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01:18, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Posted by LoremasterFor group 0
Hummond Goldworthy
player, 17 posts
Cook And Loyal Servant
AC 13 (14) HP 19/19 M 2/2
Tue 21 Jul 2020
at 04:23
  • msg #2

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Once the Fellowship found themselves in Woodman Town and alone, Hum decided to tell his new companions all he learned from the slavers. The stout Hobbit waited until Perrin had gathered all who wished to hear of it, and his cousin was by his side. Hum, a little nervous, took a deep breath, and began his song.

All-day southward we march
Our lean bellies be empty
Our dry throats be parch.

Distrust tis the seed they sow
N' discord tis the crop they grow
In the Anduin Vales down below

Slavers they are slavers they'll be
Seeking the wagons n' Wainriders
Yonder in the Great Bear's Country

Distrust tis the seed they sow
N' discord tis the crop they grow
In the Anduin Vales down below

One and all to Viglund bow
To Woodman's deep sorrow
To muzzle the big bear's maw.

Distrust tis the seed they sow
N' discord tis the crop they grow
In the Anduin Vales down below

Once through, Hum remembered what he might from the song itself "Now, Perrin is the smart one, but I found out long ago that if I put words in a song, I could remember them well enough. So what we've been hearing must be true. This Viglund was the slavers' leader. I heard his name often, I did. While take'n slaves were their chief business, they had other reasons for raid'n south. They wish to cause discord and distrust among the good people of Beorn and the Woodmen to boot. To me, mind, to keep them divided and just mayhaps from trust'n one another. This Viglund can be found to the north... mayhaps nay too far the Easterly Inn itself."
Valtharr, Son of Valbrand
player, 55 posts
Treasure Hunter
AC:14 M:2 HP:12/12
Tue 21 Jul 2020
at 12:32
  • msg #3

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Sat by the fire, Valtharr listened to the songs and stories offered by his road companions. When his turn came he said, “I won’t punish you with my terrible singing, and I’m not much of a storyteller, but there is a poem I remember. An old fisherman taught it me when I was a lad, though I can’t recall his name.”

He paused, trying to remember each verse so as to not make a fool of himself. He closed his eyes and began the first line. As he continued he stumbled a few times, but managed to complete the verse.

Again I see my bliss at hand;
The town, the lake are here.
My Marguerite smiles upon the strand
Unalter'd with the year.

I know that graceful figure fair,
That cheek of languid hue;
I know that soft enkerchief'd hair,
And those sweet eyes of blue.

Again I spring to make my choice;
Again in tones of ire
I hear a God's tremendous voice
'Be counsell'd, and retire!'

Ye guiding Powers, who join and part,
What would ye have with me?
Ah, warn some more ambitious heart,
And let the peaceful be!

When he finished he looked around at the faces in the firelight, hoping they would approve of his performance. “Not sure I understood all the words, but I liked the way it flowed.”

Spoiler text: (Highlight or hover over the text to view)
Poem is The Lake by Matthew Arnold.

player, 128 posts
Dunedain Wanderer
AC 16(14) HP 40/40 M 4/4
Wed 22 Jul 2020
at 14:13
  • msg #4

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Asgrim sat quietly and listen to the others songs and stories. He had paid particular attention to Hum's tale as it was his way of remembering things he had heard. This Viglund and his slavers were trouble and would need to be dealt with soon. Word would need to be sent out to all the villages, towns and settlements in the valley.

He remained silent as he thought about this new enemy and the darkness that was creeping into the valley.
player, 211 posts
One-eyed Mirkwood Ranger
AC: 15(17); HP: 23; M:3/4
Sat 25 Jul 2020
at 15:04
  • msg #5

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Thiriswen sat gracefully on one of the seats, her legs crossed over and with her hands on one knee as she regarded the fire with a concerned glare. Her shoulders were slumped and her face sullen and visibly deeply unhappy, the cowl and mask for once pulled away to reveal for longer than a brief moment to reveal her long, unkempt ashen hair and deep scars. The singing seemed to barely stir the elf, who just glanced up from the fire briefly to look at the hobbit singing for the briefest of moments before returning to looking at the flame. She was deep in thought.

