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, welcome to The realms of Ironmound

04:41, 3rd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by donsrFor group 0
player, 1563 posts
Son of the Hunter
Shining Light
Wed 26 Oct 2022
at 21:05
  • msg #838


Luthien could only grin widely, and say, "Well, you have your way for a day, at least. I imagine even one day of docks would be one day too many. A good percentage of them don't look like they've worked a day in their life, so even if they chose to tough it out, or try to, they'll be so sore for the next week they wouldn't be able to do much."

And he figures a large percentage of them won't even try! A full 30 days, that'd basically be boot camp. Nobody without a military or knightly background would be able to get through that. That is HARD physical labor. Stamina based too, given the repetitive nature of it. Combat is usually more about short bursts of activity.
Sat 29 Oct 2022
at 06:29
  • msg #839


   as they entered the  Palace,  Antok seemed    to relax.... Dlae  Gave Luthien a Hug...I must get cleaned for the   party tonight, and work out  what i want the suitors  to do

 Get rest, this should  be a very interesting   party..
player, 1564 posts
Son of the Hunter
Shining Light
Sat 29 Oct 2022
at 06:32
  • msg #840


"I cannot tell you how much I'm looking forward to this. I knew your judgment would be sound. Do what you need to do to weed the herd out."

But Luthien would take the advice and get the necessary rest, hugging Dala back first.
Tue 8 Nov 2022
at 15:24
  • msg #841


  in the hours  before the   party,  there were some   suitors  who were beginning to grow weary of the  chase. Some thought  they should ban together  and Force the   Emperor  to walk the choices now...a few of them backed don't  Force   an Emperor named 'Lod' to do anything.

   as the   people showed up.. all the  suitors , including   Luthien were escorted to the  great hall , where the food smells were think and   bards were singing heroic tales of ironmound  and the people who  served, or aided them.

as they stood in line, hangers on   spread a round the room as the Imperial  family  entered. Once they took their  seat at the  Dias. Luthien took note that there were several people missing.

 shortly  after  sitting, The Emperor   stood, he  made no motions but the crowd  went  quiet,

 he looked over that the people who were lined up  Infront of them.Tonight is  something different.... My Youngest Daughter  won the archery  contest this afternoon... It is one of the most  sought  after achievements , the 'games' can boast.

 to that end, there are changes  being made. The 1st, there  will no longer  be nightly parties , we may have a weekly  party, but Balls will be saved for Holidays. And the ending of the suitors' stay at the Place is  rapidly approaching. It has been sated, several times to me, of the  coin we have   wasted   on the Entertaiment, with out gaining anything for the Empire...My Daughter Dala, with  some input of her sisters have come up with   quests, or tasks for  the Suitors. Those  who  stay the course, will be permitted to stay  a bit longer, others  will be asked to leave the palace, or   the city, depending on their reactions.

 He  Motioned to   Dala, Dala was  dressed in  very nice leathers,  her  weapons belt  held a Dagger, her short sword  was not  attached .

 Sir Bren for  Engar spoke up...Is not  our city's  alliance  enough,?

 Nelk looked at Sir Bren...If i was to send three  ships to be  filled  with  food and drink from Engar, to  bring to my city?..would that not be fair trade  for ..OUR..alliance to you

 Sir Bren looked   angry, but took a step back in line.

   Nelk say down, the Consort, nodded to Dala.

 Dala said, in her soft, but clear voice that  she  sings with...I will not waste much time on these... all Tasks  mentione  must start at  sunrise tomorrow..they will last  until  the  Suitor  has performed the  task. If they take  too long..they will be  rejected...if the refuse, they will be rejected, if they do not perform the tasks  in a very acceptable fashion, they will be rejected... My sisters  and I have had enough..the end is near!

the last part came out, quite harsh from the  pretty face that sent those words out.

  She held up  the list...Copies of this list are being   tacked to the  Suitors  doors and  areas where decrees and such are posted....let us begin....

 Sir Vitis of Tou..Horse willserve as helper   for the orc cart, for the next  three says...The   OrcCart masters  wil tell us how you have done

Sir Bann of Trok, Knight....for the next three  days, you will  help  the   Towns of Bow shot and the patch towns  clear brush from the  shores of the storm,and eliminate  pets  and such that have set up lairs there. You will have the help of those  towns  men at arms. but they can use  a knight.

Sir Bren of will serve  on the laoding Doc, unfer the watchful eye of   Reedrick Orebender.. you will load  , unload,  and work the docks   as   the  Harbor masters   tell you.

