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Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 4 posts
Sat 2 May 2020
at 02:26
  • msg #1

Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

Year 1489 DR
Tyranny of Dragons: Hoard of the Dragon Queen: Chapter 0 Calm Before the Storm

Five days after the trouble at Grazly's farm our heroes find themselves at an outdoor table at the ale garden The Two Sisters, planning their next step, the cool of the morning still hanging in the air even now just before noon.

The town of Greenest is bustling about getting ready for the Greenest Fair, set to start in three days. Locals have made a banner and are stringing it across the street within view of the ale garden where our heroes sit. Merchants from miles around are coming to ply their wares, and Governor Nighthill has arranged for a traveling circus, Marvelous Mojango's Circus, to come by and set up for the event, they should be arriving any time now.

As the characters sit speaking among themselves a young human boy leads an older human gentleman to the table where our heroes sit.

"Here they are Mr. Carver" The young boy says to the older man letting his hand go.

It becomes evident that the man standing before you is either blind or mostly blind. He is probably in his sixties his eyes have a milky film to them, his hair is receding and what is left is now thinned and gray. His hands tremble slightly as he releases his grip on the boy.

"Thank you Tanner, please wait for me." He says before turning his attention back to the group. "My apologies to all of you I don't mean to interrupt your gathering, but I need your help." He says his voice beginning to grow less timid and more concerned. "I was told that you were the group who helped Mr. Grazly with his problem on his farm... My name is Algen Carver I am a butcher and smoker of meats here in town... My daughter Reyshanel was sent to Beregost to buy some supplies I use in my meat rubs, and on her way back she gave a lift to Mr. Tanner here." He says motioning to the small blond boy of no older than 11. "I know his father and Mr. Tanner rode with Reyshanel until she dropped him off at his house along the road three days ago. I had no idea anything was wrong until Mr. Tanner came up to me a few hours ago and told me that he wanted to thank Reyshanel for the ride home, it was then I know something had happened to my daughter between his house and town, it is only three hours by wagon to his house, and he claims she dropped him off three days ago... Please, I need your help, I have asked the guard but they are too busy with the fair to do anything now, they said 'She is a grown woman, maybe she is meeting a lover.' ... Bah, Something is wrong I tell you, this is not like my daughter, Something terrible has happened to her, either wild animals or bandits..." He pauses. "She is a beautiful young woman, who knows what would have happened to her... Please I am not a rich man, but what I have is yours, I will do anything you ask, just please help me find out what happened to my daughter, she is all I have left."
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:19, Wed 06 May 2020.
Sefira Irongut
player, 13 posts
Thu 7 May 2020
at 00:19
  • msg #2

Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

"You see Garrett, it's actually really simple.  If you hit the glass at just the right point on the top edge, it'll spin rather than topple.  Here watch.  Watch!" Sef exclaimed as an open hand shot out, digits aiming for the edge of the glass of milk she'd ordered rather than ale.  Oh that had gotten a funny look from the barmaid but Sef was used to it.  More importantly, her fingertips grazed the right side of the lip of the glass and did exactly what she'd promised it wouldn't.  The liquid vessel toppled, a thankfully half-empty glass pouring its contents out onto the wooden table they'd sat down at.  The barest hint of a spin sent the glass careening off to one side and Sef flattened her lips into a line to stop a smattering of obscenities from escaping into the air.  Her cheeks flushed, with embarrassment or annoyance it was hard to say, and she quickly stood up to retrieve a towel to clean up the mess.

Or she would have done so had a young boy and what appeared to be a wizened old grandfather hadn't interrupted her urgency.  Sef wordlessly thanked her good fortune that the man couldn't see the mess she made.  And then immediately cursed herself for being happy for anyone's disability.  She sat back down backwards into her seat, listening to the old man tell his tale with a curious tilt of her head and a light tapping of a finger against the hardwood back of the chair.  Sef's eyes looked over her shoulder for a moment, comparing the milky white mess she'd made with the man's eyes, but ultimately let the man take up her short attention.  The guard's opinion on the matter made enough sense to Sef.  Surely a woman, who was probably at least Sef's age judging by this man's years, would be all too willing to run off on a tryst with a man who suited her fancy.  Then again, Sef never had abandoned her elders.  Who was she to say this Reyshanel would?

