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01:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Living Extraordinarily.

Posted by DMFor group 0
player, 291 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 01:35
  • msg #25

Living Extraordinarily

Storm begins to think over what he had said. As a novice Paladin, he still has some inate trait of a cowardly sheppard. He suddenly stands up and whispers,"No we dont have to hide. We have done nothing wrong. We look like a bunch of lost travellers. Lets sail into the pot and be careful. Everyone equip ourselves with whatever we can get first."
player, 174 posts
Druid, AC7, HP 8/8
CLW x2, Create Water
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 03:48
  • msg #26

Living Extraordinarily

Telemachus looked at the charts and maps while looking at the topography and after a few minutes of flipping from chart to chart he looked up, "I think this is Isle Moerae...we're a whole lot further south than I thought.  That bad storm must have really took us off course or the Goddess moved us while we slept."

He nodded towards the bay rather than pointed...never know how many people might be watching and a pointed finger was always more notable than a nod...and continued, "If so that is Monteci.  A small fishing town with flax fields to the south and west and light mires to the east that you wouldn't want to get stuck in.  If we skirted the coast to the west and sailed around and down the south we should get to a decent port by the name of Shipton.  This place though, since it trades in flax, also means it trades in cloth.  Where there is cloth there is seamstresses and tailors meaning we might be able to find some clothes at least here and likely fish that we can get for food and if anyone knows how to fish by rod or net likely someone willing to sell their kit."

Looking over towards the hold he added, "Let's find out how much Asil is in one of those chests so we can at least have an idea of what we might be looking at if the same is in the other two and it'll let us take some to see about purchasing small things here.  As far as our story...we were kidnapped, stranded on an isle from a storm and eventually found a boat left there on the's owner dead from sickness and the crew nowhere to be seen.  All truth.  Then I can also talk to a few people and see if I can verify where we are and some of the latest news."
player, 320 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 10:11
  • msg #27

Living Extraordinarily

Angus nodded to Telemachus, "The truth is best, what about Klei calling us thieves and murderers? We need to drop him off near here to give us time to get away."
player, 110 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 10:47
  • msg #28

Living Extraordinarily

Telemachus mentioned looking at one of the chests so Panatix scrambled down into the hold and wrestled one of the chests to the base of the steps. He called up to the deck, "I cannot lift this chest up by myself. If someone wants to take it up into the light, then we can count the Asil and see where we stand."

After that, he went over to the bound figure of Klei to check on him. He wanted to see if the old half-elf was conscious or, if not, if he was still alive.
player, 321 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 10:51
  • msg #29

Living Extraordinarily

"As he's full of lies, deceit and hate, better if he were dead." Angus mutters to himself.
player, 129 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 11:33
  • msg #30

Living Extraordinarily

Odelia helps Panatix with the chest, and joins him in counting the currency they hold, to distribute it evenly. "I believe me and Storm got some items ahead of time". She waves the dagger she kept as a way to show it. "We should have somewhat in the town appraise our items, so we may be as fair as possible when distributing the treasure. Opinions?"
This message was last edited by the player at 11:33, Wed 19 June 2019.
player, 322 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 11:37
  • msg #31

Living Extraordinarily

"I have a staff, I can't use a sword or mace. They mean nothing to me. Keep them if you can use them. The armor too, who can wear it? Can it be fitted?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:14, Thu 20 June 2019.
player, 132 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 13:17
  • msg #32

Living Extraordinarily

"I was thinking of finding the... hmmm... "less nice" part of town. I think it would be better if we valued the goods from someone used to dealing with items outside the market"
player, 297 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 13:18
  • msg #33

Living Extraordinarily

"I suggest we do not value the goods first. Use the asils, equip ourselves, memorise spells and rest before we go as a group to value the goods. In this way, we can better protect ourselves since we are armed and well, protected," Storm says.
player, 326 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 13:19
  • msg #34

Living Extraordinarily

"Hmmm, that might not be a bad idea. Should we cut Klei loose here in town? Or just unbind him and let him off somewhere down the coast later? What do you think Storm? Odelia? Dak? The rest of you?"
This message was last edited by the player at 14:21, Wed 19 June 2019.
player, 133 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 13:20
  • msg #35

Living Extraordinarily

"Honestly, I couldn't care less of what we do with the old man. Perhaps getting him out of the island at all was a mistake. And it would be hard to spend our money fairly without first determining what the goods are worth, but I don't oppose the idea if you are all in favor."
player, 327 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 13:21
  • msg #36

Living Extraordinarily

"A few would not allow it sadly, I'd have left him if allowed. A fair and equitable split is needed to a degree I guess I'm not sure."

"Who here is ready to make their way north and home? I like my new power and would explore it more for a bit but will be returning home from Shipton."
This message was last edited by the player at 14:15, Wed 19 June 2019.
player, 298 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 13:21
  • msg #37

Living Extraordinarily

"We divide the asils first. Then divide the rest after we sell them." Storm says.
player, 145 posts
HP : 8/10
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 13:44
  • msg #38

Living Extraordinarily

"If Klei has been unconscious during our escape, he doesn't know we have the boat and the treasure," Dak pointed out as he struggled to get into the chainmail armor.  It certainly looked like it would fit him.  He'd see how the sword looked once he had things figured out.

"If we can drop him off somewhere, perhaps a church or something, we can say we found him on the beach.  He may never realize we also escaped and think the Goddess spared him.

"We can pick up better clothes here that won't stand out, food, water, fishing gear, and then head to Shipton to make a better impression.

