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09:58, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)

[12]The Fugitive.

Posted by Game MasterFor group archive S
Game Master
GM, 259 posts
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 20:15
  • msg #1

The Fugitive

Jak-a-Napes is bustling on the evening before it happens.  There is singing and dancing from a bard's troupe that is traveling through to the southern port city of Falcarragh.  Mugs of ale and heaping platters of mutton, cheese, and bread are served throughout the evening.  Rumors of a new inn in Falcon's Hollow across the river buzz through conversations.  Rumors of an arrest at the cemetery buzz through conversations. If rumor is to be believed, they finally caught whoever was digging up cadavers from the cemetery. It is late night when all the bustle finally settles down.  Patrons disappear to their rooms, or back to their homes, or to wherever they lay their head for rest.  It is Sunnendaeg 0115 High Moon when the first of the dogs begin to bark in town.  As more across the town begin to bark, it becomes apparent something is amiss...

OOC DM NOTE ... we will be starting with this opening scene.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:20, Wed 23 Nov 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 1 post
1st Level
0 XP
Wed 23 Nov 2022
at 20:54
  • msg #2

The Fugitive

Xenaryn was sound asleep after a day of helping with the candle making.  She wakes, turns onto her side and sighs as she listens to the night sounds. It has been a grueling week for Xen, struggling to catch up on chores and work in the shop she had been neglecting during her tutelage at Vade's tower.  That was over now, having passed the novice apprenticeship.  Another sharp bark brings her back to the present. She pads softly to the window and opens the wooden shutters.

She scans the street left and right along Mid-Road.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:38, Wed 07 Dec 2022.
Game Master
GM, 263 posts
Thu 24 Nov 2022
at 17:41
  • msg #3

Sunnendaeg 0115 High Moon

As Xenaryn scans the town's road outside her window known by locals as Mid-Road, she catches sight of a stray dog hustling down the street to the East. It barks a few times, then darts into "low market" where the barking becomes more intense. Xenaryn loses sight of the dog as it darts north between closed trader stalls, but hears moments later a sharp whimpering yelp. Then all is quiet. Her sharp vision down the moonlit road becomes vague as clouds obscure the moonlight. Brief flashes of lighting off to the West herald a coming storm. A peal of far off thunder is heard a few seconds later.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:16, Thu 24 Nov 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 2 posts
1st Level, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spells: 1
Thu 24 Nov 2022
at 21:13
  • msg #4

Sunnendaeg 0115 High Moon

Alaion awoke from his sleep, from the noise outside in the night. He had been staying at the inn for about a week now resting from the long trek as a caravan guard. His extra funds about all used up now, "Dog, we need to find some more work soon." looking towards the shape of a large dog laying by the window. "Loki, is it OK boy or should we be ready?" He then moves to the window to look out, petting the dog on the head as he scans the area.
Valeros Sothgard
NPC, 1 post
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 01:01
  • msg #5

The Fugitive

Valeros stumbles from the Sitting Duck, trying in his light stupor to roll some tobacco shavings in a tobacco leaf.  The sound of dogs barking draws his attention.

"Shadd up, yeh flea mongrels!" he shouts off into the dark.  The barking stops.

"Tha's more like it." he says, spilling the tobacco to the ground. The cuts on his fingers from "knivesies" causing some irritation.  "Shyte." he curses.

Something moves in the shadows among houses down the Palisade-Road drawing his bleary eyes in the direction.  Too far to see. Too dark to see.  "Probly kids doin' kid things.  That, or I had more of that potent local brew of fermented dark-wood leaf than was good fer meh."

He squints and looks up at the night sky.  Cloudy.  No moon.  "Still high moon I think.  Surely!"  He mumbles, then shrugs.

He moves southward toward Jak'a'Napes, hoping he would be able to get up in the morn'in and catch the first wagon out to the north cut-yard.  If he was late again, Jarlben Trookshavits will... best not to think about it.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:39, Wed 07 Dec 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 2 posts
1st Level
0 XP
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 01:24
  • msg #6

The Fugitive

Now what happened to that dog? Xenaryn wonders.  It sound like it got hurt.  It took only seconds for her to gather her things.  She had prepared for something like this weeks ago. The unknown. Mysteries to be solved.  Magics to be found.  Though probably not on a wounded dog, she chided herself.

Quick as she can and as quietly as she can so as not to wake her parents, she climbs out the window and follows the road east toward low market looking for the dog.
Hand of Fate
GM, 268 posts
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 02:23
  • msg #7

Sunnendaeg 0120 High Moon

"Wuf!" comes the reply from Loki, perhaps looking for a treat, but is content with the scratching of his ears as Alaion opens the inn's shutters and takes a look.  From the second story of the building he can clearly see the street below, which the locals have called High-Road.  From his vantage, he can see the road as it leaves the intersection of low market and heads northward.  There are no street lamps like you might find down in the city of Falcarragh.  The darkness becomes darker as the clouds cover the moon and off to the west are flashes of lightning from a storm.  A few seconds pass before the thunder rolls faintly in the distance.

The dog had stopped barking before Alaion opened the shutters.  As he looks northward, he sees a dark humanoid figure moving southward along the road, meandering much in the way a zombie might.  Movement catches his senses as a girl suddenly passes below the window.  She enters the low market area looking for something amongst the stalls that are shut up for the night. Apparently, she finds what she is looking for.

In the intersection on the north side of the low market, and next to a stack of wooden barrels Xenaryn finds the dog.  It lies on its side and is not breathing, nor moving.  Something bashed it good.  At least it died quickly and did not suffer.

Only one thing on the road to the north... and its coming toward Xenaryn in the darkness!

Range to dark figure 100 feet

[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: Alaion's range to target is closer.  So close now that he can see with his infra-vision it is only someone staggering a little from drink and not a zombie!]
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:40, Wed 18 Jan 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
NPC, 2 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 02:29
  • msg #8

The Fugitive

"Hey! Get way from there!" Valeros calls out, seeing someone try to steal from something within the vendors stall.  "Thief! Move along!" he stammers out with a lilted slur.  Just in case, he pulls his dagger from its sheath at the small of his back.

"I might be tipsy, but I can stick a small miser like yeh!" he says, easing forward cautiously.  He peers into the darkness but cant make out any detail yet.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 3 posts
1st Level, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spells: 1
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 04:01
  • msg #9

The Fugitive

Alaion quickly grabs and puts on both of his weapons belts. "Loki stay! I will be back in a few." He then goes out the window gripping the sill and dropping down to reduce the chance for any damage. Once on the ground he moves to intercept the advance of the drunken individual. "It's just a young woman, she just got there no time to do anything."
Valeros Sothgard
NPC, 3 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 13:43
  • msg #10

The Fugitive

Movement in the darkness off to the right of the market catches Valeros' eye.  There's two of them, his numbed mind thinks.

"You're tha look out. I ain't no *hic* ones to be fooled." he replies, eyeing both the figures warily.  Even though he is slightly intoxicated, he can sum up the odds.  Two against one.
Daniella Schrumer
player, 1 post
1st Level Human Rogue
0 XP
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 16:49
  • msg #11

Enter the character Daniella

Dani watches from the deep shadows of the brush beside the Hollow Tribunal building on the northwest side of the low market area.  She was two hours from leaving The Rouge Lady and feared Kabran might send some thug after her.  That's why she hid in the shadows when someone come from the south in the night behind her.  The figure, the largest man she had ever seen, was moving north along the road, when suddenly a barking dog appeared.  It growled and began approaching the big man threateningly with a lowered head, growling, and bared fangs.  That's when the man hit the dog with a massive club, mace, or maybe a log branch as far as she could tell.  Killed the dog outright. The big man did not see her and started back northward, but ducks between buildings, not keeping to the road.

Dani was just about to move on, when suddenly there appears a girl in the low market and she discovers the dog.  Was it her dog, Dani wonders.  Then another man swaggers from the north with an obvious drunkenness that Dani is all to familiar with.  She watches the exchange warily, noticing the glint of steel in the man's hand. This was becoming dangerous. Another figure approaches and words are exchanged with obvious misunderstandings.

Dani steps from the deep shadows and approaches the others. "She's not stealing." Dani says to the man holding the dagger.  Just in case, Dani keeps a hand on her own sheathed dagger.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 20:07, Sun 04 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
NPC, 4 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 16:58
  • msg #12

The Fugitive

Valeros' head swivels to the left as someone steps from the shadows and addresses him.  THREE of them, he thinks.  He becomes suddenly worried and shifts to thinking of self preservation.

"I ain' want'n no trouble 'ere." he says placatingly. "You kids can jus do whateva it is you doin, I ain judgin, and I will mosey on the other way."
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 3 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 4
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 18:22
  • msg #13

The Fugitive

Xenaryn grabs up her staff given to her by Vade the Sorcerer on her completion of the apprenticeship.  She stands protectively over the dead dog and glares at the approaching figure.

"You kill this dog?" she questions him accusingly.

The appearance of a boy from the direction of the inn is a surprise.  She nods at his helpful statement. "That's right!"

The appearance of a girl is equally surprising. "True." she replies to her statement. "And we are not doing anything.  I do not even know them. What is your business here?  If you killed this dog, you can be assured I will notify the sheriff or worse, the magistrate, of your cruelty."
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 4 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spells Points: 4
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 18:35
  • msg #14

The Fugitive

" He was coming along after the dog was silenced, so it shouldn't of been him. We should be looking for someone else." looks toward the girl who had inspected the dog. " Any idea on who the dog belongs to, or is it a stray? If it belongs to someone you know we should bring its body to them otherwise leave it and we can look for signs of who or what did it."

Looks to the man who showed signs of being drunk, " No need to go the other way, just go where you were going. "
Valeros Sothgard
NPC, 5 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Fri 25 Nov 2022
at 23:00
  • msg #15

The Fugitive

Valeros eyes the dog at the girl's feet and a lip twitches upward.  "You thought I did that!?"

The dog lies on its side with fully half of its skull and face bashed inward. The mercenary looks up at the male, noticing for the first time that it is an elf.  That's the fourth elf I have seen this year, he thinks in bewilderment.

"I think I seen-- well, shadows moving back up the road a ways.  Thought it might be kids.  Might be them you lookin for.  I can show you, if you aiming to find who did this." he offers.  He was sobering up quick as the adrenaline starts to fade from when he thought he would have to fight three.  He's glad that is not the case and offers some trust.

"My name's Valeros Sothgard, currently working as protection for Milon Rodham's crew in the cut yards."
This message was last edited by the player at 23:09, Fri 25 Nov 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 4 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 4
Sat 26 Nov 2022
at 18:39
  • msg #16

The Fugitive

Xenaryn eyes the stranger warily, and shrugs when he asks her if he had done the deed.  "Guess not she says.  Would take something big to do that I think. And certainly not a dagger."

"Im Xenaryn Faustich, friends call me Xen (Zen). I'm recently graduated from Vade's apprenticeship of magic. I personally would like to see who did this.  Maybe get a good look so I can describe them to the sheriff, a deputy, or the magistrate if he's in later today.  Never can tell with him.  The dog is JoJo and belongs to an old man a few houses over from ours, or mine-- er, my family's home."

"Anyway, yes, lead on." she says maybe a little too excitedly. She grabs a leg of the dead canine and drags his carcass over into the bushes next to the Tribunal building.  "I can come and get him later for the old man." she says wistfully.  She looks at the other two strangers as she sidles up to Valeros. "Wanna come along?"
Daniella Schrumer
player, 2 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
0 XP
Sun 27 Nov 2022
at 14:03
  • msg #17

The Fugitive

Dani sums up quickly that the man is no danger.  Knows him in fact.  Well, not knows, but has seen him in the Rouge Lady, gambling and drinking.  She doesn't forget the face of a mark she has lifted a coin or two from.  Dani released her grip on her dagger, keeping it sheathed and steps closer.  A gasp escapes her when she sees the damage to the dead dog, but is not really surprised at the extent of it.

"I seen the shadow of the man that did this." she says, remembering the figure as it struck the dog.  "From the shadows.  It was a large man, taller even than you Valeros, by a head at least, maybe more, and was bulky.  Largest man I ever seen, if it was a man at all and it carried what looked like a large clubbing thing."

"I'm Dani." she says, adding her name to the group.  She kept it simple, not wanting to give her full name for her own safety. "I'll come along with you."

Dani glances at the elf questioningly.

"And who might you be sir?" she asks.  Dani has never seen an elf.  She scrutinizes the elf, noting the high pointed ears and almond shaped eyes.  Childhood stories come to mind.  Do they really dance in the moonlight with the fey? she wonders.  It seems a foolish thing, seeing the young man before her.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 5 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spells Points: 4
Sun 27 Nov 2022
at 14:36
  • msg #18

The Fugitive

The elf nods his head at the introductions everyone has made, he then moves to examine the ground for any clues before examining the dog's wounds for a clue on the type of weapon used.

As he is examining the wounds, " You can call me Blade, my elven name would be a lot longer and harder to say."

After examining the dog, " I am interested in seeing whomever did this brought to justice. Will need to get the rest of my gear from the inn though."

Rolled 12 for tracks, 15 for weapon used both un modified for stats.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:09, Sun 27 Nov 2022.
Game Master
GM, 269 posts
Sun 27 Nov 2022
at 17:47
  • msg #19

Sunnendaeg 0140 High Moon

Before Xenaryn pulls the carcass of the dog away, Blade kneels and inspects the area.  With a keen intellect, he notes some small droplets of blood leading away to the north.  There are too many tracks being in the low market area, but he does note one that is larger than others.  The damage to the dog appears to be from a blunt weapon.  There are no cuts, nor punctures.

After introductions, the carcass is pulled into the bushes at the edge of the Tribunal building while Blade runs back into Jak-a-Napes Inn to get his gear including Loki his dog.  He then leads the party north a few yards, then the track of droplets cuts west between buildings.  Here, in grassy terrain, he loses the trail of blood droplets. Continuing behind the buildings along High-Road, they come to Sheriff's Way, a road that cuts from High-road southwest to Mid-road and beyond.  Here, they can see the Sheriff's building across the street. Oddly, its door is open and light from within streams outward to illuminate the street in a soft orange glow. A flash of lighting arcs across the dark night sky to the west, heralding an impending storm.  Seconds later the peal of thunder is heard, louder than before. Leaves in the trees and bushes begin whispering as a breeze blows through.  The soft glow from the doorway begins flickering eerily as the candles within begin to flutter from the wind.

This message was last edited by the GM at 22:55, Sun 27 Nov 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 5 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 4
Sun 27 Nov 2022
at 18:17
  • msg #20

The Fugitive

Xen glances at the others, "I have a bad feeling.  Common sense dictates that door on the sheriff's building should be shut.  Its almost Low Moon, and the wind is picking up.  Someone would have closed it.  C'mon lets see what is going on in there."

Xen begins walking toward the sheriff's building in a straight line, keeping a wary eye around her for anything that moves in the darkness.  She grips her staff tightly as she approaches the door and enters.
Valeros Sothgard
NPC, 6 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Sun 27 Nov 2022
at 23:06
  • msg #21

The Fugitive

Valeros follows along behind Blade and his dog, Loki, until they lost the trail. At that point, he begins leading them northward toward the road that cuts in front of the palisade, because that's where he saw the shadows.  He stops though, noticing the building Xenaryn was pointing out and listening to her words.  Makes sense, he thinks, watching as the dim light from the doorway flickers on the road.

Following her lead, Valeros quickly catches up with her.  "Hey, let me go-- let me and Blade enter first. You two come after." Being the oldest of them at 22yrs, he feels somewhat protective. Well, the elf might be a thousand years old.  Everyone knows they live forever, he chides himself.  Giving Blade an expectant look, Valeros pulls his dagger from its sheath and enters the building, ready for anything.

[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: Please make an INT check if you enter the building... ]
This message was last edited by the player at 23:13, Sun 27 Nov 2022.
Player, 6 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 4
Mon 28 Nov 2022
at 01:01
  • msg #22

The Fugitive

Blade moves forward to the area just before the door, "Loki, stay!" He then draws his mace from over his shoulder and readies his shield. "Valeros, you go right inside and I will go left."

[Private to GM: Rolled a 10 for the requested Int roll]
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:35, Fri 14 Apr 2023.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 6 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 4
Mon 28 Nov 2022
at 19:12
  • msg #23

The Fugitive

Xenaryn acquiesces to better logic, not because she is scared but because it made good sense tacticaly. As the two men prepare to enter, Xen readies by casting armor upon herself. She whispers the words of magic and feels the protective ward surround her.  If one looked closely enough, a very slight purple aura emanates from the magical field. She then brings the magical words for magic missiles to the forefront of her mind.

She proceeds behind Blade and Valeros, beckoning Dani to follow.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:35, Mon 28 Nov 2022.
Daniella Schrumer
player, 3 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
0 XP
Mon 28 Nov 2022
at 19:42
  • msg #24

The Fugitive

"I will umm, keep a watch out here. " she says, then bites her lower lip.  There is no way I'm going in there, she says inwardly.

"Be careful." Dani whispers as the others enter the sherrif's building.
Game Master
GM, 271 posts
Mon 28 Nov 2022
at 20:11
  • msg #25

19Sunnendaeg 0150 High Moon

Blade and Valeros enter the building quietly and cautiously. A short hallway lit by candles on a mounted board to each side opens into a main room that is 30' by 30' in length and width. The far east side of the room is occupied by four barred cells. Two on the north side and two on the south side. A door barred with wood on the inside is between the cells on the eastern wall.

Lying on the floor in the middle of the room is the corpse of a man. His skull crushed. His face is unrecognizable and a very large pool of blood and brains cover the floor.  The building is otherwise empty. A fire still burns in the fireplace on the western wall. A desk sits along the north wall. There are sheafs of paper, an inkwell, and a quill-stand with two quills. A metal lockbox sits against the wall behind the desk on the floor with a lantern and some hard riding boots. A set of skeleton keys on a metal ring hangs from a pegged board nailed to the wall behind the desk.

[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: Blade notes a trail of blood drops leaving the building. He notes that a cell door is ripped from their iron hinges. ]
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:17, Mon 28 Nov 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 7 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 4
Mon 28 Nov 2022
at 20:28
  • msg #26

19Sunnendaeg 0150 High Moon

"It looks like a prisoner has escaped and killed who ever this was. Xen can you search the desk, see if anything has been written or logged as to who the prisoner might have been. Dani can you and Valeros search the lock-box might have something useful for us or belonging to the prisoner that we can use. I will stand guard for everyone."

"Loki, come here." Once Loki comes to him, he and Loki will move to the blood trail. " Good boy Loki, Get a good smell of that blood boy." as he helps Loki find the blood trail. He keeps and eye out as he hopes everyone is searching the areas for any clues.

[Private to GM: RPing trying to teach Loki to track or trail, Will do more with other tricks too.]

[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: Roger that! ]
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:34, Mon 28 Nov 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
NPC, 7 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Mon 28 Nov 2022
at 21:53
  • msg #27

The Fugitive

Val whistles lowly when he sees the dead man. When he kneels and searches the body, he notices a short sword that is lying beneath it.  Did he even get to use it? he asks himself, pulling the weapon free.  He finds no other affects on the corpse.

He then grabs the iron strongbox and sets it up on the desk. "I think it might be empty" he says, noting that it did not rattle when moved.  He then goes back to the door and motions for Dani to come in, but doesn't see her.  "Dani?" he calls in a loud whisper.  "No one's home."

[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: A closer inspection reveals that someone did not break out... but that someone broke someone else out.]
This message was last edited by the player at 21:58, Mon 28 Nov 2022.
Daniella Schrumer
player, 4 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
0 XP
Mon 28 Nov 2022
at 22:03
  • msg #28

The Fugitive

"Here." Dani says quietly, stepping from the deep shadows between building and bush.  She shakes her head furtively at first, but when he says its empty she dares.  "Okay, Im coming."

She follows Valeros back into the building and moves to the strongbox.  Its a simple lock and one she should be able to open easily.  "I'll give it a try", she says, taking the lock picks from the pouch on her belt.  She kneels next to the desk and begins...

[Private to GM: Rolled a 3, unmodified for an easy lock]
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 7 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 4
Mon 28 Nov 2022
at 22:44
  • msg #29

Sunnendaeg 0150 High Moon

"Deputy schedules, a town decree for the unknown person(s) or creature taking cadavers from the cemetery." Xenaryn says aloud to anyone that is listening.  "Unknown is marked out and Zarrin written above it.  I was in Jak-a-Napes last night and there was some buzz about someone catching the body snatcher. That must be who broke out of here.  Hey! There's Vade's name written in the edge with a question mark?  REALLY!  I swear... these PEOPLE."

Xenary shakes her head angrily and continues poring through the documents.

"Some correspondence between Gavel Kreed and the magistrate about Kabran Bloodeye, more rumor mill fluff. Death certificate for someone named Negle.  Some receipts for supplies and wood.  Nothing else really." Xenaryn says, shoving the papers into the desk.

[Private to GM: rolled a natural 2, -2 modifier.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:49, Mon 28 Nov 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
NPC, 8 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Mon 28 Nov 2022
at 23:10
  • msg #30

The Fugitive

Valeros watches Blade interact with Loki. "Will he sniff out the trail?"

He picks the short sword back up and begins swinging it, getting the feel of the weapon. "Nice.  I guess he wont be needing it."
This message was last edited by the player at 23:17, Mon 28 Nov 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 8 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 4
Mon 28 Nov 2022
at 23:19
  • msg #31

The Fugitive

"Don't even think about it Valeros.  That is the property of the sheriff's office, or the town, I would think."  she says pointedly, crossing her arms.  "Just leave it on the desk."

"Do we notify the sheriff, or go after whoever this is?" she asks no one in particular.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:29, Mon 28 Nov 2022.
Player, 8 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 00:37
  • msg #32

The Fugitive

"Looks like I was wrong, Someone broke someone else out. Xen keep anything document wise, regarding the grave robber etc." Watches Valeros test out the shortsword and Xen's response to him. "Valeros do you like the blade, take it with you on loan from the town while we go about seeing what or who did this. Loki is just learning to track so we will see how well he does, he is just a pup still with plenty to learn."

Looks around the room one more time looking for any other weapons. " Any one see any bows and arrows?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:37, Fri 14 Apr 2023.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 9 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 01:53
  • msg #33

The Fugitive

Xenaryn looks at Blade a few seconds, weighing his suggestion that didn't quite sound like a suggestion.  Then she goes back to the desk and stuffs the papers into her backpack, keeping her opinions to herself.  That's what her mom always told her, keep yer opinions to y'self little girl.

"Maybe in that cabinet," she says, pointing to it next to a bookshelf on the right side of the fireplace.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 9 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 02:10
  • msg #35

The Fugitive

"Thanks, I will check inside. Those documents could help figure out who we are looking for or at least a place to start. The shortsword is still the towns property, just being put to better use than on the desk for now. One secret to surviving is being as well equipped as you can, him having a sword over a dagger could mean all our lives if we continue to look into this. Maybe not exactly the right procedure for it but I didn't hear any official saying no right now."

Blade checks the cabinet that was suggested to see what was inside. "Whatever broke the cell and killed the dog is big and strong so the better weapons we have the better."

Looks to Xen, " I see you use Armor spell as well, might need to talk about spells later with you. Maybe we can trade spells or notes sometime."

Checks the cabinet
This message was last updated by the GM at 02:15, Tue 29 Nov 2022.
Game Master
GM, 273 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 02:18
  • msg #36

Sunnendaeg  0200 hrs Low Moon

The cabinet near the fireplace is a small armament locker containing two spears, a short sword, two short bows, two quivers with ten arrows each. Next to the cabinet is a bookshelf with various common books for reading including a few short stories, law, how to fish, and a book called "The Lusty Argonian."

Dani works with her tools and finally the lock succumbs to her ministrations.  She pours the contents onto the desk; three bronze falcon pins, two small gems, 16 silver coins, and 2 gold coins. [Private to Alaion Dragonblade: You notice Dani quickly pocketing something from the lockbox before she reveals the contents. ]

Loki sniffs the blood and moves back and forth while looking up at Blade every few seconds. He seems confused as to what to do.

Valeros picks the short sword back up, liking its feel.  He removes the sheath for it from the dead man.  Turning the body over, he discovers one of the bronze falcon pins on the man's shirt. He was a deputy.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 23:04, Tue 29 Nov 2022.
Player, 10 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 02:21
  • msg #37

The Fugitive

"Anyone taking a weapon let Xen know so she can record it or whatever. Xen the contents of the box, I trust you can take charge of it and make sure it gets into the proper hands." as he makes way for anyone else wanting to get a weapon he moves close to Dani. Where he speaks very quietly and secretly. [Private to Daniella Schrumer: I saw what you kept from the lockbox, make sure to give me my share later please.]

Once everyone appears ready he moves to Loki and gets him to smell the blood again before saying. "Find it, Loki!" leading him along the trail of blood to try to train him how to track.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:39, Fri 14 Apr 2023.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 10 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 02:31
  • msg #38

Sunnendaeg  0200 hrs Low Moon

"I'll leave a note on what we take and oh yes, I would be thrilled to speak with you about magic.  Any time." Xenaryn replies earnestly.  But inward, she recoils a little.  There is ONE spell you will not be learning from me sir, she thinks, having only learned the spell recently. The circumstances with which she obtained it will never be revealed by her to anyone.  Getting caught casting it in public would probably get her burned at the stake. She sighs, retreating from the thoughts and examines the pegged board by the exit door.

"We should lock the box with its contents and leave it for the sheriff, who will be here soon I would think." she replies to Blades suggestion. "At most a couple of hours before someone finds this if we leave without notifying anyone."

She looks at one of the candles, the one with regular stripes around it burning at the door.  "Four candle hours before dawn."
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:04, Tue 29 Nov 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 11 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 18:28
  • msg #39

Sunnendaeg  0200 hrs Low Moon

"We can secure them then, while we look for who ever did this. "

Looks to all of those gathered around, " Everyone ready, got whatever weapons you need? If so lets try to find who did this."
This message was last updated by the GM at 23:05, Tue 29 Nov 2022.
Game Master
GM, 274 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 19:34
  • msg #40

Sunnendaeg  0220 hrs Low Moon

A message is inked by Xen for those who discover the breakout detailing the party's efforts to discover who did the heinous crime and the items taken. The mage takes the lantern and a flask of oil for use.  She lights the lantern before they leave to light the way for them.
[Private to Alaion Dragonblade; Daniella Schrumer; Xenaryn Faustich: Please include a private line with item(s) you take]

Dani closes and locks the strongbox with its contents.

The party exits the sheriff's building following a trail of visible blood droplets by the dim light of the lantern. Every few feet Blade draws Loki's attention back to the blood on the trail. It is slow going but they are able to follow the trail easily, for a ways anyway. The path leads them behind the building, then cuts northward skirting buildings at the end of Palisade road until they come to the palisade wall. The trail then heads west along the wall of ten foot tall wooden stakes until exiting the town proper at the junction of Mid-road. The trail then cuts northward, skirting the town's cemetery and leads the party into the wilds.

The lands around the Hollow are thickets of scrub brush and various smaller trees, the larger trees having been cut down long ago. Game trails criss-cross everywhere through brush and high grasses. The blood droplets lead the party along one such trail. Loki stops unexpectantly sniffing the air in different directions.
[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: Please make an INT check]
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:05, Tue 29 Nov 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
NPC, 9 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 19:47
  • msg #41

The Fugitive

"Smell that?" Valeros asks, sniffing the air himself. "Somethin's dead close by."  He grips the short sword firmly, searching the underbrush nearby with his eyes.
Player, 12 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 21:43
  • msg #42

The Fugitive

16:04, Today: Alaion Dragonblade rolled 12 using 1d20+3.  int check.

Since we are in an open space Blade sheaths his axe and draws his sword. He also starts to scan the areas, as he notices Valeros is on high alert.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:40, Fri 14 Apr 2023.
Game Master
GM, 276 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 22:07
  • msg #43

Sunnendaeg  0230 hrs Low Moon

Once in the wilds, the darkness closes in, especially without any moonlight.  Luckily, for the humans, Xenaryn appropriated the lantern from the sheriff and lit it.  That being said, Valeros sees nothing in the darkness as he scans the underbrush.  Loki has raised hackles and is staring off into a thicket of trees the trail leads into. Several moments pass.  Thunder rolls overhead as the storm gets closer.  Rain and wind is imminent.
[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: As you kneel and look in the direction Loki is looking, you see glowing embers staring back at you.  It is too far away and concealed to make out what it is. ]
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 23:06, Tue 29 Nov 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 13 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 22:19
  • msg #44

The Fugitive

"Loki Heel, we definitely have company over there. See the eyes but can't make out much else. I can try to draw it out." Blade starts to channel his magic, releasing a bolt of energy flying forth to strike the creature.

Casts Magic missile at the creature with glowing eyes.
17:15, Today: Alaion Dragonblade rolled 4 using 1d4+1.  Magic missile.

After that he stands at the ready if the creature does decide to retaliate.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 10 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 22:33
  • msg #45

The Fugitive

"Damn my eyes, but what they say about elf's eyesight is true!" Valeros whispers, looking in same direction and seeing nothing but darkness.  "I'm ready", he says gripping his sword tightly.  Calm... stay calm Val, he utters under his breath.  "You girls get behind us."
Game Master
GM, 277 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 23:07
  • msg #46

Sunnendaeg  0230 hrs Low Moon

A  magical bolt of energy flies forth from Blade's fingertip, striking unerringly the intended target.  There is a quick scuttle of movement in the brush, as if something large were charging forth, but the noise dies down and it becomes quiet.  The glowing eyes are no longer where they were and Loki just sniffs the air in all directions.

[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: -1 spell point.  Change marked on your character BIO. Make an INT check to pick up the trail.]
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 12 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 23:08
  • msg #47

The Fugitive


The squeal comes as the sounds of movement in the brush occur.  Xenaryn readies her spell, but nothing materializes within the light of the lantern that she holds high.

"What WAS it?" she asks.
Daniella Schrumer
player, 5 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
0 XP
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 23:14
  • msg #48

The Fugitive

Dani stays near the group, but just inside the light of the lantern.  Close enough to darkness she can jump into it quickly, if the need occurs.  She works better in the dark, usually, and in town of course.  This blasted darkness of the wilds is a bit nerve wracking, she thinks. About as nerve wracking as when the elf whispered in her ear.  The bow she took from the armory gives her a little bit of comfort though.  It has far superior range to that of a dagger and she was a hell of a shot.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:16, Tue 29 Nov 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 14 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 3/4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 23:16
  • msg #49

The Fugitive

"No idea on what it was, but it was already our enemy before i struck it, Now we will have to trail it again."

Blade tries to follow it the best he can.

18:11, Today: Alaion Dragonblade rolled 8 using 1d20+3.  int check
Game Master
GM, 278 posts
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 23:26
  • msg #50

Sunnendaeg  0240 hrs Low Moon

Blade pushes his way through some thick under brush to the spot where he saw the eyes.  There in the loam are prints, feline in nature.  He continues, following it's tracks, gathering little nicks and scrapes here and there to finally emerge on a game trail.  The same game trail.  He realizes he could have reached the same spot in less time by following the game trail around the thicket.  There is a corpse of a man here, lying in the tall grasses.  The soft tissues of the face, neck, arms, and belly have been eaten away. Entrails pulled from the cavity. The tracks of the feline continue along the game trail with fresh blood.

The rest of the party follow Blade, pushing there way to the spot where he now stands. There is lightning followed quickly by a peal of loud thunder and the wind begins to pick up, making the trees sway to and fro.  The grasses bend under strong and quick gusts that follow any path of least resistance.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 11 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 23:28
  • msg #51

Sunnendaeg 0240 Low Moon

"What we follow'n?" Valeros asks, taking in the scene of the dead man.
Player, 15 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 3/4
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 23:45
  • msg #52

Sunnendaeg 0240 Low Moon

Blade takes in all the prints, "It is leaving tracks as a big cat of some type, so your guess is as good as mine." he replies. He looks around to everyone, "Time to go big cat hunting. Anyone have any experience in it or ideas?"

Blade hangs his mace.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:41, Fri 14 Apr 2023.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 13 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 4
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 02:34
  • msg #53

The Fugitive

"A distraction." Xenaryn says, looking the corpse over.  She glances left and right of the trail and beyond. "Let's keep on the trail of the killer. Unless you think it will attack us."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 12 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 02:36
  • msg #54

The Fugitive

"I can hunt, but not at night in the dark."  Valeros gives Blade a questioning look.  "I'll back you either way." he says.  The longer lived elf has already taken a position of leadership and he was fine with that.  I'm certainly no leader, he muses.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:45, Wed 30 Nov 2022.
Daniella Schrumer
player, 6 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
0 XP
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 02:45
  • msg #55

The Fugitive

"I don't have any hunting experience", Dani replies to Blade's question.  "I think you might have run it off."
Player, 16 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 3/4
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 12:29
  • msg #56

The Fugitive

Looks to everyone, "Valeros pull guard, I am going to recharge, Dani and Xen search the body for any clues who he is or valuables. Is he a fresh kill or something stolen from the graves and given to the cat. If the cat has any intentions of returning it should fairly quick so we wont be caught off guard. Once we wait for a few we can continue on the trail of the jail break, just be mindful of the cat." Blade closes his eyes and rests although his ears are alert for any warnings.

Loki seems used to these timeouts, as he appears to have gone into watch mode the moment Blade closed his eyes.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:43, Fri 14 Apr 2023.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 14 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 4
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 15:58
  • msg #57

The Fugitive

Dani, search the body." Xen says. "Ill take the time to study."

Xenaryn hangs the lantern on a broken branch of a tree, then sitting beneath it she takes her grimoire from a pack to study. She can feel the well of magical energy returning as she reads the magical script. She could just close her eyes and recall the script, but she finds reading more calming to the mind.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:01, Wed 30 Nov 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 13 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 16:05
  • msg #58

The Fugitive

"Sure thing." Val replies. He keeps his short sword ready. But he doesn't have elven eyes. The best he could hope for  is nothing entering the surrounding light.
Player, 17 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 3/4
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 16:18
  • msg #59

The Fugitive

After five minutes pass uninterrupted, Blade will get up and start to do a weapons exorcise with his mace in a very slow and methodical almost rhythmical fashion. Those used to magic and seeing it can sense a faint aura surrounding him as he does so. After about five minutes of the exorcise  he stops and looks to everyone around.

"Good job Valeros, Dani what did you find on him and about him?"

Blade makes his way over to the body for a better look himself also just in case he will notice something she didn't.

" Now we have a choice to make, Do we go after the deadly cat that is a threat or continue to trail the jailbreak guy! Which is a greater threat on people right now, I am new here so willing to hunt either one. Valeros and Xen you know better this place and people, which in your opinions is the more dangerous to the regular people."

He looks to them both waiting for their reply before planning the next move.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:44, Fri 14 Apr 2023.
Daniella Schrumer
player, 7 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
0 XP
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 16:28
  • msg #60

The Fugitive

Dani regards the evicerated dead man. She nudges the bowels aside, checking for pouches. She finds none. No weapon, no papers, no pouches. No way to identify him. It appears to her he has been dead a while. Probably yesterday some time.

"There is only animal damage so maybe he is an unfortunate victim to a mountain lion or lynx." Dani says quietly.

She notes there is no blunt force damage, though she is not an expert on these things. It is only the third dead person she has seen in her sixteen years. I wonder how many dead bodies the elf has seen, she muses, glancing over at the resting man.
Game Master
GM, 279 posts
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 16:42
  • msg #61

Sunnendaeg  0250 hrs Low Moon

Ten minutes pass uneventfully.  Loki gets up and stretches his back legs when Blade rises. The wind continues to blow in gusts. Lightning arcs in the sky and thunder peals right behind it. Heavy rain is not far off.

Blade investigates the corpse but finds nothing of interest.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 15 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 4
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 16:49
  • msg #62

The Fugitive

"Trail the killer." Comes Xenaryn's immediate response. She retakes the lantern.  She feels reinvigorated after the short rest.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 14 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 17:12
  • msg #63

Sunnendaeg  0250 hrs Low Moon

"This thing what killed the dog and deputy is the bigger of the two to the town." Valeros says. "The cat is the bigger threat to us immediately as it might come back and defend its meal. If we leave soon we will probably be safe."
Player, 18 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 3/4
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 17:18
  • msg #64

The Fugitive

Once the decision has been made to trail the killer, Blade will travel with his mace and shield readied.

Blade and Loki study the trail again for a few moments, "Loki, Find it!" With the lantern light also lighting up the surroundings, Blade will also be on the lookout for any herbs he sees which might be useful, taking those instances to pause to sense the surroundings while quickly gathering what he can.

[Private to GM: Have Herbalism skill so might be useful to gather some to use for future uses be it healing, sale or whatever they are good for. Tried to make this guy an all rounded character only thing missing are some thief skills.]

11:50, Today: Alaion Dragonblade rolled 22 using 1d20+3.  int check. For tracking

Blade and Loki will start to follow the trail the best they can, pausing at times to sense their surroundings. Cant forget there is a deadly cat about as well, who knows what else might be around. Slow and steady will get us there in one piece, no need to rush it. During one such pause his mind seems to wander into his past memories.

I remember when my first dog and I were hunting. We traveled fast after the obvious threat, but found ourselves to be prey instead to a party of orcs. The bear we were after instead became six orcs. Luckily for me, I was being trained by the best blade-master in the city, for I was to be one of the royal guard upon completion. With their loud rush to intimidate, they allowed me time to release my sleep spell which dropped four of them instantly. The remaining two were then upon us. I parried the blow aimed at me as my dog was struck by one of the orcs. In the next exchange I was able to strike my orc down, while my dog was able to hold his attacker off, taking another hit while doing so. My dog and I quickly worked together to kill the last orc. Checking on my dog, it had sustained fatal damage and would die before I could do anything about it. In my anger, I quickly killed the four orcs as they slept under the influence of my spell. The loot and the bounty I received from those orcs was enough for me to purchase my first mace and a blunt horned shield. They became my specialty style of fighting as the small shield frees my off hand to cast spells or utilize a weapon as needed.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:32, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Game Master
GM, 280 posts
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 22:51
  • msg #65

Sunnendaeg  0330 hrs Low Moon

A lot of time is lost, trying to discern the trail of the killer(s) amid such a bloody area.  Eventually, Blade is able to discern the path he believes is correct. The trail gets harder to follow though. There are less droplets, spaced too far apart. The droplets of blood have moved from one game trail to another, making one wonder how the killer knows which route to take.  Sometimes, Blade only finds a bend in the grass or a boot print, or a freshly broken twig that leads his way until he again sees a droplet. Then the trail is lost.

The wind subsides, but does not cease. A cold steady rain begins to fall from the dark heavens. The party, not knowing which way to go, can only continue on the path they were on, which switches left or right at times.  They move on instinct and hope alone.  Some time later, they emerge on the edge of a clearing.  Ahead sits a cabin in the darkness, illuminated briefly with the rapid light of a lightning flash.  There is no light coming from within.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 16 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 4
Wed 30 Nov 2022
at 22:55
  • msg #66

The Fugitive

"I'm running out of oil." Xenaryn exclaims quietly, holding the dimly lit lantern before her.  She stares at the cabin. "It looks abandoned."

She is cold, wet, and the rain is becoming a nuisance.  She cant cast a spell if her teeth are chattering.

