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16:52, 1st June 2024 (GMT+0)

Talk about Fallout.

Posted by OverseerFor group 0
Sarah Deitrich
Vault Dweller, 6 posts
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 01:11
  • msg #19

Talk about Fallout

Yep. I dont know about Gurps or Fallout. So it will all be new.
Vault Dweller, 12 posts
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 01:16
  • msg #20

Talk about Fallout

Boris Ivanovich:
No combat experience, but in Navy as a Technical individual. Understand GURPs pretty well, but no Fallout knowledge though.

Air Force SFS back in the mid '90s, so I was mostly state side in only the best Hiltons... (old military joke)

Nicky Lee:
I've watched some of the Fallout "movies" from the games on Youtube. Was very very tempted to pick up the Modiphius 2d20 game, but glad I did not.

My favorite of those was the Nuka Break series, too bad the crew had a falling out after the 3rd season.
Pepper Lewis
Vault Dweller, 7 posts
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 01:20
  • msg #21

Re: Talk about Fallout

Michiko Mackenzie:
To those who have served or are serving, thank you!!!

I have no real combat experience. The closest are biathlon and fencing experience. I also don't know Fallout, while I'm pretty familiar with GURPS.

Boris, technical in the navy? I've got a cousin in the navy who now serves on contractors' sites, having done his masters in physics, focusing in ordnance.

that is cool as hell. always thought biathlon was a great sport.
Pepper Lewis
Vault Dweller, 8 posts
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 01:22
  • msg #22

Re: Talk about Fallout

I had a friend was a nuclear propulsion systems tech on a missile boat and later worked in dry docks on them. after he did 14 years he got out. he took a job working for one of the companies servicing the nuclear powered ships and made more money in his first year there than he did in the first four of his navy career.
Michiko Mackenzie
Vault Dweller, 32 posts
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 01:27
  • msg #23

Re: Talk about Fallout

Pepper Lewis:
that is cool as hell. always thought biathlon was a great sport.

Ya, it's fun. I had to explain to my mother that we don't actually shoot while we're skiing.
Boris Ivanovich
Vault Dweller, 4 posts
Dwarf, paramedic
Pistol weilder
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 01:28
  • msg #24

Re: Talk about Fallout

In reply to Pepper Lewis (msg # 22):

Year, but at the start of the career and the end of it is hardly as level comparison...though he probably made only twice what he earned at the end of his naval career.But we get a lot of fringe benefits that really add up as well.
Pepper Lewis
Vault Dweller, 10 posts
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 01:29
  • msg #25

Re: Talk about Fallout

that's funny. i've been fascinated by biathlon ever since for your eyes only.
Pepper Lewis
Vault Dweller, 11 posts
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 01:36
  • msg #26

Re: Talk about Fallout

jake is now a supervisor at that company. it is actually a division of some big contractor now. i don't think ever leaves the office.
GM, 128 posts
War never changes
Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 16:19
  • msg #27

Re: Talk about Fallout

Thoughts on Fallout 5, what direction they might take?
Unit 1138-N3D7
Robobrain - Gen 3, 14 posts
Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 17:16
  • msg #28

Talk about Fallout


Thoughts on Fallout 5, what direction they might take?

Meh.  I have zero respect for Howard or Spencer.  Elder Scroll 6 being X-Box exclusive probably puts the nail in the coffin of me ever buying another Bethesda game ever again.

CD Projekt Red had better not let me down... again. /cyberpunkintensifies.jpg
Pepper Lewis
Vault Dweller, 19 posts
Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 20:07
  • msg #29

Re: Talk about Fallout


Thoughts on Fallout 5, what direction they might take?

southeast from the atlanta metro area up to chattanooga.

make the core of atlanta a hot zone full of ghouls....hotlanta, include a high tech safe zone in atlanta for trade, intrigue, etc. that is accessible via underground access.

there are military bases around the city as well. plus it is the original home of the skunkworks, so secret armor and weapons research.

hospitals, colleges, and movie production for flavor and quests. it is the home of coca-cola, maybe a rival of nuka-cola common in the southern commonwealths.

six flags over georgia could be a neat place to include, the atlanta zoo too.

