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11:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

Arrival at Melvaunt.

Posted by He Who WatchesFor group 0
Enforcer of Ill Luck, 24 posts
What's in it for me?
AC17/14/T13 - HPs 32/32
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 12:56
  • msg #27

Arrival at Melvaunt

"The smell of gold, yeah - that trumps everything!" the blonde commented, nodding in agreement. Walking on it took a few steps for her to draw her mind away from the prospect of earning a lot of money before she realized Birahu had grabbed her hand and teased Rhaga about jealousy. For the fraction of a second she looked at their interlocked hands with what might have been considered horror, but then a devious look appeared on her features and Penny began swinging their arms in a rather childish way. "You're absolutely right, Blacki, she just wished she could have a piece of you. Probably she's fantasizing about your medium rare tenderloin with barbecue sauce and sweet potatoes." she said, grinning madly and giving the orc a conspiratorial wink.

The exchange distracted the tiefling long enough so she missed Peir's comments and Tamyir's good-hearted offer. However, she did catch the words on the missing persons and had to silently agree that it was probably some upperclass people, lest the guards were hardly going to bother. "Or it is personal." she added, not believing that a few missing peasants would significantly affect the number of gold coins paid as taxes. She remembered Tarshrek kidnapping family members of the rich and demanding a ransom. Practically all of them paid up, those who didn't were usually killed as their spouses hired Tarshrek and his men in retaliation for exposing their husband's stone-cold hearts. The widows inherited the fortunes and were only too happy to be rid of their men. Her former master called it 'poetic justice', though Penny didn't agree with that.

As Rhaga called out to the Crow's Nest employees, the mercenary cringed inwardly, immediately wishing the ground would swallow her up - or even better: it would open up to swallow the orc bounty hunter. Holding her free hand over her eyes, as if she did not want to be recognized, Penny walked on muttering something under her breath that sounded like a prayer to some deity for making herself disappear.
Birahu the Black
Eternal Magus, 32 posts
HP 32/32
AC 12, T 12, FF 11 MA 16
Fri 24 Jun 2022
at 13:09
  • msg #28

Arrival at Melvaunt

Birahu laughed out loud from the belly as Penny finished her kidding, "Not mashed potatoes and gravy? I KNOW I'd be delicious!"
He Who Watches
GM, 32 posts
Weaver of Tales
Designer of Doom
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 12:24
  • msg #29

Arrival at Melvaunt

The bouncer on the left rolls his eyes but stops when the one on the right gives him a stern look. He steps forward and speaks to the group before they enter, giving each of you an experienced search with his eyes. "Names Ongar. You lot look able to handle yerself well enough, but we ask that ye respect the establishment and let us deal with troublemakers. As fer your question about Lord Nenthar, the Crow is in the know about such things. Head in and let Myrmian know you would like to speak with him." He spoke. The human is in his late thirties, probably early forties, and bares many scars and sailing tattoos across his flesh.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:24, Mon 27 June 2022.
Birahu the Black
Eternal Magus, 34 posts
HP 32/32
AC 12, T 12, FF 11 MA 16
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 12:41
  • msg #30

Arrival at Melvaunt

"Lead on Rhaga! Lead on, I like results!"
Rhaga the Wolfhound
Orkin Bounty Hunter, 17 posts
A Mountain of Rage
"I do a job, I get paid."
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 18:54
  • msg #31

Arrival at Melvaunt

Rhaga cocked an eyebrow at the response of the bouncers. She had expected directions, with the Crow being a landmark to help them find the way. But apparently there was more going on that the guards had first implied.

"I...see. Thank you, Ongar. We'll be good. Don't we look like paragons of virtue?" she grunted with a slight nod respect, even as she slid of bit of sarcasm into her voice..

"Listen old man, just because you like looking at my backside doesn't mean I'll always be in the front," Rhaga rumbled over her shoulder, in a tone that wasn't clear if she was jesting or being completely serious.

Despite what she said, she did indeed take the lead and head fro the doors of the Crow. She was one of the more burly fighters in the group, so her place was often in the front during their skirmishes. In fact, not too long ago she had gone toe-to-toe with a Red Dragon as they battled the foul wyrm. True, it was a smaller example of those ancient creatures, but it was still impressive.

