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, welcome to The realms of Ironmound

04:57, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by donsrFor group 0
player, 370 posts
Have Axe Will Travel
Mon 8 Nov 2021
at 03:51
  • msg #227


"Good morning, all.  Krwyn and I had an interesting evening.  We found a tavern suffering the visitations of a press gang for what we presume is a slaver ship.  We know they plan on returning this evening, as they are still short on crew.  We could have taken the 3 out, but thought it might be better if all of us followed them to their ship and remove the whole of the leadership."
den of lions
Mon 8 Nov 2021
at 04:03
  • msg #228


  Kree heard Lysander  as he  took a  seat on the 'wall side' of the table.Pressgang?  Slaver ship?...  too damn far to  take a collection of commandeered  people , Unless  they are  right at the ferry

 he  poured  a caffee from a very hot pot,  adding sugar and  milk..sipping on it with closed  eyes like it was the best of all elven wines...

 a  server girl  placed a  bowl of oatmeal in front of him, , he smiled  and  added honey to it, mixing it about.

 Ivt took a seet facing  Cree  with his back to the rest of the room.
Tyri Shadowhand
player, 386 posts
Tue 9 Nov 2021
at 04:12
  • msg #229


Tyri quirked a brow at Kree when she noted him and Riven coming down the hall together before following after Ivy, clearly in good spirits. "Good morrrow, everyone," she smiled, taking a seat besides Ivy.
Riven Goldleaf
player, 195 posts
Tue 9 Nov 2021
at 04:29
  • msg #230


Riven followed along beside Kree, not batting an eye at the look Tyri gave them and just kept going. Once downstairs, Kree could see her subtly tense, going back into that high alert state that she normally was in. She got herself a cup of black caffee and took a seat in an unoccupied chair at the table.
den of lions
Tue 9 Nov 2021
at 04:43
  • msg #231


   as kree  ate, he seemed in no hurry, but  he was thinking. As he   sipped his hot  drink, he looked at  Lysander and you know where these people are staying?
player, 371 posts
Have Axe Will Travel
Tue 9 Nov 2021
at 05:06
  • msg #232


"We didn't follow them.  There was a young maiden who needed to be protected and I chose to ensure she was safe."
den of lions
Tue 9 Nov 2021
at 12:13
  • msg #233


  Kree listened to Lysander, giving a nod...and the choice  was good, whether   we  can stop the press gang, or  nay, the  woman needed  protection.

  ..My Father once told me, you cannot save everyone....

 Ivy laughed,, when  was the last  time you listened to your  father, or....the last time he lead a unit of  Arrows/

 a  smile  grew on  Kree's  face..Indeed.... so?  we will   travel  down the road to the Ferry...depedning on the  size of the ship, it will either be  moored there, or have Long boats  to take the   'sailors' to their  new home at the  mouth of the river....if  we  find  it, or them, we will act accordingly.
den of lions
Thu 11 Nov 2021
at 01:30
  • msg #234


  Any of you ever  see a ship burn?... It is   very interesting to see the serpents  close in on the  heat and light the  burning causes,  very few people  survive, swimming away from a burning ship.

 Ivy asks,Can we not  take the ship?..... put a crew on, have it sailed to  Ironmound  for price  money for the Company....

 That will depend, we   do not  have  many days to waste.....the loss of that ship will  help clear the Alt  River  of  anyone  grabbing  fisher folk and  merchants.
Riven Goldleaf
player, 196 posts
Fri 12 Nov 2021
at 03:06
  • msg #235


Riven raised a brow as she looked at Kree when he asked his question. She slightly shook her head before taking a sip of caffee. "I have seen many things...but I can't say that that is one of them." She took a wheatcake and dressed it with some of the homemade butter, preferring the more savory.
den of lions
Fri 12 Nov 2021
at 22:11
  • msg #236


  Kree   finished  eating, he enjoyed  another   caffee,  the server came over to remove his  Bowls,Two fresh loafs of  bread, wrapped in a clean bar towel , one  for me and one for my cousin...You might ask the others if they wish well...i also  want an unopen bottle of elven harvest wine.

 ..of  course, Captain..... she looked at the others  to see if there   is  any other orders..

