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[11]The Black Scour Taint.

Posted by Game MasterFor group archive S
Durnan the Smith
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 16:03
  • msg #305

The Black Scour Taint

"Well, if it can be done, Durnan Smith can do it." the smith says, eyeing the dwarf up and down. Taking mental calculations, he figured he could alter a suit of banded mail he has inside.

"Come with me." Durnan says, making for the door on one side of the workspace. Behind the door was a shop, of sorts, where all manner of things were stored. The smithy opens a crate and pulls out a suit of human sized banded mail and holds it up. It clearly was used, but in good shape. A few leather straps and cinches were newer than the overlapping horizontal strips of laminated metal sewn over a backing chain links and soft leather.

"Ahh yep. I can do that." he says, then looks at the dwarf. "I'll do the work. Take two of us all night, but it can be done. Won't charge yeh for that see'n how you all helped our little town 'n all. The suit, I can part ways with it for say.... 95 kings. That's about half what its worth new minus a little for your leather we can put to re-purpose. That do yeh?"

Durnan breathes carefully, waiting to see if the dwarf was going to try and barter with him.
Player, 96 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 16:03
  • msg #306

The Black Scour Taint

While the others meander away to the blacksmith, Illyana continues to move through the market. She finds one old codger that sells reagents and buys some components required for some newly learned spells. She has spent considerable time the last few days learning, practicing, and transcribing spells. It is tiring, to say the least, and her friends will be impressed when she reveals her new power.

She also stopped by a vendor selling dresses and other tailoring items before finally meeting back up with the others.
Player, 379 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 16:04
  • msg #307

The Black Scour Taint

"Aye, good enough," agreed Karok. "It's much of my cash reward from the city, but I figure this will be a good investment. Here's forty-five, now, on good faith, and I'll bring you the rest on the morrow when I pick up the armor.
Player, 135 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 16:04
  • msg #308

The Black Scour Taint

“We can ask Gavelhammer where he is. If he wanted us to bring him to justice, he should know. And you wanted to stop him from kidnapping more people, didn’t you?” Leah asks, wholly confused why they are not looking for the mage. “And we might know where the monastery is, but we also know where the bakery is, and we are not going there. Although some fresh rolls would be nice,” she quickly adds as she takes another bite of the fish chowder, before adding aa bit of garlic to the dish.

When they split up to go to the market, forge, and elsewhere, Leah likely goes back to Gavel’s home, intent on asking where Kabron is.
Game Master
GM, 257 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 16:06
  • msg #309

The Black Scour Taint

Leah finds the gate to the consortium headquarters closed and locked, thereby barring any attempt at finding Gavel. The companions spend the rest of the day preparing for their journey, buying provisions and such. Jhaelin procures four vials of anti-toxins from Laurel. Two for snakes and two for spiders. Lady Cirthana at the church of Iomedae is helpful by providing a scroll which would slow the spread of any poison, but not cure it. She also provides a scroll for protection from evil and another two of cure light wounds.

A messenger sends word to the companions that Vode has been otherwise detained in business affairs and will be unable to meet with you this evening. He will expect you all mid-new sun on the morrow and apologizes for the delay. The rest of the day for the companions is spent in idle rest and preparation. The baker happily supplies a couple of fresh loafs of bread to Leah when she visits the shop.
Player, 247 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 16:07
  • msg #310

Idle chat...

Jhaelin returns to Jak'a'napes after long hours at the church of Iomedae. His expression is weary and his face haggard from exhaustion. Roxie sits at one of the tables alone and Jhaelin frowns inwardly. He had to speak with her, but was uncertain what to say. They had shared a moment between them at Kabran's ranch, a moment his mind kept returning to time and again. The memory of her soft lips upon his brings a burning to his loins and a crimson flush to his face and mostly bald head. But what had that been? An over reaction to being healed? True feeling?

Jhaelin approaches the table and when she looks up he smiles warmly at her blue eyes, as he always does. He pulls a chair and sits, feeling comfortable and familiar around her. They had all shared an experience together and he could feel a bond growing between them all... well, maybe not Illyana. He pushes the thought of the mage away.

