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23:41, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Experimental Scene.

Posted by Eternal DarknessFor group 0
player, 15 posts
P:8(2) T:9(3) W: 0
B: 4
Wed 6 Oct 2021
at 00:13
  • msg #24

Experimental Scene

Serafina sighed and dropped the lead.  "Well, stay or go at your pleasure, it seems regardless, our business is done.  Lead a less treacherous life, creature."

And with those words, Serafina moved toward the fray, knowing she was already behind.
player, 18 posts
P: 6 (1), T: 5, W: 0
B: 3, PP: N/A
Wed 6 Oct 2021
at 01:18
  • msg #25

Experimental Scene

Waiting until the goblins near the captive were focused on her compatriots, Camara sneaks ever closer so that she may grab the captive. She doesn't pay attention if the dog Lady follows her.

[OOC: Camara rolled 4 using 2d6, keeping the highest dice only, rerolling max with rolls of 3,4.  Stealth.]
Eternal Darkness
GM, 33 posts
GM, Story crafter
B: 6
Wed 6 Oct 2021
at 13:03
  • msg #26

Experimental Scene

So in this case anyone close to the goblins can make an attack. Because they are surprise you get one round before they will act.

Serafina, Sigrun and Jackdraw can all roll to hit if they would like.

The way the goblins are arranged is as follows. Towards the outer edge of the skull are a number of smaller goblins on both sides. On the middle of the stones are "dogs" while wonder around. Behind the captive and the stone itself is a War Chief goblin who has by his side two bigger more hardy looking goblins.

Camara due to all the action you can stealth to the stone itself and hide behind it which gives them no vision of you and provides cover against any on coming attacks. Ropes are bound through the stone itself and appears to go through it in three places. You'll need to break them one by one. Each rope requires damage of 4 to break. You don't have to roll to hit but if she starts struggling it could make this challenging.
Sigrun Goll
player, 6 posts
P:6 T:5(2) W:0
B:3 PP:10
Wed 6 Oct 2021
at 14:09
  • msg #27

Experimental Scene

Sigrun wades into the goblins striking about her with her warhammer, singing a battle hymn of Torag.

Smite the evil doers!
Strike them where they stand!
Crush these beasts of darkness
And drive them from the land!

OOC: Looks like she got a lucky hit -- two aces. Don't know if there are multiple raises on attack rolls. She is using her warhammer [Str + d6] for a total of 9 HP -- be nice if she could spread them out

10:02, Today: Sigrun Goll rolled 3,16 using 1d6,1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,(6+6+4)16.  Warhammer vs goblins.

10:04, Today: Sigrun Goll rolled 1,5,3 using 1d6,1d6,1d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1,5,3.  Damage Warhammer with Raise.

player, 21 posts
P: 6 (1), T: 5, W: 0
B: 3, PP: N/A
Wed 6 Oct 2021
at 21:03
  • msg #28

Experimental Scene

[OOC: You only get one extra d6 for damage regardless of any extra raises on an attack roll.]
player, 18 posts
P:8(2) T:9(3) W: 0
B: 4
Wed 6 Oct 2021
at 23:30
  • msg #29

Experimental Scene

"Sigrun, your faith will bolster us more than your hammer!"

She pulled her sword high and ready in both hands and charged in with a growl, hoping that in joining the fray in the same was as other, recklessly, the gods would take pity on them as fools and help them survive.

Since there's limited options at Novice rank, Serafina will use her Martial Flexibility to gain Sweep for 5 rounds (This is round 1).   Serafina would wade in between as many enemies as she could get in between.

Sweep imposes -2, but I'm going to go for broke and Wild Attack!

18:24, Today: Serafina rolled 1,2 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 1,2.  Fighting - Wild Attack Sweep.

Well poo.  In a regular game thread, I would benny that, but I'm not sure that's allowed since this is experimental.  Sweep is all or nothing so it's usually worth bennies.

18:25, Today: Serafina rolled 5,10 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 5,(6+4)10.  In case of benny.

All right, if their Parry is 6 or less, that's a hit with a Raise, and a regular hit with 10 or more.  I've no idea how many enemies I hit, but the damage would be:

1d8 Strength
1d8+1 (Bastard Sword 2 handed)
1d6 Raise when applicable
+2 for Wild Attack

So that totals up to 2d8+3,d6 for a raise, leave the d6 off for not a Raise, and the damage is AP 1 from the sword.

player, 18 posts
P: 8(2) T: 9(2) W: 0 B: 4
To reclaim what is mine
Thu 7 Oct 2021
at 04:03
  • msg #30

Experimental Scene

Jackdaw was angry. The goblins were despicable and he needed to kill them - or at least distract them so others could free the prisoner maybe. He rushed forward as he unleashed his rage. He headed towards the chief goblin, slashing at the goblins in his path along the way.