  Ivy was   taking a  spoonful of oatmeal as he checked the   arrow heads of his quiver.

 a  rather   dirty fellow  came in, and moved towards   the  Arrows, the  Keeper was ready to stop him, Kree motioned for him to sit, and waved his  arm at the food... the  man looked  unbelieving at Kree, kree smiled, he   grabbed   bread  and a  bowl loading it up  with oatmeal, Kree nudged the honey to him, and he   poured  a generous amount  on the  oatmeal... he  went to speak  Kree  shook his head...

 eat first....half a turn of the glass, is not going to save any hargenite's  life...

 Ivy  filled a bug with hot Caffee   and   placed it in front of the Man, the fellow, clearly  excited, happy  and confused...
Elandra Jalvian
player, 335 posts
Priestess/Cleric of Amot
Peace be with you!
Fri 12 Nov 2021
at 22:43
  • msg #237


 Elandra ate and watched the others she finished her oatmeal with a lot of honey in it. " I just hope we can rescue any one taken against their will and return their Peace. " When Kree asks for the bread, Elandra replied," I will also take a loaf of bread wrapped as well good Sir and a bottle of unopened fruity wine would be nice as well. May Peace be with you good Sir. "

 Elandra looks at the man who enters and sits, it seems like Kree might know him. She smiled at the man and added," May Peace be with sir, enjoy your meal."
den of lions
Mon 15 Nov 2021
at 03:59
  • msg #238


as the  fellow slowed  dow his  eating  and drinking. Kree  nodded to him,continue  with your   food?.. But  tell me what you have  found

 The  fellow   refilled the oatmeal  and   dripped  more  hiney, while buttering a   fresh slice of  thick bread.

First of  Capt'n, i was  a fear ta come here,  they say  you are a  hard'n and  kill people at the drop of  a hat...

 Kree sipped his  caffee as he leaned  back,..They.... are   correct... i do not  have   foes , to build  tales the bards will tell... I kill them, so they are no longer to be  my foes...from the lowest  thug, to the hightest noble..

 The  fellow stopped chewing a bit, looking to see if   Kree  was   jesting..when he  felt  that he wasn't, he  chewed slower  as he saidOne of the Guild folk  found  sumpin.. says  ye'd  pay good coin fer information. but he  couldn't leave cause he hadda  keep watch he goggled some more, the took his own drink.</Gray>

 Kree made a  rolling  motion with his free hand

 well..there's  this  camp.. a small one.. about   10 miles  along the road to the  Ferry  to Thur?... they has  some  folks there.. in chains... not surewhat, cause their is  some sailor  types  there?.... anyway.. he thought  you'd like  take know... This is the  2nd  night they brought  folks in.. they sent  some this mornin' along the road.... the guild fella  things  they'll send   this baych out   tomorow morning.. he thiks they'll be there one more  day..
Riven Goldleaf
player, 197 posts
Tue 16 Nov 2021
at 03:54
  • msg #239


"Well now...that sounds very promising, eh?" she said with a wry smirk, glancing at Kree. Though the last few days seemed like a constant battle, last night had helped her recharge, so she was itching for a fight.
Tyri Shadowhand
player, 387 posts
Tue 16 Nov 2021
at 03:57
  • msg #240


Tyri looked to Ivy. "They are selling slaves?" she asked, making sure she understood what the man had said. There was a frown on her pretty face even though it looked more like a pout if anything.
den of lions
Wed 17 Nov 2021
at 01:00
  • msg #241


 The fellow  and slowed  down a bit more, now eating lie a normal person as he looked at Tyri...They could be  slavers, well enough, but they could be  press gang victims...

 Kree snorted,They are both a form of slavery?... Ironmound  forces  prisoners to make a choice, serve in the navy, or the  ship building...go to the Arena , or  swim across the   Strom river  from the  Navy Docks  to the Plank..But? those  are prisoners ,slavers,,,, bandits..enemy troops...

 The  man added...murderers .. Murderers and rapists get dangled from teh bridges, for serpents  to leap up and nibble...

 Ivy   smiles,so..we get to walk the road  for a bit....

 At Least, until we reach the Camp...our  new friend is going to show us the way....

 The fellow looked at  Kree...lookit here... I'm no fighter an'....

