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23:48, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
player, 105 posts
Human Barbarian
19 AC 9/31 HP
Fri 2 Jul 2021
at 23:53
  • msg #377

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

Einar shakes his head at Hope as she suggests that., “Clearly he has plenty of that, but no we should just focus on getting the civilians back. Don’t try anything just let me fight and then when its over make sure that they get released safely.”
Korym Nightstar
player, 131 posts
Moon Elf | Wizard 2
HP: 13/13 | AC: 12 or 15
Sat 3 Jul 2021
at 04:48
  • msg #378

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

I'd say it was an honor to have you as a second but there is little need of it as I'm already equipped. But you all can come to the gate at least, and collect my body should I fall.

"What needs to be done...will be done, Einar." Korym does his best to remain stoic even as his mind was screaming at the insanity of the situation.

Langdedrosa Cyanwrath:
I am Langdedrosa Cyanwrath, Champion of Tiamat, Dragonsoul of this branch of the Cult of The Dragon

The words of the creature sear themselves into Korym's memory. He knows that he will never forget them. Especially the cruelty with which they were spoken.

Don’t try anything just let me fight and then when its over make sure that they get released safely.

"You have our word. May the gods be with you."

Korym steps back with the rest of his companions, watching Einar step forward to sure death.

Then, typically, a random thought crossed the elf's mind. He turned, looking up at he battlements. Pointing at Escobert, he whispers, "Nuntius...Escobert it's Korym. if there is a single healing potion left in the Keep, please send for it immediately...if you whisper a reply only I will hear."

Korym Nightstar rolled 10 for Arcana,19 for History, and 4 for Nature regarding Langdedrosa.
Also his Researcher ability: when attempting to learn or recall lore, if information is not known, often knows where and from whom to obtain it.

He wants to recall anything from the Dragonborn's name or honourifics; or the Cult of the Dragon.

Cast Message

This message was last edited by the player at 05:11, Sat 03 July 2021.
Oraphina Weatherbee
player, 26 posts
Halfling | Paladin 2
HP: 14/18 | AC: 17
Sat 3 Jul 2021
at 08:25
  • msg #379

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

Oraphina's knuckles turned white from her tightening grip on the hilt of her sword, her face contorting in anger when the child was kicked, but she forced a smile soon after.  "Yondalla watch and keep you, Einar.  You come out of this alive, I'll bake you cookies.  Good ones.  With nuts in them."

She took his hand in hers and squeezed it tightly.  "Just kill him quick, okay?  No showboating or boasting or monologuing.  Finish the job and come back to us."
Grune Darkhammer
player, 83 posts
Dwarven Life-Cleric
AC:18 HP: 11/17
Sat 3 Jul 2021
at 19:31
  • msg #380

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

Grune Darkhanner clapped Einar upon his back.

"Be brave, be bold lad. You've got the spark."

Grune presents his holy symbol and prays in dwarven.

OOC: Grune will use his Channel Divinity ability to Preserve Life (this ability may not increase Einar to greater than 1/2 of his hit point maximum and heals a total of 10 hit points.

Players may claim the "left over" Hit points at their discretion after max healing has been awarded to Einar.

player, 106 posts
Human Barbarian
19 AC 16/31 HP
Sun 4 Jul 2021
at 00:19
  • msg #381

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

With everything said and done he'll nod to the group saying one last thing before walking out, "No matter what happens stay calm and don't over react, or the woman and her children will be the ones to suffer."

With that, he strides out to the battlefield his shield on his arm and his axe in his head ready for the fight to start the moment he finishes stating his name. In as loud a voice as he can muster, I am Einar Helvig of Greenest, I have come to face you!
Dungeon Master
GM, 354 posts
Sun 4 Jul 2021
at 01:05
  • msg #382

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

The creature listens to Einar announce himself, and snorts out a laugh. "May you prove a more worthy opponent than the rest of your pitiful town; The rest of your neighbors fell far too easily." He says turning to a human dressed head to toe in black, with a black hood like mask.

