story!

But then I just went ahead and ran him through :(

Oh well, maybe next time.
Magic User, 97 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Fri 16 Dec 2016
at 01:06
  • msg #389

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Valthur Ironhelm (msg # 388):

I suppose.

Kobold is Scrappy-Doo, Valthur is Scooby-Doo, Marklin is Fred, Sarah is Shaggy, Eoni is Daphne, and Aldara is Velma!  Yhus is Harry the Hypnotist.

I like it.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 117 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 7/9
Fri 16 Dec 2016
at 02:31
  • msg #390

Re: OOC: Table Talk

"Ruh-roh Raggy Rarrah!"
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 127 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 7/10
Fri 16 Dec 2016
at 03:31
  • msg #391

Re: OOC: Table Talk

This explains why Sarah keeps disappearing.  She's just getting lost and wandering off without her glasses.
Magic User, 99 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Fri 16 Dec 2016
at 19:40
  • msg #392

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Annnd the spell book was what I was after, thank you very much, GM!  While I was promised things for my apartment by family members, my characters weren't given much in the way of gifts.  You just made Christmas for a mage.  I was going to share with Skunge, but nooo, he was all, "durr what are you saying?  Why did you hurt my things?", and anyways, he'd probably just try to trick his dumb Kobold friends into doing bad things with charm person.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 131 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 7/10
Tue 20 Dec 2016
at 14:57
  • msg #393

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Looks like we're ready to speak with the Moonsong People again.  They head back up to complete their bargain and ask about the last item on their shopping list.
Fighter, 173 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Tue 20 Dec 2016
at 15:17
  • msg #394

Re: OOC: Table Talk

FYI, If one one else has it, Marklin would go over and pick up the Kobold's severed head.
Fighter, 175 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Wed 21 Dec 2016
at 19:02
  • msg #395

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Hey, the GM is slacking off, no posts since Monday... Just Kidding! NO lighting bolts!! NOOO LIGHTING BOLTS.!!!!!!
Fighter, 176 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Thu 22 Dec 2016
at 01:08
  • msg #396

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 I am home with the flu,and bored out of my mind. sigh
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 123 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 7/9
Thu 22 Dec 2016
at 02:52
  • msg #397

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Ouch. That sucks that you have the flu.
Here's a extra post for you to read while you're recovering.

On Sunday my wife and I went to the Lord of the Rings marathon at a local movie theater. It included the extended versions of the 3 movies. Started at 10:45 am and finished up about 11:10 pm. Kind of fun to see in the theaters again.

Get well soon, Marklin. We're going to need you at your best to help find the bloodrose moss...

...maybe up on that ledge (where Sarah was earlier)???
Fighter, 178 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Thu 22 Dec 2016
at 03:13
  • msg #398

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Thank you Valthur. Your movie trip sounds like it was fun.
Magic User, 103 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Thu 22 Dec 2016
at 06:05
  • msg #399

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Hey, the GM is slacking off, no posts since Monday... Just Kidding! NO lighting bolts!! NOOO LIGHTING BOLTS.!!!!!!

Don't agitate the GM until I can fashion you lightning-resistant armour!  Either that, or ask a Druid for some leather armour with, uhh, Elvenwood? buckles, and maybe rivets of the same material.  I don't trust metal buckles.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 124 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 7/9
Fri 23 Dec 2016
at 04:04
  • msg #400

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Magic User, 104 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Fri 23 Dec 2016
at 19:18
  • msg #401

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Valthur Ironhelm (msg # 400):

Well, Dwarves never get targetted by spells like that.  It's always humans, because, uhh, I don't know.  Contracts?
Thief, 107 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Sat 24 Dec 2016
at 00:19
  • msg #402

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Valthur Ironhelm (msg # 400):

Well, Dwarves never get targetted by spells like that.  It's always humans, because, uhh, I don't know.  Contracts?

Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 126 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 7/9
Sat 24 Dec 2016
at 16:53
  • msg #403

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Hey now, that's hitting below the belt!
Thief, 108 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Sat 24 Dec 2016
at 19:37
  • msg #404

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
Hey now, that's hitting below the belt!

Which, for a dwarf, is pretty darn low.

(You know you wanted someone to say that . . . admit it!)
Magic User, 105 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Sat 24 Dec 2016
at 21:00
  • msg #405

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Well, no, everybody knows that Dwarves are best killed standing toe-to-toe with several hundred foes, mowing through them like a scythe through wheat, and finally falling after one very well-placed blow.  Elves, because they're so beautiful (for being Grey Alien Faerie People) and it would be so TRAGIC! for something so timeless and graceful to die, probably die best in horrible and disfigurings way, just to show how little the world cares about beauty (*choke* *sob*), or by one well-placed blow, to show that even the best of training can all be for naught.  Humans, I'm gonna say get 11% of what Dwarves or Elves or Halflings get, with the other 67% going to Other.  Halflings, probably environmental stuff if they do die, but they usually survive the adventures and die of natural causes.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 127 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 7/9
Mon 26 Dec 2016
at 02:35
  • msg #406

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Hmmm, that's a unique way of looking at it. I noticed that you didn't mention dying of giant ferret induced rabies on your list. Hopefully I can keep that streak going.

Valthur Ironhelm:
Hey now, that's hitting below the belt!

Which, for a dwarf, is pretty darn low.

(You know you wanted someone to say that . . . admit it!)

Yeah, I kind set that one up, but it's no good unless somebody else takes it to the finish line!
Fighter, 184 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Tue 27 Dec 2016
at 01:48
  • msg #407

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Here is hoping, there is only one giant spider.
Magic User, 106 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Tue 27 Dec 2016
at 08:16
  • msg #408

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Here is hoping, there is only one giant spider.

I'm alright with spiders, there's a lot in my studio, but...I'm with you.  The ones I live with are a nice, friendly size.

GM, yer private To-Hit thingie's broken!
Fighter, 185 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Tue 27 Dec 2016
at 21:14
  • msg #409

Re: OOC: Table Talk

We are waiting on that bloody Dwarf. Swing that sword,already. :)
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 129 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 7/9
Tue 27 Dec 2016
at 21:57
  • msg #410

Re: OOC: Table Talk

oops sorry - asleep at the switch up here...
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 131 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 7/9
Tue 27 Dec 2016
at 22:05
  • msg #411

Re: OOC: Table Talk

15:59, Today: Valthur Ironhelm rolled 6 using 1d20+2 with rolls of 4.  sword vs. spider.

Well, that was hardly worth waiting for.
Fighter, 186 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Wed 28 Dec 2016
at 04:19
  • msg #412

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Isn't it written somewhere, the spider skips this round?
Fighter, 189 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Thu 29 Dec 2016
at 01:38
  • msg #413

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Why do I get the feeling, this spider is not alone?
Magic User, 109 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 4/4
Thu 29 Dec 2016
at 03:36
  • msg #414

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Marklin (msg # 413):

And has friends that have magic voices?
Magic User, 111 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 2/4
Fri 30 Dec 2016
at 08:51
  • msg #415

Re: OOC: Table Talk

GM!  You forgot to mark me as 2/4 Hit Points, annnd I forgot to adjust my Hit Points to reflect damage from the bug swarm.

Boy, with the Hit Points that spider's got, and with how valuable it is in these'd think we were watching some great heroes of the First Age standing toe-to-toe with Ungoliant's first terrestrial spawn!
This message was last edited by the player at 09:05, Fri 30 Dec 2016.
DM Pawn
GM, 222 posts
Fri 30 Dec 2016
at 16:31
  • msg #416

Re: OOC: Table Talk

GM!  You forgot to mark me as 2/4 Hit Points, annnd I forgot to adjust my Hit Points to reflect damage from the bug swarm.

Boy, with the Hit Points that spider's got, and with how valuable it is in these'd think we were watching some great heroes of the First Age standing toe-to-toe with Ungoliant's first terrestrial spawn!

I lost good track of current hit points sometime after one of the recent encounters and figured I would just bring everyone back to full health after the last encounter rather than go full-on forensic DM.

Sometimes the easiest solution is the best solution :)
Thief, 113 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Fri 30 Dec 2016
at 17:09
  • msg #417

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
I lost good track of current hit points sometime after one of the recent encounters and figured I would just bring everyone back to full health after the last encounter rather than go full-on forensic DM.

Sometimes the easiest solution is the best solution :)

"Forensic DM" sounds like a good name for a TV show.

(By the way, holding my action for Valthur.)
Fighter, 191 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Fri 30 Dec 2016
at 20:19
  • msg #418

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Sends out an all points bulletin for the Dwarf.
Magic User, 113 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 2/4
Fri 30 Dec 2016
at 21:46
  • msg #419

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Cause of Death: Third-Party Materials.
Fighter, 192 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Sat 31 Dec 2016
at 01:59
  • msg #420

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 That stinking Spider has one hit point left. We need the mighty Dwarf hero to slay the beggar.
DM Pawn
GM, 223 posts
Sat 31 Dec 2016
at 02:52
  • msg #421

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Forensic DMing was what really soured me on running 4th edition D&D games via PBP and led me to return to simpler rulesets for this medium.
Thief, 114 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Sat 31 Dec 2016
at 03:45
  • msg #422

Re: OOC: Table Talk

That stinking Spider has one hit point left. We need the mighty Dwarf hero to slay the beggar.

I plan to chuck a dart at it if he fails, but want to wait and hope he finishes it b/c I don't know what happens with missile fire into melee.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 134 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 9/9
Sat 31 Dec 2016
at 07:15
  • msg #423

Re: OOC: Table Talk

ready your dart Sarah, I'm pretty sure I just missed :(
Magic User, 114 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 2/4
Sat 31 Dec 2016
at 08:12
  • msg #424

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Valthur Ironhelm (msg # 423):

Sure, leave the mage who can throw iron like the best of them out.   :(
DM Pawn
GM, 225 posts
Sat 31 Dec 2016
at 18:47
  • msg #425

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Congratulations to Marklin and Valthur. Both of you have earned enough XP for 2nd level!

You may update your character sheets accordingly. Please let me know when you have done so and I will update the combat tracker.


Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 136 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 18/18
Sun 1 Jan 2017
at 05:53
  • msg #426

Re: OOC: Table Talk

My character sheet is updated. Hit points go up, but nothing else that I can think of (to hit, saving throws, etc.). As opposed to my recent attack rolls, I actually did good on the HPs this level!

23:50, Today: Valthur Ironhelm rolled 9 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 8.  2nd level hit points.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 137 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 18/18
Sun 1 Jan 2017
at 05:54
  • msg #427

Re: OOC: Table Talk

P.S. Nice shot with the dart, Sarah!

P.P.S. Happy new year, everyone!!!
This message was last edited by the player at 06:07, Sun 01 Jan 2017.
DM Pawn
GM, 227 posts
Mon 2 Jan 2017
at 06:00
  • msg #428

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Yes. Happy New Year All!
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 139 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 7/10
Mon 2 Jan 2017
at 16:33
  • msg #429

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I suppose that Marklin for sure and maybe Aldara and Sarah could hear the voice that isn't Yhus speaking to Valthur?

Otherwise I'd expect Valthur to run with this on his own until someone else follows him in.

Also note that Yhus had the forward torch while Liam has the other 80' or so away and not providing any light to those near the Bloodmoss hollow.

Or was Yhus' torch extinguished...
DM Pawn
GM, 228 posts
Mon 2 Jan 2017
at 16:37
  • msg #430

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
I suppose that Marklin for sure and maybe Aldara and Sarah could hear the voice that isn't Yhus speaking to Valthur?

Otherwise I'd expect Valthur to run with this on his own until someone else follows him in.

Also note that Yhus had the forward torch while Liam has the other 80' or so away and not providing any light to those near the Bloodmoss hollow.

Or was Yhus' torch extinguished...

Everyone can make a Listen check to determine whether they heard the purring voice or not.

Yhus' torch was extinguished when he entered the dark limb.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 140 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 4 | HP: 18/18
Mon 2 Jan 2017
at 23:43
  • msg #431

Re: OOC: Table Talk

GULP! Once again not looking good for Valthur.

On the plus side, we're closing in on 1000 posts! That'll be a cool milestone.
See how I'm keeping it positive there?
Fighter, 194 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Mon 2 Jan 2017
at 23:53
  • msg #432

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 What does one roll for listening?
DM Pawn
GM, 229 posts
Tue 3 Jan 2017
at 01:49
  • msg #433

Re: OOC: Table Talk

What does one roll for listening?

DM Pawn
GM, 231 posts
Tue 3 Jan 2017
at 02:01
  • msg #434

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
GULP! Once again not looking good for Valthur.

On the plus side, we're closing in on 1000 posts! That'll be a cool milestone.
See how I'm keeping it positive there?

Maybe not GOOD for Valthur, but a GREAT roleplaying opportunity for the group :)

How's that for positive?

DM Pawn
GM, 232 posts
Tue 3 Jan 2017
at 02:03
  • msg #435

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
Congratulations to Marklin and Valthur. Both of you have earned enough XP for 2nd level!

You may update your character sheets accordingly. Please let me know when you have done so and I will update the combat tracker.



Not sure you saw this Marklin...
Fighter, 195 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Tue 3 Jan 2017
at 02:45
  • msg #436

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 I rolled for new hit points for second level. I rolled a one, impressive.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 141 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 7/10
Tue 3 Jan 2017
at 02:59
  • msg #437

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Obviously, the Moonsong have not accepted Marklin's apology for the destruction of their homes.
Fighter, 196 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Tue 3 Jan 2017
at 03:04
  • msg #438

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 I'll ask again, what does on need to roll, dice wise, for a listen check? Thanks in advance.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 142 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 7/10
Tue 3 Jan 2017
at 03:14
  • msg #439

Re: OOC: Table Talk

You need to roll a 1 on a 1d6.  See also OOC msg #433.
Fighter, 197 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Tue 3 Jan 2017
at 03:21
  • msg #440

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Oh, joy, I'm blind...... thanks folks
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 141 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 4 | HP: 18/18
Tue 3 Jan 2017
at 03:40
  • msg #441

Re: OOC: Table Talk

whoa - we just blew the top off the 1000 post mark - too bad Valthur is too entranced to even notice!

And you're right about this being a great role playing opportunity for everyone (including Valthur). While I cursed aloud when I rolled a lousy 5 for my saving throw, the more creative side of me said something like "this'll make for a much better story!"

...that side of me was then quickly beaten back into place by the curse-you-dice-roller-when-am-I-ever-going-to-roll-above-a-ten side of me.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:57, Tue 03 Jan 2017.
Fighter, 200 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Thu 5 Jan 2017
at 02:24
  • msg #442

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Marklin grabbed Valthur by the back of his belt.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 144 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 4 | HP: 18/18
Thu 5 Jan 2017
at 03:26
  • msg #443

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Oops - I missed that. Fortunately for me DM pawn read your entire post and not just the first half of it!

At this point I am picturing Valthur waving his arms slowly/dreamily in front of him as if hoping to swim into the tunnel while Marklin struggles to hold him in place.

Good times.
Thief, 117 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Thu 5 Jan 2017
at 04:06
  • msg #444

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
Oops - I missed that. Fortunately for me DM pawn read your entire post and not just the first half of it!

At this point I am picturing Valthur waving his arms slowly/dreamily in front of him as if hoping to swim into the tunnel while Marklin struggles to hold him in place.

Good times.

The mental image amuses me.  Thank you for creating it. :)
Fighter, 201 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Thu 5 Jan 2017
at 04:55
  • msg #445

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 With the torch bearer drawing more near, can Marklin make out anything more?
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 144 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 7/10
Thu 5 Jan 2017
at 23:06
  • msg #446

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Marklin made an impressive save in the dice roller for that charm.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but you got ugly real fast."
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 146 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 4 | HP: 18/18
Fri 6 Jan 2017
at 06:28
  • msg #447

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I don't know what you guys are talking about. I think she's gorgeous!

P.S. Good work on the save, Marklin.
Magic User, 116 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 2/4
Fri 6 Jan 2017
at 15:46
  • msg #448

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I'm just remembering watching that episode of Thundercats where a talking plant gets Tygra to use substances, except here instead of walking cat-people it's a bunch of troubled twenty and thirty-somethings and a short burly guy.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 147 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 4 | HP: 18/18
Sat 7 Jan 2017
at 04:10
  • msg #449

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I'm not short!!!

...I'm just not overly tall.
Magic User, 118 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 2/4
Sat 7 Jan 2017
at 19:20
  • msg #450

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Valthur Ironhelm (msg # 449):

Ahh whatever you say, Danny Woodburn.
Thief, 121 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Sun 8 Jan 2017
at 19:11
  • msg #451

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I believe the last round's results and damage on the dryad omitted the results of my successful attack (post 584):

Sarah stops a moment; then shaking her head as if rising from a deep sleep, her face grows angry.  Furiously, she launches another dart . . .

16:06, Today: Sarah rolled 14 using 1d20 with rolls of 14.  save vs. spells (14).

16:07, Today: Sarah rolled 15,2 using d20+2,d4 with rolls of 13,2.

Fighter, 206 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Sun 8 Jan 2017
at 19:14
  • msg #452

Re: OOC: Table Talk

  Sorry Valthur, but in the scope of what is going on,and my characters total lack of comprehension of what they are facing, it seemed appropriate.

P.S. I'm glad Marklin missed, but Val is going to put a hurt on him now.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 149 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 7/10
Mon 9 Jan 2017
at 04:34
  • msg #453

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Surprised that old school didn't have any complicated grappling section in Labyrinth Lords.

Do we have any ad hoc recommendations?  Opposed d10 Strength rolls + ability score rather than modifiers?

Perhaps allow the option of Defender Dexterity during an escape attempt to oppose the Strength of the attacker with the same d10 + ability score?

Easiest not to have any damage rules, just restraint after a successful initial d20 grab before beginning opposed rolls to prevent escape.

I've always thought ability modifiers didn't provide much nuance between an 8 strength and a 16 strength when compared to the range of a d20.  It really needs to be more of a sure thing that a pixie with the strength of 3 will always lose to a man with the strength of 13.

On the plus side, anyone can declare "subdual damage" with any weapon and not kill someone.
DM Pawn
GM, 239 posts
Mon 9 Jan 2017
at 05:06
  • msg #454

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
Surprised that old school didn't have any complicated grappling section in Labyrinth Lords.

Do we have any ad hoc recommendations?  Opposed d10 Strength rolls + ability score rather than modifiers?

Perhaps allow the option of Defender Dexterity during an escape attempt to oppose the Strength of the attacker with the same d10 + ability score?

Easiest not to have any damage rules, just restraint after a successful initial d20 grab before beginning opposed rolls to prevent escape.

I've always thought ability modifiers didn't provide much nuance between an 8 strength and a 16 strength when compared to the range of a d20.  It really needs to be more of a sure thing that a pixie with the strength of 3 will always lose to a man with the strength of 13.

On the plus side, anyone can declare "subdual damage" with any weapon and not kill someone.

Grappling rules across all editions of D&D are overly complex in my opinion. We'll just keep it simple and make it like a normal attack, albeit possibly a non-damage inducing attack.

To break free, you simply make an attack roll. If you beat the AC, you're free. Sure, it's not realistic, but nothing about melee combat in D&D is realistic, it's all an abstraction. No need in adding a layer of realism onto an abstraction.

Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 151 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 4 | HP: 18/18
Mon 9 Jan 2017
at 06:15
  • msg #455

Re: OOC: Table Talk

No hard feelings for the dagger attack, Marklin. If anyone else wants to hit me upside the head (watch out for my helmet) I promise to hold no grudges... at least not here in the OOC thread :)
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 153 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 4 | HP: 18/18
Tue 10 Jan 2017
at 05:18
  • msg #456

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Three cheers for Sarah, for finishing off the dryad!

And for Eoni for trying to dig Yhus out from whatever he is in. Valthur is too self absorbed to care about others right now, but I'm glad somebody is looking out for the rest of the party.

That's a pretty cool scene painted by the DM: Valthur and Marklin wrestling around, Eoni restraining Liamm before he kicks Marklin's brains out, Yhus disappearing beneath a blanket of bloodrose moss, and Sarah and Aldara finishing off the creator of this whole mess. Well done, one and all!
DM Pawn
GM, 243 posts
Tue 10 Jan 2017
at 08:11
  • msg #457

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Well done all! Congratulations on ridding the tree of the true source of its cancer, the fallen dryad, and finding and retrieving all three McGuffins to complete this adventure!

Congratulations also to Aldara, who earned enough XP for 2nd level and Sarah for earning enough for 3rd level!

Only one party member slain during the adventure and it happened to be a player who went AWOL...imagine that? ;)

At any rate, Well done all around!

Magic User, 121 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 2/4
Tue 10 Jan 2017
at 10:25
  • msg #458

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 457):

Hooray!  We're veteran adventurers!  Now we can stay up late, and go to taverns, and drink ale, and cuss, and talk about all the cool stuff we've done to neophyte adventurers!
Thief, 124 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Tue 10 Jan 2017
at 15:35
  • msg #459

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 457):

Hooray!  We're veteran adventurers!  Now we can stay up late, and go to taverns, and drink ale, and cuss, and talk about all the cool stuff we've done to neophyte adventurers!

The greatest perks of all!!
Magic User, 122 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 7/7
Tue 10 Jan 2017
at 21:11
  • msg #460

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Sarah (msg # 459):

Alright, so based on my understanding oF these particular rules, I receive an additional 1st level spell?  Either way, I'm just happy I scored three additional Hit Points!
DM Pawn
GM, 244 posts
Wed 11 Jan 2017
at 01:14
  • msg #461

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Sarah (msg # 459):

Alright, so based on my understanding oF these particular rules, I receive an additional 1st level spell?  Either way, I'm just happy I scored three additional Hit Points!

That looks right to me.
Magic User, 123 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 7/7
Wed 11 Jan 2017
at 04:46
  • msg #462

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 461):

Alright, then!
I called dibs on charm person for my first spell, now I'm looking at sleep for my second.  What say you, team mates?
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 155 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 4 | HP: 18/18
Wed 11 Jan 2017
at 07:26
  • msg #463

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Sleep is good because it can work against multiple targets, I think. Of course there is sometimes the moral dilemma of whether it's okay to slit a sleeping bad guy's throat, but I still think it's worth having.

So I give sleep a thumbs up!
And with that, I'm going to sleep right now.

P.S. Traveling for the next couple days. Hopefully will have access, but if you don't hear from me, that's why. We should make sure we check out that wooden staff with the runes on it... could come in handy.
DM Pawn
GM, 246 posts
Wed 11 Jan 2017
at 07:55
  • msg #464

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Save for the final reckoning with Ologeon, this adventure is complete! Great job everyone. I have run this same adventure on four different occasions, in four different game systems. Each time is slightly different than the last and it's interesting to see how different groups deal with the challenges. You all did well.

Ologeon will gratefully offer up the promised reward: 300 gp, in addition to a few minor potions as a final "thanks".


More to the point though, this game was initially designed as a simple one shot. It took us four months to complete an adventure that normally runs four hours face-to-face. :) So there's a good timeline for you. 1 hour face-to-face time = 1 month RPoL. This was an active group with a fairly robust posting schedule though, and it could have easily taken much longer with less active players and/or DM. So, thanks for that.

At any rate, as I mentioned four months ago when we began, my only goal with this game was to run this adventure. And we've now done that. I don't know what may or may not be next, but I guess this is your opportunity to provide feedback on what you liked or didn't like about this adventure and/or the way I DM'd the game...and for me to think about the future of this game.

In any event, thanks again to all of you for sticking with this adventure and seeing it through to completion.

This message was last edited by the GM at 07:57, Wed 11 Jan 2017.
Fighter, 210 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Wed 11 Jan 2017
at 13:16
  • msg #465

Re: OOC: Table Talk

  I found the adventure to be challenging and fun.  It both kept my interest, and I looked forward to the GM’s next post.

 The encounters where new and refreshing, plus I enjoyed how the GM  rp’d said encounters. I really hope, that  you, the GM, will decide to continue this into a regular campaign. There is the Vale to explore, after all. Before this game, I had never even heard of the Vale.

  No matter what you decide, thank you for an enjoyable romp. It was damn fun!.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 152 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 7/10
Wed 11 Jan 2017
at 16:42
  • msg #466

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I've enjoyed this game as well and hope that it continues.

My only critique was that I think you were taking it easy on us.  Pointing out potions that were "most likely" healing potions.  I think it encourages the players to think that they don't need to pay attention as the DM will point out the useful items for them and add them to the treasure list with leading descriptions.

However, it wasn't that bad as you didn't push anyone to wear the ring.

As to possible next steps, Eoni is looking to clean up and repair Shrines to Avandra.  Perhaps after they've spent some gold she could convince them to tag along.

How much will it cost to have items identified?
Thief, 125 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Wed 11 Jan 2017
at 20:25
  • msg #467

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I enjoyed it very much, and wish it would continue.  The fact that it might not continue is the only thing I don't like.

If it does continue, in terms of what I'd like to do next: I would really like to roleplay the division of treasure.  I know that's rather short-term, but short-term comes before long-term. :)
Fighter, 211 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Wed 11 Jan 2017
at 23:18
  • msg #468

Re: OOC: Table Talk

  As far as the game is concerned..... Holds up his rping bowl,and in his best Oliver Twist imitation. " May I have some more, please."
DM Pawn
GM, 247 posts
Wed 11 Jan 2017
at 23:48
  • msg #469

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
My only critique was that I think you were taking it easy on us.  Pointing out potions that were "most likely" healing potions.  I think it encourages the players to think that they don't need to pay attention as the DM will point out the useful items for them and add them to the treasure list with leading descriptions.