 ..You are  going to show us the way to the Camp....when the fighting starts, you may run....or.. you will  held here by  my new Guild  borthers, and if any one of us does by ambush.. your  head  lie in the town square as a warning.  he smiles again,eat up.... you will need the energy
den of lions
Sun 21 Nov 2021
at 00:52
  • msg #242


  Kree stood up and Motioned for the loaves  of bread, and  began to  set buckle oon his weapons  belt.

 Ivy  taking the   cue, shoveled the last bit of oatmeal in his   mouth and downed his caffee, and began to  get ready as well..

The  fellow  finished   his  food, and looked at Kree..his  eyes darted  around.

 Good fellow? Think not that you will will never make it  10 yards....if you run in the wild,  we  will hunt you down...

a  younger  man came up from the 'guild  cellar'  he handed the man a leather jerkin and a shortsword.
player, 372 posts
Have Axe Will Travel
Sun 21 Nov 2021
at 01:21
  • msg #243


Lysander prepared to leave with Kree.
Farora Shadowsmile
player, 32 posts
Sun 21 Nov 2021
at 01:24
  • msg #244


Farora savoured her caffee until Kree began to leave, downing the last of it happily as she had not had any since being driven away from home.
Elandra Jalvian
player, 336 posts
Priestess/Cleric of Amot
Peace be with you!
Sun 21 Nov 2021
at 14:19
  • msg #245


 Elandra helped clean up and then she got ready as well. Elandra replied," Yes we must restore their Peace, and make those who took it pay dearly." Elandra then got her bread and wine as well.

 Elandra was ready to save these people and punish the ones who took their Peace.
Tyri Shadowhand
player, 388 posts
Sun 21 Nov 2021
at 20:05
  • msg #246


Tyri finished up her caffee and the roll before standing up and grabbing her gear. Pausing as she slipped on her backpack, Tyri leaned over and gave Ivy a kiss on the cheek, a look of affection on her fair features.
Riven Goldleaf
player, 198 posts
Sun 21 Nov 2021
at 20:06
  • msg #247


Riven watched the newcomer with a slightly narrowed gaze, clearly not fully trusting him or his intentions and fully expecting an ambush. With Kree standing, signalling that it was time to go, she stood, making a few minor adjustments to her own gear before donning it.
player, 484 posts
HP 51/51
Sun 21 Nov 2021
at 22:53
  • msg #248


Krwyn eats his breakfast with a healthy appetite, while listening to the man and his story. When ready, he dons his weapons andother gear and stands ready to leave.
Sat 27 Nov 2021
at 17:49
  • msg #249


  leaving the tavern, the    grungy man walking with them, a very old leather   chest plate and a  short  sword  , with the  belt  across his shoulder.. he looked miserable. more  happy,  Good Man?.. If you are not  lying, you will have a lot of coin in your pocket... if you are lying, well? You will never need coin again...

 Ivy  chuckled  darkly  as they walked through the  gate , on the  road to Thur and the ferry.

  I ye  don't  trust  me, why bring me along.....

 Kree  smiled  as his  eyes  searched the trees, looking or oddities in the branches or  you see, Good fellow?... this is where short sighted folks fail?... If you are indeed, someone who was hired, or forced, to  send us to our Deaths, then we take you with us, so you cannot be used  against others... if you tell the truth, then you will be a hero of sorts, and your standing in town should  rise.... if you try to run, whether out of guilt, or fear?.. you will not  make it more then a few yards into the greenwood.

 this did not seem to make the fellow any happier.
Elandra Jalvian
player, 338 posts
Priestess/Cleric of Amot
Peace be with you!
Sat 27 Nov 2021
at 17:53
  • msg #250


 Elandra smiled and followed behind the man and said way to happily," You follow your inner Peace you will be safe, find your Peace and you will be fine, if you steal others Peace then I will be Amot's wrath against you." Elandra just smiled and the last like it was a known fact.
Sun 28 Nov 2021
at 20:58
  • msg #251


  They went Up the  road, Kree  waved to the  fellow...Come up here with me , Good Man... let   them see you coing... let them know, that you are the   one who brought the  Arrows   to  the Ferry..

 Ivy gave the Fellow a firm  shove  forward.

 a  slight  rise on the   semi- paved   and gravel strewn about, but puddles  and   some   mud  areas were still there to  trouble heavy carts... masts sould be  seen as the   group  walked up the rise.
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