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17:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm.

Posted by Dungeon MasterFor group 0
Dungeon Master
GM, 1822 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 14:57
  • msg #1

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Brigha's stone spider did not know the way to the ancient battlefield, but Cora did. She could hear the wailing of the spirits of the fallen orcs, though from so great a distance it reached her as a whisper. She had heard the whispers since their descent into the dwarven tunnels, and while they were generally muffled and incoherent, she had occasionally made out a word of anguish or regret.

But not after giving up her die for destruction in Forza's flame. Though they still spoke orcish, the voices now sounded alien and hostile, and even as the party grew nearer, she never again managed to isolate a distinct word from the clamor of agony.

The course she took was unlikely to have been the most direct and required much squeezing and crawling and even a few harrowing descents down slick cave walls into holes so deep even those blessed with devil's sight could not see the bottom. At last they descended into a wide corridor whose walls, like those of the tunnels by which they'd entered Gruundelheim, were partially hewn and reinforced by wooden props.

The temperature underground had been chilly but consistent. This tunnel felt colder, though, thanks to a draft blowing up from the direction in which Cora now led them. A river, like the one in which they'd previously immersed themselves, could explain the draft, except the air was not damp.
player, 1196 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:27/59 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Wed 16 Feb 2022
at 18:28
  • msg #2

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora drew the starbound blade and ignited the fire of her eye, staring ahead with intent as they walked

"I know I'm sometimes one for speeches and for grand statements, especially when they aren't called for."

She shook her head

"Not the alliance of the north we thought we'd have though . . . anyone have an idea what we'll do if we need to fall back this time?"
player, 759 posts
HP : 34 / 86 - AC : 18
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 01:09
  • msg #3

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

It was a very good climb down into the even deeper caves, Opalia reckoned, and she did what she could to help her little friends to make the descent.  She climbed ahead to scout safe routes, hammered pitons, and even carried any friends who needed it during the more difficult sections.  Yet, the joy of grasping stone and feeling the burn of exertion was somewhat spoiled by an unsettling feeling that was difficult to place.  During a break in the descent, the giantess said, "OPALIA did not know there were places so deep as this!  I do miss the sky."

After a long and difficult descent, the fellowship at last arrived in a drafty cavern supported by wooden beams.  Their breath was now visible in the chill subterranean air, though Opalia did not mind the cold.  In answer to Cora's question about where they might fall back, she answered cheerily, "If we must go, we climb back up!"

Opalia withdrew a torch from her travel satchel and lit it, creating a bright flare in the vast darkness.  She held the torch aloft and noticed the flame flickering in the draft.  The giantess said, "Hrum, it is strange to have wind in DEEP CAVE, yes?  Maybe there is opening to outside!"  There was a hopeful note in the latter statement.
player, 485 posts
HP: 35/49 | AC: 14
Thu 17 Feb 2022
at 19:19
  • msg #4

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq trudged along with the others, her spirit slightly dampened by the depth and darkness of their path.  Like Opalia she longed for the open surface, where the wind and sun could be seen and felt.  But she also recognized the need for their trek, and the scene they had witnessed in the Resting Place was all the encouragement she needed to endure the oppressive weight of stone over her head.  They had to reach the ancient battleground, so they might reach the current one.

The anatka bore little resemblance to the creature she had become within the temple.  Gone were the lava tentacles emerging from her torso and the bright, flaming hair and eyes.  She appeared almost as she had prior to the encounter with the mushrooms, except the hint of low blue fire still played among her silvery tresses and flickered occasionally within her blue eyes.  She walked with her carved staff much as she had since Guthluthic, and appeared lost in thought much of the time.  But she managed the hiking and climbing as deftly as ever.


Earlier, when they were well away from the temple but not as far as they now reached the group had broken for a rest.  Though not as subdued as now, much of Sikuaq's fiery appearance had faded by then.  She sat on a small rock that had broken away from the nearby cave wall, her knees pulled up close to her chin.  "I should explain what the scroll was about," she said, as the others made their preparations for rest.

"It was a letter from one anatka to another, in the time of the first Starbound Alliance.  You will recall the Alliance created the goliaths and orcs in those first days, to aid in the fight against the growing evil in the land, specifically the creatures of the Turnaqaq like the qiqion we have encountered before.  In this way the Council and its allies acted as gods themselves, usurping the purview of Nature Herself by creating life of their own."

"The author of the scroll was concerned about what would be done with the two races once the battle was won.  Should they be allowed to continue on in the world, given they were created by mortals rather than being birthed from Nature?  What impact would their remaining past the conflict have on the world?  The author seemed grudgingly satisfied that the goliaths pledged to retreat into the mountains and maintain their isolation, but had grave concerns that the orcs would not agree to a similar isolation.  They did not trust that the orcs would be satisfied with their lot as tools of war, to be locked away once their function was no longer required."

As she wandered through her explanation there was a slight increase in her fiery aspect; flames in her hair brightened slightly and a slight reddish orange glow appeared on her torso.  She paused slightly and calmed herself, before continuing.

"Although no actions were proposed I was left with the distinct impression the author, and likely the recipient, were on the side of getting rid of the orcs once they were no longer needed."  She looked at Cora with something like compassion, though it was harder to tell now with the flickering in her eyes.  "Like melting down steel weapons once the war was ended."

"I can understand their being worried about the impact of new species in the North.  Creating new beings is a tremendously profound action, and comes with a certain hubris no matter the reasons behind it.  Reversing that decision to ensure things returned to 'normal' is a logical choice.  And I think no matter their underlying reasons, they were right that their creations would have an irrevocable change in how the North would evolve in the future.  Our world today is proof of that."

"What really worries me though is the thought that perhaps the war has not yet come to its conclusion.  What if those centuries ago, when the evil was driven back and the goliaths went to their mountains and the orcs carved out a home for themselves, it was only a respite between battles while the larger war continued?  What if we win in the Resting Place and that actually ends the war?  Is there some fate still awaiting the orcs and goliaths, that was planned a thousand years ago and still lies in wait?"
Arvid Signeson
player, 903 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 03:25
  • msg #5

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid was quiet on the descent. Much like the others he longed for the open sky above his head. The dwarven citadel had felt like a weight. This far beneath the surface the air felt downright oppressive.

From time to time the Northman found himself glancing at Sikuaq and then quickly averting his gaze. All of them had been transformed to some extent by their perilous crossing - or at least, all of those who had ingested the mushrooms. But Arvid couldn't help but fret that the Anatka's transformation had been somehow more radical, more permanent, and more unsettling.

He also missed the familiar presence of Senna; the sound of the wolf's paws and the feel of its breath. There was no way Senna could have followed them here. He only hoped that wherever she had gone to she was safe.

And that was to say nothing of Valaku... Arvid couldn't make sense of Sikuaq's explanation of what had become of her warder, but no one else seemed to question it and he held his tongue - and glanced at the druidess worriedly and just as quickly looked away.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:25, Fri 18 Feb 2022.
player, 1199 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:59/59 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Fri 18 Feb 2022
at 14:46
  • msg #6

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Brigha said something similar, that the orc and the goliath were fashioned in the past ages as weapons against the shadows. I can't speak to its truth, I only know what Gruumsh Orc-Father shows me in my dreams. I see a people at war, with the quinichiat, with the dwarves, snatching scraps of land back and forth with humans of various kingdoms. They'd raid the halflings, be beguiled by the gnomes, and everywhere they are the defeated party in the end. The goblins were once stronger than they are now, and hunted the orcs almost to extinction in campaigns of extermination under stone and frost. And often, the orcs fought themselves too."

Cora's eye burned, flickering brighter

"I'm not entirely sure that the Orc-Father is what he claims to be. His pantheon, his power . . . it cannot be true alongside this story of the orc being created. But he is real, I feel him every day like some great leviathan coiled under the surface. Perhaps he is a demon. Perhaps I am some fool who will find I've awoken to trap ensnaring all I care about. But this power is real, he is real, and his part and mine in the war to come will likely play into what comes after the war is over . . . I wish I could say it will not be a new war, but conquest is all the orcs know, by whip or by sword."
Fergus Glowforge
player, 824 posts
Dwarf Cleric 7
HP: 52/66 | AC: 19
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 06:08
  • msg #7

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

As he and his friends journeyed deeper and deeper underground, even Fergus began to feel the oppressive weight of earth above him. He worried for the others, especially Cora, knowing such tunnels would bring back haunting memories. After she spoke, he squeezed her hand and looked her in the eye. "You're no fool, Cora. And whatever gods or ancient ancestors may have planned for us, the choice of what we do in the end is still ours. Remember that."

Then he turned to Sikuaq, still considering the message on the scroll and the potential consequences of their actions. "I'm no philosopher, but I know what Darna would've said - 'No good person would condone the destruction of an entire race, be it dwarfs, orcs, or anything else.' And I believe she's right. With that said, I'm not convinced this war will ever truly be over. Even if by some miracle we succeed in closing the gate and defeating Garduk, there will always be other evils building elsewhere."
Arvid Signeson
player, 904 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Sun 20 Feb 2022
at 06:14
  • msg #8

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Whatever fate was ordained when that scroll was written, I think the Orcs and the Skykeepers have escaped it," Arvid offered. "They author their own fate now - for better or for worse."
player, 760 posts
HP : 86 / 86 - AC : 18
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 02:49
  • msg #9

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia listened attentively to Sikuaq's tale from the scroll, appreciating the anatka's storytelling.  The subject matter of the tale was less welcome to her ears, however.  When the Quinichiat had finished, the giantess rumbled, "This can not be a true tale.  SKYKEEPERS were not made by ELFS and MANS, but were struck from the stone of the highest peaks in a great storm!  The gales became our breath while the thunder became the beating of our hearts.  So say the SKYWATCHERS, who know the oldest of songs."  It was true that the Skykeepers were responsible for guarding the Cliffgate into that dark realm that served as the battleground for this ancient conflict, and Opalia had admittedly never understood exactly how her people had come by that responsibility.  She had always assumed it was a duty the goliaths took on willingly because it was important and because they were the best defenders, being the strongest of all peoples.  Surely they did not do it simply because ELFS and MANS told them to in a long-ago time!

On the subject of some possible grand plan to undo this supposed creation of Skykeepers in the case they were no longer needed, Opalia rumbled dangerously, "Any who think to rid the north of we who guard the highest places and look after our own selfs?  OPALIA speaks for all SKYKEEPERS when she invites them to TRY IT.  The meltwater would run red into the lowlands with the blood of fools."  She glanced to Cora and added, "None will destroy ORCS either, because ORCS are good.  GARDUK and his bad ways do not speak for all of ORCS-peoples."

Considering the matter settled to her own satisfaction, Opalia announced gruffly, "We have work to be doing in DEEP CAVE.  Let us see it done, YES?  Yes."  With torch held aloft and flickering in the chill subterranean wind, the giantess trudged off in the direction she thought might lead toward the ancient battlefield.  She would defer to any corrections from Cora, who knew the actual way, just so long as they got moving.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1830 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 16:54
  • msg #10

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The strange breeze grew colder and stronger as Cora and Opalia led the group further along the tunnel, and the whispers grew ever-louder for the half-orc. Suddenly a white mist, surreal to encounter in a cavern where there ought not be the temperature changes that naturally give rise to such phenomena, rounded a bend in the tunnel ahead and gusted toward the party with ferocious speed.

In your next post, please include:

-an initiative roll
-an indication of where in the column you would have been walking
-your action, if you beat a 13 for imitative

The cavern is wide enough for two to walk abreast, so I'd like to have everyone start in either the front, middle, or back row. Opalia is committed to the front, everyone else can choose where to start in their next post (first come, first served - there's one slot left in the front row and two in each of the other rows).

The fog is currently 35' from the front line, and each row back is another 5'.

player, 401 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:59/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 17:08
  • msg #11

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell walked fairly close to the front of the group. With his arcane armor he could take a hit. His eyesight, adjusted both to the whiteout of terrible blizzards and the endless darkness of even magical light, allowed him to see deeper and further than almost anyone.

He was lost in his own thoughts, however. When the mist came towards them, his only immediate reaction was to open his eyes wide in surprise.

Caell will walk in the middle row, not behind Opalia.
Initiative 12.

player, 1201 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:59/59 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 18:11
  • msg #12

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora peered ahead as they walked, shoulder to elbow with Opalia, shield out and blade twinkling as they went. As the mist rounded the corner though, she spared a glance back at Caell, only to see a flash of red, an eye in the dark staring back at her, angry and aflame.

When she turned back, the mist was barreling towards them

OOC: walk up front with our starbound blade, in front of Caell. Initiative 5
Arvid Signeson
player, 905 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 19:42
  • msg #13

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid, who had been keeping abreast of Caell just behind Opalia, surged forward at the first sign of trouble and splayed out his fingers like a fan. Immediately the billowing mists were thrust backward by a howling wind.

Arvid was paying attention in class today.

14:37, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 22 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.

Action: Gust of Wind

player, 486 posts
HP: 35/49 | AC: 14
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 20:10
  • msg #14

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq found herself in the rear of the group, trailing behind Opalia and Arvid.  The cold didn't seem to bother her other than its unknown source, her Quinichiat heritage and fiery aspect providing more than enough heat to keep her comfortable.  But the phenomenon was disquieting and, she assumed, tied to the ancient battlefield and its restless spirits.  They must be close.

The advancing white mist surprised her, Arvid's movement actually alerting her before she caught sight of the strange cloud beyond he and the towering goliath.  Belatedly she realized they may be in danger...

16:05, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 5 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.

Walking behind Opalia and Arvid in 3rd row

player, 762 posts
HP : 86 / 86 - AC : 18
Tue 22 Feb 2022
at 23:22
  • msg #15

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The fellowship's conversation died off into an uneasy silence as they advanced deeper into the foreboding caverns.  Opalia led the way with torch in hand alongside Cora, who guided their path.  The giantess stopped in her tracks when a strange white mist seeped around a bend up ahead and began to drift steadily toward them.  Opalia called out an astute observation, "Um, this fog does look NOT-NORMAL.  Behind OPALIA, little friends!"

A moment later a blast of howling wind rushed up from behind, putting out Opalia's torch and propelling her forward, which was convenient since she was going that way anyhow.  She threw down the torch and hefted the mighty Frostfall from the baldric upon her back, and made ready to defend her little friends!

  • 18 Initiative
  • Strength save of 10 vs. Arv's Gust of Wind, so probably get pushed 15 feet forward
    • Gust of Wind also extinguishes the torch Opi was carrying, which she'll drop
  • Equip Frostfall
  • Advance to halfway between spooky cloud and allies
  • Ready an ATTACK in case an identifiable enemy comes within reach
  • Protection fighting style:  If any ranged/melee attack targets an ally within 5 feet, use reaction to give disadvantage on the attack.

15:02, Today: Opalia rolled 18 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.
15:06, Today: Opalia rolled 10 using 1d20+8.  Strength save?

Dungeon Master
GM, 1833 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 16:40
  • msg #16

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid raced to the front, a gust of wind powerful enough to rebuff the strange fog bursting from his outstretched hand as he did so. The magic pushed the mist back, but not as easily as if it had been a natural phenomenon. Rather, the mist seemed to coalesce, gathering its strength to push back back against the wind before finally getting pushed back itself.

Even so, it surged forward again, seemingly determined to reach the party no matter the barriers in its path. Though it seemed unlikely to succeed as long as Arvid kept blowing it back, it managed to strike from a distance, blasting the monk and his allies with a burst of frigidly cold air that numbed exposed skin and left icicles dangling from Fergus's beard.

Crude little map below. All squares shown here, plus more behind you, are in the blast radius of this spell. So, everyone needs to make a DC 16 Con save. You take 30 cold damage on a failure or 15 on a success. Anyone with Arctic Affinity can roll the save with advantage.

I rolled initiative for Fergus and he got a 3. So, he, Caell, Cora, and Sikuaq have actions now, then Arvid and Opalia are up again, then the fog.

[ Fog]
[ ][ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ][ ]
[O][ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ][Ca]

player, 402 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:44/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 17:34
  • msg #17

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell had stood in the harshest of snow storms, but nothing compared with this cold! A layer of frost formed over the quinichiat's clothes and exposed skin. This thing would freeze them to death, if they didn't destroy it fast. While it reached them at distance, the core of the mist was still some fifty feet ahead. He was going to have to strike from a distance.

Caell cast a spell behind the mist, or close to it if that area was entirely obscured. Dim, greenish light spread over that section of the tunnel, bathing it in divine radiation. He moved up to Opalia, standing behind her now. "Don't step into green light!" He warned his friends. "Arvid, push mist into light again, if you can."

Con Save: Success. Took 15 cold damage.
Action: Cast Sickening Radiance behind mist (20 feet behind it, if possible). Con save DC 16 or 23 radiant damage + additional effects on its turn.
Move: Behind Opalia

player, 764 posts
HP : 78 / 86 - AC : 18
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 17:50
  • msg #18

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia stood fast at the centerpoint of two magical gales blasting from opposite directions, sending her kilt and hair billowing wildly.  The cold wind gusting from the front felt rather refreshing to the mountainborn giantess.  This BAD-FOG would need more than a bracing breeze to defeat her!

Off-turn: Con save succeeds with a 17, take 15 cold damage reduced to 8 by cold resistance!

09:39, Today: Opalia rolled 17 using 1d20+6.  Con save.

player, 1203 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:44/59 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Wed 23 Feb 2022
at 19:10
  • msg #19

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora stood fast, not able to close the distance easily and wanting to remain together with the group she fired two eldritch blasts at the mist. Her furs and time in the war out on the land left her somewhat shielded from the cold, though she was still freezing

OOC: attack roll 15 and 14, damage 10 and 1 respectively. Taking 15 cold damge
Fergus Glowforge
player, 826 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 74/74 | AC: 19
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 05:03
  • msg #20

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Slag and rust. What is that?" Fergus shook off the cold and fired a radiant bolt back at the mysterious misty form.

CON save a success (finally used inspiration). Cast Guiding Bolt (level 2) at whatever that is.
23:59, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 20 using 2d20+3, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 17,4.  CON save vs. cold (adv due to inspiration).
23:56, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 14 using 1d20+7.  Guiding bolt (level 2).
23:56, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 18 using 5d6.  Damage?

Arvid Signeson
player, 908 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Thu 24 Feb 2022
at 06:19
  • msg #21

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid nodded at Caell's directive and grit his teeth in effort. "I ... can do that," he said, holding the mist at bay with the force of the supernatural gale.

Pushing forward alongside Opalia he evoked the arms of Ildiko and lashed out at the fog without a clear notion of where his foe lay within.

Arvid succeeds on his con save, and takes half damage again from his yeti-hide cap (7 total). He also succeeds on his concentration check.

Moving up to stand side by side with Opalia.
Bonus: Arms of the Astral Self (3 force damage, save to negate).
Action: Attack x2
1) Hits AC 13 for 6 force damage
2) Hits AC 15 for 8 force damage
Reaction: Sentinel Strike hits AC 22 for 7 damage if triggered

01:15, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 19 using 1d20+4.  Concentration.
01:14, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 18 using 2d20+4, dropping the lowest dice only.  Con save.

Arms of the Astral Self: Summon
As a bonus action, you can spend 1 ki point to summon the arms of your astral self. When you do so, each creature of your choice that you can see within 10 ft. of you must succeed on a DEX saving throw (DC:16) or take 3 force damage.

14:48, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 6,8 using 1d6+5,1d6+5.  Damage.
14:47, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 13,15 using 1d20+8,1d20+8.  Attack.
14:47, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 3 using 2d6.  Arms of the Astral Self.

14:52, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 7 using 1d6+5.  Damage.
14:52, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 22 using 1d20+9.  Sentinel strike.

This message was last edited by the player at 19:53, Fri 25 Feb 2022.
player, 765 posts
HP : 78 / 86 - AC : 18
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 00:44
  • msg #22

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell created a mysterious green glow and warned against entering it, to which Opalia replied, "OKAY, little CAELL with a good plan!"  She had no idea what the glow might do, but if it was bad for the BAD-FOG then she was resolved to keep it in there.  The giantess stomped forward to take position just outside the radiant glow, where she waited with Frostfall held ready to strike!

  • Move up to the edge of the Sickening Radiance zone to hopefully block the fog from escaping it!
  • If there's an attackable enemy in reach then attack it, otherwise ready an action to do so:
    1. Hit 19 AC for 9 cold damage (probably resisted!)
    2. Likely miss 14 AC
  • Protection fighting style:  If any ranged/melee attack targets an ally within 5 feet, use reaction to give disadvantage on the attack.

16:37, Today: Opalia rolled 9 using 1d8+6.  Attack 1 damage.
16:36, Today: Opalia rolled 19,14 using d20+9,d20+9 with rolls of 10,5.  Frostfall attacks 1 & 2.

player, 489 posts
HP: 24/54| AC: 14
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 21:02
  • msg #23

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

When the wave of intense cold washed over them it was Sikuaq who fared the worst.  From behind the rest an earsplitting shriek erupted from the anatka and the flames that had burned low in her hair and eyes, nearly winking out now and again, suddenly flared angrily red-orange.  With a snarl Sikuaq held forth her staff and spoke strange words that sounded like dripping magma hitting water, and then a small fiery bird launched through the air within the tunnel straight for the fog-like entity.  When the bird reached its destination there was a tremendous explosion of flames as the spell detonated.

16:48, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 11 using 1d20+2.  Con Save (DC 16).
16:49, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 6 using 1d20+2.  Con Save (DC 16; advantage roll).
Failed Con save.  30 damage, leaving one very injured and angry anatka.

16:59, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 28 using 8d6.  Fireball Damage. Meh.
Cast Fireball, located so as to avoid Opalia and Arvid but catch the fog creature.  Dex save DC 16.  Damage is 28 on failed save, 14 on successful save.

Dungeon Master
GM, 1836 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Fri 25 Feb 2022
at 23:47
  • msg #24

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The sickly green light Caell summoned seemed to make the white mist weaker in its attempts to push back against the gust of wind emanating from Arvid.

The first of Cora's eldritch blasts seemed to damage it as well, though the second did not, nor did Fergus's magic.

The fireball exploding in its midst was not easily avoided. The air hissed and sizzled as the freezing mist was flash fried by the druid's fire.

Opalia's maul thunked into this strange enemy as if it were more substantial than a simple mist, but still proved less effective than her companion's magical attacks.

Arvid likewise managed to pummel it for minimal effect with his astral fists.

Even in its weakened state, the mist managed to overcome Arvid's airy barrier and roll over him and Opalia, threatening to engulf them in its frigidly cold "body".

Mist rolled badly on its earlier saves but succeeded on the one that really counted (and again to avoid taking more damage from Sickening Radiance).

Arvid and Opalia, please make a DC 17 Dex save. On a success, you get pushed back but take no damage and are not engulfed. On a failure, you take 25 cold damage and are grappled. This does not count as an attack for purposes of your prepared reactions, it's just a thing that happens when the mist rolls over you.

Map shows how fog has advanced, and where Opi and Arvid will be if they fail their saves. They are *not* in Sickening Radiance AoE.

[ Fog]
[ Fog]
[ Fog]
[ ][ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ][Co]
[ ][Ca]

Arvid Signeson
player, 911 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Sat 26 Feb 2022
at 15:54
  • msg #25

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid held on as long as he could but the mists rebuffed his advance and sent him hurtling back. As quickly as he could regain his feet he turned the howling winds back upon it.

"Get back, Opalia!"

Burning inspiration. This seems like a save I want to make.
10:52, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 24 using 2d20+6, dropping the lowest dice only.  Dex save (inspiration).

Arvid is late in initiative so I'll hold my action while others post.

player, 403 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:44/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Mon 28 Feb 2022
at 22:59
  • msg #26

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell's mind was on the radiance he had cast, keeping the spell up, so it could possibly destroy more of the fog, or what it was. Opalia and Arvid were close to it now, however, and should they be pushed into its zone, he would make it drop in a heartbeat.

Nevertheless, he could still cast another minor spell, and possibly diminish the fog from this angle too. So he moved some twenty feet forward before spreading a sacred flame against this side of the fog.

Move: 20 feet.
Action: Sacred Flame. Dex save DC 16 or 11 radiant damage.
Maintaining concentration on Sickening Radiance.

player, 490 posts
HP: 24/54| AC: 14
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 00:17
  • msg #27

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Angry that the fog persisted, Sikuaq despite her size literally barged forward to get within range and imperiously called forth a sheet of flames that sprang from her fingertips, reaching into the fog but not quite as far as Opalia and Arvid.  "Burn!" she yelled vehemently at the vaporous thing as the flames danced within its midst.

Cast Burning Hands, with Sikuaq positioned 10 feet from the fog.  With 15 ft range, should hurt fog but not Opi or Arvid.  DC 16 save for half damage.

20:15, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 14 using 3d6.  Burning Hands damage.

player, 1204 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:44/59 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 01:19
  • msg #28

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora moved boldly then, approaching the mist and bringing the sword down on it, slashing across after as the stars within it seemed to pulse in time with a growing series of bands of light across the mist

OOC: hexblade's curse, move up to the mist, attack rolls 25 and 23, damage 12 both times
Fergus Glowforge
player, 827 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 74/74 | AC: 19
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 02:15
  • msg #29

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus stepped forward, summoning another bolt of radiant energy. As he extended his arm to release it, however, his trick knee locked, sending a spasm of pain up his leg and through his casting arm. Instead of striking their misty adversary, the bolt flew straight up in the air, fanning out across the ceiling in an eerie web of wasted energy.

"Dammit," the dwarf huffed.

20:09, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 8 using 1d20+7.  Guiding bolt (level 2).
"Dammit," I also huffed!

player, 766 posts
HP : 78 / 86 - AC : 18
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 02:51
  • msg #30

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia stood strong against the rolling wall of frigid mist and was pushed before it, rather than swallowed up by it.  The talon necklace given by her mother flared up with a warm light as its magic protected her from harm.  The giantess answered Arvid's plea with a comradely nod before turning back upon this strange enemy.

Opalia snarled loudly as she smashed the gleaming blue mace into the chill mist, "BACK WITH YOU, BAD-FOG!"  Her blows were delivered with such force as to threaten to blow the cold front back and discourage its return.

  • Dex save fails with a 9, but use Olva's Talon Necklace as a reaction to reroll and succeed with a 19!  Thanks, mom :D
    1. Hit 22 AC for 18 cold damage, including Menacing Strike maneuver!
      • Fog must make a DC 16 Wisdom save or be frightened of Opi until end of my next turn
    2. Hit 21 AC for 10 cold damage, including Pushing Attack maneuver!
      • Fog must make a DC 16 Strength save or be pushed 15 feet north!
  • Protection fighting style:  If any ranged/melee attack targets an ally within 5 feet, use reaction to give disadvantage on the attack.

18:32, Today: Opalia rolled 18,10 using 2d8+6,2d8+6.  Frostfall damages (+maneuvers).
18:31, Today: Opalia rolled 22,21 using d20+9,d20+9 with rolls of 13,12.  Frostfall attacks 1 & 2.
18:29, Today: Opalia rolled 19 using 1d20+2.  Dex save reroll.
18:27, Today: Opalia rolled 9 using 1d20+2.  Dex save.

  • A frightened creature has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls while the source of its fear is within line of sight.
  • The creature can't willingly move closer to the source of its fear.

Arvid Signeson
player, 912 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 05:26
  • msg #31

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

As Opalia and Cora both moved up Arvid too swept in beside them trying to keep the fog at bay with his gale. Even as he focused the breath of the north wind upon their foe, he reached out and tried to rake the fog with his spectral arms.

Move to within 10' (Arvid has 10' reach)
1) Critical hit for 11 force damage
2) Hits AC 22 for 7 force damage
3) Hits AC 23 for 11 force damage
R) Sentinel strike hits AC 12, presuming a miss.

00:23, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 11,7,11 using 2d6+5,1d6+5,1d6+5.  Damage.

00:23, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 28,22,23,12 using 1d20+8,1d20+8,1d20+8,1d20+8.  Attack.

Dungeon Master
GM, 1838 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Tue 1 Mar 2022
at 19:41
  • msg #32

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The fog evades Caell's sacred flame, parting to avoid the raining star fire and then coalescing again in its wake.

Not so with Cora's attacks. The Starbound Blade cleaved through the fog and dispersed it, rescuing Arvid and Opalia from the cold that threatened to engulf them.

Now that the immediate threat was past, there was time to focus on what exactly it had been. None in the party was much familiar with such arcana, but the best guess they could come to was that this was a lingering relic of the long-ago battle fought in these caverns, a consequence of magic cast by long-dead priests and shamans animated by the spirits of those who died here.

The battleground lay just around the next bend, where the floor of the cave was thick with the bones of the dead. This was in some ways a good thing, for there surely restless spirits lingering here to make it easier for Cora to open her portal.

Fog is defeated, so those of you who were going to use spells (I think just Sikuaq and Fergus) can save them.
Arvid Signeson
player, 913 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Wed 2 Mar 2022
at 16:15
  • msg #33

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid's hands fell to his side and as they did so the windstorm ceased. "That was unsettling," he remarked. He took a steadying breath and trudged on around the bend, surveying the ancient battlefield in grim silence. At last he turned to Cora.

"What do you need us to do?"
Fergus Glowforge
player, 830 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 59/74 | AC: 19
Thu 3 Mar 2022
at 05:25
  • msg #34

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus took a breath to regain his composure after stumbling his way through the battle that just ended. His heart shuttled between pride and sorrow as he acknowledged Cora, his Little Mossflower, had somehow become the centerpoint of this entire ordeal. She wielded the Starbound Blade, and with it, she carried the hopes of the North. He wished she didn't have to endure such a burden, but trusted that Kann would guide her, along with all of them, in the hours ahead.

"We should rest,"
Fergus replied to Arvid. "We will need all of our strength for what's ahead."
player, 768 posts
HP : 86 / 86 - AC : 18
Thu 3 Mar 2022
at 05:53
  • msg #35

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

As the spectral mist dissipated Opalia huffed out a breath that was visible in the frigid subterranean air.  She brushed the dusting of hoarfrost off her sash and boomed, "Never did OPALIA think to fight a FOG, but we did WIN, little friends!"

Fergus Glowforge:
"We should rest," Fergus replied to Arvid. "We will need all of our strength for what's ahead."

The giantess looked ahead to the trail of bones stretching around the bend and remarked, "OPALIA is strongest still, but we can have a rest.  The place ahead is grim of spirit, and we should be READY."  She turned a not-very-surreptitious glance toward Cora, hoping for some of her half-orcish friend's delicious snacks.  Otherwise, Opalia would spend the respite standing vigilant between her little friends and the bone-littered battlefield ahead.

Use Second Wind prior to rest to heal to full!  If rest is successful then regain it, but not going to presume that just yet :)
This message was last edited by the player at 08:15, Thu 03 Mar 2022.
player, 1206 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:59/59 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Fri 4 Mar 2022
at 03:16
  • msg #36

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora stopped as they neared the graveyard, looking at the whole scene before her, and then turning to the group

"It's a little odd, but we don't know what lies ahead. An hour to eat some food and gather ourselves . . . the time lost might gain us a win we're too tired to grab now."

OOC: Prepare Meals. As part of a short rest, you can prepare a tasty meal that helps your companions regain their strength. You and up to five creatures of your choice regain 1 extra hit point per Hit Die spent during a short rest, provided you have access to your cook's utensils and sufficient food.

Oats and simple foodstuffs came out as Cora struck a fire and set a pot to cooking, sparing some dried apple from her rations to plump up in the oats.
Fergus Glowforge
player, 833 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 73/74 | AC: 19
Sat 5 Mar 2022
at 05:17
  • msg #37

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus quietly enjoyed the oatmeal, thinking fondly of a time Darna and Cora baked mossflower pie back in Knutsdir. He remembered the smell (what a delicious smell!), but more than anything he remembered the sound of muffled giggling coming from the kitchen. It wasn't that many years, but it was a lifetime ago.

And there in the oppressive underground, on the eve of what he suspected may be a fatal encounter for himself, Fergus smiled. Somehow that little girl with mossflower all over her face had grown into the North's greatest hope. And even though she towered over him now, in his heart, she was still his little mossflower. Nothing Garduk could do would change that. And if Fergus was to expel his final breath on the other side of the portal, he would do so proudly with Cora and the others at his side.

Burning two hit die.
23:50, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 8 using 1d8+4.  Short rest (+3 con +1 more for Cora's cooking!).
23:51, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 6 using 1d8+4.  Short rest #2 (+3 con +1 more for Cora's cooking!).

Dungeon Master
GM, 1842 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Sun 6 Mar 2022
at 15:18
  • msg #38

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

You rest up and enjoy Cora's oatmeal without incident. Next steps? Seems like options are:

1. Cora attempts to open the gate on the outskirts of the battlefield (DC 8 Religion check)
2. You wade into the midst of the battlefield and attempt to open the gate there (DC 6)
3. Take some other actions to search/investigate the battlefield.
player, 496 posts
HP: 57/57| AC: 14
Sun 6 Mar 2022
at 16:40
  • msg #39

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq perked up significantly after Caell lent his healing powers, and the wholesome meal prepared by Cora was the perfect finishing touch.  The anatka stood refreshed afterward, having fully shaken off the chill touch of the mysterious fog.  Even her eyes cleared of the fire for a minute or so, before the embers edged back in again.

While they continued to eat and rest Sikuaq excused herself and sat to the side, cross-legged with her staff laying horizontally across her thighs.  With eyes closed she began to intone softly, her hands running along the length of the carved staff as she chanted.  It seemed she was preparing for the coming battle by communing with the staff, perhaps marshalling her magical strength to oppose Garduk and his forces.

The whole process took only a short while, but as she continued a noticeable change overcame the anatka.  Where the flames in her hair and eyes had slacked off since the temple, flickering with a gaseous blue as they made their way through the caverns and passageways toward the battlefield, now they changed colour again.  But not to the bright flames the others had seen initially, nor when Sikuaq retaliated against the fog; instead this time a deep reddish nimbus formed within her hair, as though her fiery energy was being banked against a future need and only required release to burst into open flames.  A pulsing heat emanated from her and late in her preparations, but only for a moment, one of the molten lava tentacles emerged and joined in caressing the staff.

When she finally opened her eyes again she seemed satisfied, and rose smoothly to rejoin the group.  "I am now ready for the battle.  But I am not certain the best way to harness the energy of this ancient battlefield."  She looked off where the ancient field of bones began and then disappeared into the darkness.  "We may need to search for the best place for Cora to conduct the ritual."


I am good with a short search of the battlefield, but would prefer not to delay too long before heading to the Resting Place.  The Quinichiat need our help!  :)
player, 770 posts
HP : 86 / 86 - AC : 18
Mon 7 Mar 2022
at 01:52
  • msg #40

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia enjoyed a generous helping of Cora's most delicious oatmeal, but nonetheless kept a vigilant eye on the spooky path ahead.

When all were rested, Opalia lit up another torch and held it aloft at the edge of the bone-littered battlefield.  The bright flame seemed tiny and weak against the vast darkness and ancient death.  In reply to Sikuaq the giantess declared, "Then we go to find the best ENERGIES for little CORA's work!  Do not fear, little friends, for OPALIA will go first so no spooky foes can pass!"  This place felt very troubling and full of malign spirit and the giantess knew she did not fully understand the dangers ahead, but what she DID know was that she would face them before any little friends.

Once all were ready, Opalia bravely blazed the path into the ancient battlegrounds with torch held out in front and with the guidance of any friends who claimed to know where to go!

Perception to keep aware of surroundings as we advance:
  • 17:50, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 23 using 1d20+4.  Perception.

Dungeon Master
GM, 1843 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Mon 7 Mar 2022
at 14:00
  • msg #41

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The battlefield was too long abandoned to be grisly. What remained was not cut and bloodied flesh but a great field of skeletons, the bones piled so thick in places they were reminiscent of crops that had been cultivated and subsequently overgrown.

These bones were of orc and dwarf alike, which was a bit surprising, for one would expect that the dwarves, upon triumphing, would have returned to bury their dead. The answer to that mystery may have lain in the sticky black oozes that still crawled the battlefield, slowly scavenging what remained of those who had fought here, and most especially the living cloud of magical energy the party had already defeated.

Avoiding the oozes was not particularly difficult. Unlike the magical mist, they seemed content to scavenge the bones and leave the living unperturbed. Opalia's eye, in surveying the battlefield, did notice a few items of interest:

-The body of a dwarven hero, quite close to her large foot, still had several potions at his belt. Tragically, he did not have the opportunity to drink one before the battle claimed his life.

-A miniature golden chest with tiny emeralds lining the top that trace out an arcane sigil.

-An amulet, hung around the neck of an orcish skeleton, consisting of large yellow tooth on a leather cord.

-Furthest off, and directly in the path of one of the oozes, a slender brass staff had fallen from the hand of a dwarf. It was adorned with gold rings and a set of three gold wings reaching up at the top, spaced at equal distance from each other.

The potions Opalia could easily retrieve. The other items would entail risking the ire of the oozes, who seemed to have their gelatinous "eyes" on them as well. It might be possible to pilfer the chest and/or the amulet without causing trouble, but there would certainly be competition if she went for the staff.

This is just stuff that's on the battlefield. I'm posting it from Opalia's perspective because she rolled the Perception check, but anyone can attempt to grab any of these objects if they wish to do so. Let me know how you try to go about it and I'll ask for the appropriate roll.
player, 405 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:59/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Mon 7 Mar 2022
at 18:18
  • msg #42

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell did not feel comfortable here at all. He feared their own bones might end up here, mixed with all the old ones, and he wasn't sure their eternal souls could escape this place. The voices of spirits of ancient warriors had followed him for some time now. There were many of them here.

