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08:10, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Macross City: JFK Avenue.

Posted by Darkside TrooperFor group archive 3
Aksa Tikkanen
player, 234 posts
FAF (Finnish Air Force)
Wed 20 Jun 2018
at 14:36
  • msg #7

Macross City: JFK Avenue

"Mother Fucker!!" Aksa bemoans as new enemies join the fray. "Three more Tangos on JFK." She calls out onto the net with tense annoyance. There's nothing for it however, retreat is not an option, not with civvies at risk.

She ducks back behind cover to avoid the Battloids parting shot and any other incoming but is only partially successful.

Perc: 14 PASS

Action 1: Dodge: UNAT 15 (HIT by Battloid / DODGE Headless Ostie)

Swinging back out she see's Oggy wax the Battloid and smiles a wolfish grin. "Well DONE!"
Switching targets she see's one of the 'Muna'* zeroing in on her. She brings up her gunpod, takes aim, and fires a long burst at it as she brings up her bent arm to parry it's incoming fire.

Action 2: Strike: UNAT 22 / Parry: UNAT 17 (PARRY the incoming shot)
Damage: 100

She then goes on down the line, trying to clean up as many enemy targets as she can with long bursts. (Target Priority: Ostie on her > Other Ostie> Infantryman)

Action: 3 Strike: UNAT 16 / Damage: 110
Action: 4 Strike: UNAT 14 / Damage: 170
Action: 5 Strike: MISS

[Private to GM: Here's a question, if she knows she's going to miss (really stinky strike roll) can I hold the attack? I.e. just not pull the trigger. Like in RL or movies where the person has the gun up, but just can't get the angle, so just holds fire. If that's cool with you, I'd like to do that for my stinky last roll (still burns the attack, but at least save the ammo and collateral damage as I 'check my fire'.)]

OOC: *Muna = Egg

Next Round Init: 4
Next Round Perc: 3 FAIL

This message was last edited by the player at 16:32, Wed 20 June 2018.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 361 posts
Wed 11 Jul 2018
at 05:00
  • msg #8

Macross City: JFK Avenue

Oggy 3 pours a stream of 55mm shells into the alien battliod as it fires on Reindeer 18. Reindeer 18 attempt to eveade but is hit by a ball of plasma as the alien battliod goes down in a hail of 55mm shells.

[Private to Aksa Tikkanen:
-50 MDC to main body

With the alien battliod taken down by Oggy 3, both veritech pilots then respectively fire on the headless ostrich mecha firing on them.

Oggy 3 takes out a Headless Ostrich mecha but is pelted by a number of cannon rounds fired by the alien mecha. An energy blast from an alien grunt also strikes Oggy 3, directly in the center of the chest.

[Private to Ethan Ambrose:
-6 MDC to left wing
-21 MDC to left upper arm
-16 MDC to left upper leg
-11 MDC to Main body
-9 MDC to Gun Pod

Reindeer 18 and the other Headless Ostrich exchange weapons fire. The Headless Ostrich takes significant damage to its forward hull but remains in the fight. Likewise Reindeer 18 is struck as well, but only takes light damage.

[Private to Aksa Tikkanen:
-34 MDC to Gunpod (or a lower arm, your choice due to your parry roll)

Oggy 3 moves into cover and is hit in the lower left arm by an energy blast fired by the alien grunt.

Reindeer 18 and the other Headless Ostrich exchange weapons fire again. This time the alien mecha is destroyed and Reindeer 18 takes some damage.

[Private to Aksa Tikkanen:
-46 MDC to main body

Both veritechs then fire on the last target available, the alien grunt. Neither pilot gets to see what their respective 55mm High Explosive Armor Piercing shells do to the alien grunt because a building to the right collapses. This kicks up even more dust and debris, which makes visibility with the naked eye impossible.

OOC: If you have not already done so please make an initiative roll and PM me. I will then post the posting order.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 364 posts
Thu 12 Jul 2018
at 01:53
  • msg #9

Macross City: JFK Avenue

The dust and debris makes it impossible to see anything with the naked eye. The two veritech pilots resort to using their radar to search/find more targets.

