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09:00, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen.

Posted by Darkside TrooperFor group archive 0
Aksa Tikkanen
player, 646 posts
OF-3 / MAJ 'Vixen'
CO HavLLv 11
Fri 25 Jan 2019
at 17:20
  • msg #25

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

Victor Rykov:
I was under the impression that missiles have multiple guidance types. Hence requiring multiple ECM rolls to fully neuter in an engagement (from the description below). So only one roll from here on out?

Darkside Trooper:
In the event that a guidance type is nullified (for example jammed) the missile will switch to the next guidance type listed.


If the missile has another type of guidance system then yes*. But not all missiles have multiple types of guidance, in those cases the 'next guidance type listed' becomes 'unguided'

* I think (operative word 'think') that if the Secondary type of guidance system is a type that would be hindered by the same jamming that ruined the First system it would be a done deal, but, the entire purpose of multiple sensors is so that no one type of jamming would blind it totally.

Now, in that case what you could do is:

Action 1: Jam incoming radar guided missiles
Action 2: Detect/Jam optical sensors/communications (to include infrared, laser communications, etc.)

That way you are jamming the entire spectrum.

Douglas Jennsen
Player, 111 posts
1st Lieutenant/OF-1a
USAF-Legal Eagle
Tue 29 Jan 2019
at 21:04
  • msg #26

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

Douglas looks at the commander then at Meiko.  My ground attack radar doesn't have the range of the standards.  I'm trying to get a lock on using your telemetry data to target the enemy according to your radar.  It's better to practice that here and get it right, than to attempt it cold in a real battle.  We get it right here, less likely to die there.
We just have to adjust it for my position, rather than using yours.
  He looks back at the CO.  I'm also wondering if there might be a way to reverse it, so they can use my telemetry for Nap-of-the-Earth Navigation.
Aksa Tikkanen
player, 647 posts
OF-3 / MAJ 'Vixen'
CO HavLLv 11
Tue 29 Jan 2019
at 21:38
  • msg #27

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

"Not much Earth around here to fly Nap of Luutnantti..." She points out dryly.

She pauses for a moment then addresses his other point.

"Until we can get AESA sets in all our birds all I can suggest is that you piggy back the uplink on the initial BVR engagement. You might might, get a second or even a third salvo off depending on the rate of closure. After that, you'll be within your own sets detection envelope and should rely on that. If a two-seater can provide an up-link fantastic, but I don't want you counting on that in the middle of a furball." She says.

"Oh, and if the Quartermaster sticks us with those shit Starstrikes, I'd save them for incoming missiles salvos." She adds with a resigned look on her face.
Douglas Jennsen
Player, 112 posts
1st Lieutenant/OF-1a
USAF-Legal Eagle
Tue 29 Jan 2019
at 21:56
  • msg #28

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

Douglas listens to the commander, nodding his head at her suggestions.  When she finishes, he again nod his head.  As an attorney, it's my job to look at all sides of an argument, to look at all possibilities, in order to counter them in court.  Suppose we are in situation where we are flying through the asteroid ring in a dogfight, or the rings of Saturn.  Hell, this ship is big enough to fly a plane through it.
Aksa Tikkanen
player, 648 posts
OF-3 / MAJ 'Vixen'
CO HavLLv 11
Tue 29 Jan 2019
at 22:14
  • msg #29

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

Aksa shakes her head.

"A good habit to be in. However, even traveling ballisticlly, the odds of hitting something in the belt is a billion to 1. If that eventuality should ever come to pass the last thing I want is for us to be anywhere near 60 meters* of one of those floating rocks. Especially at V max." She replies, then pauses. "Finally, and, not to put to fine a point on this; I'd like to see you all survive the simulator in open space before we start adding obstacles." She concludes.

OOC: * Typical NoE altitude for Fast Jets (200ft) but she's a Finn, so you're getting it in metric!

Only in film media do you see a tightly packed and dense asteroid fields. Rule of Cool in effect.