With Maral in her shadow, the Orc quickly approached the doors and pushed her way into the interior.
Peir Barrow
Laughmaster of Garl, 18 posts
Mon 27 Jun 2022
at 20:52
  • msg #32

Arrival at Melvaunt

Unsurprised by the general confirmation of not having visited before but nodding agreement at Tamyir's suggestion that the disappearances would be people of note Peir turned to regard the door staff as Rhaga shouted her query, surprised when rather than returning directions or dismissals they instead directed the group inside. Then again those who entered the bar were more likely to spend coin that those who kept walking.

Rolling his eyes heavenwards at his fellow's banter he replied to what seemed to be the more authoritative of the two door staff, "Thanks Ognar. I promise they're less trouble than they look." Skirting between orc and leopard as they entered the gnome eyed the interior briefly before heading in for the bar. If they were asking for someone inside that was the most likely place to do so.
Enforcer of Ill Luck, 25 posts
What's in it for me?
AC17/14/T13 - HPs 32/32
Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 08:39
  • msg #33

Arrival at Melvaunt

Before Penny could answer the Black's question, the group was addressed by the bouncers of the Crow's Nest. Keeping quiet for the moment, the tiefling let Rhaga and Peir handle the two, although Penny did have to bite back a comment, the gnome obviously didn't know her long enough to understand she was trouble with a capital 'T'.

With a shrug and nothing to add, the mercenary entered through the doors.
Birahu the Black
Eternal Magus, 35 posts
HP 32/32
AC 12, T 12, FF 11 MA 16
Tue 28 Jun 2022
at 10:44
  • msg #34

Arrival at Melvaunt

In reply to Penny (msg # 33):

"Hmmm, and such a fine ass too Rhaga!" Birahu replied as he entered and let go of Penny's hand. He enjoyed the banter of the two females, kept him young!
He Who Watches
GM, 33 posts
Weaver of Tales
Designer of Doom
Thu 30 Jun 2022
at 02:38
  • msg #35

Arrival at Melvaunt

As the group banters past the bouncers, you enter the covered walkway and throw the door, leading to a smallish cloakroom to hang cloaks with a young boy keeping watch. Beyond this there is an opening into the main part of the tavern. The roughly half circle of the room is filled with various sailors and mercenaries, a wall of liquor along the back wall behind a three-foot-tall serving bar, in which a blonde half-elf woman in work clothes is rapidly serving beer, ale, and various concoctions while two human serving wenches dispense them to the customers around the room. Along the right side of the room, a stairway ascends around the room into the upper levels.

Listening for a moment, one of the serving wenches addresses the half-elf woman behind the counter. "Myrmian, we need more dwarven ale for the evening, I hear that the twins are going to stop by! Best let the Crow know." She says, rushing to bring more beer to her customers. Myrmian sighs, nodding her head, before pulling a section of the wall back behind the bar and walking through out of sight. She is gone for a few moments before returning, closing the wall behind her. Noticing the group in the entranceway, she waves you forward. "Welcome to the Crow's Nest, friends. I'm Myrmian, hostess here, what can we get for you adventurers?" She asks jovially.
Tamyir Flameworthy
Mystic Fire Knight, 15 posts
Serve Her Flame
By the Seven Stars!
Thu 30 Jun 2022
at 11:47
  • msg #36

Arrival at Melvaunt

Tamyir bows slightly as they reach the counter. "Forgive us for intruding, but we were directed to speak with the Crow by Ongar about what is going on in town. I don't suppose you could let him know? Lord Nenthar put out a request for experienced adventurers, but we are new to this town and the gate guards pointed us here." The paladin spoke politely, leaning in just enough to show how earnest he was.
Birahu the Black
Eternal Magus, 36 posts
HP 32/32
AC 12, T 12, FF 11 MA 16
Thu 30 Jun 2022
at 12:46
  • msg #37

Arrival at Melvaunt

In reply to Tamyir Flameworthy (msg # 36):

Nice Birahu thought, let us all be comfortable engaging folks.
Enforcer of Ill Luck, 26 posts
What's in it for me?
AC17/14/T13 - HPs 32/32
Thu 30 Jun 2022
at 19:28
  • msg #38

