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12:36, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

REC  DEC  # 10.

Posted by Admiral HackFor group 0
Lizzy O'conner
player, 3911 posts
Pilot Ensign
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 13:13
  • msg #979

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

 Lizzy smiled and replied," Ok thats a really good start my love, and yes at least for now." Lizzy was happy with some progress but Izzy did need more friends, that is something they both needed to work on.

 Lizzy smiled at Izzy and looked at her with a look of shock, then giggled and added," Well ok I need to rebuild up my energy for the tunnel run. Is that a better way of saying it after last night." Lizzy giggled more as Sam arrived.

 Lizzy held Izzy's hand and added." She will be ok Sam she has us, and yes what is this wonderful news?" Lizzy watched Izzy and hoped she would be more excited for Sam whatever her news was, but Lizzy did chuckle when Izzy suggested Sam found someone too hook up with.
Samantha Robertson
player, 1221 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 13:21
  • msg #980

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

 Sam smiled at Izzy and Lizzy and then giggled and replied," Well I did meet Roo but she was sent off to the Med Tech ships, but this is even bigger at least to me."

 Sam ordered a glass of Burian fruit juice and then went into her news. " Doctor Verault the new Psychologist Med Tech did a full comprehensive DNA test on me, it seems I have human DNA and I have Burian Moon Angel DNA as well. It seems my parents where from Bura and maybe I might be able to find them or at least find out who they where. Now I know why I fell in love with Bura and it felt like home when I first set foot on Bura. Dr. Verault noticed I had some Angel traits except of course the height." Sam giggled loudly at the that one," Thats why she asked me if I would do the test. Isn't this amazing news Izzy. I know some of my history now I am not a blank story of my past anymore."
Isobel Sakura
player, 1463 posts
Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 17:48
  • msg #981

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

With Lizzy claiming that her large breakfast was so she could recover from last night Izzy’s cheek would turn bright pink just in time for Sam’s arrival no doubt causing her to wonder what they had been talking about prior to her arrival.

With Sam launching into the story of how she had come to learn her good news Izzy would try to look interested, although it was a bit of a struggle in her current mood. However when Sam revealed that she was of Angelic descent, Izzy would give her a look of genuine surprise ”Wow that’s…wow…Sam…I honestly don’t know what to say” Izzy stammered, clearly struggling to find the words, after all what did you say to someone that had just discovered where they came from after so long. Instead Izzy would settle for giving her a heartfelt hug, hoping that Sam would get the gist of what she was try to say.

After hugging her friend for several moments Izzy break away, smiling cheerfully as she spoke ”So what are you going to do now? I mean you could contact the cops on Bura and see if they have any missing persons from around the time you were taken…though seeing as you’re not green you must have been very young at the time or…um…offworld” the last one would make things problematic and to tell the truth she wasn’t sure if Burian children were born green or whether it came with time and diet. Either way it was a starting point which was more than she’d had before.
Lizzy O'conner
player, 3912 posts
Pilot Ensign
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 18:48
  • msg #982

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

 Lizzy listened intently, and when Sam revealed that she was part Angel, Lizzy was also shocked, and yes she definitely didn't get the Angel height, but her hair, eyes and facial feathers did have a touch of Angel in them, she was a very pretty woman. Lizzy giggled at how Izzy responded Lizzy relied," Holy shit wow, that is amazing Sam, so at least you know they and you where from Bura originally." Izzy gave Sam a big hug and Lizzy smiled, it was good Sam showed up it did finally put a smile on Izzy's face. " Yes Sam is your next plan to find out who your parents were. If we can help in any way please let us know ok."

 Lizzy was still in shock that the petite woman who was gorgeous was actually part Angel, and she was actually from the planet she was assigned too, talk about a mystery of the Black.
Samantha Robertson
player, 1222 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 20:12
  • msg #983

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

 Sam was very happy when Izzy seemed flabbergasted at her news, it was truly amazing to find her roots at last. Sam hugged Izzy back and she could tell by Izzy's reactions she was very happy for her. " So, I guess I was right it was amazing news." Sam giggled and then answered both of their questions since they were very similar, " Oh no Izzy I wont use the Cops, I will ask Commodore McKeon if I can use my access codes to search Burian archived files and their DNA and see if I can find a match to my parents. I do not know if children are born green either, I will need to research that as well, but I was only 8 when I was rescued. I might have been born off world but if Bura has records of my parents I still might be able to locate them. At least I know where to call home now."