When Opalia pointed out the items she spotted, Caell volunteered to retrieve those that weren't too heavy or tightly fastened. Of course, he wasn't really interested in valuables, but things that could be useful. The crown he wore on his head had been found in another place and had proven invaluable.

Using Mage Hand to retrieve item. Will start with the nearest thing.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1844 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Mon 7 Mar 2022
at 18:45
  • msg #43

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Retrieving the potions proved trivial for the mage hand. There are three simple glass vials of what appeared to be the same viscous, purply-red substance and one more ornate bottle which, though also made of glass, was fashioned in the shape of a diamond. The liquid inside was a pale green, and the cork stopper must have been effective indeed, because the potion still bubbled when the bottle moved, suggesting it was still "fresh". The diamond-shaped bottle was engraved with a symbol that looked very much like a sword.

Could I get History checks from Cora and Fergus, please?

The chest and the staff both looked to be too heavy for the mage hand. The amulet might be doable, but it would require some finesse to get it off the orc's neck without attracting the attention of the ooze. While attracting the ooze would not lead to anyone getting attacked, it might lead to the body being subsumed, and the amulet along with it.

Caell, if you'd like to attempt this, please make a DC 12 Sleight of Hand check, and, if you fail, a Stealth check as well.
player, 406 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:59/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Mon 7 Mar 2022
at 19:03
  • msg #44

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The quinichiat handed the items he retrieved back to the others. He had really no idea how to identify anything. The amulet looked trickly to retrieve, but Caell had surprising deftness in the use of this particular sort of magic.

"Staff and chest too heavy, I think." Caell said, giving a shrug.

Sleight of Hand result of 22.
player, 772 posts
HP : 86 / 86 - AC : 18
Mon 7 Mar 2022
at 23:57
  • msg #45

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia was upset by the multitude bones littering this ancient battlefield, and the dry crunching that accompanied her every step.  She rumbled in a hushed voice that was still pretty loud, "So many did die here...  This was a VERY BAD fighting."  The giantess spotted a number of treasures in amongst the skeletal debris, but there were also BIG slimes that had an unwholesome look about them.  Caell retrieved a few of the smaller treasures with much magical cleverness while Opalia observed the slow-moving oozes to assess the danger they posed.

When Caell reported that the shiny staff and shiny chest were too heavy for his magical hand, Opalia assured the fellowship, "OPALIA can lift these EASY, but better not to provoke YUCK-SLIMES."  The giantess pondered in her ponderous way, then offered, "OPALIA will grab them if little friends think is best idea.  Perhaps we DISTRACT slimes to go away from treasures?"

Opalia listened to the opinions of her little friends and stood ready to help, whether by making a run for the chest and the staff herself, or to provide the distraction!

Spend the first minute after spotting a black ooze to use Know Your Enemy to determine if it is Opi's inferior, equal, or superior in Strength score and current HP (86).
player, 497 posts
HP: 57/57| AC: 14
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 01:46
  • msg #46

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq nodded in approval as Caell deftly retrieved what items he could with his magic.  In such a large and ominous battlefield there were bound to be useful artifacts strewn about, items that would undoubtedly help in the upcoming battle.  The trick was retrieving the rest without unduly endangering themselves.

The anatka came up beside Opalia, the goliath dwarfing the tiny Quinichiat when they stood so close.  Sikuaq looked out at the remaining items Opalia had spotted and then mentioned, "I can cast a spell that will make us all but undetectable, just as I did in the tundra when we were sneaking around the Northmen lands.  That would give us a good chance of evading the notice of the oozes."

Sikuaq turned her head to look to Cora.  "Have you sensed where we need to be before invoking the sword's power?  If we are close, or if it doesn't make a difference, then we can try to retrieve these items and then be gone.  If we still need to search for the proper place to conduct the ritual, perhaps we should finish that search first and worry about these relics afterward, if it still seems worthwhile."
Fergus Glowforge
player, 836 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 73/74 | AC: 19
Tue 8 Mar 2022
at 04:58
  • msg #47

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus's spirit darkened as he surveyed the ancient battlefield. With each step upon the bone choked arena, he cringed, wondering what possible reward would have justified such horrible losses. The orc wars were not a foreign to him. His only son was lost in the early years of Gralen's most recent campaign, generations after the casualties now at his feet. He had come to terms with that tragic loss many years ago. But now, so far beneath the suffocating weight of the ground overhead, he considered not only the lives lost here, but all the others forever altered. Parents, children, lovers, wives. For every dwarven skull on this battlefield, there were countless more that mourned the loss.

Then he looked at Cora and realized that the losses were no less tragic for the orcs. Despite what he was taught at a young age, they too had families. Parents and children.

"This is a troubling place. Let's not dally here any longer than we have to."

22:52, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 21 using 1d20+4.  History.

Arvid Signeson
player, 918 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Wed 9 Mar 2022
at 14:06
  • msg #48

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Once we are cloaked I can retrieve the staff and the chest without difficulty I should think. Anything that has survived the ravages of time in this place is due our attention."

"But Fergus is right, once we've taken what we need from the battlefield we should be quickly on our way."

Fergus Glowforge
player, 838 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 73/74 | AC: 19
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 05:21
  • msg #49

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus nodded slowly in apprehensive approval, but the surroundings still did little to placate him. "Be fast, Arvid. Then let's be gone from this place."
player, 1210 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:59/59 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 14:36
  • msg #50

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora drew the starbound blade, laying a hand along it and waiting close to Fergus

"So much . . . so much death. If the orcs truly were created for a purpose, how can it be this?"
player, 500 posts
HP: 57/57| AC: 14
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 16:33
  • msg #51

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

It seemed that they would try to recover the remaining items Opalia had spotted, so Sikuaq nodded and began her preparations.  She stepped close to Arvid and confirmed her plan.  "I think a tiny owl would be best," she explained.  "I'll just rest on your shoulder, or in the top of your pack.  The spell lasts roughly an hour, so we have plenty of time."

When Arvid had planned out his route Sikuaq cast her spell, words echoing the Northern darkness dripping from her lips as she spun the magic about them.  When the shrouding was complete, she then refocused her mind and suddenly began to shrink in upon herself, her pale form growing even more so as she shrunk further and further into a nearly white ball.  Then in a sudden puff of feathers her wings spread out and a small snowy owl looked up at the group with its large golden eyes.  A couple of hopping steps and a flap of her wings and Sikuaq was airborne, circling silently on muffled wings until she alit on Arvid's shoulder.  When he looked at her there she adjusted her talons as gently as she could and bobbed her head twice, then looked out across the field of bones toward the first remaining item.

Cast Pass without Trace on Sikuaq, Arvid.
Wild Shape into snowy owl, and practice for when Arvid becomes a northern pirate captain.  :)

Arvid Signeson
player, 919 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Thu 10 Mar 2022
at 18:58
  • msg #52

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid nodded, signaling his readiness. The bonefield was treacherous footing but he trusted in his sure step and Sikuaq's magic to keep them safe from harm. The first item along their path was the chest. Once that was firmly secured in hand he was ready to move on.

Stealth 20 thanks to Sikuaq.
13:54, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 20 using 1d20+15.  Stealth.

Fergus Glowforge
player, 839 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 73/74 | AC: 19
Fri 11 Mar 2022
at 06:56
  • msg #53

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora drew the starbound blade, laying a hand along it and waiting close to Fergus

"So much . . . so much death. If the orcs truly were created for a purpose, how can it be this?"

Fergus looked into the eyes of his niece, "Oh Cora. I don't think they were created for one purpose any more than the rest of us were. Sure, some orcs are nasty savages, but the same might be said of any race. Dwarfs, humans. Even the elves, for all their grace, are a far cry from the perfection some people naively think they possess. Their ranks are filled with thieves and scoundrels just like the rest of us.

"These bones aren't you, Cora. They met their destiny in this god-forsaken chamber decades ago. Your own destiny awaits you somewhere else."

Dungeon Master
GM, 1847 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Fri 11 Mar 2022
at 12:23
  • msg #54

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fleet-footed Arvid, snowy owl perched upon his shoulder, picked his way through the field of dead. Bones carpeted the cave floor, but with the aid of Sikuaq's magic, the monk picked his way nimbly between them, never once setting them a-clatter with a careless step. With equal deftness, he hefted the chest. Nothing rattled inside as he did so, but he could not say whether that was because it was empty or because he took such great care in handling it.

Seeing the oozes unperturbed, he ventured nearer to them. They were plainly alive, but the Northman, having never seen their like, could not determine how, if at all, they perceived the world around them, for they lacked obvious organs of any kind. With little time to ponder the problem, he plucked the staff from the path of an advancing ooze. The gelatinous creature did not flinch, even when the staff seemed to come to life in his hands, a glass tetrahedron shimmering into sight in the space between the three wings at the top of the shaft. Arvid froze, holding his breath for an excruciating moment, but no woe befell him, and the ooze seemed as oblivious as ever. Risking a small sigh of relief, the triumphant monk stepped gingerly back to where his companions awaited him.

Upon Arvid's return, Fergus recognized immediately the four symbols carved into each face of the tetrahedron floating atop the newly-retrieved staff. They represented titles of nobility held by the staff's bearer, along with the crest of the Struthgirk clan, whose ancestral keep had so recently collapsed around the party.

The sigil formed by the emeralds atop the chest was not immediately recognizable to anyone, but perhaps with further inspection...

Anyone who wishes to investigate can make an Arcana check to attempt to identify the sigil. If there's anything else you'd like to do to inspect your new-found items, please let me know that as well.
player, 777 posts
HP : 86 / 86 - AC : 18
Fri 11 Mar 2022
at 23:50
  • msg #55

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

While the others planned and executed a magical owl heist, Opalia remained on vigilant guard against whatever threats may come.  When Arvid and the owl-natka returned with shiny treasures she grinned and congratulated them, "A CLEVEREST deed, little friends!  These are very shiny treasures."  The giantess clapped Arvid on the back, patted the owl-natka gently on the head, then leaned down to shine torchlight on the ornate staff.  It was very pretty, but to Opalia's eye it looked dainty and ornamental and not good for fighting.

Having lost most of her interest in the staff, Opalia looked back out at the gloomy expanse of bones that stretched out in all directions.  She rumbled, "We should not linger too long.  This is a NOT-NICE place."  Glancing back at Cora, she asked, "Where do we go for best ENERGIES for little CORA?"
player, 1212 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:59/59 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Sat 12 Mar 2022
at 04:54
  • msg #56

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"I'm not sure, but . . . "

Cora looked at the sigil, her mind flashing images and signs as she tried to make sense of it

"There's something about this . . . "

OOC: Arcana check 16
Dungeon Master
GM, 1849 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Sat 12 Mar 2022
at 13:41
  • msg #57

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

In reply to Cora (msg # 56):

The sigil Cora deemed to be mark of the wizard to whom the chest belonged. As best she could tell, it was not a trap or otherwise part of a spell, simply a way of marking ownership. Intriguingly, the sigil was not a symbol she knew to be of dwarven or orcish origin (they used the same written language, with some minor variation). If anything, it seemed to be elvish in origin, having more in common with druidic symbology, though Sikuaq did not recognize it either.

The staff seemed not to possess any magic powers beyond its ability to summon the floating glass cube bearing the ancient Struthgirk lord's titles. It appeared to be little more than a vanity piece, albeit an intricately crafted one.
Arvid Signeson
player, 923 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Sun 13 Mar 2022
at 01:46
  • msg #58

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Perhaps the staff will be of interest to the surviving Struthgirks, should we cross paths again. Lets have a look inside the chest. Would you care to do the honors, Cora?"
Fergus Glowforge
player, 842 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 73/74 | AC: 19
Mon 14 Mar 2022
at 02:45
  • msg #59

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Still uneasy from the countless bones around him, Fergus considered the sigil upon the chest. "Strange that an elven symbol finds its way so far underground. There aren't many stories of elves in Gruundelheim. Torvald Tallback was said to be close with them, but that was centuries ago. His successors departed from that relationship. So what brings this chest so far below Gruundelheim?"

21:33, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 17 using 1d20+4.  History. Known elves in Gruundelheim?
Dungeon Master
GM, 1850 posts
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Mon 14 Mar 2022
at 12:05
  • msg #60

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus, you're right that it was indeed rare for elves to venture into the underground tunnels of Gruundelheim, and likewise for dwarves to brave the the Frozen Wastes ("I don't know which part sounds less appealing", as Darna used to say). There are no obviously elven skeletons on the battlefield, so this chest was presumably given to its dwarven bearer at some earlier meeting. Your best guess is that this had something to do with the Starbound Alliance, though this battle does not date back nearly as far as the temple where you first learned of the Starbound Alliance, suggesting that it continued to operate in some capacity long after its initial purpose of beating back an invasion from the Shadowrealm was accomplished.
player, 502 posts
HP: 57/57| AC: 14
Mon 14 Mar 2022
at 15:35
  • msg #61

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq, who had regained her natural form once the items were recovered from the ancient battlefield, peered around those who held and examined the chest.  Beyond its Quinichiat design the sigil had meant nothing to her, so her curiosity as to the nature and contents of the chest remained piqued.  When Arvid suggested opening it to see inside the anatka positioned herself so she might have a view as well.  If Fergus' misgivings worried her, she did not show it.
player, 1213 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:59/59 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Tue 15 Mar 2022
at 12:03
  • msg #62

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora spared a look to Sikuaq and Caell, then looked at Fergus before she moved forward to place hands on the chest

"We'd best be done with it, the elves are least likely to have trapped something in against us . . . I think."

And with that not too reassuring flip-flop, she tried to open the chest
Dungeon Master
GM, 1851 posts
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Tue 15 Mar 2022
at 12:24
  • msg #63

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The lid of the chest opened smoothly, suggesting its hinges had been neither degraded with time nor rigged with a trap. The emerald sigil remained merely an emerald sigil. Nothing exploded. The chest was empty.

Fergus, with his Identify ritual, learned the following:

-The staff had no magical properties beyond the aesthetic ones he'd already observed.
-The chest was the material component for a spell, corresponding to a larger version of the chest that had been stored somewhere in the Shadowrealm. Such magic could be unstable over hundreds of years, however, so it was possible that by now the link between the two chests had been broken.
-The Stonesinger potion lasted for 24 hours and provided the drinker a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with a sword. However, it came with a side effect of mild kleptomania.
-Once per short rest, the wearer of the amulet can choose to take half damage if they fail a saving throw vs an attack or magical effect. It also enables them to communicate with yetis and related beasts. This item requires attunement.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:53, Tue 15 Mar 2022.
player, 782 posts
HP : 86 / 86 - AC : 18
Wed 16 Mar 2022
at 23:23
  • msg #64

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia kept watch while Fergus performed his holy-KANN rituals on the items.  After a while the wise dwarf had finished and proceeded to explain the workings of the magic on the items.  As he spoke Opalia eyed the ornate little box with neat symbols on it.  She said, "This box can bring a BIGGER box?  Neat!"

On an impulse, Opalia poked the arcane sigil on the box's lid in the way Fergus indicated could summon its astral counterpart, just to see what happens!  If a bigger chest happened to mystically appear, of course the giantess would immediately throw it open.

Attempting the action to summon a Leomund's Secret Chest, should the mini-chest happen to be the component for a still-active casting of that spell!
This message was last edited by the player at 23:27, Wed 16 Mar 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1853 posts
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Thu 17 Mar 2022
at 14:38
  • msg #65

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia, being not much experienced in the ways of magic, did not what to expect when she touched the sigil, nor did she have words to describe what happened when she did. The closest analogy she had was to pulling stone with rope, a popular test of strength among the goliath in addition to an important building technique. In this challenge, however, she had to pull with the muscles of her mind, and those were not much-strong like the muscles of her arms. To make matters worse, whatever was on the opposite end was very far away, and the "rope" was snagged and frayed. She could not budge it, and she felt that trying very hard to do so would not be any more effective and in fact would risk snapping the rope entirely. However, she also found that even after releasing the magical "rope" with her mind, she could still feel a trace of it, as with the guide ropes used to mark paths across treacherous cliff faces. Should they draw nearer to the secret chest, she would know it, and she would be able to follow the rope to find it.
Fergus Glowforge
player, 844 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 73/74 | AC: 19
Fri 18 Mar 2022
at 02:28
  • msg #66

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

With the items of interest assembled, Fergus denied his own better judgement to leave the area as soon as possible. Instead, he intoned a muttered prayer to Kann for divine insight into the collection. Sweat formed on his brow and his lips quivered as he exhaled an almost imperceptible whisper. After a lengthy trance, the dwarf opened his eyes and reported to his companions.

"The staff is a fool's ornament. Typical Struthgirk arrogance and little more than that. The bubbling potion is for swordsmanship... although it has side effects. The chest is a compass of sorts. It connects to a larger likeness of itself, although I know not where. And this," he pointed to the strange tooth. "This offers protection from magic...and I believe an ability to speak with yetis." He shrugged at the last point. "That's what it does."

He wiped the sweat from his face and exhaled a deep breath, returning fully to the eerie surroundings. Before he could re-emphasize his desire to depart, however, Opalia had already thrown open the magical chest. He winced. "Careful, Opalia. That isn't a toy. The connection between it and whatever its counterpart is has been weakened by ages of neglect. And if that tether were to snap, the backlash would excruciating."

Relieved to see her no worse for wear, he looked to the others. "We've recovered everything of use to us here. Now we need a plan... and then finally we need to leave this place."
Arvid Signeson
player, 930 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Fri 18 Mar 2022
at 14:52
  • msg #67

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid nodded at Fergus's counsel. "Cora, are you ready?" he inquired.
player, 1215 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:59/59 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Fri 18 Mar 2022
at 17:01
  • msg #68

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora breathed in and out, steadying herself with flat of the blade against her palm, her spirit reaching out to the shades around them

"Yes, when you are. Ready as I can be."
player, 784 posts
HP : 86 / 86 - AC : 18
Sat 19 Mar 2022
at 01:47
  • msg #69

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus Glowforge:
"Careful, Opalia. That isn't a toy. The connection between it and whatever its counterpart is has been weakened by ages of neglect. And if that tether were to snap, the backlash would excruciating."

Opalia wore a profoundly befuddled expression for several moments after touching the unfamiliar arcane sigil.  Fergus's words snapped her out of it and she turned to listen to her wise dawrfish friend.  She nodded and said, "FIREBEARD is very wise and knowing of big words OPALIA has not heard!  Yet, I do think that I know your meaning."  The giantess turned a curious look at the arcane chest and explained, "There is the BIGGER chest tied to this one like with rope, but a MAGIC rope!  The MAGIC rope is very NOT-GOOD, as you do say, and to pull too hard might break it!  We must get closer to BIG CHEST and follow the rope to there.  We do it no problems, but at later-times."  Opalia offered a sage nod, feeling proud of having taught her wise friends about big magic knowledges.

OOC: reposting the following 'let's get going' text since it was premature when posted...

Opalia looked back out at the gloomy expanse of bones that stretched out in all directions.  She rumbled, "We should not linger too long.  This is a NOT-NICE place."  Glancing back at Cora, she asked, "Where do we go for best ENERGIES for little CORA?"
player, 1216 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:59/59 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Sat 19 Mar 2022
at 13:16
  • msg #70

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"As central as we dare. The energies gather ahead, but being close would do. I don't like the idea of an ooze eating us."
Fergus Glowforge
player, 849 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 73/74 | AC: 19
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 05:51
  • msg #71

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The giantess turned a curious look at the arcane chest and explained, "There is the BIGGER chest tied to this one like with rope, but a MAGIC rope!  The MAGIC rope is very NOT-GOOD, as you do say, and to pull too hard might break it!  We must get closer to BIG CHEST and follow the rope to there.  We do it no problems, but at later-times."  Opalia offered a sage nod, feeling proud of having taught her wise friends about big magic knowledges.

"Yes, Opalia. No problems. Later times." Fergus accepted Opalia's description, convincing himself that she understood (in her own way) the nature of the connection between the chest she held and its counterpart.

"As central as we dare. The energies gather ahead, but being close would do. I don't like the idea of an ooze eating us."

Seeing the determination in Cora's eyes, the reality of the situation finally set in. "We are really doing this. We are going to open a portal to Kann knows where to face an enemy who has the very souls of the dead at his disposal."

"So this is it." He gulped audibly, then reached out a hand to Cora. "If it will help, the Great Mountain can offer his guidance to you when it's time to open the portal."

Reminder that Fergus will cast Guidance (if Cora will have it, that is) when we're finally ready to do this.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1855 posts
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Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 12:22
  • msg #72

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Dark energy crackled at the tip of the Starbound Blade, a sphere of darkness spreading outwards like the moon eclipsing the sun. Of course there was neither moon nor sun underground, but the darkness seemed to take up space, obscuring the light of torch and magic alike. The darkness drew the eye inward, implying depth, holding forth the promise that those staring into it were on the verge of making out a shape, a shadow against shadow, if only they stared a moment longer. No shape ever emerged, however, and eventually it became clear that none would. The only way to see what lay on the other side was to pass through, which, one by one, the wary heroes did.

The darkness persisted, though they were no longer underground. Well, safer to say they were no longer surrounded by rock, for neither sun nor moon nor stars twinkled above their heads--nothing save ineffable darkness. The ground beneath their feet was soft, shifting, and dark, reminiscent of ash. A chill wind blew, and from all around them they heard the whispered laments of the dead. The voices spoke in all languages, though no speakers could be seen.

"Just one last..."

"If only I had..."

"I never meant to..."

The terrain was a barren and featureless, a horizonless desert interrupted only by mounds of ash like snowdrifts. From behind one such drift came a faint sobbing. "[Language unknown: Sheresive?]" a small voice spoke in the dwarven tongue. "[Language unknown: Preastast, osevek esca utson?]"
player, 411 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:59/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Sun 20 Mar 2022
at 20:23
  • msg #73

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell could probably see better through the darkness than most, his eyes guided by the divine star, but he didn't like the barren landscape of ash as it was revealed. He wringed his hands as they walked, but then he froze when there was a voice; suspecting only the dead lived here. Caell did not understand the words, so he looked to Fergus.
Fergus Glowforge
player, 850 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 73/74 | AC: 19
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 02:46
  • msg #74

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus raised a hand to stop his companions. "One of the voices... it calls to us... to me?"

He scanned the dark horizon in vain to look for a sign of the voice's origin.
player, 788 posts
HP : 86 / 86 - AC : 18
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 03:13
  • msg #75

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia watched warily as the dark gate expanded before them, looming menacingly like the shadow of a great mountain when the sun falls behind it.  Somehow it was even MORE DARK than darkness, and she did not like it very muchly.  The time had come to step through, and the giantess gulped, "This is the way to BAD GARDUK, yes?  This way we save northerlands and dwarferlands and Francolands... then we must go!"  Opalia turned Arvid a worried look and extended a large hand, taking his and squeezing as they stepped through together.

The land beyond was bleak beyond description, a dark ashen waste of deathly whispers.  Opalia let Arvid's hand go to raise Frostfall in readiness for whatever foe may come, but it seemed clear... so far.  The giantess remarked, "OPALIA did expect more fighting, like last visit.  This looks very much different from that land..."  She listened and heard a sobbing that seemed more substantial than the whispers all around.  The cries and words seemed to come from a particular direction, to which Opalia turned and declared, "A sad DWARF is here!  We must help, YES?"

The giantess didn't await an answer, but instead began to jog toward the sobbing while beckoning the fellowship to follow.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1857 posts
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Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 11:32
  • msg #76

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus could not very well hear a dwarven child calling out for her father without thinking of his own children, but this little girl was not one of his. Tall as she was, Opalia did not even need to climb the drift of ash to see over it to where the ghost of a dwarven child, translucent and pale, wandered this barren plain, calling out for her father. When the girl caught sight of the goliath, she froze, looking more confused than scared. "You don't belong here," she said. "What are you doing here?"
player, 412 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:59/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 12:45
  • msg #77

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell and Cora and the others had previously guided restless spirits to the afterlife. Those had been lingering in the land of the living, however. Was there any chance they could now guide this spirits from the land of the dead to the great beyond?

Religion 17
player, 1218 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:54/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 13:18
  • msg #78

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Kann preserve us-"

Cora coughed as they entered this new realm, blood seeping from the corners of her mouth. She tried to stay upright, stay strong for Fergus

Blade out she approached the dwarf ghost too

Dungeon Master
GM, 1859 posts
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Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 13:40
  • msg #79

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell and Cora and the others had previously guided restless spirits to the afterlife. Those had been lingering in the land of the living, however. Was there any chance they could now guide this spirits from the land of the dead to the great beyond?

Religion 17

Yes, certainly. In fact, this is what Sikuaq and I forget who else did back in Guthluthic, to placate Raheera.

Also, Caell, you realize that what you have heretofore experienced as a chill wind is in fact the fretful flitting about of restless spirits, brushing up against you. The air is full of them, noticeable only to you and presumably Cora (even you are only now noticing them) against the dark ground and sky. It is they you have heard wailing and whispering.
player, 506 posts
HP: 57/57| AC: 14
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 15:07
  • msg #80

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq appeared surprised and slightly disoriented by their surroundings after stepping through the shadowed portal, as though this was not at all what she had expected to find.  Her head whipped in one direction and then another as the whispers slid past on either side or crept up slowly behind her.  She reached out a hand, futilely grasping for the reassuring feel of Valaku's protection but there was nothing but chill air and forlorn spirits about her.  So many spirits.  She puled her hands back, covering her ears to block out the sound of their begging, but it did not stop the onslaught.  Make it stop, she pled within her mind, squeezing her eyes shut.  There are too many!  Make it stop!

But of course, came the oily smooth answer, slithering through a cruelly satisfied smile.  Together we are strong.

Sikuaq burst into flame again, not as dramatically as outside the temple of Forza but in this shadowy grey realm it was still remarkable.  No tentacles of lava this time, but her head was wreathed in fiery tresses that swayed on the unseen breeze and her eyes were the bright golden-white of the hottest forge.  She stood straight and proud, as though daring the darkness to overcome her.  And then she turned her attention to the dwarven spirit Opalia had found, and followed the others toward her with footsteps that left the ash underfoot steaming in her wake.
Arvid Signeson
player, 933 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Mon 21 Mar 2022
at 15:20
  • msg #81

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid was grateful for the feel of Opalia's hand around his own as he stepped through the blackness into a shadow that was somehow even worse. When Opalia let go he looked to her briefly as if in assurance that she wouldn't disappear upon the ethereal winds that pulled at his furs, and only when she remained firmly at his side did he dare to breath again.

"This place.... The sooner we are done here, the better," he said quietly.
Fergus Glowforge
player, 852 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 73/74 | AC: 19
Tue 22 Mar 2022
at 05:24
  • msg #82

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Dungeon Master:
Fergus could not very well hear a dwarven child calling out for her father without thinking of his own children, but this little girl was not one of his. Tall as she was, Opalia did not even need to climb the drift of ash to see over it to where the ghost of a dwarven child, translucent and pale, wandered this barren plain, calling out for her father. When the girl caught sight of the goliath, she froze, looking more confused than scared. "You don't belong here," she said. "What are you doing here?"

Fergus approached the child ghost and took a knee before her. [Language unknown: "Ivsi oun loplss. On llenc rut aistri urselo lo lewama."] After hearing her ability to speak the common tongue, he continued in that way. "And we don't intend to stay long. But neither should you. This realm of lost souls is no place for a child. You belong in the Golden Halls. Your ancestors will be waiting there for you!"
player, 789 posts
HP : 86 / 86 - AC : 18
Tue 22 Mar 2022
at 05:24
  • msg #83

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia slowed to a stop when the spectral child came into view, and returned her weapon to the baldric slung across her back before approaching slowly.  She waved at the child, stopped a few paces away and knelt to say, "Bright skies to you, little spirit friend!  Oh..."  Opalia glanced up at the void above, and corrected herself, "The skies here probably never do get bright, I do think?  It is a friendly way that my people say HULLO.  I am OPALIA, and myself and all little friends are here to stop a BAD CHIEFTAIN from doing bad.  He is making BIGGEST troubles in all alive-lands, and this... not-alive land, too."

Opalia knelt before the spectral girl and asked gently, "You do seek your FATHER, little spirit-friend, YES?  Who is he?  Perhaps we can help!"
Dungeon Master
GM, 1861 posts
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Tue 22 Mar 2022
at 15:22
  • msg #84

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

As Fergus knelt before her, the little girl hissed and arched her back. Long claws extended from her hands and bare feet, and her eyes gleamed with feline ferocity as she snarled and leapt at the kneeling dwarf.

A silvery arrow whistled through the shivering air, piercing the head of the snarling ghost. With a wail, she exploded in a burst of ashes, which floated gently to the ground until they were indistinguishable from all the other ashes that seemed to constitute the surface of this grim place.

Turning toward the source of his mysterious salvation, Fergus saw a slender elf striding toward him, though he had seen no one there just a moment before. Ignoring the dwarf's gawking, the elf knelt to retrieve his arrow from the pile of ash in which it had landed.

"Maiden of Sorrow," Valaku explained as he stood and wiped the black residue from the arrow's silvery head. "They don't much care for the living. Or rather they do, for all the wrong reasons."

He looked the party over, studying them closely as if he had not last seen them mere hours ago. "It is good to see you again." His gaze landed on Sikuaq and stayed there like a ship run aground. "I will not hide it, anatka. It troubles me to see you like this for many reasons, but the most immediate is that it will attract more unwelcome attention."

Indeed, she was a human torch, her blazing body illuminating the air around her, though a few feet out it served only to make the shadows deeper.

"Monster that she was, the Maiden was right about one thing: we don't belong here. Far worse beasts than she hunger for the spirits of the living. The longer we linger here, the more of them will find us.

Is the plan still to confront Kinak, before he can lend further aid to Garduk's armies? I have conducted some reconnaissance, while I awaited your arrival. There is a peak from which his thunder rolls down like an avalanche. I do not think it will be hard to find.

Though it was hard to imagine a mountain anywhere on this featureless, horizonless terrain, the party knew there was more to the Shadowrealm than this. They had fought Kinak's forces once before, on a different mountaintop, looking down upon the lush greenery of the elven Resting Place. Still, such places seemed impossibly distant from the ash-blanketed wasteland where they now stood.
player, 413 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:59/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Wed 23 Mar 2022
at 12:26
  • msg #85

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell was happy to see Valaku. He was strong and good, and they needed everyone in the undertaking of this terrible endeavor. He flashed the other quinichiat a smile. "How did you find us?"

He looked down at the ash again, gone now. It made him sad. Caell took a deep breath before turning in ever direction to look. "Which way?"
Arvid Signeson
player, 934 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Wed 23 Mar 2022
at 16:19
  • msg #86

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Valaku!?" Arvid stared wide eyed at their savior, unsure if he was viewing the man himself or an apparition of their former companion. "How- where did you come from?" he asked, looking around at the ashen wastes. "I'm so sorry - we tried to find Senna but she ran off into the tunnels after you - after."
player, 790 posts
HP : 86 / 86 - AC : 18
Thu 24 Mar 2022
at 01:45
  • msg #87

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia was rather startled by the spectral waif's frightening transformation, but before she'd time to arm herself a silvery arrow scattered the ghost into ash!  The giantess grinned broadly at the sight of Valaku, whom she approached and lifted off the ground in a crushing hug by way of greeting.  She set him down and boomed, "Little VALAKU!  That was a good shooting.  Normally OPALIA does not hold with shooting childs, but that girl-spirit was NOT FRIENDISH."

When Valaku the trusty guide claimed to have found the way to a thundering mountain, Opalia nodded and declared, "This is the place we must go to.  It is good that our BAD-FOE does live in a mountain, because OPALIA likes mountains.  We will take this one from KINAK.  We move now, YES?"  The giantess gestured to Valaku to lead the way.
Fergus Glowforge
player, 853 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 73/74 | AC: 19
Thu 24 Mar 2022
at 02:48
  • msg #88

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus fell back onto his bottom as the specter lashed out at him. He pumped his legs in what, in a different context, would have been comical. Here it was just tragically out of place. His astonishment doubled at the sight of Valaku, who in Fergus's perception came out of nowhere to save him.

He struggled back to his feet with a muffled groan, dusting himself off as he did. "Your timing is as welcome as your aim, Valaku. It is good to see you again, although I wish it was in a better circumstances."

When Valaku the trusty guide claimed to have found the way to a thundering mountain, Opalia nodded and declared, "This is the place we must go to.  It is good that our BAD-FOE does live in a mountain, because OPALIA likes mountains.  We will take this one from KINAK.  We move now, YES?"  The giantess gestured to Valaku to lead the way.

"That's a good idea, Opalia. There's no sense in standing around."

player, 1221 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:54/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Thu 24 Mar 2022
at 03:24
  • msg #89

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The sword in Cora's hands moved to intercept, seeking to drive the fiend's head from her shoulders in defense of her uncle when the silver arrow struck. Pausing, she looked to see Valaku, a look of relief coming across her face

"Val! You're alive!"

The eldritch blast in her hands dissipated, though it hung a moment on her fingers as she approached the elf, almost a mind of its own.

"I think we'll all pay our toll before the day is done. I think we all would pay a price for the North. Let's gather ourselves, and remember why we're here. I think by day's end we'll need to remember what it is that keeps us going . . . "
player, 507 posts
HP: 57/57| AC: 14
Thu 24 Mar 2022
at 12:25
  • msg #90

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq was taken by surprise as the dwarven spirit turned malicious.  Despite her experiences in the spirit realms, some of which had involved angry souls, she had never encountered such a horrid transformation and the ferocity of it shocked her.  Before she could muster any defense of Fergus the silver arrow came flying out of the shadows and ended the threat in an instant.  When she saw the source her knees began to tremble.

"I will not hide it, anatka. It troubles me to see you like this for many reasons, but the most immediate is that it will attract more unwelcome attention."

She read his eyes and fell inward, tumbling down to the flaming pit at the centre of her soul.  Valaku had found them, against all hope!  Ever her calm harbour, her breakwater.  The one she had reached for when the spirits had nearly overcome her.  Not the Other, who strengthened her even now.  Who made the fight against Kinak possible.  How could she make him see that?  In the end, she knew it didn't matter.  She did what was necessary for the People, no matter the cost.  Valaku understood that, as did she.

But the realization gave her strength, as did her guardian's immutable presence.  It wasn't as simple as tossing a stick, but with a few spurts and flares Sikuaq brought the flames back under control.  Instead of the blazing beacon all that remained were gentle ripples of blue flame through her hair.  She met Valaku's gaze once more, half-reaching out to him with a hand before hesitating.

"I am sorry, Valaku," she said softly, her voice controlled enough to remove most of its tremble.  "It is necessary, regardless of what either of us want."  Her mouth tried to curl into a smile, but sadness tinged it.  "It is very good to see you though.  I am glad you found your way to us."

When talk turned to finding Kinak, Sikuaq simply nodded with determination.  They all endured these things for that single purpose.  Now that He was within reach, they could not pass by the opportunity.  But just before they were about to set out a thought occurred to her, and she turned to their towering companion.

"Opalia, do you think you could sense whether we are closer or father away from the magical chest our token is tied to?" she asked with a tilt to her head.  "I don't know why, but I feel it could be important.  Especially if we are somehow closer now."
Dungeon Master
GM, 1862 posts
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Thu 24 Mar 2022
at 13:29
  • msg #91

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"How did you find us?"

"Time passes differently in this place. More slowly." It was clear the elf meant this literally, but it could be felt figuratively as well. The weight of the despair permeating the Shadowrealm made every breath seem to take an hour. The party had only just arrived, and already it felt as if they had lingered too long, and they could feel at the edge of their consciousness a fear creeping in, the thought that they might never leave.

"It is a distorted reflection of our own world," Valaku continued. "I knew you intended to open your portal at the site of the long-ago battle between orc and dwarf. I had only to find the corollary to that site in this place. It was not difficult - the spirits linger here, in agony, as they did beneath Gruundelheim."

Arvid Signeson:
"I'm so sorry - we tried to find Senna but she ran off into the tunnels after you - after."

"She is alive." Valaku turned away, hiding his face. "She can take care of herself. I- hurp!"

He literally choked on his words as Opalia suddenly snatched him in a crushing hug. When she finally released him, a smile had wrestled its way back onto his face. "It is good to you as well, big Opalia."

The smile vanished again when Sikuaq spoke.

"I am sorry, Valaku," she said softly, her voice controlled enough to remove most of its tremble.  "It is necessary, regardless of what either of us want."

The ranger scowled, an open show of disdain that none of the others had ever seen him display toward his anatka. "Necessary why? Because you accepted the aid of an amoral god, despite seeing what that aid wrought on the last druid to bear his staff?"

It was more striking yet that he upbraided her in Franco, rather than their shared native tongue, as if he wanted the others to hear.

"The last time we met Forza, he fought alongside Kinak. Why do you believe him loyal to you now? For all we know, he has already warned his cousin of our approach."

"Let's gather ourselves, and remember why we're here. I think by day's end we'll need to remember what it is that keeps us going . . . "

"Yes," Valaku agreed, with a pointed look at Sikuaq. "And what brought us here in the first place.

This way.

He turned on his heels and began walking in a direction that seemed quite arbitrary to the others, for the land and sky were equally featureless, and there seemed to be no telling of time or direction.

Sounds like we're ready to move along, but I want to give Sikuaq a chance to respond rather than just yelling at her and then moving on :-)

Opalia, the chest still feels quite distant to you, but you do get the sense that it lies in the same direction Valaku is leading you.

