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[11]The Black Scour Taint.

Posted by Game MasterFor group archive S
Player, 244 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:31
  • msg #280

The Black Scour Taint

"I dont like him either, but I dont like the consortium more so." Jhaelin says to Karok, evidently uncaring whether Gavel could hear him or not.

"I spent most of my childhood here in Falcon's Hollow." he says to Gavel with a sigh. "It's no secret what's between you and Kabran. They call him Kabran Bloodeye now and wears a mask to hide what you did to him. Ive never seen his face, but one of those who have says you must have a strong stomach for it."

Jhaelin pauses to let that sink in.

"I think... you could take care of this yourself if you wished, but you would rather have us do your dirty work for you. You want a buffer between you and anything to do with Kabran so you dont look bad. Just like... you did with Laurel? And why is that?"

Now Jhaelin was stumbling through thoughts and possibilities that seemed to tumble from the back of his mind. Something was not right. Something didnt add up. His mind reeled with half formed thoughts and questions. He shakes his head to clear it and makes his point.

"The people are angry and this is bad business for you I think. Angry people are unproductive. So... you figure you can kill two doves with the fly of one stone. Kill Kabran, with whom you have a shared hatred, and protect your business interests by settling the inevitable disruption of your production."

Jhaelin stands.

"I can not speak for everyone here. But for myself, I will not accept your offer. You wish to exploit us on convenience of circumstance. Kabran may not even be behind the attack on this village. We dont know. What we DO know is that he took Laurel for some purpose. For that he will suffer in justice. For that, I will bring him to the magistrate alive or dead. This, I have already decided. Not for you! The outcome may be the same and beneficial for you and if I were an evil man, I would accept your offer in greed. But to accept implies I am allied with you and your business and I am not."
Player, 92 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:32
  • msg #281

The Black Scour Taint

Illiana starts and turns to look over at the dull-witted cleric with a confounded expression. Is he nuts?

"You will turn down fifty gold for something you are going to do anyway?" she asks in a barely restrained voice. "What fool would do that? I could use such a reward to help fund my research."
Player, 206 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:33
  • msg #282

The Black Scour Taint

Roxie hadn't liked what was going on either, wondering if pointing the finger at his known enemy would take away blame from himself. It was a common ploy and most villagers never realized what was going on until it was too late.

She was silent as she rose a fraction of time behind Jhaelin but when Iliyana called him a fool, her eyes became as hard as the steel of her blades. "One day you'll learn you can't put a price on honor."

Stalking over to the mage, she glared daggers. "He has saved your life time after time, treated you with dignity and respect even when you clearly didn't deserve it, so you'd serve yourself best to not call him a fool again," she growled as her face ended up mere inches from the other.

Backing away then, she looked at the rest of her party. "Time to go?" she asked with a raised eyebrow. It was probably best she at least walked out of there for the moment before she let her old ways take over completely and left the twit laying her own pool of blood.
Player, 93 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:34
  • msg #283

The Black Scour Taint

Illiana glares back at Roxie with eyes like flaming daggers of her own, but keeps her mouth shut. Clearly, the rogue and the cleric had a thing. She knew that all along because she was just that perceptive about people. She could read them like a book. The rogue was more than a little scary anyway it just wasnt worth her time to bicker.

"Fine." she says, standing as Roxie moves away. "But research is NOT CHEAP!"
Player, 132 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:34
  • msg #284

The Black Scour Taint

"Do you think we're dumb?" Leah stands, hands on hips, facing the man with the keen decorating sense. "A piece of gold is only worth one gold, not fifty, unless it is a really big piece! We demand fifty separate gold pieces each, inn permits, access to enchanted pole repair magic, and a moose head for the dwarven lady!"
Player, 373 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:35
  • msg #285


Karok opened his mouth to respond, did a double take as Leah made her contribution to the conversation, then said. "Aye, a person has to be a little bit careful who they crawl in bed with. I don't know you, but Jhaelin does, and we're a team. Good day to you, and thanks for the ale."

