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23:09, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by Voice of The SystemFor group 0
Otto Bruckner
player, 226 posts
Seeker of First Blood
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 01:00
  • msg #621


Still here, just been a heck of a week.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 407 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 23:05
  • msg #622


Oof, another essay. Apologies. I need to retrain my brain again.
Jerzy Godlewski
player, 69 posts
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 15:39
  • msg #623


Obligatory drawing of attention of counterstrike go digital knives being worth thousands of real dollars:
The System Master
GM, 414 posts
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 18:25
  • msg #624


Adjudicated and some new art for yall
Arjun Gandhi
player, 411 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 20:30
  • msg #625


Voice of The System:
Also, forgot about the whole 'exactly 1 hour / ten minute' issue.

So, if something is exactly X amount of time, you can consider it in the next bracket up.

For example, you get a 1 minute discount for under ten minutes, but a ten minute recipe would give you a 2 minute discount since it is 'less than an hour', which is the bracket higher.

hope this makes sense (I may have misremembered where the bracket lines were, and what the discounts are, but this is the logic to use)

Just to be sure we're all on the same page here:

For each level in Craft >1st, reduce Time/all crafts level < Current Lvl by:
- If Time < 10 min, -1*(LVL-1) min, to minimum of 30 seconds. (-2)
- If Time < 60 min, -2*(LVL-1) min, to minimum of 10 minutes. (-4)
- If Time > 60 min, -5*(LVL-1) min, to minimum of 60 minutes. (-10)
Shoes, VineLvl 260 min / 5045 plant fibers +___xp

So at Craft Lvl 3, I get either a discount of either 2 min, 4 min, or 10 min.
The vine shoes take 60 min, which is an edge case, so it gets a [-5min*(LVL-1) = ] 10 minute discount, to a minimum of 10 minutes?

And a craft recipe that takes exactly 10 minutes would get -2*(LVL-1) min, minimum of 30 seconds?
The System Master
GM, 416 posts
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 22:02
  • msg #626


That's all correct, except it's not based on your total level, but your level relative to the level of the craft.

Using vine shoes as an example. They take 60 minutes to craft and are level 2. You are level 3. Thus, you only get 1 reduction, not 2. Meaning the time is -5 minutes, not -10 minutes.

Let's go a bit higher for one more illustration:

You are level 15 in Craft, and you have a recipe which takes 3 hours and is level 10. Thus, you get 5 reductions. Given the bracket, that is 25 minutes of reduction, for a total time of 2 hrs 35 mins.

If you used the wrong method, it would instead come out to a much shorter craft time of 1 hr 50 mins, after 14 total recuctions.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 219 posts
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 22:38
  • msg #627


Hoorah.  My craft level just went up to level 4
The System Master
GM, 417 posts
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 23:04
  • msg #628


From the arrows?

Arjun Gandhi
player, 413 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 23:19
  • msg #629


Nice. I'm still about 300 xp away. I'm surprised you're ahead of me, I feel like I'm always the one whose crafts are holding everybody back.
The System Master
GM, 418 posts
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 00:27
  • msg #630


I haven't been closely policing everyone's sheets, so it's possible there was a miscount somewhere. Not worth any of us drudging through a ton of old posts for though

I will say actually, that having a load of crafts backlogged seems to cause a bit of a pragmatic issue as opposed to just doing one thing at a time.

Maybe it's 'cause our Human brains work in a way that it's easier to forget to mark time off of stuff if we don't remind ourselves it's "just that one thing", or it could also be the fact that it's quite difficult to judge if or how much time reduction you can get by simple time passage during other things, as opposed to just simply saying "yeah in this time skip that task is accomplished"

Just some thoughts on how this may be. Basically, I definitely remember hearing about Emily's crafting less as opposed to Arjun's, but that doesn't actually mean it's occurred less, just that it hasn't had as much discussion (which makes sense, again because backlogs require more maintenance than one-and-dones)
Arjun Gandhi
player, 414 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 01:05
  • msg #631


I'm confident in my numbers. I don't think there's an accounting problem, just a difference in what crafts we've been doing, and how often I've been talking about the crafts I intend to do later.

I agree that the long term planning turned into a real thorn in my side. It's been an issue in other games I've played on rpol, leaving me less responsive and able to adapt to changing circumstances.

For what it's worth, I would be fine with our mechanics being more fluid, even if the PCs are dealing with a more mechanically intensive one.
The System Master
GM, 420 posts
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 01:24
  • msg #632


I'm confident in my numbers. I don't think there's an accounting problem, just a difference in what crafts we've been doing, and how often I've been talking about the crafts I intend to do later.

I was specifically meaning on Emily's side, not yours lol. I'm quite aware of the number crunching I have you doing (sorry again kekek)

I agree that the long term planning turned into a real thorn in my side. It's been an issue in other games I've played on rpol, leaving me less responsive and able to adapt to changing circumstances.

Stuff happens. I'm not against you abandoning this or that, because it's all theoretical or whatever. I mean, at this point Arjun the character likely may not want to craft those two full sets of vine armor... cause well, thats impossible post-calamity!

Basically, you can make changes. I feel pretty bad if I haven't made that clear before now... it didn't occur to me, I swear!

For what it's worth, I would be fine with our mechanics being more fluid, even if the PCs are dealing with a more mechanically intensive one.

Not sure exactly what you're suggesting, but if you're just being vague then yeah I agree. The best place this system could be on this, I think we would agree, is that it's very easy for the players (you all) to manage, in contrast to being a huge point of contention and effort on the behalf of the {PLAYERS} (yalls IC characters).

It sounds kind of impossible, but actually we are not doing too bad at it. One thing I've been thinking of doing is simply flattening what we have now, even though that is not really either consistent or logical, it likely WOULD make for easier and smoother gameplay.

