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16:05, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Story so far...

Posted by FroggychumFor group 0
GM, 3 posts
Fri 27 Sep 2019
at 21:01
  • msg #1

Story so far...

Chapter Zero

OOC: Our story takes place in modern day new york city during summertime. Your characters can be from anywhere you like however. I'll let players make their own plots if they like, but if things get stale, I will step in with some foes for people to face. And remember, interaction is key <3

Chapter One: Neito Lands in New York

 - Neito, a high school student from Michigan, lands down in New York City, coming to visit the Empire State Building during his summer break.

 - Neito saves an old man from being beat up by a stand user

 - Neito drifts off to the sound of the news anchor giving him a clue he cant quite remember.

Chapter Two: Money Troubles

 - Neito decides not to follow a woman and her child with likely connections to stand users, and instead tries to get a job so he can pay expenses and investigate the fear in the city. He obtains the job by using big words.

 - Neito goes to central park and challenges a man to a singoff for some reason. He loses and suspects stand interference. the man gives him some money from pity.

 - Looking for somewhere to squat until he has enough money to pay to live somewhere, Neito comes across an abandoned building. He notices a putrid smell and weird prints and goes down the stairs to investigate.

Chapter Three: Basement-Dwelling Horrors

 - Neito comes across some monstrous little creatures.

 - Neito, after much struggle, manages to begin the taming process of the tiny monstrosities, which were clearly made by a stand user.

 - Neito arrives at a shower without a backpack because it was stolen by the little cretins. He enters the shower. But, when he exits, his things have been stolen.

Chapter Four: Blood Red Sandman

 - Uladzislau wakes up in an alley in New York that reeks of rotten fish. He lacks some memories. Realizing what has happened to his body, he assumes he is in a dream.

 - Uladzislau heals a man with possessed veins by beating him up.

 - Uladzislau goes to get some food but approaches a man who is watching him suspiciously, entering his first stand encounter. He is attacked, and his face is burnt terribly by boiling coffee.

Chapter Five: Blue Suede Shoes

 - Uladzislau gets into a fight with the man before tiring himself out. This causes a hysteria. The man reveals what has happened to him and that he is a stand user. Uladzislau realizes he is not dreaming.
 - The two men begin their escape after Miguel tells him that they will be sought after. They arrive at a facility which specializes in making people go away. They are seated next to an elderly couple.
 - The elderly couple turn out to be working for a stand user in the scary group of the city. They have a fight and then Uladzislau is dragged away and Miguel cannot find him.

Chapter Six: The Brat Boy

 - Neito follows the boy who stole his clothes outside
 - The boy begins to freak out and forms a crowd, including someone he has 'pranked' before. Neito was going to forgive the boy, showing that he believes all people have good in them, and wants to know why the boy needs his clothes
 - The boy begins to freak out because of the situation and throws a tantrum. The boy's stand does some stuff and people begin to sink into the concrete!

Chapter Seven: Captured!

 - Uladzislau wakes up in an interrogation room, a few people talk to him and he gets some food before heading out.
 - Uladzislau is driven to another area by some people with a bag over his head
 - Uladzislau is seated and unmasked. A eerie man who is probably a stand user tells him that he will soon begin nonviolent reeducation. He is told not to attempt to leave, even though the room is unguarded.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:24, Sun 20 Oct 2019.
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