 Sira Lae Estes... form Mouri, has left on her  own

 Major  Bontil of Mouri.. Marine   Major of Muouri, will Train with Ironmound Marines in the City for the next three a  trooper, we will receive  his final grade from the Drill masters.

 Sir  Navies.... your task, should take  3 days, You will provide  escort for a Sage  and a mechanition , to the  Plains  Elves grotto.  The age  and Machine Master are to be setting up, pumps, of sorts, to make  traveling the underground  river to the   Lather River, faster and Safrer, the  dfwarves  who have taken up  living in the Grotto, will aslo aid you..You taks is to gethtne there safely, then return.

 I am afraid  I  am saving the  harshest task for  Sir Luthien, it is only fitting  such a task should be dealt him, since he  has seemed to spend more time with me, then any other suitor... Sir Luthien's Task. is to be   my Husband, if  he still wishes  to continue to  press his suit

  Axehandle   chuckled..Harsh..INDEED!

 nelk  Laughed   and whapped  the Dwarf's shoulder.  Dala's eyes  went o  the Dwarf with some fondness then titled her head to look at Luthien
player, 1565 posts
Son of the Hunter
Shining Light
Tue 8 Nov 2022
at 17:58
  • msg #842


Luthien was patiently standing there, watching as tasks get handed out to people, based on Dala's assessment of them...

He was curious, what would be assigned to him...

Then it happened, and he just won the lottery. In the back of his mind, he knew she wasn't kidding about it being the hardest task of all. Marriage IS hard work, even before you count the princess thing.

But right now, there's one of those big beaming smiles. It looks exactly like the smile he might've had if he'd gone down on one knee the old fashioned way and was told yes.

"I gratefully accept."

But somehow, a verbal confirmation just wasn't good enough for a moment like this, so he strides on over to her, takes her into his arms, and yeah, she's getting kissed. He's still very broadly beaming afterwards too.

He figures a royal wedding has a whole bunch of details that goes into it, and somebody can tell him about those later. Right now, Cloud 9. Virtually nothing that can be experienced in life is sweeter than love fulfilled, even if it takes hard work to maintain it.
Tue 8 Nov 2022
at 22:51
  • msg #843


  The   crowed   'awwwwwed'  as Luthien  took his kiss. The  Sisters  smiled and looked over the  suitors.. The bar had just been  raised.

 Navies  clapped    along  with most others.. The Suitor  from Tou  Snapped...I refuse to  do it!..It is more then  enpough that i must Deal with Elves  and Dw...

Axehandle..choose that last word   very careful, Laddie boy, I've nothin' to   lose  if  make ye a head shorter.

The   Suitor shut up, he had lost all  control.. as he glared at Dala.

 Dala    gently  move  Luthien  to the side. You are more then welcome to refuse... that will ned you time  here, and  give a more  deserving  Suitor a chance...... The Captain was  right, the only good thing that comes  out of  Tou, is its  sewer water..

 here shoulder    rising and  falling was the only detail to tell she was overly angry, perhaps her  announcement had softened her  some.

  The   Sir Victis  stepped  back... I take my leave.. I warn you  Emperor  Lod, that your treatment  of Tou's better have..

  Nelk  stood  and  his golden goblet. with   wine   Flew at the   Suitor  who turned  enough, not  to  be hit  by the vessel . though his finery was  splashed by the deep read wine...

 YOU DARE! We have had nothing  but problems in my house   from you and your people..., bgone, and you best  travel fast.  i will send  word to our patrols, that you are found  on our side of the river, to bring you in, and you  wil finish your  days   building ships  for the Imperial Navy!

Sir  Vitis, Pointed at we  meet, Mercenary.. we will come to blades...  he stormed out of the  hall  Kicking the Gobet into the crowd.

 The Consort sat there with  a finger on her lips.... she watched   her daughters and Husband  rail at the Tou suitor... when Nelk sat back  down... The Consort stood,  with a  even voice that   betrayed , only a Minor tenner of  anger.All those from Tou, leave the palace  and  its grounds. You are welcome to  stay in the city, but  i will not have   people from an unfriendly  City  at our party...

some  20 people were  hustled along,  close  to 40  waiting outside, sent away.

she then raised her arms...Let Us celebrate... My Youngest has chosen... soon? if there are any  that prove thier  worth, My other  daughters  will choose....but for this Night, we celebrate.

  Music  begam, [people poured onto the Floor..The Consort stepped  down the    dais  to  Luthien,I think i will dance first, this  time Good Sir, You and Dala  will have many dances  to come..
player, 1568 posts
Son of the Hunter
Shining Light
Wed 9 Nov 2022
at 01:08
  • msg #844


Luthien is pleased to accept the dance from the Consort. He hasn't forgotten how much help she'd been to him...she as a mother must've decided what was best for her youngest, and he's just happy he was able to meet that standard.