Neither pilot gets anything off radar, and there is no enemy weapons fire....
Aksa Tikkanen
player, 241 posts
FAF (Finnish Air Force)
Thu 12 Jul 2018
at 03:02
  • msg #10

Macross City: JFK Avenue

Satisfied her radar is picking up no immediate threats she settles her mecha back into a cover position.

Aksa then silences the alarms blaring in her cockpit, settling the cacophony down some.

"18's scope is clear." She calls into the net. "How about you 3?" She asks. "Also, how are you doing for ammo and battle damage?" She adds, being unable to see her compatriots condition herself.

She switches to external speakers. "To any soldier and civilian in the sound of my voice. JFK from our position to the ocean is clear for the moment, please continue evacuating the area." Even if the folks on the ground have as horrible visibility as she does, only the dense wouldn't know where the two VF's were standing before said visibility went to nil.

"Knight 1, Knight of seven hostiles destroyed on JFK."
She continues. "My bird has all but had it. Another enemy push like the last, and this position will fall."
Ethan Ambrose
Player, 42 posts
Mon 16 Jul 2018
at 03:38
  • msg #11

Macross City: JFK Avenue

In reply to Aksa Tikkanen (msg # 10):

Noticing nothing on his radar, Ethan switches to Infra-Red to see if he can see through all the debris in the air.

"18, my scopes are clear, checking IR"

"I took a beating, but everything seems to bloody well be working.  140 rounds ready to rock.  Should we advance or hold position?"
Aksa Tikkanen
player, 243 posts
FAF (Finnish Air Force)
Mon 16 Jul 2018
at 13:33
  • msg #12

Macross City: JFK Avenue

"Copy 3; Hold here for now." Aksa replies.

"To much dust, and civilians are still underfoot."
She points out.

OOC: Perc roll was paska. (9)

This message was last edited by the player at 13:39, Mon 16 July 2018.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 366 posts
Sat 21 Jul 2018
at 22:26
  • msg #13

Macross City: JFK Avenue

Reindeer 18 and Oggy 3 hold their position, waiting for either more aliens to show up or orders from Knight 1.

The dust and debris begins to settle allowing both veritech pilots to survey the city street. It is in ruins. Several Russian made BMPs and four Centaur Hover Tanks are smoldering. The downed alien mecha and giant sized infantrymen lie scattered about destroyed or dead.

Knight 1:
"All team leads check in with a status update."

OOC: Your technically no longer in combat (at least until I make a post with more bad guys showing up). Feel free to describe how shot up your VT is in your next post.
Aksa Tikkanen
player, 244 posts
FAF (Finnish Air Force)
Sun 22 Jul 2018
at 00:21
  • msg #14

Macross City: JFK Avenue

Aksa surveys her mecha (in the reflection from the windows; such as they are, and what there are left of them) of the buildings around her. She then looks over Oggy 3's VF.

"Reindeer 18, Knight 1. SITREP follows. Street is clear, multiple enemy down. Island Defense Contingent is down four Centaurs and multiple BMP's." She says with a tinge of sadness in her voice. "Civilians are continuing their evacuation, surviving Defense Forces are assisting."

"Oggy 3 has taken heavy damage. Left arm is gone, Left wing is in tatters, Legs holed but functioning, minor damage to fuselage." She notes and pauses, then continues in the same quasi-monotone. "I'm in worse state. Right arm gone, wings gone, both legs hit but no internal damage noted, fuselage critical, but still operable, I am on backups for at least a half dozen systems."

There is very little on Aksa mecha that hasn't escaped damage. From the top down, her VF's head has taken damage, her left arm is gone below the elbow, and her lower legs have had some of their armor plates blow away. Both of her wings are flat out missing, leaving only the wing roots, her right stabilizer has likewise been clipped. Her mecha's torso/fuselage is pitted and shredded with almost all of it's armor blown off. Small wafts of smoke and trickles of fluids seep from the rends.

"Oggy 3 has 140 rounds left, I am down to 100." She adds in the ammo count. At their feet lay a liberal sprinkling of spent brass.