The man hands Cyanwrath a Greatsword, which he wields in one hand, and a spear, which he takes in the other. He then turns to face the barbarian adjusting his shoulders.

Cyanwrath 18
Einar 9

"Enough talking Einar Helvig of Greenest, FIGHT!" He roars as he surges forward, faster than Einar had expected, and brings his sword down on brabarian's shoulder with a loud and sickening noise. Einar can feel his clavicle shatter under the tremendous blow from the sword. (10dmg)

The creature brings his sword back for another attack; this one Einar knows he cannot take, and expertly ducks, as the massive sword cleaves the air above him.

"Heh... Perhaps you will be a better foe than the rest." He says surprised by the expert dodge by Einar.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:57, Sun 04 July 2021.
player, 107 posts
Human Barbarian
19 AC 16/31 HP
Sun 4 Jul 2021
at 01:39
  • msg #383

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

The stupid dragon gave him no chance to even ready himself, he'd manage to avoid one hit but he couldn't get a good swing in after his dodge. Cursing himself he readies his shield he may be hurt but he wants to at least land some sorta damage on the fucker.

Damn dice roller and refusing to let me roll above a 10
Korym Nightstar
player, 132 posts
Moon Elf | Wizard 2
HP: 13/13 | AC: 12 or 15
Sun 4 Jul 2021
at 03:32
  • msg #384

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

Korym gasps at the unexpected speed and power of the dragonborn, and then as if a book had been opened in front of him, his eyes widen...his voice comes out in a whisper, "That's no dragonborn...gods preserve us...that's a...a...half-dragon!"

In any other circumstance, the elf would want to sketch creature and note its abilities...but now he just stood in abject horror, his left hand unconsciously clenching the green crystal hanging around his neck
Dungeon Master
GM, 355 posts
Mon 5 Jul 2021
at 01:35
  • msg #385

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

Einar manages to dodge Cyanwrath's second attack, but it left him off balance and unable to connect with his axe.

End Round 1 ----
Begin Round 2 ----

Cyanwrath swings his sword in a wide arc catching Einar in the side and breaking two of his ribs, as it digs in. (15dmg)

The trauma is just too much for the barbarian, who having already given his all and then some, drops to his knees spitting blood from his mouth as he falls face first into the dirt defeated.

"Pitiful..." Cyanwrath says almost spitting the word with disgust. "But at least you died with honor." He says stabbing his spear into Einar's back, as one might plant a flag or standard. (This counts as one failed death saving throw.)

He then turns and begins walking away. "Come, we're done here." As he speaks the kobolds look somewhat confused, they stand for a moment and then begin trying to drag the prisoners with them.

"You disobey me vermin? I gave my word the slaves would be returned upon the completion of the match, so leave them, and fall back!" He bellows at the tiny dragon creatures, who all shrink back from him and quickly begin running off into the smoke and darkness. He glances one last time over his shoulder at the party as he himself walks off into the darkness.

End Combat ---
Korym Nightstar
player, 134 posts
Moon Elf | Wizard 2
HP: 13/13 | AC: 12 or 15
Mon 5 Jul 2021
at 05:06
  • msg #386

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

Korym watches as Einar's body collapses into the dirt, as if time had been slowed down.

As the half-dragon plunges its spear into the barbarian's back, the elf snaps back into the reality of the situation.

"Grune, Oraphina are you able to staunch his wounds?" he asks before he runs toward the gate, looking for a messenger carrying a potion.
Grune Darkhammer
player, 84 posts
Dwarven Life-Cleric
AC:18 HP: 11/17
Mon 5 Jul 2021
at 14:36
  • msg #387

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

Grune rushes to Einar's side an applies a use of his Medicine Kit.

