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Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

Posted by GuideFor group 0
GM, 41 posts
Mon 13 Jan 2020
at 09:14
  • msg #1

Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

Surf music plays as the episode starts. We see people in swimwear laying on blankets and towels. Some of them walk by with hands full of hot-dogs to bring to the rest of their buddies who are already lying down. The tekst appears on the bottom of the screen, as if it is being typed in live. TIKI HAWAII, PARTY CENTRAL.

The camera cuts to the storm-surfers, where some dudes are kite-surfing the eye of the constant storm on Tiki Hawaii. They are totally radical! Other youths are looking at them admiringly and drones seem to be flying around, filming the entire situation. We now see that the people lying on blankets don't lie on a beach, but on top of a giant Easter Island type head that sticks straight out of the water. There are multiple of these. The camera pans down, down, down to the eye of this head-island in which we see flashing lights and moving shadows. The surfing theme changes to the same song, but a EDM version of it.

Here we find our protagonists. This party has been going for a while. It's needed to power the Party Drive of the Party Patrol which is about to set out to bring the party to the universe!

How has your character been participating in the party? What skill would they most likely have used for it? Describe it and roll for it!
The Ricepudding
player, 21 posts
Fri 24 Jan 2020
at 11:46
  • msg #2

Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

The Ricepudding had not been long on the Party Plant.  Well the true be known he not be long in the universe at all.

The sentient Ricepudding was still getting to grips with life.
He drifts into the bar area and tries to talk to anybody that willing to talk to him.
He spend most of the time listening to what others have to say.
The Ricepudding is not sure what to say himself.  Speak is to him a new concept.  But then anything to the create is new concept.  A lot of the time he listening to lot non-cent he does not understand.  He did however develop the ability to say Yes and No in right places which seemed to make other people happy.  This The Ricepudding thought was good.
When he does get chance to speak he ask about his sister.  If they have seen her?
He explains she is large book of A4 writing which most people find hard to understand.  A lot of number it and long words.  That she can communicate by thought.
He explain how beautiful the number patterns she communicates is.
Sometime he tries to recall these patterns to help person know if right A4 book.
Often at this point people say they need WC and leave The Ricepudding to his next victim.

Finally he found the dance floor.  This was where The Ricepudding tried to put a great deal of effort into learning to dance.
Dancing was new to the creature and something that looked fun.
The Ricepudding tries to move his body in waves in line with the music.  Pulsing to the rhythm of the beat.  As his body more fluid than most he able to make waves go up and down his body in time with the music.  It looked great and people found it fascinating.  However the effort to do this The Ricepudding found very trying.

11:18, Today: The Ricepudding rolled 7 using 1d20.  Conect to learn more about the party people.
11:16, Today: The Ricepudding rolled 2 using 1d20.  Expert Ricepudding on the dance floor.
Well if I going to fail this is the time to do it.

This message was last edited by the player at 11:46, Fri 24 Jan 2020.
Captain Ron
player, 9 posts
Fri 24 Jan 2020
at 19:53
  • msg #3

Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

Captain Ron is on stage, Belting out some tunes and MC'ing Party Central(TM). "Let's see those hands wave and feet move, party people!" He shouts into the mic as the band leader goes flying off into a guitar solo. "Let's get those batteries charged, let's bring the word of the party far and WIDE!" He leaps off the stage and does a high kick before landing on the ground and picking the song back up, his voice pouring out of the speakers and over the gathered crowd. He dances among the crowd as he sings, sharing the mic with those who know the words in beautiful harmony as he moves among them.

"C'mon boys and girls, SING THE HOOK WITH ME!"


14:45, Today: Captain Ron rolled 16 using 1d20+1.  Persuade - Have a Good Time.

14:45, Today: Captain Ron rolled 8 using 1d20.  Art - Singing.
GM, 45 posts
Sat 25 Jan 2020
at 10:34
  • msg #4

Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

The Ricepudding was in fact able to communicate passably well with people. He learned that if they asked "Are you here to party?", they would be happy with "Yes" and unhappy with "No" as an answer. Unfortunately, it did not help him get any clues about his sister. One time he thought he had a clue, but it was another A4 sized book, about another topic entirely. It was "A deep analysis into the dreams of cats and how they relate to human happiness." That wasn't his sister's name! No. But in general, things went okay, and people weren't afraid or repulsed by him. Yes. That was a good thing. (6 is a success for an easy task, but not for anything more.)

On the dance floor things didn't go as smoothly though. It wasn't that he was bad at dancing per se, but that people kept slipping on the pools of goop he left behind everywhere. This seemed to make them upset. They asked what he was doing. He found that "Yes" wasn't a desirable answer to that question, but neither was "No." Quite a dilemma. At least people were happy when he left the dance floor and a MOPTRON-7 came to mop up his residue. (2 is failure, completely and utterly. Sorry! At least it could set up some story beats to follow through!)

