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22:27, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes.

Posted by DM PawnFor group archive 0
NPC, 2 posts
AC: 7 | HP: 8/8
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 02:41
  • msg #5

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

Grub flashes an exaggerated pouty face for a moment and goes back to humming a tune.
NPC, 2 posts
AC: 5 | HP: 26/26
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 02:44
  • msg #6

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

Laurenbeth walks up alongside Eoni and comments, "That's Murphy. You'll be glad of her when we make camp for the night. Not much chance of anything sneaking up on us with her on the job."

She laughs, then adds in a louder voice, "well, excepting the Essbeedees..."

This causes Rogar, Shmee, and Grub to laugh.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:45, Wed 29 July 2020.
Eoni Daflin
Player, 967 posts
Sister of Avandra
Dame of Brindol
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 02:50
  • msg #7

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

"What's an Esbeedy?" Dame Daflin asked, not having heard of one before.  It's possible they'd fought one before in the Wyrmsmoke without knowing it's name.

She was even more dubious of the ragamuffin dog knowing there was a creature impervious to it's perception.
NPC, 3 posts
AC: 5 | HP: 26/26
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 02:52
  • msg #8

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

Eoni Daflin:
"What's an Esbeedy?" Dame Daflin asked, not having heard of one before.  It's possible they'd fought one before in the Wyrmsmoke without knowing it's name.

She was even more dubious of the ragamuffin dog knowing there was a creature impervious to it's perception.

"You tell her Grub," Laurenbeth says through a smiling mouth.

More chuckles.
NPC, 3 posts
AC: 7 | HP: 8/8
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 03:04
  • msg #9

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

Grub sheepishly shuffles forward and whispers, "silent but deadly."

More laughter.

Shmee is heard to comment, "walked right into it, she did!"

Grub smiles, and shuffles back off toward the side of the road. Nearby, Murphy snatches a low-flying bug out of the air and seems pleased with herself.
Eoni Daflin
Player, 968 posts
Sister of Avandra
Dame of Brindol
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 03:09
  • msg #10

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

"I don't understand," she admitted in confusion.  "Silent but deadly what?  Is it a snake or leopard of some kind?"

And why were the others laughing?
Player, 70 posts
AC: 2 | HP: 33/33
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 03:28
  • msg #11

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

They are making a joke, Sister Eoni.  Clearly, they they do not understand the difficulty of the task ahead. Perhaps the dog will be useful, but that is to be seen.”  V had deep respect for Eoni for all they had been through.  He admired her leadership and had seen firsthand how instrumental she had been to his survival.   the mercenaries and new members had not yet shown their worth and seemed disrespectful and immature.
player, 18 posts
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 04:11
  • msg #12

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

"Should our food supplies run low, the dog will certainly prove useful," Elam added dryly. His face gave no clue as to if it was said in jest or if he was serious.
Ovo Goldenshield
player, 26 posts
Axe For Hire 6
AC 3 (1) HP 47/47
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 05:04
  • msg #13

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

Ovo had been oddly silent as the party forded the river and made their way down the Dawn Way. He listened to the banter of the other Mercenaries with a neutral expression. Ovo did not mind the dog. More useful than ten lords of Brindol, he thought. Of the all the troop, the dwarf had only fought alongside Dergan and Elam. He knew enough of Eoni and Varfax to trust their abilities, but these others were unknowns. Because of this fact, Ovo would watch these others much like the mangy hound was to do. If Laurenbeth had their watchdog, then so would Dame Eoni.

Once there was a lull in the conversation, Ovo approached the cleric of Avandra and cleared his throat "If I may have ah word Dame Daflin? How many healing potions did we procure in town? I have two wi' me n' I'd just as soon give them to ye. Tis best, we speak upon a few things as well. I am tough n' hard as the stone n' earth itself. I would be best used to that advantage. I will take the lead if ye'll give me that honor. That is why ye should hold them. If I fall, then ye would have wot's needed for the others. Ye understand... don't ye?"