8/10 +1 use = 9/10 uses remain (Medicine Kit)

This message was last edited by the player at 14:38, Mon 05 July 2021.
player, 30 posts
Mon 5 Jul 2021
at 23:19
  • msg #388

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

Hope rushes with the others, remaining standing but attends the woman and children, knowing well she couldn't help with the fallen warrior. She kneels beside the children. "Don't worry....their gone now. Let's see to your mother then go see your uncle. I know he wants to see you all." She stands and goes to the woman.

"Are you ok?" not waiting for an answer, she looked over her as she made her way with the children away from the grim scene of Elnar. "Take the children and go to your family....they wait for you. Take the kids home and feed them."

She watches as they walk off then turns, her expression changing from a friendly smile to one of anger as she made her way to the others. "So help me, I find that lizard and I'm gonna stick a blade between his spine."

She looked at the others. "Will he be ok?"
Oraphina Weatherbee
player, 28 posts
Halfling | Paladin 2
HP: 14/18 | AC: 17
Tue 6 Jul 2021
at 02:11
  • msg #389

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

Oraphina arches an eyebrow at Cyanwrath as he orders the kobolds to stand down.  "Well, color me green and call me a pickle," she breathes as their foe shows actual honor after the fight.  She rushes to Einar's side and hugs Grune when she sees that the dwarf has stabilized their champion.  "You may have a career in this whole healing thing," she says to him with a wink and a smile.

Standing and turning to the rest of the group, the Halfling rubbed her head tiredly.  "Well, that was absolutely awful.  Let's get Einar back to the bunks, and try to rest as much as we can on the off chance some OTHER maniac decides to attack."
Dungeon Master
GM, 358 posts
Tue 6 Jul 2021
at 02:33
  • msg #390

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

After the duel the portcullis once more opens, this time several guardsmen come jogging out, running ahead of all of them is a boy and the defender who's sister was just saved. The man stops short and embraces his family as Hope hands them off, and the boy continues on running two potions cradled in his arms.

The boy reaches the group shortly, and out of breath says "... Here... are... the... potions... you... asked... for..." He then hands the potions over as he catches his breath.

This ends chapter one. Get anything you need to do or say done here in this thread or the O.O.C. and I will get the next chapter up and running with my next post.

Before the next part of the adventure the group will get the chance to have a long rest as well, so I will include that in my next post.

Korym Nightstar
player, 135 posts
Moon Elf | Wizard 2
HP: 13/13 | AC: 12 or 15
Tue 6 Jul 2021
at 05:20
  • msg #391

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

"Thank you," Korym says to the boy; he then shouts to one of the guards, "We need a stretcher out here, right now!"

He then runs to where Einar is being tended on the battlefield. Looking at Oraphina and Grune, he holds out the potion bottles. "Escobert was able to find these healing potions...we should perhaps use one to help his bones heal?"

The elf gags a little when he sees Einar's rib poking out through the wound on his side.

Does a long rest heal all the damage? If so, the potions are not needed, but it is kind of meta-gamey to withhold at least one given the shape Einar is in.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:23, Tue 06 July 2021.
Dungeon Master
GM, 359 posts
Wed 7 Jul 2021
at 00:29
  • msg #392

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

In reply to Korym Nightstar (msg # 391):

o.o.c Yes it is my understanding it does heal all dmg. However if you wish to use one now on poor ol' Einar, I am sure he wouldn't complain.

Edit: without at least 1 hp, you can not gain the benefits of a long rest so using that potion would be a good idea.

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:32, Wed 07 July 2021.
player, 31 posts
Wed 7 Jul 2021
at 06:57
  • msg #393

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

Hope looked on as the others worked in the warrior, pacing back and fourth like a tiger trapped in a cage. Hope used to work alone, but since Oraphina, she has found the value of friends.

…,she’d forgotten the price when one fell.

“Let’s get him back to the keep and healing so I can slap him in the head….I warned you that lizard would be tough.”She spoke to Elnar, even though he was unconscious. He sighed and looked around. “Get me three of the best hunters and trackers….I want to follow his trail. I don’t want the gecko turning around and deciding he wants another shot….I want to be ready!”