[Language unknown: "REMADI EE, ENLA'TIAL!"] he shouted out in the goblin tongue

OOC: Raging as a free action.
Taking two swings with multi-action at a -2 as wild attacks (so Vulnerable).
So maybe a hit at 5 for 12 damage, and hit an 8 for 11 damage.

21:54, Today: Jackdaw rolled 5,4 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 5,4.  Attack #1 (2 wild attacks with multiaction).
21:56, Today: Jackdaw rolled 3,8 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,(6+2)8.  Attack #2 (2 wild attacks with multiaction).
22:02, Today: Jackdaw rolled 12,11 using 2d8+2,2d8+2, rerolling max with rolls of 4,6,4,5.  Damage in order if they hit.

This message was last edited by the player at 18:24, Thu 07 Oct 2021.
Eternal Darkness
GM, 38 posts
GM, Story crafter
B: 6
Thu 7 Oct 2021
at 17:45
  • msg #31

Experimental Scene

OOC: 3 goblins fall to Serfina's sweep attack. I rolled the damage for it.

Jackdaw takes out two of the goblins and Sigrun takes out one.

This is great time to figure out languages. Has everyone picked their languages for their characters?

Eternal Darkness
GM, 45 posts
GM, Story crafter
B: 6
Fri 8 Oct 2021
at 18:36
  • msg #32

Experimental Scene

OOC: Now that we have picked languages. The show must go on.

IC: The goblins back away from the heroes in shock with the slaying of their brethren but pull their weapons at the ready. The chief stands up from the make shift chair he sits on closer to the nose of the skull with his two elite guards ready.

He raised a hand with a drum in and before he brings it down he says,

"[Language unknown: ERSORTTIC AD!]". His hand comes down and hits the drum with a loud thud that echo's the tress around you. For a second there is silence and then a loud thud, then another, then another in quicker concession.

Then from the trees comes an Ogre that towers over the little goblins. With him he carries a giant iron ball with spikes and a chain that is attached to his waist.

The beast lets out a roar!

OOC: Let the real fight begin. The Ogtar is a wild card. With him ten other goblins are joining in this fight. The Chieftain seems content to sit back and watch with his guards.

13:20, Today: Eternal Darkness drew the 11 cards: 2C, JD, 7S, KD, BJ!, KC, 8C, AD, 6D, 4D, 8S using a deck of 54 cards.  Enemies cards.

13:26, Today: Eternal Darkness drew the 2 cards: 4H, 5C using a deck of 54 cards.  Enemies.

13:20, Today: Eternal Darkness drew the 6 cards: JD, AH, 5C, 3D, 6S, 5S using a deck of 54 cards.  Heroes cards.

Heroes are from top to bottom according to cast so: Camara, Jackdaw, Menzar, Morton, Seafina, Sigrun.

Enemies are broken into two groups: Ogtar, Goblins - (so Wild cards, unnamed)

So the order is: 1. Jackdaw, 2. Camara, 3. Seafina, 4. Sigrun, 5. Goblins, 6. Menzar, 7. Ogtar, 8. Morton

player, 29 posts
P: 6 (1), T: 5, W: 0
B: 3, PP: N/A
Fri 8 Oct 2021
at 19:03
  • msg #33

Experimental Scene

[OOC: Camara will Hold. She wants as many goblins distracted or away from the hostage as possible before she jumps in.]
player, 27 posts
P:8(2) T:9(3) W: 0
B: 4
Fri 8 Oct 2021
at 20:09
  • msg #34

Experimental Scene

"Jackdaw, move up with me!"  Serafina figured the berserker would go for the biggest target.  Which was fine.  But if he could somehow be persuaded to let someone come at his back and try to cut down the host of goblins that would eat them alive otherwise, that'd be great.  "Any magical aid for us would be appreciated!"

Because this was going to suck.