Arrival at Melvaunt

"Give me an ale while we wait." Penny said, giving the bartender a slight nod of respect before leaning against the counter casually. Expecting the others to have getting admitted to the boss well in hand, she looked around for anything that might look amiss, at the same time checking for exits and corners to hide in - just in case. Casting a glance over her shoulder to the woman serving the drinks she inquired "Anything interesting going on lately?"

ooc: 21:25, Today: Penny rolled 23 using 1d20+6.  Gather Info.
Birahu the Black
Eternal Magus, 37 posts
HP 32/32
AC 12, T 12, FF 11 MA 16
Fri 1 Jul 2022
at 12:05
  • msg #39

Arrival at Melvaunt

"A nice cold ale?" he requested at the bar beside Penny. He saw her checking the room and decided if things went sideways, to follow her.
He Who Watches
GM, 34 posts
Weaver of Tales
Designer of Doom
Sat 2 Jul 2022
at 11:45
  • msg #40

Arrival at Melvaunt

As the group approaches and converses with the bar maid Myrmian. Those who request drinks are served promptly, Myrmian listening intently as Tamyir speaks. She smiles politely back at Tamyir. "Pluarty will be in a little bit, he is out back entertaining the children with pirate tales. He has his fingers on the pulse on the goins ons in the city. As for what is happening, I have heard that a few of the high born have gone missing and their families are right hopping mad about that, since they cannot accuse each other directly, there is a mort of skullduggery goin on." She spoke, filling orders with ease.
Enforcer of Ill Luck, 27 posts
What's in it for me?
AC17/14/T13 - HPs 32/32
Sat 2 Jul 2022
at 14:44
  • msg #41

Arrival at Melvaunt

Paying the waitress for the drink, the tiefling strayed from the bar seemingly taking in the decorations, architecture or both. In truth she was collecting bits and pieces of information that would help form a better picture of what was going on in the city. After completing the circuit she came back to stand beside Birahu. Penny's eyebrow went up when the barkeep mentioned children in the back,  which was pretty unusual for a bar to have children, even though not in the taproom. But perhaps they were grooming the new generation of customers.

Her mind was putting the individual informations together and they would have to be especially careful to avoid stepping on any toes belonging to the merchant houses. Turning to the woman behind the bar she asked "Are there any rooms we could rent while we stay here? I have a hunch that our task will take a while to complete."
Peir Barrow
Laughmaster of Garl, 19 posts
Sat 2 Jul 2022
at 19:01
  • msg #42

Arrival at Melvaunt

Nodding to the guards at the door once inside Peir blinked a couple of times to adjust to the light before accompanying the others to the bar. Unlike some of the rest he did not order a drink instead just listening. At the confirmation some of the local nobility had been going missing he let out a low whistle, shaking his head slightly.

"That'll make for an awkward situation. They all go missing at once or has it been in dribs and drabs?" he asked Myrmian
This message was last edited by the player at 19:02, Sat 02 July 2022.
Rhaga the Wolfhound
Orkin Bounty Hunter, 18 posts
A Mountain of Rage
"I do a job, I get paid."
Sun 3 Jul 2022
at 13:04
  • msg #43

Arrival at Melvaunt

"You'll never see finer. Actually, you'll just never see it, old man," the Orc bantered mildly as the entered.

Rhaga and Maral sniffed about the place for a few moments. Literally. Before deciding that there wasn't anything particularly dangerous or foul smelling in their immediate vicinity. Indeed, the snow leopard actually flopped down on the floor and curled around one of the stools like she was a regular house-cat.

"Does this place carries any kumis? Hm. Don't suppose they do, being this far northwest..." the burly warrior asked Myrmian, before grumbling to herself cynically.
Birahu the Black
Eternal Magus, 38 posts
HP 32/32
AC 12, T 12, FF 11 MA 16
Sun 3 Jul 2022
at 13:08
  • msg #44

Arrival at Melvaunt

In reply to Rhaga the Wolfhound (msg # 43):

"So sad, but I can't miss what I've never seen!" He grinned from ear to ear gently rubbing Penny's back (soothe the muscles a little.)
He Who Watches
GM, 35 posts
Weaver of Tales
Designer of Doom
Sun 3 Jul 2022
at 20:34
  • msg #45

Arrival at Melvaunt

Myrmian looks up at the young womans question, smiling. "Of course, though it depends on what quality of room you are looking for. Two silver for the modest room, five silver for fine room, and one gold piece for the luxurious suite.