However, it wasn't that bad as you didn't push anyone to wear the ring.

Good points. My motivation for leading you to use the potions of healing was I wanted to prevent an unnecessary break in action when the party had been battered. Potions of healing are relatively common items that most adventurers would probably be familiar with.

Additionally, Liamm can identify these items as he helps make them all the time, so there was no sense in being mysterious about a common item that was immediately useful and potentially prevented an unnecessary delay in the game.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 156 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 4 | HP: 18/18
Thu 12 Jan 2017
at 03:32
  • msg #470

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Like everyone else, I sincerely hope we can continue. My only concern is that Marklin will keep bringing up the time I fought for the wrong side. How embarrassing!

I really liked the pacing. It seemed like we were never waiting for anyone (maybe me once or twice) which kept things moving at a good pace.

So let's keep going!
Fighter, 212 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Fri 13 Jan 2017
at 04:14
  • msg #471

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Ok, if the game does not continue,GM. can you tell me who Glweevwumpt was?
DM Pawn
GM, 248 posts
Fri 13 Jan 2017
at 04:44
  • msg #472

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Marklin (msg # 471):

Glweevwumpt was/is a gnome who has sometimes appeared in this adventure when I've ran it in the past, depending on how the players handle some of the challenges and how much time they spend between encounters, etc.

Part of the backstory of this adventure is that the kobold sorcerer is an outcast/defector from a nearby kobold clutch. It doesn't always come up, but kobold press gangs sometimes show up to reclaim their sorcerer and forecefully take him back into the fold. Depending on whether the PCs befriend Skunge, this can present other complications. The PCs can discover the gnome as a captive of those press gangs, giving them a possible ally along the way.

As I've mentioned, I have run this adventure a few times and it's always a bit different. I have seen groups befriend and/or make enemies of the grigs, sorcerer and even the it's neat to see how different groups handle the same challenges.
Thief, 126 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Fri 13 Jan 2017
at 04:46
  • msg #473

Re: OOC: Table Talk

We opted to just kill everything.

Except the owl.  And the fey folk.  But not that we didn't consider it.
DM Pawn
GM, 249 posts
Fri 13 Jan 2017
at 04:48
  • msg #474

Re: OOC: Table Talk

We opted to just kill everything.

Except the owl.  And the fey folk.  But not that we didn't consider it.

The grigs are probably the hardest encounter in the whole adventure. I have seen other groups attack them outright and get their asses handed to them at the front door.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 157 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 4 | HP: 18/18
Sat 14 Jan 2017
at 05:33
  • msg #475

Re: OOC: Table Talk

It would've been fun to have a kobold shaman as an ally. I'd have spent a great deal of my energy second guessing our decision to befriend him and looking over my shoulder to the detriment of the party.
Fighter, 213 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Sun 15 Jan 2017
at 04:54
  • msg #476

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Hey GM, how goes the "are we going to continue, or we are a cooked goose" thought procress?
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 158 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 4 | HP: 18/18
Sun 15 Jan 2017
at 05:00
  • msg #477

Re: OOC: Table Talk

...and is there anything we can do to sway that thought process more toward the "going to continue" side?
DM Pawn
GM, 250 posts
Sun 15 Jan 2017
at 05:12
  • msg #478

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Completely OOC, but I thought it was interesting and will share...

My kids are 9 and 8 and have been playing "D&D" since they were about 4 years old. Initially we played a really basic form of the game that consisted of little more than lining up miniatures against the wall and having them roll dice to try to knock out bad guys. Basically bowling. From there we moved on to a very basic game that used d6 for action resolution, moving around little figures, etc.

Those early days were anything goes as far as what their characters could do. Slowly I reeled in their arbitrary special powers and had them choose three special powers their character could do and had them write them down on a "character sheet". This is also when we added in strangely shaped dice. Basically teaching them the building blocks of RPGs.

Around the time they were 8 and 7, we started playing Castles and Crusades, with full blown character sheets, etc. A few weeks ago my daughter joined a 5th edition Adventurers League game I am playing in and has played a few sessions of 5th edition.

At any rate, they were asking me about all the different versions of D&D, so I gave them a history lesson by showing them Basic (Moldvay and Mentzer editions), AD&D 1e, AD&D 2e, 3e, 3.5e, 4e and 5e. I asked them to evaluate the games based solely on the cover alone and had them pick the one they would want to play, based on cover alone.

My 9-year old daughter couldn't pick just one and selected AD&D 2e, Basic (Mentzer), and 3.5e.

My 8-year old son picked 4e without any hesitation.

Neither of them has played any of these versions of the game.

Then I had them flip through a couple pages of each book to see which one they would choose, if they could only play one game and had nobody to teach them, but had to learn on their own (i.e., I wasn't in the picture and this would be their first exposure to RPGs).

My son still went with 4e without any hesitation. My daughter went with 5e.

I kind of thought they might gravitate toward a lighter book, like one of the Basic books, seeing as it would be much easier to learn from a short book than a huge one. Nope.

The interesting thing about their choices though is they both choose the games that probably would best appeal to their playing styles (without them knowing it). My son like pure combat with characters who have special moves, etc. My daughter likes a mix of social interaction, exploration and combat, with heavy ephasis on roleplay.

For those of you with kids, do your kids play RPGs? If so, what kind of games do they like to play?
Thief, 127 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Sun 15 Jan 2017
at 16:51
  • msg #479

Re: OOC: Table Talk

My kids are in their 20s, but when they were younger they didn't play RPGs.  One played WoW (as did I for a bit) and the other played another popular MMOPRG that I don't remember the name of.

Now, one plays in a game of Rolemaster with me, and is also in some "starter group" learning 5th edition.
Fighter, 214 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Sun 15 Jan 2017
at 19:22
  • msg #480

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 My three kids are all grown, the youngest being 23. They played some AD&D,back in the day, but the real world get all three into its clutches. So now none of them know the joys of rping... M
DM Pawn
GM, 251 posts
Sun 15 Jan 2017
at 21:14
  • msg #481

Re: OOC: Table Talk

My kids are in their 20s, but when they were younger they didn't play RPGs.  One played WoW (as did I for a bit) and the other played another popular MMOPRG that I don't remember the name of.

Now, one plays in a game of Rolemaster with me, and is also in some "starter group" learning 5th edition.

I never played WoW. At the time it first came out I was finishing up my Bachelor's degree (a journey which took 15 years) and I didn't want any distractions. I am pretty familiar with the game though because the guys I used to work with played it heavily and they spent many 8-hour mid shifts talking about the game.

Wow! Rolemaster. That takes me back. I played it in the late 80s and enjoyed it. I probably wouldn't enjoy it as much now though. A bit too crunchy for my gaming tastes these days.
DM Pawn
GM, 252 posts
Sun 15 Jan 2017
at 21:18
  • msg #482

Re: OOC: Table Talk

My three kids are all grown, the youngest being 23. They played some AD&D,back in the day, but the real world get all three into its clutches. So now none of them know the joys of rping... M

Definitely can relate. I started roleplaying in 1984 and have had a couple of 6-year hiatuses over the years as real life got in the way. Hiatus years were 1991-1997 and 2001-2007. The 90s hiatus was completely RPG free. During the 2000 hiatus I still read Knights of the Dinner Table and bought the occasional RPG related product, but never actually got around to playing.
Thief, 128 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Sun 15 Jan 2017
at 23:11
  • msg #483

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
Wow! Rolemaster. That takes me back. I played it in the late 80s and enjoyed it. I probably wouldn't enjoy it as much now though. A bit too crunchy for my gaming tastes these days.

That's when I started with it too.  And I concede there is a reason why some derisively call it "Rollmaster."  What I like is how there are a multitude of classes, and no two within a class are the same.  We could have four magicians, and all be different.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 159 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 4 | HP: 18/18
Mon 16 Jan 2017
at 06:28
  • msg #484

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I don't have kids, but my dog seemed to like 5th edition. I know this because I caught him chewing on the Players Handbook one day.

I play a tabletop game with some friends and they are both also playing 5e games with their sons (both about 10 or 11). I don't know if they ever tried earlier editions.
Magic User, 124 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 7/7
Mon 16 Jan 2017
at 07:11
  • msg #485

Re: OOC: Table Talk

  I found the adventure to be challenging and fun.  It both kept my interest, and I looked forward to the GM’s next post.

 The encounters where new and refreshing, plus I enjoyed how the GM  rp’d said encounters. I really hope, that  you, the GM, will decide to continue this into a regular campaign. There is the Vale to explore, after all. Before this game, I had never even heard of the Vale.

  No matter what you decide, thank you for an enjoyable romp. It was damn fun!.

Agreeing with what Marklin said.

I don't have any children, but, uhh, well, since Valthur brought up a dog...the spiders in my studio sometimes walk over my RPG books.  Does that sort of count?
DM Pawn
GM, 253 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2017
at 08:00
  • msg #486

Re: OOC: Table Talk

  I found the adventure to be challenging and fun.  It both kept my interest, and I looked forward to the GM’s next post.

 The encounters where new and refreshing, plus I enjoyed how the GM  rp’d said encounters. I really hope, that  you, the GM, will decide to continue this into a regular campaign. There is the Vale to explore, after all. Before this game, I had never even heard of the Vale.

  No matter what you decide, thank you for an enjoyable romp. It was damn fun!.

Agreeing with what Marklin said.

I don't have any children, but, uhh, well, since Valthur brought up a dog...the spiders in my studio sometimes walk over my RPG books.  Does that sort of count?

You've mentioned a studio several times. Does that mean studio apartment or do you actually have a studio where you do art projects? If so, what kind of art do you do?
DM Pawn
GM, 254 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2017
at 08:07
  • msg #487

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
I don't have kids, but my dog seemed to like 5th edition. I know this because I caught him chewing on the Players Handbook one day.

I play a tabletop game with some friends and they are both also playing 5e games with their sons (both about 10 or 11). I don't know if they ever tried earlier editions.

I toyed with using Basic D&D as the first RPG I played with my kids but decided against it. I think Basic D&D might be too limiting by today's standards. Kids these days are exposed to a wide variety of fantasy through video games, movies, cartoons, etc. and I think the Basic D&D "vision" is a bit dated. Additionally, there are a lot of goofy oddities about the rules (again, by today's standards and the benefit of 40 years of game evolution) that don't make a lot of sense when removed from the frame of mind that created them.

I think my kids would still enjoy Basic D&D, but I think the lack of character options would be too limiting for them and wouldn't get that anything is possible, even if it is not spelled out for them in the rules.
Magic User, 125 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 7/7
Mon 16 Jan 2017
at 08:37
  • msg #488

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 486):

Studio apartment.  I do play at projects, but they're Infinity Engine modifications, and one of them, an NPC for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, is in development limbo.  But if Duke Nukem Forever got released, my mods will too!

I grew up with video games and movies and stuff, and I like Basic D&D just fine.  It taught me to like being a Cleric!
This message was last edited by the player at 08:39, Mon 16 Jan 2017.
DM Pawn
GM, 255 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2017
at 08:43
  • msg #489

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 486):

Studio apartment.  I do play at projects, but they're Infinity Engine modifications, and one of them, an NPC for Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, is in development limbo.  But if Duke Nukem Forever got released, my mods will too!

Cool. I had to Google Infinity Engine as I was not familiar with the term. I did play BG1 (completed the end game on that one), BG2 (did not make it pass the very beginning as the game did not keep my interest) and NWN.

I went in deep on NWN. I was the primary builder for a Middle Earth themed persistent world that ran for a couple of years. I really enjoyed building for that game and got pretty good at it too. Built tons of content (areas, NPCs, items, quest scripts, etc.) I did not use a lot of HAK packs for it, primarily just using the tools available in the game, though in the end we did add a couple of HAK packs for cosmetic purposes.

Fantastic game!
Magic User, 126 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 7/7
Mon 16 Jan 2017
at 08:55
  • msg #490

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 489):

My brother-in-law made a mod for the first NWN games.  Never really played those myself, but I recall him having said it was a module, or something.
And nothing wrong with a playable Middle-Earth!  Nothing wrong with that at all.  What Age was it set in?
DM Pawn
GM, 256 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2017
at 08:58
  • msg #491

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Alright, everyone has chimed in with their desire to continue and I have been mulling over your responses and my thoughts on the game this past weekend. This has been a fun group and I think I may have a follow-up adventure in mind.

For PbP games I tend to be a little more focused with adventures than I am in face-to-face games. In face-to-face games I generally wing everything and respond to player driven actions/motivations. This sandboxy approach doesn't work as well in PbP and tends to result in games stalling out for one reason or another, i.e., player atrophy, differing character motivations, analysis paralysis, social norms, lack of an identified leader, asynchronicity, etc.

To avoid all these PbP pitfalls, I generally run structured adventures. If we do a follow-up adventure, that will be the approach. In other words, it wont be a "what should we do next?" situation. A situation will present itself.

You all good with that?
DM Pawn
GM, 257 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2017
at 09:01
  • msg #492

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 489):

My brother-in-law made a mod for the first NWN games.  Never really played those myself, but I recall him having said it was a module, or something.
And nothing wrong with a playable Middle-Earth!  Nothing wrong with that at all.  What Age was it set in?

Yeah. This was for the 1st NWN. By the time NWN2 came out I was retired from computer gaming :)

Late 3rd Age, just after Bilbo found the ring and retired back to the Shire. We ran the persistent world for several Middle Earth years, culminating with the War of the Ring DM'd events. We would do periodic time jumps to move along toward the War of the Ring. We ended the campaign after the War of the Ring and the dawn of 4th age.
Fighter, 215 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Mon 16 Jan 2017
at 12:37
  • msg #493

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 I accept your proposal,GM. Thanks for doing another adventure.
Thief, 129 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Mon 16 Jan 2017
at 16:35
  • msg #494

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I accept your proposal,GM. Thanks for doing another adventure.

 I concur.

[Private to DM Pawn: And I look forward to the divvying of treasure. :)

Just to confirm: the treasure list doesn't show this in a private message (like with the rest of my pilfered items) but I did make off with both bracers, correct?
Magic User, 127 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 7/7
Mon 16 Jan 2017
at 18:21
  • msg #495

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Sarah (msg # 494):

Sounds good, GM!

EDIT: Will I have any time to attempt to learn any of the spells in Skunge's spell book?  I'd like to give the Priest spells to Eoni, to use as scrolls, if that's possible.

Darkness (1st level)
Protection from Good (1st level)
Read Magic (1st level)
Bane (2nd level)
Speak with Animal (2nd level)
Summon Vermin (2nd level)

Not sure which is which...thinking the first three are Magic-User spells.  There's also the matter of spell components, which we could keep for ourselves, or give to Ologeon.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:48, Mon 16 Jan 2017.
Fighter, 216 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Mon 16 Jan 2017
at 19:24
  • msg #496

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 New adventure, new adventure.. new adventure. Marklin bangs his tankard,each time he says that. He is excited to get start, because he craves excitement, yearns to see whats over the next hill... and of more minor concern, he is broke almost as soon as he gets any money.  WINE, WOMEN and SONG! The three banes of his existence.
DM Pawn
GM, 258 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2017
at 20:21
  • msg #497

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Sarah (msg # 494):

Sounds good, GM!

EDIT: Will I have any time to attempt to learn any of the spells in Skunge's spell book?  I'd like to give the Priest spells to Eoni, to use as scrolls, if that's possible.

Darkness (1st level)
Protection from Good (1st level)
Read Magic (1st level)
Bane (2nd level)
Speak with Animal (2nd level)
Summon Vermin (2nd level)

Not sure which is which...thinking the first three are Magic-User spells.  There's also the matter of spell components, which we could keep for ourselves, or give to Ologeon.

Yes. There will be downtime between adventures. Wizards may research new spells. Fighters may hone their skills. Carousers may carouse. Priests may pursue religious duties. Dwarves may do dwarvey things. Thieves may pursue larcenous and no larcenous activities. Etc.

If you would, please post what you intend to do after returning to Drellin's Ferry and finding accomodations at either The Green Apple (a more modest inn and taphouse primarily frequented by travelers looking to save coin and locals looking for a quiet place to enjoy a few drinks) or the Old Bridge Inn (a much larger and rowdier inn and tavern where one can play games of chance and hear tall tales).
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:26, Mon 16 Jan 2017.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 154 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 7/10
Mon 16 Jan 2017
at 22:08
  • msg #498

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Would you like to open a new thread for Drellin's Ferry downtime?
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 160 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 4 | HP: 18/18
Tue 17 Jan 2017
at 01:20
  • msg #499

Re: OOC: Table Talk

New adventure, new adventure.. new adventure. Marklin bangs his tankard,each time he says that. He is excited to get start, because he craves excitement, yearns to see whats over the next hill... and of more minor concern, he is broke almost as soon as he gets any money.  WINE, WOMEN and SONG! The three banes of his existence.

(banging his own tankard at the same time as Marklin) "new adventure, new adventure, new adventure, new adven-" (realizes Marklin stopped after the third time leaving him as the only one now banging his tankard and saying "new adventure"). "...ture."
DM Pawn
GM, 260 posts
Tue 17 Jan 2017
at 04:27
  • msg #500

Re: OOC: Table Talk

To simplify expenses during downtime activities, I am going to borrow Lifetstyle Expenses from 5th edition D&D. I have updated the House Rules thread. Please take a look when you have a chance and indicate what level of lifestyle you intend your character to maintain.


Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 162 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Tue 17 Jan 2017
at 04:42
  • msg #501

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Can I assume we split the 300gp four ways so we each have 75gp to play with? That should buy me a battle axe and a room that isn't full of people who might steal my new battle axe.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 155 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 7/10
Tue 17 Jan 2017
at 04:55
  • msg #502

Re: OOC: Table Talk

So after Valthur allows Yhus to go off on his own to die, he now wants to take the boy's share of the payment?  Do we want to role play this?
DM Pawn
GM, 261 posts
Tue 17 Jan 2017
at 05:13
  • msg #503

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I have rolled up all party treasure discovered during the adventure in the Party XP and Treasure Thread. Generally, I have found it is easier if I just keep track of everything and have the player divvy treasure after the adventure is complete.

How you guys divide the spoils is up to you.

Magic User, 128 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 7/7
Tue 17 Jan 2017
at 09:13
  • msg #504

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Heya, Marklin, remember that back-and-forth Aldara and Marklin had?  Are we going to play the resolution out, or just sort of say that the two never came to a peacable conclusion or whatever.  Either way works for me.
Thief, 130 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Tue 17 Jan 2017
at 13:51
  • msg #505

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
So after Valthur allows Yhus to go off on his own to die, he now wants to take the boy's share of the payment?  Do we want to role play this?

Definitely.  And probably before we go our separate ways in town, as the results of treasure-division process can affect subsequent events.

I imagine us all around a table in a private room somewhere, haggling.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:52, Tue 17 Jan 2017.
Fighter, 218 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Tue 17 Jan 2017
at 19:59
  • msg #506

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 I agree with Sharah, we should rp the fact we are all at one of the Inns. There we can hash out the division of the loot. Once that is settled, everyone can then go on their errands.
Magic User, 130 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 7/7
Wed 18 Jan 2017
at 02:19
  • msg #507

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Regardless of outcome, Aldara is giving some of her money to the Pelorites.

Are we doing this conversation retroactively?
Fighter, 220 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Wed 18 Jan 2017
at 02:30
  • msg #508

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Aldara, I am having a senior moment. Can you remind me what Marklin and Aldara where fussing about?
DM Pawn
GM, 263 posts
Wed 18 Jan 2017
at 02:49
  • msg #509

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Aldara, I am having a senior moment. Can you remind me what Marklin and Aldara where fussing about?

I had to go back and look as well. The only thing I could find was a rebuke about Marklin's vulgarity around children and women....  :)

But, it's entirely possible it was something else altogether.
DM Pawn
GM, 264 posts
Wed 18 Jan 2017
at 03:06
  • msg #510

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Skunge's spellbook contains the following spells:

Darkness (1st level Magic User...reversed Light)
Protection from Good (1st level Cleric)
Read Magic (1st level Magic User)
Bane (2nd level Cleric...reversed Bless)
Speak with Animal (2nd level Cleric)
Summon Vermin (2nd level Magic User...unique spell)
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:06, Wed 18 Jan 2017.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 158 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 7/10
Wed 18 Jan 2017
at 03:43
  • msg #511

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I'm not sure where the debate is taking place and it may be retroactive to some of the posts, but it would have happened after they received the 300 gold.  I pressed Valthur into starting the conversation as he was the first to bring it up.

Location isn't a big deal if someone wanted to specify one.  I would suggest that it came up soon after leaving with the gold and may be happening in the middle of the street.

Eoni will be staying in modest accommodations at the Green Apple.
Thief, 132 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Wed 18 Jan 2017
at 03:58
  • msg #512

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
I'm not sure where the debate is taking place and it may be retroactive to some of the posts, but it would have happened after they received the 300 gold.  I pressed Valthur into starting the conversation as he was the first to bring it up.

Location isn't a big deal if someone wanted to specify one.  I would suggest that it came up soon after leaving with the gold and may be happening in the middle of the street.

I strongly encourage that it not happen in the middle of the street.  That seems a poor place to discuss how to divide treasure -- lest curious and foolhardy ears decide they desire a share.

I still favor a private room at an inn.
DM Pawn
GM, 265 posts
Wed 18 Jan 2017
at 04:02
  • msg #513

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
I'm not sure where the debate is taking place and it may be retroactive to some of the posts, but it would have happened after they received the 300 gold.  I pressed Valthur into starting the conversation as he was the first to bring it up.

Location isn't a big deal if someone wanted to specify one.  I would suggest that it came up soon after leaving with the gold and may be happening in the middle of the street.

I strongly encourage that it not happen in the middle of the street.  That seems a poor place to discuss how to divide treasure -- lest curious and foolhardy ears decide they desire a share.

I still favor a private room at an inn.

C' a little!
Fighter, 222 posts
Hit Points:8|8
Wed 18 Jan 2017
at 04:32
  • msg #514

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Marklin would talk about it walking down the street, but a Inn private room is fine.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 164 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Wed 18 Jan 2017
at 07:55
  • msg #515

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Wow, my first real argument on rpol. What fun!

For the record, Eoni, I have no problem with the way you play your character, nor do I think it's unfair to give Yhus his fair share of the treasure. Valthur, however, is unwise and as such, speaks without thinking.
Magic User, 131 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 7/7
Wed 18 Jan 2017
at 09:00
  • msg #516

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
Aldara, I am having a senior moment. Can you remind me what Marklin and Aldara where fussing about?

I had to go back and look as well. The only thing I could find was a rebuke about Marklin's vulgarity around children and women....  :)

But, it's entirely possible it was something else altogether.

It was Aldara telling Marklin to keep up, and him telling her to stop being a putz and that he wasn't a servant.  Around the time we made our report back to the Grigs and they told us to do our jobs better.  She dismissed him, and said they'd discuss things "later".

Also, I, too, vote not to argue in the street.   :(  Maybe on our way to town outside of Ologeon's?  So this is all a flashback, and once we're resolved, we cut back to the present?
DM Pawn
GM, 267 posts
Wed 18 Jan 2017
at 15:25
  • msg #517

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Where you guys resolve division of treasure doesn't really matter. We can assume it was anywhere, but for sake of keeping the game moving, without too much thrash, I just cued up the Green Apple post so we could put it behind us and move on.

I am trying to avoid having the game stall out over simple treasure division.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 160 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 7/10
Thu 19 Jan 2017
at 05:23
  • msg #518

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Does anyone want to role play the potion and gear identification?

I figure we'd just group things up and send someone to the alchemist (maybe Ollie will give us a discount) with all of the potions, someone to the smith with the bolts and sickle, someone to a magic shop with the staff and ring, and someone to the furrier with the soggy ferrets.  Maybe have someone grumpy accompany Aldara to the magic shop so no one gets bonked on the head.

Initial funding for identification should come from the party pool.  Big items like the staff and ring should probably get paid back by the folks that keep them.

Unless something is outrageously valuable, I figure we'll just let people pick things they can use.  I don't think the potions and scrolls should count as an item claimed as they could be passed around.

gold ring set with a finished smokey quartz gemstone (unidentified)
potion of healing (unclaimed)
potion Skunge gave group (unidentified)
two potions of healing retrieved from Skunge (unclaimed)
Carved wooden bowl filled with 11 faintly glowing acorns (unidentifed/unclaimed)
Gnarled wooden staff with runes (unclaimed/unidentified)

*As a note, Aldara has that ring in her pocket and Valthur might not remember that she has it.  They're the only two that know it exists.

[Private to GM: On your deceased list, Yhus was a follower of Pelor.  Eoni follows Avandra.]
Thief, 135 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Thu 19 Jan 2017
at 05:30
  • msg #519

Re: OOC: Table Talk

If you'd indulge me, can the plan be discussed in character at the table?
DM Pawn
GM, 268 posts
Thu 19 Jan 2017
at 05:32
  • msg #520

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Everyone please welcome our new player, Charlotte, to the game. It seems we will have a second cleric again!