Fergus Glowforge
player, 854 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 73/74 | AC: 19
Fri 25 Mar 2022
at 05:25
  • msg #92

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus shifted his weight uncomfortably as Valaku berated Sikuaq. So much had changed since their first meeting at the shrine to Roda, when Valaku was the steadfast guardian to his anatka. Never did he question her judgement. Her purpose. But here, in this ashen wasteland, as Valaku stood before her, his defiance was unmistakable. No doubt his extended time in what was no more than a shadow of reality had done little for his peace of mind, but his protests were not merely paranoia. Fergus had worried about Sikuaq ever since she took the staff in Guthluthic. He even confronted her about it once, but at the time the risk seemed insubstantial. Only now, after her transformation, did the true stakes start to show. "Forza! How can we trust anything that has to do with Forza?"

But Fergus realized his own hypocrisy. "We went straight to Forza when we thought it might help Opalia. And I guess it worked." He turned to the flaming-haired druid before Valaku. "But at what cost?

The dwarf bowed his head, resigned to the fact that the die had been cast. For better or worse, this was the Starbound Alliance tasked with stopping Kinak from invading their world. "Kann help us!"
player, 509 posts
HP: 57/57| AC: 14
Fri 25 Mar 2022
at 13:16
  • msg #93

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The emotional strain of the spirit realm had already worn Sikuaq thin to the point of breaking, and her reaction to Valaku's rebuke was immediate and undisguised. Her eyes widened with hurt and her cheeks flared crimson not with fire but shocked embarrassment.  Each of his words cut her like the lash of a willow switch and she seemed to shrink in on herself with each blow.  But as his words faded away on the whispers of the dead she uncurled again, with purpose.

She had not regained control, but hurt had turned to anger.  The cool blue flames rippling in her hair hadn't changed, even as the strands began to sway in a breeze beyond that which flowed across the ashen wastes. The blazing in her eyes was icy blue and all Sikuaq, untainted by any touch of Forza.  She took an aggressive step forward and pointed a finger at her guardian, jabbing it in the air to accentuate her words.

"Don't you dare, Valaku!  Do you think this is something I want?  Do you think I crave to lose myself, to end my own existence?  This is a war and it must be fought that way.  Our ancestors knew this.  They knew just as I do that you cannot win a war by making sure the grain withstands the summer drought, or by telling the bees where a new glade of wildflowers is.  You need the tools of war, tools like the Orcs and the Goliaths, and like me."

"We must be successful and for that to happen, I need to be able to wage war.  And so with the path opened to me, I took it.  For the good of the Quinichiat, for the good of all the people of the North.  I will make that sacrifice.  It does not make me happy, but I accept my duty."  She glared at Valaku in a moment of silence.  "You of all people I thought would understand this."

And that at last seemed to pull the wind from her, her anger expended.  Only sadness remained now, in her face, her slumped shoulders, her voice.  "I know what fate awaits me.  When we finish this I will not be going back with you, there will be no place for me.  Tools of war do not belong in times of peace.  There will be no return to the People, no reunion with loved ones, no little ones running across the tundra..." her voice faltered for a moment before she regained some control.  She looked around the group, finally including the rest, but she ended on Valaku.  He was the one who must promise.

"You must be the judge, but I trust in you Valaku.  At the end, once Kinak the North Wind has been silenced, look upon me and do what you must.  Do what is necessary, for the good of the People."
Arvid Signeson
player, 935 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Sat 26 Mar 2022
at 14:56
  • msg #94

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid held his tongue, unwilling or unable to interpose himself between Sikuaq and her warder. The affairs they discussed were none of his business though he wore his concern plainly upon his face. When they two had reached a resolution, even temporarily, he cleared his throat. "Lead on, Valaku," he said. "We will follow."
Fergus Glowforge
player, 855 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 73/74 | AC: 19
Sat 26 Mar 2022
at 20:06
  • msg #95

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus bowed his head. He had wondered to himself from time to time whether he would return from their journey alive. He understood there may come a time when he would have to sacrifice himself for the sake of his companions, but was buoyed by the belief that if he did, he would somehow find his way to the Golden Halls and return to his beloved Darna.

But that was just a potential sacrifice. An imaginary exercise for when they were resting and he had time to think. And part of that exercise was the possibility that no such sacrifice would even be required. With a heavy heart, he realized now that Sikuaq's sacrifice had already been made.

Fergus swallowed audibly, still staring at his feet and feeling smaller in the anatka's presence. Nodding slightly at Arvid's recommendation to get moving, he thanked the Great Mountain that the monk was willing to intervene.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1864 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Sat 26 Mar 2022
at 23:41
  • msg #96

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Something," Valaku declared, the first words he'd spoken since acknowledging Sikuaq's instruction with a curt nod of the head and a slightly-too-snappy declaration that, "I am yours to command."

The silence that followed had been uncomfortable for everyone, with the druidess's blunt statement of sacrifice hanging heavy as the spirits in the air around them. Valaku had pivoted hard on his heel and begun walking in a direction that could best be described as east, though such a term made little sense in the Spiritrealm. None could say how much time passed as they trudged through ash that in places drifted as high as Fergus's knee. The walk was dreary and monotonous, and they seemed to make no progress at all, for the scenery never changed, nor did any sun rise or set.

Thus, the sighting of a river, a black scar cutting north to south across the ashen landscape, brought some relief and excitement. Even a deadly hazard came as a welcome relief from the bleak gray familiarity. Beyond the river loomed a single mountain, erupting inexplicably from the empty horizon. Those who knew the geography of the North recognized this as Windermere Peak, or whatever its counterpart would be in this dark reflection of their own world.

Even in the land of the living, Windermere Peak was a foreboding landmark, shrouded in mystery. It was part of no range, and none had ever summited it, or at least had not returned to boast of the exploit.

This was doubtlessly Valaku's destination, though the magical "rope" Opalia followed began to grow taut, its course diverging north from their own.

At first, no one else saw any indication of the danger the ranger had sensed, but soon a dark cloud appeared on the horizon, drifting rapidly towards them. The cloud called to mind the elemental avatar of Kinak they had fought after besting Stormbringer, but it soon became clear the dark mass was not itself their enemy but rather a cloud of ash kicked up by a qiqion charging tirelessly across the barren expanse. The beast bore a rider upon its back, a creature that appeared as an empty suit of black armor but was in all likelihood itself a being of shadow, impossible to differentiate from the gray sky behind it.

The qiqion and rider are still quite some ways a way. You can't judge distance well in this place, but maybe something like half a mile? It does seem to know where you are and to be headed straight toward you, and there's no obvious place to hide or take shelter or even seek defensible ground (have I mentioned the terrain here is gray and featureless?).

Everyone please make a DC 15 Wisdom save. This is something you will have to do daily when traveling in the Shadowrealm. Failure will mean you are sullen and demoralized and will suffer a -1 to all rolls (attack, damage, saves, ability checks, etc.). This can accumulate over multiple days to the point where you may have penalties of -2 or more. Succeeding on a save will reduce your penalty by 1, though of course it cannot go above 0.

player, 791 posts
HP : 86 / 86 - AC : 18
Sun 27 Mar 2022
at 01:46
  • msg #97

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Valaku's denunciation of Sikuaq did not sit well with Opalia, though he seemed to clearly be on her side still.  The anatka was quite capable of standing up for herself, and she very much did!  In the silence that stretched after the fierce rejoinder, Opalia remarked to Sikuaq, "With respect, PALE-ELFS are silly if they will not have wise ANATKA or little CAELL."  The giantess laid a big hand on the anatka's shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze, then added earnestly, "Friend SIKUAQ always will have place where OPALIA goes, even if her fire burns all else."

From there began the long march across the trackless ashen wasteland toward destiny, doom, or perhaps both.  As always when the fellowship's journeys grew arduous, Opalia kept an eye on little friends to see how they fared.  When the ash grew deep the giantess would offer Fergus to ride upon her shoulder, and if any other friends needed assistance she would give it.  When they found the black river with the distinctive peak looming in the distance Opalia declared, "WINDERMERE!  Always has OPALIA wished to climb this great peak."  She peered off toward what passed for north in this grim land, pointed and said, "BIG CHEST is that way.  Rope is still not-good, but more close than before."

Valaku pointed out a qiqion rider approaching in the distance, closing rapidly.  Opalia glowered at the approaching ash-cloud and wondered aloud, "Lone rider approaches, why?  Is it a SCOUT?"  She slid free one of the hefty throwing spears from her back and tested the balance while waiting for the rider to get in range...

Using the Inspiration I've been sitting on for this Wisdom save:
  • 17:24, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 19 using 2d20+1, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 18,16.  Wisdom save (inspiration).

Does it feel possible to try to draw in the magic chest yet, or does Opi get a sense that the magic rope would still surely snap?  GOLIATH-ARCANA:
  • 17:32, Today: Opalia rolled 4 using 1d20-1.  Goliath-Arcana.

Also, how far is it to the far bank of the river, and how far to the rider?

player, 511 posts
HP: 57/57| AC: 14
Mon 28 Mar 2022
at 01:42
  • msg #98

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Their trudging across the ashen plain, devoid of signs that would mark their progress, that would mark the passage of time, that would do anything to alleviate the gloom of the place, weighed heavily on the anatka.  Perhaps the dispute with Valaku had cost her too much, or maybe the whispers of the spirits refused to leave her be, but it was clear she was weary and anxious as they slogged onward.  Sikuaq remained silent and kept her thoughts turned inward during the journey.

When the dust cloud became visible her eyes narrowed and she clutched her staff tightly.  She was not well-versed in who would live in this place, nor what their intent would be.  But anything riding a qiqion was to be feared by the unwary, so she prepared for the worst.
player, 1224 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:54/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Mon 28 Mar 2022
at 03:44
  • msg #99

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora's light faded as they reached the plain, dark wisps gathering around her.

At either side, they clung in tatters like nets to line, dragging behind her, reaching for the sword only to burn away at its touch

OOC: failed that save
player, 414 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:59/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Mon 28 Mar 2022
at 07:35
  • msg #100

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

They were all here, potentially making the ultimate sacrifices, because they thought it was the right thing to do. Caell had come as an instrument of divine forces that had found it necessary to intervene in mortal affairs. In the end, maybe they were all here on account of the machinations of higher powers, for good and bad.

With that in mind, although he felt the oppression of this bleak realm, Caell was encouraged. He was on the right path. Following a different branch of fate, he would surely have died in the gutter in Lawton’s Glen, dead-drunk, shamed and dishonored. He looked up at Opalia when she touched upon the issue of his exile, and gave her a smile. They were good friends. One of them possibly even more.

At the sight of the qiqion and rider, Caell felt his heart skip a bit. He had come to learn that fear was a tool. While he could mostly control his fear now, it remained on the edge between decisiveness and panic, between fight and flight. "It know we're here. A messenger?"

Made Wisdom save.
Fergus Glowforge
player, 857 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 73/74 | AC: 19
Tue 29 Mar 2022
at 04:19
  • msg #101

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

As Fergus watched the approaching rider, a chill crept over his body. As oppressive as the deep caverns below Gruundelheim were, the wide open, ash-littered plane on which he now stood was even worse. Even though his companions stood courageously beside him, he could feel hope silently leaking away from his heart. "What am I doing here, Darna? I'm no Mountainheart or Tallback. I'm an old grey-bearded blacksmith, not some shadow-slaying hero."

23:05, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 13 using 1d20+7.  Wisdom save.

Arvid Signeson
player, 937 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Tue 29 Mar 2022
at 14:35
  • msg #102

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid trudged on through the wastes, managing to keep as much good cheer about him as he could all things considered. His gaze continued to drift skyward as they walked and every now and again he would frown and shake his head. "There are no stars in the place," he observed. "That seems wrong somehow."

As the rider approached he drew up beside Opalia and watched.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1867 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Tue 29 Mar 2022
at 22:00
  • msg #103

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The rider was an orc, or had been in life, anyway. Judging by the look of his battered and punctured chain mail, he had died a violent death. His body was dark and ephemeral, like that of the qiqion it rode, and of the shadow-orcs who had accompanied Stormbringer. A faint, bluish light glowing in its eyes suggested intelligence. A curved sword at its side suggested militance.

The qiqion seemed well under its control, accustomed to serving as a mount even if it could not properly be called domesticated. Its rider brought it to a halt some

"I bear a message on behalf of the Lord of Storms." The shadow-orc's voice rolled like thunder across the open plain. "You were foolish to come here. You have no hope of defeating Him, here of all places. But he does not wish to waste time on you, when his triumph is so near at hand. Leave now, and he will spare your lives, and those of the people you care about." His glowing eyes looked from one hero to the next as he delivered his list. "The tavernkeeper," he told Cora. "The juga orgadak. The dwarf girl.

If you persist in wasting His time, He will kill them last. He will crush you, and then you will watch as each of them suffers his vengeance. Slowly, and painfully.
He paused a moment, allowing the threat to sink in.

"I will have your answer now."
player, 1226 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:54/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Wed 30 Mar 2022
at 02:57
  • msg #104

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The shadows tugged at Cora and squeezed her, her mind cast back to bullying children, jeering mobs and cruelty on the battlefield.

She planted the starbound blade point down before her, her face watching the orc rider as he spoke, trying her best to keep her composure.

"In life, you bled. You loved and hated. You felt hunger and sorrow and lust in your heart, and knew the joy of a hunt, of victory. The Lord of Storms knows none of that, and your loyalty to him will not be rewarded. I speak to you as Coragahk, daughter of Quadagh and Carin, bearer of the Tuskhewer, blessed of the Fatosgri, binder of the Vorspat. Wielder of the Starbound Blade. I speak now as an orc of two bloods. Hrom is orgadak, and his horde is cursed for allying with such an enemy."

Looking down for a moment to the sword she raised her face again to the spectral orc, her eye burning with Gruumsh's power.

"Spirit a message to your master, tell the storm we are coming. And tell him 'Ashdautas Vrasubatlat', that some day I will kill him."

OOC: initiative 16, Intimidate 18 (spent my inspiration because I never spend it otherwise)
Dungeon Master
GM, 1869 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Wed 30 Mar 2022
at 12:33
  • msg #105

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The shadowy herald seemed genuinely surprised and even a bit disconcerted when his offer was not accepted, though he quickly regained his composure. "Yes," he agreed with Cora. "I was a living body once. Frail, fragile, and expendable. Full of arrogance. Convinced of the importance of my own pathetic little life. After dying, I realized how many of me there were, and how little any of us mattered. Mortals think in years. Their dreams come and go in the blink of a god's eye. In service to Hrom, I have found purpose far beyond anything I could have imagined. Pity you will not have the same opportunity."

He drew his sword, a wickedly curved scimitar that crackled with blue lightning, reminiscent of his eyes. "Lu-Ta-Um!" He shouted an orcish battle cry, emphasizing each syllable individually. As he did so, a few of the myriad spirits constantly swirling through the gray sky slowed in their spinning, coalescing into four shadowy orcs with blades of their own.

Shadows rolled a natural 1 for initiative, so you all act first. Please do still roll initiative, however, as it may be relevant for future rounds.

Cora, your Intimidation was successful, so I'll give you a choice: would you rather compel the herald to focus his attacks on you, or deter him from focusing on you?

I put a simple little battle map together, but it doesn't seem to be showing up when I try to insert it into the post. If you can't see it either, please check the Game Map for Group 2, you'll find it there.

This message was last edited by the GM at 12:40, Thu 31 Mar 2022.
player, 417 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:59/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Wed 30 Mar 2022
at 18:02
  • msg #106

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell had been somewhat right, thinking it was a messenger of some kind. Cora's spectacular answer just made him nod stupidly. What she said!

As soon as it became clear that the messenger would engage them in combat immediately upon their refusal of his offer, Caell reacted fairly slowly. He considered transporting himself to the herald across the field, but changed his mind. Instead, he produced a radiant flame in his hand and threw it at the nearest enemy.

Shadowy orc must make Dex save DC 16 or take 18 radiant damage.
Initiative 5

player, 793 posts
HP : 86 / 86 - AC : 18
Wed 30 Mar 2022
at 23:35
  • msg #107

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia stood resolute amongst her friends, and leveled a sullen glower across the ashen plain toward the shadow-orc herald.  She listened to his not-nice words in silence until he got to the threats, at which point the giantess's eyes hardened and a growl rumbled out of her.  After Cora had spoken Opalia's voice thundered, "We have no fear for STORM LORDS, because we are STORM BREAKERS!  Ask STORMBRINGER, if he came to here after OPALIA squished him until he died."

The giantess stabbed the spear into the ash as shadows gathered about them, then hefted the heavy blue hammer Frostfall, pointed it at the mounted shadow and bellowed, "NOBODY gets to threaten our friends.  As little friend KETH does say... GET FUCKERED!"  Opalia proceeded to smash the nearest shadowy orc into screaming wisps of darkness, then advanced to put herself between the fellowship and the shadow herald.

  • Initiative 14
  • Stab javelin into the dirt and draw Frostfall
  • ATTACK twice on the leftmost shadow:
    1. Hit 27 AC for 7 cold damage
    2. Hit 22 AC for 12 cold damage
  • If my attacks kill leftmost shadow, move to G25
  • Protection fighting style:  If any ranged/melee attack targets an ally within 5 feet, use reaction to give disadvantage on the attack.

14:42, Today: Opalia rolled 7,12 using d8+6,d8+6.  Frostfall damages.
14:42, Today: Opalia rolled 27,22 using d20+9,d20+9 with rolls of 18,13.  Frostfall attacks 1 & 2.
14:32, Today: Opalia rolled 14 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.

player, 1228 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:74/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Thu 31 Mar 2022
at 03:29
  • msg #108

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora touched the starbound blade to her forehead, kissing the blade softly before bringing it to bear, icy mists covering her as she prepared for battle, dark hands and shadows twisting around the shadow-orc herald.

OOC: hexblade's curse, armour of agathys (20hp)

Now's the time Cora.

She'd said it to herself, so many times she'd said it. Once more she said it again. This was the moment, the beginning of a fight that mattered
Fergus Glowforge
player, 858 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 73/74 | AC: 19
Thu 31 Mar 2022
at 04:55
  • msg #109

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The endless ashen horizon and oppressive darkness had already stolen nearly all hope from the Fergus's heart. What little was left bled away when the shadow rider declared his wicked plan for Farra. Weakened to the point he could hardly stand, he admitted to himself the depth of his own doubts.

"What use are we against this unabated evil? Where can we find hope in a land of nothing shadows?"

His stomach turned and he began to feel faint. But just as he was ready to submit fully to the darkness, a voice (Cora, almost as if it were on cue) answered his question.

The shadows tugged at Cora and squeezed her, her mind cast back to bullying children, jeering mobs and cruelty on the battlefield.

She planted the starbound blade point down before her, her face watching the orc rider as he spoke, trying her best to keep her composure.

"In life, you bled. You loved and hated. You felt hunger and sorrow and lust in your heart, and knew the joy of a hunt, of victory. The Lord of Storms knows none of that, and your loyalty to him will not be rewarded. I speak to you as Coragahk, daughter of Quadagh and Carin, bearer of the Tuskhewer, blessed of the Fatosgri, binder of the Vorspat. Wielder of the Starbound Blade. I speak now as an orc of two bloods. Hrom is orgadak, and his horde is cursed for allying with such an enemy."

Looking down for a moment to the sword she raised her face again to the spectral orc, her eye burning with Gruumsh's power.

"Spirit a message to your master, tell the storm we are coming. And tell him 'Ashdautas Vrasubatlat', that some day I will kill him."

Cora's words sparked a glimmer of hope back into her uncle's heart. With a quivering lower lip, he regained himself and raised his self-forged talisman overhead.

[Language unknown: "Oneou nculfi taisei,"] he commanded!

22:59, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 3 using 1d20-2.  Initiative (-1 DEX -1 spiritrealm sullenness).
Action: Channel Divinity to turn undead. DC15 WIS save or turned... destroyed if CR1 or lower.

player, 513 posts
HP: 57/57| AC: 14
Thu 31 Mar 2022
at 13:56
  • msg #110

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq struggled with the oppressive weight of the spirits around then even while simply waiting for the rider to approach.  Once the herald arrived she stared at its shadowy countenance with cold eyes, not even remotely fazed by the threats Kinak's tool issued.  If they were of such limited fortitude they never would have come in the first place!

Cora's response was satisfying in tone, though Sikuaq could not follow everything that was said.  Still, the creature's reaction told the anatka all she needed to know, that Cora had hit the mark.  A small smile crawled across Sikuaq's lips at the minion's discomfort.  But that was soon dispelled by the onset of battle.

Not anticipating enemies to coalesce from the air around them, Sikuaq was relatively slow in responding to the threat.  But once she found her bearings she uttered a quick cantrip that invoked the depths of winter and then sought to flank the shadow orc beside her.

09:39, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 8 using 1d20+1.  Initiative.  Includes -1 for spirit realm sullenness (I like that, Fergus!)

Cast Frostbite on orc at J26.  Constitution save req'd (DC 16) or take 2d6 damage and have disadvantage on next weapon attack.
09:42, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 2 using 2d6.  Frostbite damage.  Are you sh***in' me?  :(. Also, not sure if I have to deduct -1 from that roll too, for the sullenness?  If so, 1 damage from 2d6.  Don't see that every day!

Move to give advantage to Valaku.  Move to K27 is that is enough, otherwise K26.

Arvid Signeson
player, 938 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Thu 31 Mar 2022
at 17:46
  • msg #111

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid had no witty rejoinder or declaration to make in the face of the encircling shadows. Instead he stepped forward and spread his arms wide, light pouring from his being like a wavering star. When the glow abated he was left with translucent ursine limbs encircling his arms and the majestic head of a bear veiling his face. Before the Vættir could act he was upon them, rending them with claws forged of starlight and guarding his companions with the ferocity of Ildiko.

Initiative 15
Spending 2 Ki to summon the arms and visage of the astral self (shadows within 10' must make a DEX saving throw (DC:16) or take 7 force damage)
1) Hits AC 20 for 8 force damage
2) Hits AC 15 for 7 force damage
R) Sentinel strike is a critical hit for 12 force damage if triggered

10:04, Yesterday: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 2 using 1d6.  Critical Damage.
10:04, Yesterday: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 28,10 using 1d20+8,1d6+5.  Sentinel Strike.
10:03, Yesterday: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 15,7 using 1d20+8,1d6+5.  Attack 2.
10:03, Yesterday: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 20,8 using 1d20+8,1d6+5.  Attack 1.
10:02, Yesterday: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 7 using 2d6.  Arms of the Astral Self.
10:01, Yesterday: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 15 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.

Arms of the Astral Self: Summon
As a bonus action, you can spend 1 ki point to summon the arms of your astral self. When you do so, each creature of your choice that you can see within 10 ft. of you must succeed on a DEX saving throw (DC:16) or take 2d6 force damage.

For 10 minutes:

- You can use WIS in place of STR when making STR checks/saving throws.

- You can use the spectral arms to make unarmed strikes.

Visage of the Astral Self
As a bonus action, or as part of the bonus action you take to activate Arms of the Astral Self, you can spend 1 ki point to summon the visage of your astral self for 10 minutes.

While the spectral visage is present, you gain the following benefits.

- Astral Sight. You can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 ft.

- Wisdom of the Spirit. You have advantage on WIS (Insight) and CHA (Intimidation) checks.

- Word of the Spirit. When you speak, you can direct your words to a creature of your choice that you can see within 60 ft. of you, making it so only that creature can hear you. Alternatively, you can amplify your voice so that all creatures within 600 ft. can hear you.

Dungeon Master
GM, 1871 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Thu 31 Mar 2022
at 20:13
  • msg #112

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Only with great effort did Arvid summon forth his astral arms. He had never been so detached from the stars that guided his life, and it was a testament to his devotion that they could aid him at all in this dark place. (Three of the four fail their saves, and the 20 hits but the 15 does not).

Opalia battered another of the creatures, wounding but not felling it. The shadows seemed more ferocious here, no doubt drawing strength from their native plane.

Sikuaq saw this strength in action when her Frostbite failed to fluster the shadow menacing her.

A sheen of ice surrounded Cora as she cast her curse upon a shadow-orc.

A blast of radiant flame from Caell finished off the creature Opalia had attacked, the light shredding the shadow like a claw rending flesh, and freeing the goliath up to move into a protective position.

Fergus's faith proved more effective yet, sending two of the three remaining warriors fleeing back to their commander.

The last remaining shadow-orc was not deterred by the cowardice of its companions. Indeed, it seemed to fight with renewed fury, swinging its sword in a savage vendetta against the half-orc who had insulted its commander. Though it burned itself on her icy armor in the process, the touch of its ghostly blade threatened to drain her of strength. (Two attacks on Cora for 10 damage total, and strength drain of 2 and 4, respectively. Reminder that Cora has a reaction that can cancel one of these, if she chooses to forego her OA, and I believe Caell has the same reaction available.)

Scoffing at his retreating warriors, the commander pointed his sword at the party. His mount roared, a sound no less terrifying for being familiar. Lightning crackled along the blade, and with a deafening boom of thunder, a dark cloud appeared above them. A lightning bolt shot forth from the cloud, striking Cora (8 lightning damage).

Opalia and Cora get opportunity attacks on the fleeing shadow-orcs. Arvid, I used your Sentinel strike roll for your OA, since the only orc you were adjacent to has fled.

Anyone attacking the last remaining orc has advantage this round.

Everyone must make a DC 18 Strength save or take 2d6 bludgeoning damage and a DC 15 Wisdom save or be Frightened of the qiqion.

The cloud is marked in blue on the map. Everything inside is difficult terrain.

player, 1229 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:48/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Thu 31 Mar 2022
at 20:50
  • msg #113

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The lightning and the thunder and the qiquon screaming all hit Cora, and she stood bloodied and afeared, the blade coming to life in her hand

Cora struck quickly and harshly, her starbound blade cutting a ragged weave as she hacked into the shadow orc

OOC: attack rolls 28 and 25, damages 13 and 11 respectively. Don't know where they puts our friend with the 40ish cold damage he took. Using my reaction to cancel out the 4 strength damage as per your suggestion.

As she moved to charge towards the commander, the fear took her and she faltered
player, 796 posts
HP : 82 / 86 - AC : 18
Thu 31 Mar 2022
at 22:02
  • msg #114

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia stepped between Cora and a shadowy assailant to parry its claw with Frostfall.  Ice crystals crackled down the weapon up the giantess's muscular arms and onto her scaled armor.  She snarled simply, "Stop it."

Though the qiqion's roar had rattled her, Opalia nonetheless proceeded to smash the shadow orc twice, clubbing it brutally down into the ashen ground.

  • Successfully used Protection fighting style and gained Armor of Agathys from Frostfall!  +5 Temp HP
  • Strength save fails with a 16, take 9 bludgeoning, which removes AoA Temp HP
  • Wisdom save fails with a 14, frightened of the qiqion

  • ATTACK twice (disadvantage from frightened), targeting shadows starting with the most damaged:
    1. Probably miss 12 AC, but if it hits deal 10 cold damage
    2. Hit 21 AC for 11 cold damage
  • Bonus action Shield Master shove against any surviving shadow!  24 Athletics (despite disadvantage) contested by its choice of Athletics or Acrobatics, and if it fails knock it prone
  • Protection fighting style:  If any ranged/melee attack targets an ally within 5 feet, use reaction to give disadvantage on the attack.

13:50, Today: Opalia rolled 24 using 2d20+11, dropping the highest dice only.  Athletics shove (disadvantage).
13:45, Today: Opalia rolled 10,11 using d8+6,d8+6.  Frostfall damages.
13:44, Today: Opalia rolled 21 using 2d20+9, dropping the highest dice only with rolls of 12,20.  Frostfall attack 2 (disadvantage).
13:44, Today: Opalia rolled 12 using 2d20+9, dropping the highest dice only with rolls of 3,13.  Frostfall attack 1 (disadvantage).
13:40, Today: Opalia rolled 14 using 1d20+1.  Wisdom save.
13:39, Today: Opalia rolled 9 using 2d6.  Bludgeoning damage.
13:38, Today: Opalia rolled 16 using 1d20+8.  Strength save.

This message was last edited by the player at 00:55, Fri 01 Apr 2022.
Arvid Signeson
player, 940 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Fri 1 Apr 2022
at 00:51
  • msg #115

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

As the Vaettir turned to flee Arvid wrapped his claws around it and dragged it back into the gathering storm, rending it apart with his astral limbs. The Northman stepped out from beneath the thunderhead unphased and started towards the shadowy lieutenant.

Strength save (substituting wisdom for strength) passes. 21.
Wisdom save passes. 23.

1) Attack hits AC 15 for 11 force damage
2) Attack hits AC 23 for 10 force damage (includes advantage dice, rolled after)
3) Attack hits AC 27 for 11 force damage
R) Sentinel strike hits AC 12 for 7 damage if triggered.

Arvid will attack the shadow he has previously wounded. Its taken at least 41 damage over 2 rounds, hopefully enough to destroy it.

Move to D23 at the cost of 20' and then to F18 at the cost of his remaining 25' movement.

20:44, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 11,23,14 using 1d20+8,1d20+8,1d20+8.  Advantage Dice.
20:41, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 12,7 using 1d20+8,1d6+5.  Sentinel strike.
20:41, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 27,11 using 1d20+8,1d6+5.  Attack.
20:41, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 17,10 using 1d20+8,1d6+5.  Attack.
20:41, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 15,11 using 1d20+8,1d6+5.  Attack.
20:38, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 23 using 1d20+8.  Wisdom Save.
20:38, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 21 using 1d20+8.  Wisdom (Strength) Save.

player, 418 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:55/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Fri 1 Apr 2022
at 07:04
  • msg #116

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Although Caell had a newfound bravery, the quiqon was terrifying! Every instinct made him keep his distance or even run away, but he held his ground and even considered attacking.

The storm cloud slammed him, but Caell had taken worse beatings. He realized they had not been wise standing this close to each other. "Spread out?" He suggested.

Caell moved out of the affected area through the closest route; away from the enemies. His friends attacked the nearest shadows, so Caell did turn his attention to the herald, more than 100 feet away.

Action: Sickening Radiance centered on quiqon and rider, Con save DC 16 or 32 radiant damage + additional effects.
Move: Left, out of the cloud.

Made Wis save.
Failed Str save. Took 4 damage.

player, 515 posts
HP: 57/57| AC: 14
Fri 1 Apr 2022
at 23:15
  • msg #117

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The cry of the qiqion was unsettling, that never changed no matter how many times she heard it, but it did not shake Sikuaq's resolve.  The more physical assault from the thunderous cloud though, that hit her with a force that caused her to stumble back a step.

Seeing her companions seemed to have the summoned spirit orcs in hand, Sikuaq turned her attention to the herald atop the qiqion but soon realized he was too far away for her to effectively combat.  So she focused on escaping the danger zone beneath the storm cloud and then moved as far as she could to close on the herald.

13:10, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 21 using 1d20+7.  Saving throw (WIS DC 15).  Shrug off qiqion.
13:09, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 12 using 1d20-2.  Saving throw (STR DC 18).  Save vs. pummeling - fail
13:09, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 7 using 2d6.  Damage.

Move directly east to escape difficult terrain, then use action for second move directly north.  I think that puts me at M21.

Fergus Glowforge
player, 859 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 66/74 | AC: 19
Sat 2 Apr 2022
at 04:57
  • msg #118

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

At the roar of the hideous quiqon, Fergus called on The Great Mountain (as distant as he was) to bolster the hearts of those afflicted by it. He then stumbled out of the cloud and surveyed the scene around him. Seeing Caell's trademark sickening wave appearing around the commander, he felt glimmer of hope. "That's a lad, Caell. Focus on the leader, everyone."

Action: Cast Calm Emotions on all sphere 20' radius including as many as possible of Cora and Opalia (and Valaku if he looks afraid).

You attempt to suppress strong emotions in a group of people. Each humanoid in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within range must make a Charisma saving throw; a creature can choose to fail this saving throw if it wishes. If a creature fails its saving throw, choose one of the following two effects.

You can suppress any effect causing a target to be charmed or frightened. When this spell ends, any suppressed effect resumes, provided that its duration has not expired in the meantime.

Move: 5' SW out of cloud (costing 10'), then due west 15' to C28.
22:31, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 14 13 using 1d20.  STR save vs. shadow commander (forgot extra -1 due to sullenness, so actually got a 13).
22:32, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 25 24 using 1d20+7.  Wisdom save vs. fear (forgot extra -1 due to sullenness, so actually got a 24).
22:32, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 7 using 2d6.  Bludgeoning damage.

This message was last edited by the player at 05:28, Sat 02 Apr 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1874 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Sat 2 Apr 2022
at 15:32
  • msg #119

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid, after stopping the shadow-orc from fleeing, shattered it into a cloud of swirling ash with two final blows of his feral fists. Then, he broke free of the commander's cloud and began rushing towards him.

Opalia swung at the last remaining orc, and, failing to destroy it, attempted to shove it spitefully over. Its amorphous body, however, was not so easy goliath-handled (immune to prone).

Sikuaq fought her way free of the cloud and followed Arvid.

"Anatka!" Valaku charged after her, heedless of the shadowy blade that tore into his back as he ran.

Caell emerged from the cloud as well, feeling a renewed sense of hope as he did so. He had spoken to his sister once before in this dark place, and he felt her presence now like the first whisper of sunrise on the horizon. Focusing on that glimmer of light, he nurtured it with his mind, encouraging it grow larger until it encompassed the orcish commander and his beastly mount in a bright glow that was manifestly hateful to them.

Fergus dispelled the fear from his friends, and with it some of the sullenness that had descended upon them during the long trudge through the Shadowrealms. (Affects everyone except Sikuaq and Valaku. In addition to losing the Fear condition, everyone can make a new DC 15 Wisdom save to attempt to dispel the Shadowrealms Sullenness. No consequence for failure.)

Cora dispatched the last of the nearby shadows and began fighting her way through the storm cloud towards the orc who had summoned it. Lightning crackled as she did so, but this time the half-orc was faster, and she dodged it as she ran.

The commander urged his mount of the uncanny light Caell had summoned, then lowered his blade and pointed it at Valaku and Sikuaq. A bolt of lightning burst forth from it, striking both of them with the wrath of Kinak. Valaku took the full brunt of the attack. He staggered, but did not fall.

The fleeing orc stopped when he neared his commander and turned, his spirit for fighting renewed.

Sikuaq, you take 32 lightning damage. DC 18 Dex save to halve that to 16.

The fleeing orc is not longer turned.

Arvid Signeson
player, 942 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Sat 2 Apr 2022
at 17:53
  • msg #120

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Bounding across the ashen wastes Arvid quickly caught up the fleeing orc and tore into it with his claws.

Move to I9
Attack 1: Hits AC 13 for 7 force damage
Attack 2: Hits AC 25 for 7 force damage
Attack 3: Hits AC 26 for 7 force damage
Sentinel Strike, if triggered: Hits AC 15 for 6 force damage

13:50, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 15,6 using 1d20+8,1d6+5.  Sentinel strike.

13:50, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 26,7 using 1d20+8,1d6+5.  Attack.

13:50, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 25,7 using 1d20+8,1d6+5.  Attack.

13:50, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 13,7 using 1d20+8,1d6+5.  Attack.

player, 798 posts
HP : 82 / 86 - AC : 18
Sat 2 Apr 2022
at 21:44
  • msg #121

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia felt a surge of courage that felt like summiting the greatest of mountain peaks, and found the puny little DARK-WOLF was nothing at all to be frightened of!  Both the mount and its rider were formidable foes, but she was OPALIA the STRONGEST and she stood alongside the mightiest fellowship of little friends!  Not even HROM himself could hope to stand before them, much less this shadowy twerp!

The giantess charged out of the cloud with a roar, remnants of the storm streaming off her formidable form.  Hearing Fergus's call to focus on the leader, Opalia could not help but agree.  She charged headlong across the wastes, boots thumping hard into the ash with every long stride.  As the giantess closed the distance to the rider she bellowed, "Flee now, CRAVEN, before OPALIA slays you another time!"

Opalia ended her charge by joining Arvid against the last fleeing shadow.  She grinned and said to him in a comradely tone, "You do not fight alone, BUDDY!"

  • Cured of frightened condition!!!  <3 Fergus
  • 20 feet of movement to push through difficult terrain in G24 --> F23, then use remaining 10 feet to end in E21
  • Dash 30 feet to F15
  • Action Surge to Dash to J10, or if that shadow is dead already end in its space instead (J9)
  • Protection fighting style:  If any ranged/melee attack targets an ally within 5 feet, use reaction to give disadvantage on the attack.

player, 1231 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:53/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Sun 3 Apr 2022
at 01:58
  • msg #122

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora felt the calmness spread within her, and in a moment she was off, carving a slash across the air that sent ribbons of light burning towards the commander

OOC: move to g19, eldritch blast attack rolls 19 and 14, damage 6 and 9 respectively.
player, 419 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:55/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Sun 3 Apr 2022
at 12:29
  • msg #123

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell was far away from the herald, so he started moving nearer. The words of an incantation left his lips while he got closer. A flash of light streaked towards the creature on the quiqon.

He glanced right to see Valaku staggering, and quickly applied some of his healing light in that direction.

Move: e20
Action Casting Guiding Bolt at herald, hitting AC 15 for 37 radiant damage.
Bonus: Healing Valaku for 14 damage.

Fergus Glowforge
player, 861 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 66/74 | AC: 19
Sun 3 Apr 2022
at 19:38
  • msg #124

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

With the shadow orcs scattered and his allies regaining their courage, Fergus turned his attention to the shadow rider, hobbling up the ashen plain toward him. "Why do they have to be so far away," he huffed to himself while his trick knee howled in protest.

