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Eros: PurÂ’n Kleen Water Company office.

Posted by Darkside TrooperFor group archive 6
Darkside Trooper
GM, 61 posts
Sat 17 Jul 2021
at 14:50
  • msg #7

Eros: Kala Sui

Kala meets up with her female friends at a place called Oceans a combination of sushi/karaoke bar, and an adjacent nightclub that cranked out Belter covers pop and rock hit from the past 400 years.

As she entered her friend Naomi was at a table eating Yakisoba, and and a plate of assorted sushi roll. She waves Kala over and point to the the plate of sushi rolls.
Kala Sui
Earther, 4 posts
Tumang sesata
Never trust a Duster
Mon 19 Jul 2021
at 15:26
  • msg #8

Eros: Kala Sui

"Hey, girl!" Kala air kisses Naomi and sits next to her at the high top so they can both watch the writing dancers and the entrance as well.

Glancing at the sushi, the pilot extracts a pair of chopsticks from a long patch pocket on the sleeve of her flight suit* and picks up a slice of maki roll containing what looks like spicy crab (synthetic) and avocado (hydroponic). It tastes delicious, but Kala will only eat one -- to accept her friend's hospitality, but not consume calories that she has paid for.

"Gonna tie one on tonight, Mi pensa!" she speaks over the roar of the music. "You hooking up with anyone?"

*OOC: Going to add this a bit of color for her character -- she carries her own chopsticks and generally uses them to eat all meals. I'm thinking that everything you can do to minimized resource and energy consumption on station would become second nature
Naomi Cooper
Sat 24 Jul 2021
at 19:28
  • msg #9

Eros: Kala Sui

Naomi finishes off her latest mouthful of Yakisoba, shakes her head then yells over the sound of the music as well. "Don't plan to but if it happens, it happens." The reporter then changes topics. "What's new in the water haul business? I hear your gonna have an escort the next time out?"
Kala Sui
Earther, 5 posts
Tumang sesata
Never trust a Duster
Mon 26 Jul 2021
at 11:19
  • msg #10

Eros: Kala Sui

"Yeah! We heard some rumor about that. A privateer. The company says for protection from happened to the Cant. Me? I think they're leaning on us to make sure we don't quit. I expect there'll be some security goons who will come to fetch me when my shore leave is done.

"Only if he can find me, of course.

She laughed and danced with her friend, thankful to be off the ship even if only for a few days. She flirted outrageously with whoever caught her eye, letting the music pound into her blood in anticipation of release.

"What's new on station?" she asked during a break. "You seeing anyone special? Tracking down any hot leads?"
Naomi Cooper
Sat 7 Aug 2021
at 16:43
  • msg #11

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

Kala gets more then a few admiring looks from men and women on the dance floor.

After sitting back down and talking again Naomi gets a worried and hurtful look on her face when the questions are asked. She leans in towards Kala to ensure she hears what she has to say. "CPM is ripping out the CCTV system and putting in a new one. Despite CPM hiring more people lots of crime is up. I'm about to wrap up on a story to expose CPM that their new hires are all gangsters out of Ceres, and Ganymede. These same guys CPM hired to provide extra protection are also responsible for the increase in crime."

Sitting back a bit, she then downs her current drink. "I was seeing someone, but not now. So if you don't have a room, or don't wanna pay for a room you can sleep at my place tonight and use the fold out bunk if you want."
Kala Sui
Earther, 7 posts
Tumang sesata
Never trust a Duster
Sun 8 Aug 2021
at 18:28
  • msg #12

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

"Carne Por la Machina?" Kala laughed and then got worried. They might be knuckle-headed goons for the most part, but CPM security had a bad reputation for skipping the legal niceties.

"You be careful sister. And I will take you up on the offer of a free bunk. Means we can afford one more round, amiga!"

The evening moved on, but Kala kept herself somewhat sober and from time to time she checked out their surroundings, to see if anyone was paying attention to them -- other than as pretty women. The idea that Naomi was about to butt heads with a thuggish security system did not seem wise. But she knew her friend better than to tell her not to.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 67 posts
Sun 8 Aug 2021
at 20:08
  • msg #13

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

The night went on without any adverse incidents, and in the wee hours of what was called 'morning' on Eros Station, the two women eventfully made their way to the literal hole in the wall single room apartment Naomi Cooper called home.

OOC: I leave it up to you if anything occurred between Kala and Naomi after arriving at her apartment.

Having spent and entire shift prior to docking and then a several hours of cautious partying made Kala pretty wary, and the young woman didn't wake up until the early evening hours.

