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, welcome to Generation X (X-Men High School)

07:47, 2nd June 2024 (GMT+0)


Posted by CerebroFor group 0
Jubilation Lee
player, 74 posts
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 02:11
  • msg #147


1. Why do they have to be flimsy? Do you need a Co-Gm or something to write arguments because we joined this game to be creative we can write arguments for why things that seem like mistakes actually have in character reasons. Like I said Banshee seems incompetent here the ooc reason is you wanted to give us room to stretch our legs but you didn't have an IC reason. I mentioned here that maybe he's sleep deprived which would tie in with why he didn't think how to get in contact with Jono. It doesn't have to be a mistake if you can justify it creatively. You have the power and if your busy with a lot of work and stuff just hit us up when you catch us in character mentioning a problem. And we can come up with in character excuses for why it played out the way it did.

2. You told us to break up the party to go explore shops and such on our own. But we are working as a team even with the big argument with Cordelia we all stayed together with Jono too. We ditched banshee sure but since he wasn't participating he's not part of the team. We did keep the team together even if we're sniping at each other.

3. Specifically picking up a mutant is obviously going to cause trouble. Having us do normal stuff like going out to the mall we can drop the gebre savvy the way the airport was framed was practically an mission. That just oozed trouble. We can be less genre savvy in situations that your guard would naturally be down. Plus with the blossoming Jubilee Monet friendship they could be distracted from potential threats. As writers It's hard to separate us as players from the characters. Like Monet's player really doesn't like Cordelia for her behavior in comics that Monet's character probably doesn't know about or hadn't seen yet. She's trying to keep the animosity ooc but it's hard to separate. and ooc it's a bit unfair to entirely blame the player for choosing Cordelia. I tried to play an oc and then kitty pryde but jubilee was the only fitting slot available for me. You gave us our options and that's not a dig that's just a fact so when we choose from those options we shouldn't be judged for that. Serendipity might have chosen purple girl or someone if she had free range. So yeah we don't need to make player assumptions because they didn't want to play Caliban or something.

4. I absolutely do not expect good things to happen by going over banshee's head. I'm going to do it because it fits narratively and it blowing up in jubilees face also fits narratively. Actions have consequences and besides the bit of Genre savvy which is hard to work through. I happily accept the negative narrative consequences. Teenagers rarely get things to work out and unlike an actual muggle school they can't escalate the issue past Emma. (Not that they would at s certain point it's too much effort) Consequences and drama are why people read the comics. Especially 90s era comics. So ooc I look forward to the consequences. Especially given we are stuck here. If we ran away we'd be captured and killed by sentinels or something. Emma kinda has us overall barrel and she knows it. I do imagine as a former villain and banshee as a hero. she'd enjoy giving him as much of a tongue lashing as she gives the girls. But ultimately she's the boss. And in our meeting you can dissect everything we did wrong and play us like we played Banshee. Like "you said Banshee fucked up well here's how you fucked up." Combine that with giving adequate justification for banshee's lack of action and you got jubilee made an emotionally charged decision and it backfired for her. She usually gets in trouble for that sorta thing.

5. It will slow down the posting rate because we are a bit more active than you but we can do the round robin turn based style if you want. That is our bad for condensing things because we don't know your posting availability so we want to get as much story as we can. That's on us. I'm sorry.

6. Jono wanted to be put down so Jubilee rushed back into the fray. Hadhe stayed unconscious she'd have given him to Banshee which would then have negated any negative comments about him. Or she would have taken him to the car to keep him safe. Jono being seemingly fine didn't really seem to warrant sticking around to chat with while the threat was still around. In unrelated scenes it's natural to want to gravitate towards where the action is. So it's good to make the players feel engaged wherever they are at the moment.
player, 42 posts
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 02:49
  • msg #148


In reply to Cerebro (msg # 146):

Will try
This message was last edited by the player at 03:23, Wed 08 Feb 2023.
Monet St. Croix
player, 90 posts
Wed 8 Feb 2023
at 06:10
  • msg #149


I'm enjoying the game. Hopefully I am not contributing to negativity.

I suggest we now leave this topic. Looking at items point by point has never worked for me. I'd suggest deleting that post Jubilation and replacing it with 'I'll try'. I do mostly agree with you (except the round robin suggestion: not going there), but it doesn't matter: clearly the GM is unhappy. Let's all work together to fix that unhappiness!

A happy GM makes for a happy game

I'll try too
This message was last edited by the player at 13:49, Wed 08 Feb 2023.
Jubilation Lee
player, 75 posts
Thu 9 Feb 2023
at 23:28
  • msg #150


I'm impressed Cordelia climbed into a moving vehicle. Lol
player, 44 posts
Fri 10 Feb 2023
at 00:07
  • msg #151


So how strong is Lee? Can she pick up a Car and toss it around like normal folk do with a tennis ball?
GM, 53 posts
Fri 10 Feb 2023
at 00:22
  • msg #152


I am willing to adapt to anything as long as all three of you are more or less content.

