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[6]Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn.

Posted by Game MasterFor group archive S
Player, 38 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:29
  • msg #23

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

Dūrwė smiles at the man, but shakes his head negatively in response to the offer. He stays at the table with Tynia and Karok.

Dūrwė nods in agreement with Karok's opinion on gambling, and says, "it's fine at first, but it can quickly consume a person like a sudden blizzard."

He carefully watches Jhaelin and Brett as they move over to the gambling table, and then says with concern in the voice, "I am worried about Ordil. Do you think he is becoming ill from going into the well?"
Player, 45 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:31
  • msg #24

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

Jhaelin rejoins his friends, minus twenty five silver coins. He sighs, musing on his loss.

"I really should give it up," he says, drinking from his lukewarm mug of ale he left earlier.

"Really... it does not surprise me at all that Ordil is off doing his own thing. No surprise there at all. As for being sick... can't really tell. He seemed okay earlier."

Jhaelin shrugs, "Well... I'm off to bed. I need rest before tomorrow."

Making his excuses, Jhaelin retires to his room for the night.
Player, 71 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:33
  • msg #25

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

There's a lot of trouble out there," Karok ruminated. "Ordil might be high stealth, but he's alone and one mistake could put him in peril. I wouldn't mind looking for him-- if it proves he's not already abed, here, somewhere-- but it would help to know where to look."

" 'N I know going over to that house of Rouge would be the wrong kind of excitement, so I hope we don't have to look there."

The dwarf began to hurry in finishing his meal.
Player, 26 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:35
  • msg #26

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

Brett watched the game, fascinated by the dice, though he was by no means interested in playing. It seemed a pathetic way to lose or gain money, to him.

When Jhaelin lost he shrugs and returns to their table where he had his food and a tankard of ale, though he didn't eat or drink just yet.

"So, we should wait to see what Ordil would do, right?" Brett asks of Karok. "That doesn't seem right, for some reason. After all, he is a companion."
Player, 72 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:36
  • msg #27

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

"Nay, lad," Karok corrected. "What I said was to first check and see if he's already taken a room, here. If not, I was asking these two wizards, who were traveling with him, where they thought he might have got to, so we could look. And I was saying if it was at the red light place, owned by the toughs, it would be hard going for us."
Player, 27 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:37
  • msg #28

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

"Red light place, huh? Would he even frequent such a place?" Brett asks. Then he shakes his head. "It doesn't seem right to me. But I guess he might have taken rooms elsewhere."

Gazing around he shrugs again. "Well we can only hope he's taken rooms here."
Player, 73 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:38
  • msg #29

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

Karok shrugged again; an impressive gesture with his massive shoulders. "I don't know what he'd do. Only met him yesterday, and you only minutes later, come to that." He looked over at the elves. "And you the day before. So I'm not sure what any of you will do. I'm just trusting that, when I stand between you mages and danger, you'll be supporting me. Otherwise, we're not going to last long out there with the orcs, and goblins, and witches, and vermin."

He looked to the other three. "I know that each of you is a more winning personality that I am. Would one of you like to ask the innkeeper, or one of the help if they know where Ordil is?"
Player, 38 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:39
  • msg #30

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

Tynia shrugs. "I have no idea where he went to. He was with myself and Durwe but then he disappeared. It was like he didn't exist anymore." she says glancing around to look over at Durwe in query.
Player, 39 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:42
  • msg #31

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

Dūrwė nods his head along with Tynia's words, and confirms it as he says, "Yes, it is most bizarre. He was with us before we entered the inn and sat down. He was just gone. He said nothing to us."
Player, 74 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:44
  • msg #32

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

Karok peers around at the others questioningly. "So, do one of you want to ask the innkeeper if he had a room booked here? And, if he does not, we'll talk about going out to look for him."
Game Master
GM, 41 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:45
  • msg #33

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

The innkeeper reminds whichever PC asks, that each of you were shown your separate rooms earlier. Ordil does, in fact, have a room upstairs, but the innkeeper has not seen the man since the party left earlier.
Player, 75 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:46
  • msg #34

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

Karok's brow furrowed mightily with the effort of thought. "Well. That's it, then. He's probably running around out there."

"Tell you what, I'll go up and check his room, then wake Jhaelin and tell him. He might know where to look. Unless he objects I'll then take volunteers to go on a search mission."
Game Master
GM, 42 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:47
  • msg #35

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

Karok has just made his decision, when he catches sight of the lad entering the tavern. Several patrons pause in their conversation and move aside to let him pass. One eye is swollen shut and his lips are swollen. Streaks of blood come from his nose, mouth and one ear. Frightening to look at, but the blood is no longer flowing. He walks in, holding an arm across his chest, slowly moving for the stairs.

The smile he tries to give his companions when he nears them is disfigured and his teeth stained with blood. His hair is wet, as well as his upper body clothing.