Caell's earlier attack suggested that this herald of the shadows was susceptible to light, so the dwarf readied a beam of brilliance and pointed it at the rider. "Kann, I know you're far away, but if you can hear me, please help me smack the arrogant look off that rider's face." With a flash, the light was on its way.

Action: Cast guiding bolt (at quiqon rider), hits AC 17 for 19 (or is it 14? so note on sullenness below) radiant damage.
Move: 25' to B23.

14:16, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 8 7 using 1d20+7-1 with rolls of 1.  Reroll Wisdom save vs. sullenness (-1 due to sullenness).

14:14, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 18 17 using 2d20+7-1, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 11,4.  Guiding bolt (lvl 3) at herald (advantage due to Caell hitting him? - never mind, my first roll was the highest one anyway).

14:15, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 20* (sullenness not applied yet) using 6d6 with rolls of 4,6,3,1,4,2.  Radiant damage.
* Not sure how the sullenness applies here... -1 to the total (so 19 damage) or -1 to each die (ugh - in which case it would be 14 damage).

player, 521 posts
HP: 50/57| AC: 14
Mon 4 Apr 2022
at 14:48
  • msg #125

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

After pushing hard through the ash to get within range of the herald, Sikuaq glanced around and was surprised to find herself alone and rather exposed.  What had happened to the others?  Only Valaku had managed to join her in the forward position and he desperately sought to protect his anatka.  Far too late she realized the danger they were in.

The brilliant, burning glare of the lightning bolt surrounded them and she could hear Valaku's pain as he absorbed its destructive energies.  When the shadows reasserted themselves she could seeing him still standing, burned and smoking but still protecting her, and in that moment she felt pathetic.

Her other plans cast aside, he summoned the power of the Spring Maiden and placed her hands gently on her companion.  A soft green glow suffused them for a moment, before fading away.


Cast Cure Wounds at 2nd level on Valaku (2d8+5).
10:47, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 14 using 2d8+5.  Cure Wounds.

Dungeon Master
GM, 1883 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Tue 5 Apr 2022
at 14:24
  • msg #126

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The lightning bolt meant for Sikuaq stopped with Valaku, damn near incinerating him where he stood. When the energy arcing through his body receded, however, he did still stand, if unsteadily. The smell of ozone filled the air as Sikuaq quickly relieved the worst of his injuries.

Arvid raced across the wasteland to intercept the no-longer-turned shadow-orc before it could finish off the wounded Quinichiat. His astral claws did not destroy the beast. It raised its weapon to retaliate, but by the time it did so, Opalia was by Arvid's side, and the monk evaded the shadowy sword. The creature raised the sword again, however, and this time the black blade carved a dark line across Arvid's chest. The slash was not deep, but the skin around it blackened, and the Northman felt weak far beyond what a small cut should have been capable of (6 damage and -3 Strength drain).

The others advanced, firing blasts of radiant and eldritch energy alike at the commander, but only one of Cora's made it past the steel breastplate he wore, and even that seemed hardly to rattle him.

Laughing, the commander pointed toward the wounded Northman, and his qiqion charged, barreling into Arvid with its massive body and rending with its jaws.

I'm pausing here because a few things will hinge on how this roll goes. Arvid takes 14 Piercing damage and must make a DC 15 Strength save or be knocked prone. I've applied Opalia's reaction already. I believe others are too far away to use their reactions that would negate the Strength drain from the shadow's attack, but please correct me if I'm wrong on that.

Assuming no other reactions from anyone, Arvid, please make the DC 15 Strength save now and let me know the results, then I'll post the rest of the NPC actions.

Arvid Signeson
player, 943 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Tue 5 Apr 2022
at 14:33
  • msg #127

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Recorded 20 damage, 3 strength drain.

Arvid can substitute Wisdom for Strength while Arms of the Astral Self are active. Save 28.

10:32, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 28 using 1d20+9.  Strength (Wisdom) Save.

Arvid's strength score is reduced to 5.

This message was last edited by the player at 14:34, Tue 05 Apr 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1884 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Tue 5 Apr 2022
at 14:55
  • msg #128

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid managed to keep his feet under the qiqion's assault, to the obvious chagrin of the armored orc astride the beast. "I'll have your head one way or the other," he swore, slashing twice at the Northman.

Valaku looked with concern from the wounded Northman to the druidess he was sworn to protect. "Stay close," he instructed his anatka, then took a few steps forward and cast a spell that could aid both Sikuaq and his embattled allies.

Commander hits AC 24 and 27 for 12 and 11 slashing damage, respectively.

Sikuaq, Arvid, and Opalia all received Aid from Valaku: Each target’s hit point maximum and current hit points increase by 5 for the duration.

Everyone can act now.

Attacks against the shadow-orc minion all have advantage this round.

player, 1234 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:53/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Tue 5 Apr 2022
at 15:12
  • msg #129

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora ran forward, continuing towards the commander as she transformed for a moment into smoke and shadow similar to the markings on her target, a twisting column which corkscrewed through the air before landing beside the commander in the thick of it, her blade materializing first and cutting at her quarry

OOC: move to g13, then relentless hex to j8, attack rolls 14 and 24, damage 10 (14 if shadow orc applies) and 15 (26 if shadow orc) respectively
Arvid Signeson
player, 945 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Tue 5 Apr 2022
at 15:15
  • msg #130

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Staggered in the face of the combined onslaught, Arvid cried out in pain and struggled to keep his footing. He could feel the strength leaching out of increasingly leaden limbs and knew that he could not withstand another charge from the qiqion or its rider without falling. Still, the shadow orc with its strength draining touch was the more immediate threat and Arvid directed his full fury at the creature hoping to take at least one more foe down before he fell to the rider.

Spending 1 Ki to Flurry

1) Hits AC 15 (miss) -> DM Arvid will spend Ki to convert this into a 17. If it hits it does 11 damage.
2) Hits AC 11 (miss)
3) Critical hit for 7 force damage
4) Hits AC 26 for 10 force damage
R) Sentinel Strike hits AC 19 for 7 force damage if triggered

11:05, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 7,10 using 2d6+5,1d6+5.  Damage.
11:03, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 26 using 2d20+8, dropping the lowest dice only.  Attack.
11:03, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 28 using 2d20+8, dropping the lowest dice only.  Attack.
11:03, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 11 using 2d20+8, dropping the lowest dice only.  Attack.
11:02, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 15 using 2d20+8, dropping the lowest dice only.  Attack.

Sentinel Strike:

11:06, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 7 using 1d6+5.  Damage.
11:06, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 19 using 1d20+8.  Sentinel Strike.

Ki-fueled strike damage:

11:10, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 11 using 1d6+5.  Damage.

This message was last edited by the player at 15:16, Tue 05 Apr 2022.
player, 799 posts
HP : 82 / 86 - AC : 18
Tue 5 Apr 2022
at 16:58
  • msg #131

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia seethed at the sight of the shadowy assault on Arvid, and she was simply not having it.

The giantess's voice thundered loud enough to rival Hrom as she bore down on the rider, "Should have runned while you could, FOOLISH DARKBAD-ORC."  Opalia swung Frostfall in a mighty underhand arc that struck the rider with force enough to unsaddle him and fling him bodily into Caell's eerie green radiance.  She stalked past the qiqion and Arvid, shielding him with her body as she loomed over the rider and snarled in his face, "NOW it is TOO LATE for you.  Now you face OPALIA!"

  • Move 5 ft to J9
  • ATTACK twice on the leader:
    1. Hit 20 AC for 8 cold damage (double 1s, wah), including Pushing Attack maneuver
      • Leader must make a DC 16 Strength save or be pushed up to 15 feet off his mount to G7, which is in the Sickening Radiance zone!
      • If push succeeds, move 10 ft to H8 before second attack
    2. Miss 14 AC
  • Bait and Switch to move 5 ft to swap places with Arvid, who gains +4 AC until start of Opi's next turn
  • If the push succeeded, move last 10 feet to G8, provoking an OA from the qiqion.  This would also provoke Arv's Sentinel reaction!
  • Protection fighting style:  If any ranged/melee attack targets an ally within 5 feet, use reaction to give disadvantage on the attack.

09:21, Today: Opalia rolled 4 using 1d8.  Bait and Switch.
09:21, Today: Opalia rolled 8 using 2d8+6.  Frostfall damage (+maneuver).
09:20, Today: Opalia rolled 20,14 using d20+9,d20+9 with rolls of 11,5.  Frostfall attacks 1 & 2.

Fergus Glowforge
player, 865 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 66/74 | AC: 19
Wed 6 Apr 2022
at 06:39
  • msg #132

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus winced first as he saw Valaku nearly electrocuted before his eyes, then at the sight the normally sure footed Arvid staggered by the shadows. Still he lumbered forward as fast as his ailing legs would take him. Opalia seemed to be making some headway and he was still convinced that Kann's forgelight could make a difference, if only his aim were true. "Kann, please help this old dwarf deliver your radiance right down that shadow's throat!"

Much to his own surprise, Fergus's aim was right on target. A flash of brilliance shot from his palm directly into the face of the shadow captain.

Move 25' to B18 (he had moved to B23 last round).
Action: Cast Guiding Bolt (level 3) at commander. Critical hit! Does that mean 12d6?!?!?! If so, that's for 47 points RADIANT damage!!!

01:17, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 26 using 1d20+6.  Guiding bolt (lvl 3) at commander.
01:18, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 19 using 6d6-1.  Radiant damage.
01:24, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 28 using 6d6.  Wait, do I get 6 extra d6 for a crit?!?!?! (if so, here they are).

player, 420 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:55/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Wed 6 Apr 2022
at 09:12
  • msg #133

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell moved a little closer still, then summoned a flame of sacred energy to wash over the herald or the quiqon if either were still standing.

Move: 30 feet "north".
Action: Sacred Flame. Dex save DC 16 or 18 radiant damage.

player, 523 posts
HP: 50/57| AC: 14
Wed 6 Apr 2022
at 19:49
  • msg #134

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Unlike her companions Sikuaq had no magics particularly adapted to striking individuals engaged in combat.  Anything she could do to significantly harm the herald or its mount would also affect her friends gathered around the enemy.  So instead she only stepped up beside Valaku, staying close as he requested, and readied herself to intervene as soon as the opportunity presented itself.  In particular she kept an eye on Arvid, who so far had borne the brunt of the attacks.

Move to K14, to the left of Valaku.  Fume about not having anything effective to help the team defeat the herald given the current battle dynamics, and worry about Arvid.

Dungeon Master
GM, 1887 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Thu 7 Apr 2022
at 18:18
  • msg #135

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid handily dispatched the last remaining minion and set about pummeling the commander himself.

Opalia joined the Northman, shoving the shadow-orc off the qiqion's back with her goliath strength and the weight of her Fergus-forged maul.

Amazingly, the arrogant orc landed on his feet, with the wherewithal to leap away from Caell's sacred flame before the light burned him.

He was not so fortunate when it came to the bolt of radiant energy from Fergus Glowforge. Distracted by Cora and her Starbound Blade, he was taken unawares, and Kann's flame ripped through him, leaving only ash in its wake.

The qiqion, bereft of its rider, turned and tried to charge toward Valaku. A well-placed punch from Arvid froze it in place, however, and the monk's companions made short work of the beast, reducing it, too, to a pile of ash.

The summoned storm cloud dissipated. Caell's sphere of radiance fated. The Shadowrealms were again quiet, cold, and dark.

"We will have to rest eventually," Valaku declared, though he sounded displeased with the prospect. "There is no safe place. But it would be best if we moved on from here. The light and the noise will attract other dangers."

Unless anyone else wants to do anything at the site of this battle, you can take a long rest.
player, 802 posts
HP : 82 / 86 - AC : 18
Fri 8 Apr 2022
at 02:32
  • msg #136

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia shielded her eyes from the bright blast of radiance that seared the shadow-orc into so much ash.  Within another few moments the qiqion was destroyed, and the battle won.  The giantess declared loudly, "GOOD FIGHTING, little friends!  DARKBAD-ORC should have listened better."  She kicked at the pile of ash that had been their foe, but it was hard to differentiate from the ash on the ground and by now smudged all over her as well.

Returning to the fellowship, Opalia answered Valaku's suggestion, "We travel more, then.  Wise to go as far as we can, I think.  OPALIA is not tired at all."  The giantess was ready to carry on the long march across the wasteland toward the storm-wracked mountain far in the distance.
player, 1237 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:53/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Fri 8 Apr 2022
at 16:01
  • msg #137

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Once we find a place to wedge ourselves, we should recover our strength. But yes, now in the open is not the time."

Cora helped the others find their feet if they needed to, and took up the rear of Opalia led the front
player, 526 posts
HP: 50/57| AC: 14
Fri 8 Apr 2022
at 19:33
  • msg #138

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq nodded but otherwise remained silent, contemplating the return to ash the orcish spirits had undergone.  Was the entire landscape made up of the corporeal forms of the spirits that moaned in the winds about them?  It was a daunting though given the scope of their surroundings, certainly more than enough to keep the anatka trapped within her own thoughts.

She trudged along with the rest and once they found a place to rest their weary legs, she offered what additional healing she could before recouperating herself.  The plain seemed to have no end, and Sikuaq found herself dreaming about a never-ending trek through increasingly deep and treacherous heaps of grey ash.  The worst part was waking back up to find that a reality.
Fergus Glowforge
player, 869 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 66/74 | AC: 19
Sat 9 Apr 2022
at 05:18
  • msg #139

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus couldn't help but gloat after the commander of the shadows disintegrated before his eyes. "Who's laughing now, you smug son of a bitch?" But the triumph was only momentary, quickly replaced by the realization that their journey across this endless plane of ash was only beginning. And with that came the weight of the entire northland. Fergus could feel it pressing down on him, suffocating what little remaining hope he had of success.

He followed the others in search of somewhere to rest. When they finally made what crude camp they could, he offered a prayer to the Great Mountain, hoping to repair the spirits of his companions as well as his own. He was still uncertain how effective any plea to Kann from here would be, but the simple act of trying provided him with a small sense of purpose and with that came a faint glimmer of hope.

OOC: Cast Calm Emotions on all sullen companions.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1893 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Sat 9 Apr 2022
at 12:02
  • msg #140

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

There was, as Valaku predicted, no good place to rest. Everything was the same, everything was ash, everything was exposed. Fortunately, no more heralds bearing messages of doom came that "night", nor the next. The party's only sense of progress came from the distant river, which, mercifully, grew larger as they advanced across the wasteland. Beyond the river, another day's journey at least, loomed the single mountain peak, like a dark tower, that was their destination and the dwelling pace of Hrom Thunder-God.

Mindful of the orcish army advancing on Gruundelheim, they took solace in Valaku's assurance that time passed more slowly in the Shadowrealm. It certainly felt that way.

The ground slanted subtly downwards as the advanced, tilting toward the great river which, they saw now, was quite wide, perhaps half a mile across. Like the land itself, it was featureless, devoid of any obvious rapids, bend, or ford. Needless to say, there was no bridge. Drawing nearer, however, they did see a little pier, along with a raft and a small building. Conveniently (ominously?), this ferry station stood exactly along their current path. With no deviation whatsoever, they could expect to reach it in an hour or two, or whatever passed for time in this dark place.
player, 421 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:59/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Sat 9 Apr 2022
at 12:49
  • msg #141

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell manged to stave off the gloom that attacked their company. Not that he was happy by any definition of the word, but at least he was not depressed. They were doing something important, and he was fulfilling his purpose. Did he believe in their ultimate success? That was entirely another question. He was not convinced they would prevail. But he had hope.

When they spotted the ferry station, Caell was puzzled. He seemed such a strangely helpful thing to find here. They were going to have to be very careful. Nevertheless, he didn't see any reason not to approach it. Then they could decide if they were going to use it. Crossing the river would be easy with Caell's ability to provide everyone with water breathing, but somehow he felt like this was not water any of them wanted to get into.

Made day 2 save with the help of advantage.
Made day 3 save without.

player, 527 posts
HP: 57/57| AC: 14
Sat 9 Apr 2022
at 14:38
  • msg #142

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus' invocation of Kann's gentle spirit that first night was enough to break Sikuaq from the ashen gloom that had descended upon her.  Yes, the plain was still disheartening in its featureless expanse and the whispers of the lost continued to swirl about them, but now the anatka recognized their limitations and was able to inure her spirit against their impact.  Strengthened by this realization, she trudged onward the next two days without succumbing to the despair that had at first engulfed her.

When the ferry was spotted Sikuaq only nodded.  It was fitting for a place such as this, and she remarked on it as they continued down the long dusty slope toward the edge of the river.  "In many ways the Shadowrealm is like entering a story itself.  The lands about us might alter themselves, or defy logic, all to support the nature of our quest.  That a ferry is present just where we meet the river is almost inevitable.  It needed to be there, and so it is."

"But don't expect such occurrences to be docile or only beneficial.  Remember that stories often have dark aspects and disastrous endings for the foolish and trusting."

10:25, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 19 using 1d20+7.  Sullenness (Day 1 Reroll at -1; DC 15).  Success!  Back to no penalty.
10:26, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 22,12 using 1d20+8,1d20+8.  Sullenness (Day 2; DC 15).  Pass using advantage.  Thanks again Fergus!
10:27, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 19 using 1d20+8.  Sullenness (Day 3; DC 15). Pass.

player, 804 posts
HP : 82 / 86 - AC : 18
Sat 9 Apr 2022
at 16:40
  • msg #143

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

During the first day trudging across the ashen wastes Opalia remarked, "OPALIA does not like this dark land.  No skies, no animals... no places for CLIMBING."  She got the sense that the others felt similarly, although perhaps they missed other things instead of climbing.  Smiling, she added, "Even in this NOT-NICE land, we do still have one good thing... FRIENDSHIP!"  During the endless travels Opalia sometimes broke out into boisterous Skykeeper marching songs in hopes to lift the mood, although even the most rousing chorus seemed to fall flat in the oppressive atmosphere of the shadowlands.

Opalia hiked alongside Arvid during the sullen hours, and gathered the courage to take his hand for some measure of comfort against the gloom.  She asked him quietly, "What do you look forward to, when we return to ALIVE-LANDS, ARV?"

At long last, the fellowship arrived at the shore of a vast black river, and Sikuaq explains how the land remakes itself toward a purpose.  It sounded strange to Opalia, but the anatka was very wise.  She asked, "Is this BOAT-HUT to help our way?  No other thing here offers help to us..."  The giantess approached the shack itself and called out a greeting, "HULLO?  We do come to cross this water, PLEASE?"  If there was no answer, she would take a peek into the hut itself.

Succeed at Day 2 and Day 3 Wis saves, despite a not-great modifier!

09:10, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 21 using 1d20+1.  Day 3 Wis save.
09:09, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 16 using 2d20+1, dropping the lowest dice only.  Day 2 Wis save (advantage).

Arvid Signeson
player, 950 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Sun 10 Apr 2022
at 15:29
  • msg #144

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid was appreciative of Opalia's good cheer in keeping up their spirits. He had heard many if not most of the songs before and even knew some of the words though he could not match Opalia for timbre or enthusiasm. But more than the encouragement, he was simply glad to have her close. Whatever trials lay before them in this unwelcoming place they would meet them together. Her hand closed about his gave him more strength than he could put into words.

"I think most immediately I look forward to an open sky," he said, glancing upward out of habit. "And the feel of the wind. A real wind. Not whatever passes as such in this place. There is no life in it." He sighed.

"And then, at some point I should like to go home again." For Arvid who had escaped the village as soon as he could, this was a new yearning - one he would not have believed possible of himself only a short time ago. Or perhaps it was a long time. He was having difficulty keeping track here.

"What about you, Opalia? What do you look forward to?"

Success x2.

11:07, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 25 using 1d20+6.  Wisdom Save.

11:06, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 15 using 2d20+6, dropping the lowest dice only.  Wisdom Save.

Fergus Glowforge
player, 871 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 74/74 | AC: 19
Mon 11 Apr 2022
at 01:29
  • msg #145

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

While his own spirit was weighed down by the shadows on the first night, Fergus took comfort seeing that his plea to Kann had erased at least some of the concern from Sikuaq's face. He took it as a sign.

When they awoke (whether it was morning or midnight, one could not really say) and continued the daunting journey before them, Fergus found an odd sense of peace among his friends. Opalia lifted spirits with her marching songs and the determination of Cora (never a surprise) gave strength to his ever weakening knee. Even Caell seemed to stride now with purpose. Somewhere on this frozen journey, he had transformed into something much more than the weak-willed drunkard that he met long ago at Jawbreaker's. "We have all changed," he supposed. "But none more than Caell."

The sight of the singular peak on the horizon beyond the black river gave Fergus both hope and dismay. Thankfully, this depressing journey was approaching an end, but what awaited them there was undoubtedly more darkness and death. He considered the likelihood of his own demise and what that might mean on this haunted plane. He had not feared dying since Darna's passing. Rejoining her was a reward beyond all riches in the living world. But in this place of ash and haunted souls? Death here may not lead to the Golden Halls in the Great Mountain. What if his soul was lost? Stranded forever in the ash of this realm?

He marched along in silence, considering this for a long while before finally pulling his niece aside. "Cora. I don't mean to burden you with any more responsibility. But if things go bad. If I should be struck down in this place... if you can..." He held out the circular, iron talisman in his palm. "Take this back with you. It is a part of me now. My spirit will be able to follow it back the land of the living. And from there to the Golden Halls where I will rejoin your Aunt Darna... and we will tell Carin of great things you have done... although I suspect she already knows."

Cast Calm Emotions on day 2 and again on day 3.
Pass sullenness rolls on days 2 and 3!!!

19:22, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 22 using 2d20+6, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 14,16.  Sullenness (+7-1) day 2 (adv due to Calm Emotions).
19:23, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 27 using 2d20+7, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 20,1.  Sullenness day 3 (adv due to calm emotions).

Dungeon Master
GM, 1897 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Mon 11 Apr 2022
at 22:16
  • msg #146

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

As the party drew nearer the river, they saw it was not made of water at all but rather of wispy white spirits, thousands upon thousands of them, twisting and swirling through the channel just as water would. A pier of weathered but sturdy-looking wood (strange, for the party was yet to see a tree in their days of travel through the Spiritrealm) jutted out into it, with a long, sleek canoe tied to it. The wooden craft drifted and bobbed on the river of spirits just as it would upon water. A similar pier stood on the far side of the river.

At Opalia's beckoning, an old man emerged from the hut, wearing a white robe tied loosely around his slender frame and carrying a long pole. He appeared to be a human, though not obviously identifiable as either Northman or Franco, with a sunken chest and stringy white hair that hung in a tangled mess down to his waist. His white beard and bushy eyebrows were similarly unkempt, but his eyes were friendly and his smile welcoming.

"Greetings," he said, laughing at the goliath's strange phrasing. "I cannot say that surprises me. This is not a helpful place. Not for the living, anyway. But I can help you." He held out one bony hand, palm up, toward the canoe. It had exactly seven seats, plus space for the ferryman to stand. Then he looked back to his visitors.

"There is a fee, of course. No, coin is of no use in this place." He laughed away an offer no one had made. "I hear so often the regrets of the dead. Long have I wondered about the living. Are their regrets much the same, or do they come to see things differently after dying? I will hear from each of you your life's great regret. Then you may board my ferry."
player, 1240 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:53/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Tue 12 Apr 2022
at 14:39
  • msg #147

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

OOC: even with Opalia's reroll . . . no dice. failed on 3rd day

Cora's mind lingered on doubts, fears and the road before her as the third day dawned. As Opalia and Arvid spoke of things they looked forward to in the world they'd come from, she realized everything she wanted, Caell and her uncle Fergus, they were here. There was nothing to return for. A job tending bar occasionally and throwing out drunks, hatred and self-loathing. She had done so much in so small a time, and it had not been enough to stop the Francos from slaughtering as they went.

Fergus' voice cut through her inner shade, and she looked at her longest friend, her most trusted companion with a wry smile

"You will carry it out of here yourself uncle. But I will carry it awhile. But I hope my mother doesn't know what I've done since she died. I hope I'll think of a pleasant lie, by the time I see her. And I'll make sure there's a place set at the table for when you join us."

She took the talisman

"What was it aunt Darna would always say? A room's never so dark you can't light a lamp? I suspect she meant we have to take action when things get dark, have to not simply sit and complain about the circumstances. I hate this place, and the longer I'm here . . . the more I hate myself."

As the robed ferryman emerged, Cora went for the sword and paused, listening to him speak. It was a trap, clearly a trap, but one which they needed to walk into if they were to progress.

She just hoped . . .

She hoped Caell and Fergus would forgive her

"I regret not leaving Lawton's Glen when my mother died. I regret not trying to seek my father out. I have a father now, and as good a one as has ever lived in the North, and my mother said my father must be dead, for if he was not why would he not have returned? But I wish I had not tried to be a human among humans who hate me. I wish I could have tried to be an orc. I regret that my father's dream will likely die with me, even if his greater dream of a united North might not. I regret I chose safety, because I was weak and young and scared."
Arvid Signeson
player, 951 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Wed 13 Apr 2022
at 00:18
  • msg #148

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid listened in silence as Cora recounted her regrets, his gaze downcast as he too reflected on opportunities lost. "I regret abandoning my mother in her aging years," he said at last. "She gave everything for me. I repaid her by running away. I did not have the courage to face my demons at home. That is a shame I will live with until my dying days."
player, 422 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:59/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Wed 13 Apr 2022
at 07:00
  • msg #149

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The answer might be obvious. Caell's life had been defined by his failure at the quinichiat rite of passage, which resulted in the death of his twin sister. The shame of his cowardice had brought him to the low-point of his life, where he resorted to drinking in the gutters of the human town. As a drunkard was life anything but regret?

Right now, however, Caell was exactly where he should be. How could he regret the path of enlightenment he had taken? Caell and his sister had become instruments of the divine. She had been elevated among the Celestial, and he was a conduit for her power in the mortal realm; no doubt as champions of the living against evil and death.

He would do anything for his next drink back then. Make a silly dance for humans in exchange for a pitcher of ale, which more often than not was emptied over his head. Eat something nasty, that children had found in the street, for a copper coin; which in turn bought him two fingers of the cheapest swill imaginable. He would often wake up among the livestock, covered in mud and his own sick.

But he couldn't regret that, because it had brought him here. When Cora spoke, Caell knew clearly what his biggest regret was. Now, standing behind her, he put a hand on her shoulder. It was both to give her comfort in her moment of vulnerability, and as an extension of his own thoughts. He was very glad that she had come to the human town, even if she regretted it. Sometimes, he had not awoken among the pigs. Sometimes, someone had put him in a safe place and covered him with a blanket. Made him food.

"My biggest regret..." Caell hesitated. "My biggest not telling Cora how much she means to me. I love Cora."
player, 807 posts
HP : 86 / 86 - AC : 18
Wed 13 Apr 2022
at 23:44
  • msg #150

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid Signeson:
"And then, at some point I should like to go home again."
"What about you, Opalia? What do you look forward to?"

Opalia considered the question in her ponderous way.  She missed the sky too, of course, along with everything else that was familiar about the natural world.  She answered, "I must visit mother OLVA, father DAG SIXSTONES, and brother MARIAK in Domoen, but I do not think that can be my home anymore...  OPALIA has seen very much in journeys, but SKYKEEPERS shut eyes to all that lies under the clouds.  I hope my people see honor in OPALIA's deeds, but know they still will think me wrong to help lowlanders."  She grumbled and added with a squeeze of Arvid's hand, "OPALIA wants home, even if HOME must mean something new..."  The giantess fell into a thoughtful silence after that, until they reached the river of souls and the mysterious ferryman.

The payment for passage was very strange, and it made Opalia think very hard.  She was not a person to hold onto regrets for a very long time, but rather preferred to keep striding forward to take each day as it comes.  She regretted not helping Ruldheim when King Gralen razed it to the ground, but she had long since come to accept that there was nothing she could have done at that time.  She did regret letting the dastardly King's Men live to despoil the north, but she reckoned that regret for not killing was an unworthy feeling.  When Arvid shared his regret for leaving mother Signe alone, Opalia squeezed his shoulder reassuringly.  She wanted to say that he had many good reasons for what he did and it was not so simple as that, but it did not change the essential truth of the matter, nor his feeling about it.  Opalia felt similarly guilty for leaving her own family behind, though she had good reasons of her own.

"OPALIA does regret to disappoint SKYKEEPERS.  Mother OLVA worked much-hard to raise correct SKYKEEPER daughter to do duty to clan, but OPALIA is not it.  Many times did OPALIA fail and shame her kin and village with her tÃ¥pelighet... her silliness."  She wiped a big hand under an eye to clear away a tear, and added sullenly, "OPALIA will not regret how my own self is, but only that I made others sad or have harder times."
Fergus Glowforge
player, 875 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 74/74 | AC: 19
Thu 14 Apr 2022
at 03:23
  • msg #151

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora's willingness to carry his self-made talisman gave Fergus a surprising lift. He wondered if its absence from his immediate person would loosen his connection to Kann, but he somehow still felt the presence of the forge, even with the ornament in his niece's grasp instead of his own. He would need to take it back as some point, but the simple act of sharing it... of Cora accepting it, filled his heart and reignited his hope.

But later, when Cora spoke to the ferryman, his heart sank again. It pained him to realize how she was troubled by her identity. Such a thoughtful, independent, (stubborn), and beautiful soul. She didn't need to be an orc. Or a human. "Can she not see she is the best of both?"

He shifted his weight uncomfortably, uncertain of what to do. Darna's distant voice rang in his ears. "Well say something, you old fool!"  But by the time he gathered his courage, Caell was already speaking, and his words froze Fergus's tongue a second time. "It's like I told you, Darna. That boy is full of surprises."

When his own turn to speak arrived, Fergus took a deep breath to summon his thoughts. "Two hundred years is a long time to gather regrets," he told the ferryman. "And mine are many. But the biggest is abandoning the search of that collapsed tunnel between Gruundelheim and Knutsdir. I thought we'd searched everywhere. They said there could be no survivors. But somewhere under all that debris lay my daughter. Alive and alone! And I gave up.

"So now every day I thank the Great Mountain for reuniting us, and at the same time I am awash with the guilt of knowing that I abandoned her. My little mushroom. Even if I lived another two hundred years, I would find no regret larger."

The truth was at the same time liberating and stifling. His gaze fell from the ferryman's shadowed face to his own feet, then he shuffled onto the ferry.
player, 529 posts
HP: 57/57| AC: 14
Thu 14 Apr 2022
at 17:44
  • msg #152

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq listened half-heartedly to the ferryman and his price of passage, her attention transfixed by the river they sought to cross.  She had thought the forlorn spirits trapped within the winds that swirled across the bleak, ashen landscape were symbolic of the pain and loss that dwelt here, but the river was far beyond that.  The sheer enormity of it, of the number of souls that must make up it implacable current, were all but overwhelming for the young anatka.  She thought she had grown recently, that she had learned what the world could throw at her, but she was still just an infant playing with rag dolls and mud puddles.

Valaku leaned in close, drawing her attention away from the horrifically fascinating watercourse while the others were partway through their admissions of regret.  Her eyes flicked to Caell who had just finished his own recital, and then widened slightly.  She turned and looked back at Valaku for a moment, before reaching out to squeeze his hand and nod.  The moment concluded, Sikuaq listened to Opalia finish and then Fergus offer his own price of passage.  With most having already spoken the anatka realized she owed coin of her own.

"My greatest regret...", she began but then paused.  She was already doing it again, and the ferryman would know.  That was the sort of place this was, the type of magic that slept here.  Her eyes softened, like ice melting in the suns of spring.  Clearing her throat she started again, in a more private voice this time.

"My biggest regret is that in focusing on the future of the peoples of the North so hard, I have lost connection to them in the present.  I have sealed myself off and rebuffed others, to protect myself when I must make difficult decisions.  To lend the appearance of strength and wisdom.  But in the end it is a foolish deceit filled with cruel and callous moments large and small, that may cost both the present and the future."

"Fear has driven me, not strength.  I have robbed myself of the very thing I need to be strong, and only on the verge of the final reckoning has that become clear to me."

"I only hope," she looked around at her companions, unable to continue.  "I only hope...we can see this through to the end."  Dropping her head, she leaned against her staff with hunched shoulders for a few moments before taking a deep breath and straightening and moving toward the canoe.
Valaku Suraani
player, 197 posts
Valaku HP: 39/43 | AC: 16
Senna HP: 16/18 | AC: 16
Fri 15 Apr 2022
at 13:27
  • msg #153

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Valaku had hardly spoken to Sikuaq in the "days" since their quarrel, had hardly spoken at all, in fact. He was her protector, her servant. Her wisdom far surpassed his. It was not his place to question her, and certainly not so publicly. And yet, he could not shake doubts that gnawed at him. He had often failed to understand why she - why any of the druids who led his people - did what they did. They were enigmatic by design.

But this felt different. She had hurt him. She had hurt him, and she had scared away Senna, and he could tell by her reaction that she had not meant to do either of those things. Which meant that whatever was happening to her, whatever was inside her, was not entirely within her control. Where was the wisdom in that?

The ferryman's toll offered a glimmer of hope, as unlikely a source of such a thing as ever there was. The ranger did not wish to get his hopes up, but he waited with bated breath to hear his anatka express regret for allowing this monster to take possession of her.

His face fell when she did not. It grew softer, however, as he heard her out, and by the end of her soliloquy, it was he who felt guilt. And it was his turn to speak. He could not bear to look at Sikuaq as he spoke these words, so he looked into the ferryman's gray eyes instead.

"I am a protector," he began. "Or... I am meant to be. That has been my role for many decades. But only now do I see that I have misunderstood that role, and in so doing, have failed in it.

I have kept my anatka safe from physical harm, but her spirit has suffered under my watch. Under my failure to watch. I have abdicated my responsibility. I was a servant, when I ought to have been a friend. I made her carry the burden of deciding, single-handedly. I see now how that has weighed on her. How it has put her in the very danger against which I was charged with protecting her.

I remember...
His eyes were far away now, looking straight through the ferryman, who seemed accustomed to such stares. Any who followed his gaze, however, saw that there was indeed something behind the man, the translucent spirit of a pale elf, his face unpainted.

"We came upon a Quinichiat, a young man who had failed in his trials. He had fallen through a frozen river, and in his panic, called out to Kinak, who restored him to life, or some semblance of it. He was corrupted. He tried to kill us all.

It did not trouble me to swing the sword that killed him. Nor does it trouble me now. I was only doing as my anatka commanded.

At last, he turned to look at Sikuaq. "My great regret is that I left that decision to her. I knew what had to be done, as well as she did. But I made her give the order, as I have done so many times.

I am sorry, anatka.
" His lips trembled, reluctant to speak the words that had to be spoken next. "If such a decision must be made again, you can trust me to make it. It will be the hardest decision of my life, but I am ready. I have had the wisest of teachers."

He bowed his head so that none could see his face and stepped onto the boat. The ferryman took his place and with his long pole pushed the vessel out into the river of rushing souls.

The whispering that had faded into the background during the long trek across the Spiritrealm grew louder, and something colder than wind blew up off the strange river, piercing even fur clothing and skin accustomed to long winters on the Frozen Wastes. The howling of the spirits grew so loud it was impossible to speak over them or even to hear oneself think, which was perhaps a blessing considering the unpleasant memories the old man had dredged up.

Time stretched out ever longer, and the river seemed to grow wider with each push of the pole. It felt as if they would never reach the other side and would be tortured endlessly by the regrets of the dead. But then all at once the boat came to a jarring halt and the spirits quieted and Windermere Peak - or whatever was the equivalent mountain in this dark place - loomed ahead of them, much nearer than it had seemed from the far shore. The ferryman did not speak, merely nodded for his passengers to disembark.
player, 424 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:59/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Sat 16 Apr 2022
at 22:36
  • msg #154

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell was a little embarrassed after his confession, especially towards Cora. Nonetheless, he would not deny it any longer, nor would he retract his feelings by not looking or talking to her. As they climbed off the ferry, he offered her one hand. "Are you well, Cora?"

He turned briefly to look up at the peak. It was rather intimidating.
player, 531 posts
HP: 57/57| AC: 14
Sun 17 Apr 2022
at 17:58
  • msg #155

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq silently took a seat next to Valaku for the trip across the river of souls.  She made no motion toward her guardian nor tried to speak regardless of the din that arose from the dead that washed around the craft, but even the simple act of sitting together seemed to bolster her mood.  Wryly, she imagined the priestess of Forza claiming something about change strengthening them, for had they not been altered and yet brought back together?

When they blessedly reached the far shore at last the anatka was surprised at the apparent closeness of the mountain.  It had seemed so much farther away from the far bank; had the river truly been that wide?  Or was it that their story grew toward a climax and thus the mountain was now within decent reach?  The Shadowlands were something she understood little of and hoped in truth that it would stay that way.  Survive this and then return to the concerns of the lands of the living, she told herself.
Despite the seeming proximity of the mountain they reached a suitable place and time to camp upon the ashen plain without actually reaching the pinnacle's steeper slopes.  Tired from the extended march after the draining boat ride across the river, Sikuaq nonetheless found the energy to approach Caell as the camp was being assembled.  She tried to catch him in a quiet moment apart from the others.

"Caell, Valaku has spoken to me about something he considers important, something we should address before scaling this mountain and confronting Kinak, and I agree with him.  He would like to sponsor you for the Rite of Passage, to officially recognize you as an adult of the Quinichiat."  Sikuaq spoke sombrely, denoting the significance of the offer.  "I consider this a worthy request on your behalf and if you wish it, I am willing to conduct the rite before we sleep tonight."

