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13:45, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Arrival at Melvaunt.

Posted by He Who WatchesFor group 0
Rhaga the Wolfhound
Orkin Bounty Hunter, 12 posts
A Mountain of Rage
"I do a job, I get paid."
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 12:12
  • msg #2

Arrival at Melvaunt

Upon fully taking in the city, Rhaga takes a deep breath, letting both nostrils flare as they would. Apparently she didn't like what she smelled, for she shook her head and spat on the ground with a grimace fully in place on her features.

"Ene gazar chandarlakh gazar shig ünertej baina..." she grunted in her native Tuigan.

Absentmindedly, she stroked the neck of the striking snow leopard who had come up beside her to rub against her massively muscled leg. Between the mass of green thews, weaponry, and exotic beast from the Yehimal Mountains, this Orc was certainly never going to blend into the crowd. Which could often be a problem.

Turning to her companions, Rhaga cocked an eyebrow and indicated the guards.

"Don't suppose one of you could do the talking? I tend to make the law nervous. Better them think me silent and stupid muscle. It seems to make them feel better," she chuckled through a tusky grin.
Birahu the Black
Eternal Magus, 23 posts
HP 32/32
AC 12, T 12, FF 11 MA 16
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 13:03
  • msg #3

Arrival at Melvaunt

In reply to Rhaga the Wolfhound (msg # 2):

"Who should speak? I'm not the most diplomatic either, though I am charismatic." he says as they approach the guards. He hold up his hands. "Greetings, we seek entrance for our group of adventurers, here are our bonafides." he says producing the seal.
Peir Barrow
Laughmaster of Garl, 14 posts
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 17:52
  • msg #4

Arrival at Melvaunt

Looking up at Rhaga from his much lower point of view Peir grinned cheerfully, "Shouldn't worry too much about that, if I stand next to you we should average out given how little concern I inspire. Just try not to spit in front of the gates of their city though, it upsets the sensitive sorts."

Shrugging at Biharu's question he answered, "I'm likely the least threatening but they don't look to be turning many away even if they are questioning people. Shouldn't be too difficult getting in." When they reached the gate with the mage heading forwards to present the seal to the guards he did not bother  to step forwards too, matching his earlier offer to stand by Rhaga. He idly rocked back and forth on his heels as they waited, seemingly unconcerned.
Enforcer of Ill Luck, 18 posts
What's in it for me?
AC17/14/T13 - HPs 32/32
Sat 18 Jun 2022
at 19:33
  • msg #5

Arrival at Melvaunt

Penny had been her usual brooding and moody self, her eyes restlessly looking everywhere as if she were expecting an attack at every moment. Paranoid? Not if someone or something was actually after her. During the trip she mostly conversed with Birahu, talking about magic theory or playing chess.

When they eventually arrived, the tiefling had covered herself in her preferred form, a human blonde with a large backpack in the place of her real wings. This kept the usual stares to a minimum, stares that were unavoidable when people noticed her fiendish heritage. Cocking her head sideways she evaluated the situation and doubted that they would let her in without a more thorough search. Something that she positively wanted to avoid. "Alright, I don't like how this looks, I'll find myself a different way in." she told them, staying behind when 'the black' mage stepped forward to engage the guards.
Tamyir Flameworthy
Mystic Fire Knight, 12 posts
Serve Her Flame
By the Seven Stars!
Sun 19 Jun 2022
at 16:35
  • msg #6

Arrival at Melvaunt

Tamyir strode forward with his companions, the paladin of Mystra seemingly unperturbed by the local guard's extra scrutiny of traffic. His home of Silverymoon had similarly strict rules when it came to entrance to their city, though the Mythal did help to prevent evil from making headway into his home city.

