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Races (Required Reading)

Posted by ElvesFor group 0
Wed 16 Sep 2020
at 14:06
  • msg #1

Races (Required Reading)

Elf Summary

Elves are the most diverse species on Eos and the second largest in terms of population- varying widely in skin tone, body shape, natural appendages, size, innate powers and even culture. There are currently eight different offshoots of the Elf species, most being named for their varied affinities and connections to either one or more of the original Primal Sources- Cosmos, Sun, Moon, Sky, Earth, Sea or Blood. However, as the different offshoots breed with one another, they give birth to other offshoots, mixing their respective primal affinities and creating new Primal Sources, like Ice- having been created by mixing Sky and Sea. Given their agelessness, they tend to breed slowly to avoid overpopulation, unlike the humans who birth thousands each year.

The Primal Sources are each superior and inferior to at least one other Source:

Sea > Sun > Ice > Earth > Sky > Moon > Sea

Everything, excluding Blood, is weak to Cosmos, while Cosmos is weak to Blood.
Everything is weak to Blood, but blood is also weak to everything, excluding Cosmos.

The sea douses the sun, the sun melts ice, ice freezes the earth, earth is unaffected by the sky, the sky is unaffected by the moon and the moon rules the tides.

Overall, the various elven leaders prefer peaceful solutions to violent ones, in all matters. But, that doesn't mean they won't bare their teeth, even towards one another, when provoked.

Originally, elves are native to the Vale, the Reach and the Dire, but many from elven civilization have migrated to Valeria, Xadia and Duren, mingling with human society and creating a home away from home for themselves.

Race Powers:

All elves age slowly until maturity, and then their physical appearance remains the same until their death. Elves cannot die simply due to age, and are resistant to most ailments that would effect humans. If left to their own devices, with no dangerous or fatal factors intervening, it is possible and plausible even for an elf to live indefinitely. However, elves require sustenance such as food and drink, as well as nightly rest just like the other species on Eos.

The Startouched




Startouched elves are the rarest offshoot of the species, by far. They are rumored, by humans, to have come to Eos long ago when a meteor shower struck the planet, leaving devastation in its wake. In reality, the elves were always on Eos, lurking in the wilderness and avoiding the destructive hands of mortals. However, one of the many meteors did strike Eos, decimating a hidden elven village far to the north. That meteor tainted the tundra where it landed, leaving an almost radioactive footprint for several miles around the crash site.

What elves remained in the area, most of which were survivors of the wreckage, tasked themselves with examining the meteor and cleaning up the mess. Being in close proximity to the odd rock began to take its effect over time, morphing the once powerless elves into something else entirely- The Startouched.

These elves are the eldest of the species, being considered the progenitors of the other offshoots. Easily the most powerful in ability and natural skill, these ancient beings are almost godlike in strength. Though their existence is well known to the leaders of the elven civilizations, they are considered to be extinct by the majority. Despite their rumored extinction, there are a few left, hidden in the most sacred of places and avoiding the destructive touch of mortal hand at all costs.

While many elves blame the Bloodcursed for the dwindling numbers of the Startouched, in reality it is the fault of the humans, Gallicans mostly. Most humans believe the Startouched to be nothing but myth and legend, but Gallicans know they exist, and anyone who slays such an ancient, magical being is rewarded with riches and accepted into the nation's nobility for their efforts. To this end, the Gallicans have hunted the Startouched for centuries, even going as far as to work with the Bloodcursed to accomplish their goals, despite their disdain for non-humans. These deals, the Bloodcursed and Gallicans working on 'equal' terms, are not equal at all. These wretched, hateful humans have enslaved many of the Bloodcursed, and force them to do their dirty work.


The appearance of Startouched elves depends on the night of their birth. While they all share similar horns, they don't all share the same general appearance.

Most Startouched have midnight blue skin, yellow eyes and white hair. Their skin gets darker in color across the torso and down their arms before lightening once more. They tend to have star markings across their face and hands, broken up into two layers of design: a diamond pattern just below the eyes and a splash of smaller markings that give them the appearance of being freckled. These markings vary from elf to elf, in pattern and placing, some having a much different spattering of stars across their form. Despite the youngest of the Startouched being several thousand years old, these freckle like markings give them a very young appearance.