He gave Leah one more dubious look, then went over to join the group in a unified walk out.
Game Master
GM, 255 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:38
  • msg #286

Wednesdæg, High Sun (12:34)

As Jhaelin is finishing his words, Gavel sighs and turns away. He begins walking toward another doorway.

"Suit yourself. You will not get far here cleric." he says, folding his hands behind his back as he walks away. He mutters with a dismissive wave, "See them to the door."

The companions make for the hall which leads to the double doors to the headquarters. They know the way out, but the girl with head down follows anyway as commanded. Suddenly she gasps and stops as pale hand lands on her shoulder. Looking back, the companions see a robed man standing behind her. His robe is midnight blue with intricate silver embroidery along the wide cuffs and hems. A cowl hides most of his features except for long, stringy brown hair flowing from beneath it and a hawkish curved nose and thin tight lips. The man sports a short cropped and pointed goatee of brown hair. Shadows hide his eyes and any other features. His has light skin.

"I am Vode." he says, then shushes the girl. "You can go now. Do not speak of me."

The girl moves away, moving a bit faster than before.

"I would speak with you, if that is alright." He regards each in turn to feel inclusive. "Shall I walk with you?"
This message was last updated by the GM at 15:38, Mon 21 Nov 2022.
Player, 374 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:38
  • msg #287

The Black Scour Taint

"How do you feel about ten foot poles?" he asked, apparently, to the wizard, in apropos of nothing.
Player, 207 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:39
  • msg #288

The Black Scour Taint

Already on edge, the dagger had slipped from its sheath at Roxie's waist as she stepped toward the door to lead the way out though it remained in more of a defensive position flat against the underpart of her forearm rather than out in an offensive position. She'd heard something before and the way Gavel said they wouldn't get far made her quite suspicious.

Walking along, she felt the anger boiling at Iliana for her insolence. She found herself hating her as much as this elusive enemy if not more so. Ill tempered and ungrateful, always ready to put someone down. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that had been her not that long ago and that realization only made her angrier.

Hearing the gasp behind them, Roxie whirled to see the robed figure with his hand on the girl and the knife flicked out away from her arm, ready to battle if necessary. Her eyes narrowed as she began to shift, wanting to position herself better but allowing him for now to speak to them.
Player, 133 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:40
  • msg #289

The Black Scour Taint

"Oh, good! We agree!" Leah says cheerily, glad Gavel had accepted her terms. She was a shrewd negotiator, she congratulated herself, as she went to join the others, since there was no more point in remaining here. They now had a job to do, after all.

As they exited and the robed man appears, Leah looks oddly at Karrock. Everyone likes ten foot poles if they want to survive, so she did not see the point of the questions. But the man asked if he could walk along, so Leah shrugged in response. "That's usually how new members join," she stated, thinking this was just a new member of the band.
Vode the Sorcerer
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:43
  • msg #290

The Black Scour Taint

Vode regards the dagger with a glance and doesnt move. His eyes move to Roxie's and he says, "Such... passion." Roxie wonders just which passion he might be talking about, but the mage does not elaborate. She notices his eyes quickly dart to Illiana before moving to Karok.

"Ten foot poles." Vode repeats, musing over the question from the dwarf. It was an interesting question. "Well... I have always preferred the shorter staff, but some say that ten foot poles can be very useful to adventurers and some innkeepers."

The edges of his thin tight lips rise ever so slightly into what might be a smile. He starts walking toward the double doors, gesturing for them to follow. Once outside and near the inner walled gate, he stops and turns to them.

"It is certain that Kabran is a vile man as most would tell you. It was not always so. He harbors an anger for terrible things done to him. I do not believe he is behind the attack. He did take Laurel and I am not sure why. Perhaps to further hurt Gavel as an opportunity."

Vode looks around carefully. A crew of roofers have a wooden ladder leaning against the building to the right and a couple of workers mill about. He lowers his thin reedy voice to just above a whisper.