"Well, the seal should help us gain entry at least, though after that we are going to have to find this Lord Nenthar after that. We may be able to ask the gate guards when we get there for directions, or perhaps not, they appear busy." He spoke, keeping his gaze even as Penny moves off from the group. He shrugged slightly, working a kink out of the shielded gauntlet on his left arm, before waiting with the others.
He Who Watches
GM, 26 posts
Weaver of Tales
Designer of Doom
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 11:10
  • msg #7

Arrival at Melvaunt

As your group approaches the guards, their gaze sweeps over your group briefly, before staring at the orc walking with you towards their station. With looks of disgust, they listen briefly to Birahu's statement, ignoring the orc huntress. "Aye, we heard Lord Nenthar had put out a call for adventurers, but there have been troubles of late here in Melvaunt. People disappearing, people of high rank, if ye get my drift. Yer seal is recognized, just don't cause any trouble while yer here, and mind you keep the beast on a tight leash." The guard spoke, the meaning is obvious not necessarily the leopard in the group, but Rhaga. Looking around, others in the area are uncomfortable near the orc huntress, or so it seems. The guards are waving you through to deal with the next people in line.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:11, Mon 20 June 2022.
Birahu the Black
Eternal Magus, 24 posts
HP 32/32
AC 12, T 12, FF 11 MA 16
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 13:06
  • msg #8

Arrival at Melvaunt

In reply to He Who Watches (msg # 7):

"Thank you good sir, just where do we go to find Lord Renthar?" He gives each guard 2 silver "for your trouble, to buy a beer later. If it is allowed?"
Peir Barrow
Laughmaster of Garl, 15 posts
Mon 20 Jun 2022
at 19:48
  • msg #9

Arrival at Melvaunt

Smiling genially and idly stepping between the guard and Rhaga, not because he had any concerns about the orc herself but simply to cheapen any attempt at a stand off. It was hard to give anyone the stink eye when you were having to stare over another person's head to do so, even if said head was level with your stomach.

That said the guard's remark did earn a slight frown. Missing people of low rank was more or less par for the course for a city of this size. but if this was happening to more important sorts that was unusual. Addressing the guard who remark in a polite manner after they had dealt with Birahu's gesture, "If you don't mind me asking who's been going missing? I have to imagine there's a reason Lord Nenthar put out the call but if it's a more personal matter for them then that gets a bit more awkward." Especially if they accepted the job and found a dead heir on it. The average lord tended to get cranky about that sort of thing even if the adventurer could have done nothing to prevent it.
Rhaga the Wolfhound
Orkin Bounty Hunter, 14 posts
A Mountain of Rage
"I do a job, I get paid."
Wed 22 Jun 2022
at 21:33
  • msg #10

Arrival at Melvaunt

Rhaga was grateful that Peir had placed himself between her and the guards, so that she didn't have to engage them in conversation. Well, conversation would have been a nice way of putting it. In reality, she might have split a lip or two. Or at the very least roared at them in order to give them something real to be frightened at. But, she was here on business, and it wouldn't do to send gate guards to the local apothecary.

So Rhaga merely snorted in contempt at the guards and moved through the gate, folded her arms across her chest, and waited for the others to complete their inquiries.
He Who Watches
GM, 28 posts
Weaver of Tales
Designer of Doom
Wed 22 Jun 2022
at 23:11
  • msg #11

Arrival at Melvaunt

The guards look at the silver proffered, then the one who spoke gestures toward the thoroughfare. "Take the main street to the center of town, look for the Crow's Nest, you should be able to get directions from there. Now move along!" He says briskly. There is more than a few people gathering behind you, along with a trader caravan which appears to be heavily guarded. Some people may be beyond a small bribe, some may need a higher price, and just some people...are jerks.

As you are ushered through by the other guards while the one guard deals with the next person in line, you see Penny walking towards you, having bypassed the gate. You can tell off the main thoroughfare, the streets are dark and ill kept, with waste populating the shadows. The smell is not the greatest, but humans tend not to think ahead or for the common good when it comes to their cities. From the people you can see, it is mostly a human town, though occasionally a dwarf or half elf can be seen going about their businesses
Enforcer of Ill Luck, 21 posts
What's in it for me?
AC17/14/T13 - HPs 32/32
Thu 23 Jun 2022
at 08:56
  • msg #12

Arrival at Melvaunt

The tiefling could not help but notice the commotion at the gate when the guards accosted Rhaga, and was expecting an exchange of 'physical pleasantries', but fortunately the orc remembered there was no reward for teaching ill mannered guards to treat everyone fairly. Penny had experienced the same treatment and worse before acquiring the hat that was creating a less memorable image of herself than the red skin and fiendish wings that were her real self.