She listened to Valtharr as well, though he only got a look from her that indicated she wasn't sure what some of the words meant either. Yet, she did seem to appreciate its poetry.

"It is worrying," she eventually remarked. "If this Viglund seeks to sow discord, then it presents an unpleasant possibility - that he may be a product of the Shadow that seeks to descend upon Mirkwood once more. Were that to be true, then this Viglund must be slain and his forces scattered to the winds as quickly as possible before they bring a resurgence of goblins, orcs and spiders to the wood. It is already bad enough as it is."

"Though we of the Woodland Realm care little for the world of men, be they woodmen or otherwise, or even the world of hobbits and dwarfs, the Shadow concerns us... or me, at least," her shoulders slumped further as she spoke, sighing heavily. "There only seem to be more concerns with each passing day. I hope I'll find time to speak with the Mirkwood rangers, at least to pass them along the news - King Thranduil will wish to hear it, no doubt."

"I could sing to you if you wished, but most of the songs I know are in elvish and not very happy," she added, after a brief silence.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:12, Sat 25 July 2020.
Gundri Coopersson
player, 200 posts
clever, sneaky, blonde
AC:13 HP: 30/30 M: 4/4
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 01:59
  • msg #6

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Gundri has learned to love her elven friend over the course of their adventures. However, her feelings towards Thranduil have not evolved much.

"Honestly Thiri, your king has spent many years avoiding cleaning up his own lands. Your rangers have done much better recently, so I won't argue with you. I only wonder..." Gundri shrugs.

"Well, would you like to hear a dwarven song? Here's a good one!"

Gundri stands up and takes up her pan pipes. She pipes a merry tune at first.

We've found it here and we've found it there
We've found it nearly everywhere
We pile it up inside our hold
I have it stuffed in my billfold

It starts off feeling mighty cold
Never sprouts a bit of mold
Found wherever goods are sold
Guessed it yet? It's called gold!

Gold, gold, what a wonderful thing
Used in coins and made into rings
Makes a terrible bridge or spring
But it's what makes this proud dwarf sing!

Hummond Goldworthy
player, 22 posts
Cook And Loyal Servant
AC 13 (14) HP 19/19 M 2/2
Sun 26 Jul 2020
at 12:53
  • msg #7

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Hum was enjoying himself beyond measure. All the tales and stories being told made the stout Hobbit quite happy. However, when the songs began Hum was completely beside himself! First Valtharr with his poem. Hum closed his honey-brown eyes and could almost see the city upon the lake rising up from the water and mist below. Then the she-dwarf, Gundri, sang next. A lively tune it was! So much so that Hum began to do exactly that, hum along with her pipe music. When both were finished, Hum stood and applauded grinning ear to ear. For Hum loved song and music as any dwarf loved gold.

"Thank ye Mister Valtharr! Why that was mighty good poem it was. Makes we want to visit Lake-Town n' yer home it does. It was nice of ye to share." said Hum with a wink. He had gotten closer to the Lakeman during their travels south, sharing tales around the campfire at night.

Upon hearing Thiriswen speak and seeing her sadness, slumped shoulders and all, dimmed Hum's bright spirits a bit. She of all the company seemed the most world-weary. He remembered Mr. Bilbo speak on this very thing. That when elves, who were immortal, became tired of the world they took ship and sailed west. This too made Hum sad because the elves brought a certain beauty to Middle Earth that would no doubt pass with them when they left. Hum's spirits were lifted as Gundri began to sing!

When Gundri was through, Hum bowed and rose smiling warmly "I loved the song Mistress Gundri! Why ye can sure play them pipes to boot. If ye nay be mind'n I'd like ye to sing that one again. I'd be want'n to sing it at the Green Dragon in Bywater! Aye! Now that one would get a round o' ale served up, and right quick! Thank ye!"