I.E. hold and charge on Serafina's initiative so we don't get too murdered by Gang Up bonus, as I try my best to kill the little goblins so the big one doesn't just decimate us with huge +Xs
Sigrun Goll
player, 12 posts
P:6 T:5(2) W:0
B:3 PP:10
Fri 8 Oct 2021
at 20:56
  • msg #35

Experimental Scene

Sigrun will move towards the altar with the bound victim. Her main intent is to free the girl and then worry about fighting her way out. She will pull her knife as she moves to slice the bonds.
player, 30 posts
P: 6 (1), T: 5, W: 0
B: 3, PP: N/A
Fri 8 Oct 2021
at 21:02
  • msg #36

Experimental Scene

Seeing Sigrun approach the altar, Camara will dash from her hiding place and assist focusing on any goblins that approach the cleric.
player, 24 posts
P: 8(2) T: 9(2) W: 0 B: 4
To reclaim what is mine
Sat 9 Oct 2021
at 15:42
  • msg #37

Experimental Scene

Despite the fury rushing through him like a river, despite seeing a challenging and therefore WORTHY foe to engage in the Ogre, he heard the words of his ally and he was able to keep himself from immediately charging towards the monster. He was breathing heavily as he waited for her to hurry the hell up to him, knucles white gripping his weapon and shield.

He called out to the Ogre, grinning. [Language unknown: "Ne t ho, Aveles-nceica!"]

OOC: I figured a Spirit roll to reign himself in. I suppose Smarts may have been appropriate too. Luckily for him, it's the same roll, lol.

09:39, Today: Secret Roll: Jackdaw rolled 4,1 using d6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 4,1.  Spirit roll.

This message was last edited by the player at 18:22, Sat 09 Oct 2021.
Eternal Darkness
GM, 51 posts
GM, Story crafter
B: 6
Mon 11 Oct 2021
at 13:04
  • msg #38

Experimental Scene

Four of the goblins upon seeing the two women try to undo the captive. They mount an attack.

OOC: What would either of you like to do before the goblins attack?

The lumbering Ogre roars at Jackdaw stumbling towards him in fury. He swings his giant ball towards the half-orc. The ball haplessly smashes into a tree next to him splintering pieces of tree bark everywhere.

08:03, Today: Eternal Darkness rolled 6,3 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 6,3.  Ogre attack against Jackdaw.
player, 33 posts
P: 6 (1), T: 5, W: 0
B: 3, PP: N/A
Mon 11 Oct 2021
at 14:35
  • msg #39

Experimental Scene

Camara attempts to get get between the goblins and the cleric. She shoots a front kick at the nearest goblin, but she goes entirely too high and misses.

[OOC: Camara rolled 3 using 2d6+1, keeping the highest dice only, rerolling max with rolls of 2,2.  Kick attack.

Yep. Here we go. Now the rolls matter.]

This message was last edited by the player at 16:24, Mon 11 Oct 2021.
Sigrun Goll
player, 13 posts
P:6 T:5(2) W:0
B:3 PP:10
Mon 11 Oct 2021
at 15:02
  • msg #40

Experimental Scene

Sigrun continues to try to cut the bonds of the bound woman. At the same time, she will pray to Torag for his aura of Protection for herself and Camara.

10:58, Today: Sigrun Goll rolled 9,5 using 1d6,1d6, rerolling max with rolls of (6+3)9,5.  Roll vs Faith for Power of Protection.

Cost: 1 + 1 = 2 Power Points for 5 turns
Effect: +4 armor (glowing aura) with raise

player, 29 posts
P: 8(2) T: 9(2) W: 0 B: 4
To reclaim what is mine
Mon 11 Oct 2021
at 17:41
  • msg #41

Experimental Scene

Jackdaw let out a bestial roar as the Ogre missed him. [Language unknown: "Peie se wa al sti!"] He grinned widely and gave two vicious swings with his battle axe, one at the belly and one at the neck. The first one was a very solid hit too!

OOC: Rage Round 2.
Uh, well, I think I got a raise on the first attack, lol. Wow. And 20 damage. Whew.
Not sure if a 7 hits but if so 5 damage.

11:36, Today: Jackdaw rolled 7,17,7,4 using d8,d6,d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 7,(6+6+5)17,7,4.  Wild Attack Multi-attack on Ogre.
11:38, Today: Jackdaw rolled 16,4,5 using 2d8,d6,2d8, rerolling max with rolls of 7,(8+1)9,4,1,4.  Damage if they hit.

This message was last edited by the player at 17:42, Mon 11 Oct 2021.
player, 32 posts
P:8(2) T:9(3) W: 0
B: 4
Tue 12 Oct 2021
at 00:32
  • msg #42

Experimental Scene

Before I post Serafina's action, which will either to be to attack herself or Support Jackdaw to ensure he hits, do we have any little gobbos on us?  Because if it's just us and the ogre Jackdaw might even get a Gang Up Bonus.

If we're surrounded by little booger pickers I'll make another Sweep attempt.