Meeting up with her companions she gave Birahu a friendly poke in the ribs, nodding to the silver in his hand "Don't worry, you can always buy my friendship if you like." she offered with a playful grin before turning to face the orc bounty hunter. Taking a deep breath she commented "Ahhh, there is nothing like the smell of opportunity in a densely populated city, isn't that right?"
Birahu the Black
Eternal Magus, 27 posts
HP 32/32
AC 12, T 12, FF 11 MA 16
Thu 23 Jun 2022
at 12:07
  • msg #13

Arrival at Melvaunt

In reply to Penny (msg # 12):

"You're not bought so cheap though my dear!" he grinned in reply, patting her bottom.
Enforcer of Ill Luck, 22 posts
What's in it for me?
AC17/14/T13 - HPs 32/32
Thu 23 Jun 2022
at 12:17
  • msg #14

Arrival at Melvaunt

"That may be true, old man, but I could consider it a down payment." she laughed, deftly swatting away his hand. Any other guy would have lost his hand trying that, but there were not many people who had seen her true self and not been appalled by what they saw. Adding to that the mage was almost as smart as her, which made their intellectual sparring interesting.
Birahu the Black
Eternal Magus, 28 posts
HP 32/32
AC 12, T 12, FF 11 MA 16
Thu 23 Jun 2022
at 12:38
  • msg #15

Arrival at Melvaunt

In reply to Penny (msg # 14):

"Ha! Old man indeed! Who are you calling old little girl?" he said with a bigger grin.
Enforcer of Ill Luck, 23 posts
What's in it for me?
AC17/14/T13 - HPs 32/32
Thu 23 Jun 2022
at 13:19
  • msg #16

Arrival at Melvaunt

"You, apparently, and everyone else older than you." she gave back, skillfully avoiding the icky stuff that dropped from a horse's rear so effortlessly. Penny briefly enjoyed the playful ribbing, knowing they would have to go back to their typical serious selves soon enough; the world always seemed to demand it.
Rhaga the Wolfhound
Orkin Bounty Hunter, 15 posts
A Mountain of Rage
"I do a job, I get paid."
Thu 23 Jun 2022
at 15:00
  • msg #17

Arrival at Melvaunt

"By the Three Thunders, will you two just get a room already?" Rhaga grumbled, turning a baleful eye on the two quipping friends.

"...but be sure to go easy on him, Penny. His dusty old heart probably can't take much," she finished, sly grin spreading over her face to let everyone know that she had been messing with them with the earlier remark.

"But you are right about the smell. Smells like unwashed bodies, offal, manure, and opportunity. Let's find this Crow's Nest, and move onto Lord Nenthar. Because I'd also like to smell the gold this lordling has to offer..." the Orc said, popping her neck and rolling her shoulders for the journey through the city to come.

Without another word, she started off following the direction the guards had offered, confident that the others would follow.
Peir Barrow
Laughmaster of Garl, 16 posts
Thu 23 Jun 2022
at 15:26
  • msg #18

Arrival at Melvaunt

Unsurprised the guards had ignored his question Peir kept pace with his fellows with a slight bit of hurry in his steps compared to them. The assorted complaints about the smell earned a roll of his eyes before he spoke up, "You think it's bad where you all are. I'm closer to it and have a better nose than most of you."