On its way to Jupiter, Juno traversed the asteroid belt without collecting science data.[92] Due to the low density of materials within the belt, the odds of a probe running into an asteroid are now estimated at less than 1 in 1 billion.[93]

A 2016 study of spiral density waves using stellar occultations indicated that the B Ring's surface density is in the range of 40 to 140 g/cm2, lower than previously believed, and that the ring's optical depth has little correlation with its mass density (a finding previously reported for the A and C rings).[62][63]

The depiction of the rings in DYRL was actually far more accurate then what was portrayed in SDF Macross.

This message was last edited by the player at 03:16, Wed 30 Jan 2019.
Douglas Jennsen
Player, 113 posts
1st Lieutenant/OF-1a
USAF-Legal Eagle
Fri 1 Feb 2019
at 06:50
  • msg #30

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

Douglas shtugs, still believing his idea may be both possible, and, one day, necessary.  It is merely an idea that I had, ma'am.  It may still one day prove useful.
Meiko Levina
player, 588 posts
1st Lieutenant/OF-1a
USMC - Lightning
Fri 1 Feb 2019
at 15:19
  • msg #31

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

Meiko paused to watch the discussion between Jennsen and her commander.  She softly interjects.

"How about we concentrate on teamwork before we start trying to get fancy.  You are not alone out there Sunshine, and you need to think, act and talk like you have a wingman to cooperate with.  I do too, I am not used to command."

She shakes her head.

"Why do you keep talking about being a lawyer Sunshine?  Do you think any of the rest of us think about whatever our specialty is while we are in a cockpit?  We are fighter pilots, especially when we are sitting in the seat, and you don't get there by accident... I got an engineering degree, but my goal was to fly planes, not sit behind a desk, and I have never met a combat pilot who was not driven to be one so why do you act like you are a lawyer forced into it?"
This message was last edited by the player at 15:32, Fri 01 Feb 2019.
Douglas Jennsen
Player, 114 posts
1st Lieutenant/OF-1a
USAF-Legal Eagle
Fri 1 Feb 2019
at 22:16
  • msg #32

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

Because I spent my free time as a kid helping my parents by doing research for cases.  It was a way for them to spend time with me despite always working.  Plus free scut work.  He gives a chuckle.  The last time I saw my parents, my graduation from Basic, they were running between Washington, DC and NYC, helping with the formation of the UEG.  I don't know if he did it intentionally or by accident, but my recruiter put the wrong MOS code in my paperwork, and I didn't know the correct one.  He had been talking to me about this big drive for pilots, kept saying I should be a pilot.  I wanted JAG Corps because I had already been to law school and wanted to work on my Juris Doctorate.  Now I know why recruiters were pushing for pilots.
Meiko Levina
player, 589 posts
1st Lieutenant/OF-1a
USMC - Lightning
Sat 2 Feb 2019
at 01:04
  • msg #33

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

Meiko looks a bit stunned.

"So you never wanted to be a pilot, you were pushed into it?  You became a pilot by complete mistake?"
Douglas Jennsen
Player, 115 posts
1st Lieutenant/OF-1a
USAF-Legal Eagle
Tue 5 Feb 2019
at 01:23
  • msg #34

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

Nope, he responds with a shrug.  But I'm not sure it was so much a mistake as the recruiter having a quota of new pilots to fill.  And, now, I understand why.
He looks at the floor.  Don't get me wrong.  Flying is fun.  It's an adrenaline rush like I had never experienced before.  And, being in a courtroom, going against another attorney, is not unlike a dogfight, with battle plans, maneuvering, and tactical moves.  There is sometimes even a life at stake.  But, I had no intention of seeing actual combat.
Again, he shrugs.  But, I don't exactly have a choice do I?  I will have to fly, fight, kill.  It's not like I haven't trained in ways to do that, between fencing and competition marksmanship.  But, those aren't exactly to the death.
Meiko Levina
USMC, 592 posts
1st Lieutenant/OF-1a
USMC - Lightning
Wed 6 Feb 2019
at 15:37
  • msg #35

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

She looks very angry for a moment, then deflates in a way, looking sort of beaten.