On the rare occasion that a Startouched is born on a night where the sky is naked, clear of stars, their skin can appear much darker than that of the others. Rather than the midnight blue of the night sky, these elves appear as pitch dark as the void of space, with orangeish markings around their eyes and dark hair to match. These Startouched elves, untouched by stars on the night of their birth, are rumored to be the most powerful of this particular offshoot.

The Startouched elves have no particular home, at least not one that is known to those outside of their bloodline, and possibly the monarchs of the other elven civilizations.

These beautiful, godlike creatures are forces of nature in their own right.


Cosmic Mage, Startouched Warrior

Bloodline Traits:



Wouldn't you like to know? The powers of the Startouched are shrouded in mystery, the few remaining having scrubbed their existence from any and all texts that mentioned them. Those who witness the strengths of the Startouched are few, and for some reason seem physically unable to speak or write of their firsthand accounts- as if their hands were bound and lips were magically sealed, in hopes of keeping their encounter secret.

Primal Source:


Opposing Sources:


The Sunscorched




Sunscorched elves are one of the four most common types of elves, boasting a population in the tens of thousands. The remaining three include the Seascorned, Earthbound and Heavensent, while the Snowladen fall just behind in fifth place. These elves are seen as some of the fiercest beings to ever set foot on Eos.

Often seen as the most formidable army among the elves and some of the strongest fighters on Eos, they are well known to humans and non-humans alike.

Though there is a smaller city of Sunscorched elves that rests in the depths of the Reach, most inhabit a volcanic island referred to as 'No Man's Land' by the mortals. This island is home to the most skilled blacksmiths on Eos, and is the origin of Sunforged weapons- weaponry carefully forged in the depths of the volcano. These weapons hold a constant fiery glow, and are much more durable than even the strongest sword or shield forged elsewhere. The blades of these weapons are perpetually hot to the touch, allowing them to be used to scald the enemy, though they cannot burn the wielder. Each Sunforged weapon is magically connected to the owner, their name inscribed along the length of the blade, enchanting the weapon and the wielder. Although these blades do not get nearly as hot as those heated by Sunscorched Warriors, they are nigh unbreakable and incredibly expensive- considered prized possessions by those lucky enough to own one. To commission such a weapon takes quite a bit of gold, and a personal connection to vouch for you with a Sunscorched smith.


Sunforged elves most commonly appear with dark skin, dark orange eyes and hair that comes in varied but warm colors ranging from coal-black to golden blonde. There are exceptions, of course, due to breeding with other elven offshoots, but they are not nearly as common. These elves vary in height, but the majority seem to be tall and imposing.


Fire Mage, Sunscorched Warrior

Bloodline Traits:

Sunscorched elves are impervious to the debilitating effects of heat, and have the ability to absorb power from the sun to heal minor wounds- making them strongest at midday when the sun is at its peak. On top of that, they are able to see clearly even in the most blinding light.


The Fire Mage is a powerful pyromancer, able to manipulate flames, as well as heat in general, in their vicinity. While they are impervious to the effects of heat, their skin can still be burned. Although the most flashy powers they have at their disposal involve the bending of flames to their will, they're not always practical since they cannot create fire themselves. These mages are only capable of utilizing what is already there, such as a campfire or a lit torch to fling fireballs at their enemy, or even create a wall of flame. However, despite this limitation, these mages are capable of using even the most minute source of heat (body heat or the warmth of a blanket, for example) and directing it at their foe. If done properly, this can cause their opponent to quickly become overheated, exhausting their ability to fight and giving the Fire Mage a leg up in combat. Although, this ability is limited. They are unable to draw heat from sentient creatures against their will- it must be offered (an ally offering their warmth to power a spell, for example). If heat is drawn from a living source to an extreme degree, it is possible that the source could go into shock and suffer a premature death. Masters of this magic can even cover their bodies in fire, able to control the fire so precisely that their skin is not burnt in the process, but it takes years and years to master.

Sunscorched warriors, much more common than Fire Mages, are a staple of the Sunscorched armies. These warriors have the ability to cause various parts of their bodies to heat to an extreme degree. This, in turn, causes them to emit an orangeish red glow from beneath the skin. This ability can be used in multiple ways such as super heating their body in an effort to burn someone who has them pinned down, or even to give their weapons the ability to cut through steel like butter. In the past, when elf would war against human, Sunscorched warriors were always on the front lines, cutting the humans down in droves.