"Come on, let's see what is in there." She starts for the cabin, not waiting on the others.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:55, Wed 30 Nov 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 19 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 3/4
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 00:47
  • msg #67

The Fugitive

Blade quickly follows her with Loki on his heels, hoping to protect her if he has too. Knowing he is the only one who can see if the lantern goes out so finding a light source is important.
Game Master
GM, 281 posts
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 18:30
  • msg #68

Sunnendaeg  0340 hrs Low Moon

The party crosses the wide clearing, finally coming to the log cabin.  The wood on the cabin is not freshly cut, indicating the cabin has been here for a while.  There is evidence of life however.  A woodpile with freshly split logs is located near the front door. A goat's bladder, used by children as a ball, is lying in the grass nearby.  The wind is stronger in the clearing, away from the barriers of trees and brush.

The amber glow of lantern light illuminates a closed wooden door.  Xenaryn opens it.  The smell of blood that comes from the doorway is overpowering.  The lantern light illuminates a corpse ten feet in.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:33, Thu 01 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 15 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 18:38
  • msg #69

The Fugitive

Valeros wipes the rain from his eyes and pulls his long wet hair back. "Get back behind us lasses. He will enter first since his eyes are better than ours in the dark", he says gesturing toward Blade.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:39, Thu 01 Dec 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 20 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 3/4
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 18:43
  • msg #70

Sunnendaeg  0340 hrs Low Moon

Blade will move forward to investigate the cabin, "Give me a chance to see if there is any threat inside, also I can possible cover and remove the body before you guys enter."
Game Master
GM, 282 posts
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 19:44
  • msg #71

Sunnendaeg  0350 hrs Low Moon

Blade enters first, stepping carefully through the doorway. He finds a spacious main room. A corpse almost at his feet is headless and there is blood covering a large area. Loki sniffs and licks at the mess. The head of a man is on the other side of a round rough hewn table. It appears to have been pulled from the body. The body of a female lies against the far wall next to small fireplace that has burned out.

Lightning flashes outside, and the rain really starts coming down in large heavy drops. The others come inside.

There are two doorways off to the left of this main room. One appears as a kitchen area. The other appears to be a bedroom. There are no other bodies in the cabin, dead or alive.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:45, Thu 01 Dec 2022.
Daniella Schrumer
player, 8 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
0 XP
Thu 1 Dec 2022
at 19:50
  • msg #72

The Fugitive

In the flickering light of Xen's lantern using the last of its fuel, Dani gasps at the macabre scene. "Reorx' teeth", she exclaims covering her mouth.

"I'll start searching for things useful."
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 20:07, Sun 04 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 16 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 12:21
  • msg #73

The Fugitive

Valeros checks the doors and the rooms beyond them, spear in hand. Once done with that, he'll help move the bodies and light a fire then. "What happened to the children? They don't appear to be here. Perhaps we can stay here until the weather passes."
Xenaryn Faustich
Orhaned PC, 17 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 1/1
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 14:12
  • msg #74

The Fugitive

Xenaryn places the lantern, staff. and her backpack on the table and then helps Val move the bodies outside. She helps bring in some wood for the fire.

"They must have taken the children." She says quietly while picking up the head. Its visage is one she recognizes. A local. Someone she has seen around the Hollow.  "But why? Why kill everything in your path, but take a kid?"

She places the head upright on the body outside. A howl echoes from the wilds, and not too far away. Wolves!

Once back inside, she closes the door, wrings out her hair, and waits for the fire to build.

"There are wolves nearby." She exclaims. "Probably drawn to that smell that come out of here."
Game Master
GM, 284 posts
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 16:33
  • msg #75

Sunnendaeg  0400 hrs Low Moon

The main room of the cabin contains worn and well used furniture.  Two small beds for children occupy a corner of the room.  There are a few toys lying about on a night stand between the beds along with a half melted candle.  The other contents of the cabin include a dagger, a lumberjack axe (Comparable to a battle axe), and a small strongbox that is locked.

The kitchen contains a cabinet on the wall, some drying herbs, a pheasant and a rabit hanging against the wall, and a wash basin.  Some tomatoes, celery stalks, potatoes, and some greens lay on a wooden shelf running the length of the room with a rag over them.  The cabinet on the wall contains a few mugs, some wooden plates, some wooden cutlery, wooden cooking utensils, one iron pan, and one iron pot.

The bedroom contains a wooden wardrobe, a wooden chest, a nightstand, and a bed.  The wardrobe contains enough clothing for four; adult and child sizes.  The nightstand is occupied by a book; a fable of the sick lion and the wary fox, and a candle.  The wooden chest contains a set of fine clothing; adult male and female, and a wrapped set of tarnished silver cutlery.

The rain is a heavy downpour for five minutes.   The wind subsides when the rain does, now just a light steady rain outside the one window in the cabin. Wolves howling can be heard getting closer. Lightning and thunder moves off with the heaviest rainfall.

A fire is soon roaring in the fireplace.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 18 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 17:21
  • msg #76

Sunnendaeg  0400 hrs Low Moon

"I guess we may as well salvage anything useful after we look for the kids, eat now, no sense in letting the food go bad."

"Anyone have any idea what could have pulled his head off, and, how did she die?"

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:55, Sun 04 Dec 2022.
Daniella Schrumer
Player, 9 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
0 XP
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 17:37
  • msg #77

Sunnendaeg 0400 Low Moon

"I saw the figure that killed the dog. He was a massive man I thought"  Dani replies to Val's question. "Could be something else I suppose. It was taller than you Valeros by at least two heads and they moved quickly."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 19 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 17:38
  • msg #78

Sunnendaeg 0400 Low Moon

"A giant perhaps?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:55, Sun 04 Dec 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 22 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 1/1
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 18:05
  • msg #79

Sunnendaeg 0400 Low Moon

Blade joined the others in the initial search of the house. Once everyone was together again from moving the corpses outside he spoke. " We should stay the night and maybe longer if the weather continues to be bad. I am going to cast an alarm spell on the area to warn us if anyone or thing enters." As soon as he was finished speaking he casts the alarm spell on the cabin. Gathers his thoughts for a moment before moving and speaking again. He goes first to the bedroom where he takes up a pillow case or small item of clothes which he can wrap stuff into. Taking the silver cutlery, moving into the main room he goes to the locked box. "Dani, see if you can open this. We are taking the contents with us for the kids if we can find them."

[Private to GM: Wanting to be present and close when she tries to open it. To observe contents immediately. If opportunity is present will mumble to her about my share of what she palmed before.]

"Valeros, best if you take that axe and dagger. Axe is probably better than that shortsword or something you are more used too, the dagger could be used as a thrown weapon for you to get you some range if needed. Will also leave it to you to set up a guard schedule just in case as backup for the spell."

Once he has more time after things get done he wants to search the house again for any hidden spaces where treasure or the children might have hidden like trapdoor in the floor etc. Will also inspect the drying herbs and any others he finds for any herbalism benefits besides for cooking.

Sometime during all of this, "Xen, if you want we could find time to talk briefly about spells and maybe compare ones we have that aren't to unique to be shared that is. I know some spells can be like your own children if they were hard fought for or unique."
This message was last edited by the player at 18:10, Fri 02 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 23 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 18:25
  • msg #80

Sunnendaeg 0400 Low Moon

"Take the pot and pan too, and the dishes so we can eat off of them later. Was never into eating off of the dirt or a rock. He gathers what he was instructed to, the ax and dagger, "Any one that has use for any of this, just call out."

[Private to Valeros Sothgard: Items added to sheet]
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:52, Fri 02 Dec 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 25 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 1/1
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 18:33
  • msg #81

Sunnendaeg 0400 Low Moon

"Feel free to gather the pots and other dailies as you see fit, I just wanted the valuables to be secure for the kids if we find them."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 24 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 18:45
  • msg #82

Sunnendaeg 0400 Low Moon

"Then we can cook eggs and bacon or other meat when we have them. Anybody a good cook?"

Val grabs the skillet and pan and bowls and such and packs it in his sack.

[Private to GM:  (When he examined the woman, could he figure a cause of death?) ]

[Private to Valeros Sothgard: Val discovers the woman has a broken neck and spine. She has facial bruising. ]
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:55, Sun 04 Dec 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Orphaned PC, 18 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 1/1
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 20:28
  • msg #83

The Fugitive

Xen raises an eyebrow, "I am not skilled in cooking."
Game Master
GM, 287 posts
Fri 2 Dec 2022
at 23:25
  • msg #84

Sunnendaeg  0410 hrs Low Moon

With the use of a very tiny silver bell and a string of silver, Blade casts an Alarm spell on the closed door of the cabin, effectively relieving everyone of having to keep vigilant watch.   The fire warms the small enclosed cabin quickly.  Those in wet clothing can take comfort that drying them is possible at the expense of modesty.  The rain continues to fall upon the thatch roof of the crude abode.

Dani takes the strongbox and puts it on the table, along with her thief's tools.  She is about to begin opening it when Blade finds a loose stone in the fireplace.  Behind it is a key.  The key that opens the strongbox. He walks over and gives it to Dani, who in turn opens the box.

[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: "I took a gemstone", Dani quietly whispers to Blade when she is certain not to be overheard.  "I will share when it is sold.  OK?"   She gives Blade a questioning look, then opens the strongbox. ]
Inside the box is 5 gold coins, 40 silver, and 50 coppers in a small, well worn leather pouch.

Blade finds no other hidden spaces in the cabin.  The herbs are mix bags of thyme, rosemary, oregano, cumin, and horseradish.  A string of garlic hangs from the ceiling rafter, along with a sack of bulb onions.  All of these items can be found in the low or high markets of the Hollow.

Magic in play...
Armor (Xenaryn), AC6,  HP 9
Armor (Alaion) , AC6,  HP 9
Alarm on cabin doorway,  DUR 5 hrs

This message was last edited by the GM at 20:05, Sat 03 Dec 2022.
Daniella Schrumer
Orphaned PC, 10 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
0 XP
Sat 3 Dec 2022
at 00:24
  • msg #85

The Fugitive

"Not much there." Dani says, turning away from the strongbox and key.  She walks into the bedroom next and explores, eyeing the contents of the chest. "Hmmm..." she murmurs, looking back at the doorway.  "...well, since no one else..."  She takes the wrapped cutlery and puts the set in her pack.  She searches the wardrobe as well, but finds noting of interest.
Xenaryn Faustich
Orphaned PC, 19 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 1/1
Sat 3 Dec 2022
at 00:35
  • msg #86

Sunnendaeg  0410 hrs Low Moon

Xenaryn stays mostly to the fire.  She takes nothing from the cabin's contents.  She does take her outer clothing off to dry in front of the fireplace.  While listening to the others when they converse, she otherwise studies her grimoire.  In fact, after a time, she and Blade have a conversation regarding their spells.  All pretty boring stuff to the non initiated.

[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: Xen relates to you her very small repertoire of spells which include; Armor, Read Magic, and Magic Missile.  She is willing, of course, to try scribing a spell for you so that you may learn the new spell.]
Eventually, she closes her book and lies on one of the children's beds, hoping maybe to get a couple of hours of sleep this night.  It was certain she would not get a full eight hours, unless they were staying.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:29, Sat 03 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 25 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Sat 3 Dec 2022
at 13:00
  • msg #87

Sunnendaeg  0410 hrs Low Moon

"WE can stay 8 hours for the casters, nothing to rush for."
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:30, Sat 03 Dec 2022.
Daniella Schrumer
Orphaned PC, 11 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
0 XP
Sat 3 Dec 2022
at 22:51
  • msg #88

Sunnendaeg  0410 hrs Low Moon

Dani returns to the main room.  "Yeah, those kids are probably dead", she says while closing the lid to the strongbox.  "I'll make a stew."  She then  retreats into the kitchen area and begins cutting up onions, celery, and carrots.  She butchers the rabbit quickly.  It was already gutted, but she skinned it, cleaned it in water, and cut it up for stew meat. Adding the ingredients and a few herbs, she takes the pot to the fire and hangs it, turning the rod to where the pot is over the hot embers.

"About an hour," she says, laying back on the other child's bed.  "So, are we adventurers now?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 10:31, Sun 04 Dec 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 26 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:0
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 1/1
Sun 4 Dec 2022
at 01:54
  • msg #89

Sunnendaeg  0410 hrs Low Moon

Replying to Xen, "I would be interested in your read magic spell, the others I already have in my book."

He then takes several minutes in meditation and weapon kata's before rejoining the others. "The weather is going to knock out any trail I am skilled enough to follow, so no rush leaving now. "

He looks to Dani after her comment, "You have always been an adventurer just waiting for one of yours to start is all."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 26 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Sun 4 Dec 2022
at 11:33
  • msg #90

Sunnendaeg  0410 hrs Low Moon

Valeros helped Dani cook the stew, being a cook was a great deal, never go hungry! He laid his pack out and used it to rest his head by the fire after they set it to fire, he would stir it every once and a while to keep it from burning.
Game Master
GM, 290 posts
Sun 4 Dec 2022
at 15:57
  • msg #91

Sunnendaeg  0520 hrs Low Moon

The rain remains steady outside, its falling droplets muffled on the thatch rooftop. Loki, the rottweiler, suddenly stands with back hairs bristling.  Valeros picks up the sound of low growling, and muffled yips coming from outside the cabin as he stirs the thick stew which he considers done.  It is only moments later the main room of the cabin resounds with a loud Dong! Dong! Dong!, followed by a startled yip outside the door.  It is not the sound of a tiny silver bell which is the spell's component, but that of a large church bell.

Everyone, regardless of their activity, is alerted to something at the door.  Maybe several somethings.

[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: The silver thread is consumed in the casting of the spell.  The tiny silver bell is not. ]
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:09, Sun 04 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 28 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Sun 4 Dec 2022
at 16:36
  • msg #92

Sunnendaeg  0520 hrs Low Moon

Valeros draws his sword just in case there is a threat, as he gets up and goes to the door. "Who is there? Al, will this ruin your Alarm spell? I guess we should let them in from the rain?" and goes to the door.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:18, Sun 04 Dec 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Orphaned PC, 20 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 1/1
Sun 4 Dec 2022
at 17:24
  • msg #93

Sunnendaeg  0520 hrs Low Moon

Xenaryn's eyes fly open at the familiar sound of the alarm spell resounding in the small cabin.  "Val NO!" she calls, rising from the child's bed. "Check the window."

[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: Xen indicates to you in your conversation of magics an interest in the alarm spell]
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:27, Sun 04 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 30 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
0 XP
Sun 4 Dec 2022
at 17:36
  • msg #94

Sunnendaeg  0520 hrs Low Moon

"Ahhhh, that was the alarm? First time I ever heard it, now I know!" he went and looked out the window.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:48, Sun 04 Dec 2022.
Daniella Schrumer
Player, 13 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
0 XP
Sun 4 Dec 2022
at 18:27
  • msg #95

Sunnendaeg  0520 hrs Low Moon

Dani is jolted from her thoughts at the sound of the alarm spell. She draws in a deep breath and releases it as she takes a few steps back, gripping the dagger she carries.  She listens and waits.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:54, Sun 04 Dec 2022.
GM, 293 posts
Sun 4 Dec 2022
at 23:09
  • msg #96

Sunnendaeg  0521 hrs Low Moon

Valeros approaches the window. It is dirty and the outside streaked with rain water.  Enough light from the fireplace filters through the window and illuminates the area outside the door.  Several wolves are pulling at the carcasses outside with a hunger filled frenzy.  Wolves they may be, but they look gaunt and thin from famine.  They snap and growl at each other.  Loki issues a low growl.

[Private to Valeros Sothgard: Please make a cooking skill check]
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:17, Mon 05 Dec 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Orphaned PC, 21 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
0 XP SP 1/1
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 00:16
  • msg #97

Sunnendaeg  0521 hrs Low Moon

Xenaryn looks on past the shoulder of Val at the wolves outside.  "Well, we are safe in here.  They can't hurt the dead", she says as a matter of fact.  "Should be the break of dawn in a couple of hours.  No use trying to sleep now. At least I got an hour."

She takes a bowl from the kitchen and ladles in some of the steaming stew.  The aroma reminds her how hungry she is.  When was the last time she ate?

Aftrer eating a few bites, Xen retrieves Alaion's spell book from him, picks up her satchel, and heads for the bedroom. "I'll start on transcribing that spell for you Alaion.  Please don't bother me unless you absolutely have to."

Once there, she takes from her satchel some parchment, an inkwell, a quill, and her grimoire and sets them about her on the night table within easy reach.  Presently, she opens Alaion's grimoire and begins transcribing the magical script to an empty parchment page, hoping she gets every squiggle, twist, and turn of the lettering correct.  It has to be perfect. She remembered a story from her mentor about how one must be absolutely perfect in the act of transcribing, because the one trying to learn could go insane.  He might not like that, she mused.  She also remembers Vade's warning of sharing spells with others.  It was a debate in which, for the only time in her apprenticeship, her mentor was sorely agitated and disappointed in her.

[Private to Xenaryn Faustich: Skills use XP awarded]
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:29, Fri 09 Dec 2022.
GM, 298 posts
Wed 7 Dec 2022
at 22:08
  • msg #98

Sunnendaeg  0630 hrs New Sun

The new companions have taken refuge from weather and wolves in the old cabin.  Everyone rests, while Xenaryn continues transcribing the spell into Alaion's spell book.  The wolves continue to devour the human remains outside the door and eventually, sated, leave the area.  The rain ceases and the cabin is quiet between embers falling in the fireplace and occasional chatter between companions.  Those who dine on Valeros' stew finds it to be very tasty and delicious. Outside the window, the night sky lightens and eventually, the sun breaks the horizon hidden by foliage, lighting the tops of the trees in an orange glow.  The few remaining low clouds are lit from below in pink and bluish bands.  A beautiful morning sky.  Xenaryn finishes her transcribing.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:13, Wed 07 Dec 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 31 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:130
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 1/1
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 00:18
  • msg #99

Sunnendaeg  0630 hrs New Sun

Blade takes his spellbook back from Xen, "Thanks Xen." looks around to all the others. "Should we return to town and report everything , or do we want to see if we can pick up the trail of whomever did this."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 35 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 15:03
  • msg #100

Sunnendaeg  0630 hrs New Sun

Val watches the room as he sharpens his weapons with oil and a whetstone. Blade was good at what he did, and the ladies, good at their jobs and beautiful. He wondered if he had a chance with either of them.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:17, Thu 08 Dec 2022.
Daniella Schrumer
Player, 15 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
127 XP
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 22:46
  • msg #101

GM Post (moving it along)

"We should pick up the trail, if we can." Dani offers in reply.  She catches an all too familiar calculating glance from Valeros and she quickly averts her eyes. "I know it rained a lot Alaion, but there are at least four of them now right?  If you  can't find the trail, we can go back to town and alert the locals. The strongbox is small, but we can leave it here. I will carry the leather pouch in it for now so we can give it to the kids later."

Dani secures the small leather pouch away into her backpack.

[Private to Daniella Schrumer: Item added to the character sheet... ]
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:56, Thu 08 Dec 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 32 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:130
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 1/1
Thu 8 Dec 2022
at 23:06
  • msg #102

Sunnendaeg  0630 New Sun

Blade nods at both Valeros and Dani, then he and Loki start to look for any sign of the trail. Starting near the cabin and slowly moving out until they find something or give up from any luck.

[Private to GM: 18:04, Today: Alaion Dragonblade rolled 22 using 1d20+3.  Try to pick up Trail.]
[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: Skills use XP awarded]
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:26, Sun 11 Dec 2022.
GM, 299 posts
Teller of Tales
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 02:20
  • msg #103

Sunnendaeg 0700 New Sun

The companions watch as Alaion begins searching the grounds for traces of a trail.  The human remains have been eviscerated, pulled apart, and strewn around the front yard and into the clearing grasses.  With the addition of the children to their number, Alaion eventually locates the trail.  It is fairly easy to follow after finding where it starts.  He guides the companions through the back copse of trees behind the house and down an embankment to a stream.  This he follows for a couple of miles until after turning a bend in the stream, a wooden bridge is seen ahead spanning the stream.  Loki is suddenly alert, sniffing the air and growling lowly, then barks loudly [Neither party surprised] at the riders at the bridge atop the embankment.

"Oh OOHHHH. THERE she is boys." a human male says astride a roan horse. He and two other men dismount onto the bridge. "Looks like she picked up some friends too."

[Private to Daniella Schrumer: You recognize one of the men as an associate of Kabran Oneeye. ]
This message was last edited by the GM at 02:21, Fri 09 Dec 2022.
Player, 33 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:140
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 1/1
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 02:47
  • msg #104

Sunnendaeg 0700 New Sun

Blade looks at the men, sensing something is not quite right. Draws his mace and shield, " Now Boy's just what are your intentions, I must warn you all with me are under my protection." uses a hand gesture to Loki to get him to heel and follow him about 2' behind him.

"This is your only warning, don't do anything to make me have to kill you."
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:35, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 24 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
115 XP SP 1/1
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 06:41
  • msg #105

Sunnendaeg 0700 New Sun

Xenaryn feels her face flush at the thanks of Alaion. She feels foolish for blushing, but the elf has a presence about him. Even if he is a little bossy from time to time, she admires his grace (a trait she lacks) as well as his leadership.

With the sun coming up, she concludes the time has passed to ask for him to reciprocate with one of his own spells. That alarm could come in handy, she considers. But too late to ask now. Maybe after our journey today.

Following the others as they regain the trail of the fugitive, she doubles her resolve to find the children and rescue them. She wonders what kind of monster would kidnap the young. Her mentor spoke of shadowy villains who had no qualms about acts so evil, but those were only stories then. Fairy tales. Now she is faced with reality. It leaves a knot in her stomach, tightened by the excitement of potentially facing this unnamed foe who has murdered multiple people in the past 24 hours.

When they eventually reach the bridge, she first thinks the horseman is speaking about her, but she doesn't recognize him. Certainly I wouldn't forget someone as arrogant as this prick. He must be talking about Dani. She suspects the trio are more talk than action, but runs through the process in her mind for calling on a magic missile, just in case things take a turn for the worse.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:05, Sun 11 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 37 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 13:21
  • msg #106

Sunnendaeg 0700 New Sun

Valeros drew his sword and stepped in front of the women to protect them as they advance toward the bridge. "Stay behind me if you can or want to."
Kabran's thug
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 17:41
  • msg #107

Sunnendaeg 0700 New Sun

As Alaion and Valeros draw weapons, the man makes a movement with his hand as he looks back down the road into the woods then mutters something to the other two. Those two spread outward to either side, putting separation between them. Elves are known spell slingers.

"We have no issue with you, friend.  But the lass, well, she's wanted back where she belongs,"  the man says to Alaion while taking his weapon and shield  from his mount. He gives Dani a direct look. "Your mother and father bids you come home now child."  [Private to Daniella Schrumer: Father is an obvious reference to Kabran. Dani's father is dead.]

The man secures the buckler on his arm, then raps his short sword against it a few times.  "What d'ya say boys? Shall we let her go on her way with her friends if given enough coin?"

Two more men appear on the road where it exits the wood line.  They have crossbows.

Combat (0700.00)
Begin combat rounds of six second intervals. No party is surprised.  No combat is initiated. In combat rounds, an initiative is rolled by everyone every round whether you are acting or not.  Use a d6 die, subtract any Dex adjustment for initiative.  If you decide to attack, roll a d20 attack roll,  subtract the unmodified roll from the THAC0 (to hit AC 0) listed on your character sheet for that weapon. The result is the armor class rating you hit.

Range to nearest target is 30 yds.

Conditions active.....
Armor (Xenaryn), AC6,  HP 9
Armor (Alaion) , AC6,  HP 9

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:36, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 38 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 17:50
  • msg #108

Sunnendaeg 0700 New Sun

"You know these men Dani? You want to go with them? Or is that no option? I'd guess no, but it is up to you."
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:38, Sat 10 Dec 2022.
Player, 34 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:140
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 1/1
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 18:14
  • msg #109

Sunnendaeg 0700 New Sun

Blade glances at all the men before them, then Dani. "Dani, what do you want to do, stay or go?" He then gestures and mumbles something under his breath too low for anyone to hear. Then he flings a pinch sand in the direction of the crossbowman.

[Private to GM: Casts Sleep centered on the crossbow men. 30' separation between guys so as long as they are 30' from a guy affected they are in range. Might get some that are closer to. I love sleep as a first level spell.]

[Private to GM: 13:01, Today: Secret Roll: Alaion Dragonblade rolled 6 using 2d4.  Sleep HD.]

"Attack them now!"

[Private to GM:13:06, Today: Alaion Dragonblade rolled 2 using 1d6.  Initiative. -1 for Dex so 1]

Blade quickly leaps to the offensive, moving to intercept the leader. Attacking him with his mace and shield when close enough.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:37, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 40 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Fri 9 Dec 2022
at 18:37
  • msg #110

Sunnendaeg 0700 New Sun

Valeros decides to concentrate on dropping the leader too, he attacks from the other side.
[Private to GM:
13:37, Today: Valeros Sothgard rolled 4 using 1d6.  initiative.
13:32, Today: Valeros Sothgard rolled 6 using 1d6+3.  damage.
13:32, Today: Valeros Sothgard rolled 17 using 1d20+3.  to hit.

They'd see if the others had the stomach for the fight when their leader fell. He wondered why the talk stopped and the attack began, but he'd find out from Alaion! This could be exhilarating!
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:38, Sat 10 Dec 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 26 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
115 XP SP 1/1
Sun 11 Dec 2022
at 06:59
  • msg #111

Sunnendaeg 0700 New Sun

"Son of a -" Xen curses under her breath as Val and Alaion spring into action. The initial rush of tracking a killer is now replaced by an all too real fear for her life! Realizing that in her current position she's nothing but an easy target for the crossbowmen, she scrambles for cover. Once there, she recites the arcane words as she was trained by Sharvaros Vade not long ago, unleashing a magic missile toward the closer of the two crossbow wielding foes.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:22, Sun 11 Dec 2022.
GM, 316 posts
Teller of Tales
Sun 11 Dec 2022
at 16:04
  • msg #112

Sunnendaeg  0410 hrs Low Moon

When Blade tosses sand in the air, the speaking man visibly blanches. "Shyte, he's casting!", he shouts.  The two crossbowmen at the edge of the bridge taking cover, suddenly slump to the ground. The man to the speaker's left slumps to the ground.  "Let's get outta here!", the man to the speaker's right says, grabbing the reins of his horse.  "Yeah, a few silver isn't worth dying for!", the speaker says, mounting as well.

Blade and Valeros cover the thirty yards quickly, but a horse is faster and the two men escape into the wood.  Xenaryn's magical missile strikes a crossbowman.  The magical impact rips open his shirt and splits skin from shoulder upwards into the neck.  The impact should have awakened a man under the effect of a sleep spell, but the man does not stir.

End combat rounds...

Conditions active.....
Armor (Xenaryn), AC6,  HP 9
Armor (Alaion) , AC6,  HP 9 

This message was last edited by the GM at 16:06, Sun 11 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 44 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Sun 11 Dec 2022
at 16:12
  • msg #113

Sunnendaeg  0410 hrs Low Moon

"Damn! They got away!", Val says, watching the retreating riders until they were gone from view.  He goes over and checks on the condition of the fallen, restraining the sleepers and covering the face of the dead. He searches them all too. Looking for items like coins and papers. He is hoping to find some intelligence on them. So far, Dani has said nothing.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:17, Sun 11 Dec 2022.
GM, 318 posts
Teller of Tales
Sun 11 Dec 2022
at 16:54
  • msg #114

Sunnendaeg  0710 New Sun

Valeros finds the crossbowman hit with Xen's magical spell is dead.  Eyes are fixed and dilated.  He covers the man with a bedroll taken from the  man's horse. He finds the other two men in a deep slumber. They are easily detained with rope taken from the man's horse and without waking them.  [Private to Valeros Sothgard: the three men's pockets hold 35 silver, and 32 copper coins, two red and black garters (its is the familiar color of the garters women at The Rouge Lady use), a key, and a handwritten note with some produce listed.  Please make a rope use skill check, d20+8, unskilled]

The horse is a common riding horse, dark brown in color and female.  She stands in the road, on the bridge, patiently. Two more horses are standing beside the road within the woods.  Weapons include two crossbow, two quivers with ten bolts each, one short sword.  The horses have bit-n-bridle with saddles, each horse has a 50' hemp rope and a bedroll.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:03, Sun 11 Dec 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 39 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:140
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 0/1
Sun 11 Dec 2022
at 17:02
  • msg #115

Sunnendaeg  0710 New Sun

Blade looks to Val, "I warned them, all were under my protection and that was my only warning. Looks like I have a new horse, Val search them well take anything of value. I need to rest for a few minutes to recharge."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 45 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Sun 11 Dec 2022
at 17:08
  • msg #116

Sunnendaeg  0710 New Sun

[Private to GM: 12:00, Today: Valeros Sothgard rolled 24 using 1d20+8.  rope.
11:59, Today: Valeros Sothgard rolled 10 using 1d20+8.  rope.

Valeros was quite proud of his knots, though one looked better than the other. "Too bad the others all got away. What do you want to do with them? That one is dead." he points to the one he covered with the bedroll from the horse.

"I found 35 silver pieces and 32 coppers. 2 red and black garters like the ladies at The Rouge Lady wear. Also what looks like a shopping list. A crossbow and some bolts too."

He looks back at the others, Dani, Xen, and Al. "Bury him, or leave him to the wolves?  They are starving and need to eat too, they get too hungry, they'll be more dangerous, but we also don't want them getting used to the taste of man."

[Private to GM: ooc - how many horses are there?]
[Private to Valeros Sothgard: There is only the one horse in the immediate area.  Another two are beside the road within the wood. ]
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:00, Mon 12 Dec 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 27 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
125 XP SP 0/1
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 04:25
  • msg #117

Sunnendaeg  0710 New Sun

Xen pales at the sight of the dead crossbowman. "I... I didn't mean to kill him. But he was going to shoot us. What choice did I have? He had that thing pointed right at us!" For the first time, she fully understands the warnings from her mentor. Spells are not clever parlor tricks, Xenaryn. You will be well served to use them with restraint.

She waits quietly while the others check the horses, finally speaking when Val inquires about the body. "We should bury him. It's the decent thing to do. I'll do it." The girl is still somewhat shaken by what just happened. Not knowing what exactly to do, and without the proper tools for a burial, she starts jabbing her dagger into the ground to loosen the soil.

As the pathetic attempt at digging a hole proceeds, she finally looks to Dani. "Who were they, anyway? And why were they looking for you?"
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 46 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 12:22
  • msg #118

Sunnendaeg  0710 New Sun

Val gathers up the horses in the woods and brings them all together and ties them up.

Valeros gave Xen a hug when he saw the revulsion in her face "You okay sweetie? You did what you had to, he was going to kill us. It was us or him, here, I'll help you dig."

Valeros uses his dagger the loosen the earth too, and switches to his sword, "Remind me, we need a shovel and other tools for this kind of stuff." He helps Xen bury the dead man being careful and easy, not wanting to mess with the body.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:02, Mon 12 Dec 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 42 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:140
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 0/1
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 18:15
  • msg #119

Sunnendaeg  0710 New Sun

Blade looks at his party with a fierce look to his features. "Let those two dig the grave with their hands, they are the reason friend is dead not you." Blade moves to the two quickly cutting them free, "Dig like your lives depend on it, because they do!"

Looks to Val,"Keep and eye on them, Dani you too."

Walks to Xen grabs her gently by the shoulders, "This is what happens when you venture, you kill or be killed. You did well, we all did. Now think about something else and forget about the death. Help me with the three horses, let us check them out?"

"Val, when they are done burying the body have them dig two more graves, We can talk to them when they have finished."

Blade inspects the horses for quality and training that they have, and anything else I can learn.

[Private to GM: 13:13, Today: Alaion Dragonblade rolled 7,8 using 1d20,1d20.  AH,AT. Made both Handling and training rolls. Want to know as much as I can quality and how much training want a good horse for myself.]
Daniella Schrumer
Player, 16 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
127 XP
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 18:19
  • msg #120

DM posting for player!

Dani's senses go numb and her body freezes in place at the sight of the man on horseback. A tightness grips her insides when he calls to her and references her father, a clear threat since her father is dead. He must mean Kabran. Fear holds her in place, numbed to what is transpiring around her.

Several minutes pass. She blinks back tears of frustration. Recognition of someone speaking to her snsps her back to reality. Valeros inquired who they were.

"Umm, they were some thugs Kabran uses to collect protection money from some businesses in the Hollow.", she clamors. "I only know the one as 'Shorty'."

"They were looking for me.", she adds hesitantly, looking down at her feet.  She takes out her dagger and helps with the grave. "I didn't steal from him. He forced me to work for him. Oh...not in that way. Not yet anyway. But he made me steal from patrons in addition to cleaning and other stuff."

"You know", she says glancing at Val. "That axe would be a lot quicker."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 50 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 18:35
  • msg #121

DM posting for player!

"Let's let them dig, Alaion is right, they brought about their friends death with their choice of vocation, come stand watch with me Dani, I'll protect you. You two, get busy, you don't have much time to complete your task!" He loosely holds his ax in his shield hand and tries to comfort Dani.

They were quickly becoming good friends, he hoped to adventure with them a long time.
GM, 322 posts
Teller of Tales
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 19:28
  • msg #122

Sunnendaeg  0800 New sun

An hour passes and Blade has busied himself with the horses after studying his spell book. He once again feels the mana burn within him, wanting to be released in the power of spellcasting. This is the second time he has regained his mana without a full nights rest. He knows he cant keep it up forever.

One man is buried in a shallow grave. The men continue digging another grave until Blade was confident the men were sufficiently frightened. When one man was sobbing with every stroke of the dagger, Blade calls a halt to the digging. They are grateful when told they could live with the conditions Blade had mentioned in a low conversation with Val. The men are allowed to walk back to town.

The trail the companions had been following climb the embankment on the other side of the stream and heads off down the road toward a distant farmstead.

[Private to alaion dragonblade: the horses are normal riding horses. No exceptional traits. ]
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:34, Mon 12 Dec 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 44 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:140
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 1/1
Mon 12 Dec 2022
at 21:07
  • msg #123

Sunnendaeg  0800 New sun

Blade after inspecting the horses takes the most spirited for himself then assigns a horse to Val and one for the girls to share. "Val, best take a crossbow and some bolts for yourself too, always nice to have some range."

They start to follow the trail once again.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 28 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
125 XP SP 0/1
Tue 13 Dec 2022
at 05:43
  • msg #124

Sunnendaeg  0800 New sun

Xen is nearly paralyzed with guilt, but Val's willingness to help with the digging eases her conscience a little bit. Taking a deep breath, she restarts her work, stabbing at the ground, validated by Val's assistance.

Soon thereafter, she follows Alaion to tend to the horses, doing her best to forget what happened and at the same time worrying what the elf had in store for the survivors who were now digging their own graves. She worries for their lives, then silently expels a sigh of relief when Alaion lets them go.

When they are finally ready to depart, she finds herself next to Dani again, sharing the third horse. "I'm glad they didn't find you until we were together. They shouldn't bother you any longer." She wonders whether or not that is actually true, but does her best to put on a brave face for the rogue.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 51 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Tue 13 Dec 2022
at 11:19
  • msg #125

Sunnendaeg  0800 New sun

Valeros replies to Alaion, "I guess we should divvy up the coin and sell what we can later, what do you think? I don't know how to use a crossbow, Dani, Xen? Can either of you use it? We'll take it for later in any case."
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:32, Tue 13 Dec 2022.
Daniella Schrumer
Player, 17 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
127 XP
Tue 13 Dec 2022
at 13:29
  • msg #126

GM posting for character

"I'm not skilled with one at all. But 'll take one.", she replies to Val.

Dani is wary of the horse as she approaches. She takes the reins and runs her palm along its jawline and on the bridge of it's nose. She has never ridden one, but she manages to mount it after watching Val and Blade mount theirs.  She offers her arm to Xen to help pull her into the saddle behind her.

"Not so bad", she says. She looks down at horse curiously. "How do I make it move?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:40, Tue 13 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 52 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Tue 13 Dec 2022
at 14:58
  • msg #127

GM posting for character

"Tap him in the flanks with your heel, the harder you kick, the faster he'll go."

He then demonstrated to her how to turn the horse with the reins and how to stop him. He didn't have much experience himself, but had ridden before. He tried to be very thorough and asked for Alaion's experience too.

"I miss anything on how to ride Alaion? We'll be going slow to save ourselves a rough ride, try not to fall off, you could get hurt pretty bad. Your butts will be sore too if you aren't used to it. It will go away when you get used to it, plus we can walk part of the way to rest the horses too."
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:31, Tue 13 Dec 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 324 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 13 Dec 2022
at 17:59
  • msg #128

Sunnendaeg 0830 New Sun

The party continues down the small rutted road on horseback at a leisurely pace. There is a small breeze and the air is crisp after a fresh rainfall the night before.  To the left of the road are fields containing dried up corn stalks. To the right are rows of beans, all dried with pods still on the vine. The farmstead appears to have been abandoned. There are no workers to either side. In the distance to either side the woods encircle the large farmstead.

There are a few trees dotting the fields and farther ahead, the first of the farmstead buildings; a large barn like structure as seen from a distance. A large oak tree partially obscures it from view. Vultures circle high in the air while other birds make calls from the fields and trees.

[Private to alaion dragonblade: valeros sothgard: xenaryn faustich: daniella schrumer: Please make an INT roll]
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:03, Wed 14 Dec 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 45 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:140
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 1/1
Tue 13 Dec 2022
at 18:13
  • msg #129

Sunnendaeg 0830 New Sun

Blade was alert watching and listening to every sound.
[Private to dungeon master:
13:12, Today: Alaion Dragonblade rolled 4 using 1d6. -1 for Dex 3
13:11, Today: Alaion Dragonblade rolled 20 using 1d20+3.  INT.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:18, Tue 13 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 53 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Tue 13 Dec 2022
at 18:26
  • msg #130

Sunnendaeg 0830 New Sun

Something foul Al, too many buzzards. No one around either."

He dons his shield to his left arm and draws the ax to try out. He flexed it for comfort in his hand and figured the balance for combat.

"Want to go straight ahead slow. or circle around?"

[Private to GM:
13:27, Today: Valeros Sothgard rolled 6 using 1d6.  initiative.
13:26, Today: Valeros Sothgard rolled 12 using 1d20.  intelligence check.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:40, Tue 13 Dec 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 46 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:140
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 1/1
Tue 13 Dec 2022
at 18:29
  • msg #131

Sunnendaeg 0830 New Sun

Lets go straight ahead slow.
Daniella Schrumer
Player, 18 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
127 XP
Tue 13 Dec 2022
at 21:59
  • msg #132

GM posting for character

Dani gets the hang of commanding her mount thanks to the help of Val's patient instructions.  They ride three abreast on the road, taking in the scenery as it slowly passes by.

"Hsssst!" She suddenly calls, stopping her mount. She tilts her head and listens. "I swear one of those bird calls was not a bird a moment ago."
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:47, Wed 14 Dec 2022.
Hand of Fate
GM, 329 posts
Teller of Tales
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 02:48
  • msg #133

Sunnendaeg 0835 New Sun

As the companions sit astride their horses, looking down the road after Dani called out something was amiss, a substantially large figure of a man suddenly darts across the road and into the corn field.  There are shouts from within the barn-like structure and several men appear at the open double wooden doors.  A figure drops from the oak tree and runs into the road.  He looks after the larger figure, then back toward the companions.  He points his sword at the party, shouting to others over his shoulder.  Three men and one woman begin loping toward the companions.  They wear leather armor, painted in charcoal with a stylized white emblem of a skull. They carry shields. One carries a mace, another a kaiser blade,  and another a pitchfork, and the last; a bastard sword.  The two that are not advancing, a man and a woman, hold bows and begin grabbing for arrows.

Begin combat rounds (0835.00)... Please post your intended reaction to the above scene. Neither party is surprised. Range to nearest target is 100 yds.  They are advancing, so you will be able to move and attack in same round. But mounted, or no?