Enbolden by the dwarf's lively tune Hum approached Thiriswen and cleared his throat "M'lady? If would... like to sing, I for one would love to hear it. Even if your song is a sad one. Ye see the world is filled with all sorts... of people... of emotions and they all have something to say to me mind. I would be honored to hear yer song and to know more about your good folk. So would you sing for us? Please?"
This message was last edited by the player at 12:58, Sun 26 July 2020.
player, 212 posts
One-eyed Mirkwood Ranger
AC: 15(17); HP: 23; M:3/4
Mon 27 Jul 2020
at 02:26
  • msg #8

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Thiriswen's glanced to Gundri, her lips forming into a thin, uncertain line, then she slowly nodded in agreement. "You are not wrong... the Woodland Realm is not what it was. Spiders run amok in the woods, goblins crawl from every crevice, and the rangers rarely drift as far as they did in the days when I ranged with them. I fear King Thranduil has much on his mind and his heart he does not lay bare to us, and that the Battle of Five Armies has left a lasting mark on him... and not the kind that one can be proud of."

She trailed off, returning back to her own thoughts - the jaunt of a dwarven tune seemed to stir her more, though. A smirk crept to her lips as she heard Gundri sing, and coupled with the hobbit's request, the elf seemed to relax a little and straighten out once more. "Well, if we are to be serenaded by dwarvish ballads, then surely I must contribute an elvish song as well, 'lest I shame my woodland kin - I, um, I shall try for something happy. I'd rather it be that than remembering the sadness of Gil-Galad or Nimrodel."

The elf stood, unpinning her cloak for once and laying it across her seat. She cleared her throat and began to sing in a far softer voice than she usually spoke in, one that has clearly practiced singing a fair amount.

I lay my head among the stones,
As dusk to midnight yields,
I hear the groan of rumbling stones, the whispering of trees,
Strewn through the meadow-fields,

For those of us that wander far,
The world holds wonders few,
Not spires tall nor mountain halls,
But leaves adorned with dew.

What use have I for gold and gems,
Where silver rivers run?
What use have I for towers tall,
Where trees can reach the sun?

A forest grove that gleams with gold,
Crowned with Autumn's sweet caress,
While coin is spent, it lingers on,
Through Winter's deep excess.

Every grass and every brook,
Have tales and songs to sing,
But even for us far-flung wanderers,
The road must somewhere bring.

Then you will see familiar stars,
And trees and stones you've long since known,
Dear halls shall ring with cheer, and wine shall spill in streams,
And those that still remember you shall marvel how you've grown.

And while you rest your weary, wandering feet,
New wanderers shall stray from home in search of a new world to meet."

She stopped there, but a faint smile lingered on. For the first time in a very long while, she seemed truly happy. The difference seemed so stark between what stood before them and the secretive, grim elf that they had known out in the wilds that it seemed almost like removing her cloak changed her into a different person. The only reminder that this was Thiriswen was the ugly, gnarled scar over her blind eye that remained pale and murky.

"I... er," she said. "I'm sorry if it's a little rough. It is... hard to translate elvish to the tongues of men, and even still it loses meaning."
This message was last edited by the player at 20:34, Mon 27 July 2020.
player, 131 posts
Dunedain Wanderer
AC 16(14) HP 40/40 M 4/4
Tue 28 Jul 2020
at 18:27
  • msg #9

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

As the companions talked and sung Asgrim smiled and applauded at there songs and poems. Gundri's song had been quiet fun and he could imagine a group of drunken dwarves singing it in one of their mead halls deep underground. He had been a little surprised that Hum had actually managed to convince Thiriswen to sing, in all their time together he had never heard her actually sing. Possible a few hummed tunes at times but never actual song.

