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, welcome to V20-Dark Ages Shadows of Venice

07:49, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by StorytellerFor group 0
GM, 1 post
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 18:43
  • msg #1


Venice, a city of water in the center of a wide lagoon, built as a refuge from the barbarian hordes.  The kindred and kine alike have flocked to this metropolitan center over the centuries, that has served as a refuge for the living and the dead.

Venice is in a time of growth, empire, and peace in 1230 AD.  The spoils of the conquest of Constantinople are still trickling into the city by ship, and Venice now controls a coastal empire in the Aegean and Ionian Seas that is larger than the new Latin Emperor's own holdings!  The population of the city is booming, with new traders and merchants arriving every season, and a constant tide of maritime traffic keeping goods flowing into and out of the city.  In all, it is one of the greatest times in the history of the City of St Mark.

But the kindred of the Floating City do not share in the current optimism of the kine.  Prince Lucanus, an ancient Lasombra renown for his power and generosity to other vampires, has disappeared over two decades ago, shortly after the fourth crusade passed through the city.  His childe and appointed heir, Cyriacus, claims that his sire is in self-induced torpor hidden within the city, a claim supported by many of the city's elite.  But a rival claimant for the princedom, a Ventrue lord called Lenhard the Lion, claims he defeated Lucanus in single combat and has attempted to claim the city as his by right of conquest, but so far his claim has been denied.  Now he seeks a way to prove his claim, or otherwise take control.  Both Cyriacus and his Ventrue rival seek the support of the third faction of the city, a powerful minority led by the scholarly children and associates of Mordiacus the Galatean, a mysterious and some say tainted Cappadocian.  Mordiacus seems content to let them both vie for his assistance.

In the most recent nights, even stranger events are beginning to unfold.  Several of the kindred have claimed to have witnessed Lucanus in the Venetian night, only to again vanish.  But if he is awake and moving about, that would mean both his childe and his rival are lying.  Then what is the truth? Some amongst the wisest of the kindred whisper that there is an even darker force at work within the city. sowing this dissent.  Chaos and upheaval have come to the City of Canals, and none alive or dead know what has brought this period of change.  Many would give much to know what lies at the heart of this chaos.  And they would give even more to have control of it.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:23, Thu 25 Feb 2021.
GM, 2 posts
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 18:51
  • msg #2


There is a nice and detailed map of Venice here: https://cdn.odysseytraveller.c...Images-170620073.jpg
It is from a couple of centuries after the events that take place here, but I think it is the best I have found so far. I will keep on trying to find something better. If any of you knows of any good source, please let me know.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:32, Mon 01 Mar 2021.
GM, 3 posts
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 18:52
  • msg #3


Following this post will be a list of the important kindred in the city by clan.  These are notable individuals that all PCs would at least be aware of.
GM, 7 posts
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 19:36
  • msg #4



-Lucanus- Lasombra Prince of Venice since the time of Justinian's invasions, Lucanus was well known throughout Europe for both his power and his acceptance of outside clans within his city.  Lucanus disappeared nearly twenty years ago, after leaving instructions for the city upon his entering torpor.  A few claim he is not in torpor, but dead at the hands of Lenhard.

-Cyriacus- Lucanus' childe and designated heir.  Claims Lucanus entered torpor willingly twenty years ago and left the city to him.  He has claimed praxis since his sire's disappearance, but is plagued by constant doubt in the city, due to the presence and claims of Lenhard.

-Eugenio Gardesano- another childe of Lucanus, Eugenio is the religious adviser of his "brother" Cyriacus, and is the driving force behind the push to rid the city of many of the more mystical vampires that entered the city in the last few centuries.  Rumored to have been an Archbishop or other high ranking prelate in life, Gardesano is known to follow the letter of the teachings of God, if not necessarily the spirit.

-Miguel Ortazo- Asturian by birth,  Miguel is a hot tempered and eager combatant that has served as sheriff of Venice for quite some time.  Miguel is accorded high honor in the court, due to his close personal friendship with Cyriacus, which was stronger than his loyatly to Lucanus when the elder vampire was active.  Ortazo is very open with his opinions, and isn't afraid to insult kindred he sees as inferior.  He also isn't afraid to back up his words with Spanish steel.