 Sam still had a huge smile on her face she couldn't help after 16 years she finally knew were to call home. " Thank you Lizzy if I need help that you guys can help with I will definitely ask."

 Sam was in a good mood now and she figured why not keep the mood good and asked," So have you two worked on any details of the wedding yet?"
Dr. Alison Verault
player, 62 posts
Psychologist, Lt. ESN
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 22:06
  • msg #984

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

"My Grandmod Warlord Lilit assigned me to the Hermes to help me find my non-combat side so to speak. I apologize now if I say anything not correct, I have only been studying your customs for about a year now, and I find humans extremely interesting, complex and very illogical, one fellow trooper called me a female Spock I had too look up in the old archives to figure that one out."

Alison smiled. "Well, I was born on Earth, a nearly lifelong student of human nature, now with a Phd in psychology, and well over a thousand session hours under my belt.  And I still find humans interesting, complex and illogical.   But, I'm glad you were introduced to Star Trek;  as 20th century sci-fi goes, for certain one of the more relevant and fun." 

Alison was also an ardent student of mythology; particularly as to how it correlated with the entirely real races and cultures of the Black.

And for her, associating with individuals such as Sgt. Meari, Captain Si, and Sgt. Zobaich was as near as she'd ever come to stepping into the Odyssey or the Iliad.  And Meari was a near-descendant of Lilit, no less.  Thus:

"I'd be glad to help you learn, Meari. And I commend your desire to grow, in that way, rather than stick only with what's familiar.  As well, inter-species psychology is a secondary field for me, and one I want to develop more skill in. So, let me know when you'll have some free time, and we can set something up," she nodded.

"Well," she clapped her hands lightly, looking again to Madison as well as Meari.

"What I want, being chained to the Hermes, are some surface images of those beautiful planets I've seen only from the Obs-deck.  Have any been taken and uploaded, as yet?"
Justin Kase
player, 3806 posts
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 23:19
  • msg #985

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

From his corner seat Justin watched the variety of interractions taking place about the Rec deck. Catching the gist of different conversations from others. Lynch was allegedly to be sent to a Pleasure Ship...  That's essentially dooming the host Ship to immediate self destruction. he thought to himself
This message was last edited by the player at 03:35, Fri 08 July 2022.
Rec dec
Fri 8 Jul 2022
at 03:23
  • msg #986

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

  beth  sat back down at Shadow's table.

  Change your mind ? was getting  crowed there...


 stefi is  mad .huh?

 She'll get over it. Its .In the end? its better  then  the target deserved.
player, 1740 posts
Udenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Fri 8 Jul 2022
at 03:28
  • msg #987

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

 Meari smiled at Alison and replied," Well Doc if you haven't figured out humanity and your human and have studied humans I don't feel as bad. I did look up Star Trek, I see why they said Spock, but I personally feel like I am more like Data, trying to be more human, but Udenese are living flesh, but I can tolerate a lot more trace and heavy metals that humans can, Verians are much more machine like and we are related. Your history has been influenced by many races I think you can see the connections if you look into Verian, Udenese, Demon and Angel histories and how they affected humans."

 Meari smiled it almost looked natural Alison could tell she had been working hard on smiling. " I would love to talk with you about the species of the black I know of, and you can teach me more about Humans. There is still much I do not understand but I am trying to learn and understand them better. One thing I do know about most humans on the Hermes they will fight to their last breath for what they believe in and they dont seem to ever give up, but there a few in every group that don't understand that."  Meari actually gave a real big natural looking smile and added," Yes I would love to set something up Doc. "

 Meari smiled again and pulled out her comm, she opened and then loaded up the beautiful pictures of Uden she had taken with Nikki and Haley on her home world. Meari then moved her comms to let her look at the 20 or so pictures she took of her beautiful planet. The sky ws marked with purples and reds, the trees and grass where colorful because of the heavy elements, it looked like a beautiful paradise.