Escorting the Consort down when the music starts...and still beaming with that love fulfilled joy...

"Don't know what to say. Don't know what happens next, or how long it takes to set a royal wedding up...but I am so happy..."

The guy that called him out with crossed blades? He'll file that guy's heraldry in the back of his mind somewhere, but since it'll be in the open field, he's not worried about it.
Sat 12 Nov 2022
at 03:47
  • msg #845


  The consort smiles a bit,many thungs  must come to pass... My other daughters must  agree on a mate, then we  will have to call relatives  and notables in for the weddings ... our important wedding s  tend to be in spring or summer, however, it appears the winter is  bringing a war upon us, Unlees your Captain  can find away to avert it..or delay it.
player, 1572 posts
Son of the Hunter
Shining Light
Sat 12 Nov 2022
at 08:47
  • msg #846


"I didn't know the other two also had to select. Hmmm. Preventing it IS a thing I could help with, if I rejoined them. Or...with being engaged now, is there a better way to help than merely swinging a sword? I don't quite know all the things I can do now that I couldn't before. What tools do I have to work with, besides what I've always used?"

There may well be more options on the table now that he never had.
Fri 18 Nov 2022
at 02:31
  • msg #847


    Nelk has put it upon the two elder sisters. to choose, if they have a favoirte,  so say they will not choose.  Should they nit chose, we can  begin to plan for  one  joining. , elsewise  we must plan for  a Muiti  wedding? `  Do you have people  to  send for?

 The Consort was   a great dancer, and able to   help Luthien look smooth  as they danced.
player, 1573 posts
Son of the Hunter
Shining Light
Fri 18 Nov 2022
at 09:17
  • msg #848


"My family of course. I'll send for the my friends in the Arrows...members of the Knighthood...I'll probably have one of our priests perform the ceremony...if there are royal rules, I'm sure the temple can figure something out."

It's not exactly the noble household most suitors would've had...but it's what he has, and he's proud of it all the same. He hasn't missed the fact she's able to make him look good dancing.

"...I have the rest of my life to practice getting good at these dances now don't I?"
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 22:05
  • msg #849


 The  song  ended,  The Consort stepped  away.tonight would be the   night you start on that practice? Get a  Drink, and celebrate with my daughter.

 Indeed, If  Luthien was to look  around, Dala  was  alone, No suitors , dared approach now, only a passing  female offering  her , their congrates  or perhaps wishing them a good life together .

 As the  Consort  went to the Throne , pulling an Hapless NelK, onto the floor  for  Dance he would have  perferred to watch, Axhandle offered  his  arm to  Luthien.well, Lad? yer like a dog that chases the  dispatch wagon? What do you do when you catch it? he grinned.
player, 1575 posts
Son of the Hunter
Shining Light
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 22:19
  • msg #850


"I don't think any man actually knows what he's signing up for when he gets married, whether she has a crown or not. But men keep doing it, so I'm to be the latest to step into that line."

Still, he clasps Axehandle's hand, appreciating the welcome.

"Her majesty told me to go practice getting good at dances now, so I'd best go do that."

Taking his leave, he acquire a smaller drink, takes it, and then he returns to his bride to be.

"Do I even want to know how many of these dances there are to learn?"
This message was last edited by the player at 22:34, Mon 21 Nov 2022.
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 23:04
  • msg #851


 Dala looks at him as she sips her wine,Close to 200. each on has variations for   holidays and such...

he peers overth rim of ehr goblet  as she eyes  him with a smile.
player, 1576 posts
Son of the Hunter
Shining Light
Mon 21 Nov 2022
at 23:10
  • msg #852


200? Really?

" least I get to learn them with you. Unless we sneak out to help end the tensions out there so the wedding can happen a little sooner."

Key word there is 'we.' He isn't silly enough to consider leaving her behind unless she wants that.
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 06:22
  • msg #853


  Dala  smiles,well...we  do not have  to dance every dance there is. But it is  important, to know how to  do they, in case we must.Eevn Antok had to leartn some steps , for  when he was attend as a 'guest'
player, 1577 posts
Son of the Hunter
Shining Light
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 07:22
  • msg #854


"As that goes, just show me your favorites, and anything that's absolutely necessary, and we'll call it good."

The 'let's sneak out' idea got ignored, so he won't bring it up again. He's a bit surprised, but maybe she'll bring that up on her own later.