Thief, 136 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 4/4
Thu 19 Jan 2017
at 05:39
  • msg #521

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Welcome, Charlotte!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 165 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Thu 19 Jan 2017
at 05:42
  • msg #522

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Welcome to the game, Charlotte! I've enjoyed this game greatly so far and hope you do, too - I'd say more but I have to get back to arguing with Eoni about how to split up the treasure!
Magic User, 133 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 7/7
Thu 19 Jan 2017
at 06:08
  • msg #523

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Welcome, Charlotte!  Forgive the breaking in my virtual voice, but Sarah's most recent post...hoo boy, almost started crying on the bus home from work.

Eoni Daflin:
Does anyone want to role play the potion and gear identification?

I figure we'd just group things up and send someone to the alchemist (maybe Ollie will give us a discount) with all of the potions, someone to the smith with the bolts and sickle, someone to a magic shop with the staff and ring, and someone to the furrier with the soggy ferrets.  Maybe have someone grumpy accompany Aldara to the magic shop so no one gets bonked on the head.

Oh, you!  It's true, though.

Initial funding for identification should come from the party pool.  Big items like the staff and ring should probably get paid back by the folks that keep them.

Unless something is outrageously valuable, I figure we'll just let people pick things they can use.  I don't think the potions and scrolls should count as an item claimed as they could be passed around.

*As a note, Aldara has that ring in her pocket and Valthur might not remember that she has it.  They're the only two that know it exists.

Agreed on all points.  And wow, thank you for the reminder about that ring!  Perhaps we can use treasures as currency?  Or sell them to someone who "Knows A Guy", and then get to

EDIT: Wow, Sarah, nice going!  You managed to break Valthur!  Wanna go gamble together?  We'll not live like Kings and Queens, but Emperors and Empresses!
This message was last edited by the player at 06:19, Thu 19 Jan 2017.
DM Pawn
GM, 269 posts
Thu 19 Jan 2017
at 06:18
  • msg #524

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
I figure we'd just group things up and send someone to the alchemist (maybe Ollie will give us a discount) with all of the potions, someone to the smith with the bolts and sickle, someone to a magic shop with the staff and ring, and someone to the furrier with the soggy ferrets.  Maybe have someone grumpy accompany Aldara to the magic shop so no one gets bonked on the head.

Ologeon will identify potions for a discounted fee of 50 gp each.

There are no magic shops, though Drellin's Ferry does have a resident wizard, Sertieren the Wise, who will identify magic items for 100 gp each.

The bolts are true bolts (+1 to hit, non-magical) and may be sold to the smith for 2 gp each. He will give you 3 gp for the iron sickle.

The soggy ferret pelts are not wanted by any furrier, as the animal was diseased and there really is no market for diseased ferret lined anything :)
Magic User, 134 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 9 | HP 7/7
Thu 19 Jan 2017
at 06:23
  • msg #525

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 524):

Despite the glaringly obvious, Aldara has a Wisdom score of 5, and will attempt to bring them to the furrier anyways.  Her training must have been suspect, if she couldn't tell what Grigs, Kobolds, or Dryads were.  And if she can't tell a ferret is diseased.
Charlotte Wyndrey
player, 1 post
Thu 19 Jan 2017
at 06:29
  • msg #526

Re: OOC: Table Talk

(Finishes rolling dice).

Huh, I don't suppose we have any mulligan rules?  4 stats below 10 seems a little poor for an adventuring character.
DM Pawn
GM, 270 posts
Thu 19 Jan 2017
at 06:30
  • msg #527

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 524):

Despite the glaringly obvious, Aldara has a Wisdom score of 5, and will attempt to bring them to the furrier anyways.  Her training must have been suspect, if she couldn't tell what Grigs, Kobolds, or Dryads were.  And if she can't tell a ferret is diseased.

Or that no furrier in their right mind will buy pelt in the round (unskinned) and diseased...and a ferret no less! :)

I once had a ferrt as a roommate. True story. This girl I knew needed a place to stay and I needed a roommate, because my former roommate left for the Air Force and I was struggling to make ends meet on my own. So I let Jill move in with me and came home one day from work and my apartment reeked!

In my living room was Jill's snake tank, complete with boa constrictor inside. In her room was this HUGE steel cage with a ferret inside, Sweet Pea. The cage was probably 4'x 6' x 8' and was pretty much the only thing in Jill's room. I didn't see her for a couple of weeks, but I knew she was coming over to feed the ferret and crashing at her boyfriend's house.

This went on, me and Sweet Pea and the Unnamed Snake, for about 3 months until Jill decided she was going to move in with her boyfriend. What I can say about Sweet Pea, is aside from the stench, he was the only roommate I ever had who did not burn me for rent money. He payed rent for all three months he lived with me.
DM Pawn
GM, 271 posts
Thu 19 Jan 2017
at 06:31
  • msg #528

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Charlotte Wyndrey:
(Finishes rolling dice).

Huh, I don't suppose we have any mulligan rules?  4 stats below 10 seems a little poor for an adventuring character.

If you consider it to be a 'hopeless' character, you may reroll.
Charlotte Wyndrey
player, 2 posts
Thu 19 Jan 2017
at 06:33
  • msg #529

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Well, a negative modifier on literally everything except my prime requisite, and that only by a hair, seems a bit hard to make work, so I think I'll take that offer and hope for the best.

(Rerolls).  Much better, a character with strengths and weaknesses!  Rather than just one modest strength and many weaknesses!
This message was last edited by the player at 06:34, Thu 19 Jan 2017.
DM Pawn
GM, 272 posts
Thu 19 Jan 2017
at 06:38
  • msg #530

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Charlotte Wyndrey:
Well, a negative modifier on literally everything except my prime requisite, and that only by a hair, seems a bit hard to make work, so I think I'll take that offer and hope for the best.

(Rerolls).  Much better, a character with strengths and weaknesses!  Rather than just one modest strength and many weaknesses!

Nice. Glad it worked out for you.
Thief, 137 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 8/8
Thu 19 Jan 2017
at 14:14
  • msg #531

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Welcome, Charlotte!  Forgive the breaking in my virtual voice, but Sarah's most recent post...hoo boy, almost started crying on the bus home from work.

EDIT: Wow, Sarah, nice going!  You managed to break Valthur!  Wanna go gamble together?  We'll not live like Kings and Queens, but Emperors and Empresses!

Thank you for your kind words.  You can't see, but I'm blushing.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 161 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 7/10
Thu 19 Jan 2017
at 23:37
  • msg #532

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Just as a matter of perception, would it be better for folks to refer to Sarah in a fashion other than "thief"?

Unless of course she's self identified herself as such or that Aldara believes the girl to be one.  The street urchin's recent actions might earn her the benefit of the doubt.
Charlotte Wyndrey
Cleric, 3 posts
Thu 19 Jan 2017
at 23:50
  • msg #533

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Okay, I think I've got that sheet ready to go.  Maybe.
Thief, 140 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 8/8
Fri 20 Jan 2017
at 00:02
  • msg #534

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
Just as a matter of perception, would it be better for folks to refer to Sarah in a fashion other than "thief"?

Unless of course she's self identified herself as such or that Aldara believes the girl to be one.  The street urchin's recent actions might earn her the benefit of the doubt.

I cab say that Sarah has hardly said anything, about anything, period.  So she has done virtually nothing to self identify.  The closest is when she volunteered to climb, but whether that means she thinks "I'm a thief" is not, in my mind obvious.

I have to say: your curiosity on this score matches mine regarding how everyone perceives Sarah and why in the world you thought she had anything to offer.

And I'm having a blast playing her.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:12, Fri 20 Jan 2017.
DM Pawn
GM, 273 posts
Fri 20 Jan 2017
at 03:22
  • msg #535

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Charlotte Wyndrey:
Okay, I think I've got that sheet ready to go.  Maybe.

Sheet looks good to me. I will work to bring your character into the fold shortly.
DM Pawn
GM, 274 posts
Fri 20 Jan 2017
at 03:23
  • msg #536

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
Just as a matter of perception, would it be better for folks to refer to Sarah in a fashion other than "thief"?

Unless of course she's self identified herself as such or that Aldara believes the girl to be one.  The street urchin's recent actions might earn her the benefit of the doubt.

Oops. I sometimes refer to your character's by profession/class, etc. just to vary the pronouns I use while composing posts.
DM Pawn
GM, 275 posts
Fri 20 Jan 2017
at 03:48
  • msg #537

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I updated the Party XP and treasure thread to reflect the items Sarah produced.
Magic User, 136 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Fri 20 Jan 2017
at 05:46
  • msg #538

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
Eoni Daflin:
Just as a matter of perception, would it be better for folks to refer to Sarah in a fashion other than "thief"?

Unless of course she's self identified herself as such or that Aldara believes the girl to be one.  The street urchin's recent actions might earn her the benefit of the doubt.

Oops. I sometimes refer to your character's by profession/class, etc. just to vary the pronouns I use while composing posts.

Same.  I tend to use the class in, ehh, non-spoken text.  It's Complicated on my end, but simpler on Aldara's: She would never refer to Sarah as a thief, or even a rogue.  Probably "specialist", "expert", or something else along that line.  "Tinker"?  Marklin and Valthur are "warriors" to her, also "soldier" in Marklin's case!  And Eoni and Charlotte, "priestess" or "cleric".  More likely the latter, since they are travelling and crusading agents of their respective gods, unlike those priests what just park themselves in temples.  Everybody, "companion".
DM Pawn
GM, 276 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 09:10
  • msg #539

Re: OOC: Table Talk

It looks like the party came to a decision on how to split the treasure. Somebody (don't care who) please divide up the treasure into equal shares and post an accounting here so we can migrate the treasure from the XP and Treasure thread onto your respective sheets.

The way I like to handle treasure is to include everything on the Party Treasure thread and then divide the stuff up at the end of the adventure...unless there is something somebody wants to claim before the adventure ends. This is a much simpler way of doing it, rather than having players enter it onto their sheet everytime they find a few meager coins. That way we don't end up with 6 players adding the same treasure to their sheet and then adding it again once we divvy up spoils.

So, it looks like going forward, slain members will be afforded a share of treasure as well?
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 163 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 7/10
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 12:59
  • msg #540

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Unless they've stated otherwise, fallen party members will have their share delivered to whomever they direct.

Unless someone wants to role play the identification process, I propose we just cover the costs from the party fund to figure out what things are.

Is anyone going to buy a crossbow and could use those bolts before we sell them?

Off to the wizard (400gp)
Gold ring set with a finished smokey quartz gemstone (unidentified)
Carved wooden bowl filled with 11 faintly glowing acorns (unidentifed/unclaimed)
Gnarled wooden staff with runes (unclaimed/unidentified)
Magic silver bracer (unidentified)

To be identified by Ollie (250gp)
3 potions of healing (unclaimed)
1 potion (unidentified)
Ornate crystal philtre with a silver stopper (5 gp) filled with a translucent oil with metallic flakes floating in the liquid (unidentified)

We have enough to cover this on the party sheet with the silver.  Then we can determine if there's anything magic to sell.

Do we really need 200gp worth of spell components?  Maybe just keep 50gp?
Fighter, 225 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 14:56
  • msg #541

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Just a thought, There is a Wizard that dwells in this burg. Instead of having to pay to see if anything is magical and or identified.we can see if he needs any jobs done/ We get the detect/ID and some cash.
DM Pawn
GM, 277 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 18:52
  • msg #542

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
Do we really need 200gp worth of spell components?  Maybe just keep 50gp?

Basic D&D doesn't really have any rules for spell components and assumes spellcasters can automatically copy found scrolls to their spellbooks with no incurred cost. The only mechanical use for magic components would be for characters looking to create their own magic items, of which, magic components are a required ingredient. For roleplaying purposes, spellcasters might want to keep magic components on hand, especially if they intend of crafting their own potions, scrolls, items, etc.

Your call on what to do with the magic components.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 164 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 7/10
Sat 21 Jan 2017
at 21:23
  • msg #543

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Bartering a quest with the wizard sound like a good idea, Marklin.  The downside would be if he wouldn't identify anything until the completion of our quest.

If we're really lucky, his quest will be to collect 200gp worth of spell components in exchange for identifying the 4 items we have.

Eoni wouldn't mind crafting some scrolls.  What are the mechanics that you'd like to use?
DM Pawn
GM, 278 posts
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 05:45
  • msg #544

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
Eoni wouldn't mind crafting some scrolls.  What are the mechanics that you'd like to use?

In Basic D&D, magic items can only be created by 9th level or higher characters, so it's not likely to come up anytime soon where your characters are able to create magic items :)
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 168 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 06:49
  • msg #545

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I propose we sell the 200gp worth of spell components, the bolts (20gp), the sickle (3gp), and the gems (35gp). That would bring us to 238. Plus the coins already in the thread (555gp + 1038sp + 18 cp = 555gp + 103.8gp + 0.18gp = 658.98gp).

So if we sold everything except for the magic items, we'd have 896.98 gp.

Does Liamm get a split? If so, we split 7 ways.

I also like the idea of asking the wizard if he has any work for us that might ease the cost of an ID on the 4 items we have.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 165 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 7/10
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 13:33
  • msg #546

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Liam was just along for the ride unless we want to give him a bonus for kicking Marklin in the head.

I'm fine with those sales figures Valthur laid out.  Especially since we won't need spell components until 9th level.
Thief, 142 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 8/8
Sun 22 Jan 2017
at 15:33
  • msg #547

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I am fine as well.

I suspect there is no share for Liam based on the contract.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 169 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 7/10
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 01:29
  • msg #548

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Not trying to take over the dialogue, but wanted to keep things moving.

Not everyone needs to be getting this stuff identified if they want to go shopping.  At the moment, I figure it's safe for folks to expect at least 50 gold each for personal purchases at this point.  If we run out of money before everything is identified, we'll skip the acorns.

Seems like we'll have some time in town if we want all 4 items identified before we go galavanting again.

So everyone should add 200sp and 30gp to their character sheet and we'll subtract 1000sp and 150gp from the treasure list and subtract another 100gp for the staff identification.

Trying to use up the silver first 10sp = 1gp.  It weighs a ton!

Eoni hasn't forgotten they need to make a trip to the Temple of Light for Yhus.
Fighter, 228 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 02:22
  • msg #549

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 With Marklin keeping track of money is not really needed. By the time of the next adventure,he's broke.
DM Pawn
GM, 279 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 04:26
  • msg #550

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I went ahead and identified all magic items and they are listed below. I also traded in all non-magic items for gold, with exception of the bolts. By my accounting that leaves 300gp, 38 sp, and 18 cp to divide among the party.

Each party member share (to include Yhus) is: 50 gp, 6sp, 6 cp

There was 2 cp remaining, which we will assume gets spent/lost without worrying over pennies.

Please add the amount above to your character sheets as the final split for the treasure.

Items are as follows:

Magic Items
Staff +1 (unclaimed)
Bracers of Armor (AC 6) (unclaimed)
Ring of Protection +1 (unclaimed)
3 potions of healing (unclaimed)
1 potion of gaseous form (unclaimed)
1 potion of animal control  (unclaimed)
11 acorns of Revivication (each acorn heals d4 damage) (unclaimed)

Non-magic items:
bolt case with 10 crossbow bolts of fine quality (+1 to hit) (unclaimed)

Now you guys can figure out who gets what :)
This message was last edited by the GM at 05:22, Mon 23 Jan 2017.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 170 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 7/10
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 04:45
  • msg #551

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I propose that the bracers be returned to Sarah.

Ideally, one of the fighters will use the staff and the other get the ring.

I think Aldara should take the Animal Control as she has experience with enchantment.

Everyone can carry 2 acorns and Eoni carry 3.

Anyone else have any reasoning for the other potions to be assigned or suggestions or desires for anything?
Thief, 144 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 8/8
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 14:48
  • msg #552

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Re: the bracers --

Are we sure we don't want a more clothy person to wear them?  (I'm looking at you, Aldara?)

I currently have an AC of 6; the bracers would reduce me to four.  Admittedly, I'm likely to be in combat more than Aldara, but still . . . .(plus, with thieves only having a d4 for hp, I'm not sure how true that is anyhow).

Don't get me wrong; they do benefit me and I'm happy to use them, but wanted to make sure we consider all the options.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 171 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 7/10
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 16:34
  • msg #553

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni thinks Sarah should have the bracers because she found them and trusted the group enough to show them what she'd found.
Fighter, 229 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Mon 23 Jan 2017
at 17:48
  • msg #554

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Herr GM. Marklin got the Dwarf to accompany him to the brew house. I am assuming that the two of them are sharing a room at the Apple.

 When he is at the Brew house,Marklin is only armed with a dagger and not wearing armor.After sweating in that studded leather during the adventure, he wanted nothing more then a bath and no armor for awhile. Just an FYI.
Magic User, 137 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 02:39
  • msg #555

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Potions: Agreeing with Eoni.  Maybe give Sarah the potion of gaseous form?  Keep it secret and safe for the future?
Ring: Anybody interested in the ring of protection?  Because plywood is stronger-willed than Aldara, and I don't think she needs the bracers.  Do rings of protection "stack" with armour in these rules?  If so, it might be beneficial to give this one to our most dexterous warrior.  Or anybody, really.  The Saving Throw boost is a powerful boon.
Weaponry: Maybe Eoni could get the staff +1?  Since Clerics have so many restrictions on what they can and can not use, and our mighty-thewed slayers are sure to find worthy implements sooner or later!
Miscellaneous Magic: Bracers of armour (AC 6), I could argue for Sarah or Aldara.  With Dexterity Sarah's AC, if I'm not mistaken, would end up at 3, while Aldara would, I know, end up at 5.  The thing is, Sarah is more likely to end up in close quarters with foes, so I say give 'em to her.
Thief, 146 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 8/8
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 03:29
  • msg #556

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Unless I'm misreading something, my dex provides "only" a -2 bonus.

Still, an AC of 4 is nothing to sneeze at.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 03:29, Tue 24 Jan 2017.
Fighter, 231 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 03:59
  • msg #557

Re: OOC: Table Talk

On to the next adventure!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 169 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 04:54
  • msg #558

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Sorry - home late last night, so didn't check in.

First and foremost, thank you, Eoni, for keeping the IC action moving forward!

As for the loot:
Agreed on Sarah getting the bracers as a reward for her honesty. And she seems the most logical to turn into a cloud too... it adds to the mystery if she has the potion of gaseous form!

Agreed on Eoni getting the staff +1 (unless Marklin really wants it), since that fits into the cleric's restrictive weapon requirements. Plus Valthur want's to use an ax.

Ring of protection should go to Valthur or Marklin since they get swung at the most... since Valthur has more hit points it probably makes more sense for Marklin to get it. Valthur will take it if for some strange reason Marklin doesn't want it, but I think he's the best candidate.

Assuming nobody else wanted the bolts, Valthur purchased a heavy crossbow and will take those! This further justifies Marklin taking the ring of protection.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:15, Tue 24 Jan 2017.
Fighter, 232 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 05:28
  • msg #559

Re: OOC: Table Talk

The ring is more then fine.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 171 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 05:33
  • msg #560

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Going to put list of everything with who's got it here...
This message was last edited by the player at 05:36, Tue 24 Jan 2017.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 172 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 05:43
  • msg #561

Re: OOC: Table Talk

So it breaks down like this?
 Staff +1  Eoni
 Bracers of Armor (AC 6)  Sarah
 Ring of Protection +1  Marklin
 3 potions of healing  Eoni, ???, ???
 1 potion of gaseous form  Sarah
 1 potion of animal control   Aldara
 11 acorns of Revivication (each acorn heals d4 damage)  Everybody 2, Eoni 3
 bolt case with 10 crossbow bolts of fine quality (+1 to hit)  Valthur

I think that's pretty fair. Everybody gets something!

Only thing left is the healing potions. I think Eoni should get 1 because it's her specialty. The other 2? I'd say 2 schools of thought.
   1. Give them to the 2 most likely to be losing hit points (Valthur and Marklin)
   2. Give them to the 2 with the lowest number of hit points (Sarah and Aldara).

Everyone gets a vote - I say Sarah and Aldara.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:45, Tue 24 Jan 2017.
Magic User, 138 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 05:57
  • msg #562

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Potions!  Valthur, Eoni, Marklin.  Healers and beater-uppers is important.
DM Pawn
GM, 280 posts
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 07:02
  • msg #563

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Does anyone plan on purchasing any new equipment during your downtime?

All standard items may be purchased in Drellin's Ferry for prices as listed in the Labyritnth Lord/Basic D&D version you have access to. Just let me know if any of you plan on buying weapons and/or armor. Thanks.
Thief, 147 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 8/8
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 14:44
  • msg #564

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Don't give Sarah a potion.  By the time one needs to be used on her, she'd be unconscious and unable to use it herself.  Plus, she's unlikely to be in a position to use it on someone else.

As for equipment: I do not plan new weapons or armor.  I do plan ordinary/mundane things, and will put it in an in-game post (as soon as I figure out the prices.)
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 174 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 10/10
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 15:42
  • msg #565

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I'm good with Valthur's breakdown.

Marklin and Valthur can carry the last two healing potions.

Eoni bought 1gp of clean bandages.

4 gold spent on 4 days of modest accommodations at the Green Apple.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 175 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 10/10
Tue 24 Jan 2017
at 15:47
  • msg #566

Re: OOC: Table Talk

As a point of reference, I believe those healing potions are worth more than 800gp each to replace or sell them.

Something to keep in mind.
DM Pawn
GM, 281 posts
Wed 25 Jan 2017
at 04:37
  • msg #567

Re: OOC: Table Talk

This work week is only two days in and I feel like it should be Friday already! All this to say, cram-packed work week for me and it might be a couple of days, perhaps until the weekend, until I have time to move is forward. Feel free to RP, etc. but any questions to me/and or NPCs might go unanswered for a bit.

Then again, maybe I will get a second wind and surprise you :)


Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 174 posts
Dwarf - 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Wed 25 Jan 2017
at 05:08
  • msg #568

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Some weeks you just have to power through. Good luck and see you on the other side!

Since everyone is being so generous, I will accept the healing potion offer and have updated my character sheet accordingly. In the event I fall unconscious or bite the dust altogether, I give you permission to dig through my backpack to find it.

As for purchases, Valthur still plans to purchase a battle axe if there is one available. This will require him to get rid of his shield. If he can get anything for his shield and his sword in the deal he will.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 176 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 10/10
Wed 25 Jan 2017
at 15:07
  • msg #569

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Not to nitpick but under the House Rules, Modest is 1 gp/day.

Was there a daily addition that we missed?  Or perhaps the Green Apple only had Comfortable accommodations available for our stay?

I'm fine either way.  Just wanted to know in case we were running short on funds later on.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 177 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 10/10
Wed 25 Jan 2017
at 15:13
  • msg #570

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Also, are we getting a new thread for the next Chapter or should we continue to post in the Interlude?
Thief, 149 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Wed 25 Jan 2017
at 15:14
  • msg #571

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I think we're free to continue posting in the interlude until the GM is ready to start the new adventure, at which point a new thread will appear.
DM Pawn
GM, 283 posts
Wed 25 Jan 2017
at 16:10
  • msg #572

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Sorry. It should have been 1 gp/day. I will update.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 179 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 10/10
Fri 27 Jan 2017
at 13:44
  • msg #573

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I think we're ready to be on the road with the options of the following wrap up:

Charlotte offers to travel to Terrelton with them to help with the bandits.  Yes, it's assumed she's with them but it would be nice to have an in character role play wrap up.

They learn what the local constabulary knows of the bandits and recommendations on how they should be dealt with.
Thief, 152 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 04:47
  • msg #574

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
Although Valthur would normally like nothing better than to argue with Eoni about the value of bandit lives, at this moment the dwarf is distant. His thoughts are focused instead on Darna, the enchanting daughter of Drellin Ferry's own blacksmith, Morlin Coalhaver.

Darna was there a few days ago when Valthur traded in his sword and shield for a well crafted battle axe and he charmed her (as best as he could) with stories of his adventures so far. Much to Valthur's amazement, the fair skinned girl actually listened to his somewhat exaggerated tales of heroic deeds done in the Witchwood. Even more to his amazement, she accepted his offer to join him for dinner the next night.

So even as Valthur's wanderlust finally caught up with him, he couldn't help but think about her. In the end, he settled for a small piece of jewelry for her to remember him. As he sits absently with his companions now, he wonders whether he spent enough... or too much.

He sighs.

OOC: I can't believe I missed the fact that Valthur found a girl (msg 48)!
Valthur will plunk down a whopping 5gp for a necklace for his girl and another 1 gp for dinner!

This is one of my most favorite posts from the whole game!
DM Pawn
GM, 285 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 18:34
  • msg #575

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Thanks again for the patience this past week.