They were quickly distracted again as well as Captain Ron made quite a show singing and letting the people sing along. It was almost like Karaoke, as all the slightly out of tune singing brought a nice atmosphere. That with his hyping up the crowd filled up the batteries nice and quick, so quick in fact that he set a record. Never in the history of the Party Patrol was a Ship fueled with Party Energy this quick! Captain Ron oozes charisma tonight, but MOPTRON-7 didn't have to come to clean it up. The people actually liked it!
(The singing beats an easy task difficulty number, while your result for persuade is 14+ the best you can do! It's Epic! Well done!)

You both got reputations on Tiki Hawaii! One is bad, the other is good. I'm gonna start up a secret reputation tracker!

After this party we will leave and start the story off completely. This is the introductory bit of the movie. This is how the viewers see you. Are there any other things you want to "show the audience" or try to do before lift off? Otherwise I can set you off on the journey into space!

Captain Ron
player, 11 posts
Sat 25 Jan 2020
at 16:49
  • msg #5

Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

Captain Ron's got everybody singing along by the end of the song, leading a parade of partygoers like the pied piper all the way to the entrance of the party patrol's space ship. "All right, party people! We'd love to keep this party going til the sun burns out, but we've got places to go, people to meet, livers to pickle!" He turns to his crew mate and whispers(maybe rice-pudding, maybe there's somebody else on the crew, like a first mate?) "Rule #1: Always leave 'em wanting more." and winks before stepping onto the boarding ramp and riding its retraction back into the ship, arm outstretched in a long farewell wave.
The Ricepudding
player, 23 posts
Sat 25 Jan 2020
at 20:01
  • msg #6

Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

I have taken a few of a liberties with the below post.  Deciding the actions of NPC's (as a player I do not normally do this).  However as this is the start and the background to this game.  With it being the party, I hope the GM does not mind.  This just sets up The Ricepudding ability to heal so well and reflects the roll I made.  If you are not happy or want to change anything please do. I will not mind.

The poor Ricepudding, his first interaction with a large number of creatures just did not seem to go well.  He learn the uses of the words 'Yes' and 'No' this was good lesson.  However he was no closer to finding his sister.  What was worse is that it seems when he exerted himself and it goes wrong he left slippy Ricepudding all over the place.  Nobody likes slippy Ricepudding it seems.

The creature left the large crowds and walked around the edges of the party.  It was at this point that normal party thing happened.  A VIP had to much to drink.  Wobbling all over the place and making quite a commotion in small area out the way.  It was then it happened.  The guy took a nose dive and hit the side of the bar.  Bouncing of the bar and onto the floor, he ended up with a cut on his head and blood running out of his nose.
His girlfriend rushed to his side.
Oh no, your bleeding. she cried.  She turned to the others around her Can anybody help. She asked.
All looked not knowing what to do.  Anybody a doctor. Someone shouted.

The Ricepudding looked at the man who was only a few feet away.  He did not know what a Doctor was but he wanted to help.  Wanted to do something.
By instinct the Ricepudding out stretched a hand and put it on the mans head.  Wet gooey Ricepudding slipped from his fingers.  The goo flowed towards the wound on the mans forehead.  The goo slipped into the wound.

The girl look up at the Ricepudding in horror.  What was this mad creature doing.
It will be alright.  The Ricepudding told the girl.
The Ricepudding goo slides into the mans wounds and sealed it up disappearing inside him.  Next the blood coming from the man's nose turned into more ricepudding goo for a moment then stopped.  The Ricepudding lifted his hand and the goo returned to him.  Much to everybody surprise The man was healed.
The Ricepudding smiled hopefully at the girl and the man.

19:30, Today: The Ricepudding rolled 17 using 1d20+1.  Psychic Healing.

This message was last edited by the player at 20:26, Sat 25 Jan 2020.
GM, 50 posts
Sun 26 Jan 2020
at 16:46
  • msg #7

Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

The crew member nods enthusiastically and with starry eyes as Captain Ron teaches him the rules of being awesome!
The people will remember The Ricepudding healing one of them! (your reputation has been adjusted! That good roll came in handy after all))

And just like that, the Party Patrol leaves for their first adventure! How exciting! They have been loaded up with party gear and trading supplies to bring the party to the people. (I will stat up the Party Patrol somewhere this week)

Now the question is where you want to go to. These are the options:

1. In this system itself there is Tiki Yumyum and the two gas-mining space stations that could use a visit.
• On a planet like Tiki Yumyum there would be lots of opportunities for parties, as the people know Party Central and the Party Patrols! There are lots of opportunities for Weddings, Bar-Mitzvahs and other general types of parties. The space-stations would also appreciate some foodstuffs brought over from Tiki Yumyum, so stocking up on things there might prove fruitful if you're visiting the Space-Stations.
• The space-stations are gas-mining stations. The Big Party on Party Central has asked any who come close to take a look there and see if there's a problem, since the last batch of Neon Lights hasn't arrived yet.

