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12:54, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

OOC #  34.

Posted by Admiral HackFor group 0
Dr. Alison Verault
player, 52 posts
Psychologist, Lt. ESN
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 17:55
  • msg #931

Re: OOC #  34

Roy Spencer:
...but kids are easily distracted and, unfortunately, there are parents out there who think the saying 'it takes a village to raise a child' absolves them of any significant responsibility.

As a parent, I consider the mentality an entirely dangerous cop out.  I know somebody in our local community who subscribes to it, and the way she sometimes turns her kids' well being and safety over to others is stunning, and scary.

Awful to hear about the incident;  but it sure puts problems in perspective, with some of the trivial stuff people consider an issue these days.
Admiral Hack
GM, 11162 posts
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 17:57
  • msg #932

Re: OOC #  34

sadly , i saw the new  thing on my screeen, she passed away..8 year old girl
Lizzy O'conner
player, 3904 posts
Pilot Ensign
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 18:22
  • msg #933

Re: OOC #  34

 Oh no that is awful she passed away, damn that really sucks on a Holiday.
Dr. Alison Verault
player, 53 posts
Psychologist, Lt. ESN
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 18:46
  • msg #934

Re: OOC #  34

So on a lighter note:

Steve Howe? 

Hm, are you a Yes fan, Don?

If Sam's with Steve Howe, then I want to go out with Chris Squire!  We'll double date, lol.
Admiral Hack
GM, 11163 posts
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 21:47
  • msg #935

Re: OOC #  34

::chuckles::  I dunno?   names  pop in my head.. I don't know  'yes'...but who knows  what my subconscious  hears?
Roy Spencer
player, 10267 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 05:08
  • msg #936

Re: OOC #  34

In reply to Admiral Hack (msg # 932):

Yeah, I saw a link to a GoFundMe someone had started to help the family deal with the medical bills and funeral expenses...

It says a lot about the community I live in that the GFM had only been live for about four hours and was very nearly at $49k, from almost 900 donors.  I may have a lot of issues with the political leanings of a lot of the people around here, but they are amazing at rallying to support each other in times of crisis.

And I won't worry too much about the lineup of Yes being co-opted as crewmen until we have a Jon Anderson and Rick Wakeman on the roster...*grin*
Lizzy O'conner
player, 3907 posts
Pilot Ensign
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 10:48
  • msg #937

Re: OOC #  34

Yeah but we have Will Call on the roster lol

 That is amazing so happy people rallied that was tragic. Yeah people here did the same for a high school hockey player who got paralyzed and the family couldn't afford the medical bills, they stepped up as well.
Dr. Alison Verault
player, 56 posts
Psychologist, Lt. ESN
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 19:32
  • msg #938

Re: OOC #  34

GoFundMe is the brighter side of the internet, for sure.   Some of the help that site has provided is amazing, and it does help restore one's faith in humanity.

Yes was one of those bands that was around while I was growing up.   My dad liked them back in the 80s, and then my brother's friend, who co-ran our D&D group, was madly into groups like them and Genesis.

They used to have long discussions about who was the better guitar player, etc.
Lizzy O'conner
player, 3909 posts
Pilot Ensign
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 19:37
  • msg #939

Re: OOC #  34

 I saw two of the best live Stevie Ray Vaughn and Randy Rhodes
Dr. Alison Verault
player, 58 posts
Psychologist, Lt. ESN
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 20:01
  • msg #940

Re: OOC #  34

That's awesome; both of those guys had such tragic deaths.

I'm comfortable, mostly, on passenger jets.   But, no way in hell, I'd go up in a small private plane, or most especially a helicopter!
Rec dec
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 01:06
  • msg #941

Re: OOC #  34

ok. to give everyone and idea  of 'where they are' on the Red Dec.

Shadow's table is on the  floor, where the risers to the portholes are..he  is  staright dwon from the Lifts so he can see folks coming and going.

 the LArgs  have  an open area Near the Sims , Doc henry has a Table for him  , his family, there's room for more.

 Meari in is the Middle  with the  SEC Troopers

 Candy, Maddy ad alison  are between Shadow  and Meari's area.

 Howe  Sam and others  are   on the 'stalls  side' of  the middle.. Beth just  got up to leave  as Lizzy and Izzy came

 Justin  need to  give me an idea where he is..others  can look at the map..keep in mind how big the ship is, so  there are alot of tables , and people
Justin Kase
player, 3805 posts
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 01:37
  • msg #942

Re: OOC #  34

Justin generally uses a Corner Table on the raised section of the Rec Deck.
Admiral Hack
GM, 11164 posts
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 02:37
  • msg #943

Re: OOC #  34 for  justin, his 'normal' seat i up the risers.. where the  port holes  are.
Admiral Hack
GM, 11165 posts
Fri 8 Jul 2022
at 13:38
  • msg #944

Re: OOC #  34

Things  have slowed  down a bit, I will move us on tonight
player, 4344 posts
In our lord and savior
Larry we trust!
Fri 8 Jul 2022
at 14:40
  • msg #945

Re: OOC #  34

ive been a bit busy so i havent put myself into the mix with things
Admiral Hack
GM, 11166 posts
Fri 8 Jul 2022
at 15:02
  • msg #946