Now that the hoopla from this past week has passed, I should be able to get some posts in this weekend. By the way, this was the main thing that had me preoccupied last week:

I am the guy in the center who's not photobombing. The huge white thing in the back is a thunderstorm and tornado "centerpiece" we made for the festivities. It had programmed lights and sound and was quite the crowd pleaser. I just built the runway for it. I have a friend who did all the programming for the lights, etc.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:48, Sat 28 Jan 2017.
Fighter, 237 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 18:50
  • msg #576

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Nice pic. That reminds me, GM. Thank you for your service to our country. Even if you are a Zoomie. I was Army, just had to do it. :P

FYI. My son is Air Force,and just made E-5. I am one proud dad.:)
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 178 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 21:09
  • msg #577

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Great pic. And thanks to one and all of you who served!!!
Thief, 154 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 21:23
  • msg #578

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Congratulations, and thank you very much.
DM Pawn
GM, 286 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 22:12
  • msg #579

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Nice pic. That reminds me, GM. Thank you for your service to our country. Even if you are a Zoomie. I was Army, just had to do it. :P

FYI. My son is Air Force,and just made E-5. I am one proud dad.:)

Your son is a smart man! ;)

Staff Sergeant is a big deal. Congrats to him!

p.s. I know many a soldier who has told me after the fact, "I should have joined the Air Force..."
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 180 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Sat 28 Jan 2017
at 22:37
  • msg #580

Re: OOC: Table Talk

So I've lost track of the options, but here's what I remember for possible things to do:

1. Deal with the bandits (between here and Terrelton).
2. Visit the sage (south of Terrelton?) with the runes and return their definition to the sage in Drellin's Ferry. Valthur didn't mention this IC, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't go if that's where we decide.
3. Uncover the crooked guild in Terrelton.

Did I miss anything?

I vote for getting to Terrelton and then deciding which avenue to follow.
Fighter, 240 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Mon 30 Jan 2017
at 21:32
  • msg #581

Re: OOC: Table Talk

And there was ........silence.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 182 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Tue 31 Jan 2017
at 00:40
  • msg #582

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Wow - tough crowd!

Well, first things first. Let's see how the rest of this scene plays out with Yhus's family. Once we get through that guilt laden encounter, then we can decide what to do next.

Hopefully it's find the Sage - that sounds interesting.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:48, Tue 31 Jan 2017.
Fighter, 241 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Tue 31 Jan 2017
at 01:11
  • msg #583

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Guilt? Not as far as Marklin is concerned, Everyone knew the risks, Yhus was called to his god, his number came up, he rolled snake eyes on the fate dice,etc. Being a Warrior, facing death is part of the job,and as he told the father,Yhus died well,a worthy ending.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 183 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Tue 31 Jan 2017
at 01:27
  • msg #584

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Yeah, you're right. The last thing we need is an empathic dwarf!
DM Pawn
GM, 290 posts
Tue 31 Jan 2017
at 06:09
  • msg #585

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Just a quick heads up I will be traveling 4-10 February, headed to Fairbanks, Alaska in the depths of winter! Brrr...

I should have internet access throughout, but just in case my posting frequency drops off, you'll know why :)


Charlotte Wyndrey
Cleric, 7 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 6/6
Thu 2 Feb 2017
at 14:27
  • msg #586

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Not adding much to the current event, Charlotte thinks it'd be in awful taste.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 186 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 10/10
Sat 4 Feb 2017
at 03:30
  • msg #587

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I think everyone's had a chance to post if they wanted to add anything.

Let's continue on.  Securing quarters for the night and then heading for the Nimon Hills in the morning.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 186 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Sat 4 Feb 2017
at 03:37
  • msg #588

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Agreed. Let's find that crazy mage and see if he can read anything!!!

...that's what we're doing, right?
DM Pawn
GM, 291 posts
Mon 6 Feb 2017
at 04:02
  • msg #589

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In case anyone is wondering, Fairbanks, Alaska is as cold as you might imagine it. Perhaps even colder depending on your imaginations :)

The temperature was 80F (27C) when I left Honolulu. It was -18F (-28C) when I landed at Fairbanks! 100 degree temperature change!

At any rate, I will post game-related stuff shortly.
Magic User, 143 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Mon 6 Feb 2017
at 18:57
  • msg #590

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Meanwhile in Washington, Kent had a beautiful and even coat of snow...and Seattle looks like somebody emptied a vacuum cleaner filter into a slushie machine and then threw in a threw a firecracker.
Thief, 158 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Tue 7 Feb 2017
at 21:47
  • msg #591

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Having read her fair share of fiendish folios and monstrous manuals during her studies, Aldara attempts to place what these scared people might be talking that she knows what to be wary of.

Sarah applauds Aldara's clever and careful wording. :)
Magic User, 145 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Wed 8 Feb 2017
at 08:56
  • msg #592

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Sarah (msg # 591):

It could be a wolf with dark fur, it could be a young Barghest!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 188 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Thu 9 Feb 2017
at 05:35
  • msg #593

Re: OOC: Table Talk

As long as it's not anything that brainwashes Valthur into fighting with Marklin, he's happy!

On an unrelated note, I will be out of town until Monday night will little or no access. NPC Valthur as needed. Generally speaking, he will side for whatever option leads to the most treasure or fame. If all else is equal, he will side for whatever decision is opposite Eoni, since he likes to argue with her!
Fighter, 244 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Fri 10 Feb 2017
at 01:30
  • msg #594

Re: OOC: Table Talk

slow week
DM Pawn
GM, 293 posts
Mon 13 Feb 2017
at 02:17
  • msg #595

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Back home in Hawaii, but catching up on house stuff, etc. Will try to post either later tonight or tomorrow.


Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 190 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Tue 14 Feb 2017
at 00:47
  • msg #596

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Awww, and I thought you guys were all just waiting for me!
Magic User, 146 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Tue 14 Feb 2017
at 15:33
  • msg #597


You know, this is beginning to sound more and more like a displacer beast.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 189 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 10/10
Wed 15 Feb 2017
at 04:06
  • msg #598

Drunken Bedtime Stories

Marklin blew out the candle and then rolled into bed with the dwarf.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 192 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Thu 16 Feb 2017
at 02:30
  • msg #599

Drunken Bedtime Stories

(sighing defensively) WE'RE TRYING TO SAVE MONEY!!!!

Fighter, 249 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sat 18 Feb 2017
at 02:13
  • msg #600

Drunken Bedtime Stories

Slow night
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 192 posts
Cleric of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 10/10
Sun 19 Feb 2017
at 22:50
  • msg #601

Drunken Bedtime Stories

Fine with Aldara carrying this conversation without waiting for anyone else.
Thief, 162 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Mon 20 Feb 2017
at 00:54
  • msg #602

Drunken Bedtime Stories

Ditto.  Sarah's not likely to say anything here. :)
Fighter, 250 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Mon 20 Feb 2017
at 03:05
  • msg #603

Drunken Bedtime Stories

Works of Marklin
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 194 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Mon 20 Feb 2017
at 06:47
  • msg #604

Drunken Bedtime Stories

Valthur says go for it! He'll just stand in back and mutter stuff to Marklin.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:03, Mon 20 Feb 2017.
Magic User, 152 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Thu 23 Feb 2017
at 14:33
  • msg #605

Drunken Bedtime Stories

Oof, sorry about that silence.  Easily shifts at work.  Let's see...
Thief, 163 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Thu 23 Feb 2017
at 21:06
  • msg #606

Drunken Bedtime Stories

Eoni Daflin:
  Even Marklin was too high a price to pay if the Savant fancied the blundering armsman.

Hee hee.
Fighter, 252 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Thu 23 Feb 2017
at 21:26
  • msg #607

Drunken Bedtime Stories

Bite me :P
Magic User, 155 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sun 26 Feb 2017
at 06:39
  • msg #608

Drunken Bedtime Stories

Hey, GM, since I got darkness out of Skunge's spell book, would I be able to memorise and then reverse it to light?
DM Pawn
GM, 305 posts
Sun 26 Feb 2017
at 12:53
  • msg #609

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Hey, GM, since I got darkness out of Skunge's spell book, would I be able to memorise and then reverse it to light?

Magic User, 156 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sun 26 Feb 2017
at 18:23
  • msg #610

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Alright!  Are you guys interested in heading back so I can give us a better source of illumination than torches?
Thief, 166 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Sun 26 Feb 2017
at 18:44
  • msg #611

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Stumbling in the dark is a really bad idea.  How long will it take to be able to do the light spell?
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 199 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 10/10
Sun 26 Feb 2017
at 21:12
  • msg #612

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

She probably needs an overnight to swap the spell in and it may not be guaranteed.

Eoni didn't hand the pack over, she wanted Sarah to hold onto it as if they were elephants holding trunk to tail through the darkness.
Magic User, 157 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sun 26 Feb 2017
at 22:16
  • msg #613

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Isn't it an hour?
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 199 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Mon 27 Feb 2017
at 02:01
  • msg #614

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Might be worth it either way.
DM Pawn
GM, 306 posts
Mon 27 Feb 2017
at 02:04
  • msg #615

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Let's say one hour per spell level to rememorize spells.
Thief, 167 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Mon 27 Feb 2017
at 02:09
  • msg #616

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Eoni Daflin:
Eoni didn't hand the pack over, she wanted Sarah to hold onto it as if they were elephants holding trunk to tail through the darkness.

Fog of war.  Or, Sarah interprets "take" differently (and literally).  Given her profession, I guess it fits. :)
Charlotte Wyndrey
Cleric, 9 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 6/6
Mon 27 Feb 2017
at 14:05
  • msg #617

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Oh shoot, did the name of this game get changed or did I just derp out when I glanced at my game list and didn't notice a 'new posts' indicator for here until I actively looked for this game?
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 200 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 10/10
Mon 27 Feb 2017
at 18:29
  • msg #618

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

You derped out.
Charlotte Wyndrey
Cleric, 10 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 6/6
Mon 27 Feb 2017
at 18:36
  • msg #619

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

So it seems.  Now I need to get caught up.
Fighter, 256 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Mon 27 Feb 2017
at 19:01
  • msg #620

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Welcome back
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 200 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Tue 28 Feb 2017
at 04:37
  • msg #621

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

You have a lot to review, but the best part is where Eoni and Sarah fight over her backpack. An honest OOC misunderstanding, I think, but at the same time so in-character!

P.S. Is Ebermund with us on this journey into the darkness or did he stay up top?
This message was last edited by the player at 04:49, Tue 28 Feb 2017.
Fighter, 257 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Tue 28 Feb 2017
at 17:17
  • msg #622

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

 Marklin is just following the noise of the others in the rear.
Magic User, 159 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Wed 1 Mar 2017
at 03:43
  • msg #623

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

We'll soon be following the noise of Marklin walking backwards!
Fighter, 258 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Wed 1 Mar 2017
at 03:44
  • msg #624

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Fighter, 259 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Thu 2 Mar 2017
at 02:49
  • msg #625

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

I hope everything is ok with the GM
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 202 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 10/10
Thu 2 Mar 2017
at 03:22
  • msg #626

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

I suppose we're waiting on Aldara to clarify whether she thinks her counter spell has a good chance of working against whatever the Savant used to create this permanent darkness.

I'd hate to leave the two lost people another hour just to discover that we're still wandering around in the dark.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 203 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Thu 2 Mar 2017
at 03:49
  • msg #627

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

I hear what you're saying about the risk of waiting an hour to try a light spell which might not even work, but I still think it's worth a try.
DM Pawn
GM, 307 posts
Thu 2 Mar 2017
at 03:57
  • msg #628

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Everything is fine on my end. Waiting for players to resolve what they are going to do about the impenetrable darkness.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 204 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Thu 2 Mar 2017
at 04:48
  • msg #629

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Aldara? I say you suggest lighting the way!

(update 1 minute later (after reviewing IC thread))...oops, you already HAVE suggested that!
This message was last edited by the player at 04:50, Thu 02 Mar 2017.
Magic User, 161 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Thu 2 Mar 2017
at 18:25
  • msg #630

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Charlotte Wyndrey
Cleric, 11 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 6/6
Thu 2 Mar 2017
at 23:58
  • msg #631

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Has someone already tried firing a magic missile light into the darkness yet?  I'm going to get caught up tonight, but it'd save time if I can start thinking.
Thief, 170 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Fri 3 Mar 2017
at 04:09
  • msg #632

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

I just discovered that the link to the site with the rules is broken.  Or I'm unlucky.  Or both.
Thief, 173 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Fri 3 Mar 2017
at 04:40
  • msg #633

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Valthur Ironhelm:
He descends the stairs to observe Sarah work on the lock of stone door below. He watches curiously until the young thief finally gives up, at which point he shrugs his shoulders. "Maybe the door's unlocked and we just don't know it. There's a chance Byron's earlier work was a permanent fix."

 If true, I will laugh so hard that I will hurt myself and be unable to post for days.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 208 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Fri 3 Mar 2017
at 04:47
  • msg #634

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

I'm not sure what to hope for, in that case!

Regarding the link to the rules, I found the same thing. However, if you go to, there is a downloads link and from that you can get Labyrinth Lord.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:48, Fri 03 Mar 2017.
DM Pawn
GM, 310 posts
Fri 3 Mar 2017
at 04:59
  • msg #635

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

It looks like Goblinoid Games has a new website, which is why the link is broken. At any rate, no art version of the rules can be downloaded here:

Main link:
Magic User, 163 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Fri 3 Mar 2017
at 06:48
  • msg #636

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Charlotte Wyndrey:
Has someone already tried firing a magic missile light into the darkness yet?  I'm going to get caught up tonight, but it'd save time if I can start thinking.

I don't know that spell.   :(
Charlotte Wyndrey
Cleric, 12 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 6/6
Sun 5 Mar 2017
at 07:07
  • msg #637

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Charlotte Wyndrey:
Has someone already tried firing a magic missile light into the darkness yet?  I'm going to get caught up tonight, but it'd save time if I can start thinking.

I don't know that spell.   :(

Well I certainly do!

Okay, was working today and yesterday, still have this sunday working.  Biggest problem is that a lot got done during that stretch where I kept missing this game on my list, and you've already gone down into some dungeon-esque territory.

I need to find a suitable excuse for where I've been.
Magic User, 164 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sun 5 Mar 2017
at 07:47
  • msg #638

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

When I do that, I like to dismiss it as the character being caught up in the situation.  Sort of easy with Aldara, since her Wisdom score is 5.
DM Pawn
GM, 312 posts
Sun 5 Mar 2017
at 14:38
  • msg #639

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Charlotte Wyndrey:
Charlotte Wyndrey:
Has someone already tried firing a magic missile light into the darkness yet?  I'm going to get caught up tonight, but it'd save time if I can start thinking.

I don't know that spell.   :(

Well I certainly do!

Okay, was working today and yesterday, still have this sunday working.  Biggest problem is that a lot got done during that stretch where I kept missing this game on my list, and you've already gone down into some dungeon-esque territory.

I need to find a suitable excuse for where I've been.

Don't overthink it. You've been with the party the whole time but have just been quiet, perhaps finding your place in this new group of strangers.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:38, Sun 05 Mar 2017.
Charlotte Wyndrey
Cleric, 13 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 6/6
Sun 5 Mar 2017
at 18:01
  • msg #640

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Sounds good!  Posting when I get back from work tonight then.
DM Pawn
GM, 313 posts
Sun 5 Mar 2017
at 19:31
  • msg #641

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Just as a heads up, last week I got notification that I will be moving to South Carolina in the next few months (by 30 April to be exact). I still plan to run this game through the move, but wanted you to be aware because there will come a time where me and the family will be living in hotels, etc. while we get settled in our new home.

On top of this little bit of I have mentioned before, I have had serious internet connectivity issues for the last 6 months or so. For a while it got better when our next door neighboor moved out in December, but then the new people moved in and it has gone to crap again. Basically, if they are awake, I cannot connect to wireless anywhere in the house outside of a 15 ft radius of our wireless modem.

It makes getting onto to post a major bummer, so sorry for that, because limited access has definitely impacted my motivation and posting frequency. It sucks that I have to wait for my neighboors to be asleep to be able to post. :\

He's an IT guy, and I think he has some huge, powerful wireless modem that basically drowns out everybody else in the nearby vicinity. I am not a computer person, but that's what the cable tech who came out to look at our connection said.

At any rate, just wanted everyone to be aware that in addition to a move back to the mainland within the next 60 days, I also am dealing with internet connectivity issues.

But I am still here :)
Thief, 174 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Mon 6 Mar 2017
at 00:39
  • msg #642

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Maybe if one of us had a sleep spell . . .
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 211 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Mon 6 Mar 2017
at 04:04
  • msg #643

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Here's hoping that your new neighbors in South Carolina aren't such wireless hogs!

In the meantime, that's sucks that you have to deal with your current situation, but at least it's only temporary.

Unrelated, I was torn whether or not Valthur would go for the riches on the skeleton. On the one hand, he has a low WIS and an even lower INT, so it seemed like a slam dunk to take the stuff. On the other hand, he IS lawful good. In the end, I decided alignment outweighs lack of wisdom, so he refrained (I know, how boring).

Sarah, however, may not have the same restrictions.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 213 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Wed 8 Mar 2017
at 06:40
  • msg #644

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Good negotiating, Eoni. Keep it up!
Magic User, 166 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Wed 8 Mar 2017
at 21:13
  • msg #645

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

He might be tempted if Aldara were to offer to teach him a spell or two?

Should you all approve of this proposal, that will go on the table; if not, she will keep tight-lipped.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:15, Wed 08 Mar 2017.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 214 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Thu 9 Mar 2017
at 01:43
  • msg #646

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

I'd say make the offer - the worst he could do is laugh in our face. The only other thing I can think of that MIGHT perk up his interest is to defeat this mysterious Beast of Barren Hill. No idea if he's curious about such things.

...two minutes later (after reading in-game thread):
Eoni Daflin:
"I was hoping there was some task we could perform for you," Eoni confessed, reaching into her pocket, "but we do have these magic acorns for the two missing."

I guess I should've read the in-game thread before I answered here. Eoni, you're so resourceful!!!
This message was last edited by the player at 01:47, Thu 09 Mar 2017.
Magic User, 167 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Thu 9 Mar 2017
at 02:04
  • msg #647

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

In reply to Valthur Ironhelm (msg # 646):

I was just thinking in case he didn't want the acorns.
Fighter, 263 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Thu 9 Mar 2017
at 02:08
  • msg #648

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

Marklin just wants something to kill.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 215 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Thu 9 Mar 2017
at 02:13
  • msg #649

Re: Drunken Bedtime Stories

So we've got acorns, slay the Beast (Marklin's favorite), spells to teach...

Let's see what he says about the acorns first!
Magic User, 168 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Thu 9 Mar 2017
at 02:21
  • msg #650

I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.

In reply to Valthur Ironhelm (msg # 649):

Nutting to it!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 216 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Thu 9 Mar 2017
at 04:56
  • msg #651

Re: I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.

Nutting to it!

Pun-tastic! Maybe I shouldn't admit it, but it took me a moment before I got that one.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 218 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Fri 10 Mar 2017
at 03:08
  • msg #652

Re: I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.

Valthur Ironhelm:
He's thankful it's her negotiating the deal and not him...or Marklin.

I took kind of a cheap shot on this post, Marklin, but I thought it humorous. Hopefully no hard feelings?
Magic User, 170 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Fri 10 Mar 2017
at 15:19
  • msg #653

Re: I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.

You know, I do not remember who had the rubbings on themselves.
DM Pawn
GM, 321 posts
Sun 12 Mar 2017
at 22:32
  • msg #654

Re: I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.

Congratulations to Eoni! She has now earned enough XP for 3rd level. You may update your character sheet accordingly.
Magic User, 172 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sun 12 Mar 2017
at 23:49
  • msg #655

Re: I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.

Congratulations, Eoni!
Fighter, 267 posts
Sun 12 Mar 2017
at 23:53
  • [deleted]
  • msg #656

Re: I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.

This message was deleted by the player at 23:55, Sun 12 Mar 2017.
Fighter, 268 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sun 12 Mar 2017
at 23:56
  • msg #657

Re: I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.

 I can't wait for Marklin to reach third level,so he can have ten hit points
Fighter, 270 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Mon 13 Mar 2017
at 19:57
  • msg #658

Re: I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.

After what Marklin just said, reaching third level may be academic.
Fighter, 271 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Wed 15 Mar 2017
at 16:20
  • msg #659

Re: I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.

Happy Tuesday,everyone.
DM Pawn
GM, 322 posts
Wed 15 Mar 2017
at 16:52
  • msg #660

Re: I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.

Long days at work all this week with minimal time to post until at least Friday. Also, I will be flying out for business this Saturday, headed to MS for a week. I should be able to post from the hotel, but just in case I go unusually silent you will know what's up. Thanks!
DM Pawn
GM, 323 posts
Sat 18 Mar 2017
at 22:54
  • msg #661

Re: I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.

Still here, but just stopping in real quick before I head off to the airport to catch my plane back to the mainland.

I have had no downtime this last week (14-16 hour work days all week) and apologize for the lack of posts, but should be able to post Sunday evening.


Thief, 180 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Sun 19 Mar 2017
at 00:56
  • msg #662

Re: I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.

We'll be here.  And patient.  Travel safely.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 223 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Sun 19 Mar 2017
at 03:20
  • msg #663

Re: I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.

Agreed. We'll be here... plus the extra time off will give Sarah more time to loot the room!
Fighter, 272 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sun 19 Mar 2017
at 03:31
  • msg #664

Re: I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.

We will be here.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 225 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Wed 22 Mar 2017
at 23:42
  • msg #665

Re: I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.

Eoni Daflin:
"And then I usually try and stop someone from kicking Marklin in the head.

That line was pure literary gold!
Fighter, 274 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Thu 23 Mar 2017
at 00:17
  • msg #666

Re: I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.

Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 226 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Fri 24 Mar 2017
at 03:05
  • msg #667

Re: I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.


Okay, maybe literary gold was a little over the top, but I kind of liked it. I mean, she had a lot of other (more self-promotional) options:
  "I heal the wounded."
  "I negotiate on behalf of the team."
  "I serve as the moral compass for the group."

But she went with "kicking prevention". I certainly wasn't expecting that!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 227 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Fri 24 Mar 2017
at 03:06
  • msg #668

Re: I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.

P.S. I will be out of town until Monday night. Hopefully will have access, but not sure. NPC me as needed.
Thief, 183 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Fri 24 Mar 2017
at 03:08
  • msg #669

Re: I don't deserve to eat supper tonight.

Valthur Ironhelm:

Okay, maybe literary gold was a little over the top, but I kind of liked it. I mean, she had a lot of other (more self-promotional) options:
  "I heal the wounded."
  "I negotiate on behalf of the team."
  "I serve as the moral compass for the group."

But she went with "kicking prevention". I certainly wasn't expecting that!

I like "moral compass for the group."  Seems very appropriate.

For Eoni.  Not me. :)
This message was last edited by the player at 03:08, Fri 24 Mar 2017.
Magic User, 176 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Fri 24 Mar 2017
at 05:07
  • msg #670

Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

No, Sarah is the moral compass, too.  Before, when Aldara proposed doing something immoral, she either did it or she didn't.  Now, she has Eoni around to tap her foot and stare her down, and Sarah to cross her field of vision and throw her off before she can make a counter-argument.

One of Aldara's notes had something about her not trusting Thieves, but only the basest of villains would distrust Sarah!  So she can also alter reality.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 228 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Fri 24 Mar 2017
at 05:30
  • msg #671

Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Yeah, now that you mention it, Sarah knocked Valthur off his high horse back when we were arguing over what to do with Yhus's share of the treasure.

So at least TWO of us have morals!
DM Pawn
GM, 325 posts
Sat 25 Mar 2017
at 15:54
  • msg #672

Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Back in hawaii, but have movers coming in 3 days so i am busy getting ready for their imminent arrival. Will try to post later today.
Fighter, 275 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sat 25 Mar 2017
at 15:59
  • msg #673

Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

  I think I can speak for the group,when I say, we are not going anywhere. Do what you have to do in the real world.

 By the by, my son, the one that is Air Force, after his year in Turkey, you would think Uncle Sam would station him somewhere in Europe,if he was going to remain over seas. Nhaaaaaaa, They are sending him to Japan for three years. Now there is
Magic User, 177 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sat 25 Mar 2017
at 17:24
  • msg #674

Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

In reply to Marklin (msg # 673):

It's logic so advanced my mind can't grasp it!   :(
Thief, 184 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Sat 25 Mar 2017
at 22:34
  • msg #675

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Valthur Ironhelm:
Yeah, now that you mention it, Sarah knocked Valthur off his high horse back when we were arguing over what to do with Yhus's share of the treasure.

So at least TWO of us have morals!

I find this interesting because Sarah's actions on that occasion had nothing to do with the morality of the situation. :)

Interesting, from the perspective how actions are perceived by others.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 230 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Mon 27 Mar 2017
at 04:21
  • msg #676

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Indeed. Valthur's kind of looking at Sarah to be his auxiliary moral compass (Eoni still being the primary). Will be interesting to see where that leads him over time (probably into Eoni's doghouse from time to time).
DM Pawn
GM, 326 posts
Tue 28 Mar 2017
at 14:41
  • msg #677

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Movers are coming this morning and will be packing up my house the next three days. Likely to be quite occupied with real life stuff the next few days, but worse case scenario I will post Friday night as I am sitting in an empty house with echoing walls :)

Thanks for the patience

Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 231 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Tue 28 Mar 2017
at 23:37
  • msg #678

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

No problem.

Don't lift with your back - use your legs...
Or better yet, use your moving company to do all the lifting!
DM Pawn
GM, 327 posts
Thu 30 Mar 2017
at 03:48
  • msg #679

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Boxes Boxes everywhere
Fighter, 276 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Thu 30 Mar 2017
at 03:50
  • msg #680

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

 Moving a house is fun. Kind of like getting a root canal with no nova cane.
Magic User, 178 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Thu 30 Mar 2017
at 04:45
  • msg #681

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Moving a house is fun. Kind of like getting a root canal with no nova cane.