Marching alongside the priestess, the dwarf certainly looked the warrior. He was wearing banded mail that had seen its use but also appeared well-tended. A solid but unadorned helm sat upon his head. A hand axe hung on his right hip and a silver dagger on his left. A backpack upon his shoulders and behind his back with a neatly fixed bedroll attached to the bottom. A double-headed war axe was held in his gnarled hands. Over his back was slung a golden shield with two dwarven runes in black inscribed upon it. His crossbow and quarrels would be placed on a mule if allowed.

After a pause and few more steps, Ovo looked Eoni in the eye "Does the goddess o' luck allow ye to wear armor then? Carry ah shield mayhaps?"
This message was last edited by the player at 05:24, Wed 29 July 2020.
Eoni Daflin
Player, 969 posts
Sister of Avandra
Dame of Brindol
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 15:00
  • msg #14

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

"I could carry a shield and wear something heavier than this," she replied to the dwarf as she held out her arms to display her long padded jacket.  It was obviously elven in design with many leaves and flowers woven into the heavy cloth.  "But I've always found we do more walking than fighting.  I'd fall behind if I were to carry anything heavier.

"And I do try to stay out of the way if there is a fight,"
she added before confiding,  "I don't even have a weapon if I did have to fight."  She seemed to be discounting the ornately carved oaken staff she carried.

"You're more than welcome to take the van if trouble arises," she continued.  "Just don't get too far ahead of the others.  Our goal isn't to see how badly we can be beat up, but how badly we can beat those that attack us.

"As to your draughts, I can carry them if you'd like, but I have three already as well as this staff,"
she said, drawing attention to what she considered not a weapon"If we are in deep trouble, though, it's often helpful if more than one person can administer aid to others in the group.

"Maybe you could ask Elam to carry one of them and you keep the last?"
she suggested.

[Private to Ovo Goldenshield: If you aren't doing it on purpose, please keep it up.  I think it would make a great character trait for Ovo to have difficulty with pronouncing names without realizing it, particularly elven ones.]
player, 17 posts
Fighter 6
HP's: 33/33 AC: 2
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 16:36
  • msg #15

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

Dergan smiles at the dog, he likes dogs, but trudges along, seemingly in good spirits. He doesn't own a lot and what he has, he is used to carrying.  He's glad though the mules have the tents, those looked unwieldy to have to haul on ones back..
Ovo Goldenshield
player, 27 posts
Axe For Hire 6
AC 3 (1) HP 47/47
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 19:31
  • msg #16

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

In reply to Eoni Daflin (msg # 14):

The dwarf smiled when the priestess commented on why she did not wear heavy armor or don a shield. It was a most reasonable explanation to his mind and usually sore feet. Yet, Ovo had other reasons for asking such. Although Moradin was the one most dwarfs called to, he had taken a liking to Avandra himself nowadays. Luck and chance aided a mercenary as much as good steel and a strong arm to wield it.

Ovo hitched his thumb over his shoulder "The shield I carry tis ah good one, Dame Daflin. When I'm swing'n me axe, I canna use it. I am strong, aye! Yet, this axe takes two hands it does. There may be ah time when I will use it but nay often. During battle then, I would offer it up to ye... me thanks to Avandra ye see. N' the best way to keep yer bonny head where it belongs."

The dwarf then chuckled "To badly beat others afore they can badly beat ye, is it? Ye have me thanks for simplify'n such for this dull-witted dwarf. Aye! I'll have to remember that 'un." Ovo said, still smiling with a merry wink. "Ne'er fear M'lady, I 'll nay stray too far nor be o'er taken wi' battle madness. Tis ah smart and lucky fighter that wins the day.

"As fer the healing draughts... aye, I'll give Elam one since he be the weakest n' keep the other. Yet, if ye have need o' it, just ask. Just in case some such beats ye ah little harder than ye can do wi' that pretty white stick o' yers." Ovo said as he called Elam over.
player, 19 posts
Wed 29 Jul 2020
at 19:57
  • msg #17

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

Elam was contemplating his choice to journey so far as the the time passed by. Preventing the destruction of one's homeland was a good enough reason for most, but for the warlock, his motives were based on his own self-interest more so than saving the kingdom. Surely if a lowly goblin has the power to ride a mighty dragon, there must be some sort of magic at play. That is what the mage was hoping to discover more than anything, but to do so would require companions, and those he now had are quite capable.