Conditions active....
Armor(Xen), AC6, HP 9
Armor(Blade), AC6, HP 9

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:39, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 47 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:140
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 1/1
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 03:11
  • msg #134

Sunnendaeg 0835 New Sun

Blade will dismount quickly yet keep the reins in his off hand to utilize the horse as a shield from the archers as he advances into melee range. He intends to attack the bastard sword wielding guy with both weapons, Loki quickly following him to attack any who come to close to his master.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:07, Fri 16 Dec 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 29 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
125 XP SP 0/1
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 07:02
  • msg #135

Sunnendaeg 0835 New Sun

Far from an experienced rider herself, Xen takes Dani's hand to mount the horse. She is unsure of what to do with her hands, first setting them on the rouge's hips before realizing that might not be proper. "I'm sorry, I don't know what to - I'm not an expert at horse riding."

In time, she becomes more accustomed to riding with Dani, letting her arms dangle freely at her side. But just as she starts to feel something remotely resembling comfort, Dani shushes them. She sees the gigantic man race across the road (a curious sight to say the least), then her attention shifts to the approaching group. While not certain they are hostile, the skulls adorning their armor do little to convince Xen they are friendly.

When Alaion dismounts and charges, Xen's heart leaps into her throat. She doesn't like their odds, but unstraps her staff in anticipation of a fight. Staying atop her horse for the time being, she looks to Val for a hint of what to do next. If he joins this fray, then so will I!

Xen will take her cue from Val. If he attacks, then she will slide (clumsily) off the back end of her horse, then attack (unsuccessfully) the nearest of the advancing enemies.

[Private to gm:
01:24, Today: Xenaryn Faustich rolled 7 using 1d6+1.  Initiative (+1 penalty for DEX = 8).
01:49, Today: Xenaryn Faustich rolled 7 using 1d20.  Staff vs. closest advancing enemy.
This message was last edited by the GM at 08:55, Wed 14 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 54 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 12:49
  • msg #136

Sunnendaeg 0835 New Sun

Val dismounts and raises his ax and following Al's lead, uses the horse to hide from the archers. He advances and shouts, "Surrender or die!!!" He clashes his ax against his shield to give his threat meaning and goes for the guy with the mace!

"Kill the archers ladies, if they don't drop their bows, they die!" and he sinks his ax into the shoulder of the mace wielder!

[Private to GM:
07:47, Today: Valeros Sothgard rolled 11 using 1d8+3.  damage.
07:47, Today: Valeros Sothgard rolled 22 using 1d20+3.  to hit.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:19, Wed 14 Dec 2022.
Daniella Schrumer
Player, 19 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
127 XP
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 14:48
  • msg #137

Sunnendaeg  0835 New Sun

Dani dismounts on seeing the men head their way. She pulls her dagger from its sheath and then darts into the cornfield, leaving the mount behind on the road.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 55 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 15:06
  • msg #138

Sunnendaeg  0835 New Sun

"Get down behind your horse Xen! You're too easy a target for the crossbows! It will give you some cover!" Val shouts to her as he advanced for his attack. "Think and be safe!"

Out of the corner of his eyes he sees Dani run into the cornfield for cover from the bolts and to get a tactical advantage, at least that was what he hoped!

He yells to Dani too, "Go through the fields and get the bowmen from behind Dani! They may hear you, but they won't see you!"
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:47, Wed 14 Dec 2022.
Hand of Fate
GM, 332 posts
Teller of Tales
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 21:39
  • msg #139

Combat round 1

Zzzzipf! An arrow lodges in Blade's horse between the shoulder joint and breast. It whinnies and spins but remains. Blade then clashes with the man wielding a bastard sword and shield.  The elf's mace hits him in the torso as the man's bastard sword slips inside Blade's defense, nearly cutting a deep swath across his left leg.   Loki takes a bite at the man's leg, sinking fang into the flesh of the inner thigh. The wound is enough that he sinks to his knees, grabbing at his crotch area which is gushing blood.  His eyes roll up in his head and he falls over unconscious and dying.

The woman with the kaiser enters the cornfield in a direction to where Dani entered.

Xenaryn clashes with the man wielding a pitchfork. She has no mana burning within her to escape via spell and so must attack with her staff. He bats her staff aside like an afterthought and tries to run her through. Her magical armor protects her, though it is weakened.

Valeros clashes with the man wielding a mace.  Val's lumberjack axe cuts downward deep into the man's neck and into the chest behind the breastplate. The man slumps to the ground with shocked eyes, hot blood pumping upward onto the axe and Val's arms.  He is bleeding out on the ground.

Dani hears someone moving through the stalks toward where she crouches. A woman with a kaiser blade moves past and she springs to action. But too soon...the woman spins, slashing through stalks. Dani leans back, sucking in her midsection. The blade grazes her upper thigh. The woman rolls away from Dani's feeble return attack with a dagger.

The woman wielding a bow gets her first shot with her bow. She takes aim at the woman trying to hide behind a horse and fight with the pitchforked man. The arrow zips in a slight arc in order to hit a target so far away. The arrow strikes her horse making it rear in fright and take off down the road.  The two bowmen quickly release another arrow, but the shots go wide missing their intended targets.

Begin round 0835.06

Conditions active...                                 
Armor(Blade), AC6, HP 1
Armor(Xen), AC6, HP 6
Bless(Xune and Myshra)

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:43, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Player, 48 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:140
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 1/1
Wed 14 Dec 2022
at 22:49
  • msg #140

Combat round 1

"Val, assist Xen. I am going for the archers."

Blade and Loki both charge and engage the archers.

[Private to GM: Will let you roll for Loki]
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:44, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Daniella Schrumer
Player, 20 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
127 XP
Thu 15 Dec 2022
at 00:42
  • msg #141

Combat round 1

Dani looks down, surprise at the wound registering in her features. Corn stalks fall to the ground having been cleaved in two. Blood leaks from between her fingers where she holds the wound closed. She steps back, then sneers at the woman, tightening her grip on the daggers haft.  "You have made a grave mistake wench.", she says caustically.  "Run now and you will live."

If the woman does not run, she will lunge at her with dagger and an "Aaaiiiigh-ya!" battle cry.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 19:33, Thu 15 Dec 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 32 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
125 XP SP 0/1
Thu 15 Dec 2022
at 04:24
  • msg #142

Combat round 1

Xen's eyes widen when she realizes her foe's pitchfork would've been run straight through her if not for her arcane protection. Armor is still holding, but Val's right. I can't keep this up much longer. This sharpens her focus and guides her second attack squarely across the head of her opponent.

If her opponent falls or flees, Xen will charge an unopposed archer (if there is one) or else take cover in the cornfield if it's reachable.
This message was last updated by the GM at 19:32, Thu 15 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 58 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Thu 15 Dec 2022
at 11:38
  • msg #143

Combat round 1

Val leaps to Xen's aid! He swings his ax and sinks it into pitchfork, deep, but perhaps not enough to kill, they had their work cut out for them! "Get behind me Xen and swing your staff if you get an opening! YOU LOT, DIE NOW!"

He uses peripheral vision to detect new foes, the archers would be easy, they have bows in their hands! Then he realizes the one with the kaiser went after Dani, he hoped she was able to hold up.

"Get back Al and tend to that wound! If you can. Okay, charge them then, don't get hit!"
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:32, Thu 15 Dec 2022.
Hand of Fate
GM, 337 posts
Teller of Tales
Thu 15 Dec 2022
at 19:30
  • msg #144

Combat round 2

For those in the skirmish an unexpected roar erupts from somewhere in the cornfield ahead.  Birds are disturbed, forced to take flight from feeding in the field. The crash of corn stalks can be heard.

Blade and Val move, one rushing for the bowmen and the other attempting to aid Xenaryn. There is no sign of Dani after she fled into the cornfield, which begs the question; did she flee, leaving them to their demise?  Loki lopes along beside Blade, tongue wagging and looking up at him as they run; confused as to what his master wants from him.

The two bowmen react immediately, fleeing down the road at seeing the elf coming for them.  They make it a few yards when a huge man crashes from the cornfield behind them and notices the skirmish. He roars something unintelligible at those fleeing and runs for the open double doors of the barn-like structure.  He's amazingly quick for his large size.

In the field, Dani avoids the kaiser blade with a leap when the woman strikes. The blade passes beneath her feet and she lands  on the soft wet dirt. Dani follows up with her dagger. The blade sinks into the woman's neck and blood gushes out, spewing droplets onto the stalks beside her. The woman locks her eyes on Dani's when she pulls her dagger free.  The woman slumps, dropping the blade.

Valeros is first to strike the man with a pitchfork. His blade slices across the man's legs, leaving a bloody trail. Xenaryn swings her staff around and with great momentum smacks the man' head with a hard rap. She hears the breaking of his skull from the impact. The man slumps to the ground with blood leaking through his dark brown hair.

End of combat rounds

Conditions active...                                 
Armor(Blade), AC6, HP 1
Armor(Xen), AC6, HP 6
Bless(Xune and Myshra)

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:46, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 59 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Thu 15 Dec 2022
at 20:14
  • msg #145

Combat round 2

Val quickly moves toward the building with the open doors, axe at the ready for the giant. He was scared to death, it was big and fast!

"Xen, see if you can catch the horses and help Al, he looks very badly hurt. I hope Dani is good! Whatever ran into that building was big and fast. I pray to the gods I'm up to it. Maybe I'll wait for a wee bit of help!"

He slows down when he gets close, warily peering into the opening, to see what it is! He glances around the inside of the building.

[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: He probably mistakes all that blood splatter upon you as your blood.... ]
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:47, Fri 16 Dec 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 33 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
125 XP SP 0/1
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 08:24
  • msg #146

Combat round 2

Catch the horses?!?! Xen starts to follow the Val's orders, looking for where her horse had retreated, but the rush of the battle and an ill-advised concern for the fighter's well-being suggests she should help him, instead.

With her mind made up, she changes course and follows up behind Val, catching him as he slows before the double doors. "I'm coming with you," she whispers. "My armor is still working... kind of."

She readies her staff, now somewhat overconfident in the assistance it can provide.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 61 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 12:31
  • msg #147

Combat round 2

Val thinks about the situation a bit and steadies his shield and readies his ax. He peered into the dimly lit barn looking for the brute there. "Stay behind me Xen, the brute is big and fast. I didn't see any weapons, but as big as he is, I'm not sure he needs any. Why didn't you see to the horses? Worried about me? I'm worried about both of us. And Al is hurt bad. Hard to tell about Dani." He grinned at her but kept his attention on the door.

He began advancing on the door, . . . Eyes darting here and there looking for any signs of movement or shadow of the giant they saw enter.
Player, 17 posts
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 12:56
  • msg #148

Combat round 2

For the reader. If you want to read the introductive lead-in and how Xune and Myshra get to this point, please read the thread called [9.1] Intro to Xune Vvydrys and Myshra Knowles
With the length of rope in hand, wrapping it around her wrist and pulling it taut, Xune stealthily emerges from the cornfield, her eyes darting from one side to another as she surveys the scene of the skirmish she'd heard since her escape. I'll need to find my gear, and quickly, she thinks, feeling quite naked without her knives.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:56, Fri 14 Apr 2023.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 50 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:140
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 1/1
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 13:43
  • msg #149

Combat round 2

Blade knowing that his armor took a serious blow, spent a couple of seconds to cast it again before the fight with what is probably the boss. After casting it he makes his way to where both Val and Xen are looking for it.

"Val, Xen, it's just me and Loki. We are moving up to assist you. Xen fall back a little. You can use your staff to attack from between us. Val you go right and I will have the left. Let's take our time and be safe. Whatever it is, it is big and fast."

[Private to GM: Test of the dice roller thing you made, Morale check on horse. SWEET. The only roll thing I don't see is one for initiative which we will use a lot. Thanks for your hard work setting it up.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:12, Fri 16 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 62 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 13:50
  • msg #150

Combat round 2

Val nods and moves to the right a bit, then he advances on into the shadow to look for the giant creature with shield and ax ready.

He waits until Xen moves back between them before advancing further. "Come and meet our steel!", Valeros shouts.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:14, Fri 16 Dec 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 52 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:140
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 0/1
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 14:35
  • msg #151

Combat round 2

"Val, hold up. We are in no hurry. Lets fall back and cover the building with ranged weapons for now. Xen recharge your spell while we watch, I am done with spells until I get the chance to sleep for 8 hours."

[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: You can still recover your mana until you fail the Con check after studying. Failed check means you are too spent until you rest for 8 hrs. This recharge of your mana is at +2 on the roll, GM secret roll, because it is your third attempt.]

Alaion waits until Val starts to fall back before leaving too.

Once a little ways away, "The damage and wreckage he has caused, he has got to be stopped. But we don't want to fall while doing so. "

Alaion looks briefly at everyone then asks,"How many exits on that barn? I am thinking maybe we set it aflame and take him when he comes out. Might damage him a little plus Xen will have a magic missile. We will have some range on him and it might weaken him enough that we stand a chance in melee when he gets close enough."
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:25, Fri 16 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 63 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 14:42
  • msg #152

Combat round 2

"You may be right Al. He is probably the one that killed those poor people in the farmhouse with brute strength! We might even need help. At least we are armed and have a chance. They did not. Get behind me Xen."

Val, watches Al from the corner of his eye and backs up, keeping even with him. Slowly, so as nothing ill befalls them. He wonders if the other two archers had stopped running yet. Where is Dani, he wonders.

He thinks about taking care of the horses. One, at least, had been wounded. That needed seen to as well.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:30, Fri 16 Dec 2022.
Daniella Schrumer
Player, 21 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
127 XP
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 17:24
  • msg #153

Sunnendaeg 0835 New Sun

Dani emerges from the cornfield quite bloodied. She holds a bloody hand across a gash in her midsection.  She looks to her right and sees a dark skinned elf standing at the edge of the cornstalks.

Uhhh, guys!", she says worriedly." Guys! We may have a problem."

Dani turns with her dagger held low.

Circling closer to her friends, Dani eyes the woman warily. She has never seen an ashen skinned elf. Whoever she is, she's not being aggressive.

"Lady, you are definitely in the wrong place at the wrong time. Where'd you come from?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:56, Fri 16 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 64 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 18:35
  • msg #154

Sunnendaeg 0835 New Sun

Val hears Dani speak out and carefully looks toward her and sees the dark skinned woman! "Al, Xen, we have company on the right too, a dark skinned female. I don't know if she is with us or against us. Be wary. We may have to try to run for it if there are even more!  Let's move toward Dani too. She looks hurt bad too, like Al.

He circles a little to his right but keeps an eye on the open doors to the barn. "You got that crossbow Xen? If you do, keep that door covered."
[Private to Xenaryn Faustich: Did I miss something? Did you pick up a crossbow?]
Valeros looks over at Alaion, "Ideas on what to do?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:02, Sat 17 Dec 2022.
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 18 posts
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 20:20
  • msg #155

Sunnendaeg 0835 New Sun

Tired, dehydrated, and unarmed, Xune eyes the human woman who approaches her with dagger drawn though attempted to be hidden, warily. Not mine, the white-haired elf thinks, gripping the ends of the rope between her hands and pulling it taut, should anyone still standing attempt to come near with ill-intent. Padding softly forward, Xune furrows her brow and counts those still standing among the carnage, before turning her attention to the dead. Returning her gaze to Dani, Xune's ears flick as she cocks one foot back.

"Lady?" The word rings hollow in her mind. "Outside of the honeyed words spoken in the Rouge Lady, that's a name I've not been called by strangers in a spell, much less ones drawing a bead on me with weapons bared. This isn't the time to wax poetic or talk of origins; if any of you have seen a greasy-haired runt of a man or a behemoth of one passing through, tell me know. They took me hostage and have my trappings, and I owe the larger oaf a lesson in humility." Grinding the length of rope between her fingers, Xune's teeth grit in resolve as she steals a glance back toward the cornfield. We'll see how many of me are needed to topple that brute, priestess. Turning her attention back to the group before her, near the barn. "If you have quarrel with that thing, then consider yourselves in luck. I have no plans for your deaths today. But if you consider him an ally..."
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:05, Fri 16 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 65 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 20:29
  • msg #156

Sunnendaeg 0835 New Sun

"He is our enemy. They attacked us here and literally tore the head off of a farmer. Unless you have a GREAT deal of strength, I think he is beyond you by yourself. Perhaps you would join us to defeat the brute, Do you have a weapon?" he asks, glad to see Dani alive at least. They will have to do some healing.

"Perhaps you and the lady may find her gear in there Dani. If you get surprised shout out and we will aid you if we can. If not, she may use my dagger for now." he said to them, pointing to the other building.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:02, Fri 16 Dec 2022.
Daniella Schrumer
Player, 22 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
127 XP
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 20:47
  • msg #157

Sunnendaeg 0835 New Sun

At the mention of The Rouge Lady, Dani's eye go squinty, her mind in rapid thought. Did he send her, she wonders in trepidation. Dani eases her stance slightly, "Easy now viper. No greasy haired man, the behemoth; yes. We don't know what it is. But your quarry is in yon barn. Big brute of a fellow."

She glances over her shoulder at the open double doors with worrying eyes, "We don't know what its doing in there. He hasn't come out yet though."

Dani looks back at the strange woman and down to her hands, noting raw welts on wrists. She then notices the rope, "You gonna tie him up with that?"

The smirk on her face is filled with mischief, "You should accept the dagger.  I have a crossbow in my pack.  If that's your thing. Or, you can take my dagger here."

She holds the dagger out, blade first and turning to Valeros, she adds, "I will not be entering that building Val."
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:14, Sat 17 Dec 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 35 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
125 XP SP 0/1
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 05:28
  • msg #158

Sunnendaeg 0835 New Sun

Xen reviews the status of their newfound friends. The dark-skinned elf is a surprise to say the least. Xen has never met one, so she keeps close to Val and Alanion as they negotiate.

In time, her attention switches to Dani, and she sees that the rogue is injured. "Dani, we need to patch you up. Come with me. I think I saw a plant that might help us." She motioned for Dani to follow her in search of healing plants. Her mother had shown her how to grind the leaf in such a way that it could be worked into a paste that was helpful (or so her mother claimed) in closing wounds. Having seen the leaves before, she checks the road opposite to the the cornfield in hopes of finding the plant. She picks what she believes is correct and begins to crush it with the blunt end of her dagger, adding a splash of water to work the crushed leaves into a greasy salve.

"Here," she concludes, handing a gooey leaf to Dani, "Slap this over the wound. It should help." She's not positive she did it exactly right, but she gives Dani a confident nod.

Finally, she excuses herself from the others and takes time to restudy her grimoire. Sitting cross-legged under a tree, she opens the tome and reviews the cryptic tracings there. In about 10 minutes the mystic writings burn into her mind like an electrical current for later use. Satisfied, she returns to the others, hopeful that they've laid out a plan for dealing with the monstrosity that still lingers beyond those double doors.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:30, Sat 17 Dec 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 367 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 13:56
  • msg #159

Sunnendaeg 0900 New Sun

Minutes pass, then more without the appearance of the manly beast within the barn.  No further noises are heard.  The party of newly formed companions stand in the road just south of the barn's doors.  Only the flapping of wings and cawing of vultures from somewhere on the other side of the barn echo through the morning air.  The other birds have not returned.  Xenaryn is able to locate a healing herb and makes a simple poultice which when applied to the wound stopped the bleeding and aids in the process of healing.  [Private to Xenaryn Faustich: Daniella Schrumer: Xen-Herbalism (success), Xen-Healing(success), Dani recovers 3 points of damage.]

Alaion and Xune eye each other warily.  Their heritage split eons ago in a civil war, and still to this day, enmity exists.  But that conversation can be for another time.  Now, a familiar saying in war comes to mind, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'.  Blade and the others find Xune to be an ally in at least this fight. As to the question from Blade on whether the barn has a back door, the answer is made when Dani moves into the cornfield and proceeds to a position where she can see into the building, but not be seen, hopefully.  She is certain she can hide within the stalks and not be seen.  Their is a door on the other side and it is wide open.  Realization sets in.  The beast of a man has left and no one was watching.  But where did he go?  What was it doing in there?  A trap?
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:13, Sat 17 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 69 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 14:10
  • msg #160

Sunnendaeg 0900 New Sun

"Well, he's gone, I guess we should search the place quickly, gather up the horses and heal all of ourselves. I'm fine, not a scratch. Search the bodies and salvage what we can. I guess we should pursue him then as well, he needs hunted down and killed, as do the others. You got more of that salve for Alaion and our new friend if she needs it? My name is Valeros, this is Alaion, Xenaryn and Dani. Who are you, and what are you, and why are you here? Is there anyone else?"

After she answers he will start searching the bodies of the dead and the outbuildings. Someone can gather the horses.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 53 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:140
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 0/1
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 14:58
  • msg #161

Sunnendaeg 0900 New Sun

Blade goes about gathering the horses, coming them and seeing to thier wounds if any.

"Val, I am fine. The blood is not mine, they never touched me. "

If he has time will look for any herbs that he can gather for the future.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 70 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 15:10
  • msg #162

Sunnendaeg 0900 New Sun

"You're fine!? I thought he got you in the leg bad. Thank the gods they didn't hit you. I thought you were hurt bad. He bled a lot on you!"

He also searched the barn for anything they could use too, a shovel would be nice for burying any dead, maybe a pick too, small tools of use. They needed to get a pack mule to haul stuff on would be nice too. They needed money! He would help search the house when he was done.

[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: Xune Vvedryx: Xenaryn Faustich: Veleros Sothgard: Daniella Schrumer: "....inside Blade's defense, cutting a deep swath across his left leg...."  I messed that scene description up without adding the protective magic of the armor spell.  I have since corrected and apologize for the confusion.  It can be said that to Val, it would have appeared Blade was wounded with all the blood and not necessarily knowing about the armor spell.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:46, Sat 17 Dec 2022.
Hand of Fate
GM, 368 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 18:36
  • msg #163

Sunnendaeg  0900 New Sun

From the dead men, you find leather amor, shields, and their weaponry.  Total coins found on them is 26 silver and 42 copper coins.  Each wear a tiny bronze pendant.

The barn is old with two levels.  Hay is strewn all over the dirt floor.  As mentioned before, a mass of items used in farming and travel is in the left bay when entering the double doors.  Moving down the center of the barn, one passes stalls on either side. One is filled with broken wagon wheels.  The rest are empty, save for old musty straw and dung.  Feed pails hang empty on stall doors.  It is all together a rather unremarkable place until one reaches the back of the barn.  Wooden stairs rise to either side of the building to the second floor.  The smell of death and burning candles is strong here.

In the loft with wood beam flooring, more straw hay is strewn everywhere. High piles of it occupy the far end where the upper double doors are closed, but in the middle of the room at the top of the stairs is a wooden table with a male cadaver upon it.  Assorted around the body are candles, unlit, and various bits of flesh, leaves, and other unidentifiable things within shallow bowls.  This table is set near the double doors on what would be the back side of the barn.  Beneath that table are a couple of crates, but one is not intact on the other side, having been pulled from beneath and toppled over.  Some armor like that which the men were wearing is strewn haphazardly along with some weaponry.  Xune recognizes her blades among them.

Hanging over the cadaver from a ceiling beam is an effigy.

In the center of the room, between the cadaver and piles of hay sits another, smaller table with benches.  It is littered with various cutlery, plates, knuckle bones, dice, 14 copper coins, a decanter, and wooden mugs.

One of the crates under the cadaver has various equipment in it. Two large backpacks, one traveling spell book, and a pendant.

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:48, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 71 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 18:50
  • msg #164

Sunnendaeg  0900 New Sun

"Some kind of death cult, anyone recognize the symbols? We can load the backpacks on a horse, weapons and armor we can check later if there is anything worth having. I figured there'd be a shovel to muck the stalls, this poor fellow will need burying."

"What weapons are there? Daggers, other stuff? he asked the others

[Private to GM: St. Cuthbert and Nerull, don't recognize the other! Sweet! ;-) Any of the weapons or armor nice?]
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:04, Sat 17 Dec 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 54 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:140
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 0/1
Sat 17 Dec 2022
at 21:17
  • msg #165

Sunnendaeg  0900 New Sun

" Val, I would just leave the bodies alone. Drag them all inside the barn and secure it, when we get back and report it they can come investigate, bury etc."

Looks to everyone, " I say we return and report everything, resupply, get officially hired for this job. Would like to get paid for my efforts. Does everyone agree?"

Then moves closer to Xen, " You ok, it will get easier. Anything interesting in the spellbook, might take a day or two in town to gather information and have you copy stuff to our spellbooks."

Afterwards he moves to Dani, " You holding up all right too, when we get back to town can have you sell whatever for coins.  You, Val, and myself might pay a visit to whomever sent the trash after you. Advise them not to do anything like that again."
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:36, Sat 17 Dec 2022.
Daniella Schrumer
Player, 23 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
127 XP
Sun 18 Dec 2022
at 02:53
  • msg #166

Sunnendaeg  0900 New Sun

"I don't recognize anything Val, but I'm not a very religious person.", Dani replies.  "We know that beast broke someone out they claim was stealing bodies from the cemetery.  Who would do this?  Is it necromancy?  Or some crazy religious sect worshiping evil gods?"

Dani inspects the area.  She opens the rear double doors upstairs and takes in the scene.  It is one of row after row of dried out beans until they reach the far wood line.  She then looks below and slightly to the left.

"There's a chicken coup back here.", she says to no one in particular.  "Ain't no chickens though.  There's a pen over to the side.  Looks like something is dead 'cause buzzards are fighting over scraps.  Might be for pigs."

Satisfied that that is all there is to see there, she begins searching the table with the cadaver.  She plucks through this and that with her dagger and finds nothing interesting except some burned markings on the man's skin.  It looks like religious shyte, or necromancy, she thinks.  Then, she turns her attention to the crates and items within.  She examines the small traveling spell book, but does not open it.  Who would open a mage's grimoire and risk going insane, or worse, turned into a mouse., she thinks wryly.  There is, however, a rune upon the cover.  It is definitely elven.  She looks at Xune, "This yours?", then places it on the table for her if it is.  She pulls a large backpack out of the crate.  "Yours too maybe?  But wait, there's two."  She pulls out another backpack, this one smaller and a heavy silver pendant is laying atop it.  She glances at the dark elf. Probably not yours, she says to herself and looks up at the cadaver.  Is this yours, she asks it quietly.  It is a St. Cuthbert's holy symbol.  This she keeps, tucking it away in her pouch. The other crate is empty.  The leather armors in the toppled crate are worn and poorly maintained, as are the shields and most of the weaponry lying about on the floor.  One suit of armor stands out, a suit of scalemail which Dani places on the table. Several iron short swords and daggers in poor repair are visible. Among those are a well maintained short sword, a mace, and three daggers.  The short sword, mace, and daggers she places on the table with the spell book and back packs. The others she leaves on the floor where they are.

Next she moves to the smaller table.  She pockets the dice and fourteen copper coins, smells the decanter of ale and wrinkles her nose in disgust.  "Kabran would have skewered the man who made that.", she states with a little nervous giggle.  "Do you know what is not here?", she asks.

"Children.", she replies to her own question.  "There's no children here Blade. I was so hoping to save them."
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:23, Sun 18 Dec 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 36 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
125 XP SP 0/1
Sun 18 Dec 2022
at 06:00
  • msg #167

Sunnendaeg  0900 New Sun

With the threat of the monstrous man gone, Xen heads out to gather the horses. To her dismay, she finds only two of them, the third presumably long fled after its fear-fueled retreat during the skirmish with the white-skulls. She leads them into the barn before joining the others upstairs.

Once there, she examines the body on the table as well as the effigy hanging above it. "Skull and sickle, just like the pendants our foes were wearing." She cracks open the spellbook but reads nothing, fearing the warnings of her old master about careless curiosity. "We can look at this closer when we get back to town," she suggests to Alaion.

She takes pride in seeing that her healing concoction has been of benefit to Dani, but her heart sinks when the rogue mentions children. "What do mean there aren't any children here? What children were you expecting?"
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 19 posts
1st Level Elf
HP: 6/6, SP: 1/1
Sun 18 Dec 2022
at 13:36
  • msg #168

Sunnendaeg  0900 New Sun

With Brutto gone once again, vanished into the mists, Xune clicks her tongue and follows the others into the barn, hesitantly observing the trappings left behind by the cultists, when she indeed eyes her lost trappings. Taking her collection of knives and her short sword, the dark elf looks for her armor, before finding it looking worse for the wear than when she'd last donned it.

"Ahhh..." she exclaims, holding the daggers delicately, almost lovingly. "Sut dwi wedi dy golli dy, fy ffrindiau..."

Xune looks to Dani cautiously, storing her blades in their rightful places before she begins strapping her armor in place. "I must say, you're quite observant. This may prove helpful later." The dark elf looks to the others and studies the corpse upon the table, with the eldritch symbols dangling and adorned throughout. Cults. Why am I not surprised? But these people seem useful, if not capable.

The elf's ears flutter at the mention of children, and she clears her throat. "A boy and girl? Two scrawny human children,  one much younger than the other? Their names wouldn't happen to be....Wil and Mina?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:15, Sun 18 Dec 2022.
Daniella Schrumer
Player, 24 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
127 XP
Sun 18 Dec 2022
at 14:11
  • msg #169

Sunnendaeg 0900 New Sun

"From the cabin Xen.", Dani states, rolling her eyes as only a sixteen year old would.

"And it's Minara", Dani corrects Xune remembering the names in the small children's book on the night stand in the cabin. "Wilhelm and Minara. What would you know of them?"

Dani tenses, wondering if they have let a monster within their midst after all.  And now, she's armored with weaponry.  Dani backs away cautiously, giving Blade and Valeros a worried look.  "And what was that you were saying?  Was that a spell?", she asks the dark elf.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:50, Sun 18 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 72 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
105 XP
Sun 18 Dec 2022
at 15:34
  • msg #170

Sunnendaeg 0900 New Sun

"We found their home last night, the children were missing, but their father and mother were dead, his head was torn from his body, I think she had been beaten. We have a few of their things to give back to them. It was pouring rain as you should know, the wolves ate them after we set them on the porch for burial. We left them as they were to look for the children and track the killers. Why did they take the children, to sacrifice them?"

He looks a Xune in her scale mail with all of her knives, "What do you do as a skill to survive in the wilderness? What were you doing here and where are the children if you've seen them? Also, as Dani said, what were you just saying?"
This message was last edited by the player at 15:43, Sun 18 Dec 2022.
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 20 posts
1st Level Elf
HP: 6/6, SP: 1/1
Sun 18 Dec 2022
at 15:58
  • msg #171

Sunnendaeg 0900 New Sun

"It was a show of gratitude and reunification," the elf muses in response to Dani's question. She observes the male corpse's body thoroughly, looking for any sign of stitching, to determine whether he was truly intended as part of a ritual. Xune pauses in studying the ritual, turning her attention back to the others. "You mentioned a home...a farmstead? If so...that is where you will find your children. I was kidnapped and held captive, but for how long? Newidyn. Hours or days, we could not tell. There was a priestess with me. Her name was Myshra. We escaped, and I stayed behind to exact the blood price owed. It seems more blood is owed, if the oaf slew the kittens' kin."

The dark elf shakes her head, tutting a finger. "It seems they had some intent to sacrifice a bring this one laying on the slab back to life. Whether they meant myself, the priestess, or your Mina, I cannot say." Xune twirls her hair playfully at the inquisition. "For skill of survival? My sweet child, I am of the blood of the Ellyllon, the monsters, like my cousin with whom you travel," she states, craning her Violet eyes in Alaion's direction. "I travel with the skill I have honed over centuries: the skill to steal away into the night unseen, to find purchase of iron within blood, and to exaxt the price of that debt. In short...I artisan."
This message was last edited by the player at 16:26, Sun 18 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 73 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
540 XP
Sun 18 Dec 2022
at 16:19
  • msg #172

Sunnendaeg 0900 New Sun

"Shit! We didn't bury them yet. I guess we better head there as quickly as we can. Looks like we lost a horse, one of you ladies can ride my mare, she's gentle and I have a long stride."

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name. We can talk as we travel and get to know each  other." He said, noting how rude she'd been when he introduced the party to her and she failed to return the favor.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:00, Sun 18 Dec 2022.
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 21 posts
1st Level Elf
HP: 6/6, SP: 1/1
Sun 18 Dec 2022
at 16:37
  • msg #173

Sunnendaeg 0900 New Sun

Xune bows deeply, almost courtly, and speaks her name plainly. "Xune Vvedryx.". She pronounces the name Shoona VEYdricks, her accent lilting on the surname.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 74 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
540 XP
Sun 18 Dec 2022
at 16:41
  • msg #174

Sunnendaeg 0900 New Sun

Valeros bows at the waist and replies, "Pleased to meet you Xune. Shall we all head for the farmstead, Xen and Dani can take my horse and I'll walk for now. Al? Can you carry another passenger so our new friend doesn't have to walk as well."

He starts walking the other way toward the homestead. "We get everything worth anything? Nobody is hurt bad, all have been seen to?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:01, Sun 18 Dec 2022.
Daniella Schrumer
Player, 25 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Sun 18 Dec 2022
at 17:09
  • msg #175

Sunnendaeg  0900 New Sun

"Wasn't a farmstead they come from, shoon-eh.  It was a cabin.", Dani adds, easing her stance after Xune's words.  "The only farmstead we seen is up this road in the distance.  And, I'd bet a night's wages that's where that beast went."

Dani grabs the other backpack and that mace. I'll bet this Mizzrah will want these back, she surmises inwardly, stumbling in her mind over the name Xune had given in her accent.  She secures the items to one of the horses as they talk.
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:20, Sun 18 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 75 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
540 XP
Sun 18 Dec 2022
at 17:12
  • msg #176

Sunnendaeg  0900 New Sun

"What?! We're heading the wrong way? I thought the cabin was a farmstead, my bad. We need to go to the farmstead you were referring to. By the gods we left them loose to be recaptured?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:16, Sun 18 Dec 2022.
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 22 posts
1st Level Elf
HP: 6/6, SP: 1/1
Sun 18 Dec 2022
at 18:53
  • msg #177

Sunnendaeg  0900 New Sun

The dark elf sighs in exasperation as she ruffles her hair, before spying her spellbook nestled within the redhead's fingers. "Are you in the habit of pawing through others' possessions, sweet fox? You'd best return to me that grimoire lest you burn us all to cinders in this barn." Xune extends her hand outward for the leather-bound spellbook, before gesturing to the ritual-site. "Though I must divulge...a good blaze would do this place well. The cadaver there bears no markings or stitchings of golemcraft...they did intend to raise the dead in their most base of forms. I believe the preferred term is 'zombie' these days. This all should burn, lest it be used against the Hollow, if you value the region. And it just so happens the priestess retreated with the children to safety there. Hopefully they've flown the proverbial coup; that beast is not one for playing gentle."
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 37 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 06:05
  • msg #178

Sunnendaeg  0900 New Sun

Xen blushes when Dani reminds her of the children. Somehow, in the midst of the battle and pursuit of that huge man beast, she forgot what brought them here in the first place. Great, Xen, now everyone will think you're an idiot.

Her red face blushes even further when Xune calls her out for stealing her spellbook. She hates that the stranger has embarrassed her even further, and considers throwing the grimoire to Xune just to prove a point, but in the end, she just sheepishly hands it over.

Still, in spite of all these things undermining her confidence, Xen is certain of one thing and announces it without hesitation. "We need to get to that farmstead right away and make sure the children are safe. Hopefully big-and-ugly ran the other way, but we can't take that chance."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 78 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
540 XP
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 15:18
  • msg #179

Sunnendaeg  0900 New Sun

Val heads for the location of the children at a fast pace for as long as he can hang on before he slows, desperate to save the children! The blood that got on him from cutting the mace wielder in half was drying on his skin and in his clothes, he needed to bathe and change. The smell was the worst! First things first though, the children.

He had been impressed by the others in the group, Al moved right in and continued to fight even after he was wounded! Dani had killed the kaiser wielder in the cornfield, and Xen had waded in too. She had some serious stones, only a dagger and a staff! They had fought well together, maybe they got the recipe right because there was no bad thing he could say.

He said nothing as he trotted along, wanting to save his breath, how much further, he knew it wasn't too far, a few miles at most!
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:57, Mon 19 Dec 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 56 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:460
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 0/1
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 16:40
  • msg #180

Sunnendaeg  0900 New Sun

Blade followed the others in the rush to reach the children. I wonder what spells my dark skinned kin has in her book, will need to talk to her see if she has some she would be willing to trade.

After a little while of riding he looks to Val, "Val, you ride for awhile we can take turns on foot. You need to be combat ready when we get there."

Blade quickly dismounts and hands the reins to Val giving him no chance to argue that he would be fine.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 79 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
540 XP
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 17:10
  • msg #181

Sunnendaeg  0900 New Sun

In reply to Alaion Dragonblade (msg # 180):

Val nodded, "Thank you Al, now hopefully we'll all be ready!" he takes the reins and mounts, setting himself in the seat and kicks her to go at a moderately slow pace to keep pace with Alaion.

He notices Blade quickly looking to Xune for a few seconds every now and then and wondered what was going on in his mind. Blade seemed to know more about her than he was saying. Val had never seen a dark skinned elf before in his life, he had never heard of it for that matter!
Hand of Fate
GM, 370 posts
Teller of Tales
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 18:41
  • msg #182

Sunnendaeg 0930 New Sun

The party continues down the farm lane. Only a few small bushes stand between them and the fields. Ahead the farmstead with a flock of twenty or more vultures flying high above it  comes into clearer view as they approach. One large two story farmhouse sits at end of the lane.  Just before the house is a pyre with a platform above it.  A female lies atop the platform.  The farm lane appears to  surround the pyre.  To the left of the pyre is a smaller dwelling and to right is a large barn. A corral and pens can be seen beyond the barn. A milk cow and a few horses are visible.

There is a group of people, four to six,  standing before the pyre and beyond them a man in a black robe waving one arm in an animated fashion. He is turned toward the pyre holding a lit torch in the other hand.

 "Oh joyous praise to thee Nerull, god of  the dead, darkness  and the underworld. I offer to thee a sacrifice. A priestess of thy sworn nemisis!  Take her lord. Flaunt her soul in the faces of your enemies, I only ask your blessings upon me for my devotion and worship in your name."  The man's reedy voice subsides and the companions watch in horror as the pyre is lit. A greasy black smoke issues from the base of the structure. The fire will consume the platform in minutes.

The robed one throws the torch into the flames, then outstretches his arms, chanting a strange mantra. Next to him can be seen the brute the party has been seeking also watching the fire, then it looks down the lane. It may be a play in the sunlight but at this distance he appears to be smiling as he lifts a large gnarled club to his shoulder.

Range to targets 300 yards.

Active Conditions....
Armor(Xen), AC6, HP 9
Armor(Blade), AC6, HP 9

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:50, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Daniella Schrumer
Player, 26 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 18:49
  • msg #183

Sunnendaeg 0930 New Sun

Dani unslings her bow. "This doesn't look good Blade.", she states. "What's our play? You want me firing arrows 'fore they get here or we get close enough, or you want me to sneak over there and help that girl quick as a dandy?"

Dani scratches Loki behind the ears.
Player, 80 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
540 XP
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 19:00
  • msg #184

Sunnendaeg 0930 New Sun

Valeros assesses the situation as quickly as he can with what he sees and hears, He dismounts Al's horse.  "I should run for the pyre to try to save whoever it is if they are alive!", he states, looking at Blade for approval. "Save the sacrifice if you can! I'll use my axe to try to knock it down!"