Wow, 1500 posts!  GM, if you ever have doubts, look to this game and rest assured you're a master at keeping your players engaged!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 232 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Thu 30 Mar 2017
at 05:03
  • msg #682

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

1500 posts?!??!
Great job, us!!!

It's been great fun so far... here's to 1500 more!
This message was last edited by the player at 05:04, Thu 30 Mar 2017.
Magic User, 179 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Thu 30 Mar 2017
at 05:23
  • msg #683

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

In reply to Valthur Ironhelm (msg # 682):

May that additional 1500 see Aldara going from Neutral to Lawful.

*snort* Annnd may it also see less decaf coming out my nose when I laugh!  That's a hoot.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 233 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 02:58
  • msg #684

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Decaf out the nose? Isn't there a 2nd level spell like that?

On an unrelated note, a few weeks ago I created my first ever game on rpol with some nerd friends from RL and am stumbling my way through DMing. I have a newfound respect for DMs and all the background work necessary to get things started as well as for players who log in and post frequently and keep the game running. Good for you, players who post frequently! With this new revelation, I am vowing to be more like that as a player.

yeah, I know OOC posts don't really help with the pace of the game, but I though.t I'd post something.
Magic User, 180 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 03:14
  • msg #685

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

In reply to Valthur Ironhelm (msg # 684):

I hear ya loud and clear on all that!  I'm breaking a friend of mine into play-by-post, and GMing is kind of like herding cats, except the toys are dice and graph paper and writing implements.
Fighter, 277 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 03:30
  • msg #686

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

 I prefer table top gaming, but all my friends have drifted away from rping,over the decades. Kind of sad, but it's either RPOL or nothing at all for me, these days. But it is what it is.
DM Pawn
GM, 328 posts
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 04:17
  • msg #687

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Tabletop and play-by-post scratch different itches...and I enjoy both. PbP tends to be better for characterization and roleplay (creative outlet). Tabletop is better for building friendships and community (social outlet).

With regards to OOC posts, they absolutely make a game better. As both a GM and player, a game without an active OOC thread is a sad place. I have played in a few games where the OOC thread was used for little more than game clarification and those games have generally not been very fun or engaging. The best games have always been those where I get to know a little about the other players through the OOC thread and all players crack jokes, etc.

Now...I finally have some free time and I am going to post an in-game thread here shortly to begin The Beast of Barren Hill Adventure. Thanks to all for your patience these past few weeks.


Magic User, 181 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 04:34
  • msg #688

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 687):

Hey, I'm as patient as need be!  Remember, we're the ones who brow-beat you into continuing this game!  And yeah, I've seen some haunted out of character threads, too.  No laughter or mirth to be had, people telling Aldara to stop being obnoxious and irreverent...makes Aldara sad, then bored, then angry, then devious!
Thief, 185 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 13:31
  • msg #689

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

I agree completely with the last two posts.

I played a lot in high school, less in college, and practically never after I got married.  I tried World of Warcraft, but over time the roleplaying aspect diminished in favor of power leveling.  And then it became more of a job: "everyone get on at 10:00 EDT for a raid!"  ugh.

But an easy-going OOC helps "scratch" that "itch" for the social aspect of tabletop.

And, as Aldara said: we came pretty darn close to begging you to continue.  You won't hear us complain.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:58, Sun 02 Apr 2017.
Magic User, 182 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 13:38
  • msg #690

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

I tried World of Warcraft, but over time the roleplaying aspect diminished in favor of power leveling.  And then it became more of a job: "everyone get on at 10:00 EDT for a raid!"  ugh.

Also agreeing with this.  I'm still on there, but only because my roleplayer friends and I cling to each other for dear life.
DM Pawn
GM, 330 posts
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 13:48
  • msg #691

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

I never got bit by the MMO bug. When WoW came out I was focused on completing my Bachelor's degree after screwing around withit for over a decade. So I took a knee on checking it out. At the time I told my friends you can either finish school OR you can play video games. I chose to finish school.

Interestingly, of all those gamers I said that to...none of that particular set finished their school. So I guess I was right in that case. :)

In 2005 I finished by Bachelor's degree and the same group approached me to play Lord of the Rings Online with them. They even bought me a 30-day trial CD of the game to get me to play with them...thinking I would be hooked after the 30-day trial and purchase the full game. My MMO "career" lasted exactly 30-days. While I can certainly see the draw of those kind of games, leveling characters and acquiring/crafting better mousetraps to kill bigger mouses to acquire biiger mousetraps to kill bigger monsters...well, that isn't really my idea of fun. It's a virtual rat race :)
Fighter, 278 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 14:11
  • msg #692

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

  I was the GM for whatever system my group happened to be into at the time. I was about the only GM from 19 81 to around 2004. I enjoyed entertaining and being GM, but hardly ever got to play a character. In 05, something just went "click" and I put down the GM screen, and informed all concerned," I don't wanna do this anymore. Total GM burn out. Now all I want to do is be a player, but finding a GM for my favorite games is very difficult.

  My time on RPOL has for the most part, been very enjoyable, except for a few bad experiences. I am glad I stumbled into this game, as it is different, and I think we have a good chemistry in the group, and with he GM.
Charlotte Wyndrey
Cleric, 18 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 6/6
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 14:34
  • msg #693

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

So, it occurs to me that I"m not actually sure what spells I have access to right now?  Do I need to prepare them in advance for this edition?
DM Pawn
GM, 331 posts
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 14:38
  • msg #694

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Charlotte Wyndrey:
So, it occurs to me that I"m not actually sure what spells I have access to right now?  Do I need to prepare them in advance for this edition?

No. This game uses spontaneous casting. From the House Rules thread:

Cleric, Elf and Magic User Spells: This game will use spontaneous casting, i.e., no need to prepare specific spells ahead of time. If you know the spell and have an unused spell slot, you can cast the spell.
DM Pawn
GM, 332 posts
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 14:50
  • msg #695

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

In reply to Marklin (msg # 692):

I have primarily DM'd as well but do enjoy playing when I get a chance.

I am not currently playing in any PbP games, but I am playing in a 5th edition D&D Adventurers League at the Friendly Local Game Store with my daughter. It's been a lot of fun and I will miss it when we move in a couple of weeks. Great core group of players and an excellent DM.

Probably what I appreciate about it most is that it's been a good opportunity to show my daughter how mature adults approach the game, as she usually plays with my son and their friends (all of them ages 8-11). D&D with kids is fun, but it's a different kind of fun. There's also more jealousy and competition, which isn't really all that fun. :)

On the RPoL front, I would say my best experiences have been on the GM side of the screen. I have played in a few games and have found most of them to be less than satisfying for one reason or another. A few games have started out promising then fizzled out for one reason or another. Of all the games I have played in, I would estimate maybe 10% have been enjoyable experiences. It makes me really apprehensive about joining games as I have limited free time and I don't like to spend it on un-fun activities.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:51, Sun 02 Apr 2017.
Magic User, 184 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 15:13
  • msg #696

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 694):

Sssoo, that trip we made out of the Sanctum so I could cast light was a waste of time?  Hoo boy.   :(  Looks like I'm going to have to donate money to another family.  Where's fool's gold when you need it!

Yeh, big contributors to my satisfaction in play-by-post games are...
-Does everybody more or less get along in Out of Character Discussions?  I've been in games where That One Player always has to be on your case, or there's a Game Master who seems to be less interested in running a game and more interested in indulging whatever werid and sad fantasies they have.  Meatgrinders are cool, but there's an art to running them, and if that involves stamping your feet when somebody eludes a trap...maybe you should get some help, man.
-Are we all allowed to play the characters that we want to play, and can I contribute to the party while doing so for my part?
-Pacing, pacing, pacing.
DM Pawn
GM, 333 posts
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 15:32
  • msg #697

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 694):

Sssoo, that trip we made out of the Sanctum so I could cast light was a waste of time?  Hoo boy.   :(  Looks like I'm going to have to donate money to another family.  Where's fool's gold when you need it!

Sorry. I had to check the House Rules thread to see what I had established for this game. My default is typically spontaneous casting, but I wasn't sure if I set this game to be on "hard mode".
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 15:34, Sun 02 Apr 2017.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 216 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 15:34
  • msg #698

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

We definitely forgot about the spontaneous house rule.  I keep trying to memorize cleric spells.

The perils of house rules.
DM Pawn
GM, 334 posts
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 15:54
  • msg #699

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Eoni Daflin:
We definitely forgot about the spontaneous house rule.  I keep trying to memorize cleric spells.

The perils of house rules.

You can still choose to memorize them if you wish. :)
Magic User, 185 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sun 2 Apr 2017
at 16:29
  • msg #700

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Let's see, we've been picking on poor Marklin, I've been picking on myself, I cast protection from picking-on on Sarah...

It's, uhh, Valthur's fault.  Yeah.  You magic-not-liking Dwarves, telling spell casters how to... I'm not very good at this, am I.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 235 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Mon 3 Apr 2017
at 06:49
  • msg #701

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Yeah, my bad everyone :)

I missed that spontaneous casting rule, too. In fact, I had to read the OOC posts multiple times to even figure out what you all were talking about. Good thing I'm a dwarf - it makes my ignorance of magic rules seem like I'm just playing my character!

As for OOC, I haven't played in a lot of games, but I don't remember anyone being too out of line in the OOC in other games I've played. Maybe because the games I normally played were original D&D and attracted a more mature (i.e. old, like me) audience? No offense to the youngsters, just taking guesses here. Or maybe I was just lucky?

OR (I hope this isn't the case) maybe I was the big jerk and didn't realize it (gulp)!
Magic User, 186 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Mon 3 Apr 2017
at 07:58
  • msg #702

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

In reply to Valthur Ironhelm (msg # 701):

I'll admit I'm sort of a jerk, but one guy I played with was a part of the original D&D crowd, and got called out by a lot of like-aged veterans.  I was half-worried he'd stamp his feet into stumps the way he'd carry on about things!
DM Pawn
GM, 336 posts
Mon 3 Apr 2017
at 15:55
  • msg #703

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

It's up to you whether you want to adhere to memorized casting rules or use the more generous spontaneous casting. It doesn't matter to me either way. Whichever method will make for a more enjoyable gaminmg experience :)
Magic User, 187 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Mon 3 Apr 2017
at 16:08
  • msg #704

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

The one where we don't have to go outside and wait!
Thief, 188 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Mon 3 Apr 2017
at 16:11
  • msg #705

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

If the test is "what provides the most enjoyable experience," I can't imagine any player preferring memorized spell casting.
DM Pawn
GM, 337 posts
Mon 3 Apr 2017
at 17:20
  • msg #706

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

If the test is "what provides the most enjoyable experience," I can't imagine any player preferring memorized spell casting.

There are a considerable number of players who derive pleasure from the resource management aspect prevalent in earlier editions of the game. In fact, even in this game, if you remember back to the beginning, we had a player who wanted to implement the 0 hit points = death rules.

Similarly, I have run across players who only want to play 3d6 stats, in order, etc.

There is a wide range of player expectations out there as far as what makes a game enjoyable for them.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 236 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Mon 3 Apr 2017
at 21:03
  • msg #707

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

I say spontaneous, but defer to whatever the spellcasters decide.
Fighter, 280 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Mon 3 Apr 2017
at 21:06
  • msg #708

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

 I say kill the spell casters, loot their bodies,then sell the corpses to the local Necromancer. Gods, I love being a Good!
Magic User, 189 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Mon 3 Apr 2017
at 21:54
  • msg #709

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

In reply to Marklin (msg # 708):

I say bind the turkey with a spear, hurl him in a cage, and have apprentice mages practice enchantments and transmutations on him!
Then will be born the spell... Charm bird.  Doesn't work on Rocs, Arakkoa, geese (I hate geese), or anthropomorphic ducks dressed as sailors.   :(  Really, it might as well have come from a gag article.

I can go either way with 3d6 take-as-rolled.  I draw the line at rolling Hit Points at first level, though!  If I see that, I will take my toys and play somewhere else.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:32, Tue 04 Apr 2017.
Fighter, 281 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Mon 3 Apr 2017
at 22:02
  • msg #710

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Magic User, 191 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Wed 5 Apr 2017
at 05:05
  • msg #711

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Revolving doors!  Well, at least it isn't a bookcase.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 239 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Wed 5 Apr 2017
at 06:18
  • msg #712

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

If it was a bookcase, Valthur would've never found it. He's not into books. In most cases, he just waits for the movie to come out.
Magic User, 192 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Wed 5 Apr 2017
at 08:48
  • msg #713

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

In reply to Valthur Ironhelm (msg # 712):

Oh, sure, leave the dingbat to do that.
"Face It, You're Neeutral Evil, no.  Uses for a Ten-Foot Pole, no... Oh!  There!  An nmarked book!  Why am I a ram, now?"
Fighter, 289 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sun 9 Apr 2017
at 02:27
  • msg #714

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

We might have to wait until tomorrow to find out what the rolls where for.. GASP!
Fighter, 291 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sun 9 Apr 2017
at 03:27
  • msg #715

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Yep, I think Marklin is going to get yelled at for what he just did.
Fighter, 292 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sun 9 Apr 2017
at 04:39
  • msg #716

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Beaten to death by his own comrades...
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 247 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Sun 9 Apr 2017
at 05:32
  • msg #717

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Valthur started yelling, but then he gave up because that blasted shrieker is making so must blasted noise!!!

In all honesty, though, good job playing in character and keeping the game moving... even if it alerts every bad guy in the entire cave system!!!
Magic User, 196 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Mon 10 Apr 2017
at 00:21
  • msg #718

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

In reply to Valthur Ironhelm (msg # 717):

Bah!  Let them line up for a righteous backhanding!

Avandra's been kind to us so far.  Look at Eoni and Valthur's Hit Points!  She just, ehh...needs to let us hit in combat a little more often.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:25, Mon 10 Apr 2017.
Charlotte Wyndrey
Cleric, 20 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 6/6
Tue 11 Apr 2017
at 17:11
  • msg #719

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Augh!  I spend a weekend asleep and everything exploded again!  Hopefully I didn't miss the encounter.
Fighter, 295 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Wed 12 Apr 2017
at 02:54
  • msg #720

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

 Can Marklin even hear the Gobs?
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 251 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Wed 12 Apr 2017
at 06:36
  • msg #721

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Charlotte Wyndrey:
Augh!  I spend a weekend asleep and everything exploded again!  Hopefully I didn't miss the encounter.

That's why you should sleep at work!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 252 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Wed 12 Apr 2017
at 17:15
  • msg #722

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

The Warrior responded to the Dwarf with a well thought out and phrased "WHAT?!?!"

Brilliant - I literally laughed out loud when I read this post!
Fighter, 297 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Thu 13 Apr 2017
at 02:00
  • msg #723

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Bows. Thank you for the kind words.
Fighter, 298 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Thu 13 Apr 2017
at 02:10
  • msg #724

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

It would be kind of interesting if we end up making allies of the Gobs.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 253 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Thu 13 Apr 2017
at 05:40
  • msg #725

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Fighter, 299 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Thu 13 Apr 2017
at 22:46
  • msg #726

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

 The GM must be busy this week. Work related and or Eastor.
DM Pawn
GM, 350 posts
Fri 14 Apr 2017
at 03:52
  • msg #727

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Mostly work-related. Another week of long conferences, compounded by trying to complete outprocessing actions in conjunction with my upcoming move back to the mainland.

We get on a plane bound for SC in 16 days.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 254 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Fri 14 Apr 2017
at 04:58
  • msg #728

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

That'll just give us more time to let the ringing in our ears (from the shrieker) subside!
Fighter, 300 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Fri 14 Apr 2017
at 14:59
  • msg #729

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

 I have come to the decision, that this is my favorite game on RPOL. I was not sure why I felt that way at first, but now I know.

 The GM is worthy of his craft, and my fellow players as well. But I think what makes this game my favorite, is because most, t if not all of you are around the same age and experience that I am. I feel this game fits like a comfortable old shoe, as the saying goes. Hope that makes some sense.

 I wanted to wish each and every one of you, a Happy Easter.  May god keep each and every one of you, in the palm of his hand.
DM Pawn
GM, 352 posts
Sat 15 Apr 2017
at 02:23
  • msg #730

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

In reply to Marklin (msg # 729):

Thanks for the kind words.


On a side note, all PCs are aware of the goblins by now and may intercede/interact as they wish.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 256 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Sat 15 Apr 2017
at 04:51
  • msg #731

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

Thanks, Marklin. And a happy Easter to you, too!

And I agree, this game has been great fun so far... except for the time when I got rabies from that giant ferret!
Thief, 198 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Sat 15 Apr 2017
at 04:52
  • msg #732

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

This is the game I check first when there are new posts.

Always.  Without exception.

Happy Easter everyone.
Fighter, 303 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sat 15 Apr 2017
at 21:32
  • msg #733

Re: Lawful Sarah, Chaotic Aldara tendencies

 Kill the Goblins.Stampede the women and rape the cattle!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Magic User, 199 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sat 15 Apr 2017
at 22:39
  • msg #734

Chaotic Turkey

Gobble gobble gobble.Gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble gobble!!! GOBBLOBBLOBBLOBBLE!!!!!!

Hey, does anybody have a copy of comprehend birds?  I can only speak Common, Halfling, and Neutral.  Didn't think I'd have to learn... Turkey.
Fighter, 304 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sat 15 Apr 2017
at 23:13
  • msg #735

Chaotic Turkey

 Pfffffft! :P
Fighter, 305 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sat 15 Apr 2017
at 23:14
  • msg #736

Chaotic Turkey

But all kidding aside, It is going to take alot of convincing. to get Marklin to go along with this deal with the Gobs.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 23:24, Sat 15 Apr 2017.
Magic User, 200 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sat 15 Apr 2017
at 23:55
  • msg #737

Chaotic Turkey

In reply to Marklin (msg # 736):

Since I don't eat turkey on Thanksgiving (yay pork)... I'll give you all the seeds you can eat!
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 225 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Sun 16 Apr 2017
at 12:25
  • msg #738

Chaotic Turkey

Should we wait for any details the Shaman might have of the Beast, prompted by Aldara's question, or does it look like she's been ignored?
Magic User, 203 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sun 16 Apr 2017
at 17:51
  • msg #739

Chaotic Turkey

Alright, so what we've learned: It's a quadruped that's probably ensorcelled.
-It eats rocks, it's got really good claws, this a magical wolverine?
-Ugloshti has good standards.  I mean, if he were one of those half-orc/half-human hybrids that could pass as a homely human, that'd be one thing if he had a sparkling personality, but ehh.
Fighter, 308 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sun 16 Apr 2017
at 18:13
  • msg #740

Chaotic Turkey

The only thing I can think that eats rock and has really good claws, is a Xorn. Needless to say, Marklin has no idea.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 228 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Mon 17 Apr 2017
at 10:56
  • msg #741

Chaotic Turkey

Expecting Valthur to lead the way with his dwarven insight to guide us.
Fighter, 311 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Wed 19 Apr 2017
at 02:06
  • msg #742

Chaotic Turkey

Waiting on the dang Dwarf...again. Does anyone have some gold to bribe him with?
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 261 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Wed 19 Apr 2017
at 06:54
  • msg #743

Chaotic Turkey

Thanks for the wake up call. I thought I was up to date but I was not!
Charlotte Wyndrey
Cleric, 22 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 6/6
Wed 19 Apr 2017
at 12:08
  • msg #744

Chaotic Turkey

Are ability checks roll over or under?
DM Pawn
GM, 362 posts
Wed 19 Apr 2017
at 15:29
  • msg #745

Chaotic Turkey

In reply to Charlotte Wyndrey (msg # 744):

roll under
Fighter, 313 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Wed 19 Apr 2017
at 17:33
  • msg #746

Chaotic Turkey

Is there any chance for a map to these caves, Herr GM? I know you are busy,so if you don't have the time, no biggie.
DM Pawn
GM, 363 posts
Thu 20 Apr 2017
at 13:58
  • msg #747

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Is there any chance for a map to these caves, Herr GM? I know you are busy,so if you don't have the time, no biggie.

I will see what I can conjure up this weekend if I get some free time. Drawing the map is not the hard part. It's dealing with the free photobucket account I have. :\

For the meantime, the entirety of the cave can be summed up as follows:

1. Roughly ovular-shaped entrance cavern (~30 x 50 feet) with a revolving secret door located along its southwest wall. Entrance to the cavern, from the surrounding countrside, is along its northeast wall.

2. Revolving secret door opens to a tunnel, roughly 5 feet wide.

3. The secret tunnel heads 20 feet southwest and begins to veer due west, where the tunnel begins to pitch sharply downward. Above this turn is where the hanging shrieker was located.

3. A few feet beyond the sharply descending tunnel, along its left wall, Valthur found the rune-covered and trapped secret door. This door has not been opened yet. The tunnel continues to descend due west, into darkness, beyond the light of your torch. The tunnel is still only 5 feet wide.

Hope that helps in the interim.
Magic User, 207 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Fri 21 Apr 2017
at 15:58
  • msg #748

Re: Chaotic Turkey

DM Pawn:
<quote Marklin>
Is there any chance for a map to these caves, Herr GM? I know you are busy,so if you don't have the time, no biggie. ought to be better, although they were having hosting issues a little while ago.
Thief, 200 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Fri 21 Apr 2017
at 16:45
  • msg #749

Re: Chaotic Turkey

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 747):

I found the description to be quite helpful; thank you.
Fighter, 315 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sun 23 Apr 2017
at 02:53
  • msg #750

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Slow night
DM Pawn
GM, 364 posts
Sun 23 Apr 2017
at 14:02
  • msg #751

Re: Chaotic Turkey

I was fast asleep last night by 6pm. I spent the whole day cleaning 4 years of "living grime" from our old house in preparation for our move-out inpsection. All this to say, I was pretty wiped out yesterday!
Fighter, 316 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sun 23 Apr 2017
at 14:07
  • msg #752

Re: Chaotic Turkey

 You do what you have to do,Sarge. I called you Sarge, because I forget what rank you actually are, But you are a Sargent. :)
DM Pawn
GM, 365 posts
Sun 23 Apr 2017
at 14:10
  • msg #753

Re: Chaotic Turkey

You do what you have to do,Sarge. I called you Sarge, because I forget what rank you actually are, But you are a Sargent. :)

I was a "Sergeant" from July 2001 to March 2017, but this month I became a Chief, i.e., Chief Master Sergeant.
Fighter, 317 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sun 23 Apr 2017
at 14:18
  • msg #754

Re: Chaotic Turkey

 A Zoomie,by any other name. ;)   Congrats on the promotion.
Fighter, 318 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Mon 24 Apr 2017
at 02:15
  • msg #755

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Nice map, thanks
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 231 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Thu 27 Apr 2017
at 18:45
  • msg #756

Re: Chaotic Turkey

I expect that we just continue on until we have a choice of direction or Valthur is eaten by something.
Fighter, 319 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Thu 27 Apr 2017
at 19:13
  • msg #757

Re: Chaotic Turkey

 Marklin suggests the tactic of stealth, Reconnaissance, and careful consideration of our next mo...CHARGE!!!!!!!!.....Marklin got bored. :O)
This message was last edited by the player at 19:44, Thu 27 Apr 2017.
Fighter, 320 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sun 30 Apr 2017
at 15:08
  • msg #758

Re: Chaotic Turkey

 I hope your move is going as smoothly as possible.
Magic User, 209 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sun 30 Apr 2017
at 18:54
  • msg #759

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Alright, so this is sort of "neither here nor there", but, uhm, I have a confession to make: I did not know that the Nentir Vale was the 4th Edition campaign setting until I rifled through the 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide.  Like, I thought GM was using a really powerful mapping tool, or something.  I was aware that the 4th Edition pantheon was getting some much-needed love, but boy am I slow on the uptake.
DM Pawn
GM, 367 posts
Tue 2 May 2017
at 13:02
  • msg #760

Re: Chaotic Turkey

We're in South Carolina now. It's weird being back on the mainland. People drive so fast! There's other weird things too, but that's the most noticeable difference at the moment. :)

We get the keys to out house today. Movers deliver our household goods tomorrow. We pick up our car on Thursday. With any luck I will have an internet connection at our new house by this weekend! :)

At any rate, just a quick status update. Hope everyone is doing well!~
DM Pawn
GM, 368 posts
Tue 2 May 2017
at 13:05
  • msg #761

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Alright, so this is sort of "neither here nor there", but, uhm, I have a confession to make: I did not know that the Nentir Vale was the 4th Edition campaign setting until I rifled through the 5th Edition Dungeon Master's Guide.  Like, I thought GM was using a really powerful mapping tool, or something.  I was aware that the 4th Edition pantheon was getting some much-needed love, but boy am I slow on the uptake.

Nentir Vale is indeed the default 4th edition D&D setting...and an excellent setting by the way!

The setting we are using for this game is Elsir Vale, which is the setting of the excellent 3.5 edition module, Red Hand of Doom. I borrow that setting and the core 4th edition pantheon for this Basic D&D game. I am edition neutral :)
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 264 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Wed 3 May 2017
at 04:48
  • msg #762

Re: Chaotic Turkey

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 760):

That's exciting moving news - lots of new stuff to think of! Sounds like it is going well so far. Just thought I'd chime in to say I'm still here whenever you get settled in... hopefully you remember what box you packed your computer in!

