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07:02, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 1312 posts
Teller of tales
Lord of lies
Thu 14 Oct 2021
at 18:55
  • msg #1

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

Time marches on and the duties piled upon the new rulers of Rivermarch are seemingly endless. Just announcing that you are in control of a kingdom does not cause one to sprout of overnight and the group is swarmed with work from sunup to well past sundown. Decisions like how to lay out the their capital, how to announce and attract new immigrants and settlers, scouts to map out the surrounding lands and establish the borders promised with Varnhold and Drelev are just some of the tasks set before them, a seemingly uphill climb with no peak in sight.

However the group has the support of so many powerful neighbors and organizations that resources are of little concern. Between the gold of Abadar, the lumber from the Gronzi, the iron from the Medyved any decision that the rulers make gets put into place. Where other new cities might just have wooden and grass shanties along dirt roads, the capital of Rivermarch is planned out with resources to spend and future visions quite clear. Grand stone throughways are made, solid stone buildings are constructed and the walls of a mighty castle begin to climb up from the rotten remains of the Stag Lord's keep.

The growth and construction becomes a symbol to the people of how the uncivilized wilderness will be left behind, making way for a new kingdom that will be on par with any River Kingdom, or perhaps even surpass its parent, Brevoy.

It will be years before the castle is completed but the point is that work has started and is proceeding at a very fast rate. The houses are quickly filled by immigrants excited to tap the wealth of the new nation and the new land. Business spring up to support those people and it is a grand day of celebration when Rivermarch's first tavern opens up.

From the religion side the Church of Abadar quickly puts down the ground work for a mighty stone bastion that will be the Bank of Rivermarch. It is squat, utilitarian, and built with walls prepared to withstand siege weaponry as is typical for an Abadar bank as losing the gold from the vault was one of the highest forms of sacrilege in the their church. The church of Pharsma builds a much more modest church but also spends its time preparing a large graveyard and crypt so that the dead can be properly buried and interred to help prevent undead outbreaks common in larger cities.

Trade is established to Varnhold which ends up being mainly foodstuffs like the silvery fish tht are common along the lake next to Varnhold. Varnhold also has copper but the Medyved contract is clear that the ores must go through them. It is a bit discouraging to discover that the Medyved are buying copper from Varnhold and selling it to Rivermarch at a markup but the cheap high quality iron and steel coming out of the Medyved forges are good enough to keep the deal being profitable.

Logging camps are set up all along the edge of the Narlmarch. Early on these prove to be the biggest source of income and new immigrants as the Gronzi send a small army of loggers and their families to begin getting everything set up and the lumber flowing back to Brevoy. As the year goes on a few camps shut down because of poor wood selection, too many issues with the fey, or it just turns out to be too impractical to harvest from that location but a few of the lumber camps take root and expand and it seems likely that in another year the camps would transform into a new town of their own.

Time passes swiftly and in a year's time Rivermarch is a growing town. It only has a few thousand people in it but it is growing like a weed and with the ample resources of a wealthy kingdom behind it, it is well planned and managed. Morale in the capital is electric as it seems like even the lowliest peasant can move to Rivermarch and make it rain gold coins.

Meanwhile scouts have begun mapping out the rest of the region. The original charter had kept the party north of the lake while now they were free to explore all the way down to the Mivon border. Scouts discover several ruins and potential sources of danger and decide wisely not to investigate, leaving it for the experienced adventurers to uncover the secrets and buried treasures of their new kingdom.

In addition the Dark Pipers, the last of the Stag Lord's bandit clans led by evil fey have grown into being a constant threat to Rivermarch over the past year. The Dark Pipers would raid logging camps leaving death and destruction in their wake and then fade away into the Narlmarch woods causing the party to search for weeks in vain without finding any traces of them.