Moving nimbly along he continued, "On the bright side at least we've got fairly clear directions so we don't have to savour it overlong."
Birahu the Black
Eternal Magus, 29 posts
HP 32/32
AC 12, T 12, FF 11 MA 16
Thu 23 Jun 2022
at 16:39
  • msg #19

Arrival at Melvaunt

Birahu fell in with the others, he squeezes Pennies hand and let her loose if she wanted him to, or held lightly if she wanted. He ignored the smell as best he could, poor Peir. He gave a little growl at Rhaga, teasing her back, "You're just jealous Rhaga!" and he winked.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:39, Thu 23 June 2022.
Tamyir Flameworthy
Mystic Fire Knight, 13 posts
Serve Her Flame
By the Seven Stars!
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 00:11
  • msg #20

Arrival at Melvaunt

Tamyir studied the guard while his group was there, keeping the man's features in mind for the future. He would have words with his superiors about his behavior, though how much change would come from them was hard to tell.

He was doubly glad to see that Penny had made it through to the other side, though. The Tiefling was resourceful and the playful banter between the Birahu and her spoke volumes about their true personalities and relationship.

"Agreed my friends, these streets leave much to be desired. To the crows' nest then." The paladin spoke, though he bent down briefly to speak with Peir. "My friend, if you do not mind riding on my shoulders, I can help with that, at least until we are further away from these streets." The paladin spoke kindly to the small Gnome, seeming earnest in his offer. Should it be accepted, he helps the Gnome up. Otherwise, the Paladin shrugs but remains respectful of the choice made.
Peir Barrow
Laughmaster of Garl, 17 posts
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 10:33
  • msg #21

Arrival at Melvaunt

Smiling genially up at Tamyir's request Peir answered, "Thank you but no need. I've always been this height or near enough to it and places like this have always had this aroma. I'm mostly just joining in the complaints to remind them they could have it far worse."

"Interesting that the guard would mention disappearances. It might be that's why we've been invited, anyone been hereabouts before and has a decent idea of what the normal situation is for the city?"
Birahu the Black
Eternal Magus, 30 posts
HP 32/32
AC 12, T 12, FF 11 MA 16
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 11:18
  • msg #22

Arrival at Melvaunt

In reply to Peir Barrow (msg # 21):

"It's all new to me Peir my friend. Never been to Melvaunt."
He Who Watches
GM, 29 posts
Weaver of Tales
Designer of Doom
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 11:18
  • msg #23

Arrival at Melvaunt

As you traverse the main street, you eventually come across a building of odd design. The first two stories appear to be made of stone, but the next three are larger and made of newer wood. Obviously built in the shape of a ship's crow's nest, this is probably the building you are looking for. There appears to be a covered main entranceway, with a thick reinforced door for an entrance. There appears to be an alcove on each side of the door, occupied by burly figures.
Tamyir Flameworthy
Mystic Fire Knight, 14 posts
Serve Her Flame
By the Seven Stars!
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 11:28
  • msg #24

Arrival at Melvaunt

Tamyir shrugs at the question. "I fear that I am new to this region as well, hailing from Silverymoon. From the way the guard mentioned the disappearances, it does not sound like a normal situation. Those who are missing must be at least of some rank to warrant such precautions." The paladin spoke, his eyes looking distant for a moment.
Rhaga the Wolfhound
Orkin Bounty Hunter, 16 posts
A Mountain of Rage
"I do a job, I get paid."
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 11:40
  • msg #25

Arrival at Melvaunt

"Well, even the most cold-hearted bastard rulers don't want all their tax-payers to disappear. They could be important people, or there could be enough peasants missing to hurt someone's bottom line. Either way, mark my words, when we drill down to the bottom of this, the motivation is going to turn out to be money or power. Or both. It always is..." Rhaga rumbled cynically in reply to Tamyir's comment.

Unconsciously, she dropped a big calloused hand on Maral's head and gave the big cat a good scratching behind the ears, as if to assure herself there were at least a few creatures on the planet that weren't full greedy pricks.

"Oi! You two know the way to Lord Nenthar's place? We heard it was near the Nest here..." she called to the two burly men who were presumably bouncers.
Birahu the Black
Eternal Magus, 31 posts
HP 32/32
AC 12, T 12, FF 11 MA 16
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 11:48
  • msg #26

Arrival at Melvaunt

Birahu smiled from where he was, Rhaga was blooming into a flower too, developing interpersonal skills with others, he felt good about that. They hadn't been together too long, but they were fast becoming good friends!
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