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[2] The Road to the Hollow.

Posted by Game MasterFor group archive S
Game Master
GM, 9 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:07
  • msg #1

The Road to the Hollow

Tiwesdæg, (new sun)

In the dim light hours before the rise of the new sun, the shrill call of many varieties of birds fill the air outside of Falcarragh. It is a stark contrast to the few birds that inhabit the city, where morning sounds are that of citizens shouting or performing early chores such as throwing pish pots to the sewers.

The call of the birds is pleasant, and the morning fog clings low to the dew covered grasses and shrubbery that line the road north from Falcarragh once the farms are passed. The road then winds through a low trough through hilly forest for several miles. The sun has barely lit the sky with the new sun and already the party has traveled several miles from the outskirts of the city.

At this pace, they will reach Falcon's Hollow tomorrow around high sun (noon).
Player, 6 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:08
  • msg #2

The Road to the Hollow

"Ahhh. The outdoors. It brings a certain solitude to the soul does it not? My da was always outside doing something or other. He always sai-- Tynia?"

Jhaelin stops and turns his horse sidways in the road. Tynia, who had been riding beside him has stopped and is several yards behind him now.
Player, 18 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:11
  • msg #3

The Road to the Hollow

On the road it had been Karok's turn to ride rearguard. Tynia and Jhaelin had been in the vanguard, and Durwe on this trip, was driving the wagon between.

This had suited Karok well today. He learned that Jhaelin is an insufferable morning loving type, and Tynia has a better disposition to put up with him rhapsodizing about birdsong and sunrise, and what-all. Watching their backtrail was not at all disagreeable.

But then there was a break in the clopping of the horses' hooves ahead. Tynia's steed had paused, Jhaelin's had begun to move on.

Karok had enjoyed only limited training with horses, but he knew enough to know that, when they acted that way, there might well be reason. He pulled lightly on the reins to bring his own mount to a stop, and swung down, drawing out sling and bullet-stone. He scanned the surrounding terrain, especially ahead.

Just in case.
Player, 10 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:12
  • msg #4

The Road to the Hollow

Tynia's experience in the woodlands brings something to her attention.

She noticed the birds taking flight from the right side of the road, unexpectedly. It draws her eyes in that direction. It is, otherwise, not noticed by the others.

Movement catches her eye along the top most ridge of the tree line. Something is up there and may, or may not, be tracking their movements.

Her mount stopped when Tynia's attention is caught so she doesn't notice the others still moving.

Her attention is focused on what it could be.
Player, 7 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:12
  • msg #5

The Road to the Hollow

Jhaelin follows Tynia's gaze, searching the wood lined ridge to the right of the road for trouble. He finds none.

"I don't see anything," he says, but one hand strays to the hilt of his sword. Something gained her attention, and he would not take it lightly. "What bothers you?"
Game Master
GM, 10 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:14
  • msg #6

Tiwesdæg, 11.50 (low sun)

Visual search of the tree line along the ridge for several minutes reveals nothing. No unusual movements, just wildlife native to the area. Birds, squirrels, and rabbits...

The party continues on their way, a little more wary than before and more than once, someone thinks they catch movement through the brush parallel to them but just out of view. Almost certainly, someone or some thing is tracking their movement along the road.

The day wears on and the light begins to fade from the sky. Perhaps a hand's length (hour) left of low sun. Already the shadows are long and a quietness falls across the forest.

Suddenly, a wide meadow opens up. This would be Break Camp Meadow, the half-way point between Falcon's Hollow and Falcarragh. The meadow is a hundred yards in length and sixty yards wide. On the left side of the meadow, the grasses lead down into a pond that fades off into the forest. In the center, near the water and several yards off the road, sits a wagon and horse accompanied by a woman, man, teen boy and small girl. They watch warily as you approach along the road.
Player, 19 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:15
  • msg #7

The Road to the Hollow

"Hmmmph," mumbled Karok to himself on his horse. "Why are THEY looking cautious at US?"

After all, Jhaelin was scarce more than a boy, and of mild demeanor. And the elves looked a little tougher after a day of road dust, but still had trouble appearing less than elegant! Now, perhaps HE might give them slight pause, if they weren't used to seeing dwarves about... but what about THEM? They could actually be...

-bandits in disguise;
-the better face of a family of weregoons;
-a group of rakshasae. Maybe even singing rakshasae (horrors!);
-an incredibly well-crafted illusion sent by Baba Yagga's great great granddaughter, Ulmzila, to lure them into complacency...!

But, he had to allow, those were relatively remote possibilities, though still possible. Karok decided that he, himself, would be wary. He put on his stern, forbidding face as they rode.

"Parlay with them?" he called. Meaning, of course, that someone else in the group should parlay with them. He would keep an eye out behind.
Player, 11 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:15
  • msg #8

The Road to the Hollow

Tynia glanced over at Jhaelin, "Something, nothing, I don't know. But I get the feeling that something or someone is watching us. Where or why, I don't know." she answered.

Tynia would look at Karok then, a brow rose.

"Parley?" she echoed in question and saw the people. She shook her head. "Not me."
Player, 8 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:16
  • msg #9

The Road to the Hollow

Jhaelin regards what appears to be a family, readying themselves for a camp night in the meadow as they roll past on the road. He nods and waves while shouting a greeting at the man and woman.

"Good day sir... ma'am."

On the road, forty yards beyond that family, Jhaelin turns to the others. The family returns whatever chores they were tending to. More than a few curious glances are cast toward the two elves and a dwarf on the road. Curious as they are though, the family remain to themselves.