Finally it seems that their headquarters has been discovered and the growing army of Rivermarch has been deployed to pen the bandits into their HQ. Right now it has been a sort of siege like situation where the Dark Piper's core group are trapped in their HQ, a ruined watchtower that has been almost completely overgrown by trees and vines from the Narlmarch. Everyone has settled into a holding pattern as the Dark Pipers refuse to negotiate or surrender while the new army is hesitant to engage the Dark Pipers in tight corridors in their home territory. While none of their generals or advisors express this out loud, it feels like everyone is expecting the rulers to take up their magic and weapons once more to finish off the last remnants of the Stag Lord's minions once and for all.
Elena Sazikova
Master-At-Arms, 540 posts
Sat 23 Oct 2021
at 02:35
  • msg #2

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

As the party made their preparations to assault the tower, Elena was giving some last minute instructions to Akiros and her unit captains.  About half of her officers and sergeants were former bandits, simply by virtue of experience: Survivors from the company of Roses and the Deadly Dealers, as well as a few of Kressle's people that had slunk back in.  The others came from the men Kesten had brought with him, along with some local hunters and the more promising of the new pioneers.  Fat Fingers had a squad of his own, as did Miranda.  Elena couldn't be too picky about her people given her task of raising four full companies from scratch: Anyone who knew how to hold a sword was put in charge of helping train those who didn't.

She still had no idea how they found the food or the money to maintain an army this size all year round.  Fortunately for her she was a commander, not an accountant.  Borric and Dom could worry about the money.

"Now, if you catch any of them trying to slip away while we're in there, give them one chance to surrender then fill them with arrows if they even think about fighting.  Fairies tend to have a lot of tricks up their sleeves, so keep your eyes open.  Watch overhead in case some of them can fly, and watch the ground for footprints in case they can go invisible.  If one of us comes out alone and acting suspicious, keep your guard up and ask a few questions to make sure it's not some sort of magic disguise.  If you don't hear back from us in half an hour, I want Akiros to take twenty of our best people and come in after us.  If that fails, block off the doorway and light the whole place on fire."

With her commanders briefed, Elena closed lowered the visor on her new helmet and steeled herself for the battle to come.  She slung her glaive over one shoulder, somewhat awkwardly, then readied the portable ram they had brought to batter the door down.

OOC: Right before the attack, Elena is going to cast Protection from Evil on herself.  using a portable ram for +2 on the check to break down the door, plus another +2 if someone else helps.

This message was last edited by the player at 16:48, Sat 23 Oct 2021.
Kael Valleni
Spymaster, 672 posts
Sat 23 Oct 2021
at 09:56
  • msg #3

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

Rather than doing the actual work of breaking down the door, Kael plans on taking point as the approach the tower, counting on his own spells to keep his safe from any arrows fired by the defenders.

But before any attack is launched he intends on sneaking as close as he can to the tower to take a closer look at it and the gates, using whatever trees are nearby as cover.

11:51, Today: Kael Valleni rolled 19,26 using 1d20+14,1d20+9 with rolls of 5,17.  Stealth, Perception.

That's a strength check, right? Kael isn't really the best person for that, so once we attack he'll instead cast Shield and Mirror Image and advance in front to maybe draw some of their fire.
Caramip Scheppen
Court Bard, 626 posts
Why fight when
you can charm?
Thu 28 Oct 2021
at 10:41
  • msg #4

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

"So as you tallfolk crack the door, I'll try to slip in and around, to muck up their plan and sow confusion.  Makes sense? The tower isn't that big, and they must know there's no functional way they can defend it, unless they're willing to die here."
Borric d'Tor
Baron, 1008 posts
Thu 28 Oct 2021
at 16:33
  • msg #5

[2.03] The Birth of Rivermarch

Borric gave a few directions as the group set out to assault the final bandit stronghold. The others seemed to have all of their plans down to the final detail. It helped that the group fought together for so long. This year passed in a blur. Countless emissaries and meetings upon meetings.

The Dark Pipers actually gave Borric an excuse to venture out on something familiar. He took up position next to Elena. "Ready when you are."

Borric will provide Aid Another to Elena.
rolled 23 using 1d20+3 with rolls of 20.  STR Check (Good start!)

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