"So, which favorite do you want to start with?"
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 13:24
  • msg #855


  Dala  thought  for a moment,well? all the close , slow  dances  will be alot more  fun Now. I am sure there will still be  a dandy or two who will want to cut in, Just to say they danced  with a princess.

 I like the Reels? They remind me of   times in The Black Timber when  FAther took us to  meet  leaders of the realms. Ivy is a grand  dancer. Captain Kree? Not so much, But Kree seems to handle the 'close ' dances well enough. That is a Happy place. The  massive trees, the silence of the  forest  can be as deafening, and sounds the creatures  make when aroused by something. It is almost  as though the Forest  was a being unto itself.
player, 1578 posts
Son of the Hunter
Shining Light
Tue 29 Nov 2022
at 19:35
  • msg #856


They will be at that!

"I am looking forward to that. Slow dances are like extended hugs with music and swaying involved. That's the real get to share someone's warmth, get lost in your own little world, with just enough awareness to not bump into people around you."

The forest, though...

"The forest is alive, that's why the elves like it so much. They're more attuned to that life, having spent centuries as part of it. You want to spend some time there after the wedding?"

It's a potential honeymoon destination...

"The elves probably know a few nifty tricks to marriage after all. They have to make it work for 500 years, not just 50. Give or take."
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 00:31
  • msg #857


  Dala smiled a little  ,I would love to spend  time  in The Timber. I have  been to Timber  home 2 times in my life. Both times, i did not want to leave.

 The Dances  began to start, the first was a slow one, she giggles  and said,Come, let us get a slower  dance in to get  you ready for reels...
player, 1579 posts
Son of the Hunter
Shining Light
Mon 5 Dec 2022
at 09:03
  • msg #858


Luthien grins, "Well...we'll see what we can manage. Maybe we can spend an entire month there...perhaps longer."

So, he'll take her to the dance floor...yes, these slow dances are great. Like he said, it's like an extended hug. Holding her so's amazing. There's no need to worry, no need to do anything but relax into the warmth she has to offer. It's cozy and bright.
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 04:54
  • msg #859


 Two slow  songs  played, Dala  kept Him on the Floor. Her sisters were now  getting more, desperate  attention now, as there was one   target off the board.

   a  reel started  , but  she Puled   Luthien to the tables  once  more, nibbling on the treats  and  drinking the  flavored  milk.

  It will interesting to see how many of the Suitors  fulfil thier  question and Tasks
player, 1580 posts
Son of the Hunter
Shining Light
Fri 16 Dec 2022
at 08:44
  • msg #860


Luthien finds himself chuckling.

"Someone should tell those guys desperation doesn't tend to win even a normal woman's heart, let alone a princess. Desperation might make them do the tasks...wiser men might know when to fold their cards. Some will have the confidence to actually woo...I think Sir Navies has a chance, if he actually falls for one of your sisters."

But that's the key point. There has to be real feelings.
This message was last edited by the player at 08:44, Fri 16 Dec 2022.
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 03:58
  • msg #861


 a  dusty messenger  arrived. he was held  back  until Axehandle  waved him have Information?

The   fellow  nodded while Antok handed him a goblet of wine..he took a deep sip, then said,I  ride from  Kings Road House  # of our scouts. has  picked up  rumors  of battles being  fought... Hargenites  and  bandits, and   many, Ironwood  elves have  died..there is rumors of a group...their  numbers  change, and people come  and Go... They seem to be making their  way to Yad. but they do not sue the  Furman's Chian  road, much....Ironwood  wants to find them and Kil them...hargenite travelers  are getting paranoid... and there  is   rumors  of something   bad going on  , up river, from Yad

 Axe Handle  nods, as the Emperor  arrives to  Queston the   appearnce.

the story is related to him, and he nods.Captain Antol.get one of those  big bowel , have this fellow  pick out  what foods  he  wishs and drink to go with them... Take him  to the  Couriors  wing, settle  him in a  room  and  draw him a Hot bath...

 forgive me, My Lord... I nee to return to...

Nelf raised his have   heard , too much. You are now  a Palace Courier, until this business is over. may return if you wish.. Until them, you will be added to the Company i have here...Now. get a feast for yourself, and drink that will last you the night.. I want you well fed and rested for tomorrow.

 As You say....M'Lord...Antok and he moved  down the tables  as he pointed  to  foods   and  drink, Antok got  a servant to carry desserts.
player, 1581 posts
Son of the Hunter
Shining Light
Mon 19 Dec 2022
at 08:13
  • msg #862


Luthien overhears all that, and kinda whispers to Dala...

"Tell me you don't want more information, or even to go see what that's about."

She has to want to go...
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