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20:30, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 5: The Witchwood.

Posted by DM PawnFor group archive 0
DM Pawn
GM, 543 posts
Wed 6 Sep 2017
at 22:28
  • msg #227

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

Marklin gives chase but the hobgoblin has a sufficient enough jump on him to get out and ahead and slip off the road, into the deep woods, before the fighter has a chance to spot him. The hobgoblin is probably not far off, but he could be anywhere at this point.

In any event, the hobgoblin apparently suspected somebody might change their mind about letting him just walk away and darted into the woods at the first opportunity to make good on his escape.
Fighter, 526 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 00:14
  • msg #228

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

 The Warrior did his best to find and slay the escaped nay, the freed, Hobgoblin. But his efforts where for naught. The beast had disappeared from the road, like fog before the rays of morning sun.

 On his way back to the shelter, Marklin had visions of shooting arrows into that lack witted Sorceress.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 359 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 9 | HP: 19/19
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 02:15
  • msg #229

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

Failing to find any comprehensible tracks in either the bushes or along the trail, Eoni returned to the shelter to find the others in discussion.

"Jorr, did you..." she began before realizing that there was something more to their discussion.

"Did I miss something?"
she asked, looking around at the others.  She then experienced a deep foreboding feeling as if Avandra had gifted her with prescience.

"Where is Marklin?"
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 361 posts
Dwarf 3
AC: 5 | HP: 20/20
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 02:57
  • msg #230

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

"He's chasing after Aldara's boyfriend, but I suspect he'll be back in a short while." He explains the situation as best as his limited grasp of it allows. "She planted a false idea in the captive's head, then sent him back to Hobbertown to spread it among the rest of them buggars. We suspect they'll send another war party back this way. I say we set up another ambush to greet them, but Missy over there says we're better off tunrin' tail."

And she might be right, he thinks to himself.
Fighter, 527 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 03:02
  • msg #231

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

Marklin walked back into the camp, with an expression that could crack stone.

" Well, the fats in th fire, now. They know we be here, and they know how many O' us, there be. Oh, aye, they bastards know where we are at too.......Good plan.. bloody brilliant."

" What next, we all walk down th road, naked and into their arms?" He said in total disgust.
Kane Taerix
Halfling, 32 posts
Halfling Swordmaster
AC 1 - - HP 15/15
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 08:55
  • msg #232

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

"Well, if I'm gonna go down fighting, I'm all for taking their leader with me."
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 360 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 9 | HP: 19/19
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 12:21
  • msg #233

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

"What's done is done," Eoni said dismissively.  "If they come after us, they'll come with more than they had before in any case.  More than we could handle."

She gripped the symbol of Avandra clasped at her throat and tried to think what the hobgoblins would do with this information.

"This might work in our favor," she concluded.  "If they thought we were more, they might have waited for us at the keep.  With our numbers known, they'll come for us now.  We need to strike where they're not.

"We let them pass and head back to the keep.  They'll send more against us and leave fewer behind to guard.

"But we can't stay here."

Fighter, 529 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Thu 7 Sep 2017
at 23:15
  • msg #234

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

" Let's get our gear, and retire from this place, and in haste." Marklin headed into to get his gear.
Kane Taerix
Halfling, 33 posts
Halfling Swordmaster
AC 1 - - HP 15/15
Fri 8 Sep 2017
at 01:02
  • msg #235

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

Taerix follows Marklin into the shelter, loads up and gets ready to move out.
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 361 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 9 | HP: 19/19
Fri 8 Sep 2017
at 02:16
  • msg #236

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

"Let us stash the armor and swords a ways from the shelter," Eoni said, collecting her own gear inside.  "We can't leave it to be found and it's too heavy to keep carrying around."

She hoped Jorr could disguise their hiding spot.

[Private to GM: I'm thinking the Hobgoblin sleeper never had his armor removed so he probably left with it on.]
Thief, 301 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Fri 8 Sep 2017
at 02:30
  • msg #237

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

Sarah scans the woods . . .
[Private to DM Pawn:
. . . looking for the quickest place to hide if the need should arise.
Magic User, 294 posts
Human Magic-User
AC: 8 | HP 9/9
Fri 8 Sep 2017
at 21:08
  • msg #238

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

Aldara explained her reasoning and her lie as best she was able, but likely to little avail, and with just a hint of moral baiting: That she told the impressionable hobgoblin that relatives of "Old Sixer" were coming to Vraath Keep to exact vengeance for their, as in the bandit's, wounding of him.  That she felt by at least suggesting to him to tell the others that a family of hydrae was coming, the adventurers might be able to come to River-town and warn the people to evacuate, or at least prepare for battle.