On her hand terminal Kala finds a video message from Naomi. The video part of the message is mostly take up by Naomi Cooper, but does pan over to Kala's sleeping body. The audio part of the message is in a hushed voice. At the end of the message Naomi winks at the camera right before turning it off.

Naomi Cooper:
"Hey sleepy! Didn't want to wake you, but I have to go in today to finish my story. Help yourself to the shower and anything in the fridge. I'll be back tonight. If you leave just make sure the door's locked."

Ironically just as the message finishes the entirety of Eros station shakes as some sort of large explosion occurs somewhere on Eros Station.

Kala doesn't feel any signs of the pressure dropping, so at least where she is at there is not any danger of vacuum exposure or loss of air.

But the announcement broadcast over a PA speaker in the corridor is in a female voice, and in several languages, does indicate there is a problem.

[Language unknown: “Vorhis-thisti Bewe beesch ven temo'iefipr e erssetastwer potrar ndersa. Th laie sefo soneveugh, somsheder ticyinate nd ive oltose and venorente p pl rilass salepo.”]

“Attention Eros station has experienced a radiation hazard breach. For your own safety, please proceed to the nearest hard shelter in an orderly fashion.”

[Language unknown: “Ntebleencast Oveom waittr men inesonwasverany er hasillwhewhe oereauwer siisna. Has ommo amein miofwi, anystarom ereearlin le all tievus me enatec io i ivofer eveoneeau.”]
Kala Sui
Earther, 8 posts
Tumang sesata
Never trust a Duster
Mon 9 Aug 2021
at 13:48
  • msg #14

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

Kala sighs with frustration at the alert and then decides, Fuck it! I need a shower. Probably just some kids pulled an emergency warning toggle, anyway.

She takes her shower and scrounges around for coffee and toast.

She's not totally oblivious to the crump of a distant explosion that preceded the warning, however, and she dresses for action in her ship gear rather than the flimsy party dress she had on the night before.

When she's ready, she'll take a peek outside -- not leave yet, just push open the door to Naomi's hole and look around.

She also checks the local feed on the wall unit.

OOC: I'd be pleased to have an intimate relationship with Naomi, if that would entertain. Just not sure what the tone is you want to set. Action, Romantic Action, Spicy Action
Darkside Trooper
GM, 69 posts
Sat 14 Aug 2021
at 17:11
  • msg #15

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

As Kala takes her shower the emergency announcement continues, prompting the young woman to finish quickly as it is apparent that this is no prank.

Making a quick breakfast she turns on the wall feed and to her astonishment watches as her ship, the Salisbury explodes in its docking berth. The lettering at the bottom of the news feed finally goes form Belter Creole to English and reads.

Ice Hauler explodes in dock causing massive radiation contamination of Eros Station.

Peeking outside, Kala sees that everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere. Further down the corridor there are sounds of gunfire and screaming. Gunfire and screaming that is getting closer....
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:09, Mon 16 Aug 2021.
Kala Sui
Earther, 9 posts
Tumang sesata
Never trust a Duster
Mon 16 Aug 2021
at 11:52
  • msg #16

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

Stunned by the sudden loss of her ship, Kala grabs her gear and heads out into the corridor, making sure to shut the door to Naomi's apartment securely. She turns away from the sound of gunfire and thumbs her communicator as she moves towards the main thoroughfares of the station. One by one she will reach out to her crew members. Any she can reach she tells them she is fine and headed for the company office on station. Any who do not answer she leaves a message to the same effect.

She sends a text to Naomi:

Thanks. Hope to see you tonight. My ship just blew up!

Even as she tries to reach others, she keeps a wary out for what is going on around her.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 71 posts
Mon 16 Aug 2021
at 19:20
  • msg #17

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

Kala tries to send messages with her hand terminal but finds that it will not link up with the Eros Station network.

Upon reaching the company office Kala finds it shuttered. A few other crewmen/women from the Salisbury are present having just gotten there themselves.
Kala Sui
Earther, 10 posts
Tumang sesata
Never trust a Duster
Mon 16 Aug 2021
at 20:33
  • msg #18

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

"Anybody able to connect?" Kala asks, raising her useless communicator to demonstrate what she is talking about. "No service is all I get."

She examines the outer doors and the lock on the company offices with an eye to picking the lock or forcing it open. If she decides that force is required, she will enlist some of the beefier guys to lend a hand.

"We can get suits and supplies inside," she says -- not really sure if they will be, but it's a chance at least.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 72 posts
Mon 16 Aug 2021
at 22:06
  • msg #19

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

Kala Sui:
"Anybody able to connect?"

No service is all I get."