there are civil war historic sights throughout the southeast, so it might make for some sort of weird side quest. chattanooga is home to RC cola, moonpies, krystals, and is a center of river, rail, and road trade. it has its own hydroelectric dam, a feature common to several fallout games. the mountains around chattanooga overlook the city and the tennessee river, which runs through the city. civil war monuments, the incline, lake winnepasoka across the state line in fort oglethorpe georgia (yep that oglethorpe, the debter's colony settled by james oglethorpe during the early colonization of the country), and a railroad museum.

between the two cities there is farmlands, low mountains, lakes, rivers, and historic small towns for plenty of places to adventure into. throw in the usual gangs, tribals, super mutants, ghouls, and an old world faction like the enclave known as the council made up of the descendants of wealthy families that paid for their own vault.

nope, haven't thought about it at all.
Unit 1138-N3D7
Robobrain - Gen 3, 15 posts
Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 20:53
  • msg #30

Talk about Fallout

This unit still yearns for Van Buren...
Nicky Lee
Vault Dweller, 10 posts
Sanctuary Hills (pre-war)
sitting at home
Wed 29 Jun 2022
at 12:53
  • msg #31

Talk about Fallout

I guess I didn't realize there was a show in the works!
GM, 147 posts
War never changes
Wed 29 Jun 2022
at 15:54
  • msg #32

Talk about Fallout

Me neither! I’d heard rumors but I’ll check the link out
Marco Gray
Vault Dweller, 5 posts
Sanctuary Hills (pre-war)
H 00 F 00 L 00 S 00 L 00
Wed 29 Jun 2022
at 17:19
  • msg #33

Talk about Fallout

Hope the series is decent anyway. As for a Fallout 5 game I would be happy with just about any place or story. As long as it doesn't go the 76 route.
GM, 153 posts
War never changes
Thu 30 Jun 2022
at 03:38
  • msg #34

Talk about Fallout

I was pleased with the new Obi-Wan show, and the Halo show, so I have high hopes for this Fallout show as well. But I'm easy to please, I mean I like all of the new Star Wars movies and shows.

For Fallout 5, I just hope they do away with Fallout 4s 4 choice dialogue menu and voiced protagonist. Go back to the Fallout 3/NV dialogue option style. So much easier to roleplay that way.

I hope they bring back the Fallout 3 style intro, that was just awesome. I love it when games do "character creation" through childhood memories. Go back to NV factions and karma, Fallout 4 was just ridiculous because you could become the leader of every faction in the game practically. For me immersion is much better when I can join a faction, move up, but never actually take over as the leader of the entire faction. Maybe offer a player designed faction? That would be cool paired with the settlement system from 4.

Storywise, I want more Vault-Tec plots and Zetan appearances. The crashed UFO at level 20 in 4 is cool, but they could have done so much with it and they didn't even give the alien a single line. Sigh. I was so disappointed especially with the Galactic Zone in Nuka World they could have done something with the Zetans.
Walter Bjornberg
Vault Dweller, 38 posts
Sanctuary Hills (pre-war)
H 00 F 00 L 00 S 00 L 00
Thu 30 Jun 2022
at 04:11
  • msg #35

Talk about Fallout

Would love to see some real decision making back in the Fallout universe.

I remember how seemingly small decisions could wind up having serious impacts in the first couple of games, and not just which faction to join

I think some solid, detailed, meaningful decision trees might go a long way in the next game. The don't even need to have been graphical payoffs, they can be mostly narrative I think, as long as they are engaging for the player.
GM, 156 posts
War never changes
Thu 30 Jun 2022
at 04:14
  • msg #36

Talk about Fallout

New Vegas did that really well, I was disappointed they really dropped that aspect. And what happened to being a bad guy? There’s very few evil choices to make in 4
This message was last edited by the GM at 04:20, Thu 30 June 2022.
GM, 131 posts
Thu 30 Jun 2022
at 06:46
  • msg #37

Talk about Fallout

... I mean I like all of the new Star Wars movies and shows.

i knew we'd butt heads eventually.  But at least it's not going to be over something important like the post-apocalypse.

(My Mom also loves the new Star Wars.  I'm an Empire fan.  But then I saw Star Wars in the theater before it was even called A New Hope... yes, I'm olded, now ger'orf'malawn!)
Walter Bjornberg
Vault Dweller, 89 posts
Vault 111
H 00 F 00 L 00 S 04 L 00
Sat 23 Jul 2022
at 23:47
  • msg #38

Talk about Fallout

For those of you who have played FO4.