"I have scrolls and potions," he says cheerily to Roxie, waving Jak's son over to the table to order an ale. "Laurel provided some potions and Lady Cirthana at the church provided some scrolls for us."

Jhaelin's eyes light up at the mention of being at the church.

"An ale," he says to Jonny.
Player, 211 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 16:09
  • msg #311

Idle chat...

Roxie had let the others go off on their business, not wanting to get in the way of some and simply not being able to stand being around another for more than was necessary. She thought about going with Karok though, to see if they had any armor that was lightweight and would grant her better protection but knew something like that would cost more than she had.

The market held nothing she needed though she had bought a couple more changes of underclothes. Dresses were not for her and she had no need for hair accessories anymore. Jewelry was also laughable now given the way she looked. It would be like dressing up a scarecrow!

So she sat in the corner with her back to the wall and eyes on the door as always, nursing an ale as well as her hurts inside. What was her purpose anymore? Before it had been coin and jewels, gathering wealth to ... do what? As she had traveled through life, she found herself lost.

The door opened and Jhaelin stepped in and she felt that lost sensation fade away. It didn't matter where she was or what they were doing as long as he was near. It seemed she had broke the cardinal rule of those who had trained her. "I don't care how good looking they are... never never never fall in love."

Her brooding demeanor had lightened the moment he walked in and she felt her heart racing as he strode toward her and sat down. "That's really good news," she replied about the potions and scrolls and wished she could make his eyes light up the way they did when he spoke of the church.

"Leah isn't going to be happy going back to the monastery," she commented off-handedly as she took another sip. "Too bad we can't get something to make her a little smarter. Her heart's in the right place but she's like a babe on a battlefield, distracting to the point it can get someone killed including herself."

As she spoke, she realized she cared too much now. She didn't want Leah to get hurt and felt an odd protectiveness of the woman. It was rather a stark contrast to her feelings about Iliyana. Perhaps both were needed to balance things, a frustrating epiphany!

All her internal evaluations weren't doing her any favors and not the best way to pass time. She was used to being on the move or doing something unless she was sleeping so downtime, seen by a luxury by some, was a bane to the thief. "So we don't have anything to do until late tomorrow morning," she said with an unreadable glance to Jhaelin. "What do people around here do for fun?"
Player, 248 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 16:13
  • msg #312

The Black Scour Taint the point it can get someone killed including herself."

Jhaelin sighs. In truth, he was torn on the issue of Leah. He would feel responsible if anything did happen to her, and it would. She just did not possess the common sense required for adventuring. But then, who was he to try to thwart the wishes of another from doing what they want? A friend, that's who. A friend looking out for their safety. He would talk with her.

"I will have to talk with her," he says, unsure exactly how to go about that. He could see the worry in Roxie's expression and figured she felt as responsible as he would if something bad happened. He places his hand on hers on top of the table and smiles reassuringly. The touch quickens his heart. "The Gods protect the innocent most of all." people around here do for fun?"

Fun? His expression is one of bafflement and perplexity and his hand retreats from hers. What did one do around here for fun? The things he did when younger were not so much fun as exciting and what most would call trouble making. A pang of guilt claws at his insides on thinking of those times and he pushes away buried memories.

A smile creeps over Jhaelin's face as he remembers the one thing he did do for absolute fun and excitement. Something banned for years since one of his childhood friends was killed. B'netha Falls as they come to call it as kids.

"Can you swim? How about a trip to the falls? I have something to show you there. It will be beyond anything you have ever experienced." he says with a gleam of excitement in his eyes.
Player, 97 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 16:14
  • msg #313

The Black Scour Taint

Illyana enters the Inn and sees Roxie and Jhaelin sitting at a table with Jhaelin's hand over hers. She rolls her eyes pretentiously and seeks out Jak Crimmey, the innkeeper to book a room for the night. She has to use her own coin because according to Jhaelin, the party coffer is empty. "Sure it is", she thinks.

After booking her room, which cost her five pieces of silver. She retires to her room for the rest of the day and indulges herself with research and study.
Player, 212 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 16:16
  • msg #314

The Black Scour Taint

Roxie saw the turmoil Jhaelin felt about Leah and shared it because the woman was actually sweet at times and had actually made her laugh on more than one occasion, something rare for the brooding woman. It was only when danger arose that she felt anxiety.