He watches the evil cultists, "I will send you to Nerull you evil bastards, come taste my ax! There is the big coward that ran away from us! Shall we send him to the pyre too! Stratus guide my ax! You shall taste their blood!"
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:51, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 23 posts
1st Level Elf
HP: 6/6, SP: 1/1
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 19:17
  • msg #185

Sunnendaeg  0900 New Sun

Xune follows the group on foot, padding along at pace toward the destination with the machine grinding behind her eyes, thoughts full of scenarios they may encounter upon their arrival, but the resolve that there be a reckoning for the ogrish foe they were doubtless to face. The ashen elf adjusts her grimoire carefully, stowing it carefully within her knapsack, bundled by several cloths to keep it from becoming damaged by water, and thinks she will need to find a way to place an Arcane sigil, to dissuade more malicious prying eyes. She steals a glance at Xen. She couldn't truly fault the redheaded human girl's curiosity. Xune remembers her own adolescence and tutelage, as uncomfortable as it was. She also takes stock of the elf they accompany and the way his keen eyes dart to her, and smirks, wondering what thoughts could be running through her newfound traveling companions' minds.

As the group approaches the farmstead, Xune clicks her tongue, recognizing two of the figures, the greasy-haired robed human and Brutto, the ogre. "Cachu! So this is what they spoke of when they held us captive..." Xune squints her eyes to strain, judging the distance between the crowd. If they are together.. this just might work. "If I may offer a suggestion, concentrate your fire on the giant oaf. I can incapacitate the group before them with but a word, but it would be most prudent for you to strike before I do so...this hud is fickle; they may be stirred from their slumber by jostling. That would leave us to deal with the toad and the fly on their lonesome. But decide quickly, for I fear the priestess has little time."

Xune slinks downward to a crouch, drawing her shortsword and a dagger.

[Private to GM: Xune draws her shortsword in her main hand and Dagger in her offhand. Also, she should have an AC of 5 IIRC, due to donning her armor when they were still in the barn! I'm holding off on casting Sleep until the rest of the group decides what they want to do]

[private to xune vvedryx: corrected the AC.  Thanks for the reminder. ]
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:31, Mon 19 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 81 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
540 XP
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 19:36
  • msg #186

Sunnendaeg  0930 New Sun

"Let's do as she suggests, it's a good idea.  Kill the ogre while I try to free the priestess from the fire! The brute is very tough, feather him from afar or he'll tear you apart!" , After the pyre falls, hopefully it falls, she should roll free of the flames, Valeros surmises in careful thought.

He will pause while they shoot him and soften him up with magic, then he'll charge in with Alaion! If he can, he'll help the priestess.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:23, Mon 19 Dec 2022.
Player, 57 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:460
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 0/1
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 19:46
  • msg #187

Sunnendaeg  0900 New Sun

Blade looks at the situation and the other's suggestions.

"Val you and Xen target the big guy when you get to a range with either spells or ranged weapons since we are 300 yards out. Dani use your bow and pepper that priest when you get in range . Xune please use whatever spell you have in mind."

He continues down the lane until he is about a hundred yards from the target with the acquired sling.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:52, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 374 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 20 Dec 2022
at 00:01
  • msg #188

Sunnendaeg  0932.00 New Sun

Blade and Valeros are mounted, and keep their mounts in check to keep pace with those not mounted.  They move about a hundred and twenty yards, keeping a vigilant eye on the group ahead.  The robed figure has stopped the chanting at a prod from the brute.  Once the figure turns, Xune does indeed recognize the man as the big nosed, nasally man with a reedy voice.  The robed one, points down the lane at the group of riders approaching.  The brute begins moving.  He is clearer to the eye now.  Xune has seen his countenance in the dark, torchlight of the night.  But now, in the daylight, his grotesqueness shines.  The skin sheens with an oily greenish, yellow tinge that hints at a heritage other than elf or human.  Black matted hair is wild atop an oversized head on broad shoulders rippling with muscle.  The group of people turn as a unit and look down the lane before shuffling forward at an unsteady gait.  Eyes devoid of life, stare back at the companions.  Several of the men and women have slit throats, others a crumpled and deformed head. One is missing a complete jawline.

The robed one shrieks, "Kill them. Kill them!" The tips of flames can now be seen behind him as the fire spreads within the pyre. The woman atop the platform writhes in fear and squirms against her bonds in a futile effort to get free.  "You are too LATE! My zombies and Brutto will lay waste to your efforts.  In mere moments I will be granted powers you can only dream.  I will perform the rites tonight, raising you to join me in the master's grand plan!" The man then begins chanting once again. [Private to Xenaryn Faustich: Xen recognizes the reedy voiced man once he speaks as someone from her recent past. It may or may not be something she wishes to reveal.]

Perhaps sensing a possible threat due to his master's tenseness growing, Loki watches the approaching figures while sniffing heavily the air.  He then bristles his back and begins low growling while keeping pace with his master's equine.

Begin COMBAT rounds... six second intervals.  MV is 60 yds per round.  Range to targets is currently 180 yds.
Indicate your character's reaction to the scene in third-person, present tense.  Such as, Blade reins in his mount and waits for the targets to get nearer...

Active Conditions....
Armor(Xen), AC6, HP 9
Armor(Blade), AC6, HP 9

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:53, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Daniella Schrumer
Player, 27 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Tue 20 Dec 2022
at 01:00
  • msg #189

Sunnendaeg  0932 New Sun

At a hundred and eighty yards out, the big brute was still too far away to hit with her short bow.  Dani has an arrow nocked, but not pulled.  Not yet.  "Erm, hey you all seeing this?", she exclaims breathily.  "Those things look dead!  Necromancy! I KNEW it!"

As the robed one spouts out threatening words, he mentions zombies. "Zombies!?  What do we do with zombies?  Can something dead be killed?"  Her mind is spinning out of control with fear and paranoia.  "I've heard talk of them in-- well there, but didn't think I would have to deal with them. I should have paid more attention to their drunken boasting.  Fire!?  They don't like fire-- wait, no, that's something called a mummy.  And that's not the one that cradles you when you're small."

She sees the greasy smoke getting thicker, then the flames can be seen. A focus on the sense of imminent danger to the woman brings Dani from the brink of insanity, "She's going to need help quick!  I'm flanking to the left.  Hidden in the cornfield, I should be able to get around to her.  They're all coming this way, except the robed one."

Not waiting for a debate, Dani dashes off into the cornfield and is soon vanished and moments later cannot even be heard crashing through the stalks.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:09, Tue 20 Dec 2022.
Player, 64 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:460
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 0/1
Tue 20 Dec 2022
at 01:07
  • msg #190

Sunnendaeg  0932 New Sun

Blade goes to within medium range for his sling, where he will fire his stone at the enemy priest hoping to stop the ceremony or kill him to maybe stop the zombies as well. "Dani either target the Brute or the enemy priest."
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:54, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 39 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Tue 20 Dec 2022
at 05:46
  • msg #191

Sunnendaeg  0932 New Sun

"Shit!" Xen gasps when she hears the reedy voiced man speaking. "I know that voice!" Seeing the others race into position, Xen follows, readying her crossbow as she does. After sprinting into a fair range, she loads her crossbow and fires at the approaching man-beast.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 87 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
540 XP
Tue 20 Dec 2022
at 13:52
  • msg #192

Sunnendaeg  0932 New Sun

At 180 yards Val dismounted from the horse and drew the crossbow and one quarrel from his quiver, loaded said bolt and fired at the beastly looking man. He is not familiar with the weapon but it didn't look to difficult to operate. Seems pretty straight forward!

[Private to GM: 08:41, Today: Valeros Sothgard rolled 9 using 1d20-3.  to hit.]

Hmmm, it looks easy he thought. But not so. He begins loading again as he advanced on the group, moving forward."You have a spell for the big guy Xen? I hope so! By Stratus he is huge and strong, one hit and I'll be dead!"

[Private to Valeros Sothgard: Edited post. Deleted actions taken beyond the actions taken this round. ]
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:18, Tue 20 Dec 2022.
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 27 posts
1st Level Elf
HP: 6/6, SP: 1/1
Tue 20 Dec 2022
at 20:26
  • msg #193

Sunnendaeg  0932 New Sun

Sprinting toward the farmhouse, Xune eyes the scene unfold and snarls at the sight of the robed figure and Brutto. "Chwilod wan!" the ash-skinned elf curses, drawing both her shortsword in one hand and her Dagger in the other as she charges with the others to close the distance. Speaking to the group, Xune aims with the tip of her shortsword, pointing it in the direction of the robed man and the giant. "Those two! They're the ones who kidnapped me! The large oaf struck me unconscious! The other has poor hygiene!"

Upon seeing the group of undead turn and start toward them, Xune begins chanting her incantations, stopping when she is within range [Private to GM: For range of Magic Missile, aimed at Brutto] to cast her magic. Standing still, Xune shuts out the distractions and feels the flow of air as her cloak trailing behind her flutters in the breeze that wafts to her nostrils, dancing against her cheeks, playing at her hair, and she tugs at the strings of the weave. The dark elf performs a string of complex gestures, using the tips of her blades as focal points. To the untrained eye, she simply stands in meditation, waving her arms. To those with a touch of weave in their blood, they would recognize a formulaic model of sacred geometry as the dark elf arcs her arms to two points before forming the shape of a bow with her blades in one hand, and with her free hand, she nocks an intangible arrow that soon becomes visible when she looses it. Shimmering from between her fingers is a sliver of inky black light that speeds toward its goal, toward the forehead of Brutto the ogrekin. "Y pris yn waed! And I shall collect!"
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:43, Tue 20 Dec 2022.
Hand of Fate
GM, 384 posts
Teller of Tales
Wed 21 Dec 2022
at 00:15
  • msg #194

Sunnendaeg 09032.06 New Sun

Dani dashes off into the cornfield. Blade kicks his horse in the flanks [Private to Alaion Dragonblade: (riding land, success)]and the mare bolts forward down the lane.  Seconds later, he pulls up short about a hundred yards away from Brutto and the advancing zombies.  The fair skinned elf twirls the sling and releases a stone at the black robed figure. The stone from Blade's sling skitters across a magical protection with purplish sparks.  It ricochets somewhere into the fire.  Blade's eyes go wide at the sight of the beastly man coming on him so fast!

Valeros dismounts and levels the newly acquired crossbow at the beastly man.  He releases the quarrel and it flies, but the big man is no longer standing in that spot.  He would have missed anyway.  Xenaryn rushes down the lane at a fast sprint until even with Blade and releases a quarrel from a crossbow.  The unfamiliar weapon is clumsy in her hands and the bolt flies well wide of its mark.

Xune sprints down the lane, but doesn't have to travel as far because the big man is on the move, closing the gap quickly. He is within seventy yards of her when two things happen at the same time.  Xune releases the energy of her spell and the inky black arrow hits the ogre-kin.  The man's large forehead, ripples under the impact and splits in radial lines, letting blood flow.  At the same time, he lands a hard hitting swing of his two handed dark wood club into the mounted elf's midsection, knocking the wind from him, his short bow flies away across the road, and he is knocked off the back of his horse into the dirt lane road.  The impact was so hard, he is having difficulty recovering his breathing. Though the impact great, his magical protective shielding takes the damaging forces, though severely weakened. His horse rears, frightened at the sudden violence and bolts back the way it come a dozen yards or more.  Loki, attacks, biting into the man's thigh and ripping away some flesh when he shakes his head free.

"Heh heh hehhhhh.", the ogre-kin laughs, turning toward Xune.  He swats away some locusts before moving toward her. "Brutto friend to Zarrin, but Brutto kill ugly elf and take her eyes!"

The zombies continue advancing as the black robed figure watches on.

Soon, a droning noise can be heard. It turns into a cacophony of noise as thousands upon thousands of locusts emerge from the corn and bean fields, flying about in the area and reducing visibility.  Basically, being a real nuisance.

Begin combat round 0932.12...  Zombies are close enough to move and attack next round.

Active conditions....
Armor(Blade), AC6, HP 1
Armor(Xen), AC6, HP 9
Insect Swarm, visibility (tohit -1), Dex adjustments negated. No damage.
Prone(Blade), Lose initiative to get up... -2 tohit/-2AC if attacking while prone.

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:55, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 41 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Wed 21 Dec 2022
at 05:54
  • msg #195

Sunnendaeg 09032.06 New Sun

"Son of a-" Xen curses at the sight of her quarrel flying so far off the mark. She drops her crossbow to the ground. "Those are harder to use than they look!" With that weapon carelessly discarded, she closes to within 70 yards of the ugly behemoth, then recites the ancient words that unleash a magic missile toward him.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:58, Wed 21 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 95 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
540 XP
Wed 21 Dec 2022
at 12:33
  • msg #196

Sunnendaeg 09032.06 New Sun

Valeros drops the ungainly crossbow and draws his ax from it's loop at his belt. He moves to within striking distance with his ax, flanking to the back of the ogre to draw it's attention from Blade! It seems barely scratched to Valeros! He swings a mighty blow, but he doesn't think much of it!

[Private to GM:
07:26, Today: Valeros Sothgard rolled 5 using 1d8+3.  damage.
07:26, Today: Valeros Sothgard rolled 9 using 1d20+3.  to hit. 11 to hit if we get +2 for flanking. I think I missed.

"I'm here Alaion! The zombies will be on us in a second. By the gods this might be a bit more than we can handle, but we'll thin them out plenty!"
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:25, Wed 21 Dec 2022.
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 30 posts
1st Level Elf
HP: 6/6, SP: 1/1
Wed 21 Dec 2022
at 14:49
  • msg #197

Sunnendaeg 09032.06 New Sun

Xune's eyes widen at the sight of the ogrekin rushing so swiftly in her direction, not out of fear, but from surprise that the lumbering oaf could move with such grace. The ash-skinned elf thinks she's underestimated Brutto as he swings his branch of a club at Blade, and takes note of the swarm of locusts that begin to flock to their location. The dark elf is cognizant of Blade's forced descent but can do nothing to aid him as she stares down Brutto as he approaches, laughing in a manner that is beginning to aggravate Xune. "Marw yn dawel." She trains her weapons on the ogrekin, striking upward to carve with her jagged, wave-bladed shortsword and jabs downward, plunging her skinning-dagger to stab at his flesh.
Daniella Schrumer
NPC, 28 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Wed 21 Dec 2022
at 17:07
  • msg #198

Sunnendaeg 0932.06 New Sun

Dani wipes the sweat from her brows. The sprint through the cornfield has left her face and arms covered in small cuts from corn stalk leaves.  She makes her way around a building, then along the far side ,  reaching the corner out of breath. Ahead is the pyre and the robed one twenty yards now beyond,  looking down the dirt lane. The flames are high on that side, but on the back side, the  flames are just beginning to burn higher.

Dani runs to the platform, leaping into the air to grab the edge and pull herself up. She hopes to climb atop and free the young woman screaming into a gag. She can hear her over the flames from where she hides.

[OOC]  STR roll success.

Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 72 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:460
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 0/1
Thu 22 Dec 2022
at 16:42
  • msg #199

Sunnendaeg 0932.06 New Sun

Blade was pissed about being hit so hard and worried about his companions as well. He forced himself to his feet and attempted to strike the big guy to protect his party.

He did get to his feet but due to him being winded and bruised he missed the ogre kin.
Hand of Fate
GM, 388 posts
Teller of Tales
Thu 22 Dec 2022
at 19:38
  • msg #200

The Fugitive

The drone of the flying insects becomes more intense and everyone caught in it's area takes damage from small cuts to exposed flesh.  The companions are not the only ones affected by the swarm.  Brutto fights through the insects in an attempt to get to Xune, while others attempt to reach him.  Xenaryn is not affected by the swarm, as she is several yards behind it.  The magic missile strikes Brutto unerringly in the midsection of his torso.  His exposed flesh ripples from the impact, but the skin remains intact.

"Uuunnnngh! Liiife! Crave liiffe!  Crave waaarrrmmth! Crave... crave..."

The zombies enter the swarm and begin attacking the companions.  Valeros easily pushes one aside as it swipes at him.  The movement is enough to distract him and he misses Brutto with his axe. Then another zombie attacks him, this time he feels the rake of claw across flesh.  Alaion is distracted as a one of the undead creatures barrels into his area while he attacks Brutto with his mace.  He also misses, but the zombie rakes a claw past his armor, scratching into flesh.  The wound would have been worse.  A zombie saunters out of the swarm and  into Xenaryn's close range. It takes a swipe with its claws. They skitter across the magical shield that protects her, weakening it.  Another zombie attacks Xune with its undead claws, also finding purchase upon flesh.

Loki attacks the zombie that gets too close to his master.  He locks his jaws on the arm and begins a vicious shaking of his body and head, tearing flesh and eventually the whole arm from the zombie's body.  It falls to the ground truly dead now.  Whatever essence animated it leaves.

Brutto, with blood leaking from his forehead, swings his massive club at Xune.  The head of the thing slams into her scale mail midsection, knocking the wind from her instantly.  Her crumpled form flies back a few feet to land on the side of the road, coughing and gasping for breath.  Flecks of blood issue from her mouth with every cough. She knows she is dying.

"Heh heh hehhh...", the ogre-kin laughs through bloody black teeth.  Then he turns his attention back to Alaion and Valeros while swatting at locusts.


Dani leaps for the edge of the platform and grabs the edge.  She manages to climb atop the platform easily enough, but the ropes that tie the woman have really tight knots.  She begins working at the knots as quickly as she can. The flames lick at her feet from between the logs.  Her boots begin smoldering as is the woman on the platform who is screaming with a wild look in her eyes.  The woman is on fire!

Begin combat round 0932.18

Active conditions....
Xune is helpless
Armor(Xen), AC6, HP 5
Insect Swarm, visibility (tohit -1), Dex adjustments negated. 1/rnd damage

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:57, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Player, 73 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:460
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 0/1
Thu 22 Dec 2022
at 19:50
  • msg #201

The Fugitive

Blade attacks the brute with both his mace and shield, Loki protecting him from whatever gets to close.
This message was last edited by the GM at 00:58, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 100 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
540 XP
Thu 22 Dec 2022
at 20:00
  • msg #202

The Fugitive

[Private to GM: 14:55, Today: Valeros Sothgard rolled 10 using 1d20+3.  to hit.]

Valeros swings blindly through the swarm and misses everything! They were about to die and he knew it. Xune, spitting up blood, was already fading. He and Alaion could fall next to the beast. There are too many! He prayed to Stratus to give Dani the strength she needed to save the priestess and Xen the good sense to run away.

"Help Xune if you can Xen, then run like hell, I think we are beaten, though I will fight until I fall!"

[OOC] Edited to reflect that players do not write conclusions to actions... only attempts. 

This message was last edited by the GM at 21:00, Thu 22 Dec 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 42 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Fri 23 Dec 2022
at 07:04
  • msg #203

The Fugitive

At Val's urging, Xen races to the pyre, drawing her dagger as she approaches. Once there, she joins the dark elf in trying to free the sacrifice, cutting at the ropes that bind her. "Hang on, sugar. We'll have you free in no time." She tries to portray confidence in her voice, but she suspects she isn't fooling anyone.
Hand of Fate
GM, 393 posts
Teller of Tales
Fri 23 Dec 2022
at 12:38
  • msg #204

Sunnendaeg  0932.12 New Sun

The insect swarm is at its full potential, reducing visibility to only a few feet.  The scratching legs of locusts inflict cumulating damage as it reaches its strongest.  The companions caught up in the swarm lose their agility which gives some a benefit in defending themselves.

An insect swarm, an attacking zombie, Xune, and the inability to cast a spell all create a perfect storm of panic and confusion in the young mage Xenaryn.  She hears Val's call, but her mind only plays back the words help and run.  Xen bolts for the pyre, turning her back on the attacking zombie and on the crumpled body of Xune.  The zombie lashes out at her, but she is quicker in movement.  It misses her while grunting, "Crave... Life! Crave..."  Sensing the essence of life retreating from it, the creature saunters after the faster moving woman.

Valeros swings blindly, missing the big brute by a mile as the insect swarm skews his vision. The zombie attacking him misses.

Blade arcs his mace through the swarm of insects intent on the brute, but Brutto smacks the weapon away with his massive club, then on a return stroke hits Blade, but the warrior is ready for such an impact now and though wounded greatly he does not lose his footing.  This opens an opportunity for an attack with his horned shield.  He thrusts it forward with a shield bash attack, punching the man in the midsection through the leather breastplate.  Thus begins the ending to his existence.  The large brute slumps to his knees, grasping at the bleeding hole the horn leaves when pulled away.  The club falls from his hand to the ground and the brute falls over onto Loki, his life's essence leaking through his fingers. The rottweiler yips and struggles shortly until removing himself from underneath the man's deadweight. The zombie claws at Blade but misses, stumbling over a dead brute.

Xenaryn leaves the swarm, racing for the pyre, but one obstacle stands in her way; the robed one!  Xenaryn running toward him forces him to break his concentration on the insect swarm and he drops the small bit of red cloth to the ground. The insect swarm immediately begins dissolving. The vile priest begins an invocation, calling upon Nerull to flay flesh and rend soul.  "Nerull, give to me the power to deliver death upon my foes! Causan levis vulnera!", he shouts with articulate hand movements.  His hands begin to develop an aura of black energy and when the power is at its peak, he grabs for Xenaryn's arm. She can feel the touch of darkness; an unquantifiable vile corruptness takes hold of her with intent to harm, but her protective shield takes most of the damaging effects. The shield spell finally fails and Xenaryn only gets a small taste of the aura from the spell. Zarrin begins casting again with the same words of invocation.

Xune watches as the swarm dissipates and the zombie that attacked her descends upon her.  "Cravveee...Liiiiiffe!"  It straddles the prone elf, stoops and begins rending through her armor to get to the flesh; to somehow get to the intangible essence of life within her. [Private to Xune Vvedryx: CON check success.  You gain another round of life by not losing a hit point] She can do nothing as she feels the claws rip into flesh and armor.

Dani is panicking.  These ropes are really, really frigg'n TIGHT, she frets to herself.  Her feet are burning!  Then, she remembers that she has a dagger and grabs it quickly, nearly dropping it.  Great Dani, drop the flipping dagger between the logs into the fire, she chastises under her breath while gripping the dagger tighter.  She cuts the rope easily, then pulls the woman up from the platform.  The flames to all sides of the platform are high enough to partially block the view of those on the platform.  Myshra is helped to her feet and Dani, to her horror, finds her backside boiled and burning.  Her clothes are singed away and a lot of skin is blackened. As the woman screams when she moves, Dani tries patting out the flames on her legs and feet.  The heat is unbearable and she screams, adding to the screams of the priestess.  I thought we'd make it, Dani's mind tries to rationalize in her last moments. It appears to those outside the pyre that Dani and the woman are engulfed in flames. 

Begin combat round 0932.18

Xune is helpless
Zombie attacking Blade
Zombie attacking Xune
[Private to Xune Vvedryx: Make a roll under your CON score to avoid losing another hit point from bleeding.]
Zombie attacking Val
Zombie following Xen
Zarrin attacking Xen 60 yds from others in front of raging pyre

This message was last edited by the GM at 00:59, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 102 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
540 XP
Fri 23 Dec 2022
at 12:55
  • msg #205

Sunnendaeg  0932.12 New Sun

Val goes to save Xen and get the evil priest of Nerull! He swings at the zombie in his path with ill effect! This is turning out not to be their day as it is!

[Private to GM: 07:47, Today: Valeros Sothgard rolled 8 using 1d20+3.  to hit. Hit AC11]

He is exhausted and desperate! "Save Xune if you can Al!", Valeros shouts. "I'll try to save Xen and the others!" He wasn't very convinced he could, but he would try!

"I'm coming Xen!"
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:46, Fri 23 Dec 2022.
Player, 74 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:460
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 0/1
Fri 23 Dec 2022
at 13:09
  • msg #206

Sunnendaeg  0932.12 New Sun

Blade feeling much weaker staggers over to assist Xune, quickly followed by Loki. They both attack the zombie which is tearing Xune apart in the attempts to steal her life force.

Blade is the first to arrive and attack despite his grievous wound. First a bash with his mace quickly followed up by his blunt-horned shield.

"Val, good luck I got Xune do your best. You owe me a drink from earlier so you better not die on me, free drinks are hard to come by."
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:01, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
NPC, 4 posts
Fri 23 Dec 2022
at 14:23
  • msg #207

Sunnendaeg 0932.12 New Sun

For the reader.  If you want to read the introductive lead-in and how Thorgwain and his companions get to this point, please read the thread called  [9.2]Intro for Duiv, Janser, Almar, Larn, and Thorgwain

The pace that the young priest set was brutal and Thorgwain worried as they passed beyond the bridge what kind of trouble they were getting into.  A shallow grave... a wounded horse... dead men and women in the road; and now, they finally reach the farmstead.  He gasps from the jogging, taking a quick breath and looking ahead.

The poor lads ahead look done for and weary, Thorgwain surmises as he looks upon the scene before him.  The pyre, which might have held the young priestess, is engulfed in flames.  That's sad.

"Zombies!", Thorgwain says aloud to his new friends, pulling his sword from its sheath on his back.  "Let's get in there."

The dwarf sprints to the first zombie he comes upon to aid the elf who holds a bastard sword.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:35, Fri 14 Apr 2023.
player, 9 posts
Fri 23 Dec 2022
at 16:07
  • msg #208

Sunnendaeg 0932.12 New Sun

It takes Duivelssmak a second to realize what he's seeing.  Yes, they really are undead creatures... rotting shells infested by an unholy force, desecrating the proper order of things.  Anger seizes him immediately and his pace quickens.  He pulls out his holy symbol.  His legs seem to take on a life of their own, and he finds himself running toward them, every muscle in his body tensed.  He feels a tingling in the hand that projects the holy symbol at the undead, who loom ever closer in his view.  "I command you," he whispers.  He repeats the phrase in a normal tone of voice.  Only then does he begin to shout.

The wind blasts his hair as he runs to the enemy.  It's what he has dreamt of his entire life.  "I command you.  Begone, back to the darkness.  Return to the proper dwelling place of all evil.  Depart and trouble the innocent living no more!"

Closer he comes, ever closer.  Right down their rotten throats...
[Private to GM:
11:08, Today: Duivelssmak rolled 6 using 2d6.  turn undead.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:31, Sat 24 Dec 2022.
player, 3 posts
Dancer and singer
Fri 23 Dec 2022
at 18:23
  • msg #209

Sunnendaeg  0900 New Sun

After the sight of the injured horse Larn is worried. He follows the others obediently; it is his way, just as he followed his brothers. Then the scene changes again. Before him is a nightmare. The dead are walking and other people he could see are dying.

The tribesman has little in way of possessions. A small axe hangs at his hip; otherwise, the youth is unarmed. He is scared. He is also determined. He runs thirty yards toward the pyre and unfurls his sling, then begins to spin it in an arc. The sling stone flies, albeit inaccurately toward the zombies.

[Private to Larn: Edited for present tense... ]
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:04, Sat 24 Dec 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 44 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Sat 24 Dec 2022
at 03:29
  • msg #210

Sunnendaeg  0900 New Sun

Xen's stomach tightens as the dark priest takes hold of her arm. Overwhelmed with the realization that she is too late to help Dani free the poor woman atop the flames, she understands that she herself, now unprotected by her armor spell, is likely at death's door. Seeing the necromancer begin another invocation, she snarls and attempts to bring her staff upward at full force between his legs. At the same time, she pleads to her newfound traveling companion atop the pyre. "Dani, get out of there! Just grab her and jump!"

[Private to Dungeon Master:
22:15, Today: Xenaryn Faustich rolled 7 using 1d6+1.  Initiative (+1 penalty for DEX = 8).
22:17, Today: Xenaryn Faustich rolled 17 using 1d20.  Staff vs. Zarrin.
22:17, Today: Xenaryn Faustich rolled 3 using 1d6.  Damage!
Hand of Fate
GM, 397 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 24 Dec 2022
at 15:30
  • msg #211

Sunnendaeg 0932.18 New Sun

The pyre suddenly twists as the ropes binding it together are burned away.  The platform and those upon it collapse downward into the flames, sending sparks and embers to join the echoes of screams into the air.  All hope at saving the priestess are dashed in fiery seconds.

Loki attacks the zombie that is harassing Alaion.  The zombie senses the rottweiler and turns toward it as Loki leaps.  The impact of the dog hitting the creature sends it flying backward with Loki atop it, snapping at is neck.  It is a furious and violent exchange between the two.  Loki's hide is shredded by the claws of the zombie as its throat is torn away by the rottweiller jaws.  Finally, the zombie lays still with Loki lying atop it.  The rottweiler is breathing shallowly and bleeding from its deep wound.

Blade quickly rushes to Xune's aid as the zombie continues its clawing at her chest and now almost ruined armor.  She pushes back feebly at the beast, still conscious but too weak to defend herself. The elf warrior slams into the undead, knocking it several feet into the bean field.  He is upon it before it can roll upright, bashing its lower limbs from under its torso. This does not deter the monster's unholy will.  As Blade over confidently straddles the creature to end it with a final shield bash, it lashes out at the already wounded warrior.  A claw rakes his unprotected lower extremity beneath the leather armor, opening a major artery.  Blade can do nothing but stumble a few feet away and sink to his knees in the bean field, grabbing at the wound to hold back as much blood as possible from flowing.  It is a fatal wound he realizes. Looking over at Loki, lying still atop a zombie it killed protecting him, he muses, "At least we die together."

Duivelssmak calls upon Saint Cuthbert to bring his holy wrath against the abominations; to at least turn the undead from attacking them, but this time at least, St. Cuthbert does not answer.  Or, perhaps the young priest did something wrong?

Almar reacts to the scene by unslinging his bow and taking aim.  He releases his first arrow at the zombie Blade has knocked to the ground.  It slowly crawls toward Blade without its legs, pulling its torso by clawing at the earth.  "Craaave... Life! Li--"  The arrow takes the zombie in the head, stopping it from moving further. [Private to Almar Paronas: Two arrows deducted from character sheet]

Valeros retreats from the zombie attacking him, giving the creature an advantage.  But the warrior still manages to dodge an attack from the zombie He runs to aid Xenaryn, hoping to end the life of the robed figure. Still enthralled with extracting the life essence from the warrior, the zombie saunters behind Valeros at a slower pace.  The newly arrived Hin, Janser, unslings her short bow and takes aim at the zombie as it presses forward to reach Valeros.  The arrow takes the zombie in the head, felling it. The halfling then takes aim at the zombie harassing Xenaryn, but the arrow flies wide of its mark. [Private to Janser Laughingdream: 2 arrows deducted from character sheet]

Xenaryn takes her staff from her back, swinging it around for an attack and bats aside an attack from the zombie that has caught up to her.  Her concentration is on the vile priest, as is Valeros'.  As the platform collapses behind him the evil priest takes a scroll from his vestment arm, unfurls it, and with one word "atgadinot", an inky aethereal aura begins developing around him as the scroll of recall burns away in his hands.  He watches as Xenaryn bats away the zombie's attack. "You will suffer for foiling this day young apprentice.  I recognize you.", he utters sinisterly, sneering at Xenaryn.  The aura begins collapsing in upon itself, taking Zarrin with it.  His voice echoes from the blackness as it collapses, "You and your friends be wary. I'm coming for you all."

Valeros reaches the spot as Xenaryn's staff slices through the collapsing portal, hitting nothing.  Valeros's blade slices through air space where the robed priest once stood. 

Begin combat round 0932.24

Blade is helpless
Xune is helpless
Loki is helpless
Zombie attacking Xenaryn

This message was last edited by the GM at 01:03, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 116 posts
1st Level Human Fighter
540 XP
Sat 24 Dec 2022
at 15:43
  • msg #212

Sunnendaeg 0932.18 New Sun

"I'm here Xen!", Val states as he arrives too late.

"Dani and the priestess are gone, we have to get back to Alaion and Xune and save them if we can! Zombies everywhere! Run if you can! I'm right behind you!"

He noticed help coming, just a bit late, but nonetheless here, "You there! Help the wounded while you can! Please save them if you can!" He shouts to them as he tries to keep with Xen! He swings at the zombie on the way by!

[Private to GM: 10:59, Today: Valeros Sothgard rolled 5,21,7 using d6-1,d20+3,d8+3.  Lumberjack Ax.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:10, Sat 24 Dec 2022.
player, 10 posts
Sat 24 Dec 2022
at 15:54
  • msg #213

Sunnendaeg 0932.18 New Sun

Undeterred by failure (which he blames on his youth and inexperience, not the indifference of the gods), Duivelssmak puts his holy symbol away, draws his mace and swings for the rotting head of the nearest zombie.  As young as he is, he already knows there is more than one way to perform an exorcism.  His wrist aches a little as he swings.
[Private to GM:
10:55, Today: Duivelssmak rolled 6 using 1d6+1.  damage?
10:55, Today: Duivelssmak rolled 8 using 1d20+1.  to hit.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:09, Sat 24 Dec 2022.
NPC, 5 posts
Sat 24 Dec 2022
at 16:56
  • msg #214

Sunnendaeg  0932.24  New Sun

Thorgwain walks over to the prone woman lying on the side of the road and peers down at her crumpled form.  "Moradin's teeth!", he curses, backing away a step.  A dark elf... here!  She is wounded greatly, and near death.  "I'll no help a black hearted elf-kin. It be you that summoned the zombies I'll wager.", he mutters quietly, moving on.  He walks over to the prone warrior, another elf.  This one the fair skinned variety.  The elves and dwarves have always united against common threats, so he has no dislike of them.

"Easy now friend.", he says, kneeling in the bean field.  He cuts a swatch of linen from the warrior's shirt and tries to staunch the flow of blood.  If he is successful, it will at least keep him from dying.
player, 4 posts
Dancer and singer
Sat 24 Dec 2022
at 20:43
  • msg #215

Sunnendaeg  0932 New Sun

Deciding to battle the enemies he could see rather than aid the wounded he could see strewn about the field the tribesman runs forward and sling in hand fires another sling stone at a zombie.

[Private to Dungeon Master: Sorry it’ll take a bit of getting used to; it’s not my usual style. Hit AC0 for 1 damage.]
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 45 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Sun 25 Dec 2022
at 05:34
  • msg #216

Sunnendaeg  0932 New Sun

Although Xen's concern lies with her fallen colleagues, she realizes she can't turn her back on the zombie in front of her. I've got to kill this thing before I can help the others. She swings her staff again, but her aim is off the mark.

[Private to Dungeon Master:
Xenaryn Faustich rolled 4 using 1d6+1.  Initiative (+1 penalty for DEX = 8).00:29, Today: Xenaryn Faustich rolled 5 using 1d20.  Staf vs. zombie.  00:29, Today:
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 36 posts
1st Level Elf
HP: 6/6, SP: 1/1
Sun 25 Dec 2022
at 16:29
  • msg #217

Sunnendaeg  0932 New Sun

Writhing on the ground in pain, Xune gasps and wheezes for breath as she stares up into the locust-ridden sky, the crude grimace of the ogrekin burned into her vision. Cachu. Dylai fod wedi defnyddio'r elfen o syndod... she thinks to herself, before her vision begins to blur and darken. She slips into darkness, a comforting friend. And then the elf opens her eyes again as a gruff voice trails off, the squat legs of Thorgwain passing over her. Xune coughs and sputters, clenching her fists as she winces. "Cachu...I'll kill that ffycin anghenfil..." she murmurs, struggling to will the strength to rise to her feet again, muscles tensing and convulsing.
Hand of Fate
GM, 400 posts
Teller of Tales
Sun 25 Dec 2022
at 18:49
  • msg #218

Sunnendaeg  0932.24 New Sun

The last remaining zombie turns its desires toward the essence of life in Valeros.  It claws, but the warrior blocks the attacking creature with his shield and follows through with a slashing attack, cleaving through rotting flesh and bone.  An arrow flies wide of hitting its head, but a rock from the tribesman penetrates its skull.  It falls to the ground in a heap, no longer animated. [Private to Valeros Sothgard: Please make an INT roll... under is success]
[Private to Xenaryn Faustich: As the zombie falls the ground, Xenaryn hears a sound that once the mind registers, becomes something horrible.  An echoing distant voice of Dani, like its coming through from the ethereal veil from which ghosts spring. It comes from within the raging flames, calling for help that no one can give. To your horror, you realize the flames have not taken her yet or she has passed and you are hearing her plaintive cry as her spirit leaves this plane of existence.]

Thorgwain attends to Alaion and manages to staunch the flow of blood with healing skills he has attained over his many years, thereby saving the young elf's life.

Begin combat round 0932.30... we remain in combat rounds until those helpless ase helped, or dead.

Xune is helpless and conscious
Loki is helpless and conscious
Blade is stable and conscious

This message was last edited by the GM at 01:04, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 124 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sun 25 Dec 2022
at 19:20
  • msg #220

Sunnendaeg  0932.24 New Sun

Valeros runs to Xune, "Cleric! We need a cleric! She's hurt bad!" He gets down to try to see to her, but he is no healer! "Hold on and pray to your god girl, I'm trying! Someone see to Loki! He's hurt bad too! I want no more blood on my hands today! Not even that of a dog!"

He opens her armor and tries to hold a chunk of his torn off tunic to staunch blood flow, though he could tell she was hurt inside too, from the ogre. The zombie didn't help. tearing her open! He vowed to learn some healing and to carry a healers kit from now on!

"Someone please help!"
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 84 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:460
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 0/1
Sun 25 Dec 2022
at 19:33
  • msg #221

Sunnendaeg  0932.24 New Sun

Blade, crawls to Loki's side.
" I am here boy, you saved us Loki. You did well." Blade does what he can to stabilize his dog. Bandaging his wounds to stop the loss of blood. Looks towards the newly arrived Dwarf with pain and loss in his eyes and voice.
" My thanks for your aid, brother. My dog, Loki he saved us. Yet I fear he is beyond my help to save."
player, 12 posts
Sun 25 Dec 2022
at 23:43
  • msg #222

Sunnendaeg  0932.24 New Sun

Duivelssmak does what he can to aid them, but he is insufficiently advanced in his clerical studies to heal them directly, and has no skill in conventional medical techniques.  So he assists with tearing off rags, passing around bandages, etc.  It all makes him feel grossly inadequate.  But he reminds himself that even The Saint was once merely a man, or so they said.

He also looks around frequently, watching for new enemies.
This message was last edited by the player at 23:43, Sun 25 Dec 2022.
player, 13 posts
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 01:26
  • msg #223

Sunnendaeg  0932.24 New Sun

As he eyes their surroundings, Duivelssmak reconsiders.  Something in his heart tells him to try.

"I have never successfully healed before," he informs them.  "But I have a feeling that if I try this time, I may succeed.  Who should I make the attempt on?  I doubt I can manage more than once."
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 38 posts
1st Level Elf
HP: 6/6, SP: 1/1
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 01:31
  • msg #224

Sunnendaeg  0932.24 New Sun

The dark elf trains her eyes on the figure standing above her; the tall human male Valeros. He seems intent on saving her life, given the way he removes her armor and tries to staunch her wounds. Why? she asks herself, wincing in pain with every breath. I'm a stranger to these people. I'd let them all die to save my own life. Something speaks contradictions in the back of Xune's mind and she scoffs, sputtering blood as a weak sneer creases her lips. "Felly...dyma...gyfeillgarwch?" she whispers with each heaving breath, laughing softly. "...tell me the priestess lives...and the ffyliaid died quietly."
player, 15 posts
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 02:32
  • msg #225

Sunnendaeg  0932.24 New Sun

Duivelssmak decides to attempt to cast his spell of healing on Xune.  He kneels beside her, prays fervently, but briefly, closes his eyes and places his hands upon her.