"I do not believe in coincidences. At the feast, you spoke of the ancient dwarven monastery and it intrigued me greatly. I am almost certain the threat to this village originates from there. The one thing no one has questioned is... what better place to find an odd rock and rare fungi than an ancient dwarven hole in the ground? The crag is another possibility, but one not as nearly convenient as a ruin."

Vode's eyes linger on the pendant hanging from Karok's neck, his eyes flicker with intense scrutiny, much the same as the night of the feast.

"If you seek further adventure-" he says finally. "-and a chance at finding the source of those responsible for attacking Falcon's Hollow, return there and delve deeper into the ruins. There is talk of kobold witch-doctors. There have been a few kobold raiding attacks on Neufeld road north. Your kobold assassin could be evidence of their lair."

Seemingly precognitive about everything else, he apparently did not know Illiana was brought there by a raiding party of kobolds.

"Think on it." he says, looking at Jhaelin. "If you wish to go, come ready to my tower at dusk. We will discuss your venture further and prepare. Think on what you may need in assistance. If you do not come, I have my answer."

Suddenly, there is a commotion over at the ladder where the roofers work. "LOOK OUT!", one yells as a stack of roofing tiles slides down the slope, tumble to the ground twenty feet below, and break into pieces with a loud clatter.

Turning back to Vode, he is gone.
Player, 208 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:45
  • msg #291

The Black Scour Taint

Roxie's eyes widened and then narrowed again immediately at the mage's words, not liking his implication as it was ambiguous and entirely too close to the truth on many fronts.

Peripherally she noted he glanced at Iliyana and her screams about research made her wonder if he would try to apprentice the foul woman. She wouldn't mind getting rid of her but to someone this powerful she could only imagine the hell the woman would put others through.

The gaze drifting to Karok brought another surge of protectiveness and the way he eyed the pendant along with talk of the ruined monastery made her bristle. She remembered the secret passage they hadn't been able to access. She'd also wondered what had been able to kill a huge spider and push it out onto them, then disappear before they could be seen.

There were many unanswered questions there but she also hated that place more than anwyhere she'd ever been. So much pain and near deaths for her had happened just there. For a split second she looked away at the cry and crash, then cursed herself when she looked back to see the mage had disappeared. "Sneaky damn mages," she muttered and looked at Jhaelin. "Interesting talks so far today," she quipped.
This message was last edited by the player at 15:45, Mon 21 Nov 2022.
Player, 94 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:46
  • msg #292

The Black Scour Taint

Illiana's eyes lit up the moment she saw the strange mysterious man. Mysterious meant magic. She follows, listening to the conversation, hanging on every word and forming a hasty strategy on what to say to him. How to impress him and gain his confidence as a possible ally, if not... tudor.

The noise and clatter of breaking tiles brought a flush of anger to her face. Her concentration on what she was about to say vanishes and when she turns back to the mage, he is GONE! Such power, she muses.

Illiana places an hand on Jhaelin's arm, "Oh Jhaelin, we have to come back and see what he says. It would be derelict to do otherwise. We will come back won't we?"

She looks over a the taller, more ancient looking tower. The other stone buildings were newer. They did not have a layer of green moss and thick vine creeping twenty feet up their sides. She wonders what wondrous and fantastic knowledge might be contained within that curved wall.
Player, 245 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:51
  • msg #293

The Black Scour Taint

Jhaelin was beside himself at the moment and unusually quiet. He listens to Vode as they move along the hall and out into the inner courtyard. It was an interesting proposition. One, it could in fact lead them to the source of the attack on Falcon's Hollow, or it may not. Did he want to go back there? Was he resigned enough for the adventurer's life? He searches his soul and finds himself yearning to be back into the unknown. It invigorated him, though he suffered a bit. A hand absently rubs his head that has a few days stubble growth.

He had to face it, as he looked at the others. They were an adventuring group, but did they want to go back?

Jhaelin moves off toward one of the high market stalls where a woman had wares of jewelry and trinkets for sale. An elven tiara catches his eye, bringing thoughts of Durwe and Tynia. Were they okay?