-Bianca Foscari- Childe of Cyriacus, Bianca Foscari serves as his primary spokeswoman to the lower ranks of the kindred population.  Very skilled at diplomatic interaction, she is respected for her tolerance and seeming neutrality toward all the clans.  Foscari is the most commonly seen representative of the court, and has interacted with nearly every kindred in the city at some point.

-Rosabella Vorti- the childe of Bianca Foscari, Rosabella has only recently been recognized as a valuable ancillae of the court.  She is still young compared to most of her bloodline, but she is a canny and capable diplomat, befitting her sire.

-Saverio da Riva- A childe of Cyriacus, Saverio is one of his sire's more capable agents, and is often seen as the more militant counter to Bianca Foscari's diplomatic demeanor.  Saverio is closely associated with both the Scourge and the Sheriff, and often delivers the Prince's ultimatums to wayward kindred.

-Tiziano Falier- childe of Eugenio Gardesano, Tiziano is a bit more approachable than his sire, but not much.  He is effectively the city Seneschal, though he does not bear the title, but he is the one most responsible for the day to day running of the court.

-Vincens Vaguer- A relative newcomer to the city, Vaguer came from Barcelona in Aragon, on the Iberian peninsula.  He is tied to the sheriff and therefore to Cyriacus, though the court has never been made aware of the exact connection.  Vaguer is somewhat involved in the commerce of the city, and has also aided the sheriff occasionally in his official duties.

-Jusuf ibn Fazreel-
A Lasombra of unknown lineage from the North of Africa, Jusuf ibn Fazreel has a secret agreement with Mordiacus that has kept him in the city for decades.  He has little interaction with others of his clan, preferring to keep to his own devices.

a rumor more than anything, this supposed Lasombra is a master of abyssal sorcery and even darker, more dangerous arts if the stories are true.  Her existence has never been confirmed by the court, and none have ever stepped forward to say they have actually met her.

-Nero Moria- an unaligned Lasombra who is viewed as an outlaw by the court.  He is one of the leaders of the disillusioned and aggressive young kindred that plague the darker parts of the city, and are known for having more guts than sense.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:37, Thu 25 Feb 2021.
GM, 10 posts
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 20:01
  • msg #5



-Lenhard the Lion- Ventrue warlord from Burgundy, Lenhard claims to have defeated and killed Lucanus in a duel in the catacombs underneath the Cathedral di San Marco.  Because Cyriacus  and the court denied this claim, Lenhard has been unable to claim the city, forcing him into a state of cautious waiting.  Lenhard is a renowned warrior and war leader, with a small force of loyal vampires, ghouls, and humans under his control.  This is likely the reason he still walks the night, as Cyriacus may see eliminating his rival as currently too costly. Most believe he is working to gain the support of  the Cappadocian faction of the city, whose cooperation could assure him total victory over Cyriacus.

-Arnaud de Ferrer- Lenhard's right hand, Arnaud is a crusader through and through.  Some say he was a mortal during the first crusade, and was embraced by Lenhard for his bravery.  He is a capable combatant and a proud follower of the Way of Chivarly, something that many of his fellow kindred see as a weakness.

-Ulrich the Saxon- A Ventrue of less than noble blood, Ulrich has made a name for himself as a brutal warrior that has fought for many warlords in his clan.  Exactly why he serves Lenhard is unknown, but his loyalty, for now ,seems absolute.

-John Pezos- An anomaly within the floating city, John Pezos is a Ventrue loyal to the court of Cyriacus.  He arrived in the city with the crusaders in 1202, pledging to serve the court.  There is obvious speculation as to his true intentions and his loyalties, but prior to his disappearance, Lucanus seemed to trust him enough to use him as an agent of the court in fiscal matters.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:19, Thu 25 Feb 2021.
GM, 11 posts
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 20:17
  • msg #6



-Theudoald- Warmaster of Lucanus, this old Brujah has served the city since the Longobard invasions.  He has little interaction with his clan outside of his official responsibilities, and his loyalty to Cyriacus is something of great speculation amongst the kindred of the city.

-Adhemar- The spokesman of the Brujah clan, Adhemar tries to serve his clan faithfully.  He is younger than Theudoald, but is much more responsive to the needs of the younger kindred.

-Ezekiel ben Eli- A scholar and master of kabbalah, Ezekiel is one of Mordiacus's most trusted allies.  His faith and presence in the city is one of the strains on relations between the Cappadocians and the Lasombra of the city.