[Private to GM: 21:33, Today: Duivelssmak rolled 6 using 1d8.  cure light wounds]
This message was last edited by the player at 02:34, Mon 26 Dec 2022.
player, 5 posts
Dancer and singer
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 09:26
  • msg #226

The Fugitive

The battle was over before it was reached. Larn offers up his thanks to the ancestors and spirits; he puts voice to his feelings singing to wind as he puts away his sling. The youth was simply dressed in homespun clothes and wore the few tribal markings on his face, an indication by so few  that he was young and as yet inexperienced.

“The daughter?” he asks with a break in his dirge. He runs to the fire throwing off his cloak in hopes of trying to use it smother the fire around the woman and save her from the fire.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:53, Mon 26 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 125 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 12:23
  • msg #227

Sunnendaeg  0932.24 New Sun

After he removes her armor to get to her wounds, staunching the wounds of rending from the zombie is difficult. He lowers his head and says in a low voice, "I'm afraid we lost Dani and the priestess just as I arrived to save Xen, the pyre collapsed and they fell in the fire, and the necromancer disappeared in a black cloud. He got away. They died in great agony!"

Valeros steps back to let the cleric attempt his healing. He looks for Xen, to speak privately to her in a bit. He wants to find her, so he looks to see if she is comforting Loki. She would help Loki, he thinks.
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:43, Mon 26 Dec 2022.
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 40 posts
1st Level Elf
HP: 6/6, SP: 1/1
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 13:05
  • msg #228

Sunnendaeg  0932.24 New Sun

Rolling her eyes, Xune grits her teeth and groans out loud: "Wel, ffwcio... Mae hynny'n chwythu..." The dark elf clicks her tongue and glares off into the sky, wincing in pain as the cleric steps near and Valeros stands aside, her wounds aching all over whenever they're touched.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 126 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 15:15
  • msg #229

Sunnendaeg  0932.24 New Sun

Val goes over to the pyre and tries to save what is left of the women, who knows, maybe there is still life, he doubted it. He was so sad and ashamed that Dani had died while he should have been protecting her, and the poor priestess.

The worst was that they were burned to death! One of the most horrible ways to go! That necromancer would pay for this. His life was forfeit the next time they met! He hoped Loki could be saved too, they need to make a way to carry the dead and wounded back to town for proper burial.
Hand of Fate
GM, 402 posts
Teller of Tales
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 15:52
  • msg #230

Sunnendaeg  0932.30 New Sun

Valeros realizes quickly that Xune is beyond his ability to help by trying to staunch the flow of blood, but not really knowing what he is doing, makes no progress.  Luckily, a cleric of saint Cuthbert arrives to give aid.  Duivelssmak removes the holy symbol of St. Cuthbert from around his neck and lays it upon the heaviest of the wounds of the dark elf. He then offers a prayer for healing to his deity by chanting, "Vigere." In answer to the prayer, the wounds begin closing.  A warmth suffuses the elf's body and mends vim and vigor, leaving only a small scar as a reminder of the wounds.

Thorgwain reaches Loki before the crawling Alaion and leaving him atop the zombie, ministers to his wounds in the same fashion as he had with the fair skinned elf by wrapping a bandage of linen.  He is able to staunch the flow of blood and can do nothing further for him.  The dog whimpers in pain, but is no longer dying.  It lies there, panting and just breathing.  A whimper escapes it every now and again.

[Private to Larn: Near the pyre holding his cloak in one hand, Larn hears a sound that, once the mind registers, becomes something horrible.  An echoing distant female voice, like its coming through from the ethereal veil from which the great spirits spring. It comes from within the raging flames, calling for help that no one can give. To your horror, you realize the flames have not taken her yet or she has passed and you are hearing her plaintive cry as her spirit leaves this plane of existence. But then, Larn notices something within the raging flames and embers.  A low wall of stone that curves around into the embers!][Private to Valeros Sothgard: Coming to stand near the tribesman that holds his cloak in one hand and looks at the raging flames, Valeros too watches as the flames have taken hold.  After the brief combat, the fire is hot, but not raging as at first, since the platform collapsed. Valeros hears again the ghostly echoing cry from Dani pleading for help.  At that moment, Valeros notices something within the burning logs and flames.  A low wall of stone that curves around into the burning embers!]

Combat rounds end...

This message was last edited by the GM at 01:06, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 128 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 16:16
  • msg #231

Sunnendaeg  0932.30 New Sun

"Come help! Someone is alive! Alive I say! Help!" Valeros throws his own heavy cloak into smothering the flames with Larn, right after wetting it with his waterskin, and using his axe to cut his way in

[Private to GM: Can he get his cloak to them to keep the hot embers from falling on them!]

"Help me stranger, they are alive! I heard them calling for help! They are in a pit under the fire!"
player, 16 posts
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 17:15
  • msg #232

Sunnendaeg  0932.30 New Sun

Duivelssmak rises from his patient and rushes to aid Valeros.  "What may I do?"

The day is far from over, and it has been the most exciting of his life so far.
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 41 posts
1st Level Elf
HP: 3/6, SP: 0/1
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 17:46
  • msg #233

Sunnendaeg  0932.30 New Sun

The dark elf rises to her feet after the wounds have stitched themselves with the magic, and she looks to Duivelssmak with thanks, observing the newly-added scar to her roster. Twenty-four, she counts under her breath, before looking to the blond human. "Many thanks, priest." The elf gives him a clap on his shoulder before she re-buckles her mail-shirt and goes walking to find the dagger that had escaped her hand when she was flung away from the ogre. Sheathing the blades, Xune takes stock of the carnage at hand and rubs her brow in discontent. The plan fell apart at the seams from the beginning, but it could yet be saved. At Val's shout, Xune comes walking, still with a stitch in her side as she allows herself to become reaccustomed to the sensation of breathing freely. "We start digging."
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:51, Mon 26 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 129 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 17:59
  • msg #234

Sunnendaeg  0932.30 New Sun

"Please help dampen the flames sir", Valeros replies to Duivelssmak. "Pull them from the pit they're in. This might have been a good day after all!"
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:01, Mon 26 Dec 2022.
player, 17 posts
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 18:02
  • msg #235

Sunnendaeg  0932.30 New Sun

Duivelssmak promptly begins to stomp out the flames as best he can.  Each crackling ember, a damned soul.  Each creaking, snapping burning piece a demon.  Adrenaline courses through him as he imagines he is stomping hell itself to death.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 130 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 18:32
  • msg #236

Sunnendaeg  0932.30 New Sun

Val, after he gets his wet cloak to those below, begins with all his strength to attack the pyre over the women! Cutting and breaking it up and using the axe head to pull the remains over and away from where they are now. He was determined to reach the wall and move the fire so he could help them up, their pain must be almost unbearable, being burned!
player, 6 posts
Dancer and singer
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 19:35
  • msg #237

Sunnendaeg 0932.18 New Sun

Following the actions of tall man he wet his cloak and throws it on the fire. Larn uses his shield held in both hands with his head tucked behind it to keep the fire from burning him. Then he barges into the pyre to break up the fire.

“We come” he called out to the trapped woman “in the pain we grow” the youth growled to himself as the pyre burnt around him, evoking his spirit animal of the vulture to guide and protect him.
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 42 posts
1st Level Elf
HP: 3/6, SP: 0/1
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 19:49
  • msg #238

Sunnendaeg 0932.18 New Sun

Joining in the almost-ritual cloak-drenching, Xune removes hers and soaks the cloth before she begins to stamp and dab it outright against the smoldering pyre. "Just remind me to reciprocate the pyre next we see the greasy little human necromancer," she exclaims to the others, brow furrowed in frustration.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 131 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Mon 26 Dec 2022
at 20:01
  • msg #239

Sunnendaeg 0932.18 New Sun

Val's eyes popped open and his jaw dropped in awe of the young man and he paused for half a heartbeat! He then redoubled his attack on the pyre to help save Dani and the priestess! He was determined to knock it off of it's base. By the gods, they all survived! The gods smiled on them!

Then he thought about Xen and Alaion and poor Loki and the dark girl, what is her name? He would pray his thanks to the gods tonight while he sharpens the axe!

He redoubled his attack on the pyre and then reached in to offer his hand when he got an opening to help raise them up. They might need a rope under their arms, the others should be here in seconds to help hopefully. Some were too hurt.

He looked at the dark girl when she came and spoke. "Are you okay for this? Thank you for helping! What is your name again?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:21, Mon 26 Dec 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 46 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 05:47
  • msg #240

Sunnendaeg 0932.18 New Sun

Xen's heart sinks as she hears the wailing of Dani and the priestess amidst the flames. I was too late, she admits to herself. They're gone.

But just as her final hopes fade, Val calls for help! Xen stands still, confused for a moment, before the hurried actions of others snap her from her depressed stupor. With a clumsy haste, she douses her cloak with what water she has left and begins smothering the deadly fire before her.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the player at 05:49, Tue 27 Dec 2022.
Player, 87 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:460
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 0/1
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 06:07
  • msg #241

Sunnendaeg 0932.18 New Sun

Blade still suffering from his injuries stands guard next to Loki. His sling is loaded, ready to be drawn and released.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:06, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
player, 7 posts
Dancer and singer
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 10:12
  • msg #242

Sunnendaeg  0932 New Sun

Joined by the others Larn continues break up the fire and smother the flames. He was used to suffering at the expense of others. The pain he ignores, although a shiver runs down his back when the elf utters the word necromancer. There was evil in this place and it scared Larn. The fear only made Larn more determined to do the right thing and stop whatever evil act the necromancer was attempting.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 132 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 12:31
  • msg #243

Sunnendaeg  0932 New Sun

In reply to Larn (msg # 242):

"Rope! Someone give me a rope!" He screams as he enters what is left of the knocked over pyre with Larn, to reach down to the ladies below! He gets down on his knees, belly if needed and reaches below! Thank the gods they fell strait through, if they had stopped in the base, they would surely have expired long ago, the flame burning their lungs as well as their bodies, he grimaced just thinking about it.

"You there, thank you for helping, please help me pull them up to the surface where we can see to their burns!" He says to Larn.
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 43 posts
1st Level Elf
HP: 3/6, SP: 0/1
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 16:38
  • msg #244

Sunnendaeg  0932 New Sun

Xune snarls with each slam of her cloak as she helps beat back the fire, giving the human warriors only a brief glance. "Xune! Work now, talk later, unless you wqnt these scars to mean nothing!" The dark elf pants and looks about for any rope that may be usable by the two inside the pyre.
player, 8 posts
Dancer and singer
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 17:04
  • msg #245

Sunnendaeg  0932.24 New Sun

Obediently Larn uncoils his rope and throws it into the fire “they’re still alive I know they are” he tells Valeros, convinced that their struggle was a worthy one.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 138 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 17:37
  • msg #246

Sunnendaeg  0932.24 New Sun

"Grab on or tie it under your arms and we'll pull you up, if one of you can tie the rope, put it on the one who can't! We're here to save you, the ogre is dead and the wizard fled! If I have to, I'll come down to help you up! I'm the shepherd and you are part of my flock!"

He looks around at the others that have come up and sees Xen and the Dwarf. He sees Alaion peering around them keeping his eyes on what was around them. Hopefully they could get the injured to the temple before dark. "Everybody grab hold of the rope and pull when they are ready! Do I need to come down?" he asked Dani and Myshra.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:15, Tue 27 Dec 2022.
Hand of Fate
GM, 403 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 18:51
  • msg #247

Sunnendaeg  1040 High Sun

Strangers bond with a common goal in the hopes of finding the two women alive and newfound companionships build. Progress is made at first as the burning embers are pulled away with the the warrior's ax. Cloaks are soaked with water from skins, then from the barn water trough and they are ruined in the effort. Eventually, a low, curved wall of stone becomes visible, and as more burning logs are removed, it becomes apparent that the pyre was built around and above a well central to the cul-de-sac. Those actively fighting the fire feel the blistering heat and suffer minor burns, singed hair, and exhaustion. The sun transits from new to high and finally enough of the embers are moved or doused to access the well.

Looking below, Dani is visible in the dark, charcoal littered water and she is holding tight to an unconscious or dead Myshra while treading water and the other hand holding to a dagger stuck in the well's wall.

Use of a rope will require a rope use skill check from Dani, and a STR check from the one pulling up  -1 to the roll for every person able to help.  If, Dani climbs out, +20% on the roll for exhaustion and wounds.

[Private to Valeros Sothgard; Larn; Xune Vvedryx; Xenaryn Faustich: cloak removed from sheet]
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:07, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 143 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 19:09
  • msg #248

Sunnendaeg  1040 High Sun

Val sees the way she is hanging on and realizes she can't tie shit without letting go of everything, the dagger in the wall or the priestess. "Do we have two ropes? Her hands are occupied, we need someone small to go down and put a loop over one or both of them. She holds the priestess above the water in one hand and onto a dagger forced into the wall to hold her above with the other hand! I would go down myself, but we'll need my strength to pull them up. You're small, would you do it?" he says to Larn.

"Can you get a loop over your head and under your arms Dani? I'm thinking too much here and don't want to risk a stranger. Though I will if you can't manage yourself."
NPC, 6 posts
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 19:14
  • msg #249

Sunnendaeg  1040 high Sun

"Nay laddie, send the Hin, Janser.", Thorgwain suggests, nodding toward the Hin. "Could be easier to haul up and down, I be thinking."

The dwarf picks up the end of the rope already in the well and secures it to his waist.
This message was last edited by the player at 22:48, Tue 27 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 144 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 19:22
  • msg #250

Sunnendaeg  1040 high Sun

"I hadn't seen him before, sorry. You think you can get the rope around them lad?", he asks the Hin while sizing him up.  "We'll pull you back up then and be to getting some kind of stretcher to carry any that are immobile. You, mister dwarf and this tribesman, can help me pull them up. The ladies are welcome to take hold too, as they are as strong as most men."

Valeros ponders on the situation a moment longer before adding, "Perhaps Dani can cling to your back?  You hold the priestess in your arms with the rope under your arms and around your chest?"
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:10, Tue 27 Dec 2022.
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 46 posts
1st Level Elf
HP: 1/6, SP: 0/1
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 19:43
  • msg #251

Sunnendaeg  1040 high Sun

Xune pants with fatigue as she drops the charred remnants of her cloak onto the pile of embers and stamps it out one last time, looking down into the inky black well below at the surviving women. Gesturing to Valeros, the dark elf steps away from the pyre and finds a spot to sit down, fanning her armored jacket as she takes a swig from what water remains in her skin. "Rydw i'n mynd i orffwys sillafu. I should meditate."
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:12, Tue 27 Dec 2022.
player, 18 posts
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 22:02
  • msg #252

Sunnendaeg  1040 high Sun

Duivelssmak does all that he can to help his new companions rescue the fallen from the pit.  Assuming they are successfully rescued, he then attempts to cast another spell of healing on Dani.
Daniella Schrumer
NPC, 29 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 22:44
  • msg #253

Sunnendaeg  1040 High Sun

Never had Dani been so terrified as when the platform collapses.  She had already surmised in her mind the fact that she and the priestess were going to die, as there is no way off the platform. But then the bottom falls out from under them and her screams were an equal to those of the burning priestess. Both women fall twenty eight feet into a well of water.  The submersion is almost as terrifying as the fall; as it is unexpected and sends her mind reeling in a panic.  She gasps and claws at the water until; managing to tread water she locates the priestess and pulls her head above the surface.  She's still alive, but not conscious. Hot fiery embers fall from above to land in the murky water, hissing and smoldering as Dani stares above her into a fiery hell.  With no other hope, she calls out weakly to anyone that might be able to hear above the roar of the fire.

After what seems to be an eternity, but in actuality only a little over an hour, the voices are louder and she can sense movement above until finally a dark head appears overhead against a bright blue sky.  "Valeros?", she calls weakly. Her arms shake with the strain of holding Myshra and maintaining a hold on a dagger she impaled into the wall of the well.  "Throw me a rope."

Before she can finish those words, a rope descends from above.  Thirty feet down, and twenty feet above for them to pull. She manages to wrap the rope around Myshra under the arms and ties a knot at her chest.  As Valeros pulls, Myshra begins upward movement, then the knot slips, and Myshra slides back down into the water and Dani's waiting arm.  Dani attempts it again, but with the same results.  She is not skilled in tying knots and they just keep slipping.

"I can't get them tight enough.", she calls topside with tears streaking her charcoal covered face. She can hear them talking, trying to make a plan but it is all confusing to her with names she has never heard.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 90 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:460
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 0/1
Tue 27 Dec 2022
at 23:05
  • msg #254

Sunnendaeg  1040 High Sun

Blade seeing his companions struggle with those trapped in the pit, moves to assist them. Once close enough he offers to Thorgwain to let him take the end position. Hoping to make a quick rope harness which he will wear himself. "Val, go get them! I will be the top anchor the others can support me , Xune can assist at the top of the pit as you need."

He then looks to the new arrivals, "I will be the anchor. I will move forward and back to pull or lower. The Dwarf will be next to me then the rest. Xune will be our eyes telling us up or down and giving aid to Val as needed. The last one nearest the pit on the rope will be the cleric to give aid once up. My thanks in advance for all of your aid and help in this rescue."

Blade's shirt is ripped from earlier damage from the fight. One can see his upper torso is covered in muscle and scars from untold wounds.

[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: Edited to reflect Thorgwain is already anchor and blades intent to be so]
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:49, Wed 28 Dec 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 47 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 03:46
  • msg #255

Sunnendaeg  1040 High Sun

Xen beats at the fire with her water soaked cloak until it disintegrates into brittle ash. By that time, thankfully, the lion's share of the flames have subsided. To her delight, she hears a faint cry from the well below. "Dani. My god, Dani you're alive!"

With tears in her eyes, she grabs the rope wherever she can find a place in the line between Alaion and the new stranger who awaits at the well's edge. Her wounds from the battle take their toll and she stumbles slightly, but she refuses to stand by while Dani's life is at stake.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 147 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 12:01
  • msg #256

Sunnendaeg  1040 High Sun

"No, the dwarf is right, this fellow, Janser, is our gal to go down, I'm too heavy I think, I weigh over 100 Stone. It would be a strain in your conditions to pull just me up from the well below."

Valeros offers the wet end of the rope to Janser to go down and save the ladies while he will take up third in line to raise their friends up from the pit. They looked to be hurt pretty bad, at least the water put the fire out and cooled their burns.

"Quick, lets get them up from there!", Valeros pleads, giving Janser a questioning look.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:33, Thu 19 Jan 2023.
player, 9 posts
Dancer and singer
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 12:18
  • msg #257

Sunnendaeg  1040 High Sun

His cloak lost and his face stained with ash Larn looks bedraggled. When his rope fails to haul up the two people in the hole the boy is ready to dive in himself to help but accepts the wisdom that the small halfling, Janser, was the best choice.

“Janser I’ll be here to haul you up” he reassures his companion.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:06, Wed 28 Dec 2022.
player, 11 posts
Dancer and singer
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 13:04
  • msg #258

Sunnendaeg  1040 High Sun

Having fair experience with riding horses Larn approaches one of the other's horse and gently coaxes it over toward the well. He keeps the animal calm by whispering in the ear of the horse with a soft voice.

Larn sizes up the two men. They both look strong; maybe as strong as me, he thinks.

"So, as soon as the rope and halfling is lowered I could take the other end of the rope to the horse to be anchor." The tribesman offers.

[Private to Larn: please make a skill check for animal handling. Roll d20 if unskilled]
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:30, Wed 28 Dec 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 96 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:460
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 0/1
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 15:25
  • msg #259

Sunnendaeg  1040 High Sun

"Forget the horse." Blade states. "Unless trained for it it's too risky with this fire and smoke. We can anchor as a team. I will have rope on me, the rest grab a hold to assist. Horse might bolt from fire or anything. Safer for all if we do it. We can use horse later to get those that need it to help faster."
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:52, Wed 28 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 158 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 15:38
  • msg #260

Sunnendaeg  1040 High Sun

"You a Horse Whisperer friend? I have heard of such. Maybe we can use the horse too, just in case we can't handle it. Someone good with a rope? Make a harness for-- Janser is it? So he don't fall, and can't fall. His strength will be used to hold the ladies."

Valeros works with the others lining up and getting ready to lower the halfling down to the two women. He wasn't real good with knots himself. Larn could do his trick with the horse.

Thinking on it, there were items they definitely needed to acquire soon and they needed some money. A healing kit, bandages, needles and sutures, new cloaks for all that had been destroyed. They were going to starve if things kept going as they have.

"Anyone seen any sign of the children? I had forgotten them trying to save the priestess!"
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:07, Wed 28 Dec 2022.
player, 12 posts
Dancer and singer
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 15:43
  • msg #261

Sunnendaeg  0932.30 New Sun

On foot, Larn guides the horse but not too well. "I ride", he replies to Valeros. "this seems more difficult. I've never been a farmer." he confessed to the warrior, ashamed that he could not do what a simple farmer could.

[Private to Dungeon Master: Failed unskilled skill check]
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:27, Wed 28 Dec 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 406 posts
Teller of Tales
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 17:23
  • msg #262

Sunnendaeg 1040 high Sun

Larn attempts to coax the mare toward the well, but the horse shies at the smell of smoke.  It whinnies and pulls at the leads until Larn finally gives in and releases her. The use of the horse as an anchor is out.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 164 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 17:31
  • msg #263

Sunnendaeg 1040 high Sun

"I guess that is out then! She doesn't like the heat and the smoke! Let's be quick, they can't hang on too much longer! They've been there for nigh on an hour now. Dani's strong, but she isn't going to hang on forever. The priestess is unconscious I'll assume, why hold a lifeless body, so still alive at the moment!"

He takes hold of the rope and coils a stretch around his wrists and arms for a good tight grip that won't slip! "You ready Janser? . . . Is everybody else ready?"
player, 20 posts
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 17:33
  • msg #264

Sunnendaeg 1040 high Sun

Duivelssmak's brow tightens with frustration.  He feels that he should be able to help them calm the horse.  But he knows little of animals.  He also feels he should be able to heal the wounded ones in the pit without having to touch them.  But he can't do that, either.

You are but one man, he reminds himself, somewhat bitterly.  The gods have seen fit to bestow different gifts on others.  Let them play their part. 

He resolves to continue to do the best he can, however inadequate that might turn out to be.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:34, Wed 28 Dec 2022.
Almar Paronas
player, 1 post
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 20:51
  • msg #265

Sunnendaeg 1040 high Sun

Following Valeros words, Almar replies and says "You deal with the women, I'll look for the children". He puts away his short bow and draws his sword, he looks around him in the chaos of all that has happened trying to see if he can spot their forms. "How many children?", he asks.  As he looks, he moves around the area so he can see further into or behind any cover nearby.

[Private to Almar Paronas: Edited to reflect that Almar knows nothing of the children]
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:07, Thu 29 Dec 2022.
NPC, 7 posts
Wed 28 Dec 2022
at 22:28
  • msg #266

Sunnendaeg 0932.18 New Sun

Thorgwain unties the rope from his midsection and hands it over to the fair skinned elf that wants to anchor.  "Name's Thorgwain.", he says, then he watches as the tribesman tries to coax the mare toward the well.  He shakes his head.  "No way that beast be getting near them flames lad."

Thorgwain positions himself behind Valeros and picks up a section of rope.  "I'm not the smartest dwarf under the mountain, but I'll eat my beard if that Hin can lift those women out of there.  Might be easy to lower him to get a rope around one we can pull up, but for him to hold onto one.  Uh-uh. Donnaye think he can do it. That's what I be thinking."
This message was last edited by the player at 11:13, Thu 29 Dec 2022.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 49 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 03:41
  • msg #267

Sunnendaeg 0932.18 New Sun

Xen holds the rope quietly while the others debate the best way to extract Dani and the priestess from the dark well below. As she waits, she worries that they may well drown before an agreement is reached. "Yes - we're ready," she assures Val when he asks. "Now get down there before it's too late!"
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 169 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 11:48
  • msg #268

Sunnendaeg 0932.18 New Sun

"There are two children, check the house and barn. Thorgwain is right, the halfling is too small, I'll go down, hand me the harness Janser."

He quickly ties the rope under his arms and around his waist for extra support and goes over to climb down the well. "Hold on Dani girl, I'm a comin' finally, you must be exhausted!"

"Lower me down friends, slowly but not too slow. It's only 25 - 30 feet deep!"

He holds onto the rope for the trip down.

[Private to GM: I'll let you bask in the glory of how great I was! ;-)]
Dungeon Master
GM, 409 posts
Teller of Tales
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 14:47
  • msg #269

Sunnendaeg 1050 High Sun

Alaion becomes the anchor with Janser, Xenaryn, Thorgwain,  Larn,  and Duivel taking positions along the length of the rope.  Valeros edges over the side of the well and the companions take up the slack and begin lowering him. Xune peers over the edge of the well's low wall of stone, guiding the pace of movement.[Private to Alaion Dragonblade: Make a STR check with -5 to the roll. You fail only on a 20 with your ability score.][Private to Valeros Sothgard: Make a STR check, no modifiers]

Alamar proceeds to walk around the cul-de-sac lane in a quick search for the children in the immediate area. The left-hand smaller building appears to be a residence of some sort. There are flower gardens on the left side with small stone garden gnomes within. Children's toys litter the side yard and a medium-sized oak tree sports a rope and plank swing.  No children are seen.

To the right of that building is a vegetable garden that shows signs of neglect with tall weeds and overgrown plants. To the right of that is the larger building in the back center of the cul-de-sac. It is a two-storied structure of wood and plaster.  An overhanging wood and thatch awning surrounds the house with a wooden plank deck beneath. This is the farmstead owner's house most likely.  The doors are closed and the windows are shuttered. No children are present.

To the right on the cul-de-sac,  is a large barn. On its left is a very large circular log-fenced corral. Several horses are grouped at the far back end beneath a stand of trees.  The barn doors are closed. No children are present among the crates and barrels to either side of the barn's doors.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:00, Thu 29 Dec 2022.
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 49 posts
1st Level Elf
HP: 1/6, SP: 0/1
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 14:58
  • msg #270

Sunnendaeg 0932.18 New Sun

Xune peers down into the well, observing the trapped women while directing the others aiding in the rescue effort.
"Gofalus, you don't want to damage them more than they've already been, do you?"
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 174 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 15:07
  • msg #271

Sunnendaeg 1050 High Sun

Valeros doesn't like the hole he descends into! Too dark and tight. As he blocks 90% of the light by blocking from above, he has trouble seeing the two women below. Dani was straining to hold onto the dagger in the wall and on to Myshra at the same time. By the gods she was a brave trooper, he held a great deal of admiration for the diminutive rogue! Most of an hour!

When he got down to their level, he took Myshra around the waist in his left arm and lifted her out of the water mostly. "I'm here Dani girl, grab around my neck and hang on. Legs around my waist. Get your dagger, you'll be wanting it! It saved your lives! I got Myshra in my left arm!

After Dani gets settled, he looks up to Xune and shouts, "Pull us up! We're ready to come up from hell!"

He hangs on to the rope with his right hand. He uses his feet to keep them away from the stone walls of the well.

[Private to GM: 10:22, Today: Valeros Sothgard rolled 12 using 1d20.  strength.]
This message was last edited by the player at 15:23, Thu 29 Dec 2022.
Daniella Schrumer
NPC, 30 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 15:29
  • msg #272

Sunnendaeg  1050 High Sun

Dani is relieved when Valeros reaches the bottom and takes Myshra from her. She arches her back, stretching long cramped muscles that sting when circulation of blood returns to normal. She wipes away some of the soot from her face with her free hand and some water.

"Just take her.", Dani says quietly. "I will follow. This well's wall should be easy for me to climb. I'd be out of here if not for her."

She looks at the priestess worriedly, then waits patiently.
This message was last updated by the GM at 18:11, Thu 29 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 176 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 15:36
  • msg #273

Sunnendaeg  1050 High Sun

In reply to Daniella Schrumer (msg # 272):

Valeros nods his head, "Pull me and the priestess up, Dani is climbing the rough wall!" He gets a much better grip on her in his arms then, hands on the rope. In the dark he can see she is very badly burned and near death. It wouldn't be pretty.

"Go ahead and climb above us Dani, if you fall, we'll get you."
This message was last updated by the GM at 18:11, Thu 29 Dec 2022.
player, 21 posts
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 15:41
  • msg #274

Sunnendaeg  1050 High Sun

Duivelssmak briefly turns his worried eyes away from the scene below and looks around for approaching enemies.  The last thing they needed was to be caught off guard.

Once he is satisfied no new foes are approaching, he gets ready to heal whoever is most in need of it.
This message was last updated by the GM at 18:12, Thu 29 Dec 2022.
Daniella Schrumer
NPC, 31 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 16:08
  • msg #275

Sunnendaeg  1050 high sun

Dani shakes her head at Val's suggestion, "No, you go. I will come when you are clear."

She grabs the hilt of the dagger with both hands and steadies herself. Her shivering from being in the cold water increases as she contemplates climbing out.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:12, Thu 29 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 177 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 16:12
  • msg #276

Sunnendaeg  1050 high sun

"I will come back for you if you can't make it on your own. I will do as you say, for now. Okay Xune, have them pull us up! Dani will follow, if she has trouble, we'll do it again! No one gets left behind!" He yells up to the dark skinned girl to have the others pull.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:13, Thu 29 Dec 2022.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 102 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:460
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 0/1
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 17:27
  • msg #277

Sunnendaeg  1050 high sun

Blade grimaces with the burn of the rope on his already bruised body, but with his companions aid he stays strong. Lowering and raising of the rope with the trapped companions until they are safely out of the pit. Then he falls to one knee to catch his breath and remove the rope harness.

"Did everyone get out safe, how bad are the injuries?"

12:22, Today: Alaion Dragonblade rolled 17 using 1d20.  Roll on str.[Private to GM: Just made a Str roll you said only failed on a 20.]
This message was last updated by the GM at 18:13, Thu 29 Dec 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 412 posts
Teller of Tales
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 18:34
  • msg #278

Sunnendaeg  1060 High Sun

As Almar returns to the well, Myshra is pulled from the well successfully. Her clothing on her backside is almost completely burned away. The exposed flesh is blackened, some of it pulling away from the fleshy muscle underneath. Her hair is singed to the scalp in back, but the flesh is not burned away there because she could move her head. It is a wonder she lives. It is best she is unconscious. The pain would be unbearable, indeed, it might be why she is unconscious.

Moments after Valeros clears the low wall of stone, Dani climbs over the edge out of the well. Her boots are burnt, but still functional. Her leggings are burnt away at the bottom. Her exposed skin is marked by many blisters where hot embers rained down from above. Her hair is singed in spots and she is soot streaked.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:39, Thu 29 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 179 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 18:53
  • msg #279

Sunnendaeg  1060 High Sun

"Duiv, the priestess is hurt real bad, she lies close to death. Can you produce another miracle from your god? Someone see to Dani too. Let's the rest of us search and gather anything useful. I saw horses we could use in the corral. The children must be close by, we'll look for a bit, but the injured need taken care of and we need to recoup ourselves and recover from this endeavor."

"Try to pair up with someone if you are going in a building, got to cover our backs, there may be more evil about, though I doubt it. What are the children's names again? I have forgotten. We can call out their names and tell them they are safe. Xen, you want to take care of Dani? Or search with me in the barn, two others take the house. Gather anything useful, as I'm sure the dead lying about are the former owners."
This message was last edited by the player at 20:26, Thu 29 Dec 2022.
player, 13 posts
Dancer and singer
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 19:09
  • msg #280

Sunnendaeg  1040 High Sun

The rescuing at the pyre done Larn looks around for the children. He wonders where a child might go but shakes his head, they could be anywhere. He needed to get a good look around. Larn looks up at the two storied building, the farm house “I’m going into the farmhouse, see if I can get on the roof to get a look around” he offers and goes to try the farmhouse doors.
Almar Paronas
player, 3 posts
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 20:19
  • msg #281

Sunnendaeg  1040 High Sun

Almar listens at the barn doors and if he doesn't hear anything that sounds like a zombie, opens if and looks inside
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 180 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 20:40
  • msg #282

Sunnendaeg  1040 High Sun

Val sees Xen, but doesn't think she heard him. He heads toward the house and sees Larn there ready to enter. "I'll go with you to check, we should not be alone, who knows what else may be around. My name is Valeros, who might you be sir?" He says to the young man.

Valeros helps him open the door wide and begins searching after his eyes adjust. "If you were a young child and these vile creatures were about, where would you hide?"

He searches everywhere a child could hide that he could think of. Under the beds, storage cuboards, everywhere he could think of. "Grab anything that might be useful, including clothing that we might use."
This message was last edited by the player at 11:22, Fri 30 Dec 2022.
player, 22 posts
Thu 29 Dec 2022
at 23:25
  • msg #283

Sunnendaeg  1050 High Sun

Duivelssmak kneels down and gently puts his hand and holy symbol on the priestess.  He closes his eyes and chants softly while humbly invoking the favor of The Saint.  While doing so, he fights to set aside all the doubts that threaten him on all sides like cold water sucking down a drowning man.  Not doubt in the gods themselves, of course… but in his own worthiness.

[Private to GM: Cast Cure Light Wounds on the Priestess.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:59, Thu 29 Dec 2022.
NPC, 8 posts
Fri 30 Dec 2022
at 00:08
  • msg #284

Sunnendaeg 1050 High Sun

"Bah! Thar he goes.", Thorgwain states in a huff, gesturing toward Almar.  "I better go with him.  Back him up if'n he needs it. High born's are all cocky and full of themselves."

Sputtering to himself about self righteousness and arrogance, Thorgwain none the less, joins Almar just as he is getting to the doors.

"Right behind yeh lad.", he says, knowing full well the elf is probably decades older than himself.  Anyone without a proper beard is an adolescent, he muses.
Daniella Schrumer
NPC, 32 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Fri 30 Dec 2022
at 00:12
  • msg #285

Sunnendaeg 1050 High Sun

Dani picks up her two rucksacks she had thrown aside before leaping to the platform. One of these is the priestess'.  She then walks off to an oak tree with a swing hung from it and plops down in the grass.  She lies back and just breathes for a few while staring at a clear blue sky through the leaves that are turning color in late summer.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 50 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Fri 30 Dec 2022
at 07:02
  • msg #286

Sunnendaeg 1050 High Sun

Xen exhales a giant sigh of relief when she sees Dani crawl out of the well. Her blistered legs are alarming, there is no doubt, but Xen is still thrilled to see her friend is still alive. She follows her to the oak, then rummages through her own backpack for one of the leaves she had picked earlier to make a healing salve. "Not sure how this works for burns," she admits to Dani as she works the leaf into a paste. "But it's worth a try."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 185 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Fri 30 Dec 2022
at 13:45
  • msg #287

Sunnendaeg 1050 High Sun

"Let's go in Larn, the kids might be hidden inside or imprisoned inside. Xenaryn is immodest with her clothes burnt away, perhaps we can find something a bit better. Grab anything that might be useful and look for hidden hidey holes in the walls and floors too. Which floor you want?

Valeros enters and begins searching, including looking under rugs for trap doors to a root cellar for instance! He'll gather all useful items, as the residents were dead in the yard.
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:51, Fri 30 Dec 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 414 posts
Teller of Tales
Fri 30 Dec 2022
at 17:43
  • msg #288

Sunnendaeg 1100 high Sun

Xenaryn and Janser join Dani in the grass. The halfling watches curiously as Xen produces a mortar and pestle to make leaves into a paste. It doesn't take long, and she applies the salve directly to the blistered areas. [Private to Xenaryn Faustich: Healing skill roll success]

Duivelssmak and Xune tend to the priestess. St. Cuthbert answers the cleric's call for aid, healing all of the most serious wounds. Blackened skin is sloughed off as new skin regrows into place. After the healing, there are still splotches of blistered skin to be healed. She is still injured, but it is not life-threatening. She is, however, still unconscious.

Thorgwain and Alamar pull open the double doors to the barn and immediately see a wagon cart before them. To the left and right are stalls filled with barrels, kegs, and crates. All the gear for harnessing a horse to the cart is present. Beyond the cart,  stalls on the left and pens to the right. The double doors in the back are slightly ajar.  As the doors open, the bleating of very hungry goats begins.

Valeros and Larn open the doors of the farmstead's main house. The interior is dark with all windows shuttered. The doorway leads into an apparent living area, complete with wooden furniture with plush pillows. A large bear's hide lies in front of a  wood-mantled stone fireplace.  To the right is a large wooden table with chairs, not benches.  A large painting dominates the stones above the mantle depicting farmland and grazing horses. Two doors occupy the left wall. On the far wall, left of the fireplace is stairs. To the right of the fireplace is a corridor. Three doors occupy the right wall and corridor.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 15:43, Thu 12 Jan 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 186 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Fri 30 Dec 2022
at 17:54
  • msg #289

Sunnendaeg 1100 high Sun

"Want to split up and make it faster, or safer and stay together? There is a lot of stuff we can sell if nothing else."

He starts with the first door on the left wall, he opens it and looks around. Searching for any hiding places for the children, and items of use or value. "You want to check down the hall there?"

He goes to the next door when done searching the first room. They could search upstairs together.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:14, Fri 30 Dec 2022.
Dungeon Master
GM, 415 posts
Teller of Tales
Fri 30 Dec 2022
at 19:35
  • msg #290

Sunnendaeg 1100 high Sun

Valeros has his hand on the door, ready to open it when he hears, "Unnnngh! Liiiiiife!". There is shuffling beyond the door, then the door rattles as something bangs against it.

Begin combat round 1

NPC, 9 posts
Fri 30 Dec 2022
at 19:37
  • msg #291

Sunnendaeg 1100 High Sun

Thorgwain opens the pen door to let the goats roam free. He then opens the back door through which the goats can exit into the corral.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 187 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Fri 30 Dec 2022
at 19:41
  • msg #292

Sunnendaeg 1100 high Sun

"More zombies in the house!" he yells at the top of his lungs! He backs away from the door, "Larn, what do you want to do? Get the others that are able please"
Daniella Schrumer
NPC, 33 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Fri 30 Dec 2022
at 19:43
  • msg #293

Sunnendaeg 0932.18 New Sun

Dani sighs with relief as the healing properties of the plant balm takes effect.

"Thank you Xenaryn", she says wistfully. "I'm so tired. I haven't slept since night before last."

She has known Xenaryn only for eight hours or so. Maybe longer, she realizes. It seems longer. And she finds the young mage very personable and likes her.

A shout from the main house draws her attention. "Oh no!", she exclaims. "Why did they go in there alone!?"

"I'm coming Val!"

Dani leaps up quick as an adder strike and sprints for the main house doorway.
This message was last edited by the GM at 03:50, Sat 31 Dec 2022.
player, 24 posts
Sat 31 Dec 2022
at 03:25
  • msg #294

Sunnendaeg 0932.18 New Sun

Brandishing his holy symbol, Duivelssmak follows Dani.  Right or wrong, he is excited to have another opportunity to confront the undead.  He hopes this doesn't mean there is a morbid canker eating away at his spiritual body.  One could become too fond of seeing the living dead...
Almar Paronas
NPC, 4 posts
Sat 31 Dec 2022
at 04:06
  • msg #295

Sunnendaeg 1100 High Sun

Almar's elven ears pitch slightly at the call from the main house.  He bolts for the doorway and sees the young woman from the well and Duivel running just ahead of him. As he runs, he unslings his bow and draws an arrow from his quiver. How many are in there, he wonders.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 51 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Sat 31 Dec 2022
at 04:40
  • msg #296

Sunnendaeg 1100 High Sun

Xen smiles at Dani, thrilled that her healing concoction has worked. "You're welcome," she replies to the rogue. "I thought you were dead. I'm so glad I was mistaken." She relaxes for a moment and considers asking Dani about the thugs that were chasing her earlier. Before she can inquire, however, Val's warning comes from the house and Dani is on her way to assist.