"Are we stopping as well for the night? It is safest here in the meadow, but if you wish, we can continue on for a while and get yet closer to Falcon's Hollow before breaking for camp. Resting here, we should reach the village by high sun tomorrow and if we ride on for a few hours, we could reach the village by three hands over new sun."

Jhaelin's attention is drawn to the family as the man calls out to the teen boy to help him gather wood for a small fire only now starting to smolder to life. He then regards the surrounding edges of the meadow, his expression thoughtful.

"My fear is that these innocent people may be harmed by what ever has been tracking us today, if it is something that would cause them or us harm."
Player, 20 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:17
  • msg #10

The Road to the Hollow

"Aye," Karok growled, his horse drifting closer to the others. "I suppose I'd rather camp in the open and see whatever it is, when it comes at us. Don't know if I'd like to be too close to the family over there-- or if they want to be close to us-- but we can share the pond."

"May want to think about double guard shifts, though."
Game Master
GM, 11 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:18
  • msg #11

Tiwesdæg, 00.10 (new moon)

Jhaelin points to a spot near the pond's edge and near a tree that has branches that reach out over the water of the pond. An old and larger felled tree lies beside it; half in the water and half out. It has seen much use in the past for sitting or sleeping next to.

Wild grasses and lily dot the surface of the water at the edge and small fish or minnows can be seen darting back and forth while water bugs and other insects skitter about with the light breeze that caps the pond waters.

There is evidence of many camps having been made here with old camp fires and a little trash scattered here and there.

What ever has been tracking the party does not make an appearance right away and the party begins the chores of making camp in the first hour of the rising new moon. Overhead, the skies are slightly overcast and non threatening.
Player, 21 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:18
  • msg #12

The Road to the Hollow

Karok dragged in firewood, searched for edible plants, drew up water ina pot to boil, meanwhile ruminating: "Mind you, you see this kind of thing out away from civilization. A predator will set up near a watering hole, or salt lick, or place where the prey will have to come. I wonder if this nice, well-used campsite has become such a place...?"
Player, 12 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:19
  • msg #13

The Road to the Hollow

Tynia was silent, but she did keep gazing at the family. She was wary of them. That and the fact there was something out there waiting to attack them or something.

She had no idea who or what.

She would set up a few things of her own in the way of camping, particularly food (vegetables) and a place to rest (somewhere under a tree or something close by).
Game Master
GM, 12 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:19
  • msg #14

Tiwesdæg, 00.20 mins (new moon)

Durwe remains silent as the camp area is set and leads the wagon to spot. It is evident the ride on the wagon seat has made an impact on his mood and comfort. He sets to feeding the wagon drawing horse, which looks in sad shape to begin with; sagging sides with ribs showing and thin hide with patches of fur missing here and there. The animal seems to appreciate the little attention from the elf.

Tynia readies for cooking and sets her gear in readying for sleep.

Karok searches the immediate area for firewood, and finds none. He will have to enter the forest edges around the side of the pond to find some, like the family near them has done.

The family near them, had entered the southern side, so he enters the north and finds wood aplenty.

Returning, he finds Jhaelin harvesting wild tubers growing near the ponds water, a type of water cress which has not flowered yet and become bitter.

The family nearby remain to themselves, cooking, tending fire and offering curious glances toward the PCs. The only thing out of place, is an occasional racking cough, coming from their wagon. There must be a fifth person there, unseen.
Player, 22 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:25
  • msg #15

The Road to the Hollow

"Had worse," Karok allowed, blowing his cress-tuber cooler, then biting in. "'M thinking guardshifts, tonight, by the way. I'll take the middle watch, myself. I figure you spellcasters might need more rest, and I can see fine in the dark."

A wracking cough was heard from the neighbor's wagon. "Sounds like someone's not well." he turned to Jaelin. "You trained to ease sickness and the like?"
Player, 9 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:25
  • msg #16

The Road to the Hollow

Jhaelin looks over at the wagon from which the coughing can be heard coming from. He thought he could see the wagon wheels move a little with each cough.

"I am only an acolyte in the hierarchy of the church of Heirneous, but I may be able to give some comfort, depending on what exactly the problem is."

Finishing his meal, Jhaelin stands, then excuses himself from the camp to make his way over to the family, approaching them cautiously and non-threateningly.
Player, 23 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:26
  • msg #17

The Road to the Hollow

"Keep alert, here," Karok recommended to the elves. "I'm going to move in closer to ward the boy in case those travelers are something worse than they appear."

The dwarf left the campfire at an oblique angle away from the other fire circle. Once having gained the darkness of the night, he circled, and closed much of the distance to the family's camp. Staying far beyond the light of their fire, he took advantage of his own dwarven vision. Quietly he withdrew his sword from its' scabbard and stood ready, in case the young Hieronian acolyte found himself in danger.
Player, 13 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:27
  • msg #18

The Road to the Hollow

Tynia had taken up her bow and quiver of arrows and was holding them ready to be used though the arrows were just close to her.

Her senses were acute, trained on everywhere, just in case of trouble.

She nodded in response to Karok as he moved away to surreptitiously follow Jhaelin. She too followed with her senses on alert.
Player, 12 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:28
  • msg #19

The Road to the Hollow

Durwe remains in their own camp, busying himself with his gear or the fire while keeping a wary eye on what is transpiring with Jhaelin. He prefers to stand as much as he can now, considering having sit all day long on the hard wagon seat. It feels good to stand.