Primal Source:


Opposing Sources:

Cosmos, Blood, Sea

The Mooncrazed




Mooncrazed elves are few in number when compared to the other offshoots, but they are powerful. They tend to live in small villages up mountain paths, rather than large towns and cities, due to their minute population.

These elves, while not quite as common as the rest, have important responsibilities that were passed down from the Startouched to the Mooncrazed elders centuries prior. They are charged with the protection and upkeep of sacred places, known as Primal Sources, or just the Primals. These places are the main source of magic.

These elves have a rather rigid culture: they believe in duty and oaths above all else, and never show fear towards anything, even death itself. Those believed to have abandoned their duty become "ghosts", Mooncrazed elves who are effectively shunned by their kin through magic. Those who cast the ghosting spell on themselves cannot see or hear ghosts, and they appear faceless to ghosts as well.

Many of these elves hold the Startouched in the highest regard, building temples in their honor, some even going to the point to worship them as gods.


Mooncrazed elves are typically pale to dark-skinned with purple markings stretching across parts of their body. They have white or silver hair and pale eyes that vary in color. On the night of the full moon, Mooncrazed Elves are at the height of their power and can become invisible for a time.


Moon Mage, Mooncrazed Rogue

Bloodline Traits:

Mooncrazed elves possess powers that wax and wane with the moon, becoming stronger and weaker as the moon goes through its phases. They also have the ability to turn invisible on nights of a full moon, and to see easily in the dark.


Moon Mages are master illusionists, able to trick even the most clever of beings with their spellwork. While they do not have any offensive spells, Moon Mages are capable of tricking their opponents into traps of their own making- leading their victim off a cliff even though the victim sees nothing but a forest path ahead of them, for example. These mages are also capable of making a small group of warriors appear as a much larger force, in hopes of scaring off the opposition, if the need arises. While illusions can be useful in battle, they are used much more often for utility purposes, such as changing appearances to trick guards, or even changing your cards when playing poker, to win the pot. There are countless ways to use illusions, but the caster must be clever to do so, and should always put thought into their actions. Depending on the mastery of the mage, some illusions can become near permanent, lasting until the death of the mage themselves, or until the mage chooses to allow them to fade. Illusions cast by masters of the craft can even become corporeal, making them firm to the touch, rather than allowing one's hand to pass straight through them. These semi-permanent illusions do come with drawbacks, however. Moon Mages have been known to become reclusive in their later years, spending all of their time with illusions of their own making, believing them to be real. Delusion and illusion go hand in hand, if one is not careful to grab hold of reality.

Mooncrazed rogues are masters of the bow, as well as dual wielded daggers, but their innate powers also enable them to manipulate their shadow, as if it were an extra limb attached to their body. This ability can be used to have the shadow strangle an enemy, or to simply grab an apple from a tree while the elf rests comfortably on the ground. While this ability has many uses, it is limited by the time of day and length of the shadow, as well as the weather- an overcast sky does not provide many shadows to play with.

Primal Source:


Opposing Sources:

Cosmos, Blood, Sky

The Heavensent




Heavensent elves are one of largest branches of the species, coming in third place in regards to their numbers. These elves tend to move in groups, or flocks as it were, and rely on safety in numbers.

Though the Heavensent are blessed with wings and the ability to fly, they are also cursed with the fragile, hollow bones needed to sustain that flight. These hollow bones make the elves quite breakable, so they tend to avoid any kind of close combat.

Heavensent society is very close-knit, and they are wary of outsiders. Their fragile makeup generally makes them suspicious of those they don't know, worrying that strangers will come close and break their bodies.

These elves are unique in the fact that they are hatched from eggs, rather than carried in a womb until birth.


Heavensent elves are beautiful, yet delicate creatures. Their skin tones include a tan brown, as well as blue or grey, while their hair varies in both color and length, with colors coming in stormy tones of gray and bright shades of electric blue. Although not always the case, their ears can appear split into a larger and a smaller section. These elves enjoy the advantage of being born with wings, and being able to traverse the skies. Compared to other offshoots, these elves are quite small. To accommodate the weight of their wings and the fragility of their bones, they tend to not grow much taller than five foot, most being even shorter than that.

Despite the size of their army, they aren't known as one of the stronger offshoots. The majority of the Heavensent, much like birds, tend to scare easy which sends them flitting off to places unknown. There are exceptions, of course, providing a brave winged elf on occasion, that will defy the odds and push past whatever pain comes their way.


