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, welcome to Sci-Fi Worldbuilding: The Game!

09:04, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by The GMFor group 0
The GM
GM, 175 posts
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 18:44
  • msg #1


Leon LeDeux:

     Some view power as individual strength or knowledge, but Leon knows that power is influence: unseen influence. Thus, Leon hides himself behind a myth: The House of Lions. A powerful criminal syndicate supposedly consisting of five leading families that vie for power in the Home System. In truth, Leon leads and has lead the syndicate for nearly three hundred years. Each family descends from him in some way, and each family controls his efforts in one of each of the five major colonies in Home System. In that time, he has amassed wealth, influence, and knowledge via his various corporations. Pharmaceutical companies, social media companies, medical research, and telecommunications companies. Probably even more. All nominally independent, but all controlled by Leon's syndicate. And Leon himself benefits from genetic treatments and cybernetic augmentations to live a long luxurious life as a playboy with a sordid reputation. The pleasure barge that he uses to travel from colony to colony serves as the heart and soul of the House of Lions. On this barge, he commands directly and wields to keep his influence a coterie of assassins that he trains himself.

The Pharaoh:

Born in Butcher Hollow, Kentucky on Earth on 14 April 1932, she enjoyed a singing career spanning several decades until she suffered a stroke in 2017 and broke her hip the following year.  While being treated in hospital she was approached by her younger sister who suggested she try an experimental cure for aging.  The cure worked in the Pharaoh's case but it is not known to have worked for anyone else.

On her hundredth birthday, the Pharaoh disappeared and took on a new identity of a much younger woman.  This was the first of many such changes of identity, which has allowed her to gain huge amounts of wealth, especially after she developed algorithm's for trading on a massive scale.  Her personal fortune is now greater than most planets' Gross Planetary Products.   She has also developed techniques for retaining memories instantly.  She has also incorporated a powerful AI and several clones.

Her goals are unknown but she has developed a huge level of power.  She is the only known biological being with the processing levels of a Kurzweil Hyperhuman AI and should considered at the very least, 'weakly godlike'.


Sometime ago, a megacorporation wanted a way to connect to all devices across the entire universe. Essentially creating some sort of universal-wide wireless internet network. With this device, they would have beaten the big name Wi-Fi megacorps like Global Line, or S.M.A.R.T., however to do this they had to find some way of making such a technology. They found a way though, a certain Planet with strange veins helped access it. For years they've been digging through the planet with their mining drones, where they would send machinery through those wormholes that this planet possessed in order to create relay points. Their, they've set up the universe's first wireless internet that filled the entirety of the Galaxy they inhabited.

However, a problem suddenly appeared, each Relay point started shutting down. Either short circuiting or exploding all of a sudden, these corporations reign of the wi-fi industry was short-lived. How did this happened? Well it was side on the papers that it was sabotage by the big name corporations, but in reality this ambitious plan birthed something great and unknown. During the many wormhole travels the machinery went through the veins of Lilith, the machinery caught something, it was a humble fungae. Eventually, the fungus started getting hungry and started to eat the relay point it was built on. But once that was destroyed, the humble fungae evolved. The fungae was born by the Relay Point, a machinery that was connected to all other points and mankind's many electronic devices. So the fungae decided to spread and eat, it was a buffet for the ages. Overtime, each Relay point was infested by fungae and we're completely inoperable.

When it had its fill, it stayed on the Relay Points laying dormant. However, sometimes, a transportation ship will start mysteriously growing some fungae out of nowhere. These things are called Lilith's Teeth, some sort of hybrid fungal machines that gain an animalistic sentience, only feeding on machines. They have the ability to access all electronic devices in a universal scale but has so far, meaning they can eat everywhere machine in the universe. Luckily, they only eat ones passing by their relay points, and the process of fungalization takes a whole week to set in. Any space traveler that sees fungal growth growing on their window shields, it is advised to gently scrape it and place it in a container, then ship it to the nearest botany labs as soon as possible. Further aggression upon noticing the Teeth creates a phenemenon known as ravaging, the fungae grows to monstrous sizes and starts eating any electronics and ship that you possessed. Fire proves to be an effective way to deter such incidents. Though it is recommended to peacefully transport such material.

--This message was approved by Haven's Botany Hub

The United:

The United is a fungal being from Lilith whose drones travel known space in search of knowledge and wisdom. It is especially interested in studying other intelligent lifeforms.

The drones can control their height, and try to match what seems average for those nearby (so when among humans, they're usually between 5-foot-7 and 6 foot in height). They are bulky compared to human standard average, usually weighing about 300 pounds. The drones move slowly compared to humans, with a maximum unassisted walking speed of about 5 miles an hour (they don't really run).

Their eyesight is barely human average, their hearing is slightly better than most humans, and their sense of smell is quite good.

The United is particularly interested in perseverance as a virtue. Its drones like to record tales of individuals (or communities) who don't give up in spite of adversity.

The drones are all psychically linked. Each can, at will, access the total knowledge of everything that all other United drones past and present have gathered, and can mentally search it like an online encyclopedia. ("But also not the same as that," say the drones, but they find it challenging to put into words how it is different.)

The drones drink liquids, but do not need to eat very much//very often. They are immune to all poisons that aren't fungicidal.

When threatened, a drone can emit a light cloud of spores that can be mildly calming, or violently hallucinogenic, or which can cause a violent allergic reaction in most species, according to whatever the United deem appropriate at the time. This is something they very seldom do, however, because it's hard to make a United feel threatened-- they feel very little pain and can repair their wounds fairly quickly and easily just by drinking (or absorbing) fresh water. (There are also legal ramifications for them releasing spores in public places, sometimes with heavy penalties if subsequent investigation suggest there was not a very good reason for the drone doing so. The United, and therefore its drones, are generally lawful good, and is very careful about breaking such laws.)
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