He listen to the words and the melody. It was a beautiful song and reminded him of his time spent in Rivendell. As Thiriswen finished he applauded "You should not apologize Thiriswen. It was a beautiful song, Sui bain sui cin nin mellon."
Gundri Coopersson
player, 219 posts
clever, sneaky, blonde
AC:13 HP: 30/30 M: 4/4
Mon 5 Oct 2020
at 21:53
  • msg #10

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Mid - September 2947, in Rhosgobel. Prior to the wedding of

Gundri sits by a window, wrapped in furs. At her table are writing implements and paper. She is writing a letter to his sister Gifa, filling her in on the details of her latest adventure and asking for an update on the guard-training endeavor. This letter has taken her days to compose, because she is scarcely concentrating. In truth, she is only organizing her thoughts and the letter serves as a means by which to do so.

Gundri looks around and sees some of her companions. She calls out to her oldest friend of the companionship, Thiriswen.

"Thiri! What think you of this news of Goblins in Dul Guldor? The Necromancer seems to have left a space for them to inhabit, yes? Perhaps he is not as banished as we would like to believe."

This is the latest development in a conversation that the two have been having on-and-off for years. Gundri has always been deeply troubled that Mirkwood is infested with monsters. Only recently has she given a true clue as to why: During the flight from Smaug, her family lost their treasures and cultural relics to a goblin ambush.
player, 239 posts
One-eyed Mirkwood Ranger
AC: 15(17); HP: 23; M:1/4
Tue 6 Oct 2020
at 08:37
  • msg #11

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Thiriswen was whittling away at a stick, crafting it into what seemed to resemble some kind of pipe. Though she had worked at it for a long while, the others could tell that this was not the first stick - it seemed she frequently made mistakes and then tried to remedy them. Hearing Gundri, her ears perked up and she glanced in the dwarf's direction.

"That is something I've been musing on as of late," she said. "Whatever else it might be, it is certainly an ill omen for Mirkwood. I hope that it is merely that goblins came there of their own volition - certainly there's no shortage of them in Mirkwood these days..."

"I... er, I was thinking to head West after the wedding, and after I've had some time to investigate," she said. "If it is as dire as it seems, I thought perhaps the White Wizard of Orthanc would help. It is a distant journey, but there is none greater than he who could intervene and help pull Mirkwood free from evil."

"Do you believe these goblins may hold what you are looking for?,"
she sounded... hopeful, for Gundri's sake.
Hummond Goldworthy
player, 60 posts
Cook And Loyal Servant
AC 15 (16) HP 19/19 M 0/2
Wed 7 Oct 2020
at 20:38
  • msg #12

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Hum was stirring a pot of venison stew with ample vegetables like carrots, potatoes, and onions as well as plenty of meat besides. The stout Hobbit was humming in his usual manner while doing so when he heard Gundri and Thiriswen's conversation. Suddenly one hand went to the note he carried in his pocket, the very one that Quickfeather gave them.

"Umm... M'Lady? Mistress Gundri? I have this note... umm... the one Quickfeather carried. It seems ah tower nay far from that dark place now hosts orcs. Mayhaps we should take ah look-see. Just maybe there be ah clue for us there. At any rate, we might rid this place of enemies to the Woodsman n' do so in Blackfeather's name. As ah favor to ah friend n' his folk." Hum put the lid on the pot to let his stew simmer before walking over to take the note to the elf.

"I... I was nay keep'n it from ye mind. In all the excitement, I jus fergot is all. I think it may be jus north o' that Dul Goldoor place. Is that wot ye think M'Lady?" Hum said with a slight bow before holding out the note.

"If ye go... ta see this wizard... I'll go wi' ye. Ye nay needs to go alone. Nay! It may be more dangerous than ye think."

He peeked over to Gundri "If yer goods be in this here tower, I'll go wi' ye ta retrieve it, I will."