The sorceress looks to Janser and rolls her eyes. "That girl just can't stay out of trouble!" She rises to her feet to pursue Dani, but as she does, she realizes her own wounds are worse than she initially thought. She still follows, but stays well behind the others.

[Private to GM: 23:39, Today: Xenaryn Faustich rolled 4 using 1d6+1.  Initiative.]
player, 15 posts
Dancer and singer
Sat 31 Dec 2022
at 10:07
  • msg #297

Sunnendaeg  1050 High Sun

He is just about to say he’d go upstairs to have a look around when he hears the zombie. The boy repeats Valeros’ warning “zombies!” as he readies his hand axe.

[Private to Dungeon Master: Initiative: 2. Hit AC 10 for 6 damage if a zombie appears.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:25, Sat 31 Dec 2022.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 189 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sat 31 Dec 2022
at 11:40
  • msg #298

Sunnendaeg  1050 High Sun

He dons his shield and readies his axe in preparation for meeting the zombies on the other side of the door. he stands next to Larn and awaits it to come through. He hopes the children hadn't been in there. "Others will be here in a moment, the biggest reason I called them is there is no way of telling how many there are. Together we can kill them as quickly as possible."
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:02, Sun 01 Jan 2023.
NPC, 10 posts
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 14:08
  • msg #299

Sunnendaeg  1100 High Sun

Thorgwain guides the bleating goats from the pens into the corral through the back doors of the barn.  When the last exits, he pushes the doors near closed and turns only to find himself alone.  Now where did tha blasted elf get off to, he wonders while looking around.
Hand of Fate
GM, 417 posts
Teller of Tales
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 14:18
  • msg #300

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1100.06 High Sun

The door to the side room bursts open and two zombies issue forth, clawing at Valeros and Larn.  Neither of the creatures however are able to get past either warrior's armor with their claws.  Valeros falls back a few steps in front of the unlit firplace, startled to inaction at the sudden violence from the doorway.  Larn is better prepared and strikes with his hand axe. The zombie however deflects the attack and presses Larn back into the middle of the room.

Dani, Duivel, and Almar appear at the doorway.

Begin combat round 2
Range to target is melee for Valeros and Larn, close range for others.

This message was last edited by the GM at 01:10, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 191 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 14:30
  • msg #301

Sunnendaeg 1100.06 High Sun

Valeros suddenly remembered he was still gravely wounded and had failed to get it seen to. He lashes out with the axe but does not feel real confident in his weakened state, they will overcome!

"I was so worried about others, I forgot to see to myself! Damnit!"

[Private to GM: 09:27, Today: Valeros Sothgard rolled 4,5,6 using d6-1,d20+3,d8+3.  Lumberjack Ax.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:52, Sun 01 Jan 2023.
Almar Paronas
NPC, 5 posts
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 15:51
  • msg #302

Sunnendaeg  1050 high sun

Standing flat footed to the side of the doorway, Almar lets fly his two arrows at the zombies. He targets the zombie on Larn, being closer and if it is felled, he will target the other. 

[Private to GM: OOC
10:42, Today: Almar Paronas rolled 2,15,1 using d6,d20+1,d6 ((2,14,1))
10:44, Today: Almar Paronas rolled 21,3 using d20+1,d6 ((20,3))
Arrow1 hits AC5, Arrow2 hits AC-1, possible critical
Player, 16 posts
Dancer and singer
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 16:07
  • msg #303

Sunnendaeg  1060 High Sun

As the zombies run forward fear spread through Larn. The youth was glad he stood with Valeros “get behind me” he offers when he sees Valeros’ wounds.

Fear was common for Larn, his brothers like it that way, Larn does not lose his focus. He chops and hacks with his hand axe against the two zombies.

[Private to Dungeon Master: Hit AC1 for 4 damage.]
Daniella Schrumer
NPC, 34 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 17:30
  • msg #304

Sunnendaeg  1100.06 High Sun

Dani moves opposite the side of the doorway than Almar and standing flat footed, releases a volley of arrows, close range, at the zombies.  "Incoming!", she shouts as the first of the arrows leaves the string.

[Private to GM:
12:27, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Daniella Schrumer, rolled 0,18,4,19,1 using d6-3,d20+4,d6,d20+4,d6 ((3,14,4,15,1)).
Arrow1 hits AC2 for 4, Arrow2 hits AC1 for 1
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:30, Sun 01 Jan 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 195 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sun 1 Jan 2023
at 18:12
  • msg #305

Sunnendaeg  1100.06 High Sun

Valeros is glad to see help come through the door. Now, if only they could hit the target! We'll have to work on that, I love their spunk though! He needed to work on it too, he never even touched that ogre!
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:49, Sun 01 Jan 2023.
Player, 25 posts
Mon 2 Jan 2023
at 00:24
  • msg #306

Sunnendaeg  1100.06 High Sun

Spittle flies from Duivelssmak's mouth as he brandishes his holy symbol, arm trembling as though it were holding up the weight of the heavens themselves.  "Foul spirits of darkness, begone!  Never return to trouble the righteous again, or face the wrath of The Saint himself!"
17:10, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Duivelssmak, rolled 8 using 2d6 ((4,4)).  Skill - Turn Undead.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:12, Mon 02 Jan 2023.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 52 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Mon 2 Jan 2023
at 05:58
  • msg #307

Sunnendaeg  1100.06 High Sun

Severely weakened from the earlier battle, Xen stands behind the melee, keeping her eyes open for the children as well as for any signs of ambush from behind. She curses at herself for dropping her crossbow in the field after her first (woefully unsuccessful) attempt at using it. Not that she trusts her aim with allies so close to potential targets now anyway. Still, it would be nice to have.
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 52 posts
1st Level Elf
HP: 1/6, SP: 0/1
Mon 2 Jan 2023
at 12:44
  • msg #308

Sunnendaeg  1100.06 High Sun

Still light-headed and injured from both the battle beforehand and the task of stamping out the pyre to reach Dani and Myshra, Xune hangs back, approaching the house where the rest of the group has congregated at the mention of zombie stragglers. "Is there no end to the shamblers? Let the dead rest!" the dark elf calls, drawing a stiletto dagger that she raises to eye level and aims, throwing in the direction of one of the shambling husks that still stands.
[Private to GM: Rolling for attack (thrown dagger) when within range at one of the zombies!
07:44, Today: Xune Vvedryx rolled 2,3,5 using d6-1,d20-1,d4+1.  Dagger-Medium Init, ToHit, Dmg. Hits AC15
This message was last edited by the GM at 14:01, Tue 03 Jan 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 430 posts
Teller of Tales
Mon 2 Jan 2023
at 22:13
  • msg #310

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1100.12 High Sun

Duivelssmak raises his holy symbol high and calls upon the Will of St. Cuthbert to destroy or turn back the vile abominations of the evil priest, but his call goes unanswered as the zombies continue their attack.

Larn's words to Valeros are lost in the quickness of battle.  Larn strikes at the zombie before him with his hand axe.  The axe head cuts a small gash in the creatures chest as it twists away from the brunt of the impact. The tribesman manages to deflect the claws that threaten to rake his flesh.  An arrow suddenly appears in the creatures chest.  Larn looks over and sees Dani reaching for a second arrow as Almar's first arrow leaves his bow.  It strikes the zombie nearly in the same spot.  The evil priests magical animation is destroyed and the decaying body falls to the floor.

Valeros hacks at the zombie near him with the lumberjack's axe, but the creature flails his body to the side to evade the blade and bumps into Xune.  It is enough of a bump to disrupt the elf's attack with her curvy blade.  Thwwiiiiipf! Dani's second arrow lodges into the zombie's chest. Thwwiiiiipf! Almar's second arrow strikes the zombie's head, destroying the evil priest's animation magic.  It too falls to the floor, no longer moving.
End of combat
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:10, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Daniella Schrumer
NPC, 36 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Mon 2 Jan 2023
at 23:14
  • msg #311

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1100.12 High Sun

"Can I suggest, please, we all get some rest and healing before we continue looking for the children?", Dani says, looking worriedly at the wounds on her friends, not to mention herself. Dani plucks her arrows from the zombies and puts them back into her quiver after a quick inspection to see if they are still good.
Player, 26 posts
Tue 3 Jan 2023
at 01:33
  • msg #312

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1100.12 High Sun

“Let us not rest too long,” Says Duivelssmak. “I would not leave the children to the mercy of these fiends.”

He looks about, trying to determine who is most in need of aid.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 54 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Tue 3 Jan 2023
at 05:30
  • msg #313

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1100.12 High Sun

"He's right," Xen agrees with Duivelsmak. "We've got to find the children, but-." she staggers on her feet, leaning against a doorway for support. "But some of us need to heal."

With the battle won, Xen finally takes stock of her own wounds, realizing the fire has done more than consume her cloak. She continues to use the doorway for assistance. "I can help heal some wounds," she offers, confident after previous successes earlier in the day. "But I'll need more supplies. I've already used what I had. There may be more here. Calendula, lavender. Anything that has petals or leaves might help."

She scans the current room for any plants, but doesn't venture outside it without the aid of another.

[Private to Dungeon Master: We never discussed how much healing stuff she picked earlier, but I figured it wasn't an unlimited supply and I've already used it twice successfully. So I'm taking this opportunity to be out and see if the former inhabitants of this house may have grown anything useful. Up to you if they did... and if they did if Xen recognizes what it is even if she sees it.]
Player, 27 posts
Tue 3 Jan 2023
at 11:47
  • msg #314

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1100.12 High Sun

Duivelssmak smiles gently.  "First let's tend to you.  Assuming I am able."

He comes to her and lays a hand upon her forehead while whispering a fervent prayer for aid.

Cast Cure Light Wounds on Xenaryn.
06:47, Today: Duivelssmak rolled 8 using 1d8.  Cure light wounds.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:55, Tue 03 Jan 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 206 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Tue 3 Jan 2023
at 11:55
  • msg #315

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1100.12 High Sun

"Let's heal up a bit, and split into two groups and search this place quickly but thoroughly. Search everywhere for the children and for anything useful, you ladies with burned up clothes may find something wearable from the lady of the house. I'm sure they are among the dead so it shouldn't be a problem. Look for hidey holes and trapdoors too."

"Xen is out of her salve. Anyone else have any more of those leaves and paste to help heal my wounds. Duiv can heal the worst wounded if he can."

This message was last edited by the player at 16:36, Tue 03 Jan 2023.
~NPC~ Wilhelm
Tue 3 Jan 2023
at 14:09
  • msg #316


Wilhelm is frightened. The gore surrounding them tells a horrible tale to their fates. He holds tight to his little sister, concern etched in his features as the girl has fallen into some sort of stupor, not speaking, no longer crying, and none responsive to his questions. She just stares straight at nothing. "It'll be okay Mina. It'll be okay."

Something about the voices within the farm house draws his attention, having heard it before. She had helped them, she and another.

"Hello!?", he shouts with a voice cracking from fatigue and dehydration.
Dungeon Master
GM, 435 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 3 Jan 2023
at 14:14
  • msg #317

Shuffling noises

Duivelssmak casts the sacrament for healing and Xenaryn's wounds are healed completely.

A shuffling noise comes from the hallway darkness. Those with darkvision see nothing there within sight.

"Nnnngh!", comes a now familiar sound from beyond the hallway, followed by scratches of claw on wood.
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:34, Wed 04 Jan 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 207 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Tue 3 Jan 2023
at 15:02
  • msg #318

Shuffling noises

"Was that a voice? Followed by more scratching? It sounds like at least one zombie is closing in on Wilhelm and Mina! Someone heal me some quick so we can take it on! Be careful folks. It sounds like we are close to our goal!"

"Our archers are pretty good, let them feather him from afar!"
This message was last edited by the player at 16:37, Tue 03 Jan 2023.
Player, 28 posts
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 04:11
  • msg #319

Shuffling noises

“I’m afraid my healing powers are spent for the time being,” Duivelssmak says with sincere regret, then runs to the sound of the rotten-throated grunts.  He pulls out his holy symbol, although its usefulness so far has been limited.

10:27, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Duivelssmak, rolled 3 using 2d6 ((1,2)). Turn undead chance...

[Private to Duivelssmak: I am assuming you are attempting to turn it, but see no rolls. I rolled for you. ]
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:30, Wed 04 Jan 2023.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 56 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 05:25
  • msg #320

Shuffling noises

Xen's eyes pop open as the cleric heals her wounds. She's amazed by the speed at which her burned flesh disappears, almost like... magic. "Thank you. Your powers are impressive."

Once healed, she begins to search the house for possible healing ingredients. That search, however, is cut short by the voice of a child. She cringes at the thought of another zombie reaching him before her friends can. "Wilhelm? Where are you? We're here to help!" Without enough mana to cast a spell, she readies her staff while searching for the children's exact location.
Player, 17 posts
Dancer and singer
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 07:36
  • msg #321


The zombie falls and Larn’s axe remains at the ready. The tribesman is shaken by the battle with these strange forces. Larn looks around a little lost. “The children?” he asks just before they hear the call. After hearing it Larn sees his companions all battered and bloodied so volunteers himself as he rushes forward to stop the zombies finding the children.

10:35, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Larn, rolled 4,10,3 using D6,d20,d6 ((4,10,3)).  Hits AC6, 3 points

[Private to Larn: I am assuming you attack the zombie. I see no rolls for it. I will roll for you.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:41, Wed 04 Jan 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 209 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 11:39
  • msg #322


"We're coming children! Be strong!" Val follows Larn down the hall to save the children from the zombies, Axe held high. Stratus give me the strength to complete my tasks!"
10:43, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Valeros Sothgard, rolled 5,14,11 using d6-1,d20+3,d8+3 ((6,11,8)).  Hits AC5, 11 points.

[Private to Valeros Sothgard: I am assuming you attack the zombie. I see no rolls for it. I will roll for you.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 17:59, Wed 04 Jan 2023.
Almar Paronas
NPC, 6 posts
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 13:34
  • msg #323


Almar moves further into the room and to the right so that he can see down the hallway. He has an advantage over humans by being able to see plainly in the absence of light. There, at a far door on the right wall stands a zombie clawing at it. So far it has not detected the presence of the party in the building.

"...feather him from afar." Valeros was saying.

Almar pulls an arrow, put it to string and pulls for a shot, resting the string against his cheek. He is about to release when others bolt into the hall. He holds his shot until the way is clear.
08:17, Today: Almar Paronas rolled 5,3,2 using d6,d20+1,d6 ((5,2,2)).

Moves and shoots
Misses if way gets clear.

Valeros Sothgard
Player, 210 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 14:48
  • msg #324


Valeros sees Almar and his bow right behind him, he turns to the side and back steps behind the man with bow. He stands to step forward past him to protect him if the zombie turns on them before it drops!

"Let the archers shoot Larn, we'll go in if the zombie turns before it dies!"
Daniella Schrumer
NPC, 37 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 15:19
  • msg #325


Dani follows Almar and like he, nocks an arrow and pulls to release. She does not hesitate as others run into the hallway. She lets the arrow fly to target, a dead female she can hardly see in the dim light from windows.
10:02, Today: Dungeon Master, on behalf of Daniella Schrumer, rolled -1,15,5 using d6-3,d20+4,d6 ((2,11,5)).

Hits AC1, 5 points

Dungeon Master
GM, 442 posts
Teller of Tales
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 18:18
  • msg #326

Combat round 1

Almar moves into position and readies his aim. Dani moves next to him pulling at an arrow from her quiver as well.

Valeros nearly rushes the hallway, but clears for the archers. Larn does no such thing and rushes down the dimly lit hall toward the zombie. He is followed closely by Duivelssmak holding his holy symbol forth.

Thwiiipf!  An arrow from Dani lodges itself in the creature's neck, narrowly missing Duivelssmak's head. A second arrow from Almar lodges itself in the wall beyond the target.

Larn reaches the zombie that is turning toward him. Claws rake harmlessly againt his chainmail hauberk. He is surprised when a second zombie hidden from view to the left attacks, but again the claws rake chainmail harmlessly.

Duivelssmak's holy plea is answered this time and the zombies as one turn from the fight heading toward the other side of the kitchen. Valeros does not let one of them get away. He cleaves it in twain with a swing of his lunberjack axe. The other zombie moves into the corner of the kitchen and is still.
End of combat.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 211 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Wed 4 Jan 2023
at 18:31
  • msg #327

Combat round 1

"Thank the gods that is over, how many more are there? Let's get to Wilhelm and Mina! he says as he heads for the door. "I guess we should stay in bigger groups than two until we are sure they are dealt with. Let's get the children and finish searching the house."

Val looks around the group, "Well done gentles, we all fought valiantly! We need rest and healing now. A couple of you big fellows help find suitable clothing for the ladies who got burnt. I'll go with you Xen to find more herbs for your salve, maybe Larn there too?"

"Wilhelm, Mina, we're here to rescue you! Are you alright!? he yells and heads to the door and knocks on it.
This message was last edited by the player at 18:57, Wed 04 Jan 2023.
Dungeon Master
GM, 444 posts
Teller of Tales
Thu 5 Jan 2023
at 00:20
  • msg #328

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1101 High Sun

The door opens into a small room and a stench of death escapes its confines.  The original use of this room is unidentifiable.  Furniture and items are strewn against the wall, broken and no longer usable.  The floor is covered in detritus consisting of paper, old tapestries, dung, straw, and bits and pieces of clothing.  To the left of the door is a huge pile of old clothing that appears like a huge nest of some sort complete with gnawed bones and other litter beneath a broken mirror.  The center of the room is a large butcher's block and human parts are scattered across its surface.  A pail next to the block contains body organs, a skull, and lots of coagulated blood.  A cleaver is stuck in the butcher's block.

"Over here." a small voice calls from the other side of the butcher's block.

The children are found in the corner, heavily tied with rope with knots so tight it has to be cut to release them.  There is nothing else of value in this room from the point of observation.  A broken window occupies the wall across from the door.  Along with the furniture are broken kegs and crates.  Empty sacks of grain litter the floor as well.

The room at the end of the hall, where the zombie still stands in a corner, is a kitchen.  It has been ransacked and destroyed.

Eventually, the Will of St. Cuthbert will fade and the zombie will become a threat again. 
Player, 29 posts
Thu 5 Jan 2023
at 02:28
  • msg #329

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1101 High Sun

Deciding to finish what he started, Duivelssmak draws his mace.  While shouting more holy imprecations, he swings for the zombie’s rotten head.

[Private to GM: 21:28, Today: Duivelssmak rolled 3 using 1d6+1.  Damage.
21:28, Today: Duivelssmak rolled 21 using 1d20+1.  To hit.
This message was last edited by the player at 02:29, Thu 05 Jan 2023.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 57 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Thu 5 Jan 2023
at 06:14
  • msg #330

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1101 High Sun

Strengthened by the blessings of Duivelssmak, Xen rushes into the grotesque room holding the children and helps them to their feet. "Thank the gods you're okay," she gushes to them (perhaps a little too enthusiastically), trying to put them at ease while guiding them out the door. "Now let's get you out of this room!"

"I'm going to have to cut you free," she warns, doing her best to not alarm the youngsters as she carefully draws her dagger and cuts at the ropes binding their hands. "I'm Xenaryn, but my friends call me Xen. You can call me that. Who are you?"
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 212 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Thu 5 Jan 2023
at 11:07
  • msg #331

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1101 High Sun

"When we leave, it might be good to burn this place down. We'll decide that later. Let's check for good stuff through the house, nothing in here."
Dungeon Master
GM, 454 posts
Teller of Tales
Fri 6 Jan 2023
at 00:55
  • msg #332

Sunnendaeg  1110 High Sun

Duivelssmak easily duspatches the zombie in the corner with his mace.

Little Wilhelm is eager to follow Xenaryn from the room.  The little girl is quite another story.  She is unresponsive in every way except when having to go through the motions of movement.  Once Wil had her standing, he then has to drag her forward behind him.  The girl simply stares straight ahead and moves her lips every now and then.

Xenaryn takes them outside to Janser, who is lounging under the big oak still.  Janser, jovial as ever, begins talking with them, trying to get them to laugh and soon Wilhelm is eagerly conversing with the halfling.

Myshra opens her eyes to a blurry scene.  Her eyes adjust and focus on an elf kneeling beside her.  She turns her head one way, then the other only to have her face licked by a rottweiler.  She fends off the attack and leans up, feeling the breeze on her back.

"Wha-- Where am I?", she asks.  A wafting breeze brings a trail of smoldering smoke across her and she coughs.  "Oh! OH! I remember-- I remember a girl. Oh no!?"

Tears well in her eyes.


Valeros, Almar, and Larn search the house and it appears to be empty of zombies.  Every room in the building is trashed with broken furniture, ripped beddings, and general disarray except one room in the north west corner of the second story of which contains four bedrooms.  It is clean, immaculate even.  The room is lit with candles still burning in sconces on the wall.  The air has an aroma of sandalwood incense, pleasing to the senses.  A wash basin sits atop a high legged table built to show off ornamental vases or some such.  Now, it holds a wash basin that sits on a platter.  Neatly folded towels rest next to it.  A music box sits on the other end of the table.  A wardrobe that has not been destroyed is along one wall.  It contains female and male clothing.  The female wardrobe is suitable in size for the women. It also contains belts, shoes, and a shawl.

A ornate canopy bed rests in the center of the wall in the room.  It has silken curtains tied back to the posts.  The linen is clean, and the pillows are plush, though not obstinately so. The nightstand on one end of the bed has a candle stand with unlit candle.  A book of holy prayer and an almanac for planting lay next to the candle. A small scrap of parchment lies atop those books.  The other nightstand on the other side has the same candle stand, a small jewelry box, an ornate brush and mirror, and a basket sits next to it containing darning supplies.

The scrap of paper is a note, scrawled in plain common with a quill pen. It reads;

I take it your part in this is moving as scheduled.  I have not heard from you for days.  I should warn you that this business with the cemetery is becoming more dangerous for you.  There is talk... citizens are taking special care to notice things.  A patrol has been set up.  Do not get over zealous.  I expect to hear from you soon. And keep your pet under control.


This message was last edited by the GM at 15:03, Thu 12 Jan 2023.
Player, 18 posts
Dancer and singer
Fri 6 Jan 2023
at 13:58
  • msg #333

Sunnendaeg  1100.06 High Sun

Larn forces a smile as he sees the children and watches them escorted from the bloodied and grisly room. When the boy and girl were outside he continues his exploration of the house. When he reaches the clean and scented room he eyes its suspiciously “what do you make of that?” he asks Valeros and Almar, then thinking a little deeper “why are you here and why are the zombies here?” it had been such a rush getting here then fighting the zombies that Larn realised he didn’t have a clue what was going on.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 217 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Fri 6 Jan 2023
at 14:34
  • msg #334

Sunnendaeg  1100.06 High Sun

"We're an adventuring group, we were here to rescue the kids and were almost overwhelmed. We fought part of them yesterday, and they fled from us. Your little group, thank you for saving us, what are you doing here?" Valeros asked for an equal explanation.
Player, 19 posts
Dancer and singer
Fri 6 Jan 2023
at 14:40
  • msg #335

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1100.12 High Sun

“The acolyte Duivelssmak led us with a tale that Lady Cirthana’s daughter had been taken by a servant of Nerull” the tribesman explained “we were told we would find her here” he looked at the strangely ordered room “this room still doesn’t make any sense, what do you make of the note?” he pointed to the nightstand.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 218 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Fri 6 Jan 2023
at 14:46
  • msg #336

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1100.12 High Sun

"The necromancer has help in town, there is evil there hiding under the surface. Perhaps a cult to Nerull? We'll take anything of value we can sell or support the children in any way. Is there an orphanage? We can give the goats there too so their milk can help them."

"I've seen no coin here on anybody, lets search the rest of the house, I am Valeros Sothgard, Duivelsmak is the cleric? You are Larn, the halfling is Janser. I'm getting to know you all already."

He heads for the next room, the ladies can change into more appropriate clothing in privacy.
This message was last edited by the player at 14:51, Fri 06 Jan 2023.
Player, 30 posts
Fri 6 Jan 2023
at 16:47
  • msg #337

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1100.12 High Sun

Duivelssmak nearly gags at the mention of the name Nerull.  Accursed fiend!  Would that such evil had never existed.

But he quickly recovers and immediately begins looking for ways to be useful again.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 58 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Sat 7 Jan 2023
at 05:23
  • msg #338

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1100.12 High Sun

Xen smiles as she observes Janser lighten the mood with the kids. She gives them both a squeeze before rejoining the others in their search of the house, finding them (thankfully) in the only room that isn't ripped to pieces.

She sorts through the articles in the wardrobe for something to replace her cloak and what was left of her charred white blouse, eventually finding a shirt that she hopes will suffice. Fortunately, her vest, boots, and leggings survived the wrath of the pyre flame.

Unwilling to disrobe in front of everyone else, she changes her attention to the note. "Whoever lived here was in on the grave robbing. I suppose that's where the zombies came from." She reads further. "And I suspect 'your pet' was that gruesome ogre." Finally, she takes a long look at the note's last line and the color drains from her face as she does. "Uhhhh, I think I might know who V is."

[Private to Dungeon Master: Does Xen recognize the handwriting on the note? Is V for Vade??!?!?!]

[Private to Xenaryn Faustich: She does not recognize the handwriting, but it is certainly reasonable to assume it is from Shavaros due to your personal recognition of the evil priest from your past. Remember, Shavaros Vade is a powerful  sorcerer figure in the Hollow if not the region. Knowledge can be powerful, but also deadly.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:16, Sat 07 Jan 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 222 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sat 7 Jan 2023
at 12:16
  • msg #339

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1100.12 High Sun

"Oh? Who? Who do you suspect is the evil one's helper in town?"

Val asks as he is heading out the door to give the women their privacy.
Daniella Schrumer
NPC, 38 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Sat 7 Jan 2023
at 20:14
  • msg #340

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg

Dani helps Xenaryn with sorting through the wardrobe. She finds breeches appropriate to her size and changes into them at first quiet opportunity.

"Yes, there's ummmm, Sara's, no-- Elara's  halfway house north of town." Daniella replies to Valeros. "It's like an orphanage, but they also take in kids that are... umm, bad? Is that the word?"

She sits on the fancy bedding, then hazards a look under the bed.

"Hey! Look here!", she exclaims, pulling an iron bound strongbox from beneath. It is one foot by two and locked.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:17, Sat 07 Jan 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 223 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sun 8 Jan 2023
at 14:09
  • msg #341

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg

"That's good Dani, they could have relatives around, but Elara can take care of that. I say we give the goats to the orphanage too, milk and meat and baby kids to care for."

"Where did Alaion disappear to? And Xune? Are they doing okay now? They got hurt bad out there today, we need to get more healing for ourselves, those poultices are an excellent start, thanks to Xen!"
Daniella Schrumer
NPC, 39 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Sun 8 Jan 2023
at 15:49
  • msg #342

Ironbount strongbox

"I think they are still outside." Dani replies to Val's query.

Dani pulls the strongbox from beneath the bed and places in on the linens.  A curious and concerning feeling overcomes her and she stares at the box as if seeing through the linings.  After a long moment, she shakes her head and backs away succumbing to a gnawing feeling of dread and fear.

"I am not opening that." Dani states, looking over at Xenaryn.  "Something vile and evil is in that box."
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:50, Sun 08 Jan 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 224 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sun 8 Jan 2023
at 16:06
  • msg #343

Ironbount strongbox

"You're afraid of a box Dani? I'd open it if I knew how. It might lead to our necromancer! Xen, check to see if it is magic maybe? We need to crack it, I guess I can use the axe on it if all else fails."
Dungeon Master
GM, 467 posts
Teller of Tales
Sun 8 Jan 2023
at 17:04
  • msg #344

ironbound strongbox

The ironbound box sits on edge of the bed and as the four in the room look at it, they can feel a palpable feeling of dread emanating from the box.  Even Valeros.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:27, Sun 08 Jan 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 225 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sun 8 Jan 2023
at 18:14
  • msg #345

ironbound strongbox

"We can't let it here for him to come back and claim. The temple should know what to do with it. We just got to get it from here to there! I can feel the evil too." he says in a quiet voice.

"We'll tie a rope around it and drag it to the temple and let the priest break it! We find any money we can spend?"
Daniella Schrumer
NPC, 40 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Sun 8 Jan 2023
at 19:34
  • msg #346


"No coin has been found in the house." Daniella replies, taking a load of women's clothing from the wardrobe.  "Every room's been searched, except for that nasty one.  Nobody's gone in there."

Dani goes downstairs and exits the building, intent on getting the clothing items to the lady priestess.

"Oh you're awake." She says with a beaming smile.  "I was sure we were goners there.  I brought you some clothes.  Your's got all burned up.  I'm Daniella by the way.  You can call me Dani.  That's what my friends call me."

Dani gives Alaion a suggestive look, like he should be somewhere else for a bit.

"Maybe they need some help in the house Blade."
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 19:37, Sun 08 Jan 2023.
Alaion Dragonblade
Player, 103 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:460
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 0/1
Sun 8 Jan 2023
at 19:36
  • msg #347


Alaion coughs nervously and gets up, "Of course.  Loki, you stay."

He scratches the dog behind the ears, then makes his way into the house so the priestess can put on her clothing without humiliation.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 62 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Sun 8 Jan 2023
at 21:16
  • msg #348


Valeros Sothgard:
"Oh? Who? Who do you suspect is the evil one's helper in town?"
Val asks as he is heading out the door to give the women their privacy.

"I'm afraid the V is for Vade. Shavaros Vade, a powerful mage in the Falcon's Hollow."
Xen shifts her weight awkwardly and looks at her feet before continuing. "He's also my mentor," she mumbles.

Dani's discovery of the iron box conveniently changes the subject. Xen initially welcomes the distraction, but soon the evil radiating from the container has her wishing they hadn't found it at all. "Val's right," she concludes after examining it from a safe distance. "We can't leave it here for that greasy priest to pick up when he comes back. But if we bring it back to town, we're going to have to be careful. There are a lot of eyes there and who knows who they are working for."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 228 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sun 8 Jan 2023
at 21:21
  • msg #349

What to do?

"I don't think we can just hide it, I'm sure they could scry it's location. With the help of the priests, perhaps we can destroy it, Perhaps the priestess can help us, her mother is the high priest isn't she?"
Player, 31 posts
Sun 8 Jan 2023
at 21:53
  • msg #350

What to do?

“Perhaps we can use the box and the evil it contains as bait,” Duivelssmak suggests.  “Its owner is bound to come looking for it, and we can have a surprise waiting for him when he does.”
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 63 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Sun 8 Jan 2023
at 22:28
  • msg #351

What to do?

"If someone can destroy it, I say we do that." She stares at the box again, stomach tightening into a knot. "I just hope we can do it before Vade finds out we have it."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 230 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sun 8 Jan 2023
at 22:30
  • msg #352

What to do?

"I don't think we're ready for them. But we can beat them down as we learn and destroy them when we're stronger and more able. We can watch and bide our time as we battle them. Can Vade defeat the priestess, if we help her?"
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 64 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Sun 8 Jan 2023
at 23:05
  • msg #353

What to do?

"I'm afraid he could. He's very powerful and now he has the aid of that greasy priest and God knows who else. I get the feeling he's well connected in Falcon's Hollow, but he's so secretive. Who exactly is a friend and who a foe, I haven't a clue."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 231 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Mon 9 Jan 2023
at 13:24
  • msg #354

What to do?

"Hmmm, yes, I thought so, he's a very powerful wizard then, we couldn't last more than a minute with him. We'll take it to the temple, secretly and don't let anyone near it until inside. The evil would reveal itself if anyone got too close. Once in the temple, the priestess can either hide it in a sanctified place where it is neutralized, or destroy it if possible!"

"Let's gather those horses that were in the corral, they can replace what we lost, get the goats and anything salvageable we can take back and sale. Was there simple tools and a wagon in the barn?"

Player, 32 posts
Mon 9 Jan 2023
at 16:24
  • msg #355

What to do?

Duivelssmak sighs.  "If the enemy is as powerful as you say, you may be right: the goal should be to destroy this accursed item.  And it goes without saying, but we must not even consider using it ourselves.  My only fear about the plan is that we'll be putting the temple at risk by bringing this there.  But we must seek counsel."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 232 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Mon 9 Jan 2023
at 16:48
  • msg #356

What to do?

"Perhaps we can sneak into town a back way, and go into the temple through a back door? Xen, Alaion, the rest of you? What do you think? Can our priestess help us?"
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 65 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Tue 10 Jan 2023
at 03:46
  • msg #357

What to do?

Xen considers the heavy decision before her, furrowing her brows, uncertain of the wisest course of action. "If the priestess is feeling better," she finally concedes. "Maybe she has an idea. Otherwise I say we get that thing to the church as fast as we can. They'll know what to do with it."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 233 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Tue 10 Jan 2023
at 13:43
  • msg #358

What to do?

"Then let us speak to the priestess and get rid of that box before all hell devours us to get it back. Gather our kids and menagerie of animals and head back to town. Lead the way to the priestess we saved and we'll talk to her then. Can I buy you a drink and a meal later on Xen?" He reddens noticeably when he says the latter, not sure how she might feel.
This message was last edited by the player at 13:44, Tue 10 Jan 2023.
Myshra Knowles
NPC, 6 posts
2nd Level Cleric
HP 4/8 SP 0/2
Tue 10 Jan 2023
at 17:42
  • msg #359

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg

Myshra dons the clothing with Dani's help.  The healing was not complete and what healing there was, left burn scars on her backside. Her hair would grow back and she ties it up best she can with what she has on hand.

"It's too bad I lost my pack. It had healing potions in it as well as healing herbs and bandages." Myshra says, fastening the last button to the blouse top. "That brute took everything; even my pendant of faith. Said he would take real good care of it."

She glares at the fallen ogre-kin's corpse balefully.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 235 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Wed 11 Jan 2023
at 15:15
  • msg #360

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg

"We'll leave him there for the buzzards and wild animals to eat, or should we throw it on the pyre to keep HIM from raising him again? Probably the latter, he'd be hard to deal with as an undead."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:16, Wed 11 Jan 2023.
Myshra Knowles
NPC, 7 posts
2nd Level Cleric
HP 4/8 SP 0/2
Wed 11 Jan 2023
at 15:56
  • msg #361

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg

That's a good idea Val." Myshra says. "Put him on the part of the pyre still burning."
Daniella Schrumer
NPC, 41 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Wed 11 Jan 2023
at 16:01
  • msg #362

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1100.12 High Sun

"Oh! I found your things Myshra in that barn." Dani exclaims. She bolts to the other side of the pyre and to the left corner of the farmstead house. It is there she threw her packs down before leaping for the pyre's ledge. She recovers her's and Myshra's packs then returns to the priestess.

"Here." The rogue says, offering the pack. "I didn't go through it at all."
Myshra Knowles
NPC, 8 posts
2nd Level Cleric
HP 4/8 SP 0/2
Wed 11 Jan 2023
at 16:09
  • msg #363

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg

Myshra takes the offered pack. Rummaging through her things, she recovers three potions of healing. She drinks one and the magic that envelops her heals all wounds, though leaving scars.

"Is anyone in dire need of healing?" She asks of those around her. "I dont know some of you. My name is Myshra Knowles and I am a cleric of St. Cuthbert only recently returned to my home in the Hollow before being abducted. Goodness me, I dont know what day it is. I was abducted on a Thursday."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 236 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Wed 11 Jan 2023
at 16:21
  • msg #364

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg

"It is the 23rd day of Muin, my name is Valeros Sothgard, at your service Myshra." The 6'6" warrior said to her.
This message was last edited by the player at 17:11, Wed 11 Jan 2023.
Myshra Knowles
NPC, 9 posts
2nd Level Cleric
HP 4/8 SP 0/2
Wed 11 Jan 2023
at 17:34
  • msg #365

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg

Myshra turns to regard the speaker,  a tall rugged looking man.  She swims within dark brown eyes for a moment before replying.

"Well met good man Valeros. Sunnendaeg!" She exclaims with a bit of surprise. "Sunnendaeg.  My mother will be frought with worry."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 237 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Wed 11 Jan 2023
at 17:41
  • msg #366

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg

Valeros, seeing the twinkle in her eyes, is slightly enraptured, she is quite beautiful. "Part of the group here was sent by your mother as she saw that you were in need. She knew your plight, so yes, she is worried. We found a box that emanates evil. It needs destroyed and we thought perhaps your mother might know what to do with it. Is there a way to sneak it into the temple, as we are afraid Vade is in conspiracy with the necromancer. Anyone else have something to offer that I have forgot?"
Myshra Knowles
NPC, 10 posts
2nd Level Cleric
HP 4/8 SP 0/2
Wed 11 Jan 2023
at 21:47
  • msg #367

Ironbound strongbox

Myshra thinks a moment, then asks, "What is in the box?"
Player, 33 posts
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 03:28
  • msg #368

Ironbound strongbox

“Evil,” Duivelssmak says simply.  “No doubt you are better off not knowing more than that.”

As would we all, he thinks.  But some of us aren’t permitted that luxury.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 66 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 05:10
  • msg #369

Ironbound strongbox

Xen is flattered by Val's offer to buy dinner and a drink, but her bubble bursts when his approving gaze falls just as quickly upon Myshra. Just as well, she concludes to herself. I've got problems enough as it is. My parents are probably worried sick about me, my mentor is quite possibly involved with a suspicious necromancer, and we're now in possession of an item that is so evil, it almost made me retch a few minutes ago.

"I think they pretty much summed it up," Xen concurs to Val and Duivelssmak's summary. "Whatever's in there probably shouldn't see the light of day. We need somebody with the wisdom to know what to do with it. That's where your mother comes in."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 238 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 12:36
  • msg #370

Ironbound strongbox

Val stands quite close to Xen, as she was his choice, he liked her grit as much as her beauty and the fact that she was sharp as a tack. Smartest woman he ever met!

To Myshra, "Is there a back way into the temple that we can use unobserved? We wish not to be disturbed or for others to know we have it, it would endanger the temple."
NPC, 11 posts
2nd Level Cleric
HP 4/8 SP 0/2
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 16:03
  • msg #371

ironbound strongbox

"Very well." Myshra says. "We shall leave whatever is in the box alone. I shall carry it within my pack. Let my mother deal with its contents. She will know what to do."

"Where is this box? I will fetch it."

She starts walking toward the farmstead home, examining each of the companions.

"Yes. There is a lesser used door to the temple. We can take it through there to my mother." She says, looking thoughtful. "Some of you look exhausted, battle weary, and greatly wounded."

She takes one of the potions from her pack and beckons Xune, Alaion, and Valeros to her. She notes the small scratches and cuts on every portion of exposed skin. Some cuts were very deep. What ever in the abyss did this, she wonders, running fingers along some of the gashes of Valeros' arm. She looks him in the eyes, feeling such gratitude for these strangers who risked their lives in saving her. She holds the vial of bue liquid out to Vakeros.

"Drink a third of this only." She explains. "This magical healing potion is strong."

This message was last edited by the player at 01:12, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 239 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 16:14
  • msg #372

ironbound strongbox

As Valeros was very hurt, he took the healing potion and drank from it a third, then hands it to Xune. "So Xen, what are you hungry for? I'm hungry and thirsty. He inhales the scent of her hair, intoxicating to him! He reaches out and touches her hand, "I hope I'm not being too forward, but I do enjoy being with you, hopefully you feel the same." he says in a low voice that only she can hear.

[Private to Valeros Sothgard: Edited to reflect being very wounded at time of healing. ]
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:22, Thu 12 Jan 2023.
Almar Paronas
OrphanPC, 7 posts
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 16:22
  • msg #373


"Thorgwain has gone to gather the horses." Almar says.  "I will prep the cart for travel. Then we can start loading it with goods you may want to sell in the markets."