As for the missing that you mention it, they do seem to have all gone up and missing about the same time. At least, that is what it feels like when this mess started around the same time."

She looked confused at Rhaga's request. "I am sorry, I am not familiar with that drink. Perhaps an elven wine?" she suggests to the orc warrior.

"Pluarty should be in soon, he doesn't like keeping the children too late, their mothers might worry." Myrmian spoke, grabbing drinks and speaking around orders.
Birahu the Black
Eternal Magus, 39 posts
HP 32/32
AC 12, T 12, FF 11 MA 16
Mon 4 Jul 2022
at 11:37
  • msg #46

Arrival at Melvaunt

In reply to He Who Watches (msg # 45):

"When did the scions disappear exactly, how long ago, if you know?"
He Who Watches
GM, 36 posts
Weaver of Tales
Designer of Doom
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 02:26
  • msg #47

Arrival at Melvaunt

Myrmian shrugs slightly. "I think it was about a week ago or so, to be honest, I don't pay that much attention to non-customers." She spoke, shrugging slightly. Obviously not super concerned about it.

The "secret" door opens within a few moments, and a lithe, short brown haired individual squeezes in, dusting off his deep blue tunic and giving the room a smile. "Hello hello, what have we here, Myrmian my lovely? From the looks of them, adventurers, and if I know adventurers, and I do, you lot appear to be seeking something in particular. What can old, Pluarty Crow do for you?" He asks, his blue eyes appraising each of you, but never losing the warmth which is reflective of his voice.
Birahu the Black
Eternal Magus, 41 posts
HP 32/32
AC 12, T 12, FF 11 MA 16
Wed 6 Jul 2022
at 16:58
  • msg #48

Arrival at Melvaunt

In reply to He Who Watches (msg # 47):

"We are here at the request of Lord Nenthar for adventurers to fix a problem. We were told to speak to Crow first to get the lay of the land, then see the lord. Can you help us out sir?"
Enforcer of Ill Luck, 30 posts
What's in it for me?
AC17/14/T13 - HPs 32/32
Thu 7 Jul 2022
at 15:23
  • msg #49

Arrival at Melvaunt

"A modest room will do." Penny told Myrmian and put half a dozen silvers on the countertop. She watched Pluarty enter the room and leaned against the counter, taking a sip from her ale. Looking at the newcomer, assessing the man she stated "What he said." the tiefling blurted out and pointed at the mage. "And how high is the reward?" she added, cutting to the chase directly.
He Who Watches
GM, 37 posts
Weaver of Tales
Designer of Doom
Fri 8 Jul 2022
at 09:02
  • msg #50

Arrival at Melvaunt

Myrmian nods and hands over a room key, with the number 4 engraved into it to Penny.

Pluarty smiles at Birahu's statement, gesturing out the door. "Since you are here at the behest of Lord Nenthar, you need just take Forgedworn Way from High Street here, and you will find the residence of the Nenthar estate. Since you have been summoned by the Lord anyways, you shouldn't have much trouble gaining an audiance with him. I do not know how much he may be offering, but I have heard that the other Lords have been offering 100 gold pieces each for their scions, but this is of course rumor. And there are of course plenty of people walking the streets seeking them for those rewards." He spoke, resting idly upon his hand taking a moment to run his eyes over Penny, winking slightly.
Peir Barrow
Laughmaster of Garl, 20 posts
Fri 8 Jul 2022
at 09:55
  • msg #51

Arrival at Melvaunt

Returning the newcomer's smile with an easy grin of his own while he was asked questions by his fellows Peir turned to Myrmian and slid 6 silver of his own onto the countertop, having to stretch slightly to do so easily, "Same for me please. From the sounds of things we'll be in town a while at least."

Looking at Pluarty as the man spoke about what he knew Peir rubbed his hands together absently, folding one into the other than reversing the motion, pondering that information slowly before asking, "Are the Lords typically on congenial terms or somewhat more...competitive? If they all disappeared at a similar time that would suggest a connection of some kind."
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