The note shows a tower about 10-20 miles north of Dol Guldor and it also says 'orcs'.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:42, Thu 08 Oct 2020.
player, 241 posts
One-eyed Mirkwood Ranger
AC: 15(17); HP: 23; M:4/4
Fri 9 Oct 2020
at 13:03
  • msg #13

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

She took the note and looked at it carefully, scanning the piece of paper for every detail.

"Orcs in a tower so close to Dol Guldur?,"
she said, grim. "Hm... hm... it is an ill omen, but with winter so close, it is my hope they will not travel far until spring breaks. Still, we should try to range as far as we can in its direction, to make sure there is no threat to the woodsmen yet."

"I'll welcome company if you wish, but that travel is still far away - I know Carunir speaks to few, we must... confirm that this evil exists before we trouble his doorstep. The journey to Rohan is far, farther than I've ever been," she said, but nodded. "We'll see. Perhaps this is just... coincidence."

"What do you think, Gundri? About this tower, I mean.", she glanced to the dwarf with a slight worry, and handed her the scrap of paper.
Hummond Goldworthy
player, 63 posts
Cook And Loyal Servant
AC 15 (16) HP 28/28 M 0/2
Sat 10 Oct 2020
at 15:53
  • msg #14

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Hum swallowed hard and cleared his throat. "No matter how far M'Lady, I'll go wi' ye. Well... tis nay jus this note that bothers me. It was that Dagmar I nay truly trust. She nay spoke the whole truth. Quickfeather nearly died bringing this note ta us. I think this note n' nay gold is wot he took and she wanted back. Do ye think she n' her lord be in league wi' these orcs then?"

Hum shrugged and shook his head "Ye n' Mistress Gundri be both wiser then me, but if so, The Blackfeather n' this place could be in danger methinks. If ye both decide this tower needs look'n into, I'll go along wi' ye. Masters Asgrim n' Valtharr will go too; I'm think'n."
player, 152 posts
Dunedain Wanderer
AC 16(14) HP 40/40 M 4/4
Mon 12 Oct 2020
at 15:07
  • msg #15

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Asgrim came through the door with several freshly split logs under his arm. Closing the door he pushed the hood of his cloak back as he headed for the stack of wood near the fireplace. He had only caught the last bit of Hum's statement and he turned a bit to look at the others as he placed another log on the fire. "So Hum what mission are we volunteering to aid Lady Thiriswen and Lady Gundri with?"
Hummond Goldworthy
player, 67 posts
Cook And Loyal Servant
AC 15 (16) HP 28/28 M 3/3
Mon 12 Oct 2020
at 15:22
  • msg #16

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Hum again swallowed hard as his soft honey-brown eyes meet the tall DĂșnedain. He gave the wanderer a quick bow.

"Umm... begg'n yer pardon, sir. I nay meant any harm ye see. Yet, we was speak'n about the note Quickfeather brought us. Lady Gundri has it now, sir. The tower be jus north o' that other dark tower... Dul Golder or some such. M'Lady Thiriswen knows it well. She does! I nay meant to drag ye inta this, but jus figured ye'd like ta tag along is all."

Hum licked his lips and averted his eyes "There be good venison stew in the yon pot if ye be hungry. I can fix ye ah bowl if ye like?"
This message was last edited by the player at 15:24, Mon 12 Oct 2020.
Gundri Coopersson
player, 222 posts
clever, sneaky, blonde
AC:13 HP: 30/30 M: 4/4
Mon 12 Oct 2020
at 18:19
  • msg #17

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

"Despite the recent defeat of the Necromancer, Mirkwood is still rife with monsters. We have seen evidence of spider activity ourselves," says Gundri, withdrawing a new sheaf of paper she has been writing on. She points to her drawing of the region.

