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17:28, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by The GMFor group 0
The GM
GM, 155 posts
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 19:57
  • msg #1


The Beryl Poppy (plant):
     When and where this plant was found and/or created is unknown, but its impact of the universe is profound. The plant itself grows a meter tall in maturity and produces two vividly purple flowers. But though pretty that is not what makes the poppies a cash crop. Instead, the thumb thick stalks which support each flower contain a sap. This sap, in its natural state, is a potent biodiesel. However, if it is put through a special process which purifies it, reduces it, and crystallizes it; the resulting Oponite can be used to provide vast amounts of energy. Thus, as it can be grown nearly anywhere, Beryl Poppies are one of the most important plants as then can provide continuous sources of energy and fuel for colonies and other populations. THe only draw back is that it takes nearly an entire field of poppies to produce a single Oponite crystal, so it's a good thing that crystal can power a colony ship for a month.

Lilimp (plant-creature):

One type of fungus on Lilith is not toxic to humans-- but it's a lot of trouble. One type of mushroom is light orange in color, and there's great interest in harvesting it with drones for medicinal purposes.

There's another type of fungus that looks almost exactly the same, though. It's usually a slightly darker shade of orange-- barely noticeable to the human eye, and 1 out of 100 times it can fool even sophisticated drone cameras-- more often in the dry season.

When the desired orange fungus, or "creamsicle shrooms" (as they are known colloquially by scientists and technicians for a handful of megacorps) are harvested, the dangerous spores of Lilith must be carefully filtered out through a complex process.

When the UNDESIRABLE orange fungus, or "cheater shrooms" (as they are known colloquially by scientists and technicians for a handful of megacorps) are harvested... they tend to grow everywhere.

If not found and destroyed, they will grow (in air such as humans are comfortable breathing, anyway), in about a week, into a Lilimp: a little mushroom creature with four legs and a neck and head with a mouth in front, about the size of a cat or small dog.

Lilimps are like pack rats, in that they like to make a little nest and start a horde-- except what they like to steal differs from creature to creature. One liked shiny things, it's true, but one wanted to steal batteries, one was reported to steal only things that were orange, one stole only food wrappers, one stole only things with strong smells, and so on.

Lilimps are not very aggressive-- they prefer to avoid humans. The problem is that one Lilimp will split into two after another week-- and then the two become four, and the four become 8, 8 become 16, and so on (each stealing different things).

Crushing a lilimp just causes them to regenerate. Cutting one makes each severed part start a new lilimp faster. They are completely resistant to poison.

One megacorp science ship that became overrun was flown into the nearest sun after all humans were evacuated (and completely and thoroughly sanitized afterward).

OORT SPIDERS (creature):

These creatures were first discovered in the Oort cloud of Sol's system but they have since been found on twenty nine other systems within five Parsecs of Tau Ceti, believed to be the star system where it evolved.

They are not spiders although they do have eight legs and the ability to spin webs so it is possible that they may be related to the spiders of Earth and other nearby worlds. They move slowly throughout the edges of star systems, building huge webs throughout the Oort clouds of their systems before catching lifts on comets or spacecraft.

Once in the centre of a system they grow from their usual tiny size to the size of small dogs and feed voraciously on local fauna before migrating towards the edges of atmospheres, gaining speed until they can catch a lift on outbound comets. There is evidence of problem solving abilities at least equal to rats and perhaps to more intelligent breeds of dogs.

Veins (plant):

Somewhere in the nightmare fueled planet of Lilith, there exists a strange fungal growth hidden within the planet's soil. If you have the machinery and Androids to do it, you could successfully dig to the planet's crust and find its veins. The roots that attaches itself to seemingly all the fungus across the entire planet. And they are all connected to one another, like some sort of Nexus.

Warning, subjects immune to the fear mongering gas of Lilith should not cut through the veins. If done so, know that inside those veins are unknown pathogens not unrelated to the fungal growths to the landmass above. Subjects affected by such pathogens will feel their entire body be ripped to shreds, then put back together and squeezed as if they were spaghetti. Then all of a sudden, subjects will find themselves in a whole different planet or even space at seemingly random points and at light years away from their original point. Every vein varies. Anomaly needs further testing due to these strange developments. Researchers are baffled by these strange wormholes this planet seemingly contains.
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