She paced, looking at Elnar, then the soldier she spoke to. “You waiting for a written invitation….GO!”
Grune Darkhammer
player, 86 posts
Dwarven Life-Cleric
AC:18 HP: 11/17
Wed 7 Jul 2021
at 21:39
  • msg #394

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

Grune smiles at Oraphina before his eyes wide at the prospect of healing potions.

"Yes, this will heal to ensure that he heal properly. Those were some seriously unfortunate wounds."

The dwarf says as he takes one of the potions offered by Korym and administers it to Einar.

"There, there lad...easy, easy..."

Grune turned to the other.

"The big lad here has been through the grinder, lets give us some room. Just incase he is a little confused when he awakens.' Grune says while he cradles Einar.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:40, Wed 07 July 2021.
Oraphina Weatherbee
player, 30 posts
Halfling | Paladin 2
HP: 14/18 | AC: 17
Wed 7 Jul 2021
at 22:01
  • msg #395

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

"C'mon Einar.  Wake up."

Fina wandered over toward Hope, her hands clasped together against her chin as she watched Grune.  "We'll find that jerk," she said to her quietly, leaning heavily against her friend's side.  "We'll find him and make him regret this.  You know we will."
player, 110 posts
Human Barbarian
19 AC 0/31 HP
Wed 7 Jul 2021
at 22:52
  • msg #396

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

A loud groan can be heard as Einar starts to come too, his head hurts and he doesn't even want to open his eyes. "Fuckin hell, at least let me be somewhere that's not as bad." He sighs finally peeking and groaning again as he notices he didn't die "Well shit had I known I wasn't gonna die I would have asked for a kiss."

He tries to laugh a bit but it just comes out as rough coughing that sounds very painful and elicited another groan.
player, 32 posts
Wed 7 Jul 2021
at 23:24
  • msg #397

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

Hope relaxed a little when she heard his voice. She pushed  through to him, bent over and kissed him.

…..then punched him in the shoulder.

“Stupid bastard….I told you to be careful. There’s your kiss, now heal up so I can properly kick that ass of yours. Then we can go cut that lizards head off.”
player, 111 posts
Human Barbarian
19 AC 0/31 HP
Thu 8 Jul 2021
at 00:03
  • msg #398

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

Einar coughs up a bit of blood after Hope’s kiss as he tried to laugh finally calming enough to speak, “I meant from Oraphina” A few more laugh coughs and he pushes himself up to a seated position.
Oraphina Weatherbee
player, 33 posts
Halfling | Paladin 2
HP: 14/18 | AC: 17
Thu 8 Jul 2021
at 03:25
  • msg #399

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

Oraphina wrinkled her brow.  "Now you're just being greedy," she scolded, waggling a chubby finger at Einar.  "You should be overjoyed that one, you're alive, and two, you were lucky enough to get a kiss from a such a fetching lass as her.  For now, though, it's time to rest."  She slowly walked over to him, her arms folded across her chest defiantly, then looked around and gave him a peck on the cheek and a wink, stifling a giggle the entire time.
Korym Nightstar
player, 138 posts
Moon Elf | Wizard 2
HP: 13/13 | AC: 12 or 15
Thu 8 Jul 2021
at 03:47
  • msg #400

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

A smile crosses the elf's face, for the first time in what seems like an eternity, when Einar stirs back to consciousness.

And the smile turns into a full-fledged laugh at the antics of Hope and Oraphina.

"It is good to see you awake, Einar...sorry, but I don't kiss anyone on a first night out!"

If the barbarian can walk, Korym will help support him, if needed, to return to the Keep.
player, 33 posts
Thu 8 Jul 2021
at 06:19
  • msg #401

Re: Tyranny of Dragons: Chapter 1 - Greenest in Flames

Hope furrowed her brow at Elnar's comment and punched his shoulder again. "Typical man....always wanting more. Now get your lazy ass up....we got work yo do."..she stood up, winking at Oraphina as she passed, then looked at the guard.

"So.....where in the nine hells are those trackers?"
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