"Goblins here in his former lair are causing the spiders to come north, closer to Rhosgobel and the elves. We have spent so much time and risked our lives to reunite west and east. Now the passage from Beorn-lands to Dale is threatened."
Hummond Goldworthy
player, 72 posts
Cook And Loyal Servant
AC 15 (16) HP 28/28 M 3/3
Tue 20 Oct 2020
at 02:29
  • msg #18

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Hum moved forward to the kettle, still simmering over the fire. Once there, the stout Hobbit poured two bowls of steaming venison stew. Gathering some spoons and napkins, Hum brought the bowls to where Gundri sat. He placed one bowl in front of the dwarf and the other on the table nearest Asgrim.

"Come Master Asgrim! Eat ah bit o' stew while we have ah look-see. This tower... on Quickfeather's map, I say we seek this place out first. Deal wi' the orcs n' see if there be ah clue or three. I... I could ask the Brown Wizard. I've told him ah-bout the tower. Mayhaps he knows more than we." Hum said, dusting his hands.

Hum then licked his lips "Umm... I... I have ah plan. I'm nay too bright, but it may work. I ordered some firewerks. Mayhaps we use 'em fer ah distraction... ta draw the orcs out o' that tower. I've seen them ah time or two... back in the Shire I mean."
Valtharr, Son of Valbrand
player, 99 posts
Treasure Hunter (Burglar)
AC:15 M:2 HP:18/18
Tue 20 Oct 2020
at 06:25
  • msg #19

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Valtharr entered, shaking the rain from his cloak. He hurried over to the fire and warmed his hands. “It’s perishin’ cold outside! Spent all day down by the river with Master Whitecrow, looking for big fat perch for the pot. Nothing for hours, then suddenly six big fellas, all at once. Don’t tell no-one, but I think I’m starting to enjoy fishing again!”

He grinned at the last then looked around at the faces of his friends. He eyed them suspiciously. “What you lot up to? Plotting out some trouble by the look of it.”
Gundri Coopersson
player, 224 posts
clever, sneaky, blonde
AC:13 HP: 30/30 M: 4/4
Tue 20 Oct 2020
at 12:02
  • msg #20

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

"How to save the realm," replies Gundri simply. "Again. Hum was just telling us that he met with Master Radagast. I hope you found him more tractable that I did. When I met him he scarcely noticed me."
player, 154 posts
Dunedain Wanderer
AC 16(14) HP 40/40 M 4/4
Tue 20 Oct 2020
at 12:40
  • msg #21

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Asgrim took the bowl Hum sat on the table and smiled. "Thank you sir, now as you say let's have a look at the map."

As Valthar returned and Gundri spoke of saving the realm Asgrim grin, "Well at least one small portion of the realm. As the say one bite at a time, right Hum." Asgrim waited for a moment to see if Hum understood the reference as he commented on the brown wizard. "I am sure he noticed you Gundri, along with probably a couple thousand other things at the same time. At least that is sorta how he struck me, someone who is thinking about and trying to act on too many things at the same time."
Hummond Goldworthy
player, 73 posts
Cook And Loyal Servant
AC 15 (16) HP 28/28 M 3/3
Tue 20 Oct 2020
at 14:11
  • msg #22

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

In reply to Valtharr, Son of Valbrand (msg # 19):

Hum gave the Lakeman a smile and nod in greeting. "Welcome, Master Valtharr, sir! A good catch indeed. There be stew in the kettle. Venison stew, seasoned good n' proper, I'll fetch ye ah bowl. As fer plot'n... well... it's trouble we're trying to do ah-way with nay start'n."

Taking up the laddle and scooping up more stew for Valtharr, Hum nodded to Gundri. "Uh... Master Radagast n' me talked ah good while Mistress. It was he that brought me cousin Perrin to Master Beorn's home... ta aid him over the mountains n' back home. We talked ah many o' eve about the Shire we did. I told him all about our ventures... the slavers n' spiders ye see. I showed him that very map o' the tower. Like M'lord Asgrim said, his mind be on many ah problem all at once methinks. I nay be the sharpest cleaver in the kitchen so mayhaps the reason why I'll nay understand the think'n o' wizards."