But my concern is that certain people are not content.

First issue that we run into is people "moving the scene along" and assuming characters to be where the people supposedly controlling those characters didn't expect those characters to be. That's almost always going to feel shitty.

Second, whether it be Jubilation ditching the teacher despite not being able to pay for a 90-mile taxi or Cordellia letting Emplate's next target get turned into a thrall without a fight because she is pissed off that Monet and Jubilation don't appreciate her contribution... would you all please stop attacking your own side without any meaningful motive to do so?

The other thing that does really bother me is that if we have a pair of characters exchanging dialogue that would take place over less than a minute and meanwhile someone decides to take on a complex string of actions that would have required several minutes of complex action and at some point, upon seeing what they are doing, another person probably would have interrupted this-- that you can "get away with it" because you squeezed a complex set of actions into one post.

I was very, very much guilty of that long ago. At times I might still be. But I am working on it. But it feels weird, it flows weird... and it doesn't feel good to those who are just trying to chat.

Also-- I think the "don't exaggeratedly take in-character offense" and "don't overplay your powers" are also important. Like a general-- please try to respect that there are other people playing kind of thing, right?

And I admit weakness as a GM. I have a certain number of storylines in mind for you all to tackle and there is a fair amount of freedom in how you tackle those missions, but I am not really prepared for what to do if you drive so off the map that you demand I present consequences that I wasn't prepared to present.

Also-- I have a fun story ready for Angelo where he can approach Miguela in a way different from how things went down in the comics and a fun story where Clarice can kidnap a pop star and talk with her mom and I have an interesting idea about how to reinterpret Gaia to be less of a dead-end character...

But first, since no one wanted to play those characters,-- I have this thing with Vincente set up. Here we have a character who was part of the team in the Age of Apocalypse universe but in the main universe he was the only member of Emplate's minions to appear in both attacks on Generation X (outside DOA) and suggested he willingly joined for a power boost.

So, as I see it, he could go either way-- friend or foe-- your decisions will affect how things turn out as I am neutral either way.
player, 45 posts
Fri 10 Feb 2023
at 00:30
  • msg #153


Cordelia posted joining the others in the same vehicle.
This message was last edited by the player at 00:49, Fri 10 Feb 2023.
Monet St. Croix
player, 91 posts
Fri 10 Feb 2023
at 06:52
  • msg #154


Just FYI if we are in a taxi journey of an hour, I'm personally fine with some other player doing lots of stuff while we chat. I don't want to be a damper on their thing while we just do social interaction! And I wouldn't want to speed that up. Social RP is great way of character development, and one of the nicest things about playing on RPOL!

If you want advice... have the taxi break down five minutes from the air port. Or blow a flat. It doesn't need to be a mutant, just an unfortunate coincidence.

Then we'll go back to the airport... Back on the rails again :)
Jubilation Lee
player, 76 posts
Fri 10 Feb 2023
at 13:07
  • msg #155


Emma could send the car back to the airport too or Sean.
Monet St. Croix
player, 92 posts
Fri 10 Feb 2023
at 13:13
  • msg #156


A 'get the hell back here' or a 'please do you mind' depending on what mood they are in :)
Jubilation Lee
player, 77 posts
Fri 10 Feb 2023
at 13:16
  • msg #157


Or thry just call up the company/driver directly and sends us back. The cab pulls up to where they're waiting at the car.
Monet St. Croix
player, 93 posts
Fri 10 Feb 2023
at 19:32
  • msg #158


I am a bit puzzled. Every one had posted we are in a taxi even the Gm who posted we had been many minutes on the drive

Cordelia had interacted with us in the taxi after its been going for some minutes

It's now (like it or not: the Gm doesn't like it but had posted that we are) firmly established we are in a taxi driving away.

Coredelia just got into a (different?) stationary car at the airport. Has she jumped out of ours? Teleported? or is it just a typo?

I don't know Cordelia powers by the way. I've just read a handful of comics in which she seems to have no powers so she could easily have teleportation or bilocation (just saying I am not winding anyone up... Just confused)
This message was last edited by the player at 19:46, Fri 10 Feb 2023.
player, 46 posts
Fri 10 Feb 2023
at 21:19
  • msg #159


In reply to Monet St. Croix (msg # 158):

That's the same one you are in. Before you posted leaving the Airport. There are other things to consider which are thread driven.
This message was last edited by the player at 21:34, Fri 10 Feb 2023.
Monet St. Croix
player, 94 posts
Fri 10 Feb 2023
at 21:24
  • msg #160


I am totally lost in the time line then...