"We're pretty close to the flight line, Runway 2 I think... Maybe there are VF's there, or in one of the hangers, we can swap into." She says, offering up a suggestion.

"Nice work 3." She says to her wingpair. "Sisu Perkele!" She adds, there is a slight smile in her voice.
[Private to Ethan Ambrose:
Thanks for keeping your sheet updated!
This message was last edited by the player at 21:59, Thu 26 July 2018.
Knight 1
Fri 3 Aug 2018
at 13:45
  • msg #15

Macross City: JFK Avenue

The dust continues to settle making it easier to see with every second. Civilians, accompanied by some military personnel on foot can be seen headed for the shelter which is apparently located underneath towards Churchill avenue.

"Knight 4, Reindeer 18 I want your teams to stay in place, myself and Knight 3 will remain as well to your right on Charles De Gaulle Avenue."

"Everyone else head back to the Prothy, to rearm then come back here. Anyone whose bird is too busted up to continue can stay on the Prothy."

This message was last edited by the GM at 13:48, Fri 03 Aug 2018.
Aksa Tikkanen
player, 252 posts
FAF (Finnish Air Force)
Sat 4 Aug 2018
at 06:30
  • msg #17

Macross City: JFK Avenue

"18 Copies. Holding position." She reply's without much emotion.

With the dust settling she casts her gaze now and again towards the flight-line to look for any likely places where a replacement Valk could possibly be located.

Perc: 18
Darkside Trooper
GM, 377 posts
Mon 6 Aug 2018
at 02:23
  • msg #18

Macross City: JFK Avenue

The two veritech's hold their position as more civilian stream by heading for the fallout/evacuation shelter. Rumor has it that they were designed to withstand anything but a direct hit from a 100kiloton nuclear warhead or an energy weapon fired from a vessel in orbit.

A pair of Centaur Hover Tanks with Finnish markings stop near Reindeer 18 and Oggy 3 and get in hasty defensive positions. They are joined by a single Russian BMP.

A single Mi-35M Hind E from the Russian Navy circles above, acting as a warning for any alien mecha that may be approaching.

Those that flip through the radio frequencies they have access to can hear that the fighting is still fierce on other parts of the island. In every direction there are angry black plumes of smoke rising into the sky, funeral pyre's for both human and alien mecha.

A radio transmission reports that the nearby shelter has been sealed, and considering what happens next it was done just in time.

[Private to Aksa Tikkanen:
You don't have the right angle to see the airfield.

After approximately 19 minutes the SDF-1 can be seen lowering itself from orbit and begins to hover above the island. What happens next begins with a bright light emanating from the SDF-1. All of the electronic instruments go blank. The back up analog instruments go haywire. Then everyone begins to develop double, then triple vision. Then it feels like being in two (or three?) places as once.

Once the disorientation ends the veritech pilots realize that they are weightless. Instruments confirm that they are in zero gravity. The outer cameras (the only way to see outside when in battliod mode unless you retract the cockpit blast shield) are frosted over, making it impossible to see outside. On the inside of the cockpit, the cockpit canopy has a slight layer of frost on it. It also begins to get real cold as the veritech wasn't previously operating in the vacuum of outer space and didn't have the heating system on, in fact it had the cooling system on.

[Private to Ethan Ambrose:
Your character has not yet operated a veritech in space (you just haven't' gotten to that point in training). You know all the theories of operating in space and may have spent some time in a simulator but the real thing is much much different. All control rolls will be at -20% as you carry out your "on the job training".

The good news is that your life support system is reading green, and your veritech's reaction mass storage reads at 67%.

[Private to Aksa Tikkanen:
Your character has not yet operated a veritech in space (you just haven't' gotten to that point in training). You know all the theories of operating in space and may have spent some time in a simulator but the real thing is much much different. All control rolls will be at -20% as you carry out your "on the job training".

The good news is that your life support system is reading green, and your veritech's reaction mass storage reads at 63%.