Hum then brought bowl, napkin, and spoon to set before Valtharr and gave Asgrim a wink. "Aye! One bite at ah time indeed! Better ta savour the flavor n' enjoy oneself. I'd like yer opinion o' this here tower M'lord Asgrim. It has labeled orcs upon it. It be north o' that dark tower M'lady Thiriswen wishes ta visit. So the twain may be connected somehow. Mister Valtharr's... umm... lady friend, Dagmar, had the map methinks. More's the trouble I'll wager."
Valtharr, Son of Valbrand
player, 101 posts
Treasure Hunter (Burglar)
AC:15 M:2 HP:18/18
Wed 21 Oct 2020
at 11:59
  • msg #23

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Valtharr sat down and accepted the bowl of stew gratefully. The warm aroma struck his nostrils, so he grabbed a large hunk of bread and dipped it straight it before greedily attacking thw bowl with a spoon. As he ate he listened to the conversation, content to simply listen until the name of Dagmar arose. He coughed and spluttered out a large chunk of meat, then wiped his mouth with his sleeve, forgoing the proffered napkin. He reached out for a tankard of ale and drank deeply, trying to compose himself.

After a moment he commented, "Maybe let's leave the good lady Dagmar to her own counsel. I'd rather not venture too close to her abode if we dont have too. Wouldn't want to lead the good maiden on, give her false hopes. An' maybe we should leave the orcs alone too, no sense getting a quiver full of arrows in the backside just for the sake of it. I'm sure there's adventure to be had elsewhere."

By the look on his face it wasn't clear what was more frightening, a horde of orcs, or Dagmar with amorous intent...!
Gundri Coopersson
player, 225 posts
clever, sneaky, blonde
AC:13 HP: 30/30 M: 4/4
Wed 21 Oct 2020
at 12:34
  • msg #24

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

"'Leave the orcs alone?'" repeats Gundri, surprised. "Valtharr, I am as concerned as you about the risks. I was not expecting we would handle the entire goblin clan ourselves. First, we need information. Even to get the information takes planning. Rigorous planning."

Gundri turns back to one of her many pages of carefully-written but badly-organized notes. She shuffles her papers around, then drops her forehead down on the table with a thump.

"I wish I was better at this!"
Hummond Goldworthy
player, 76 posts
Cook And Loyal Servant
AC 15 (16) HP 28/28 M 3/3
Wed 21 Oct 2020
at 13:28
  • msg #25

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Hum raised his brows at the Lakeman's comments. Not that he disagreed with what Valtharr said about Dagmar. The stout Hobbit did not trust the woman, nor did he want to see her anytime soon. However, the orcs were a different matter. To Hum's mind, the orcs were not going away but most likely will only grow stronger. They must be dealt with, or they would one day show up at their doorstep.

Seeing Gundri so perplexed bothered him deeply. Hum made his way to her, placing a caring hand on her shoulder. "Come now, Mistress... nay be so hard on yerself. Ye'll find wot ye need. Now then try yer stew. Everything looks better on a full stomach. Remember wot M'lord Asgrim said earlier... one bite at a time. That's the only way ta get ta the bottom o' the bowl and through the trials o' life. I'll help ye... we all will. I promise ye Mistress Gundri."
Gundri Coopersson
player, 231 posts
clever, sneaky, blonde
AC:13 HP: 30/30 M: 4/4
Tue 3 Nov 2020
at 16:10
  • msg #26

Hobbit Tales (In character ongoing role play)

Gundri Coopersson gathers up her colleagues and brings them into a quiet room off to the side of the main event. Some other people have arrived too, but Gundri is too focused to shoo them out.

"Alright then. Asgrim, Hummond, Valthar, we have..." she pauses. "Oh, hello. Who are these people?" She addresses Igorwen and Jeffar for the first time. "I am Gundri Coopersson, of Erebor."
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