"I wouldn't flash any of our newfound gear around here as if we'd just found it, dressed as we are.  There will be questions."

They'd of course need to unbind Klei and he'd need to remain unconscious the entire time, but it did seem the safest way to repay the old man.
player, 175 posts
Druid, AC7, HP 8/8
CLW x2, Create Water
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 14:02
  • msg #39

Living Extraordinarily

Telemachus looked up from what he was calculating, "I've been to a lot of ports but people that appraise, buy and sell things that are magical?  I've been to more than a few ports and the most I ever caught wind of was a man that traded but it was never in Lor.  Only a finders fee and the exchange of one desired rumored thing of magic for another…"

Looking up to the village he added, "But I don't know the people you might Odelia.  I'm thinking if they do exist they will be in Shipton."
player, 300 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 15:36
  • msg #40

Living Extraordinarily

"We put some asil in a bag, bring it over to buy some gear. A few guard the boat, a few buy gear. Dress up and then return in force to the town." Storm says.
player, 62 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 19:57
  • msg #41

Living Extraordinarily

Wick gives a nod.  "Makes sense, I'd say no more than three or four go into town, maybe a dozen or so asil each, enough to buy some cloths and food.  The rest of us stay and guard what we've got."
player, 111 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 22:04
  • msg #42

Re: Living Extraordinarily

Odelia helps Panatix with the chest, and joins him in counting the currency they hold, to distribute it evenly.

After checking on Klei, Panatix came back to the chest and spread a square of spare sailcloth on the deck to keep the coins from rolling away. When he started counting the coins from the chest, he began by making small piles of 100 coins each. It didn't take long, however, before he realized that he was going to run out of room on the cloth and began putting some of the piles together to make more room. Glancing up, he looked at each face, in turn.

When it was all said and done, there were eight decent sized piles of coins and Panatix looked up. He stretched his back from bending over the coins and smiled, "This is just one of three chests, mind you. But each pile is 750 asil. One pile for each of us. For a total of 6000 asil in the one chest."

Panatix looked around to gauge reactions before continuing. "That should be plenty to purchase sturdy, comfortable travel clothing and any weapons or other items we may need. I suggest we take only what we need for now and divide the remainder when we have more time. But, I will do as you wish if you want me to count out the rest of the coins from the other chests."

"Also, I have this flask that Odelia entrusted me to carry from the manor house." As he spoke, he removed the flask from his satchel, unwrapped it from some cloth and handed it over to Odelia.
GM, 378 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 23:17
  • msg #43

Re: Living Extraordinarily

As those in the boat turned their attention to counting up some of their coin and trying to decide in what manner to approach this town, they drew near enough that some of crew of the more outward boats paused their labors long enough to wave in greeting.

From this distance, the crews could be seen to be almost all humans, and small bits of their cheerful work songs could now be heard on the survivors' boat.
player, 303 posts
Wed 19 Jun 2019
at 23:56
  • msg #44

Re: Living Extraordinarily

Storm will take about half his alloted asils with him when he goes to town. His immediate concern is to purchase a set of platemail and a shield.

Seeing the other boats greet his boat, Storm returns the greetings in his near perfect language.

OOC: I believe our navigators know the port and I do not need to ask for directions?

OOOC: does angus detect any magic on the items?
player, 180 posts
Druid, AC7, HP 8/8
CLW x2, Create Water
Thu 20 Jun 2019
at 03:49
  • msg #45

Re: Living Extraordinarily

Telemachus nodded his head and took out the logbook, ”I’ll note it in the log so it’s ‘official’...write a simple charter that just covers the division of shares and thus property of the crew of...” he paused for a moment since he hadn’t seen a name and thus let his memory pull a name out for him, “the Ananke.  Yes, I think that will work for her name quite well.  Once it’s written up we each can sign it and it’ll cover for very loose legality issues. In the off case some lawman comes asking.”
player, 146 posts
HP : 8/10
Thu 20 Jun 2019
at 14:03
  • msg #46

Re: Living Extraordinarily

"I can stay and guard the boat while the first group goes in to trade," Dak volunteered, scratching what passed for his mark into the logbook.  He had yet to realize how much his share was worth compared to what his family would make in a few years.

"If no one else wants to find a place to drop off Klei, I'll take care of it when it's my turn, just someone don't take too long before he wakes up."

He tried to see if the sword had a belt or something to wear it properly.  He wanted to look as intimidating as possible to would-be troublemakers as he guarded the boat.
player, 135 posts
Thu 20 Jun 2019
at 18:17
  • msg #47

Re: Living Extraordinarily

"Actually, I think I can fit into that set of armor. It may require some adjustments. I'll take it to town, see if I can get it to fit."
player, 113 posts
Thu 20 Jun 2019
at 21:36
  • msg #48

Re: Living Extraordinarily

Panatix stretches again and starts going over in his head the things he needs and some that he wants to purchase. A bath, clean clothes, a meal and drink figure prominently on that list.

Looking from Telemachus to Dak, "This looks to be a pretty safe little town but there should probably be two of us on the boat at a time. I will stay with you and go in when some of the others get back. Besides, that will give me some time to study my spellbook."
Koga na'Kana
player, 94 posts
Fri 21 Jun 2019
at 00:42
  • msg #49

Re: Living Extraordinarily

"I would go home, and see my family," said Koga.  "But I will take a share of this coin for passage.  Perhaps, someday, our paths may cross again."

He bent down to take his stack from the first chest.  "This is more than enough for me, you needn't count it all out, Panatix."
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