Wind Mage, Heavensent Warrior, Heavensent Ranger

Bloodline Traits:

Heavensent elves are born with wings, being the only elves with the ability to fly. They are also able to telepathically commute with other sentient and non-sentient creatures of the sky, such as birds.


Wind Mages are masters of air magic. They utilize the currents to create fluid change in the air, throwing enemies about or even cutting them with deadly precision from a distance. On calm days when a breeze is nonexistent, Wind Mages can use their wings to create their own; however, this is limited and tends to only last for the duration of one spell. The constant flapping of wings and straining of muscles, combined with the draining use of magic can easily wear on the mage's stamina and mana reserves.

Heavensent warriors don't use swords and axes, but prefer to use spiked whips instead, in hopes of keeping their enemy at a distance. The warrior is able to manipulate small pockets of wind around their whip as it travels through the air, causing it to change direction in a moment's notice, to follow the movements of their opposition. They also carry throwing knives, which they are able to direct with their wind, as well, for a stealthy kill, when the need arises. These warriors are quite skilled, but will often back down from a fight, if outnumbered or if the enemy gets too close. Strength in numbers is key, if one wishes to keep the Heavensent on the offensive.

Heavensent rangers, much like the warriors, direct their arrows with the use of small and precise pockets of wind to make sure they never miss- which is much easier and requires much less energy on windy days. However, these rangers are also able to create arrows out of the wind itself, often sending two or three arrows flying at a time- one solid wood and the others made of air, barely visible.

Primal Source:


Opposing Sources:

Cosmos, Blood, Earth

The Earthbound




As the second largest population of elves, the Earthbound are strong in number. Despite their numbers, these elves don't really have traditional cities or towns, but call the Dire, in its entirety, their home. Living closely with the wildlife and the forest itself, these elves are closer to nature than any of the other offshoots.

Earthbound society is loosely strung together, many being distant and independent from one another. Generally, they prefer the company of wildlife, rather than that of their own species. However, in times of peril, these elves come together more easily than any of the other offshoots, their natural instincts and primal urge to protect the lives of one another, and the forest they live in, prevailing despite their antisocial tendencies. In these times, it seems as if the Earthbound are one massive, close-knit community, but that illusion fades quickly enough once danger has passed and they return to their reclusive ways.

Despite their lacking social structure, the Earthbound have many customs that they follow, mostly regarding the treatment of the creatures within the forest and the forest itself.

Though most of these elves live within the reaches of the Dire, a select few have migrated to nations like Valeria, Xadia and Duren to mingle with other forms of life and to explore other cultures.

While the Earthbound don't really have a ruler or king of any kind, the eldest of these elves are responsible for keeping their traditions intact. The most important of these traditions starts at the beginning of an elf's life. When an Earthbound is born in the Dire, they are most commonly gifted with a dire wolf pup, though some elders will gift a different beast's offspring if they so choose. The elf will then grow and learn with their charge, their companion. This teaches the elf to love and care for the beast, as they will one day help care for the forest they live in. If an Earthbound elf reaches maturity with their companion, without abusing it, driving it away or neglecting it in any way, they are then accepted as a denizen of the Dire, by the forest itself and the other elves.

On the other hand, if they choose to abuse, neglect or even kill their companion, they are then marked and cast out of the Dire never to return, lest they be killed on sight for trespassing in a forest that does not welcome them. This mark, magical in nature is placed on the left cheek and is not able to be removed even through magical means. If one were to cut off that portion of skin, when it healed the mark would still be there.


Earthbound elves vary in appearance as much as the Dire itself, and the wildlife within. With their chameleon-like skin, it's difficult to say what their 'natural' skin tone is, but most living in the Dire tend to blend in with their surroundings with earth tones. One common factor among all of these elves, is the set of antlers atop their heads, taking the place of the horns of the other offshoots.

These elves are some of the most diverse in appearance. Some have a more leafy or bushy grass-like appearance to their hair, and others have even developed a tree bark-like skin texture. Some even have tails, similar to that of a deer or even a rabbit or fox. Some have animal ears atop their head, rather than the traditional, pointed elf ears.

In general, Earthbound elves are humanoid in shape with shifting skin tones and one or two characteristics of either flora or fauna. Some of these elves do have a closer resemblance to humans, despite their varied characteristics, but they are in the minority.