Hagan of Tyrol- childe of Adhemar, he is more warlike than his sire, and he is vocal in his attempts to convince Theudoald to put his clan first in his loyalties.  This hasn't earned him many friends at court, but so far his sire's reputation has kept him safe from retaliation.

-Agatia di Mazzi- Childe of Hagan of Tyrol, Agatia is one of the voices of the younger generation of cainites in the city.  She is a true member of the new breed of Brujah, rebellious and Aggressive.  She is watched closely by the sheriff and his agents, and is viewed by the court as a black mark on the reputation of the Brujah in the city.

-Athanasios Kabakes- An immigrant from Constantinople, Athanasios was a follower of Michael before his destruction.  He is often consulted by the less established kindred in the city for tales of the utopia that was Constantinople, and for advice on how to resist falling to the pull of the beast.  He is rarely welcomed by the Lasombra of the city, and before his disappearance Lucanus made his displeasure with Athanasios known.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:19, Thu 25 Feb 2021.
GM, 12 posts
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 20:17
  • msg #7



-Alegraza Loredan- Eldest Toreador in the city, this seemingly young and beautiful woman has been marginalized by the dominance of the Lasombra and Cappadocians of the city.

-Elena Doccono- a childe and handmaiden of Alegraza. She is known for her beauty and her exquisite singing voice, which she often uses to entertain court events hosted by the Toreador Primogen.

-Leonzio Sevestin- a childe of Elena Doccono, Leonzio is an unabashed hedonist who masquerades as a poet.  He rarely leaves his "salon," instead spending most of his time with shady merchants and women of less than savory reputation.

another childe of Alegraza Loredan, Phillipa is rarely seen away from her sire's side.  She is quiet and polite, but there is a colder edge to her that makes her seem more threatening than the rest of her kin.

-Methildis- A northern kindred who migrated to Venice during the 12th century, Methildis stands in stark contrast to the Venetian Toreador line.  Conservative and serious, Methildis is a devotee of the growing chivalric culture of Europe, and spends most of her time reading and writing her own epics, stories which some say are based on the intrigues of the court.

-Dragano Correr- One of the youngest kindred to be fully recognized by the court, Dragano is much more militant than most of his kin.  He has volunteered on several occasions to aid the sheriff and the scourge with possibly dangerous situations, merely for the chance to wield his blade.

-Tasaria- a young kindred known for her disregard for the laws of the elders.  She is a relative newcomer to the city, but has already made a name for herself as a contrary.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:19, Thu 25 Feb 2021.
GM, 13 posts
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 20:18
  • msg #8



-Mordiacus the Galatian- An ancient and mysterious vampire said to hail from ancient Galatea, Mordiacus has lived in the city longer than any other vampire.  His counsel of mystics and scholars from throughout Cainite society are deeply involved in secretive research.

-Augustus Giovanni- patriarch of the Giovanni line of the Cappadocian clan, Augustus is a reserved and aloof elder who rarely interacts with anyone outside his insular family.

-Xylia- A member of the dreaded Lamia bloodline and the guardian of Mordiacus, Xylia is feared almost as much as her master.  She has no part in kindred society, and looks like an ancient statue given life.

-Nicoletta Giovanni-
One of the few the Giovanni commonly seen in the city, Nicoletta is known as an accomplished necromancer and diplomat.  She is a frequent attendant of the social Elysiums of the city, and is usually the representative of her family most often approached by outsiders.

-Frederico Giovanni- One of the youngest of his line, Frederico is something of a rake, and many feel he is an embarrassment to his family.  if this is true, his family has not yet deemed it necessary to curb his more rebellious activities, but it may only be a matter of time.

-Nasius of Sinope- A childe of Nikostratos, who in turn was a childe of Mordiacus, Nasius is viewed with more than a little trepidation by the city's kindred due to his off putting appearance and preference for dealing with the dead rather than the undead.  He spends nearly all of his time conducting experiments and research with the dead, and is only rarely seen at gatherings.

-Sapphira- Another childe of Nikostratos, Sapphira is most known in the city for the fact that she is actually rather attractive, even with the curse of her clan.  But she is more than a pretty face, possessing a keen intellect and an expansive knowledge of eastern occult practices.