"I think I will take the first watch, if the rest of you don't mind." he says, absently throwing another piece of dried wood on the fire.

"I have been sitting all day."

Durwe makes sure he is near his weapon... just in case.
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:29
  • msg #20

The Road to the Hollow

"Stop your stride right there young man! We don't want any trouble! We be mindin our own business here."

The man places a hand within the back of his wagon as he shouts to the approaching Jhaelin. His weapon is within reach.

"Sara. Ronin. Get behind the wagon. NOW!"
Player, 10 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:29
  • msg #21

The Road to the Hollow

Jhaelin halts his stride and throws his arms wide with palms out, showing he is unarmed.

"I am called Jhaelin, an acolyte of Heironeous in Falcarragh, friend, and only wish to offer my services... freely, to ease any pain or discomfort that I can. I can hear someone coughing there within your wagon. I -we- mean you no harm."
Game Master
GM, 13 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:30
  • msg #22

Tiwesdæg, 00.30 mins (New Moon)

The man agrees to allow Jhaelin approach the camp, and gives wary glances to the other members of the cleric's party. He notes too the missing dwarf, no doubt, close by.

Jhaelin spends several minutes in the camp, talking with the family, then climbs inside the makeshift canvas wagon and out of sight. The conversations are low and can not be heard by others in the party's camp. The dwarf is also too far away to hear what was said.

Time passes and Jhaelin has yet to come from the wagon...
Player, 24 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:31
  • msg #23

The Road to the Hollow

How long does it take to heal up a sick person, Karok wondered. He had no idea. His people did not take ill often. Got wounded, aye, but seldom sick. Perhaps longer than he had taken. Perhaps.

The dwarf began to consider routes by which he might quietly approach the wagon more closely without being seen. Flink it, he thought, why couldn't we have hired a thief? A relatively honest one, of course. But someone who properly knew how to sneak about. Stomping was much more the dwarf's style than creeping!

He supposed he'd give him a bit longer...
Player, 14 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:31
  • msg #24

The Road to the Hollow

Keeping a watch, Tynia remained where she was, eyes moving watching the wagon, waiting for Jhaelin's exit, waiting to see what would happen, waiting waiting waiting.

She was rubbing a hand across her bow feeling the comfort the weapon gave her waiting for the unknown to become known.

Her senses caught the dwarf then turned its attention back to everywhere else splitting into multiples.
Player, 1 post
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:37
  • msg #25

The Road to the Hollow

Ordil was quite pleased with himself. A day's worth of observing this wandering party and he had passed without notice or incident. Of course, being armed adventurers they made poor marks. And even if he did attempt to sneak a few valuables once night began, he mused from his position in the underbrush, they had elves with them. He had heard strange stories about elves, beings who never sleep and can hear a leaf rustle from thirty paces distance. He felt a chill pass through his bones as he yearned for a warm fire and hot meal to pass the night with.

He continued to watch with some interest as the holy man made passed into the wagon to talk about who-knows-what. It was then that, as time passed, he felt a truly viscous cramping in his left foot.

It is said that when man plans, the Fates laugh, and all Ordil's training and natural grace could not make up for a bad case of pins and needles. A slight misstep was all it took and the stinging snap of a breaking stick punctured the evening's quiet. As if that retort wasn't enough to give away his position, and it certainly was, the hitherto unaware adventures were now treated to the sight of a young man emerging from the brush only thirty yards away and a shout of:

"By Fharlanghn's stubby staff!"

Suddenly, the pain in his foot vanished as his heart began to beat rapid. He looked upon the dwarf and elf who could now see him easily and offered his friendliest and most natural smile, a darn good one at that:

"Evening to ya fellow travelers! Real lovely place to be taking in the night air, isn't it?"

DM edit: increased distance between from which he bounds from the forest and nearest party member... he is still noticed though.
Player, 25 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:38
  • msg #26

The Road to the Hollow

Karok's head snapped around with the crack of the stick. He was moving as the young man made his appearance. His sword was out and his shield was up as he ground to a halt about ten feet short of the newcomer.

Turning, so that he would not be entirely back-upon to the other camp, where Jhaelin was, he growled, "Well, m'lady. This must've been what you heard earlier in the day."
Player, 15 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:38
  • msg #27

The Road to the Hollow

Tynia stared at the newcomer, her brows narrowed.

"Why were you following us stranger?" she asked of him. "Were you going to try something unsavory." Tynia's hand had already slipped an arrow in the bow and had it notched, aimed at the newcomer.
Game Master
GM, 14 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:45
  • msg #28

The Road to the Hollow

The older woman's gaze shifts to Jhaelin, and for a moment he thinks a look of recognition lights her eyes. But just as quick as the thought comes to him, the look passes and may, after all, never have been there. Gertie. Ol'Gert as he knew her by from his young childhood days. A mean spirited, frightening, shriveled hag of a woman who had run him and his friends from the pens more than once in her younger years. Now, she lay before him, and scarcely could he believe it, but she was more frightening to him now than ever.

A rattling cough echoes in the wagon, and a kerchief comes from her lips spotted with a froth of crimson blood. According to the family, she has been sick for three days. Her skin is mottled black, with pustules. At first glance, Jhaelin feared the black plague, but this is different and without necrosis of the skin. And now, the man seems to be getting sick. He has coughed a couple of times yet his expression tells the tale of one refusing to believe he is sick.

According to the woman named Sara, in the past week, numerous residents of Falcon’s Hollow have fallen ill, each suffering from the same hacking affliction. Laurel, a canny local herbalist, has diagnosed the pestilence as something called the Blackscour taint.