"Just a thought.  She could have forgotten some supplies and turned back for them, yes?  I know I did that plenty with Master Torgen's grocery lists.  Though his chicken scratches never helped!  Is your writing adequate?"  Sef asked the questions but she didn't bother waiting for a response before continuing.  "Whatever, I will help you.  I cannot speak for my compatriots, I probably shouldn't speak for myself most days, but they're willing enough I'd wager.  'Spose it takes us three days to find her though.  Have some rations to share for us?  A bit of salted pork or some proper meat for a good stew would be appreciated."
Brock Fineanvil
player, 8 posts
Rogue (I make things)
Thu 7 May 2020
at 12:55
  • msg #3

Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

The upcoming Greenest Fair would prove to be full of entertainments. It was the kind of thing you spent the season looking forward to, or found yourself amazed that it was time for the Fair again so soon.

Brock found that he did not need to wait that long for entertainment. The hyper Sefira provided plenty of it all on her own. He laughed a little when the glass went on over instead of just spinning around. "We'll get this cleaned up and then I want to try!" He had no training at hitting glasses but he was good with his hands.

Before he could try it out, amusements went right out the door. "Mr Carver here is well known for his work in town, and if you haven't had his brisket yet, you're just not living right in this town of ours. You're worried about her and she's been gone for days, that's good enough for me to pitch in and help."

He looked puzzled at Sefria's concern over this taking days to find someone who should be hours away. But he let that go. "Hey there Mr. Tanner, I'm Brock, I work over at Fineanvils. Did you notice anything odd on the road that day, or did Rayshanel say anything to you while you were traveling that sticks out to you? We're just trying to figure out what happened to her, so anything you remember might be a big help."
This message was last edited by the player at 14:06, Thu 07 May 2020.
Gregar Gergundi
player, 14 posts
Thu 7 May 2020
at 14:53
  • msg #4

Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

Gregar stared into his ale, an ominous and far off look in his eyes. Some horror played itself over and over again in those grey pools, and the man clearly had heavy thoughts on his mind despite the festive preparations going on around him.

He looked at his newfound acquaintances. Time would tell if they would become friends, but for now, he tried to assess each one. They were certainly an interesting collection of individuals.

Gregar wondered what the angle was. Tanner, the boy, certainly had no agenda here, though he was likely to be a dupe at his young age. But Carver... why had he waited so long to seek out his daughter?

"Peace be upon you, sir," Gregar said. "Though you suffer, your pain brings you closer to divinity, so do not despair for you are blessed."
player, 11 posts
Haunted by many things
War. My past. My choices
Thu 7 May 2020
at 20:17
  • msg #5

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

Garrett wasn't drunk...yet. He hadn't had time enough to drink that much. And he was trying to pace himself. Who knew when more money would come his way? He took a small sip of his ale as he listened to Sefira talk and then fail at showing him what she was attempting. He smiled a little at her. "Oh, next time, I'm sure you'll get it." There was amusement in his tone, as he was teasing her, but also confidence that she would do just that.

Then a job walked right up to them and spoke. The more Garrett listened the less content and happy he looked, and the more a frown slid on to his face. Sefira was quick to jump in, so Garrett let out a small sigh and nodded. "Yeah, alright. I'll help look for her." Truth be told, he'd have likely done it anyway.
Nashford Goldfoot
player, 3 posts
Thu 7 May 2020
at 22:02
  • msg #6

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

  Nashford tilts his head and smirks at the outcome of the milk trick before raising his arms up and then out in arcane pageantry. "And magic! " He then begins to prestidigitate the table clean and addresses the table without diverting his attention from task.

 "White must be our lucky color today. Beregost has some of the most entertaining venues on the coast. Lost a lot of money there as a matter of fact. Surely it would be easy enough to find this meat gentleman's daughter at one and then take in a few of the sights before swinging back around in time for the festival? I think this sounds like an opportunity well worth our effort.  "
Dungeon Master
GM, 28 posts
Thu 7 May 2020
at 23:02
  • msg #7

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

Mr. Carver nods in agreement with the request made of meats. "Certainly! Take what ever meat that you feel you need. I am in your debt, I will take you to my market, I simply ask that you all make haste; who knows what has befallen her, she could be bleeding in a ditch somewhere..." He trails off working himself up before he snaps back calming himself. "I do not write anything anymore ma'am my eye site is too bad, I can only make out shapes now. 'Sides Reyshanel has never needed a list before, it is always the same ingredients. Sometimes she takes a few days longer than others but never has she dropped Mr. Tanner off and gone all the way back to Beregost, no something just isn't right."