Earth Mage, Earthbound Brawler

Bloodline Traits:

Earthbound elves are born with a natural camouflage, that helps them blend into the nature they are so close to. Their chameleon-like skin only changes when they wish it to, but can be activated by fear- meaning, if the elf fears for their life, their skin may begin to shift to match their surroundings, to avoid being seen. These elves also possess the ability to speak with other sentient and non-sentient creatures of the earth, anything without gills or wings, really.


Earth Mages are quite rare among this offshoot, but the masters of this type of magic are incredibly powerful. In general, these mages are able to control the animals and plants around them, to a degree. For example, an Earth Mage can compel a passing bear who would have otherwise ignored them to attack their opponent, or cause a vine from a tree to strangle them instead. There is a wide variety of combat and utility applications for earth magic, but it is most potent when out in the wilds. When in city limits, this type of magic can be limited to compelling domestic animals seen within society, or controlling house plants or decorative shrubbery placed around the city. The most powerful of these mages are capable of growing things, like trees, on their own- forcing one to sprout through a paved road in the middle of a city square being possible for those with such skills. Masters of earth magic can even control multiple beasts at once, compelling a plethora of animals to do their bidding.

Earthbound brawlers are a breed all their own, and one that leaves an impression on the battlefield. These elves are masters of close combat, and tend to be very physically fit. Earthbound brawlers are able to grow a thin layer of rock-like armor over their body. This 'armor' both protects them and makes their physical attacks much more potent. While this armor is strong, it is not unbreakable. Edged weapons won't do much but chip small pieces away, but weapons such as maces, clubs and war-hammers are quite effective against it.

Primal Source:


Opposing Sources:

Cosmos, Blood, Ice

The Seascorned




The Seascorned elves are a sea dwelling people who many (mostly humans) believe to be lawless pirates. While there are pirates on the seas, the majority of these elves live in peace either on cities floating atop large wooden platforms, anchored to one location, or in cities beneath the waves, such as the Seascorned capitol of Atlantis (located south of Duren). While most do prefer the open sea, some of these elves have migrated to places such as Duren, Xadia, Valeria and even the Dire. Anywhere with easy access to the open sea, via a coastline, is likely to see a few of these elves from time to time.

Seascorned society is very welcoming to those who can find it. Atlantis is open to outsiders, whether they seek sanctuary or simply wish to see the sights- though most are unable to breathe underwater. Human mages from Duren, at least those who utilize water magics, are sometimes seen within the depths of Seascorned territory, seeking tutelage from one of the elders beneath the waves.

Though Atlantis is, by far, the largest Seascorned city out there, it is not the only one. There are many floating cities, situated in the calmest sections of the sea- many of which are just a few miles or so off the coast of other nations.

These elves can often be seen in coastal towns of Xadia, trading fish, pearls and other wares found in the sea to the Merchant's Guild.


Seascorned elves vary widely in shape, size and overall appearance- their most similar traits being skin tone and hair color. These elves tend to have either pale skin and blue hair, or blue skin and dark hair that has a blueish sheen when light hits it.

Many of these elves look like humans (excluding the blue skin, horns and pointed ears), while countless others share various characteristics of sea creatures. These characteristics range from gills to fins to entire body parts seeming to have been replaced by tentacles or other varied fish bits.

Rather than using the actual name of the species, many (the Gallicans specifically) refer to them as Merfolk or Mer's, which they view as highly offensive terms that lump them in with all other sentient sea life. An acceptable alternative to Seascorned is 'Sea Elf,' though it isn't preferred over their true moniker.


Water Mage, Seascorned Swashbuckler

Bloodline Traits:

Seascorned elves are born with the natural ability to breathe underwater, some even having developed gills. Much like the Heavensent and Earthbound, these elves are able to telepathically commute with the creatures of their domain. The Seascorned move most easily in the water, naturally swimming faster than even the quickest sea creatures.


Water Mages are masters of the sea, and water in general. They are able to bend it to their will and blast enemies with water, or even create massive waves on the sea to crush ships and drag enemies beneath the surface. Much like the Snow Mages, these elves are able to manipulate the moisture in the air, for use in spells. However, water mages require much more moisture to be effective, when away from the sea. When landlocked, their powers tend to work best on rainy days, or perhaps when near a pond or stream. The most powerful of these mages can even draw moisture from living beings either to power their spells or simply as an offensive technique. Despite the reason for drawing the moisture out of a creature, said creature can easily die of dehydration, if the Water Mage pushes it too far. Water magic can also be used for utility- forcing water away to create an air bubble for others when traversing the sea floor, or simply filling a glass with water to drink by drawing moisture out of the air.