Earlier posts (including yours) have us many minutes into the journey. Is it a flashback? Is it important?

I'm happy to just write it off as a 'I totally don't understand what is going on, nothing computes, but who cares' because if it's not important then ... it's not important.
GM, 54 posts
Fri 10 Feb 2023
at 23:08
  • msg #161


I might have an opportunity to hand Chamber off to a new player.

Massachusetts is a pretty big state, I think Snow Valley (it is a totally fictional location) is supposed to be somewhere near The Hamptons which is 100 miles from Boston Airport, but almost certainly along empty highway.

Going to the airport was far from home. And I kind of expected tension between all three girls which is why my initial post asserted that the journey to the airport was one of tense silence.

I mean-- we got an Asian girl who grew up in Beverly Hills and was in an "elite" elementary school, but was already a bit of a trouble-making mallrat rebel before having her entire future yanked from under her because she found out she was a mutant days or weeks before her parents died under super sus circumstances.

And we have a rich white girl from the east coast who was the youngest and basically abandoned member of her super elite family that put all the weight of the world on the older sisters while treated the youngest as not even a back-up member-- giving her wealth and freedom, but no emotional support or personal attention at all until she acted as bad as she could.

And then we have a girl from Northern Africa who was basically raised as royalty and has seeming almost unlimited power, wealth and privilege-- with the main cost being that she was forced to grow up too fast. Also-- the brother she once admired  is our main baddy.

I mean-- I guess all three were/are super rich. Jono is also a child of wealth and privilege.

No one really seems interested in playing the economically disadvantaged characters so far.
player, 47 posts
Fri 10 Feb 2023
at 23:10
  • msg #162


In reply to Monet St. Croix (msg # 158):

Not if it included Jono.
This message was last edited by the player at 07:01, Sat 11 Feb 2023.
Monet St. Croix
player, 95 posts
Sat 11 Feb 2023
at 07:15
  • msg #163


Character Choice
Ah I only play one character in a game. It's an immersion thing. If I am playing two (unless I am the GM with a different mind set) then I am really playing neither. That's just me of course! Other people love it.

I am interested in Monet because I have played her before, she has some very interesting views on life. There are a couple of absolutely fantastic scenes in the comic with her biting wit which I loved. She's a black female muslim mutant: four seperate types of interesting things. I'm enjoying the social RP of her as well

In the past I have had serious pleasure playing a 'chav' out of a council estate or 'Trailer Trash'. Rich or poor characters: both good. Very enjoyable in different ways.

Well let me know if it matters. I will just ignore the posts and any conflicts they cause and assume they are PMs about things that happened in the past until I hear otherwise.

New Player
Sounds great! Looking forwards to playing with them
Monet St. Croix
player, 96 posts
Sat 11 Feb 2023
at 09:06
  • msg #164


Now I am totally lost

Jono is in the taxi with us. He can't be simultaneously getting into a car with Cordelia.

What's going on?

If this is a flash back can it be clearly labeled as a flashback. And you might as well do it in PMs because there is no substance in any of the posts to the rest of us. Just confusion
Jubilation Lee
player, 79 posts
Sat 11 Feb 2023
at 13:48
  • msg #165


Cordelia wants to play it her way let's adapt. Hey Cerebro we got a new potential plot thread. Either someone fucked with time or our minds to make us think we drove off.
Monet St. Croix
player, 97 posts
Sat 11 Feb 2023
at 14:18
  • msg #166


And the GMs mind

Jono had been silent for several minutes of the drive. He was a bit lost in this entire conversation and, as he had become 'used' to communicating telepathically, it hadn't exactly become second nature.

This message was last edited by the player at 14:23, Sat 11 Feb 2023.
Jubilation Lee
player, 80 posts
Sat 11 Feb 2023
at 14:21
  • msg #167


Plus side now Emma has no reason to chew us out lol.
Monet St. Croix
player, 98 posts
Sat 11 Feb 2023
at 14:25
  • msg #168


Ah it's fun to tease!

Joking aside it would be nice for someone to explain what is happening
Jubilation Lee
player, 81 posts
Sat 11 Feb 2023
at 14:26
  • msg #169


We got time rewinded or someone made us imagine driving off but we never actually did.
GM, 55 posts
Wed 15 Feb 2023
at 16:47
  • msg #170


I have added a player for Jono.

The next thing to handle is where we are going next. Tell me where you all want to go and what you want to do and I will set it up.
Jubilation Lee
player, 82 posts
Wed 15 Feb 2023
at 16:50
  • msg #171


Well now that we're all back at the airport banshee can take us back to your main plot because time got rewinded.
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