OOC: Please make one post as you 'adjust' to your new surroundings.
Aksa Tikkanen
player, 257 posts
FAF (Finnish Air Force)
Mon 6 Aug 2018
at 16:00
  • msg #19

Macross City: JFK Avenue

Aksa is making some chit chat over the radio with the Centaur crews, happy to hear a familiar language, engaging in some idle banter, dark humor and off color jokes, likely at the expense of the Russians, or more likely, the Swedes', when the SDF-1 returns.

"Why is she..." Her thought is interrupted by the bright light beginning to increase in intensity.

The instruments going down and or haywire causes her to revert to SOP and she starts working restarts. "Did we just get hit with an EMP?" She wonders aloud, asking no one in particular.

[Private to group Finnish: "What the fuck..."] She wonders as the light grows and pulses and the double and triple optical shift occurs. She hunkers down in her mecha reflexively as she hears surprise, and then horror, over the various radio channels she has up. Calls go out and then eerily, one by one, begin to go dead.

She watches in frustration as her vision over her external optic feeds begin to foul, cutting her off visually from the outside, and then fascination as her canopy begins to freeze over as well.

Suddenly she spasms involuntary as her inner ear inaccurately tells her she is falling. Looking around the cockpit she realizes why as the instruments that are working register Zero-G. [Language unknown: "Ek rea unitta wa weriouall."] But it is, confirmed as she twitches in surprise as a strand of her hair brushes past her nose in the weightlessness.

[Language unknown: conounnti Nc, Olnd, lorut ha] She says aloud. You are blind, you need to see, and you are weightless. Aviate, Communicate, Navigate. She switches to GERWALK mode to restore her vision, retracting the heat shield. Fully expecting the weightlessness to have been caused by a malfunction of the SDF-1's anti-gravity, or something like that she is stunned into silence at the scene before her.

Luckily for her she is of strong will and once the shock of where she is, and the state of things around her is absorbed she swears. "Perkele!!"

'Ok girl, you're in space. Run your fucking checklist!'
She instructs herself as she quickly runs to the steps to rig her VF for exo-atmospheric operation. Seals, defrosters, heaters, and instrument restarts, one by one.

"Oggy, talk to me. How are you doing over there?" She asks. His VF had taken damage just as hers, and hopefully his seals had held like hers had. She looks down at the Centaurs, as they float lazily beside her. A tinge of panic subsides as she remembers that the Centaur's crew spaces are pressurized and sealed. Her eyes then drift to the hapless Russian BMP. Th..they're sealed for CBRN, right? Right? "Oh God!" She murmers...and then the realization of how bad it all really is takes hold. "Oh God NO!"

To the tanks she asks [Language unknown: "Ou oun tiles m korearher?"]

"18 to Knight 1 and 4. I...I have a g..good seal." She says, her voice quavering slightly, but reporting her status gives her brain something to do besides dwell on the tragedy she is floating in. Luckily she didn't embarrass herself by transmitting as such. Back in good form, she presses the 'to-talk' toggle "18 to Oggy, Knights, I have a good seal, I'm at 63% on my fuel gauge. I am VFR until my optics defrost and instruments complete their reset." She repeats and adds to in a stronger voice now. Throughout it all she hadn't even taken note of the her, nothing but a Lapland summer, but now notes the goosebumps on her arms. She checks the heaters again, okay, good, on and working, it's just going to take a bit to overcome the Delta-t was all.

"4, 7, whats your status?"

60 v 53: Read Sensory: FAIL
69 v 81-20: Pilot: FAIL
31 v 28: Space Survival: FAIL
This message was last edited by the player at 03:17, Wed 08 Aug 2018.
Ethan Ambrose
Player, 44 posts
Wed 8 Aug 2018
at 02:28
  • msg #20

Macross City: JFK Avenue

As the fighting subsides and there is a moment to think what has happened in a short stint in time.  The arrival of these giants, finding this rag tag group, the loss of my wingman and somethi...suddenly the radar warns of a massive approaching object.  Looking up and seeing the SDF-1 returning to earth..."I don't even remember her launching in all that has", Suddenly a bright light fills the sky, and everything gets a little crazy inside Ethan's head.