 As Meari showed Alison the Uden pictures she said," I believe Lt Robertson has many pictures of Bura as well, now there is a beautiful lush green planet, I think Earth was like Bura many Eons ago."
Isobel Sakura
player, 1464 posts
Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura
Fri 8 Jul 2022
at 17:02
  • msg #988

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

Izzy would nod her head in response to Sam’s suggested course of action deciding that was probably better than most other idea’s ”yeah that’s probably a good place to start, she should be able to access the military and medical archives though that’s going to be a lot of data to sift through” Izzy said before anxiously biting her bottom lip, hoping Sam realised that they may never find out who her parents were even with this new information and that she wouldn’t be too upset if things didn’t play out like she hoped they would ”yeah Lizzy’s right, if there’s anything we can do to help please let us know, I still have some media contacts” she offered, even if it was highly unlikely they would be needed.

When asked about their wedding Izzy would turn to briefly look at Lizzy before answering ”um…short answer; no, we’ve got nothing planned…aside from me taking Lizzy’s name that is” though considering they were on a warship there was only so much they could plan she supposed.
Dr. Alison Verault
player, 63 posts
Psychologist, Lt. ESN
Fri 8 Jul 2022
at 20:54
  • msg #989

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

"Your history has been influenced by many races I think you can see the connections if you look into Verian, Udenese, Demon and Angel histories and how they affected humans."

"Oh, yes...I've made some study of that, and the effects are profound, and far reaching, and so very fascinating."

"One thing I do know about most humans on the Hermes they will fight to their last breath for what they believe in and they dont seem to ever give up, but there a few in every group that don't understand that."  Meari actually gave a real big natural looking smile and added," Yes I would love to set something up Doc. "

She returned the smile. "That's so true.  We can be quite tenacious.  Though, sometimes that tenacity carries a high price -- injuries both to the body, and sometimes even worse, to the psyche.  Striving to mend the latter is the heart of my work."

As Meari showed Alison the Uden pictures she said," I believe Lt Robertson has many pictures of Bura as well, now there is a beautiful lush green planet, I think Earth was like Bura many Eons ago."

"Those are beautiful, Meari!  Of course, your home is the basis for the Garden of Eden in the Christian faith.  Human kind carried the impression of it for centuries, long before we understood it was based on a real place.   And it more than does the myth justice. I met with Lt. Robertson, recently, and we did some work pertaining to her roots in Bura.  I'll surely ask to see some pics, next time I see her."

Alison arose from the table:  "Madison, you've suffered too long!   Let's go get that aspirin for you.   Meari, just let me know what your schedule is like, and we'll arrange a first session."
player, 1741 posts
Udenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Fri 8 Jul 2022
at 21:42
  • msg #990

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

 Meari smiled and replied," Yes aliens influenced Humans from an early stage in their development, I wasn't around then but my Grandmod Lilit was."

 Meari nodded and replied," Yes I have seen it affect certain humans, and others use it as fuel to inspire and drive them. Yes I have noticed the human mind can be even more fragile than your bodies." Meari gave a slight chuckle, with her skin changes some times her pronounced muscles looked like steel.

 Meari smiled again, and chuckled a bit, the chuckle was very good, and she replied," Oh yes I have read your Old and New testaments interesting stories of alien interference for sure. Also Adem the Verian ruler, who LC Shadow defeated in hand to hand combat, wanted Warlord Lilit to be the bad guy. Yes humans have been influenced greatly by our presence on your Earth. Yes Uden or as you call it Eden is extremely beautiful I hope we get back there soon I would love to show you around my home world."

 When Alison got up Meari stood up at parade rest to acknowledge a superior officer leaving the table. Neari then replied to Alison," I just need to check in with SEC, but I believe I am free until the tunnel run at 2000 hours, just comm me when you have settled in and have the time, or we can see about tomorrow."