At Gregar's comment about being blessed he perks up. "Are you a cleric sir? If so, please pray for my daughter, perhaps the gods will listen your prayers more than a simple butchers."

Tanner stands to the side watching the group somewhat confused as a child out of his depth while the grownups are talking, but once he is addressed he steps forward. "No sir, I was at my mother's house, she lives in Beregost, my father dropped me off, and my mom noticed Reyshanel while she was getting ready to bring me to my father's house, and asked if Reyshanel would bring me home to my father. She agreed and we spent two days riding from there to my home, we sang some songs, played a few games of eye spy, and I read my book, nothing seemed wrong.

It was fun seeing the circus animals as we passed them though, I can't wait to see the manticore! But I am worried about Reyshanel, you're going to help her right?"

O.O.C.You may make any town purchases you need and are welcome to trail rations from Mr. Carver. Feel free to ask these characters anything more you wish to know and or role-play all you want.
Brock Fineanvil
player, 10 posts
Rogue (I make things)
Fri 8 May 2020
at 11:38
  • msg #8

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

"We are going to help, don't you worry about it. But thanks for your help too!" It had been a long shot that he'd remember anything helpful but asking never hurt.

Nashford went on about this other city, Beregost. "I don't think we're actually needing to go that far. Mr Tanner's house here is in between here and there. No need to go all the way out when she went missing in between."

"Sounds like everyone is in. We've got plenty of daylight. If everyone gathers their things and we meet back here, we could start on this pretty much right away."
Nashford Goldfoot
player, 4 posts
Fri 8 May 2020
at 21:41
  • msg #9

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

  Momentarily dejected to see the potential road trip halted so easily, Nashford wills himself back to traditional halfling pluckiness with a wink and a smirk. "I'm sure that there is a lot less going on here than is warranted for all this seriousness. Let's keep an optimistic outlook on this one. I'm sure that we'll find Miss Carver without too much Scandal and make an effortless return to greenest by the end of the day. I'd bet on it.

He then stands to overlook his work on the table. "Did anyone get any milk on their clothing? It would probably be best to get it out before it starts to smell.
Brock Fineanvil
player, 11 posts
Rogue (I make things)
Fri 8 May 2020
at 23:31
  • msg #10

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

"Mr. Carver, one more thing." It was a complete mystery. There was no way to tell ahead of time what they needed to know. "It is tough to know what we need to know to solve the mystery. If you don't mind, can we see Rayshanel's room. If there's any obvious hint or clue, it'd help to see it before we leave to find her."

OOC: Oh, I'm not very convincing, 4 on the roll

19:30, Today: Brock Fineanvil rolled 4 using 1d20+2.  Persuasion.

Gregar Gergundi
player, 15 posts
Sat 9 May 2020
at 00:16
  • msg #11

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

”What my colleague is getting at, Mr. Carver, is that we would like to be as armed as possible with knowledge of any potential finds. Mayhaps your daughter left a clue or something that might indicate what we should be looking for out on the road. Seeing her personal effects could help.”

19:14, Today: Gregar Gergundi rolled 12 using 1d20.  Persuasion +4 = 16

”Regardless, we should get on with it. We’re losing daylight as we speak.” Gregar sounded slightly annoyed, but was going along for the sake of the group.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:20, Sat 09 May 2020.
player, 12 posts
Haunted by many things
War. My past. My choices
Sat 9 May 2020
at 03:44
  • msg #12

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

Garrett shook his head at Sefira but then smiled and gave a small shrug. Apparently she had a good head for thinking outside the box as far as 'payments' might go. Could come in handy. He would almost feel bad taking some of the man's livelihood to help find his lost daughter but...would taking coin from a blind man feel any different?

Nashford lost track of the conversation, wanting to make a trip to Beregost apparently, and then two of his companions wanted to go look at the girl's room. He frowned and leaned back slightly. "What? Why would we waste time lookin' at her room? Shouldn't we just get a move on?"
Gregar Gergundi
player, 16 posts
Sat 9 May 2020
at 03:57
  • msg #13

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

”We’re not a large search party,” Gregar said, looking to Garrett. ”And we know not why the girl disappeared. It could be that she was merely abducted for no other reason than she was a pretty young girl. But perhaps something else was going on. Seeing her room could help us know what to look for.”
Dungeon Master
GM, 29 posts
Sat 9 May 2020
at 16:33
  • msg #14

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

Mr. Carver seems taken aback by Brock's request. "I don't see any reason for that, my daughter is not involved with anything that might get her hurt, she has grown up since her teenage years and has put that behind her now Mr. Fineanvil."