Re: OOC #  34

gonna be  that way for everyone with Summer things going on and other RL stuff.
Dr. Alison Verault
player, 64 posts
Psychologist, Lt. ESN
Fri 8 Jul 2022
at 20:58
  • msg #947

Re: OOC #  34

Lol, 4th of July always seems to commence a week of crap for me.    I'm just glad it's now over!
Roy Spencer
player, 10272 posts
Marine SgtMaj
Security Chief
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 06:26
  • msg #948

Re: OOC #  34

Okay, Shrek wrapped up tonight.  As makeup gigs go, it was one of my easier ones...I was only making up Shrek, Donkey, Pinocchio, the Dragon, and doing a few details on Farquad, and then turning Fiona into an ogre at the end of the show.  And even then, to make things even easier, the director decided she didn't want to use prosthetics on anyone (she changed her mind about that with Pinocchio, for the nose, but she found a nose that she liked better than the one I had made, and I agree with her choice, as I've long intended to re-engineer mine), which is usually the hardest part of doing makeup for Shrek.

The good news?  I commented to the director that we'd never really negotiated a price--the one time we discussed it, the discussion ended with me saying, "Let me check on some prices and I'll get back to you," and then I never did (I've been really bad about that this year).  She said, "Charge me whatever you think is fair for your work, and I will pay it GLADLY.  This show would have been a disaster without you."  So, now I have to figure out what's a fair price for my work (and I'll probably still under-price it, because I knew it was a community production going into it so I know they probably don't have a REAL professional budget, and because I honestly have no idea what current market rate is for theatrical makeup designers...there aren't really a lot of them out there to poll for information!)  But it will more than make up for the $900 I had to spend getting my car fixed (alternator finally completely died...I was having to recharge my battery every day and a half or two days, if I didn't run too many errands.)

The bad news?  I launch right into rehearsals for Footloose (I'm actually in this one...I didn't audition, had no interest in auditioning and no intention of ever doing the show...and then someone dropped out and I'm apparently on the director's list of "go-to guys", because she contacted me and asked if I'd be interested in the part.  It's comforting to know that your reputation is such that directors will say, "Hey, he'd work for this part and I don't hate working with him..." *grin*)  So, the free time I gain from not doing Shrek every night will turn into rehearsing Footloose a lot over the next few weeks.

But, for a few more weeks yet, things have slowed down at my 'regular' job at the park, to where there are really only a few days I need to be there each week and the rest of my time is much more flexible.  We'll see how crazy things get when we move into the Halloween season.
Admiral Hack
GM, 11167 posts
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 14:03
  • msg #949

Re: OOC #  34

 very neat!.... I know how you feel about  'you charge a fair price"... that's their way of  saying " we don't  want to underpay you, and we trust you not to over charge" would be good if you  could check some  'back bills' they have , to see what other folks have done

Bottom line?... make sure your expenses  are covered, and you make enough to have   spent your time...but? I assume, after all these years, you know that!!
Dr. Alison Verault
player, 67 posts
Psychologist, Lt. ESN
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 19:22
  • msg #950

Re: OOC #  34

Always nice to be rewarded for your efforts -- must be a fun line of work;  plus, comes in handy if you need to avoid somebody.  ;)
Lizzy O'conner
player, 3915 posts
Pilot Ensign
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 22:10
  • msg #951

Re: OOC #  34

 Hello everyone just want to give everyone a heads up I am about to board a plane for Hawaii, I will post when I can. I have already talked to everyone I need too and have written permission to spread Robyn's ashes at the Hotel we stayed at with the Dolphins. She loved that and I am glad everyone was very receptive of the idea and getting permission was easier than I thought. If my flights work out I will be back very early Monday morning. Like I said I will post when I can but I wont be staying long will be doing most my sleeping on the planes.

 Love you all and I wanted to let Robyn's extended family I am laying her to rest with the Dolphins. I want to thank all of you for your support through all of this and honestly taking over her characters has helped me more than anyone will ever realize, even myself.

 Love you my RPOL family.
Admiral Hack
GM, 11168 posts
Sat 9 Jul 2022
at 22:33
  • msg #952

Re: OOC #  34

As I stated   in the other Games... Just relax, enjoy the trip for as you are able. Knowing  That roybn gets  to go were she wanted!

 don't fret about posting, we'll be here  when you get back.
Billie Morrisson
player, 1256 posts
Sun 10 Jul 2022
at 05:23
  • msg #953

Re: OOC #  34

Man...I really need to start posting more. I was trying to post on my breaks at work but they've reduced my breaks to only 30 mins instead of my usual hour so...I will try to find some time to get it done!

Also, safe travels Lizzy!! :)
Lizzy O'conner
player, 3916 posts
Pilot Ensign
Sun 10 Jul 2022
at 05:26
  • msg #954

Re: OOC #  34

 Thank you, Billie,
player, 959 posts
intelligent, loyal
likes to snoop around.
Sun 10 Jul 2022
at 10:12
  • msg #955

Re: OOC #  34

Runs up wagging tail and nuzzles.

Mila's antics always amused Robyn, hope you also find them entetaining, Nancy.

Go in peace, go in truth, go in beauty.
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