"You are deserving of the honour, no matter what transpired before.  Your actions on this quest of ours has shown that time and again.  But this is your choice to make.  Think on it and let me know your decision."

player, 1243 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:53/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Mon 18 Apr 2022
at 00:59
  • msg #156

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell was a little embarrassed after his confession, especially towards Cora. Nonetheless, he would not deny it any longer, nor would he retract his feelings by not looking or talking to her. As they climbed off the ferry, he offered her one hand. "Are you well, Cora?"

Cora took Caell's offered hand firmly, climbing aboard the boat. She looked back at Fergus, and then to Caell, a wry smile crossing her face even as the tears flowed

"No. But I will be."

Leaning forward, she gave the quinchiat a kiss, holding him but briefly before making way for the others.

"I don't regret one moment of this. No one. Whatever pain came of not going out into the world to find my father . . . you and Fergus weren't part of that pain, you were . . . you ARE good."
player, 808 posts
HP : 86 / 86 - AC : 18
Mon 18 Apr 2022
at 18:09
  • msg #157

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The cold boat ride across a whispering spirit river would have been a solemn journey any time, but especially so after the Stormbreakers had faced their mightiest regrets.  Opalia stood vigilant at the ferry's prow to be ready for any sort of BAD-FOES that might await them on the far bank.  The foes were wise enough not the show themselves, however, and so Opalia hopped off the ferry and offered to assist all the little friends ashore.  Caell assisted Cora himself, which Opalia reckoned was good, considering his prior confession about her.

Once all were safely ashore Opalia thanked the silent ferryman, "Thanks for a good ride, BOATMAN.  When we return for trip back, can we pay with HAPPIEST memories instead?"  The giantess gazed up to the great peak that loomed in the near distance, then turned back to her friends as the anatka made an offer for Caell.  She grinned broadly and gave the pale-elf lad a brief, jostling hug and declared, "It is GOOD, little friend CAELL!  It has been a hard time in this DARK place, but we may bring our own light to here, YES?  No KINAK can stop us!"
player, 425 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:59/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Mon 18 Apr 2022
at 19:27
  • msg #158

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell smiled. He felt happy that he had Cora with him, even if they might not be together for long. It was likely one or more of them would end their lives here. If they didn't, he had no idea what life could have in store.

Sikuaq's offer made him smile again. He hadn't considered that this would ever be a possibility. Again, if he died here, what would it matter if he had passed the Quinichiat Rite of Passage? Maybe nothing. Maybe everything.

"Thank you, anatka. I humbly accept."
Fergus Glowforge
player, 877 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 74/74 | AC: 19
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 03:07
  • msg #159

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus settled into his own thoughts as the Stormbreakers ferried across the black river. While the surroundings were completely bleak, he held onto a sliver of hope, sensing that Kann still looked over them, even on this distant plane.

As they reached the other bank, and with the peak now looming over them, Fergus considered the upcoming confrontation. He was calmed by the knowledge that Cora would bring his talisman back with her in the event of his death. And while the idea of joining Darna lessened his fear of dying greatly, the slight chance of his soul being somehow stranded in the spiritrealm for an eternity caused him to shudder.

While preparing camp that night, Fergus was snapped out of his introspective stupor by Opalia's voice. He had wondered what Caell and Sikuaq were discussing, but considered it a private matter. Opalia, on the other hand, had very little use for privacy, and her booming voice suggested whatever the matter was between two Quinichiat, it was not nearly as sullen as their ashen surroundings.

He chuckled to himself, mumbling to nobody in particular. "Kann bless you, Opalia. Even in this darkest of places, you project joy like some kind of magical beacon. I'm not sure how you do it, but Kann bless you for it."
player, 533 posts
HP: 57/57| AC: 14
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 15:31
  • msg #160

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell's acceptance brought a smile to Sikuaq's face, which she quickly smothered to retain her guise of holy leader.  "I am pleased you accept Valaku's nomination.  We will conduct the ceremony this evening then."  The anatka left Caell to go begin preparations but paused after a few steps to look back over her shoulder, a flicker of that smile back again.  "You should probably tell the others.  They will want to observe, I expect."

Sikuaq retreated to her tent to prepare both herself and the items necessary for the ceremony, and in fact the ceremony itself after a fashion.  For they did not have the People here to gather, they did not have the ceremonial artifacts on hand, and Caell had not succeeded on his Test.  She had no second thoughts about his worthiness, but Sikuaq realized Caell's rite would have to be as unique as his circumstances.  So she set a small pot to boil over her tiny cookfire and settled in to meditate on the nature of the ceremony.


In the evening Sikuaq sent Valaku to gather everyone.  She stood straight and impassive beside a fire, shielded from the broader plain by natural and recently augmented mounds of ash.  Sikuaq stood in her robes with her hair pulled back and carried neither staff nor weapons.  Arrayed on the ground in a semi-circle around her were the traditional weapons of the Quinichiat - an obsidian dagger to her left, an obsidian-tipped arrow lying across a bow to her right, and an obsidian scimitar directly in front of her.  A pot sat on a stone near the fire, wisps of vapour curling up from whatever lay within.  As Caell and the others gathered she gestured for them to sit in front of her.  When all were settled, she began.

"We gather tonight to bear witness to the welcoming of an adult to the Quinichiat.  This is a momentous occasion for any of the People, denoting their maturation into a worthy and contributing member of society.  It is a time for recognition, a time for commitment and a time for celebration."

"It is customary for the tribe to be present to welcome new adults into their fold.  As our circumstances do not allow for that, I shall ask that each of you," she looked amongst the companions, "will bear witness in their stead.  I also call upon the Spirits of the Quinichiat to witness as well."

Sikuaq concentrated and spoke a few words in Nature's tongue, before spreading both arms in a flourish.  Icy blue-white crystals flew from her hands, swirling out in either direction until forms began to coalesce from the flurries.  To her left stood limned images of the Caribou, the Fox and the Wolf.  To her right, the Bear, the Owl, and the Musk Ox.  Lastly a diaphanous form appeared behind Sikuaq, giving the impression of a young woman with slender limbs and long hair that never quite stopped moving, the Spring Maiden.

The animal spirits were common totems for the Quinichiat, and were also represented in the constellations of the night sky.  Sikuaq knew of Caell's affinity for the starry heavens, and so conjuring their likenesses to witness for the People seemed appropriate.  After a quick glance to satisfy herself that all was ready, Sikuaq centred herself again and made ready for the ceremony to continue.


OOC:  I will pause there for the moment, in case anyone has a reaction they want to make note of.  Next post will cover the actual acceptance of Caell and granting his tattoo to make ascension to adulthood.
Arvid Signeson
player, 954 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 18:42
  • msg #161

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The rivercrossing was akin to no experience Arvid had ever known. He spent the entirety of the journey with a white knuckled grip about the gunwhales gazing into the current. For all that the winds had unsettled him in this lightless place, the sheer volume of souls they now skimmed across was overwhelming. He watched them speed past by the thousands - by the tens of thousands - each mote a life now extinguished. An ember of a fire gone cold.

Every now and again the stream seemed to swirl - kicked out an eddy that briefly fought against flow. He imagined them like carp fish swimming against the river, white scaled and milky eyed, a half life in this place bereft of light and breath. Arvid shuddered.

When the canoe at long last reached for the far shore he could not disembark fast enough. And it was not until Caell came to inform them of his pending rites that Arvid was able to put the experience behind him. He smiled, the first warmth he had felt in hours.

"I am honored."
player, 426 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:59/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Wed 20 Apr 2022
at 21:34
  • msg #162

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell was even more quiet than usual as the ceremony began. He sat when he was told to, and watched how Sikuaq conjured natural and celestial images. He hadn't really seen the ceremony himself, as the witnesses were usually all other adults. Caell had technically still been a child when he left his tribe. Of course, he had seen many kinsmen return from the ceremony, proudly displaying marks, but also carrying themselves differently; they were changed within.

Caell's eyes wandered across everyone and everything, then focused on the anatka again.
Fergus Glowforge
player, 879 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 74/74 | AC: 19
Thu 21 Apr 2022
at 04:50
  • msg #163

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

When Valaku explained the conversation between Sikuaq and Caell, Fergus smiled broadly. The mystery behind Opalia's earlier exuberance had been solved. "Kann's mighty hammer. Good news is just what we needed, and this is the brightest thing I've heard since we arrived on this god forsaken ash pile!"

Even surrounded by the myriad of haunted spirits, Fergus's own soul felt just a bit lighter as he awaited the ceremony. He immediately went to Cora to make sure she had heard (of course she had!). "We've come a long way from Jawbreaker's, but I don't think any so far as Caell."

When the anatka began her ritual with a flourish, Fergus smiled again, feeling almost guilty for enjoying the spectacle amidst so many lost spirits. He wondered how many dwarfs had witnessed such ceremonies. He suspected it could not be many, and for that, his own prideful heart swelled.

"Don't be so boastful, Fergus Glowforge," the voice of Darna scolded in Fergus's head. "This ceremony is for Caell, not for some smelly old dwarf who's too old to be here but too proud to admit it!"

Fergus concluded she was right, but even so, he was honored to be a witness.
player, 1244 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:53/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Thu 21 Apr 2022
at 11:55
  • msg #164

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora simply embraced her uncle Fergus, skiling widely

"It's true. It really is. None of us are the same, but . . . maybe this is the start of something new. Maybe returning doesn't mean going back?"

When called on to witness, Cora could feel the power within her, angry. She quashed it, her red eye dimming back to its natural colour as she stood solemn. Until a smile broke through despite the ceremony
player, 534 posts
HP: 57/57| AC: 14
Thu 21 Apr 2022
at 20:33
  • msg #165

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

With the preparations complete, Sikuaq began the meat of the rite.  "Please come join me here," she motioned to Caell and gestured to her right, where he should stand.  Once he complied, she spoke to the small group.

"Caell has been nominated to join the Quinichiat as an adult, to share in their successes and toil through their challenges.  Adults carry the load of hunting, gathering, and protecting those who cannot fend for themselves.  Adults pass on their knowledge throughout the tribe and work for the tribe's continuation.  Adults respect Nature and the bounty She provides as well as the danger She represents."

"Caell is nominated for demonstrating these values.  He has hunted enemies of the Quinichiat, he has aided in the furtherance of the People's interests, and he has defended his brethren and companions.  He has also taken a bigger role in defending all the lands of the North and its varied peoples, with wisdom and honour.  These are unquestionably the actions of an adult."

"Who nominates Caell thusly?"
  Sikuaq called out generically, but Valaku recognized his cue and rose to stand to his anatka's left.  "I hereby recognize the defender Valaku as the nominator.  Do you Valaku, stand by this nomination of Caell, as I have described it?" she asked him formally.

"I do," he replied in his typically stoic manner.

"Very well.  I am Sikuaq, anatka of the Quinichiat and servant of the Council, and by that virtue have power to accept a new adult to the Quinichiat.  On the word and honour of Valaku, and based on my own knowledge as well, I welcome the adult Caell to the People!"

With a slight gesture from Sikuaq, the limned spirits of the Quinichiat solemnly came one by one to stand and bow before Caell.  The mighty antlers of the Caribou and horns of the Musk Ox lowered to the ground, the Wolf, Bear and Fox stretched forelegs out and dipped their heads, and the Owl spread its wings wide and dipped low.  As each finished welcoming Caell they stepped aside and dissolved in a sprinkling of flurries, one by one, until only the Spring Maiden was left.  She approached Caell and with hair and gauzy clothing astir on an unseen breeze, dipped her head to kiss Caell on the brow.  Stepping back, she smiled and disappeared in her own shower of glistening frost.

Sikuaq retrieved the small pot from the fireside and turned to Caell with a smile.  "Congratulations and welcome to the Quinichiat as an adult, Caell.  What remains is your naming tattoo," she gestured with the pot in her hands.  "We shall now undertake that last step."

Sikuaq had Caell hold his hair back and loosed his shirt so that she might apply the dye.  These tattoos typically touched the face and neck area, and she needed that clear to begin.  Then she closed her eyes and intoned once more in the language of Nature herself.  The contents of the pot in her hands took on a bluish glow, and then the tip of Sikuaq's right index finger began to shine with a whitish glow, like starshine. She dipped the finger in the pot and, still intoning in the language of the druids, placed its tip to Caell's cheek and began to trace his pattern, his naming.

The work continued for perhaps a quarter hour, with Sikuaq first expanding the symbol and then retracing the outline to reinforce its fusion with Caell. She chanted quietly throughout in a sing-song tone, and the magic guided her hand and made permanent the naming.  At last her voice drifted off and her finger and the pot both lost their glow.  After expelling a deep breath, weary but satisfied, she smiled at Caell.

"Now we are done now, brother.  Go greet everyone for the first time as an adult."
player, 427 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:59/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Sat 23 Apr 2022
at 15:43
  • msg #166

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

It was a moment Caell dreamed of when he was younger. Then he had reconciled himself with the fact that it would never happen. Then it happened after all.  He watched the ceremony unfold with joy and pride and amazement. The spirits were beautiful, even in this dark and dreary place. Perhaps even more so, in contrast with where they were.

He stood still while Sikuaq placed the patterns on him. Somehow, without seeing himself, he knew exactly what they looked like. There were patterns going down from his temples to his collarbones that told his story, although not in words. The spread into an intricate weave over shoulders came in from each side to meet in a powerful star in the middle of his chest.

The lines would glow for a few hours, giving him strength of mind and body. Right now, he was both more present in his body than ever before, and outside himself as a part of the world and the great wheel. "Thank you, anatka." he turned to the others, thanking Valaku first who had sponsored him through the ceremony. Then he turned to the others and gave them warm greetings. Tears of happiness trickled down his cheeks.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:43, Sat 23 Apr 2022.
player, 1245 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:53/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Sat 23 Apr 2022
at 16:10
  • msg #167

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora rushed up and almost gave Caell a hug before stopping herself due to the fresh markings

"Congratulations Caell!"

She beamed and made a hugging motion from a small distance.
Arvid Signeson
player, 955 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Sun 24 Apr 2022
at 01:00
  • msg #168

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

”Yes, Caell! Congratulations!” Arvid grinned and took a step towards the newly risen Quinichiat, though not so close as Cora. ”I can think of no one more deserving.”

“May Mother Bear watch over you now and forever more.”

Fergus Glowforge
player, 880 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 74/74 | AC: 19
Mon 25 Apr 2022
at 03:47
  • msg #169

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus leaned forward throughout the ceremony, mesmerized by the spirits summoned by the anatka for the occasion. He told himself to remember every detail so he could one day describe it in all it's glory to Darna. More than anything, he was thankful for a moment of joy on this desolate wasteland. "Congratulations, laddie. You've more than earned it."
player, 809 posts
HP : 86 / 86 - AC : 18
Tue 26 Apr 2022
at 00:45
  • msg #170

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia was excited to see what a pale-elf coming of age ceremony looked like, and wondered if it would involve fighting or leaping or lifting like equivalent Skykeeper rites.  Probably not, which was good for Caell since his might was in wisdom and magics, rather than brawn.  At the ANATKA's direction the giantess sat down cross-legged at the back of the group, so as not to block views for any little friends.  Sikuaq had arrayed weapons before her for the ceremony, so perhaps there would be fighting?!  With some effort Opalia kept her excitement in check and remained quiet, and listened.

The giantess was dumbfounded by the dreamlike display of mighty spirit-beasts and a beautiful Quinichiat maiden, all come to honor Caell.  Opalia's eyes swam with tears before the anatka had even finished speaking, both from the majesty of the spectacle and out of a fierce pride for a little friend receiving this well-deserved honor.  The anatka then applied markings to Caell that told the tale of him, and they were splendid.  It was a very good and beautiful ceremony, even without any fighting at all.

Once all was finished and Caell turned tearfully to the Stormbreakers, Opalia was there to greet him with a big, shiny-eyed grin.  When her turn came the giantess hoisted Caell up to sit upon her shoulder and boomed, "HAIL CAELL, mighty of spirit!  You did very good, and all of us are proud to call you FRIEND."  Opalia paraded the triumphant elf around for a little bit, then set him down right in front of Cora!
Dungeon Master
GM, 1908 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Tue 26 Apr 2022
at 12:27
  • msg #171

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

A miraculous thing happened in the Spiritrealm, as Sikuaq conducted the ritual that would belatedly welcome Caell into adulthood. The sky cleared, a seemingly solid and permanent layer of atmospheric ash parting to reveal a night sky that none of the poor souls trapped there had glimpsed since their brief time among the living. It was the same sky that hung above the Mortal Realm, shining with the same stars, and even those who had been in the realm for just a few days found they missed it more than they realized. They slept soundly that night, under a sky that deserved the name, and Caell most of all was comforted by the knowledge that even in this dark place his sister watched over him.

As with all good things in this land of ash and regret, the star-filled sky was short-lived. Storm clouds gathered as the party slept, blotting out the light from above and ultimately waking them with cracks of thunder like a mace splitting the skull of the world. Though their bodies expected daybreak, the Shadowrealm was darker than ever, and if there was rain, it evaporated long before it reached the ground, leaving dry lightning to crackle eerily across the cloud-black sky.

The heart of the dark clouds hung above the peak that was their destination, with the storm spilling out like wine from the mountain's tip. Hrom whom the elves called Kinak and feared as the north wind, was angry. There was no doubt that anger was directed specifically at the living beings who dared enter this dead place to challenge him. The thought of mortals provoking the enmity of a god was flattering but also terrifying, for as the sky filled with lightning they were forced to ponder just how small and weak they were before the god of thunder. Only the memory of the familiar stars, which already felt distant, gave them hope.

Valaku greeted them with worse news when they woke. "Shadows," he said. "They're everywhere. Beyond counting."

Everyone could feel them, now that he said it, a chill in the air that could have been attributed to the storm if not for the Quinichiat ranger's confident assertion. Those with the devil's vision could see them as well, whispers of black on black converging not on the party but, like the storm, on the mountain before them. Lines of them extended out to the horizon, as if walking along invisible roads, summoned by a sound only they could hear.

Or perhaps the storm was the beacon. Perhaps it was the height of arrogance to think a god paid would pay such heed to a handful of mortal intruders. War was afoot in the land of the living, after all, an army of orcs marching with his thrall at their helm. The stonework defenses of Gruundelheim were legendary, but how long could they hold against such a legion of shadows? And what would become of the rest of the world if they fell? Only together could the mortal races stand against the shadows, and this war was designed to discourage exactly that. Even as Midwife Brigha and Adir Blackhammer and the stalwart heroes braving the Shadowrealm scrambled to pull together the Starbound Alliance, Hrom sought to drive them apart, making an example of the dwarves for others who might think to stand against him.

Garduk was yet to open his latest portal, but judging by the size of the shadow army marshaling at the mountain, it would not be long before he did so. With grim determination, the heroes deadset on stopping him began their march.

It took them only the better part of what passed for morning to approach the peak, which only seemed to grow taller and more foreboding. A new sound had started up in the sky, the beating of wings, inviting dark speculation about what fresh horror approached. When at last the winged creatures came into view, however, they revealed themselves to be eagles, like the ones who had joined the battle for the Resting Place. A swarm of them approached from the north, diving at a column of shadows and throwing them into chaos.

One of those eagles split off from the flight and winged toward the party, alighting before them and transforming into the form of a pale-skinned elf, and a familiar one at that. Verena Kowichuk, the druid they'd rescued from the qiqion outside the Kerit camp, stood before them. "It is good to see you again, friends. Even under such grim circumstances. The portal is nearly opened. We cannot get to Garduk to stop him in the realm of mortals, so we must stop it from this side instead. The Council can slow the approach of the shadows, but we cannot stop them. The task of disrupting the ritual will fall to you," she said, as though that were not already the reason the party had come to the Spiritrealm.

That glimpse of the night sky was enough to bolster everyone's spirits. No sullenness rolls today!
player, 1247 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:53/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Thu 28 Apr 2022
at 02:19
  • msg #172

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Long ago and recently:
"The Resting Place will not fall," Verena said with confidence well out of proportion to what the situation seemed to warrant. "But this attack is brazen and unprecedented. Kinak is behind it, of course. But it is worse than that. These flames... I fear Forza has joined him. We do not yet know their purpose, but the timing...

The Druidic Council can hold them off, for now. But while we are distracted, King Gralen's sword, with the power to open a new gate to the Shadowlands, is unguarded. And those damned Francos are already on their way.

I take back what I said before. The most helpful think you can do right now is stop them. Do not allow the sword to fall into their hands.

And thank you for all you have done here, so far,
" she added as an afterthought, already turning her attention back to the battle below.

As she spoke, Amara unbuckled and removed the elegant chain mail he wore, then handed it over to the party. "Take this. I can obtain another suit soon. I only wish there were more we could do to help."

Cora approached Verena, drawing the starbound blade in her elven chain

"Last I remember you and yours were fighting tooth and nail. How long do we have to get up the mountain?"

She looked at her companions

"I could maybe make a few of us fly, if we needed to."
player, 811 posts
HP : 86 / 86 - AC : 18
Fri 29 Apr 2022
at 00:44
  • msg #173

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia marveled unabashedly at the majesty of the starry sky that was miraculously revealed in the wake of Caell's ceremony.  She pointed up and said with a grin toward Arvid, "ARV, look!  ILDIKO still watches over us even here, do you see?  It is a much-nice omen."  The giantess kept vigil over resting little friends, but when her watch ended she laid down by the northman and cuddled close for warmth.

It was thunder rather than daylight that wakened the Stormbreakers, and soon enough all had roused to embark upon the final leg of their quest.  They neared the great, storm-wracked peak and beheld a truly incalculable horde of shadows waiting to swarm into their world.  Opalia was ready with Frostfall in hand to defend against the beating wings, but thankfully it turned out to be friendish anatkas, including VERENA!  The giantess greeted the anatka with a chest-thumping Skykeeper salute and said, "Bright skies to little friend VERENA, even if skies here are never bright!  It is very nice to meet you again."

Opalia listened to the elder anatka's grim report, then declared with naive certainty, "We will not let DARK-SHADOWS go to OUR lands.  We close PORTAL so they stay in DARK-LANDS instead."  The giantess gazed up at the stormy peak and then asked, "Can BIGGEST BIRDS bring us closer to gate?"
Dungeon Master
GM, 1910 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Sat 30 Apr 2022
at 14:33
  • msg #174

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora approached Verena, drawing the starbound blade in her elven chain

"Last I remember you and yours were fighting tooth and nail. How long do we have to get up the mountain?"

She looked at her companions

"I could maybe make a few of us fly, if we needed to."

Verena smiled at the sight of her protector's old armor. "It fits you surprisingly well.

We are always fighting tooth and nail. Kinak does not rest, and so neither can we. Time passes more slowly in the Shadowrealm, but even so, it is best not to dawdle. Garduk's forces have already reached Gruundelheim, and as you can see, he will have his portal open soon.
" She gestured to the steady stream of shadows.

"Fortunately, what you seek is not atop the mountain; it is inside.

" she said in the language of the druids, to some unseen superior.

At first, nothing happened, and it seemed perhaps she had not been heard, or worse, that the druid to whom she spoke had been killed. Then, with a crack far louder than Kinak's thunder, the mountain exploded from within. Several hundred feet above the heads of the heroes, chunks of glassy black rock blew forth from the side of the peak, raining dust and rubble upon the ground below and leaving a hole like the mouth of a cave in its wake.

"I can get you no closer," Verena said without apology. "But what you seek is in there. Kinak has much to do from this side of the Veil as well, to open a gate between the realms far larger than those he has employed so far. I only hope it is not too late to stop him."

The entrance is about 500' up the mountain. Anyone wishing to climb up must make a DC 15 Athletics check. If you fail, you'll still make it up, but you'll take a level of exhaustion. Of course flying is an option as well, and will get you up much sooner.

I think in the past we've allowed Opalia to carry someone, usually Fergus, at the cost of making her climb check with disadvantage?

Fergus Glowforge
player, 882 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 74/74 | AC: 19
Sun 1 May 2022
at 05:44
  • msg #175

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Slag and rust!" Fergus exclaimed as the explosion blew a gaping hole in the mountainside. He threw up his shield arm to protect him somewhat from the debris as it rained down from above.

He sized up the climb ahead of him and took a deep breath. This would not be easy, but little on this entire journey had been. Why should today be any different?
player, 428 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:59/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Mon 2 May 2022
at 06:51
  • msg #176

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell was usually in good climbing shape, but he struggled as they started to move. Even with Fergus' blessing and infusion from the ceremony, Caell was weary by the time he reached the entrance to the mountain. His muscles ached and he was out of breath.

Failed the Athletics check.
player, 813 posts
HP : 86 / 86 - AC : 18
Mon 2 May 2022
at 21:49
  • msg #177

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia was surprised and impressed by Verena's thunderous explosion to crack open a new cavern into the mountainside.  The giantess grinned broadly, "That is very close enough!  Thank you, ANATKA VERENA.  We stop GARDUK now, promised."

There were five hundred vertical feet of rough stone between the Stormbreakers and this new cave, but after the endless trek across a flat, ashen desert this looked to Opalia like FUN.  Seeing Fergus gazing up at the climb with an expression of dwarfish consternation, she offered, "Come along, FIREBEARD!  Climbing buddies go togethers!"  The giantess hoisted the elderly dwarf easily up onto her broad back and ensured he had a good hold, then turned to the others, "We see you at cave, little friends!  Anybody else wants help to climb, only ask!"

With that, Opalia leaped up onto the lowest crag and proceeded to climb at full speed despite carrying Fergus along for the ride.  The way got steeper about halfway up, but in Opalia's moment of greatest difficulty she felt the encouraging warmth of forgefire deep within her muscles.  That bit of aid was all she needed to clamber up the remaining distance and vault up and into the cave mouth.  The giantess set Fergus down and declared, "We did it, buddy!  Let us help the others, yes?"

Opalia peered down over the edge and was prepared to do whatever she could to assist all little friends in making the climb, throwing out a hempen rope or even climbing down to pick them up if needed.

Carrying Fergus up the mountain!  Athletics with disadvantage + Guidance:
  • 14:26, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 2 using 1d4.  Guidance.
  • 14:25, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 14 using 2d20+11, dropping the highest dice only with rolls of 3,13.  Athletics (disadvantage).

Oh gosh, Guidance saved it from failing by 1!  Teamwork :D

This message was last edited by the player at 21:59, Mon 02 May 2022.
Arvid Signeson
player, 957 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Tue 3 May 2022
at 23:42
  • msg #178

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia marveled unabashedly at the majesty of the starry sky that was miraculously revealed in the wake of Caell's ceremony.  She pointed up and said with a grin toward Arvid, "ARV, look!  ILDIKO still watches over us even here, do you see?  It is a much-nice omen."  The giantess kept vigil over resting little friends, but when her watch ended she laid down by the northman and cuddled close for warmth.

Arvid gazed up towards the starry heavens and felt immediately at peace. "I see it, Opalia," he said with a smile. "I see it."

Ildiko, Mother Bear, stretched across the moonless sky. Arvid fixed upon a single star and felt his heart swell. I see you too, Ulf.

"It is a much nice omen." Without turning away he leaned into Opalia and sighed contentedly.

* * * * *

Pyroclasts and obsidian debris fell like hail upon the mountain side and Arvid cast up his hands to shield his face. Manifesting Ildiko's grace, he summoned his astral arms and dug into the face of the mountain with claws forged of light. When at last the tremors subsided he peered up the steep ascent with an air of resolve and began to climb.

19:22, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 27 using 1d20+8+1d4.  Athletics, Guidance.
player, 539 posts
HP: 57/57| AC: 14
Wed 4 May 2022
at 13:38
  • msg #179

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq was pleased to see Verena again, and to know the Council was doing all they could to divert the innumerable shadows away from their small group and its mission.  When the elder anatka spoke in Druidic to some far listener Sikuaq dropped her brows and tilted her head in curiosity, only to have her unasked question answered a few moments later with an enormous explosion from above.  She raised an arm reflexively as tons of volcanic rock blew out from the side of the mountain and rained down about the ashen plain, then slowly lowered it as she realized the opportunity they'd been provided.

"Thank you Verena," she said gratefully, before wishing her counterpart well in the continuing battle.  Then she turned to the rest of her companions and, after eyeing up the climb ahead of them, offered another alternative.

"For those who wish it, I can transform similar to Verena and carry you up to the breach the Council has created.  I suspect only one person can ride at a time, but it shouldn't take too long to get everyone up there."  Then she stepped several paces away from the group to create space, closed her eyes and held her arms wide.  Her form blurred and began to flow, glowing with a mixture of icy blue and orangey red, before she came back into focus in the shape of a giant eagle.   Sikuaq's new form was very similar to Verena's, save that her feathers carried a stronger reddish hue.  She tilted her head back and let loose a rising call typical of the breed, exulting in the freedom of her transformation.

From there she hopped closer to her first passenger and after they climbed aboard she leapt into the air and with a few powerful beats of her wings got them airborne and headed up the mountainside, circling ever higher.  After dropping the first one off, she dove down the mountainside before flaring her wings to brake her fall and then settled on the ground again, ready for the next.

Eventually all who required transport had been carried up, and Sikuaq once again called out, perhaps in farewell to her sisters.  A blur, a glow of colours, and the anatka was back in her natural form alongside her companions.
player, 1250 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:53/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Thu 5 May 2022
at 20:53
  • msg #180

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

When they had arrived at their destination Cora took a moment to steady herself. Flight by magic was once thing, flight by giant eagle another thing entirely.

"Thank you anatka. Hopefully that's the end of the soaring for now . . . "
Dungeon Master
GM, 1912 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Fri 6 May 2022
at 18:08
  • msg #181

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Hundreds of feet above the ashen plain, the heroes found that the druids' explosion had blown open an entrance to an already-existing cavern within the mountain. Tremendous heat emanated from within, accompanied by the sound of hammering from deeper in the complex.

The chamber in which they stood was narrow, with a tunnel tall enough to walk through at the far end from which the hammering seemed to emanate. Narrower tunnels, perhaps two feet in diameter, lined the interior wall of the cave at approximately head height, carrying some of the heat out of the chamber, though it still sweltered.

The party was still getting its bearing when they felt a familiar fear, and four qiqion emerged, snarling, from the tunnel opposite the one by which they'd entered.

Everyone roll initiative, please. If you beat a 10, you act before the qiqion and can post your action now. The letters on the west wall represent the smaller air-flow tunnels.

player, 816 posts
HP : 86 / 86 - AC : 18
Fri 6 May 2022
at 23:27
  • msg #182

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia led the way through the unexpectedly heated catacombs with Frostfall held at the ready.  The ways were frequently quite a bit narrower than she was comfortable with, and indeed often narrower than her hulking frame could possibly squeeze through.  The giantess perked up at the sound of clanging somewhere deeper in the mountain, and wondered aloud, "There is a FORGE here?  Who does forge in DEAD-LANDS?"

No sooner had the words left her lips than a quartet of dreadful DARK-WOLFS emerged up ahead!  Opalia had been paying too much attention to sounds and not enough to dangers, and so she was too late to act before the enemies.

  • Initiative 9.  Standing by!
  • Protection fighting style:  If any ranged/melee attack targets an ally within 5 feet, use reaction to give disadvantage on the attack.

16:17, Today: Opalia rolled 9 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.

player, 1252 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:53/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Sat 7 May 2022
at 01:36
  • msg #183

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"The better question is what do they forge, and that's easy. Nothing good."

Cora's heart froze as the qiqions stepped forth

OOC: initiative 8

player, 431 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:59/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Sat 7 May 2022
at 10:00
  • msg #184

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell wondered what the hammering was. Opalia seemed to think it was a forge. He couldn't disagree. The heat took most of his attention, however. It reminded him of a previous underground area they had visited. Caell feared this would get worse.

The quinichiat reacted fast when the monsters came into sight. At the flick of his wrist and the quick uttering of an arcane incantation, a dancing flame flickered above one of the qiquions and descended on it.

Initiative 17
Action: Cast Sacred Flame at random qiqion. Dex save DC 16 or 22 radiant damage.
Move: Stay put.

Arvid Signeson
player, 959 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Sat 7 May 2022
at 22:06
  • msg #185

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

With no time to dwell on the discussion at hand, Arvid surged forward and tried in vain to scour the closest qiqion with his claws but the beast proved too nimble by half and the northman was forced to warily withdraw.

Initiative 21
Move to engage (Arvid has 10' reach)
1) Hits AC 12
2) Hits AC 13
3) Hits AC 11

I assume those are all misses. If any hits, it does 1d6+5 force damage.

Arvid has more than enough movement to then back up without drawing an AoO and return to B3.

18:02, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 12,13,11 using 1d20+8,1d20+8,1d20+8.  Attack.

17:56, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 21 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.

Fergus Glowforge
player, 887 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 74/74 | AC: 19
Sun 8 May 2022
at 04:29
  • msg #186

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

In spite of the overwhelming heat, Fergus shivered when the qiqion came into sight. He released a handful of flame at the first, but the fires did little to subdue them. Undeterred, he also conjured Kann's spectral hammer and directed it into the pack.

Action: Cast Produce Flame at nearest qiqion.
Bonus Action: Cast Spiritual Weapon on the same target.

23:18, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 11 using 1d20-1.  Initiative.
23:23, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 11 using 1d20+7.  Spiritual weapon at qiqion.
23:23, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 12 using 1d20+7.  Produce flame at qiqion.

player, 541 posts
HP: 57/57| AC: 14
Sun 8 May 2022
at 23:03
  • msg #187

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The volcanic heat of the cave brought back memories of the caverns of Guthluthic, and in particular their battle with Cherufe and all that had befallen Sikuaq since that fateful day.  Even as part of her clamored to hide from the searing fire of those memories, another chafed to be set free within the oppressive heat of the mountain.  Wrapped up in the internal struggle between fire and ice, Sikuaq only belatedly recognized the creeping fear of the approaching qiqion and was slow in reacting to the menacing beasts' presence.

18:57, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 8 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.

Dungeon Master
GM, 1915 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Thu 12 May 2022
at 14:55
  • msg #188

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The qiqion had smelled the party coming and were ready for them. Evading fist and flame, they fell upon the intruders, snarling and baying and threatening to overrun them with their great, hairless bodies. Arvid and Opalia fended off their attackers, but one of the qiqion bowled Valaku over and seized the elf in his massive jaws. Another threatened to do the same to Fergus.

As if that weren't bad enough, a bolt of lightning shot through one of the vents in the wall, ripping its way through the back line.

Caell, Cora, Sikuaq, and maybe Fergus: You take 27 lightning damage. DC 16 Dex save will halve that.

Valaku takes 25 damage and is prone.

Fergus, that's an 18 to hit you. If it hits, you'll need to make a DC 15 Strength save or be knocked prone and subject to another bite attack (at advantage, because you're prone). If you are knocked prone, the lightning bolt will miss you entirely (but Fergus doesn't know that, so no intentionally failing the Strength save!)

Opalia, I already applied your reaction to give disadvantage to the attack on Arvid.

Arvid, I believe you have a reaction to take an OA on the qiqion that attacked Opalia?

Right now, just need Fergus's save and reactions from anyone else who has them. Then I'll update and everyone can act.

Arvid Signeson
player, 961 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Mon 16 May 2022
at 18:46
  • msg #189

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid picked apart the Qiqion he had grazed, trying to keep it pinned down and away from his companions where it could not harry them.

1) Hits AC 26 for 9 force damage
2) Hits AC 13 (miss)
3) Hits AC 22 for 9 force damage
R) Sentinel strike hits AC 20 for 9 force damage if triggered by any qiqion in reach

Spending 1 Ki on Stunning Strike.
Target must make a CON save DC 16 or is stunned until the end of Arvid's next turn.

14:42, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 9,9,9 using 1d6+5,1d6+5,1d6+5.  Damage.
14:41, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 26,13,22,20 using 1d20+8,1d20+8,1d20+8,1d20+8.  Attack.

player, 820 posts
HP : 86 / 86 + 5 Temp HP
AC : 18
Mon 16 May 2022
at 20:25
  • msg #190

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The battle was joined, and Opalia glanced left and right to assess the state of the battle.  Arvid was fighting very well against the DARK-WOLF that dared to attack him, but Valaku had been knocked down and a qiqion had pushed to the back line to assault FIREBEARD.  Not acceptable!

"Up with you, little VALAKU!  Much fighting to do!"  The giantess pulled Valaku back and shielded him while helping him to his feet, then proceeded to smash the DARK-WOLF who dared to attack Fergus.  Frostfall struck again and again, battering the shadowy beast into the ground and leaving its wounds rimed in frost!

  • Bait and Switch to swap places with Valaku, who gains +5 AC until start of my next turn.  The movement does not provoke OAs!
  • Attack twice!  All attacks target qiqion in E2 until it dies, in which case switch attacks to D3
    1. Hit 18 AC for 17 cold damage.  Qiqion must make a DC 16 Wisdom save or be frightened until end of my next turn (Menacing Strike)!
      • Bonus action Shield Master shove!  22 Athletics vs. qiqion's Athletics or Acrobatics, or be knocked prone.  Ability checks are at disadvantage if qiqion is frightened
    2. Hit 19 AC with advantage vs. prone (11 w/o advantage misses) for 13 cold damage
  • Action Surge to attack twice, again!
    1. Hit 26 AC (22 w/o advantage) for 8 cold damage
    2. Hit 25 AC (14 w/o advantage) for 7 cold damage
  • Protection fighting style:  If any ranged/melee attack targets an ally within 5 feet, use reaction to give disadvantage on the attack.