Kala gets a bunch of nods in affirmation. One Belter known as ‘Pinky’ vocally responds. “Las’ ting me see waz docks and transit tubes all locked down”

Kala Sui:
We can get suits and supplies inside,"
Once again Pinky has something to say. “Ya can try. Mos’ suits in officina are der fo repair”
Kala Sui
Earther, 11 posts
Tumang sesata
Never trust a Duster
Wed 18 Aug 2021
at 14:21
  • msg #20

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

Kala considers the chance that there are only damaged suits within, but maybe a slightly damaged suit is better than none at all. And maybe some of them just have bad communicator units. It seems worth the risk. Especially since the other alternative is to be herded by the gunfire. And she has already heard from Naomi last night that the security force, CPM, has been behaving oddly recently. Not to be trusted oddly.

"Help me force the door open," she nods to at least three of the stronger-looking employees who have gathered. "We can see what's inside and maybe ride out the bad times."
Darkside Trooper
GM, 75 posts
Sun 22 Aug 2021
at 20:03
  • msg #21

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

The door itself is fairly sturdy, but this doesn't stop someone from finding a piece a rebar nearby to smash in the window built into the door and then use the rebar to remove the reinforcing wires and open the door by reaching in and turning the handle.

The inside of the Eros Station Pur’n Kleen Water Company office isn't super clean but it isn't a total mess either. Kala and the 8 other members of the Salisbury begin looking for where the any vac rated suits are located.

The office refrigerate has a few bottles of water and carbonated drinks within, and the coffee maker is still on, indicating that any coffee within is still hot.

A locker is opened that has a dozen emergency environment suits within, but these suits are not rated to protect against radiation and tear easily. Within this locker is also a medkit.

A pair of VERY bulky Vac suits rated against intense radiation are found in the repair shop along with four standard vac suits that are in various states of repair.

OOC: That new player decided to be part of a different ship.

There are a total of 9 people and so 3 will need to use a emergency vac suit.
  • The 12 emergency environment suits have the Fragile flaw.
  • The 2 bulky vac suits have the Very Heavy flaw.
  • The 4 standard vac suits all have the Unreliable flaw.

This message was last edited by the GM at 03:48, Mon 23 Aug 2021.
Kala Sui
Earther, 12 posts
Tumang sesata
Never trust a Duster
Wed 25 Aug 2021
at 15:47
  • msg #22

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

Kala bags one of the heavy suits. She's an Eart'er and much more likely to be able to move around in the bulky contraption than one of the locals. She also finds a tote to throw all of the bottled water and sodas into -- who knows when the water supply will go on the fritz. Unless anyone announces that they are a medic, she will also take the medkit.

Pouring herself a cup of coffee and ladling in as much sugar as she can stand, she checks the terminals in the office to see if there are any open connections or information about what is going on in the station.

She has a bad feeling about this and the fact that her ship has been blown up gives her very few options about getting off station in a hurry. She's also scared for Naomi and wants to find her before she just bugs out on the first rock hopper to leave.
Darkside Trooper
GM, 78 posts
Wed 25 Aug 2021
at 15:53
  • msg #23

Re: Eros: Kala Sui


[Private to Kala Sui: I have another player starting to post here hence the name change of the thread. ]

[Private to Yuri Ivanovich: I suppose you can just walk into the office and ask the woman (Kala) if they are willing to share supplies. ]
Yuri Ivanovich
Earther, 11 posts
Wed 25 Aug 2021
at 17:07
  • msg #24

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

Yuri sees the group breaking into the office and watches as they rummage around .. pulling out environment suits.

Hoping they have access to a ship and a way out .. he decides to walk in the office.

"Shit is bad out there .. security is confiscating weapons and personal affects .. trying to herd them into those shelters .. and shooting anyone who doesn't comply".

I am trained ex-military .. I need work and want off this crazy rock .. I would gladly provide you some muscle if you let me join in your escape plans."
Kala Sui
Earther, 13 posts
Tumang sesata
Never trust a Duster
Wed 25 Aug 2021
at 18:32
  • msg #25

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

Six foot two and eyes of blue. Be still my beating heart!

Sui welcomed the new arrival cautiously -- fully aware that a tough guy could basically take what he wanted at a time when station security seemed to have turned on the citizens. She shoves the other heavy suit at him.

"I heard there had been a radiation event first thing. No idea if it's true, but this will keep your nuts from getting fried if it is.

"My plan is to get out to the Pure 'N Clean docks and see what ships are still there. News says my ship, The Salisbury, got blown up. But right now I don't really trust the news.

"That good with you, Yuri

She waits for his acknowledgement and then goes back to her testing of the comm units. She really wants to find Naomi before they leave.