Unfortunately, Jhaelin has no experience with diseases and can not help her. He gives her water and tells the family to keep her hydrated with juices or more water. She will have to fight if she is to live through the affliction. Blackscour taint is not unknown, though it is uncommon. Rarely do people die of it, except the very young or the elderly. It will make you very sick for a while until your system can fight off the fungal taint.

After a lengthy conversation and much soothing of nerves, Jhaelin exits the wagon just in time to hear the commotion behind him and across the road. Karok has drawn weapon in challenge at what appears to be a young human not much older than himself, if that.

"What's going on here?", he asks, jumping from the wagon to the ground. He regards the stranger.

"You the one been following us all day?"
This message was last updated by the GM at 01:45, Mon 14 Nov 2022.
Player, 2 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:39
  • msg #29

The Road to the Hollow

As Ordil closed with the battle-ready pair, he held his bare hands up as a gesture of peace, turning them side to side as if to show there was nothing up his sleeve. He remained silent and calm as Jhaelin issues his challenge. Finally, when the three travelers had spoken their peace, he offered his:

"I do suppose I owe an explanation for that nice bit of observation. You can call it an audition. A group like your's is most certainly on some kind of business and I ain't yet heard of a job that doesn't take a fellow who can slink about unnoticed for the better part of a day. If it wasn't for that damn twig... But,"

He paused and looked to Tynia, remembering what the dwarf said about her noticing him and, taking a complimentary tone, offered "I tell you, madame, I'd be a real fool to try and put anything 'unsavory' past you."
Player, 16 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:40
  • msg #30

The Road to the Hollow

Tynia un-nocked (God, that's not a word) the arrow from the bow but she didn't release her grip on the bow. She stared at the newcomer suspiciously.

"Then why do it?" she asked.
Player, 26 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:40
  • msg #31

Tiwesdæg, 11.50 (low sun)

"Audition." Karok reminded her. "He says he wanted to show us how good at slinking around quietly all day he was. Might be true, might be a smooth line."

"What do you think, priestling?" he partially turned to include Jhaelin in his peripheral vision, but still watching the slinker carefully. "You hired us for this mission; do you think he's lying?"
Player, 12 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:41
  • msg #32

The Road to the Hollow

"Of course he is lying Karok.", Jhaelin remarks, approaching the dwarf. There is no doubt in Jhaelin's mind that this rogue had been gathering information on them, figuring to steal from them in the night. But, perhaps there was opportunity here. They may need certain abilities none of them possess that a rogue could easily handle.

"Your motives are questionable, but your skills art noteworthy. I have no doubt you meant to take from us, though you would have found your spoils little in value. I have an offer for you which could return quite an investment in purse. If this interests you, come with us, eat at our fire and we shall talk. Otherwise, leave us and do not bother with petty theft. Heironeous protects us, the elves are quite good with their bows and Karok here. Well, he likes to feed his axe a bit of blood every so often and it has been a while."

Jhaelin laughs, then puts a hand on Karok's shoulder, indicating he should follow. The threat is over. It is time for the lad to decide on his own. Jhaelin turns his back on them and returns to the waiting elves at their own camp.
Player, 27 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:42
  • msg #33

The Road to the Hollow

Karok slipped his shield over his shoulder, but kept his sword in hand as he followed Jhaelin back to the fire. "What, are you an axe, now?" he asked the blade with all apparent seriousness. "You never told me you were joining a different weapons' group. Must say, though, nice disguise."

Ordil would be cagey enough to note that the dwarf never entirely turns his broad back upon him as he goes.
Player, 13 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:42
  • msg #34

The Road to the Hollow

Jhaelin's face turns a crimson red. Where in the world did he get the idea Karok was carrying an ax? Ohhhhh....

"My apologies Karok. For some reason, my mind thought you carried an ax. Forgive me. I think I have seen too many illustrations while studying of dwarves and they always seem to carry an ax."
Player, 28 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:42
  • msg #35

The Road to the Hollow

"Oh, t'is common enough, axes and dwarves; not at all unusual. Almost expected in some circles," Karok reassured him. "In fact, that is one of my family's several concerns with me. 'Why can't you go to battle, hefting an honest axe? Your father does, your brother does, your dear Uncle Kartok does...' "

"I like the balance of a sword," the dwarf shrugged. "It also allows me a shield, for protection. 'Well, what do you need with protection?!' my family demands. 'You cut your enemies down with a big axe before they strike, or you take your wound and survive it, THEN cut them down with a big axe. That's the dwarven way!' "

He looked around the fire circle. "Aye, you all know how it can be with your home clan...?"
Game Master
GM, 14 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:43
  • msg #36

Tiwesdæg, 1hr 0 mins (N.M.)

Ordil Longfellow is left standing in the meadow to contemplate the offer Jhaelin offered him. He paces, mulling with his thoughts while listening in on the conversations at the two camps, and each camp keeps a wary eye on him.

Jhaelin tends to the fire at the camp and tells the others what he saw in the wagon. He also relates the conversation he had with Sara about the blackscour taint.

It is several minutes later, when a scream pierces the calm melody of the pond frogs. The frogs go quiet as the girl bounds from the forest's edge south of the other camp, dried branches falling from her grasp. Right behind her, the teenage boy leaps over a fallen tree, running and yelling for his father! On the heels of him, a large black bear is quickly gaining ground on him with a low, huffing roar.