By comparison, our exciting moving news is that we took apart our bed and moved our mattress to the floor because our elderly dog fell out of bed for the 2nd time :(

...okay, maybe that's not quite as exciting as moving to the other end of the country and into a new house, but it's close!!!
Fighter, 321 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Wed 3 May 2017
at 21:32
  • msg #763

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Welcome back to the lower 48 GM. :) My son leaves for Turkey in early June.
Charlotte Wyndrey
Cleric, 24 posts
AC: 6 | HP: 6/6
Thu 4 May 2017
at 00:03
  • msg #764

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Did I miss anything while work decided to spontaneously make me cover for two absent employees while still doing my regular shifts?
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 265 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Thu 4 May 2017
at 03:25
  • msg #765

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Charlotte Wyndrey:
Did I miss anything while work decided to spontaneously make me cover for two absent employees while still doing my regular shifts?

You missed a TON in OOC!
 Aldara made a key discovery regarding the origin of the campaign maps!
 Valthur is now sleeping on the floor at his house!!
 Marklin's son is moving to Turkey!!!
 DM just moved back to the continental 48!!!!

As for in-game, your RL timing couldn't have been better - we're still in the hallway a little past the shrieker...
DM Pawn
GM, 369 posts
Mon 8 May 2017
at 11:16
  • msg #766

Re: Chaotic Turkey

House is mostly unpacked with just a few odds and ends remaining...but functional. Internet connection has been established and it seems a lot more reliable than what we had in Hawaii for the last 6 months we lived there. Cable TV is still not working, but that is supposed to be resolved today by 2pm.

Oh yeah, we also bought a new bed! That arrives on Friday. The bed we are sleeping on now graduates high school this year (i.e., it's 18 years old and long overdue for replacement). I can't wait to sleep in the new bed! More importantly, my back can't wait for it. After sleeping on strange beds, air mattresses and futons, etc. over the past 6 weeks...I am more than eager for this Friday. I'm getting too old for this...


At any rate, all this to say life is starting to settle down and barring any unforeseen contingencies, I am going to post tonight after work and resume our expedition.

This message was last edited by the GM at 08:01, Tue 09 May 2017.
Thief, 202 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Mon 8 May 2017
at 13:52
  • msg #767

Re: Chaotic Turkey

DM Pawn:
House is mostly unpacked with just a few odds and ends remaining...but functional. Internet connection has been established and it seems a lot more reliable than what we had in Hawaii for the last 6 months we lived there. Cable TV is still not working, but that is supposed to be resolved today by 2pm.

Oh yeah, we also bought a new bed! That arrives on Friday. The bed we are sleeping on now graduates high school this year (i.e., it's 18 years old and long overdue for replacement). I can't wait to sleep in the new bed! More importantly, my back can't wait for it. After sleeping on strange beds, air mattresses and futons, etc. over the past 6 weeks...I am more than eager for this Friday. I'm getting too old for this...


At any rate, all this to say life is starting to settle down and barring any unforeseen contingencies, I am going to post tonight after work and resume our expedition to save the Elk tribesmen.


All in all, sounds like a rather painless transition.  Congratulations!
DM Pawn
GM, 370 posts
Tue 9 May 2017
at 08:00
  • msg #768

Re: Chaotic Turkey

The unforeseen circumstance was/is a shoddy internet connection. I could only get intermittent connection to the internet yesterday. Not sure which provider everyone is using, but we have had Time Warner and, while their customer service reps are friendly, it's been nothing but problems for the last 6 months.

I am obviously able to get on the internet now, but it's 3am. It's garbage that the only time I can reasonably expect to get on the internet is when most people are asleep. That has sort of been the common theme. With summer vacation coming up in a couple of weeks, I can only imagine how terrible it will be once school is out.

At any rate, continuing to work through the issue. We may have to invest in a better technological solution to remedy it. I don't know a lot about computers and networking, but there has to be a way to increase our odds of being able to establish a connection.

Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 266 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 18/18
Wed 10 May 2017
at 05:09
  • msg #769

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Or we'll have to play-by-mail instead!
Fighter, 323 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sat 13 May 2017
at 02:03
  • msg #770

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Hey folks, I am going on vacation starting tomorrow. I will post when ai can,depending on internet access. if you need to NPC Marklin, go for it.
DM Pawn
GM, 374 posts
Sun 14 May 2017
at 18:42
  • msg #771

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Hey folks, I am going on vacation starting tomorrow. I will post when ai can,depending on internet access. if you need to NPC Marklin, go for it.

Thanks for the heads up! Have a great vacation!

Fighter, 324 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Mon 22 May 2017
at 00:17
  • msg #772

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Thief, 205 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Mon 22 May 2017
at 02:58
  • msg #773

Re: Chaotic Turkey


What did you bring back for us?
Fighter, 325 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Mon 22 May 2017
at 21:24
  • msg #774

Re: Chaotic Turkey

 A sun tan. :P
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 274 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 16/18
Fri 26 May 2017
at 06:36
  • msg #775

Re: Chaotic Turkey

I'll be camping over the long weekend, so probably not available until Monday.

Don't destroy the beast until I get back!!!
Fighter, 328 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Wed 31 May 2017
at 01:09
  • msg #776

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Cheer! :)
Fighter, 329 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Thu 1 Jun 2017
at 02:07
  • msg #777

Re: Chaotic Turkey

That is it! We are gonna blow this sucker up!! Break out the C4 troops.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 240 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 13/16
Thu 1 Jun 2017
at 02:37
  • msg #778

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Option 1: The boulder currently blocks the tunnel and the only way to get around it is to either let it roll past or chip around it (if anyone can get around the pressure plate that would release it to roll over them).

Option 2: The boulder does NOT block the tunnel and if someone could jump over the pressure plate, they could continue on down the tunnel past where the boulder enters the tunnel.

In either case, the boulder cannot be reached without a difficult jump over the pressure plate.

I had been thinking that we were using Option 2.

I think what Valthur meant was that we wanted to get past the boulder trap safely and not necessarily behind the boulder itself.  So if someone could get past the plate, they could wedge the boulder in place so that if the plate were tripped, the boulder would be stuck in it's slot and they could continue merrily (or grumpily for dwarves) along.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 276 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 16/18
Thu 1 Jun 2017
at 06:00
  • msg #779

Re: Chaotic Turkey

After Shane's clarification in the chapter 3 thread, I am now thinking option 1 (boulder blocks the entire passage).

However, I'm not quite sure what this means (again, my apologies for being so dense):
DM Pawn:
...Valthur heeds Eoni's suggestion and identifies a few spots one might use to keep the large boulder in place.

Does this mean that Valthur sees a spot or two where we could wedge a spike to keep the boulder from rolling over us? That's good, but (assuming option 1) our path forward would still be blocked. We would need to roll the boulder far enough to open up the passage behind it. I'm thinking now that once that thing gets rolling, there's no stopping it until it hits the roots.
DM Pawn
GM, 383 posts
Thu 1 Jun 2017
at 10:35
  • msg #780

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Valthur Ironhelm:
After Shane's clarification in the chapter 3 thread, I am now thinking option 1 (boulder blocks the entire passage).

However, I'm not quite sure what this means (again, my apologies for being so dense):
DM Pawn:
...Valthur heeds Eoni's suggestion and identifies a few spots one might use to keep the large boulder in place.

Does this mean that Valthur sees a spot or two where we could wedge a spike to keep the boulder from rolling over us? That's good, but (assuming option 1) our path forward would still be blocked. We would need to roll the boulder far enough to open up the passage behind it. I'm thinking now that once that thing gets rolling, there's no stopping it until it hits the roots.

Yes. You could essentially use spikes to wedge the boulder in place, effectively blocking any further explanation of the tunnel...which currently terminates at the boulder.

Yes, most likely the boulder would roll until it reached the roots, likely becoming tangled in there and blocking the other way out.

The boulder is composed of granite, so quite strong.
Magic User, 213 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Fri 2 Jun 2017
at 09:57
  • msg #781

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Marklin's got the right idea!
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 241 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 13/16
Fri 2 Jun 2017
at 18:23
  • msg #782

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Let's stick with the carved alcove idea and wedge the boulder at a point past our alcoves but before it reaches the roots.

It will be easier to carve a path around it on the way out if it's stuck in the tunnel rather than the roots.
Fighter, 331 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Sat 3 Jun 2017
at 14:31
  • msg #783

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Yes, yes!
Thief, 209 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Sat 3 Jun 2017
at 20:55
  • msg #784

Re: Chaotic Turkey

I don't know . . . this sounds like one of those plans that will cause the DM to go to a gathering of other DMs and say: "Well that's a good story, but would you believe a party in one of my games did this?
Fighter, 334 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Thu 8 Jun 2017
at 02:34
  • msg #785

Re: Chaotic Turkey

 What ever happened to Yhus the Musing? I was reading old ooc threads( yes, I need a life.) and came across that old character.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 280 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 16/18
Thu 8 Jun 2017
at 03:35
  • msg #786

Re: Chaotic Turkey

He got turned into a tree, didn't he?
Not sure why he left in RL. He just kind of quit posting, I think (although maybe he told Shane before departing for good).

But yeah, golden memories.
Good for us to have only lost a single player so far... (Charlotte? You still with us?)!!!

I was in a Gamma World game on rpol once (Mutant Future, technically, but I consider it Gamma World) and there was a revolving door of characters... a lot of them were very cool, too: a cowboy robot, a flying something or other, a german robot, a mutated fox, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some. But most never stuck... in retrospect, I hope it wasn't something I said (gulp).
This message was last edited by the player at 03:38, Thu 08 June 2017.
Magic User, 215 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Thu 8 Jun 2017
at 04:29
  • msg #787

Re: Chaotic Turkey

In reply to Valthur Ironhelm (msg # 786):

Yep, some wicked Fey creature lured him over to it, and he turned into plant matter.
Fighter, 335 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Thu 8 Jun 2017
at 13:45
  • msg #788

Re: Chaotic Turkey

 Now I remember. Thanks
DM Pawn
GM, 386 posts
Thu 8 Jun 2017
at 20:43
  • msg #789

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Headed up to Asheville, NC for the weekend. I should have internet access throughout, but just wanted to let everyone know in case I disappear for a few days.


Magic User, 216 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Thu 8 Jun 2017
at 21:28
  • msg #790

Re: Chaotic Turkey

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 789):

I'm still going to panic and tear up the house looking for you.
On that note, I'm going to be going back to nights for the next two weeks, and then until the first of September, I ought to be all early mornings.

Have fun!
DM Pawn
GM, 387 posts
Sun 11 Jun 2017
at 22:32
  • msg #791

Re: Chaotic Turkey

As it turned out, wifi at the hotel was pretty much non-existent, which basically made for a largely unplugged weekend. Which was fine :)

At any rate, I will work up some posts here shortly.


DM Pawn
GM, 389 posts
Mon 12 Jun 2017
at 03:37
  • msg #792

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Congratulations to Sarah, Marklin and Valthur, all of whom have earned enough XP for their next level!

You may level up your characters and adjust character sheets accordingly. Please let me know when you have completed this and I will update my trackers. Thanks!

Fighter, 337 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Mon 12 Jun 2017
at 03:43
  • msg #793

Re: Chaotic Turkey

We just need to roll for new hit points, right?
Fighter, 338 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Mon 12 Jun 2017
at 03:50
  • msg #794

Re: Chaotic Turkey

23:49, Today: Marklin rolled 2 using 1d10 with rolls of 2.  new hit points for third level.

Another crap roll.
DM Pawn
GM, 390 posts
Mon 12 Jun 2017
at 03:51
  • msg #795

Re: Chaotic Turkey

We just need to roll for new hit points, right?

Yeah. There's not much to leveling up in Basic D&D...unless you're a spellcaster and can pick new spells.
Fighter, 339 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Mon 12 Jun 2017
at 03:52
  • msg #796

Re: Chaotic Turkey

I have the worst luck with dice in this game. lol
DM Pawn
GM, 391 posts
Mon 12 Jun 2017
at 03:53
  • msg #797

Re: Chaotic Turkey

23:49, Today: Marklin rolled 2 using 1d10 with rolls of 2.  new hit points for third level.

Another crap roll.

Fighters only roll d8 for hit points in Basic. Go ahead and reroll.
Fighter, 340 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Mon 12 Jun 2017
at 04:10
  • msg #798

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Oh..silly me,wrong edition..
Fighter, 341 posts
Hit Points:9|9
Mon 12 Jun 2017
at 04:13
  • msg #799

Re: Chaotic Turkey

00:12, Today: Marklin rolled 5 using 1d8 with rolls of 5.  third level hit points.

I can live with a five.
Thief, 214 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Mon 12 Jun 2017
at 12:39
  • msg #800

Re: Chaotic Turkey

DM Pawn:
Congratulations to Sarah, Marklin and Valthur, all of whom have earned enough XP for their next level!

You may level up your characters and adjust character sheets accordingly. Please let me know when you have completed this and I will update my trackers. Thanks!


DM Pawn
GM, 396 posts
Thu 15 Jun 2017
at 18:56
  • msg #801

Re: Chaotic Turkey

It's been over 6 weeks since Charlotte logged in and posted so I have gone ahead and removed the player and moved the character to NPC status. We can just assume she fades to the background and is no longer present. Suspension of disbelief.

Magic User, 218 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Fri 16 Jun 2017
at 07:18
  • msg #802

Re: Chaotic Turkey

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 801):

It's the opposite of what happened to the Janitor, from Scrubs.   :(
DM Pawn
GM, 397 posts
Fri 16 Jun 2017
at 10:17
  • msg #803

Re: Chaotic Turkey

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 801):

It's the opposite of what happened to the Janitor, from Scrubs.   :(

I have never seen Scrubs. What happened? Did the janitor just hang around off-screen all the time?
Thief, 217 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Fri 16 Jun 2017
at 13:34
  • msg #804

Re: Chaotic Turkey

I think this is a reference to the theory that he was just a figment of the main character's imagination for the first several years, because it seemed that he was the only person to interact with the janitor.  Then, as seasons went by, the janitor began to interact with others; at first sporadically, and then regularly.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:34, Fri 16 June 2017.
Fighter, 343 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Mon 19 Jun 2017
at 22:32
  • msg #805

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Do we all have to make that save, or was it just Sarah?
DM Pawn
GM, 400 posts
Mon 19 Jun 2017
at 22:37
  • msg #806

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Do we all have to make that save, or was it just Sarah?

Just Sarah. I didn't really ask for PCs locations before she set the trap off, so I gave everyone the benefit of the doubt that they would have been standing back.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 285 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 16/18
Tue 20 Jun 2017
at 05:13
  • msg #807

Re: Chaotic Turkey

I was standing directly behind Marklin ;)
Magic User, 220 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Tue 20 Jun 2017
at 07:05
  • msg #808

Re: Chaotic Turkey

DM Pawn:
Do we all have to make that save, or was it just Sarah?

Just Sarah. I didn't really ask for PCs locations before she set the trap off, so I gave everyone the benefit of the doubt that they would have been standing back.

Aldara's a coward, so she's standing as close to Marklin or Valthur as she can.
DM Pawn
GM, 402 posts
Fri 23 Jun 2017
at 12:34
  • msg #809

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Just a quick heads up that I am heading out of town (really like only an hour away from where I live!) for a little family vacation time and will be gone through June 28th. We are staying at a lake cottage with wifi, so I should have internet access throughout, but wanted to let you all know in case I drop off the grid. My intent is to continue to post while at the cottage.

There's only so much swimming in alligator-infested lakes one can do! I keep telling my kids they just need to make sure they are not the slowest swimmer in the lake, because the alligators will go after the slowpokes first! LOL

Fighter, 346 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Fri 23 Jun 2017
at 15:44
  • msg #810

Re: Chaotic Turkey

 Happy swimming. ;)
Magic User, 221 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Fri 23 Jun 2017
at 20:04
  • msg #811

Re: Chaotic Turkey

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 809):

I know a great song to pay during breakfast that morning!
DM Pawn
GM, 403 posts
Tue 27 Jun 2017
at 14:12
  • msg #812

Re: Chaotic Turkey

As it turned out, the cabins did NOT have wifi :)

Had a great tech-free weekend of swimming, paddleboarding, fishing, ukulele playing, reading, and just plain relaxing.

Oh yeah, and I am happy to report nobody got chased by alligators!

Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 249 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 13/16
Tue 27 Jun 2017
at 21:40
  • msg #813

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Are we still standing in 3 feet of alligator infested water?

I would say that the Bless is from Eoni's post forward and not retroactive as she is slower to react than the others.

If you're using a dice macro to make your rolls from your character sheet, add in the Bless bonuses so you don't forget them.  +1 to hit and damage.

dice=1d20+1 memo="Staff whack with Bless!"] [dice=1d6+1 memo="Staff damage with Bless"

Just add square brackets around it.

Roll 1d20+1 Roll 1d6+1
DM Pawn
GM, 405 posts
Tue 27 Jun 2017
at 21:45
  • msg #814

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Eoni Daflin:
Are we still standing in 3 feet of alligator infested water?

Yes. The party emerged through the tunnel into the pool at the entrance of the large cavern and was immediately set upon by the Beast and Beast Jr.

There are dry sections of the cavern, but everyone, including the Beasts, are in the pool right now.
Fighter, 349 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Tue 27 Jun 2017
at 21:53
  • msg #815

Re: Chaotic Turkey

 Everyone into the pewl, the water is lovely.
DM Pawn
GM, 406 posts
Tue 27 Jun 2017
at 21:54
  • msg #816

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Marklin: please make a Save vs Spells (Fear). You may have missed it in the OOC section of my combat post.
Fighter, 350 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Tue 27 Jun 2017
at 22:17
  • msg #817

Re: Chaotic Turkey

I guess I did.. okie dokie
Fighter, 351 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Tue 27 Jun 2017
at 22:28
  • msg #818

Re: Chaotic Turkey

My usual luck with dice. I finnaly get a kick ass attack and damage roll,and now its pissed away by a 9. The Dice gods hate me..:*(

 Any chance I can keep those rolls in Marklin's pocket for next time?
DM Pawn
GM, 407 posts
Wed 28 Jun 2017
at 00:30
  • msg #819

Re: Chaotic Turkey

My usual luck with dice. I finnaly get a kick ass attack and damage roll,and now its pissed away by a 9. The Dice gods hate me..:*(

 Any chance I can keep those rolls in Marklin's pocket for next time?

Failing the save will basically lead you to lose the first round's action. After that you will be able to react normally.

We'll use your successful attack for next round's action. I can copy/paste the deleted post as soon as we get to next round.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:31, Wed 28 June 2017.
Fighter, 353 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Wed 28 Jun 2017
at 00:39
  • msg #820

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Bless you! Sorry for the rant, it's been a lousy day.
Fighter, 355 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Thu 29 Jun 2017
at 14:56
  • msg #821

Re: Chaotic Turkey

In a word... Ouch..... band aid,please.
Magic User, 223 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Thu 29 Jun 2017
at 16:51
  • msg #822

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Alright, so this fear effect lasts one round?
Thief, 223 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Thu 29 Jun 2017
at 17:23
  • msg #823

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Aldara, that was my understanding.

DM Pawn:
Failing the save will basically lead you to lose the first round's action. After that you will be able to react normally.

DM Pawn
GM, 409 posts
Thu 29 Jun 2017
at 18:16
  • msg #824

Re: Chaotic Turkey

In reply to Aldara (msg # 822):

Magic User, 225 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Fri 30 Jun 2017
at 04:44
  • msg #825

Re: Chaotic Turkey

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 824):

All the build-up, all that...I'm really antsing to see how this encounter goes!  Great heal, by the way, Eoni!
Fighter, 356 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Fri 30 Jun 2017
at 13:33
  • msg #826

Re: Chaotic Turkey

 Thanks for the heal.Eoni. Owe her one
Magic User, 226 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Fri 30 Jun 2017
at 22:15
  • msg #827

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Oh, ye gods I didn't expect that sleep spell to work!  I thought we were dealing with Barghests!  I was about to prepare a Will for Aldara.
Fighter, 358 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sat 1 Jul 2017
at 04:19
  • msg #828

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Bear skins are worth money. :)
Magic User, 228 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sat 1 Jul 2017
at 04:26
  • msg #829

Re: Chaotic Turkey

I'm not sure who's carrying the unclaimed potions...
Fighter, 360 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sat 1 Jul 2017
at 14:03
  • msg #830

Re: Chaotic Turkey

 My next character is going to hate Bears. :P
Magic User, 229 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sat 1 Jul 2017
at 16:16
  • msg #831

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Why can't we have a normal child, like everyone else?
DM Pawn
GM, 413 posts
Sat 1 Jul 2017
at 21:33
  • msg #832

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Part of the fun (for me) of this adventure, was the build-up surrounding the Beast. Not really letting the players know what it was until the last possible minute. :)
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 252 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 13/16
Sat 1 Jul 2017
at 21:36
  • msg #833

Re: Chaotic Turkey

I think Aldara is the natural choice to carry the potions unless she'd rather someone else to have been carrying them.  In that case, she should redirect Eoni to someone else.  Obviously, Eoni doesn't think that she herself is carrying them.

Please don't pick Charlotte.  Or Marklin.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 254 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 13/16
Sat 1 Jul 2017
at 21:57
  • msg #834

Re: Chaotic Turkey

Or we could randomize unclaimed loot and roll to see who happens to have it.
Magic User, 231 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sat 1 Jul 2017
at 22:07
  • msg #835

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
I think Aldara should take the Animal Control as she has experience with enchantment.

Here we are.
Fighter, 361 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sun 2 Jul 2017
at 00:05
  • msg #836

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Correction, my next characters hates bears, and mouthy Magic Users. ;)
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 255 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 13/16
Sun 2 Jul 2017
at 02:11
  • msg #837

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Haven't you always wanted to meet Aldara's annoying little brother?
Fighter, 362 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sun 2 Jul 2017
at 02:16
  • msg #838

Re: OOC: Table Talk

But seriously, I don't think that potion is going to work. I think our fire breathing bear is a Druid in bear mode. Just a hunch.
Magic User, 232 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sun 2 Jul 2017
at 02:35
  • msg #839

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Her brother, if there is one, and if her family could afford to pay for schooling for two Magic-Users, would probably be like Uncle Arthur from Bewitched.

In all seriousness, though, and in the worst case scenario... Even if this fire-breathing bear is a Druid, we can still keep the mother and other cub in check at least.  Getting them to box their relative around might be out of the question, but we've gotten this far!
Also in all seriousness, the gods are not allowed to claim our Fighter, yet!
This message was last edited by the player at 02:37, Sun 02 July 2017.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 291 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 15/18
Sun 2 Jul 2017
at 06:59
  • msg #840

Re: OOC: Table Talk

We got this... just as soon as Valthur can wipe the butter off his new axe handle so he quits dropping it and actually starts doing some damage with it.

He's just glad his new girlfriend Dorna (was that her name?) isn't here to see him now!
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 256 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 13/16
Sun 2 Jul 2017
at 10:14
  • msg #841

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Remember that we're still standing in 3 feet of water.  Waist high for everyone except Valthur.  There's a reason the dwarf is having so much trouble.
DM Pawn
GM, 414 posts
Sun 2 Jul 2017
at 10:41
  • msg #842

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Waiting on a post from Sarah and then I will move the round forward...
Thief, 225 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Sun 2 Jul 2017
at 16:52
  • msg #843

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
Waiting on a post from Sarah and then I will move the round forward...

Sorry.  Family party last night.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 257 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 13/16
Sun 2 Jul 2017
at 22:51
  • msg #844

Re: OOC: Table Talk

So did Aldara cast two sleep spells?

One for the first two bears and another for the new fire bear?

Did she actually drink the potion?
DM Pawn
GM, 416 posts
Sun 2 Jul 2017
at 22:54
  • msg #845

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
So did Aldara cast two sleep spells?

One for the first two bears and another for the new fire bear?

Did she actually drink the potion?

Oops. I misread and thought she cast another sleep spell. I will edit the post.

Hmm. No good way to retroactively edit the post, so we'll just assume she cast a second sleep spell and call it good.

I failed my read check.

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:57, Sun 02 July 2017.
Magic User, 233 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sun 2 Jul 2017
at 22:58
  • msg #846

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I can only cast one spell per memorisation period, so that spell was it.  Potion?  Quaffed it!

EDIT: So, did an effect of the potion cause the Gnear to fall asleep?  Or did the Gnome-Bear walk into the radius at the wrong time?
This message was last edited by the player at 02:07, Mon 03 July 2017.
Fighter, 364 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Mon 3 Jul 2017
at 02:18
  • msg #847

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Would someone please pull Marklin from the water, he is currently prone in it. Does someone smell burnt bacon?
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 258 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 13/16
Mon 3 Jul 2017
at 02:39
  • msg #848

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Maybe we misidentified the potion and it granted Aldara one wish.  It just so happened she had just been wishing she could have put the fire breathing bear to sleep with the others?

A mystery we may never solve...

Also, Eoni is currently supporting Marklin in the water.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 293 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 15/18
Mon 3 Jul 2017
at 03:38
  • msg #849

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Is the whole cavern underwater? Just the entrance? Is there somewhere that's high and (relatively) dry?