The gods protected the innocent but once in a while an innocent slipped through the cracks. "You don't have to be alone when you talk with her and maybe there's something, a magic item maybe, that could help her. This mage surely has things around that would at least help when the chips start flying."

Her eyes flicked up to the door and she saw Iliyana enter, haughty as ever and then rolling her eyes. In a way she felt sorry for the woman, apparently never having felt something strong and sweet for anyone. It made her wonder if she had she been abused or was just normally a bitch.

His hand had felt nice resting on hers but then he pulled away like she'd burned him and his expression changed to what looked like shame and guilt. Her gut clenched as she thought he couldn't stomach even a light touch. No, it couldn't be that if the signs she'd been seeing were right.

Her interest was certainly piqued when he asked if she could swim and said there was something he wanted to show her. "I can swim a bit, used to every chance I had as a little girl." Downing the last of her ale, she thought of how the water would feel against the heat of the day and smiled, a genuine and unguarded expression.
Player, 249 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 16:16
  • msg #315

The Black Scour Taint

"Well let's to it then," Jhaelin says, downing the last of his ale. "We can pick up some meat and cheese in low market to take with us."
Game Master
GM, 257 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 16:26
  • msg #316

Wednesdæg Low Sun (1620hrs)

After buying a few picnic provisions, Jhaelin and Roxie make their way up Neufeld road toward the falls in mid-low sun when the day just begins to start cooling off. The road winds along the fast flowing river, then strays off toward the left to climb the ridge. That way leads toward Kabran's ranch and Neufeld, a small farming village further along. At the base of the ridge, Jhaelin leads Roxie off toward the river and the ever louder falls. It comes into view and is quite a sight. The tumultuous roar of the water cascading into the pool below is like thunder. A light mist of water hangs in the air, cooling the area from the otherwise intensely hot day.  This is B'onetha Falls.

At the base of the falls, is a large pool of water, a common place for swimming by the locals. The pool is edged with large boulders that are ringed with green algae and tall darkwood trees spared cutting by those who are sentimental toward such things. The falls drop at least forty feet from top to pool. Forty yards south of the falls, the water drops quickly down steep white frothed rapids until finally settling into the river flow about a hundred yards further.

On the other side of the pool, a boy sits on a boulder in the shade with a fishing pole. He looks on with piqued curiosity.

Roxie follows Jhaelin into the churning pool of fresh water and finds the rocky ground angles downward sharply. They swim toward the falls and then using the rocks to help them move forward goes behind and under an overhang only a few feet over the water. Hidden by a curtain of water and a twist in the rock is a fissure that cuts back into the face of the falls. The channel is wide enough to swim, but the two find a rocky bottom beneath their feet as they proceed inward with the water chest deep. It is dark, uninviting and a surprisingly strong current pulls against their legs, trying to draw them inward.

Ten feet in it seems suicidal to proceed any farther. Fear of being sucked into some underground fissure and drowning becomes quite overwhelming.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:27, Mon 21 Nov 2022.
Player, 250 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 16:20
  • msg #317

The Black Scour Taint

"FRIGHTENING ISN'T IT," Jhaelin shouts, staring into the darkness ahead. He can feel the tenseness in Roxie's hand, her grip tight and un-ordinary. He turns to her, mischief and excitement mixed with more than a little fear and trepidation in his eyes. He grips her shoulders and has to shout above the thunderous roar of the falls.


The meaning was clear. Don't lose your grip. Jhaelin smiles, clearly invigorated by a rush of adrenaline.

Player, 214 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 16:22
  • msg #318

Hello darkness my old friend...

The walk was pleasant, no pressure to go kill something or someone nor any real goal set making it one of life's simple pleasures to be treasured. Her thoughts crept back to Leah, how vulnerable she really was and her conscience nagged at her. In their own way, they protected her and kept her from being taken advantage of by unscrupulous sorts.