In the dim light of dusk, the boy had cleared the fallen tree and looks behind him in fear of the bear being too close and smacks broadside of a tree and falls to the ground. The bear is on him in no time!

State your intended action in your next post, then roll 1d6 in the DICE thread for Initiative. Apply your DEX modifier if you have one. If you have a +1 bonus on your DEX score, that is a -1 to your roll. Also roll to hit if you are attacking. State what AC you hit.

Range to target is 30 yards. For most of you, this means you can MOVE and attack in the same round. Or, you may want to cast a spell. Or, you may just want to sit back and watch... :o)

IF you move first in a round then melee, you lose initiative in most circumstances.

Write your post in such a way as to state what your character is intending to accomplish, is trying to do. Do not write a result of any action. Only one GM here... :o)

Player, 14 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:46
  • msg #37

The Road to the Hollow

Jhaelin grabs his bag and starts at a sprint for the boy, only barely catching up with the father as he too runs toward the boy armed with a stout club. Hopefully, the boy would not be mauled to death before they got to him.

"KAROK!", he calls over his shoulder!

Movement only... withholding actions till next round.

Player, 13 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:47
  • msg #38


Durwe realizes running for the boy wastes precious time. Hoping he will not hit the boy (a pretty good chance he wont considering the size of the bear), Durwe picks up his bow with one hand in a quick, fluid movement and pulls an arrow to cheek on the string with the other. He lets fly with a volley of arrows.

Init 2, Hits AC7 and AC14 (short range), dmgs 6 and 4 respectively

Player, 17 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:47
  • msg #39


Tynia is readied though unsure if her spell would do any kind of damage. But she attempts to use her Magic Missile spell.

init: 4, Attack: 12,(9), damage: 2

Player, 29 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:48
  • msg #40

Round one

Karok was reacting even as his various party members moved. Leaving his shield shouldered, he grabbed a burning faggot from the campfire and ran forward, short, muscular legs churning.

"KAROK!" Jhaelin called over his shoulder.

"COMING!" the dwarf called back making his best time.

Keeping his sword ready he thrust, with his other hand, the makeshift torch into the anus/tail/flank/whatever he can reach without hurting someone.

Peripherally, he noticed a ball of small, fiery magic streak through the night and heard the zing of an arrow or two. The elves are in, he noted to himself, as he tried to distract the bear from its young victim.

(Initiative: 3, to hit: 14 [AC:6?]).

Player, 3 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:49
  • msg #41

The Road to the Hollow

Ordil knew he had to find a good way to work his way into this band of do-gooders, but so far, nothing had come to mind. Then, of course, a massive beast showed up to prey upon a young boy.

Never one to miss an opportunity, Ordil leaps into action with heroic alacrity. "We must protect that young innocent!" he cries with convincing gravitas. That said, he keeps his movements controlled, never getting in front of Jhaelin as the cleric races to be the first to meet the bear.

Just beyond striking distance, at about ten feet, Ordil lets loose one of his hatchets, sending it spinning towards the animal. And yet once again, the thief has favored a display of heroism over its execution; the shot is hastily aimed.

((Init: 1; attack 11 (short range) hits AC 9 [I think]))

Game Master
GM, 15 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:50
  • msg #42

Tiwesdæg, 1 hr 0 min 6 sec NM

Ronin, the boy, scampers backwards on his hands and legs like a spider, trying to get away from the bear and give him enough time to get up. When he turns to get his legs under him and sprint, the bear leaps to attack. One claw rakes the boys back, rolling him over in the dirt and grass and he screams in fright and pain.

Jhaelin is first to reach the boy, but does not put himself as a target for the bear immediately. The boy's father is hot on the cleric's heels and swings his club at the bear, drawing its attention from mauling the boy. The plan works and the bear raises on its hind legs and roars in defiance. Jhaelin is surprised when the stranger appears next to him and hurls an ax at the beast. The ax sails past harmlessly.

Two arrows go whizzing past as Karok enters the scene, flanking the bear and drawing its attention with fire. The dwarf smacks the bear in the backside and flames lick its furry hide sending tendrils of smoke rising. This draws the bear's attention and it comes down to all fours, biting at the dwarf at the same time. Karok rolls back on his heels and the bear's jaws snap shut with a snap, narrowly missing a shoulder as a magic missile strikes it's hide from the other side.

Begin round two. Thac0 is calculated on each character's sheet. The number you roll subtracted from your Thac0 score with that weapon is the AC you hit. I have verified each character's Thac0 score. Also, go ahead and roll damage for a weapon, even if you suspect you missed. You never know... and it will save time.

Critical hits are twice the normal damage of the weapon, then add any bonuses. Fumbles will be determined by the GM.

Comments and suggestions on how we are doing is appreciated.

Player, 15 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:51
  • msg #43

The Road to the Hollow

Jhaelin reacts quickly, his spell already forming on his lips. He reaches down for the boy, both to help him up and to heal by the grace of Heironeous.

"There now boy. Come, get away now!"

Cure light wounds, 3 points. Initiative 2.

This message was last edited by the player at 01:52, Mon 14 Nov 2022.
Player, 14 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:52
  • msg #44

The Road to the Hollow

Seeing just too many people around the bear, Durwe follows Tynia's idea. He waggles his finger in somatic gestures and produces the verbal sounds required to produce the magical effects of a magic missile spell. The pinpoint of light that seems to twist the fabric of space around it darts off to its target.