Her voice is soft.

"I ached to fly, Jennsen, did anything I could to get near planes.  ROTC was not a way for me to pay for college, college was a shot at getting to fly the best, with the best."

She knits her brows, and points a knife hand at Jennsen, her voice picks up intensity.

"I don't want some half assed pilot on my wing, got that sunshine?  Live and breathe that VF-1, or get the fuck out of it.  You spend more time flapping those dick suckers waxing on how you would rather be in court, and that don't cut it!"
Aksa Tikkanen
UN SPACY, 654 posts
OF-3 / MAJ 'Vixen'
CO HavLLv 11
Wed 6 Feb 2019
at 17:11
  • msg #36

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

Into the awkward silence begot by a rebuke 'delivered by way of knife-hand' the slight 'tunk' sound of a boot shifting on the floor nearby is heard. Maj. Tikkanen's arms are crossed with her back to the pair. Her head turns slowly, deliberately, until a cold impassive eye fixes upon them from over her left shoulder.

A dispassionate gaze falls upon Jennsen, studying him. She says nothing as the ambient temperature in the immediate vicinity seems to plummet as a handful of seconds pass glacially by.

Within the span of a blink her gaze shifts to Levina, and lingers for a few uncomfortable heartbeats. Then, a barely perceptible nod before she returns her eyes to her tablet.
Meiko Levina
USMC, 593 posts
1st Lieutenant/OF-1a
USMC - Lightning
Wed 6 Feb 2019
at 17:51
  • msg #37

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

Meiko Meets her CO's gaze coolly, leaving that in the air.  At the nod she simply blinks and without another glance to Jennsen she turns to Vic.  "Let's grab some chow Vic, I think we need to spend an ass load of time together, get on the same page.  We are partners, after all, more than any spouse can be.  No excuses, we fucked up."

She pauses a second.

"I fucked up.  Not much of an excuse but I am used to single seaters, so I need to get on the program so neither of us die stupidly."
This message was last edited by the player at 19:58, Wed 06 Feb 2019.
Douglas Jennsen
USAF, 118 posts
1st Lieutenant/OF-1a
USAF-Legal Eagle
Wed 6 Feb 2019
at 20:13
  • msg #38

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

Just remember that you're not the only one out there, Lt Combat Ace, Douglas responds coolly.  He continues to sit, not really caring about the lack of invitation to eat, despite being "her wingman".  He has his own things to deal with.  Particularly the telemetry issue.  Definitely not a bad idea to attempt to hedge his bets on coming back alive from combat.
Half-assed?  It had not been his choice, his recruiter having lied to him.  But, he had earned his place.  He had passed flight school as one of the top pilots.  And he passed Veritech quals as one of the top as well.  Just because it is not what he wanted does not mean he did not do his best.  Now, had he not done his best and still made it, then that would be something....
Meiko Levina
USMC, 595 posts
1st Lieutenant/OF-1a
USMC - Lightning
Wed 6 Feb 2019
at 20:32
  • msg #39

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

She stops dead, likely leaving Victor pacing at least one step past her, she slowly turns around to eye Jennsen.

When she speaks, a few moments later she has gained some control of her temper, she turns to face Aksa.

"Ma'm I wish to request reassignment.  I am afraid that flying with Lt Jennsen will affect both of ours performance.  I am certain he is a good aviator, but he is a bad fit on my wing and likely both of us will end up dead than otherwise.  I take it as a poor reflection on my leadership skills."
Douglas Jennsen
USAF, 119 posts
1st Lieutenant/OF-1a
USAF-Legal Eagle
Thu 7 Feb 2019
at 02:36
  • msg #40

