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07:50, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range.

Posted by Darkside TrooperFor group archive 3
Robert E. Lee Jessup
Player, 78 posts
Son of the South
Wed 7 Jun 2017
at 21:04
  • msg #60

Re: Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

Rob is climbing up into the MRAP when the gunfire erupts in the distance. Looking up at Joint he says,

"Got shot in the arm, walked into a trap set by three guys from out at the dam. Rescued some ungrateful bitches. Tab and Jon are in there playin nice. One of the girls said there are two more guys out scavenging that will be coming back."

Rob will climb up into the turret taking it as easy as he can with his injured arm.
This message was lightly edited by the player at 21:04, Wed 07 June 2017.
Luke Salem
Player, 83 posts
Street punk
Mon 12 Jun 2017
at 12:34
  • msg #61

Re: Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

Luke nodded, letting Rob have his seat spot. "Teach me to use it one day. Need more than one dude can run it safely. Yeah?" At the gunfire from the other direction Luke shakes his head, "We gonna go check on them now Joint?"
Player, 81 posts
Wed 14 Jun 2017
at 04:20
  • msg #62

Re: Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

Turning to Luke Joint gives a nod.

"Just giving these people a fast minute to make up their minds if they be stayin or going, also can't leave our tourist friend or the pretty boy"

Cracking open his door a bit Joint gives a short sharp whistle, then closes it again.
Robert E. Lee Jessup
Player, 79 posts
Son of the South
Thu 15 Jun 2017
at 22:34
  • msg #63

Re: Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

Rob settles into the turret seat and gets all his gear squared away. In reply to Luke he says,

"Yeah Definitely. Whenever we stop for the night I can show you and anyone else who wants to learn the basics. That's all I know really, I learned from a bunch of Texas militia guys. So I've only ever shot one like twice."
Tiberus Asimov Blackiron
Player, 67 posts
Sat 17 Jun 2017
at 05:17
  • msg #64

Re: Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

TAB looked expectantly at the women hoping to hear some kinda of response, with nothing as of yet forth coming TAB let out a small sigh.  He grab whatever gear was left to be had even going so far as to grab their foot wear and belts.  Being cautious of the women all the while, he had not figured out if they were to be trusted or not.  Everyone looked distressed lately so even their haggard state could be a disingenuous act.  Once done  TAB gathers it and hurries to the MRAP.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 685 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Tue 20 Jun 2017
at 04:58
  • msg #65

Re: Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

Luke moves from the turret down to the front passenger seat of the MRAP.

Rob checks over the machine gun to fond that Luke hadn't fucked anything up.

The three rescued women follow TAB to the back of the MRAP. They don't seem happy about not being able to bury the dead woman, but don't make any more fuss over it.

Joint looks back as everyone climbs into the back of the MRAP. Once the rear hatch is shut he pushes down on the gas pedal. He again drives off road, this time tho going uphill and then past where they had parked for the night. Pulling up in front of the water tower Joint, Luke and Rob are able to see what is going on.

Only one of the two buildings still have people on the roof. The back of the military cargo truck is about 50 feet the front of this building. It is completely surrounded by a horde of Zombies. The back of the truck has about ten people in the back of it fighting off Zombies trying to climb in. Three of the people in the back of the truck are among those that went with Laney as apparent by the military armor they have on. Another person in military armor is standing from the cab of the truck.

The truck begins to move forward and runs over some of the Zombies in front of it...
Player, 82 posts
Thu 22 Jun 2017
at 03:16
  • msg #66

Re: Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

Joint takes in the unfolding scene that is before them, his foot on the brake.  Picking up the radio on the dash board where he had thrown it.  He talks to Annabelle.

"Well ladies and gents it looks like we will be providing more support for our adventurous Commandant the fearless Laney.  Buckle up hard and fast looks like we are in for some fun.  Oh and I am called Joint by the way, welcome to our little tea party."
Darkside Trooper
GM, 689 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Mon 26 Jun 2017
at 02:00
  • msg #67

Re: Las Vegas, Nevada: Checking the other Range

As the cargo truck drives out of the horde of Zombies about half of those in the area follow the truck.