The stoic elf watches as the woman priestess offers to heal others. Truly altruistic. He grimaces when the elf known as Xune drinks from the vial, and turns away in silent thought.  He makes his way to the barn.

"Could use some help Alaion." He says loud enough for the others to hear. "Girh-aronin majere!"

Elven-- "Strength in brotherhood."

This message was last edited by the player at 16:25, Thu 12 Jan 2023.
OrphanPC, 6 posts
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 16:35
  • msg #374

What to do?

Janser takes three small colorfully painted spheres from a pocket and shows it to Wilhelm and Minara. She tosses a ball in the air, then another and as she catches the first ball, tosses the third in the air. She tosses the first into a now empty hand and repeats over and over sometimes high, sometimes low. Wilhelms eyes become large saucers as he tries to follow the balls. Then, out of nowhere there were four balls, then five flying. Wilhelm smiles, claps, and cheers and looks at his sister.  His joy vanishes as the girl still stares off into space in an unresponsive manner.

"Oh Min. Min!" She says, placing a small hand on her shoulder.

Janser stops juggling the balls.

"She needs time boy." She says gently.
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:31, Thu 19 Jan 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 241 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 17:34
  • msg #375

What to do?

"How many goats are there? Can we herd them to the orphanage? Or sale them. We can't let them here to die or be eaten by wild things."

When he has time, he helps put the ogre on the pyre. Mostly he watches over the goings on and pays attention to Xen.
Myshra Knowles
NPC, 12 posts
2nd Level Cleric
HP 4/8 SP 0/2
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 18:56
  • msg #376

What to do?

"Orphanage?" Myshra asks in reply. "What orphanage? If you mean Elara's, it burned down years ago."
Player, 34 posts
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 19:03
  • msg #377

What to do?

As the others go about their various tasks, Duivelssmak keeps an eye on the box containing evil.  He knew that bad things could be very slippery and elusive, especially when they were not watched carefully.  It was a doleful task, being the watcher, but that was part of what came with being a cleric.
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 55 posts
1st Level Elf
HP: 1/6, SP: 0/1
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 19:05
  • msg #378

What to do?

Having kept to herself since the assault, Xune approaches the rest of the group by the pyre, idly cleaning the end of her wicked-looking shortsword with a bit of rage she'd cut from one of the zombies' accoutrements. The dark elf clucks her tongue at the sight of the ogrekin roasting among the pyre and narrows her pink eyes to near slits, before spitting upon the corpse and tossing the bloodstained rag into the flames. A shame, she thinks, to for this wretched oaf to receive a warrior's funeral. But would that it prevent it from returning in undeath.

Approaching Myshra, Xune gives the priestess a solemn nod of gratitude and acknowledgment. "Seems you were right, priestess. It took more than one of me. By the goddess' grace, the numbers were in my favor."

The dark elf woman sheathes her sword and daggers, wrapping the severed finger of the ogrekin in a bit of torn cloth, before approaching Valeros and Xen to display her grotesque trophy. "Figured we'd need proof of the kill, if there's a bounty to be collected."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 242 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 19:23
  • msg #379

What to do?

"Excellent Xune, I hadn't even thought of it. For your own safety, you should consider travelling in a party or group of friends, it is quite dangerous in the wilderness. Perhaps you could be talked into accompanying us, we could use another of skill with a blade."
Daniella Schrumer
NPC, 42 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 19:25
  • msg #380

ironbound strongbox

Daniella returns to the site of the evil box and finds Duiv standing watch with a vigilant eye.

"C'mon Duiv, can I call you Duiv? It's easier to pronounce." Dani asks, blushing at her infraction. "Let's get this thing to the cart. Myshra says she will carry it, but I'm not about to let her."

Dani approaches the bed, again feeling a sense of dread. She had already touched the box. It was she who brought it from under the bed afterall. Steeling herself she takes the ironbound box and leaves the building. She is headed for the barn where the cart should be being prepared.
This message was last updated by the GM at 19:25, Thu 12 Jan 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 243 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 19:34
  • msg #381

What to do?

"In that case Myshra, can the temple take the goats and raise the children, they appear to be orphaned, the ogre killed their parents. The goats, their meat, and their milk, could offset the cost a bit, and we could help some perhaps in the future if we're able to."

He looked back and forth to the others for approval of his idea. He hoped they'd like it.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:39, Thu 12 Jan 2023.
Alaion Dragonblade
OrphanPC, 104 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:460
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 0/1
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 19:43
  • msg #382

What to do?

Alaion drinks the last of the healing drought after Xune imbibes her portion.

"Thank you priestess." He says to Myshra while watching Almar walk away. "Sounds like a solid plan Val."

Being beckoned for, he excuses himself and follows Almar.

"Loki! Come."
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:44, Thu 12 Jan 2023.
Myshra Knowles
NPC, 13 posts
2nd Level Cleric
HP 4/8 SP 0/2
Thu 12 Jan 2023
at 21:12
  • msg #383


I'm not sure." Myshra replies. "I mean, she would not turn them away but would likely eventually send them south to an orphanage in Falcarragh unless the Millers want to take in more children. They have four children that are not of their making.  Shynla can not bear children of her own aftrer suffering several miscarriages."

"I suggest we bring them to the temple first."

The priestess' eyes are drawn to Dani as she passes by them, apparently heading for the barn.

"Is that the box?"

It was true. She can feel a palpable evit emanation from it as they passed several feet away.

"How curious." She says.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 67 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Fri 13 Jan 2023
at 05:21
  • msg #384


While flattered by the doting of the giant man that is Valeros, Xen is nevertheless cautious. She is young, but not without some wisdom regarding the ways of men, especially those who are of the better looking variety. "I - uhhhhh. I enjoy your company, too, Val... but maybe we should take care of these children first? I mean... yeah. We need to make sure they're safe."

Feeling clumsy and awkward as she speaks, Xen actually welcomes the dread feeling that overtakes her when Dani arrives with the box. Although clearly evil, it provides a distraction from her flustered rambling to Val.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 244 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Fri 13 Jan 2023
at 11:39
  • msg #385


Val smiles, all he wanted was a chance. She was his choice, we'll see how it turns out he thought.

"Let's get the wagon loaded and the kids on board, far away from the box, or the kids can ride on horses with us."

"At least there is someone to raise them and give them love. If I were married and settled down I'd think about it myself, but with the current situation, it would not be fair to them as I'm an adventurer."

[Private to Valeros Sothgard: Edited. Alaion is not in your present company, according to his post. ]
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:20, Fri 13 Jan 2023.
Dungeon Master
GM, 473 posts
Teller of Tales
Fri 13 Jan 2023
at 15:54
  • msg #386

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1240 High Sun

Alaion and Almar take the horse Alaion was riding and harness the beast to the cart's leading poles. The cart can be drawn by beast or man with those poles. It has low wooden sides and one axle. The bed is ten feet of wood planks. There is a simple plank board seat for a driver.

Thorgwain manages to tether six of eight horses and bring them to the barn. That makes for seven mounts and one other used as a beast of burden. The other two younger horses are being high spirited and having nothing to do with the dwarf.

Saddles, bankets, bags for oats, reins, bit-n-bridle, are all found in the tack bay of the barn. Dani places the ironbound strongbox in the cart behind the seat while Thorgwain, Alaion, and Almar begin saddling the horses.
Daniella Schrumer
NPC, 43 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Fri 13 Jan 2023
at 16:05
  • msg #387

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1240 High Sun

Dani returns to the priestess and others.

"I have secured the box on the cart." She says, gesturing back over her shoulder  "what else do we want to load onto the cart?"

She then peers at the other building with squinted eyes from the high sun beating down on her. Is there zombies in there, she wonders. Curiosity edges past caution.

"Should we look in there?" She asks aloud, gesturing now at the smaller of the three buildings. "Might be more of these zombies. I think he was wanting an army for something. We should destroy all of them. And I didnt look for a cellar on the big house. There's not one on the west side."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 245 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Fri 13 Jan 2023
at 17:02
  • msg #388

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1240 High Sun

"Or there might be more 'food' there for the ogre, . . . prisoners. I guess we should check everywhere we can think of, don't want to leave someone to die. I'll lead the way."

Valeros leads whoever goes to check the building real quick,+ over to it. When he gets there, he listens, then opens the door! Axe in hand, just in case!
This message was last edited by the player at 18:09, Fri 13 Jan 2023.
Player, 35 posts
Fri 13 Jan 2023
at 19:45
  • msg #389

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1240 High Sun

Duivelssmak suspects they are making a mistake by not leaving immediately.  Nonetheless, he brandishes his holy symbol yet again and follows Valeros, ready to back him up.

Ordinarily, he would agree with the principle that they should finish what they’ve started.  He hopes they have enough time.
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 56 posts
1st Level Elf
HP: 6/6, SP: 0/1
Fri 13 Jan 2023
at 22:34
  • msg #390

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1240 High Sun

Xune sighs as Valeros suggests she travel with the human group. Perhaps, in some senses, he is right, she admits to herself. She'd made it thus far by going it alone, taking to the cover of darkness and allowing no one to come too close to discerning her motives or goals. And I'm not about to just yet, either... The dark elf woman grins, stowing the ogre's wrapped finger into her knapsack, and gestures to the traveling elves Alaion and Almar. "Cryfder mewn niferoedd. Our paths still cross, for a time. I will accompany you until Falcon's Hollow, at the least. I still have business there to attend. There are inquiries to be made. In the immediate...I am your blade in the dark."

As the mountainous human makes his way to the unchecked building, Xune approaches Xenaryn and winks, leaning in to the young girl's ear. [Private to Dungeon Master; Xenaryn Faustich: "Mentro'n feiddgar. A saying of my people...I think you would say...always try new things?" she whispers.] The dark elf draws her blades and marches to the shack with purpose, gesturing to Duivelssmak. "My thanks for your liniments, priest. I will see to it that you are requited."
Daniella Schrumer
NPC, 44 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Fri 13 Jan 2023
at 22:43
  • msg #391

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1240 High Sun

Daniella throws her pack back on the ground near Myshra and unslings her bow.  She readies an arrow and follows close behind Valeros.

"I am right behind you big fella." she says quietly.
Player, 36 posts
Sat 14 Jan 2023
at 02:08
  • msg #392

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1240 High Sun

“Think nothing of it,” the cleric replies to Xune.  But even as he speaks, he is distracted.  He keeps looking in the direction of that strongbox.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 68 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Sat 14 Jan 2023
at 04:53
  • msg #393

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1240 High Sun

Xen raises an eyebrow at the dark elf's whispered words, then watches her depart with the others. She isn't sure what to make of Xune, but is intrigued by her mysterious nature. After a long pause, she readies her staff and follows.
Player, 20 posts
Dancer and singer
Sat 14 Jan 2023
at 10:08
  • msg #394

Ironbound strongbox

Larn follows behind the others to the unexplored building. The youth has little experience outside his tribe; this day has brought many surprises. He expects more before its end. He stands with his small axe at the ready, would it be more zombies?
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 247 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sat 14 Jan 2023
at 12:30
  • msg #395

Ironbound strongbox

Val goes to the last buildings door. He puts his ear to it and listens but for a second. Not being the sneaky type, he just opens the door and looks inside! He looks left, right, up and down before stepping through.

After he looks at everyone else who followed him, he stepped in, axe ready just in case.
Dungeon Master
GM, 477 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 14 Jan 2023
at 19:54
  • msg #396

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1400 High Sun

While Thorgwain, Almar, and Alaion are busy readying horses and gathering up sheep, the other companions who are not keeping a watch on children enter the other building on the property.  They search through six apartments; each can hold up to four, one kitchen, and one commons room for social gathering. The building appears to be for the farm hands and farmhouse staff living.  There is little else beyond a closet under the stairs or a larder off the kitchen.  Wardrobes have all been busted and almost all furniture broken.  There are no zombies in the building.  A quick search of the apartments reveals several hidden caches of coin. Nothing is found of a magical nature.  In all, one might get as much as 2500 gold for various items of personal jewelry and art if sold in high market. This added with the 338 silver, 28 electrum, and 20 platinum coins found in hidden caches adds up to a nice sum.

By the time the team is done searching and transporting art, clothing, jewelry boxes, and anything else of worth to the cart, the sheep is rounded up and ready to be herded to town.

It is decided that Xenaryn, Xune, Daniella, Duivelssmak, Myshra, and Janser would ride horses. Valeros will drive the cart from its seat.  Alaion, Loki, Almar and Larn will walk behind the procession, herding the sheep along as necessary. The two children will ride in the back of the cart where they can.

It is the start of the low sun hours when all is ready.

I will need some in character discussion on what happens when you arrive into town. 

Valeros Sothgard
Player, 250 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sat 14 Jan 2023
at 20:07
  • msg #397

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1400 High Sun

Finally on the way, it was several hours to town, it would be dark before they got there probably. He was relieved they all survived, though many were gravely injured over the course of the day. They all had performed well, and a few of the newcomer might be useful to keep around, Duiv and Larn in particular! A good healer and a brave warrior who held little fear. A few might depart, too much for them to deal with. He didn't want to see anyone leave. We'll see.

"So, any of you folks think you could handle the life we live?" He asks loudly of the new travelers.

The women were deadly and had guts too! All of them were so brave! The ogre and the zombies were a lot to deal with yet they had succeeded! And Xen! . . . . .

When they get to town, he will let Myshra lead the way to the back of the temple. No one needs to know what they found. They will all have to be sworn to secrecy about it.

[Private to Valeros Sothgard: Edited to reflect that you have not reached town yet.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:54, Sat 14 Jan 2023.
Daniella Schrumer
NPC, 45 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Sat 14 Jan 2023
at 20:59
  • msg #398


"I find it quite exciting, but awfully dangerous too." Dani says to Valeros who drives the horse drawn cart.  The cart hits every little bump in the rutted road and she is glad she is not the one sitting there.  "Still, it feels good to help someone even if it is very risky."

She smiles at Myshra, feeling a warmth to her cheeks building.  She quickly looks away.

"If its still light out when we get to the temple Val, I can take the cart into the markets."
Myshra Knowles
NPC, 14 posts
2nd Level Cleric
HP 4/8 SP 0/2
Sat 14 Jan 2023
at 21:04
  • msg #399

What to do?

Myshra keeps her eyes forward, watching the road ahead as they plod along behind the cart.  She watches the children as well, especially the little girl.  It worries her that the she has been so unresponsive the last few hours.  I hope mother can help her, she wistfully hopes.

"If what Daniella was telling me is true, then someone shall need to speak with the sheriff in town." Myshra says aloud to the others. "Firstly, about the children and the murder of their parents.  And secondly, about the ogre breaking the evil priest from gaol."
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:07, Sat 14 Jan 2023.
Xune Vvedryx
Player, 58 posts
1st Level Elf
HP: 6/6, SP: 0/1
Sun 15 Jan 2023
at 00:49
  • msg #400

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1400 High Sun

The ride back had been longer than Xune expected. She sat atop her horse and thought about the events in the past day...or two, or three, since she was still unsure of the passage of time between her completion of her mission and subsequent capture by the necromancer and his cultists. For the duration of the trip, the dark elf woman sits in reflective silence as she observes as the humans in their conversations and musings, almost as if in a trance. Xune meditates for a time, before she feels her mount whinny anxiously as they approach Falcon's Hollow. Scratching the beast behind the ears, Xune thinks back to a lifetime lost ages past, the wind flowing through her braids and the sound of beating wings. The lavender-skinned elf's eyes narrow, and she guides her horse beside the cart.

"Gwaed yn genhedlu gwaed," she muses aloud. "There is always a price to be paid. We've paid ours, now it is time we exact our turn. It seems I have unfinished business at the Hollow Tribunal, so I will also speak with the sheriff should I find him there."

The dark elf is not unaccustomed to the glares and glances that are sent in her direction as she rides through the town, but the absence of her cloak does ruffle her feathers. She attracted less attention with the garment and knows she must obtain another soon. Huffing, Xune keeps her eyes forward. At the moment, there is more important business to attend.
Player, 37 posts
Sun 15 Jan 2023
at 01:02
  • msg #401

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1400 High Sun

Duivelssmak mostly keeps silent as they ride into town.  For one thing, the evil in the box refuses to leave his thoughts.  For another, he has little riding experience and always felt uncomfortable on a horse.  He half expects the poor creature to throw him and then trample him for good measure.

But then Xune mentions the price they have paid, and that spurs a reaction from him.

“I am afraid we have only begun to pay our price,” he says wistfully.  “No matter, though.  Whatever the gods demand of us is what we shall deliver, even if it includes our last drops of blood.  But I do hope it doesn’t come to that.”
This message was last edited by the player at 01:03, Sun 15 Jan 2023.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 70 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Sun 15 Jan 2023
at 06:15
  • msg #402

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1400 High Sun

Xen gathers her thoughts while riding back to Falcon's Hollow. So much has changed since the night before last when she snuck out the window of her parents' house to investigate that barking dog. Finally, I'm not just working in the shop and studying in the Tower. I'm living! But am I really an adventurer? I can't kill zombies like Val or Alaion? I can patch a wound like Mom taught me, but I can't heal with divine powers like Duivelssmak can. I can cast spells, but so far all that's done is unintentionally kill somebody! Maybe he deserved it, but... She took a deep breath, still shaken by the result of the spell she cast the day before.

And as for my spell casting, it appears that my mentor is the colleague of a greasy necromancer. What does that make me?!?!
She rubs at the mark on her forehead, a memento of her apprenticeship under the withering lord of the tower, wishing she could erase it, yet certain she cannot.

Still, Xen is determined that life holds more for her than making candles and cleaning up after wizards. I will do good in the world. I will make up for the downfall of my mentor. I will use his own teachings to help undo whatever plot he has contrived. Mom and Dad will protest, but I will explain to them that my friends and I saved the lives of two children today. Saved their lives! There is no going back to candle making after that. And the money! Already I've made more than a week in the shop would pay me. Once I buy a fresh change of clothes and whatever healing supplies I can find at the Goose'n'Gander, I'll give the rest to them.

Although not religious as a general rule, she mutters a prayer to St. Cuthbert, hoping for His help getting her parents to accept her decision.

And with the decision made, she begins preparing for her life as an adventurer. First, she rides toward Alaion, emboldened by talking to him from atop a horse. "Alaion, I wonder if I might be able to learn the alarm spell you cast upon the cabin yesterday. A repayment for the spell I prepared for you?" And while bold enough for to ask Alaion, she still shies away from Xune, whose confidence still intimidates Xen.

When they finally arrive in town, Xen tries to make her way home without alerting the others that she still lives with her parents. In the morning she plans to explain her future to her parents (St. Cuthbert help me!) then proceed to the Goose'n'Gander for supplies, before finally joining up with her fellow adventurers!
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 251 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sun 15 Jan 2023
at 12:26
  • msg #403

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1400 High Sun

When they got to the temple, Val helped the children down that needed help, probably just Min. He slowly and cautiously approached the chest and drug it to the back of the wagon. He carried it in, following whoever led and opened the door. He was wary of the evil emanating from the box, it was even affecting him, and he didn't like it too much. He looked around for Xen, but she was gone, as was apparently, Xune. They were already going their separate ways to take care of business.

He was worried about Alaion and Loki, they had been the most severely injured, and might not continue with them. He might have to work on a few replacements, He fealt Larn and Duiv would accompany them, a real cleric was a good thing, Xen's poultices were great though for when he ran out of spells.

"We'll keep the wagon and horses I think, they may come in handy. Or sell the wagon and get a few mules to carry our goods."
Player, 38 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 15:41
  • msg #404

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1400 High Sun

"Mules can be hard to manage, or so I've heard," Duivelssmak says, smiling half-heartedly.  "They're stubborn animals.  Much like sinners, in their own right.  But I suppose we all qualify as sinners, at some point or other."

So hard to stop thinking about the box.  But perhaps he shouldn't forget about it, even for a moment.

Was it also thinking about them?  He wondered...
This message was last edited by the player at 15:43, Mon 16 Jan 2023.
Myshra Knowles
NPC, 15 posts
2nd Level Cleric
HP 4/8 SP 0/2
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 16:39
  • msg #405

What to do?

Myshra takes the reins of the horse and cautiously mounts it. She is not an experienced rider, but quickly learns how to maneuver the beast. It takes an hour to realize she needed to also use he legs and feet when guiding. After that realization   it became much easier.  As the day progressed, her thoughts are on the people of the Littlefield farmstead. All dead. For what purpose?

Through conversation, she discovers there are actually two groups here, now made into one. One was sent to save her at the request of her mother. She must have communed through the godbowl, she supposes. Or, does it possess a scrying ability. Admittedly, she knows very little of the artifact of the gods, much less so as to where it is located. Duivelssmak seems gentlemanly, yet is tortured with insecurity in himself, not necessarily his faith. Larn she knows the least about. He is young and she believes she has seen him around the Hollow many times. Almar is as elf as they come and Janser is very likeable, finding something positive in everything.

The other group come by her by the grace of the Lady, Iomedae, having pursued the brute through the night and finding those children's parents murdered. That must have been horrible, and the children. It is not surprising the little girl has yet to recover from traumatic shock. Of that group, she likes Dani the most, probably because she saved her life. The others did too, but Dani suffered in flames for her. Was willing to give her life for her. What other sixteen year old would do such a thing? Myshra feels a bond with the strange elf, Xune, having been bound together in that coup. She hopes Xune does not blame herself for her recapture. There was no way of knowing the farmstead was not safe.

She ponders her plight upon the pyre. The priest was to recieve a boon of some sort for sacrificing her, a cleric of light. What boon?

Her thoughts are disrupted when she notices they have arrived in the Hollow. When they turn onto Justice road she glances at the sheriff's building as they passed. The door is closed. What has transpired since last night, she wonders.

Once they reach Worship row they proceed until reaching the temple to Iomedae. She directs her companions to the right-hand side toward the back where there is a pen. There is also a back entrance to the building. She takes the children's hands and follows valeros as he takes the ironbound strongbox into the temple. She leads them to an inner alcove off the main room. The sound of water flowing off the center fountain is soothing to the ears.

Myshra gestures to a low table cluttered with bowls of white and black sands. "Put it here. I will get mother." She says to those who entered with them. "Sit and relax. I will be right back. Wilhelm  you and Min come with me."
Almar Paronas
OrphanPC, 8 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 16:44
  • msg #406

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1700hrs low sun

I will take yhe horses to stable." Almar offers as Valeros enters the temple. He turns to Duivelssmak with a direct look that conveyed a message between them. "You can find me at the Sitt'n Duck. I hope she was worth the risk."[Private to Duivelssmak: Durect look - we have a payment coming.]
He nods, then takes the reins of the horses needing stabled. Some may still ride to their business elsewhere.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:07, Tue 17 Jan 2023.
Player, 253 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 17:02
  • msg #407

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1700hrs low sun

Valeros follows Myshra into the temple and sets the box on the table where he was told to put it. The thing felt nasty, he needed a shower to try to wash the evil off of him.

None had answered his call when it was cast on the road, perhaps they would think about it. A few new companions might keep them alive. They all seemed fine people, he was protective of all of them, like a big brother to them. He waited quietly for now, there would be a time!
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:06, Tue 17 Jan 2023.
OrphanPC, 7 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 18:31
  • msg #408

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1700hrs low sun

Janser jumps to the ground from the high saddled horse. It stands several hands taller than her and is more than little intimidating. Lucky for her the beast simply followed the other horses the way to the temple. After handing Almar the reins of the horse she follows the tall man named Valeros into the temple. She finds the fountain quite fascinating and looks into its waters to see coins suttung on the tiled bottom.  Fascinated,  she turns and follows the others into the curtained alcove and is happy to see a couple of long benches alon two walls. She takes a seat on one and swings his feet back and forth.

"Think she'll be long?" She asks no one in particular.
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:18, Fri 20 Jan 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 254 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 18:55
  • msg #409

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1700hrs low sun

"Probably not too long. What did you think about your adventure today Janser? Interested in doing it more often, or was once more than enough? I'd like to explore all around and gain knowledge and treasure. When I'm rich, retire to a fat wife and kids!" he grins at the smaller woman.

"I want to be a hero! A rich man who is a hero, a nice big house on the hill, maybe a small keep for protection."
This message was last edited by the GM at 22:19, Fri 20 Jan 2023.
OrphanPC, 8 posts
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 20:08
  • msg #410

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1700hrs low sun

"Oh yes!" Exclaims Janser. " It was nail-biting at times, but yes enjoyed the adventure. Short as it was."

The halfling looks at the box. It made her feel like butterflies were within her. Maybe that was a power of what ever was inside. It could be any manner of object in there. "Think she will open it?" She asks quietly. "I'd like to see what makes my insides squirm so."
This message was last edited by the GM at 23:28, Thu 19 Jan 2023.
Player, 255 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Mon 16 Jan 2023
at 20:40
  • msg #411

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1700hrs low sun

"I don't know what is to be done with it. I just hope it all turns out well for us. This 'Vade' character sounds very dangerous, him and his pet necromancer! At least we made a few coin in the process and might make more, I'm not sure. I'll buy the first round for the party at the tavern when we are done here. We can talk about our futures then. I think several of us were, . . . excited, . . about what we did. What is your specialty Janser? As you can tell, I'm okay with weapons and armor and a shield. Duiv looks to be a priest I think it is safe to assume."
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:07, Tue 17 Jan 2023.
OrphanPC, 9 posts
Tue 17 Jan 2023
at 00:58
  • msg #412

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1240 High Sun

"I don't really have a specialty.  I'm just me." Janser replies.  "I would not mind being considered a hero. I don't know of any Hin that are considered a hero.  Have you ever heard of one being so called?"

The halfling looks at Valeros with eyes that says she doubts he had.  The Hin's legs kick back and forth beneath the bench and he looks quickly at the others, gaging if he should say what he was thinking.

"There's one thing I am good at," the Hin chuffs.  "but it is something that can get people in serious-- no, I mean really serious trouble."

The Hin gulps, giving Valeros and the others the impression he speaks from some sort of experience.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:58, Fri 20 Jan 2023.
Player, 71 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Tue 17 Jan 2023
at 04:58
  • msg #413

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1700hrs low sun

When they arrive in town, Xen dismounts and leads her horse to Almar, understanding he will take it to the stable. She thinks for a few moments before explaining her situation, trying her best to hide the fact that she still lives with her parents. "I already a place to stay here. I also have some... business to attend to." She looks to Val, not sure if she'll be able to get away from her parents' overprotective grasp or, even if she can, whether the others will accept her into their group moving forward. She puts on a confident face, but it only betrays the frailty of her confidence. "So where do we meet tomorrow then? The Sitting Duck?"

Once a meeting place is established with her new companions, she departs for home, dreading the upcoming conversation.
This message was last edited by the GM at 20:08, Tue 17 Jan 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 493 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 17 Jan 2023
at 20:56
  • msg #414

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1710hrs low sun

The companions wait for a bit, then Myshra emerges from around the corner privacy curtain. With her is an older woman of the same features with little in the way of mar to  her beauty. Next to her is a dark haired, fair complected woman holding a couple of vials. She smiles with genuine appreciation, taking a hand of the older woman. A holy symbol on a pendant identifies the woman as a cleric of St. Cuthbert.
Lady Cirthana
Tue 17 Jan 2023
at 21:12
  • msg #415

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1710hrs low sun

"I hope you fare well on the morrow Okini." Lady Cirthana says. "These should help you or others who are wounded. They are strong, use them wisely." She says then sighs softly. "For the life of me, I understand not why you would re-enter that warren. The community thanks you, I thank you and your friends for saving those kid's lives."

The woman thanks her and departs with a only a glance and a respectful nod at those within the alcove.  Lady Cirthana turns, looking at the ironbound strongbox. "You are right child  I can feel the emanating evil from here." She regards Valeros, and Janser before finally addressing Duivelssmak.  Duivelssmak stands and the lady hugs her arms around the cleric, kissing him lightly on the cheek.

"You have returned my daughter to us." She exclaims with an infectious smile. "There is nothing I can give to equal this worth. Still, I shall reward your companions 200 gold coins each for their efforts. To you Duiv, I have something more to offer, but that can wait a few minutes. Who are your friends, and I understand they have quite a tale to tell. And I simply must meet this girl, Dani."

She looks over at Valeros.
Hand of Fate
GM, 494 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 17 Jan 2023
at 21:21
  • msg #416

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1720hrs low moon.

Xenaryn returns home. Her father looks from reading some text; pulls his pipe from his lips and frowns. Her mother, Ayne Faustich, turns in the kitchen area.

"Xenni!" The woman exclaims. She runs into the commons room wiping her hands furiously on her apron. "Xenni, where have you been!? There are murderers running loose in these streets. We thought you-- oh. I need to sit down." Ayne sits on the divan by the window where one of their shop's candles burns, putting a nice scented aroma into the air.

"Where have you been?" Joryn Faustich asks gruffly, getting up and placing another log on the fire.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:22, Tue 17 Jan 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 495 posts
Teller of Tales
Wed 18 Jan 2023
at 00:16
  • msg #417

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1730hrs low sun

Almar, Larn, and Thorgwain have stabled the horses and make their way to the Sitting Duck tavern. They find the place crowded with jubilant local patrons. It takes only a few moments to hear the story of a group of unknown adventurers having rescued some kids nabbed by black blooded fiends below the local mill.

Fate seems to make her presence known and at the moment Almar is told no more tables available, a serving girl tells the innkeeper lower room three is ready for customers. And the three of them find the lower private table. Lower, comes from them having to drop one step down and round a corner.
Player, 39 posts
Wed 18 Jan 2023
at 05:03
  • msg #418

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1730hrs low sun

Duivelssmak assures Lady Cirthana that his actions are nothing and that any alleged heroism on his part came directly from St Cuthbert, not from his unworthy self.  Worried that he may be overdoing it when it comes to humility, he moves on, assisting with the introductions.

Later, he will help make sure that the adventurers he rounded up receive their just reward.  But for now, he lingers, wondering what the good Lady meant by a special reward.  He hopes it is nothing beyond what he deserves.  After all, he isn’t here for his own glory.
This message was last edited by the player at 05:03, Wed 18 Jan 2023.
Player, 259 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Wed 18 Jan 2023
at 12:54
  • msg #419

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1730hrs low sun

Valeros nods his thanks. "We decided it was important that the evil necromancer lost this piece of himself forever, and his mentor Vade, too. We found a note from Vade to the necromancer, here it is." He hands the note over the priestess. "Is there a way to at the very least, hide it from them if it can't be destroyed." he asks her.

He then looks around at who is there and who is not. Noting Xen had disappeared from the little group.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 73 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Thu 19 Jan 2023
at 06:48
  • msg #420

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1730hrs low sun

Xen melts in her mother's comfortable embrace, smiling almost to the point of tears. Her father, predictably, is more stoic in his welcome, and she takes a deep breath before answering his question, knowing this response will change the course of her life.

"I've been to a few places. Starting with the sheriff's office, where we found this body killed by a brute of unbelievable strength. Someone had been freed, so we tracked the fugitive toward a farm, but first we came across Dani, and she was being hunted by some creeps who I think worked for Kabran Bloodeye. The farm had been ransacked and the parents were both killed, but the children were not, so we followed further to another farmstead and there was this greasy priest and he was doing some sort of ritual, and they were going to burn this poor girl on the pyre. Turns out she was the daughter of the priestess here in Falcon's Hollow. But Dani climbed on to save her and we thought she burned to death, too, but she fell into a well. They both did. So they were saved. But the priest - he had zombies attending to him, and they came at us and Val and Alaion cut them down. And then there was this huge ogre. I've never seen something so scary in my entire life..."

Stopping to take a breath, she realizes she is all over the place with her story. After another deep breath she gets to the point. "I've finally found what good I can do here. I always said there was more to life than study and candle-making and I've found it. There are some bad people doing bad things around Falcon's Hollow, but there are also good people. And I've found some. People who are willing to stand up against that evil and fight against it. We saved two children today! Defenseless children. Not to mention Dani and the daughter of the priestess. If we weren't there for them, St. Cuthbert only knows what would've happened. This is my calling. I can help not only with what I've learned at the Tower, but also with what you've taught me about binding wounds. I can't explain it, but I know this is what I should be doing."

She stands frozen, waiting for a reaction from either of her parents. God, I hope at least one of them gives me their blessing.
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:24, Thu 19 Jan 2023.
Lady Cirthana
Thu 19 Jan 2023
at 16:39
  • msg #421

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1730hrs low sun

The priestess takes the offered note and reads it carefully. She is quiet, in thought for several moments before speaking. "I caution you all. Be very careful this accusation does not leave your group." She says looking each in the eye. "Shavaros Vade is a powerful figure not only in the Hollow but in the region, if not beyond. His reach is far. This 'V' could be anybody, but if it is him, and it may not be, but if it is, he has the power deal with it. Do not take it to local authorities. Just forget your suspicions for now."

Lady Cirthana holds the note over one of the room's sconced candles, burning it to ash.

"Now, about this." She murmurs moving to regard the box. "We need to know what is inside." She tries to opening it and finds it unlocked. Inside is a stack of parchments beneath an ornate dagger next to a row of scrolls. She places the dagger on the table after a brief examination, then leafs through the parchments. It's a compilation of information on the deity commonly referred to as Nerull. The row of scrolls are priest scrolls, four of them. She lifts those out and lays them on the low table. Beneath those, she finds a tome. On a closer look of the tome's cover, Lady Cirthana closes the box with a heavy sigh.

"Evil indeed." she says. "You have found one of the books of vile darkness. I will safeguard this here. Once I have regained enough strength, I will commune with Iomedae on how it can be destroyed. Meanwhile, you all should take special care. This evil priest will want this back and may be recruiting forces to do so. I have some scrolls that give protection from evil that can be use should you need it."

She takes the strongbox from the table, leaving the scrolls and ornate dagger.

"Thank you all for your help in rescuing my daughter. Even though I reward you, I feel I am in debt to you. Be safe  Be wary. And if there is no further business I shall tend to some business with cleric Duivelssmak."
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:18, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 263 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Thu 19 Jan 2023
at 16:53
  • msg #422

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1730hrs low sun

"Thank you Lady Cirthana, you have been very generous. Any ideas what our next step should be? We need to find the necromancer before he gets into more trouble I think, but no idea where to look for him." He looks to all of his companions. "We'll report what we can to the Constable, we'll leave out Vade, we have no proof."
Hand of Fate
GM, 500 posts
Teller of Tales
Thu 19 Jan 2023
at 19:17
  • msg #423

Xen's return

Joryn listens, slowly packing his pipe with tobac from a pouch. Xenaryn finishes speaking and he lights his pipe with a piece of kindling lit from the fireplace. "An adventurer." He says, taking his seat once again. A curl of smoke rises from the pipe, "That's quite a tale. There was a murder at the sheriff's yesterday. No one knew who but knew the one snatching bodies from the cemet'ry was the why. Poor fellow killed was only on the job since mid-Tinne. He's one replaced that Negle who was involved with the nabbing of that lass runs the Roots n Remedies shop a while back. Now sheriff's got'ta hire a new deputy."

Ayne looks at Xen with affectionate, frightened eyes full of worry. "Xenni, adventurer. Really?"

A knock on the wooden door draws everyone's attention.

"See who's at the door Xen." Her father says. "I'll be right back."
This message was last edited by the GM at 21:28, Thu 19 Jan 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 501 posts
Teller of Tales
Thu 19 Jan 2023
at 21:52
  • msg #424

The Sitt'n Duck

The Sitting Duck on the north side of the town is busy with patrons on this 23rd day of Muin. There is food, song, dance, and drink.  Almar, Janser, and Thorgwain enjoy a meal and then begin drinking. They listen to the tale of the miller's children and their rescue.  Indeed, a few drinks were the three enjoyed were bought by the miller.  Janser begins the dancing when a local musician begins playing a lyre.  Someone else produced a lute and joined to song.  Patrons clap and sing verse to the popular song, while the halfling jigs, spins, and hops in dance.  Then many others join in and begin dancing.  A good time all around.  Thorgwain greets and meets a fellow dwarf named Orikson.

"Aye, 'tis good to see a fellow clansman aboot in the world and so far from the Forge." Thorgwain says referencing the dwarven under mountain city with only a slight slur after so many drinks.  He was just getting started.

Almar sits and watches everyone with a stoic expressionless elven demeanor.  He nurses one drink for hours.  He answers a few questions, but basically watches the tavern door when it opens and shuts.
Hand of Fate
GM, 504 posts
Teller of Tales
Thu 19 Jan 2023
at 23:02
  • msg #425

The Fugitive

Lady Cirthana turns back to Valeros for a moment, "I have no idea what you should do now.  Whatever adventurer's do I guess.  I will seek communion for counsel on the tome, if it is something I will require help with, be assured I will seek you out.  For now, rest.  Repair you gear. You still need to speak with the magistrate on what you found at the sheriff's and beyond.  How much you tell is up to you. I again caution restraint with too much detail.  I'll bid you fare well now."

Lady Cirthana exits with Duivelssmak.
NPC, 16 posts
2nd Level Cleric
HP 4/8 SP 0/2
Thu 19 Jan 2023
at 23:06
  • msg #426

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1750 Low Sun

Myshra regards the companions in the small alcove.  She saw what the box revealed and shudders. A book of vile darkness!  It may be one of the greater ones, but probably not.  But even the lesser ones are powerful tomes reputed to corrupt its reader.  I wonder what power the book promised for sacrificing me to Nerull, she muses.

"What should we do now?  Do any of you know where I can find Dani?" the cleric asks.  "I could go with you to speak with the magistrate or the sheriff.  I doubt Vamrose Harg is about at this time of night, but the sheriff is likely to be.  A man short, he may stay at the gaol tonight."

"At any rate, I am here to help, if you need it." She says with eyes bespeaking hopefulness.
Player, 58 posts
Tue 24 Jan 2023
at 16:51
  • msg #427

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1730hrs low moon.

Xune finds a hooded long cloak for twenty five silver in the lower market, which was on the way to Vamrose Harg's office. It is not of fine quality, but it has what she needs from one.  She dons the cloak and feels a little less conspicuous. Fifty feet or so later, she is at the doors of the magistrate's office.  It is closed with a sign indicating so.  An odor draws her attention, along with the subtle buzzing of flies.  She finds a dead dog in the bushes next to the office.  Deliberate, she wonders.  At any rate, it looks as if her business with Vamrose will have to wait until the morrow.  The temple is on the other side of town, so with nothing else to do, she turns and looks across the low market at the light streaming from Jak-a-napes. A little rest, then meet up with the others after taking care of business on the morrow.
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:51, Tue 24 Jan 2023.
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 75 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Fri 20 Jan 2023
at 03:16
  • msg #429

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1730hrs low sun

Xen pads to the door, worrying who it might be. What if it's Vade? What if that greasy priest told him what happened. Dammit! I should never have come here!

With a hand on the hilt of her dagger, she cracks open the door to see the visitor behind it.

[Private to GM: I'm going to make an assumption that there is no window in the door or other easy way to see who is outside.]
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 265 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Fri 20 Jan 2023
at 11:17
  • msg #430

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1750 Low Sun

In reply to Myshra (msg # 426):

"We should speak to the sheriff and report most of what we know. Can you lead us there Myshra, you vouching for what we say will give us our bonafides to the sheriff. Maybe he can issue an Adventurer's License if one is required." Val stands and gets ready to depart when they are ready.
Hand of Fate
GM, 508 posts
Teller of Tales
Fri 20 Jan 2023
at 17:44
  • msg #431

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1800hrs new moon

Several of the companions leave the church and  make their way back up worship way and turn back onto Lawman's Road. Shortly thereafter they are before the local gaol and the door is open. For those who had been there the day before, the body is removed, the blood has been washed and scrubbed away. Some local men are still working on replacing the iron bars, and generally making alot of noise.