 Meari smiled at them both and said," I am sorry to keep you away from helping the En here, I will see you at the tunnel run Ens Perry and Lt. Flores good day." Meari bowed to three ladies at the table, and made her way back to Frakas and the other assault troopers.
Madison Rae Perry
player, 354 posts
Pilot Flight B
Fri 8 Jul 2022
at 22:46
  • msg #991

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

In reply to Dr. Alison Verault (msg # 989):

Madison blew out a big sigh of relief when Allison announced she was ready to go. While she had stabilized her misery, any significant change in orientation just caused a swell of ugh.

"Bye Meari. Nice to meet you"She still managed to act mostly okay, but under the surface she was hating it.

Standing slowy, she waved to Candy and followed Allison to wherever she led.

To Med >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
This message was last edited by the player at 03:20, Sat 09 July 2022.
Rec dec
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 02:21
  • msg #992

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

 Beth Finished  he food  and Sat there, sipping a soda.where  do you think we're Going?

 I dunno? chase the  bad guys...kill them..find more..kill them..keep doign it , until we  run out of bad  guys

 will even ever  run out of bad guys?

 there is a slow shake of his head  as he  sipped his own drink,we had  , thousands of years on earth?.. still have  as many bad  guys  as ever..., now were talkig the Whole Black?.. we'll be killing   after  we  retired...'Assassin R Us..INC.. you have the creds , we have the Bullets..

 beth Perked up..I'd get to go out int he field!

 Naw.. Just ruin folks  lives  or blow up  building from your chair... your  coffee  doesn't even get cold!

she slumped,yeah...I really hate cold coffee,,,
Justin Kase
player, 3807 posts
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 08:50
  • msg #993

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

From.his vantage point Justin watched Beth and Krays interraction; suppressing a grin at the possible outcome.
Lizzy O'conner
player, 3913 posts
Pilot Ensign
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 13:07
  • msg #994

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

 Lizzy smiled and was very happy for Sam, yes maybe she wouldn't actually find her parents but at least she knew where to call home, the black has a way of fixing things Lizzy thought.

 When Sam asked about wedding plans Lizzy waited till after Izzy responded and added," Yeah we really haven't had time yet, but yes Izzy is taking my Mom's name and that makes me so happy. " Lizzy ate some of her huge meal and drank some coffee then added," I will talk to Captain Si about doing the ceremony, and ask Admiral Hack to give me away, also I want to ask Zob to be our head Usher. Haley as flower girl and Can as ring bearer, Nikki my Maid of Honor, thats all I have thought of so far, but we where thinking of a smaller wedding with just friends and family in a garden setting."

 Lzzy was all smiles and bubblier and happier then usual, she turned to Izzy and said," Do you ave anything else to add my Love?"
Samantha Robertson
player, 1223 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 13:16
  • msg #995

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

 Sam smiled at Izzy and replied," Yes thats where I would start and with my N-2 clearance I should be able to find any records even sealed ones." Sam giggled and replied," Izzy I am a speed reader and I look at files and information like that for a living, if there are records on my parents in ANY Burian data base I will find them." Sam had a look of a woman on a mission. Of course, Sam knew the chances of finding them was slim but there was a chance, and t least she knows she has now been transferred to her home planet and that was more than she ever thought she would find out about her past.

 Then Izzy and Lizzy talked about using Lizzy's Mom's last name which made Sam smile, O'Conner was now a very popular name after "Beth" O'Conner, Lizzy's Mom, message came out and she was a hero instead a of foolish human everyone made her out to be. " That is awesome you two, that is a big first step." Then Lizzy went into a bubbly spiel of her wedding party and where she would like to have her wedding.