He heard the dwarf call out his name and picked up his pace to join Ovo and Eoni. The wizard was breathing heavy from the small trot and seemed to lean a bit more on his staff than usual. "Yes?"
Ovo Goldenshield
player, 28 posts
Axe For Hire 6
AC 3 (1) HP 47/47
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 01:04
  • msg #18

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

The dwarf gave the mage a nod "Ah Elam Mer*! I have ah gift for you. Once we stop upon our march I shall make sure ye have it. It is ah healing draught. I figure ye could use it more than me. I thank ye for buying that mule. Tis ah big help to us all. That n' know I shall do all to see ye safe there n' back."

*Mer= Friend in dwarvish.
Eoni Daflin
Player, 971 posts
Sister of Avandra
Dame of Brindol
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 02:14
  • msg #19

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

As Elam and Ovo talked, Eoni looked back at the mule she was leading and frowned.  As much as she liked supporting the merchants of Drellin's Ferry, she realized while packing up this morning that she may have been taken advantage of.  If there'd been more time she could have double checked what was delivered, but it was too late by the time she'd noticed.

They'd sold her the expensive bedrolls which she hadn't thought were worth the exorbitant cost, but they claimed it was all they had in stock.  Or what they called their deluxe lamp oil that was supposed to last twice as long.  And for some reason, she was sure she'd told them nine of each, but they'd sent and billed her for ten!

She'd just have to see if she'd really been sold the best equipment, or if the merchants thought there'd be nobody to complain after seeing them ride north.
DM Pawn
GM, 1164 posts
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 03:42
  • msg #20

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

The blazing, unrelentless sun marches across the sky as the expedition treks westward along the Dawn Way. The group largely spends their time in long periods of silence with nothing but the sound of footfalls on hot cobblestones worn smooth over the centuries. These lulls are punctuated by periods idle banter among the new companions. Already, some are forming opinions of the quality of the men and women who have signed up for this quest, but in truth, the true measure of each will only be known in the days to come.

The group passes numerous established campsites and watering holes along the way. This countryside largely consists of low brush and clusters of salt willows and river birch along the Elsir. The glittering reflection of the broad River is never too far from the road, its cool waters offering a bit of respite from the relentless heat.

At some point, as dusk approaches, the company elects to stop at a caravaners camp. Judging by the state of its fire rings, the site was used as recently as two days ago. But tonight, the group has it all to themselves. Presumably, the group sets up tents, sees to other sundry duties, and establishes a watch rotation through the night. Everyone in the party seems well acquainted with this routine and the hired mercenaries readily contribute without fuss.

A low fire is soon crackling in the firepit as the sun sets and the stars explode overhead. One by one, after all have had their fill of food and drink, the party retires to their tents, eager for a night's rest after a long day on the road...
Player, 692 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 21/21
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 12:25
  • msg #21

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes


[Private to Eoni Daflin: Having no reason to suspect that anyone would infiltrate the camp (and having heard promises about the four-legged sentry's prowess), Eoni is surprised to find someone in her tent.

It is a teenaged girl, slightly above five feet in height, with blonde-ish hair braided in the back.  She wears well-made clothes that appear to have a bit of "elvish flair" to their workmanship, and she paces back and forth while whispering to herself, apparently lost in thought.

When Eoni enters, the girl's pacing stops, but she makes no effort to run or hide.  Instead, she looks at the priestess.  And, despite being the trespasser, she looks a little surprised and uncertain.  She bites her lip, takes in a breath and says softly: "Eoni . . . "

It appears that more was to follow, but despite apparently rehearsing for this moment, the girl's words trail off.
Ovo Goldenshield
player, 29 posts
Axe For Hire 6
AC 3 (1) HP 47/47
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 15:20
  • msg #22

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

Ovo made sure the camp was secure before sitting down to eat and quench his thirst. Then for a while, he took his whetstone to the blade of his axe. This always seemed to relax the dwarf and he knew one's ability to fight was only as good as his weapon. When finished, Ovo cleared his throat.

"I was think'n o' those who should stand watch n' when. Fer the first, mayhaps Laurenbeth n' meself could do this. The second could be Dergan n' Rogar. This might be best. On the morrow, we could have Laird Vaxfur n' Lakshmi, n' fer the second Elam n' Grub. Now the reason for the pair'n be while stand'n our watch we could get to know one another as well. Wot say ye Dame Dalfin? Does me watch choices meet yer like'n?"