After the initial shock of the rude insinuation and Gregar's attempts to smooth things over, Mr. Carver relents. "I don't think you will find anything of interest at her house, but if you feel you must, and it might help save my daughter, then... I will allow it. I do not get around so well anymore, but young Mr. Tanner here can show you to her house and keep an eye on you while there, I trust him. I will guide those who wish to acquire some food for the road to my shop. I simply implore you all to make haste."
Brock Fineanvil
player, 12 posts
Rogue (I make things)
Mon 11 May 2020
at 11:40
  • msg #15

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

He wasn't trying to suggest that the man's daughter had done anything wrong but there was no point in throwing another log onto that fire. One of his new friends had managed to get what he'd been hoping for and that was enough.

"I imagine we can be gone within the hour." He commented for everyone involved. "We'll gather up our things, take a quick look at her house, and we can meet back here. We could possibly save even more time if we booked a carriage from here to there. We can't make it wait while we search, but we could just ride our way out."
Dungeon Master
GM, 33 posts
Mon 11 May 2020
at 23:39
  • msg #16

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

Young Tanner has led you through the town to Reyshanel's house. It is a two story building with a covered front porch and thatched roof.

As you approach the house Tanner leads you up the stairs to the front door and pulls at the handle which does not budge. "It's locked." He says with a shrug turning back to the group.
Gregar Gergundi
player, 18 posts
Mon 11 May 2020
at 23:43
  • msg #17

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

OOC: did carver give us a key?
Dungeon Master
GM, 34 posts
Mon 11 May 2020
at 23:54
  • msg #18

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

o.o.c. No he did not.
Gregar Gergundi
player, 19 posts
Tue 12 May 2020
at 02:53
  • msg #19

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

”Odd that Carver didn’t mention the door would be locked,” Gregar said suspiciously. ”I fear something nefarious is going on here. Can anyone get this door open?” Gregar looked to the others hopefully.

Pulling out his holy symbol, the priest closed his eyes and whispered a prayer in some strange language.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:56, Tue 12 May 2020.
Brock Fineanvil
player, 14 posts
Rogue (I make things)
Tue 12 May 2020
at 12:03
  • msg #20

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

"Now now, it may not be anything so bad as that." Brock turned his attention to looking around the front door area. Some folks kept a spare key in an easy to get to place, like in that nice plant on the stoop, or on the back of the rocking chair. So he looked around while he talked. "Could just be that Carver forgot about it, he's pretty worked up, and I don't blame him. Folks forget things when they're all out of sorts. I could tell you at least 3 stories of folks who called me in to work on a lock on a box and weeks after I got it open for them they come by and tell me where they finally found the key."

Brock pulled out a pouch kit full of small tools. "Now, since we have permission to go in the house from Carver, I don't see anything wrong with opening the door ourselves do you?" He pulled out some slim tools that looked as if they were made to go into locks without actually being the key.

"One of the side benefits of making locks is that you get pretty good at opening them up. And honestly, front doors with locks are really only to keep the nosy neighbor from just walking right on in."

08:04, Today: Brock Fineanvil rolled 19 using 1d20+6.  Lock Roll. That's assuming I didn't find a Spare Key laying around
This message was last edited by the player at 12:07, Tue 12 May 2020.
player, 14 posts
Haunted by many things
War. My past. My choices
Tue 12 May 2020
at 20:30
  • msg #21

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

Garrett frowned a bit. First, the door was locked. Now they were breaking in. He didn't even want to be here, going through a young woman's place without her consent or knowledge. He drew in a deep breath and let it out very slowly. He looked around to see if they were being noticed, wishing he were somewhere else.
Dungeon Master
GM, 35 posts
Tue 12 May 2020
at 22:40
  • msg #22

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 0 - Calm Before the Storm

The locked door opens with ease. The door opens to the main room of the first floor, which has two sitting chairs facing a fireplace a sealed trunk against a wall opposite the fireplace, and an area for preparing meals complete with it's own fireplace, and a small table and two wooden chairs for eating at. Along the same wall opposite the fireplace that has the trunk is a set of stairs leading up.

Tanner walks inside looking around a moment before turning back to look at the party; as if to ask 'what now?'
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