All of a sudden, things are differnt.  As screens go dark, it takes some time to realize, "I'm not on Walaby Lane any more bloke, I'm in space" "This is some cool, oh bloody hell..."  Realizing he is not on earth, Ethan's clouded mind realizes he needs to cllimitize his veritech to space.  Only doing this a few times in the simulator, Ethan clumsily works through his checklist to make his veritech space worthy.  Working through his checklist, Reindeer 18's voice brings him to full realization.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 390 posts
Wed 8 Aug 2018
at 04:26
  • msg #21

Macross City: JFK Avenue

For those who transitioned to jet or guardian mode the city street is a junkyard of float debris, vehicles, human bodies, armored vehicles, destroyed alien mecha, alien bodies etc etc.

Oggy 3 and Reindeer 18 quickly realize that the crews in the Centaur hover tanks (in tank mode) are alive, or at least one crewman is as both mecha launch grappling lines. One Centaur Hover Tank manages to get two grapples secured, one to a building and another in the city street. The second Centaur Hover Tank fails to grapple onto anything and continues to float away up and away from the city.

The SDF-1 can be seen through the frosted canopy. The massive vessel is rabidly approaching the city/island. Lancing relative 'upwards' from the city are energy blasts probably from surviving alien mecha.
Aksa Tikkanen
player, 264 posts
FAF (Finnish Air Force)
Wed 8 Aug 2018
at 14:27
  • msg #22

Macross City: JFK Avenue

"Copy that 4" Aksa replies as she notes the SDF-1 getting big in the window. "3, 7, I have command; please give me your status, then standby."

She works to get her systems back online as she replies to Oggy-3 "That has to be that Space Fold Drive they've been talking about." She says with mild disgust in her voice.

4 v 53: Sensory Equipment: PASS

"YES!!" She exclaims as her radar and the like come back up. She immediately trains her radar on the SDF-1 to determine its distance, velocity and bearing etc.. With that in hand she mentally crunches the numbers to determine where and when it will impact the island, and, more importantly, if that poses any danger to them in their current location.

60 v 69: Math Advanced: PASS

Once that has been done she puts the AESA back into omni-directional search mode. There are still enemy out here, best not to get ambushed.

OOC: I have some other things she would like to do, but I'll need the results of this post first.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:37, Wed 08 Aug 2018.
Ethan Ambrose
Player, 48 posts
Sat 11 Aug 2018
at 18:28
  • msg #23

Macross City: JFK Avenue

"18 we are in bloody space, what the hell happened here?" Ethan continues prepping his veritech for space.  "I am finishing preps to get space worthy, all systems appear to be fine, but I can not see a bloody thing" Hopefully once I finish these steps I'll be able to see again. "Where are we?"

Sensory Equipment: 35
Headless Ostrich mecha
Sat 11 Aug 2018
at 20:58
  • msg #24

Macross City: JFK Avenue

The two alien mecha appear to be quite at home in the vacuum of space and zero gravity. Their legs are swept back and the alien mecha appear to be using a pair of engines on either side of the body to maneuver. One fires on Oggy 3 and the other fires on Reindeer 18.

Headless Ostrich 3 (firing on Oggy 3)
13:51, Today: Darkside Trooper rolled 34 using 4d20 with rolls of 18,4,8,4.  Pod shoot Oggy 3 +5.
14:14, Today: Darkside Trooper rolled 54 using 4d20 with rolls of 15,4,16,19.  Pod 3 dodge +6.
Action 1: Unat 20, 28 MDC
Dodge, unat 21
Action 2: MISS
Dodge, FAIL
Action 3: MISS (deflected by debris)
Dodge, unat 22
Action 4: MISS
Dodge, unat 25