What's your take on the Institute?

When I first encountered the Synth quest in FO3 I thought it was kind of a neat premise. I imagined a a sort of Geniocracy ruling their region from behind an iron curtain of restricted education for the elite and advanced robotic enforcers.

Sort of like a BoS where the Scribes took over early and never let go.

But the end result portrayed in FO4 was obviously a bit different than that.

Now having a chance go through the material again, I was interested to get your opinions as fans of the series.
Tracy Tani
Vault Dweller, 92 posts
Vault 111
H 00 F 05 L 00 S 03 L 00
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 00:24
  • msg #39

Talk about Fallout

I saw Star Wars in the theater before it was even called A New Hope

Y'know, I've wondered for a while how much of that is Mandela effect.  I saw the Star Wars in a theater in summer of 1997, and it was very clearly labeled "Episode IV: A New Hope" (talk about in media res!).  However, because of a religious upbringing, that was also the VERY FIRST movie I saw in a theater.  Before that, all the movies I'd seen were either on broadcast TV or Disney fare (Sound of Music, Old Yeller, Third Man on the Mountain, not fun stuff like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang or Mary Poppins) shown with a 16 mm projector with one tinny speaker in a gym.
Lonnie Mowbray
Vault Dweller, 54 posts
Vault 111
H 00 F 00 L 00 S 00 L 00
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 00:39
  • msg #40

Re: Talk about Fallout

Walter Bjornberg:
For those of you who have played FO4.

What's your take on the Institute?

When I first encountered the Synth quest in FO3 I thought it was kind of a neat premise. I imagined a a sort of Geniocracy ruling their region from behind an iron curtain of restricted education for the elite and advanced robotic enforcers.

Sort of like a BoS where the Scribes took over early and never let go.

But the end result portrayed in FO4 was obviously a bit different than that.

Now having a chance go through the material again, I was interested to get your opinions as fans of the series.

I've got thoughts. (Ask Overseer. ;) )

They've got a lot of interesting issues going on. I also think that, in trying their hardest to avoid the mistakes of others, they ended up making completely brand new mistakes.
GM, 328 posts
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 01:04
  • msg #41

Talk about Fallout

Tracy Tani:
I saw Star Wars in the theater before it was even called A New Hope

Y'know, I've wondered for a while how much of that is Mandela effect.  I saw the Star Wars in a theater in summer of 1997, and it was very clearly labeled "Episode IV: A New Hope" (talk about in media res!).

I used to have a theatre poster, the "Style C" poster*, and for the first year showings were only labeled "Star Wars", the '78 second release retitled it "Star Wars Episode IV", the '79 third release again retitled it to "Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope".  These were the last good changes Lucas made to this film, every change thereafter was bad.

* To this day I curse that I destroyed that poster in moves and folding and undfolding it, *sigh*.  And that I pretty thoroughly damaged all the action figures and playsets I got...  argh, why did I have to be a child?  Do you know what mint boxes of those toys go for now?  Had fun though, so...

Lonnie Mowbray:
I've got thoughts. (Ask Overseer. ;) )

Those aren't thoughts, those are dissertations!
Tracy Tani
Vault Dweller, 95 posts
Vault 111
H 00 F 05 L 00 S 03 L 00
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 01:18
  • msg #42

Talk about Fallout

Ugh, I meant 1977, of course.  Still, I know what I remember, it may not have been "titled" that way (I honestly don't remember the posters in that level of detail; even back then I treated them more like book covers -- which, through the 1970s, had been largely unrelated to the contents of the text), but at the beginning of the "story so far" crawl before the Rebel corvette and Imperial Star Destroyer hove into view, I'm certain it said "Episode IV: A New Hope".

Okay, footies zip on, I can work with that.  Hopefully 200 years in a locker hasn't rendered Tracy's boots non-functional...and hopefully our lockers haven't been broken into and looted in that much time (since others have clearly had access to the facility while we slept).
GM, 330 posts
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 02:25
  • msg #43

Talk about Fallout

Tracy Tani:
...and hopefully our lockers haven't been broken into and looted in that much time (since others have clearly had access to the facility while we slept).

♪♫ innocent whistling ♪♫
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