Eternal Darkness
GM, 63 posts
GM, Story crafter
B: 6
Mon 18 Oct 2021
at 15:53
  • msg #43

Experimental Scene

OOC: Right now in front of you are about six goblins. Guarding the girl who is tied up are 4. Still two guards and the Warchief Goblin.

Otgar has a parry of 6 but a toughness of 10. So the first hit does nothing to him. The second hit is solid.

Ogtar would normally take a few wounds but he only takes 1. He also failed his soak roll so he is shaken.

10:39, Today: Secret Roll: Eternal Darkness rolled 2,1 using d8,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 2,1.  Ogtar Soak Roll.

Serafina, you can do a sweep to other side and clear 1-2 goblins with that one hit.

Two Goblins each strike out at Sigrun and Camara with attacks.

10:42, Today: Eternal Darkness rolled 11,3 using D6,d6, rerolling max with rolls of (6+5)11,3.  Goblin attacks. Sigrun/Camara.
10:44, Today: Eternal Darkness rolled 3,3 using d4,d4, rerolling max with rolls of 3,3.  Goblin damage Sigrun.

I believe Sigrun's armor protects her against the attack but I included the damage anyway.

The Ogre is taken back by the attack as blood pours out of his wounds. You can tell the Ogre is dazed from the attack. Meanwhile two goblins come forward attacking the two ladies trying to help the prisoner. The first swings into Sigrun and his weapon seems to bounce off Sigrun's armor with sparks flying. The second attacks Camara but misses wildly.

The others near Ogtar hold their defend this round.
Sigrun Goll
player, 18 posts
Mon 18 Oct 2021
at 16:49
  • [deleted]
  • msg #44

Experimental Scene

This message was deleted by the player at 17:05, Mon 18 Oct 2021.
player, 41 posts
P:8(2) T:9(3) W: 0
B: 5
Tue 19 Oct 2021
at 00:17
  • msg #45

Experimental Scene

Serafina moved in carefully and made a dramatic sweeping lunge, several actually, in rapid succession.

Right, so let's Sweep those 2 goblins then.

Wild Attack, since it's worth it for the chance to hit two.

23 to hit - 19:14, Today: Serafina rolled 5,23 using d8+2,d6+2, rerolling max with rolls of 3,(6+6+6+3)21.  Fighting - Wild Attack Sweep.

23 damage on first target assuming a hit with a Raise - 19:15, Today: Serafina rolled 5,7,11 using d8+2,d8+1,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 3,6,(6+5)11.  Damage Goblin 1.

17 damage on second target assuming a hit with a raise - 19:15, Today: Serafina rolled 6,4,7 using d8+2,d8+1,d6, rerolling max with rolls of 4,3,(6+1)7.  Damage Goblin 2.

Eternal Darkness
GM, 70 posts
GM, Story crafter
B: 6
Tue 19 Oct 2021
at 20:27
  • msg #46

Experimental Scene

Serafina cuts down two goblins with quick slices. Each of them falling to the ground in a slump before giving their last grunt.

The rest of the goblins seem enraged by the actions and appear to be angered by their falling at the hands of this human.


15:19, Today: Eternal Darkness drew the 8 cards: JC, 5D, KS, KC, 5S, 10D, 10H, 3C using a deck of 54 cards.  Heroes/Enemies. Heroes Top to bottom(cast), Enemies wild to mob

1. Menzar: KS
2. Morton: KC
3. Camara: JC
4. Sigrun: 10D
5. Ogtar: 10H
6. Serafina:10D
7. Jackdaw:5D
8: Goblins: 3C

Assuming Morton/Nor Menzar posts they are on defense.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:01, Wed 20 Oct 2021.
player, 48 posts
P: 6 (1), T: 5, W: 0
B: 4, PP: N/A
Sun 24 Oct 2021
at 23:40
  • msg #47

Experimental Scene

Camara begins spinning around in what looks more like a dance than a fighting technique. With one of the spins, she extends a leg intent on striking one of the goblins.

[OOC: Camara rolled 5 using 2d6+1, keeping the highest dice only, rerolling max with rolls of 4,1.  Unarmed Fighting.

Camara rolled 3 using d6+d4, rerolling max with rolls of 2,1.  Unarmed Damage.


Rolled damage in the event 5 connects. With that damage, an unarmored goblin probably isn't even Shaken.]

Sigrun Goll
player, 25 posts
P:6 T:5(2) W:0
B:3 PP:10
Mon 25 Oct 2021
at 11:54
  • msg #48

Experimental Scene

Sigrun will turn her attention back to the bound prisoner, intent on severing her bonds and setting her free. They may have to run from this many attackers, but she will not leave the sacrifice victim willingly.
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