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02:27, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Game Expectations: Read Me First.

Posted by RefereeFor group 0
GM, 1 post
Fri 15 Jan 2021
at 23:20
  • msg #1

Game Expectations: Read Me First

This is a collection of norms and expectations that I find ensure the enjoyment for everyone in the game and helps to keep things moving.  It’s kind of long but acknowledgement that you have read the entire thing and agree to abide by these norms is a requirement for playing.  I’ve been burned too many times.  Please read all of it.

I expect a posting rate of about 2-3 times per player per week of IC material, with GM posts interspersed when necessary to keep the game moving and answer questions.  There will always be days where there are more posts than at other times, and there will be times where real life will get in the way and delay posts by a day or so.  This is all normal and expected, and I will not force speed.  I want this game to go at a nice, easy pace, so that nobody feels overwhelmed by needing to post.  My own personal situation may cause delays with updates, etc. and so I am an understanding soul.  With that said, however, there will be times where speed is necessary (such as in combat) and I do reserve the right to either NPC a character or eject a player from the game should multiple, extended absences occur without notification.

I do not expect everyone to be a literary master, but I do expect more than a one-line response of spoken text in each post.  Every post, even a simple “yes” answer should be accompanied by more describing stance, expression, emotion, or even something of the thought behind it.  In short, there are few pictures here, you need to show what is being done and said with words.  In addition, please proof-read before posting as a courtesy to your fellows and use a spell-checker and proper grammar.  I strongly encourage the use of the OOC thread, an OOC note in a box, or private text to communicate player-to-player how a scene will unfold, what the characters are thinking, how they are motivated, etc. Remember, you the player only have the text on the screen, but your characters can read body language, interpret tone, and the Scanners can do even more.  Hashing things out amicably is Great!

On the other side of the spectrum, we are all busy and if every post is a novella the principle of “the longer it is, the less I will read” will start to kick in.  Keep it to the point and entertaining.

I expect from the players and their characters a certain level of interested involvement.  That means not simply reacting to events as they unfold, but actively investigating leads, clues, and hints: your character should be motivated to act, and to act as part of a group.  Discussion in-character of such leads, of possible options, and plans of action are important for character development and to move the story along.  I encourage scenes where the characters are merely interacting with each other and NPCs to give opportunity to dig into their personalities.  There will also be action scenes, in some cases initiated or avoided by the characters based on their decisions.  Many of my games have creeping horror elements, adult situations, and moral quandaries.  But foremost, the campaign is about player-heroes; neither I nor the campaign deals with hostile loners, apathetic brooders, psychotic serial killers, anti-social pricks, kids who get off needling others or pushing buttons, or other characters that must be coaxed into engaging with the world and cooperating with the rest of the group.  The world is a terrible place, but hope is in the new generation.

Expect your actions to have consequences.  Don't be stupid.  Play smart.  If I give you lots of hints that opening the Red Box will be bad, don't open the box and expect to live.

I'm a storyteller and would like to follow the rule of cool.  If it is cool, cinematic and epic, screw the rules - I'll probably allow it.  If you disagree with me on any ruling as GM, I expect a respectful appeal, preferably in private text or message.  But rule of cool is not silly, this is not comedy game, though light-hearted scenes and situations are fine.

Unless I tell you otherwise assume you can play with the scenery to help craft the story.  But don’t go nuts making up unverified (by me) facts that have an impact on the plot or story.  You can always ask via private message if you can add something.

Cyber Generation is a game about teenagers, teen angst and all the drama that goes with that.  Though many of the kids grew up on the streets and all of them mostly unsupervised, they are still kids.  They are no cold-blooded killers, they get scared, lack confidence, feel more than think, are impulsive, rash, hesitate at the wrong time, worry about what other kids think of them, want a significant other or sex, but don’t know what they are doing, etc.  Except for the yogang skill (which represents a focused specialty) these kids are not expert at anything.  Danny LaRusso is a Street Fighter yogang member, not Bruce Lee.

Speaking of Scanners: Everyone should include in the text of every post some basic information for the scanners in the party to use. For the time being a one- or two-word description of basic surface emotion. Hungry, Scared, Confident, Happy, Horny, etc. Later as the scanners start to get to know the others better, we'll work on expanding that.

Sex and Other Touchy Subjects: I’m making this game Mature so we can explore adult themes, though I don’t think we need to go into Adult language. However, we are talking about teenagers here, so hormones will be flowing, and it will be one of the things that will often intrude in their thinking. The player-to-player side discussions become very important to making things work and there will be no unilateral pushing of boundaries. Good Advice from the book:

"First off, a juvie's emotions around sex are probably going to be strained. They feel all the drives kicking in but are unsure what to do about them. Many are discovering the opposite sex (or whatever) for the first time and still be developing the skills to communicate their feelings. And these feelings are burning fast and fierce, as only a juvie could. These scenes of early attraction are rich with roleplaying potential. The sexual energy should be used to add tension and drama - letting them consummate too soon would be a waste. They should have to explore the whole process of contact and seduction before letting their characters indulge - assuming that they are willing to take the risk. Sex for a teen can mean a whole new level of emotional involvement that they may not be ready for. How they deal with each other after the act may change radically, for better or for worse. These are the aspects of sex that are best dealt with in roleplaying."

Final Two Notes are Very Important:

1. Observe proper etiquette: it is bad form to remove another player’s agency from their own character; to perform an action on/against another player's character without that player having a chance to react. For example, Red’s player can't simply write that he picks up Mary and carries her into the building over his shoulder. Mary’s player would have to agree or have a chance to avoid Red's grasp. Likewise, with NPCs; they have agency in matters that affect them.

2. There will be no PvP in this game.  Don’t argue with me that it would be in-character for your character to attack another PC.  If that is the case, you and your character were selected for the game in error.  Arm wrestling does not count as PvP.  I will consider well-played, properly considered and appropriate duels.  The norms and procedures must be followed and among PCs duels are to first blood.

When it comes to the aforementioned teenage drama, before writing that your character does something that could violate one of these two rules, start a conversation in the OOC thread where we can discuss how the scene will play out.  This game is rated Mature for a reason, if your character is about to make a move on the Hot Girl that may be construed as violating agency or consent, pause and discuss.

When submitting a RTJ to this game, please include an acknowledgement that you have read and understood the above.

Thank you

Posting conventions are generally third person past tense, unless you are listing conditional actions.  Use bold in quotes for spoken text, italics for inner monologue.  I don't mind if you want to use a specific color for your speech, just make it one of the darker tones, the lighter ones are hard to read.
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