Initiative 5, Damage 3

Player, 4 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:52
  • msg #45

The Road to the Hollow

Oldin winces as he sees the boy get struck by the animal. But when the dwarf showed up with a burning log, an idea hit him like a club. He looses some time fumbling in the pouch at his belt, but extracts a fragile jar which fits snuggly into his hand. Taking his time, he moves smoothly into a comfortable stance and hurls the container of lamp oil directly at the animal, aiming for the still smoldering burn that Karok left on it.

"Dwarf-friend! Light the beast up and we'll be the ones having it for dinner!"

Init: 3; Hits AC 0; Damage: 5 Chucking a jar of oil at the thing
Player, 18 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:53
  • msg #46

The Road to the Hollow

Seeing as things have happened, Tynia goes for another Magic Missile attack. She murmurs the words, her hands moving in tandem.

A bright lit missile appears from her fingertip and streaks unerringly toward her target.

Init: 6; Damage (spell): 2

Player, 1 post
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:55
  • msg #47

Tiwesdæg, 00.30 mins (New Moon)

Brett had been riding for, to him, like days, but it was really only one day. He feels like someone has dumped him head first into a vat of acid.

Heh, must have been only a short while since I've been on a horse and I'm already feeling bad. That doesn't say much. He thought, wincing at the pain each new thump against the saddle brings between his legs.

The sound of commotion as he got close brings a curse to his lips, "What in the..."

He sees the bear and the group of people and immediately perceives what is happening. Maybe a bit of help,, he thinks.

Getting closer and dismounting, he lets loose the reins of his horse to get even closer to the bear. Once in position, he stretches his hands forth and speaks the verbal words to evoke the spell. At the last second, he twists his hands vertical (a variation on the spell) and the jet of flame streaks across the ground toward the bear and upwards into the sky.

He remembered learning such a spell in the beginning and felt the pain that always accompanied it; the stretching and pulling of his fingers and thumb, but now it was nothing more than a pinprick.

Initial roll: 6 or 5 (not sure which). Damage:Burning Hands spell: 3, AC: 5(mine)

Player, 30 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:56
  • msg #48

The Road to the Hollow

Not time to rejoice, yet, but things were looking up: both elves were now sending little mage balls to hurt the bear, a rider came up from somewhere-- happily reenforcments for them rather than the bear!-- and, aye, good one, the man in the bushes had thought to add oil to the smouldering bear's coat and enjoin him to further roasting. And,what, the new man was magical too? There were almost more wizards in this clearing than he'd met in his entire lifetime!
Holding his sword in parry/defense mode, Karok lunged forward to try and light, afresh, the bush-man's patch of oil on the bear...

(Initiative: 4, Hit AC: 5. Damage determned by DM).

Game Master
GM, 16 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:56
  • msg #49

Tiwesdæg, 1 hr 0 min 12 sec NM

Jhaelin pulls the boy away from the fight, gracing the lad with a healing wave at his touch. It is not enough to fully heal him, but enough to keep him from dying.

Karok swings again with his fire stick, striking the bear again. More of its fur singes, smoking the air with a burning stench. The bear comes down on all fours and backs away while taking a swipe at the dwarf. A claw rakes his arm, ripping away cloth, leather and skin(-2) as it moves back toward the wood line.

The boy's father gives up the fight against the bear and helps Jhaelin move Ronin away from the area. Durwe's magic missile strikes the bear, followed by a breaking vial of oil on its shoulder from the newcomer now one hand ax short of a prepared rogue.

Suddenly a new figure appears seemingly from nowhere, a human bringing with him a gout of magic flame from his fingers that rips across the ground and upwards into the sky. Flame lances the bear and ignites the oil, creating a grizzly scene. Before the bear can back farther into the wood line, a magic missile streaks across the edge of the pond from camp and strikes the bear dead. It slumps to the ground with a last huff of a grunt and smolders.

End of combat... good job guys. Sorry about the puns.

This message was last updated by the GM at 01:56, Mon 14 Nov 2022.
Player, 16 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:57
  • msg #50

The Road to the Hollow

Jhaelin lets the boy go with his father and turns to regard the tall young man with honey blond hair and deep blue eyes. He knows him... or, his father rather. He never knew Brett was studying the arcane arts. A fact he can not doubt, as witnessed by that incredible display of flame.

Jhaelin smiles and extends a hand in greeting.

"Brett... isnt it? Good to see you. I hope your father is doing well these days. We haven't spoke before, but I have seen you at meetings between your father and crusader Marin."

Jhaelin begins stomping some of the flamng grasses out.

"Nice bit of magic there," he says. "What brings you out here? Things okay in Falcarragh?"
Player, 31 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:58
  • msg #51

The Road to the Hollow

So, the new-new guy was an acquaintance of Jhaelin's. Well and good. Karok considered him probably-validated. Now, the lurker-in-the-bush was less certain, but he DID join in the fight when he didn't have to, and WAS helpful...

Karok would think about that. Meanwhile he approached the smoldering bear gingerly, sword, ready, place it against his dead ursine eye, then slid it through to the bruinish brain.

Just to make sure.

Now, that the excitement was over, he registered the fact that his torch/shield arm hurt. And was bleeding. Ow.
Player, 2 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:58
  • msg #52

The Road to the Hollow

Brett relaxes with that bit of magic having done its job. He glances over at Jhaelin with a brow raise. The voice seemed familiar, but not the figure.

Then he remembers.

"Jhaelin, Jhaelin, is it really you?" He calls out, his voice startled.

He moves away, his horse following him and notes that it was indeed Jhaelin.