Her thoughts halted when she saw the pool and waterfall, one of nature's most beutiful adornments. "This is lovely," she said and followed him into the water, a small smile playing on her lips at the confused look on the boy. Further in, the adrenaline was starting to kick in and she was more than a little surprised.

Admittedly afraid of big spiders, something they had in common, Jhaelin always seemed so steadfast and while he would go into adventure as boldly as anyone this was something she hadn't expected. Deep inside him was a thrillseeker and it made her blood rush with joy. Her hand squeezed his as that powerful sensation coursed through her and she smiled almost ferally.

"ALMOST!" she shouted back with a chuckle. When he turned to her and placed his hands on her shoulders, she saw the look in his eyes and it was mirrored in hers. He was magnificent and her hand rested on his chest as he instructed her for the next step on this exhilarating journey. "NO LETTING GO!" she promised and nodded her head as she pulled her hands away. "READY!"
Dungeon Master
GM, 418 posts
Teller of Tales
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 14:46
  • msg #319

Bonitha Falls and the chamber of light

Jhaelin leads Roxie deeper into the channel and into the dark. The current pulls at their legs, enough so that they have to hold onto the rocks to keep from losing their footing. Soon the channel is too deep to walk the bottom as the the floor angles downward steeply.

The roar of the falls becomes muffled and fades the deeper they go, slowly moving hand over hand along the rock wall of the channel. Several minutes pass in darkness as they move along, then the water starts to take on a soft greenish hue, lit from deep below by a soft light that flickers like sunlight glinting off a coin. The rippling surface of the water creates a dizzying pattern of movement on the limestone walls of a small chamber above the light and there there is a small ledge above the waterline.

Jhaelin and Roxie pull themselves onto the ledge, breathing heavy from exertion. The plateau is just big enough for the both of them, covered in moss and relatively dry. The ceiling is low and just high enough for them to sit comfortably. The surface of the water in the chamber slowly swirls like a whirlpool. The pool is about thirty feet deep and clear with the chamber walls sloping down like a bowl strewn with rocks, boulders and an abundance of underwater fauna that are tugged at by the current. There are no fish. The glint of light is too bright to see what exactly is creating it-- whatever it might be is small.
Player, 251 posts
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 14:54
  • msg #320

The Black Scour Taint

Jhaelin helps Roxie from the pool, taking her under an arm and pulling her from the water onto the ledge. His breathing is heavy and he drips from ear to nose. He blows some water from his face, then swipes away the excess with his wet shirt before laughing. They were a mess. At least they didnt have to worry about hair. She had trusted him, he thinks. Fascinating! Now they sit on a small ledge, safe, wet and dripping.

"Well... what do you think?" he asks, looking around at his secret space. Refracting light on the surface of the water moves across every crevice of the chamber... and her wet face. Her wet clothing clings to her lithe and petite form. He smiles at the turn of his thoughts, remembering the kiss a few days ago.

"Beautiful-- isn't it." he murmurs. He meant more than the chamber of light. Here in this place, they were alone. He could reveal his attraction to her. Anywhere else... anytime else... he had to be strong and reserved.

Jhaelin reaches over and wipes some water from her face and cradles her chin in his hand. Be bold, he thinks, hoping the moment returns.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:18, Sat 12 Aug 2023.
Player, 215 posts
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 14:54
  • msg #321

The Black Scour Taint

Roxie was tenacious for sure, gripping the rocks and scooting along without anything beneath her feet a short time before him but she was used to scrabbling along like this and felt her heartbeat quicken from the danger and excitement. Slowly the din of water crashing down began to decrease and there was a more hollow sound with a slight echo signaling a cave-like structure just ahead.

For a moment she paused to look at the light and wavering shadows on the walls before hurrying after Jhaelin. Her smile was almost manic and he could likely feel her heartbeat as he reached down to help her onto the ledge but then she had a chance to truly look at everything about her expression seemed to soften.

Her eye was first drawn to whatever it was giving off the light and the lure of it was strong. Her mind went to work, imagining tying a rope around her waist and diving down to at least see what it was but being able to pull herself to safety. It would also be tempting to take it but that seemed to bother her.