-Antonio Versa- childe of Nasius, Antonio Versa shares his sire's predilection for unusual research with mysterious ends.  He is even more reclusive, and is only seen once or twice a year, if not less.

-Kostas Dragases- A more social and courteous member of the Cappadocian clan, Kostas holds an Elysium in the name of the Prince.  His salon is a common place for the more scholarly of kindred to meet and discuss various subjects.  The villa where he holds this salon is guarded by over a dozen silent guards in full armor, and Kostas guarantees the silence and secrecy of any meeting held in his domain.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:19, Thu 25 Feb 2021.
GM, 14 posts
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 20:20
  • msg #9



-Vadas Istvan-
Scourge of the city, Vadas Istvan is a Dalmatian Tzimisce who has served Lucanus and Cyriacus faithfully for quite some time.  He has a reputation for brutality, but never for going against his masters' edicts.

-Kriga Vaklos- A koldunic sorcerer known by his fellows as the "Blood Wind," Vaklos is one of Mordiacus's most well known allies.  Some think he is in Venice to avoid the wrath of his clan in the east, but he will not speak on the matter.

childe and lieutenant of Vadas Istvan.  A large, powerful individual who is capable of intimidating most kindred in the city, Grozdan is almost as feared as his master.

-Zsofia Mihaly- This Tzimisce Countess was formerly a voivode in the Carpathian range who lost her lands to factional warfare.  She took refuge under the protection of Lucanus over a century ago, and has become a fixture of the courts ever since.  Abnormally social for her kind, especially when contrasted with her clanmates in the city, Zsofia freely offers her services and her mastery of Vicissitude to members of the court, for the right price.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:20, Thu 25 Feb 2021.
GM, 15 posts
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 20:22
  • msg #10



-Ceslinus the Pius- A malkavian of unknown ancestry but likely of considerable age, Ceslinus spends his existence in the confines of a monastery, and served as Lucanus' confessor for centuries.  Only Cyriacus, Mordiacus, and the other elder kindred in the city know more of his origins, but they are not talking.  The few kindred who have interacted with Ceslinus say he has remarkable insight into the behavior and mentality of kindred and kine alike, which he claims comes from his close relationship with God, not his blood.

-Johanna of Utrecht- visionary adviser to Lenhard the Lion, Johanna claims to have lived at the court of Aachen during the reign of Charlemagne.  Her prophecies were what led Lenhard to the city.

-Demetrios- A young Malkavian whose origins are unknown to the court at large, Demetrios seems to have little of the curse of his clan in him.  He is a scholar of note, and has occasionally been consulted by Mordiacus' cabal on unknown matters.
GM, 16 posts
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 20:23
  • msg #11



-Matthias Volker-
Regent of the small chantry invited into the city by Mordiacus, this sorcerer is aloof and rarely speaks to those outside of his clan.

-Andrija Macek- childe of Matthias Volker, he is the right hand of the Regent, and is the most often seen envoy for the chantry.

-Solavita Malatesta- a scandal that only complicates the situation for the Tremere chantry, this young cainite is of unknown ancestry but exhibits considerable skill in the thaumaturgical arts.  So far Volker has given no explanation for her presence, and indeed seems to have little to no control over her activities.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 20:24, Thu 25 Feb 2021.
GM, 17 posts
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 20:23
  • msg #12



-Verme- reclusive like the rest of his clan, Verme is acknowledged as a true elder, but rarely comes to the surface for court.  His small band of nosferatu are very tight knit, and serve their lord with fervor.

-Inavissi- Verme's chief lieutenant and the most commonly seen Nosferatu in the city.  He is somewhat less repugnant than most of his kin, and tries to keep himself clean and well covered when acting as his master's agent or emissary.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:24, Thu 25 Feb 2021.
GM, 18 posts
Thu 25 Feb 2021
at 20:24
  • msg #13



-Ruxana Celebi- The Gangrel "primogen" by reason of being one of only two known gangrel in the city, Ruxana is what would later be termed a city gangrel.  Cultured and polite for her animalistic clan, Ruxana still maintains much of the poise and demeanor she had as a Hungarian princess.

-Cunradus- The animalistic counter to Ruxana's poise, Cunradus would almost be pathetic if he wasn't so dangerous.  Forced to skulk in alleys and abandoned homes, this large German kindred lives more like a feral dog than a cainite.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:01, Fri 26 Feb 2021.
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