"Haven't seen you in a while." Brett said. "What have you been doing? And yes Father is well. Busy as usual. Had to send me to a monastary to learn magic." And here Brett shrugs. "I liked the monastary fine except in the beginning where it was hard. I went to the Boars Head Tavern and Inn, met with Dalthor. He told me you were heading this way is all."

Brett's blue eyes glancing at the others and a smile appears at his lips. "I see you took on some companions." He finishes.
This message was last edited by the player at 01:59, Mon 14 Nov 2022.
Player, 17 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:59
  • msg #53

The Road to the Hollow

With the fires out now, Jhaelin turns his attention to Karok and casts a cure light wounds spell on him. The warmth of the magic flows over the dwarf soothingly and the wound closes completely, almost as if it were never there, only a slight welt remains.

"Dalthor eh? You'll be looking for us then? You found us, and your skills would be welcome if you wish to travel with us. Come, lets be back to the camp and meet with my other friends."

Jhaelin picks up a hand ax and holds it out to the other newcomer to take. As he takes it, Jhaelin claps Karok on the shoulder.

"This is Karok. Soon you two meet the elves, Durwe and Tynia. And what would your name be sir? I take it, you decided to take up my offer."
Game Master
GM, 17 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 01:59
  • msg #54

Tiwesdæg, 1 hr 10 min NM

The "new" party gathers at their camp and talk amongst themselves, getting acquainted and enjoying the night air. After a bit, the frogs join back to their constant croaking and creaking and even a couple of owls hoot away somewhere deeper in the wood.

The family in the other wagon are offered the meat from the bear and they busy themselves in taking it, stringing up meat to dry over the fire through the night.
Player, 3 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:00
  • msg #55

The Road to the Hollow

Brett inclines his head toward the dwarf, and remembers his languages.

"I greet you Karok." He says in dwarven.

His eyes widen at the mention of elves, "Elves, really, Jhaelin? I would be honored to meet them."

He follows Jhaelin to meet these elves, feeling a bit hesistant about the meeting.

"They must have been the ones who used the other spells," he asked
Player, 5 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:00
  • msg #56

Tiwesdæg, 11.50 (low sun)

Ordil had picked up his axe and looked upon the bear with a bit of regret. Perhaps using that oil was overkill, but it was quite a sight to see it go up in smoke. He saw that Jhaelin is quite distracted by the new guest, who in turn has taken interest in the elves, so he ambled over to Karok to properly introduce himself.

"Karok is it?" he said, sitting down beside the dwarf with a chunk of bear meat between his fingers. As he speaks more plainly, his provincial accent is more pronounced:

"Fast bit of thinking to use fire. My pa always said dwarfs were rigid thinkers, but he's been wrong about a heap of things in his time. Name's Ordil Longfellow, by the way" he extends a greasy hand and continues, "So now that we've killed this here bear together, I suppose I can ask how you ended up with this group and what're you all are after."
Player, 32 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:01
  • msg #57

The Road to the Hollow

Well, at least the one of the new guys knew the proper Tongue. "And greetings to you, man of magic," Karok replied in his native language, as they went back.

As they sat down Ordil addressed him and offered introduction. The dwarf gave him a long, sober look, then shrugged and took his hand, unmindful of the grease (though that may, well, have been symbolic for the man-- his word as slippery as his grip). Holding the clinch, he said, "Know this Bush-Spy: if you can join us and help us as you did in the battle with the bear, we may, perhaps, become friends. But betray us, and you'd better make certain I am slain, or you shall never take a safe breath again."

He held the man's gaze for a moment, and believed he might be wise enough to know that his new acquaintance was speaking the truth to him...

Then he let go. "I'm no great thinker," he went on, dealing with the questions Ordil had raised. "But I get ideas, sometimes. Like that the fire would probably make the bear let go of the boy."

"As to my joining this group, I come from a family of jewelers and gem-cutters. I have no great skill at that. I could have joined the army, and did for awhile, but, though an able enough warrior, it was clear that I would not get far, there, either." He shrugged again. "Not charming, not a leader, not a genius. So, this is me living out the Bards' tales. Only way I'm ever going to be more than a grunt or an apprentice."

"You got a fascinating story to match mine?"
Player, 6 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:01
  • msg #58

The Road to the Hollow

Ordil met the dwarf's gaze with little fear. Shaking hands with those who did not trust him was part of his job description.

"Why should I expect any different? You have your ways and I have mine and as long as we're after the same things I don't see it being a problem. And the same goes for you I suppose."

One down, five to go. Ordil was glad he spoke to the dwarf first. The fellow seemed practical and open to a working arrangement. He nervously eyed the cleric, still conversing with Bret, as his biggest obstacle.

As Karok brought up his past, Ordil became more serious in expression. He speaks more quickly, as if dismissing the question "Can't say I come from stock with a trade like that. Pulling fish up out of the river was just about the best it got where I come from. So I ran from there, spent some time on the caravans going here and there, and learned how to do what it is I do."

He takes another bite of bear and chews it over, watching the fire burn up in the night.

"And today has got to be the most interesting thing to ever happen to me in my life."
Player, 19 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:01
  • msg #59

The Road to the Hollow

Tynia moves over to where Jhaelin and the new person, Brett, was it Jhaelin called him.

"I am Tynia, Tynia Earthbound. Welcome." She said. Then turns to where Karok is, with Ordil, she speaks in dwarven to him. "That was a good fight, was it not?" She finishes. Though for her, the death of one so hardy as the bear brings sadness to her eyes.
Player, 4 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:02
  • msg #60

The Road to the Hollow

Brett turns on hearing the sweet voice of the elf maid and his mouth almost drops. Boy, was she beautiful? was his thought. He heard her speak in dwarven and was able to regain his composure.