13:04, Today: Opalia rolled 7 using 1d8+6.  Action Surge damage 2.
13:03, Today: Opalia rolled 25 using 2d20+9, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 5,16.  Action Surge attack 2 (advantage?).
13:03, Today: Opalia rolled 8 using 1d8+6.  Action Surge damage 1.
13:01, Today: Opalia rolled 26 using 2d20+9, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 17,13.  Action Surge attack 1 (advantage?).
13:00, Today: Opalia rolled 13 using 1d8+6.  Attack 2 damage.
12:58, Today: Opalia rolled 19 using 2d20+9, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 2,10.  Attack 2 (advantage?).
12:55, Today: Opalia rolled 22 using 1d20+11.  Shield Master shove.
12:54, Today: Opalia rolled 17 using 2d8+6 with rolls of 5,6.  Attack 1 damage + maneuver.
12:53, Today: Opalia rolled 18 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 9.  Attack 1.
12:52, Today: Opalia rolled 5 using 1d8.  Bait and Switch.

player, 433 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:46/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Mon 16 May 2022
at 20:53
  • msg #191

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell had managed to duck away from the lightning, but some of the heat seared him nonetheless. He quickly traced the signs to cast one of his most used spells, drawing divine energy down on one of the monsters. He glanced at the vents too, fearing more lightning.

Action: Cast Sacred Flame on nearest quiqon. Dex save DC 16 or 18 radiant damage.
Fergus Glowforge
player, 890 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 47/74 | AC: 19
Tue 17 May 2022
at 03:38
  • msg #192

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus doubled over as lightning coursed through his body. He attempted to batter the qiqion in front of him, but the spectral hammer at his disposal was off the mark. With teeth still clenched, he muttered a prayer to Kann and rained down fire from above, hoping it would do better.

Bonus action: Spiritual hammer vs. qiqion (miss).
Action: Sacred flame vs. qiqion. Dex 15 save or 6 radiant damage.
22:24, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 11 using 1d20+7.  Spiritual weapon at qiqion.
22:26, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 6 using 2d8.  Sacred flame damage (radiant).

player, 546 posts
HP: 44/57| AC: 14
Tue 17 May 2022
at 20:43
  • msg #193

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Perhaps it was the raising of the hairs on the back of her neck that warned Sikuaq, but however she sensed it the bolt of lightning that erupted from the wall just missed her.  Still, stray sparks of blue-white energy danced along the length of her staff and lifted her silvery white hair in a nimbus around her as she turned her attention back to the pack of qiqion attacking them.

Her anger and concern flared as she saw Valaku get bowled over by one of the beasts, and though she could not react faster than Opalia to defend her guardian she did not shy from venting her anger on the closest qiqion.  Her eyes burst into flames and with an almost negligent flick of her hand she sent a sheet of flames toward the fell beast.

Save vs Lightning, take 13 dmg

Cast Burning Hands at qiqion (e2).  DEX save (DC 16) for half damage.
16:42, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 8 using 3d6.  Damage.  (*sigh* and the sub-par rolling continues...)

player, 1254 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:40/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Tue 17 May 2022
at 20:58
  • msg #194

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora moved aside, the lightning running along her body as she avoided the direct part of the bolt. Dashing to the side of the cave, she stabbed at the qiquon in front of Arvid if it still lived, bringing the power of the Starbound Blade to bear

OOC: move to 2a (or further along if that one's dead) and attack with a 23 (11 damage) and 17 (13 damage)
Dungeon Master
GM, 1921 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Wed 18 May 2022
at 12:04
  • msg #195

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The qiqion with Valaku in its jaws suddenly found it had bitten off more than it could chew, as the delicate elf was inexplicably replaced by a beefy goliath who promptly knocked it flat with a bonk from her bracers. The great beast whimpered but did not retreat. Either it was not easily cowed, or it was more afraid of something else than of Opalia... (knocked prone but succeeds on save vs fear)

Flames leapt from Sikuaq's fingers, leaving the beast before her singed even though it had acted quickly to evade the worst of the spell's effects (it made its save but also is vulnerable to fire, so still took 8).

Cora joined Arvid on the front lines, battering the qiqion that had attacked him. Reeling from the blow, it seemed disinclined to attack again immediately (stunned).

Arvid pummeled it as well, leaving it shaken but still standing.

The qiqion again avoided Caell's sacred flames, as if sensing how badly the holy light would burn it.

Sure enough, Fergus summoned similar flames to far more dramatic effect on the one before him.

Valaku recovered his feet and was a whirl of blades, cutting down the beast that had attacked him.

The still-standing, un-stunned qiqion stood their ground snapping at Valaku and Fergus. Both failed, and one suffered Arvid's wrath for even trying.

That was not the worst the party's enemies had in store for them, however. Another burst of lightning ripped through the air vent, jolting one of the qiqion along with those unfortunate enough to stand in the front line.

The qiqion's AC is actually 13, so Arvid did hit this round and with one of his attacks last round, I've adjusted accordingly.

Cora, Opalia, Arvid: DC 16 Dex save for 26 lightning damage, 13 with save.

Valaku makes his save and takes half, now at 48/86 HP.

B2 is no longer stunned as of the start of Arvid's turn. D2 is slightly injured, E2 has taken more damage. The prone one has stood up

Arvid Signeson
player, 962 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Wed 18 May 2022
at 13:44
  • msg #196

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The Qiqion is actually stunned until the END of Arvid's turn this round. He has advantage on attacks against it until the end of his turn.

Showing remarkable awareness Arvid seemed to know the fork of lightning was building even before it leapt from the wall, leaving the corridor scorched and smelling of ozone while Arvid ducked it entirely. Unwilling to let up for even a moment he continued to press the battered qiqion, landing blow upon blow in quick succession.

"We have them. We have to push forward!"

Arvid succeeds on his dex save (22). Evasion negates all damage.
1) Hits AC 23 for 7 force damage
2) Hits AC 19 for 10 force damage
B) Hits AC 24 for 10 force damage
R) Sentinel strike hits AC 16 for 8 damage

I assume the qiqion is dead at the end of Arvid's turn. He will move around the remaining qiqion in threat to end at C4 without pulling an attack of opportunity.

09:36, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 7,10,10,8 using 1d6+5,1d6+5,1d6+5,1d6+5.  Damage.
09:36, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 16 using 1d20+8.  Attack.
09:35, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 24 using 2d20+8, dropping the lowest dice only.  Attack.
09:35, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 19 using 2d20+8, dropping the lowest dice only.  Attack.
09:35, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 23 using 2d20+8, dropping the lowest dice only.  Attack.
09:34, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 22 using 1d20+6.  Dex save.

This message was last edited by the player at 13:44, Wed 18 May 2022.
player, 1255 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:14/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Wed 18 May 2022
at 14:39
  • msg #197

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora stepped into the breach as she swung her sword this way and that, striking at the qiquon

OOC: when a space is available, Cora will move to it, either b3 or b4 (if lightning strikes the 3 line). Attack rolls 18 (20 damage) and 11 (15 damage) and if for some reason Arvid et al. haven't killed the qiquon in b3 before my turn the rolls are 28 and *drumroll* 11!
player, 434 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:46/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Thu 19 May 2022
at 21:05
  • msg #198

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell did not like the fact that the monster had escaped the radiant light of his spell. At least one of them were down. He called upon the light again, hoping this time he would succeed. Glancing at Cora and seeing her injured, he also called upon the divine to heal her wounds.

Bonus: Healing Cora with Healing Light for 25 hp.
Action: Cast Sacred Flame, Dex save DC 16 or 13 radiant damage.

player, 821 posts
HP : 75 / 86
AC : 18
Thu 19 May 2022
at 22:21
  • msg #199

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

A bolt of lightning blasted across the front line, crackling over the giantess and leaving her smoldering but unfazed as she laid into the qiqion next to her.  Frostfall thudded into the shadowy wolf as she forcibly goliath-handled it to the ground then smashed it again, hopefully for the last time!

Opalia said to her comrades, "Go past ZAPS-HOLES, little friends!  OPALIA guards!"  The giantess put herself between them and the surviving wolves, then gestured to usher fiends past her into the lightning-free zone.

  • Dex save fails with 13!  Take 26 lightning damage, removing 5 Temp HP
    • Use Stone's Endurance as a reaction to reduce the damage by 10
  • Attack twice!  Target qiqion in E2 until it dies, in which case switch to C3
    1. Hit 18 AC for 12 cold damage.
      • Bonus action Shield Master shove!  29 Athletics vs. qiqion's Athletics or Acrobatics, or be knocked prone.  Gonna assume that succeeds ;P
    2. Hit 23 AC with advantage vs. prone for 12 cold damage
  • If E2 died, move to D3
  • Protection fighting style:  If any ranged/melee attack targets an ally within 5 feet, use reaction to give disadvantage on the attack.

15:10, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 10 using 1d12+3.  Stone's Endurance.
15:06, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 12 using 1d8+6.  Attack 2 damage.
15:06, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 23 using 2d20+9, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 14,14.  Attack 2 (advantage).
15:05, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 29 using 1d20+11.  Shield Master shove.
15:05, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 12 using 1d8+6.  Attack 1 damage.
15:04, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 18 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 9.  Attack 1.
14:58, Today: Opalia rolled 13 using 1d20+2.  Dex save.

Fergus Glowforge
player, 894 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 47/74 | AC: 19
Sat 21 May 2022
at 05:31
  • msg #200

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Taste the flames of Kann's forge!" Fergus exclaimed as the fires rained down on his opponent. "There's more where that came from."

With a twist of his hand and a prayer to the Great Mountain, Fergus unleashed another tempest of flames at the shadowy beast before him. Then he flicked his hand to bring his spectral hammer to action, missing wildly.

Action: Cast sacred flame on qiqion. DC 15 Dec save or 8 radiant damage.
Bonus action: Spiritual weapon vs. qiqion. Miss.
Move forward 15' if quiqion before him is dead. Otherwise will hold his ground.
00:14, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 10 using 1d20+7.  Spiritual.weapon vs. qiqion
00:15, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 8 using 2d8.  Sacred flame damage.

player, 548 posts
HP: 44/57| AC: 14
Sun 22 May 2022
at 14:30
  • msg #201

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Like Fergus, Sikuaq relied on fire to battle the qiqion though her inspiration was not nearly as holy as Kann's Forge.  Again she sent a sheet of flames at the beast, this time with more deliberate foce behind her actions and a snarl upon her lips.

"Burn you foul beast.  Burn!"

Cast Burning Hands again at qiqon (e2). DEX save (DC 16) for half damage.
10:25, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 9 using 3d6.  Damage. *sigh*

Dungeon Master
GM, 1925 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Sun 22 May 2022
at 14:50
  • msg #202

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia twice bashed the beast before her, knocking it over but not killing it.

Arvid finished off the one by him and started in on the next, with Cora hot on his heels.

The surprisingly nimble qiqion continued to evade Caell's sacred flame.

The flames spouting from Sikuaq's hands may not have been sacred, but they burned plenty hot enough to incinerate the beast blocking Fergus's way.

Fergus ran forward, his forgeborn flame searing with holy light the last remaining monster, whose hide his spiritual weapon could not pierce.

The qiqion thrashed and turned on the dwarf, its jaws gaping and ready to take a pound of flesh with its dying breath, but that last breath came sooner than expected. Valaku cut twice into it with his twin black blades, and Arvid's astral bear claw stopped the beast mid-leap.

No lightning burst from the air vent - not this time, anyway.

All the qiqion are down. The one had just 6 HP left, so even Sikuaq's mediocre damage roll sufficed to finish it off.

When you're ready to proceed, there's an open passage at the far side of this chamber, from which the banging/ringing sound seems to emanate, and the opening behind you through which you entered. The air vents are also barely wide enough to crawl through, though their tendency to emit lightning may make that an unappealing proposition. It will be possible to arrange yourselves in such a way that you aren't vulnerable to such blasts while you decide how to proceed.

player, 823 posts
HP : 75 / 86
AC : 18
Sun 22 May 2022
at 20:28
  • msg #203

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The last DARK-WOLF fell, and Opalia encouraged all of the little friends to move past the holes that shot lightning bolts.  Curiosity and post-shock chagrin got the best of her, however, so the giantess took a look into one of the holes to see what was back there.  The hole was big enough for littler friends to perhaps squeeze through, so Opalia stuck her head all the way in to get a good look around.  This was perhaps not the wisest method of investigation, considering the lightning bolts.

After relaying her findings to the little friends with perfect cogency, Opalia pointed Frostfall down the long cavern corridor and said, "Get ready to MOVE, little friends.  We must not waits too long!"

Perception to see what's in lightning hole B:
  • 13:16, Today: Opalia rolled 15 using 1d20+4.  Perception.

Dungeon Master
GM, 1926 posts
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Mon 23 May 2022
at 10:42
  • msg #204

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia alone was tall enough to peer into one of the air vents unassisted. An eye stared back at her, an eye that was at once humanoid and like the eye of a storm. Something large loomed back there, large not primarily in size but in spirit, for lack of a better word. It called to mind the cloud-creature that had appeared after the defeat of Stormbringer, but also certain half-remembered legends, and ancient drawings from the Cliffgate. This thing was strong in air-spirit, stronger than anything Opalia had experienced before. It was no doubt the source of the lightning that had twice shot through the vents. Its serpentine neck, comprised of pure air-spirit, uncoiled. What passed for its mouth opened. Opalia ducked just in time to evade another blast of lightning.
player, 435 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:46/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Tue 24 May 2022
at 13:06
  • msg #205

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell winced as the danger passed and he looked at his own burns, but he wasn't badly injured. He looked around at the others, most of them having taken a shock of lightning or suffered an attack from the monsters. "Caell's healing powers getting weak, but some left. Anyone need help with wound?"
player, 1257 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:14/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Tue 24 May 2022
at 13:18
  • msg #206

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"I . . . took a lot of lightning."

Cora was almost embarassed to have put herself in danger like that when the others were so much better at dispatching foes, but what was done was done.
Arvid Signeson
player, 963 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Wed 25 May 2022
at 00:21
  • msg #207

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"I'm unharmed," Arvid replied. "We should get out of here while there is a break in the storm!"
Fergus Glowforge
player, 896 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 47/74 | AC: 19
Wed 25 May 2022
at 05:13
  • msg #208

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Opalia be careful!" Fergus scolded the giantess as she ducked away from another blast of lightning. Fergus motioned for one and all to move ahead as Arvid suggested. "Let's get away from these blasted tubes, then I can ask the Great Mountain to help with healing as well."

OOC: Fergus will cast Cure Wounds (lvl 1) on himself. He still has multiple slots available for anyone else who needs it, too.
00:14, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 5 using 1d8+4.  Cure wounds, lvl 1... now that I've got that lousy roll out of the way, the rest of you  should be due for better curing!!!

This message was last edited by the player at 05:16, Wed 25 May 2022.
player, 549 posts
HP: 44/57| AC: 14
Wed 25 May 2022
at 15:41
  • msg #209

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

When talk turned to those injured, Sikuaq brushed aside any concern in favour of examining Valaku.  The guardian had taken a beating from the qiqion and possibly the lightning as well and surely would benefit from some divine providence.

Like Fergus, the anatka offered some low level healing to those in need once they had cleared the lightning holes.

Not sure who is worst, Cora or Valaku.  Between Caell, Fergus and Sikuaq we should split up what healing we can afford to spend now between the two based on their needs.

DM, can you help with how badly Valaku is hurt, please?

player, 824 posts
HP : 75 / 86
AC : 18
Thu 26 May 2022
at 01:53
  • msg #210

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia hurriedly yanked her head back out just in time to avoid the bolt of lightning that erupted forth with a thunderous crackling!  The giantess bore Fergus's rightful scolding with a comically sheepish expression.  She said, "Um, sorry FIREBEARD.  I wanted to see the dangers, but maybe not the most-good idea.  There is an alive-cloud VERY mighty of air spirit.  It is good that it stays in ZAPS-HOLE."

It seemed the air-spirit was not inclined to come out, but Opalia nonetheless kept a wary eye on the zaps-holes while wounded little friends were tended to.  She flexed her grip on Frostfall out of concern that some other dark servants might trap them in this dangersome place.  The giantess asked, "Little friends ready?"
Dungeon Master
GM, 1929 posts
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Fri 27 May 2022
at 16:24
  • msg #211

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The heat grew more intense and the ringing of hammers more ear-splitting as the party advanced into the next chamber, which was filled with giant-sized anvils and other metalworking gear set along a slow-flowing river of lava. A copper conduit extended out of the west wall, leading to a 15-foot-diameter copper ball that hung from the center of the ceiling. An enormous slab of smooth, flat obsidian in a gold frame dominated the south wall.

Three pale, white-haired giants were hard at work at the forges, chained to their equipment to prevent escape. The chains had enough slack for the giants to move around the chamber, but not to leave it. The giants were vaguely reminiscent of the yetis the party had encountered allied with Garduk's orcs, though they seemed more humanoid and less bestial in nature, they were larger, and they were not covered in white fur. Consumed by their work, they seemed not to have heard the fight with the qiqion over the din of the forge, nor did they notice the heroes now lurking outside their workshop.
player, 437 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:56/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Fri 27 May 2022
at 21:56
  • msg #212

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell had just superficial bruises after Valaku's healing. He thanked the fellow quinichiat with a whisper as they continued. Soon, the heat and the loudness was becoming a burden instead. Caell did not have a spell against the noise.

"Maybe captive giants not attack us? We go inside?"

He looked at the copper ball and the obsidian, trying to figure out what purpose they had?
player, 829 posts
HP : 75 / 86
AC : 18
Sat 28 May 2022
at 21:56
  • msg #213

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia carefully approached the entrance to the next chamber, illuminated by a ruddy glow that was familiar from the the molten stone they'd seen flowing in the caverns deep beneath Guthluthic.  The giantess peeked out and squinted against the heat, and gaped at the impressive forge-workings as well as the giants at work.  She watched the big figures hard at work despite the weight of chains binding them to their stations.  Opalia spoke loud enough to be heard by nearby little friends, "This is a good size of forge, but I think BIG-FORGERS do not like here.  Happy workers need no chains."

The giantess looked to the others and opined, "OPALIA does think little CAELL is right.  BIG-FORGERS can be BIG FRIENDS!"
Fergus Glowforge
player, 900 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 67/74 | AC: 19
Sun 29 May 2022
at 05:41
  • msg #214

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus gathered his strength with the help of Valaku. While the Quinichiat's healing felt strange compared to the more familiar forge-born cures he recognized, the burned skin and overall aches coursing through his body subsided greatly. He nodded to the guardian. "Many thanks Valaku. May Kann's forge heal your wounds, as well."

As they neared the forge, Fergus felt an odd sense of home. That feeling subsided once he spotted the giants working inside the huge chamber. He stood dumbfounded by the immensity of the entire operation, not sure if he was observing friend or foe.

00:23, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 14 using 2d8+4.  Cure wounds on Valaku(!eve! 2).
player, 552 posts
HP: 52/57| AC: 14
Sun 29 May 2022
at 23:23
  • msg #215

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The healing offered by Valaku eased most of the burns left by the lightning and the anatka looked much better for it.  After a soft touch upon her protector's arm, Sikuaq joined the rest in moving forward to ward the clanging din ahead.  And when she took in sights of the forge room, her mouth dropped open of its own accord.

The fantastic smiths were a sight to behold on their own, but Sikuaq was more intrigued by the copper conduit, ball and the framed sheet of obsidian.  She turned and asked Opalia, "Does that look anything like the gate the Skykeepers protect, Opalia?" The anatka wondered whether this might be a portal to somewhere, perhaps activated by energy directed from the copper workings.  Maybe like the lightning we saw at the entrance, she mused silently.

At the talk of potentially freeing the giant smiths, Sikuaq reached up to the amulet hanging about her neck and fingered the yellow tooth.  "Perhaps I could try speaking to them, if that is what want to do.  Or we could try to slip past?"

Having said that, Sikuaq hadn't immediately noticed any exits and looked for them then, should any be apparent.
Arvid Signeson
player, 964 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Mon 30 May 2022
at 14:22
  • msg #216

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Careful," Arvid cautioned. "Just because they are captive does not mean they will be sympathetic towards us. We should try speaking with them, but be on your guard."
player, 1260 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:47/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Mon 30 May 2022
at 15:18
  • msg #217

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"If we slip past them we're as likely to fight them approaching behind. Might as well get it over with, perhaps they will surprise us."

Cora smiled in Sikuaq's direction, trying to be encouraging
player, 831 posts
HP : 75 / 86
AC : 18
Tue 31 May 2022
at 00:20
  • msg #218

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Does that look anything like the gate the Skykeepers protect, Opalia?"

Opalia frowned in ponderous thought while staring at the huge slab of obsidian framed in gold, then shook her head.  "This is not much alike, ANATKA.  CLIFFGATE has the BLACK-GLASS in its making on outsides of, but none of neat metal-works.  SKYKEEPERS do not have much working of metals, like DWARFS and MANS do."  She looked at the framed obsidian a little longer and observed, "This one seems a very NOT-GOOD door, since is blocked by much-strong BLACK-GLASS!  Maybe is just BIG-FORGER's favorite block to look at?"

Opalia gave big nods at suggestions to speak with the BIG-FORGERS, as they were impressively large and good at working.  Admittedly, their last encounter with a hairy cold-giant had not been a friendly meeting, but maybe these giants were nicer!  The giantess agreed with Sikuaq and opined, "We must do speak to BIG-FORGERS, because they will be not-happy with BAD-BOSS who chains them.  We do not like that BAD-BOSS either, so maybe we be friends!"

The giantess stood up tall and grinned to Sikuaq, then said, "Ready ANATKA?  We go!"  Opalia strode off with confidence with the intent to address the busy giants!  She looked for a good place to get their attention while keeping outside their chained reach, just in case they decided to be not-nice.  Opalia assumed Sikuaq was following, though she didn't actually check.
This message was last edited by the player at 03:35, Tue 31 May 2022.
Fergus Glowforge
player, 902 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 67/74 | AC: 19
Tue 31 May 2022
at 03:23
  • msg #219

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus studied the structure silently for a long time before reaching a conclusion. "This must be it. Their doorway. Whatever that was back there shooting lightning at us will probably be used to energize this..." He motioned to the copper ball and obsidian slab. "This whatever it is.

"There must be some way to destroy it,"
he thought out loud. "Obsidian can be fractured, but that slab is enormous. Even those giants would be hard pressed to break it (and how by Kann's golden beard could we convince them to do so?)." He grumbled to himself before continuing. "The conduit is the weakest point, but it's inaccessible." He rubbed his beard in thought as he traced back and forth over the structure again and again.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1934 posts
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Tue 31 May 2022
at 11:40
  • msg #220

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The copper ball is hanging from the ceiling in the center of the room, not shown on the map. The obsidian plate is on the rear (south) wall, also not shown. The gaps at the north and south sides of the west wall are the doors. The letters are air vents, like the ones in the previous chamber.

player, 554 posts
HP: 52/57| AC: 14
Tue 31 May 2022
at 15:13
  • msg #221

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq wasn't sure at all that she was ready to go speak to the giant smiths, but Opalia was already stalking away so she followed with hurried steps to try and keep up.  It didn't make for the most dignified approach, but the giants hadn't noticed them yet anyway and in the end they probably wouldn't be much impressed with such a short Quinichiat regardless.

When they reached a distance close enough to be heard but far enough to feel relatively safe from any immediate aggression from the smiths, Sikuaq halted Opalia with a touch on the goliath's leg and then called out to the chained workers.

"Hail, good forgers of the Mountain!" she began, one hand clasped around the yellow tooth of her amulet.  She hoped these were similar enough creatures to understand her words.  "I am Sikuaq.  How have you come to be chained to your work so cruelly?"

That was enough for starters, she figured.  Longer speeches could wait until after gauging their reaction to this intrusion.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1935 posts
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Tue 31 May 2022
at 21:56
  • msg #222

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq had to shout several times to be heard over the hammers. Though Opalia was already with her, Valaku insisted on staying close as well. When at last the yeti/giant creatures at the forges heard her, they stopped at their work, looking annoyed. One of them said something in response to the question.

The three of them looked at each other, then at the obsidian slab on the wall, then back at each other. Sighing, they hefted their hammers and advanced on the party, much as a miller might on a rat who'd snuck into his warehouse.

Please roll initiative. Anyone who beats 14 can act now.
player, 833 posts
HP : 75 / 86
AC : 18
Tue 31 May 2022
at 22:35
  • msg #223

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia sauntered toward the chained giants with a (perhaps misplaced) confidence that this meeting would go well!  Sikuaq offered a very nice greeting, but it seemed to be received ill.  Seeing them begin to move to attack, she stepped a pace ahead of the anatka and boomed in the tongue of giants, "<STOP!  We do not come to fight you, big FRIENDS!  If you wish to be free, we help against your captors!>"  The small-giantess thudded a fist against her breast in comradely salute and stood to face the bigger giants, with her weapon still in the baldric across her back.

  • Persuasion in hopes to prevent initiative, using inspiration for a result of 14!
  • If that doesn't work, then Initiative is 13
  • Protection fighting style:  If any ranged/melee attack targets an ally within 5 feet, use reaction to give disadvantage on the attack.

15:30, Today: Opalia rolled 14 using 2d20+3, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 11,3.  Persuasion (advantage inspiration).
15:31, Today: Opalia rolled 13 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.

Dungeon Master
GM, 1936 posts
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Wed 1 Jun 2022
at 00:55
  • msg #224

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The creatures did appear to understand at least some of what Opalia said, but they were not deterred by it. Their chains clanked as they moved to attack.
Arvid Signeson
player, 965 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Wed 1 Jun 2022
at 18:54
  • msg #225

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sorry guys, been hammered at work! I've been trying to get to this.

14:53, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 17 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.

Arvid shook his head at Opalia's protests. "You can't reason with them, Opalia," he said. "See how they look back towards the obsidian panel? They fear something more than they fear us. Perhaps if we were to break it, they could be persuaded."

Wanted to get the dialogue up so people could act on the information. I'll ponder Arvid's action.
player, 439 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:56/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Wed 1 Jun 2022
at 20:49
  • msg #226

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Initiative 11
player, 555 posts
HP: 52/57| AC: 14
Wed 1 Jun 2022
at 23:23
  • msg #227

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq saw the glances exchanged between the giant forgers and the obsidian slab, as well as between each other, and immediately felt a gnawing knot form in the pit of her stomach.  "I've got a bad feeling about this," she said to no one in particular as the lumbering giants began advancing toward them.

The anatka immediately launched into a spell, hoping to stall their advance toward the group of interlopers.  Maybe it would buy them some time to find a better way to deal with the smiths, like Arvid suggested.

19:12, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 16 using 1d20+2.  Initiative.

Cast Spike Growth (20'R circle) between the party and the giant forgers.  If possible, block their path to the group entirely unless they walk through the affected area (and thus take damage with every 5 ft of travel).  Hopefully that will either stop or slow them down, at least.

Fergus Glowforge
player, 903 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 67/74 | AC: 19
Thu 2 Jun 2022
at 02:50
  • msg #228

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Arvid's right," Fergus agreed. "They don't want to fight us, but they feel they've no choice."

Following up on Opalia's pleading, the dwarf gripped the metal talisman at his side, asking for the help of the Great Mountain in swaying the fears of the giants. "We're not here to fight you, mighty forgers! Tell us who binds you like this in chains."

21:08, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 16 using 1d20-1.  Initiative.

Action: Cast Calm Emotions on the bald yeti men (as many as can fit in a 20' radius sphere), hoping to ease their fears.
You can suppress any effect causing a target to be charmed or frightened. When this spell ends, any suppressed effect resumes, provided that its duration has not expired in the meantime.

Dungeon Master
GM, 1937 posts
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Thu 2 Jun 2022
at 11:53
  • msg #229

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Nothing grew in the Shadowrealm. Nothing ever had grown there, it was a dead place, hostile to life. So it was only with great difficulty that Sikuaq coaxed thorny vines to burst forth from the floor of the mountain forge. She sweated from the effort, Valaku steadying her so she would not collapse. In the end, it was only thanks to the other Quinichiat druids nearby, whose essences she could feel bolstering her own through the veil of hopelessness that enveloped the Shadowrealm.

The pale giants, who appeared to be living creatures themselves, staggered back at the sight of the verdant growth. Fear drove them forward again, however, until Fergus's magic calmed them. They reached the edge of the growth and, though they were large and sturdy creatures who would not have been badly injured by the thorns, they made a show of fumbling and writhing about as if they badly wanted to attack the intruders but the thicket were impenetrable.

Unfortunately, they were not good actors, and whoever watched over them was not convinced. An angry roar like the crack of thunder shook the mountain, and then, faster than the eye could follow, lightning crackled along the conduit running through the west wall and up into the copper ball suspended from the ceiling. From there, the lightning exploded through the room, striking all within, sparing not even the enslaved giants.

Everyone please make a DC 16 Dex save. You take 23 lightning damage on a fail or 11 on a success.

I rolled initiative for Cora and she got a 4.

The giants, for this round at least, chose to pretend they could not get through the spike growth to attack you. Unfortunately, their deception rolls were terrible: 1, 3, and 3.

Everyone has an action now.

I've added the copper ball in the center of the room (it's hanging from the ceiling, roughly 40' above the ground) and the obsidian slab along the back wall, along with the area of Sikuaq's spike growth. The spike growth could technically be larger but if it were much larger it would interfere with the party's own movement, so I thought this might be about what she would want.

Note that there is a door in the west wall accessible to you without crossing over the spike growth.

player, 1261 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:23/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Thu 2 Jun 2022
at 18:03
  • msg #230

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

As the lightning crackled through Cora, she raised a hand with some difficulty and let loose two dark red blasts from her hand, the rage of Gruumsh rising again. They flew, striking the conduit  . . . hopefully

OOC: attack rolls of 22 and 15, 9 damage each
This message was last edited by the player at 18:12, Thu 02 June 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1938 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Thu 2 Jun 2022
at 19:53
  • msg #231

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

As the lightning crackled through Cora, she raised a hand with some difficulty and let loose two dark red blasts from her hand, the rage of Gruumsh rising again. They flew, striking the conduit  . . . hopefully

OOC: attack rolls of 22 and 15, 9 damage each

The first of Cora's blasts struck the conduit, visibly cracking it. The second, however, did not appear to harm it.

Just resolving this one now as it may be relevant info for others to have.
player, 440 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:33/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Fri 3 Jun 2022
at 10:16
  • msg #232

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell was eying the door, wondering if they should take that route when the lightening caught him! The electricity made his heart skip a beat or two and left dark splotches on his pale skin.

He stifled a cry of pain and followed Cora's lead, attempting to destroy the thing. His spell shot wide, however, missing entirely.
player, 835 posts
HP : 68 / 86
AC : 18
Sat 4 Jun 2022
at 02:11
  • msg #233

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Seeing that the BIG-FORGERS declined to advance across the hostile vegetation that had sprouted in the space between, Opalia joined the others in setting sights upon the huge copper sphere that had zapped them all.  Opalia lifted a hefty throwing spear off her back, set her feet wide and then hurtled it toward the sphere with tremendous force.  The spear struck dead-center with an impact that reverberated through the chamber and threatened to knock the copper globe entirely free of its moorings!

  • Dex save fails with 7, take the full 23 lightning damage
  • Bonus action Second Wind heals 16 HP
  • Move as needed to get to 30 foot range of the copper sphere
  • ATTACK, throwing javelins at the copper sphere!
    1. Crit for a total of 25 damage including the Pushing Attack maneuver!
      • Normally this maneuver would impose a DC 16 Strength save against being pushed 15 feet, but since the target isn't a creature the effect doesn't technically apply.  DM discretion whether it has any additional effect to knock the sphere off the ceiling :)
    2. Miss 13 AC
  • Protection fighting style:  If any ranged/melee attack targets an ally within 5 feet, use reaction to give disadvantage on the attack.

18:58, Today: Opalia rolled 10 using 2d8.  Pushing Attack crit damage!
16:43, Today: Opalia rolled 15 using 2d6+5 with rolls of 6,4.  Javelin crit damage.
16:40, Today: Opalia rolled 28,13 using d20+8,d20+8 with rolls of 20,5.  Javelin attacks 1 & 2.
16:28, Today: Opalia rolled 16 using 1d10+8.  Second Wind.
16:27, Today: Opalia rolled 7 using 1d20+2.  Dex save.

player, 558 posts
HP: 41/57| AC: 14
Sun 5 Jun 2022
at 12:10
  • msg #234

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

A wry, detached part of Sikuaq observed that she was getting better at dodging spears of lightning cast her way, but that didn't stop her from suffering the jolting pain of even a glancing touch.  After seeing the destructive power the copper sphere and conduit could unleash she understood her companions focusing on destroying or disabling it, but lacked an obviously effective way to aid in their efforts.  Tearing her gaze away from the doorway to their right, escape through which had been her first inclination, Sikuaq instead tried to further slow down at least one of the giant smiths.

With a quick gesture she sent a trail of frosty crystals streaming toward the nearest giant, in the hopes its familiarity with the heat of the forge would make it susceptible to the touch of winter in the Qopol Qalak.

Same for half-damage against lightning attack.  11 damage taken.
07:52, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 16 using 1d20+2.  DEX Save (DC16).

Cast Frostbite on closest giant forger.  Take 9 dmg and disadvantage on weapon attack next turn.  CON save (DC16) negates effects.
08:07, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 9 using 2d6.  Damage.

Dungeon Master
GM, 1942 posts
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Sun 5 Jun 2022
at 12:54
  • msg #235

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia's javelin barely dented the copper ball, though the throw would have won top prize at any of the contests that were so popular in her mountaintop home. She did set the ball swinging, however, which further taxed the already-cracked conduit.

The giant seemed hardly to notice Sikuaq's spell. In fact, she got the impression the creature was quite accustomed to the cold, such that it found the forge oppressively hot.

Resolving two more actions now, as both may provide useful information for Arvid and Fergus.
Arvid Signeson
player, 967 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Sun 5 Jun 2022
at 20:03
  • msg #236

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid's hopes fell as Opalia's javelin did little more than set the great copper ball swinging like a pendulum over their heads. Judging the conduit to be the weakest point in the contraption but unable to reach it directly, Arvid set two iron darts spinning through the air.

Failed Dexterity save. Unfortunately Arvid is not well equipped for this encounter. He doesn't have many ranged options. Targeting the conduit.

1) Attack hits AC 20 for 4 damage
2) Hits AC 9, I presume a miss

15:58, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 4 using 1d4+2.  Damage.
15:57, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 9 using 1d20+5.  Attack.
15:57, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 20 using 1d20+5.  Attack.
15:56, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 9 using 1d20+6.  Dex save.

Fergus Glowforge
player, 904 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 44/74 | AC: 19
Mon 6 Jun 2022
at 03:07
  • msg #237

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Gaargh!" Fergus groaned as the lightning shot from the orb directly into his torso. He fell to a knee and tried in vain to swallow away the metallic taste in his mouth. With vision still blurred from the shock to his system, the dwarf pointed toward the weakening conduit. "Kann please stand by me now." He sent forth a beam of forge light from his outstretched finger, hoping its radiant energy would be enough to break the conduit completely.

Action: Cast guiding bolt at the conduit.
21:51, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 5 using 1d20-1.  Dex save.

21:53, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 15 using 1d20+7.  Guiding bolt at conduit.
21:53, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 14 using 4d6.  Damage.

Dungeon Master
GM, 1943 posts
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Mon 6 Jun 2022
at 13:46
  • msg #238

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid's dart and Fergus's Guiding Bolt smashed the conduit, severing the connection between the copper ball and whatever had channeled the lightning into it.

The giants appeared relieved by that but continued to glance nervously at the obsidian plate. Having learned their lesson about acting, they attacked with vigor this time, their massive bodies ripping through the tangle of thorns Sikuaq summoned to hold them off. Reluctantly, they swing their hammers at the nearest targets.

14 (disadvantage thanks to Opalia Protection) misses Cora
25 hits Opalia for 36
29 hits Opalia crit for 40

Valaku still has an action, so if this drops Opi, he can CLW to get her back on her feet. No actions from anyone just yet - pausing here to confirm this drops her and make sure no one has any other reactions to use.

The attack on Cora was a miss anyway, so it doesn't trigger Opi's Armor of Agathys effect.

player, 836 posts
HP : 68 / 86
AC : 18
Mon 6 Jun 2022
at 14:22
  • msg #239

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia leaped forth to batter a pale giant's hammer away from Cora and interpose herself between little friends and danger.  The other two turned on her and smashed her into the flagstones with two ringing blows, causing Opalia to collapse heavily with a snarl of pain.

Stone's Endurance reduces damage for the second hit by 6... which is 3 less than Opi needed to stay up.  Ouch!

07:16, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 6 using 1d12+3.  Stone's Endurance.

player, 1262 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:23/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Mon 6 Jun 2022
at 14:26
  • msg #240

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora flinched as Opalia blocked the hit, moving to swing her sword into one of the yetis to drive it off

"Thanks Opalia!"

OOC: Ready action to attack if yetis drop anyone, attack rolls 25 and 20, 8 and 14 damage respectively
This message was last edited by the player at 16:59, Thu 09 June 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1944 posts
What will you do to make
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Mon 6 Jun 2022
at 15:02
  • msg #241

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The half-hearted swings of the giants nevertheless sufficed to fell mighty Opalia, who collapsed with a crash to the stone floor. Valaku was on her in a second, using his Quinichiat magic to get her back on her feet.

Restore 5HP to Opalia.

Forgot to mention it in my last post but those attacks *did* also reflect disadvantage from Sikuaq's spell.

Everyone has an action now. With the conduit severed, the copper ball is a non-issue, so I've removed it from the map - Cora, you're welcome to redirect those attacks elsewhere.

I'm not saying this in a "hint, hint" sort of way - it's entirely possible worse horrors await you beyond - but there is a door in the west wall on the party's side of the spike growth. Just flagging that because it's hard to see on the map.