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

Douglas looks up, almost before he realizes what he had overheard.  And he barely has time think about what he says before it comes tumbling out of his mouth, his tone flat and professional.
You ask me a personal question.  I give you an honest answer.  He stands up and momentarily joins the lieutenant and the major.  But, I see you can't handle the truth.
He turns to his CO.  I will be in my bunk, poring over manuals.  Awaiting your assignment decision, ma'am.
Having already been told what to do by their commanding officer, Douglas leaves without another word or awaiting a response.
This message was last edited by the player at 04:12, Thu 07 Feb 2019.
Aksa Tikkanen
UN SPACY, 658 posts
OF-3 / MAJ 'Vixen'
CO HavLLv 11
Thu 7 Feb 2019
at 02:43
  • msg #41

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

(Going to preempt a little of what Jannsen is going to do.)

Meiko Levina:
"Ma'm I wish to request reassignment.  I am afraid that flying with Lt Jennsen will affect both of ours performance.  I am certain he is a good aviator, but he is a bad fit on my wing and likely both of us will end up dead than otherwise.  I take it as a poor reflection on my leadership skills."

Douglas Jennsen:
You ask me a personal question.  I give you an honest answer.   But, I see you can't handle the truth.

Aksa turns and taps her tablet with the back of her hand. "And these requisition forms are the worst, not to mention we're still undermanned..." She says, then looks over at the pair as Jannsen joins Levina. "Oh...I'm sorry. I thought we were telling each other about our problems." She bites. She then points with each hand to separate spots before her where Meiko and Doug should stand. "Stand at attention." She orders.

"I swear to fucking God Almighty, I've served with CONSCRIPTS who've displayed more professionalism!"

"This complaining stops now." She growls. "It's fucking obnoxious!"

"Transfer: Denied."
She says. looking at Levina. "'Adapt and Overcome.' You Amerikkalaiset Marines are fond of saying that." She puts her hands on her hips. "Prove it." She challenges.

"And you..." She casts a baleful glare at Jannsen. "...need to get over your damn self. It's tiresome." She scowls. "When you first transferred in I asked if I could count on you to be the 'best damn aviator you could be'? You said that you 'would do your best'." She states in a hard tone. "Did you lie to me?" She asks menacingly.

"So here is whats going to happen. You two assholes are going to learn to work together. You two are going into the box." She says with a cheerfulness in her voice that's anything but, pointing at the two-seat sim pod. "You will continue to run simulations in the box until you've learned to work together. Or until you've killed one other, either way, problem solved." She says. "If you don't want to do that, the alternative is simple. You will report to supply. You will requisition a ten foot length of rope. You will tie the ends to your waists. You will not remove that rope unless you are in the cockpit of a fighter. The rope will remain until you've learned to work together. Or, as before, you've killed one another; again, problem solved." She says with an evil smile. "So what will it be my little ones? The Box, or the Rope?" She 'offers' looming over her shorter pilots.

"You have three seconds to decide or I decide for you."
She says. "I know which option I'm fond of." She adds in a sing song voice, bringing up her watch. "MARK!"

OOC: Just for note, I DID roll Aksa's Trust/Intimidate (emphasis added) and she passed that check quick handily.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:18, Thu 07 Feb 2019.
Meiko Levina
USMC, 597 posts
1st Lieutenant/OF-1a
USMC - Lightning
Thu 7 Feb 2019
at 05:32
  • msg #42

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

Meiko actually looks a little satisfied as she falls in as ordered, prompt, crisp, Marine.

She is very easy to loom over at 5'3" though.  She perks her brows at that tactic.