"See if there's anything we can use as a weapon, or as shields," she suggests to the big Russian.
Yuri Ivanovich
Earther, 13 posts
Wed 25 Aug 2021
at 19:38
  • msg #26

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

"Sounds like a plan. I'll help anyway I can."

He accepts the heavy suit and starts suiting up.

"My name is Yuri. I've been on the station for a couple of weeks, looking for a ship to crew on. In the mean time I have been trying to make some scratch fighting in tournaments."
Darkside Trooper
GM, 83 posts
Thu 26 Aug 2021
at 08:31
  • msg #27

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

As Kala hands off the second bulky vac suit to Yuri, the other members of the Pur’n Kleen Water Company don't say anything negative.

Finding an active computer terminal Kala accesses it, looking for any helpful information.

Meanwhile Yuri un-zips the large back pack that the heavy vac suit is stored in and begins to lay it out, getting ready to put it on.

[Private to Kala Sui: Please make an intelligence Test.
A roll 10 or higher will give you some decent info.
A roll of 13 or higher will give you some very good info.

OOC: Just a heads up that the bulky vac suits have the Very Heavy flaw. So you will be -2 to Dex & Speed while wearing it or carrying the large backpack it is stored in. If you keep it in the back pack you can shuck it as a minor action if/when you get into combat.
Kala Sui
Earther, 15 posts
Tumang sesata
Never trust a Duster
Thu 26 Aug 2021
at 13:56
  • msg #28

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

Kala holds off on putting the suit on while she taps through a few screens on the computer system in the office, which has the advantage of being hard-wired into the station network -- harder to disconnect by just shutting down or jamming the WiFi

09:52, Today: Kala Sui rolled 16 using 3d6+3 with the AGE System with rolls of {3}, 6, 4.  Access information on computer in Pure 'N Kleen office.

OOC: How long does it take to get the suit on straight out of the case?
Yuri Ivanovich
Earther, 14 posts
Thu 26 Aug 2021
at 21:52
  • msg #29

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

Yuri seeing no one else putting their suits on yet, thinks it over.

"Hmm, I best hold off on suiting up in this heavy thing .. in case we have to fight our way out. I'll leave it in the pack for now."

"I'll keep watch at the door."

"Let me know if you need me for anything else."
Darkside Trooper
GM, 84 posts
Fri 27 Aug 2021
at 02:46
  • msg #30

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

Kala finds some interesting details as she manages to bring up the camera feeds Pur’n Kleen has access to in Docking Bay three. A majority of the cameras are jsut black screens but three do work. Those who decide to look over her shoulder can also see the amount of destruction caused by the Salisbury exploding.

There is really nothing left of the Salisbury, but there are several large chunks of ice floating about. A number of ship within the docking bay appear to be total loses with their hull torn wide open, while others are venting atmosphere into vacuum. Then there are the bodies of those unlucky enough to have been in one of the vessels torn open by the blast, or were in the causeways leading to the docked vessels.

Kala spots a person in a vac suit who is using Belter sign language to communicate with someone else. [Language unknown: >Atati es oreant'theandhou, ureof intnt ng e ourlatand.<] Then all of a sudden this individuals signing gets more frantic. [Language unknown: >Ng We ntelesest thobutine oneheress distpl<] Then the individuals face plate shatters inward followed by the individual spinning end over end with a stream of red and pink liquid/matter spewing away from the individual.

[Private to Kala Sui: Right before bringing up the camera feeds you were able to see the radiation levels for Docking Bay three. The levels were not at lethal levels. But oddly that information screen went blank mere second after you saw it.]

Kala Sui:
OOC: How long does it take to get the suit on straight out of the case?
In book 2 of the novels it took Holden five or ten minutes to get into a bukly hard suit able to withstand radiation.

Kala Sui
Earther, 16 posts
Tumang sesata
Never trust a Duster
Fri 27 Aug 2021
at 16:56
  • msg #31

Re: Eros: Kala Sui

Kala glanced up at the others in the office and will beckon over anyone who looks like or who she knows is a belter, if she can get them there in time to catch a glimpse at the sign language. Even if she gets no more information on the confrontation, it's clear that there's a shooting battle going on at the docks. Unfortunately, the docks are the only way off the station.

The Salisbury may be dead, but there will be other ships, even leakers that could be repaired, that will get them away. Something is going down on Eros and she wants off -- as soon as she can.

"Anybody know where we can lay our hands on weapons?" she asks the others. "Or where we can find a ship that's not down at the docks? Maybe a repair vessel that moves around outside and docks with maintenance sheds and the like?"

Even as she speaks, she keeps using the connections she can access to try to find Naomi. She is reluctant to make plans to leave the station without her.
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