Headless Ostrich 4 (firing on Raindeer 18)
13:53, Today: Darkside Trooper rolled 69 using 4d20 with rolls of 13,16,20,20.  Pod shoot Reindeer 18 +5.
13:55, Today: Darkside Trooper rolled 27 using 6d10 with rolls of 6,4,4,3,9,1.
13:55, Today: Darkside Trooper rolled 33 using 6d10 with rolls of 4,4,3,10,2,10.
13:55, Today: Darkside Trooper rolled 32 using 6d10 with rolls of 3,10,2,9,6,2.
13:55, Today: Darkside Trooper rolled 35 using 6d10 with rolls of 1,6,8,10,7,3.
14:14, Today: Darkside Trooper rolled 40 using 4d20 with rolls of 18,8,5,9.  Pod 4 dodge +6.
Action 1: Unat 15, 35 MDC
Dodge, unat 24
Action 2: Unat 18, 32 MDC
Dodge, unat 14
Action 3: NAT 20, 66 MDC
Dodge, unat 11
Action 4: NAT 20, 54 MDC
Dodge, unat 15

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:20, Sat 11 Aug 2018.
Centaur Hover Tank
Sat 11 Aug 2018
at 21:13
  • msg #25

Macross City: JFK Avenue

The Centaur Hover Tank that managed to attach itself to the street/building with it's grapple lines is in a somewhat stable position to fire. Each of the weapons arms fire at separate targets, each controlled by a separate crewman.

14:06, Today: Darkside Trooper rolled 55 using 4d20 with rolls of 17,10,19,9.  Centaur Hover Tank shoot Pod 3 w/left 25mm gun -6 .
Action 1: Unat 11, 26 MDC
Action 2: MISS
Action 3: unat 13, 23 MDC
Action 4: MISS

14:06, Today: Darkside Trooper rolled 56 using 4d20 with rolls of 15,10,14,17.  Centaur Hover Tank shoot Pod 4 w/right 40mm GL -6
Action 1: unat 9, 95 MDC
Action 2: MISS
Action 3: unat 8, 65 MDC
Action 4: Unat 11, 95 MDC

Aksa Tikkanen
player, 268 posts
FAF (Finnish Air Force)
Sat 11 Aug 2018
at 21:28
  • msg #26

Macross City: JFK Avenue

"I have..." Aksa says, about to reply to Oggy when the threat warning receivers go wild.

"CONTACT!!" She hollers as she goes evasive and maneuvers to bring her gun-pod onto the enemy firing at her, opening fire with a series of Long Bursts.

Dodges: Auto



A1: Attack: UNAT 10   130 Damage
MISS Targeting Pod on her
A2: Attack: UNAT 28   110 Damage HIT Targeting Pod on her
A3: Dodge (Regular): UNAT 14 HIT
A4: Dodge (Regular): UNAT 17 HIT
A5: Attack: UNAT 25   130 Damage HIT Targeting Pod on her or other Pod if Pod on her is destroyed.

Her first shot is panicked and goes wide but her second burst hits the enemy unit square as she jinks out of the way of the enemy's opening two shots.

OOC: If 110 is enough to kill it on Action 2 then she's okay, otherwise...
This message was last edited by the player at 21:30, Sat 11 Aug 2018.
Ethan Ambrose
Player, 50 posts
Thu 16 Aug 2018
at 22:02
  • msg #27

Macross City: JFK Avenue

As Ethan slowly gets use to the weightlessness on his first unsuspecting trip into the vacuum of space.  Ethan's sensors alarm him to action as he hears 18 scream "contact" in his ear.  Oggy 3 notices a headless ostrich coming toward him (the on shooting at Oggy 3) and raises his GU-11 unleashing two long bursts, a short burst and two more long bursts at the incoming mecha.

"3 engaging"

17:37, Today: Ethan Ambrose rolled 5d20 7,14,4,1,12

Dodge 1: unat 21
Dodge 2: unat 28
Dodge 3: unat 18
Dodge 4: unat 15
Dodge 5: unat 26

17:41, Today: Ethan Ambrose rolled 5d20 16,10,19,2,18

Fire at Headless Ostrich firing at me then other
Action 1: unat 20; 180 damage (GU-11)
Action 2: unat 14; 120 damage (GU-11)
Action 3: unat 23; 50 damage (GU-11)
Action 4: unat 2; 170 damage (GU-11)
Action 5: unat 22; 150 damage (GU-11)

After firing his GU-11 in the weightlessness of space while standing on ice, Ethan finds himself trying to control his veritech in battloid mode.