I don't Valthur's toes to prune up unnecessarily!
DM Pawn
GM, 417 posts
Mon 3 Jul 2017
at 06:06
  • msg #850

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
Is the whole cavern underwater? Just the entrance? Is there somewhere that's high and (relatively) dry?

I don't Valthur's toes to prune up unnecessarily!

JUst the entrance. For purposes of trhe scene we can assume that the battle eventually progressed to the non-waterlogged section of the cave. So nobody (or nobear) is sleeping in water.

Nobody is getting waterboarded.


For puposes of the spell, we will just assume it was a wild magic potion and it created another sleep effect. Aldara blew magnificient little bubbles after drinking it, causing the gnome to drift to sleep.
Fighter, 365 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Tue 4 Jul 2017
at 23:36
  • msg #851

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Happy 4th of July
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 294 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 15/18
Wed 5 Jul 2017
at 02:09
  • msg #852

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Yes, happy 4th of July, everyone!!!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 296 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 15/18
Wed 5 Jul 2017
at 03:01
  • msg #853

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Oooh - the story is getting juicy now!

I have a lot of questions now, but not sure if Valthur would think that much about it so I will ask here.
1. Are the gnome and the savant in cahoots?
2. If we tie the gnome's hands, will that prevent him from magicing himself into a fire breathing bear again?
3. Are Momma and Baby Bear just a couple of bears or are they something more (eviler)?
4. What are we going to do with the gnome, anyway?
5. Do we have any need to go back to the savant? We got the translated texts from him already, right? Should we read them before we go back to town?

So many questions!!!!
Fighter, 366 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Wed 5 Jul 2017
at 03:07
  • msg #854

Re: OOC: Table Talk

1. Are the gnome and the savant in cahoots?

 Who cares.!

2. If we tie the gnome's hands, will that prevent him from magicing himself into a fire breathing bear again?

 Dead Gnomes don't need their hands tied.

3. Are Momma and Baby Bear just a couple of bears or are they something more (eviler)?

 With their heads missing, it doesn't matter

4. What are we going to do with the gnome, anyway?

 Help him assume the room temperature challenge.

5. Do we have any need to go back to the savant? We got the translated texts from him already, right? Should we read them before we go back to town?

 Whatever makes us money.

The above is how Marklin would have answered Valthur's questions. But since he is out like a light,and still smells like burned bacon, it doesn't matter. :)
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 297 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 15/18
Wed 5 Jul 2017
at 03:16
  • msg #855

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Ahh, Marklin - I literally laughed out loud while reading these answers.
Fighter, 367 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Fri 7 Jul 2017
at 01:54
  • msg #856

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 When does Marklin wake up?
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 263 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 13/16
Fri 7 Jul 2017
at 02:43
  • msg #857

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I expect that we'll need an addendum to our house rules to cover when a character regains consciousness and what they may be able to do at that point.
For each full day of complete rest, a character or monster will recover 1d3 hp. If
the rest is interrupted, the character or monster will not heal that day.

So it looks like we won't gain any hit points overnight as we haven't rested a full day but we will be able to refresh spells.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 298 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 15/18
Fri 7 Jul 2017
at 04:42
  • msg #858

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur has a potion of healing and 2 of those acorns.
Let's use some or all of those to get Marklin back on his toes!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 300 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 15/18
Fri 7 Jul 2017
at 04:54
  • msg #859

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I'll be at the cabin this weekend (until Monday), with limited access. Feel free to NPC me as needed.
Fighter, 368 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sat 8 Jul 2017
at 02:45
  • msg #860

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Marklin is back!....almost
DM Pawn
GM, 424 posts
Sat 8 Jul 2017
at 12:15
  • msg #861

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Congratulations to Aldara! She has now earned enough XP for 3rd level.

Go ahead and update your character sheet accordingly. Thanks!

DM Pawn
GM, 426 posts
Sat 8 Jul 2017
at 14:14
  • msg #862

Re: OOC: Table Talk

For recovered hit points due to rest, let's use the following House Rule:

Hit Points Regained from Resting: Characters heal 1d3 + level + Constitution bonus hit points/day.

Older versions of D&D assume the characters will find and have access to mountains of treasure and magic items, to include scrolls and spells. Without access to these, regaining hit points can be a bit of a pain in the ass and serves no real function other than resource management.

Since I tend to be a bit more conservative on doling out treasure (or so I have been told), this house rule will make healing up less of a timesink.

House Rule thread updated.
Magic User, 236 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 7/7
Sat 8 Jul 2017
at 15:10
  • msg #863

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
Congratulations to Aldara! She has now earned enough XP for 3rd level.

Go ahead and update your character sheet accordingly. Thanks!


Hooray!  Let's see...going to take phantasmal force as my first second-level spell.  That might be of use against the Goblins and large crowds.  I'm gonna get my next level in 5000 more experience, provided the GM is willing to run this any longer.

Spells Memorised: Light (reversing darkness), sleep; phantasmal force

I also really like that house rule!  1d3 is a fair number, and adding bonuses based on Constitution and level "makes sense".
This message was last edited by the player at 15:32, Sat 08 July 2017.
Fighter, 370 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sat 8 Jul 2017
at 15:47
  • msg #864

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 That's right! The GM only meant this to be a one shot adventure. But he decided to run a second adventure. Oh please, please, please, PLEASE!! continue the game.
Magic User, 238 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 9/9
Sat 8 Jul 2017
at 16:15
  • msg #865

Re: OOC: Table Talk

That's right! The GM only meant this to be a one shot adventure. But he decided to run a second adventure. Oh please, please, please, PLEASE!! continue the game.

I'm kinda 50/50.  If the GM wants to keep running the game, fine by me!  If not, all well and good.
Thief, 234 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Sat 8 Jul 2017
at 16:23
  • msg #866

Re: OOC: Table Talk

That's right! The GM only meant this to be a one shot adventure. But he decided to run a second adventure. Oh please, please, please, PLEASE!! continue the game.

I'm kinda 50/50.  If the GM wants to keep running the game, fine by me!  If not, all well and good.

The best way to sum up my feelings is this: I would sacrifice all of the other games I play on RPoL to keep playing this one.
Fighter, 372 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sat 8 Jul 2017
at 17:52
  • msg #867

Re: OOC: Table Talk

*I'm kinda 50/50.  If the GM wants to keep running the game, fine by me!  If not, all well and good.*

 Grabs the player of Aldara,and places her in a straight jacket and gag.

 Hey, GM, pay her no heed. She is.... sick.. yeah, that's it. She has  issues with her mouth. Says things that she doesn't mean. She loves the game and wants to continue.
Magic User, 239 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 9/9
Sat 8 Jul 2017
at 18:27
  • msg #868

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Marklin (msg # 867):

*dumps barbecue sauce on Marklin's burn marks*  KIDS, TURKEY'S READY!
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 267 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 13/16
Sat 8 Jul 2017
at 18:52
  • msg #869

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Is there a digit missing in Valthur's current hit points or he suffering some malady that Eoni should look at?  Something acquired from his new girlfriend, perhaps?

Turn and cough, please.
DM Pawn
GM, 427 posts
Sat 8 Jul 2017
at 19:22
  • msg #870

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
Is there a digit missing in Valthur's current hit points or he suffering some malady that Eoni should look at?  Something acquired from his new girlfriend, perhaps?

Turn and cough, please.

Yeah. I fixed it. He should be full-up on HP.
Thief, 235 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Sat 8 Jul 2017
at 19:23
  • msg #871

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I also seem to have been shorted 4 go, bit Max and current
Fighter, 374 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sat 8 Jul 2017
at 20:56
  • msg #872

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Marklin is no brigand,but it might come close in this situation. So far, for all intent and purposes, they have zip for their efforts. Correct me if I am wrong.
Magic User, 242 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 9/9
Sat 8 Jul 2017
at 20:57
  • msg #873

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Marklin is no brigand,but it might come close in this situation. So far, for all intent and purposes, they have zip for their efforts. Correct me if I am wrong.

And Aldara...well, yeah, I could see her voluntarily helping brigands out if things looked advantageous enough for her.  The only thing I'm seeing is something one of us had to take from an unconscious Gnome.
Fighter, 375 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sat 8 Jul 2017
at 21:01
  • msg #874

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 If Marklin was not so badly wounded, the out cold Gnome would be sleeping on a permanent basis. Plus there would be two bear skins to sell.
Magic User, 243 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 9/9
Sat 8 Jul 2017
at 21:34
  • msg #875

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Marklin (msg # 874):

And bear-based components for spell fixings!  And Gnome-based.

You know, after some consideration...if I could sacrifice all the games I'm in just for this, I would with two exceptions.
DM Pawn
GM, 429 posts
Sat 8 Jul 2017
at 23:38
  • msg #876

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In terms of treasure, it's true, there has been very little treasure gained in this adventure. The trip to the Insatiable Savant was to secure the future magical services of Sertiernen the Wise.

The side trip to the Beast of Barren Hill was because Ebermund begged you to help him recover his companions, both of which had previously went to speak to the Savant and ended up not having anything worth his he whisked them away for a laugh. He's a bastard of a Crypt Thing :)

The Baron of Terrelton has offered a bounty of 300 gp for any who bring back the pelt of the Beast, plus of course bragging rights. But that would require killing Buschka the Circus Bear and likely the gnome druid as well, as he seems to be quite protective of his friend and her baby. A moral dilemma perhaps?

And oh yeah, about those goblins waiting outside...

Definitely not a straight-forward smash and grab operation.

Fighter, 376 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sat 8 Jul 2017
at 23:41
  • msg #877

Re: OOC: Table Talk

You are a clever bastard,you know that,GM. I approve of the plot twists, but you are still a Bastard :P
Fighter, 378 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sun 9 Jul 2017
at 00:00
  • msg #878

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Game question,GM. Marklin was hit by enough flame to BBQ his arse. What about his gear? This two Javelins and spear all have wood hafts. Even his mace has a wooden handle. How did they fare in the flames of Bear bad breath?
DM Pawn
GM, 431 posts
Sun 9 Jul 2017
at 00:07
  • msg #879

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Marklin (msg # 878):

Wood has pretty decent item saving throws vs magic fire; however cloth does not.

I would say your weapons probably escaped unscathed; however your clothing is likely trashed.

Fighter, 379 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sun 9 Jul 2017
at 00:11
  • msg #880

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 What about the studded Leather? Toast?
DM Pawn
GM, 432 posts
Sun 9 Jul 2017
at 00:15
  • msg #881

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Marklin (msg # 880):

Actually, studded leather has pretty good saves vs magic fire as well, so it's probably relatively unscathed as well. Basically anything paper or cloth got roasted. And oh yeah, eyebrows...mustn't forget those.

Marklin now has none :)
Fighter, 380 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sun 9 Jul 2017
at 00:21
  • msg #882

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 if I am getting to anal about this, feel free to tell me. His boots are black but ok( leather) his pants and cloak are gone, His pacl might be ok( leather) your call on that item.

I have to assume that when they pulled Marklin out, they left his shield and weapons back with the Bears and Mr. Gnome. At least he still has his mace.
Thief, 236 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Sun 9 Jul 2017
at 11:02
  • msg #883

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni, we do have the glowing club . . . Unless you decline to use it for light because you regard it as ill-gotten gain.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 270 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 13/16
Sun 9 Jul 2017
at 11:07
  • msg #884

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In the commotion they probably did forget the spear as it floated away in the dark but the shield was probably strapped to his arm and came with him.

Eoni has a scratchy winter blanket that Marklin could belt around his waist until they get back to pantsland.

The club is a good light source but they probably wanted to conceal it's light during the night to prevent anyone from spotting it.  Eoni is still thinking that it will be returned if they see the gnome so isn't counting on it.
DM Pawn
GM, 433 posts
Sun 9 Jul 2017
at 11:30
  • msg #885

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I am indifferent as to whether your weapons, etc. were left behind. My assumption is your companions would have gathered that stuff up before they departed. They didn't exactly leave in a hurry. They had time to discuss their next move, etc.

Up to you guys though.
Fighter, 381 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sun 9 Jul 2017
at 21:06
  • msg #886

Re: OOC: Table Talk

He has a spare shirt and pants in his pack,so all is not loset.
Fighter, 382 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sun 9 Jul 2017
at 21:07
  • msg #887

Re: OOC: Table Talk

He has a spare shirt and pants in his pack,so all is not lost.
Magic User, 245 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 9/9
Wed 12 Jul 2017
at 07:08
  • msg #888

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Marklin (msg # 887):

Yeh, if we do go rooting around for stuff that the people who got eaten had, we should probably get you some new monster-stickers, Marklin.  And rations, mining equipment, et cetera.  Aldara's spikes don't grow on trees!
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 275 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Sat 15 Jul 2017
at 22:35
  • msg #889

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Were they able to keep the papers that Ebermund found when he awoke at the Insatiable Savant's?  Eoni was hoping to show them to Sertirenen.
DM Pawn
GM, 438 posts
Sat 15 Jul 2017
at 22:38
  • msg #890

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Eoni Daflin (msg # 889):

Those papers were scraps of random lore previous guests had brought trying to sate the Insatiable Savant with. Sure, you could have taken some off the ground if you wanted to.
Magic User, 247 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 9/9
Sun 16 Jul 2017
at 19:21
  • msg #891

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Who's interested in chipping in for a pack mule?
DM Pawn
GM, 439 posts
Sun 16 Jul 2017
at 19:38
  • msg #892

Re: OOC: Table Talk

PCs may purchase standard adventuring equipment at costs listed in whichever rulebook you have access to, i.e., Basic D&D (BX or BECMI), Rules Cyclopedia or Labyrinth Lord. You can adjust your character sheets accordingly.
Fighter, 392 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sun 16 Jul 2017
at 19:48
  • msg #893

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Hey Boss, during this "down time" assume that Marklin is keeping his ears open for anything that smells like a money making opportunity. And he is not shy about asking about such things.
This message was last updated by the player at 20:38, Sun 16 July 2017.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 277 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Sun 16 Jul 2017
at 21:25
  • msg #894

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I expect that most of us will spend 1 gold for the night in Terrelton for "Modest" accommodations.

It also sounds like we need to continue the discussion on what we're doing next.  Returning to Drellin's Ferry to complete the contract with Sertiernen or head back into the dead end cavern to undermine the local SPCA effort.

Also note that Sertiernen will be returning half of his identification fee for the items he identified for us when we return with the translation.
Magic User, 248 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 9/9
Mon 17 Jul 2017
at 02:56
  • msg #895

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
PCs may purchase standard adventuring equipment at costs listed in whichever rulebook you have access to, i.e., Basic D&D (BX or BECMI), Rules Cyclopedia or Labyrinth Lord. You can adjust your character sheets accordingly.

I've got all three of those books, and I've got the gold to buy a mule!  A mule it is, for all of us.  And some extra supplies -- "just in case".  I've got plenty in my pockets.

EDIT: Alright, I've combed them, and it looks like Labyrinth Lord and Rules Cyclopedia have...
Rules Cyclopedia: Mule 30 Gold Coins; saddle and tack 25 Gold Coins; saddle bags 5 Gold Coins; feed ?????
Labyrinth Lord: Mule 30 Gold Coins; saddle (and tack?) 25 Gold Coins; saddle bags 1 Silver Coin; feed 5 Copper Coins per day

I'm willing to drop the 60 + x that Rules Cyclopedia</I? says to drop for a mule and all the things that go with it, so that we can have an easier time of things, and we have a tool box to go with us.  I also feel that Sarah deserves a pet.  <I>x is the amount of coin needed to buy it feed.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:46, Mon 17 July 2017.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 305 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 17/18
Mon 17 Jul 2017
at 06:32
  • msg #896

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Regarding a pack mule (rubbing his hands together greedily), we're gonna' need something to carry all our loot from the next adventure!!!

P.S. 2000 posts!!! Great job, everyone. Impressive that so many of us have been there since the get go! Kudos to everyone for playing and especially to Shane for running such an enjoyable game.
Magic User, 249 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 9/9
Mon 17 Jul 2017
at 07:12
  • msg #897

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
Regarding a pack mule (rubbing his hands together greedily), we're gonna' need something to carry all our loot from the next adventure!!!

P.S. 2000 posts!!! Great job, everyone. Impressive that so many of us have been there since the get go! Kudos to everyone for playing and especially to Shane for running such an enjoyable game.

Yep.  Since our Game Master said that they were setting us up with long-term stuff for our game, I figured a pack mule might be a good idea!

Let's see... I'm assuming I've burnt out all of my five torches, so here's my shopping list, aside from the mule and mule tools...
-Torches (12).  Maybe a lantern?
-Rations, BYOB, kids!  I'm not made out of money!
--And feed for the mule.  Unless it's an undead mule.  GM, are any of the mules extra sickly-looking and funny-smelling, and if so is it undeath and not just mistreatment?
---Scented oils for undead mules.  We can have Sarah steal them.
-Water/wine skins (2), just in case.  It seems like a good idea.
-Extra spikes.  We use those fairly often.  I'd also like to replinish my own existing stock.  Never know when you're gonna need to wedge a door shut, or make handholds for climbing.
-Some sacks to carry our spoils in.  Two big, one small.  Aldara still has her sacks with her, one of which is covered in mustelidae...must.
-ROPE.  I'll buy two things of rope.
-I'm kind of on the fence about oil.  Mostly for burning.  Enemies.

This will all be coming out of my coinpurse, because the mule was my idea!  It should have plenty of weight left to carry treasures!
DM Pawn
GM, 441 posts
Mon 17 Jul 2017
at 11:04
  • msg #898

Re: OOC: Table Talk

GM, are any of the mules extra sickly-looking and funny-smelling, and if so is it undeath and not just mistreatment?

Aldara does not notice any mules matching that description. All appear to be in reasonably good health.
Fighter, 395 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Mon 17 Jul 2017
at 17:45
  • msg #900

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 I know we have to return to the Ferry town to fulfill the contract with the Wizard, but what next? I like the idea of exploring that ruined castle,a classic dungeon delve.Assuming the Twisted GM does not do twisted things. And he will..:P
This message was last edited by the player at 17:46, Mon 17 July 2017.
Fighter, 396 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Wed 19 Jul 2017
at 02:00
  • msg #901

Re: OOC: Table Talk

And there was silence.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 280 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Wed 19 Jul 2017
at 02:22
  • msg #902

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Waiting for folks to return for dinner so that we can determine our destination in the morning.
Thief, 242 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Wed 19 Jul 2017
at 02:23
  • msg #903

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Maybe folks aren't coming back.
Fighter, 397 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Wed 19 Jul 2017
at 02:51
  • msg #904

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Nooooo! :*(
Thief, 243 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Wed 19 Jul 2017
at 02:57
  • msg #905

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Let me clarify:

Maybe characters aren't coming back to the inn for dinner.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 281 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Wed 19 Jul 2017
at 17:12
  • msg #906

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Darna is a lucky woman should keep her options open.
Thief, 245 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Wed 19 Jul 2017
at 17:53
  • msg #907

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
Darna is a lucky woman should keep her options open.

I am swamped at work today, but paused to see if a post had been made in this game.  There was, and I took time from the stuff I must get done in 20 minutes to see what was said.

I am not disappointed. :)
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 307 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 17/18
Thu 20 Jul 2017
at 04:02
  • msg #908

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
Darna is a lucky woman should keep her options open.

This post made me laugh (literally).

I am swamped at work today, but paused to see if a post had been made in this game.  There was, and I took time from the stuff I must get done in 20 minutes to see what was said.

I am not disappointed. :)

And this one made me cheer!
Fighter, 398 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Thu 20 Jul 2017
at 17:06
  • msg #909

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I am going to write a strongly worded letter to the Secretary of the Air Force. I am going to protest then fact, that the Air Force is giving too much work to our beloved and highly respected GM ( Blatant attempt to suck up) that prevents him from vital tasks that involved national security. To wit, he is being prevented from posting in his fantasy rping game.

 Where are their priorities!?!?!?!?!
DM Pawn
GM, 442 posts
Thu 20 Jul 2017
at 17:47
  • msg #910

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I am waiting on posts from you, the players, letting me know what you intend on doing next. While I may be the conductor of this train, you still have to buy a ticket.

Buying a ticket means telling me what you want to do next.

Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 282 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Thu 20 Jul 2017
at 17:52
  • msg #911

Re: OOC: Table Talk

So far it looks like Valthur and Sarah were headed toward Eoni's table but haven't reached her yet.

Aldara is in her room.

Marklin is off getting drunk?

If someone isn't planning on dinner in the common room, let us know so we can start the discussion without you.
Thief, 246 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Thu 20 Jul 2017
at 18:03
  • msg #912

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Sarah was gone for dinner, or at least most of it.  She arrived near the end of the dinner period; perhaps I posted her return prematurely, but I was not clear that there was a dinner meeting.

Sarah returns as the customary dinner period winds down.  She approaches the bar and after a whispered conversation with whoever stands behind it she withdraws with a mug of drink.   If any of her companions are present she and her mug join them.

[Private to DM Pawn: OOC: Did I make any contacts here in Terrelton while I was out, and if so did I hear anything interesting?]
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 283 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Thu 20 Jul 2017
at 18:19
  • msg #913

Re: OOC: Table Talk

There wasn't a scheduled meeting but Eoni's last IC post had her waiting for folks to discuss their next move.  It was just up to folks to decide whether they were going to sit down with her.

So there wasn't and isn't a requirement to join her, but if anyone wanted to discuss their next move, it's a viable hook to work with.

I've actually been expecting a post from Marklin describing his carousing around town, running out of gold, and falling asleep drunk under a bench with a phallic symbol drawn on his forehead.
Thief, 247 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Thu 20 Jul 2017
at 18:20
  • msg #914

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Sarah was gone before you started waiting.  Sorry about that; she's impetuous.  I'll have a talk with her.
Fighter, 399 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Thu 20 Jul 2017
at 21:32
  • msg #915

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Marklin (msg # 909):

It was a JOKE! Man what a tough audience.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 308 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 17/18
Fri 21 Jul 2017
at 03:37
  • msg #916

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I'm posting from my phone because internet is down, so I don't recognize good humor when I see it because my screen is so tiny. My apologies.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 287 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Sun 23 Jul 2017
at 03:32
  • msg #917

Re: OOC: Table Talk

For folks that may not have checked, we do have a very nice "Game Map" to reference.

Can we say that the Old Bridge Inn has a suite with two rooms and a common area that they've chipped in for?  Boys on one side, girls on the other with Sarah volunteering to sleep on the couch in the common room because she can sneak out and come in late without Eoni giving her disappointed looks.

It also makes the scene look a little better unless
they've just knocked on Valthur and Marklin's shared room and the others are yet unaware of the high level negotiations taking place...  I think I actually like this one better and it already fits in with the current postings.

Now Valthur has me hooked on strike throughs.
DM Pawn
GM, 446 posts
Sun 23 Jul 2017
at 03:38
  • msg #918

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I figure for simplicity's sake we can just assume everyone is gathered together to hear what the Speaker and Captain have to say. The logistics part is irrelevant for the scene. The important part is ensuring everyone receives the same information without a lot of back and forth.
Magic User, 253 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 9/9
Sun 23 Jul 2017
at 20:47
  • msg #919

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 918):

Heeey, so we're all feeling kinda outnumbered, yeah?
While my memorising sleep and phantasmal force might help us out just a little bit, some helping hands might also be a real smart move.

I can afford some of the monthly fees for mercenaries from the Rules Cyclopedia, page 132, easily enough.  It's just the matter of finding them here...we might only be able to get "Normal Man" mercenaries, but it's better than nothing.
The mule I was going to buy can wait (didn't get the chance to buy one yet, remember).
DM Pawn
GM, 449 posts
Sun 23 Jul 2017
at 21:07
  • msg #920

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Drellin's Ferry has a standing professional guard of about 30 warriors, with Captain Soranna as their leader.

In the last few days, the town has called up an additional 102 militia members, most of these outfitted with spear, leather armor and perhaps a shield. Of those 102 militia members, roughly 3/4 of them are Normal Men (and Women), the rest being either retired adventurers or itinerant drifters, such as yourself...though obviously not as skilled :)

These facts should paint a pretty clear picture of how serious a threat the Town Speaker considers these marauding hobgoblin warbands.
Thief, 251 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Sun 23 Jul 2017
at 22:29
  • msg #921

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I've always enjoyed Adventures based upon the Seven Samurai, or the Magnificent Seven if you prefer. Still, I wonder about these odds, and I'm hoping that the townspeople simply can't count the enemy.

But that's just me, out of character.  :)
Fighter, 406 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sun 23 Jul 2017
at 23:07
  • msg #922

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Marklin might be operating under a major misunderstanding. He assumed they were being hired to fight with the locals. If they think five are going to take on those odds, alone... Nope.