This was Jhaelin's place, a wonderful secret he was sharing with her and she knew she wouldn't be able to take anything from here because it would be like stealing from him. Taking a moment to squeeze some water from her shirt his words brought her back to him.

"I think it's the most beautiful place I've ever seen," she said and there was an honesty ringing in the air. She had seen a lot of luxurious places but this was natural, truly spectacular and most of all he was sharing this with her.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:20, Sat 12 Aug 2023.
Player, 256 posts
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 14:58
  • msg #330


Overcome with emotion, Jhaelin can do nothing but smile and soak in the warmth and beauty that is Roxie. He has never met anyone that was nearly like her, which is why he was attracted to her. Only two weeks they have known each other and yet feels comfortable with her like they have known each other for much longer. He wanted her to know how much he enjoyed her, yet found it awkward to express.

Interlacing his fingers within hers and kissing the back of her hand. "I love you and none other."

A commitment, he realizes, and determination is etched in his features. With a sigh, he rolls over and begins to get dressed after wiping away a bit of green moss and blood from his knees. He winced at the pain and could have healed it away, but hoped that later the pain might give credit to the reality of what happened here. A way, in his mind, of making it last a bit longer.

"As much as it might seem to be, this is not why I brought you here Roxie." Jhaelin says, smiling. "I have now experienced something never before done, and now, I will give to you something exciting and never before done."

A bit of mischief gleams from his eyes and a smile parts his lips as they finish dressing in the cramped space on the ledge. He looks down into the depth of the pool and the bluish green light plays across his features. "You felt the danger, the excitement in getting here yes? Yes... I felt the same the first time I came in here."

He births a deep, rich laugh that echos in the tiny chamber. "You should know me better than that. I would never lead you into that kind of danger. Here, take my hand! Don't let go and follow me!"
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:30, Sat 12 Aug 2023.
Dungeon Master
GM, 419 posts
Teller of Tales
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 14:59
  • msg #331

Wednesdæg Low Sun (1820hrs)

Roxie follows Jhaelin's lead and leaps from the ledge into the swirling currents with him, a maelstrom of clear water that tugs the two of them in a spiral down into its depths. When righted the correct direction, Roxie tries hard to see what that source of light is. Suddenly, the world goes dark and a coldness and pressure like nothing she has ever felt collapses inward on her. Her ears pop and what breath she had is blown from her lungs explosively. Surrounding her is a dark underwater expanse, alien and unlike anything she has ever seen or imagined. About to panic, she realizes she is still holding Jhaelin's hand. Through blurry vision and slightly stinging eyes she tries to lock her vision on a nearby object, but the world changes again in a flash. Roxie and Jhaelin erupt from beneath the surface of the river, bubbling up like a potato in a stew pot. They gasp for air, find it and then are pitched forward violently over the falls still holding hands. An involuntary scream comes from Roxie as they fall, then splash into the froth below. The sun has dropped below the horizon now and the air is cooler. A storm brews off to the southwest, splaying lightning throughout the high canopy of forming clouds. Apparently, they have been in the secreted space for about two hours.
Player, 257 posts
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 14:59
  • msg #332


Jhaelin swims back to the shallows of the pool after making sure Roxie would do the same by never letting go her hand. He did not have as much energy left in him as he thought he had, and apparently... by the looks of the sky, they had been in there longer than he thought. He stops walking toward the shore and turns to Roxie, leaning over and panting heavily. He had been quite a bit younger the last time he had done that.

"Did you see it?" he asks between breaths. Would she be mad at him? It had been, after all, an unexpected thing and he forgot to mention about the pressure.
Player, 220 posts
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 14:59
  • msg #333

wow indeed

Jhaelin's vowlike words struck Roxie in the heart, truer than any arrow or blade and she felt tears well in her eyes. "And I love you, will give myself to no other," she returned the sentiment and commitment to him. Now more than ever she felt the need to protect him, to stand by him every step of the way and do what she could to make him happy.

His comment that he hadn't brought her here for what they had just done brought a hint of a playful smirk and the his rich laughter filled the cavern. "It was an adventure getting here and whether you meant to or not, I'm glad you did," she said softly. "While getting here and this place is exciting, it doesn't hold a candle to you." Leaning over, she lingered in a tender kiss before they slipped back into the water.