Pilot Veritech: 35%
Darkside Trooper
GM, 405 posts
Sat 18 Aug 2018
at 21:38
  • msg #28

Macross City: JFK Avenue

The Centaur Hover Tank fails to hit either headless ostrich mecha. Despite not being flight worthy on Earth (well other then boosted jumps) the alien mecha seems quite maneuverable in the vacuum of space. Both Reindeer 18 and Oggy 3's first burst of weapons fire are evaded, while evading the return fir as well. But the second bursts from both veritechs hit their respective targets. Reindeer 18's target is disabled, the headless ostrich mecha that continues to travel off to the left....probably for eternity. Oggy 3's target is still functional but not for much longer as both Oggy 3 and Reindeer 18 fire their GU-11's at it. The headless ostrich mecha becomes an expanding cloud of debris.

Several of the larger Russian built SuP-52 veritechs pass by, launching missiles at other alien mecha rising up above the city. For those who look towards the SDF-1, more veritechs can be seen launching from both the rear facing launch/recovery bay, and the launch bays located amidships.

A radio transmission is broadcast over all squadron frequencies:
Misa Hayes:
"All veritech's still operating in Macross City reinforcements are inbound. Disengage if possible, and retrieve any disabled mecha in your vicinity."

OOC: You guys can stay and fight if you want......but I will not guarantee your characters survival.
Aksa Tikkanen
player, 270 posts
FAF (Finnish Air Force)
Sat 18 Aug 2018
at 22:47
  • msg #29

Macross City: JFK Avenue

Aksa heaves a sigh of relief as the last pod in their immediate vicinity is 'splashed'.

"All units, you heard Control, we are RTB. The Centaurs have grapple cables; Oggy 3 and I will police them up and tow them back to the SDF-1. Knight 4, you're leaking, I'd like you to expedite back to base. Vermilion 7, you said your air was going stale, if you have a leak head back to base with Knight 4, if not, scoop up the Messymune* and then head back." She orders.

"Oggy, check Churchill for Centaurs. If there are any there I'll take these two and you take them, otherwise we'll just take one each. Oh, and...Nice work out there." She adds.

* (MBR-08) Masamune, but in bad 'Finnanese'

[Language unknown: "Ilwer prosetshe, undencous lathatear k pro arand ameom."] She says to the tank crews.

She stows her GU-11 and then grabs up the grapple cable from the drifting Centaur first, then the one that managed to root it. She takes it slow and easy and then heads back to the SDF-1.

"SDF Control. Reindeer Flight of four heading back to base with disabled units. One of our flight, Knight 4 is headed back ahead of us with an oxygen leak. Break. Prioritize a landing for her. Break.  Reindeer Flight will require a pressurized bay in order to debark our craft, as will our disables we have in tow. Over and Out."
  She calls out to the tower, once she has an open and clear line, and someone is actually paying attention.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:09, Sat 18 Aug 2018.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 406 posts
Sat 18 Aug 2018
at 22:59
  • msg #30

Macross City: JFK Avenue

OOC: There are just two Centaur Hover tanks present.
Ethan Ambrose
Player, 51 posts
Sun 19 Aug 2018
at 00:51
  • msg #31

Macross City: JFK Avenue

In reply to Aksa Tikkanen (msg # 29):

After all the events of the day, Ethan is relieved to hear the RTB call from control.  He thinks to himself, "You survived another ruckus kid!"

Ethan replies to 18's message; "Roger mate, it's been me pleasure, we make a bloody hell ofa team."

Still new to space, Ethan cautiously makes his way over to Churchill looking for surviving security force members.

"18, no sign of any survivors on Churchill, enroute to your cali to lend a hand.  If I can bloody handle myself in space."

Pilot Veritech: 97 Fail

"Space flying is like trying to drive a Ferrari in the bloody outback"

Ethan looks like a monkey playing with a football trying to tow the Centaur back to the SDF-1.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 450 posts
Thu 23 Aug 2018
at 05:23
  • msg #32

Macross City: JFK Avenue

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