Sheriff Deldrin stands from behind his desk as the companions enter. He is an imposing figure, even more so than Valeros. He is tall with broad muscular shoulders. His facial features are difficult to identify his heritage Its almost as if a human and elf mixed. But that's not possible. His gold flecked eyes look at each before he speaks.

"What can I do for you all?" He asks.
This message was lightly edited by the GM at 12:03, Sat 21 Jan 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 268 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Fri 20 Jan 2023
at 17:51
  • msg #432

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1800hrs new moon

"We came to report some things, including that the creature that bent the bars is dead, but the necromancer managed to escape us so far. Also we wanted to report the deaths of some farmers at a few farmsteads. The necromancer was killing them and raising an undead army. Together we can tell you, I'm not the most eloquent myself. Myshra the priestess is our witness, the necromancer tried to burn her alive! We saved 2 children, they are at the temple now"
This message was last updated by the GM at 12:03, Sat 21 Jan 2023.
Player, 22 posts
Dancer and singer
Fri 20 Jan 2023
at 20:56
  • msg #433

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1800hrs new moon

Quiet, Larn follows behind the others. The youth was used to travelling in his older brothers shadows. He keeps his mouth shut rather than risk interrupting the others or making a fool of himself enough to earn a cuff around the ear. Larn was used to being bullied and he acts timidly. He averts his eyes from looking upon the evil book and the other contents of the box, he offers a silent prayer to the gods of light.

He worries that by the time he gets back to his brothers he'll receive a beating for being away so long. However he felt he had started something with joining these adventurers and he didn’t feel ready to leave them yet. He stands with Valeros whilst he speaks to sheriff and nods when Valeros completes his tale “tis true my lord sheriff” he nods.
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 12:05, Sat 21 Jan 2023.
Player, 40 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 01:32
  • msg #434

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1800hrs new moon

Duivelssmak watches Sheriff Deldrin warily.  How could they know he wasn't in league with the evil ones?  He hates to think ill of anybody without direct proof, but these were very dangerous times.  Without being too obvious about it, he keeps an eye on the man, seeking tell-tale signs of unholy allegiance.

He hates having to take this attitude and wishes to the depths of his soul that they were living in a world in which necromancers and their murderous intentions toward children and other innocents existed nowhere except in grandmothers' bedtime fables.  Instead of confronting living dead creatures with mace and prayer, he could then tend to the needs of a jaded congregation out in the country.  He longed for a peaceful day of gently scolding folk for their mundane sins, followed by a long night of fishing and song.  But alas, he knew it would never be so.
This message was last edited by the GM at 12:03, Sat 21 Jan 2023.
NPC, 17 posts
2nd Level Cleric
HP 4/8 SP 0/2
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 11:49
  • msg #435

The Fugitive

"Valeros speaks truth sheriff." Myshra adds.  "I can not speak to the other farm, but I have seen these children.  They are now in the care of sister Winnefred at the church. The poor little girl has yet to speak a word from witnessing such violence. I was on that pyre and bear the scars of the flames that nearly killed me."  She removes the cowl of her cloak, revealing the singed off hair on the back of her head and scarring along her neck. "If not for these valiant people, I would be gone from this existence.  They have served this town with honor, courage, and valor.  We here are not the whole of the company.  There are ten, to include me among them."
This message was last edited by the GM at 11:53, Sat 21 Jan 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 508 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 12:04
  • msg #436

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1800hrs new moon

The sheriff walks around his desk to stand next to it, and perhaps deliberately, next to a large axe leaning against the cabinet to his right.  he regards Myshra carefully, not even knowing the priestess at the church had a daughter.  She certainly resembles Lady Cirthana in every way except age.  "Ten of you eh?" He says.  "I would know the names of these individuals, and yourselves, if you do not mind."
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 12:04, Sat 21 Jan 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 270 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 12:06
  • msg #437

The Fugitive

Valeros silently listened as the others validated his description of events, he must have covered most of it, as no one really added to it. He waited for the sheriff to reply.
Hand of Fate
GM, 509 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 12:18
  • msg #438

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1800hrs new moon

Deldrin regards Larn with a closer look.  "You be one of Raen Lawfuller's boys.  The youngest, if I remember."
Player, 24 posts
Dancer and singer
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 12:20
  • msg #439

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1700hrs low sun

Of the hill tribes and barely old enough to be a man Larn was out of his depth here in town. He’d never seen the sheriff up close before and he couldn’t resist nodding his head in submission “excuse me sir” he answers meekly, he tries to avoid a beating “I’m Larn son of Fionn, came into town to help by brothers Hefen and Honan. I met Duivelssmak whilst my brothers were still abed sleeping. He asked for my help” he explains.
Player, 25 posts
Dancer and singer
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 12:22
  • msg #440

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1710hrs low sun

“that’s right sir” the tribesman answers “youngest” he agrees then tries to straighten his shoulders “not a boy” he adds quietly.
This message was last edited by the player at 12:22, Sat 21 Jan 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 271 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 12:25
  • msg #441

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1700hrs low sun

"He's a man among men, bravely charging into zombies and flames alike to save the priestess and Dani from the pyre! He will forever be welcome at my side!"
NPC, 18 posts
2nd Level Cleric
HP 4/8 SP 0/2
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 13:11
  • msg #442

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1800hrs new moon

"I can try to get the names right.  I have only met them this day." Myshra replies to the sheriff. "The story was told to me thusly.  Valeros, an elf named Alaion, and girl named Daniella, and a young mage named Xenaryn discovered the deceased in this office last night. They decided to track the killers and it led them to a farm where the children's parents were found to be brutally killed.  There was evidence of children in the family, but they were not present among the dead."

Myshra gathers her thoughts as the sheriff acknowledges knowing Larn, then continues when the sheriff looks at her to continue. "After a short rest riding out a storm, they continued tracking the killers into the farmlands north of here.  They had an altercation with some men, maybe bandits?  I'm not sure what that was about, but afterward they tracked the killers to a farmstead. They fought their way, fighting against Nerull fanatics, zombies, a brute of a man that was part ogre.  The situation became dire, but unknowingly, my mother had lain a quest upon a cleric of St. Cuthbert to find and rescue her daughter after communing with Iomedae.  His name is Duivelssmak, and he led a group that come upon the first when they were in the direst of need.  He was accompanied by Larn here, an elf named Almar, and a female Hin named Janser.  They all fought against the priest, then worked together to rescue me."

She takes a breath for a moment.

"There is much more detail to the story.  The evil priest used a scroll of recall and vanished. So that's the tale of it."
This message had punctuation tweaked by the GM at 13:14, Sat 21 Jan 2023.
Hand of Fate
GM, 510 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 13:22
  • msg #443

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1800hrs new moon

Sheriff Deldrin's eyebrow raises at the mention of one of the names.  He reaches across his desk and picks up a piece of parchment.  "Xenaryn, you say.  Xenaryn Faustich, I take it.  She left me this note.  You have taken some items to help and will return them as soon as prudent.  Please forgive our necessary procurement of these items.  We track the killer than has brutally murdered your deputy."

The sheriff throws the parchment back onto the desk.

"Quite a tale.  There is sufficient evidence to believe the story as legitimate. I appreciate your diligence in finding this killer and you all should be rewarded.  I will take this matter up with the magistrate.  Unfortunately, it will be a few days before one can be awarded as I am sure Vamrose will consult with the lumber consortium on this matter.  You may keep the gear you have taken."

The sheriff looks at Valeros for a moment, thinking.

"Sir, you have proven a capable fighter, with a level head.  Would you be interested in becoming a deputy of the Hollow?"
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 272 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 13:26
  • msg #444

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1800hrs new moon

"Thank you Myshra, I tried but I often have trouble expressing myself. She covered what I missed or didn't understand Sheriff. We don't know where the necromancer ran to, but we're going to keep looking for him. I'm sure he is around yet."

"I might consider it on a part time basis, I will be adventuring mostly, clearing the area of evil, perhaps I can have a warrant to be a roving deputy to clear the land around here?"

Hand of Fate
GM, 511 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 14:15
  • msg #445

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1810hrs new moon

The sheriff puts fingers to his chin in thought, "I will give that some thought.  Ulimately, it is up to the magistrate.  I will seek you out if it is approved.  I really need someone in town more permanently though."

He moves forward and offers his hand to each of them for shaking.

"I thank you all on behalf of the town proper.  Please convey our thanks to your companions as well, and if you do find information on this necromancer, please inform me or one of my deputies."
Player, 26 posts
Dancer and singer
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 15:13
  • msg #446

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1730hrs low sun

Proud, Larn stands with his back straight as Valeros says his kind words. It was not oft that anyone speaks well of Larn, more often he was reprimanded by his older brothers for failing to complete impossible tasks.

When it is clear that he issn’t in trouble Larn relaxes a bit and when offered, he shakes the sheriff’s hand.

At the talk of the necromancer Larn turns to Valeros. “Will you be tracking down the necromancer?” he asks. Larn is used to attempting tasks, however impossible they might seem. He has had enough practice with running errands for his brothers.
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:44, Sat 21 Jan 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 273 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 15:20
  • msg #447

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1730hrs low sun

"I want to find him, yes. Would you be willing to join in the search Larn? You would be welcome, though it will be dangerous! Like I said, you are a brave man with a strong arm."
OrphanPC, 105 posts
1st Level Elf, Exp:460
HP:6/6 Spell Points: 0/1
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 15:39
  • msg #448

Xen's return

Xenaryn carefully cracks the door open and is relieved to find Alaion and Loki standing on the other side.

"Might I come in?" he inquires.  "You wished to transcribe my spell.  I'm sorry if I am intruding, we can meet later if you wish. I followed you here, in case you wished to do it now in a quiet place. I would transcribe it for you, but I do not have the skill to do so."
NPC, 19 posts
2nd Level Cleric
HP 4/8 SP 0/2
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 15:42
  • msg #449

The Sitt'n Duck

Myshra thanks the sheriff for listening and says they will keep in touch.  She was amazed, though not surprised at the sheriff's offer for Valeros to be one of his deputies.  There wouldn't be much adventuring if he took the job, of course, but maybe the part time thing would work out.

She turns to her companions, "Well, should we make our way to the Sitting Duck? I wonder if Dani is back."
This message was last edited by the GM at 15:45, Sat 21 Jan 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 274 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 16:04
  • msg #450

The Sitt'n Duck

"That sounds like an excellent idea Myshra, I'll buy the first round, if I can afford it!" he says to everyone present.

He lets Myshra lead the way to the Sittin' Duck. He was hungry and thirsty. He also wondered where Xen was off to. "The rest of you coming too? Janser? You? You?" he said looking around face to face.
This message was last edited by the player at 16:05, Sat 21 Jan 2023.
Player, 27 posts
Dancer and singer
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 16:38
  • msg #451

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1750 Low Sun

A thirst for ale was not one of Larn’s common habits however he was ready to relax and see what the fates would bring.

“Aye” the boy nods to Myshra and smiles at Valeros as he offers to pay the bill. Later a bit sheepishly he asks Valeros “where in town can someone buy a sword?” the boy Larn had never owned a weapon, his small axe was a simple tool. If Larn was to take up a life of adventure he felt he should carry the trappings of one.
OrphanPC, 11 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 16:46
  • msg #452

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1810hrs new moon

"Oh yes! I would very much enjoy that!" Janser replies.  "Let's go."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 275 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 18:14
  • msg #453

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1810hrs new moon

"Probably either the blacksmith, or the market Larn. If you can afford some armor, get that too. I need better armor too."
This message was last edited by the player at 18:14, Sat 21 Jan 2023.
Player, 41 posts
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 18:30
  • msg #454

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1810hrs new moon

Duivelssmak grips the sheriff’s hand and smiles as warmly as he can, but his paranoid thoughts refuse to depart.  What if this hand he was touching had sacrificed to the foul gods of darkness?  Would this hand one day wield the knife that would pierce the hearts of his friends?

“Bless you, sheriff,” he says, his throat dry.  “We’ll do our best to keep you appraised of events.”

As their flesh parts, the cleric wonders if his palm is as cold and sweaty as his forehead feels.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 276 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 18:44
  • msg #455

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1810hrs new moon

On the way to the tavern, the Sittin' Duck, after answering Larn's questions as best he can, he turns to Duiv, "You interested in fighting evil in an adventure group for a while Duiv? We could use a priest. You can raise the money to start your own church!"
Hand of Fate
GM, 515 posts
Teller of Tales
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 19:00
  • msg #456

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 2110hrs new moon

Eventually, all the companions except Alaion, Xenaryn, and Dani, are gathered at the Sitting Duck where a hot meal, drinks, and fellowship wash away all the stress of the day.  It has been over thirty six hours since some of the party has slept.  The revelry at the tavern begins to wane two hours into low moon (8pm), with some patrons insisting they have to rise early the next day. Others that they have to get back to their wives, or husbands. The revelry having died down, it is quieter in the tavern now. Its about this time when Dani makes an appearance at the Sitting Duck.  She saunters in, slightly stooped, and finds the others gathered at the table. She glances at all the faces visible to her and keeps looking over her shoulder.

"Well, I got better prices than I thought and sold everything." she says in a low quiet voice.  She pulls the straps to her pack off her shoulders and carefully places it on the table.  Then she withdraws the iron strongbox she originally took from the cabin with a grunt of effort.  She lays it on the table with a heavy thud and pulls the privacy curtain closed.  Opening the lid, there are thousands of gold and silver coins.  "Twenty seven hundred gold and three hundred silver. Split amongst us, that's two hundred seventy gold and thirty silver apiece."

"It's been a hassle lug'n this thing around for hours." she says, grinning. "That's about three hundred pounds.  I stopped by the church and gave the money we found in this to help with the children.  It was their money.  Anyway, Lady Cirthana says she has another two thousand hold waiting there for us to pick up tomorrow.  I couldn't add it to this and try to carry it all the way here."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 277 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 19:11
  • msg #457

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 2110hrs new moon

"Dani my dear, you are magnificent and are a pure delight! Excellent! I need better armor to keep alive and this will take care of a lot of that! I suggest we split this up and get some sleep. Do some shopping tomorrow after we get paid by the temple, and then go for more adventure late in the day or stay here for a few more days? We'll get more of Xen's poultices and some potions of wound healing too. Want to rest a few days, or go back out late tomorrow or the day after?"
NPC, 45 posts
1st Level Human Rogue
342 XP
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 19:42
  • msg #458

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 2120hrs new moon

Dani just beams pride at Valeros.  She did good.  It was hard work, and she did not mention any of the trouble she skirted, but that's not important.  "I've got us all three rooms here tonight.  You know, for all the revelry going on here, there is a surprising number of rooms available.  Three beds per room.  Obviously, Janser, Xenaryn, and myself will have one room. I think Myshra is staying at the temple. Split the rooms up how you want between you men."

Dani closes the lid on the strongbox.  "Val, if you will, carry this thing for me and follow me to the room.  We can divide it up there."

Dani stifles a yawn, hands the keys to the other rooms to Duivelssmak, then guides them upstairs to the private rooms.
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:43, Sat 21 Jan 2023.
NPC, 20 posts
2nd Level Cleric
HP 4/8 SP 0/2
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 19:45
  • msg #459

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 2120hrs new moon

Myshra yawns.  "I think I will head back to the temple now.  I can bring your rewards here tomorrow morning when I come.  I will be here two candle hours after new sun (8am).  Good evening."

Myshra exits the tavern.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 278 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sat 21 Jan 2023
at 19:50
  • msg #460

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 2120hrs new moon

"Thank you Myshra, see you in the morning!" He follows the others up the stairs to their rooms. He cleans himself up, locks the door and sets the chamber pot so it will fall if someone comes in while he sleeps so it will wake him. He cares not who shares the room, "I have beds in here extra, Duiv, Larn? Up to you, but I do snore some."
Xenaryn Faustich
Player, 77 posts
1st Level Human Sorceress
365 XP SP1/1
Sun 22 Jan 2023
at 07:24
  • msg #461

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 2120hrs new moon

"Alaion!" Xen heaves an audible sigh of relief when she sees it's the elf at the door and not someone else. "You're not intruding at all. Please come in." She leads her new colleague in and introduces him to her parents. "Mom? Dad? This is Alaion. He's an elf. And he helped hold off the zombies and defeat that monstrous ogre and save the two children and the daughter of the priestess..." She realizes that she is (again) rambling, so she stops abruptly.

After the introductions conclude, she takes Alaion's book and attempts to transcribe from it the notation for the alarm spell he had cast earlier.
Player, 28 posts
Dancer and singer
Sun 22 Jan 2023
at 10:24
  • msg #462

The Fugitive

“Aye” Larn agrees, perhaps armour was another thing to add to his shopping list.

Larn wasn’t sure how he’d afford these new purchases, that was until Dani came into the Sitting Duck with a strongbox full of coin.

It was worthy of celebration and Larn drinks an ale before he accepts Valeros’ offer of accommodation. His thoughts were now not only on sword and breastplate but also a horse!
Hand of Fate
GM, 519 posts
Teller of Tales
Sun 22 Jan 2023
at 13:17
  • msg #463

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 2130hrs new moon

As Xenaryn uses her skill in transcribing, Alaion rests among her parents.  He talks conversationally about many things, including the events of the day.  They have many questions which he answers the best he can.  They have questions of his heritage, much of which he does not get into.  It has been many years since he left his homeland.  The elven kingdom when he left was in a kind of upheaval which the common elf citizen has no knowledge of and suffers.  He talks only briefly about the lands of the fairies, nymphs, and elves living in supposed harmony.

Eventually, Xenaryn has completed her work and returns.  She hopes the transcribe is correct, considering how tired she is.  Dark circles line her eyes from the long hours awake.

As Alaion prepares to leave, he turns to Xenaryn. "I'm sorry to have intruded.  I take my leave now.  You're parents are very gracious. You are very lucky to have them."  The words ring hollow in his ears and his eyes bespeak a loss of his own.  "We will all be at the Sitting Duck in the morning.  I look forward to seeing you there."

He opens the door and exits with a wave.  "Come Loki."  His form vanishes into the darkness.

[Private to Xenaryn Faustich: In transcribing the notations for the alarm spell, Xenaryn finds it has material components.  A tiny silver bell and finely spun silver thread.  The thread is consumed in the casting.  The bell is not. She will need to buy theses items somewhere.  The bell is hung with the silver thread and when the alarm goes off, the thread is consumed.  The bell falls and the gong is heard.]
This message was last edited by the GM at 13:38, Sun 22 Jan 2023.
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 281 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Sun 22 Jan 2023
at 13:26
  • msg #464

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1930hrs new moon

In the morning, Valeros rises a little before dawn. He prays to his gods asking for guidance and the strength to make wise decisions for them with their help. He dresses and puts his stuff in his pack after his morning commode, then heads downstairs looking for some tea and a biscuit or something. He finds a table to go through his thoughts and waits for everyone to come down in their own time.
Player, 42 posts
Mon 23 Jan 2023
at 14:19
  • msg #465

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1930hrs new moon

A bit later, Duivelssmak comes down, having said his own prayers.  He sits across from Valeros.

"I apologize, friend.  You asked me a question last night but I never answered it.  I supposed I was lost in thought.  Yes, I am interested in fighting evil and joining the party for that purpose.  The money isn't a big concern.  Perhaps one day I could found my own church, but that day is far off.  Frankly, I might not survive the trials to come.  But I appreciate your invitation and look forward to your companionship."
Valeros Sothgard
Player, 282 posts
Fighter 1, AC5, HP 9
540 XP
Mon 23 Jan 2023
at 14:33
  • msg #466

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1930hrs new moon

Valeros smiled at the young priest. "Excellent, without you, many of us would have died yesterday. I would like to thank you for your aid and help. I'm new to this too, that was my first fight."

"You sleep well? I slept like a stone, not sure how bad I snored, hopefully not too bad. I wonder where we should start the search for our evil necromancer?"

Hand of Fate
GM, 526 posts
Teller of Tales
Tue 24 Jan 2023
at 16:41
  • msg #467

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

Myshra brings two hundred pounds of gold coins from the church to The Sitting Duck tavern. It takes her two trips. Each of the companions visit the tavern at different times throughout the day, accepting their portion of the divided reward and treasure. Each promises to keep in touch then leaves with business to attend to.

In the afternoon hours, it is Duivelssmak, Valeros, Larn, Xenaryn, Dani, Thorgwain, and Myshra sharing a table, drinking ale and enjoying the fellowship between friends. According to Myshra, Janser has been accepted to work at the church with the children in need program. Almar and Alaion are now working for the magistrate as deputies. And everyone wonders where Xune is at, as she has not been seen since entering Falcon's Hollow.

[Private to Valeros: Your hit points have been added to your sheet.  ][Private to Xenaryn: Duivelssmak: Larn: Xune: Please roll for your hit points for 2nd level and PM me]
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:42, Tue 24 Jan 2023.
NPC, 21 posts
Tue 24 Jan 2023
at 16:45
  • msg #468

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

"I hope she's okay." Myshra says, referring to Xune. "She knows her portion of the treasure and reward is here. I think she heard us say we would all meet back here.
NPC, 11 posts
Tue 24 Jan 2023
at 16:58
  • msg #469

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

"Aye lass." Thorgwain adds. He places the stein on the table with both hands and sighs. "She'll turn up. Oi never met one'a the dark elves. Stories aplenty. She donnae live up'ta the expectations 'o the stories."

Thorgwain takes a drink, having spoke too much.
Player, 43 posts
Wed 25 Jan 2023
at 03:56
  • msg #470

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

“We all deserve a chance to prove ourselves, no matter who we are or where we come from.  The gods know every one of us has an ancestor who did something that would cause us to blush, at the very least.” He takes the very smallest of sips from his tankard.  “I do hope she shows up, both for her sake and for ours.”
Player, 78 posts
Female Human Sorceress
Wed 25 Jan 2023
at 05:02
  • msg #471

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

After an earlier trip up the road to Roots and Remedies for supplies (materials for making healing poultices), Xen joins the others at the tavern. She sips her ale carefully, nursing it along as slow as she can. When the conversation turns to Xune, she stays silent at first, unsure of her feelings for the dark elf. She's as exotic as she is condescending. I'm not sure whether I'm disappointed or thankful that she isn't here. She's just so... mysterious, I guess you'd call it.

Finally, after listening to the others, she wonders aloud. "Where do you suppose she is?" 
Player, 29 posts
Dancer and singer
Wed 25 Jan 2023
at 07:33
  • msg #472

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1730hrs low sun

It was a strange company for Larn and odd that he wasn’t being bullied around by his older brothers. By force of habit Larn serves as jug fetcher and cup filler as the others drink. He nods at the others words but has little add himself. They were all strangers to him, Xune no more or less.
Player, 286 posts
Fighter 2
HP16 AC5
Wed 25 Jan 2023
at 12:18
  • msg #473

23rd day of Muin, Sunnendaeg 1730hrs low sun

"Well folks, looks like we lost a few members. What is our next move? Should we form an actual adventuring Company? Too many things to ask to remember so I guess we should talk. We have some money now, I need new armor. Do we all have horses now?"
Player, 30 posts
Dancer and singer
Wed 25 Jan 2023
at 19:48
  • msg #474

The Sitt'n Duck

Larn ponders Valeros’ offer “aye I’ll journey with you if we seek the necromancer” Larn wants to do the right thing and be a hero.

He had no horse and he worries for a moment that he will be left alone.  He then felt his full coin purse, fuller than it had ever been “I will need to buy a horse” he says.
Player, 288 posts
Fighter 2
HP16 AC5
Wed 25 Jan 2023
at 19:57
  • msg #475

The Sitt'n Duck

"How many horses do we have? We got several from the farm. We didn't sell them, and they had saddles and everything. You might have one already Larn. We need a mule or two with pack saddles and such. What are there? Five of us now, unless we hire a few more."

He looks to Dani and Xen and Duiv. "What do we have covered? Duiv is a cleric, Xen is a wizard of sorts, Dani is a stealthy type to get us past doors and such, Larn and I are warriors. We could use a little more support I guess. Someone else to help with spells and healing or fighting. Opinions from you all? This won't take long, then we can enjoy shopping and a repast of food and drink later together."
This message was last edited by the player at 20:06, Wed 25 Jan 2023.
Player, 44 posts
Wed 25 Jan 2023
at 21:45
  • msg #476

The Sitt'n Duck

“I am by no means an experienced adventurer, but my understanding is that you can never have too many fighters.  No offense intended, but two might not be enough.  Perhaps we could round up some more muscle.”
Player, 292 posts
Fighter 2
HP16 AC5
Thu 26 Jan 2023
at 14:04
  • msg #477

The Sitt'n Duck

"Who went to stable the horses yesterday? We left two behind that were high spirited and didn't want ridden, we can sell them to the livery and send them out to get them before something happens to them. Good horses are very valuable. They can pay us after they retrieve them so we get a fair price and they get what they pay for."
NPC, 12 posts
Thu 26 Jan 2023
at 14:09
  • msg #478

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

"We have a horse each, if we be counting those present at this table. Xune has one, and Alaion the other of the eight we brought back I be think'n." Thorgwain states. "We left two high spirited mares in the field. Couldn't calm'em down enough to rope'em."

He takes a drink from his cup before continuing. He pulls at his beard. "An I may be a dwarf but donnae be count'n me out when fighting. I can handle a foe as well as any'o yeh!"
Player, 293 posts
Fighter 2
HP16 AC5
Thu 26 Jan 2023
at 14:16
  • msg #479

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

"Excellent Thorgwain, I didn't know if you were available or not! You have a stout arm."
Player, 45 posts
Thu 26 Jan 2023
at 18:00
  • msg #480

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

“You certainly look as though you can handle yourself,” Duivelssmak says to Thorgwain.  “Surely a rougher customer than I would ever be.  I am glad you’re on our side.”

And he looks trustworthy, he adds silently.  Not sure why.  The beard, maybe?  No, that’s silly.  He smiles.
NPC, 13 posts
Thu 26 Jan 2023
at 19:10
  • msg #481

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

Thorgwain smiles beneath his facial hair, bending the mustaches upward. "Thanks for ye for the praise lad." He replies to Duiv.

It is good to finally group up with other adventurers.
This message was last edited by the player at 19:11, Thu 26 Jan 2023.
Player, 295 posts
Fighter 2
HP16 AC5
Thu 26 Jan 2023
at 19:25
  • msg #482

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

Valeros smiles in agreement to Thorgwain's sentiment. It was good to have a good quality company. The ladies and gentlemen were all quality people. Sadly it looked like Xune was gone, she was most excellent with a blade, despite her rather gruff exterior, she was a troubled soul no doubt. Perhaps they would cross paths again.

"Should we sell those two to the livery, or just hire someone to get them for us and break them? Maybe we can pick up a property here and put in our own stable to take care of our horses and such and have our own place to sleep when we're around. An Adventurer's Guild? What do you all think, please speak up."
This message was last edited by the GM at 19:43, Thu 26 Jan 2023.
NPC, 46 posts
Female Human Rogue
Thu 26 Jan 2023
at 20:00
  • msg #483

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

Dani gives Xenaryn a thoughtful look, "She could have stayed at Jak-a-napes last night, but I dont know why she hasn't come by."
Player, 46 posts
Fri 27 Jan 2023
at 04:46
  • msg #484

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

“My only concern about founding our own Adventurer’s Guild is that it could distract us from our far more immediate purpose, which is dealing with the necromancer.  But it would be convenient to have a secure base from which to operate.”
Player, 79 posts
Female Human Sorceress
Fri 27 Jan 2023
at 06:10
  • msg #485

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

Xen looks back at Dani, chin resting on her palm. "She must have bigger plans. Always seemed that way. And now she's departed as mysteriously as she arrived."

Her eyes turn to Veleros and Duivelssmak. "I agree with your first point," she interjects with a nod to the cleric. "We need to worry about the greasy priest and his zombie friends first."
Player, 296 posts
Fighter 2
HP16 AC5
Fri 27 Jan 2023
at 11:38
  • msg #486

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

"Oh, I definitely agree with that, we have to deal with the necromancer and the evil plot on the Hollow as the very first thing we do. We might have to do a little investigating to prove who V is for sure." He says to the others. The Adventurer's Guild would be at 6 months to a year out, though we are an adventuring party now.
This message was last edited by the player at 11:39, Fri 27 Jan 2023.
NPC, 47 posts
Female Human Rogue
Fri 27 Jan 2023
at 17:46
  • msg #487

The Fugitive

"Oh, like the Facon Six!" Dani exclaims. "That's what they called them. The Falcon Six. The ones saved us all from the black scour taint."

"What should we be called?" She puts a thumb under her chin and forefinger to cheek in thought. "I'm sure we'll come up with something. "
Hand of Fate
GM, 537 posts
Teller of Tales
Fri 27 Jan 2023
at 17:56
  • msg #488

The Fugitive

Almar and Alaion spend most of the morning talking with sheriff Deldrin. Alaion detailed the venture to find the killer of his deputy. Afterwards, the sheriff makes the same offer he made to Valeros to Alaion, who declines. Then to Almar, who accepts.  After a few more minutes, Alaion excuses himself to let the two iron out details of Almar's new position.

Alaion wanders back toward The Sitting Duck.
This message was last edited by the GM at 18:30, Fri 27 Jan 2023.
Player, 47 posts
Fri 27 Jan 2023
at 18:35
  • msg #489

The Fugitive

“It is good to have a long-term plan,” Duivelssmak says.  “No doubt, there will be other evils to be dealt with once we’ve finished with the necromancer.  Not that we can take it for granted that we will handle him successfully.”

He turns his attention to Alion.  “Welcome back.”
Player, 2 posts
Fri 27 Jan 2023
at 20:25
  • msg #490

The Fugitive

Sitting near atable where many others, of multiple races, were sitting discussing things, the elf Elmona had paid little attention as she pondered instead the few meager coins in her pouch and what she could do to earn some more. However, when the tall, brown-haired, muscular human spoke about forming an adventuring party, her ears perked up and she listened more closely. She listened as they talked fondly about some past adventure and friends who were no longer with them. They seemed a competent group, and having companions along is always a good thing, especially ones who seemed to look after each other.

She sat there a bit as she tried to think of how to approach them, but when the grey clad elf approached and was greeted, she saw her opportunity. Rising from her seat, she approached the group, saying, "Excuse me if I'm intruding, but I couldn't help overhearing your conversation. It sounds like you are looking at taking on a necromancer of some sort. While I have no skills dealing with the undying, I do offer my skills with bow and spell to assist you, if you would welcome them."

After having spoken, she stands there, wondering if they would accept her offer or if she'd have to look for other opportunities.
This message was last edited by the player at 20:35, Fri 27 Jan 2023.
Player, 107 posts
Fri 27 Jan 2023
at 20:34
  • msg #491

The Fugitive

Alaion had slipped in the tavern as the others were talking.

Not wanting to interrupt, he kept quiet until the new elven woman had worked her way toward the table and spoke.

Moving over as well, he offered a smile.

Hello, I'm Alaion.   Another elf is always welcome to the party.   Especially now that Almar wants to become a new deputy for the sherrif here in town.   On a positive note, we now have someone here in town we can talk to an work with that knows us.   By the way, you can count me in to being with you all.   Taking down the necromancer and any evil undead or people sounds good to me."

He smiled lightly and worked his way into the discussion.

"We need to make moves and plan to head there sooner than later.   More time for evil to work is a harder time for us.   I have a few things i want to get with my money here in town.   Has anyone heard anything new or any rumors?"
This message was last edited by the player at 00:36, Sun 29 Jan 2023.
NPC, 22 posts
Fri 27 Jan 2023
at 23:47
  • msg #492

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

Myshra pulls a chair for the elven woman, offering it to her to sit.  "I'm Myshra." she says. "Welcome to the table.  We are all just really getting to know each other. I am a cleric of Heironeous."

She gestures at Dani, "That is Daniella, our rogue and specialist in getting into locked boxes and doorways.  And there, is Thorgwain our favorite dwarven fighter and the only dwarf we know.  Next is Larn.  He is the quiet one. Comes from a tribal family that has ended up in the Hollow.  Next is Alaion and where he is, Loki, his dog is somewhere nearby.  That is Xenary, mage adept.  And here on the other side of you is Duiv- well, just Duiv, because his name is hard to pronounce. He is a cleric of St. Cuthbert."

The cleric smiles warmly, "Now, to join us, we insist you tell us your name."
NPC, 14 posts
Fri 27 Jan 2023
at 23:50
  • msg #493

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

Thorgwain gives Valeros a knowing look, "Oi be think'n we need those other horses.  And quick like."
Player, 48 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 06:05
  • msg #494

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

“Welcome indeed,” says Duivelssmak.  “You can always count on an elf to shoot straight and tell the truth.”

Privately, though, the cleric is troubled.  Were they being so obvious that anyone who overheard them would know immediately about their plans?  If so, how could they overcome their wickedly sophisticated foe, who surely had ears in every wall and on every street?
This message was last edited by the player at 06:06, Sat 28 Jan 2023.
Player, 300 posts
Fighter 2
HP16 AC5
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 13:02
  • msg #495

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

"I am Valeros, I'm a simple fighter. Where is Loki Alaion? I promised him a steak and a beer for saving our lives and almost giving his!" Then he looked at Elmona, "what do they call you? we could use you, yes, we are after the evil in the hollow first. Then on to greater adventures, though this one might take awhile."
This message was last edited by the player at 15:30, Sat 28 Jan 2023.
Player, 3 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 13:23
  • msg #496

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

Elmona takes the profferred seat with gratitude. She had been afraid that there were too many already interested and that her overtures would be rebuffed. As she is introduced to the others at the table she gives a simple nod of her head in acknowledgement and greeting.

"People normally just call me Elmona, as it is easier to pronounce than my name in my native tongue."
Player, 301 posts
Fighter 2
HP16 AC5
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 13:36
  • msg #497

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

"Welcome Elmona, we would be happy for you to join us I'm sure."
NPC, 23 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 16:52
  • msg #498

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

"Shall we discuss where we go from here?" Myshra asks. She glances nervously around before continuing. "He who should not be named openly, probably knows that we know about him.  I do not see any leads there to follow. We certainly can't walk right up and say, 'Hey, what is your involvement in this' now can we?"

The cleric sighs. "Perhaps we need to go back to the farmstead and really take a good look at the place for clues or some kind of lead.  That's the only thing I can think of to lead us toward the necromancer. At least we know his name, right Xenaryn?  You said you have some papers with his name." 
This message was last edited by the GM at 16:54, Sat 28 Jan 2023.
Player, 302 posts
Fighter 2
HP16 AC5
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 17:03
  • msg #499

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

"Are you joining us Myshra? Excellent! Yes, the farmstead would be the first place to start, we can fetch those two mares then too. The fire will be out and the smell of blood gone. Disturbing to a high strung animal. Is Loki completely healed Alaion? He's our charm! Damn good dog!"

"I suggest we get a few items to prepare ourselves and then set out either this afternoon or tomorrow morning, depending on how much  time we need. I need to buy some plate armor, that should be 60 gold or so if I recall, might be a little more too. We may be able to lend money to others to better equip themselves too."

NPC, 48 posts
Female Human Rogue
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 17:11
  • msg #500

The Sitt'n Duck

"If you need to lighten your load of currency, there is a reputable moneylender on Magnate's Hill.  You can deposit your coin there.  Carrying forty or fifty pounds of coin will slow you down." Daniella says quietly, but loud enough for all at the table to hear. "They do not associate with lower reputable businesses in town."

Dani does not offer an explanation of how she knows this if asked.

"At least until we find ourselves a place where we can stow things safely."
NPC, 24 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 18:43
  • msg #501

The Sitt'n Duck

"Yes, I will be an adventurer too, if you will have me." Myshra says cheerfully.  "When you go to market, I would like to go as well.  I think a mail of chain will work better than this leather armor.  And, there are some other items I should pick up as well.  For plate armor, you will want High Market on the Hill.  You will not find it in the lower market.  The blacksmith could make you some, but it might take a few weeks."
Player, 303 posts
Fighter 2
HP16 AC5
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 19:04
  • msg #502

The Sitt'n Duck

"Thank you Myshra, you are welcome as well. Well, who is going to high market and who is going low?" he asks the group around the table. "Those who don't have enough, I'm sure someone can make a loan, but we want to be ready, we don't need any unwarranted deaths."
NPC, 15 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 19:12
  • msg #503

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

"Aye, Oi be come'n with ye." Thorgwain says, downing the last of the ale in his cup. "Oi be want'n some 'o tha plated mail meself.  May have ta have it made if'n ye vendor donnae sell dwarven stock size."
Player, 4 posts
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 19:28
  • msg #504

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

"I'll go along. I care not whether it is to the low market, or the high market. Are you planning to visit both, or just one?" Elmona asks the group. Though it would appear that she is very light on funds, she does not ask the others for a loan of any sort.
Player, 304 posts
Fighter 2
HP16 AC5
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 19:38
  • msg #505

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

"If you want, we can visit both! You ladies know better than we what you need, so I'll leave that to you. As I said, we are doing well, if someone needs a short term boost, we'll help, the better you are, the better we'll be. We don't wish to lose anyone. It will not be an easy road ahead, there will be pain, and maybe death. Write down where we can send your belongings if something bad happens so we can get you home with your goods, or at least inform them. We won't dwell on that though, as this is a good time! We saved two children and defeated a necromancer and his minions. Now we need to slay the necromancer and end his evil plots, we have leads we can talk about in private on the road, not here or in public. I'm glad we met this morning when the place is empty."
Player, 81 posts
Female Human Sorceress
Sat 28 Jan 2023
at 23:50
  • msg #506

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

Xen considers her newly acquired riches. It's certainly more than she's ever owned before. With no need for armor, and uncertain about the availability of the assorted components she needs for her growing list of spells, she realizes she will need a safe place for her spare coins. Furthermore, she isn't interested in visiting the high market due to its proximity to Vade's tower. "No need to tempt fate," she thinks.

"I have no need for armor,"
she explains to the others. "So I may need a place to store some of this. I'll need some components, perhaps, and  maybe some new clothes, but that's it."
NPC, 49 posts
Female Human Rogue
Sun 29 Jan 2023
at 00:35
  • msg #507

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

"I can help you in any way you need Xen." Dani offers, knowing the mage wouldn't want to venture near Vade's Tower.  "Just list me what you need and I can purchase it for you. I know where to go too, being up there just yesterday.  Easy Peasy."
Player, 109 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2023
at 00:40
  • msg #508

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

Alaion listened to the others and nodded.

"I need to go High and Low.  Would like to look at armor as an option, but will probably stick with my spells for now.   I need to get some more stones and some of us should consider getting bows or crossbows.   Spell components for me also and perhaps potions or visiting an alchemist if there is one here.  Potion bombs of fire or acid would be nice for us to have a few."

He mentioned ideas for everyone, and was ready to head into the city and get supplies.
This message was last edited by the GM at 01:24, Sat 15 Apr 2023.
Player, 49 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2023
at 02:17
  • msg #509

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

“I also need to purchase some equipment, including a suit of plate mail and a sling.  If possible, I also want to acquire a few flasks of holy water.  Some stains can only be washed away with that most precious of cleaning agents.  I can pay for all of this, naturally.”
Player, 5 posts
Sun 29 Jan 2023
at 02:29
  • msg #510

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

"I have need of a few spell ingredients myself, but otherwise have no preference for one or the other," ELmona says to the gathered group.
Hand of Fate
GM, 545 posts
Teller of Tales
Sun 29 Jan 2023
at 15:58
  • msg #511

24th day of Muin, Monendaeg 1530 low Sun

Please continue in the Sitting Duck Tavern thread.
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