Arvid Signeson
player, 968 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Mon 6 Jun 2022
at 18:51
  • msg #242

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Opalia!" Arvid moved to break his friend's fall, but Valaku was upon her even sooner. He nodded his thanks as his dear friend's eyes fluttered open once more. Arvid stepped into the gap beside Opalia and readied himself. "They still fear their masters. And I doubt we can free them by force, else they would have freed themselves!"

"Either we stand and fight, or flee beyond the length of their chains."

player, 441 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:33/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Mon 6 Jun 2022
at 19:05
  • msg #243

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"In here?" Caell suggested, leading the way into the nearby door. Instead of attacking the creatures, he focused on observing what was on the other side of the western passsage.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1946 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Tue 7 Jun 2022
at 11:15
  • msg #244

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

One of the giants grunted and, still wary of being watched, subtly shook her head as Caell approached the door. She seemed to be warning him against opening it.

The Quinichiat did not immediately open the door but his ear to it and heard muffled sounds beyond, in the same strange language spoken by the enslaved forge creatures. He could not understand their words, but he got the distinct impression that whoever was on the other side of that door had heard the commotion in the forge and were readying themselves for trouble.

Caell: Opening the door would only be an object interaction, so you can still open it this round if you wish.
player, 559 posts
HP: 41/57| AC: 14
Tue 7 Jun 2022
at 15:39
  • msg #245

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq seemed to grasp the giants' plight from the various clues and felt sure she knew the best path forward.  Only, she didn't have the right tools to accomplish her plan.

"We need to obscure or destroy that obsidian mirror!" she called to her companions.  If the giants were freed of that oversight she felt certain they would halt their attack, and perhaps even offer advice or outright help.  But none of her spells were well-suited to that task.  The anatka looked around at Fergus and Caell and Arvid, hoping they might have some better answer available to them.

In the meantime, she stepped close to Opalia and offered her own healing, courtesy of the Maiden of Spring.

Cast Cure Wounds on Opalia.  Heals 6 HP.
11:38, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 6 using 1d8+5.  Cure Wounds. Aww, c'mon!

Arvid Signeson
player, 969 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Tue 7 Jun 2022
at 16:12
  • msg #246

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Then release your hold on the spike growth!" Arvid replied. "I'll get there!"
player, 443 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:33/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Tue 7 Jun 2022
at 16:42
  • msg #247

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"More in here, I think." Caell warned the others that he could hear them. "Maybe, ready for us."

He didn't open the door.
player, 560 posts
HP: 41/57| AC: 14
Wed 8 Jun 2022
at 18:47
  • msg #248

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq met Arvid's eyes for the briefest of moments and then nodded.  The spiky terrain she had called forth in the forge faded into nothingness, leaving only the normal stone floor that had previously existed.

Drop concentration on Spike Growth to allow Arvid a path to the obsidian mirror.  Hope this was a good idea!

Arvid Signeson
player, 970 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Wed 8 Jun 2022
at 20:10
  • msg #249

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid nodded as Sikuaq released her hold. Turning to face the giants he willed a path between them and prayed that they understood he was not a threat - that indeed he was trying to release them. Racing between their lumbering limbs he crossed the smithy with the fleetness of a deer and smashed into the obsidian panel with his spectral limbs.

Spending 1 ki for Step of the Wind.

Step of the Wind - You can spend 1 ki point to take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus action on your turn, and your jump distance is doubled for the turn.

Move/Dash 90' to get to the far wall. Hoping the giants elect not to use their reactions.

Action: Attack Panel
1) Critical hit for 11 force damage
2) Attack hits AC 14 for 6 force damage

16:08, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 6 using 1d6+5.  Damage.
16:08, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 11 using 2d6+5.  Damage.
16:07, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 14 using 1d20+8.  Attack.
16:07, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 28 using 1d20+8.  Attack.

Dungeon Master
GM, 1947 posts
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Wed 8 Jun 2022
at 23:16
  • msg #250

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The giants did not attempt to stop Arvid as he streaked past them to strike the panel - which, he now saw, was a mirror - at the back at the of the room. His first blow left a spiderweb of cracks on its glassy surface, and though the second did not seem so effective, the giants nevertheless watched with great interest and some relief.
player, 838 posts
HP : 11 / 86
AC : 18
Thu 9 Jun 2022
at 00:19
  • msg #251

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia barely had time to collapse before Valaku and Sikuaq were there to revive her with life-giving magics.  The giantess quickly regained her feet and gave a firm nod of gratitude toward the Quinichiat, feeling more than a little chagrined for having fallen in battle.

Blood streaked down one side of Opalia's face and her beast-scale armor looked partly damaged from the tremendous impact, but she nonetheless retook a defensive position between little friends and the big-giants.

  • Spend 5 feet of movement to stand up (Athlete feat)
  • Move if needed to be in front and within 5 feet of as many allies as possible
  • Dodge : Any attack roll made against me has disadvantage if I can see the attacker, and I make Dexterity saving throws with advantage
  • Protection fighting style:  If any ranged/melee attack targets an ally within 5 feet, use reaction to give disadvantage on the attack.

Fergus Glowforge
player, 907 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 44/74 | AC: 19
Thu 9 Jun 2022
at 05:40
  • msg #252

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus watched in amazement as Arvid sprinted across the chamber toward the obsidian mirror. To his surprise, one of the Northman's blows drew a crack in the gigantic surface. "Well done Arvid. Let Fergus help!"

He raced after Arvid through the legs of the giants, but realized his own short legs and tired knees were no match for Arvid's. Instead, he waved a hand and conjured a spectral hammer. He commanded it toward the mirror, but it struck only weakly.

Action: Dash 50' to A11.
Bonus Action: Cast spiritual weapon at mirror.
00:27, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 5 using 1d20+3.  Concentration save to maintain calm emotions.
00:27, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 13 using 1d20+7.  Spiritual hammer vs. mirror.

Dungeon Master
GM, 1950 posts
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Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 11:02
  • msg #253

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Valaku was plainly uncomfortable with the party's decision not to unleash their full power upon the monsters attacking them. They had not yet directly attacked his anatka, however, and so he deferred to her trusting approach. Seeing the effectiveness of Arvid and Fergus's attacks on the obsidian mirror, he fired two arrows, themselves tipped with obsidian, at the already-cracked surface. The first bounced harmlessly off, but the second struck the center of the split screen, shattering it into tiny black shards that rained down upon the stone floor.

The giants looked impressed and relieved by this. After a few more glances over their bulky shoulders, they turned their hammers on the chains that bound them to their workstations, and with a few well-placed blows were free.

Assuming Sikuaq is willing to translate, you can all speak to the giant/yeti hybrid things now as though you share a common language. They do not seem inclined to continue attacking you.
player, 1266 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:23/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Fri 10 Jun 2022
at 15:56
  • msg #254

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Alright, good stuff . . . phew"

Cora paused for a moment to lean on her sword, feeling the weight of all this fighting and the lightning that had coursed through her.
Fergus Glowforge
player, 909 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 44/74 | AC: 19
Sat 11 Jun 2022
at 05:49
  • msg #255

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus gave Valaku's marksmanshihp a satisfied nod after the mirror shattered. Still, he was curious about what had led the giants to such strange behavior. "You break your chains with ease now. What in the world was behind that mirror that made you so reluctant to do it before?"
player, 839 posts
HP : 11 / 86
AC : 18
Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 05:17
  • msg #256

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Even after the BIG-FORGERS seemed to end their hostility when the black mirror broke, Opalia remained on vigilant guard between them and her little friends, battered and bloody though she was.  Once they'd broken their chains she said to them in the rumbling tongue of giants, "<We are friendish now, YES?  CAPTORS watched from this BLACK-GLASS, but now can not?>"  She then stretched a shoulder that had taken a smashing blow and added, "<You did squish with very strong mightiness.  It was GOOD-fighting.>"
Dungeon Master
GM, 1951 posts
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Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 11:55
  • msg #257

Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The creature who had attacked Cora extended a fist toward her, seeming at first as if it were going to punch her. The fist advanced slowly, however, and stopped well short of her face, lingering there, waiting to be bumped by Cora's own fist in a sign that tensions between the two were buried.

Fergus Glowforge:
Fergus gave Valaku's marksmanshihp a satisfied nod after the mirror shattered. Still, he was curious about what had led the giants to such strange behavior. "You break your chains with ease now. What in the world was behind that mirror that made you so reluctant to do it before?"

The creature answered in a few hushed words, but even without translation, no one missed the name "Kinak".

Thanks to his small stature, Fergus could only just glimpse the tops of the anvils on which the giants worked. Even so, he recognized what they were crafting, for he had made such a thing himself once. These were cruder, hastily made and not yet enchanted, but like the sword Cora now carried, they were tools for carving a rift between the Shadowrealm and the Mortal Realm.

The giant nodded toward the western wall. "Our brethren there imbue them with magic. Us, Kinak enslaved. They serve him loyally. They will not show you the mercy we have. Thank you for freeing us."
player, 561 posts
HP: 41/57| AC: 14
Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 13:43
  • msg #258

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq translated all the words between the groups as necessary and was alarmed at the revelation of what the giants were smithing.  She looked with concern toward the door on the western wall, the one that held willing accomplices of Kinak, and scowled.

"Can you dump those blades into the lava to undo your work?" she asked, seeking a way to at least delay that aspect of Kinak's plans.  She trusted the giants wouldn't be overly invested in the fruits of their forced labour, such that they would object to its destruction.

"And if that way," she indicated the door leading to their magically gifted brethren, "is not wise, do you know of other ways into the heart of the mountain?"   
Arvid Signeson
player, 971 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 14:17
  • msg #259

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid had turned away from the shattered remains of the obsidian mirror and made his way to Opalia's side where he stood worriedly next to her. "Are you alright?" he asked.

He listened as Sikuaq translated the giants' speech, and frowned at the revelation that their kin in the next chamber could not similarly be dissuaded from fighting them.

"How many of them are there? Is there a way around?"
Dungeon Master
GM, 1952 posts
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Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 14:48
  • msg #260

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The giants looked back to the mirror again to confirm it was broken. Then looked at their broken chains. "We owe you that," one of them agreed. Muscles of their massive arms bulging, they lifted slabs of half-forged iron and tossed them into the lava, where they floated orange a moment before melting away.

"We will not risk lingering here longer. If you be so foolish, there is no other way in. Expect three of them. Magic users," the creature warned Arvid.

One of the other giants grunted and pointed to the ventilation shafts. The third made a face, prompting the party to think of the lightning bolts that had passed through those vents in the previous chamber. They had sustained no such attack in the forge, however. The only lightning had come from the copper ball, whose conduit had been severed.

Shrugging, the giants indicated their interest in passing through the party and out the way their saviors had entered.
player, 1267 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:23/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Mon 13 Jun 2022
at 20:35
  • msg #261

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora raised her own fist, the gauntlet of leather and metal bumping the giantkin's own fist as she gave a toothy smile

"Bosnauk. Fighting is stopped."

She watched as they destroyed the swords, grim that the fight ahead might be dire
player, 444 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:33/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Tue 14 Jun 2022
at 11:14
  • msg #262

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

It seemed the western door was their only option. Caell readied himself for another fight. They had not faced that many magic users before, so he was apprehensive about what would come their way. He could only imagine fighting someone wielding the same powers as themselves. He wouldn't like getting some of his own spells back in his face.

Standing next to it, he motioned to open the door, but held off until the others gave him the go.
Arvid Signeson
player, 973 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Tue 14 Jun 2022
at 21:48
  • msg #263

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"I suppose there's nothing for it but to press onward," Arvid said. "If both doors lead into the next chamber, perhaps we enter through both at once. They are expecting us. Lets not give them the benefit of bunching up where they can hit us all at once."
player, 563 posts
HP: 41/57| AC: 14
Wed 15 Jun 2022
at 17:20
  • msg #264

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq bid the giant forgers farewell and then turned her attention to the group, who still had a long way to go and were already flagging.  She joined with the others in offering Opalia what healing she could, for without the goliath in strong shape their drive to the heart of the mountain would surely come up short.  Once that was done, the problem behind the two western doors came to the forefront.

"Arvid's suggestion is wise.  Let us split into two groups and burst in on them together," she said, gripping her staff tightly.  "Unless someone has a more devious idea?"
player, 1270 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:23/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Wed 15 Jun 2022
at 19:05
  • msg #265

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"I like that idea, I'm happy to be of service."

Cora looked at those gathered

"My sword is likely no better use than a normal magic blade against these yetis, but if there's shadows afoot then I might be able to banish them"
Fergus Glowforge
player, 911 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 44/74 | AC: 19
Thu 16 Jun 2022
at 04:06
  • msg #266

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus winced at the sight of the half-made weapons melting into oblivion. Even though they were ultimately intended for evil, it hurt to see a smith's labors vanish in such a way. He nodded to each of the giants upon their departure. They would have made formidable allies, but this wasn't their fight. At least they wouldn't have to fight against them.

"My sword is likely no better use than a normal magic blade against these yetis, but if there's shadows afoot then I might be able to banish them"

"I, too, with the help of the Great Mountain, may be able to banish one of them. I've never tried before, but I sense Kann's presence so near this giant forge. He will guide me."

OOC: Fergus has prepared Banishment. He has two 4th level slots and it's probably time to quit hoarding them.
player, 841 posts
HP : 31 / 86
AC : 18
Thu 16 Jun 2022
at 23:33
  • msg #267

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia bade the BIG-FORGERS farewell with a respectful goliath salute, bowing her head and thudding a fist against her breast.  She put on a brave face and stood strong, but was still clearly battered and bloody from the pair of giant-sized smashes she'd borne, either of which could have flattened an auroch.  She fished a vial of viscous purply-red liquid from her belt pouch, popped the cork and gulped it down.  She raised her brows appreciatively, because it made those hurts feel a bit better!  The giantess shook the empty vial toward and asked the others sheepishly, "Little friends, do we have more of this GOOD-DRINK?"

After chugging down another two potions Opalia didn't feel at her most-best, but definitely better.  Once all were ready she took position by the northern door and made ready to breach and squish!

Chugged down 3 Potions of Healing for total healing of 20 HP:
  • 14:39, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 5 using 2d4+2.  Potion 3.
  • 14:38, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 5 using 2d4+2.  Potion 2.
  • 14:38, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 10 using 2d4+2.  Potion 1.

Fergus Glowforge
player, 914 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 44/74 | AC: 19
Sun 19 Jun 2022
at 02:31
  • msg #268

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus watched hopefully as Opalia guzzled their store of healing potions. When the last had been downed, she looked better, but still nowhere near her usual, formidable self. The dwarf wondered if it would be enough. Probably not.

"Opalia, I have no potion, but the Great Mountain can also be a source of healing. Allow me to bestow you with Kann's blessing."

He clasped his hands around Opalia's wrist and murmured softly. The warmth of the Great Forge radiated from his hands up the Goliath's arm, healing at least some of the damage she had suffered in the latest melee.

Will cast Cure Wounds (lvl 1, 1d8+4 hp) twice on Opalia with her permission.
01:06, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 7 using 1d8+4.  Cure wounds, lvl 1.
01:07, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 11 using 1d8+4.  Cure wounds, lvl 1.

This message was last edited by the player at 06:15, Sun 19 June 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 1958 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Thu 23 Jun 2022
at 13:15
  • msg #269

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

A half dozen beds sized for giants were set up in the southwest corner of this room, while a number of 9-foot-tall wooden worktables stood to the north. A statue of an obsidian dragon dominated the center of the room, sapphires sparkling a cold blue in the sockets of its eyes.

As Caell had determined, the giants were ready for the party (at the north door, anyway). Two of the burly creatures barred the way further into the room, while a cloaked, female giant standing near the statue blasted them all with a cyclone of freezing wind. Her fellow giants seemed unfazed by it, but Valaku grunted as he was thrown back against the wall of the chamber, shivering violently despite a life of exposure to harsh winter storms.

Despite the other giants' warning, this woman appeared to be the only magic user of the bunch: the others fought with great hammers, as their companions had.

Fergus, Caell, and Cora get actions now. The giants do not yet realize you are there, so you can make any attack rolls with advantage.

Arvid, Opalia, Sikuaq: You take 36 cold damage, which can be halved to 18 with a successful DC 15 Con save.
Those of you with the Arctic Affinity feature (which is Sikuaq, and maybe Arvid?) get advantage on this save.
One giant attacks Arvid, hitting AC 21 for 21 damage (I applied Opi's reaction: 21 was the roll with disadvantage).
One attacks Opalia, hitting AC 19 for 19 damage (the attacker is not within 5' of Arvid, so I think Sentinel does not apply?)

As before, the letters at the top of the map represent air vents like the ones through which lightning passed in the first chamber (but not the second). There's also a door at the north side of the room, maybe difficult to see on the map.

Arvid Signeson
player, 976 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Thu 23 Jun 2022
at 14:27
  • msg #270

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid seemed to weather the icy gale better than Valaku but nothing could prepare him for the hammer blow of the furred giant. Staggered, and barely keeping to his feet he nonetheless pushed around his attacker to where he could stand side by side with Opalia and let lose with a flurry of claws.

Arvid saves and takes half cold damage again due to his yeti-hide cap. He's at 23 hp after that beating though.
Sentinel strike did not activate. I've rolled it for this round if it gets provoked.

Moving to H4 to support Opalia.

Spending 1 ki to flurry and 1 ki to stun.

1)Hits AC 23 for 7 force damage
2) Hits AC 27 for 11 force damage
3) Hits AC 20 for 11 force damage
4) hits AC 22 for 8 force damage
R) Sentinel strike hits AC 23 for 8 force damage if provoked

One of the giants needs to make a con save against DC 16 or be stunned until the end of Arvid's next turn.

10:18, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 7,11,11,8,8 using 1d6+5,1d6+5,1d6+5,1d6+5,1d6+5.  Damage.

10:18, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 23,27,20,22,23 using 1d20+8,1d20+8,1d20+8,1d20+8,1d20+8.  Attacks.

10:16, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 18 using 2d20+4, dropping the lowest dice only.  Con save.

player, 1273 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:23/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Thu 23 Jun 2022
at 14:43
  • msg #271

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora advanced as swung with her sword, the blasts of light lancing at the southern most giant to try and soften him for the others.

OOC: move to h11, attacks 18 and 24 on giant at i4, 8 and 2 damage respectively
player, 843 posts
HP : 21 / 86
AC : 18
Thu 23 Jun 2022
at 20:57
  • msg #272

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia raised a burly arm to shield her face from the icy cyclone, braving the chill with mountainborn tenacity.  The giant brutes closed on the northern party with their great hammers, and she placed herself defiantly in their way.  Opalia lashed out with a bracer to deflect a hammer falling toward Arvid, but the blow was too mighty to be stopped.  A second hammer blow staggered and further bloodied her, but she kept her feet thanks to Kann's prior blessing.

The little giantess bellowed ferociously, "No. Hurting. OPALIA's. Friends!"  She reached out to pull Arvid back and take a protective stance over him, then clobbered one of the giants with two mighty blows, battering it down to the flagstones.  "Little friends, HERE!" she roared across the chamber at the trio who had taken the southern door, urging them closer.

  • Received a total of 18 healing from Fergus, TY :)
  • Con save succeeds with a 25, take 18 cold damage halved to 9 by cold resistance!
  • Use reaction for Protection Fighting Style for Arv rather than Stone's Endurance, therefore taking the full 19 damage hit.  Still up with 21 HP!
  • Use Bait and Switch to swap places with Arvid (H4), granting him a +4 bonus to AC until start of Opi's next turn
  • ATTACK twice, same target as Arv and Cora!  If I can deal bludgeoning damage instead of cold with Frostfall then do that (I believe I was able to once a while back)
    1. Hit 28 AC for 14 damage with Maneuvering Attack!
      • One ally who can see or hear Opi can use its reaction to move up to half its speed without provoking opportunity attacks from the target of your attack. (Probably best for Fergus to close distance)
      • Bonus action Shield Master shove!  31 Athletics contested by giant's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics), or be knocked prone
    2. Hit 22 AC for 7 damage

13:31, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 31 using 1d20+11.  Shield Master shove.
13:26, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 4 using 1d8.  Bait and Switch.
13:24, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 14,7 using 2d8+6,d8+6 with rolls of 1,7,1.  Frostfall damages 1(+maneuver) & 2.
13:20, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 16,21 using d20+9,d20+9 with rolls of 7,12.  Frostfall attacks 1 & 2 (advantage maybe?).
13:19, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 28,22 using d20+9,d20+9 with rolls of 19,13.  Frostfall attacks 1 & 2.
13:05, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 25 using 1d20+6.  Con save.

player, 448 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:33/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Thu 23 Jun 2022
at 21:50
  • msg #273

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell did not like the scene on the other side of the room. Several of his friends looked like they couldn't withstand such resistance for long. He wasn't in the best of shape himself, from the difficulties in the previous chamber. He moved diagonally across the floor, supplying one of the others with healing light as he strode.

The giants were so big. Caell wished he was big too, to fight them properly. Maybe he could use his magic to change into something? He concentrated and thought of the biggest creature he knew; something that could withstand anything - then immediately started transforming. His clothes and equipment melding into this massive body. Caell became a Mammoth!

Move: D11
Bonus: Use Healing Light on Arvid for 4 hit points (rolled two 1s).
Action: Cast Polymorph on self.
Armor Class in new form: 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points: 126

Fergus Glowforge
player, 918 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 44/74 | AC: 19
Sat 25 Jun 2022
at 04:04
  • msg #274

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus hurried forward while the female giant cast her worst against his friends. Clasping the iron talisman in his hand, he pleaded the Great Mountain to banish the spellcaster before him. "Bannul Vad Dharok," he cried.

With furrowed brows, he did his best to maintain his concentration. Having never cast such a powerful spell before, he was unsure exactly what to expect. That concentration was almost immediately tested when he noticed an enormous beast standing next to him.

"Kann's golden beard!"
he gasped. "Caell, is that you?"

Move forward to I13 (to get into 60' range).
Action: Cast banishment on the spellcasting giant. DC15 CHA save or banished to another dimension.

Bonus action: Freak out at the realization there's a mammoth next to him!!!

Dungeon Master
GM, 1960 posts
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Sat 25 Jun 2022
at 17:05
  • msg #275

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora's attacks caught the giant by surprise, staggering her with two blasts of eldritch energy. The caster was better prepared for Fergus's banishment however. She turned toward the impudent dwarf and held up a hand. Effortlessly, her enormous palm absorbed the holy energy emanating from the forge priest, and she was unaffected by it.

She was, however, as astonished as Fergus by Caell's transformation. Meanwhile, the eyes of the dragon statue in the center of the room glowed a brighter blue as Cora and Caell grew near.

A displeased growl emanated from the room to the north, shaking the workshop.

Cora and Caell: You both have resistance to Cold and Thunder damage while you're adjacent to the statue.

Not a lot of new information here, but Arvid and Opalia are welcome to update their actions if they want. I'll post a proper update after we hear from Sikuaq (or NPC her, as she suggested, if that takes more than a day or two).

Dungeon Master
GM, 1963 posts
What will you do to make
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Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 00:12
  • msg #276

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Flames flickered in Sikuaq's eye. Opalia saw what was coming and, in a remarkable display of strength, shoved back the burly giant before her. Grabbing Arvid's hand, she pulled him back against the wall just as the fireball exploded in the middle of the room. The giants roared as the flames licked their heat-sensitive bodies. The spellcaster in the center of the room dodged the brunt of the blast but felt its sting nonetheless. Valaku, Arvid, and Opalia continued attacking one of the singed creatures, leaving it standing on unsteady legs.

The injured giant got in last swing on Opalia, leaving her on even unsteadier legs, before Arvid finished it off with a fierce fist to the chest. (hits AC 21 for 20 damage)

The other nearby giant stepped around Valaku to take a swing at the vulnerable anatka. Valaku threw himself between them, taking the heavy maul to his own body so that it would not strike hers. There was the sickening crunch of bone as the elf fell to the ground, unmoving.

The caster, shaking off the shock of the fireball's explosion, pointed at Sikuaq. Glowing bolts of force flew forth, slamming into the druid. (10 force damage to Sikuaq)

Some bad luck for you all. The caster has rolled Nat 20s on *both* of her saves thus far.

Valaku is down, and I believe Opi has 1 HP?

Fergus, Caell, and Cora are up now.

Fergus Glowforge
player, 920 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 33/74 | AC: 19
Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 04:39
  • msg #277

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Dammit," Fergus grunted as he watched his spell resisted like nothing more than a gentle breeze. His spirits sank even further at the sound of Valaku's bones cracking in defense of his anatka.

Staggering forward, he mumbled a blessing over all of his companions, hoping to restore the noble guardian to consciousness while bolstering the rest of the party somewhat, as well. Then once at the side of the statue, he muttered a second prayer to the Great Mountain, "Let my strength become yours, Opaliaaaargh."

Fergus clenched his teeth as a stabbing pain shot through his head. Just like when he cast it before, the self-inflicted injury dropped him to a knee. He only hoped it would steady Opalia somewhat for the ongoing melee.

Move: 25' to G7.
Bonus Action: Cast mass healing word on Sikuaq, Valaku, Arvid, Cora, Opalia, and Fergus (or Caell - see note in OOC). 8hp for all of you!!!!
Action: Cast life transference on Opalia. 19 damage for Fergus. 38 healing for Opalia (totally worth it)!!!
23:12, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 8 using 1d4+4.  Mass Healing Word. That's for everyone but Mammoth/Caell... unless I can heal Caell when he is a mammoth.
23:12, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 19 using 4d8.  Life Transference. 38hp coming your way, Opalia!

player, 450 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:33/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 06:22
  • msg #278

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell watched his friends get hurt again. Fortunately, it seemed Fergus had them covered. The mammoth charged the remaining spellcasting enemy, heavy legs stomping against the ground and massive tusks aimed to gore her.

Move: Up to 40 feet
Action: Trampling Charge hits AC 15, hopefully hitting for 19 damage. If it's a hit, that target must succeed on a DC 18 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the mammoth can make one stomp attack against it as a bonus action. That possible stomp hits AC 27 for 20 bludgeoning damage.

player, 1274 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:31/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 20:53
  • msg #279

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

OOC: I doubled counted and with one diagonal square move it seems 5ee5 is reachable

Cora circled the statue, swinging twice with the starbound blade into the giant in front of it as Fergus' healing magic set bones and smoothed wounds, cosmic energy swirling around the blade like the northern lights as she swung

OOC: staggering smite, attack rolls 25 (7 damage) and 16 (12 damage), first attack that hits deals 16 psychic damage and requires a DC 14 Wis save or target gets disadvantage on attacks and ability checks and loses reactions for a turn
Dungeon Master
GM, 1967 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 22:39
  • msg #280

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

No sooner had the giant got her spell off than Cora came up behind her, starbound blade whirling as it chopped several times into her body and mind. The large woman stumbled, shrieking, only to be blindsided by a charging mastodon. The beast's heavy foot rose and fell, smashing the woman's arm.

Meanwhile, Fergus turned pale as life flowed out of him and into the wounded Opalia, along with the others to whom he restored vigor.

After two Nat 20 saves, caster rolled a Nat 1 on the Strength save. Valaku is back on his feet. Sikuaq, Opalia, and Arvid are up now. Don't have an updated map, so just be aware Cora and Caell are adjacent to the spell-casting giant.

player, 848 posts
HP : 47 / 86
AC : 18
Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 23:34
  • msg #281

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia was smashed against the wall by a giant left smoldering by a huge blast of druidic flame, leaving her barely clinging to consciousness.  Arvid finished off that foe, which collapsed to reveal a mammoth trampling over the magical giantess?!  She had seen mammoth herds roaming the northern tundras, but it was incredible to see one here in the shadow realm fighting an enemy!  As Opalia's vision began to fade she felt a familiar forge-warmth coursing into her with revitalizing effect.  She couldn't even see the legendary FIREBEARD in the chaos, but resolved to give him the BIGGEST hug later.

It seemed that the mammoth and mighty CORA had the magic she-giant handled, so Opalia turned to the last survivor of the three huge foes.  This one had tried to squish VALAKU, and that was not acceptable.  Snarling, Opalia charged the giant with a smashing blow from Frostfall, forcing it back and away from little friends.  Following after the staggering foe, she clobbered the giant again with the goal of finishing it off once and for all!

  • Received a total of 46 healing from Fergus, wow!!! <3
  • Move to H2
  • ATTACK Giant in I3 twice, dealing bludgeoning damage instead of cold
    1. Hit 20 AC for 12 damage
      • Bonus action Shield Master shove!  22 Athletics contested by giant's Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics), or be pushed 5 feet to H4
      • If the shove works, move to G4
    2. Hit 26 AC for 11 damage (rolled w/ possible advantage, but first roll was higher anyway)
  • If that Giant died, then use remaining movement to close distance with the magic giant

16:02, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 12,11 using d8+6,d8+6.  Frostfall damages 1 & 2.
16:02, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 26 using 2d20+9, dropping the lowest dice only with rolls of 17,3.  Frostfall attack 2 (advantage?).
16:01, Today: Secret Roll: Oplia rolled 22 using 1d20+11 with rolls of 11.  Shield Master shove.
16:00, Today: Secret Roll: Opalia rolled 20 using 1d20+9 with rolls of 11.  Frostfall attack 1.

Arvid Signeson
player, 978 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Wed 29 Jun 2022
at 15:45
  • msg #282

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Following fast on Opalia's heels, Arvid resolved to finish off the remaining brute at their side before joining the melee in the shadow of the dragon shadow.

Spending another Ki to flurry.

1) Hits AC 22 for 9 force damage
2) Hits AC 15 for 8
3) Hits AC 26 for 10
4) Hits AC 25 for 9
R) Sentinel strike hits AC 10 for 9 if triggered

11:40, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 9,8,10,9,9 using 1d6+5,1d6+5,1d6+5,1d6+5,1d6+5.  Damage.

11:40, Today: Secret Roll: Arvid Signeson rolled 22,15,26,25,10 using 1d20+8,1d20+8,1d20+8,1d20+8,1d20+8.  Attack.

player, 571 posts
HP: 21/57| AC: 14
Slots 2/2/2/2
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 01:48
  • msg #283

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The anatka was concerned for Opalia, Arvid and Valaku, for she had seen the havoc these yeti could unleash with the powerful blows of their hammers.  But she felt between the three of them they could stop the one they had surrounded.  Her bigger concern was the sorceress, even though Cora and Caell seemed to have dealt a strong blow themselves.  Still, with magic at her command they could all be a mere instant away from a frozen death.

Sliding out of the corner Sikuaq positioned herself to strike at the fallen sorceress without endangering her companions.  Then she spread her fingers and let the flames come into her eyes again, commanding a sheet of flames to spew forth and char their enemy.


Move to E1-ish (depending on exact positioning of Caell and Cora).
Cast Burning Hands, targeting sorceress.  DC 16 DEX save for half damage.

21:47, Today: Secret Roll: Sikuaq rolled 10 using 3d6.  Burning Hands damage.

Dungeon Master
GM, 1971 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 11:41
  • msg #284

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia clubbed the beast before her with the heavy head of her Fergus-forged maul, then, having thrown it off balance, shoved it backwards over the tool-strewn table. Obsidian and half-finished weapons scattered as the giant bellowed and crashed to the ground, where Arvid delivered several swift blows.

Meanwhile, Sikuaq turned her attention to the woman in the center of the room. The druid's eyes glowed red as she engulfed her adversary in flames. The giant shrieked, but when the smoke cleared, she was still standing (barely). A thin laugh escaped her charred lips. "Fools." Her voice was loud but had the low, dry quality of a whisper. "You should never have come here. You thought you could defeat Kinak on his native realm?" She cocked her head as if listening for something, then laughed again. "You are too late."

Frost gathered at her fingertips, the words to another spell forming on her lips. An obsidian arrow from Valaku found her heart before she could invoke the elements, however, and with a final scoff, she collapsed.

Seeing his leader defeated, the final giant gave up the fight. "[Language unknown: Is tr n wit orene,]" he dared the goliath and the Northman looming over him. "[Language unknown: Pe een itloek poinof.]"
player, 1275 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:31/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 12:32
  • msg #285

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sheathing the starbound blade, Cora looked around at the party

"Well, quick and painful seems to be the way of things. Anyone seriously hurt?"

She looked up at Caell

"How long can Caell stay like that?"

player, 451 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:33/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Tue 5 Jul 2022
at 12:43
  • msg #286

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Caell made a booming trumpeting sound, answering Cora.

With that said, he was likely going to have to change back before that. He was too big to get through the doors here. Then again, other than the doors they had entered, he wasn't sure there were any place to go from here.

He stood still while waiting for the others to deal with the final giant, ready to stomp him should he make an aggressive move.
Fergus Glowforge
player, 924 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 33/74 | AC: 19
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 03:51
  • msg #287

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus rose from kneeling with vision still slightly blurred. He shifted his attention to the standoff between the Arvid, Opalia, and the final giant. He sensed the mammoth ("is that really Caell?") poised to intervene should things turn violent again. That reassured him slightly, although the growl he heard previously from the door to the north did just the opposite.
player, 849 posts
HP : 47 / 86
AC : 18
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 07:29
  • msg #288

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia loomed over the fallen giant whom she'd toppled through a table of tools.  The grim set of her expression faltered when the giant spoke back, and she had a moment of conflict. She smashed the remains of the table next to the giant and snarled, [Language unknown: "ESTATITIC oneoertho wi ie t ev terss, areca riil haher t ouie mond etecwi ietree!  Nte u ionoutout oer BEALEVEC ustr wh moof atati!  U resbleint necais k risa alar str..."]  The heat had gone out of her words by the end of the tirade, and she glanced worriedly over as her comrades finished off the cold sorceress.  Hearing the last words, Opalia turned back to the fallen giant to ask, [Language unknown: "Iv he RILIN SONLI?  Sa sti at tr redte WILESTEST?"]
Dungeon Master
GM, 1975 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 10:43
  • msg #289

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"You can no stop storm." The hairless yeti-giant laughed, a booming sound interrupted by coughs. It had clearly sustained some injuries during the fight, not least from being thrown over the work bench by Opalia. The creature began to sit up. "Storm come to your world. Drown all weak little peoples." He stared Opalia dead in the eye as he said this, making clear that to him, even she was a weak little person.

Although the giant did not elaborate on the what or how of that plan, Fergus recognized this workshop for what it was. The giants were crafting magical items like the sword Fergus himself had worked on, items capable of opening a portal between the Shadowrealm and the Mortal. There was no telling how long they had been at it or how many such items they had created, but judging by the thousands of shadows that were converging on this mountain when the party arrived, Kinak had big plans. Plans that, if the giant was to be believed, were already in motion.
Arvid Signeson
player, 981 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 14:32
  • msg #290

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"All storms blow over eventually," Arvid replied. The Northman was showing the weight of his injuries and held his ribs where the giant had clubbed him. "Kinak is no different. Cold fuss and bluster, but when the wind stops howling the tundra emerges. The mountains stand unmoved."

"Whatever Kinak has promised you is as graspable as air. You will get nothing for your loyalty and less for your life. I does not have to be this way."

player, 850 posts
HP : 47 / 86
AC : 18
Sun 10 Jul 2022
at 06:25
  • msg #291

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

When the giant began to sit up Opalia shoved him roughly back onto his big butt and stabbed a finger into his chest with a growl, "Watch who you do call WEAK.  Big one who bully small peoples to feel bigger does make themSELF small.  The truly MIGHTY protect those less strong.  KINAK hides in dark-land trying to bully WORLD, while we fight a long way to chase HIM to his SAD-MOUNTAIN."  The giantess thumped her breast with a fist and added, "Say again which one is WEAK."

Assuming the giant did not say something else moronic to earn an immediate squishing, Opalia demanded, "What does growl to NORTH?"  She referred to the alarmingly loud roar that had thundered through the workshop not long ago, from the general direction of the strange alive-clouds behind the walls of the cave they had entered by.
This message was last edited by the player at 06:26, Sun 10 July 2022.
Fergus Glowforge
player, 926 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 33/74 | AC: 19
Mon 11 Jul 2022
at 03:07
  • msg #292

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"They're forging magical keys," Fergus explained. "Enchanted to open a portal between the this horrid place and our home... just like I unknowingly did for Gralen 20 years ago. Only they're producing scores of them here. They could release shadows all over the North."
Assuming the giant did not say something else moronic to earn an immediate squishing, Opalia demanded, "What does growl to NORTH?"  She referred to the alarmingly loud roar that had thundered through the workshop not long ago, from the general direction of the strange alive-clouds behind the walls of the cave they had entered by.

"It's the thing that was spitting lightning at us back there," he motioned to the room where the giants had forged the weapons. "You got a look at it through that tube, Opalia. Any idea what it was?"

He shook his head with a wince, trying to subdue the feeling of daggers stabbing behind his eyes. "And if we have to fight it, I'm afraid Uncle Fergus will be of little help. I've asked too much of the Great Mountain already."
Valaku Suraani
player, 198 posts
Valaku HP: 61/86 | AC: 16
Senna HP: 16/18 | AC: 16
Tue 12 Jul 2022
at 13:02
  • msg #293

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The giant laughed at Opalia's question, answering only, "The storm growls."

While the party collected themselves, Valaku put an ear to the door leading north. "There's nothing in there," he reported, with a confidence borne of several human lifetimes spent tracking prey. "I am not doubting what you saw, Opalia. But whatever it was is gone now."