2. Outside of the system you can jump to two other systems from here:
• Goreal: A system where the main planet is a non-spacefaring civilization that thrives on the ruined ecosystem their predecessors left. Buying some of their plastic eating organisms could be a valuable investment! There are also a lot of ruins over there from said previous civilization.
• Sibylen: A system with a robot-world. Getting robots to party might be a giant boost to your reputation, but also, computers are good at searching things, robots will probably be too. If there's someone you're trying to find, this might be a place to get some clues!

The question is though: Where do you go now?
Captain Ron
player, 12 posts
Mon 27 Jan 2020
at 11:47
  • msg #8

Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

"Officer Ricepudding, it is quite nice to have you aboard!" Captain Ron is still riding the party wave from Tiki Hawaii. "Please do tske care to keep your goop out of the goop free zone." He points to a half dollar sized circle in the corner of the bridge labeled "goop-free" "It would be truly disasterous to goop there. We've got a whole beautiful universe in front of us my friend. I hear tell there's some profitable plastic parties to be had on the planet Goreal. What say you? It's like my old mentor Ultra Captain Prawn used to say, we gotta 'keep it real!'"
The Ricepudding
player, 27 posts
Thu 30 Jan 2020
at 12:39
  • msg #9

Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

The Ricepudding walked slowly into the ship.
He was confused.
It seems the universe was ready and prepared for The Ricepudding.
However The Ricepudding was not prepared for it.

Office Ricepudding reporting for duty.  He answered.
Yes, Yes I understand, Yes, Yes it is, I did not know, Yes, Yes keep things  real is good.
Was his answer to Captain Ron set of questions.

More by instinct than real knowledge The Ricepudding found himself at his station.
Also more by instinct than knowledge he went thought his personal log.

It seemed he been in Party Space Core for some 4 years.
Even more surprising it seems The Ricepudding was 21 years old.  Which was only half the answer.
Slowly but steady moving up the ranks and gaining experience.
Most of his work had been on the party planet it's self.
But once or twice he left usually on medical missions.
It seem that he even worked alongside the Great Captain Ron a few times.

This was all very very strange and disturbing.
As far as The Ricepudding could count he came into existence some 37 days ago.

It seems the universe had set things up to except The Ricepudding with open arms.
That his coming into existence 1 month ago was not just a blip in the universe but massive ripple.
How fare this ripple went The Ricepudding could only guess.
The universe had embrace The Ricepudding and The Ricepudding was not sure he was ready to in brace the universe.

If this mean anything, this sort of an off shoot of the Universe was created last Thursday.  (Last Thursdayism theory).
In this case the universe readjusted thing to slot The Ricepudding and his sister in so nobody notice what just happened.

This message was last edited by the player at 12:45, Thu 30 Jan 2020.
Captain Ron
player, 15 posts
Sat 1 Feb 2020
at 13:08
  • msg #10

Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

Captain Ron points to the helmsman. "Set course for Goreal for real! Hit it!"
The Ricepudding
player, 31 posts
Sat 1 Feb 2020
at 13:53
  • msg #11

Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

The Ricepudding looks up at Captain Ron a with worried look.

Would not hitting the Plant Goreal destroy this ship and all that in her?
This message was last edited by the player at 14:42, Sat 01 Feb 2020.
Captain Ron
player, 17 posts
Sun 2 Feb 2020
at 13:47
  • msg #12

Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

"Well you see, Officer rice pudding. In this case the 'it' to which we refer is the motha%*$&in' throttle!" He spins in place and comes out of it in a deep lunge, both arms pointing straight to the enormous lever labeled "throttle" that sits next to the helmsman. "Pronouns are one of the most mysterious and powerful mysteries of this wrinkle in the omniverse, officer Ricepudding. Untangling their mysteries is a job for philosophers and wordsmiths! Worry not, for me and the helmsman are vibin' on the same party patrol wavelength! Miscommunication is a thing of the past!"
GM, 57 posts
Wed 5 Feb 2020
at 13:43
  • msg #13

Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

WITH COLOURFUL STOBE-ING AND DISCO LIGHTS the ship jumps through warp space until it reaches the Goreal system. (since none of the player characters are piloting I’m going to ignore the piloting rolls and just say you end up there)

What is here is Goreal Alpha, Refueling Station Mendota 6 and Research Station Plasteat.
The onboard computer has information for you on all of these. You also have received a few incoming Space-Mail to read if you want.
The Ricepudding
player, 35 posts
Wed 5 Feb 2020
at 18:47
  • msg #14

Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

Being methodical which is what his sister had taught him The Ricepudding reads the Space-Mail carefully.
GM, 58 posts
Wed 5 Feb 2020
at 19:16
  • msg #15

Re: Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

The Ricepudding:
Being methodical which is what his sister had taught him The Ricepudding reads the Space-Mail carefully.