If anything, Jhaelin was finding she would follow him anywhere. While she might not always be fearless, she trusted him though she had to admit she wished she had taken a little deeper breath. Even as she felt panic welling, there was also awe at the underwater eden. Just as rapidly though, she was whisked away and when she thought she would pass out and drown, air assaulted her face.

Her hand was clenched like a vice in Jhaelin's as she tread water and tried to regain her breath only to feel herself suddenly falling. Of all the things ... she screamed? She hadn't done that since she was a child and it was a tad embarrassing as they bobbed back to the surface. Once their feet were safely on ground, she found she was actually giggling.

Looking up into his eyes, she nodded. "I saw it," she said and was definitely awestruck by the entire experience. "Thank you Jhaelin ... for every exciting and incredible moment." Stepping into his arms, she held him for a long moment with her ear over his heart so she could hear it still beating wildly.
Player, 258 posts
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 15:00
  • msg #334

happy dance

Jhaelin chuckles, "I should have warned you. I forgot what it was like."

He holds her tightly to him, lightly resting his chin on the top her head. He can feel the stubble where her hair was beginning to grow back in. It was another perfect moment in what now was the perfect day. Tomorrow, they would worry about the town. Tomorrow, they would once again put on their adventuring faces. Tonight, he would be with her. He would be open to her, share himself with her, and lastly find out more about her.

"Come on... it's getting late. Usually, we swim into the channel and do that over and over again, but Im too spent to try that. Maybe some other day, if we return. Right now, let's get a room at Jak'a'napes for the night. It will be new moon before we get back."

Jhaelin gives Roxie a knowing smile, clearly intending to get one room for the both of them and kisses her passionately. He shoulders his pack with what small provisions they brought minus some bread and cheese they could eat while they walked back and started off down the road arm in arm with her. He is a happy cleric...
Player, 221 posts
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 15:01
  • msg #335

song by berlin

"I admit being surprised you have such an adventuresome streak in you, more than the going off to do good in the world that is," she teased lightly but there was no doubt she was entirely pleased with the revelation. After several minutes in his arms, she turned with him to head back to town.

"Another time we will definitely go back and do that again, over and over," she winked. His comment of getting a room on the heels of her quip brought a definite sultry look and her hand slipped from his waist to his backside giving him a little pinch.

"I don't know," she drawled a little acting like she was going to protest. "I guess we can share a room on one condition," she stated and looked at him intently for several strides before her expression softened at his own worried one. "I'll share that room as long as you promise to take my breath away at least one more time before we sleep."
Dungeon Master
GM, 420 posts
Teller of Tales
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 15:06
  • msg #336

A call beyond

"Hello? Hello? Hello?" Leah calls as she rattles her iron pot against the gate of the consortium headquarters. "Is anyone home? Hello?" If someone answers, she will ask her question about finding Kabron. But if there is no answer, then she will start to throw rocks over the gate, hoping to attract someone's attention while continuing to call. If there is still nobody who comes to speak to her, then she will put her hands on her hips and say to the gate, "Well, if we can't get in, how are we supposed to tell you when we succeed?" She leaves slightly annoyed. Fortunately, she perks up by the time bread is gained, fresh from the bakery.

Back at the inn, she speaks with the innkeeper about the cost to rent a room until they return. It is getting ridiculously heavy carrying all of this equipment, she thinks, and some can stay behind if she has a place to keep it. After all, she does not even know how to play a lute yet. Of course, it might still be good to practice with, so maybe it is essential adventuring equipment, especially if they run into a savage beast. Music soothes them, after all.
Dungeon Master
GM, 421 posts
Teller of Tales
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 15:07
  • msg #337

The Black Scour Taint

No one answers Leah's calls, neither from beyond nor from the gate itself. A couple of guards patrolling the market do stop and keep a wary eye on her for a few moments. After some muttered comments and laughter, they move on.

Later, Leah rents a room for the week for the price of two royals (2gp) which is paid in advance before gathering with the other companions for their trek back into the monastery.
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