"No worries. I will live." he says. "Someone who doesn't like us poking around decided to send you all a message."
Player, 40 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:49
  • msg #36

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

Anger was not an emotion that usually crossed the handsome young elven noble's face, but its mark upon him was evident for all to see and hear as Dūrwė says, "WHO sends this message, and where can they be found presently?!"
Player, 39 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:50
  • msg #37

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

Tynia stares and winces. "That sure looks painful," she puts in. "Oh, well. So what HAVE you been doing? Fighting from the look of it." she finishes and turns her head away, not wanting to know more than she needs. After all, Dūrwė had asked the question she wanted to ask first.
Player, 18 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:51
  • msg #38

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

Ordil winces either from the pain inflicted upon him, or the anger he finds within his newfound friend's features.

"I believe... If I knew the answer to that, I might not be alive, and I have no clue as to who it was, or where they are. I got sapped."

Ordil absently rubs a visable knot on the side of his head.

"They put a sac over my head and I came to when they poured water on me. Never saw them, but there was more'n one of 'em."
Player, 28 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:52
  • msg #39

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

"But the more I hear of this explination the more I'm curious, why you, Ordil?" Brett asks. His gaze tracing the bruises and wounds with disgust or maybe it is more pain. Like it was not inflicted on Ordil but himself as well. "Wow, that looks painful." he finishes staring at the bruises.
Player, 41 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:53
  • msg #40

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

Having no one or thing to focus his anger on at the moment, the heat quickly recedes leaving only compassion for his new found companion. Dūrwė quickly rises and moves to Ordil's side to help navigate the crowded common room and the stairs up to his room.

Declaring loudly for all near to hear him, Dūrwė states coolly, "Only cowards and men of despicable and low character would ambush a stranger and nearly kill him. I cannot abide by men of low character, and I will root these villains out and have justice for this cowardly act. Mark my words, good citizens of Falcon's Hallow, do not harbor these cowards unless you wish to face the same justice that I will inflict upon these dogs!"
Player, 76 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:53
  • msg #41

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

"Cool your blood, colleagues," Karok rumbled, using his table-only voice. "There's someone working for the downfall of this town. Our group is trying to help the Hollow, so they're targeting us. They probably got Ordil, because he strayed out on his own from the rest of the group--" he threw a significant look at the Shadow Meister as he spoke. "We've got to stay together so's they don't pick us off, one by one."

"An' probably, if we make much progress, things'll get more dangerous. So let's get our wounded raven, here, up to Jhaelin for some healin', let him know what's going on, and be more careful in times to come."
Player, 42 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:54
  • msg #42

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

Dūrwė says coolly, not caring if he's overheard or not by the patrons, "Indeed, Karok, all of that is obvious. I am making it obvious to all here that they should choose wisely as to which side of the fence they are standing when all is brought to light."
Player, 77 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:56
  • msg #43

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

"Aye," the dwarf conceded. "Begins to seem like keeping a low profile may be out. Let's not be drawn by diversions, though. Do the job and be watchful. Those who oppose us enough, will come after us, soon or late. We need to be ready, and we'll need to be smart. Which is a bit beyond me, personally. So I'll settle for sensible."

He slid one broad shoulder beneath Ordil's arm to support him. "C'mon," he said. "We'll get you fixed up. Then we better think about bedding down in pairs." His gaze swiveled up to Ordil's. "But don't try anything funny. I'm not that kind of dwarf."

He moved for the stairs with the rogue, preparing to visit Jhaelin.
Player, 43 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:57
  • msg #44

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

Even though he stood up to help Ordil up the stairs, Dūrwė sits back down when Karok stands and swoops under Ordil's arm to help him up to his room.

With a less serious tone, Dūrwė says to Karok, "I'll stay here with Tynia and Brett, and escort Tynia when she's ready to retire for the evening."
Game Master
GM, 43 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 19:58
  • msg #45

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

Durwe's words of caution bring a varied array of reactions from different patrons. More than a few of the cutyard workers show a surprised look, while others glare with contempt and distrust.

Jhaelin is found in his room. his prayer closes wounds with a soft amber glow, and the pains in his chest subside, but there are still red welts, some swelling, and a darkness around one eye that might take a day or two to fade.

The companions sleep the night restfully and without further incident.
Player, 40 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 20:02
  • msg #46

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

"Really now. If Brett there is ready, I could go off and retire about now, I think." Tynia says. She glances over at Brett, to see if he was ready or not.

If he is, she will get up from her seat and make her way to her room for the night.
Player, 29 posts
Mon 14 Nov 2022
at 20:03
  • msg #47

Jak-a-napes Tavern and Inn

Brett glances at Tynia with that look of 'you're tired?' and nods. "Yeah, sure I'll head up to my room as well." And he yawns, covering it with a hand. "No choice now."

He got to his feet and headed off to his rooms.

He moves forward to where Jhaelin is and speaks to him, "So when will this job be complete?"
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