As an example, I'd probably revamp the DT thread to not be so hyperspecific on dates or whatever. It clearly doesn't matter from an IC perspective at the moment (since none of you have timekeeping devices IIRC), and only bogs down us all

Besides that, things are mostly fine I think, but I am avidly happy for any other ideas.

Craft is supposed to be a majorly complex skill (since it's basically a production type one which we should all be able to understand is very important in many ways but also dangerous to make too cheap, quick or simple) but that doesn't need to be the case for us in OOC mechanics wise
The System Master
GM, 421 posts
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 01:29
  • msg #633


Oh and a second change I was thinking of making is probably changing how I deliver you all system alerts. At the moment, it's very tiresome to copy and paste the table structure for every window, and I've skipped it enough for skill Xp gains to all but forget how that was originally done.

Basically, from here on I think I will just tell you what you get, unless it's something major then I will dress it up for presentation. You should all know roughly how the {SYSTEM} works in universe enough to realize that if I say...

"new recipe: poop sword, lvl 50, time: 1 hour, mats: 100 poop clumps, 1 iron sword"

Your character would actually get something more like:

(1) New Crafting Recipe has been unlocked:

ITEM Name: Poop Sword
Crafting Level Requirement: Level 50
Crafting Time Duration: 60 Minutes
Materials Required:
 - 100x Poop Clumps
 - 1x Iron Sword

Congratulations on your discovery!

LMK if you are vehemently opposed to this

Edit: With this, since it's only fair (and you all have high enough INTELLIGENCE stats by now) I will notify you if there is any trickery in the alerts themselves. Well, I won't do that if they've been done in full, 'cause it's more fun to let you notice, but if I simplify them I most likely won't include any trickery, and if I do for whatever reason you'll be told explicitly that you notice the strangeness.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:30, Thu 10 Mar 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 415 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 02:09
  • msg #634


have you considered

The alternate font texts

Instead of tables?
This message was last edited by the player at 02:10, Thu 10 Mar 2022.
Emily Khorashandi
player, 220 posts
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 07:15
  • msg #635


I like that layout but I think you should also include the number of experience points per poop sword so we can find it more easily in the same place.
The System Master
GM, 422 posts
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 18:07
  • msg #636



Nope, because I'm already using all three for the sysadmins :(


Good idea. I'll do that then, but keep in mind that the number I give you from hereon will always be doubled if it's your first time finishing a craft of that item :)

With that said, lemme give you all a rundown on the XP reward of recipes you have:

Cloth Rope (1 ft) = 3 XP
Vine Rope (1 ft) = 3 XP
Washcloth = 4 XP
Cloth Stockings = 5 XP
Medium-sized Cloth Pouch = 8 XP
Cloth Langot = 11 XP
Cloth Blanket = 15 XP
Dry Cloth Bandage = 15 XP
Mud Grass-Quill = 15 XP
Shaftless Vine and Cloth Bug Net = 15 XP
Ebony Arrow = 18 XP
Cruddy Slingshot = 25 XP
Cloth Wrap Pants = 32 XP
Cloth Bedroll = 35 XP
Cloth Backpack = 40 XP
Ebony Stiletto = 45 XP
Vine and Cloth Quiver = 75 XP
Vine Bow = 75 XP
Vine and Cloth Drum = 125 XP
Vine Shoes = 125 XP
Tin Funnel = 135 XP
Vine and Cloth Kite = 135 XP
Vine Banjo = 150 XP

The System Master
GM, 423 posts
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 18:08
  • msg #637


Also that's definitely where Emily's XP lead came from, just realized.

Notice the last item on the list is Vine Banjo.

She made seven of those. And, of course, got XP for eight since one was her first (duh)

1200 XP is easily enough to push you ahead a level xD
Arjun Gandhi
player, 416 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 18:50
  • msg #638


Yeah, that's what I thought it might be. The drum, kite, and banjo are all more XP than anything I've made except the tin funnel and the shoes, both of which I've only made one of. Of course, I kind of set myself up for this when I chose to arrive wearing nothing but a bathrobe :D
Emily Khorashandi
player, 222 posts
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 18:51
  • msg #639


She has also made two kites and several drums.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:52, Thu 10 Mar 2022.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 418 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 18:55
  • msg #640


I really need to take better notes in the game I'm running. You're kinda putting me to shame here. Well, lesson learned, I suppose...
Emily Khorashandi
player, 223 posts
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 19:01
  • msg #641


Did someone make my bow for me? I don't seem to have the recipe.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 419 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 19:11
  • msg #642


In reply to Emily Khorashandi (msg # 641):

You made the vine bow yourself, after I gave you the recipe.
Arjun Gandhi
player, 420 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 19:19
  • msg #643


Vine Bow, Lvl 2, 75 Min, 60 Plant Fibers, Effect: Additional natural damage
The System Master
GM, 425 posts
Fri 11 Mar 2022
at 04:37
  • msg #644


I'm going to take a poll here, so please everyone participate:

Do you prefer hard values for things like damage, resistance, and health?

(Such as "+1", "-3", or "25")


Do you prefer soft values for things like damage, resistance and health?

(Such as "A small boost", "A mild reduction", or "A very large quantity")


At the moment, some of you have titles or craft swith a mix of the two, and I need to standardize it either way.


PS - This is not going to change your STATs, or your skill XP. Only the above fields (as well as ones I have planned but not revealed to you yet like Mana, Qi or Holy Power)
Arjun Gandhi
player, 421 posts
Shadow Archer
Bossy Leader
Fri 11 Mar 2022
at 05:05
  • msg #645


I can go either way.
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