"Do we want to go back to that place?" he asks casually to the others while sifting through a couple of silver earrings. Why earrings, he questions inwardly already knowing the answer. He puts them down and moves on to some bangles.

"If we do, we need to prepare. Some potions against poison comes first to my mind. I can see if Lady Cirthana will help with that, or Laurel. We should see if Vode will help in our preparations. See what he is willing to offer. Maybe he has a magic item or two, or potions and scrolls."

"Personally, I am for going. I yearn for the adventure and unknown. In the cause for good, of course. But each of you should make your own decision. Just know that I value you each. Karok, you are a rock of wisdom and tactics. Illiana, your use and knowledge of magic outstrips any mage I have known. (He doesn't elaborate that he only knew one - the late Brett) Leah, you are the best cook I know and Roxie--"

Jhaelin's eyes move from the stall to her, a pair of silver bangles in his fingers, "--you have skills no adventuring party should be without."
Player, 375 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:52
  • msg #294

The Black Scour Taint

"Back to the monastery, eh?" Karok ponders. "Well, at least we know our way to the place, and halfway around it. And, if we have some sponsorship this time, with magic items, sure, why not?"

"I'd particularly like to rid the world of a few kobolds!"
Player, 209 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:53
  • msg #295

The Black Scour Taint

Roxie's eyes had lingered on those earrings and a few other items around Jhaelin but focused on him when he started noting each person's contributions. Her skills, the unsavory type. She was useful though she reminded herself.

"There was that passage I wanted to figure out," Roxie said as she looked over at another stall with hair ribbons and scarves, her own fingers absently going to her scalp at the nape of her neck. There was a time that pretty blue one would have looked nice threaded through with a braid.

Her hair had been as nice as Iliyana's which brought the vision of how the mage had touched Jhaelin's arm and she'd coo'd at him to go to Vode's tower. He hadn't pulled away, even when she'd called him a fool just shortly before. Cut and run, fool!

"We need more ways to heal though, potions and a wand. A means of keeping us cool would be nice too," she heard herself saying. She would stay and torture herself, maybe even getting herself killed this time. Crossing her arms across her chest, she internally chastised herself for being a fool but a glance over her shoulder brought her eyes to Jhaelin and a soft smile formed on her lips.
This message was last updated by the player at 15:53, Mon 21 Nov 2022.
Player, 134 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:54
  • msg #296

The Black Scour Taint

“No, we can’t go there now” Leah said matter-of-factly. “We already agreed to go and capture the Kabron who is kidnapping townspeople. If he will take herbalists, innkeepers will be next, and then where will people stay? Besides, after all that bargaining, they agreed to give us Karrock’s moosehead, and we can’t just throw that away. He has been searching for so long!”

“Besides, this new party member isn’t very smart. Why would an innkeeper need a ten foot pole? That’s a silly idea.” She chuckles and shakes her head. “No, not very smart at all.”

“Karrock, we can make another pilgrimage to your home after if you like, and it’ll be nice to see how fast your children are growing, but we should stop the kidnapper first.”
Player, 376 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:54
  • msg #297

The Black Scour Taint

Karok regarded Leah with wary incredulity. Maybe she had elven blood, he decided. Maybe that's why she was so fey and daft.

"One thing I would like," the stated. "Is to upgrade by armor. If they have anything around here in dwarven sizes."
Player, 246 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:56
  • msg #298

The Black Scour Taint

"Leah, we don't know where the kidnapper is...yet. But we do know where the monastery is." Jhaelin remarks as he shows two pieces of jewelry they had acquired to the vendor. The woman seemed very pleased by them. One a jeweled silver buckle and another a silver rope necklace. The vendor takes both pieces and after a bit of trade speak, Jhaelin walks away with one hundred fifty gold coins to add to their coffer. He searches the stalls for a gemcutter as he moves around the market.

"I think we can sell most of these things," Jhaelin says, looking through the leather pouch containing the accumulated treasures not divided among them. "After, we will divide the coins and any portion that can not be divided evenly shall remain in the coffer for expenses."