OOC: Game Map has been up dated.
Robert E. Lee Jessup
Player, 81 posts
Son of the South
Fri 30 Jun 2017
at 03:08
  • msg #68

On the road again...

Rob leans down into the MRAP and says.

"We should be clear soon unless the zeds got another gear. Sooner we can find home base or whatever the better. Jon and I both got lead in us and I gotta say it fuckin sucks."
Player, 87 posts
Fri 30 Jun 2017
at 05:17
  • msg #69

On the road again...

The scene was intense, but with Rob giving Joint a little hey what the hell talk.  Joint throws it into drive and pulls into a parallel course with Laney in such a way as to not put them to close to the mob but also to give Rob a line to shoot if he had to.
Luke Salem
Player, 84 posts
Street punk
Sun 2 Jul 2017
at 14:14
  • msg #70

On the road again...

Luke nodded to Rob thanking him for the training to come.

Once they took off, Luke kept eyes out, watching, not much he could do at the moment anyway.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 697 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Tue 4 Jul 2017
at 15:28
  • msg #71

On the road again...

Joint drives down off the hill and by the time he catches up to the military cargo truck, and pulls up alongside, Laney has turned around and is headed away from the range on E. Corey Ave. The group of people still on the other building jump and wave. Their shouting cannot be heard over the moaning of the Zombies....

As Laney drives down E. Corey Ave, Joint follows. The horde of Zombies (about half those at the range) follow as well.

When Laney stops this doesn't leave a lot of time before the Zombie horde catches up to the two vehicles.

OOC: You guys can freely talk to the other group. When it gets to the point that the Zombie horde is close enough to be a threat I'll let you know. Map is updated.
Jonathan Pembersley
player, 240 posts
Lost British Tourist
But how do I get home ?
Tue 4 Jul 2017
at 22:41
  • msg #72

On the road again...

J.P sat in the back of the APC holding his arm and trying not to jolt it as they moved along the unsealed road. When they stopped he would take a look out one of the gun ports as to what is going on and if in his present state he could be any help.

His ears were still ringing from the close proximity shots in the shed so he had to do a bit of lip reading as well to cotton onto what people are saying if they are not seated or standing beside him.

Darkside Trooper
GM, 702 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Sun 9 Jul 2017
at 19:01
  • msg #73

On the road again...

The moaning of the Zombies has gradually gotten louder. Those that look back can see there is only a minute or two before they horde reaches the two vehicles.

OOC: Please state in your next post which vehicle/group your going with. Those who want to go with Joint can post here.
Robert E. Lee Jessup
Player, 84 posts
Son of the South
Mon 10 Jul 2017
at 01:30
  • msg #74

On the road again...

Rob swings the gun around towards the incoming horde... just in case. He is staying with the MRAP wherever it goes."
Player, 93 posts
Mon 10 Jul 2017
at 02:09
  • msg #75

On the road again...

The conversation was clearly over with Laney, she played the passive aggressive card instead and just went ahead with the we gotta save people shit.  Maybe it was PTSD that Joint had heard that people in combat or other high stress jobs suffered from and this was her coping method. People were already going to die but why make the situation worse.   What he did know was that despite what she said and what TAB said they needed to care for there own injured first before getting anyone else injured.  Hell he was starting to like Rob's no bullshit straight to the point thinking.  Joint rolled his window back up, secured his door and waited for those who were gonna play at hero to leave and those who were tagging along to hop on board the get the fuck out express.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:30, Mon 10 July 2017.
Luke Salem
Player, 85 posts
Street punk
Tue 11 Jul 2017
at 14:48
  • msg #76

On the road again...

Luke quickly rolled up the passenger window and checked the lock, "'Nother day at the office huh Joint... damn. Was hoping they'd use some common sense."
Player, 94 posts
Tue 11 Jul 2017
at 21:55
  • msg #77

On the road again...

In reply to Luke Salem (msg # 76):

Joint lets out a scoffing sound and a nod in agreement.