 But the numbers might be overestimated. The gang will have to do some snooping around the country side and see what is what.
Magic User, 254 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 9/9
Mon 24 Jul 2017
at 03:03
  • msg #923

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Marklin (msg # 922):

Ooh...spellcasters and long-leggedy beasties?  GM, have you got a mercenary menu we can look at?  I saw the part about the poor people with spears and armour, but I'd like a menu, and I'd also like to know if I can get my sauces on the side?
This message was last edited by the player at 03:28, Mon 24 July 2017.
Fighter, 407 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Mon 24 Jul 2017
at 03:15
  • msg #924

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Mr.GM and my fellow players, I am moving this Wednesday, so I am not sure when the internet will be up and running in my new house. If I don't post for a few days, I t is due to that fact.  Never fear, Marklin will be back.
Thief, 252 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Mon 24 Jul 2017
at 03:42
  • msg #925

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Did I miss an award of xp.from.oir last foray?
DM Pawn
GM, 451 posts
Mon 24 Jul 2017
at 09:51
  • msg #926

Re: OOC: Table Talk

All XP has been awarded.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 291 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Mon 24 Jul 2017
at 23:19
  • msg #927

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Though not always confidence inspiring, from Eoni's assessment of their past performance, is she the most eloquent of their group?
DM Pawn
GM, 453 posts
Mon 24 Jul 2017
at 23:40
  • msg #928

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni Daflin:
Though not always confidence inspiring, from Eoni's assessment of their past performance, is she the most eloquent of their group?

Eloquence is sort of hard to assess and I am unsure how to answer the question.

In my view that trait is tied to Charisma, but only one aspect of Charisma. The whole being a measure of a character's force of personality, persuasiveness, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and physical attractiveness.

As it turns out, 3 out of 5 of your characters are 'Below Average', 1 of 5 is 'Average' and 1 of 5 is slightly 'Above Average' in the Charisma department.

Having a high or low Charisma is not a deal-maker/breaker, as you can play your character however you want, but I still have to take your character's abilities into account when figuring out reactions.

I don't know if this helped?
DM Pawn
GM, 454 posts
Mon 24 Jul 2017
at 23:47
  • msg #929

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Mr.GM and my fellow players, I am moving this Wednesday, so I am not sure when the internet will be up and running in my new house. If I don't post for a few days, I t is due to that fact.  Never fear, Marklin will be back.

Best of luck in your upcoming move!

Having just moved from Hawaii back to the mainland I can definitely relate with the stress you and the family must be going through right now :)

We'll see you when things get settled!
Fighter, 409 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Tue 25 Jul 2017
at 01:56
  • msg #930

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Thank you. It has been much work and nerve racking, trying to make sure everything is ready for the movers. I can’t wait for it to be over.

 On a game note, I hope to have internet no latter then a day or two, so the interregnum should be short in duration.....I hope.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 293 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Tue 25 Jul 2017
at 03:18
  • msg #931

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Yes, you've answered my question as to charisma in a fashion that I appreciate.
Fighter, 410 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Tue 25 Jul 2017
at 11:28
  • msg #932

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 This evening the darkness begins....... Spooky music.

 Feel free to npc Marklin as needed.

Fighter, 412 posts
Tue 25 Jul 2017
at 17:08
  • [deleted]
  • msg #933

Re: OOC: Table Talk

This message was deleted by the player at 22:27, Tue 25 July 2017.
Fighter, 413 posts
Tue 25 Jul 2017
at 21:56
  • [deleted]
  • msg #934

Re: OOC: Table Talk

This message was deleted by the player at 22:27, Tue 25 July 2017.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 295 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Wed 26 Jul 2017
at 02:30
  • msg #935

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni would like to return the translation and extra papers to Sertieren tonight.  It doesn't need to be role played unless something comes up.  Just wanted to get that to him before they're all killed.

Plus, they should get a rebate back on their former item identifications which should help cover horses.
Fighter, 416 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Wed 26 Jul 2017
at 02:32
  • msg #936

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Marklin has never on on a horse in his life. He is fine with walking.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 296 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Wed 26 Jul 2017
at 12:01
  • msg #937

Re: OOC: Table Talk

It looks like horses are going to get discussed in character.
Fighter, 417 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Wed 26 Jul 2017
at 12:10
  • msg #938

Re: OOC: Table Talk

NOOOO Horses!
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 299 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Thu 27 Jul 2017
at 23:25
  • msg #939

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I think we need to cross off the Animal Control potion from the loot list.  Though it didn't work properly, she did drink it.

Anyone that doesn't already have a potion of healing on their person should shout out that they're taking one of the new ones.  Valthur should still have his as Eoni didn't take it from him when he offered it to heal Marklin.

Eoni also wanted to hand over the extra papers from the Savant in case he wanted to buy any of them.  She held back the one with Vraath Keep on it.
Thief, 257 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Fri 28 Jul 2017
at 01:48
  • msg #940

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Sarah does not have a healing potion, but I am not sure where she is in relation to anyone else much less where she is in relation to the healing potions. I know that she is currently sitting in the inn, but that's all I know for sure.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 314 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 17/18
Fri 28 Jul 2017
at 03:56
  • msg #941

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur still has a potion of healing and 2 of those 1d4 acorns, so won't take another one until everyone else has at least one. Like Sarah, he isn't presently with Eoni, so isn't aware of the loot that's rolling in.

We can either negotiate in character or just split it up here in OOC to keep it short.

1. Sarah and anyone else who doesn't have a potion should take first.
2. Once we all have 1, then I'd vote Marklin and Valthur next (most likely to lose HP), Eoni (gotta' keep the healer conscious in order to heal others), Sarah (let's face it, she's always getting in trouble), and Aldara (proven to be effective at dealing damage while staying out of trouble herself).
DM Pawn
GM, 460 posts
Fri 28 Jul 2017
at 12:48
  • msg #942

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Just assume the items come at a time when the party is together. Let's not make this more difficult than it needs to be. We are resolving downtime activities before we move on to the adventure.
Thief, 258 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Fri 28 Jul 2017
at 13:14
  • msg #943

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
Just assume the items come at a time when the party is together. Let's not make this more difficult than it needs to be. We are resolving downtime activities before we move on to the adventure.

In that case, can I get the club identified?

[Private to DM Pawn: And the thieves tools I grifted in the first adventure.  They're probably just "nice," but if the testing is free . . . Also, the silvered dagger.]
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 302 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Sun 30 Jul 2017
at 03:13
  • msg #944

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Unless someone else wants to sit down at the table with Eoni and Sarah, Eoni will continue strategizing with the girl on her own.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 316 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 17/18
Sun 30 Jul 2017
at 06:45
  • msg #945

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur's too busy flirting with Darna Coalhewer right now (plus he trusts you... although he would never tell you that).

So strategize away!
Fighter, 419 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Tue 1 Aug 2017
at 00:07
  • msg #946

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Either rejoice or mourn.. Marklin is back!
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 305 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Tue 1 Aug 2017
at 03:18
  • msg #947

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Unless anyone else has anything to add for the night, I think we're retiring until morning.  Then we'll see who we have to follow the Witch Trail path to Jorr's.

I expect that at some point we received our advance and paid Gaston's fee before setting out.

Eoni will stop by Sertieren's and leave a pouch of her gold there for safekeeping with a note to get it back to her Reverend Mother if she does not return for it within a week.
DM Pawn
GM, 463 posts
Tue 1 Aug 2017
at 10:50
  • msg #948

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Okay. Three options to get to Jorr's cabin:

1) The Dawn Way. An established trade road, featuring good roads, sturdy bridges and rudimentary shelters along the way. Though not the shortest path to Jorr's Cabin, it does feature the most reliable walking conditions. Distance to cabin: ~10 miles

2) The Witch Trail. A footpath through the forest, crisscrossed by many other footpaths. Does not have any bridges for crossing streams along the way, the party will either need to ford or use logs, etc. to cross minor waterways. Distance to cabin: ~6 miles

3) Through the Forest. As the crow flies, it is about 5 miles to Jorr's Cabin, but this will require passing through forest on no established trail.
Fighter, 420 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Tue 1 Aug 2017
at 10:53
  • msg #949

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Marklin would vote for taking the Dawn Way. Marching holds no hazards for an experienced man at arms.( Infantry)
Fighter, 421 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Tue 1 Aug 2017
at 16:14
  • msg #950

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Game question: Did the group get any advance on the three hundred gold promised them?
Thief, 263 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Tue 1 Aug 2017
at 16:27
  • msg #951

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Sarah is a city girl and has no opinion.  Not that she's the sort to offer one anyhow.

But as the player: given the hullabaloo about the town hiring us, I'd think we'd want something fast.
DM Pawn
GM, 464 posts
Tue 1 Aug 2017
at 21:47
  • msg #952

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Game question: Did the group get any advance on the three hundred gold promised them?

Speaker Wiston provided each adventurer an advance of 100 gp. The other 200 gp will be paid upon dispatching the hobgoblin threat looming outside of town.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 306 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Tue 1 Aug 2017
at 22:22
  • msg #953

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni proposed the Witch Trail as the shortest.  She's unaware that she's going to get wet because of this decision.
DM Pawn
GM, 465 posts
Tue 1 Aug 2017
at 22:39
  • msg #954

Re: OOC: Table Talk

So, which route will it be?
Fighter, 422 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Tue 1 Aug 2017
at 23:57
  • msg #955

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 Just for laughs, lets take the Witch Trail.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 307 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Wed 2 Aug 2017
at 02:25
  • msg #956

Re: OOC: Table Talk

She was also wary of being ambushed on one of the more frequented byways.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 317 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 17/18
Wed 2 Aug 2017
at 04:28
  • msg #957

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Okay, so I totally lost track of the money!

By my count, we each got 10 gold from Sertieren, 100 gold downpayment on our new job, and a malachite stone worth 25gp, am I right?

How much of that do I need to chip in for the 3 mercs (75 / 5 = 15 gp?)

Unless someone paying better attention than me (i.e. any of you, probably) has a correction, I'm adding (100+10-15) 95gp and a malachite stone worth 25gp to my character sheet.
DM Pawn
GM, 467 posts
Wed 2 Aug 2017
at 10:25
  • msg #958

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
Okay, so I totally lost track of the money!

By my count, we each got 10 gold from Sertieren, 100 gold downpayment on our new job, and a malachite stone worth 25gp, am I right?

How much of that do I need to chip in for the 3 mercs (75 / 5 = 15 gp?)

Unless someone paying better attention than me (i.e. any of you, probably) has a correction, I'm adding (100+10-15) 95gp and a malachite stone worth 25gp to my character sheet.

That works for me. ;)
DM Pawn
GM, 468 posts
Wed 2 Aug 2017
at 10:29
  • msg #959

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Okay. I am going off the assumption your party will attempt to follow the Witch Trail, though the forest to stay off the main road and post accordingly tonight after work. I also bumped the Wanted: Players advertisment for this game to see if we can add a sixth character to the cast to go along with the 3 NPCs. There's some brutal stuff ahead and you could use a little help ;)

I've already receieved a couple RTJs, but I will see what else comes in before selecting a new character/player.


Magic User, 257 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 9/9
Wed 2 Aug 2017
at 12:15
  • msg #960

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Valthur Ironhelm (msg # 957):

Ooh...good question.

I was at 94, then came the Malachite and money from Sertinserteriserien.  Living expenses, a single Gold Coin.  I bought boots and clothing and laundry, and replinished my supplies -- spikes, stuff like that.  I like to top 'em off.  Gonna say, just for ease of book-keeping, that in addition to topping off her supplies Aldara, I don't know, bought enough rounds for herself and her companions to drop her down to 90.  Anyone with a sour stomach tomorrow morning has me to thank!

Would she have had time to scribe at least mirror image into her spell book at some point during this rest?  If not, I'm not going to hold things up for the sake of one spell.
Thief, 264 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Wed 2 Aug 2017
at 12:44
  • msg #961

Re: OOC: Table Talk

DM Pawn:
Okay. I am going off the assumption your party will attempt to follow the Witch Trail, though the forest to stay off the main road and post accordingly tonight after work. I also bumped the Wanted: Players advertisment for this game to see if we can add a sixth character to the cast to go along with the 3 NPCs. There's some brutal stuff ahead and you could use a little help ;)

I've already receieved a couple RTJs, but I will see what else comes in before selecting a new character/player.



Am I the only one a bit wary of risking a disrupt to our camaraderie?  Or is that just selfish thinking on my part?
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 308 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Wed 2 Aug 2017
at 17:31
  • msg #962

Re: OOC: Table Talk

It'll be fine, Sarah.  [Private to Aldara; DM Pawn; Marklin; Sarah; Valthur Ironhelm: They show up, we push them out in front, they're killed by the hobgoblins, and we're back on track.

Think of it as recruiting Red Shirts.

Nothing to see here...
This message was last edited by the player at 21:18, Wed 02 Aug 2017.
Magic User, 258 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 9/9
Wed 2 Aug 2017
at 23:08
  • msg #963

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Eoni Daflin (msg # 962):
No, indeed.  Nothing at all to see.  I don't have detect invisible in my repertoire, and if this were a later edition I would be so southbound with my Wisdom score of 5 negatively impacting my perception, imagine how much I'll overlook if we come across a crystal ball![Private to Charlotte Wyndrey; DM Pawn; Eoni Daflin; Marklin; Sarah; Valthur Ironhelm: I call dibs on the bodies and parts for spell fixings!  I get animate dead in six levels.  Free skeletons for everyone!]
This message was last edited by the player at 23:11, Wed 02 Aug 2017.
Fighter, 425 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Thu 3 Aug 2017
at 02:44
  • msg #964

Re: OOC: Table Talk

camaraderie?  Uhm.... sure.
DM Pawn
GM, 470 posts
Thu 3 Aug 2017
at 13:29
  • msg #965

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Marklin: I didn't ignore your IC post about barring Eoni's progress with the haft your spear; however in my view a character cannot arbitrarily bar another character from doing anything just because they post it. That's borderline God-moding and it doesn't sit well with others when player agency is taken away.

You might not have intended it that way, but that's the way I read I assumed Marklin intended to bar her progress, but she merely stepped around your spear and did what she already stated she had done. She may have not even seen your post. I saw it though.

In the future, if you wanted to attempt to control another player's agency, I would recommend phrasing it a contest for example.

Marklin attempts to bar Eoni's progress with his spear.

It's a subtle difference, but it makes a world of difference.

Hope that clears it up.
Fighter, 429 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Thu 3 Aug 2017
at 13:59
  • msg #966

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I just realized I put that in the wrong thread, I deleted it.
 And your point is taken.
Fighter, 430 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Fri 4 Aug 2017
at 01:24
  • msg #967

Re: OOC: Table Talk

And we're back...
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 320 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 17/18
Fri 4 Aug 2017
at 05:17
  • msg #968

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Eoni Daflin (msg # 962):
No, indeed.  Nothing at all to see.  I don't have detect invisible in my repertoire, and if this were a later edition I would be so southbound with my Wisdom score of 5 negatively impacting my perception, imagine how much I'll overlook if we come across a crystal ball!

Great post, Aldara. I won't admit how long it took me to figure out what a "mongy ou" was. Yeah, I finally figured out it was French!!!

On an unrelated note, I never levelled up! Sounds like we'll be in need of all the meat shielding we can get, so I will proceed with that over the weekend.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 312 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Sat 5 Aug 2017
at 02:46
  • msg #969

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Unless someone would like to interject, Eoni will accept his terms in a morning post.
Thief, 267 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Sat 5 Aug 2017
at 10:48
  • msg #970

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Ok with me
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 314 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Sat 5 Aug 2017
at 22:20
  • msg #971

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Anyone have any suggestions or should Eoni just keep going until someone has something to add?
Fighter, 434 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sun 6 Aug 2017
at 01:01
  • msg #972

Re: OOC: Table Talk

She is doing fine.. And we have a new face.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 322 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 17/18
Sun 6 Aug 2017
at 05:11
  • msg #973

Re: OOC: Table Talk

You're doing a great job, Eoni. Keep it up!

And welcome, Kane, to the oppressive heat of the Dawn Way. You'll get used to the bugs and road grime and the sting of sweat in your eyes in no time!
Kane Taerix
Halfling, 1 post
Sun 6 Aug 2017
at 08:53
  • msg #974

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Call me Taerix, guys, and thanks! I'm almost done with my character, and looking forward to getting started.

(His clan uses the old custom of family name first and the personal name second, but most halflings gave it up a while ago, don't you know...)

Magic User, 262 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 9/9
Sun 6 Aug 2017
at 09:55
  • msg #975

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Kane Taerix (msg # 974):

Well met and welcome, Kane Taerix!  You'll be delighted to know that the party's resident Magic-User knows Halfling.
DM Pawn
GM, 478 posts
Sun 6 Aug 2017
at 11:45
  • msg #976

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Welcome to the game Taerix!

I just set you up with an introduction in the game thread.

Quick recap: hobgoblins marauders have been spotted throughout the Witchwood, mostly along a vital trade road called the Dawn Way. These bands appear to be organized, not the random rabble that occasionally drifts out of the nearby Wyrsmoke Mountains.

Taerix was doing something in the forest...maybe collecting herbs or hunting, saw a large band a couple of days ago along the Dawn Way and got off the road. He wandered along a footpath east and wound up at an old hermit's cabin: Jorr.

He stayed with Jorr last night and this morning a group of 8 adventurers (5 PCs, 3 mercenaries) arrived at Jorr's cabin looking for information about the hobgoblins.

That brings you up to speed.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 316 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Sun 6 Aug 2017
at 13:25
  • msg #977

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Just to be clear, should players have the expectation that (check all that apply):

A) No matter what we do, we will only face encounters that we have a chance of winning.

B) We can make a very poor choice and run into overwhelming odds that will wipe out the party.

C) NPCs always provide true information and if it sounds like they mean for you to follow their directions, you're supposed to get on the train.

D) NPCs may have their own motivations and not all of the information they provide is true and the party may get into serious trouble believing them.
DM Pawn
GM, 479 posts
Sun 6 Aug 2017
at 13:40
  • msg #978

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Eoni Daflin (msg # 977):

A. Maybe (There's always a chance of anything happening)

B. True (Always)

C. False (NPCs provide true, flase and indifferent information)

D. True

You don't have to follow any of the leads your characters receive. You are free to do whatever you want. I am merely laying out hooks and seeing what sinks. We'll follow the results wherever they lead. Could be glory, could be TPK. No way of telling until we let the dice fall where they may.

Hope this helps.
Thief, 268 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Sun 6 Aug 2017
at 14:16
  • msg #979

Re: OOC: Table Talk

To clarify, it is my belief that there are only 4 adventurers and 3 npcs.  A pc is (I believe) not in sight.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 317 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 8 | HP: 16/16
Sun 6 Aug 2017
at 14:54
  • msg #980

Re: OOC: Table Talk

New player introductory theme.

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale
a tale of a fateful quest,
that started from this Ferry port,
where they’d hoped to rest.

The fighter swings at anything,
the dwarf was brave and sure,
the adventurers set out that day,
seeking goblin spoor,
seeking goblin spoor.

The insects started getting rough,
the tiny group was cross.
If not for the courage of the fearless few
the mission would be lost.
The mission would be lost.

They stumbled through the forest growth and found old Jorr’s cabin,
with Marklin,
and Valthur too.
Garton and his mates,
the magic user,
the Sister and Sarah Ann,
Drellin’s Ferry heroes, Hurrah!

So this is the tale of our stalwart band,
they're here for a long, long time.
They'll have to make the best of things,
but it's an uphill climb.

The fighter and the dashing dwarf
will do their very best,
to keep the others safe and sound
in their goblin quest.

One spear, one ax, no magic sword
and no diplomacy.
The armsmen never parley,
impatient as can be.

So check rPol on every day,
make sure to wear your helm.
Danger! Peril! Dwarf romance,
here in DM Pawn’s Realm!
DM Pawn
GM, 480 posts
Sun 6 Aug 2017
at 15:08
  • msg #981

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Eoni: Very clever and nicely done!

Wait...does that make Marklin Gilligan and Valthur the Skipper?

Fighter, 435 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sun 6 Aug 2017
at 16:48
  • msg #982

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Ha...ha. When do we go find us some Gobs to croak?
Magic User, 263 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 9/9
Sun 6 Aug 2017
at 17:24
  • msg #983

Re: OOC: Table Talk

<quote Eoni Daflin>
with Marklin,
and Valthur too.
Garton and his mates,
the magic user,
the Sister and Sarah Ann,
Drellin’s Ferry heroes, Hurrah!quote>

I really wanna say to use "the sorceress", and just kind of go "the sor-cer-ess" when you sing it out loud.  Otherwise, good, good!
Fighter, 437 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Mon 7 Aug 2017
at 02:03
  • msg #984

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Stay tuned until tomorrow, for the continuing adventures of the gang.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 323 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 17/18
Mon 7 Aug 2017
at 06:32
  • msg #985

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Bravo, Eoni!!!

Hee hee, Valthur's going to spring for a blue polo shirt at the next town!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 326 posts
Dwarf 2
AC: 5 | HP: 17/18
Tue 8 Aug 2017
at 03:09
  • msg #986

Re: OOC: Table Talk

22:06, Today: Valthur Ironhelm rolled 2 using 1d8+1 with rolls of 1.  3rd level hit points.

P.S. Looks like we are nearing our 1000 post limit on this thread. The message on the bottom of the window is directing me to "Please request your GM creates a new thread." so I am doing that!
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 328 posts
Dwarf 3
AC: 5 | HP: 20/20
Tue 8 Aug 2017
at 03:36
  • msg #987

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Sarah, do you have a crossbow?
If so, I have 10 +1 quarrels from long ago that I'd be willing to split with you.
Thief, 271 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Tue 8 Aug 2017
at 03:50
  • msg #988

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Valthur Ironhelm:
Sarah, do you have a crossbow?
If so, I have 10 +1 quarrels from long ago that I'd be willing to split with you.

I do; I picked one up thinking it might be useful but I don't know yet if it will be.  I suppose I could take you up on your offer as long as you promise to let me know if you run out: that would prove you're using them faster than me and need them more than I do.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 329 posts
Dwarf 3
AC: 5 | HP: 20/20
Tue 8 Aug 2017
at 04:27
  • msg #989

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Take 5 and I'll keep 5. I'll let you know if I run out, but so far I haven't used my crossbow at all since purchasing it before the Beast of Barren Hill.
Fighter, 440 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Tue 8 Aug 2017
at 15:20
  • msg #990

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Did we ever decide, if the group was mounted or afoot?
DM Pawn
GM, 482 posts
Tue 8 Aug 2017
at 22:07
  • msg #991

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Everyone is on foot.
Fighter, 444 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Wed 9 Aug 2017
at 23:13
  • msg #992

Re: OOC: Table Talk

 A whole ten feet from the Hydra..Hmmm, all I can think of, is a line from an old song I heard in the Army. This applies to Marklin.

" If I die on the ole drop swamp zone, box me up and ship me home. Bury me in the leaning rest."
Fighter, 445 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Wed 9 Aug 2017
at 23:27
  • msg #993

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Thanks Eoni. She casts a bless on the archers while Marklin becomes Hydra chow... I feel the love. :P

 That was Marklin's way of seeing it. Now me. the player, what Eoni did made perfect sense.
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 332 posts
Dwarf 3
AC: 5 | HP: 20/20
Thu 10 Aug 2017
at 02:27
  • msg #994

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Don't worry Marklin, additional meat shielding is on its way!

Does it take a full round to reload a crossbow? I think it does, in which case Valthur is drawing his trusty axe and wading into melee.
Magic User, 265 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 9/9
Thu 10 Aug 2017
at 04:25
  • msg #995

Re: OOC: Table Talk

I go to work, I take a nap, and now we've made a hydra angry?!  I can't take you kids anywhere.
Kane Taerix
Halfling, 5 posts
Halfling Swordmaster
AC 1 - - HP 15/15
Thu 10 Aug 2017
at 06:36
  • msg #996

Re: OOC: Table Talk

How deep is the water near the hydra? Is it even possible for Taerix to melee here without drowning?

Marklin, if I can get there I will!

BTW, I'm post #996.
DM Pawn
GM, 486 posts
Thu 10 Aug 2017
at 07:29
  • msg #997

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Valthur Ironhelm (msg # 994):

Considering rounds are one minute long in Basic D&D (I think), let's just assume you can shoot one bolt/arrow every round and not worry about reloading times.
DM Pawn
GM, 487 posts
Thu 10 Aug 2017
at 07:32
  • msg #998

Re: OOC: Table Talk

In reply to Kane Taerix (msg # 996):

It's about 1 to 2 feet deep in that area, so it is possible to get out there and still be able to fight, though it might be kind of tricky being only 3 feet tall!

One thing you could do is get to the wagon and fight atop the partially submerged goblin war wagon! How cool would that be?!

Fighter, 447 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Thu 10 Aug 2017
at 12:49
  • msg #999

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Did I read that correctly, we are at -4 to hit the monster, yes?

* Can't find my glasses, so reading text is a challenge.*
This message was last edited by the player at 12:50, Thu 10 Aug 2017.
Magic User, 268 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 9/9
Thu 10 Aug 2017
at 13:10
  • msg #1000

Re: OOC: Table Talk

On the one hand, I blinded it.  On the other, it's like hitting a monster enshrouded in thirty feet of darkness.

I haven't got the shape spell feat!  It doesn't exist in this instance of the setting...
Thief, 275 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Thu 10 Aug 2017
at 13:12
  • msg #1001

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Did I read that correctly, we are at -4 to hit the monster, yes?

* Can't find my glasses, so reading text is a challenge.*

You get an extra -2 for fighting without your glasses.
DM Pawn
GM, 491 posts
Fri 11 Aug 2017
at 10:09
  • msg #1002

Re: OOC: Table Talk

Congratulations to Eoni! She has now earned enough XP for 4th level. Go ahead and level up and adjust your sheet accordingly.


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