"Do you think it will look like an accident if I shove the chip on his shoulder up his ass sideways?"  She says with a straight face.  A slight shrug.  "I will burn up sim time until the cows come home, but I don't see that fixing his problem.  I might just be able to figure out how to fight with a back seater though.  That bird is a whole new ball game for me."
Aksa Tikkanen
UN SPACY, 661 posts
OF-3 / MAJ 'Vixen'
CO HavLLv 11
Thu 7 Feb 2019
at 05:45
  • msg #43

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

“Tic Toc.” Aksa says “Two...” She counts down ominously.
Douglas Jennsen
USAF, 122 posts
1st Lieutenant/OF-1a
USAF-Legal Eagle
Thu 7 Feb 2019
at 07:22
  • msg #44

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

Doug snaps to attention where indicated, nearly dropping his tablet.  When she asks he question of him, he looks her in the eye as he responds with.I said I will do my best, and I will.  Though today was not my best.
When Meiko goes into her aside, the look on Douglas' face goes from placid to "What the Hell?!" almost instantly.  She was the one who lost her cool when he answered the question she asked honestly.  She acted like she wanted the truth, but when she heard it, she snapped at him without bothering to ask for clarification.  She gave him a dressing down like she was a drill sergeant, over his answer to her question.  Yet, he is the one with a chip on his shoulder.
As for the punishments offered bybthe major, he sees no preferable one.  He does not know the EWO station of the plane, so trying to learn teamwork that way would be an exercise in futility.  As for being tied together, well, he expects that idf that is the major's preference, then his nor Meiko's choice will matter.  And he understands how hard it would be to work together that way, with what her perceives as Meiko's aggressive attitude.
I refrain from my vote.  I do not know the EWO station, so that is not an option.  And, should I choose the simulator runs, that will almost guarantee that you chose to have us tied at the waist.  My vote will not make a difference.
Aksa Tikkanen
UN SPACY, 662 posts
OF-3 / MAJ 'Vixen'
CO HavLLv 11
Thu 7 Feb 2019
at 14:39
  • msg #45

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

"One." Aksa counts off the final tick.

She steps back, weight onto one leg, a hand on the load bearing hip. Her face wearing an expression that says 'Really?' (Like the image)

"It was a simple binary question." She says. "Box, or Rope." She motion's with her other hand to the left, then to the right.

"All right."
She says in an accepting tone. "Since you couldn't decide. It falls to me." She adds.

"Gather your gear up and report to the Quartermaster." She says. "Dismissed."

As the two leave she gets the next group set up then heads back up to the observation suite to check in on her pilots in the pods that are still active.

OOC: Aksa: Out thread.

This message was last edited by the player at 14:43, Thu 07 Feb 2019.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 862 posts
Thu 7 Feb 2019
at 15:37
  • msg #46

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

OOC: Just an FYI for Jennsen and Levina, the skills you have to be a veritech are enough to be an ‘OK’ backseater.  Also there will be a point in the game where there wil be more pilots then planes so it is entirely possible that a VT pilot finds themselves as a temporary WSO.
Victor Rykov
UN SPACY, 98 posts
2nd Lieutenant/OF-1a
Thu 7 Feb 2019
at 22:05
  • msg #47

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

Having initially been on the way out to grab some chow with Meiko, Victor stood idly by as the rapid-fire exchange took place between the trio. Reserving judgement for the situation he couldn't help but find some of the conversation to be... comical? 'Nothing like a bit of inter-personal tension to get those team-building muscles flexing!'

Grinning a little on the inside he soon realizes he's now without a pilot. 'Crap! What next,' he thinks to himself.

As the three split away from the heated discussion, he makes up his mind. Arguments aside there's a very real basis for the simulator training and at this moment, like the others, Victor was feeling the sting of failure.

'Time to lace up those bootstraps and get back to it.' He decides with finality.

Heading back up the ladder he once again straps himself into the pod's rearseat compartment and contacts the sim operator, requesting another run. This time, a pilot-less WSO scenario.
Douglas Jennsen
USAF, 125 posts
1st Lieutenant/OF-1a
USAF-Legal Eagle
Thu 7 Feb 2019
at 22:47
  • msg #48

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

Douglas turns smartly in an about face, and heads for the quartermaster.  They were both ordered there, after all.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 876 posts
Sat 9 Feb 2019
at 22:10
  • msg #49

Re: Simulator: Levina, Rykov and Jennsen

Rykov spends another hour in the simulator, getting used to the backseats MFD (multi-function display).
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