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Character creation for Hamon Users.

Posted by FroggychumFor group 0
GM, 132 posts
Wed 30 Oct 2019
at 19:09
  • msg #1

Character creation for Hamon Users


Your character must have a through-line for the ‘theme’ of it’s attacks (it can be pretty vague if needed to be). For example, your theme may be a color of some kind, or maybe an element, perhaps even a flavor or type of plant. Although they generally don’t change what the attacks do, they flavorfully work together and change the appearance of the attacks.

Hamon users have a visible aura when they are using controlled breathing techniques, aka powering up. This will be a generic visual example of your theme

Hamon can be familial, so you are free to come from a family of Ripple users. It is possibly you discovered it on your own, or were trained by someone you met by chance. You can even create a clan that you hail from, where you were taught by a Grandmaster!

There are four stages of Hamon user, Trainee, Apprentice, Master and Grandmaster.

Hamon users automatically have access to generic Hamon abilities (unnamed things like healing yourself, growing plants, etc) depending on their level. Your character will always start as a Trainee, even if they have been training for a long time. This means you can be new, or you can be struggling to figure it all out.

Hamon users are generally foreign. So no ancestral Americans. One of their parents could, however, be American. Your ancestry can be European, but not British. Also no Australians or Canadians.

This doesn't mean you can't be half of any of those nationalities, your family should just come from elsewhere in the world. There are not any Hamon clans in the USA. Pick a more urban place in another country.

Here’s a list of when you get certain (unnamed) abilities:

  • Trainee

    Lesser Heal (instantly cure minor wounds. Cannot cure much besides scrapes, and lost eyelashes)
    Lesser Antidote (cures weaker poisons and ailments such as food poisoning. You are immune to the common cold)
    Lesser Numbing (reduces pain by fifty percent)
    Injure Undead (2x damage against the undead, passive)
    Zoom Punch (yes this one is named. If you haven’t read the manga / watched the show, this allows you to dislocate your shoulder painlessly and attack someone outside of your normal reach with greater force)

  • Apprentice

    Heal (Quickly cure many wounds. Can cure broken bones, damaged muscle and skin, et cetera)
    Imbue Ripple (you can imbue an amount of ripple equal to a third of your total strength into an object and use it to fight. This works for nearly anything)
    Antidote (can cure most toxins and venoms, and gives you protection from most physical illnesses)
    Numbing (you don’t feel physical pain for a short time. I still may have some effects override this)
    Mutilate Undead (5x damage against the undead, passive. At minimum, does 2.5x damage, if they had any level of defenses.)

  • Master

    Regenerate (over the course of a few minutes, regrow a lost limb or organ)
    Ultra Antidote (Cure any ailment or illness except those of the mind or old age)
    Destroy Undead (almost instantly destroy the undead. May not work against bosses or important characters whom are strong)

  • Grandmaster

    Resurrection (Heal anyone of any injury as long as it hasn’t killed them for more than three minutes)
    Nigh Immortality (You age 3x slower than the average person of your race. A human could leave to be 375 years old this way, maximum.)

Every chapter or two, I will allow you to develop a new technique either related to your theme, or one that is useful in a specific situation (such as working only with a certain material for the desired effect). Both kinds of these techniques are to be named. Be creative or bust!

You cannot have the same technique as other characters or NPCs unless they personally teach it to you. If so, it still takes time to learn and you have to be no weaker than one stage under them. For example, a Trainee cannot learn a Master’s techniques (unless they learned them before they became Masters).

You will have a constant Ripple strength, this can be increased in numerous ways and maybe others if the story asks for it. Each time you rank up, you add 50. Being taught a technique from someone in a higher rank than you adds 20 and having someone’s ripple transferred over to you adds that much divided by two. Going through a horrible tragedy and coming out stronger adds somewhere in a range of 30 to 60, depending on how life-altering the event was, up to my discretion. If you come out weaker, you don’t gain any ripple strength. Ripple strength is important sometimes, maybe.

You also get a special attack! It should have a cool name and be the epitome of your theme, it’s not allowed to be one that is useful in specific circumstances and rather just one that is good attack. It will grow in power along with your ripple strength, being the only scaling move in terms of power.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:10, Wed 30 Oct 2019.
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