Seascorned swashbucklers are masters of the blade, as well as the sea. When on a ship, for example, each swing of the sword can be accompanied by a sharp jet of water, magically drawn from the surface of the sea itself to aid in the attack and make it more potent. This also works on rainy days, and is actually more useful then, due to the attack being masked by the downpour, making it difficult to spot or avoid. While these jets of water hurt and they are quite disorienting, they cannot pierce the skin. Despite their prowess above sea level, their true strengths lie below the surface. While most move at a sluggish pace through the water, these elves move as fluidly as the sea itself, as if they were above land moving freely. While others must struggle, fighting the weight of the sea on their limbs, the Seascorned move with lightning fast reflexes and take their enemies down with efficiency and precision. Under the sea, empowered by it even, the water that accompanies the swing of their blades easily turn from a painful jet of water to a sharpened, watery spear thrust into their opponent, piercing flesh and breaking bones.

Primal Source:


Opposing Sources:

Cosmos, Blood, Moon

The Snowladen




Snowladen civilization is much like that of humans. Due to their chosen home being nothing but bare, frozen tundra, these elves tend to remain inside their walled off cities and castles, just beyond the mountain ranges that separate the Vale from the rest of Eos.

Though they are only fifth, in terms of elven population, they are seen as one of the stronger offshoots, hosting a fairly large standing army to keep watch of the paths to the south.

As a result of their icy home, the Snowladen tend to have many trade deals with other nations and, specifically, the Merchant's Guild of Xadia. To some, these elves can be seen as cold and uncaring, but that is a simple icy exterior they front, to keep others at bay. Snowladen society is warm, loving and could even be considered close-knit.


Very regal in appearance and demeanor, most Snowladen elves stand above six feet in height with excellent posture, fair features, pale skin and white hair. While many of the other elven offshoots tend to have markings and tattoos adorning their bodies, most Snowladen do not, leaving their pale bodies appearing as a blank canvas of sheer white.


Ice Mage, Snowladen Warrior, Snowladen Rogue

Bloodline Traits:

Snowladen elves are impervious to the cold, being able to live comfortably even in temperatures below zero. Their skin is cold to the touch, even in the warmest of climates, and you can always see their breath when they exhale, as if it's cold out.


Ice Mages are capable of cooling the moisture in the air to create ice shards to launch at the enemy, freeze things with their bare hands or even cause a snow flurry to cover a retreat. The flurry is particularly ineffective in warm climates, the snow melting much too fast to be of any use in a getaway. The most talented of these mages can even freeze the moisture within a person's lungs, as they inhale oxygen; however, that skilled of a mage is exceedingly rare, and the mastering of that particular ability is incredibly difficult.

The Snowladen warrior is capable of covering their body in a thin layer of 'black ice,' nearly invisible to the naked eye and incredibly slippery to the touch. This ice is easily broken with the use of a blunt weapon or even with brute force and muscle, but while this 'ice armor' or 'frost armor' is active, weapons with an edge (swords, daggers, axes, etc.) glance off, not able to bite into the slick ice.

The Snowladen rogue is able to create weapons out of ice, rather than carrying the burden of physical weaponry. The smaller the weapon, the stronger the ice, making daggers very useful. A dagger made in this way can pierce steel with ease. The ability to make weapons out of thin air has proven quite useful in the past. When scouting parties were captured and disarmed, the rogue would strike their captors when they least expected it, with a weapon they never saw coming.

Primal Source:


Opposing Sources:

Cosmos, Blood, Sun

The Bloodcursed




The Bloodcursed Elves are outcasts of both elven and human society. Blamed for the dwindling numbers of their progenitors, the Startouched, the Bloodcursed are often pushed away by their kin. The only place that can truly be called home by these pariahs is the country of Valeria, due to its open door policy for all races. Although, they are able to blend into other human societies, if they so choose, due to similarities to their mortal halves.

Thanks to their ability to blend into human civilization, it is quite difficult to ascertain the overall number of Bloodcursed elves on Eos, but it is safe to assume that they come short of matching the larger elven civilizations in strength and number. Forced to live among humans, in most cases, they tend to live fairly short lives.