The giant laughed again. "Too late," he repeated again. "Time for little peoples to drown."
player, 575 posts
HP: 21/57| AC: 14
Slots 1/2/2/2
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 17:13
  • msg #294

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq laid a hand on Valaku's shoulder.  "Good work," she said, refering to the door and the departure of the prowling lightning cloud.  The anatka wasn't sure if that was Kinak directly or another underling, but to be left in peace for a moment was fortunate.

Not so for the remaining giant yeti, defeated but unrepentant in the face of his conquerors.  "He will not renounce the evil of this place, nor revoke his support for the plans of his master.  There is but one reward for such shameless cleaving to despotic rule."  She spoke to the group, not just to Valaku, though the memory of an ice cave on the tundra of the Qopol Qalak readily came to mind.  This time around however, Sikuaq was neither torn nor remorseful about her decree.  "Put him out of our misery and let the gods choose his soul's torment, lest he make further trouble for us in our mission."

"Then we can be about our business," she concluded, glancing back to the door leading through the northern wall of the chamber.
player, 852 posts
HP : 47 / 86
AC : 18
Wed 13 Jul 2022
at 20:26
  • msg #295

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

NOT-NICE giant:
The giant laughed again. "Too late," he repeated again. "Time for little peoples to drown."

Opalia loomed glowering before the collapsed giant, her fist clenching in anger when he spoke of drowning little peoples.  As Sikuaq made her wise pronouncements Opalia thought of Mother Signe, of brave pale-elf Enooya, of Bigley the funny dwarf-guide, of Farra and Keth with the children of Ruldheim, of bold Lucagash of Guthluthic, little Alan the hopeful climber, of Mother Olva and Father Dag Sixstones...  KINAK meant to drown all of the nice and good folk, and this NOT-NICE giant would laugh about it.

The moment the words 'Put him our of our misery' left the anatka's lips, Frostfall smashed the giant's skull against the wall with a meaty CRUNCH.  Opalia wiped blood from her weapon on the dead giant's rags, then kicked the hulking corpse over and stalked away.

Pacing the chamber and still fuming, Opalia growled, "Where next?"
Fergus Glowforge
player, 929 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 33/74 | AC: 19
Thu 14 Jul 2022
at 05:39
  • msg #296

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus watched Valaku as Sikuaq spoke, fully expecting the stoic guardian to carry out the anatka's order to finish off the remaining giant. To his surprise, it was  Opalia who carried out the task, flashing Frostfall with a rage he had seen in the goliath only once before. He shifted his weight uneasily. Seeing the normally cheerful giantess in such a state was discomforting.
Arvid Signeson
player, 984 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Fri 15 Jul 2022
at 01:13
  • msg #297

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid laid his hand upon Opalia's bicep as she strode past. "I think here," he said, quietly. "We must catch our breath before there is nothing left of us."
player, 854 posts
HP : 47 / 86
AC : 18
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 16:06
  • msg #298

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Opalia nodded grimly to Arvid, feeling glad for his reassuring touch.  It would be good to have respite after the hard fighting that brought them here, though she wouldn't admit it aloud.  The giantess found a position to sit watch upon the northern door until they were ready to move again.

Should our short rest go uninterrupted, spend 5 hit dice to heal a total of 38 HP:
  • 09:02, Today: Opalia rolled 8 using 1d10+3.  HD 5.
  • 09:01, Today: Opalia rolled 7 using 1d10+3.  HD 4.
  • 09:01, Today: Opalia rolled 7 using 1d10+3.  HD 3.
  • 09:00, Today: Opalia rolled 8 using 1d10+3.  HD 2.
  • 09:00, Today: Opalia rolled 8 using 1d10+3.  HD 1.

Dungeon Master
GM, 1979 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Sat 16 Jul 2022
at 16:11
  • msg #299

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Little of what the giants were working on was complete, the pieces they have finished having presumably been consumed by Kinak for the god's dark purposes. One of their hammers appeared to be particularly fine, however, and several of the pieces were close enough to finished that Fergus might be able to complete the work during the party's rest. In addition, the raw materials could be valuable in their own right.

As the party rested and searched the room, they heard the beating of wings and footsteps in the chambers from which they had come. Three Quinichiat entered the chamber, their pale faces somber. Verena Kowichuk was known to the party as a powerful druid in her own right, yet she seemed the most junior of the three.

Also with her was a bare-chested, square-jawed man clad only in a fox pelt loincloth. He was in tremendous physical shape despite his advanced age. His eyes shone with cunning as he took in the dead giants and ransacked workshop. "Impressive work," he said. His tone remained flat. "Kinak has escaped to the Mortal Realm. But you forced his hand, and we waylaid his shadows. He was not able to bring his entire army with him. He still has his orcs, of course, but others of their kind have formed an alliance with Gruundelhim. We believe you aware," he added, a hint of disapproval creeping into his voice. "Hopefully they can hold him off a while."

The woman who seemed most senior did not introduce herself. Her hair was white, but her face was unlined and ageless. She wore the white furs of the great bear, so that the only color on her body was her shining green eyes and the blood red berries on the crown of brambles she wore around her forehead. "You have done good work," she said, addressing Sikuaq most of all. "We will take it from here."

The man, noting the sword Cora carried, approached the half-orc and indicated for her to turn it over to him.

Everyone can take a short rest. You find the following:

[*] A chest of raw obsidian ore
[*] A smaller chest of precious gemstones
[*] +1 maul. If the maul is on your person, you can call on its luck (no Action required) to Reroll one Attack roll, ability check, or saving throw you dislike. You must use the second roll. This property can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Fergus may choose to make one of the following:

[*] Suit of +1 obsidian plate armor (like adamantine, but also provides resistance to fire damage - shatters if hit by a critical hit)
[*] +1 obsidian shield (provides resistance to fire damage - shatters if hit by a critical hit)
[*] +1 obsidian dagger (obsidian provides an additional +1 to damage. On a hit, afflicts an additional 2d6 fire damage)

player, 1281 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:54/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Sun 17 Jul 2022
at 03:10
  • msg #300

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora took the goat meat which was being prepared and set to work over the hour roasting and preparing it, using a small pot of butter and herbs she had prepared in Gruundelhim to season and baste. It seemed right, with danger looming, to prepare a traditional fortifying dwarven meal

"There we are Uncle Fergus. Remember when Aunt Darna would make goat stew? I'm sorry we don't have time for sauce and bread and beer, but roasted goat will have to do."

When the warrior approached her for the sword, she looked at him with a grave eye, washing up her tools as she did

"You're intending to open the portal? Or are you asking me to give up the blade?"
Quenya Oori
NPC, 1 post
Head of Druidic Council
Sun 17 Jul 2022
at 13:08
  • msg #301

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"You're intending to open the portal? Or are you asking me to give up the blade?"

The Quinichiat woman smiled and cocked a fluffy white eyebrow. "Both," she said, her smile coy, though there was nothing playful about her tone. "The trinkets you have looted you may keep, but that sword belongs in the hands of the Starbound Alliance. You will accompany us through the portal and assist in defeating Kinak."
player, 453 posts
Quinichiat Warlock 8
HP:59/59 | AC:16 | PP:14
Sun 17 Jul 2022
at 20:29
  • msg #302

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Some time near the end of their rest, Caell shifted out of his polymorphed shape and back into his own. It was probably for the best, as a mammoth could eat more food than even Cora could cook.

He sat resting with the others, talking quietly when the Quinichiat came. He watched and listened, not really liking the tone they took, although they were figures Caell knew deserved the utmost respect. Cora and their entire fellowship deserved respect too.
player, 577 posts
HP: 21/57| AC: 14
Slots 1/2/2/2
Mon 18 Jul 2022
at 00:17
  • msg #303

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The chance to rest even for a short while was welcome, and as always Cora's cooking was well worth the wait.  "If your roast is this good Cora, I will wait anxiously until I get a chance to try that stew!"

Sikuaq was surprised by the arrival of Verena and the two top members of the Druidic Council.  She quickly schooled her expression and tipped her head down in deference to the newcomers, most of all the venerable woman in the white bearskin.  Such relatively meek behaviour was unusual to see from the anatka, at least in the experience of her companions.

At the praise given, she dipped her head a bit lower and then answered politely.  "We have given much, Mother of the Council.  I am pleased it has been worthwhile."  When the talk turned to accompanying the trio back to the mortal realm and carrying on against Kinak, she spoke again.

"Once we return, what would you ask of us?"
Fergus Glowforge
player, 930 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 33/74 | AC: 19
Mon 18 Jul 2022
at 05:09
  • msg #304

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus watched in amazement as the mammoth transformed back into Caell. He shook his head in disbelief. "That was quite the, trick, laddie. You never fail to surprise me."

Cora's stew made the pounding in his head subside within the first few bites and even his trick knee seemed to ache less when he finished his serving. He gave his niece a hug. "Thank you Cora, I feel like I'm not a day over 180 now!"

With his growling stomach satisfied, he went over to examine the materials left behind from the giants. He concluded that he could forge the obsidian into a shield and started at once, first crafting a hammer that wasn't the size of a giant, then using it to transform the obsidian. As he finished, the Druidic Council appeared.

Quenya Oori:
"The trinkets you have looted you may keep, but that sword belongs in the hands of the Starbound Alliance."

Fergus bristled at the thought of turning over the blade to the Quinichiat, who had previously advised against wresting it from Gralen's tomb in the first place. "Now all of a sudden they need it? Typical pompous entitled elves. It belongs to Cora now. She can get us back to Gruundelheim just as well as they can."

"Once we return, what would you ask of us?"

He gave Cora a nose-wrinkled look, but didn't say a word, content to hear their response to Sikuaq's more elequently phrased question before he protested.

OOC: Fergus is ready to call foul, but wants to hear their response to Sikuaq before he interjects.

Updated OOC: Fergus will make the +1 shield from the available obsidian.

This message was last edited by the player at 04:42, Tue 19 July 2022.
player, 855 posts
HP : 85 / 86
AC : 18
Mon 18 Jul 2022
at 06:39
  • msg #305

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

After all the trials they had endured in this dead land, a meal of finely-roasted goat came most welcome.  As Opalia gnawed the last bit of gristle off a rib she said appreciatively, "Little CORA gives remembering of ALIVE-lands by this yum-taste, and it is GOOD."  The giantess had been in a grim mood after the encounter with the evil giants, but the tasty meal had brought her back to some measure of good cheer.

Opalia arose to her considerable height to meet the pale-elf visitors, out of a defensive instinct at first.  Upon sighting wise anatka Verena the giantess inclined her head and thumped her breast in the Skykeeper warrior's gesture of respect.  She looked to the other two as well, making no effort to hide her admiration of the man's impressive strength.  He was perhaps even almost as strong as Opalia herself.  The woman in the berry crown had a mightiness of presence that was not to be denied, either.

Quenya Oori:
The Quinichiat woman smiled and cocked a fluffy white eyebrow. "Both," she said, her smile coy, though there was nothing playful about her tone. "The trinkets you have looted you may keep, but that sword belongs in the hands of the Starbound Alliance. You will accompany us through the portal and assist in defeating Kinak."

Opalia frowned at this and came to stand by Cora in support.  Crossing powerful arms, Opalia stated simply, "All here are STARBOUND friends, and we all fight to stop KINAK togethers.  There is no better wielder for this weapon than mighty CORA.  OPALIA, perhaps, but I do prefer squishing weapons."  The giantess looked the burly Quinichiat up and down, then challenged, "With respect to wisest pale-elfs, any who think themself a more-worthy wielder of STARBOUND sword must prove it.  Any less would dishonor this GRANDEST weapon."
Quenya Oori
NPC, 2 posts
Head of Druidic Council
Mon 18 Jul 2022
at 11:35
  • msg #306

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Once we return, what would you ask of us?"

"Your duty. Defend the land. Defend the future."

Quenya Oori:
"All here are STARBOUND friends, and we all fight to stop KINAK togethers.  There is no better wielder for this weapon than mighty CORA.  OPALIA, perhaps, but I do prefer squishing weapons."  The giantess looked the burly Quinichiat up and down, then challenged, "With respect to wisest pale-elfs, any who think themself a more-worthy wielder of STARBOUND sword must prove it.  Any less would dishonor this GRANDEST weapon."

"Prove myself," the eldest woman repeated, smiling as if at a precocious child. "My dear, I have, as they say, stood the test of time." As she said this, her face aged into the wrinkled skin and gumless mouth of a woman who was beyond elderly. Then it reverted to her more dignified form.

"The Starbound Alliance is an alliance of Quinichiat, humans, and dwarves. So while you and this charming young lady," she winked at Cora, "may be friends, you are not Starbound."
player, 856 posts
HP : 85 / 86
AC : 18
Mon 18 Jul 2022
at 15:02
  • msg #307

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Quenya Oori:
"Prove myself," the eldest woman repeated, smiling as if at a precocious child. "My dear, I have, as they say, stood the test of time."

Opalia looked perplexed, wondering why this wise pale-elf was spoke of her oldness while the talk was of GOOD-FIGHTING.  The giantess said straightforwardly, "Rocks do stand time-test, but we do not give GRANDEST weapons to rocks to wield.  If we are to WIN, this mighty weapon must be in the hands of BEST swords-fighter.  If you are better swords-fighter than CORA, then prove it so."  She did not consider this to be an insult, but a matter of pure practicality.  A great weapon should be wielded by the one who can wield it best, which is not a qualification earned by oldness or wiseness, but by proof of GOOD-FIGHTING.  Elder Skykeepers who live so long that their strength fails prove their wisdom by bestowing their weapons upon descendents with steadier hands.  Among Opalia's people, to attempt to keep hold of a weapon beyond one's ability to wield it is to disqualify oneself as a leader.

Quenya Oori:
"The Starbound Alliance is an alliance of Quinichiat, humans, and dwarves. So while you and this charming young lady," she winked at Cora, "may be friends, you are not Starbound."

Opalia was not normally one to argue with wise pale-elfs, but this one was saying many wrong things.  Anatka SIKUAQ does not say wrong things, and thus had proved herself wiser than this one with the berry-crown.  The giantess looked at Cora and then put the simple truth before the Quinichiat elders, "ALL OF US who do fight for goodness are STARBOUND friends, or NONE are."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:04, Mon 18 July 2022.
player, 1284 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:54/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Mon 18 Jul 2022
at 15:40
  • msg #308

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora turned the blade around, holding it up to the warrior pommel first

"I am not sure. I sacrificed some of my life to bring us here, I would see this through until the end if I could. But the blade is mine by right of salvage, and yours by rights of the Starbound Alliance. But more than that, Gruumsh Orc-Father has laid hand on it as well. This blade is bound to me, and I to it. We first need to see if it can be separated from me without an extensive ritual."

She looked at Opalia and smiled

"I'm not a great sword fighter, I am simply a cook from Lawton's Glen. It is not important to me to be the warrior who strikes down Garduk, it's only important for me to do all I can."

OOC: standard action to dismiss the sword as warrior reaches for it, and if that doesn't do anything (didn't before) then after a minute it should dissolve into the "pocket space" but we're again beholden to what the story says
Fergus Glowforge
player, 933 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 74/74 | AC: 19
Tue 19 Jul 2022
at 04:35
  • msg #309

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Quenya Oori:
"The Starbound Alliance is an alliance of Quinichiat, humans, and dwarves. So while you and this charming young lady," she winked at Cora, "may be friends, you are not Starbound."

Fergus finally reached his breaking point. "Hold on a minute," Fergus protested. "You keep talking about your Starbound Alliance, but all I see are Quinichiat. No offense, but where are the dwarves? The men? And why do you need this sword so badly now when a week ago you advised us to leave it with Gralen in his icy tomb?"

He considered whether his outburst had already gone too far, but continued. "Cora knows how to use the blade and it's bound to her now. She got us here. She can get us back."
Quenya Oori
NPC, 3 posts
Head of Druidic Council
Tue 19 Jul 2022
at 17:21
  • msg #310

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus Glowforge:
"You keep talking about your Starbound Alliance, but all I see are Quinichiat. No offense, but where are the dwarves? The men? And why do you need this sword so badly now when a week ago you advised us to leave it with Gralen in his icy tomb?"

"An excellent question." The white-haired woman smiled at Fergus, suggesting she was quite pleased with his cleverness. "Where are the dwarves? Squabbling amongst themselves. Making common cause with that orcish pretender. Trust me, young man: I know a conniving old woman when I see one. And the humans? Trying to summon a shadow army of their own!"

Fergus Glowforge:
"Cora knows how to use the blade and it's bound to her now. She got us here. She can get us back."

"Indeed. There is much she could do with that sword. That is why she cannot be allowed to keep it. This is not a debate, young dwarf. We are taking the sword."

Quenya took a step toward Cora, her arm outstretched expectantly, as if there were no question of disobeying her.

But Cora did disobey. She willed the weapon away from her, and as she did so, time slowed down for her. The elf's movement grew more sluggish until her hand seemed frozen in place. Familiar whispers sounded in the half-orc's ears, and darkness crept in from the edges of her vision. A new hand reached out from that darkness, a clawed hand Cora recognized as orcish. Not only as orcish, but as a hand she had seen many times before her, one that had always placed into her own hand the right weapon for the moment. Now this ancient orc was asking her to place a weapon in its hand...

Up to you, Cora... You can either keep the sword with you in the Shadowrealm and deal with Quenya, or you can allow this orcish hand to take it from you.
player, 858 posts
HP : 85 / 86
AC : 18
Wed 20 Jul 2022
at 00:52
  • msg #311

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"I'm not a great sword fighter, I am simply a cook from Lawton's Glen. It is not important to me to be the warrior who strikes down Garduk, it's only important for me to do all I can."

Opalia shook her head and stated what, to her, was plain and obvious fact, "Little CORA is very good cook from LAWTON glen, but also more.  CORA is a MIGHTY HERO and daughter of FIRSTEST-ORC!  Also, BEST swords-fighter and victor of many battles."  She nodded and said definitively, "None are more worthy of grandest sword.  NONE."

Quenya Oori:
"An excellent question." The white-haired woman smiled at Fergus, suggesting she was quite pleased with his cleverness. "Where are the dwarves? Squabbling amongst themselves. Making common cause with that orcish pretender. Trust me, young man: I know a conniving old woman when I see one. And the humans? Trying to summon a shadow army of their own!"

Opalia shared Fergus's frustration with these crafty pale-elfs coming to steal CORA's weapon and tell herself and Cora they weren't Starbound, and stood beside them both in unequivocal support.  The news of squabbling dwarfs sounded unfortunately accurate after their own visit to GRUNDEL-HOME, but MANS summoning shadows was a concerning development.  Opalia answered the old anatka's question, "DWARF is here, MAN is here."  She gestured to Fergus and Arvid and then went on, "MAN and DWARF and ELF and ORC and SKYKEEPER, all fight together.  All bleed together."  The giantess swept a mighty arm outward in an arc to indicate their diverse fellowship and bellowed, "WE are STARBOUND, together.  ALL or NONE."
player, 1289 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:54/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Wed 20 Jul 2022
at 04:36
  • msg #312

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Gruumsh Orc-Father, I see your hand outreaching. It reaches across the ages and I see it finally. Ancient father, first of orcs and advocate for ancient rights stolen by the elves and men, I give you Fatosgri, the first axe which slew the molten beasts which your blood awakened."

The hand before her shifted, still ancient

"Baghtru, ancient father of my father's blood. You seek the sword, but it was made to kill our kind. I give you Vorspat, legendary hewer of golden scalps, and send you far away to war with those who invade us."

The hand shifted again, smooth, with tattoos and scars. The orc was complete before her, dressed in hides and leathers smiling at her. Her wrist was chained to his tusks and he stretched his hand out pleading

"Quadagh, skald who charmed the Franco wonan Carin. You were killed, by frost or shadow or orc."

Tuskhewer was in her other hand, her father's tusks shattered, his mouth bloody even as he smiled

"I give you Tuskhewer, and so release your shade from Yurtus' grasp. Fight until your fellow orcs heed your dream of unity in the North."

Cora turned the blade again, flipping it to be held in her hand and not offered as the black mail hand reached out

"Garduk. I give you the Starbound Blade. May it put your shade to rest, may it break this power of Kinak and redeem your nature, lower than a goblin's to serve a weak and feeble master. Ordhak, I pronounce you."

The hand withered like a goblin's and she sent it away, Quenya before her finally

"I'm afraid my friend speaks truth. I am part of this alliance. All or none. The blade will be surrendered when Garduk and Kinak are defeated."

Quenya Oori
NPC, 4 posts
Head of Druidic Council
Wed 20 Jul 2022
at 11:16
  • msg #313

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

The clawed hand closed around the hilt of the offered blade. For a moment, the whispers in Cora's head, which had always spoken in an orcish tongue too ancient for her to understand though she spoke the language, made sense to her. "Someday I shall kill you," they said, a common, if ominous, orcish greeting. Then the hand was gone, replaced by a pale elvish one seizing at empty air. Disbelief, followed by irritation, passed across the druid's face like ripples on a pond and were gone as quickly, replaced by her wry smile.

Quenya's allies reading for a fight but paused when they their leader's hand reach up to touch Cora's chin. "What a cunning girl you are. Too cunning for your own good, perhaps. Unless you intend to remain in this realm forever?"
player, 581 posts
HP: 21/57| AC: 14
Slots 1/2/2/2
Wed 20 Jul 2022
at 18:05
  • msg #314

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq had remained dutifully quiet, not voicing any personal displeasure about this recent turn of events, of the offhand dismissal of several of their group's contributions and value to the cause, of the relinquishment of the talisman they had fought so hard to secure.  Despite the seeming unfairness of it all, she knew the Council operated with a much longer view than even she and their ultimate reasons were always difficult to comprehend.  Sikuaq had faith that their asking for the blade was in the best interest of the alliance combating Kinak, and so she stayed her tongue.

Similarly, she curbed her irritation with her friends when some did not follow her example but instead adopted a confrontational stance with the Mother of the Council.  Even though she found at least some of their comments valid, they were hardly helpful given the situation.  The trio aligned before them could easily take whatever they wanted from the intrepid companions and if it came to that, the least they would suffer was condemnation and shunning.  It might be much worse.  Thank the Spring Maiden Keth is not here, the stray tangent flew through her mind.  Imagining his resentful and belligerent presence here curdled her stomach, for all that he was right to harbour his resentments.

Bu then Cora did something, and suddenly the blade Sikuaq had thought was being dutifully offered simply...disappeared.  "What have you done?" the anatka hissed, unable to control her annoyance at the surprise ploy.  Clenching her fists at her side, she anxiously awaited the result of this challenge to Mother Ooya.
player, 1291 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:54/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Wed 20 Jul 2022
at 20:26
  • msg #315

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq's question mattered more than Quenya's in the moment.

"I bonded to the blade. There's nothing to solve it, save bond to another or die. I bonded to it a while ago...there is nothing for it. I simply tested if I could give the sword...and Gruumsh made it clear that handing the sword to Quenya or to him were one and the same."

Aurora played across Cora's hand and the blade appeared again

"Imperfect as the scabbard is, it will need to be."
Quenya Oori
NPC, 5 posts
Head of Druidic Council
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 13:05
  • msg #316

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Quenya said nothing further as the Starbound Blade reappeared in Cora's hand, silence conveying her fury better than any words could. When she finally spoke, her tone was measured but clipped, frosty as her hair. "You are bonded with something darker than that sword. But keep it if you must. It is but a tool. Even your master is but a tool.

You say you will surrender the blade when Garduk is defeated. Will you be bound by that oath?
" The first words of the spell were already on the elf woman's lips before Cora could answer.

Cora, you can make a Wisdom save to try to resist this spell, but you can also choose to fail the save deliberately and allow it to bind you. You can even try to resist secretly, but this would require passing both the Wis save and a Deception check. Should you succeed at that, Quenya would believe you bound by the spell, but you would not be.

Of course you can also try to attack her or something to interrupt the casting, but what Sikuaq has warned is true: these druids seem quite powerful, and they have reinforcements outside.

player, 1293 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:54/54 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 16:24
  • msg #317

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Cora let the binding wash over her, not really seeing the point in resisting. The elf's "oath" was anything but, and if she was coerced to hand over the blade than it was not an oath at all.

OOC: no will save, no deception

Opening her eyes again, Cora looked at Quenya

"Gruumsh at least offered a choice."

She moved back and away, heading to the others as she pointed back at the pan and scrubber.

"Finish the washing up, if you're so eager to get on with things."
Arvid Signeson
player, 991 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Thu 21 Jul 2022
at 17:36
  • msg #318

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Arvid placed a comforting hand upon Cora's shoulder as she drew back towards the security of the party.

"Well done," he said quietly. "That was very brave."

Smiling sideways at Opalia he winked. "All or none. Personally, I prefer all."

"Now lets finish the job we came here to do."

This message was last edited by the player at 17:39, Thu 21 July 2022.
player, 863 posts
HP : 85 / 86
AC : 18
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 00:45
  • msg #319

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

There came a moment when the contest of wills between CORA and OLD-ANATKA nearly came to a head, and Opalia's hand went to Frostfall's haft... but then an agreement was reached.  She didn't much understand the terms that were discussed, but the important bit was that Cora KEEPS her much-good sword.  The giantess clapped a hand upon the half-orcess's shoulder and gave a bright grin that told how proud she was better than her words ever could.

The giantess was still displeased about being excluded from the Starbound Alliance, but that would be a matter for another time.  Opalia shared a sidelong smile at Arvid and agreed, "All or none, YES.  Good folk will know ALL is best."  Assuming there were no further threats for the time being, Opalia followed Cora's direction to and proceeded to scrub the dirty pan with MIGHTY gusto.
Fergus Glowforge
player, 935 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 74/74 | AC: 19
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 04:20
  • msg #320

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus observed the standoff between Cora and Quenya with jaw open. Cora's bravery didn't surprise him, but he was glad the druidess accepted it. With  that settled, he expelled a sigh of relief, embraced his niece, then agreed with the northman. "You're right, Arvid. I prefer all, too."
Quenya Oori
NPC, 6 posts
Head of Druidic Council
Fri 22 Jul 2022
at 15:18
  • msg #321

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Good girl," the elf woman cooed as Cora consented to the spell. Her pale hand passed over the rough skin of the half-orc's forehead as she spoke the command, "Upon Garduk's defeat, you will return this sword to the Druidic Council."

Any delusion Cora may have harbored about tricking the druid dissipated; the mere thought of it made her queasy.

"Finish the washing up, if you're so eager to get on with things."

"Let us not waste time cleaning up after these brutes," Quenya said. Revulsion overtook her face as she realized it was the party that had consumed the giants' goat, but she said nothing further about it.

"Come," she ordered the party and her companions alike. "Opening the portal will be easier in the next room. Kinak has done some of the work for us already." Without waiting for a response, she led the way through the as-yet-unopened door at the north end of the room.

It was plain to see this had been Kinak's layer. A copper plate connected to a conduit had enabled him to use his lightning attack against the party while they fought in the forge. An obsidian mirror on the opposite wall had enabled him to observe his enslaved giants at work, though the mirror now seemed to show the dwarves of Gruundelheim readying their defenses. The room was without a ceiling, topped instead by a broad sort of chimney that traveled up many hundreds of feet before opening onto a dark sky.

Cora could feel the lingering energy of the god's magic in the room. In this, at least, Quenya was right: opening a portal would not be difficult.

Cora, you are under the effect of a geas spell; disobeying Quenya's command will result in significant, ongoing psychic damage. The wording of the command may be a little vague, so its triggering will depend on Cora's intent. In other words, she will not take damage if, after defeating Garduk, she pauses to drink some water before surrendering the sword. However, she actively avoids or deliberately delays surrendering it, that will trigger the damage.

Also, Cora can feel that the Starbound Blade has been slightly changed by her patron's touch. Bonding with it no longer has the effect of nullifying her half-orc racial traits, so you can once again use Relentless Endurance and Savage Attacks even while bonded to the sword.

Whenever you're ready, opening a portal will require a DC 5 Religion check from Cora, and Quenya will help so she can roll with advantage. The usual, permanent loss of 1d6 HP will apply.

player, 583 posts
HP: 21/57| AC: 14
Slots 1/2/2/2
Sat 23 Jul 2022
at 12:50
  • msg #322

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Sikuaq did not fully understand Cora's abilities nor the exact nature of the bonding she did to the various weapons she had carried since Sikuaq had known her.  But she did mention that she could replace the bonding with another weapon, so why not do that?  As to whether handing the blade to the Mother of the Council or to Gruumsh was the same choice, she was sure Gruumsh would argue His side.  Sikuaq certainly did not see the two as equivalent choices.  And so she remained dissatisfied with Cora's choice, annoyance still playing across her pale face.

But the leader of the druids seemed to finally accept the rebuke, obviously seeing another path to the same desired end.  So Sikuaq swallowed her feelings and let it be.  Almost she broke that silence when the oath was demanded of Cora, worried she might not understand the power of such a commitment to one such as Quenya Oori.  But she had played the game to her own satisfaction so far, so Sikuaq let it lie and trusted Cora knew what she was up against.

Into the next room they went, and Sikuaq marveled at the feel of power in the room.  A stirring in her belly responded, a hunger rising to taste that energy and take it within.  Fear of exposing herself in front of the Council members gave her added strength and she suppressed the beast with some effort, only a flare in her eyes belying the short struggle.  Standing as tall and straight as she was able she waited, trapped in the limbo between friends and duty, while the portal home was fashioned.
player, 1297 posts
Elven chain/shield
HP:52/52 | AC: 18 | PP: 9
Sat 23 Jul 2022
at 15:35
  • msg #323

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

OOC: can't fail the check as I have a +4 to Religion

Easier this time, quieter and more focused, Cora began fashioning the portal and drawing out the sigils in her mind, forming the wedge that would pierce the veil as energy both dark red and aurora began to wheel around her. In these next hours, her mind would need to be as one, her pact and the power of the blade would need to be as one.

OOC: losing 2 hp
Fergus Glowforge
player, 938 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 74/74 | AC: 19
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 04:16
  • msg #324

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus followed silently into Kinak's lair, observing in the obsidian mirror his brothers in Gruundelheim preparing for the oncoming attack. Based on what he had seen of the kingdom previously, he didn't like their chances. Brigha's deceptions were formidable, but in the end, what good would her schemes do against Kinak himself?

He took some solace in the strength of their new Quinchiat allies (if that's what they were, Fergus still wondered). As condescending as she was, Quenya was obviously powerful and he hoped that might even the odds.

As Cora began her work on the portal, Fergus relaxed, relieved to finally be leaving the spiritrealm. "It will be good to leave this place," he murmured. "At least if we die on the other side, our souls have a chance of going where they should." In his heart, he still knew the risks. Death in the upcoming battle, regardless of its location, still held with it the likelihood of souls being devoured by qiqion or some other shadow.

His thoughts drifted to his beloved wife, waiting for him in the afterlife. The idea of her already waiting for him there had previously dissolved any fears he had about death. But now, after walking through this land of lost souls, he realized there were no guarantees. "Darna, I don't know if you can hear me in this dark place, but if you can, I hope to see you soon. And if I don't... if some shadow monster eats me and sends my soul back to this dreadful realm... know that it will never give up fighting to find you. One day I will reach the Golden Gate, so save a chair for your old Fergus."

Then, as a whispered afterthought. "Oh, and I suppose there's a slight chance I won't reach the Gates immediately because we actually survive the upcoming battle. Well, either way, save me a chair."
Dungeon Master
GM, 1986 posts
What will you do to make
this game more fun?
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 12:17
  • msg #325

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus felt a flash of pride as he looked upon Gruundelheim's defenses. The process by which they had arrived there had been an ugly one, pitting dwarf against dwarf and questionable alliances with the Guthluthic orcs and with the chaotic god of fire, but his people were as ready as any could be for an orcish assault. They had fortified walls, forged arrows and blades, and trained their soldiers to hold their positions even in the face of certain death. Even if the ancient kingdom eventually fell, the dwarves would buy badly needed time for Kinak's other enemies and deplete the storm god's resources.

Adir Blackhammer walked the lines, shouting encouragement to the soldiers. He looked every bit the part of the legendary dwarven general; there was no hint of the unseen orcish woman pulling his strings.

This was not Adir's fight. He had risen to power upon the promise of ending the cooperation with Franconia that had drawn the ire of Garduk, and of Kinak. But it was too late for that now, and even he was ready to fight for his people and their land.

You'd have to be crazy to assault that fortress, Fergus thought to himself with a smile. But the smile faded as he considered the implications of that. This was Kinak's mirror, after all; the god had seen all that Fergus could see now. He knew the preparations Gruundelheim was making, how the dwarves and the Guthluthic orcs had marshalled their forces there. And he was not crazy.

Garduk's forces were marching south with an evil wind at their backs, but there were other ways to exact vengeance upon the dwarves than to assault the mighty fortress of Gruundelheim. After all, it had been his homeland of Knutsdir that had cooperated most directly with the Francos at Lawton's Glen. It was his homeland that now stood relatively defenseless compared to the dwarven kingdom. Only a wooden palisade and a gaggle of ruffians defended the Franco outpost beneath which Knutsdir was located...
Arvid Signeson
player, 993 posts
The story of our people
is written in the stars.
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 17:09
  • msg #326

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Do you suppose we could turn it?" Arvid asked the room at large, but not so loud as to disturb Cora in her work. "The mirror, I mean. Can it show us other vistas across the North?"
Fergus Glowforge
player, 941 posts
Dwarf Cleric 8
HP: 74/74 | AC: 19
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 20:55
  • msg #327

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Dungeon Master:
You'd have to be crazy to assault that fortress, Fergus thought to himself with a smile. But the smile faded as he considered the implications of that. This was Kinak's mirror, after all; the god had seen all that Fergus could see now. He knew the preparations Gruundelheim was making, how the dwarves and the Guthluthic orcs had marshalled their forces there. And he was not crazy.

Garduk's forces were marching south with an evil wind at their backs, but there were other ways to exact vengeance upon the dwarves than to assault the mighty fortress of Gruundelheim. After all, it had been his homeland of Knutsdir that had cooperated most directly with the Francos at Lawton's Glen. It was his homeland that now stood relatively defenseless compared to the dwarven kingdom. Only a wooden palisade and a gaggle of ruffians defended the Franco outpost beneath which Knutsdir was located...

"They're not going to Gruundelheim,"
Fergus announced, still staring at the preparations Blackhammer was making at the underground kingdom. His stomach knotted at the only logical conclusion. "Knutsdir. They're going to march on Knutsdir. It's nowhere near as well defended and they could wipe out the Francos in Lawtons Glen just as easily.

Arvid Signeson:
"Do you suppose we could turn it?" Arvid asked the room at large, but not so loud as to disturb Cora in her work. "The mirror, I mean. Can it show us other vistas across the North?"

"Maybe we could, but I have no idea how it works."
He looked frantically to Quenya. "Do you?"

15:54, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 10 using 1d20+1.  Investigation. How does this @#$! mirror work?

Quenya Oori
NPC, 6 posts
Head of Druidic Council
Sun 24 Jul 2022
at 23:39
  • msg #328

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

Fergus Glowforge:
"Maybe we could, but I have no idea how it works."</DarkGreen> He looked frantically to Quenya. "Do you?"

"I can try," Quenya said, with the most respect she'd used when speaking to anyone since her arrival. She held out a hand, its skin thin to the point of translucence, and image on the surface of the stone began to shimmer and warp. Then it went dark altogether and the elven woman staggered back and was caught by her male companion, whom she had not introduced.

"Never mind," she huffed. "It's not important. Let's get going."

She nodded her approval when Cora opened the portal and was the first to step through.

<Orange>DC was 20. I assumed someone would Help her. Still couldn't quite get there :-(
Quenya Oori rolled 19 using 2d20+9, dropping the lowest dice only.  arcana.

In happier news, everyone can level up to 10! That's not a typo, you're gaining two levels. I figure it will be more fun to play out the climax of our adventure at a higher tier. And you can take a long rest as well.

If there's anything anyone else wanted to do while still in Kinak's lair, you can post that here. I'll start a new thread for when you're back in the Mortal Realm.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:39, Sun 24 July 2022.
Fergus Glowforge
player, 946 posts
Dwarf Cleric 10
HP: 91/91 | AC: 19
Wed 27 Jul 2022
at 04:59
  • msg #329

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

As Quenya attempted to adjust the mirror, Fergus could feel his heart racing. The thought of Kinak advancing on Knutsdir and Lawton's Glen troubled him greatly.

With the last of his spiritual strength, he tried to reach out to the material plane. There were few left there whom he trusted to any length. But maybe if he got word to someone, they could shore up the village's paltry defenses to hold for a few more hours. But who would trust the ramblings of an silly old dwarf and still have the stature to be listened to? He could only think of one person. Hopefully she was still there.

"Grina Jawbreaker, It's Fergus. I bring warning of Garduk. He marches southward across the Frozen Wastes toward Lawtons's Glen. Hold fast. We are bringing help."

Cast Sending to warn Grina of the advancing army: You send a short message of twenty-five words or less to a creature with which you are familiar. The creature hears the message in its mind, recognizes you as the sender if it knows you, and can answer in a like manner immediately. The spell enables creatures with Intelligence scores of at least 1 to understand the meaning of your message.

00:01, Today: Secret Roll: Fergus Glowforge rolled 54 using 1d100.  5% chance of interdimensional Sending failing (say 1 - 5 on d100).

This message was last edited by the player at 05:16, Wed 27 July 2022.
Grina Jawbreaker
NPC, 7 posts
Sat 30 Jul 2022
at 14:32
  • msg #330

Re: Chapter Eight: The Spiritrealm

"Fuck's sake, what am I supposed to hold fast with, my dishwasher and the local drunks?" came Grina's inelegant reply. Fergus knew her well enough to recognize the gratitude behind her ill-tempered bluster. If it could be taken care of, Grina would take care of it.
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