"Damn right brotha, that chick is all neanderthal skull man. Know doubt the reason her head is bald is her man ran out of hair to drag her dumb ass around and that is why no one can stop her from doing dumb shit.  Now TAB I thought was a smart kid but nope, kid thinks he is some kinda Luke Skywalker or some fuckin spartan.  I didn't see any of them fast zed's they were talking about at the base when I was hoofin it to there to get my baby here.  But from the sounds of it they all ain't slow or dumb, one of those dead heads is going to do something that catches them all off guard and then they are gonna get shit on real quick.  We are gonna watch more of our own die if we don't start doing things real smooth like, we need a real good lead.  And I don't mean me man screw that crap and not that dumb bitch, we need someone with cool calculated head and no bullshit attitude.  We need a bike gang leader or some crazy shit like those Yakuza who don't dick around.  Until things settle down, that's when you need those lovey dove whack jobs."

Joint laced his fingers together and put them behind his head resting a min before the small hoard got to them.

"Hey Rob let me know when they get within seventy five yards or so and then we are outta here and apologies to you ladies in the back for the retardation of this group."
Darkside Trooper
GM, 712 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Thu 13 Jul 2017
at 02:42
  • msg #78

On the road again...

It doesn't take very long for those who wanted to move to another vehicle (Tab and Isabel) to do so.

Isabel gets in the back of the MRAP to see Jon sitting inside. Across from him are two women in their early 20's and a teenage girl. Jon's body armor looks like it took a shotgun blast at point blank range, and the three women look a little beat up and disheveled.

The Zombie horde continues to approach and get to be about 100 yards away....

OOC: Whomever is driving can post driving to where ever.

People in MRAP
Joint (driving)
Luke Salem (passenger seat)
Robert E. Lee Jessup (gun turret)
Jonathan Pembersley
Isabel Tsang
Two women in their early 20's
One teenage girl

Player, 96 posts
Thu 13 Jul 2017
at 03:03
  • msg #79

On the road again...

Joint still had his hands clasped behind his head, when out of the corner of his eye he spots Laney  going all commando with her hand signals.  Casually and really relaxed Joint unfolds his hands. Pointing to her with is one hand and with his other hand points to his head and calls her crazy by doing the cuckoo sign.  And then flips her the bird and puts on a big smile.  He was tired of her shit and he hoped that non verbal might get across, if that didn't then as he drove the opposite direction to a less zombie mob location he hoped that would get the point across.

(OCC  When Arani goes back to the other range Joint is leaving with the injured, I am assuming we can keep short range contact.)
Darkside Trooper
GM, 715 posts
PC or NPC, the
die roller doesn't care
Thu 13 Jul 2017
at 04:52
  • msg #80

On the road again...

In reply to Joint (msg # 79):

OOC: You guys still have the walkie talkies
Jonathan Pembersley
player, 243 posts
Lost British Tourist
But how do I get home ?
Thu 13 Jul 2017
at 08:38
  • msg #81

On the road again...

In reply to Joint (msg # 77):

J.P doubted that either of those two examples of "leaders" would do them any favors and would most likely get them killed. He shows his arm to Isabel once she is seated in the back of the APC and can have a look at it.

Either way now was not the time to get into it so he remains quiet while his arm is treated.

Robert E. Lee Jessup
Player, 85 posts
Son of the South
Thu 13 Jul 2017
at 18:42
  • msg #82

On the road again...

Rob ducks back in and says,

The Z's are about 70 yards out. So ladies what is the deal with this camp that other lady was talking about? How are y'all set up and who is running the show?"
Luke Salem
Player, 86 posts
Street punk
Sun 16 Jul 2017
at 13:57
  • msg #83

On the road again...

Luke nodded, "Don't reckon I'm much of a leader either, I've seen moer shit than most, but that don't make me smarter really. Just means I can handle things better sometimes. Course I ain't ever had to deal with some damned zombies... that's a new one for real." When Rob speaks up, Luke looks into his mirror rather calmly, all things considered.
Player, 97 posts
Thu 20 Jul 2017
at 03:03
  • msg #84

On the road again...

Arani's voice come in over the comm's that they were about their business.  Time to hole up and get the injured treated and back up and running.  Joint turns again to the crew in the back.

"Buckle up and grip up, we are rollin coal and stay sharp."

Turning back around Joint throws her in gear and rolls out keeping a eye out for a decent hold up spot.  He wasn't gonna abandon no one, but enough people had got in the shit since they left the base.
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