She closes with, "Despite how feebleminded he was, I wasn't about to tell you all what I was thinking while the mongrel was standing right there."
Fighter, 530 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 03:15
  • msg #239

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

Marklin came out with his gear, and a few of the mail shirts and swords. “I hope you lads availed yourselves of some of this stuff. I say we hide it, and then have a crack at that Keep.” The Warrior referred to the Mercs with them.
DM Pawn
GM, 544 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 04:06
  • msg #240

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

Gaston and Lenny are already suited in their own chainmail armor and have no interest in swapping for the bulkier hobgoblin chain. Anders wears leather and seems equally uninterested in wearing heavier armor, him being much slighter of build than his two muscular companions.

Jorr says he might consider chain armor as a younger man, but these days he values what little mobility he has left especially given what he calls a trick knee and a "slight crick in his lower back."

In any event, Gaston recommends hiding the hobgoblins' gear somewhere nearby, if speed if of the essence. Hauling several suits of chainmail, shields, bows, arrows, etc. will definitely slow the party down and potentially puts them at risk of being overrun.

Jorr says the party is free to retreat to his cabin, but given the size of the group, it might be difficult to cover everyone's tracks...especially if they're hauling gear.
Fighter, 531 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 04:11
  • msg #241

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 240):

"Dump the gear,it is so much trash,and slows us down. Jorr, did ye see anything that might be a tell, on how many we might face?"
DM Pawn
GM, 545 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 04:19
  • msg #242

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

Jorr suggests he sees signs of frequent recent passage along the road recently, likely multiple hobgoblin warbands, though it's hard to tell exact numbers as it might be the same band passing back and forth through the same area. In any event, given what he has seen, he suspects the hobgoblin's assessment of the Wyrmlord's army is likely not a far stretch.

"This aint no motley band of rabble," he surmises. "These fellars mean business!"
Fighter, 532 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 04:28
  • msg #243

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

In reply to DM Pawn (msg # 242):

“Aye, we need to hide til the hornet nest we kicked over dies down. Mayhap then, we can see if that ruined keep be a base for em.” Lead on Jorr, we can hide out at your place.”
Valthur Ironhelm
Dwarf, 362 posts
Dwarf 3
AC: 5 | HP: 20/20
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 05:46
  • msg #244

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

Valthur packs his belongings and gets ready for their hasty retreat. "They may send a large warband, but if that hobgoblin Aldara spoke to is correct (if he can count), he said they numbered near 100. So the keep might still be stocked with them nasty buggars, too."

He pauses for a minute, almost embarrassed to ask, but finally can't resist. "And where exactly is River Town? I've never heard of it."
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 362 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 9 | HP: 19/19
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 12:31
  • msg #245

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

"Drellin's Ferry," Eoni explained to Valthur before redirecting their plans.

"We don't want to lead them back to Jorr's," the Sister explained.  "As he said, he'd be hard pressed to cover our tracks.  Especially if those dogs can track.  And Drellin's Ferry already knows what it's in for.  That's why they sent us out here to do what we could.

"We need to stay off the main trails because they know we're out here after last night's attack.  If we looped back to Vraath Keep, we could see what size patrols they're sending out, maybe pick some more off.

"Aldara might have bought the town some time if they believe what she's sent back to them, but they might not.  These have some in charge that are smarter than the rest and might see through it.

"Did you find out if they were in league with the giants or anyone else?"

DM Pawn
GM, 546 posts
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 12:36
  • msg #246

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

Jorr says he did not find any evidence of giants passing on the road. "Legends say giants have the masters of the keep a what-for though, for what that's worth."
Thief, 302 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 8/8
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 13:57
  • msg #247

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

Sarah inches off the beaten path, as she looks demandingly at her companions.  "Others counted us too, an' they left earlier."
Fighter, 533 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 21:33
  • msg #248

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

 He looked at Sarah." Who?"
Eoni Daflin
Cleric, 363 posts
Sister of Avandra
AC: 9 | HP: 19/19
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 21:43
  • msg #249

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

The Sister nodded in agreement with Sarah.

"The one's that escaped the ambush," Eoni answered Marklin.    "They already knew our numbers before this last one returns to them."
Fighter, 534 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 21:45
  • msg #250

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

"It was night, and in the confusion of battle, I doubt they know exactly how many we be. But whatever the case, we need to do something now."
Fighter, 535 posts
Hit Points:14/14
Sat 9 Sep 2017
at 22:03
  • msg #251

Re: Chapter 5: The Witchwood

Marklin was not the leader type, but he did know some tactics by having been with someone that was good at such things, his once Lord.

“Can Jorr give the enemy a false trail to follow? If he can do that, we can swing around and attack the Keep. If we can wipe that out, it would give them the impression of a superior force. It will buy us some time.”
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