Bloodcursed elves are born through the mating of elf and human. Most of these hybrids are equal in power, the Starcursed (Startouched/human hybrids) being the exception. These Starcursed have proven to be even more rare than the Startouched, themselves. The reason being their general appearance giving away their bloodline. Bloodcursed elves tend to favor their human parent in appearance, but that is not the case of the Starcursed who share the same star-like freckles spattered across their bodies, making them easy targets. While the Startouched have not yet been hunted to extinction, the Starcursed likely have- no one has spotted one in centuries.


Bloodcursed Elves, or half-elves rather, take more after their mortal parent, than the elf half. They share the same general makeup of humans, down to the fast aging. The only noticeable difference between humans and the Bloodcursed, is their pointed ears. Although, many choose to blend into human society by consistently wearing hoods or hats, or even growing their hair out to cover their ears.


Blood Mage, Bloodcursed Berserker, Bloodcursed Assassin

Bloodline Traits:

Bloodcursed elves lack many of the strengths that the other elves possess, due to their mortality and lack of any additional appendages or natural defenses. Really, their only bloodline traits, if you could consider them as such, would be mortality and a human appearance. These traits easily distinguish the Bloodcursed from the other elven offshoots.


Blood Mages are formidable opponents, able to shift the blood within their enemy's veins at will, though very few of the Bloodcursed have an aptitude for the arcane. This type of magic is one of the most difficult to learn, making these mages exceptionally skilled, once they are able to master the art.

Bloodcursed Berserkers go into a frenzy at the sight of their own blood. The heavier the blood loss, the more enraged they become. As their rage grows, so does their physical prowess, granting them enhanced strength, speed and durability while going Berserk. Once the rage is quelled, the Berserker is physically and mentally exhausted, immediately requiring time to rest and recuperate.

Bloodcursed Assassins are masters of their trade. More often than not, these skilled assassins end their target with a single blow. However, if a fight does break out, once a cut has been made on their opponent, the Bloodcursed is able to force the victim's heart to pump faster and harder. This, in turn, leads to extensive and fatal blood loss in a matter of moments.

Primal Source:


Opposing Sources:

Sun, Moon, Sky, Earth, Sea, Ice

This message was last edited by the GM at 04:50, Sun 30 Jan 2022.
Wed 16 Sep 2020
at 14:32
  • msg #2

Races (Required Reading)

The Humans




Easily the largest population on Eos, humans nearly triple the elves in numbers. Due to their fast reproduction process and primal desire to breed, thousands of new humans are born each year across the globe. Though they are squishy, mortal and easily broken, they do have strength in numbers.

Humans are native to the countries of Valeria, Gallica, Xadia and Duren, and have many cities and strongholds spread throughout their territories and along their borders.

Though humans are not quite as diverse in appearance as the elves, their culture varies widely from city to city, country to country. From humble beggars and overworked farmers to altruistic monarchs and pompous nobles, humanity has varying levels of social structure. However, all are equal in death.


The appearance of humans varies, dependent on many biological factors. Some are big, while others are small. Some are thin and fit, while others are less so. Human anatomy provides for quite a bit of flexibility, as one ages, diets change, exposure to sun varies and workout regimens differ.


Unlike the elves, the majority of human warriors don't wield magic, rather, they lean on the use of weapons and their own physical prowess. Some are masters of the sword and shield, while others prefer maces, polearms or even bow and arrow.

In general, humans tend to lean toward either physical weapons or arcane spell work, rarely mixing the two- though there is the rare battle mage who specializes in spell slinging, as well as the use of a particular weapon.

A warrior's skill set will be defined heavily by their chosen weapon, or weapons. Most tend to specialize in one or two types of a weapons. A ranger who wields a sword for close combat but is also proficient in the use of a bow, for example.

Human mages are similar in the sense that their chosen magical affinities are limited. The less affinities a mage leans into, the more powerful their magic will be. Considering the extensive amount of study that goes into honing one's craft and mastering spells, it simply isn't plausible for a mage to learn all types of magic. Most mages tend to use one or two primal sources, giving them some variety in their spells, but not spreading themselves too thin, in the process. These mages are able to utilize all primal sources, excluding Cosmic and Blood.

This message was last edited by the GM at 13:36, Mon 07 June 2021.
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