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08:46, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Reindeer Four.

Posted by Darkside TrooperFor group archive 6
Darkside Trooper
GM, 1071 posts
Wed 19 Feb 2020
at 23:14
  • msg #1

Reindeer Four

Reindeer Four (Pak) engages the Green and White colored Command Pod. As he fires both his GU-11’s, the alien mecha’s top side gun appears to misfire and turns to slag. The alien mecha evades both bursts of cannon fire and fires some sort of cannon from hits arms at Pak as he engages his FLIR. The FLIR’s thermals shows where the pilot of Command Pod is sitting within his mecha. Pak doesn’t get much time to register this as his veritech takes the full brunt of the enemy cannon fire.

Pak hears numerous alarms and going off within the cockpit of his veritech as it is plummeted by a lot of (what can only be) some kind of large cannon rounds. Everything happens so fast that he doesn't register the veritech being blown apart.

Knowing that what is happening is bad, Pak begins to reach up and grab the ejection handles above his head but this is interrupted by the cockpit canopy exploding into many shard of glass. Sensing a rapid decrease in cabin pressure the cockpit blast shield automatically closes up. Pak's left arm is horribly wrenched forward, and feels like he is being yanked out of the harness securing him to the ejection seat.

Dazed for a second (or two? or three?) and feeling that the cockpit is beginning to spin Pak sees a gloved left hand floating in the cockpit.

He then realizes this is his left hand as the jagged stump of his left arm instinctively tries to grab the floating hand....

OOC: Yes you have an IFAK (Individual First Aid kit), located on the left side of your space survival vest, and it DOES have not one but two self-applicating tourniquets.
Gun Ho Pak
UN SPACY, 128 posts
Lieutenant/OF-2 UN SPACY
Thu 20 Feb 2020
at 01:07
  • msg #2

Reindeer Four

In reply to Darkside Trooper (msg # 1):

"Fuuuuuuuucccckkkkk!!!!" The world exploded into glass, blood and instantly, pain, fighting the effects of shock. He grabbed at his arm in a blur and tried to put it back on. As that didn't work, his mind fought off unconsciousness. First aid. Save your life...

He grabbed the IFK from his survival harness and tried ripping it open, realizing there was no left hand to help. He screamed as he fumbled in frustration before he got it open and produced one of the automatic tourniquets. He turned on his flashlight in the harness before trying to apply the thing, glad it was automatic.

Next, he grabbed the morphine, jabbed it in his left thigh and injected, as pain suddenly vanished. He felt gooooood...

Next, he needed help, which was unlikely to come in the heat of battle. That guy in the double-derringer was damn good. Really damn good. Still, if the SDF-1 survived, he would need a rescue. He quickly activated the distress beacon and engaged his emergency radio fumbling again with only one hand to use.

"Mayday, mayday mayday. Reindeer five is splashed with casualty. Fighter is tits up.  Nothing urgent, though. Triage me as minor. Distress beacon transmitting five by five... Hey Skipper, get that cheesedick for me, will ya? I've got two Golf-Uniform One Ones that went down with my fighter, one with 8 short bursts left and the other with 13 in the drum..." It seemed comical in his Korean accent, talking like a salty American pilot.

Maybe I'll get them next time... If there is a next time.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:08, Thu 20 Feb 2020.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 1088 posts
Thu 5 Mar 2020
at 02:48
  • msg #3

Reindeer Four

Pak manages to get a tourniquet on what left of his arm and stops the bleeding. After getting out a mayday he hears no response.

Then the emergency lighting within the cockpit of Pak's veritech begins to slowly dim down to nothing. At least this is Pak's perspective as he passes out....
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