 Sam thought for a second and added," Well if we are heading back to Bura anytime soon I could set up you two having your wedding at the Burian Royal Gardens?"
player, 1742 posts
Udenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 14:12
  • msg #996

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

 Meari went back over to Frakas and the assault troops, she smiled and said," Did I miss anything, the new Doctor is a psychologist she wll get a lot of work on this ship that's for sure." Meari chuckled and smiled at the others.
Isobel Sakura
player, 1465 posts
Izzy "Hollywood" Sakura
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 16:38
  • msg #997

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

Gently biting her bottom lip Izzy would give Sam an uncertain look that said that it was still a lot of data to go through no matter how quickly you read it ”ok but…please don’t get your hopes up too much, and please ask us for help, ok?” she said before listening as Lizzy rattled off the entire wedding party, or at least the current draft making wonder how far ahead Lizzy had planned.

With the offer of the Royal gardens on Bura as a venue Izzy would smile, thinking that it would be wonderful to get married there ”That would be my dream location, however we are on a warship so we’ll have to work with what’s on offer…for now I’ll settle for not getting married on the ship” she said, trying to be realistic but quietly hoping that perhaps Bura would be a possibility.
Lizzy O'conner
player, 3914 posts
Pilot Ensign
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 18:07
  • msg #998

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

 Lizzy listened to Izzy as she told Sam not to get her hopes up, and that Izzy might be right there might be a lot more material than Sam realized.

 Lizzy smiled at Sam when she said that names was a very good first step, when Sam mentioned the Royl gardens or Bura she smiled, that would be a perfect place, but she wasn't sure when they would get back to Bura. " Yes Sam that would be wonderful when we get to Bura, not sure if we want to wait to long if it isn't soon though."

 Lizzy smiled at Izzy and replied," Yes I would like on a planet as well, but Izzy there are two places I wouldn't mind using on ship though, the Observation Dec, or the botanical gardens either would be acceptable to me if we had to get married on our home the Hermes."

Samantha Robertson
player, 1224 posts
Lt. Comms Officer
Burian Fleet N2
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 18:11
  • msg #999

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

 Sam smiled and replied," Yes, if I need help Izzy I will let you know. Yes I do know it is a longshot but I have to try and at least I know where I am from now that is huge. I would have never guessed I was part Angel considering I am like a foot shorter than the average Angel." Sam laughed strongly.

 Sm then said to Izzy, " Well wherever you have it I will be there by your side Izzy." Sam gave her friend a big smile.
Dr. Alison Verault
player, 65 posts
Psychologist, Lt. ESN
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 18:35
  • msg #1000

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

Having concluded with Meari, and fully intending to make good on her promise to Madison, Alison left the dining area with her, and they went out into the hallway and made their toward Med.

She realized she'd still not gotten to meet Prof. Christie, but then there would surely be another opportunity, when she didn't have a suffering patient on hand.   Hangovers were the absolute worst...

To Med-Tech >>>>>>
Rec dec
Sun 10 Jul 2022
at 00:37
  • msg #1001

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

  The largs   were  all  happy  . most curled up by the food  times, waiting from the stall owners or waste workers to bring over  more food.

 Larry  finished drinking  some water.  ,then ambled  over to   Henry , Gibing he  and  Can a  'nose Nudge', doing th same to Roll , who gave him a  neck hug. The Bestie moved slowly through the rec dec, heading for Shadow's  table.

  Beth  sighed...see you in the Tunnels, I gotta go through some SEC  stuff and get the gear ready for the tunnels she    gave   The LC a little  hug and  Moved towards the   lifts.
Henry Christie
player, 4580 posts
Sun 10 Jul 2022
at 10:14
  • msg #1002

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

Henry gave the big larg a good head scritch.

"See you in the tunnels, Larry. Remember, take it easy, hear?"
player, 1743 posts
Udenese Commando SGT.
Calm, Cold and Deadly
Sun 10 Jul 2022
at 17:11
  • msg #1003

Re: REC  DEC  # 10

 Meari smiled at everyone at their table and said to Vaka," Good to see you made it through that bimbo's debacle my friend how are you liking the Hermes now that you have been a Hermite for a while now my good friend?" Meari had the ultimate respect for Vaka, yes he was small for a trooper but what he lacked in size he had in heart and determination and eh was definitely in this war to win it no matter what it took.
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