[Private to Eoni Daflin: I like what you said. Let's see how long it is before Vaxfar notices.]
This message was last edited by the player at 15:22, Thu 30 July 2020.
Eoni Daflin
Player, 972 posts
Sister of Avandra
Dame of Brindol
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 17:02
  • msg #23

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

"That sounds like a good starting point," Dame Daflin agreed with the dwarf's watch rotation.  "When am I on watch?  And why does it look like I have an entire tent to myself?"

She hadn't been paying attention as they'd put up the three tents, but she did notice they'd unloaded most of the long term supplies into one tent along with her bedroll, while everyone else made their beds in the other two.

[Private to Sarah: Eoni hadn't recognized the girl, but that voice.  The way she'd said her name.

After a moment to look her over, the Sister said flatly to the young woman, "I like your outfit."  She tried not to smile.

The little girl had definitely grown up.  There'd no longer be that temptation to comb the girl's hair while she slept, either.  Well... mostly.
Player, 693 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 21/21
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 17:21
  • msg #24

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes


[Private to Eoni Daflin: Sarah lets out an awkward, relieved chuckle as she looks down to survey herself.  "It's the outfit the elves gave us.  It still fits, but I rarely wear it.  It seemed right, somehow, to wear it to . . . "

She looks back to Eoni's unsmiling face.  Perhaps misinterpreting it, she realizes she's babbling.  About clothes.  She takes in a deep breath and exhales and appears to be near tears. "Oh, Eoni, I'm so sorry . . . for running out after Brindol . . . for the things I hid from you and the others . . . I just couldn't . . . couldn't stay . . . couldn't tell . . . "

That's all she can get out.  She folds her arms and bites her lip, devoting her energies to maintaining whatever control over her emotions she has left.
Eoni Daflin
Player, 973 posts
Sister of Avandra
Dame of Brindol
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 17:32
  • msg #25

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

[Private to Sarah: "Would it be all right if I hugged you?" she asked, holding out her arms to the young woman.  This time, she did smile.]
Player, 694 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 21/21
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 17:38
  • msg #26

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes


[Private to Eoni Daflin: Sarah chokes back what could have been an avalanche of tears.  She moves (something more than a walk, but much less than a run) to accept Eoni's embrace.  Once there she does her best to lean her head onto the taller woman's shoulder as she murmurs "I'm so sorry . . . and I missed you so much . . . "]
Eoni Daflin
Player, 974 posts
Sister of Avandra
Dame of Brindol
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 17:51
  • msg #27

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

[Private to Sarah: "It's all right," Eoni soothed the young woman while stroking her hair.  "I knew you'd be all right, but I missed you too.

"You should have heard how Valthur wanted to search the whole city looking for you after you'd left.  He was sure you'd been kidnapped."
Player, 695 posts
AC: 4 | HP: 21/21
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 18:12
  • msg #28

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes


[Private to Eoni Daflin: As there has been no recrimination and conversation has turned to lighter matters, Sarah lets out another relieved laugh.  "I miss him too.  I always liked you two the most. I'd hoped that what I'd done . . . what I'd left, would tell you that I left on my own."

Sarah sighs.  "But when I got word of your plans and your need for help, I thought I owed you to come and help if I could, but I had to make sure it was real.  And I wasn't sure if you'd . . . want me."
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:27, Thu 30 July 2020.
Eoni Daflin
Player, 975 posts
Sister of Avandra
Dame of Brindol
Thu 30 Jul 2020
at 18:48
  • msg #29

Re: Chapter 19: Into the Wyrmsmokes

[Private to Sarah: "Of course I wanted your help," Eoni said, releasing Sarah to hold her at arms length, "but you don't owe us anything.  We all worked together, supporting each other, to get the job done.  You worked as hard as anyone else and earned your place among us.  And you have a right to live your life wherever you want.

"I don't begrudge Valthur and Taerix for living their lives, and I won't blame you for living yours.  Though I'm very happy to see you again, almost all grown up."

She finally released her to take another look at who she'd become.
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