Why don’t you roll Notice for that. I like the connection with your sister. Success will be gradual, but to find anything related to finding your sister, you will to at least have to beat a 10. It’s a hard one, but then again, it’s a stretch.
The Ricepudding
player, 36 posts
Wed 5 Feb 2020
at 19:42
  • msg #16

Re: Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

19:40, Today: The Ricepudding rolled 2 using 2d12-1.  Notice Check (a still on my to gain list).

+2 if wisdom is state?

This message was last edited by the player at 20:22, Wed 05 Feb 2020.
GM, 59 posts
Wed 5 Feb 2020
at 19:54
  • msg #17

Re: Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

There are a lot of ads in the mail. About enlarging various body parts ... like hair. Seems like some people lose it after a while but want it back.

There’s adds for different diners, promotic “the best plastic” or “Petroleum Smoked Meats” and “High Grade Drinking Oil, all a kid needs!”
There seems to be some diners and other convenience stores in the refueling station, which would mean that you wouldn’t need to go into atmosphere. It even has an add for “Out Of System Cuisine”

((Feel free to be creative with this if you want to. The weird thing over here seems to be the food, but you might also find ads for gas-masks at the refueling station))

Captain Ron, are you someone who reads the mail or do you not bother with that stuff? If you bother, roll notice, if you don’t, do nothing, if you let the crew do it, roll command.
The Ricepudding
player, 37 posts
Fri 7 Feb 2020
at 19:19
  • msg #18

Re: Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

The Ricepudding looks up the medical facility of the Refueling Station Mendota 6 and Research Station Plasteat.

He turns to Captain Ron.
Are we looking to set up a party here or are we moving on?
Captain Ron
player, 19 posts
Sat 8 Feb 2020
at 00:03
  • msg #19

Re: Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

"Read 'em off, comms officer!" Captain Ron points to the mailbox and holds a hand to his ear.

19:02, Today: Captain Ron rolled 12 using 2d6.  Command.
GM, 61 posts
Sat 8 Feb 2020
at 21:40
  • msg #20

Re: Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

The comms officer, wearing dope, neon coloured headphones, salutes (which in the party patrol is a “dab”) and presses a button on his comms panel, which starts a beat. He then starts rapping the mail. (the following is a summary. If I had had more time I would’ve written out some silly ads. Apparently getting married is a time consuming thing!)

There are advertisements mainly. All apparently recycled waisted cuisine, biological waste processing and body modification treatments to survive the normally hostile atmosphere of pollution on the planet. There are also corporations hiring people and cruises and other touristic tours and attractions on Goreal.

The mail from the refueling station is mainly the price for fuel, which you don’t need, since your ship travels on Party Energy. There’s also shops and docked ships that trade non waste produced materials, like regular food (including junk food, but not literally junk food) and suits and masks to survive the hostile environment. (your ship has these provided as well, though there might be specialised suits that only get made in this system if you’re lucky.

Between all this, though, you find a message that seems to be a cry for help. It seems like there’s a spaceship that’s stranded without any fuel left. They were going towards a research station in this system. They need help.

The comms officer stops rapping, turns of the beat and crosses his arms to end in the official end of message pose.

What do you do?
Captain Ron
player, 20 posts
Sun 9 Feb 2020
at 02:01
  • msg #21

Re: Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

"First Officer Ricepudding, there's a whole ship of people in need. Do you know what the one thing people in need never have, Officer Ricepudding? PARTY. There's no spice in life like hunger and there's no greater party soundtrack than the relief of unparty, and being stranded in space is CLASSIC unparty."

Captain Ron points to a wall of the bridge randomly, but with extreme confidence that he's pointing straight at the source of the signal, "What say you?"
The Ricepudding
player, 40 posts
Sun 9 Feb 2020
at 11:38
  • msg #22

Re: Episode One: Let's Get This Party Started!

The Ricepudding looks at Captain Ron for a moment.
It is are, (pause) mission to (pause), Unparty the Unparty.
The Ricepudding smiles to himself.
That a double negative to make a positive.  My sister would be proud of me.

So me need to head in that direction with a positive party mood to help the people so they can party?

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