He moves over to where she is and bows. "I greet you lady," he said in elven, eyes on her face.
Player, 20 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:02
  • msg #61

Tiwesdæg, 1hr 0 mins (N.M.)

Hearing the voice in her language, Tynia's brow rises. "Tynia Earthbound, greetings. And you know elven I see. That is good." she said then stares at him. At first he had that look of besottedness and she shakes her head. "Not to be rude or anything, but please do not look at me like that. I am not worthy of such a look." she finishes.

And she moves away from him.
Player, 5 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:02
  • msg #62

The Road to the Hollow

Did he look like that? Brett thought watching as she moves away. He didn't think so. She was beautiful after all, in spite all.

But and he shrugs and moves to where Jhaelin was.

"So you have any idea of the state of things now?" He asked.
Player, 18 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:03
  • msg #63

Of law and order

Jhaelin regards Brett a moment before speaking.

"You have some work to do with your elven accent it sounds like."

He chuckles a bit, "It sounds so much more elven when it actually comes from an elf. But please, speak dwarven or common tongue so that I might understand you. I do not speak, nor pretend to know the elven language, though I am tempted to learn."

"The state of things? Yes, well we are set upon arriving in Falcon's Hollow tomorrow and find the herbalist Laurel. She is the one that put out a request for adventurers to help their situation. I doubt that the logging consortium is backing her, unless one of their own has become afflicted. Yes, the more I think on it, the more likely this is the case."

"It is called the black scour taint, a fungal infection that can cause great damage to a persons breathing, and leave heavy scarring to the skin. It is not usually fatal, except in the very young and elderly."

Jhaelin's eyes move the other wagon, where he can see the woman and young girl still working at the bear. The hide had been ruined, but every bit of meat could be used, as well as some bones. That poor woman in the back of the wagon. Will she make it, he wondered. Reigning in his thoughts, he then regards Ordil.

"Fishing is a great skill to have Ordil, you should not look down upon that. Heironeous, and the other gods, provide for us in time of need in many different ways. You are welcome here, as I believe Heironeous is providing and has lead you to us, but we warned. Your skills of survival, whatever they may be, will not be used upon us. You will not take from us and you will not break the law while with us. We will share and all here will count one with the other as friend."

"Is this acceptable to you?"
This message was last edited by the player at 02:03, Mon 14 Nov 2022.
Player, 6 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:04
  • msg #64

The Road to the Hollow

Brett shrugs, "Well, it has been a while since I spoke anything but common. My elven and dwarven is a bit rusty, but I'm getting there."

He listens to what Jhaelin said, especially about the black scour taint. He remembers how he lost his grandmother to it when she was in her eighties. Brett always saw his grandmother as the strong one in the family; she being able to throw off any type of disease easily, but this, the black scour taint, she couldn't get rid of, and in the end, she could no longer fight it.

"Then there must be something as to what you say and I shall accompany you and the others."
Player, 33 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:04
  • msg #65

The Road to the Hollow

"As I recall," Karok put in, "Jhaelin said there is a cure to the disease. The ingredients are mostly in this valley near Falcon's Hollow that is usually shaded by the mountains. I guess we're going to talk to the herbalist so we'll know what to look for."

He arose and sretched.

"Pardon me, I'm going to go over and carve some bear steaks off that big carcass. Anyone want to come with me who won't scare the family so badly?"
Player, 15 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:05
  • msg #66

The Road to the Hollow

"And I am Durwe Ondosume."

Durwe remains pensive and quiet, not at all liking the addition of two more people to their group. He does not know them, nor does he come to put his trust in others so quickly as the young Jhaelin seems to. Perhaps it is just the way of the shorter life spanned races to be so quick to trust.

Silently, he hoped the roguish fellow would bristle, and perhaps not like Jhaelin's conditions and leave. Durwe awaits an answer and decides to press for it.

"Well Ordil? Is that acceptable to you?"
Player, 19 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:05
  • msg #67

The Road to the Hollow

Jhaelin shifted on his feet, wondering what Ordil might be thinking...
Player, 7 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:06
  • msg #68

The Road to the Hollow

Ordil sighed as Jhaelin discusses the requirements of his employment.

"Look here, friend. I won't be betraying anyone. That's five blades against one and even if I were the blackest-hearted bastard to ever take up the craft of adventuring, I'm not a fool. But just as you use the light as your tool, I use the shadow. So I'll serve your cause as best I can, but you've got to let me do that as I see fit. Can we trust each other to do that?"

Ordil hoped he could.
Player, 20 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:06
  • msg #69

The Road to the Hollow

"That we can Ordil," Jhaelin says, extending his arm for the common grasp of friendship and bond of honor. "Welcome to our group of adventurers."
Player, 16 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:06
  • msg #70

The Road to the Hollow

Dûrwë nods his head approvingly with a smile, and echoes Jhaelin's sentiment, "well spoken, Ordil. Welcome to our camp and group."
Player, 7 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 02:06
  • msg #71

The Road to the Hollow

Brett watches it all, a smile at his lips. His gaze on Jhaelin knowing the man made his decision regarding Ordil.

He made a move forward and the smile lightens.

"So, I take it we are continuing on, right?" He inquired of Jhaelin.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:07, Mon 14 Nov 2022.
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