Jhaelin trades the sapphire necklace they had acquired for its worth in coins, then moves on.
Player, 95 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:56
  • msg #299

The Black Scour Taint

"Yes. A wand would be splendid!" Illiana says, responding to Roxie's suggestions without looking at the rogue. She swipes her fingers through her long hair, letting the mid day's sun filter through the golden locks while playing at the ends with her fingers. "We must suggest that for sure. Perhaps one that creates a burst of fire, or a bolt of lightning. I have actually seen one of those work and it is impressive and quite dangerous."

She spoke so fast as to become breathless for a moment as her mouth is unable to keep up with her thoughts. She envisions herself holding such a wand and feeling its power! She rests a hand on her chest, her eyes alight with possibilities.

"Scrolls could be very very useful too."
Game Master
GM, 256 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:58
  • msg #300

Wednesdæg, High Sun (13:40)

An hour passes and Jhaelin manages to sell all of the wares they had collected in their adventure. The high sun beats down on the market intensely and the companions begin to feel the heat, reminding them of the journey they would have to take to get to the monastery. The coins are counted and divided among the companions while eating a bowl of fish chowder one vendor sells near a large tree with wood benches and tables. A brief respite enjoyed in a great shade from the heat of the day.

There are numerous people in the market, small as it is, and the area is patrolled by guards.
Player, 377 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:58
  • msg #301

The Black Scour Taint

"Aye, I like the thought of watching a bunch of kobolds all fry in the space of a couple of heartbeats," Karok said. "Just mind that your friends aren't standing there, fighting amongst the kobolds when you fry them."

"Scrolls would be good, though. Both for your kind of magic, and for healing.

Can't have too much healing, it seems."
Player, 210 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 15:59
  • msg #302

The Black Scour Taint

"Trust me, it's not fun being roasted," Roxie said and couldn't quite suppress the shudder. Fish chowder wasn't one of her favorites but it filled her belly and she tucked away her share as she eyed their surroundings. There were guards and it was broad daylight but that didn't mean someone wasn't fool enough to try to steal.

It also gave her a reason not to look at Iliyana, who she knew was deliberately trying to ruffle her feathers by playing with her gorgeous hair. She wouldn't give her the satisfaction though of showing how much it hurt but there was a dangerous glint in her eyes. Hair could easily be cut in the heat of battle ...
Blacksmith on the Perch
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 16:00
  • msg #303

Wednesdæg, Low Sun (14:20)

On the north side of the Perch sits an open stable against the outer high wall. Five stalls for horses can be discerned and one for a large hay stack. Right next to it sits a stone building that is a blacksmith's work space with a fire pit, bellows, and a large anvil in the center. A single door on the inside leads to a room. On pegs along the walls of the work space are various tools of the trade and below them are heavy wooden counters with bits of armor, weaponry, and other items in the works. Below the counter is some shelving with iron ingots piled onto them. To the back, near the wall is a smelter for melting the iron into bars and just behind the fire pit is a tanning rack for making leather. The long side of the building facing the stable has a twelve foot wide opening. The heavy double doors are open.

The blacksmith is a short fellow with broad shoulders and massive arms in muscle. He has a weathered look about him with taut skin with many scars from sparks of hot metal. He wears a heavy apron and is working on a horseshoe. The rhythm of the hammer echoes across the market when Karok approaches.

When he looks up, his bespectacled eyes squint, noting the group of adventurers. Upon seeing Karok, his eyes widen a bit with confirmation of rumor.

"You that group what cured the sickness. What brings yeh here?" he asks, wiping sweat from his chin and forehead with a cloth.
Player, 378 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 16:01
  • msg #304

The Black Scour Taint

"Good day sir Smith," Karok hailed him politely. Smiths, of course, inhabited an exhalted place in any dwarven community.

"It looks like we're heading out, again, to try and help the people, here. Danger's likely to be greater, too. I was told you could size a suit of armor to fit someone like me, maybe before tomorrow. I'd be hoping for a suit of banded or splint mail, if you could oblige. And I'd be willing to trade in these well-used leathers, if you get some good out of them."
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